80 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2016
    1. Working with these boys I found that their initial stages of engagement were influenced by the genre of contemporary realistic fiction offered to them,

      Every student will be more or less engaged with certain stories. It is so important to efficiently lesson plan in order to fit the children needs and find a way of engaging the students even if the topic of study is not as exciting. Putting the children in working partners or groups in order to share ideas can help with this.

    2. A factor often overlooked in all the discussion of literacy instruction for chil- dren has been using the social realities of children's lives as strategies to facilitate vision and develop a critical framework for personal,

      it is important to use the social realities of children's lives in order to differentiate, facilitate and create a better and more efficient way of teaching.

    3. he boys' responses revealed that the literature was either exactly like or similar to their lives as it prompted connections to their per- sonal experiences as well as experiences that were closely connected to their communities.

      I like the idea that students can relate what they are learning to their own lives. This personal connection can help them focus more and be more excited to learn. When readers learn to make personal connections once, they will continue to do so in their future reading.

    4. Other researchers have explored the social aspects of reader response (e.g., Huck, Hepler, & Hickman, 1997), and have suggested that groups of readers who work together to understand what they are reading while exploring their own responses will have a richer experience than when reading alone

      I agree with this. I think students should have the opportunity to share and compare their findings with their peers. I have realized even as a college student I still learn a lot that way. When peers talk and share with each other about what they are learning, it is more likely it will stick with them and keep them better engaged.

    5. This conversation concerned me, because fairy tales, such as Little Red Riding Hood or The Three Little Pigs, are often used to teach across the curriculum, not just to develop literary behav- iors.

      I agree with this as I focused on these two stories when I was in elementary school. I think children should be opened to more stories that are not so common in the curriculum in order for better engagement.

  2. Apr 2016
    1. hen writing the fictionalized bio graphies and diaries is often provided. Children could check the sources to determine if the author has included real letters, dialogue, or opinions. E

      When authors include real letters, dialogue, or opinions in a biography students become more engaged and want to continue reading on to get to those best parts. I remember when I was younger and I read a biography on the Titanic and my favorite parts were the real letters and dialogue because it brings the book to life.

    2. The readers must decide whether the bias on an issue is held by the individual under study or by the author.

      This can often be a tough choice to make and affect the readers opinions.

    3. hile children can check reference books for dates, places, and names, they should be on the outlook for other factors when reading fictional biographies and diaries of real people.

      I agree with this because children should be given the options of looking for other factors and references of real people in biographies, instead of just the basics like dates.This would give them the chance to do more independent research.

    4. For instance, in social stud ies, students may be able to pick out facts (names, places, events), but they often overlook the deeper aspects of such information

      I can relate to this because when I was in elementary school, social studies was one of my weaker areas. I found myself knowing the names, events, and places but failed to recall the facts and details of each.

    1. The universally portrayed character of Cinderella has been explored throughout the years within a wide variety of cul-tures. However, two recent novels with the basic thread of the Cinderella theme will bring out a thought-provoking, if not pro-vocative, opportunity for discussion for good readers.

      I think using such a famous character will have more readers explore and be able to compare and contrast. This will make more discussions between readers and hopefully make others more interested in becoming a better reader.

    2. Contrasting, comparing, and making text-to-text connections with various versions

      I agree that contrasting, and comparing different versions of a text will give a better glimpse of the characters, theme, and meaning of the story.

    3. Rumpelstiltskin, a fairy tale told in many different countries,

      It is interesting to me that there is a popular fantasy novel that is found all over the world. I think this keeps us connected in literature.

    4. will help acquaint children to the original narration more easily before moving to Napoli’s novel.

      I agree that this will allow students to get almost of a "mini lesson" before moving on to actual novel.

    5. An evaluation of the novel and its author’s development of theme and characters, as well as conflict and resolution, might be included

      Evaluating the novel will help students focus on the meaning, theme and events in the story in a more detailed manner.

    6. Comparison with earlier read picture book versions. What do illustrations add to the original story?

      I like the idea of using picture book versions to help students get a better and more engaging understanding of what fantasy is about and be able to use illustrations to refer back to.

    7. Choosing a picture book or illustrated conventional retelling also will reintroduce children to the basic story outline, charac-ters, and overall theme

      I think that this will help students grasp the basic story outline better, and be able to appreciate the genre in a more clear way.

    8. Children at this stage of development enjoy these stories for their magical elements, sense of justice, tri-umphs of good over evil, easily defined characters and plot, and clear-cut themes relatable to their own experiences.

      I agree with this because at this age, fantasies were my favorite types of stories. I enjoyed getting to use my imagination at this age and use my own experiences to relate to the stories. I have noticed during fieldwork that my second graders would get very engaged when reading fantasy stories.

    1. By failing to acquaint our students with these cultural building blocks, we fail to illustrate fully their heritage and their connection with cultures out- side their own. And by making them aware that myths and folktales embody more than a handful of tales about Greek gods and heroes, that they touch a core that reaches back to the roots of our evolution,

      I agree with this statement. If we fail to teach students mythology, we fail to teach them the tales that embed culture. They also do not get the opportunity to have a well rounded education in literature without mythology. Giving them the tools to understand culture and how it was made, will teach them more about their own and about the world's culture and evolution in general.

    2. Teachers often avoid discussion of myths and folktales after the freshman year because they can envision no way of incorporating the material into their present units

      I have experienced this in high school. We only focused on myths my freshman year then never learned about them again, which is upsetting because I think they are very interesting and educational, especially with learning different cultures/traditions.

    3. , I model the unit by provid- ing the class with outlines of the story of Oedipus, which I then relate. Following the presentation, I provide a copy of the story, showing how I reduced the tale to its key points to develop both an outline and a sketch I could work with in pre- paring the recitation. I then ascertain what infor- mation the students gleaned from the telling, lead- ing into a discussion on notetaking.

      I agree that modeling the unit to the class is a great technique in teaching. Students will be more engaged and knowledgable of a subject when trying on their own if it was first modeled to them. Having students then discuss will get them participating more.

    4. more aware of cultures that have often been better educated about us than we have about them. Knowledge of other people's cultural bases increases both respect for others and an apprecia- tion of our own place in the world

      I think each individual should learn more about the different cultures around them, so that we can learn more about our own. If you don't get the chance to travel the world and learn culturally, using myths can help educate you.

    5. mythmaking is very much alive, a multicultural expression of universal symbols and beliefs. An effective ap- proach to mythology should illustrate the connec- tion among international myths, folktales, and leg- ends that continue to be told in current literature and media, including films, songs, television, and cultural icons.

      I like this definition of myth making. I agree that is a multicultural expression of different symbols and beliefs globally. I think a great technique with myth making is to use different tools like listed: films, songs, tv, and cultural icons.

  3. Mar 2016
    1. The fun of word plays, the cadence of language, and the literary effects of many of the books would be lost to a child busily involved in the mechanics of de coding.

      I agree that the child can become too focused on trying to de code a word rather than enjoy and learn from the story. A teacher, parent, or other adult reading aloud to the student can solve this issue.

    2. adults consider carefully what is lost when children are asked to read a book alone. The values of reading aloud to children are many

      I agree as I said above. Reading aloud with the student will give children a better opportunity to take more from the story.

    3. "that group of books in which pictures and text are con sidered to be of equal importance.

      This definition of a picture book is great. Some may think that picture books only contain illustrations and few words. However, they do contain a text and illustrations that are as important and go along with the story for a better interpretation.

    4. n far too many cases it is the former situation that occurs. Well-meaning parents and teachers supply guidance and encouragement in the selection process, may provide follow-up discussion and activities after the books have been read, but too rarely provide the all important sharing aloud of the illustrations and text

      I agree that sharing out loud and focusing on the text and illustrations is one of the most important factor in the reading process. Although teachers and parents might think that encouragement is the selection process and giving activities after the reading are the most important, reading aloud with the children is too.

    1. Reading contributes to lifelong learning. However, the small number of adults who continue to read indicates that we need to further encourage our students to become lifelong readers

      This stuck out to me because as I get older I start to appreciate a good book more and more. In middle school, I never enjoyed reading because I would only read for school and homework. Now, I go to the bookstore and pick out books that are appealing to me and read for entertainment. This encourages me to be a better and lifelong reader as everyone should become.

    2. For the very young, the concepts of sets, numerals, seasons, and time are beautifully illustrated in Anno's Counting House, in which all occu pants and furnishings are moved from one house to another as the readers count to make sure that nothing is left behind

      The idea that picture books can help teach math is very intriguing to me. Growing up, I have always been a weaker math student. When I come across a story that has pictures where children get the chance to use their hands & count is a great way to incorporate math in my eyes.

    3. Picture books can also be used effectively to study art history. Stu dents can identify the borrowings from famous painters found in chil dren's book illustration

      Many children don't get a chance to learn more about art history. Picture books are a great way to enhance their learning in area they may not be as familiar with and find a different passion.

    4. Fish Is Fish by Leo Lionni shows students that crayons can be effec tively used in illustrations. In it, the illustrations indicate the setting?the underwater world is shown with crayon rubbings over burlap, the "real" world is shown by crayon illustrations without the burlap tex ture, and the fish's imaginative world is shown with felt-pen clarity. Water colors are used e

      I believe that illustrations help to show where the setting takes place and how you can use many different techniques to create a setting. Students who experience different techniques of illustrations have a better ability and motivation to try to create their own or think about the illustrations in a deeper manner.

    5. This book is filled with similes of how a cloud looked?"it looked like an ice cream cone, but it wasn't an ice cream cone"?and is a perfect pattern book for students to use when writing their own similes

      This is a helpful tool that I will use in the future.

    6. I know of no better way to increase students' understanding of literary elements than through picture books

      I agree, picture books get students more involved and engaged. As well as follow the story in a more understandable way. If a student can't foliow what the words are trying to say or what they mean, they can refer back to illustrations. This indeed goes along with the common core.

    7. hat experience convinced me that it is necessary to spread the word that picture books are for everybody, not just for the "kids" up to grade three.

      I agree with this. I am 20 years old and still love going to the children's section at the bookstores to look at all the new and old children's books and their illustrations. Children's books have the best illustrations and as a future teacher, I am so interested in them. Adults, like mothers to be, tend to go and enjoy what they will be able to pick out for their future baby as well. Any aged person who loves great illustrations and reading should be able to enjoy a great children's story. Age doesn't define good reading.

    1. also created an author index for our anthology. When the anthology of original po ems was published the children immediately used the index to locate their own poems as well as the poems of others. It was not neces sary to review the use of an index;

      This is a great way to keep the students organized and teach them how to look up information, as that will be an important tool later on in their career.

    2. ring this lesson, we had analyzed many ti tles of published anthologies and discussed the importance of the title

      I agree that a title is very important and sometimes can go unrecognized. This will demonstrate a good routine in thinking about titles each time they read a new book, or poem.

    3. In addition to the daily minilesson we provided students with opportunities to illus trate poetry and listen to poetry selections on audio tape. Each day one child selected a poem that he or she wished to illustrate.

      This is an interesting way to change the learning around and to keep students excited. I agree that illustrating a poem is a great way of getting the students to think deeper about the meaning.

    4. ost minilessons conclude with the teacher extending an invitation to the children. This invitation might be as follows: "Maybe you'll want to use alliteration in your writing today. You might also want to look over some poems that you've already written and see if you want to add alliteration as a revision" (based on a minilesson about alliteration). Over and over, we see a direct correlation be tween the minilesson topic and the c

      This gives students the opportunity to practice and expand their learning and writing.

    5. n Day 1 our minilesson was simply to recognize that all poetry does not rhyme. We considered this an important first minilesson because we wanted to make sure that the children would be free to write their own poetry without the constraint of rhyme.

      I enjoyed this because when I was a child, I always thought a good poem had to rhyme.

    6. his anthology is a popular source of reading material for the stu dents. Since the teacher selects poems based on the needs and interests of students, the classroom anthology is different each year.

      I believe selecting poems based on children's interests is the greatest way to get them more engaged and involved, also willing to learn.

    7. or example, when Jimmy wrote: "My toth fl ot lat nit" (My tooth fell out last night), the teacher wrote back: "Did you put your tooth under your pillow last night?"

      I think this is a beneficial technique to improve children's vocabulary, and I will try this in the future.

    8. oetry is often neglected in classroom literacy experiences (Denman, 1988). We have discovered, however, that it is a genre that is not only accessible to primary children, but can be the genre that excites children and motivates them to read and write.

      I agree with this because when I was in elementary school we never focused greatly on poetry. However, when I was introduced to it, i truly enjoyed it and it opened my imagination as a writer.

    1. I would have put all the words with r-controlled vowels in bold or another color. I would also like an embed so I could share finished stories on my blog or your classroom website.

      I like this idea because it makes it more clear for the readers.

    2. You may however want to connect the writing to learning objective taught during a mini-lesson.

      I think it is a good idea to connect the writing to the learning objective taught in the lesson. This will get the students to apply their knowledge and practice the skill.

    3. As soon as I saw the beauty and simplicity I could not wait to try out the tool.

      I agree, this tool is different from anything I have seen. It is so beneficial in early education classrooms because it is exciting and educational. Once you learn how all the effects work, it becomes simple and you can add all the detail you want to make it stand out to the readers.

    4. Many of the characters have animations. When the mobile reader gets released (looks like an Android app) readers can activate the animations by shaking the screen or through sound. Exciting times.

      I think this helps readers become more engaged when reading. It also helps to make the text more memorable, making them think and reflect when they finish.

    5. You can select backgrounds and between characters. Add text to each page. The amount of editing tools are perfect for schools. All of the required tools are there but young users would never be overloaded.

      I like how you can select backgrounds and between characters. The editing makes it more realistic and entertaining.

    1. ) recom mend engaging children in the choral read ing of a folk rhyme leading to sentence inves tigation, phonic investigation, and finally to mastery of consonant-vowel-consonant sylla ble patterns contained in the folk rhyme. The progression is whole-to-part.

      The progression of whole-to-part helps students comprehend and enjoy reading better, as well as giving high phonic instruction. Students are able to apply the new skill they are learning, which will help in future reading and learning new skills.

    2. Therefore, an option would be to secure the final consonant strip with a paper clip, so the students could blend initial consonants with short a phonograms (an, at, ad, am, etc.)

      Short a phonograms will help breakdown the letter in a simple and understandable way for the students.

    3. "The sound I hear when I come to each underlined letter a is /a/. Read this part of the story with me slowly and listen for the /a/ sound."

      I like how the teacher has the students reading aloud pronouncing the letter A with her. This is great practice of annunciating the letter and getting the students involved and engaged.

    4. if we wish to stimulate the imagination, provide strong language models, expose students to lucid discourse, and expand their cultural awareness, we need quality, memorable litera ture in the reading program

      I believe that is is crucial to expand children's imagination with great literature. Students who read more memorable texts, will be more motivated to continue to do so. Also, letting their mind expand and becoming more aware of the world around them is beneficial for their learning.

    5. On the average, children who are taught phonics get off to a better start in learn ing to read than children who are not taught phonics

      I agree with this statement. It is important to start phonics at a young age so they develop reading skills earlier on and the pronunciation of words.

  4. Feb 2016
    1. he daily minilessons ensure time for direct instruction on specific reading and writing skills within a context that is meaningful to children. The special attention given to re hearsal for writing by means of oral sharing and illustrating reduces the amount of time some children may spend

      I agree that ensuring more time for teaching, reading, and writing that is meaningful to children will help them relate more and be more focused and engaged. They also will be more motivated to write if sharing is involved. Many students tend to leave blank pages waiting on a topic to come to them. This will improve time management skills.

    2. I use the assessment portfolios to evaluate the children's progress and to share with parents. The weekly writing samples give tangible, and often dra matic, evidence of what the children can actually do. They also document each child's growing control of writing mechanics and craft over time.

      I agree that having an assessment portfolio to observe the students progress is needed to to see their growth and support them where they are not improving in.

    3. haring follows the writing time. About one fifth of the class shares a piece each day. That enables me to con fer one-on-one with each child each week. D

      This is essential in getting the students excited to speak in front of the class and share their work. This will make good practice for their future. Also, the teacher gets one-on-one time with each child each week to make sure they are on the right track.

    4. ne effective way to provide meaningful rehearsal before writing is to have a 10-minute illustra tion time before the real writing period begins.

      I like this idea. I think it will be effective in helping the students write more and remember what they want to add. This will also help them write more visual details.

    5. urther, children learn a great deal from one another. I

      I agree with this statement. Students can get ideas from their classmates to make their ideas more detailed and help them in the future.

    6. g. The third category of minilessons, writer's craft, deals with aspects that contribute to the effectiveness of a piece of writing. These elements include focus?staying on topic and excluding unrelated information; organization of ideas; and support?the inclusion of de tails or other means of elaboration. Even beginning writers can make deci sions that affect the clarity and power of their message w

      Writer's craft is essential because it helps writers stay on topic. Often times, beginner writers will go off topic and the writing might be unorganized. This will help them make better choices and be more self aware.

    7. I encourage children to practice their phonemic segmentation skills as they pronounce words slowly to hear the phonemes in the words a

      I agree that this should be encouraged to help students with reading, spelling, and writing. Sending home worksheets to practice on their own could be a good technique in getting them more practice.

    8. I lead the class in brainstorming pos sible topics for writing, and I add the ideas to the class topics list. The writ ten list helps jog children's thinking as they plan their writing. It simultaneous ly prpvide

      I agree that brainstorming possible topics for writing before the students go off on their own is very beneficial for them. This will give them better ideas, in a more detailed manner and also help spelling for some students who have a tougher time.

    1. he selects three stories from the two ba sais in her classroom, and the children may choose to read one of these stories. Children attend what she calls visiting story groups which function during the 2 or 3 days when a particular story is being read and discussed. New groups are formed for each new set of stories to be read; thus, group membership is constantly changing in Miss Sabey's room.

      This second grade teacher does a good job in organizing her strategy by picking three stories that function during 2 or 3 days. This keeps the students more focused and the teacher better prepared for the 3 stories of those 3 days. I like how the group membership is constantly changing so that students get more excitement in their reading and its not the same boring routine for them.

    2. ndividual reading conferences. During the last 10 minutes of each RW, the teacher meets with two students for individual reading conferences. Students make appointments on a sign-up board at least one day prior to the conference. (

      This is very interesting to me because I think it is very beneficial for the teachers to see where his or her students are at with reading and to aid and guide the students in a better direction. Also if students need that extra support, this would be a good time for that.

    3. nother potential use of the mini-lesson is for prereading activities. These activities are intended to assist students in drawing upon past experiences or schemata before reading in order to enhance comprehension. Having these activities prior to reading helps teachers create a stronger climate for their students'

      I agree with the idea of giving pre reading activities to students. This will encourage students and get them on the right track to draw from previous learning and experiences.

    4. his im plies that students be given opportunities to make choices about how they will spend their reading time. By this we mean that children should make these choices within a reasonable and responsibly managed classroom structure. Teachers should devise a system of conditions that will be observed during the reading per iod.

      I agree that students must learn how to manage their time wisely when reading as this well help them later in the future in school and in jobs. This will make them a more responsible reader. Teachers can observe and suggest strategies to improve their reading choices in the classroom.

    5. second classroom concern centers on making sure that students use their time wisely during the reading period. In an effort to ensure this, many teachers have become trapped into using worksheets as a means of managing reading classrooms (Goodman, Shannon, Freeman, & Murphy, 1988; Pear son, 1989). Becoming a Nation of Readers in dicates that children spend up to 70% of allocated reading instructional time engaged in completing worksheets and workbook pages (

      I agree that students need to be using their little reading time in school more wisely because teachers and students get wrapped up in the worksheet they need to complete after the reading. They skim through the reading so they have enough time to get the work done. However, I think it's important to make reading less stressful on the students and give them the opportunity to enjoy the reading rather than rush it to do worksheets.

    1. “gender appropriate” behavior even before they begin to talk

      Parents get to choose which behavior is "gender appropriate" when children are born. However, as time goes on this can change and is out of control of the parents hands if the children are comfortable accepting themselves.

    2. Elementary-aged children are quite capable of interrogating societal norms

      This is very true in my opinion. I have two younger brothers, 6 and 8 that have developed social norms especially in the use of technology. We are 100 percent portuguese and in school they never speak a word of it to others because "everyone speaks english." It is common for young students to pick up on other's norms and actions. We still do to this day.

    3. for children and adults to interrogate and explore their relationship to their own and others’ genders.

      I agree that children and adults should explore their own and other's gender and relationships to get a better view of the world and themselves in society.

    4. To that end, this dissertation takes up what I call “the fiction of the gender binary”—the persistent belief that the world can be divided into two, and only two genders, and that anyone who does not fit fully into one of those two gender categories is an anomaly or a freak.

      I agree that there is this persistent belief that the world can only be divided into two, only two genders. If someone does not fit into one of those genders they are a "freak." I am against people judging other based on being different. It is society's norm to be either female or male, but some may be unknown still, and i believe that is okay because everyone is figuring themselves out as we live.

    5. color-coded clothes and toys, with their gender-specific designs and intended uses (Goss, 1999; Pollen, 2011); technologies (Calvert, 1999; Cassell & Ryokai, 2001) and storybooks (Gooden & Gooden, 2001; Peterson & Lach, 1990). The effectiveness of these tools in mediating children’s awareness and reproduction of gender norms is apparent in the speed and ease with which even toddlers begin to police the gendered behavior of their peers and themselves

      This is interesting because I have a family member who buys baby dolls for her little son, and lets him choose any kind of toy even if it its pink or a barbie doll. This gives children a more accepting lifestyle.

    1. I agree that the classroom should be linked to student experiences, this will get them more engaged and determined to do their work and succeed.

    2. 47. Walter Mosley. (2005). New York: Little, Brown. The narrator remembers himself as a young slave named “47,” living in Georgia in 1832. A mystical runaway slave called Tall John inspires him to fulfill his destiny and lead his people to freedom.

      I read this book and thought it was an inspiring. It focuses on a runaway slave who fulfills a dream. This is a great book for this reading topic.

    3. Serve as soft role models in the absence of physically present male role models by providing motivation, direction, and hope for the future and suggesting what is worthwhile in life.

      This statement stood out to me because I think it is very essential to be a positive role model steering the students in the right direction for the future. This will help with motivation and self doubt.

    4. History is laden with these kinds of enabling texts for African American males. An enabling text is one that moves beyond a sole cognitive focus—such as skill and strategy development—to include a social, cultural, political, spiritual, or economic focus.

      I agree that enabling texts for African Americans moves beyond sole cognitive focus. Using social, cultural, political, spiritual, or economic focus can help them develop their skills more productively.

    5. By selecting appropriate reading materials, teachers can engage African American adolescent males with text, particularly those students who have not mastered the skills, strategies, and knowledge that will lead to positive life outcomes. This productive shift in literacy takes into account students' four literacy needs—academic, cultural, emotional, and social—and relies on instructional practices that have proven effective with African American males.

      I agree that by selecting appropriate materials for reading, male African Americans can gain knowledge of a positive life. The four literacy needs, academic, cultural, emotional, and instructional practices are all very useful tools. They are getting a round-literaracy based education.

    1. sk and answer questions about key details in a text.

      A first grade student must ask and answer questions about a text.

      Ask and answer questions

      A good story for this standard is Green Eggs and Ham so that students can ask questions of any confusion in the writing or answer any of the teachers to make sure they are following.

    2. Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described

      A fifth grade student must explain how the point of view of the story (the narration) influences how events are described.

      Describe the importance of a point of a view through events.

      A good story for this standard is Because Of Mr. Terupt because it is narrated by a point of view of one of seven of the fifth graders, who is a bully and very smart.

    3. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text

      Fourth Grade students must choose the theme of the text and summarize it.

      Summarize a text (poem,story, drama) and stating the theme.

      A good story for this standard would be Our Differences because it has a good theme of not judging others.

    4. Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.

      A third grade student must describe different aspects of the characters in a story and explain their actions in the story.

      Describe traits and explain character's actions.

      A good story for this standard would be Being Frank because the story focuses on the character Frank and his different traits, feelings and actions through a sequence of events.

    5. Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.

      A first grade student must go back and pay attention to the illustrations in a story to describe details like its characters, settings, or events.

      Use of illustrations

      A good story would be Where The Wild Things Are for this standard because each illustration in that story is very detailed and shows what the setting and characters look like and how they feel through facial expressions and body language.

    6. Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges

      A second grade student must describe a character's feelings/emotions when a major event or challenge occurs.


      I think the story The Case of Bad Stripes would be a good story for this standard because the main character goes through many challenges.