54 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Jul 2024
  3. Jun 2024
  4. Jun 2022
    1. The effectiveness of an IUD is not impacted by whether or not a user ovulates.

      How is this possible? An egg being present has to be a bigger risk (even if the risk is already tiny) than not having an egg be present.

  5. Mar 2022
    1. Well, I do think the one message of the book, the more hopeful message of the book, is that culture can do more than we give it credit for. And if a lot of the science fiction conversation, the utopian conversation, looks towards technology to usher us into the world of abundance, I think some of what you’re saying is that no, it’s going to have to be cultural change that allows us to live within abundance. It allows us to appreciate abundance.

      I think Becky Chambers hits on this cultural change, and that is part of the appeal of her work.

    2. But at the same time, again, advertising — and I know this for quite a fact — it’s usually pretty bad. It’s quite inefficient. It’s quite poorly done. It’s much more art than science. A lot of it is witchcraft.

      I wouldn't say the main problem with advertising is it's poorly done. It's that it omnipresent. I'm not sure where he's going with this.

  6. Feb 2020
    1. Learners in Schools

      Testing offline annotations - no longer connected to wifi. Says "Saving annotations failed - Failed to fetch"

    2. Sharing Our Knowledge: Best Practicesfor Supporting E

      Testing offline annotations - still connected to wifi currently


    1. Sometimes they even injure their brain, and extinguish nature, or at least make it useless.

      What is he referring to here?

    2. Yet these works are not the means of his justification before God, he does them out of disinterested love to the service of God; looking to no other end than to do what is well-pleasing to Him whom he desires to obey dutifully in all things.

      Is fasting just a stepping stone to enable us to be capable of more difficult self-sacrifice? Otherwise I'm not sure how fasting in and of itself is pleasing to God.

    3. the requirements of his own body a man cannot take his ease, but is compelled on its account to do many good works

      What exactly does "compelled" mean here?

    4. For when the soul has been cleansed by faith and made to love God, it would have all things to be cleansed in like manner;

      Is this the idea that faith makes us want to do good works before God, whereas without faith we would never truly have that desire?

  7. Nov 2019
    1. The truth is that the first Christians were Creedal Christians, not Bible Christians.

      I think if you start separating the Creed from the Bible, though, you lose your grounding in why you believe the Creed in the first place.

  8. Oct 2019
    1. translating Christ’s truths into a language yet unknown

      And how can you do this without a Bible?

    2. Bibles or catechisms?

      Well for a Lutheran it's easy - keep the Bibles and you still have the catechism memorized in your head :)

    3. But do not fool yourself into believing that reading the Bible is the first step on the road to deepening your faith

      Earlier in the paragraph the Bible is called a "gift to the Church by the Holy Spirit," so why would a divine gift be a bad place to start deepening one's faith?

    4. Scripture can stir our hearts to a great love for the Lord and give us the courage to live and defend the faith

      I mean this is okay but feels like a lukewarm response to the actual Word of God.

    5. They wrote it on their hearts, taught it to their children, recited it daily,

      It is ironic that the author is referencing a Bible verse here that is talking about the Commandments as found in Scripture.

    6. Bible Christians claim to live like the first Christians, but nowhere in the Bible do we find Christians carrying around Bibles the way Bible Christians do today.

      mm I feel that is weird argument to make considering the barriers to literacy and print in that time.

    7. 8,000 distinct Protestant denominations


    8. n this way, entire Christian communities were established and thrived without the need for Bibles. This indicates that having and reading the Bible was not essential to being Christian

      I am curious about these communities and historical situations.

      "Man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

    9. Sacred text was never intended to teach doctrine, but only to prove it

      Where is doctrine coming from then? Why would you not teach and draw doctrine from how God has expressed His message in His Word?

    10. From the beginning it has been not the Bible the Church has handed on to new Christians but the deposit of the faith.

      But in the very early church the letters of Paul were passed around and the OT was read from at meetings...and this was how faith was nurtured. And the Creeds were based on the understanding of faith gained from passing around the Scriptures.

  9. Aug 2019
    1. Luther supervised, although he did not entirely agree with, the writing of Melancthon's Augsburg Confession

      Did he not agree with writing it all down like that, or did he disagree with part of the contents?

    2. continued the incessant writing which would fill the rest of his life.


    3. Encyclopedia of World Biography COPYRIGHT 2004 The Gale Group Inc

      Apparently Encyclopedia.com has resources from places like Gale? You can read more about them by going to their home page, and then About Us at the bottom. I was surprised to find resources like this freely online.

    4. The two competing philosophic systems of the late Middle Ages—scholasticism (derived from the Aristotelianism of St. Thomas Aquinas) and nominalism (derived from the skepticism of William of Ockham and his successors)—both appear to have influenced Luther, particularly in their insistence on rigorous formal logic as the basis of philosophic and theological inquiry. From Ockhamism, Luther probably derived his awareness of the infinite remoteness and majesty of God and of the limitation of the human intellect in its efforts to apprehend that majesty.

      Might also be helpful to you, Patrick.

    5. Peter Lombard's Book of Sentences; and he read for the first time the works of St. Augustine.

      Haven't heard of the first one.

    1. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light.

      What a beautiful picture of waiting for resurrection.

    2. When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound… I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.

      I needed this.

    3. According to this process, people first declare themselves to be followers of Christ, and then they assume that whatever they say or do merits the adjective ‘Christian.

      I think this is ultimately what Rachel Held Evans had a problem with, and possibly what most people that say the church is hypocritical have a problem with.

  10. May 2019
    1. Of all the abominable transactions, which sully the pages of history none exceed in enormity that of the dismemberment and partition of Poland, by the three great Contental Powers of Russia, Austria, and Prussia. --Ages may pass away, and centuries roll around, but as long as human records endure all mankind will unit in execrating the rapacious and detestable deed.

      ...I hate to break it to you but my history education has not lived up to your predictions, good sir.

    2. Is every Mexican, without regard to color or caste, per capitum, to exercise the elective franchise?

      is he saying they need an electoral college, or that he doesn't know how to classify them based on skin color the way America does?

    3. Those, whom God and Geography have pronounced should live asunder, could never be permanently and harmoniously united together. I wonder how he feels about Texas. Or a lot of places.

    4. Ought we not to be profoundly thankful to the Giver of all good things for such a vast and boutiful land? Is it not the height of ingratitude to Him to seek, by war and conquest, indulging in a spriti of rapacity, to acquire other lands, the homes and habitations of a large portio of his common children?

      When he says things like this I can't tell if he really views them as equal and worthy of being their own nation or if he just doesn't want Mexicans as part of America and can write prettily about it.

    5. He also seems very against having more than two parties...when did that shift happen in Europe? I guess at this point half of them might have still had monarchs of some sort.

  11. Apr 2019
    1. ~ncluding Scientific Postscript

      Testing to see if you can see. Reply if you can see it.


  12. Mar 2019
    1. blissful” where we expect “blessed

      I think "blessed" is more external, it implies someone else is blessing you without your opinion mattering. "Blissful" is more internal, it describes your state of being.

    2. True Levelers

      The First Hard-Core Gamers :P

    3. this view was “largely invisible to those who wrote the Christian scriptures

      As in, the early writers would not have seen a way to live a Christian life in 21st century America without standing out as abnormal/extraordinary?

    4. it requires us to look back through our history, as through a row of knitting gone awry, to identify the moment and place where we went wrong

      Love this image.

    5. his newfound realization about just how radical and otherworldly the early Christians were leaves Hart at odds also with another feature of the Protestant imagination, the affirmation of ordinary life, the view that normal work and family rather than renunciation and asceticism are proper holy pursuits.

      Is this what books like Ordinary are getting at?

    6. His translation has already prompted John Milbank to declare that “Hart has shown, after five hundred years, that the core of Reformation theology is unbiblical.”

      I saw this quote on the back of the book and was really curious about what he means by this. What is Milbank considering the core of Reformation theology? I want to find a place where he explains himself on this point.

    7. Rather I mean that most of us would find Christians truly cast in the New Testament mold fairly obnoxious: civically reprobate, ideologically unsound, economically destructive, politically irresponsible, socially discreditable, and really just a bit indecent.

      The last qualification tickles me. I am a little curious about what made them "ideologically unsound."

    1. whose activity for sustaining their lives cannot be called work.

      I can't tell why he says this based on the previous definition of work.

    2. contribute to the continual advance of science and technology and, above all, to elevating unceasingly the cultural and moral level of the society within which he lives in community with those who belong to the same family.

      I don't know what I expected, but it wasnt this. I guess I thought of work as more maintaining rather than always elevating culture and science.