13 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2015
    1. educational, experiential, and biological handicaps of the woman novelist

      Why is it just the handicaps of being a woman novelist that are being focused on.

    2. to define his human relationships by the male code of paternity, money, and legal contract.

      This almost seems as one sided as saying daughters are meant to be sold at one point or another.

    3. superimposing their stereotypes on the critical texts

      Sounds like Reader Response.

  2. Sep 2015
    1. All this may seem a tall order to the student of literature who thought he was merely required to discuss plot and characterization.

      My thoughts exactly.

    2. Consciousness does not determine life: life determines consciousness.

      Makes sense, though. There was life before any of us had a conscious, therefore that is what we're influenced by.

    3. much influenced by Laurence Sterne

      Even Karl Marx himself was influenced by his history and those around him when it came to his writing.

    4. Marxist criticism analyses literature in terms of the historical conditions which produce it;

      We have gone from meaning found in the text to meaning found in the reader, so I can only assume this is foreshadowing to the fact that we are about to find meaning in the author.

    1. The reader's attention to the text activates certain elements in his past experience

      Which is why it's impossible to read text completely 'objectively'. Past experiences and emotions are going to get thrown in there and effect how one perceives a piece of writing and what he or she takes away from it.

    2. Some of the readers became involved with ideas called up by the first two lines, and neglected the rest:

      I find myself doing this a lot, especially when the text is difficult to understand. Mostly because, even after reading through it multiple times, the beginning always seems to stick in my head better than the ending.

    3. One writes, "Upon reading . . . the first time, I couldn't make any sense out of

      I feel like this is how you're supposed to start out when reading something new. I always reread and reread and reread things and each time I come across points I had completely overlooked the first time. If you're only reading through once and assuming you got all there is to get, you're probably cutting yourself short.

    1. "In order to judge the poet's performance, we must know what he intended."

      Once the poem, or any piece of art for that matter, is put out into the world the poet's "intention" becomes sort of irrelevant. The art is then open for critics and people to judge and perceive for their own. These judgments are also going to vary from person to person because everyone is viewing the poem with different opinions, mindsets, and backgrounds that influence their perception.

    2. The art of inspiring poets, or at least of inciting something like poetry in young persons, has probably gone further in our day than ever before.

      I feel like it's very important to introduce young people to poetry. One of the only things I can remember from middle school was how enthusiastic my eighth grade English teacher was to start the poetry unit with our class. Prior to this, I had never written or gone out of my way to read poetry at all. Many kids, when asked, described poetry as Doctor Seuss or romantic rantings. By the end of the year, though, she had each of us doing exactly what this section talks about, finding our inner voice and creating poems that we were passionate about. This year opened a whole new door for me, personally, as I've never looked at poetry the same again. I always try to go in with the same enthusiasm my teacher had when she first introduced me to it.

    3. There is a gross body of life, of sensory and mental experience, which lies behind and in some sense causes every poem, but can never be and need not be known in the verbal and hence intellectual composition which is the poem. For all the objects of our manifold experience, for every unity, there is an action of the mind which cuts off roots, melts away context‑or indeed we should never have objects or ideas or anything to talk about.

      I actually really like the way this is written. Basically, what I'm taking away from this, is that there's no one single way of reading the poem. Anybody who reads it is going to be looking at it from their perspective, which changes between each person based on the experiences they've had in life.