2 Matching Annotations
- May 2021
frogurncitadel.wordpress.com frogurncitadel.wordpress.com
Once two consecutive sections have been mastered, work on joining them together as a new section.
As with any sort of learning. It's important to be able to connect the concepts - that's what leads to an actual understanding.
Choose one section of the piece to practice, which is short enough that you can memorize it in a few tries.
I think this is applicable to any sort of learning. By breaking it down into something that we can easily condense you
- Maintain the motivation to keep working through it and it's short enough that you're able to quickly get the rush of having completed something.
- By condensing some concepts into an overarching concept (or maybe still concepts) you don't have to hold so many things in your head when using the concept elsewhere.