- Feb 2017
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
A “public” has no product, and there’s no call to work it all out here; but if we are committed to thinking about the digital world as a space that values diversity, minority viewpoints, and nondominant forms of expression, we need to make sure that the conversation is ongoing and open.
very true statement
hearing a story about how one tweet can threaten to undo a lifetime of promising work?
it's true that we must watch what we say or it WILL be used against us
www.danah.org www.danah.org
Although many adults believe that they have the right to consume any teen content that is functionally accessible, many teens disagree.
If teens wanted to keep things from their parents, they shouldn't post it online... it's easy access for parents and everyone in general.
Kids today. They have no sense of shame. They have no sense of privacy. They are show-offs, fame whores, pornographic little loons who post their diaries, their phone numbers, their stupid poetry
This is not a false statement, I have seen many cases of this.
Every teenager wants privacy. Every single last one of them, whether they tell you or not, wants privacy.
This is a valid point, and they do deserve privacy in order to express themselves and find out who they are, but it's so much harder to do that now.
Parents are no longer simply wor-ried about what their children wear out of the house but what they photograph themselves wearing in their bedroom to post online.
A new problem has arisen for parents to worry about that they honestly can't control
Many teens feel as though they’re in a no-win situation when it comes to sharing information online: damned if they publish their personal thoughts to public spaces, and damned if they create private space that parents can’t see.
Anything you share online is not private.
But more often than not, teens talked about wanting to have a space where they weren’t constantly scrutinized by adults and peers.
Sometimes anonymity gives us space to be able to express who we are without judgement
I felt ostracized and misunderstood at school, but online I could portray myself as the person that I wanted to be.
I think that so many teens feel like this nowadays and spend so much time online trying to portray themselves as someone they think is desirable, not always who they really are though.
When teens are talking to their friends, they interact differently than when they’re talking to their family or to their teachers.
very good point, most people do act a certain way around certain people
I offered an alternative interpretation: perhaps this young man is simply including gang signals on his MySpace profile as a survival technique.
Not everything is always how it seems, this just shows easy it is for us to get information about someone off the web