57 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2017
    1. important concept

      This content isn't visible to code executing over there on Wikipedia.

  2. Sep 2016
    1. When the server receives a request for the access token service

      One concern I have is that this setup is vulnerable to cross-site request forgery.

      Specifically, if a content provider doesn't validate the passed origin against a whitelist (which I'm assuming that in general you'd hope they wouldn't, in order to allow any clients to access the content opportunistically) then this protocol allows anyone anywhere to stick an iframe in their page which retrieves and stores access tokens for later use.

      Of course, the difficulty here is that the line between a legitimate IIIF-compatible client and an attack is very blurry. Indeed, wanting arbitrary IIIF clients to be able access resources from arbitrary content providers is in direct tension with preventing this sort of attack.

      The core of the problem is that the cookie lifetime is assumed to be the only limit on how and when someone can get a new access token. But cookie lifetimes are often very long indeed. In a more conventional setting, you'd arrange for the client to send some kind of CSRF-protection token with cookie-authenticated requests, where the CSRF lifetime is bound to the lifetime of the session, which can be decoupled from the lifetime of the cookie (by, for example, requiring that the session is kept alive by visits to the auth service). The goal would be to be able associate a specific access-token retrieval with a specific user action, such as a login or clickthrough as you've defined above. But that doesn't address questions of how this would work for kiosk or external mode.

    2. Services using authentication should use HTTPS, and thus clients should also be run from pages served via HTTPS.

      <hobbyhorse>Given we're passing long-lived credentials around in HTTP bodies, I'd be inclined to make this a requirement of the specification, much as OAuth 2.0 requires TLS.</hobbyhorse>

    3. accessToken

      Unless you have a good reason not to, I'd be inclined to make the response format compatible with the OAuth 2.0 token response format, which would imply lower_underscored names rather than camelCase names.

      Granted, if this makes the response format inconsistent with other JSON responses that are part of the IIIF specifications, then maybe this isn't the greatest idea.

  3. Aug 2016
    1. commits the transaction,

      This isn't true for session.close() — only .commit() will explicitly commit, whereas .close() will issue a ROLLBACK before returning the connection to the pool.

  4. Jul 2016
    1. Feature cohorts doesn't support adding non-hypothes.is users NIPSA doesn't support nipsa'ing non-hypothes.is users You can't add a non-hypothes.is user as an admin, though this may not be a problem You can't add a non-hypothes.is user as staff, though this may not be a problem You can't lookup non-hypothes.is users on /admin/users (for example to change their username, delete them, activate their account)

      Every single one of these is just about mapping some user input to a user object.

      As mentioned above, we can address this straightforwardly with a single function which knows how to map a string to a user object.

    2. What to make of this? Is the returning None behaviour actually relied on anywhere? This doesn't really seem like a sensible behaviour to have.

      Right now, it is true that a userid with a non-hypothes.is domain part cannot be a valid userid. This code appears to be simply asserting that invariant.

      Clearly, the work we're describing here is going to change that, so this code will need to change.

    3. Suggested solution: Drop the assumption that @ will not appear in usernames, and the restriction that @ isn't allowed in usernames Adopt the assumption that @ will not appear in domains When splitting a fully qualified userid into username and domain parts, split on the last @ not the first one

      Our "userids" are RFC7565 account URIs.

      Section 4 of that RFC deals with the scenario of usernames containing the at symbol, and requires that they be percent-encoded.

      I think that if we have to deal with this (and we probably don't, at least in the near term) this is probably a better approach than allowing multiple literal '@' symbols in userids.

    4. We can't help it if a third-party accounts provider has usernames that our normalization thinks are too similar.

      Just to emphasis again for anyone else reading this: this isn't necessarily true. We can impose whatever constraints we like on third-party usernames at this stage.

    5. Or do we continue leave out the domain part and assume @hypothes.is

      I think this is the right solution. Specifically, I think we should define two mappings:

      1. From a userid to a "user display string", in which the users from the default authority (hypothes.is) get mapped to bare usernames, and other users to username@authority.
      2. From a "user input string" to a userid, in which strings with an @ are assumed to be qualified username@authority strings, and other strings are assumed to be default authority usernames.

      So, in the examples you've given, these would all be valid:

      • /search?q=user:seanh
      • /search?q=user:seanh@hypothes.is
      • /search?q=user:snhmnd@elife.org
      • /users/seanh/activity
      • /users/snhmnd@elife.org/activity
    6. We may have to partition groups into hypothes.is groups and plos.org groups for this reason.


    7. We need to allow and deal with @ characters in usernames, which are a special problem

      As mentioned above, this isn't necessarily true. We can simply say by policy that '@' is not a valid character in a username.

    8. In other places we do want to use the full userids as input, for example when looking up or nipsaing users on the admin pages we don't want to be restricted to only hypothes.is users.

      Yep. Good point.

    9. For example we can't restrict what characters are allowed in the username, or the length, etc. And we may not have a password or email address for the account.

      We can restrict anything we like by policy. Of course we can't restrict what people send us in principle, but in practice we can: at least for now we have a direct relationship with our partners and can negotiate with them on what a valid username looks like.

  5. Jun 2016
    1. 0.31.0-dev+sha<GIT_SHA>

      Hmm. Not sure this is going to work. npm doesn't seem to respect +... style version numbers.

      We might have to go with incrementing integers like 0.31.0-dev.1, 0.31.0-dev.2, etc.

  6. May 2016
    1. I do not have the courage. I cannot.

      Amazingly, this exact scenario is already described in some detail on tvtropes.org.

      We are all shocked. Shocked!

    1. New Shepard does not achieve the velocities that would allow the system to make orbit and stay up

      It would be hard to overstate the difference this makes to the technical difficulty of the launch.

    1. "Chicken Chicken Chicken" talk

      This is the most pitch-perfect parody of academic presentation style I've ever seen.

  7. Oct 2015
    1. Although I’m in the stage extension, logged in as judell/stage.hypothes.is, when I try to annotate this page as a logged-in WordPress user I wind up as judell/hypothes.is which means I’m in a weird mixture of stage and prod.

      I'm not sure this is a glitch so much as designed behaviour (although whether it is the correct behaviour is a different question -- IMO quite clearly not).

      This page already has Hypothesis on it -- via the WP plugin. That plugin includes https://hypothes.is/embed.js on the page, which in turn adds a <link rel="sidebar" ...> tag to the page which the sidebar uses when it starts up.

      The chrome extension also looks for this tag and is finding the production one first.

    2. /assets/images/icons/group-invite.svg missing from stage

      Good catch. It's not missing but it is served with the wrong mimetype, which is what's causing this issue.

    3. Clicking in input box reveals previous group name (Jon’s Best Friends Forever). Why?

      We didn't implement this -- it's the browser's default behaviour.

  8. Sep 2015
    1. Now Chrome badge says 4 also.

      The Chrome badge doesn't currently update in real-time. This was agreed as out of scope for the first version.

    2. Notice that Location sort in the sidebar isn't playing nicely with the group-targeted annotation. It should appear first, does appear second.

      If you can come up with a minimal test case for this, that would be great, because it's a bug. I'm not able to replicate it locally at the moment.

    3. Contemplate this: judell to Jon's Best Friends Forever Jon's Best Friends Forever but also This annotation will be visible only to you. vs: judell to Jon's Best Friends Forever Only Me Wish for a help link to explain the implications and guide the choice.

      Sorry, but I have no idea what this section is trying to say...

    4. Create an unanchorable annotation

      The problem here is that you were too clever :)

      Instead of trying to create an unanchorable annotation through our API, you might want to create an annotation on a page you control and then change the content, as a user would experience it.

      The issue is that you've created an annotation that isn't even returned by a search for the page you're on, because the "uri" field is legacy, and is now ignored in favour of the "source" field on individual targets.

  9. Jul 2015
    1. The night before the meeting, they practiced quick-drawing the Tasers in front of a mirror.
    2. Investigators were stumped until the fall of 2012, when employees of Mediterranean Shipping (MSC), a large Swiss shipper, began complaining about slow computers. Typed words were taking too long to appear on the screen.

      Performance matters! Even for malware.

    3. The caller responded by reciting the addresses of Van De Moere’s family members as well as Van De Moere’s own address, a remote farmhouse outside of Bruges where his wife was often alone.


    4. Failure, Maertens and Van De Moere realized, was an option.

      This seems like a bit of a leap of judgment on their part. An insider is not killed for failing, so two brand new outsiders won't be either?

    5. Van De Moere closed the Subaru’s hood and drove away

      Developer discovers bug in software that has to work otherwise he gets cement shoes. Shrugs and drives off.

      Seems legit.

  10. Apr 2015
    1. In general I'd get rid of many if not all of the "Other" fields. There are loads of free-text fields where people can put general complaints, but if you have lots of "Other" options you're just going to dilute the data you get from the other questions.

    2. Other:

      Ditto -- providing "Other" here is just going to mess with your data.

    3. Other:

      I reckon providing "Other" here is just going to mess with your data.

    4. Which session(s) did you like the most, and why?

      Gunner's form asks for the session that "offered you the most benefit", not for "which session you liked the most."

      I think it's an important distinction.

    5. Too structured Too unstructured Just right

      This should surely be radio boxes not check boxes?

    6. No.

      Get rid of the aggressive full-stop.

    7. Yes!

      Get rid of the exclamation mark.

    8. What were the two or three most useful things for you about the event?

      Is there any way this can be three <input> boxes rather than one big textarea? Current setup seems a bit daunting and you're more likely to get two or three items rather than one rambling screed.

    9. Did this event change your thinking about the role of annotation in your work? If so, how? If not, can you elaborate?

      Way too vague, IMO. What do you really want to know? If I Annotate is mixing shit up? If so, ask

      Did I Annotate substantially change how you think about annotation? YES/NO/NOT SURE

    10. I'm a repeat attendee

      We know this already from question 1.

    11. This seems far too long to me. If you can get it down a screenful, people are far more likely to feel able to commit to filling out the form.

      If you're unable to cut it down that far, I suggest making it very clear at the top of the form that every field is optional.

    1. Engineering ladder -- a great set of descriptions of what it means to progress as an engineer.

    1. Seems like an article worth reviewing when we dive into whatever changes need making to the fuzzy anchoring components.

  11. Mar 2015
    1. "People have to channel their creativity into changing the process," says Keller, "not changing the software."

      So subtle you could easily miss it. This is a staggeringly important observation.

      Programmers are smart, creative people. But when they channel their creativity into the software rather than the processes by which the software is created, they aren't working as a team, and that introduces risk.

  12. Jan 2015
    1. he resulting dataset can be qualified as anonymous

      Again, this seems like a minefield for legal interpretation. How does one determine when an administrator is creating a new dataset rather than modifying the existing one? Or, to be clear, exactly how much anonymisation/aggregation/sampling needs to be performed until the dataset is considered "disjoint" from the personally identifying dataset covered by the directives mentioned?

    2. given the increase in comp utational power and tools available

      This poses a tricky problem for data administrators. Given the nature of digital information, it's not clear (to me, at least) if the directives currently in force require an administrator to consider possible advances in reidentification techniques.

      Or, put more simply: is publication today which allows reidentification tomorrow considered responsible? What about today/next year, today/in ten years?

    3. anonymized data do fall out of the scope of data protection legislation

      A highly problematic assertion if we don't know what we're counting as "anonymized." Luckily the relevant directive is strongly worded, defining anonymized data as that from which a "data subject is no longer identifiable," requiring that the data administrator consider

      all the means likely reasonably to be used either by the controller or by any other person to identify the said person

    4. how difficult it is to create a truly anonymous dataset whilst retaining as much of the underlying information as required for the task

      Or, as Paul Ohm put it: "data can either be useful or perfectly anonymous but never both."

  13. Oct 2014