89 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. Wong Kim Ark Act

      United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898) is the Supreme Court ruling that determined the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted birthright citizenship to all persons born in the United States regardless of race or nationality.Dec 19, 2023

  2. Jun 2024
    1. While the Mexican and United States federal governments have failed to officiallyrecognize the violations of forced repatriation and banishment, the private personalcollections and collected oral histories provide rich evidence of the injustices peo-ple endured and their resilience in reclaiming their US citizenship.

      should check if anything has changed from the time this journal was published

    2. The removal efforts were facilitatedby the fifteenth US Census, which in 1930 included “Mexican” as a racial categoryfor the first and only time in its history.

      so that's how they arrested them


    1. the ma

      doing something that is different from what people consider to be normal or acceptable

    2. en. De

      doing something that is different from what people consider to be normal or acceptable

    3. implications


    1. Maybe for group presentation: week 3 (the Latinx experience), Week 4 Civil Rights Movement, week 6 (Art)

    1. Objectivity is sought out in these academic disciplines, yet Subjectivity is what is set in stone as truth.

      We seek to be equal in the academic world but in reality we are not.

  3. Apr 2024
    1. pg. 158: "they are in a process in which events happen and follow one another"

    2. main ideas: * "Can one know the Other?" * the contrasting/ contradictory ideas about colonial relation

    1. 77- meant to held inside of a shrine. Capable of magic and miracle. Referred as ideal pairs. these are supposed to be the ancestors of humanity


  4. Mar 2024
    1. 70- fresco painitng

    2. 42- south of france

    3. Sujatro Ghosh has been photographing women wearing a cow mask as “asilent form of protest”visit: sujatroghosh@sujatroghosh"I am perturbed by the fact that in my country, cows areconsidered more important than a woman, that it takes muchlonger for a woman who is raped or assaulted to get justicethan for a cow which many Hindus consider a sacred animal,“Delhi-based photographer Sujatro Ghosh told the BBC.

      every 30 minutes a woman is being raped in India. Gang raped.


  5. Feb 2024
    1. pervasive

      something is present or noticeable in every part of a thing or place



  6. Sep 2023
    1. But fewof the 1992 celebrants could accentuate publicly the banality ofthat date, five hundred years before, without having to admit alsothat power had intervened between the event and its celebration

      Power dynamic of the two groups impacted on this day. Business/govt had more power than NA since they were more seen and given opportunities to be seen rather than NA

    2. quincen-tennial

      something that relates to or marks a period of 500 years.

    3. They contribute to the continuous myth-making process that gives history its more definite shapes: they help tocreate, modify, or sanction the public meanings attached to historical events deemed worthy of mass celebration

      not neccessary by just verbal/written lies, but also through actions to make it seem like nothing bad necessarily happened or to "alleviate" the blow

    4. With the exercise of thatpower, “facts” become clear, sanitized.

      if the other POV is underrepresented, the more powerful POV (i.e. govt, historical leaders) can twist their history to say that what the other group wanted (refer to above note for example)

    5. Commemorations

      a ceremony or celebration in which a person or event is remembered.

    6. between historicity1 and historicity 2

      aka, the two sides of history: * columbus "discovering" america 1. columbus invading america

    7. I prefer to say that Columbus “stumbled on theBahamas,” or “discovered the Antilles,” and I prefer “conquest”over “discovery” to describe what happened after the landing

      same my dude, same

    8. lexical

      relating to the words or vocabulary of a language.

    9. The problem is, of course, that Uranus did not knowthat it existed before Herschel, and that Sédillot did not go afterthe microbes with a sword and a gun.

      oh, author is mad at Godinho. I am too

    10. The isolation of a single moment thus creates a historical “fact”:on this day, in 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered the Bahamas. As a set event, void of context and marked by a fixeddate, this chunk of history becomes much more manageable outside of the academic guild. It returns inevitably: one can await itsmillenial and prepare its commemoration. It accommodates travelagents, airlines, politicians, the media, or the states who sell it inthe prepackaged forms by which the public has come to expecthistory to present itself for immediate consumption. It is a product of power whose label has been cleansed of traces of power.The naming of the “fact” is itself a narrative of power disguisedas innocence. Would anyone care to celebrate the “Castilian invasion of the Bahamas”? Yet this phrasing is somewhat closer towhat happened on October 12, 1492, than “the discovery ofAmerica.” Naming the fact thus already imposes a reading andmany historical controversies boil down to who has the power toname what. To call “discovery” the first invasions of inhabitedlands by Europeans is an exercise in Eurocentric power that already frames future narratives of the event so described. Contactwith the West is seen as the foundation of historicity of differentcultures.8 Once discovered by Europeans, the Other finally enters the human world.In the 1990s, quite a few observers, historians, and activistsworldwide denounced the arrogance implied by this terminologyduring the quincentennial celebrations of Columbus’s Bahamianlanding. Some spoke of a Columbian Holocaust. Some proposed“conquest” instead of discovery; others preferred “encounter,”which suddenly gained an immense popularity—one more testimony, if needed, of the capacity of liberal discourse to compromise between its premises and its practice.9 “Encounter” sweet114 Si l enci ng the Past

      It has been so commercialized that no one really questions or looks into the deeper history of Columbus day. Many people just think that he happened to discover America that day and "What a great thing that is."

    11. reconquista

      a centuries-long series of battles by Christian states to expel the Muslims (Moors), who from the 8th century ruled most of the Iberian Peninsula

    12. absolutist

      a person who holds absolute principles in political, philosophical, or theological matters.

    13. context also fades out.

      see above note for more

    14. The creation of that historical moment facilitates the narrativ-ization of history, the transformation of what happened into thatwhich is said to have happened. First, chronology replaces process. All events are placed in a single line leading to the landfall

      the fact that this moment has been commonly used as the beginning of history of the "conquests" and highlights in American history has hidden the complexity and actual events that occurred during and its grave impacts on people

    15. processual

      functional, operationa

    16. fall of Granada

      occurred on January 2, 1492 when the city surrendered to the combined forces of Aragon and Castile.

    17. public arena”

      aka, takes a deep breath in and says with a deep announcer voice "THE FIGHT OF THE CENTURY"

    18. But the rhetoric of the popes and the mergerof church and state power in the Iberian dominions, which wentback to the Visigoths, created an ideological space where religionsand cultures that mingled in daily life were seen as officially incompatible
      • state power was seperated from religion in the Iberian dominions
      • popes and the church believed that they should be in control of the government since their religion is pure and what is right
    19. Within that space, the defense of a Christendom,projected as pure and besieged, became a dominant idiom for themilitary campaigns

      so basically, these Christiaan militias were trained and mission lead to believe that Christianity is something pure and often had several enemies harassing it.

    20. besieged

      under siege; surrounded by enemy forces and cut off from help or supplies

    21. rhetoric

      language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.

    22. incompatibl

      (of two things) so opposed in character as to be incapable of existing together.

    23. remission

      the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty.

    24. Iberian peninsula

      Portugal and Spain, the whole microstate of Andorra, a small part of the French department of Pyrénées-Orientales (French Cerdagne), and the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar.

    25. Holy Sepulchre

      It is considered to be the holiest site for Christians in the world, as it has been the most important pilgrimage site for Christianity since the 4th century. Located in Christian Quarter, Old City of Jerusalem.

    26. Pyrenees

      mountain range in southwest Europe that form a natural border between France and Spain.

    27. heralded

      be a sign that (something) is about to happen.

    28. penance

      a Christian sacrament in which a member of the Church confesses sins to a priest and is given absolution. (aka, confessiones)

      1. What do you think are the biggest three takeaways from the chapter? I want you list each main idea you mention in a least one paragraph for three paragraphs total for your first reply. For each main idea select a quote from the reading that supports it for a total of three selected quotes.
      2. What to you is a big historical myth about the United States that a lot of people believe but actually get wrong?
      3. How can history be used as a tool of propaganda?
      4. Come up with an interesting discussion question for one of your classmates and post that for #4.


  7. Oct 2022
    1. Well,” said Sis, “although I cannot say that your beauty restdid you a hell of a lot of good, I do admire the way youpersevere.

      she called her brave and strong

    2. “I think I better.”

      Tish's mom is going to see the lawyer with her

    3. Fonnyused to go to a vocational school where they teach kids tomake all kinds of shitty, really useless things, like cardtables and hassocks and chests of drawers which nobody’sever going to buy because who buys handmade furniture?The rich don’t do it. They say the kids are dumb and sothey’re teaching them to work with their hands. Those kidsaren’t dumb. But the people who run these schools want tomake sure that they don’t get smart: they are reallyteaching the kids to be slaves

      segreation, different circulums for different schools

    4. It’s of a naked man with one hand at his forehead andthe other half hiding his sex. The legs are long, very long,and very wide apart, and one foot seems planted, unable tomove, and the whole motion of the figure is torment.

      what does it mean?

    5. The doorbell rang. I heard Mama yell, “Be right there!” andthen she came into the room again. She was carrying asmall water glass with a little whiskey in it. “Here. Sit up.Drink this. Do you good

      at the time it was ok to drink while pregnant

    6. ut Geneva was always up in Fonny’s face.I don’t think he ever noticed her at all

      Maybe Geneva had a crush on him?

    7. Troubled About My Soul


    1. Exercise
      1. My simple advice is to figure out who's the most gentle at giving flu shots.
      2. While walking in the desert, I fantasized about eating dessert. It also helped to imagine my belt being less loose.
      3. Were you with your father last night? I was here calling your name until my voice went hoarse.
      4. It's a wonderfully quiet day in the neighborhood.
      5. People waiting in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles should have some patience because there is no other way to get past those long lines.
    2. Exercise
      1. Either the players on the team or the coach is going to have to make a decision.
      2. Kobe Bryant, together with his teammates, presents a formidable challenge to opponents.
      3. There are a lot of good teams in the NBA. The Heat and the Celtics are two such teams.
      4. The prospects for the team with the best players look good.
      5. Andy Murray and Novak Djokovic play tennis.
    3. xercis
      1. While writing my essay, I found a mouse scurried across my desk.
      2. Balancing on the high wire, the audience held their collective breath while watching the dare devil preform his stunt.
      3. Running in the marathon, Jeremy saw the police escort crash his motorcycle.
      4. After reading the magazine, I heard the doorbell ring.
      5. Falling off Brian's bicycle, Brian's arm broke at the wrist.
    4. Exercise
      1. I saw the Great Horned Owl flying overhead,
      2. Groucho Marx said, "one morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas."
      3. The patient with a few emotional issues was referred to a psychologist.
      4. My roommate cleaned the newly bought Forever 21 sweater that was covered in lint.
      5. On my way to the my doctor's appointment, I saw a parade.
    5. Exercise
      1. At El Camino College, vandalism can result in suspension or even expulsion from the school.
      2. In English class, students learn to appreciate reading great literature and analyzing sentence structure.
      3. The English club members found the book distasting, shocking, and boring.
      4. I enjoy going to museums and visiting my friends.
      5. When on a date, I want to engage in good conversation, eat wonderful food, and listen to some music.
    6. xercise

      1, Sometimes a person needs to get in touch with his or her parents. 2. Terry and her sister are sharing their room with Aunt Kay this week. 3. Before students register for next semester, they should check their work schedule. 4. Everybody needs to think twice about his or her actions. 5. Everyone should double check his or her answers.

    7. xercise
      1. It would be the ultimate fighting championship; a jedi knight and Superman would fight to the end.
      2. Although both contestants have advantages, the decision as to who would win would be difficult.
      3. Kyrpotonite weakens Superman, so a jedi could space travel and find kryptonite.
      4. Aside from kyrptonite, nothing seems to harm the man of steel; prehaps a light saber would be different.
      5. C
    8. Exercise
      1. Premiered in 2007, the idea for the show Phineas and Ferb had been around since 1991.
      2. Within a couple of years, the show became wildly successful by 2012 Phineas and Ferb. It was the most watched television show for pre-teens.
      3. The show was created by Dan Povenmire and Jeff Marsh who were also the voices of Major Monogram and Doctor Doofenshmirtz.
      4. The plot of the show is divided between two themes: Phineas and Ferb making the best of summer and Perry the platypus protecting the tri-state area from Dr. Doofenshmirtz.
      5. C
    1. Barreto, M. A. (2005). Latino immigrants at the polls: Foreign-born voter turnout in the2002 election. Political Research Quarterly, 58(1), 79-86

      gives education, language, and social economic reasons as barriers

    1. er. The ten books will be referredto by their authors' names, since the titles (like the nearly universal red,white and blue covers!) are confusingly sim

      these books were based off other white books, in other words, there wasn't already texts that included Mexican perspective of history

    2. Each text and its accompanying materials (including photographs,charts, captions, maps, and annotations for teachers) was evaluatedaccording to criteria used in similar studies: inclusiveness, accuracy,currency, balance, comprehensiveness, concreteness, and

      ok in theory, these compotents make a great decider for textbooks, however, inclusiveness and accuracy can be interperted differently

    3. Conversely, someness after faili

      Texas being one of the bigger buyers, it is essential that publishing companies can get on their list to ensure stablity in their businesses and can be financially successful. That means that in order to get on that list, you have be approved. Like I mentioned earlier, these books could be made or set on a set of values that have been approved (whether outloud or in private). These books include books that are pro-American, anti-Mexican, homophobic, etc. These books focus on white ideals and disregard minorities by making them seem the villians or suffering ones in the story.

    4. firsTextbook Commitare required by lawfre

      So basically, this committee has ultimate control over what students can read, how they might interpert it based how the events were written. Since this is texas and its a conservative state, I could imply that these committee members decided on books that did not make America look bad and were anti-Mexican.

    5. nd widely disseminated images of Mexico an

      What does she mean by disseminated images of Mexico and its people?

  8. Sep 2022
    1. “One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey justlaws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”—Marin Luther King Jr. from “Letter from Birmingham Jail” p.4

      In "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Martin Luther King Jr. points out "[o]ne ahs not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws" (4).

    2. “Courage is going from failure to failure without losingenthusiasm.” —Winston Churchill p.8

      As Winston Churchill believes, "Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (8).

    3. Animals kept in zoos should be released into the wild becauseit is analogous to torture to keep them imprisoned in such unnaturalenvironments.” —Turner Luce p.45

      In regards to animal captivity in zoos, Turner Luce suggests that they "should be released into the wild because it is analogous to torture to keep them imprisioned in such unnatural enviroments" (45).

    4. To get the economy back on top, the government should provide$50,000 no-interest loans to each small business.” —Dasha Chekov p.12

      Dasha Chekov suggests that in order to improve the economy "the government should provide $50,000 no-interest loans to each small business" (12).

    5. “The notion of banning frivolous lawsuits is antithetical to theConstitution. If anything, more people should be exercising their rightto sue people.” —Ivanna Soo from the law firm of Dewee, Cheetem, andHowe p.666

      Ivanna Soo, from the law firm pf Dewee, Cheetem, and Howe, argues that "[t]he notion of banning frivolous lawsuits is antietical to the Consititution." She further reasons, "[i]f anything, more people should be exercising their right to sue people" (666).

    6. Creating Each Works Cited Entr

      Author. Title of Source. Title of Container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.

    7. A signal phrase sets up a quote by identifying the author and/or the source.

      think of this as the "i" in a TIEAC paragraph

    8. summary

      In the chapter "The Summary" by Professors Bruce Peppard, Stephanie Schwartz, and Sara Blake, the authors demonstrate key steps of writing a summary. As mentioned by the author, it is crucial to write the title, author's name, and main idea in the topic sentence of each summary. Another key concept of writing without looking at the text in order to write key concepts and prevent writing unnecessary or distracting details. Additionally, the authors advise using transitional phrases , 5-6 sentences, and present phase. Lastly, the author recommends revising the summary for clarification and adding only the author's opinions. The steps outlined by the authors are aimed to help write summaries.

    9. Looking at the poor example given on the previous page, identify why it isconsidered weak. Even if you haven't read "Learning to Read" by Malcolm X,you should be able to find a few flaws.Looking at the good example above, identify why it is considered good.

      The first example:

      • contains vague and unnecessary supporting details that make it unclear to understand the main idea
      • sentences were too choppy
      • the name of the author and title of the text are missing
      • the main idea is somewhat clear, lack of supporting details make the main idea unclear

      The second example:

      • includes the name of the author and the title of the text
      • includes the main idea in the first sentence
      • uses transitional phrases (i.e. "for example," "another type of __," and "this experience")
      • uses specific details to support main idea
  9. Nov 2021
    1. no questionnaire exists that measurespositive mindset through assessing everyday aspects of mental life such as a person’s happiness, confidence,feelings of being in control, mental stability, motivation and optimism.

      important to know


  10. Aug 2021
    1. When a new theory is found that deals with the outstanding problems, it soon establishes itself as the new Paradigm and another period of unadventurous normal science begins.

      cycle begins all over again

    2. Even when anomalies (experiments or observations that give unexpected tesults) begin to appear, the scientific community has become so loyal to the paradigm that older scientists refuse to admit that it has been falsified and continue as though it were still func- tioning smoothly.

      refuse to accept that there are other side effects, or ignore them, to uphold theses paradigm values

    3. cientific education involves brainwashing the students so they accept the paradigm uncritically.

      damn, that's a cold way of wording it

    4. probing

      investigating further/ deeper

    5. berated

      Scold or criticize (someone) angrily

    6. hostile


  11. Jul 2021
    1. advertisers and their agencies negotiated ad buys in direct, one-to-one deals with publishers

      direct buying or reservation buying

  12. Nov 2020
    1. 47 percent of likely 2020 voters would vote to affirm the National Popular Vote law and 47 percent would vote to repeal it


    2. 79 percent of Democrats preferred the popular vote, while 74 percent of Republicans favored the Electoral College
      • republicans gain more states with the electoral college and also tend to be on the conservative side

      • democrats gain more votes with the popular vote and are open to change; argue that the electoral college is broken since candidates with the popular vote can still lose

    3. But because the referendum needs only 124,632 valid signatures to qualify, up to 45 percent of them could be tossed and the measure would still make the ballot.

      what AOC did to put her name on the ballot