59 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. you must create the Lambda function from the same account as the container registry in Amazon ECR


  2. Nov 2018
    1. T: Summary

      it's confusing for scala dev, in Scala T: Summary means there is a instance of type Summary[T]

    2. impl Summary

      Trait is not type

      impl Trait is type...

    1. File::open("hello.txt")?

      If the value of the Result is an Ok, the value inside the Ok will get returned If the value is an Err, the Err will be returned from the whole function

    1. 印象中是分发到所有MainSection类型的实例,实例需要自己决定是否要react on这个action<br>比如给所有的TodoItem发一个 complete id:1 的消息,所有TodoItem会收到,但应该只有id:1 的item通过比较id相等来做出反应

    2. 很有意思。但是有个地方没太明白,`this.dispatch(MainSection, 'complete',{id:todo.id})`是如何将action分发到对应的instance上的呢?是一个Transdux下只有一个MainSection实例(uuid)吗?

    3. 不过这是个实验项目,只是证明idea,如果想要production ready的项目是 -> https://github.com/jcouyang...

    1. hi, 如果没记错第二章中的可持续化数据结构的引的源代码是clojure源代码(不是clojure代码),其实就是java,应该也还好吧,对应的图应该更好理解。


    2. 你好,我买了您的书《函数式攻城指南》,我才读到第二章,但是我对书里面出现的Clojure代码完全搞不懂(一个是持久性数据结构的实现,一个是惰性求指的实现),因为我对Clojure这门语言完全不了解。我在想如果这些贴clojure源码的内容如果转化为js来讲解会不会好一些?

    1. I wrote a Bamboo plugin to automatically call the GitHub commit status API for you, so you don’t need to do these manual steps: https://marketplace.atlassi...

      You can install it from the Bamboo add-on page, just search for “github status”.

    2. couple of way to do this<br>like capture you test command's status, put it into an custom bamboo variable<br>or simple get last command's status, if test if the last command

    3. How is STATUS set in Notifiy GitHub build.

    1. 可能maybe应该是能拿得出来举的最简单的monad了吧

      Crockford也吐槽过haskell非要说玩monad先要搞懂Category theory就跟吃墨西哥鸡卷一定要先会说墨西哥语一样扯蛋.

    2. var Multipler = function(inc){<br> this.inc = inc;<br> }<br> Multipler.prototype.multiple = function(numbers){<br> return numbers.map(function(number){<br> return this.inc * number;<br> }, this)<br> }

      map 接受第二个参数, 绑定 this

    3. 6.2.1 一般解法里面,landRight 的定义有问题吧。如果按照原先的定义的话,

      var result = R.pipe(landLeft(1), landRight(2), landLeft(2))([0, 0]);<br>console.log(result);

      // 结果为 [4, 1] ,并不是预期中的 [3, 2]<br>// 具体看这里 http://ramdajs.com/repl/?v=...


      var landRight = R.curry(function(n, pole) {<br> // 感觉还不如直接 return [pole[0], pole[1] + n] ...<br> return R.reverse(landLeft(n, R.reverse(pole))); <br>});

    4. 已更正,多谢:)

    5. 感觉Haskell monad文档里把原本的需求复杂化了,搞得大家都在纠结monoid和endofunctors到底是个啥,把异常加入到映射值范畴里就是monad容器要做的事,根本没必要非要用maybe来举🌰。

    6. 果然老北京鸡肉卷更加难吃到一点XD

    7. 显式的纠正this应该更容易让人理解, point 是用 arrow function 不需要再修正this绑定

    8. 栗子中很多代码有问题

    1. This is a very useful information for those people who wanted to achieve some desirable output on how are they going to use that kind of language in programming that will be going to be a perfect thing for their projects. At least, through this kind of idea, they can make this tool as a better tool than another tool out there.

    1. rest 是一个 Isomophic 的 JavaScript Restful 客户端。在拼好地址后可以简单的利用 rest 来发送请求,得到一个 Promise。<br>这个rest 库的URL发下?

    1. 范畴论完全装逼手册 / Grokking Monad


    2. 范畴论完全装逼手册 / Grokking Monad


    3. 范畴论完全装逼手册 / Grokking Monad
