4 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2017
concepts.gilb.com concepts.gilb.com
The point being that if Jens had followed any kind of Requirement method as taught and practiced by the Agile community, based on Functions, features, user stories and the like. He would have utterly failed. Jens would not have identified the Stakeholders, he would not have talked to the CTO, he would not have asked the right questions.
ma perché dici questo? Non è affatto vero!
- Aug 2017
barcelonastartupnews.com barcelonastartupnews.com
people have to be educated to be able to work around these biases.
- Jul 2017
jpattonassociates.com jpattonassociates.com
In Agile development we actually conjoin these two tactics. During a development “iteration” where we build several user stories some may be adding new functionality incrementally, others may be iterating to improve, change, or remove existing functionality.
Con l'approccio incrementale aggiungiamo un pezzo alla volta, per incrementi successivi, le funzionalità che compongono il sistema. Scegliamo prima le funzionalità a maggior valore.
Con l'approccio iterativo adottiamo una strategia esplorativa, con lo scopo di avere feedback su quello che abbiamo costruito, e cambiarlo in base a quello che apprendiamo nel validarlo, per successive iterazioni.
Nel caso del sw, l'iterazione serve per migliorare (raffinare), cambiare o rimuovere le funzionalità esistenti.
- May 2017
peripateticaxiom.blogspot.com peripateticaxiom.blogspot.com
Every module [...] is characterized by its knowledge of a design decision which it hides from all others. Its interface or definition was chosen to reveal as little as possible about its inner workings.
Information Hiding!