89 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2019
    1. nglobes


    2. in a way, so that t

      Please answer my annotation here!

    3. education

      education with annotations

    4. discourses about

      Here is my comment. You can respond to this!

    5. discourses

      We‘re not only talking about it!

    1. E-Lernszenarien

      In 2019 sind Chatbots, AR und VR die neuen Buzzwords!

    2. E-Didaktik

      E-Didaktik ist nicht anders als Didaktik. Die Methodik bleibt auch Methodik! Nur die Rahmenbedingungen ändern. Konsequenzen der nicht physischen Präsenz, sprich des online Unterrichts, sind höhere Verschriftlichung und Genauigkeit.

  2. Nov 2018
    1. bei Texten zu scrollen,

      Das 'spüre' ich auch so, und war erstaunt, dass kindle dies erst gerade als neue Funktionlität eingeführt hat. (Ich glaube, dass die Leute, die jetzt schon länger digital lesen, hier andere Bedürfnisse und Gewohnheiten entwickeln.)

    2. Statt altes und neues Lesen gegeneinander auszuspielen

      Genau so kam mir dieser Artikel aber jetzt vor. :-(

    3. Fazit

      Warum Screen (digital) schlecht abschneidet:

      • noch fehlende Markierungsfunktionalitäten (Farben, Zeichnen, Sternchen, Pfeile,...)
      • oft schlechtes UI von digitalen Inhalten (denn noch in Kinderschuhen, speziell gegenüber dem alten Buchdruck)
      • noch keine Akzeptanz in der Gesellschaft
      • die Studierenden von heute (und die Erwachsenen) sind mit Print aufgewachsen, also keine Normalität/Gewohnheit

      Irgendwann wird sich dies alles ändern! :-)

    4. mit mobilen digitalen Geräten

      Diese Geräte befassen sich (mit speziellen Apps wie kindle) schon eine Weile mit dem digitalen Leser. Es wird aber noch ein bisschen dauern bis die UI (User Interface) wirklich dafür optimiert werden, bei allen Geräten.

    5. Bei literarischen Texten war das nicht der Fall. Ausgerechnet also bei Texten, die für das Lernen so wichtig sind, sind gedruckte Varianten besser.

      Heisst das, dass literarische Text für das Lernen nicht wichtig sind? Da bin ich wohl anderer Meinung. ;-)

    6. die Texte zu annotieren, mit Unterstreichungen zu versehen

      Beides ist möglich, wie ich hier zeige! Nur gibt es noch wenige Lehrpersonen/Dozierende, die dies den Studis beibringen. (Wir versuchen es an der ETH mit eSkript; Ein Beispiel-Szenario mit Annotation: Working with Texts)

    7. deutliche Mehrheit


    8. Analoges schlägt Digitales

      Zurzeit! ja. Das wird aber bestimmt nicht so bleiben.

      Mein Vorschlag: Statt Texte darüber zu schreiben oder noch weitere Studien durchzuführen, und behaupten, dass Print (analog) besser ist, wäre es m.E. zielführender, sich zu überlegen, wie man Screen (digital) verbessern könnte.

  3. Oct 2018
  4. Jan 2018
    1. create a user with hypothes.is

      Without a user you can see public annotation but you cannot annotate or highlight passages yourself!

    2. you can annotate it

      I selected 'you can annotate' and clicked on the icon (pop-up) that let's you annotate.

  5. May 2017
    1. hypothes.is

      This is an annotation! If you'd like to try:

      1. Sign up with hypothes.is (upper right corner of this pane.
      2. Select text and annotate.

      Have fun!

      More info here!

  6. Apr 2017
    1. you will be able to take notes on it

      You can comment like this on webpages or on the attached PDFs.

  7. Mar 2017
    1. Wikipedia “edit-a-thons

      This is another scenario that goes against some data privacy protection laws in certain countries. The educators there may not perform such a scenario with their students because student data is going out of the private and secure network of their institution (and data is being saved). Students may be asked to play along voluntarily anyway (without any rewards, of course; assessing their work out there would be against regulations). The status quo is hypocritical. Digital Literacy is and should also be about learning how to move in the, sometimes scary, World Wide Web.

    2. to evaluate products for accessibility prior to purchase.

      This is good and bad at the same time. Trying to conform vs innovation.

    3. such as using multiple means of representation when developing resources, including audio, text, and video

      This is a challenge and it will become even bigger with resources that go further than 'audio, text and video', i.e. virtual and augmented spaces.

    4. The University of Southern California recently developed its “Garage,” combining fabrication and workshop areas with informal lounging spaces to encourage cross-disciplinary interaction, hands-on projects, and collaboratio

      This sounds exactly like our 'Student Project House' pilot at ETHZ. Cool stuff!

    5. the Smart Sparrow platform to develop the first massive open online course in engineering that leverages adaptive learning to provide personalized suppor

      I wonder about the costs.

    6. , LMS are also experiencing a paradigm shift from course to curricular management

      So sad that Learning Management Systems are about management and not about learning. ;-) Same with CMS. Content Management Systems are not about content.

    7. classrooms are starting to resemble real-world work and social environments that foster organic interactions and cross-disciplinary problem-solving.

      I like the vision but at some point one may ask why students study and do not go to work right away. (For the certificate?) On the other hand students may be quite disappointed when they enter the real world afterwards.

    8. and outside of the campus

      This is one of the very big challenges. Many institutions create a higher ed bubble inside campus. (My down to earth problem right now: no exchange of student data outside of the secure network is actually allowed.)

    9. However, institutions continue to be challenged to generate these opportunities in spaces and with paradigms that still lean on traditional practices

      An 'institution' would not be an institution if it did not lean on traditional practices. Really fostering critical thinking (e.g. changing the world) in an institution is almost an unsolvable problem. Only very small steps, bottom-up are realistically possible.

    10. Adaptive Learning Technologie

      Depending on the definition of 'Adaptive Learning' maybe. I think, that one year is (utterly and totally) utopian but hope that I'm wrong. ;-)

  8. Feb 2017
    1. Skripten

      Und dieses Skript hier kann mit Fragen und Bemerkungen an Ort und Stelle online annotiert werden!

      How to: Konto bei hypothes.is eröffnen, Text selektieren, 'Annotate'. User's Guide eSkript

  9. Jan 2017
    1. If we were to conceive our educational end and aim in a less exclusive way,

      Are we honest about what school's end and aim is? Isn't a school first and foremost an instrument for socialization (to get a well adjusted and functioning work force)? Or is this in the past? Subgoals may follow: equality in opportunity –who are we kidding?–, and much later knowledge, skills, development and creativity, if we're lucky. (Just landed in a dark corner, sorry!) If we are honest about the end and aim, we may create a better suited school.

  10. Oct 2016
    1. On the iPad, try out Puffin!

      Thank you guys! @Puffin It works wonderfully with hypothes.is. (iPad Pro test today)

  11. Sep 2016
    1. Hilfssatz

      Manchmal ist es schwierig auszuwählen, und die Annotationsanzeige des Selektierten verschiebt sich.

    2. (1.1)

      Test: Like! (Diese Formel in die Formelsammlung!)

    3. Analysis I und II

      Hier kann man auch annotieren!! :-) PDF im moodle ETHZ.

  12. May 2016
    1. substandard minimal usability so far

      Minor Bugs/Problems

      • scrolling of the annotation bar
      • zooming
      • jumping/resizing of window/bar when annotating / logging in / etc.
    1. https://eskript.ethz.ch/iannotate/

      Follow my talk here! and feel free to annotate through hypothes.is

    1. All is good in the PDF world unless you want to embed videos or any other ‘fancy’ stuff.  You can have videos in  PDFs. Did you know that? It has been around for many years but how many times have you seen it, zero or once? If you want to put lots of bits and bytes into a PDF it will get too big in file size and lose all of its benefits.

      PDF is easy but it's not meant to include videos.

  13. Mar 2016
    1. Most older comments are not relevant anymore as this chapter has moved to the back and is now after lots of intro information into the different areas.

  14. Feb 2016
  15. Nov 2015
    1. include drawings

      Unfortunately, it seems that we’re not there yet @ETH cf. comment above, but we're working on it.

    2. thank you

      Thank you, too! :)

    3. since it was legible

      Yes, even with ‘normal’ open text questions exams at the computer have huge advantages.

    4. this could not be changed

      This can be done! It’s just sometimes a bit tricky (it could not be done with the bug infested old kprime questions), and it is also one of the big advantages of exams at the computer.

    5. TestCase

      This is now the case! LET has decided to have a dedicated server for the exams (more control on available question types) and the testing has been improved a lot already.

    6. Hast du allenfalls schon eine Anforderungsliste geschrieben

      It waited on my to do list for quite some time. In April this year, I submitted a proposal to LET with an 'Anforderungsliste'. Unfortunately, LET will not invest into this area.

    7. Creating good computer based exams is quite challenging

      This is especially true if you want to make use of the possibilities of automatic correction and/or creating automatically corrected question that ask for a high(er) cognitive level.

    8. We need templates for the important questions

      It was on the list of further developments of the new kprime question type. The import works now and I have created a template that produces xml-code for moodle.

    9. drawing

      The proof of concept for exams on tablets (LET) is available since January 2014. LET has started working on a pilot project "Tablet Online Prüfungen" in June 2015. The first tablet exam should happen in January 2016.

    10. the backup should really contain All the information

      The (old) kprime bug was a very nasty one!

    11. the k-prim question type has to be corrected

      The new kprime question type was ready for the following exam session (Jan 2015) and hasn’t produced any problems so far.

    12. question bank

      The question bank has a lot of room for improvement! I agree.

    13. I would not want to go back to hand written exams

      This is exactly my feeling. The upside is bigger!

    14. noisy keyboards

      Yes! We try not to forget to inform students to take earplugs along with them.

    15. large computer room

      Yes, that would be nice but the room HG G1 doesn’t belong to the Rektorat and is used by a department during the semesters.

    16. infrastructure is sufficient

      No, this is not true. LET has informed (February 2015) that they will not accept any new exams at the computer. More than 20 requests for exams at the computer (4 from D-HEST) have been refused.

    1. When they clicked the save button, everything disappeared

      Dies war eine Ilias-Prüfung mit SEB. Serversession timed out. Da die Studis lange am Schreiben waren, ohne irgendetwas anzuklicken, wurden sie vom Server sozusagen ausgeloggt! 😉

  16. Oct 2015
  17. Sep 2015
  18. Aug 2015
    1. your comments

      This is a comment and you can reply to it!

    2. Bugs

      Please let me know here about other bugs! Thank you.

    3. Try it here

      You need an account with hypothes.is first.

      In the upper right corner, click Sign in then on Create an account just a bit below.

    4. As another example, I selected this sentence and commented on it.

      With the highlight-icon (next to the comment-icon), you can highlight parts of the text that you find interesting. These are always private. private-icon

    5. Select

      You may select one word or more, a sentence, a paragraph.

    1. in every browser.

      Okay, not every browser but most of them on desktops. On mobile devices it is more tricky but it's possible. Safari on the iPad works reasonably well. I'll be testing further.

    1. Trying things out on the iPad. Via-link works, then the login works in Safari after that. But how to annotate? (Select doesn't call for the annotation icon.)

    1. Markieren

      Diese Notiz wurde mit Chrome erstellt.

    2. Kommentare und Fragen können Sie hier deponieren.

      Durch Kommentare und Fragen kann diese Anleitung verbessert werden. Danke im Voraus!

    3. einen Eintrag an Ort und Stelle platzieren

      Die Fragen und Einträge werden mit hypothes.is am Ort gemacht. Die Anzahl Kommentare werden rechts entlang der Scrollbar angezeigt. (Click on it!) Man kann auch Textstellen anstreichen (highlighten), entscheiden ob die kommentierten Stellen angezeigt werden sollen (Augen-Icon oben rechts) und bei den Kommentaren entscheiden, ob es privat bleiben soll (Notiz für sich) oder auch für die anderen sein soll (öffentlicher Kommentar / Frage).

      Man kann den Text Kommentarfeld formatieren, wenn man möchte.

    4. Durch Markieren der fraglichen Stelle und einen Eintrag im Kommentarfeld

      Hier kann ich meine Frage eintippen.

    1. Liebe Studierende

      Dieses Skript kann mit hypothesis annotiert werden. Wie: oben rechts in der Ecke, Sign in und Create an account!

  19. Jul 2015
    1. Einfach a comment ohne etwas angeleuchtet zu haben.

    2. Kann man das Video auch kommentieren? Full Screen und dann...

  20. Jun 2015
  21. Apr 2015
    1. digital annotations

      This is also possible $$J_1 \vec{\omega} = J_1 \vec{\omega}^{~'} + \frac{1}{2}L m_2 \vec{v}^{~'} \ .$$

    2. right side next to the book description.


    3. Private annotations

      Das wäre für die Welt!