3 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2020
    1. Thus doing, she opens the epistemic negotiation

      I think you describe the action very effectively - as an other-initiated repair with lots of very interesting non-vocal details - I'm not sure the notion of epistemic negotiation is helping though. I understand the relevance that the term invokes - and perhaps it would be useful in a broader discussion of this explicitly knowledge-centered activity of doing homework. However, using it in the analysis makes it sound to me as though they are managing the question of who knows the correct answer in the abstract. This kind of effaces the homework context - that this is a child 'testing' answers with a parent before committing them to paper for a test. There's questions of knowledge here - but I think your detailed description does more to explain how they're configured than this more generic term.

  2. Feb 2020
    1. epistemic negotiations

      I wonder whether 'negotiation' isn't a little equivocal here. I've been warned off using the term in EM/CA work before because it seems to be referring to an acknowledged process of haggling, or bidding, etc. etc., but that's not really how participants engage in these activities of indexing their respective rights and obligations to know something (or not) through talk. Of course this is not to say that there's anything wrong with the analytic use of that term here - but it's easily misunderstood as an explicit process, especially outside EM/CA.

  3. Jul 2018
    1. Hello Hypo users. I've never really used it much, but was one of the backers when it launched its kickstarter in 2011. Very good to see it in action here, so I'm going to start using it to engage in conversations in the general area of open science.

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