- Feb 2017
www.ats.ucla.edu www.ats.ucla.edu
This is sometimes called a likelihood ratio test (the deviance residual is -2*log likelihood)
see logLik() in R, and note that all return the same value, which is chi-square distributed, and can be ways to select the appropriate model. Ways to compare models and variable selection:
- (logLik(fit.1) - logLik(fit.2)) * -2
- anova(fit.1, fit.2)
- fit.1$deviance - fit.2$deviance
- Jun 2016
www.ats.ucla.edu www.ats.ucla.edu
The parameter estimate for the first contrast compares the mean of the dependent variable, write, for levels 1 and 2 yielding 11.5417 and is statistically significant (p<.000). The t-value associated with this test is 3.5122. The results of the second contrast, comparing the mean of write for levels 1 and 3. The expected difference in variable write between group 1 and 3 is 1.7417 and is not statistically significant (t = 0.6374, p = .5246), while the third contrast is statistically significant. Notice that the intercept corresponds to the cell mean for race = Hispanic group.
Interpreting the reference group in dummy coding.
- Oct 2015
melissabeaburnett.wordpress.com melissabeaburnett.wordpress.com
being able to utilize both of them
That's right -- they should be complement if at all possible.
tell the reader what this means
Social Science Journals
Do you mean the Social Sciences Databases?
tjho234.wordpress.com tjho234.wordpress.com
The databases included in EBSCOhost are well-respected and reputable. A vast majority of articles in EBSCOhost are peer-reviewed scholarly journals. ProQuest is considered a world leader in serving the information needs of researchers of all ages and abilities in libraries and institutions across the globe.
Here you can speak to how long they've been in business, how many libraries use them, as well as how well they represent the works they index.
are part of the Kentucky Virtual Library database collection
You're not the first person to bring this up --- I know about KVL, but where do you see this in our version of EBSCO?
thescholarlyscribe.wordpress.com thescholarlyscribe.wordpress.com
both the EBSCO and ProQuest databases
EBSCO needs to provide a better interface for this, though.
agoodbookatyourside.wordpress.com agoodbookatyourside.wordpress.com
The ebrary e-books database through ProQuest covers a large range of subject areas,
There's no browsing option, though, and subject headings are missing. These ebooks need to be available through UK's OPAC.
About a sixth of the databases available in EBSCOhost are H.W. Wilson
This merger isn't that old. I remember the old HW Wilson databases and interface.
inkyfingersreference.wordpress.com inkyfingersreference.wordpress.com
ProQuest also offers a basic search box at the top of the page, with options to select “Full text” and “Peer reviewed” sources, which is handy. However, using ProQuest’s databases for information seeking is probably best for browsing and less for known item searching. There is no general category for business or related topics, and the best approximation for searching for an example query like “statistics” is the “Social Sciences” category in the synopsis of the “PAIS International” database. In doing a keyword search for “statistics” on the homepage, many of the results were from the “Health & Life Sciences” category, but no connection on the general topic. The equivalent starting place for “statistics” on EBSCO would be the “Business Source Complete”, showing that EBSCO has more favorable subject specificity for known item searching.
See comment in Canvas about this.
EBSCO seems to cater more towards advanced research in characteristics that will be explored in this paper
bold claim!
baripy.wordpress.com baripy.wordpress.com
the same seems to be true for EBSCOhost
there's documentation on this
bnreynolds.wordpress.com bnreynolds.wordpress.com
A benefit of Social Services Abstracts is that it also lets you see documents with shared references
this is important
Example of a command line search for these databases: SU(abuse) AND SU(art therapy) AND TI(child)
How does this query turn out in either database?
I was able to locate the article in physical format to confirm EBSCOhost’s details and was able to assess that the particular entry I was looking for contained accurate information.
Nice test case.
mapulliamlibrarian.wordpress.com mapulliamlibrarian.wordpress.com
being directed to more articles by the author
Do you think it would be able to capture variations on names? E.g.:
- Last, First
- Last, First M
- Last, F. M.
noethematt.wordpress.com noethematt.wordpress.com
which may mean there needs to be a broader search conducted
Yes, searches are not immediately transferable, and need to be translated.
Both EBSCOhost and ProQuest offer a variety of fun “extras” such as the ability to save searches and execute “cross-database” searches
How does each database handle controlled vocab when more than one database is searched?
but only EBSCOhost allows searching by series title
You can search by publication title in Proquest.
Kentucky Virtual Library
These are separate offerings: UKY and KVL. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
kentonmulcahy1.wordpress.com kentonmulcahy1.wordpress.com
If this deep understanding is at the information seeker’s disposal, not having to set up advanced searches by applying drop down menus or clicking limiting boxes, and instead simply typing lines into a single command line search box could potentially be much more efficient.
In fact, you could create a library of these searches!
However, a cursory examination of the ProQuest results proved very few were actually relevant to my information needs concerning classical guitar in public schools, while six of the eight EBSCOhost results were highly useful.
Search queries do not easily translate from one database to another because the contents of the databases, albeit similar, will determine what's returned. So this is a good example of having to revise the query and trying again.
Of course, neither company is responsible for misinformation or quality contained within specific articles, but returned items from both databases include cross-references to authors, the subject headings applied to the content, and the full-text version of the work, when possible.
This is a good point and a good clarification about what accuracy means with respect a discussion on databases.
lorimmiller.wordpress.com lorimmiller.wordpress.com
In considering these two particular databases, however, command line searching is only available as an explicitly framed option in IBSS.
ah! Good (see comment above)
Command line searching is available for both databases
Do you mean advanced searching? EBSCOhost does allow for the construction of a command line syntax, but they don't offer a convenient place to write such a query. Instead you have to enter a command line query in one of the search boxes.
Anthropology Plus, for instance, will produce search results for the truncated keywords “anthro*” AND “librar*” without comment. IBSS, by way of comparison, will produce a line of warning for the same search that reads: “Did you mean: anthro* AND library*?”
I'm not following. Plus, wouldn't the suggestion help users?
For instance, a search for the keywords
In which of their databases?
libraryandbooklover.wordpress.com libraryandbooklover.wordpress.com
The subject headings are more detailed in EBSCO host than in ProQuest. In that regards, EBSCO host seems more accurate. For example, in an article on Northern Ireland,
Might it vary based on the specific database that's being used?
It feels like
How would you examine that in order to know for sure?
tamarahue.wordpress.com tamarahue.wordpress.com
No thesaurus is provided.
An index is provided, though. How does that help?
The text-only interface is complaint with Section 508 Standards.
Nice observation---this is very important.
theinfopro.wordpress.com theinfopro.wordpress.com
If I were to narrow the search only focusing on certain publications, in certain languages, during a select period of time, the results would be more closely linked with what I was looking for.
The key here would be to focus more on faceting what we want to about global warming.
EBSCOhost is compiled of all relevant databases
What do these statements mean?
annaegault.wordpress.com annaegault.wordpress.com
Nice use of outside source.
In my opinion, EBSCOhost is more well recognized and respected by students, whereas ProQuest is not as well known.
Why do you think that is?
jccutchin.wordpress.com jccutchin.wordpress.com
Many times with databases, it is to determine who should be published, and who is creditable enough to be published.
I think 'indexed' might be a better choice. Publishers publish.
allicollis.wordpress.com allicollis.wordpress.com
Evaluating the accuracy of the database providers means considering the subject indexing.
I think this is a spot on observation.
Users can search within more than one database by check marking to select multiple titles
This raises a good question: if a thesaurus is offered in one database and not another, and a user selects both databases, is the thesaurus still offered when the user conducts a search?
resourceaplenty.wordpress.com resourceaplenty.wordpress.com
are updated at varies times
Do they tell you when for each one?
invincible1916.wordpress.com invincible1916.wordpress.com
Art Index enables a user to sort by: relevance; date newest; date oldest; source, and author. IBA allows sorting by: relevance, oldest first, and most recent first.
given the structure of the records, could more sorting options be provided?
Must be a WordPress gotcha.
Command Line
I wonder how well command line search works from the phone!
EBSCOhost provides a list of its databases in an alphabetical order. ProQuest Databases arranges its databases alphabetically in two forms, by name and by subject.
What do you think about this? Does it matter?
danielaken.wordpress.com danielaken.wordpress.com
127 databases in seven different subject areas
Some of these repeat -- e.g., Alt-PressWatch is listed un the Arts databases and also the Language and Literature databases.
full-text articles
Indexed too -- full text will be a bit more limited. Would love to see some examples.
nelliewright1987.wordpress.com nelliewright1987.wordpress.com
Although certain entries are redundant, the breadth of the topic is explored in great detail. Additionally, the terminology, although sometimes scientific, is easy to understand as the contributors were asked to write for readers new and exposed to the topics of sports medicine.
I'd be interested in some examples.
The ezproxy info in the URL is problematic since it will only work for those who have accounts at UK. Consider removing it when sharing with the broader public: http://psycnet.apa.org/bookcollections/13273/. Same for the second URL below.
melissabeaburnett.wordpress.com melissabeaburnett.wordpress.com
This is unreasonable
It's hard to know what the justification for their pricing is.
thescholarlyscribe.wordpress.com thescholarlyscribe.wordpress.com
By contrast
I like these comparisons that you make.
Kate L. Turabian (1893-1987), author of Student’s Guide for Writing College Papers, Third Edition (1977), did not attend college, however, she was engaged as the graduate school dissertation secretary and editor of official publications at the University of Chicago from 1930-1958. Using this experience as a guide,
I didn't know this. Very cool.
Wayne Booth
He's written some really interesting works on rhetoric, too.
The Craft of Research,
This is a very good book.
agoodbookatyourside.wordpress.com agoodbookatyourside.wordpress.com
Unfortunately this edition of Doctor Who: Character Encyclopedia is not very current because its information stops at the end of part one of the seventh season
I'd say that's fairly current, though. And unless new insights are revealed that change characterizations of long running entities on the show, it would still function as a good resource. Do you think?
The older version seems politically incorrect. It involves pointing to the side of the eye and twisting the hand slightly. This is to mimic the “slanted eye” of the Chinese. While this seems very disrespectful and rude, some signers still use the older method. This particular ASL dictionary includes both signs, meaning it is not outdated.
Did not know about this. Fascinating! Relevant, generally, to the importance of some domain knowledge when reviewing a source.
crissyro.wordpress.com crissyro.wordpress.com
the nature of the content is unfortunately unstable
yeah -- on a side note, I'm curious how unstable this info would be. Four years is such a long time in Internet-world
user can click on
this is an electronic resource then?
lists of references or bibliographies
this is common for almanacs -- but sometimes people use this term to describe a source when they really mean something else -- so it may depend on how true of an almanac this is
baripy.wordpress.com baripy.wordpress.com
The book is chronologically organized to take readers on a journey through time. It is also broken down into thematic subjects to make it easier to navigate. Also contributing to the ease of navigation, is the thorough index.
It's so important -- how such works are organized. Nice detail here.
bnreynolds.wordpress.com bnreynolds.wordpress.com
This encyclopedia could be improved by organizing all of the vehicles into one chronological section which would allow users to see every vehicle from a certain year, rather than having to search through three sections to find vehicles for the year they’re interested in.
Good criticism -- always important to either think about the content, and whether it meets expectations -- and also usability.
mapulliamlibrarian.wordpress.com mapulliamlibrarian.wordpress.com
The editors were very selective in what they chose to include, and it is my belief that they could have chosen a more coherent theme, i.e. just health education, than the options that were included.
Interesting argument. Are they publishing other yearbooks that may have themes like this, or are there others on the market?
noethematt.wordpress.com noethematt.wordpress.com
The Grand Comics Database
A really great resource -- I didn't not know about it.
This reviewer believes otherwise for two reasons: the SEP cannot be arranged to flow chronologically within a part of the world and it cannot replace the critical commentary provided by each contributor.
Nicely stated.
as it is often important to separate the idea from the speaker
... as well as identify which philosopher is associated with which ideas.
one searchable by name and one by subject
very important in to have this for philosophy -- good observation
kentonmulcahy1.wordpress.com kentonmulcahy1.wordpress.com
The U.S. Department of Interior and Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board each offer free online access to handbooks
have links?
While this is not the only available or reliable accounting handbook, it may be the most convenient for ready-reference
nice distinction
Thomson Reuters
Part of the Web of Science collection.
lorimmiller.wordpress.com lorimmiller.wordpress.com
As with other works amalgamated in the Gale Virtual Reference Library, it can be cumbersome at the institutional level to continually check that one is searching only within this work and not the entire Gale collection.
I often have this problem!!!
What she will not be able to find in All Things Medieval is a standard chronology of Eleanor’s life and influence
So there isn't an article on her? It sounds like this is a work that's more focused on "things" in the medieval world. If so, should there be a chronology of Eleanor of Aquitaine?
“Minstrels and Troubadours” may be more difficult to slot into that characterization
Or is it the roles that are artifacts and not necessarily the people?
This is indeed a Eurocentric work despite the title. Users expecting new insights on medieval Islam
Medieval refers primarily to Europe, but does this mean that Islam is not covered at all --- for example, its rise in Spain and surrounding areas?
khaney3.wordpress.com khaney3.wordpress.com
separated by category–historical period, gender, genre, and country of origin among other defining characteristics
That sounds like a nice way to break the bibliography down
theinfopro.wordpress.com theinfopro.wordpress.com
for graduate students
for all graduate students? Only graduate students?
This is not a pictorial directory
What prompted this statement?
bgerlinger.wordpress.com bgerlinger.wordpress.com
well organized overall
How is it organized?
It may be hard to obtain for the casual reader
That sounds odd.
The book is overall organized
How? Is there an index?
For instance, the sphinxes of ancient Egypt are built partially out of calcite, and is mentioned in juxtaposition with the entry for calcite.
hyperlinked, so to speak
annaegault.wordpress.com annaegault.wordpress.com
If the user is seeking very recent quotations, it would not be a helpful reference to search.
how important is that, though? What's the time range on the other quotes?
nice follow through!
thus is a vital resource for a university with an architecture and design program
state this last?
therecreationalappalachian.wordpress.com therecreationalappalachian.wordpress.com
Amazon reviews for Clark-Hall’s dictionary are mixed and average out to 3 ½ stars out of 5
Hmm, what are the quality of these Amazon reviews? I'm interested particularly because this is such a unique, non-mass market kind of source.
and federal agencies! --> NEH
U.S. Newspaper Directory
One additional great thing about this directory is that you can search for alternate newspapers and not just the main stream --- plus the directory contains many non-English listings.
gretchenrelm.wordpress.com gretchenrelm.wordpress.com
None of the sections are arranged alphabetically which is odd for an encyclopedia.
How are entries arranged?
It includes a section at the beginning detailing how to use the book.
These are important sections---the predecessor of the web help page!
ommon spelling and definitions of terms could have slightly changed in the 9 year time period since it was published.
Do you think this is a fast moving field and that this would be a big problem? Just curious.
He has written several other books in this field
Which ones?
jccutchin.wordpress.com jccutchin.wordpress.com
Highly Recommend
For whom?
How about a non-profit/government site like MedlinePlus?
page of quotes by the selected author
Despite the deficiencies, are the quotes of good quality?Useful?
If the user is wishing to browse quotes by topic, it will be extremely difficult to use this dictionary
I complete agree. The ebook version, especially, is not user friendly.
allicollis.wordpress.com allicollis.wordpress.com
While the scope and the arrangement of the directory can be praised, the work is lacking in terms of accuracy and currency. This list was published in 2005, making it a decade old. It is likely that many of these professionals no longer have the same contact information, or have moved on to other careers and opportunities. Therefore, the directory needs to be updated and verified to include the most relevant information. Also, the accuracy may be a bit off, as the directory was compiled using a questionnaire and according to the introduction, the professionals themselves are encouraged to keep information up-to-date. However, at the time of its publishing, the directory likely served its purpose well.
Lots of attention here on the accuracy of this. Are there other aspects of the directory that could be reviewed?
resourceaplenty.wordpress.com resourceaplenty.wordpress.com
Summing Up: Optional.
For whom?
Reference Source Review II
Nice choice of sources items to review!
For whom?
is the lack of pronunciation
Good observation.
jburczyk.wordpress.com jburczyk.wordpress.com
Criticisms can be made that the IEP lacks the authority of more established titles like the SEP, and that entries lack the more in-depth terminology associated with the profession.
Really? Why is that? I've found the IEP to be quite thorough when I've used it.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy is frequently compared to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the standard in the field
Good to compare
invincible1916.wordpress.com invincible1916.wordpress.com
The only detriment in the review of this reference is the fact that its bibliography is not also alphabetized along with being organized in terms of subject matter.
Does this make it difficult to locate references?
For example, under “Machine Guns” there is an examination explaining the history and impact of machine guns on the war, but there is also a listing of sub-entries for the variety of machine guns used by the United States armed forces.
Nice detail.
Organized alphabetically, the encyclopedia provides a list of abbreviations and contributors, as well as an Index. The entries are all provided a thorough overview, with many given a minimum of a column and a half of page space. Bibliographies listing sources consulted are provided at the conclusion of each entry, along with the name of the contributor.
These are very important details for readers who are collecting for reference sections to know. Nice job.
danielaken.wordpress.com danielaken.wordpress.com
the current version has been reorganized to appear alphabetically
that's interesting -- I wonder what the motivation was
The few photographs that do appear (Inuit kayaks, for example) seem to be included almost at random.
Good criticism
Rivaled in scope perhaps only by fellow publishing counterpart The Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology (Ed. Fardon et al., 2012)
Nice comparison
- Sep 2015
nelliewright1987.wordpress.com nelliewright1987.wordpress.com
MI strategies
What exactly are MI (multiple intelligence) strategies?
nelliewright1987.wordpress.com nelliewright1987.wordpress.com
The structures within the book are research based
I'd be curious to know more about what kind of content is included and how it might be used.
melissabeaburnett.wordpress.com melissabeaburnett.wordpress.com
online at Dictionry.com
Does this online source make Merriam's unnecessary?
tjho234.wordpress.com tjho234.wordpress.com
The DSM-5 Guidebook addresses the history and evolution of the DSM-5, the difference between DSM-IV and DSM-5
Good -- documenting these kinds of changes is an important process
bibliography of approximately 10,000 citations
This would make it very useful as a full reference source and not just a fact checking source. Nice.
Several new topics are introduced in the fourth edition, including the topics of “bisexuality,” “recovered memories,” “post-traumatic stress” and “post-partum depression.”
Nice observation to point out.
thescholarlyscribe.wordpress.com thescholarlyscribe.wordpress.com
three hundred and fifty of the most influential literary figures
Curious, how's the coverage of women, minorities, etc?
By presenting the entries in a timeline, as appears in 501 Great Writers: A Comprehensive Guide to the Giants of Literature (2008)
That's an interesting comparison. Would these works complement each other? Or would the second one make the first one unnecessary?
agoodbookatyourside.wordpress.com agoodbookatyourside.wordpress.com
While this particular book isn’t current at all since it is from 2009
I don't know -- do the later additions function as supplemental to the previous year or do they also include information from previous years? In other words, would this be useful as an archival piece, also?
The only fault in this layout is that it seems to be used by those who know generally what area they need to research about.
Handbooks / manuals are interesting in this way. Maybe the option you mention in the following sentence might be a good addition that would exclude having to rearrange structure of the work?
inkyfingersreference.wordpress.com inkyfingersreference.wordpress.com
insightful essays
I'm interested in how this functions as an almanac?
inkyfingersreference.wordpress.com inkyfingersreference.wordpress.com
seen as dated in publication
I wonder. Would they disagree or be consistent with modern adaptations of the Tolkien's works?
mrussell82.wordpress.com mrussell82.wordpress.com
particularly in communications or sociology studies
Why these students in particular?
an archival option
I'm curious -- what do you mean by an 'archival option'? Sounds like it would be useful.
similar databases, this one is easier to use
Good, but how so?
The functionality of this database has been tested on multiple computers and devices and performs well on each.
Interesting. Was there something about this resource that led you to believe it wouldn't?
crissyro.wordpress.com crissyro.wordpress.com
the internet version does not include page links in their index pagination
Does it offer search/advanced search?
covers topics from historical figures
Despite the term 'handbook' in the title of this source, given its coverage of this extra info, does it go beyond being just a handbook?
in need of an update
I wonder how it compares to sources provide by MedlinePlus and PubMed?
"Essential," do you mean?
baripy.wordpress.com baripy.wordpress.com
Though no bibliographic sources are made apparent
It may not need sources because it's functioning more like a dictionary. So, sources like these may be good for quick fact checking or basic info gathering.
no identifiable references or bibliographic citations
So it may not function well as a referring source. In fact, as a dictionary, it serves the other function of reference type work, which is to provide basic facts.
which means that while the terms listed are likely still relevant in the field, there are many new terms missing from the past 12 years.
Plus, those terms that are relevant might also need to be revised.
bnreynolds.wordpress.com bnreynolds.wordpress.com
The latest text on lock picking, Deviant Ollam’s Practical Lock Picking (2nd ed., 2012)
Compare and contrast!
There are no resources provided for readers interested in learning about legal aspects of lock picking, advanced picking techniques, or making their own tools.
Nice thing to take note of.
Mark McCloud presents a second edition of his visual manual for lock picking.
Okay, so this must be awesome.
This new edition of Cartridges of the World adds details for 55 new cartridges and offers updated information for over 1,500 types of ammunition.
Proof that there is a reference book for just about any topic you can think of. Who'd a thunk? I love these specialized sources.
mapulliamlibrarian.wordpress.com mapulliamlibrarian.wordpress.com
These volumes are updated annually, with sources listed, including the date that they were first accessed, to help locate additional resources, if necessary.
I wonder how this source compares to:
With the website, since the search bars are simple and intuitive, there is no index.
Is that good that there isn't an index? How does search work?
each school that offers that major listed alphabetically
The schools are listed alphabetically under the majors that are also listed alphabetically?
whenthinkingaboutthinking.wordpress.com whenthinkingaboutthinking.wordpress.com
FAO Statistical Yearbook 2014 Series – 5 vols, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, http://www.fao.org/publications/ — Africa food and agriculture, 187p bibl index ISBN 978-92-5-108145-7 (print), E-ISBN 978-92-5-108146-4 (PDF), Asia and the Pacific food and agriculture,195p bibl index, ISBN 978-92-5-108145-7 (print), E-ISBN 978-92-5-108146-4 (PDF); Europe and Central Asia food and agriculture, 130p bibl index, ISBN 978-92-5-108167-9 (print), E-ISBN 978-92-5-108168-6 (PDF); Latin America and the Caribbean food and agriculture,197p bibl index, ISBN 978-92-5-108149-5 (print), E-ISBN 978-92-5-108150-1 (PDF); Near East and North Africa food and agriculture, 174p bibl index, ISBN 978-92-5-108147-1 (print), E-ISBN 978-92-5-108148-8 (PDF).
I think this would be easier to read if you could separate these from the review text.
noethematt.wordpress.com noethematt.wordpress.com
This database is valuable for quick reference for clinical appointments, student presentations, and more, but it is not sufficient for in-depth research.
That's quite good to know. One concern, I suppose, would be an over-reliance on this source that doesn't offer the capabilities to do really advanced research. Do you think that would be a problem?
for healthcare professionals. With that said, the database serves a much wider audience than just those already considered “professionals” and should be considered a highly valuable source of information for pre-medical and medical students as well.
So the health profession, broadly viewed?
establishment of the field
Maybe some assumptions about what this field is could be more explicitly laid out? What do you think?
address both the United States and the United Kingdom
Huh, I wonder why this is separated out? Any ideas why?
kentonmulcahy1.wordpress.com kentonmulcahy1.wordpress.com
Available selections cover jazz’s history from its beginnings, to current artists and evolving genres
Nice search coverage. I'm really interested in what the strong content and weak content areas are of this resource!
Popular music
Is this kind of content a strong area? What are the strong content areas?
tutorial section. While the average user will most likely assume quotation marks would initiate exact word or exact phrase searches, a single “equals” sign indicates an exact word and a double “equals” sign denotes an exact phrase
Oh, okay. Good note here.
Is the content really important and valuable to override these problems? Especially for music researchers?
Users expecting Google-style searching aids
Is there a help page for guidance? Will people familiar with how music is recorded have an easier time searching the site? Conversely, will it be more difficult to search if users are unfamiliar with music and how it's documented?
Records feature
Huh, what's this?
lorimmiller.wordpress.com lorimmiller.wordpress.com
For instance, the entry for Adelaide of Saxe-Meinigen incorrectly refers to her as the Queen of England instead of the Queen of the United Kingdom, and also asserts unconvincingly that she was an unpopular consort.
Interesting. Could there be something that is contested about this issue, such that it might be factual under a certain view? Are references provided?
Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE)
One of the benefits of converting print sources into digital formats (digital libraries, in fact) is that readers can start searching the source. How good is search on DARE?
libraryandbooklover.wordpress.com libraryandbooklover.wordpress.com
It perhaps is not something for those who have been studying theology for a long time, although it works as a quick refresher
Or, could it help with referring readers to more in-depth material?
it is unbiased
Could still be?
There is no other encyclopedia to compare it to
There really isn't much. I found this:
I wonder if that would complement this work?
This dictionary does not attempt to give a detailed explanation of matters relating to Christian theology
Do you think a specialized encyclopedia might be better more appropriate for more in-depth explanations?
iveylovesbooks.wordpress.com iveylovesbooks.wordpress.com
Good resource
So, optional, do you think? Or Recommended?
However, the resource fails to accurately cross reference resources, particularly the cultural history of Panama by leaving out significant cultural influences.
That's too bad. Are there any examples?
tamarahue.wordpress.com tamarahue.wordpress.com
Each topic
Who are the authors of these topics?
searched by keyword or phrase
Does search work well?
Encyclopedia of Alabama
What's interesting about this encyclopedia is that it blurs the difference between what a traditional encyclopedia does and what digital libraries now do.
khaney3.wordpress.com khaney3.wordpress.com
(the “Nivkh” chapter is only 4 pages long, for instance), the information presented in this volume reflects the most complete, up-to-date information available
Should it be longer? I keep going back to part of the title of this work: 'Concise'?
this review is so praiseworthy of the work, it sounds like it should be 'highly recommended' or 'essential'!
theinfopro.wordpress.com theinfopro.wordpress.com
While some of the concepts remain important, because the handbook is severely outdated, it has lost some of its value to the audience.
It might be worthwhile to list some examples.
bgerlinger.wordpress.com bgerlinger.wordpress.com
y not be a wise investment for an undergraduate student.
Good purchase for a library, do you think?
is organized, but is also somewhat difficult to navigate quickly
well organized? Is navigation difficult because of the amount of material covered?
Reference Source Review I
These are superb and very nicely written.
annaegault.wordpress.com annaegault.wordpress.comReviews2
contains exhaustive content
Maybe include some example content?
An index would be a recommended addition to aid in the ease of use of this material.
Nice observation -- and you're right -- this is essential.
therecreationalappalachian.wordpress.com therecreationalappalachian.wordpress.com
essential to academic libraries
These are very nice reviews. What's the recommendation level? Essential? Highly recommended? Recommended? Etc.
gretchenrelm.wordpress.com gretchenrelm.wordpress.com
this book may contain slightly out of date information
what do you think might be out of date? Btw, a fifth edition is coming out soon. What might be updated?
Introduction to Public Librarianship
Underline or link to.
jccutchin.wordpress.com jccutchin.wordpress.com
The basic search more closely resembles the advanced search on other databases
how so?
Early English Books Online
Provide a more complete citation.
allicollis.wordpress.com allicollis.wordpress.com
monotony of traditional history textbooks
Is it an actual textbook?
With bibliography and recommended for further reading information included by Johnson
resourceaplenty.wordpress.com resourceaplenty.wordpress.com
I recommend this resource for academic user based on the initial review and consulting the Louisville Free Public Library recommendation. This website will be a valuable tool for high school and older students.
same thoughts as above --- more info on search functions would help
The site also includes a broader reference area that allows the user a more general information search. It includes many of the same features as the other areas, but geared toward the adult user. There is also a search feature that allows the user to type in any keyword or phrase. Each resource includes specialized features that assist the user in citing the information, finding related information, and notes the reading level of the associated article.
More information on arrangement would be helpful, plus a description of strengths compared to deficiencies
would recommend the site to all age groups.
recommendation levels required here
Business ReferenceUSA Review
Also a full citation needed here.
Britannica Library Reference
Full citation needed.
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Warner's view is related to what might be termed a hermeneutical approach to searching (cf. Boell & Cecez-Kecmanovic, 2010) as opposed to a positivist approach. The positivist view implies that searching can be done in a formal way (algorithmic) that retrieves relevant knowledge without bias in the search (and this is the assumption behind evidence-based practice). The hermeneutic approach is based on the assumption that there is a constant reinterpretation of the relevant literature, implying the need for great flexibility in search criteria and a great level of iteration in search processes—and, most important, an understanding of what is going on during the search.
hermeneutical approach versus positivist approach
A fourth level of KO in Boolean systems is generated by the searcher
A third level of KO in classical databases consists of the information retrieval thesaurus,19 ontologies, and other kinds of controlled vocabulary constructed by information specialists.
Another level of KO is the bibliographical record and its organization into fields (and the corresponding organization of data in linear and inverted files). Such records vary from database to database and from host to host.
The selection of material to the bibliography constitutes the first and most basic level of KO. Because the meaning of terms is implicitly understood in this disciplinary context and to the extent that classification and indexing is based on the principle of “literary warrant,” this selection influences the developments of thesauri and ontologies, which may thus be understood as a higher level of KO.
Given the Boolean model, the goal for KO can be understood as improving bibliographical records in ways which improve searchers' selection power.
drawing the connection between information retrieval and the bibliographic universe and to bibliographic control
In the Boolean model, a great range of strategies are available to increase “recall” and “precision” (sometimes termed “recall devices” and “precision devices”). To utilize such devices in optimal ways, the user has to know about the databases, search facilities, documents, genres, languages, paradigms, and so on, in which he or she is searching. This should be part of what is often termed information literacy.
drawing the connection to information literacy
The problem is not that best-match systems are being developed, but that an ideological tendency to make things “user friendly” (and the market bigger) tends to hurt the development of systems aimed at increasing the selection power of users and search experts.
But much of the popularity of contemporary search engines may also be attributed to the easy pickings afforded by the first generation of Internet full-text based systems (owing to the cheap cost of digital storage capacity after 1990): no doubt it is good to have all text on the web indexed and made searchable—and often with free access. However, when the easy pickings have been utilized, more complex strategies (and more humanistic approaches) may be needed to make further progress.
relate 'easy pickings' to the 'path of least resistance' and the need for 'more complex search strategies' to the need to counter 'easy pickings' behavior as a professional
Again, though, if maximum recall is required, it is impossible in ranked retrieval to know what is omitted by new queries, whereas Boolean queries allow the user to control and modify the search until a satisfactory result has been achieved and they therefore also seem better suited to iterative searches.
For a researcher conducting human studies, writing a dissertation, finding information pertinent to patient care, or conducting an in-depth literature review, Google Scholar does not appear to be a replacement for PubMed, though it may serve effectively as an adjunct resource to complement databases with more fully developed searching features.
To understand the possibilities of Boolean search when used in its most advanced ways, it is necessary to know about bibliographical records in online databases,
As previously mentioned, the medical domain is an exception to the general trend that the study of the optimization of document searching strategies has suffered in information science.
invincible1916.wordpress.com invincible1916.wordpress.com
or who have completed ...
Authored by a bestselling novelist writing with an unassuming and engaging style filled with valuable points.
While lacking a bibliography
In many respects, this hurts it as a good reference tool.
danielaken.wordpress.com danielaken.wordpress.com
All Music Guide
Same critique as above -- these are good reviews, but you may want to sharpen your skills on sources that you'll need to become more familiar with. See, e.g., Grove Music Online or Encyclopedia of Popular Music or Music Index or American Song and more at libraries.uky.edu. In short, be more focused on non-open web stuff here.
The inability such a small company to provide large amounts of customized data is acknowledged
Sports Reference
Source is good, but next time test the waters with something like SportDiscus: http://libraries.uky.edu/record.php?lir_id=426 or World Sports: A Reference Handbook: http://libraries.uky.edu/record.php?lir_id=3210
- Aug 2015
iveylovesbooks.wordpress.com iveylovesbooks.wordpress.com
Hello everyone! Soon, I will start posting book critiques.
I highlighted some text just to illustrate some of the functionality.