11 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. in addition to value, may include information about the type and, in some cases, the size

      Value, Type, and Size of a Cryptographically Verifiable Primitive?

    2. type or size

      I don't understand why this is important. What is the "Type and Size" of a Cryptographically Verifiable Primitive?

    3. One way to better secure Internet communications is to use cryptographically verifiable Primitives and data structures inside Messages and in support of messaging protocols. Cryptographically verifiable Primitives provide essential building blocks for zero-trust computing and networking architectures. Traditionally, Cryptographic Primitives, including but not limited to digests, salts, seeds (private keys), public keys, and digital signatures, have been largely represented in some binary encoding. This limits their usability in domains or protocols that are human-centric or equivalently that only support ASCII text-printable characters RFC20. These domains include source code, documents, system logs, audit logs, legally defensible archives, Ricardian contracts, and human-readable text documents of many types [RFC4627].

      Security depends on cryptographically verifiable primitives. Cryptography is native to binary, which makes text-based human readable Protocols (like JSON) awkward.

    4. domains or protocols

      I see, some "protocols" are Text Only (because Human Readability is baked into the protocol)

    5. This limits their usability in domains or protocols that are human-centric or equivalently that only support ASCII text-printable characters RFC20. These domains include source code, documents, system logs, audit logs, legally defensible archives, Ricardian contracts, and human-readable text documents of many types [RFC4627].

      Ok, this confirms that "text domain" means Human Readable

    6. digests, salts, seeds (private keys), public keys, and digital signatures

      Nice List of "Cryptographically Verifiable Primitives"

    7. Cryptographically verifiable Primitives

      When we say "Cryptographic Primitives" are we saying "Cryptographically Verifiable Primitives"?

    8. Primitives and data structures inside Messages

      Are these on the same level? "Primitives", "Data Structures", "Messages"

    9. cryptographically verifiable Primitives

      This implies there are non-cryptographic Primitives. right?

    10. text domain and binary domain

      Assuming we are talking about cryptographic primitives... is there a difference between text domain cryptography and binary domain cryptography?

    11. Primitives

      Does this mean cryptographic primitives?