10 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. Poems can often also produce a sense of timelessness or of a short period of timeabstracted from ordinary time because they are measured by meter and other sound repetitionsthat have aural effects, unfolding over a particular period of time (as long as the speaker speaks),but no meaning, and because they are short enough to be easily repeatable over and over againand even easily memorized and recited at will.
    2. narrative and the dramatic types of text are concerned with story-telling, but they aredistinguished by the ways in which they tell their stories.
    3. A particular mode willoften reflect certain assumptions and raise certain kinds of questions about the nature of humanbeings, about the relationships they have with one another, and about the universe they inhabit.

      Important to know about Mode

    4. the basic patterns and components of many ofthe genres used by authors who write in Modern English have remained remarkably stable.

      Important Basic patterns and components of many of the geners have stayed the same throughout the past 500 years or so

    1. She winters, and keeps warm her note

      A mating song is within her voice.

    2. Your eyes smile peace

      The eyes of this person brings a sense of peace to the speaker.

    3. Deep in the sun-searched growths the dragon-fly

      This can be seen as someone who is looking deep for the light that will lead to personal growth, change or realization of something impactful. Dragonflies are a symbolic for change or self realization.

    4. And say you'd nearly brought me flowersBut something had gone wrong

      This man is bringing false hopes to a person who is viewing them romantically.

    5. But for the lovers, their armsRound the griefs of the ages,

      The author writes for the lovers with grief.

    6. Oh! clasp we to our hearts, for deathless dower

      Does this have to do with the death of a romantic lover?