17 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2020
    1. ADHD Diagnosis

      Here we can see some diagnoses of ADHD. This webpage is a great resource for parents who have children with ADHD.

  2. Mar 2020
    1. This is very interesting. Our ways of learning are changing- rightfully so! This change shows us what we deem important. We are using all of our senses to learn.

  3. Feb 2020
    1. NEW LITERACIES 5CENTRAL PRINCIPLES OF AN UPPERCASE THEORY OF NEW LITERACIESAlthough it is too early to define a complete uppercase theory of New Literacies emerging from the Internet and other ICTs, we are convinced that it is time to begin this process by identifying the cen-tral principles upon which it should be built. Our work is pointing us to these principles of New Literacies that appear to be common across the research and theoretical work currently taking place:1. The Internet is this generation’s defining technology for literacy and learning within our global community.2. The Internet and related technologies require additional new literacies to fully access their potential.3. New literacies are deictic.4. New literacies are multiple, multimodal, and multifaceted.5. Critical literacies are central to new literacies.6. New forms of strategic knowledge are required with new literacies.7. New social practices are a central element of New Literacies.8. Teachers become more important, though their role changes, within new literacy classrooms.

      I disagree with the 8th principle. I think that teachers are just as important if they use technology or if they don't.

    2. How are we to solve the conundrum posed earlier, where the nature of literacy changes even faster than we can develop adequate theory, especially within a context where there are so many com-peting theoretical perspectives that have emerged to direct separate lines of research?

      This is a good question. We are unable to see the effects of technology because new forms of literacy are being created every day. This does not allow for people to truly study the impact that they have.

    1. It consists of four steps: Substitution (S), Augmentation (A), Modification (M), and Redefinition (R).The SAMR Model. Source: Wikimedia Commons

      SAMR is a model to guide how to integrate technology into classrooms. Substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition are all aspects of this model.

    1. Connected learning is when someone is pursuing a personal interest with the support of peers, mentors and caring adults, and in ways that open up opportunities for them

      I really like this definition. It shows that individuals are actually pursuing something that is interesting to him or her while also showing others their passions by connecting through learning.

  4. Jan 2020
    1. it’s easy to forget that laws, morals and rights still apply online.

      I think this is why we've seen an increase in cyber bullying. People think that they can hide behind the screens and not have the same consequences.

    2. what you share online may be seen by people you didn’t intend or expect to see it. Your ability to control who sees what is limited: both content creators and traditional gatekeepers and distributors have much less power to control what happens to it once it’s posted. This can make it difficult to manage audiences, and there is always a risk of context collapse when what was intended for one audience is seen by another. As well, you may be sharing content that you’re not aware of with audiences you don’t know about, such as cookies and other tracking tools that record information about who you are and what you do when you visit a website.

      This could be a weakness to digital platforms. But it's also a reminder to the users that we need to be careful about what we post, create, and share.

    3. Digital content is permanent

      This is really important for us to remember. Especially as future educators.

    4. without guidance they remain amateur users of information and communications technology (ICT), which raises concerns about a generation of youth who are not fully digitally literate, yet are deeply immersed in cyberspace.

      I relate to this... I'm really good with the technology I'm familiar with but as soon as I have to figure out a new digital forum, I'm a mess!

    5. “it is not… enough to assume that young people automatically have all of the skills, knowledge and understanding that they need to apply to their use of technology. All young people need to be supported to thrive in digital cultures; they need help making sense of a rapidly changing world of technology which gives them access to vast amounts of information, which is infused with commercial agendas and which for many reasons can be difficult to interpret.”[1]

      I think this thought can be applied to other areas, not just digital literacy.

    6. citizens who lack digital literacy skills risk being disadvantaged when it comes to accessing healthcare, government services and opportunities for employment, education and civic participation

      This is so true. Everything is becoming digitalized.

    7. Digital literacy is more than technological know-how: it includes a wide variety of ethical, social and reflective practices that are embedded in work, learning, leisure and daily life.

      I like this definition. It shows that there is so much more to digital literacy than I originally thought.

    8. being able to adapt what we produce for various contexts and audiences;

      Our audience is huge! Giving a presentation to college freshman or a presentation to 70 year olds will look like two totally different things. We need to know our audience.

    9. Understand is that critical piece – it’s the set of skills that help us comprehend, contextualize, and critically evaluate digital media so that we can make informed decisions about what we do and encounter online. These are the essential skills that we need to start teaching our kids as soon as they go online. Understand includes recognizing how networked technology affects our behaviour and our perceptions, beliefs and feelings about the world around us.

      I think this is a crucial piece to digital literacy. Based on my experience with youth, the kids I work with rarely know how to make "informed decisions" about what they are doing, posting, and searching online. They aren't able to recognize the impact that certain things have on their future.

    10. Digital Literacy Model

      Perfect for visual learners!

    11. various aspects and principles

      content of article