- Jul 2016
. The
I agree with the sentence that precedes this, that many of our students were "thrown into" the world of digital literacy. We are just now developing some approaches to help students to read in the very different way that they read online.
courses.jgregorymcverry.com courses.jgregorymcverry.com
blends the competencies of the Web Literacy Map with the research and media skills re-quired in the Common Core Standards
It is so important to build our students' capacity for evaluating sources and synthesizing information. These are higher order thinking skills that are increasingly important in our modern digital world.
blends the competencies of the Web Literacy Map with the research and media skills re-quired in the Common Core Standards
Very pleased to get that reassurance. Without that "disclaimer" resources, programs and approaches area "non starter". It's reality right now.
protecting the open Web
Now that we have seen and have experienced the astounding benefits of the "open web", we must resist any attempts to undermine or to emasculate it.
how to judge the credibility of these sources.
This, as the Kraken activity demonstrates is of vital importance. I am so pleased that at the middle school level we have done more and more to view this as a skill which must be taught and taught well.
the reader as a navigator
So well said. The digital learner does not proceed in any linear way. He or she has choices and can click in different directions. The teacher has less control over the path which the learner takes.
three strands (e.g., Exploring, Building, and Connecting)
I love the clarity of this focus. It is self-explanatory and sums up the essence of the digital learning experience.
“the Internet as literacy
We can no longer ignore this reality.
descriptive , as opposed to prescriptive
We have enough pre-packaged programs in place right now as a consequence of CCSS and other influences on education. Too many people are looking for scripts.
initiative to define the skills and competencies required to read, write, and participate on the Web.
Very necessary, and I will be curious to see what skills they identify, and then of course, how we as educators respond.
Let us play, but guide us.”
Wow. This sums up not just the philosophy of digital learning, but, I believe, all learning. Engage students, let them explore, see what questions come up naturally, marvel at "new thinking" which might occur--these are all things which can result. Don't be mis--led by the term "play"-- it doesn't always refer to the literal playing of game online, or even the notion of "playing around with something.
Learning is often intuitive. Especially where there is engagement. There are so many ways in which students seek not just information on the internet, but also new skills and means of expression. Ultimately, we all want to express ourselves.
In school he was often dismissed for his creative mind
This highlights my fear that in the CCSS/high stakes testing era we are stifling creativity more than ever.
. He also indicated that he did not find value in the reading and writing activities teachers assigned.
Teachers need to offer authentic enough writing activities that naturally encourage student engagement. This should include new formats which reflect 21st century communication.
His teachers did not see the value Garth found in exploring, building, and connecting online.
Opportunities like this need to be built in to the curriculum in the first place.
networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
Research has long shown that people with poor vocabularies are poor readers
vocabulary instruction is important students do gain a bigger vocabulary the more that they read
Learning to read is about learning to read different types of text with real understanding. This is why learning to read and learning content can never really be separated.
imagine how much our struggling readers are missing
As long as schools are organized as they are—and they have historically been impervious to change—she will suffer for that
I think schools are beginning to change in their instruction of reading and writing
organization in Leona’s story
she seems to understand story structure
language practices are done in these homes not just or primarily to give children certain skills, but rather to give them certain values, attitudes, motivations, ways of interacting, and perspectives, all of which are more important than mere skills for success later in school
parents aren't teaching these skills with the thought that this will help their children in school
both motivated him to want to read and taught him how to read, along with a good first-grade teacher.
he was motivated by those around him and by a topic that he was interested in
is just such texts that children who experience the fourth-grade slump have trouble reading,
informational texts
s schools turn reading into an instructed process, today’s children see more and more powerful instances of cultural learning in their everyday lives in things like Pokémon and video games. Modern high-tech society—thanks to its media, technology, and creative capitalists—gets better and better at creating powerful cultural learning processes. Schools do not
not true - schools are beginning to see the importance of making reading a part of their culture , through independent reading, student choice, and the phasing out of reading logs
deep learning works better as a cultural process than it does as an instructed process
does that mean we should treat learning to read as a cultural norm..."learning to read is something that we do if you want to be a part of this culture"
All human beings acquire their first language well, and about equally well as everyone else
not true. if it were we wouldn't need speech pathologists and physical therapists in schools
Learning to read is not a natural process like acquiring a first language or, for that matter, learning to walk
I don't agree that learning to walk and talk are natural processes. It is often said that the second child can be speech delayed if an older sibling speaks for the constantly. The same may be said for a young child who is always just handed something and never needs to reach or get what they want. These behaviors are taught and a child learns them trough trial and error, putting together the steps one by one until they can talk or walk. The same can be said about learning to read.
School can’t compete with that
sure they can - with classroom libraries full of quality literature that children can readily access and are interested in, exciting teacher read alouds, and shared reading experiences
In fact, it seems a bit strange—creepy even—to claim that an African-American child or a poor child might be inherently less able to engage with Pokémon than white or rich children. We do not, however, find such thoughts strange when we think about school learning, though we should
access to books > Pokemon cards
What does a child have to know to name and recognize Pokémon? The child has to learn a system
a child also has to be extremely interested in the topic to remember all of this information
Most children learn to read, regardless of what instructional approach a school adopts
That's interesting considering how much time is spent talking about best practices for teaching reading. Also the amount of time spent looking for the "best" materials and/or programs to teach it.
children don’t get enough overt instruction on “phonics
It seems they do in the early grades, but by third grade it seems to phase out
networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
Do we, for example, teach the same comprehension strategies and text structures at each grade level, or does there come a point at which dividing and conquering these strate-gies and structures by year is more productive?
I prefer the idea of teaching strategies every year, but helping students see how to use those strategies as texts become more complex
Evaluating Your Fostering and Teaching of Reading Comprehension
this is good to use during faculty meetings and PLCs
differentiation should be a priority
we see this more at the elementary level, then it seems lost or forgotten at the middle school level
much comprehension instruction is provided in a whole-class for-mat
I've seen more introductory instruction done in whole group lessons and a shift to strategy groups and individual conferences for comprehension instruction
careful observation and assessment is needed to ascertain students’ comprehension strengths and weaknesses
this can be done during individual conferences
scores on most comprehension assessments do not tell us why a reader is struggling.
doesnt the DRA give us a general idea as to where a reader is struggling?
it may be that talk and writing are really aids to learning
reminds me of the idea that if we can teach it to someone we understand it better
Reading aloud, a common instructional strategy, is one widely researched context that is rich with opportunities for teaching vocabulary
one of the best ways to teach vocabulary and engage students I think reading aloud is one of those underappreciated parts of the school day but can make the biggest impact on student literacy
Vocabulary impacts comprehension
I find this to be a major factor for comprehension
trying to figure out what authors had in mind in writing a text in a certain way
author's purpose
effective teachers of reading comprehen-sion tend to employ classroom discussion to help readers work together to make meaning from the texts they encounter (
this can be done during read aloud
(a) that students learn that text is structured and (b) that they develop the ability to take advantage of any particular text’s structure in learning and remembering its key informa-tion.
important to learn early on, then reinforced as texts become more complex
certain strategies to become overused to the point of diminishing returns (
important for students to 1. know when to use the strategy and 2. notice when they are using the strategy automatically
high-poverty students is that they spend a good deal more time coaching
I think this is true for ALL students. Also - it is very important to circle back during conferencing to check students' use of the strategy
called the three of you together
strategy group
An Adapted Version of the Gradual Release of Responsibility Mode
good visual to share with teachers
teaching students comprehension routines that include developing facility with a repertoire of strategies from which to draw dur-ing independent reading tasks can lead to increased understanding
students need to know that we use more than one comprehension strategy at a time
eaching them why, how, and when to apply certain strategies shown to be used by effective readers
through "think aloud" lessons using picture books
Motivated reading behavior is characterized by students valuing and engaging in the act of reading
choosing to read when they can be doing something else
. We certainly want readers to have opportunities to read texts that are not difficult for them, but we also want readers to have access to texts that challenge them. Although it has long been rec-ommended that we prevent readers from reading frustration-level texts, it is becoming clear that challenging texts, at least as determined by word-reading accuracy, may not in fact be frustrating to students
there are so many reasons for allowing students to read what they want, even books at what we may think is their frustration level. one of those reasons is student interest. if a student wants to read something they may have strong background knowledge in that topic and will be able to figure out difficult words
Texts should represent a range of complexity,
and we shouldn't be so tied to keeping students in their reading levels when they choose books for independent reading
that advocate an even greater piece of the curricular pie for reading and, to a slightly lesser extent, mathematics at the elementary level. Such efforts almost inevitably will and already have eclipsed curricular space for social stud-ies and science, as the data suggest
but if we use our science and social studies units for reading instruction then we are killing two birds with one stone
concept development in science (e.g., learning the stages of the water cycle) is viewed as tightly linked to reading vocabulary development
I imagine this would also be true for social studies
the IDEAS (in-depth expanded applications of sci-ence) model replaces literacy instruction with a two-hour block of inte-grated science–literacy instruction.
many science and social studies topics can be covered during a literacy block therefore expanding students vocabularies, background knowledge and exposure to expository text. it also frees up more time in the school day for read aloud and independent reading
efforts to provide readers with opportunities to build domain and world knowledge support their subsequent reading comprehension
frequent read alouds of both fiction and nonfiction texts can help with this
The amount of related domain or world knowledge that a reader brings to a text significantly affects that reader’s compre-hension of that text;
background knowledge and what a reader brings to the text plays an important role
active readers.
they think about their reading, they are practicing metacognition
Skilled readers are also more motivated and engaged readers, reading more actively and more voluminously, thus further developing their knowledge and skill
the readers that need the most practice are reluctant to spend a great deal of time on something that they feel they are not good at
When readers build a situation model, they rely even more heavily on background knowledge and inferential processes than when build-ing a text base.
so how do we help them build that knowledge base
When readers build a situation model, they rely even more heavily on background knowledge and inferential processes than when build-ing a text base.
this can prove difficult for our students with limited background knowledge
situation model can be thought of as an account of what the text means
make an inference
we use our knowledge along with our perceptions of what we think the text says to literally build, or construct, mental representations of what the text means
and here is scaffolding at work
a central role for readers’ prior knowledge in the comprehen-sion process
what a reader brings to a text can be very important to their comprehension. we are hoping that they have a to begin to scaffold their understanding on
incrementally turning over responsibility for meaning-making practices from teacher to student,
it is extremely important that we give students the power of their learning, let them try and make mistakes so that they can figure out how to fix them
Observe and assess.10. Differentiate instruction
hopefully through small strategy groups and individual reading conferences
rovide exposure to a volume and range of texts.3. Provide motivating texts and contexts for reading
providing exposure to many motivating and engaging texts are very important, but so is giving students ample time to read independently
ound that second through fifth graders showed dramatically differ-ent rates of growth in reading comprehension over the course of the school year, depending on their teacher and the specific practices in which he or she engaged.
This bothers me. Shouldn't all teachers be well versed in best practices and shouldn't administrators know what is working and what is not working in classrooms?
eachers are the tour guides, ensuring that students stay on course, pausing to make sure they appreciate the landscape of understanding, and encouraging the occasional diversion down an inviting and interesting cul-de-sac or byway
teacher as facilitator
networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
games, virtual worlds, and social network communities that will engage children in both literacy and digital skills
there are more ans more apps available for children to engage in both literacy and digital skills, ABC mouse, prodigy,
a hub for the professional development of digitally savvy teachers.
APPLE offers ipad training for teachers, BloomBoard offers workshops
the presence of knowledgeable adults who can help children make the most of technology.
sometimes of the first positions to be cut in school budgets
assessments should be measuring the skills necessary for problem-solving, specifically, adaptive ability, lifelong learning habits, and the ability to adopt new technologies and ways of understanding from multiple cultural perspectives
SBAC does include these assessments now, project based learning activities
goal should be to train teachers to help students learn to transform information for discovery and problem-solving,
STEM programs, the use of BLOOMS and Anderson's Taxonomy are being used by many schools to address this
examine in depth the specific educational benefits of digital media and the impact of adult scaffolding on children’s digital experiences; and assess what works best for children from different backgrounds and with different learning profiles.
more and more schools are looking into programs that will fund technology for schools
decode, but too many of them today cannot read to learn.
This isn't something that I am noticing in schools. Scores show that fourth graders are doing better in the area of reading.
ct-scsu-sso.blackboard.com ct-scsu-sso.blackboard.com
providing linguistical-ly rich programs in which both the content andthe form of language are examined
I wold hope this is happening in our classrooms
becomes a thoughtful, conscious componentof early literacy programs
when do we stop teaching phonemic awareness in elementary grades
do not believe thatchildren must “pass” one type of operation (e.g.,matching) before having experiences with an-other (e.g., blending). Phonemic awareness de-velopment is not a lockstep process.
skills take time to develop
encourage thechildren to make predictions
good idea
incorporated inten-tionally into literature sharing experiences, musicexperiences, movement experiences, and otherexperiences throughout the day
I can imagine this happening in many different grade levels
duration of instruction was anywhere from10 minutes to 30 minutes per session; in somestudies, instruction occurred daily; in other stud-ies the instruction was less frequent, occuringtwo or three times a week. Training occurredover the course of a minimum of 3 weeks up to2 years
does this vary by grade level? student understanding? student difficulties?
some sort of cue or concrete manipulative
during small group work or strategy groups
phonemic awareness instruction mustbe viewed by educators as only one part of amuch broader literacy program
balanced literacy
phonemic awareness instructionshould be deliberate and purposefu
as should all instruction in any area
word play,nursery or Dr. Seuss rhymes, and general expo-sure to storybooks contribute to phonemicawarenes
I was just about to say the same thing. I'd also like to see students doing Word Hunt activities in the books they are reading independently
recommend that kindergartners have some basicphonemic awareness by the end of their kinder-garten year
this recommendation is almost 20 years old. we are not looking for students to be reading at a much higher level
users of an alphabetic written systemrecord the smallest units of sound of their spokenlanguage in print
early learners are told to spell it like it sounds
Phonemic awareness is the awareness thatthe speech stream consists of a sequence ofsounds
phonemic awareness being the sequence of sounds in a word vs the sound of an individual letter
Phonemic awareness is a typeof phonological awareness, that is, the aware-ness of the sound structure of language in gen-eral. Phonological awareness refers to asensitivity to any size unit of sound. Thus, theability to generate and recognize rhymingwords, to count syllables, to separate the begin-ning of a word from its ending (e.g., as in the stand opin the word stop), and to identify each ofthe phonemes
understanding that -at sounds the same in mat, cat, sat
phoneme that determines thedifference between the words dogand hog, forinstance, and between lookand lick. These dif-ferences influence meaning.
something to consider when looking at students who are having difficulty with understanding what they read