122 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. Muhlenberg student

      Best Students In The World

  2. Sep 2024
    1. This seminar will explore the two-way signaling



  3. Aug 2024
    1. Preface xiIntroduction

      Hello! Can you see this annotation on a PDF?



  4. Feb 2024
    1. APC

      Article Processing Charge

    2. signals of excellence

      a "prestige economy"

    3. distribute appropriate portions of the scholarly record in support of new types of translational and analytic services

      January 6, 2011

    4. automated editorial tools that can support the detection of fraud and misconduct within manuscripts and additional investment from infrastructure providers to ensure that retractions (and perhaps even many corrections) are made more visible

      This is problematic and almost certainly will result in its weaponization against certain scholars, disciplines, and research findings. This weaponization may occur in a semi-organized and distributed way, or may be done by states and state actors, or likely both at once.

    5. to ensure long-term preservation of the scholarly record

      preservation of the scholarly record:

    6. to address opportunities at the intersection of discovery, collaboration, and trust

      intersection of discovery, collaboration, and trust:

    7. to ensure a competitive marketplace for publishing through enterprise publishing systems

      enterprise publishing systems:

    8. to generate greater coordinated value from identifier providers

      identifier providers:

    9. looking across these sector participants

      There are other participants operating completely outside the sanctioned spaces and models, as well.

  5. Feb 2023
    1. hroughout the area. By the time Koch reached Nauvoo,he was well aware of the problems facing the Mormons

      this is a test


  6. Jan 2023
    1. n and guide to this world, we’ve asked experts
    2. this applies to the entire document, article, etc. not just to one line or paragraph.

    3. artner UBS, the Swiss multinational financial

      my first annotation



  7. Oct 2022
  8. Sep 2022
    1. “In the last several years,” PubPub states, “many once-independent publishing tools have been consolidated into closed platforms


    2. Hosted

      This is a real benefit; offloading hosting frees up a lot of time and increases odds that others can participate in administrative roles (that aren't server-administrative roles). As mentioned, the concern this raises for me is, "What happens if PubPub folds, drifts into monetization of readers' behavior, or makes other drastic changes?" The community governance of the PubPub roadmap is as important as the software's licensing, I think. I would almost prefer an engineered, stand-alone, off-line surrogate (in other words, with a click or two I get a full, static, HTML-ized version of my PubPub instance) to a self-hosted option.

  9. Dec 2021
    1. our material ability to access certain kinds of words, sentences, or phrases

      web filters, institutional site blacklisting, firewalls, paywalls, other credentialed access controls (e.g., security clearances), technical jargon ....

    2. teaching reading, we can focus on strategies that encourage students not just to absorb content, but to apply it, question it, and rethink it with the text’s audience and purpose in mind

      "teaching reading" is

    3. reading openly and inclusively as being the processing and acquiring of new knowledge, whether that’s through visual or auditory modes or in digital or print spaces.

      "reading" is

      • curation
      • connection
      • creativity
      • contextualization
      • contemplation
    1. when we read, why are we reading? Who are we reading for? What work do we want reading to do for us?

      good prompts

    2. active material engagement with digital reading

      I like this notion of ACTIVE MATERIAL ENGAGEMENT with the digital, in this current context, but also beyond it. The idea that the digital is disembodied, non-material, is an impediment in many ways to our engagement with it and within it.

    3. And as it turns out, everyone can benefit from using these same technologies for their own reading experiences.

      YAY!! I was hoping to see this point made. May assistive technologies, designed for those who cannot see or hear, for example, are beneficial to all who use them for their intended, or aligned purposes.

    4. having one’s work read through a text-to-speech application

      so helpful to me, personally. I do this as my "skim" reading often to determine if I need to read more closely, and to take in the general points of the material.

    5. offering embodied visualizations of sentences and ideas from text to help students gain understanding and recog-nition of concepts that might otherwise be challenging to understand in a disembodied act of reading

      practical, hands-on, and active. Modeled at first, taken on as a practice by the reader whenever complex material is presented.

    6. the mental representation of the structure and meaning of a writer’s own text. It is primarily propositional in con-tent, but includes spatial and temporal aspects as well. Al-though text sense—as an internal construction—is dis-tinct from the written textual artifact, it is tied intimately to that artifact. Text sense is constructed in tandem with the written text and seems to include both a spatial mem-ory of the written text and an episodic memory of its con-struction

      text sense

    7. Much of the misunderstanding about the connection between body and brain arises from some of the conditions that have, perhaps, made the con-cerns with digital reading so acute: that the experience of reading on-screen is so tied simply to visual stimulation that we may feel like the experience of reading is disembodied from holding a book in our hands

      some reading happens without the use of vision. The invitation of "embodiment" as a concept is loaded, as it seems in this case to imagine a certain type of body, thereby risking the exclusion of bodies that do not conform.

    8. mbodiment as the experience of having a body with sensorimotor capacities and using those senso-rimotor capacities to engage in psychological and cultural contexts


    9. Embodied cognition builds upon some of these methods to explore how concepts like perception, memory, and attention, for example, are linked to embodied action, which broadens the methodological approaches with which standard cognitive science engages

      embodied cognition

    10. standard cognitive science, a domain that philosopher Lawrence Shapiro (2011) explains tends to cover perception, memory, attention, language, problem solving, and learning via standard methodological prac-tices, like reaction-time experiments, recall tasks, and dis-habituation paradigms

      standard cognitive science

    11. Morris points out that hyperreading is not necessarily unique to digital environments; skimming and scanning documents quickly is possible in either printed or digital spaces, even as digital space may facilitate hyperreading practice

      exactly. agree 100%

    12. breaking down the binary between print and digital reading

      this is a tall order. Especially when considering the cost of print v digital, and how the framing of a 'more affordable' text as digital has taken firm hold

    13. Kress expresses that concern with skimming, scanning, and other nonlinear reading pathways is born out of a “challenge to social power”; he goes on to suggest that on-screen texts open up new ways of representing information that may be more inclusive of nondominant perspectives

      this is an interesting opening to theorize about reading practice. To what extent is "deep reading" as a practice, a privileged one? Exclusionary? Better fitted to the aims and demands of learning?

    14. hyperreading as productively augmenting print

      Important conclusion

    15. A reasonable conclu-sion to reach from these findings is that particular habits, behaviors, and attitudes toward reading contribute to the greater challenge that many students experience when engaging in reading for information recovery in digital environments.

      A companion conclusion is to ask how students ARE reading, despite (or indifferent to) these research findings. OK, perhaps for retention tasks, paper is better. But what if students are still overwhelmingly reading on screens? Are there then, "habits, behaviors, and attitudes" that can be developed to improve the retention of information when read on screens?

    16. the ability to comprehend or navigate through a digital text is not im-proved by mere exposure


    17. younger readers struggled more than older readers to comprehend information from the screen than on paper, and the inten-sity of the struggle increased in more recent studies than in earlier ones

      screen inferiority effect.

    18. xamine what kinds of cogni-tive strategies are available to us when we read in a variety of different environments.

      key undertaking of this text

    19. neuronal recycling hypothesis

      brains repurpose existing pathways by matching formed pathways to tasks that possess some similarity to the 'new' task at hand.

  10. Sep 2021
    1. One of the most productive bodies of scholarship

      I like this phrasing - bodies of scholarship - because it invites an interdisciplinary frame for this work.

    2. Please remember to read closely what your group members say.


  11. Jan 2021
    1. Lock Down Settings

      First, please consider the browser lock down actions listed below all-together, and in light of your own manner of working on a computer. Speaking for myself (and really trying to be as generous as I can to educators building assessments) even short answer questions often necessitate cutting, copying, and pasting text as part of the process of composition. Imagine NOT being able to use some of these features as you compose. These compositional reflexes are, again speaking for myself, almost second nature.

      Then, imagine yourself under pressure to recall, compose, synthesize, recognize, etc. and also needing to designate some of your attention to monitor a naturalized compositional practice that you are now not permitted to do. (Whatever you do, don't think of a blue elephant).

      Imagine feeling yourself under suspicion and carrying concern that should you, for instance, innocently(!) attempt to right-click, you will trigger a "possible indication of exam integrity violation".

      Finally, take in the gestalt of this set of features, the employment of carceral language like 'lock down', 'prevent re-entry' and 'force' all culminating in an acknowledgement of 'high stakes' sensations on the part of the learner. And now consider the perversity of a company that designs in disregard of these sensations on the part of the learner, rather than seeking to design in order to assuage them.

    2. ethical

      UBC employee being sued by U.S. software company files anti-SLAPP application. Keith Fraser. October 21, 2020.

      This ethical company

    3. Mike Olsen

      Proctorio used DMCA to take down a student’s critical tweets. Zach Whittaker. November 5, 2020.

      This Mike Olsen, CEO

    4. Again, exam administrators, not Proctorio, use the information made available tomake these determinations.

      This is one of a couple artful dodges. The "customer" makes a determination based upon the presence of a pre-defined pattern of behavior. The company, not the customer, builds this dictionary of patterns. These are defined based on training data. One attempted dodge here is to limit Proctorio's culpability for any mis-identified actions by saying the "customer" is responsible for final determination. The other attempted dodge is to speak in terms of "raw evidence" instead of racist/ableist behavioral algorithms.

    5. I find it helpful to keep this book handy when I read this sort of letter: Keywords: The New Language of Capitalism. Some of Leary's keywords that jump in this letter are

      • brand/branding
      • disrupt/disruption
      • data
      • leaders/leadership
      • solution
    6. equitable
    7. inclusive
    8. facing accessibility barriers
    9. The Honorable Cory Booker
    10. The Honorable Elizabeth Warren
    11. The Honorable Tina Smith
    12. The Honorable Chris Van Hollen
    13. The Honorable Ron Wyden
    14. The Honorable Richard Blumenthal
  12. Nov 2020
    1. Recruit student coaches and peers who are upper classmen to help, or vets, adultlearners, or others

      I would suggest we design collaboration with folks providing these peer learning supports into faculty development around online course development and digital proficiencies.

    2. other technologies

      particularly proctoring and "plagiarism detection" platforms that exacerbate the "patterns of systemic racism" mentioned above.

  13. Sep 2020
  14. Aug 2020
    1. What Is OpenStreetMap?
    2. In many areas of Europe and theUnited States, the completeness and accuracy of theOSM road network is at least as good as the alterna-tives.

    3. OpenStreetMap (OSM)


  15. Jul 2020
  16. wesmoodle.wesleyan.edu wesmoodle.wesleyan.edu
    1. Building Community

      We will be annotating this chapter from Small Teaching Online together during our Day One - Afternoon workshop. If synchronous social annotation seems too frenetic, or if you're finding it's just not your thing -- that's totally OK!

      Come back to this chapter later, click on the Hypothes.is icon in your browser, and dive in then.

      Hypothes.is is a great way to bridge synchronous and asynchronous activity. Learners who are engaged by the real-time collaborative aspect of social annotation will enjoy the chance to see others working while they engage a text.

      Other learners (sometimes the very same people) will appreciate a chance to collect their thoughts and work through the reading in a way they find comfortable and affirming.

      The point is to engage - with the text and with each other - not in a separate discussion forum, but within the margins of the digital document, itself.

  17. Dec 2019
    1. A feasible option for students to opt out of data collection and retention. It is imperative that students have the autonomy and information necessary to make informed decisions when it comes to sharing their data, especially when the potential for monetization and/or exploitation is at stake.

      It would be great if this opt-out were extended at the institutional level, as well. While some data collection is necessary for the operation of the LMS, institutional op-out could set the bounds on how long these data are maintained (the shorter the better), and the extent to which behavioral data are collected at all.

    1. Students are significantly inconvenienced / learning is harmed when publishers disable printing, copying, pasting, and other standard technical capabilities that can support student learning

      The degree to which these restrictions are applied to materials really surprised me. Printing restrictions as small as 5 pages per title. And while not included in your brainstormed list - the practices student adopt to find equivalent materials through the online black market and/or pirated materials is problematic, as well.

    2. You can’t fit the educational problems related to permissions into a sound byte

      I think one way to talk permissions that many can quickly understand is when you focus on print restrictions for digital editions of proprietary textbooks within an inclusive access arrangement. Retain is a great place to start.

    3. it is time to talk about permissions first and cost second – and to clearly address cost as part of the problem caused by a lack of permissions

      Having recently attended sales presentations from an Inclusive Access vendor, I agree that this distinction is very important and likely effective in drawing important contrasts between OER initiatives and what is essentially a lock-in rental arrangement. Specifically, the product presented to me offered their OER creation platform that was proprietary technology and did not permit the author/curator the ability to share with others. The turn for-profit Inclusive Access technology vendors have taken toward an affordability argument is sophisticated but disingenuous. Talking about permissions leaves them less opportunity to wriggle off the hook and to acknowledge what their primary motives really are.

  18. Nov 2019
    1. Should it acknowledge its politics, its pedagogy, its ethics?

      "Open" in its oldest and most essential usage, describes the turning away or removing of obstacles to permit access. How could an open educational event not do work with its politics and its ethics, then? If an event, knowingly or otherwise evokes access, it must then address questions of pedagogy, politics, and ethics.

  19. Oct 2019
    1. This student-created, student-structured text offers a user-friendly introduction to the world of critical theory—an invaluable resource for theory newbies

      This is such an important consideration for open authorship of textbooks and similar OER. Those just stepping through threshold concepts are perhaps best positioned to write about them in a way that is immediate and at-hand for the novice.

    2. free public student work from the tyranny of perfection


    3. “public” conjures up the idea of a scholarly, potentially judgmental audience, at least for me

      This is something others I've supported with their public-facing projects, both Pressbooks and Domain of One's Own, have shared with me. It's a real concern and having at hand some language for prefaces or introductions that I can share is something I'd like to do.

    4. Against “Product-Based Learning”: Open Texts are Never Finished

      The Open Textbooks and Open Educational Resources pedagogical learning community will be annotating this article together on October 23, 2019 between 3:30 and 5:00 p.m. EST. Please join us if you can.

    1. The emphasis of open pedagogy can't be on how we copyright, license, and share content. That can be one tiny piece, but it's a mostly metaphorical one, and an offshoot of the deeper and more necessary social justice work: seeing students as full humans, as agents, not customers

      I'm reminded of points Robin DeRosa makes. Progressing through a social justice motivation that begins in access to textbooks, but moves beyond toward access to knowledge, and ultimately access to knowledge creation necessarily democratizes learning.

    2. Textbooks, OER, and the Need for Open Pedagogy

      The Open Textbooks and Open Educational Resources pedagogical learning community will be annotating this article together on October 23, 2019 between 3:30 and 5:00 p.m. EST. Please join us if you can.

  20. Sep 2019
    1. On 21 June, Mr. Giuliani tweeted
    2. On 13 June, the President told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that he would accept damaging information on his political rivals from a foreign government.
    3. interview with The New York Times
    4. 23 April
    5. IO May
    6. On the afternoon of l O May, the President stated in an interview with Politico
    7. On 9 May, The New York Times reported that Mr. Giuliani planned to travel to Ukraine to press the Ukrainian government to pursue investigations that would help the President in his 2020 reelection bid
    8. Other senior Ukrainian officials also contested his original allegations; one former senior Ukrainian prosecutor told Bloomberg on 7 May that Mr. Shokin in fact was not investigating Burisma at the time of his removal in 2016.
    9. Mr. Lutsenko later told Bloomberg on 16 May that former Vice President Biden and his son were not subject to any current Ukrainian investigations, and that he had no evidence against them
    10. Attorney General Barr
    11. Burisma Holdings
    12. U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch
    13. Ina report published by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) on 22 July, two associates of Mr. Giuliani reportedly traveled to Kyiv in May 201Q and met with Mr. Bakanov and another close Zelenskyy adviser, Mr. Serhiy Shefir.
    14. think [President Zelenskyy] is going to make a deal with President Putin, and he will be invited to the White House.· And we look forward to seeing him. He's already been invited to the White House, and he wants to come. And I think he will. He's a very reasonable guy. He wants to see peace in Ukraine, and I think he will be coming very soon, actually
    15. U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sandland.
    16. U.S. Special Representative for Ulaaine Negotiations Kurt Volker
    17. Mr. T. Ulrich Brechbuhl
    18. The Ukrainian side was the first to publicly acknowledge the phone call. On the evening of 25 July, a readout was posted on the website of the Ukrainian President that contained the following line
    19. Mr. Giuliani
    20. EO 13526, Part 1, Section 1.7
    21. EO 13 526, Part 1, Section 1. 1
    22. Executive Order (EO) 13526
    23. 50 U.S.C. §3033(k)(5)(G)
    24. 50 U.S.C. §3033(k)(5)(A)
  21. Feb 2019
    1. Please note that in the interest of ensuring that existing Bitly Links continue to function for all of our users, the Bitly Links that you have created and shared cannot be deleted or disabled (even if your Account is deactivated), and any shortening and sharing activity that has already occurred on your Account also cannot be deleted (but your user history can be set to private from within your Account settings).

      This means that there are no time boundaries around the use of shortened URLs, and that this data persists basically forever.

  22. Jul 2018
    1. The building of equitable, agentic, and open learning is neither an insignificant nor effortless social accomplishment.

      I spot an understatement! I continue to be amazed whenever I encounter this.

  23. May 2018
  24. Apr 2018
    1. As learning architects, we should ask of ourselves and our partners: How do our technologies and social practices cohere in service of more open infrastructure?

      I'd suggest that an important consideration for these social practices is carefully tracking which labor is valued and which perhaps is not. The influences of prestige economy upon open practices and open projects, in my experience, reifies rigid architectures. Sustaining open endeavors, for instance, tends to be less valued than "creating" them.

    2. Every course, every semester, and every workshop is a mutable foundation upon which to build for empathy rather than efficiency, to architect relations of curiosity and variance rather than similarity and control.

      I fully agree. and likewise see opportunities to balance power, to affirm we are all teachers and learners in these spaces.

    1. Compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”)

      points awarded for a specific FERPA stanza. Unclear what kinds of educational records may be made available to the service.

    2. What other parties can see me on Poll Everywhere?

      this, in essence, waters down basically everything about a privacy policy. It is at the point of 3rd-party involvement where the wheels fall off the cart.

    3. Updated March 23, 2018

      also recent update.

    1. Effective: February 23rd, 2018

      fairly recent effective date for this policy is a good sign. some of these from other companies can get rather stale.

    2. Don't rip off our stuff.

      tone is interesting. It's engaging, but the 'thou shalt not' nature of these assertions, combined with this language, is a little intimidating, also. It would be nice to see this same tone applied to a summary statement of how Poll Everywhere was looking out for user data protection, etc.

    3. Friendly summary

      this is a good way to start.

    1. And we can literally look at the software to see what the intentions behind online learning are: “speed grading,” test proctoring, plagiarism detection, automation (e.g., personalization), student monitoring and surveillance.

      I believe we are missing an opportunity to develop student centered software that emphasizes individual metacognitive awareness, instead of platform centered edu-analytics. Not only would this seem to require an opt-in default, it is not hidden within instructor-only dashboards.

    2. when we omit seminar classes or dialectical teaching and learning from online course offerings, we create an inequity.

      I agree with this criticism of online courses, and I think it is becoming easier to support dialectical teaching and learning within online courses but my sense is it would also require a synchronous scenario. As I parse this article, I wonder how many of these shortcomings might be mitigated by more online synchronous teaching and learning. On the other hand, I think one of the more desirable characteristics of online courses or programs for students is their asynchronous-ness. Especially as this often allows their participation around work, family obligations, etc.

    3. Have we built, do we sustain, an online learning that embraces these students? Do our online courses actually accommodate them?

      In my experience, I think we do a somewhat better job at the graduate level of accommodating the particular students enrolled, especially in applied disciplines where project-based and collaborative pedagogies are abundant.

    4. What are the assumptions behind this rationale? At the very least, putting this course online because “the teacher will be too busy to teach it” betrays a belief in an inherent, marked difference between learning and teaching that happens in the classroom and learning and teaching that happens online.

      I can't speak to this particular rationale (too busy to teach), but I have heard similarly questionable rationale for developing online courses. The opposite is true for me, also. I've seen folks work to bring courses online in order to support students who almost certainly would not be able to participate in a conventional face to face context. I'm curious to learn from others about the range of motivations for developing online courses or programs.

    5. We will be annotating this article as part of our hypothes.is workshop at OLC Innovate 2018. Please join us throughout the day on 18 April 2018.

  25. Jul 2017
    1. We do not currently recognize or respond to browser-initiated Do Not Track signals as there is no consistent industry standard for compliance.

      I just did a quick search of this language, and it seems to appear in many privacy policies. How should this be interpreted by a user of this service? Do browser-initiated 'Do Not Track' settings do anything meaningful? Last question - who shoulders the burden of establishing this industry standard for compliance?

  26. Aug 2016