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  1. Nov 2015
  2. gimmeshelter2015.files.wordpress.com gimmeshelter2015.files.wordpress.com
    1. nterpersonal relationships '~ ,j~ /!. fl in big cities are distinguished by ?-marked preponderance of visual ;} .; activity over aural activity. The main reason for this is the public ~ ·,.-J, me;:~SO£ transi)or-t.itlOil. Before the development of buses, railroadS, Jr.::?:i and trams in the nineteenth century, people had never been in situa-.;.~ j tions where they had to look at one another for long minutes or even hours without speaking to on~ther."

      Although big cities like NY have public transportation which places strangers together for long periods of time, people usually do not converse on trains, buses, etc. The city provided us with these machines that gather people of all classes and backgrounds together, but people still choose anonymity over interpersonal connections.

    1. he did not observe me.

      Poe previously speaks about observing individuals of the city and placing them into different categories, as if they are not anonymous. However, this proves that one can get lost in the hustle and bustle of the city and choose to not be seen.

    2. Icould frequently read, even in that brief interval of a glance, the history of long years.

      Connects to the idea of reading versus writing the city. For some reason, in only a peculiar state, he gained the power to read the city and indulge in its history. He gets to be a spectator of this city's individuals.

    3. There were many individuals of dashing appearance, whom I easily understood as belongingto the race of swell pick-pockets with which all great cities are infested.

      Reminds me of the Confidence Man, but also the Young Man's Guide----Both the Confidence Man and this excerpt describe how the men of "dashing appearance" are crafty and know what to do to steal from you. ----Both the Young Man's Guide and this excerpt discuss the dangers of the city and how one cannot trust everyone.

  3. gimmeshelter2015.files.wordpress.com gimmeshelter2015.files.wordpress.com
    1. Thus we had no way to resist ~~e_wl!eels~~ove the American-dream, h~ause.•twasdnv~il_g us ()Uj:~_s!Y.,~n t.!!_ough we knew the whe~ls mtght br~. us.

      "The wheels might break us" the risk of leaving where you came from---losing/sacrificing part of oneself to achieve the "american dream"---"we had no way to resist" as if leaving humble beginnings is a requirement to succeed

    2. because they had some vis!on of the work as a w,li~a!'laTlclkved in its value to the community~o~ wnlcn_!Oey w3~_!!J?irt·:

      idea similar to Mose's---working hard, not because the physical work was enjoyable but because it would lead to bettering the community, "of which they were a part of it". Instead of being a spectator, they rather be a part of the creation of the spectacle.

    1. llustrate the volatile behavior that is character-istic of city parks.

      How do parks like Logan circle, for example, illustrate volatile behavior. It is thought in a way as the center and base of city, including Love Park, the fountain, and the art museum. It's an area that almost every Philadelphian has been to which shows that it links community in such a busy area.

    1. Their newly acquired leisure time and the mobility to use It to c~nquer space meant, to the urban masses of America, some~h~ng very particular. The countryside was no longer inaccessible.

      Before the rise of new technology, including automobiles, to city residents, the countryside, open lands, and beaches were just inaccessible space. However, now that more families own cars, they are no longer trapped in the boundaries of the city and can explore to make those open spaces, places of value.

  4. Oct 2015
  5. apartmentstories2016.files.wordpress.com apartmentstories2016.files.wordpress.com
    1. The relationship between man and space is· none other than dwelling, thought essentially.

      Is that a good thing? Dwelling appears to be of importance, a necessity, so if space is only dwelling, does that give space more power than place?

    2. When we speak of mor-tals, we are already thinking of the other three along with them but we give no thought to the simple oneness of the four.

      Part of dwelling is not solely focusing on mortals because they are only 1/4 of the fourfold. In order to dwell and "save the earth", we must always think of the earth, sky, and divinities as well. ----At first, I thought maybe I don't dwell because I rarely think of the earth and sky, but that is not true. The earth, sky, and divinities have a constant impact on my mortal life.

    1. from the vexed sexuality her position implies, and from her struggle to escape the status of spectacle and become spectator.

      This still exists today. Women feel like they must dress a certain way, slightly guyish, so that they won't imply their sexuality. She can be a spectator, but mainly for herself, in order to prevent being a spectacle for men.

    2. He is the subject, rather than the object, of the ‘botanizing’ gaze by virtue of his privileged position as spectator not spectacle.

      the idea that being a privileged, middle-class, white male allows one to ignore the existence of others and their struggles/adversities. Connects to “10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman”-----women in cities do not have the privilege of being a spectator because multiple men view them as a spectacle, an object, something they can use their privilege/power to manipulate

    3. Place enables an institution to delineate itself and its others and to exercise strategies of power using this distinction

      What type of power does place offer? Aren't many spaces, places for some people? How can there be power in one place that's another's space. Where is the line/boundary drawn?

  6. Sep 2015
    1. Moreover, by shifting fromone place to another, a person acquires a sense of direction

      Through different definitions, this could describe LA or NY. LA provides the physical space that gives one freedom to explore and find a place where one feels comfortable. Whereas, NY has space in the sense of the numerous opportunities the city offers. People shift from one passion to another until they find the direction/career path they want to follow.

    2. What begins as undifferentiatedspace becomes place as we get to know it better and endow itwith value.

      It's interesting how space is only given value when it becomes a place. Does that mean we value security more than freedom? Allotted meanings/value gradually tear away at the freedom spaces had before being defined.

    3. Given the human endowment, in what ways do people attachmeaning to and organize space and place?

      What's the importance in applying meaning to every place and space? Why can't people just be?

    4. unrestricted space

      Places without space can make one feel restricted/trapped. In NYC, all the opportunities and businesses are all packed into a small space, and as Didion explains, it's like being at the fair too long. LA to her, felt more like home. Maybe the space in LA is a reason for why she left.

  7. gimmeshelter2015.files.wordpress.com gimmeshelter2015.files.wordpress.com
    1. two-way process between the observer and his environment. The environment suggests distinctions and relations, and the observer-with great adaptability and in the light of his own purposes-selects, organ-izes, and endows with meaning what he sees

      The environment=NYC- has a fluid/malleable structure full of possibilities The observers= New Yorkers- have their own individual goals/purposes and can take what NYC offers and find their passion

    2. The need to recognize and pattern our surroundings is so crucial, and has such long roots in the past, that this image has wide practical and emotional importance to the individual

      Do cities, NYC in particular, have this necessary, identifiable pattern in its surroundings? Although NYC has an overall identity and personality that is recognized by many, it is also constantly changing.

    3. a thing perceived only in the course of long spans of time

      The city cannot be completely understood or explored immediately. One cannot comprehend the depths of the city until after being immersed there for a while.

    4. We are not simply observers of this spectacle, but are ourselves a part of it; on the stage with the other participants.

      One does not watch/observe the city. One becomes a part of the city. (mozaic or melting pot?)

    5. But let the mishap of disorientation once occur, and the sense of anxiety and even ter-ror that accompanies it reveals to us how closely it is linked to our sense of balance and well-being

      Does living in a city provide us with a "sense of balance and well-being?

    1. It was instead an infinitely romantic notion, the mysteri-ous nexus of all love and money and power, the shining and perishable dream itself. To think of "living" there was to reduce the miraculous to the mundane; one does not "live" at Xanadu.

      New comers to NY view the city as a dream. Once one lives in the city, miraculous---mundane

    2. Some years passed, but I still did not lose that sense of wonder about New York. I began to cherish the loneliness of it, the sense that at any given time no one need know where I was or what I was doing.


    3. Fair ..

      NY is temporary--eventually need an escape

    4. Fair ..

      NY is temporary. Eventually new-comers must escape.

    5. New York was no mere city.


    6. I never told my father that I needed money because then he would have sent it, and I would never know if I could do it by myself.

      similar to in The Coming Bachelor Girl and Alcott's guide because in both, the writer tries to warn them and explain why nothing productive or successful will come if one depends on inheritance or their families.

    1. New York City doesn’t love you. Why would think you’re in a relationship with New York? It’s not a boyfriend or a parent. New York will never give you its approval because New York City is too busy being New York City to care about you.


    2. Their optimism is a poison.


    3. New York doesn’t change; it mutates.

      Ny is generally static

    4. To be original?

      connects to The Coming Bachelor Girl

    1. lronically, the new law-enforcement officer who emerged during this period to handle this sophisticated new breed of urban crime himself often resorted to the arts of the confidence man.

      connects to today's undercover police officers.