6 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Sep 2015
    1. The openness of a sea is compared to the freedom of a city. Nothing is restricted in either one, however, the density is contradictory to each other.

    1. It was instead an infinitely romantic notion, the mysteri-ous nexus of all love and money and power, the shining and perishable dream itself. To think of "living" there was to reduce the miraculous to the mundane; one does not "live" at Xanadu.

      New comers to NY view the city as a dream. Once one lives in the city, miraculous---mundane

    2. Some years passed, but I still did not lose that sense of wonder about New York. I began to cherish the loneliness of it, the sense that at any given time no one need know where I was or what I was doing.


    3. Fair ..

      NY is temporary--eventually need an escape

    1. New York City doesn’t love you. Why would think you’re in a relationship with New York? It’s not a boyfriend or a parent. New York will never give you its approval because New York City is too busy being New York City to care about you.
