- May 2017
doceamus.conversingtopics.com doceamus.conversingtopics.com
Scene iii: 1130-1146
Jupiter reveals himself and Amphitruo is eased and pleased and pays thanks to the god.
Scene ii: 1072-1130
Bromia recites the events that happened within the house to Amphitruo
Scene i: 1039-1071
Amphitruo shares his plans for revenge and rage, but faints. Bromia retells what happens within the house which mirrors Amphitruo’s feelings.
Act IV: 1039-1146
Alcmena gives birth and Jupiter reveals himself and his role to Amphitruo.
Act III: 1008-1039
The separation I create with the middle acts adds to the theme of duplicity in the theme of the play. I have one act start with the return of Amphitruo from war and the second as his return from the harbor.
Scene iii: 861-1007
Jupiter thickens the plot by apologizing on Amphitruo’s behalf and consoles her.
Scene ii: 633-860
Alcmena confesses her confusion of Amphitruo’s return and explains that he was here. Sosia argues her sanity.
Scene i: 551-632
Amphitruo and Sosia travel home and Sosia pleads his case that he is not insane about there being a second him.
Act II: 551-1008
Sosia argues his sanity, then threatens Alcmena’s sanity after she says Amphitruo just left.
Scene ii: 496-550
Jupiter leaves Alcmena to “return to war” The serious matter of the play.
Scene i: 148-496
Mercury delays Sosia and makes him think he is not himself. The two provide comic relief to open the play. Mercury ends the scene on a slight heavy note.
Act I: 148-55
The initial events of the play are laid out, where Sosia is to believe he is not himself and Jupiter has impregnated Alcmena with a second child.
Prologue: Lines 1-147
Mercury explains the purpose and premise of the play. He denotes of costume differences so that the audience is able to separate the disguised gods from the real Amphitruo and Sosia.
doceamus.conversingtopics.com doceamus.conversingtopics.com
David Menasche’s Priority List
I read this book for a class and highly enjoyed the priority lesson Menasche included in the overall theme of the book.
- Apr 2016
www.thelatinlibrary.com www.thelatinlibrary.com
note the word choice. Look into what impression this gives off during the time of Nepos
- Feb 2016
modelviewculture.com modelviewculture.com
Create community, develop an audience, and develop trust — but don’t ever neglect the data
Not to mention timing. Timing is everything. If you post too early about something, it gets forgotten. Too often, it gets annoying. Too late, it won't be successful.
Taking steps such as advocating for monetary rewards for labor produced, even at an intern level, is crucial for re-working this predatory system.
This is where society looses me. Why must everything be met with a monetary reward? Why must everything come down to the dollar?
There was a Twitter project that someone has brought to Buzzfeed's attention. They thought to increase the awareness of their project, but didn't necessarily want their own name to the project. Sometimes this free labor is for those that like the anonymity. However, it is clear that this post is about getting the credit and earning the dollar, not keeping anonymity.
The simple fact is that, even with Aol’s money in the bank, HuffPost [can’t] afford to pay even fifty dollars per post to each of the thousands of people who currently contribute for free. With that option off the table, the choice for the majority of contributors is to either write for free, and enjoy the self-promotional benefits that brings, or don’t write at all
Another site to consider is odysseyonline. Several of my classmates have posted on their just to get their name out there on some kind of site. However, what is the differences if it is just your own domain?
creativetime.org creativetime.org
These maps are beautiful. While I am not in the art world and so the words don't really mean anything, the detail and effort that went into them is outstanding.
www.wired.com www.wired.com
It’s something of a surprise that Whisper would let a reporter in to see this process. When I asked Microsoft, Google, and Facebook for information about how they moderate their services, they offered vague statements about protecting users but declined to discuss specifics.
I have never heard of Whisper, but it seems like Microsoft, Google and Facebook pride themselves in vague statements whenever anyone writes about them.
estimates that the number of content moderators scrubbing the world’s social media sites, mobile apps, and cloud storage services runs to “well over 100,000”—that is, about twice the total head count of Google and nearly 14 times that of Facebook.
The amount of man power that goes into scrubbing the sites makes me wonder if it is a multitude of people, or a substantial amount of people that have worked out algorithms to create more sensitive material.
joyfullatinlearning.wordpress.com joyfullatinlearning.wordpress.com
the strongest group
I have my answer.
I might ask students to decide for themselves which group is right for them, or (since this is early in the school year) I might assign the groups by giving each person a colored index card.
I'm confused by this. Are you saying you will divide them based on their level of understanding, that those who understand both vocab and form will work together, and those that are split and so forth. OR that one student from each different level will be in a group together?
- Jan 2016
afrofuturism.net afrofuturism.net
Music Industry to derail the movement by changing the focus of the music from positive messages, African history and evolved states of being to that of material wealth, violence and hyper-sexuality.
This is highly disturbing. I think I would have a very different view of Hip Hop if it kept its original purpose. It is sickening that the Music Industry thought it would be better to promote such vulgar things, just because they did not like the rise of awareness to another culture.
Rap is the music of the global youth culture. It is the sound of rebellion and discontent that can be heard wherever the young are gathered and wherever inequalities have resulted in the formalization of destitution.
I feel like the same could be said for rock or heavy metal. It is just that it is to a different beat and style that is more preferable to the listener.
Hip Hop stands as an exemplar of the effect upon the individual of societal ills
I feel that the main stream Hip Hop songs have come away from this. It is no longer about the affected individual, but about raw and vulgar things that give Hip Hop a bad name that the author mention previously.
This is the natural path life takes like water, flowing down or up whatever channel presents a path, making one where none exists, or deepening preexisting ways, widening, eroding resistance whenever encountered to open the way for a more intense flow of energy
The language here is very calming for something that is introducing a topic that brings a lot of controversy, where the lack of afrofuturism is taken as "eroding resistance" allowing the normal "elite" to continue on.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Proficient = B (what would’ve gotten an 84 or higher previously), Above Proficient = A- (90) or higher, and Below Proficient = anything below 84.
I have always had the personal standard that below a B was unacceptable, but that some people needed that C average to feel like they were okay. However, I really like the use of "Proficient" instead of "Average" because it shows that the focus of the grade is on the process and not so much on the product.
In preparing for this experiment, I wrote about how this change was forcing me to confront my ego and how much control I perceived myself having over student learning. To a large degree, I’ve bought into the myth that my students’ grades were largely a reflection of how effective I am as an instructor.
As a future teacher and with the little experience I have in grading students' projects and assignments, I can relate to the ego and how a student's work feels like a personal attack. However, I also have to remind myself that I am on the student side of the grading contract for this class. But it is still an interesting idea to think about establishing once I have my own class room.
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
Much of this data explosion comes from various types of sensors — indeed, the number of Internet-connected devices in US homes today now outnumbers the number of people in the country itself.
Now with the knowledge of Google X and the number of Internet-connected devices brought to the forefront of my mind, I'm certain Google will be responsible for when the robots take over and become the dominate species.
generate about 5 million search results, delivered back to you in .16 seconds
This article keeps reminding me of this comedy bit by Ben Bailey. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt7wsPARyCo]
And when we ask “Does it scale?” we often mean, “Can we replicate this across systems in an orderly, standardized way thanks to Internet connectivity and proprietary software solutions and venture capital?” Or we mean “Is this idea ‘the next Google’?"
I had a hard time understanding what she meant by "scale" but this rephrasing makes it more understandable. With that understanding, it is so hard to think of something replace Google. Google seems to becoming a black hole the spans over everything, even more so after reading about Google X.
Has Techcrunch written about it?
I have no idea who Techcrunch is, but I can relate to the question "has it been on such and such media outlet? Because if not, I haven't heard about it." I fall into this category at weird times. For instance, if everyone hadn't been posting about the death of David Bowie on Facebook, I would not have known.
We’re told this exchange — this extraction, if you will — fosters innovation.
I feel the exchange does foster innovation. Instead of looking at the whole entire web, just think of Pinterest. It is a site completely filled with people's creative ideas, and one person can see an small idea and run with it for 50 miles. Compare that to a bigger scale.