42 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2018
    1. Henry Jenkins on Participatory Culture

      This reinforces student lead learning and connected learning.

    1. sustained,

      This word choice is great because it in order to construct something sustainability is required.

    2. Construction asks our students and teachers to focus on the power and patience employed during work process…and not just the final resultant work product.

      Proper preparation prevents poor preformance, as one of my teachers says. I believe that applies here.

    3. I believe that viewing the work as construction and more expansive that just creation allows for this eventuality.

      Construction allows for creativity.

    1. Remixing apart of life and learning. Our own ideas are remix versions of someone before us.

    1. Expeditionary

      Group discussion at the end allows for great collaboration.

    1. Learning STEM Skills by Designing Video Games

      Diverse learning style and encourages student lead learning.

    1. a very general level all of culture can be understood in terms of remix, where someone creates a cultural product by mixing meaningful elements together (e.g., ideas from different people with ideas of one’s own), and then someone else comes along and remixes this cultural artefact with others to create yet another artefact.

      Mixing and developing ideas with others they then become your own.

  2. Jul 2018
    1. Beware online "filter bubbles"

      I have noticed this but never really thought about it. It is an interesting topic.

    1. Every article has five versions, each written for students at different reading levels. After a student reads the version that matches her skill level, she can take corresponding quizzes to test her knowledge.

      I love that there is software developed for all reading styles.

    1. Students critically evaluate online information by considering the credibility (truthfulness) and validity (usefulness) of the information obtained

      This is something that I think even college students still struggle with.

    2. The Internet Inquiry Project is an online research project that helps students develop the important digital knowledge and skills needed as they build their web literacies. Internet Inquiry Projects are student interest driven, and are more authentic as a learning activity than traditional WebQuests. Internet Inquiry Projects also align well with Project Based Learning (PBL) initiatives. For more guidance about Internet Inquiry Projects, please review Reading the Web by Elizabeth Dobler and Maya Eagleton. This work draws on the Internet Workshop model and facilitates online reading comprehension.

      I love that this student driven and promotes learning.

    3. It should also be noted that Internet Inquiry Projects are not only appropriate but also vital for use in classrooms from Pre-K up through higher ed. It is the responsibility of educators in all grades and content areas to modify as needed for learners.
      • This is an on going process.
    1. These changes will require each of us to always have one lens turned to the future so that we might continuously learn about even newer online tools that we can use in our classrooms, preparing our students for their future.

      This can only be achieved by constantly integrating technology into your curriculum.

    2. As new technologies appear on the Internet, new literacies and new opportunities for instruction appear (International Reading Association, 2009).

      Just like education new technologies and literacies are ever changing.

    3. One of the most consistent patterns in reading research is the finding that the prior knowl-edge we bring to a text profoundly shapes our interpretation.

      This does not change either it is digital or not.

    4. Teachers become more important, though their role changes, within new literacy classrooms. (p

      I feel that teachers are expected to be ever changing and constantly modify their classrooms for this technology.

    5. The Internet is this generation’s defining technology for literacy and learning within our global community.

      The internet is ever changing.

    6. New Literacies, as the broader concept, benefits from work taking place in the multiple, lowercase dimensions of new literacies by identify-ing the common findings that appear.

      Groups to self.

    1. The “connected” in connected learning is about human connection as well as tapping the power of connected technologies. Rather than see technology as a means toward more efficient and automated forms of education, connected learning puts progressive, experiential, and learner-centered approaches at the center of technology-enhanced learning.

      Support fo peers and more effective education through the use of technology.

    2. game-based

      Love this, if you make it fun it is more fun to learn!

    3. Traditional education is failing to engage many students as they enter their middle school, high school, and college years. The culture clash between formal education and interest-driven, out-of-school learning is escalating in today’s world where social communication and interactive content is always at our fingertips. We need to harness these new technologies for learning rather than distraction.  

      I could not agree more. Do not just model students but model the curriculum and teaching styles.

    4. Young people learn best when actively engaged, creating, and solving problems they care about, and supported by peers who appreciate and recognize their accomplishments.

      Seeing students learn about content that they are interested in is one of the most rewarding parts of teaching in my opinion. When learning is shaped around students learning styles and likes it is easier for students to make the transfer.

    1. 6. Openly-Networked Connected learning environments link learning in school, home and community because learners achieve best when their learning is reinforced and supported in multiple settings. Online platforms can make learning resources abundant, accessible and visible across all learner settings.”

      Apply the SAMR model and involve classrooms across the world.

    2. When academic studies and institutions draw from and connect to young people’s peer culture, communities and interest-driven pursuits, learners flourish and realize their true potential.

      Driving motivation!!!!!

    3. Connected learning prizes the learning that comes from actively producing, creating, experimenting and designing because it promotes skills and dispositions for lifelong learning and for making meaningful contributions to today’s rapidly changing work and social conditions.

      Such a confidence booster.

    1. These dedicated professionals are also harmed by the same one-size-fits-all system that’s failing too many of their students.

      These test scores prove that not all students learn the same and that engagement decrease with age. Change is needed to provide all students an equal chance.

    1. The surprising truth about what motivates us

      Imagine if we applied this to schools and backed off on grading so much.

    1. TPACK Example

      This is awesome, going back and watching them plan their lesson I can see the parts of the unit plan workbook.

    1. Motivating Learners

      The take on gaming and relating it to motivating learners really painted a better picture. Embracing change is an important aspect of education, changing ideas or learning styles until it works. I love that he focuses on passion of the students, it is all student driven.

    1. 14 | CONNECTED LEARNINGoday’s educational institutions are struggling to fulfill their mission of provid-ing pathways to opportunity for all youth. In the past two decades, earnings have dropped for those without high school degrees, while dropout rates have continued to remain high among vulnerable populations. At the same time, privileged families are turning to costly private schools and enrichment activities for an educa-tional edge, preparing their children for a competitive and volatile market for profes-sional and fulfilling jobs.

      This is sad but true. Education systems are not functionally appropriate for all students. Modifications need to be made in our to help more students

    1.  Teachers in the substitution and augmentation phase can use technology to accomplish traditional tasks,  but the real learning gains result from engaging students in learning experiences that could not be accomplished without technology. At the Modification and Redefinition level, the task changes and extends the walls of the classroom.

      I feel that technology is important in the classroom and for traditional assignments and tasks it is appropriate. However, making sure that technology is not the center of the classroom.

    1. n the UbD framework, we have identified six facets of understanding for assessment purposes.

      These align with the different teaching models in PE.

    2. The UbD framework offers a three-stage backward design process for curriculum planning, and includes a template and set of design tools that embody the process. A key concept in UbD framework is align-ment (i.e., all three stages must clearly align not only to standards, but also to one another). In other words, the Stage 1 con-tent and understanding must be what is assessed in Stage 2 and taught in Stage 3.

      Thankfully this process is something that my Physical Education professors at The college taught the student from the begin when writing lesson plans.

    3. Understanding is revealed when students autonomously make sense of and transfer their learning through authentic performance.

      The transfer is an important step that I feel I did not have taught to me when I was in school. It is so important for students be not just know the material, but to know why they know it and it is applicable

    1. Teaching Gymnastics Skills in Elementary PE

      Huge step for physical education using a TV. Research can be done with higher grade levels and allow them to introduce the new sport each week.

    1. Teachers should also help students develop healthy habits and attitudes when using technology. Educators need to take an active role in helping them understand the benefits, dangers, and opportunities technology provides.

      Being digitally literate is a skill that will be beneficial to students while conducting research, supporting hypothesis, as well as connecting with other professionals.

    1. The learning process is a two-way street. As the teacher relays information to the student, the student ought to have the right to challenge ideas and engage in discussion with the teacher in order to reach a deeper understanding.

      I think blogging or at least having students keep personal records and goals is great in the classroom. However, like the "Knowing the difference..." article that we read in Module one, students need to know the risks. Having closed platforms for them to use like the ones suggested in this article would be better.

    2. There are plenty of benefits to schools using these resources in all areas of education, including physical education: Students creating and watching best practice/technique videos for physical training or sports Reviewing sports mechanics videos from professional athletes or online trainers Create health video projects demonstrating the proper diet and lifestyle of a fit young adult

      Technology in a PE classroom can be tricky, but used properly and asking appropriate questions it can help increase students health and love for PE.

    1. I allow them the choice of which platform to use for the support they need, but I make sure they ask questions. When is it best to do a Google search versus ask a question on Twitter? Why would students tweet to a particular hashtag or person versus another? When they tweet to people from another country in another time zone, what kind of context do they need to consider? What should they add, remove, or modify in order to communicate better?

      I wish this was something that I had learned prior to this class. I feel that some teachers get so caught up in using scholarly articles that we forget that there are other relevant and applicable resources out there to use.

    2. Unfortunately, many focus on skills rather than literacies. Digital skills focus on what and how. Digital literacy focuses on why, when, who, and for whom.

      I think this is applicable to learning as a whole, whether it be with schooling or learning for a job. Many people strive to learn what to do and how to do it, not many learn why they do something.