103 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2016
    1. author's bias

      I struggle with this even today. It's difficult to recognize right away, but by having supporting questions to back you up during the reading, you'll start to notice when the author is being biased. Sometimes it is subtle and other times the author seems to be quite yell-y.

    2. r of "being there" with an individual. Readers may feel that th

      It would be engaging for students to feel like the literature was addressing them individually and letting them in to their lives. Third person does not allow for much conversation, if any, with the reader. First person makes you feel seen and mutual.

    3. An author's foreword or post script often clues the reader about the fictional aspects of the story.

      Most of these topics were covered only during library sessions, and I would have appreciated it more during in class projects,

    4. Chil dren can distinguish fact from opin ion, determine whether an author has any bias, and draw inferences abou

      This is something that I wish I knew earlier in my education. I was the student who picked the first thing I saw on the subject and wrote everything about, having no idea if it was a real book or a post-it note.

    5. but they often overlook the deeper aspects of such informatio

      Everything is a race. You need to be the first at everything and finish everything rather quickly. We forget that there is meaning in the 'answers'. They are not there just to memorize the words but to understand the meaning of the words behind it.

    1. In teaching literature ancient or modern, our purpose should be to open the student's eyes and send him back into his own life with a better grasp of its diverse meanings and a keener appreciation of its limits and possibilities

      At a certain point in someone's life, they will have the ability to make their own decisions and believe what they would like to believe. It would be nice to for young students to be immersed into optionals rather only seeing one side of the story.

    2. e emotionally involved with a literary text.

      I do this on a daily basis.

    3. Demystifying these images and breaking their hold on us can be an exhilarating experienc

      In high school I took classes about Humanities and half of the course was on mythology of different cultures. It was interesting to see how cultures have evolved and worshiped their own particular stories. They truly believe these myths and that the way they act can change life in its entirety.

    4. myth becomes central to man's efforts, collective and individ ual, to understand and control his environment and his inner nature, ex plore his potential and come to terms with his limitation

      Myths were created for people to feel better about the unknown and other forces that made things come to be.

    1. "What if" questions force an analysis and evaluation from a completely different point of view.

      I like giving students an opportunity to see how the story could have changed if a character decided to do this or say this. It calls from problem solving and possible outcomes for the stories but also in the future.

    2. ntroducing the concept is as simple as asking a question that causes the child to view the story from another perspective

      Class discussions and sharing ideas and interpretations with one another can build more perspectives rather than just one.

    3. critical thinking

      Bloom's taxonomy was hardly even recognized when I asked non-education students on campus what it was. However, this way of thinking makes the information that we process much easier in organized compartments.

    4. heir freshman students to complete an introductory course

      I am a peer mentor in our INQ courses at Southern and this is especially helpful for students who's academics have not introduced them to critical thinking.

    5. nformed decisions

      We are able to decipher the text the through critical thinking to ultimately come up with a conclusion whether it be in paper or in our decisions.

    1. Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams

      Spelling is definitely underrated these days and should have a comeback. People blame technology now-a-days for poor spelling, but even adults use shortcuts and I sometimes forget how to spell words when I do not rehearse them.

    2. Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text

      This would help as an organizational tool for students to write down the main ideas and key points the text was discussing.

    3. Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the te

      By understanding different cultures, student can have a broader range and not only just their physical surroundings. It gives students the ability to learn where cultures' traditions come from and how they were started.

    4. dentify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses

      This could allow students to also reflect on their own feelings and recognize new words to associate the way they feel.

    1. herefore, an option would be to secure the final consonant strip with a paper clip, so the students could blend initial consonants with short a phonograms (an, at, ad, am, etc.)

      I used a similar technique helping a student who was not paying attention during sight words. She wasn't able to memorize the whole word and phonics helped her to sound out the words on the sheet.

    2. promotes the enjoyment of an engaging tale.

      It was especially helpful to stay engaged in a story, when teachers added 'personality' into their reading. At times when I would drift away from the reading, a change of tone or a drawn out word would bring me back.

    3. word recognition, and com prehension

      At my elementary school, phonics was my favorite subject. Because the workbooks had pictures and highlighted letters, I was able to follow along and pronounce each syllable to create new words.

    4. teacher next moves to guided prac tice, which affords studen

      During my field observation the teacher I was working with did guided practice throughout the school day. It allows the students to view how something is done and not get too frustrated in the process later on.

    1. egularly scheduled sharin

      Collaboration and bouncing off ideas with one another can draw out any kinks or misunderstandings a story may have that the writer did not recognize before.

    2. thematic study time block follow ing the journal-writing workshop offers additional writing activities. All subject areas are integrated into the thematic block, which is gradually expanded to about 2 hours. Themes usually last about 3 weeks. This time block eventu ally offers a number of opportunities for additional reading and writing.

      Themes would be helpful to keep a child on track when creating their own story. Not all stories have specific themes, but when it does have one, following along with them keeps the story flowing.

    3. 0-minute illustra tion time before the real writing period begins. I use a kitchen timer set for 10 minutes, and the children know that they should be ready to begin their writ ing by the time the bell rings.

      I think illustration as a form of preplanning is going into my list of teacher tasks for my younger students. This would be especially helpful for less stressful writing word after word right away. But instead, having a picture to remind you what you wanted to say.

    4. zation, punctuation, and spelling). Many op portunities for connecting reading de coding skills with writing occur during these sessions. Early

      Decoding skills for younger children are essential to properly understand and write as they grow older so I appreciated being done during these sessions.

    1. aning-making literacy experiences.

      Literacy has not been one of the most popular sections of the school curriculum. But these literary circles provide different voices that students could build a supporting environment.

    2. entered instruction in favor of creating more student centered opportunities for learning

      It allows for a more motivation to want to learn new things when they have the opportunity to chose what they would want to involve themselves in,

    3. iscussion

      Students would not only be immersed into the literature but also with each other. (minus the abusing one another)

    4. still struggled with appropriating the basic skills of positive social interac tion.

      Some students may not be accustomed to other peoples lifestyles and do not recognize the differences among their peers.

    1. The classroom is no longer seen as an independent,neutral space, isolated from political agendas and cultural contexts; rather it is a part of society,influenced by the political, cultural, and historical forces contained therein

      As it should be

    2. . Readers bring theirprior knowledge and experiences to bear on the reading event, and meaning is constructed during thetransaction between reader and text

      A student can read text a certain point in time and then, come back to it years later, and interpret that text differently. I believe in this perspective and the possibility of recognizing growth and change when reading texts.

    3. teachers are often forced to adoptreading programs that tell them how to teach, regardless of their beliefs and understandings

      Teachers, much like students, learn and interpret different meanings to various contexts. Teachers can feel restricted and unmotivated to teach these lessons and cause the students not to retain the proper information.

    4. respond to the literature by drawing onthe experiences they bring to the texts and the meanings they construct during reading

      Students can bounce ideas and thoughts with each other. They would be able to explain a scenario with another student who might not completely understand the text. Student would make the text come alive with their personal stories and building a community within their classroom.

    1. mmediately accessible to all first graders, regardless of ability level.

      This opens the doors to poetry at a much younger age and can be built into appreciation when older. Or at least, understanding and recognizing.

    2. etry does not rhyme.

      There are only so many words to rhyme with that sometimes you will lose the essence of what you wanted to write to begin with.

    3. part of our language culture.

      Poetry is the stepping stone from any barrier that may be in our way. It expresses tone and emotion the way we see fit and how we went others to feel.

    4. eir journals as soon as they arrive. The teacher gives

      Students could extend the workshop by having their journal throughout the day and jotting down things that they have "feelings" about. It would be interesting to see what they would come up with through their everyday experiences.

    5. like reading poetry because poetry sounds good in your mouth."

      Students have the ability to interpret a poem in any way that they chose. They can manipulate pauses and flows of the poems to add emphasis to where it is needed.

    6. try touches all children in a meaningful wa

      Poetry has a fluidity to it that allows students to express themselves in their own voices that is different from narratives. Poetry is read in their own voice but has the power to resonate with someone else.

    1. The boys often would say that a character reminded them of their moms, cousins, uncles, friends, sports figures, the man down the street, media images, and others who touched their lives

      Students feel less along with issues or problems they are not comfortable talking about. Literature opens the doors to being able understand someone else's views and ideas without judgement. With contemporary books, students can finally feel heard or accepted.

    2. mother could have done differently, and what the neighborhood could do to get rid of the wolf.

      Yes to all of this and the line previous. By going through different (non-terrifying) scenarios, students could brainstorm plans that could be useful for their current or future lives.

    3. more con- temporary theme

      Literacy is rapidly changing and so is the curriculum. It is difficult to keep up at times, but it is extremely beneficial for the students who are currently facing struggles early on in their lives.

    4. This conversation concerned me, because fairy tales, such as Little Red Riding Hood or The Three Little Pigs, are often used to teach across the curriculum, not just to develop literary behav- iors. Therefore the student's lack of engagement could lead to boredom at the very least, and aca- demic failure at wors

      This point would probably concern many teachers. However, how is a student supposed to understand a story that he has never been exposed to.

    1. Both of these printing techniques are easy for students to duplicate

      These would be especially helpful for art projects and creating more crafty activities.!

    2. Picture books effectively illustrate many literary devices found in more difficult novels and should be con sidered by teachers working with students of all age

      Illustrations helps students who may not understand the text and have a difficulty picking up on cues within the text. Illustrations can be viewed along side text for students to interpret the words printed on the paper.

    3. he pictures are light and airy, but when Swimmy is left alone, the pictures turn dark and somber.

      Picture books are literally works of art that tell a story. The mood can change with warm colors and cool colors. If a book has a fun and cheery the color and facial expressions of characters can really emphasize.

    4. I cringe when I hear these books referred to as baby books?in fact, not many of them are about babies at all.


    1. If we want all children to become proficient readers, we must stock classrooms with mirror books for all children.


    2. They found that good readers make connections to themselves and their communities.

      People are most likely going to succeed together, if they come together. Even at a young age, if something is relatable or attractive, you are most likely going to excel in that rather than something you do not understand.

    3. Why does seeing themselves in books matter to children? Rudine Sims Bishop, professor emerita of The Ohio State University, frames the problem with the metaphor of “mirror” and “window” books

      Young children are still trying to express themselves. They have not experienced life enough to be able to share their exact feelings and emotions. Literacy can help them with this and help their peers understand differences in their surroundings.

    4. there are only 18 by authors of color, and few books reflect the lives of children of color and the poor.

      This resonates with me and my family as we are people of color, and my father was a first generation student coming to the states. They were not able to speak English well and were not wealthy when they came here. Their stories are not far off from the children who are now undergoing CCSS and this statistic of half of the literacy needs of children are neglected.

    1. Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud.

      I chose this for my participation task, and loved the idea of changing the 'sound' of text is presented. It also allows the students to better recognize which characters are speaking or narrating.

    1. Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text

      This is especially so when reading plays or dramas, or any text that has specific cues. This allows the student to interpret the text in various ways to view it in a different light.

    1. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language.

      This can allow students to fully immerse themselves in language that is just written on the paper. Students can interpret the language differently than another student and this can lead to a more exploratory approach to different words.

    1. With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.

      Students will be able to reach out to other sources to better understand a problem or situation. A student could recognize a solution in one story that the other story may have been unclear.

  2. Dec 2015
    1. Turkey

      To be able to network to all over the world and experience conversations by sitting in your chair or bed is simply amazing.

    2. Learning happens together

      Collaborations lead to even more spectacular ideas than ever thought of before!

    3. I started using social media in the classroom

      On the first day of my fieldwork, I noticed computers in the classrooms and time set aside for them to utilize it. When I was in school, there were very limited computers and hardly any of them worked.

    1. Google Docs.

      Honestly, my best friend for the past few years. All my group assignments are there and pictures and shared items.

    2. students can work collaboratively in groups

      More creative juices flowing!

    3. students can work collaboratively in groups

      More creative juices flowing!

    4. an efficient and effective means of describing a step-by-step process, explaining a particular concept,

      Allows for students to take their time and not feel rushed. They are able to rewind or fast forward to get all the necessary information.

    5. Good educational screencasts depend not only on thorough planning but also on thoughtful and careful editing to re-sequence lesson elements, eliminate awkward and unnecessary portions, and craft a focused, easy-to-follow presentation that uses students' time efficiently.

      For the past few years, I have been really working on my editorial skills with videos and formatting and editing is such a pain, but the pay off is beautiful.

    6. Blogging and YouTube

      How I have literally done anything.

    1. I think with anything our identities are growing and transforming, hopefully, for the better. I wasn't the strongest reader when I was younger. I did well, because I knew how to pick out context clues. But as you grow older, context clues can help you find a connection but not the answer.

  3. networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
    1. low-income families

      These students might be connecting with each other, but we have learned that through our connections we can construct. Just because they are a part of low-income families does not mean their ideas and thoughts are beneath others.

    2. A form ofself-publishing, personal home pages also canbe viewed as online multimedia texts constructed through a process of ‘‘inclusion,allusion, omission, adaptation, and discovery’’ (para. 11) and shaped by one’sassociations, connections, and conventions in Web subcultures.

      There are stereotypes within the web subcultures that some people want to be a part of and others are just curious to look.

    3. A form ofself-publishing, personal home pages also canbe viewed as online multimedia texts constructed through a process of ‘‘inclusion,allusion, omission, adaptation, and discovery’’ (para. 11) and shaped by one’sassociations, connections, and conventions in Web subcultures.

      There are stereotypes within the web subcultures that some people want to be a part of and others are just curious to look.

    4. supporting young people’s interpersonal needs?

      For some it may be, but for others it could be damaging.

    5. ‘‘The cruelest irony of this public policy [No Child Left Behindlegislation in the U.S.]is that students who need to be prepared the most at school for an online age ofinformation, those who may not have Internet access at home, are precisely thosewho are being prepared the least’’

      And then the cycle continues, with the stereotypes and accusations. But if there is no help or resources provided, what does someone do who doesn't understand many things.

    6. andtheir uses of information and communication technologies, seen as separate fromschool-sanctioned practices

      I feel that this is because we have not taught our students when and what is the appropriate use of our technology

    7. ‘‘generationaldivide’’

      Sometimes it is hard for my family that times have changed and that their methods aren't always the correct ones

    1. Creation can be viewed simply as the act of producing, or causing to exist.  Construction is the building or assembling of an infrastructure

      Creating is the first step and then construction afterwards is to build and rebuild an idea to make it grow and prosper to a better and more focused idea.

    2. “identify, in textual terms, how the Internet mediates the representation of knowledge, the framing of entertainment, and the conduct of communication”,

      There are key differences in all of these and being able to identify them will help students recognize what they need and what they dont need.

    3. During the ORC process students learn during an inquiry process and then send this message out to others using a text or tool of their choosing.

      Yes. Collaboration to feed the mind.

    1. Writing can appear on the screen; but when it does it is subordinated to the logic of the image; just as image could appear on the page, though subordinated to the logic of writing.

      Maybe the image means a certain way for one student than it does for another. The image is used to evoke feeling along with the words and it would be useful to even ask students what the image on a presentation means to them.

    2. It might be the medium of the teacher’s body, involving speech, movement and gesture

      For a project, I sang about the Drug ABC's while my friend signed the words. The students appreciated our lively and different method to gather their attention.

    3. Wherever I place it, someone looking at the image is entitled to assume that the nucleus actually is where I have placed it in the circle/cell – whether I intended to or not, or whether it actually belongs there or not.

      It looks like an unfinished hamster or bunny, perhaps. Some colors would be helpful to distinct cell from nucleus.

    1. The changing nature of work and life make it essential now to prepare students to transcend a simple, factual level of understanding and actually use information in creative and innovative ways to develop new ideas and solve complex problems


    2. Communicating effectively to others with digital technologies

      Many people complain about the new technological advances, but it is only if they are not used in the appropriate and intended use. We want our children to use new literacies as a resource instead of pushing it aside, like we should for temple run.

    3. Because employees at lower levels of the organization tended to simply follow directions, they were not required to possess or use higher level thinking skills or digital literacies

      But who is to say that they do not have ideas and plans that could better our system.

    4. However, this approach wasted large amounts of intellectual capital within an organization, limited innovation, and, as a result, failed to maximize either creativity or productivity.

      Through this, we are able to connect with almost everybody and collaborate with them. There is no more he said, she said, they said. It is all in one network and the information is blooming throughout employees, schools, etc.

    5. today does not necessarily ensure that one will be fully literate tomorrow since new technologies will always appear, regularly requiring additional new literacies

      Which is why it is called NEW LITERACIES! Wow. Because it is constantly changing and new everyday. This is exciting. I also do not think that one can be fully literate. There is so much to learn and immerse yourself in.

    6. we live in new times, with new literacies.

      I thought New Literacies had to do with new readings. Essentially, it is. New ways to comprehend literature in a way the advances all the time.

    1. Performance-based assessments provide more diagnos-tic information than do many other types of assessments, for they are administered while students perform an authentic task.

      Well, what is our necessary task. Do we want to teach our children how to find keywords and only keywords? There should be other resources to help students understand different types of context around what they are reading.

    2. As we begin to integrate these online communication tools into our classrooms, we should not ignore concerns about child safety.

      Not only should we be concerned about child safety, but we could also be using this time to educate our students about our safety concerns. We do not want to scare them away from technology, but we would like them to be aware of their surroundings.

    3. . Keyword entry in a search engine


    4. How does the nature of reading and writing change online?

      Control F is your best friend. The change has allowed us to narrow in on what we are searching for directly. Instead of reading an entire text, keywords are best to find the answer.

    5. New Literacies, as the broader concept, benefits from work taking place in the multiple, lowercase dimensions of new literacies by identify-ing the common findings that appear.

      I like the capital New Literacies for the broader concept because the proper noun reminds us that it is the bigger picture, the umbrella in which everything falls under.

    6. conceptualizes literacy at low-ercase (new literacies) and uppercase (New Literacies) levels

      This is a wonderful method and is sure to not confuse others. I suppose it to be the best option. We shall carry on.

    1. Our school systems’ inability to close this participation gap has negative consequences for everyone involved.

      The school I worked with was sure to include updated software and activities for the students to actively participate in. They made for positive development and it was not a stressful atmosphere.

    2. Today’s children learn through play the skills they will apply to more serious tasks later. The challenge is how to connect decisions made in the context of our everyday lives with the decisions made at local, state, or national levels.

      Children need their time during recess and specials to interact and grow from one another. When taken way at young ages, they will never have the opportunity to grow with their peers and experience these essentials emotions and skills.

    3. podcasting, game modding, or machinima. Nor did it count other forms of creative expression and appropria-tion, such as music sampling in the hip-hop community. These activities are highly technological, but they use tools and tap production and distribution networks neglected in the Pew study.

      Which is quite the shame, because this is where the real live action begins. Nothing staged or rehearsed, just pure creativity spewing from these people. The best things come from spontaneity and building off of that spontaneity

    4. . members who believe that their contributions matter, and5. members who feel some degree of social connection with one another (at the least, they care what other people think about what they have created).

      Our audience plays a huge role to what we are creating, whether we like it or not. If we do not have a purpose to a post or a connection to the community how will we get the word out, who will listen?

    5. more than half of all American teens—and 57 percent of teens who use the Internet—could be consid-ered media creators.

      "Media creators" it's exciting to know that my finger tips and the other 57% of teens' fingertips have the ability to share and create from their mind to their fingertips to the world

    6. —learning how to campaign and govern; how to read, write, edit, and defend civil liberties; how to pro-gram computers and run a business; how to make a movie and find distribution—

      All we have to teach in schools is common core. We could also be teaching common skills for our future students to venture into the unknown and build a community independently, but still asking for help along the way

  4. Sep 2015
    1. they wish to avoid paternalistic adults who use safety and protection as an excuse to monitor their everyday sociality

      In some cases, paternalistic adults use safety and protection as safety and protection. It is not to say that there is no curiosity, but some parents are looking out for the people on the other side of their children's screens.

    2. I could portray myself as the person that I wanted to be. I took on fictitious identities in an effort to figure out who I was.

      These fictitious identities may not be all that fictitious. If you are portraying yourself as a different person, the person you want to be, then will you eventually turn out to be that person? Or if you already have that idea of the person you want to be, then somewhere along the way did you grow to be that person?

    3. He doesn’t want to ostracize her on Facebook,

      A more reasonable approach would not to address her on Facebook, but perhaps, face to face with his sister, or even a direct message to only her.

    4. As a result, the imagined audience defines the social context. In choosing how to present themselves before dis-connected and invisible audiences, people must attempt to resolve context collapses or actively define the context in which they’re operating

      Yes. Makes sense. How is one going to connect with the people that matter, if one does not know who they think matters.

    5. He used a different style of speaking when he addressed white political leaders than when he addressed southern black congregations.

      Reminds me of Ebonics and how that was a big issue with education and schools with funding as another language.

    6. A context collapse occurs when people are forced to grapple simultaneously with otherwise unrelated social contexts that are rooted in different norms and seemingly demand different social responses.

      Seems difficult for these "diverse audiences" to understand that the 'norms' were just as ridiculous as their thought processes to conceive that their high school teacher was some sort of teetotaler. By realizing that a person is human and not idealizing them in any sort of way, gives them the respect that the person deserve as a human being.