3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. Update Linked Accounts

      Update a Linked Account

    2. Update Linked Accounts

      Update a Linked Account

    3. eters sh


    4. rameters shoul


    5. ID

      Unique identifier of the Linked Account whose details you need to update.

    6. Use this endpoint to update the Linked Account details.

      make this the first sentence

    1. 400


    2. arameters shoul

      make this as a part of the legal info parameter description instead of a callout

    3. The mandatory KYC requirement paramete

      make this as a part of the legal info parameter description instead of a callout

    1. Handy TipsInvoices in paid state cannot be cancelled.

      remove handy tip. add the line after the intro line

    1. Path Parameters1

      Request Parameters are missing

    2. StatusParameter Update Allowed

      move this content to the Invoices product documentation and add link

    1. Import Flow allows customers to pay through their bank account: through UPI

      this line seems repetitive

    1. Accept Terms and Conditions for a Sub-Merchant U

      I think we can remove this. merge the Use the Product Config.... line in the List of Endpoints column for Accept API.

    1. Fet

      Need to add Path and Response Parameters tables

    2. E

      Add response parameters table

    3. ID


    4. If you have not received any webhook notifications due to some technical issues, you can use the Fetch Downtime by ID API to fetch the said downtime status.

      Use this endpoint to fetch downtime status if you have not received any webhook notifications due to technical issues.

    1. Response

      Remove the term Response from all the tabs

    2. Use thi

      Need to add response parameters section. please take the content from the entity table

    1. Test Card for India

      we can remove the CVV and Expiry Date columns from all tables and mention a one-liner under each section about it. currently, the tables, particularly card number columns look squished

    2. Subscriptions

      and subscription payments.

  2. Aug 2023
    1. Handy Tips

      delete this

    2. 400


    3. Handy TipsThe field flow is present only in the case of Turbo UPI Payments.

      merge with flow parameter description

    4. Know how to accept p

      remove Handy Tips. make this a separate line to appear after possible values section.

    5. The card issuer. The 4-character code denotes the issuing bank. Handy Tips

      let us merge this

    6. funds are transferred to your account in T+2 days in case of a domestic transaction. For international transactions, the time taken is T+7 business days. The amount sent in the capture request must come from a verified source and be the amoun

      let us remove this from here.

    7. While creating a capture request, in the amount field, enter only the amount associated with the order that is stored in your database.

      move this info to the amount parameter description in the request parameters section

    8. the payment status from authorized to captured. Watch Out!Attempting to capture a paym

      merge these two. trying to reduce number of callouts..

      Use this endpoint to change the payment status from authorized to captured. Attempting to capture a payment whose status is not authorized will produce an error.

    9. Response Parameters

      you need to add the response parameters here. bring it here from the main page.

  3. curlec.com curlec.com
    1. 1.5

      merge this with 1.8

    2. Payment Downtime


    3. 1.6 Verify Payment Signature Signature verification is a mandatory step to ensure that Curlec sends the callback. The razorpay_signature contained in the callback can be regenerated by your system and verified as follows. Create a string to be hashed using the razorpay_payment_id contained in the callback and the Order ID generated in the first step, separated by a |. Hash this string using SHA256 and your API Secret. copygenerated_signature = hmac_sha256(order_id + "|" + razorpay_payment_id, secret); if (generated_signature == razorpay_signature) { payment is successful}


    4. fetch the payment details to check the status of the payment by using the following code

      to fetch the payment details:

    5. this

      this endpoint

    6. Curl


    7. The following is a sample API request and response for creating an order using the Orders API.

      Use this endpoint to create an order using the Orders API.

    8. create an order manually by integrating the API sampl

      we can remove this line

    9. To get the list of Banks and their respective codes, use the following API code:

      Use this endpoint to get the list of Banks and their respective codes:

    10. FPX transaction are of two categories B2B and B2C we follow a nomenclature of suffixing _C as a parameter if the transaction is of a corporate type.

      FPX transactions are of two categories: B2B and B2C. We follow a nomenclature of suffixing _C as a parameter if the transaction is of a corporate type.

    11. The first step to identify and get the list of banks with their respective codes to integrate correctly. Curlec uses its own bank codes to identify a bank entity in the system correctly.

      The first step is identifying and getting the list of banks with their respective codes to integrate correctly. Curlec uses its bank codes to correctly identify a bank entity in the system.

    12. integrate

      Curlec S2S JSON API

    13. Integrate FPX with Curlec to accept payments.

      Steps to integrate S2S JSON API and accept payments using FPX.

    1. You can accept payments from your customers by integrating your website or app with Razorpay Payment Gateway. You can also use Razorpay products such as Payment Links, Payment Pages, Subscription Links, Invoices and Smart Collect to accept Payments. Handy TipsIf you want to integrate with our APIs directly, reach out to our Support team with your requirements. Payments API Payments APIs are used to capture and fetch payments. You can also fetch payments based on orders and card details of payment. You can try out our APIs on t

      can we merge the content and make it have a better flow?

    2. r APIs d

      let us remove this callout

    1. 400


    2. e values: customer business Handy Tips

      make callout content appear in a new line

    3. notes the issuing bank. Handy Tips


    4. array Used to retrieve additional information about the payment, the method used to make the payment. The response will include a sub-entity if this parameter is used. Possible value: card: Expand


    5. Click to copyUse this endpoint to retrieve details of all the paymentsHandy TipsBy default, only the last 10 records are d


    6. Multiple

      Fetch all Payments

    1. 400


    2. 400


    3. Update the Payment

      Update a Payment

    4. Updating the Payment

      Update a Payment

    5. Response Parameters

      same as mentioned in other pages

    6. id *string Unique identifier of the payment for which the Notes field should be updated.

      this should be under the Path Parameters section

    1. 400


    2. pp.Handy TipsThe field flow is present only in


    3. nts

      make this a separate line instead of a callout

    4. The card issuer. The 4-character code denotes the issuing bank. Handy TipsThis attribute will not be set for the card issued by a foreign bank.


    5. expand[] array Used to retrieve additional information about the payment, the method used to make the payment. The response will include a sub-entity if this parameter is used. Possible values: card: Expanded card details, usable for card and EMI payments. emi: Exp

      let us remove these

    6. Click to copyUse this endpoint to retrieve details of all the paymentsHandy TipsBy default, only the last 10 records are displayed. You can use the count and skip parameters to retri


    7. Fetch Multiple Payments

      Fetch all Payments

    8. Fetch Multiple Payments

      Fetch all Payments

    1. 400


    2. le value in_app.Handy TipsThe field flow is present only in the case of Turbo UPI Payments.


    3. Handy Tips

      same as for capture endpoint

    4. issuing bank. Handy Tips


    5. Query Parametersexpand[] array Used to retrieve additional information about the payment and the method used to make the payment. The response will include a sub-entity if this parameter is used. Supported values: card : Expanded card details, applicable for card and EMI payments. emi : Expanded EMI plan details, applicable for EMI payments. offers : Expanded Offer details, applicable when an offer was applied to the payment. upi : Expanded UPI details, applicable for UPI payments.

      we can remove these from here since we are showing these as separate endpoints anyway

    1. rameters

      Request Parameters are missing

    2. item.Handy TipsFrom the Razorpay Dashboard, you can edit the details of a created item by clicking on that specific item

      let us merge the handy tips content with the intro line

    3. /item/:id


    4. identification number that gets displayed on invoices issued to the customer.tax_group_idstring: The identification number for the tax group. A tax group is a collection of taxes that c

      remove :

    1. emio

      same level as card

    2. instru

      sub under paylater

    3. paylater

      same level as card

    4. instrument

      sub under upi

    5. upi

      same level as card

    6. instrumentstring The

      sub parameter under wallet

    7. walle

      wallet should be on same level as card

    8. issuerstring The card issuer. Possible values for issuer are:

      this as well

    9. typestring Possible value is domestic.

      this should be under card object I think

    10. enabledboolean Enables or disables the payment method. Possible values: true: Enables the paylater payment method. false: Does not enable the paylater payment method. Hide child parameters (1)instrument

      enabled and instrument should be at the same level

    11. e values:


    12. Use CasesYou can update the following details for Payment Gateway and Payment Links using the Update a Product Configuration API. However, whether the details can be updated or not depends upon the product activation status. Settlement Bank Account Details: You can update the settlement object with the new bank account details based on the product activation status. Request Additional Pa

      try to fit into accordion

    13. Request Payment Methods

      left nav text should match page title

    1. Update a Product Configuration | Up

      left nav text should match page title

    2. iciary associated with the bank account.Handy TipThis API parameter is needed complete the KYC process. However, it is optional for this AP


    3. alues:


    4. You can update the following details for Payment Gateway and Payment Links using the Update a Product Configuration API. However, whether the details can be updated or not depends upon the product activation status. Settlement Bank Account Details: You can update the settlement object with the new ban

      can you try pushing this inside an accordion?

    1. configuration. You can: Update Settlement Account DetailsRequest Payment Methods

      can we remove the bullets and make them part of the sentence?

    2. GatewayPayment Links

      can we remove the bullets and make them part of the sentence?

    3. Tips In the req

      can we remove this from callouts and place content into accordion? we are trying to reduce callouts

    1. s or services that you charge customers for by including them in an invoice. Handy Tips

      let us take the content out of the handy tips and merge with the intro line.

    2. Item


    3. Item


    4. Items


    5. Item


    6. Item


    7. Id


    8. Use Cases Create an item on your website or app by a customer. Retrieve details for a specific item using the unique identifier linked to the item. Retrieve information about all items that have been ordered through your website or app. Edit the exist

      remove use cases section and bring up the List on Endpoints section here

    1. The identification number that gets displayed on invoices issued to the customer.tax_group_idstring: The identification number for the tax group. A tax group is a collection of taxes t

      same. remove :

    2. ultiple Items

      Fetch all Items

    3. tch Multiple Ite

      Fetch all Items

    1. : The identification number that gets displayed on invoices issued to the customer.tax_group_idstring:

      same. : should not appear

    1. : The identification number that gets displayed on invoices issued to the customer.tax_group_idstring: Th

      the : should not appear

    2. You can use this API for various Razorpay solution offerings.

      remove this line

    1. ess. However, it is optional for this API. Business types like proprietors

      same as previous pages. remove callout.

    2. am

      same as previous pages. remove callout.

    3. might be required to complete the KYC process. However, it is optio

      same as previous pages. remove callout.

    1. eter might be required to complete the KYC process. Howeve

      same as previous pages. remove callout.

    2. er might be required to complete the KYC process. Howeve

      same as previous pages. remove callout.

    3. equired to complete the KYC process. However, it is optional for this

      same as previous pages. remove callout.

    4. ate the details o

      can we make this the first line?

    5. UPDATE


    1. This parameter might be required to complete the KYC process. However, it is optional for this API. Business types like proprietorship a

      we can merge the contents on this handy tip with the description itself. or do we need it here? this is anyway the response parameter right?

    2. parameter might be required to complete the KYC process. However, it is optional for this API.

      we can merge the contents on this handy tip with the description itself. or do we need it here? this is anyway the response parameter right?

    3. might be required to complete the KYC process. However, it is optional f

      we can merge the contents on this handy tip with the description itself. or do we need it here? this is anyway the response parameter right?

    1. is pa

      we can merge the contents on this handy tip with the description itself. or do we need it here? this is anyway the response parameter right?

    2. s parameter might be required to complete the KYC process.

      we can merge the contents on this handy tip with the description itself. or do we need it here? this is anyway the response parameter right?

    3. y TipThis parameter might be required to complete the KYC process. However, it is op

      we can merge the contents on this handy tip with the description itself. or do we need it here? this is anyway the response parameter right?

    1. Integrat

      Have a heading called Step 1: Create a Customer

      Have an intro line and then add the link to Customer API. Then add the other two links for bank account addition and deletion.

      Make integrate with Turbo as Step 2: Integrate with....