3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
    1. 012345678

      in all the sample codes, check the + symbol before phone number

    2. 601234567890


    3. 601234567890


    4. notify_phon


    5. order_id

      separate parameter not under customer_contact

    6. string The unique identifier of the customer linked to the Subscription.namestring The customer's name. For example, Nur Aisyah. Know more Customers API.emailstring The customer's email address. For example, nur.aisyah@example.com.contactstring The customer's contact number. For example, +601234567890.billing_addressstring The customer's billing address.shipping_addressstring The customer's shipping address.customer_namestring The customer's name. For example, Nur Aisyah.customer_emailstring The customer's email address. For example, nur.aisyah@example.com.customer_contactstring The customer's contact number. For exam

      should be part of item parameter child parameters

    7. 60345675444

      add + before number

    8. ₹5


    9. ₹500 (5 x ₹100)


    10. ₹1


    11. notify_phone"

      should be notify_email - please check and change India doc as well

    12. should be RM

    13. ₹1

      should be RM

    1. Reports

      the image below can be cropped further

    2. under View Activity.

      we can remove this

    3. It minimizes error risks in report production, delivering more precise data for analysis. Finally, it facilitates improved planning and forecasting through consistent data updates.

      I think we can remove these sentences

    4. organization


    5. To sche

      we need to add an intro to this. briefly capture the benefits of scheduling

    6. Reports.

      same. let us remove repetitive screenshots

    7. rview pa

      we can remove screenshot here as well

    8. Reports

      we can remove the screenshot from here. we have shown it in the above section already.

    1. his provides the recurring failure reason.

      The reason why the recurring transaction failed.

    2. This represents the status of the recurring.

      we need to know what could be the possible values. confirmed is one, what could be the others.

  2. Jun 2023
    1. As a partner, you will create an application in partner dashboard and download your client credentials. The merchant lands on a section in your platform with Razorpay Payments set-up embedded. The merchant clicks “Connect with Razorpay” and lands on a Razorpay authorization URL that you initiates with the client credentials downloaded in step 1. Merchants completes the guided onboarding process and lands on an authorization window that looks like below PLACEHOLDER FOR authorization window Merchant gives authorization. This allows Razorpay to connect their merchant account to your Partner account. On successful authorization, Razorpay redirects the user back to a URL configured by you in your application settings. While redirecting Razorpay shares an authentication code. You need to hit our a token API with this Auth code to generate Auth token. This ends the connection set-up. You can use this token to start accepting payments on behalf of the merchant, so make sure you save this token.
      1. As a partner, you create an application in the partner Dashboard and download your client credentials.
      2. The merchant visits a section in your platform with the embedded Razorpay Payments setup.
      3. They click Connect with Razorpay and visit the Razorpay authorization URL you initiated with the client credentials downloaded in Step 1.
      4. They complete the guided onboarding process and are redirected to an authorization window.
      5. The merchant gives authorization, which allows Razorpay to connect their merchant account to your Partner account.
      6. On successful authorization, Razorpay redirects the user back to a URL configured by you in your application settings. While redirecting, Razorpay shares an authentication code. You need to hit our token API with this Auth code to generate Auth token.

      This completes the connection setup. You should use this token to start accepting payments on behalf of the merchant.

    2. Here is what is happening in the background

      Given below is the workflow:

    3. GIF

      As you can see in the above animation, onboarding starts and ends within your platform while taking the user through a Razorpay-hosted onboarding journey that you can customise per your needs.

    4. .

      looks like extra space

    5. *

      this asterisk is intentional?

    6. er, co

      and complete KYC to...

    7. accou

      we can go ahead with these logos? PM has approved?

    1. Control the Flow of Funds Reports and Reconciliation

      Same for these 2. please update the links

    2. Process Payments

      this link is taking me to the Onboard Business page

    3. usecase

      use case

    4. oAuth.


    5. rtner switch to Platform.

      this link is not working. please check

    6. ur Affordability Sui

      should we link it to our affordability docs?

    7. Using our Co-branded UI, you can add your branding elements, like colour and logo.

      Add your branding elements, like colour and logo using our co-branded UI.

    8. action

      In the image below I can see the tiny white corners. can this be fixed somehow?

    9. Your social or content platform can enable commerce using Razorpay for Platforms and Marketplaces.

      Can we rephrase this line?

    1. n option relevant to your business type and click Next.

      select the relevant business type and click Next.

    2. Select Yes if you have a product to manage payments for your sub-merchants. Click Next.

      Combine into one point

    1. r requirement. Cust

      is there a max limit and a min limit?

    2. y(exp

      space needed

    3. r conversion lin

      we have suddenly switched from using Payment Link to conversion link. we should somewhere mention that both are the same?

    4. hatsApp.

      are there other options? since there is a dropdown icon?

    5. COD to pr

      COD order to prepaid

    6. payment link.

      Payment Link

    7. le Discount to a

      have a question here. Discount is mandatory field only when enabled right? If disabled, it is not mandatory?

    8. COD transactions in India are more frequent, resulting in a higher return rate due to less customer commitment. With Razorpay Magic Checkout, you can urge customers who chose cash on delivery while placing an order to convert COD orders to prepaid by offering discounts or incentives post-order placement.


      COD transactions are popular in India. However, they can result in a higher return rate due to less customer commitment.

      With Razorpay Magic Checkout, you can urge customers who chose cash on delivery while placing an order to convert to prepaid by offering discounts or incentives post-order placement.

    9. payment lin

      Payment Link

    1. ription

      can we add FAQs for the manimum order amount and minimum order amount? in the answer, we can direct them to the eligible amount in the relevant docs sections?

    2. ions is

      options are

    1. (image)

      we can remove this?


      Can we use another word like Discovers or Realises that the ...

    3. Find out about Eligibility Checks and ineligibility reasons on Razorpay Checkout for Debit Card EMI, Cardless EMI and Pay Later.


      Enable customers to check if they can pay using Debit Card EMI, Cardless EMI and Pay Later on Razorpay Checkout with our Eligibility Check feature. Provide reasons for ineligibility and next steps.

    1. Subscribe to Webhook APIs You can use the Webhooks APIs to receive event notifications or subscribe to events happening in a sub-merchant's account for the integration installed. Know more about how to Subscribe to Webhook APIs.

      can you check if this section is needed. In my opinion, it will confuse people because we are suddenly bringing up partnership out of nowhere

    2. Settings

      Can you please change this to Account & Settings

    1. tlessly split pa

      payment acceptance is not covered.

      something on these lines: You can accept payments from customers and effortlessly split the funds among vendors and other linked accounts using Razorpay Payment Gateway and Razorpay Rote products.

    1. theCurlec Da

      spacing issue

    2. Curlec is an Malaysian payments solution provider that allows businesses to accept, process and disburse payments with its product suite.

      replace the first line with this Curlec is a full-stack payments solution that makes it easy for businesses of all sizes to collect payments and take control of their cash flow.

    3. Sign up for Curlec Payments.
    4. Wallets

      Wallets, Cards and many more.

    5. Curlec offers a complete set of financial and neobanking solutions.

      change to

      Curlec offers a range of payments products for businesses.

    6. Explore the various Curlec products.

      check this bookmark once

    1. Path parameter

      need to get confirmation if we will be calling query parameters as path parameters in the future

    2. Run in Postman

      This link does not take me to the Fetch Orders page on Postman. It takes me to the Overall Orders page. We need to replace the URL with this - https://www.postman.com/razorpaydev/workspace/razorpay-public-workspace/request/12492020-5f8a493a-17e2-43ec-a74c-f235eecdd5df

  3. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. sactions.

      Kshetra I feel that the main point of how turbo upi can help in each of these verticals is not coming out well currently.

      can you replace with these and consider?

      Doorstep Food/Grocery Delivery Customers select UPI to make quick payments for food/grocery delivery. However, they have to hop between the business and UPI apps, which causes friction. Customers are unsure which support team to contact for disputes - the UPI app or the business. With Turbo UPI, customers can experience 1-click payments and speedy dispute resolution on the business app.

      Insurance Customers use UPI to pay their insurance premiums, which could be high-ticket transactions. Insurance firms can use Turbo UPI to make the premium payment experience faster and smoother and achieve a higher payment success rate, which reassures customers.

      Investment Investment companies must comply with regulations and collect payments from only customers' KYC-verified bank accounts. With Turbo UPI, investment companies can implement third-party validation on all customer payments and ensure regulatory compliance while providing a 1-click payment experience.

      Gaming Turbo UPI enables customers to make in-app game purchases without leaving the gaming app. This enhances the customer's experience as they can make a quick UPI payment and continue playing.

  4. May 2023
    1. ot collect CVV from customers not pass CVV to Razorpay.

      capitalise N.

      Not collect Not pass

    2. If you’re integrated with Razorpay’s custom checkout/S2S APIs, yyo


      there is a typo

    3. If you’re int

      If you are

    4. 5. I am integrated with custom chec

      Custom Checkout

    5. their


    6. standard checkout

      Standard Checkout

    7. you’re

      you are

    1. Razorpay has added support for three decimal currencies such as KWD, BHD, and OMR, allowing merchants to charge international customers in these currencies. Know more about Currency Conversion.

      Razorpay has added support for three decimal currencies such as KWD, BHD, and OMR. This allows businesses to accept international payments in these currencies. Know more about Currency Conversion.

    1. For example, if the amount to be charged is ₹299, then pass 29900 in this field.currency mandatorystring Currency code for the currency in which you want to accept the payment. For example, INR. R

      same comment as given in the V2 doc

    1. Razorpay has added support for three decimal currencies such as KWD, BHD, and OMR, allowing merchants to charge international customers in these currencies. Know more about Currency Conversion.

      Razorpay has added support for three decimal currencies such as KWD, BHD, and OMR. This allows businesses to accept international payments in these currencies.

    2. eld.

      In case of three decimal currencies such as KWD, BHD and OMR, to accept a payment of 295.999, pass the value as 295999.

    1. Zero decimal currencies when selling a product for ₹1000 in the domestic market, you pass INR in the currency parameter and 100000 in the amount parameter (since the amount should be in paise). When selling in the international market, you might want to charge $20 for the same product. In this case, you must pass USD in the currency parameter and 2000 in the amount parameter (since the amount should be in cents). For example: AED, AMD, INR and so on.

      I think for now only 2 and 3 exponent currencies will be supported

    1. We would require the following information from you to go live with POS Bridge:

      Shorten the sentence.

      Provide the following information to go live with POS Bridge:

    2. Ezetap's Requirements to Go Live

      Ezetap Go-Live Requirements

    3. will provide you th

      this will be sent by mail?

    4. Ezetap once you receive the

      should they send an email to some specific id?

    5. Go-live Checklist
      1. Go-live Checklist
    1. Kx Required

      What is Kx?

    2. Before going live with Ezetap POS Bridge, it is important to test all payment and Payment Gateway integration features for error codes and failure cases

      Before going live with Ezetap POS Bridge, it is important to test the integration and cover all scenarios.

    3. Tes
      1. Test Integration
    1. Response

      Add Response Parameters

    2. e start API

      same comment as before

    3. When the Notification has Been Received

      The notification is a payment notification?

    4. ver Has been received by the POS device

      add full stop

    5. ancel notification API .

      API name should match

    6. start API

      Should we rename the API to Start API? There is a disconnect at the moment.

    7. )

      full stop

    8. )

      full stop

    9. Response

      If possible we should add an error response sample code as well

    10. the [#send-pos-bridge-notification-to-ezetap-device] (Start API request).

      broken bookmark?

    11. device id

      will the only value be ezetap_android? Or will this differ?

    12. FC r


    13. and so on.

      remove this

    14. Used

      Can we show a sample accountLabel here? Since in the request also the value is empty?

    15. mount

      can we add an example to show how to add decimals and stuff?

    16. haracters.

      can we add an example?

    17. Buil
      1. Build Integration
    18. se provide a

      How should they provide? Is there a form to fill somewhere? Or should these details be mailed to some id?

    19. se this as a part of

      how will they get the app key? is there somewhere they can generate it from or will Ezetap mail it to them?

    20. address

      email address or residential address?

    1. Stan

      This should appear as the second section. After Dashboard Actions and before the Payment Flow.

    2. Dashboard Actions

      This should be H2

    3. Log

      Add an intro line

    4. Enable Bajaj Pay payment method on the Razorpay Dashboard if not already enabled. After Bajaj Pay is enabled, it is listed on the Razorpay Standard Checkout as an option under the wallet payment method.

      Move this under Dashboard Actions

    5. Enable Bajaj Pay payment method on the Razorpay Dashboard if not already enabled. After Bajaj Pay is enabled, it is listed on the Razorpay Standard Checkout as an option under the wallet payment method

      Let us create a section called Dashboard Actions and show how to view whether Bajaj Pay is enabled or not. and move these points under that.

      Refer: https://betasite.razorpay.com/docs/razorpay/IN/payment-pm-wallet-new-bajaj-pay/payments/payment-methods/instant-international-bank-transfer#dashboard-actions

    6. You can vi

      After Bajaj Pay is enabled for your account, it will appear on Standard Checkout without any additional integrations. You can view the wallets enabled for your....

    7. payment method


    1. Conditions as

      I do not know what Conditions actually does. Need some more explanation.

    2. Payment Action based your requirem

      Set the Payment Action to Authorize and Capture to auto-capture payments. If you want to capture payments manually from the Dashboard after manual verification, set the Payment Method to Authorize.

    3. e check box

      Select Commerce Razorpay and click Install.

    4. zip

      ZIP or .zip

    5. with

      with the

    1. You can also call this method if a customer exits your app without completing the transaction, and Razorpay will then terminate the payment.

      split into two sentences.

    2. intent

      to initiate UPI intent payments from your app?

    3. Others

      this is supposed to be any?