16 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2021
    1. The ERC-20 introduces a standard for Fungible Tokens

      What does this really mean ????

  2. Sep 2021
    1. If you attest to malicious blocks, you lose your stake

      What if you are an attacker who accepts the loss for the sake of accepting transactions are will bring harm/loss/negative impact?

    2. they're selected at random

      Who is in charge of randomizing the miner's selection?

    1. Once they are deployed on the network you can't change them

      so how do I add new features and fix bugs?

    1. even if a malicious dapp submitted an infinite loop, the transaction would eventually run out of ether and terminate

      How do I, the user requesting a transaction to be processed, know how much ETH I need to give upfront that is enough for the transaction to go through?

    1. Accounts and account balances are stored in a big table in the EVM;

      Isn't the balance = the result of your initial ETH amount and the sum of all your transaction history?

    2. participant

      what is a participant? a miner? a user requesting a transaction? who else? nodes? are nodes = miners?

    3. Any participant who broadcasts a transaction request must also offer some amount of ether to the network, as a bounty to be awarded to whoever eventually does the work

      How can the user requesting a transaction know beforehand what will be the actual cost for a node to work on the transaction?

    1. Anyone can deploy new smart contracts to Ethereum in order to add custom functionality to meet their application's needs.

      How to prevent "reinventing the wheel" by creating Smart Contracts that other developers might have created already with the same (or very similar) intent/behavior???

    2. Smart contracts are the executable programs that run on the Ethereum blockchain.

      Just a side note but why would anyone call a "contract" to an "executable program" ?!?! A IRL contract is something static that doesn't change... that defines the rules and properties of something. Not a living thing that does things...

      Another definition says "A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code.". This starts to make more sense thinking of something that executes things once certain conditions are met.

    1. Upon creation, each transaction is charged with a certain amount of gas, whose purpose is to limit the amount of work that is needed to execute the transaction and to pay for this execution at the same time.

      Isn't the Gas also used for proof-of-stake? https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/gas/

    2. If the target account is not set (the transaction does not have a recipient or the recipient is set to null), the transaction creates a new contract. As already mentioned, the address of that contract is not the zero address but an address derived from the sender and its number of transactions sent (the “nonce”). The payload of such a contract creation transaction is taken to be EVM bytecode and executed. The output data of this execution is permanently stored as the code of the contract. This means that in order to create a contract, you do not send the actual code of the contract, but in fact code that returns that code when executed.


    3. External accounts that are controlled by public-private key pairs

      what are these public-private keys? where are they stored?

    4. The address of an external account is determined from the public key while the address of a contract is determined at the time the contract is created (it is derived from the creator address and the number of transactions sent from that address, the so-called “nonce”).

      No idea what this means...

  3. Jul 2021