6 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Routine screening for M genitalium is not recommended, but testing should be pursued in individuals with symptoms of persistent or recurrent urethritis/cervicitis


  2. Mar 2019
    1. A life-threatening problem common to many cancer patients is the loss of the reticuloendothelial capacity to clear microorganisms after splenectomy, which may be performed as part of the management of hairy cell leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and in Hodgkin’s disease.

      This is interesting.

    2. The loss of the spleen through trauma similarly predisposes the normal host to overwhelming infection throughout life.

      This is interesting.

    3. In addition to exhibiting susceptibility to certain infectious organisms, patients with cancer are likely to manifest their infections in characteristic ways. For example, fever—generally a sign of infection in normal hosts—continues to be a reliable indicator in neutropenic patients.

      Fever as an indicator of infection.

    4. Infections are a common cause of death and an even more common cause of morbidity in patients with a wide variety of neoplasms.

      It's interesting to learn this about infections.

    1. Scientists have discovered that the spleen, long consigned to the B-list of abdominal organs and known as much for its metaphoric as its physiological value, plays a more important role in the body’s defense system than anyone suspected.

      Here is a related article.