10 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2017
    1. When adult responses to children were contingent and focused on tho meaningful content of the interaction, there was a positive relationship with infants' use of vocabulary as toddlers

      If toddlers get the opportunity to speak and express themselves, they are able to enhance their vocabulary.

    2. An important factor in early social interac-tions is the responsiveness of adults lo an infant's behaviors (nonverbal and verbal)

      As a future preschool teacher, I understand it is key to look for an infant's level of interaction with me and take ques from their behaviors.

  2. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. Findings from their longitudinal study docu· monl the significance of "talkativeness" in families in influencing languago development rather than the family's socioeconomic status or ethnic group iden-tity. Differences in language use were attributed to the complex family culture-not simply to socioeconomic status or ethnic group identity.

      This makes sense to me because if children were taught at a young age at home not to speak unles spoken to, they do not have the same aount of opportunities to practice their language development.

    2. Differences are simply clifferoncos. not deficiencies of language.

      It should be important for educators to understand this and not judge a student based on their cultrual way of speaking.

    3. wait time given by teachers to students during questioning sequences,

      Wait time for students to respond can be important. If it is too easy for them to get the answer to a question, they are not using critical thinking skills.

    4. Tho Sapir-Whorf hypothesis staled that lho way wn think and viow tho world is dotorminnd by our languago

      This makes sense because because our language is dependent on the culture we grew up in and what is around us as children.

  3. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. Opportunities lo draw nnd write encourage children lo communicate f)nd create meaning based on their ideas of how language works.

      I think this is why children gain a lot from responding to a story they have just read and giving them the opportunity to realte themselves to the story. By either asking them to respond with a drawing or even an oral report, it gives them the further opportunity to take in the language and use their own.

    2. Chomsky con-tends that all people inherently have the capacity to acquire language due lo cogni-tive structures that process language differently from other stimuli.

      This is evident due to the fact that all humans communicate in one way or another with others, no matter what the language. It is in our nature to speak.

  4. Aug 2017
  5. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. This means the child will perceive the specific characteristics of lan-guage but will not be able to produce language that demonstrates this knowledge.

      We see this in Early Childhood often when infants will nod or shake their head but unable to reply to what an adult has said with anything more than babbling.

    2. Receptive language refers lo a child's comprehension of wore!§ (oral or written): when a specific word is used, the child knows what it refers to or represents. Expressive language refers lo a child's production of language lo communicate.

      Receptive vs. expressive differ from what the child can understand vs. what the child can produce themselves