11 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2017
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CIA co-operation over the Naguib issue was partly due to Nasser's secret offer of concessions in the Evacuation Agreement with Britain -the signing of which constituted a second reason for reduced tensions in the US-Egyptian relationship.78 Unfortunately, the effect was only temporary. This was largely because Nasser believed (genuinely, in the opinion of the CIA) that the United States was committed in return 'to give him some military help'.79 He was offered an arms deal worth $20 million in October 1954, but this was barely one fifth of what he had been expecting.
pg. 7
Nasser repeatedly expressed the hope (which regime insiders claim was sincere) that Britain and Egypt could work together at last
pg. 5 discussing initial hostility but also desire for peace with Britain
It was true that, immediately after the revolution, the new military regime would 'have nothing whatever to do with' the British, fearing sabotage
pg. 4
Certainly, there was great goodwill between the Free Officers and the US Embassy immediately after the Revolution
Nasser also got on well with US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, whom he met in May 1953.47 At this stage, the United States was not natur-ally ranked among Egypt's imperialist enemies - indeed, Nasser had deliberately avoided mentioning the Americans in such a context in either the original Free Officers' manifesto or his subsequent book, The
Initial perception of Americans as allies
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The Development of Pan-Arab Broadcasting UnderAuthoritarian Regimes — A Comparison of S aw t al-Arab(“Voice of the Arabs”) and A1 Jazeera News ChannelbyNawal Musleh-Motut Bachelor of Arts, Simon Fraser University 2004
Testing page notes
Consequently, the populations of the Arab world did not feel the affects of a true mass communication medium until the introduction of broadcasting in the mid-twentieth century.
Arguing that the Arab world was not experiencing mass communication until broadcasting
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Nasser's ideology and organization : a modernizing experiment in Egypt, 1952-1970. Author: Mohamed Abdel-Halim El-Ashram Publisher: Ann Arbor : University Microfilms International, 1983. Dissertation: Ph. D. New York University 1972 Edition/Format: Thesis/dissertation : Thesis/dissertation : EnglishView all editions and formats Database:WorldCat Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first. Subjects Egypt -- Politics and government -- 1952-1970. Nasser, Gamal Abdel, -- President United Arab Republic, -- 1918-1970. Politics and government View all subjects More like this User lists Similar Items
- Dec 2016
syllabus from nyu
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Box 6. American Board, 1954 - 1960 F. Addresses and Miscellaneous Papers by Alford Carleton (Note: Memos, etc. prepared for a specific body will usually be found with that body) 1. Speaking Engagements - Specimen Lists, 1954-1960 4 pieces. 2. Addresses and Miscellaneous Writings, 1954-1956 11 pieces. 3. Addresses and Miscellaneous Writings, 1957-1958 10 pieces. 4. Addresses and Miscellaneous Writings, 1959-1960 9 pieces. 5. Informal Memoranda and notes, 1957 - 1960 12 pieces. 6. Chronicle of Trip Around The World, February - April 1957 21 pieces. 7. Chronicle of Trip to Africa, Dec. 1957 - Jan. 1958 16 pieces. 8. Chronicle of Trip Around The World, April - June 1959 16 pieces. G. Haystack Sesquicentennial, See Congregational Christian Churches, B - 13:1 - 13:31
American Board Box 6, contains writings