- Sep 2022
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Schwab and coworkers present an automation software for correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) to acquire high-resolution SEM volume datasets at room temperature. This automation enables large-scale data collection and morphometric analysis of cell phenotypes.
The paper is overall well written, but often assumes a lot of prior knowledge of the workflow, which might not be present in a general audience or for newcomers to the technique. This is also seen in the insufficient labeling and explanation of the figures. They seem a bit like presentation slides, which could be well understood with the help of the presenter/narrator, but alone lack a lot of information (see more specific comments below).
Major Comments (in no particular order):
• Final accuracy of ~ 5 µm ... is this really sufficient? Given that the size of many mammalian cells is ~10-15 µm, this is still a HUGE error. Of course, there is a tradeoff between throughput and accuracy, the area covered and speed. Nonetheless, this means a serious limitation in terms of the kind of targets / biological questions that can be addressed with this technique! (Especially in the context of "rare events") This should be discussed in more detail.
• Given that the whole point of the paper is "large scale automation", I would have preferred a few more examples/higher n-count. A comment on which type of targets the authors envision/have validated would be nice (also in the context of the limitation in accuracy).
• It should be mentioned somewhere that "commercial dishes or coverslips" contain an imprinted grid pattern with numbers and letters to locate specific squares. [Again: probably clear to "aficionados" of the technique but totally unclear to newcomers/outsiders]
• "It is important to keep the initial number high in order to compensate for the loss of targets" - what % of targets is lost exactly in the final step (FIB-SEM imaging)? The 10 cells out of 35 (29%!) that were not "of sufficient quality for further downstream analysis", were they lost/discarded because of problems in the automation (e.g. autofocus/tracking failure) or for other reasons (e.g. preservation of the cells during fixation/embedding)?
• "One essential paradigm shift for increasing the acquisition throughput is the decision to decrease the resolution in the z-dimension, thus prioritizing the speed of acquisition and ultimately the total number of cells acquired in one run.". Surely, reducing z-resolution is an obvious way to speed up acquisition times. But this is not tied to the use of this software and obviously comes at a price ... this has been discussed before and is nothing novel. Hence "paradigm shift" might be a bit too strong. I however fully agree with CLEMSite's potential as a screening tool. Could a "high resolution" (isotropic) mode not be implemented, too? [then it would be up to the user to decide what to prioritize - throughput or resolution]
• There is no mentioning of why this specific hardware was used. Are there any limitations that currently restrict the approach to Zeiss machines? Any plans supporting other vendors? Of course, there are always certain benefits with certain instruments. Or just simply no others were available... A comment on which part was performed by/at Zeiss and which in the labs would be useful to understand specific contributions. (Since a conflict of interest statement seems missing).
Figures should be improved. They often contain too little information to understand the concepts/results discussed and there's lots of white space. The legends should be improved accordingly. In general, a more concise and structured figure design could go a long way of improving the quality of the manuscript. Please find a few suggestions (for the main figures) below (but the same should be applied to the supporting figures):
Fig. 1: While I believe it is clear to me what each scheme is supposed to represent, someone less immersed in this topic (or just entering the field) may have problems navigating the figure. For example: what are all the different letters and numbers? What's the blue box with the trapezoid ("EM targets" - it may become clear later, but here it is not), what are the blue and the red arrowhead, respectively (I suppose EM and focused ion beam?). This should be improved and labeled accordingly.
Fig. 2: Again, a lot of annotation is missing. E.g. what is the 3rd insert in b exactly (edge-detection? After CNN identification?)? For most of the figure, yellow squares are used to indicate the zoom-in region, why not for b) 1st row? With the "zoo" of scale bars, wouldn't it make sense to either always show the same bar (e.g. 200 µm), or scale the images so things become more comparable? In this regard: a) 2nd column and e) 1st column represent the same FOV. Why are they shown with different magnification/cropping?
Fig. 3: a) The procedure is well described in the legend, but no motivation is given in the text, why this is necessary. c) There's some floating density in the white space. Is this due to thresholding?
Fig. 4) Again, description/labeling of the figure is poor. E.g. what are the red outlines present in c) row 1-3 (but missing in row 4; why?)? [presumably these are the siRNA spots?] Is there any reason this figure could not be further sub-divided into d), e), f) etc? As it stands, a lot of additional descriptors ("second from the left", "two images on the right") are necessary while a simple call to a), b), c) would be much easier...
Fig. 5) Additional labeling (a,b,c...) could be helpful here, too. While intuitively I would assume that blue = DAPI and green = GFP, these things should be labeled or described in the legend. Especially in the 3D rendering it is quite unclear what is being portrayed. Is this an overlay of a FIB/SEM segmentation with the confocal 3D-data?
The first element in the filtered list can thus be stored for the subsequent application of autofocus and autostigmation procedures (AFAS) (Supplementary Fig. 3c). [technically this has been defined before]
In our case, we had two of such experiments, reaaching a global targeting accuracy (RMSE) of 8 {plus minus} 5 μm. A transformation is computed to register together the LM list and EM landmarks list, ...
The FOV is magnified from a 305 μm by 305 μm to a 36.4 μm by 36.4 μm surface area and an image of the cross-section is taken (Fig. 3c).
The sample is positioned at the target coordinates of the first cell, and the Multisite module performs the coincidence point alignment of both the electron and ion beams (Fig. 3a and Supplementary Fig. 3a).
To preserve the target, the sample is drifted 50 μm in x. [shifted?]
It is clear, that the kind of automation outlined here is necessary to elevate correlative SEM volume imaging to a "high-throughput" technique, which could become valuable for many biological questions. CLEMSite offers a valid technical solution and appears to be a solid implementation of the traditional/manual workflow. However, its presentation needs to be improved before we can support publication.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Review on "CLEMsite, a software for automated phenotypic screens using light microscopy and FIB-SEM" by Serra Lleti et al.
The manuscript describes a toolset to correlate LM data with automated FIB-SEM of selected regions of interest. This allows 3D correlative microscopy of multiple adherent cells ¬from a single resin block. This allows much needed high throughput in CLEM analysis to become quantitative. Two applications on Golgi apparatus morphology are shown.
Major questions:
- The software has been developed in collaboration between Zeiss/ Fibics in collaboration with academic groups and will only function on Zeiss SEMs that have the proper software. Thus, if I understand correct, it will not be of generic use and a more appropriate title would be 'CLEMsite, a software for automated phenotypic screens using light microscopy and Zeiss FIB-SEM"
- How is the described approach using FIB-SEM advantageous compared to methods like Serial Block-face EM (SBEM) and array tomography using serial section where larger fields of multiple cells can be imaged? Especially because the axial resolution was set to 200 nm and discussed as essential for the throughput speed.
- Is the data FAIR available?
- How is CLEMsite available? Is the code public or for sale?
Other comments:
- Can you comment on the flexibility of this method? It is described as a flexible method, but only HeLa cells (quite flat cells) and Golgi apparatus targeting was used. What about different cell types and what about targets with a less obvious EM morphology?
- For EM acquisition ZEISS smartSEM with ATLAS was used. LM was recorded with a microscope from a different vendor. Can the software be used regardless of microscope type?
- Create less variation in the size of scale bars.
- M&M: High resolution light microscopy: Why call this 'high resolution'? Specs given seem randomly chosen: For example objective magnification yes, NA not; excitation wavelength yes, emission not.
See above: This depends on the availability of code, as well as the usability in FIB-SEM that is not based on Zeiss.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Serra Lleti et al. report a new software (CLEMSite) for fully automated FIB-SEM imaging based on locations identified beforehand in LM. The authors have implemented routines for automatically identifying common reference patterns and an automated FIB-SEM quality control. This allows autonomous data acquisition of multiple locations distributed over the entire sample dish. CLEMSite has been developed as a powerful tool for fast and highly efficient screening of morphological variations.
Major comments:
The performance of CLEMSite has been demonstrated by the authors with two typical biological example applications. The stated performance parameters such as correlation precision and reproducibility are highly convincing and supported by the presented data. The authors give detailed information on their workflow and how on to use CLEMSite, which should allow other researchers to implement this for their own applications. The only comment I have in this regard, and I might have overlooked it, but how will CLEMSite be made available to the scientific community?
Minor comments:
The author mention that decreasing the z-resolution to 200 nm steps was critical to achieve high throughput. For applications that require higher resolution: is the only disadvantage a longer data acquisition time or are there also other limitations? I would assume that locating the finer structural details in a much larger data set might also introduce additional challenges in the data analysis pipeline.
In Table 1 in the supplements, the units are missing for the targeting positions.
On page 4, 4th line from the bottom, there is a typo in "reaaching a global targeting...".
With CLEMSite, the authors present a powerful new software tool for the FIB-SEM imaging community. The high level of automation allows high throughput data acquisition with minimal user interaction. To my knowledge, this is the first software that fully automatically recognises reference features and is able to run fully autonomously after points of interest have been selected in FM. This high throughput screening tool for FIB-SEM imaging would make a substantial technical contribution to the field of cellular imaging.
My own expertise lies in the field of technical developments for CLEM and super-resolution FM. I am not able to judge the biological content of the manuscript.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
This study presents a first structural insight on formin mDia bound to actin filaments in physiological conditions. Based mainly negative stain EM, the authors use 2D and 3D class averaging to describe two main configuration of the formin at the filament barbed end. The two configurations support the previously proposed stair-stepping model, which was based on crystal structures, with an open state where the formin binds two actin monomers and a closed state where three monomers are bound. Because the majority of the structures fall in the first, open state, this supports the existence of this intermediate. The authors also show that the orientation of the free FH2 in this open state is somewhat flexible, as several sub-classes with different angles can be distinguished. Finally, they identify, for the first time, formin densities bound along the length of the filament.
The data is well presented and I don't have any major issue. The only point is that the information that all the initial structural data comes from negative stain EM comes should be put upfront. One gets the feeling that cryoEM is used throughout until one reads the section on cryoEM. Given that the methodology is now also established for cryoEM, it is regrettable that data was not collected with a 300kV microscope, which may have revealed more details of the conformations, but I understand microscope time is hard to come by, and the authors did a remarkable job from negative-stain EM.
The finding of formin densities binding along the length of the actin filament is very interesting. Besides the previous cited finding, it also reminds of the observations made in yeast where Bni1 (in S. cerevisiae; PMID 17344480) and For3 (in S. pombe; PMID 16782006) where shown to exhibit retrograde movement with polymerizing actin cables in vivo. This would be interesting to consider in the discussion.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
This study extends our understanding of the mechanism of formin-mediated actin assembly, by providing a first structural observation in physiological conditions. While confirmatory of previously proposed model, but also excludes an alternative model, and offers novel observations of flexibility and binding along the actin filament length. It will be of great interest to researchers on the actin cytoskeleton.
My expertise is in the actin cytoskeleton and formins, but I am no expert in EM structural analysis.
We thank reviewer 1 for the very positive comments and for pointing out the relevance of our study for the actin cytoskeleton field. As advised, we now specify upfront in the abstract and in the introduction that most of the presented results were obtained from negative stain electron microscopy. Following the reviewer’s advice, we have enriched the discussion to highlight the retrograde movements of formins in actin cables observed in vivo.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Maufront et al. have used EM to study the conformation of mDia1 at the barbed end and the core of actin filaments to explain the molecular mechanism of the FH2 dimer processivity at these sites. Based on modelled structural data they tried to describe how the conformational changes in FH2 dimer lead to its partial dissociation, and then association with filaments during the process of translocation coupled to subunit addition at actin filaments barbed ends. This supports a previous study (Otomo et al. 2005, Nature), in which using X-ray crystallography structural data were used to propose a stair-stepping model for Bni1p translocation at the barbed ends during actin polymerization. The model for mDia1 binding to core filaments is also given. Moreover, using EM structure and the previously reported structures of actin (PDB: 5OOE), and actin with formin FH2 dimer (PDB: 1Y64), authors explained the dynamic nature of FH2 dimer at barbed ends of the filaments using the flapping model. But due to the low resolution of their structures ~ 26-29A0, the finer details of actin and the FH2 dimer structure at barbed ends could not be resolved, leaving open questions about the orientation of actin helical twist at this end during elongation. The authors tried several conditions to get high density barbed-end filaments, but that did not collect adequate number of particles, resulting in low number of particles selected for structure modelling purposes. However, to attain more physiologically relevant structure they used cryo-EM, but were successful in capturing only the open conformation structure of FH2 dimer (at low resolution). Thus, due to low resolution of structures the key findings have not added much to what we already know about the mechanism of FH2 dimer translocation during actin polymerization, except that their studies support the stair-stepping model (Otomo et al. 2005, Nature) and not that of "stepping second" model ( Paul and Pollard. 2008, Curr. Bio.). Thus, this manuscript does not merit publication in this journal.
We thank reviewer 2 for taking the time to read and review our study. However, we respectfully disagree with the statement that our findings “have not added much to what we already know about the mechanism of FH2 dimer translocation during actin polymerization”. As mentioned in our report, collecting EM data for formins in physiological conditions (at the barbed ends of growing filaments), as we do here for the first time, entails limitations on the number of particles one can observe and on the resulting resolution. Despite this rather low resolution, our data allow us to discriminate between two proposed models accounting for the processivity of formin FH2 domains at filament barbed ends. Being able to determine which of two competing models is valid (as the reviewer says we do) does add a lot to what we already know.
Major comments:
- Present study does not provide any new insight about the conformation of the actin dimer at the barbed ends of actin filaments when FH2 domains of formin are bound. This study appears to be more like an extension of previous research (Otomo et al. 2005, Nature), in which the authors used X-ray crystallography data to propose a model for actin filaments elongation by formin bound at the barbed ends.
As mentioned above, we respectfully disagree with this remark. First, in Otomo et al. 2005, formins are arranged in a crystal into a non-physiological “daisy chain” arrangement around a non-canonical tetramethyl rhodamine-actin filament. Our observations were made in physiological conditions displaying a single formin dimer at the barbed end of a polymerizing filament. Second, the stair stepping model originating from Otomo et al. was only inferred and extrapolated from the crystal structure and not directly observed. Both the open and the closed conformations were speculations, that had never been observed up to now. In our current report we directly visualize these two conformations. Third, the observations of Otomo et al. were obtained using formin Bni1p from yeast, not the mammalian formin mDia1, for which there is little (PDB 1V9B) structural data available describing the structure of a truncated mDia1 in the absence of actin. Finally, in addition to validating the stair-stepping model experimentally, we make unexpected observations that are totally absent from the model derived from Otomo et al. and subsequent studies.
The low resolution of structures is a major concern.
As mentioned above, the limited resolution is the price we had to pay for being in physiological conditions, with formins interacting with the barbed ends of growing actin filaments. Nonetheless, this resolution is sufficient to discriminate between the two previously existing models, and to make new observations, beyond these models.
Given the low resolution of data, how can the authors decide on the number (4) of classes of FH2 domain (in open state) and present them as "continuum of conformations". They stated "details featured in class 4 do not appear as sharp as in class 2". What was the basis of deciding on the sharpness level?
We agree that this point was unclear, and we thank the reviewer for pointing it out. The choice of the number of sub-classes for the open state is a trade-off between the sharpness (ie signal-to-noise ratio) of the resulting image, which is a direct consequence of the number of particles within each sub-class, and the internal variability within each sub-class. Class 4 might appear more “blurry” because it gathers particles displaying a range of angles. When increasing the number of generated classes in the 2D processing, we observe angular variations of the FH2 domains intermediate to the ones displayed in Figure 3. However, because increasing the number of classes results in averaging less particles per class, the generated classes appeared more noisy or “blurry” and not as “sharp”, as mentioned in the manuscript. Hence, we chose the number of displayed classes so that the signal-to-noise would remain satisfactory and sufficient to be able to determine the relative angle between the two FH2 domains. To make things clearer, “do not appear as sharp” was replaced by “displayed a lower signal-to-noise ratio and thus looked noisier”. The expression “sharp” was replaced by “enough contrast”.
The authors showed 30Å structure of FH2 domain encircling actin filaments towards their pointed ends, but said nothing about the kind of decoration it could be, a "daisy-chain" or "concentric circle"? Also, they did not mention anything about the orientation of actin helical twist and specific sites of binding. These information would provide new in-depth understanding of how formins binds while diffusing along the filaments.
The quality is sufficient to distinguish isolated FH2 dimers along the core of actin.
Accordingly, the FH2 dimers we observed along the core of our actin filaments adopt a conformation similar to that observed at the barbed end, as mentioned in the text (‘concentric circle’). This observation differs from the reported for INF2 which accumulated along filaments and may interact in a ‘daisy-chain‘ manner (Gurel et al, 2014 ; Sharma et al, 2014). From our data, we can thus assume that formins interact with F-actin along the core of filaments similarly to the way they do at the barbed ends, and might translocate in a two-step manner alongside the actin filament. As stated in the manuscript, the actin helical twist could not be deciphered. For docking the crystal structures within our EM envelope, we used the formin-actin contacts described previously in Otomo et al.
The author stated - "The leading FH2 domain likely provides a first docking intermediate for actin monomers that would help their orientation relative to the barbed end, resulting in a higher actin monomer on-rate". This statement was made on the basis of observing 79% times FH2 in the open state in their data set. This seems like an overstatement because they don't have any direct structural data to support such claim.
We agree with the reviewer that our statement, taken from the discussion section, is speculative, and we apologize if this was unclear. Our purpose was to propose a plausible mechanism, based on our structural data, since the FH2 domain stands in front of the barbed end in the “open conformation” and since it likely interacts with actin monomers. We have now rephrased our sentence to state more clearly that is a hypothetical mechanism : “We propose that… could provide…”.
In the Discussion they mentioned "the FH2 dimer would then be "lagging" behind the elongating barbed end if actin twisting back to 180{degree sign} occurs before the addition of actin monomer and this explains the diffusing along the actin filaments". Did authors encounter filaments with two formins bounds to them in their negative stain images? What is their view on this? In current data, they showed structure in which only one FH2 dimer is bound to the pointed ends of actin filaments. Have they tried increasing the concentration of formins to obtain structures with more than one formin is bound towards the pointed ends of actin filaments?
Following the recommendations from reviewer 2, we have performed an additional analysis and we now show typical examples of filaments observed with a formin along their core, including cases where two formins are observed on the same filament (Supplementary Figure 12). As we now explain in the discussion section, five different mechanisms (including lagging) can be invoked to explain how a formin can be located along the core of the filament. These five mechanisms can all account for the possibility to have more than one formin on the same filament.
The lagging mechanism, however, is the only one where we would expect that the filaments with a formin along their core are less likely to also have a formin at their barbed end (because the formin at the core spontaneously departed the bare barbed, that was left bare and with a shorter time to load another formin before fixation of the sample). A simple statistical analysis of our data leads to the estimation that 48 ± 7% (n=50) of actin filaments with a formin within their core also display a formin at their barbed ends. This is significantly less than for the global filament population, where 77 ±0.4% (n=10,461) of barbed ends are decorated with formins. This supports the lagging scenario as a likely mechanism putting formins along the core of the filament.
Regarding the specific suggestion to increase the formin concentration: We did screen different formin concentrations, but with higher concentrations the level of noise due to unbound formins was significantly increased in the image background and impeded a proper analysis. This is why we consistently used 100 nM formins.
To increase the density of short filaments for sample preparation, the authors used additional actin binding proteins "shown in supplementary Figure 2.C". There is no supplementary Figure 2.C. Moreover, it would be nice if the concentrations of these proteins are mentioned in the text.
We apologize for this mistake. Supplementary Figure 2.C has now been added and the protein concentrations have been added in the main text.
Minor comments:
- Figure 1 legend needs editing. E is missing in the legend.
Thanks for noticing this. We have added the missing legend for 1.E. 2. There is no supplementary Figure 2.C.
We apologize for this mistake. We have now added supplementary Figure 2.C.
It is recommended that the authors report the number of particle used during 2D and RELION 3D classifications in the figures. This would help in better understanding of the probability of the conformations mentioned in the text.
It was mentioned in the text. We have now made this information clearer to the reader.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
This is the first direct study showing the two (open and closed) conformations of mDia1 FH2 domain at the barbed ends of actin filaments using EM and cryoEM. The study supports the proposed molecular mechanism of FH2 processivity at the barbed ends during filaments elongation using stair-stepping model reported earlier (Otomo et al. 2005, Nature). For the first time, FH2 has been shown to fluctuate between various angles with respect to static actin filaments, and on this basis they propose a flapping model (Fig 5). They explained the whole mechanism using structural proof, but the low resolution of data raises a question about their quality sufficiency to propose this mechanism. The overall novelty of this manuscripts is insufficient for the publication in this journal. Audience having understanding of the actin and actin binding proteins will be interested in this study. Additionally, researcher from the field of structural biology (EM and CryoEM) will be interested. I have been working in the field of actin and actin binding proteins for past 4 years. Over 10 years' experience in protein biochemistry, structural biology and molecular biology.
We do not fully understand why, on one hand, reviewer 2 indicates that “for the first time, FH2 has been shown to fluctuate between various angles…” and that “Audience having understanding of the actin and actin binding proteins will be interested in this study. Additionally, researcher from the field of structural biology (EM and CryoEM) will be interested.”. On another hand, reviewer 2 states that “The overall novelty of this manuscripts is insufficient for the publication in this journal.”, which seems contradictory with the above statements and comments.
Regarding novelty, we insist on the fact that we have achieved for the first time the direct observation of FH2 formin domains at a resolution sufficient to discriminate between two distinct models at the barbed ends, as well as to observe the presence of formin mDia1 along the core of actin filaments in conditions where nobody has proposed that this could happen.
In addition, we have not specified any specific journal within the possible ones from “review commons”, up to now.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In this manuscript, Julien et al. use negative stain electron microscopy and cryo-EM to show two conformations of the FH2 domain for the formin mDia1 bound to the barbed end of an actin filament. These conformations support the "stair-stepping" model of FH2 domain movement with an elongating actin filament, as previously postulated by Otomo et al. (reference 1). The two states observe correspond to the "open" (~79%) and closed (~21%). The authors also show the conformational variability of the open state suggesting flexibility in this state. Finally, the authors observe FH2 domains encircling the actin filament at a distance from the barbed end, and suggest that the FH2 can diffuse from the barbed end down the filament.
Major comments:
1) Novel insights into formin function derived from this structure would raise impact. Issues that could be addressed include the following. Simply adding some lines to the discussion would not really add impact, but additional experimental/modeling work would.
We agree that comparing the binding mode of different formins on actin filaments, testing the impact of profilin, and assaying FH2 domains in the absence of FH1, as proposed below, would provide a broad set of interesting additional data. However, without claiming that our results can be generalized to all formins in all conditions, we believe that our findings are novel and should be of interest to a large community. The proposed additional experiments/modeling represent an impressive amount of work, and will be carried out in future investigations. We answer these comments in more details below.
- Whether this model really holds true for all FH2 domains. Formin FH2 dimerization and processive filament barbed end elongation are widespread features of formins, which have been evidenced for many organisms from metazoan to plants. Since we could dock the FH2 from yeast formin Bni1p to account for mammalian mDia1, we think the FH2 domain conformations may be conserved enough among species to display similar translocation mechanisms at the barbed ends of actin filaments, using a two-state mechanism. We chose to use the crystal structure from Bni1 formin (PDB 1Y64) because this structure was obtained in the presence of an actin filaments and brings some insights about the formin-actin contacts.
In order to convince reviewer 3, we superimposed the existing crystal structure of the FH2 mDia1 domain (PDB: 1V9D) with our model and reconstruction and show (Supplementary Figure 12) that the differences are minor. The mDia1 FH2 domains (atomic structures in red, PDB : 1V9D) are aligned with Bni1p FH2 domains (atomic structures in green and blue, PDB : 1Y64) previously fitted into the electron microscopy envelope of a barbed end capped by a formin in the « open state ». The FH2 domains are well aligned with a slight discrepancy in the knob/actin contact regions (blue arrows). This discrepancy most likely results from the absence of actin partners in the crystals obtained with mDia1 FH2 domains. The Bni1p structure thereby most accurately represents the knob/actin contact region. In addition, the folding of the lasso domain around the post domain is resolved in the Bni1p structure. Note here that the Bni1p lasso domains wrap equally well around the Bni1p post domain and the mDia1 post domain (green arrows).
- Whether the % time spent in the open and closed states might dictate the vastly different elongation rates mediated by different formins. For example, mDia1 is considered one of the 'faster' elongators (equivalent to actin alone in the absence of profilin), while fission yeast Cdc12 essentially caps filaments in the absence of profilin. We have discussed this aspect thoroughly in the discussion section to conclude that:” Our direct assessment of the open state occupancy rate thus provides important information on the molecular nature of the formin-barbed end conformations which could not be directly inferred from kinetic measurements, with or without mechanical tension, so far. Considering a gating factor of 0.9 and considering that formin mDia1 spends 79% of the time in the open state, we can compute that the on-rate for monomers would be slightly higher (14% higher) for an mDia1-bearing barbed end in the open state, than for a bare barbed end.”
We agree that repeating our set of EM experiments and analysis with other formins, like fission yeast Cdc12, would be interesting. However, this would take a long time, and falls out of the scope of our paper.
- Whether the % time spent in the open and closed states varies if filaments are actively elongating in the presence or absence of profilin. We have chosen not to include profilin in our experiments, and to limit the concentration of G-actin, in order to reduce the background in our EM micrographs. Also, a rapid filament elongation would increase the amount of F-actin per barbed end, while a dense population of short filaments is key to obtain accurate data (as we explain in the discussion, paragraph 1, p9).
We speculate that, by providing a link between the FH1 domains and the filament barbed end, profilin might very well alter the percentage of time spent in the open state, and mitigate lagging as mentioned in the discussion section. Properly addressing the impact of profilin with our EM experiments is very challenging, for the reasons we have explained. It would require further investigations, beyond the scope of this study.
How this model impacts the interactions of formins with other proteins at the barbed end. For example, capping proteins. We did not include capping proteins (or other additional proteins) because we wanted to avoid increasing the number of particles from diverse nature per field of view, as they constitute a background that is detrimental for the analysis of EM micrographs. We would have add to sort out additional populations in the course of image analysis. We thus only mixed actin and formin in our assays.
Do these results relate to formin function in disease? Because formins regulate actin polymerization, their malfunction is linked to a variety of diseases. We therefore expect our findings to be useful to researchers in the medical field. However, our study remains in the scope of basic research and primarily aims at understanding the mechanisms of formin-assisted actin polymerization.
2) The observation that formin FH2 domains can bind filament sides has been made several times. In particular, a structural model of the FH2 domain of the INF2 formin along the side of an actin filament (Gurel et al 2014, PMID 24915113). This publication also references other papers showing other formins binding to filament sides. There are two points to this comment:
- The model in Gurel et al is that the FH2 domain does not slide down the filament from the barbed end. Rather, the FH2 dimer has an appreciable dissociation rate, enabling it to encircle the filament without having to slide. This FH2 dissociation has been observed for another formin that has been shown to bind filament sides, FMNL1 (called FRL1 in the listed publication), in Harris et al 2006 (PMID 16556604). The authors must explain their reasoning for thinking that mDia1's FH2 can slide down the filament from the barbed end. One possibility is to make observations of this FH2 population in filaments that were not sonicated. What is the average distance of FH2s from the barbed end? We thank the reviewer for pointing our attention to this report from Gurel et al. which we now cite. Following this comment, as well as point 6 of reviewer 2, we now discuss the different mechanisms that could lead to our observation of mDia1 along the core of the filament. We provide a new analysis of our data (discussion section), arguing in favor of the lagging mechanism (i.e. ‘sliding down’ from the barbed end), without excluding the competing scenarios. Briefly, we compute that 48 ± 7% (n=50) of actin filaments with a formin within their core also display a formin at their barbed ends. This is significantly less than for the global filament population, where 77 ±0.4% (n=10,461) of barbed ends are decorated with formins. This supports the lagging scenario, which is the only one where a filament with a formin along its core should be less likely to also have a formin at its barbed end.
The distance of FH2s from the barbed end would provide additional information. However, it is difficult to estimate, since we often to not see the entire filament, and since we do not know which end is the barbed end.
Interestingly, in some of the works studying formin binding to filament sides, mDia1 was shown to be rather poor in this property. It would be useful to get an idea of what % of the observed FH2s are in the filament core, as opposed to at the barbed end. Along with the additional analysis mentioned in the previous point, we have now estimated that about 8% of actin filaments display a formin within their core. We have added this number in the manuscript (end of the Results section). As a comparison, in our assays, 77% of filament barbed ends bear a formin.
The authors must reference the past works showing FH2 binding to filament sides, particularly the structural work. At present, no mention of prior work on FH2 side binding is mentioned. As advised, we have now added additional references and more particularly Gurel et al, 2014.
3) My major technical concern in this manuscript is that the authors use the FH1-FH2-DAD domain of mDia1 for the imaging, but use FH2 structure of Bni1p for 3D characterization (Otomo et al.). Even though Bni1p has been used for functional and structural analysis, mDia1 and Bni1p FH2 domains share low sequence homology. In addition, mDia1 only partially complements loss of Bni1 function in vivo (Moseley et al., 2004 PMID 14657240). Can the authors use the partial structural information of the mDia1 FH2 from Shimada et al 2004 (PDB 1V9D, PMID 14992721)? Alternately, the authors could have used FH2 domain of Bni1p for imaging. At the very least, the authors should explain clearly why they used different proteins for imaging and modeling.
As mentioned above (please see our response to point 1.a), we chose to use the crystal structure from formin Bni1 (PDB 1Y64) because this structure was obtained in the presence of an actin monomers, and it thus brings some insights about the formin-actin contacts. The existing structures obtained from formin mDia1 does not include actin (full length by EM: Maiti et al, 2012; crystal structure of subdomains (without FH1): Otomo et al., 2010 PLoS one). It thus seems relevant, in the context of our investigations, to use a structure where formin-actin contacts could be at least partially inferred.
Further, we superimposed the existing crystal structure of the FH2 mDia1 domain (PDB: 1V9D) with our model and reconstruction and show that the differences are minor (please see the figure in our response to point 1.a, above).
4) The open and closed states are observed from negative staining data. However, the authors can only find one of the states (open) by cryo-EM, which decreases the confidence level of the paper's conclusions. It would be useful for the authors do a little more to try to find the closed conformation by cryo-EM.
Using Cryo-EM we can already recover the most abundant open conformation.
Unfortunately, as pointed out here, the number of particles obtained was too low to enable high resolution and reveal the two observed conformations. Indeed, considering a density of ~ 5 barbed ends par micrograph, the collection of tens of thousands of images would have been necessary, which was not realistic regarding the access we have to latest generation microscopes.
5) It is unclear whether there are additional effects of using FH1-FH2-DAD protein (not FH2 only) for the imaging, as it shows long protrusion at the tip of actin barbed end. To avoid those concerns the authors could use only FH2 domain of mDia1. Also the authors have to note that they used Bni1p structure because there are no published structures of mDia1 so far.
We had indeed tried to use a construct deprived of the flexible FH1 domain but the lower purity of this construct and the presence of aggregates led to the collection of lower quality EM micrographs. As profilin was not included in our assay, FH1 domains were not involved in actin polymerization at the barbed end and thus remain very flexible and unstructured. Consistently, we did not detect any additional electronic density that could result from the FH1 domains.
We indeed point out (p5) that “We used the crystal structure from yeast Bni1p FH2 domains in interactions with an actin filament, rather than the existing one from mammalian mDia1 formin FH2 dimer in isolation (PDB 1V9D), because actin-formin contacts are described in the Bni1p structure.” Minor comments:
1) Figure 1: It would be interesting if imaging is provided for mDia1 bound to filaments which it has nucleated. Would it be possible that binding to pre-formed filaments is different to that for mDia1-nucleated filaments?
This is a good suggestion for further investigations but it extends beyond the scope of this study: as we explain, our attempts to nucleate filaments from mDia1 lead to lower quality micrographs, and the sonication of preformed filaments was our best option. However, we do not expect the translocation mechanism of FH2 to differ, as a function of the nucleation history of the filament, since the formin interacts with a filament whose elongation it has assisted over several subunits.
2) Supplementary figure 2: Numbers of things in the S2 is unclear and poorly described in both results and methods. In particular, figure S2A, the definitions of the black and gray lines (steady state actin) is not clear. Are they containing 5% pyrene actin? Is that actin in polymerization buffer or in monomer-actin buffer? Is that actin incubated with actin polymerization buffer for a certain time before measurement of fluorescent intensity? In figure S2B, how the authors calculate the monomer actin concentration? The authors should provide the information in either results or methods part.
We apologize for the lack of information. Since this is a standard assay, we have now added more details in the Methods section (rather than in the Results section).
All curves shown in figure S2 were obtained with 5% pyrene actin. The gray curve shows the pyrene fluorescence intensity baseline from 1 µM G-actin monomers, obtained in G-buffer. The black curve is the fluorescence intensity at steady-state of 1 µM actin in polymerizing conditions, (after 1 hour of incubation at room temperature, at 5 µM, the sample was diluted without sonication and left for another hour before measuring the fluorescence intensity).
The monomeric actin concentrations shown in figure S2B are derived from the intensity level of pyrene at any time point during the experiment, using the simple equations we now present in the Methods section.
3) Supplementary figure 2 C: The figure and legend are missing in the manuscript. Furthermore, the authors describe that they used Gc-globulin to sequester monomeric actin in solution. Is gc-globulin widely used for actin monomer sequestration?
Thank you for noticing the missing panel which is now back in place. Indeed, Gc globulin is known to sequester G-actin (Van Baelen, H., R. Bouillon, and P. DeMoor. 1980. “Vitamin D binding protein (Gc-globulin) binds actin”. J. Biol. Chem. 255:2270-2272). This is why we have attempted to use it. We could see a slight effect but we did not want to increase the noise within our images with additional proteins that would have made the analysis more complicated.
CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS Reviewer #1 mentions that the authors identify formin densities bound along the actin filament for the first time. I agree that the imaging of the mDia1 along the actin filament using electron microscopy is novel, but the concept of formin binding has already been found and studied well with other formins (PMID 16556604, PMID 24915113) and even mDia1 has poor binding activity compared to other formins. It was really nice of the authors to show the mDia1 side filament binding, but I don't think it is a striking finding.
I have no comment for Reviewer #2.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
If the EM refinements and 3D rendering techniques are conducted rigorously (which this reviewer is unable to judge), the data support an existing theory of how FH2 domains interact with the actin barbed end. Overall, the data will be of interest in formin field. However, as written the paper confirms an existing model, and does not represent new insight. Impact would be raised by providing insights from these findings that impact formin function or disease.
We have answered this concern above. The existing models were speculative and not based on direct observations. They relied on data obtained in non-physiological conditions.
Here, we directly observe two distinct conformations in our structural data, and clearly validate one model over the other. This provides a major advancement in our understanding of formin interaction with actin filaments. In addition, we uncovered an unexpected behavior of formin mDia1, which can readily be found along the core of the filament without the aid of additional proteins, and we propose a mechanism based on our data to account for this observation.
Another main point is that the observation of FH2 domains bound along an actin filament, while interesting, is not novel. Others have found this for other formins, but those papers are not referenced here.
The direct binding of formins to the sides of actin filaments is thought to be specific to some particular formins (we now cite additional references in our manuscript, to discuss this point). Formin mDia1, which is a ubiquitous and widely studied mammalian formin (perhaps the most studied), has only been described to diffuse along actin filaments when a capping protein dislodges it from the barbed end (Bombardier et al. Nat Com 2015). Here, we show that formin mDia1 can be found encircling the core of actin filaments, in the absence of any capping protein. This behavior is novel and unexpected. It should open new avenues for research on formin mDia1, as well as on other formins.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript, Julien et al. use negative stain electron microscopy and cryo-EM to show two conformations of the FH2 domain for the formin mDia1 bound to the barbed end of an actin filament. These conformations support the "stair-stepping" model of FH2 domain movement with an elongating actin filament, as previously postulated by Otomo et al. (reference 1). The two states observe correspond to the "open" (~79%) and closed (~21%). The authors also show the conformational variability of the open state suggesting flexibility in this state. Finally, the authors observe FH2 domains encircling the actin filament at a distance from the barbed end, and suggest that the FH2 can diffuse from the barbed end down the filament.
Major comments:
- Novel insights into formin function derived from this structure would raise impact. Issues that could be addressed include the following. Simply adding some lines to the discussion would not really add impact, but additional experimental/modeling work would.
- a. Whether this model really holds true for all FH2 domains.
- b. Whether the % time spent in the open and closed states might dictate the vastly different elongation rates mediated by different formins. For example, mDia1 is considered one of the 'faster' elongators (equivalent to actin alone in the absence of profilin), while fission yeast Cdc12 essentially caps filaments in the absence of profilin.
- c. Whether the % time spent in the open and closed states varies if filaments are actively elongating in the presence or absence of profilin.
- d. How this model impacts the interactions of formins with other proteins at the barbed end. For example, capping proteins.
- e. Do these results relate to formin function in disease?
- The observation that formin FH2 domains can bind filament sides has been made several times. In particular, a structural model of the FH2 domain of the INF2 formin along the side of an actin filament (Gurel et al 2014, PMID 24915113). This publication also references other papers showing other formins binding to filament sides. There are two points to this comment:
- a. The model in Gurel et al is that the FH2 domain does not slide down the filament from the barbed end. Rather, the FH2 dimer has an appreciable dissociation rate, enabling it to encircle the filament without having to slide. This FH2 dissociation has been observed for another formin that has been shown to bind filament sides, FMNL1 (called FRL1 in the listed publication), in Harris et al 2006 (PMID 16556604). The authors must explain their reasoning for thinking that mDia1's FH2 can slide down the filament from the barbed end. One possibility is to make observations of this FH2 population in filaments that were not sonicated. What is the average distance of FH2s from the barbed end?
- b. Interestingly, in some of the works studying formin binding to filament sides, mDia1 was shown to be rather poor in this property. It would be useful to get an idea of what % of the observed FH2s are in the filament core, as opposed to at the barbed end.
- c. The authors must reference the past works showing FH2 binding to filament sides, particularly the structural work. At present, no mention of prior work on FH2 side binding is mentioned.
- My major technical concern in this manuscript is that the authors use the FH1-FH2-DAD domain of mDia1 for the imaging, but use FH2 structure of Bni1p for 3D characterization (Otomo et al.). Even though Bni1p has been used for functional and structural analysis, mDia1 and Bni1p FH2 domains share low sequence homology. In addition, mDia1 only partially complements loss of Bni1 function in vivo (Moseley et al., 2004 PMID 14657240). Can the authors use the partial structural information of the mDia1 FH2 from Shimada et al 2004 (PDB 1V9D, PMID 14992721)? Alternately, the authors could have used FH2 domain of Bni1p for imaging. At the very least, the authors should explain clearly why they used different proteins for imaging and modeling.
- The open and closed states are observed from negative staining data. However, the authors can only find one of the states (open) by cryo-EM, which decreases the confidence level of the paper's conclusions. It would be useful for the authors do a little more to try to find the closed conformation by cryo-EM.
- It is unclear whether there are additional effects of using FH1-FH2-DAD protein (not FH2 only) for the imaging, as it shows long protrusion at the tip of actin barbed end. To avoid those concerns the authors could use only FH2 domain of mDia1. Also the authors have to note that they used Bni1p structure because there are no published structures of mDia1 so far.
Minor comments:
- Figure 1: It would be interesting if imaging is provided for mDia1 bound to filaments which it has nucleated. Would it be possible that binding to pre-formed filaments is different to that for mDia1-nucleated filaments?
- Supplementary figure 2: Numbers of things in the S2 is unclear and poorly described in both results and methods. In particular, figure S2A, the definitions of the black and gray lines (steady state actin) is not clear. Are they containing 5% pyrene actin? Is that actin in polymerization buffer or in monomer-actin buffer? Is that actin incubated with actin polymerization buffer for a certain time before measurement of fluorescent intensity? In figure S2B, how the authors calculate the monomer actin concentration? The authors should provide the information in either results or methods part.
- Supplementary figure 2 C: The figure and legend are missing in the manuscript. Furthermore, the authors describe that they used Gc-globulin to sequester monomeric actin in solution. Is gc-globulin widely used for actin monomer sequestration?
Referees cross-commenting
Reviewer #1 mentions that the authors identify formin densities bound along the actin filament for the first time. I agree that the imaging of the mDia1 along the actin filament using electron microscopy is novel, but the concept of formin binding has already been found and studied well with other formins (PMID 16556604, PMID 24915113) and even mDia1 has poor binding activity compared to other formins. It was really nice of the authors to show the mDia1 side filament binding, but I don't think it is a striking finding.
I have no comment for Reviewer #2.
If the EM refinements and 3D rendering techniques are conducted rigorously (which this reviewer is unable to judge), the data support an existing theory of how FH2 domains interact with the actin barbed end. Overall, the data will be of interest in formin field. However, as written the paper confirms an existing model, and does not represent new insight. Impact would be raised by providing insights from these findings that impact formin function or disease.
Another main point is that the observation of FH2 domains bound along an actin filament, while interesting, is not novel. Others have found this for other formins, but those papers are not referenced here.
- Novel insights into formin function derived from this structure would raise impact. Issues that could be addressed include the following. Simply adding some lines to the discussion would not really add impact, but additional experimental/modeling work would.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Maufront et al. have used EM to study the conformation of mDia1 at the barbed end and the core of actin filaments to explain the molecular mechanism of the FH2 dimer processivity at these sites. Based on modelled structural data they tried to describe how the conformational changes in FH2 dimer lead to its partial dissociation, and then association with filaments during the process of translocation coupled to subunit addition at actin filaments barbed ends. This supports a previous study (Otomo et al. 2005, Nature), in which using X-ray crystallography structural data were used to propose a stair-stepping model for Bni1p translocation at the barbed ends during actin polymerization. The model for mDia1 binding to core filaments is also given. Moreover, using EM structure and the previously reported structures of actin (PDB: 5OOE), and actin with formin FH2 dimer (PDB: 1Y64), authors explained the dynamic nature of FH2 dimer at barbed ends of the filaments using the flapping model. But due to the low resolution of their structures ~ 26-29A0, the finer details of actin and the FH2 dimer structure at barbed ends could not be resolved, leaving open questions about the orientation of actin helical twist at this end during elongation.
The authors tried several conditions to get high density barbed-end filaments, but that did not collect adequate number of particles, resulting in low number of particles selected for structure modelling purposes. However, to attain more physiologically relevant structure they used cryo-EM, but were successful in capturing only the open conformation structure of FH2 dimer (at low resolution). Thus, due to low resolution of structures the key findings have not added much to what we already know about the mechanism of FH2 dimer translocation during actin polymerization, except that their studies support the stair-stepping model (Otomo et al. 2005, Nature) and not that of "stepping second" model ( Paul and Pollard. 2008, Curr. Bio.). Thus, this manuscript does not merit publication in this journal.
Major comments:
- Present study does not provide any new insight about the conformation of the actin dimer at the barbed ends of actin filaments when FH2 domains of formin are bound. This study appears to be more like an extension of previous research (Otomo et al. 2005, Nature), in which the authors used X-ray crystallography data to propose a model for actin filaments elongation by formin bound at the barbed ends.
- The low resolution of structures is a major concern.
- Given the low resolution of data, how can the authors decide on the number (4) of classes of FH2 domain (in open state) and present them as "continuum of conformations". They stated "details featured in class 4 do not appear as sharp as in class 2". What was the basis of deciding on the sharpness level?
- The authors showed 30Å structure of FH2 domain encircling actin filaments towards their pointed ends, but said nothing about the kind of decoration it could be, a "daisy-chain" or "concentric circle"? Also, they did not mention anything about the orientation of actin helical twist and specific sites of binding. These information would provide new in-depth understanding of how formins binds while diffusing along the filaments.
- The author stated - "The leading FH2 domain likely provides a first docking intermediate for actin monomers that would help their orientation relative to the barbed end, resulting in a higher actin monomer on-rate". This statement was made on the basis of observing 79% times FH2 in the open state in their data set. This seems like an overstatement because they don't have any direct structural data to support such claim.
- In the Discussion they mentioned "the FH2 dimer would then be "lagging" behind the elongating barbed end if actin twisting back to 180{degree sign} occurs before the addition of actin monomer and this explains the diffusing along the actin filaments". Did authors encounter filaments with two formins bounds to them in their negative stain images? What is their view on this? In current data, they showed structure in which only one FH2 dimer is bound to the pointed ends of actin filaments. Have they tried increasing the concentration of formins to obtain structures with more than one formin is bound towards the pointed ends of actin filaments?
- To increase the density of short filaments for sample preparation, the authors used additional actin binding proteins "shown in supplementary Figure 2.C". There is no supplementary Figure 2.C. Moreover, it would be nice if the concentrations of these proteins are mentioned in the text.
Minor comments:
- Figure 1 legend needs editing. E is missing in the legend.
- There is no supplementary Figure 2.C.
- It is recommended that the authors report the number of particle used during 2D and RELION 3D classifications in the figures. This would help in better understanding of the probability of the conformations mentioned in the text.
This is the first direct study showing the two (open and closed) conformations of mDia1 FH2 domain at the barbed ends of actin filaments using EM and cryoEM. The study supports the proposed molecular mechanism of FH2 processivity at the barbed ends during filaments elongation using stair-stepping model reported earlier (Otomo et al. 2005, Nature). For the first time, FH2 has been shown to fluctuate between various angles with respect to static actin filaments, and on this basis they propose a flapping model (Fig 5). They explained the whole mechanism using structural proof, but the low resolution of data raises a question about their quality sufficiency to propose this mechanism. The overall novelty of this manuscripts is insufficient for the publication in this journal.
Audience having understanding of the actin and actin binding proteins will be interested in this study. Additionally, researcher from the field of structural biology (EM and CryoEM) will be interested. I have been working in the field of actin and actin binding proteins for past 4 years. Over 10 years' experience in protein biochemistry, structural biology and molecular biology.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This study presents a first structural insight on formin mDia bound to actin filaments in physiological conditions. Based mainly negative stain EM, the authors use 2D and 3D class averaging to describe two main configuration of the formin at the filament barbed end. The two configurations support the previously proposed stair-stepping model, which was based on crystal structures, with an open state where the formin binds two actin monomers and a closed state where three monomers are bound. Because the majority of the structures fall in the first, open state, this supports the existence of this intermediate. The authors also show that the orientation of the free FH2 in this open state is somewhat flexible, as several sub-classes with different angles can be distinguished. Finally, they identify, for the first time, formin densities bound along the length of the filament.
The data is well presented and I don't have any major issue. The only point is that the information that all the initial structural data comes from negative stain EM comes should be put upfront. One gets the feeling that cryoEM is used throughout until one reads the section on cryoEM. Given that the methodology is now also established for cryoEM, it is regrettable that data was not collected with a 300kV microscope, which may have revealed more details of the conformations, but I understand microscope time is hard to come by, and the authors did a remarkable job from negative-stain EM.
The finding of formin densities binding along the length of the actin filament is very interesting. Besides the previous cited finding, it also reminds of the observations made in yeast where Bni1 (in S. cerevisiae; PMID 17344480) and For3 (in S. pombe; PMID 16782006) where shown to exhibit retrograde movement with polymerizing actin cables in vivo. This would be interesting to consider in the discussion.
This study extends our understanding of the mechanism of formin-mediated actin assembly, by providing a first structural observation in physiological conditions. While confirmatory of previously proposed model, but also excludes an alternative model, and offers novel observations of flexibility and binding along the actin filament length. It will be of great interest to researchers on the actin cytoskeleton.
My expertise is in the actin cytoskeleton and formins, but I am no expert in EM structural analysis.
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Reply to the reviewers
In this section we list all the comments done by the three referees and our corresponding action.
Regarding Reviewer #1:
- On "mechanical control": The authors show changes in circadian power fraction with changes in YAP and with cytoskeletal inhibitors, but there are no properly-controlled experiments that directly perturb mechanics. The authors show a correlation between YAP nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and circadian power, but YAP N/C alone is not a readout of mechanotrasndcution, per se. The authors have shown two different experiments where cells are cultured on a stiff (30kPa) substrate and soft substrate (300Pa), but they do not shown a direct comparison of YAP nuclear localization and circadian power under these two conditions in the same experiment. Direct, controlled perturbation of mechanical cues is necessary to support the title's use of the phrase "mechanical control."
We agree with the referee that further mechanical perturbations could strengthen our conclusions. In our original manuscript we directly controlled the mechanical environment by culturing cells on substrates of 300Pa and 30kPa in stiffness. These differences in stiffness were not sufficient to drive changes in circadian power fraction and YAP localisation, as depicted in Fig. 3C (we note that the direct comparison requested by the referee is shown in that figure). We hypothesise that this negative result is due to a very low “rigidity threshold” or to secretion of extracellular matrix that stiffens the initially soft substrate. In any case, we plan to strengthen the “mechanical control” message of our paper with one or more of the below experiments:
A) We will measure circadian power fraction and YAP localisation in even extremer stiffness/adhesion conditions, using 300 Pa and 30 kPa polyacrylamide gels with a different fibronectin coating protocol, as described in Elósegui-Artola et al., 2017. This allows a much finer control of the concentration of fibronectin coated, so we can reach low enough levels to compromise the cell adhesion to the substrate and cross down the threshold that would lead to cytosolic localisation of YAP. We will perform this experiment in presence of the FUD peptide, which inhibits matrix deposition (Tomasini-Johansson et al., 2001; this peptide has already been tested in our lab).
B) We will use the approach described in Fig. 2E to compare the circadian power fraction in cells spread in stadium-shaped islands of 2400 um2 and 1200 um2. Oakes et al., 2014 already showed that traction forces exerted by 3T3 fibroblasts depend on the size of the spread area of the cells, so we expect differences in mechanotransduction that should affect YAP localisation and, if our hypothesis is correct, the RevVNP circadian oscillations.
C) We will abolish the physical connection between the actin cytoskeleton and the nucleus by disrupting the LINC complex via the overexpression of a dominant negative (DN) nesprin-1 KASH domain (Lombardi et al., 2011). The plasmid designed for the inducible overexpression of the DN KASH domain, originally tested in NIH3T3 cells (Mayer et al., 2019), is available in our lab and has been used to prove that uncoupling cytoskeleton and nucleus leads to nuclear YAP decrease in single cells (Kechagia at al., 2022). We will aim to increase the circadian power fraction in low density cells upon the overexpression of the DN KASH domain.
Elosegui-Artola A, Andreu I, Beedle AEM, Lezamiz A, Uroz M, Kosmalska AJ, Oria R, Kechagia JZ, Rico-Lastres P, Le Roux AL, et al (2017) Force Triggers YAP Nuclear Entry by Regulating Transport across Nuclear Pores. Cell 171: 1397-1410.e14
Kechagia Z, Sáez P, Gómez-González M, Zamarbide M, Andreu I, Koorman T, Beedle AEM, Derksen PWB, Trepat X, Arroyo M, et al (2022) The laminin-keratin link shields the nucleus from mechanical deformation and signalling Cell Biology
Lombardi ML, Jaalouk DE, Shanahan CM, Burke B, Roux KJ & Lammerding J (2011) The Interaction between Nesprins and Sun Proteins at the Nuclear Envelope Is Critical for Force Transmission between the Nucleus and Cytoskeleton*. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286: 26743–26753
Mayer CR, Arsenovic PT, Bathula K, Denis KB & Conway DE (2019) Characterization of 3D Printed Stretching Devices for Imaging Force Transmission in Live-Cells. Cel Mol Bioeng 12: 289–300
Oakes PW, Banerjee S, Marchetti MC & Gardel ML (2014) Geometry regulates traction stresses in adherent cells. Biophysical Journal 107: 825–833
Tomasini-Johansson BR, Kaufman NR, Ensenberger MG, Ozeri V, Hanski E & Mosher DF (2001) A 49-Residue Peptide from Adhesin F1 of Streptococcus pyogenes Inhibits Fibronectin Matrix Assembly*. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276: 23430–23439
2. On "via YAP/TAZ": In addition to above, it is necessary to show that the changes in Circadian power fraction induced by mechanical cues in fact require YAP/TAZ signaling. Thus, an experiment comparing soft (300Pa) substrate with Stiff (30kPa) substrate in the presence or absence of YAP/TAZ is necessary to state that YAP and TAZ are the mechanistic mediators of mechanical cues on the clock.
We are currently generating via CRISPR-KO and shRNA silencing a YAP1/TAZ double mutant. We plan to use this cell line in those conditions where YAP is prominently nuclear (low density in stiff substrates) with the purpose of rescuing the RevVNP circadian power fraction.
- While the TEAD-binding domain mutant experiment is elegant, to claim that TEAD is the transcriptional mediator, it must be demonstrated that this mutant indeed fails to induce TEAD-mediated transcription. This could be simply executed by demonstrating that the CCD mutant expresses reduced CTGF and Cyr61 (for example), compared to the 5SA, under these conditions. Further, endogenous YAP is still active and available to bind to TEAD in this system, which should be discussed.
We plan to carry out quantitative real-time PCR of CTGF and Cyr61 in all the YAP mutants and the control. Regarding the presence of endogenous YAP, we will clarify in the text that a) the overexpression of the different YAP mutants was done in high-density conditions, where endogenous YAP is significantly less localised in the nucleus, and that b) the levels of the exogenous YAP are much higher (we already have western blots showing this).
- In Figure 3a: The cell perimeter needs to be shown either by actin staining or by brightfield images. The manually marking of cell boundaries is insufficient, specifically because the drugs used in this experiment affect the cytoskeleton. It would be very helpful to see this via actin staining or in the least with brightfield images.
The cell perimeter was drawn based on the cytosolic YAP immunostaining, whose levels are high enough to infer the cell shape (higher resolution images can be attached if necessary). As stated in the manuscript, the YAP nuclear-to-cytosolic ratio is calculated using two adjacent areas of identical size, one inside the nucleus and the other one just outside (see Materials and Methods/Immunostainings), so the exact cell shape is irrelevant for this particular quantification.
Regarding Reviewer #2:
Effects on the circadian clock
- The authors use the fluorescent reporter created by Nagoshi from sections of the Rev-erbα gene. This reporter is widely used to estimate relative circadian timing in individual cells but it does not provide direct information on the circadian clock activity. In other words, while Reverb rhythmic expression is driven by the clock, it is not known whether less-rhythmic or non-rhythmic expression or change in expression level of Rev-erbα is affecting the core clock. For example, it has been shown that Rev-erbα knock-down cells are rhythmic as long as Rev-erb-beta is present. Thus, one major shortcoming of the current version of the manuscript is the missing dissection between Rev-erbα rhythmicity/expression and the circadian clock. More concretely, it remains unclear whether the change in Rev-erbα expression is a direct effect or caused by a defect clock. Since the authors presume a direct effect of YAP/TAP on Rev-erb expression, the former is likely. If that is the case, the data could be interpreted as that (missing) mechanic stimuli can lead to nuclear YAP/TAZ, which rises the level of Rev-erbα (and maybe interfere with its rhythmic accumulation). Beyond Rev-erbα expression, there may or may not be an effect on the circadian clock (core clock, CCGs). With the current version we do not know since the authors do not look beyond Rev-erbα expression. Thus, the claims on circadian clock or circadian rhythms in their cells is not studied in this version of the manuscript. The current version is still very interesting and provides insights into the Rev-erbα modulation, but additional work would be needed to show links with the core clock machinery. For this the authors could show influence (or at least correlation) of the YAP/TAZ/REVERBA phenotype on the oscillations of core clock genes or clock-controlled genes. Either through the use of alternative (ideally constitutive) reporters (e.g. PER2, BMAL1, fluorescent or LUC), or/and by analyzing RNA/Protein of core clock genes or output genes. This would not be necessary for all experiments, but at least for some were its possible (e.g. experiments with drugs perturbations). Otherwise, any claim like "YAP/TAZ perturbs the circadian clock ..." or "the circadian clock deregulation in nuclear YAP-enriched cells" is potentially flawed and has to be removed/reformulated.
We agree with the reviewer. In order to understand if the core clock is affected, beyond REV-ERBA, by YAP/TAZ expression and localisation, we plan to perform the two experimental approaches explained below. For both of them we will use high-density cells with and without YAP-5SA overexpression since the other conditions (drugs, micropatterned cells, low density) may not render enough cells for analytical approaches that are not based on fluorescent microscopy (real-time qPCR or luminescence recordings). Also, the potential results obtained with YAP-5SA overexpression will be more informative regarding causality YAP-circadian clock than those using the other conditions described in the manuscript.
- We will use NIH3T3 bmal1::luc cells (already generated in our lab with the pABpuro-BluF plasmid; https://www.addgene.org/46824/) and an adapted microscopy-based system to track bioluminescence. We will need to give our cells a synchronisation shock since the single-cell signal with this reporter is too low and noisy to perform single-cell tracking.
- We will check during 48 hours, every 4 hours, the mRNA levels of Bmal1, Clock, Cry1, Per2, Yap1 and Rev-erbα via quantitative real-time PCR. As in A), we will need to synchronise our cells prior RNA collection. In case the expression of the other components of the clock are not affected by YAP-5SA overexpression, we will modify the message of our manuscript to emphasize the role of REV-ERBA. As the referee mentions (and we thank them for that comment), finding that the modulation of Rev-erbα is mechano-sensitive and dependent on YAP/TAZ signalling would be still very relevant, given the role of this factor in metabolism, inflammation, mitochondrial activity, or Alzheimer’s disease, as discussed in lines 231-235 in the manuscript.
- The authors aim to discard the possibility of paracrine signals by showing no increase in circadian power fraction of cells growing in low density with conditioned medium (Figure 2D). A paracrine signal coming from an oscillatory system is likely to oscillate and in that case, I do not see how growing cells in constant conditional medium can discard the effects of an oscillatory paracrine signal. I believe the elegant experiment shown in Figure 2E more precisely address this issue.
The reviewer is right in the sense that paracrine coupling of circadian oscillators would require a circadian paracrine signal, like shown in Finger et al., 2021, and that we provide sufficient experimental evidence of a mechanics- rather than paracrine-driven control of the RevVNP circadian oscillations. Specifically, by using micropatterning (Fig. 2E) and gap closure (Fig. 2A) we show that cells under the same paracrine medium are able to display acute differences in RevVNP expression. The experiment with conditioned medium, which is a traditional technique used in some papers in the field like in Noguchi et al., 2013, was performed to rule out the possibility that secreted factors, even if not circadian, could ultimately impact the low-density cells’ circadian clock. We will rephrase the manuscript to stress out this reasoning.
Finger AM, Jäschke S, del Olmo M, Hurwitz R, Granada AE, Herzel H & Kramer A (2021) Intercellular coupling between peripheral circadian oscillators by TGF-β signaling. Science Advances 7
Noguchi T, Wang LL & Welsh DK (2013) Fibroblast PER2 circadian rhythmicity depends on cell density. Journal of Biological Rhythms 28: 183–192
Data analysis methodology:
- Single-cell circadian recordings like the ones analyzed here are characterized by noisy amplitude and non-sinusoidal waveforms with fluctuating period (Bieler et al., 2014; Feillet et al., 2014). The authors interpolate, smooth, detrend and normalize their data; operations that are known to introduce spectral artifacts that can mislead the interpretation of the power spectrum. Moreover, the time-series pre-processing operations described by the authors in the methods sections is incomplete and the authors should more explicitly describe all their operations with exact methods applied, filter parameters and time-windows sizes (if applicable). To validate their pre-processing steps the authors could provide their time-series analysis pipeline code and/or provide a few examples of raw versus pre-processed data together with their respective spectrums before and after pre-processing. In addition, the authors could provide their raw trace signal data together with the corresponding post-processed signal data as plain text files.
In our response to the reviewers, we will address this point exactly as requested by the reviewer. We will rewrite our methods section to explain better our analysis pipeline, clarifying that we do not apply detrending, that we resort rarely to interpolation of missing points, and stating the specifics of the standard low-pass filter we apply. We will then strengthen Supplementary Figure 1 with more examples of raw-data and processed data, and will provide raw trace signal data and the corresponding processed data to illustrate our approach.
- The authors rely on Fourier analysis and a reasonable self-made definition of circadian strength named as "circadian power fraction". Using a stationary-based method for noisy non-stationary data can lead to inaccurate spectrum power estimations. As the current version of the manuscript does not provide any alternative/complementary analysis method nor we have any available raw signal data it is unclear if their analysis appropriately represents the circadian power. The authors could consider implementing complementary data-analysis strategies to validate their conclusions. Fortunately, there are multiple suitable data analysis strategies already available that are exactly designed for this kind of data (eg. (Price et al., 2008; Leise et al., 2012; Leise, 2013; Bieler et al., 2014; Mönke et al., 2020). This time-series analysis methods is a crucial step as all main results on this manuscript rely on the authors self-made definition of circadian power. This is particularly important as there is no standardized method in the circadian field to estimate circadian rhythmicity and/or circadian power of single-cell traces.
We will take this point into consideration by running a complementary analysis of our data with one of the methods recommended by the reviewer. Our choice is pyBOAT, as presented in Mönke et al. (2020), because on first inspection its implementation of the wavelet method appears to be the most suitable for our dataset type. If we find that our time-series are too short for these methods we will use the RAIN algorithm (Thaben and Westermark, 2014) instead.
Mönke G, Sorgenfrei FA, Schmal C & Granada AE (2020) Optimal time frequency analysis for biological data - pyBOAT Systems Biology
Thaben PF & Westermark PO (2014) Detecting Rhythms in Time Series with RAIN. J Biol Rhythms 29: 391–400
- The authors mainly show circadian power fraction and analyze rhythmicity scores/powers. Is there the a chance that a rise in the basal expression level of Rev-erbα is reducing the rhythmicity score? Or to phrase it otherwise, the absolute amplitude may remain the same, but the relative amplitude may be reduced? Would that affect the FT analysis power scored? To clarify this the authors could provide an analysis of the relative amplitude in addition to the circadian intensity (as in Fig.1C).
Our analysis pipeline subtracts the mean signal from each cell’s intensity-time trace, and then divides each trace by its standard deviation. This procedure eliminates any bias due to basal expression of Rev-erbα. We will address this point by clarifying the methods section and providing examples in Supplementary Figure 1 of raw data with high-basal levels and low basal levels, showing their pre- and post-processed spectra.
Minor points by text-line:
YAP and TAZ should be introduced to the reader during introduction. by set a of proteins. Here the authors probably meant that cells were not reset nor entrained during the experiment. "..expression depends on..". This is a correlation, not proof of causation is shown until this point. This is an overstatement. Using the term "provoked" suggests a causal relationship not shown. Similarly last sentence "This result established.... is caused..". Again, this is an overstatement as only correlation is shown. According to their description the authors are not using any image-preprocessing steps, eg background subtraction or other filters. Is this correct? It is not clear what image metric for the single-cell signals are the authors using, eg. integrated nuclear intensity or mean/median nuclear intensity. I am not familiar with TrackMate but it might be possible to export and share with the readers the image-analysis pipeline used which would clarify any questions about image processing and signal extraction.
We thank the reviewer for pointing out all these minor points. We will address each one of them to make the paper clearer.
Regarding Reviewer #3:
The authors state in lines 163-165: 'This striking anticorrelation reveals that the robustness of the Rev-erbα circadian expression depends on the nucleocytoplasmic transport of YAP and its mechanosensitive regulation'. Although interesting, the data in figure 3 to which this statement refers is, as the authors identify, correlative, rather than causative. I would strongly suggest altering this statement to better reflect the data.
We will modify the text to eliminate this overstatement.
It looks to me as though all experiments were carried out in the same clonal reporter 3T3 line. To avoid possible issues with founder effects, I would ask that the authors repeat the initial experiment in figure 1B, and the associated analysis as in 1C-E with a different clonal 3T3 line. Hopefully this will not be very arduous, as the methods suggest that multiple clonal 3T3 reporter lines were made initially. With time to defrost, plate, record and analyse the data, I would hope that this would not take more than six weeks maximum.
We will perform the experiments regarding the cell density effect on the RevVNP oscillations (Fig. 1) in another clonal 3T3 line as the reviewer suggests. We have already initiated the experimental repeats with the alternative clone.
I would note that the custom software used for analysis does not appear to be generally available. I would assume that the authors would make this available upon request.
We will extend the explanation of our method as suggested by Reviewer #2 and make the code available to the community.
Experiments appear to have been adequately replicated in terms of n. However, the robustness of these findings would be supported though use of a different clonal reporter line, as discussed above.
We will solve this problem as stated above.
Statistical analysis is generally appropriate. I would suggest including statistical analysis in figures 3B and S4B to demonstrate that the pharmacological treatments are indeed having a statistically significant effect on the MAL and YAP nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio.
We will perform the corresponding statistical analysis on those data.
For Figure 4, it is not stated which statistical tests have been used, with only P values given in table S1. Please state which test has been used.
We will specify the statistical test used in the figure legend.
Furthermore, it would be valuable to see if it is possible to perform statistical analysis looking at the populations should in Figure 4A, to either support or refute the statement made in Line 189-90 that 'we overexpressed 5SA-S94A-YAP, a mutant version of YAP unable to interact with TEAD and observed that the cells recovered, to a large extent, both the RevVNP circadian power fraction and the REV-ERBα basal levels displayed by the wild-type high-density population'
The p-values corresponding to that dataset are represented in Table S1, but we will move them to the figure legend so the extent of the differences between the YAP mutants and the control becomes more noticeable. This applies too to the next comment of the reviewer.
Additionally, it is a little unclear to me why exact p values are reported in table S1. It seems that they might be better placed in the relevant figure legend.
Minor comments:
Although the authors took good care to try to ensure that there was minimal phase synchrony between cells, it would be good to see some analysis to confirm that these efforts were successful. This is of particular concern, given that many things that commonly happen during cell handling, such as temperature change and media change, even with conditioned media, can act to synchronise cells. Hopefully, this information should be available from your existing analysis.
All our experiments, except for the gap closure ones (which imply an unavoidable medium shock after the removal of the gasket where the cells are cultured to achieve high density) are carried out in a similar way (see Materials and Methods). This approach does not involve the typical shock of serum, dexamethasone, or other hormones, because we want to avoid biochemical signalling that could mask the “pure” effect of mechanics on the pathways that affect the circadian clock. In any case, a certain level of synchrony should not affect the analysis we perform, since this is single cell-based and does not consider the phase but the strength of its circadian frequency. But as requested by the reviewer we will analyze the phase signal and report the results if relevant to the project.
It would be informative to see both phase and period analysis for the data shown in figure 2C. Do cells at the edge show differences in relative synchrony following the removal of the PDMS barrier and Rev-erba induction? Is there a period difference between cells at the edge and those that remain confluent?
We agree with the referee that the “shock” received by the cells at the edge should work as a reset of their circadian phase and we have tried to analyse this effect. However, there are technical limitations that make this analysis difficult, mainly the short duration of the experiment and the fact that these cells transition very fast, upon gap closure, from a non-circadian to a circadian behaviour. We will attempt to better report this interesting effect by using the WAVECLOCK (Price et al., 2008) or the pyBOAT method (Mönke et al., 2020), suggested by Reviewer #2, which are designed to analyse non-stationary data.
Mönke G, Sorgenfrei FA, Schmal C & Granada AE (2020) Optimal time frequency analysis for biological data - pyBOAT Systems Biology
Price TS, Baggs JE, Curtis AM, Fitzgerald GA & Hogenesch JB (2008) WAVECLOCK: wavelet analysis of circadian oscillation. Bioinformatics 24: 2794–2795
Figure 2B - the text states that those cells far from the edge oscillate robustly thoughout the experiment, but this is not easy to see from this kymograph due to the dynamic range. Is there another way of presenting this that might make it easier to confirm?
We will calculate the circadian power fraction of the “bulk” cells as we do for the other conditions described in the manuscript. We can also show examples of individual traces if the average shown in Fig. 2C or the kymograph in Fig. 2B are not clear enough.
Figure 1D-E - the text provides periodicity for the high-density cells, but not the low density ones. Could you provide periodicity for both populations - do they differ?
We will represent in more detail the results of the frequency analysis on the low-density cells so the diversity of periods (frequencies) at this condition gets more evident.
Figure S3 - it is interesting to note the difference in population rhythmicity between the bulk and edge data here, which is not seen so clearly in cells without thymidine. Could the authors comment on this?
We agree with the referee that there is an obvious difference regarding RevVNP expression (mainly on the edge cells but also in the bulk) between the experiments with and without thymidine. We hypothesise this is due to the pronounced decrease in cell divisions in the presence of thymidine, which considerably slows down the gap closure and impacts the density of the entire cell population. We will comment this effect in the manuscript.
Line 148 - it is unclear here what is meant by 'the onset of circadian oscillations'. Could you rephrase this for clarity?
We will change that sentence.
Line 173 - a few words to highlight that Lats is a kinase and the function of YAP phosphorylation by Lats would aid clarity here. Similarly, explanation of the functional difference between the protein with 4 Serine to alanine mutations and 5 mutations and why both of these mutants were used would be helpful.
We will clarify this point following the reviewer’s suggestion.
Line 174 - for accuracy, this should perhaps read 'fibroblast circadian clock', as this work is only in 3T3 cells, and therefore may not apply more generally.
We will implement this change.
Line 202 - could you expand to explain the existing limitations of studying cell signalling cascades in synchronised cells? This is not clear to me. Thanks.
We will discuss the signalling effects caused by 50% serum shocks and other traditional ways to synchronise the cells as requested by the reviewer.
Figures 1D and 4B - the choice of colour range used in these kymographs is skewed towards the warmer colours, making it quite hard to discern differences between the groups. I would suggest using the cooler colour range for a greater proportion of the data set, to make rhythmicity, or lack of it, clearer to see.
We will invest further efforts to finding the optimal colour map and range for our datasets.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this study, the authors employ the NIH 3T3 fibroblast cell line to study the effect of cell density and the associated mechanical cues on cellular circadian rhythmicity. For this, they generate a Rev-erbα:VENUS line and, combined with constitutive nuclear mCherry expression, are able to track Rev-erbα: expression in single cells within populations of differing densities. Using overexpression of the transcriptional co-regulator YAP and specific mutants thereof, they suggest a role for YAP and its associated transcription factor family, TEAD, in the regulation of Rev-erbα expression under conditions of differing cell density.
Major comments:
Are the key conclusions convincing? Yes, the major conclusions are supported by the data shown.
Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?
The authors state in lines 163-165: 'This striking anticorrelation reveals that the robustness of the Rev-erbα circadian expression depends on the nucleocytoplasmic transport of YAP and its mechanosensitive regulation'. Although interesting, the data in figure 3 to which this statement refers is, as the authors identify, correlative, rather than causative. I would strongly suggest altering this statement to better reflect the data.
Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.
Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.
It looks to me as though all experiments were carried out in the same clonal reporter 3T3 line. To avoid possible issues with founder effects, I would ask that the authors repeat the initial experiment in figure 1B, and the associated analysis as in 1C-E with a different clonal 3T3 line. Hopefully this will not be very arduous, as the methods suggest that multiple clonal 3T3 reporter lines were made initially. With time to defrost, plate, record and analyse the data, I would hope that this would not take more than six weeks maximum.
- Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?
Yes. I would note that the custom software used for analysis does not appear to be generally available. I would assume that the authors would make this available upon request.
- Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?
Experiments appear to have been adequately replicated in terms of n. However, the robustness of these findings would be supported though use of a different clonal reporter line, as discussed above.
Statistical analysis is generally appropriate. I would suggest including statistical analysis in figures 3B and S4B to demonstrate that the pharmacological treatments are indeed having a statistically significant effect on the MAL and YAP nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio.
For Figure 4, it is not stated which statistical tests have been used, with only P values given in table S1. Please state which test has been used.
Furthermore, it would be valuable to see if it is possible to perform statistical analysis looking at the populations should in Figure 4A, to either support or refute the statement made in Line 189-90 that 'we overexpressed 5SA-S94A-YAP, a mutant version of YAP unable to interact with TEAD and observed that the cells recovered, to a large extent, both the RevVNP circadian power fraction and the REV-ERBα basal levels displayed by the wild-type high-density population'
Additionally, it is a little unclear to me why exact p values are reported in table S1. It seems that they might be better placed in the relevant figure legend.
Minor comments:
- Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable. Although the authors took good care to try to ensure that there was minimal phase synchrony between cells, it would be good to see some analysis to confirm that these efforts were successful. This is of particular concern, given that many things that commonly happen during cell handling, such as temperature change and media change, even with conditioned media, can act to synchronise cells. Hopefully, this information should be available from your existing analysis.
It would be informative to see both phase and period analysis for the data shown in figure 2C. Do cells at the edge show differences in relative synchrony following the removal of the PDMS barrier and Rev-erba induction? Is there a period difference between cells at the edge and those that remain confluent?
- Are prior studies referenced appropriately?
To the best of my knowledge, yes.
- Are the text and figures clear and accurate?
Figure 2B - the text states that those cells far from the edge oscillate robustly thoughout the experiment, but this is not easy to see from this kymograph due to the dynamic range. Is there another way of presenting this that might make it easier to confirm?
Figure 1D-E - the text provides periodicity for the high-density cells, but not the low density ones. Could you provide periodicity for both populations - do they differ?
Figure S3 - it is interesting to note the difference in population rhythmicity between the bulk and edge data here, which is not seen so clearly in cells without thymidine. Could the authors comment on this?
Line 148 - it is unclear here what is meant by 'the onset of circadian oscillations'. Could you rephrase this for clarity?
Line 173 - a few words to highlight that Lats is a kinase and the function of YAP phosphorylation by Lats would aid clarity here. Similarly, explanation of the functional difference between the protein with 4 Serine to alanine mutations and 5 mutations and why both of these mutants were used would be helpful.
Line 174 - for accuracy, this should perhaps read 'fibroblast circadian clock', as this work is only in 3T3 cells, and therefore may not apply more generally.
Line 202 - could you expand to explain the existing limitations of studying cell signalling cascades in synchronised cells? This is not clear to me. Thanks.
- Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?
Figures 1D and 4B - the choice of colour range used in these kymographs is skewed towards the warmer colours, making it quite hard to discern differences between the groups. I would suggest using the cooler colour range for a greater proportion of the data set, to make rhythmicity, or lack of it, clearer to see.
- Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.
This work provides a potential mechanism for the modulation of cellular rhythmicity under conditions of varying cell density, a currently relatively understudied area to which the contribution made here will be valuable. However, the work is limited by its use of only one cell type (NIH 3T3) and one reporter (Rev-erb:VENUS), which makes the work difficult to generalise in the context of all cell types and environments that exist in a mammalian context.
- Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).
Previous work has identified YAP activity as a mechanism of signalling growth substrate stiffness (Halder et al. 2012, Panciera et al. 2017). It has also been speculated, but not demonstrated, that YAP might influence circadian rhythmicity (Streuli and Meng, 2019). This work provides some initial evidence to support this speculation.
- State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.
This work would be of genera; interest to those working on mammalian cellular circadian rhythmicity. Additionally, given YAP's status as an oncogene, this work would also be relevant to those considering circadian disruption in cancer.
- Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.
Mammalian circadian cell biology and biochemistry.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Abenza et al. investigate an important question of how the physical environment affects the properties of the individual circadian clocks. The authors utilize a set of clever experiments, pharmacological manipulations and data analysis techniques to unveil a potential role of YAP/TAZ in the circadian clock.
Major comments:
Effects on the circadian clock
The authors use the fluorescent reporter created by Nagoshi from sections of the Rev-erbα gene. This reporter is widely used to estimate relative circadian timing in individual cells but it does not provide direct information on the circadian clock activity. In other words, while Reverb rhythmic expression is driven by the clock, it is not known whether less-rhythmic or non-rhythmic expression or change in expression level of Rev-erbα is affecting the core clock. For example, it has been shown that Rev-erbα knock-down cells are rhythmic as long as Rev-erb-beta is present. Thus, one major shortcoming of the current version of the manuscript is the missing dissection between Rev-erbα rhythmicity/expression and the circadian clock. More concretely, it remains unclear whether the change in Rev-erbα expression is a direct effect or caused by a defect clock. Since the authors presume a direct effect of YAP/TAP on Rev-erb expression, the former is likely. If that is the case, the data could be interpreted as that (missing) mechanic stimuli can lead to nuclear YAP/TAZ, which rises the level of Rev-erbα (and maybe interfere with its rhythmic accumulation). Beyond Rev-erbα expression, there may or may not be an effect on the circadian clock (core clock, CCGs). With the current version we do not know since the authors do not look beyond Rev-erbα expression. Thus, the claims on circadian clock or circadian rhythms in their cells is not studied in this version of the manuscript. The current version is still very interesting and provides insights into the Rev-erbα modulation, but additional work would be needed to show links with the core clock machinery. For this the authors could show influence (or at least correlation) of the YAP/TAZ/REVERBA phenotype on the oscillations of core clock genes or clock-controlled genes. Either through the use of alternative (ideally constitutive) reporters (e.g. PER2, BMAL1, fluorescent or LUC), or/and by analyzing RNA/Protein of core clock genes or output genes. This would not be necessary for all experiments, but at least for some were its possible (e.g. experiments with drugs perturbations). Otherwise, any claim like "YAP/TAZ perturbs the circadian clock ..." or "the circadian clock deregulation in nuclear YAP-enriched cells" is potentially flawed and has to be removed/reformulated.
The authors aim to discard the possibility of paracrine signals by showing no increase in circadian power fraction of cells growing in low density with conditioned medium (Figure 2D). A paracrine signal coming from an oscillatory system is likely to oscillate and in that case, I do not see how growing cells in constant conditional medium can discard the effects of an oscillatory paracrine signal. I believe the elegant experiment shown in Figure 2E more precisely address this issue.
Data analysis methodology:
Single-cell circadian recordings like the ones analyzed here are characterized by noisy amplitude and non-sinusoidal waveforms with fluctuating period (Bieler et al., 2014; Feillet et al., 2014). The authors interpolate, smooth, detrend and normalize their data; operations that are known to introduce spectral artifacts that can mislead the interpretation of the power spectrum. Moreover, the time-series pre-processing operations described by the authors in the methods sections is incomplete and the authors should more explicitly describe all their operations with exact methods applied, filter parameters and time-windows sizes (if applicable). To validate their pre-processing steps the authors could provide their time-series analysis pipeline code and/or provide a few examples of raw versus pre-processed data together with their respective spectrums before and after pre-processing. In addition, the authors could provide their raw trace signal data together with the corresponding post-processed signal data as plain text files.
The authors rely on Fourier analysis and a reasonable self-made definition of circadian strength named as "circadian power fraction". Using a stationary-based method for noisy non-stationary data can lead to inaccurate spectrum power estimations. As the current version of the manuscript does not provide any alternative/complementary analysis method nor we have any available raw signal data it is unclear if their analysis appropriately represents the circadian power. The authors could consider implementing complementary data-analysis strategies to validate their conclusions. Fortunately, there are multiple suitable data analysis strategies already available that are exactly designed for this kind of data (eg. (Price et al., 2008; Leise et al., 2012; Leise, 2013; Bieler et al., 2014; Mönke et al., 2020). This time-series analysis methods is a crucial step as all main results on this manuscript rely on the authors self-made definition of circadian power. This is particularly important as there is no standardized method in the circadian field to estimate circadian rhythmicity and/or circadian power of single-cell traces.
The authors mainly show circadian power fraction and analyze rhythmicity scores/powers. Is there the a chance that a rise in the basal expression level of Rev-erbα is reducing the rhythmicity score? Or to phrase it otherwise, the absolute amplitude may remain the same, but the relative amplitude may be reduced? Would that affect the FT analysis power scored? To clarify this the authors could provide an analysis of the relative amplitude in addition to the circadian intensity (as in Fig.1C).
Minor points by text-line:
- YAP and TAZ should be introduced to the reader during introduction.
- by set a of proteins.
- Here the authors probably meant that cells were not reset nor entrained during the experiment.
- "..expression depends on..". This is a correlation, not proof of causation is shown until this point. This is an overstatement.
- Using the term "provoked" suggests a causal relationship not shown.
- Similarly last sentence "This result established.... is caused..". Again, this is an overstatement as only correlation is shown.
- According to their description the authors are not using any image-preprocessing steps, eg background subtraction or other filters. Is this correct?
- It is not clear what image metric for the single-cell signals are the authors using, eg. integrated nuclear intensity or mean/median nuclear intensity. I am not familiar with TrackMate but it might be possible to export and share with the readers the image-analysis pipeline used which would clarify any questions about image processing and signal extraction.
Bieler, J, Cannavo, R, Gustafson, K, Gobet, C, Gatfield, D, and Naef, F (2014). Robust synchronization of coupled circadian and cell cycle oscillators in single mammalian cells. Mol Syst Biol 10, 739.
Leise, TL (2013). Wavelet analysis of circadian and ultradian behavioral rhythms. J Circadian Rhythms 11, 5.
Leise, TL, Wang, CW, Gitis, PJ, and Welsh, DK (2012). Persistent Cell-Autonomous Circadian Oscillations in Fibroblasts Revealed by Six-Week Single-Cell Imaging of PER2::LUC Bioluminescence. PLoS One 7, 1-10.
Mönke, G, Sorgenfrei, F, Schmal, C, and Granada, A (2020). Optimal time frequency analysis for biological data - pyBOAT. BioRxiv 179, 985-986.
Price, TS, Baggs, JE, Curtis, AM, FitzGerald, GA, and Hogenesch, JB (2008). WAVECLOCK: wavelet analysis of circadian oscillation. Bioinformatics 24, 2794-2795.
I believe this manuscript is of high significant both for the circadian as well as the mechanobiology fields. Readers from single-cell signalling studies will also be very interested in this work.
To my knowledge the discussed link has not been studied before at single cell level, which as the authors show can provide multiple new insights.
I do work with similar single-cell signals, have broad expertise in microscopy, image analysis methods, time series analysis, and the circadian clock mechanisms but very little experience in mechanobiology.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Here Abenza & Rossetti et al. show that in 3T3 fibroblasts, the circadian clock depends on cell density, correlates with YAP activity, and further demonstrate that circadian power fraction is suppressed by genetic YAP activation (5SA), but is rescued by expression of 5SA YAP without the tead-binding domain. This is a striking study on an important question; however, the data do not directly support the conclusions and the title of the paper. These conclusions/title should be altered, or supported with additional experiments, as detailed below:
Major Critiques:
On "mechanical control": The authors show changes in circadian power fraction with changes in YAP and with cytoskeletal inhibitors, but there are no properly-controlled experiments that directly perturb mechanics. The authors show a correlation between YAP nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and circadian power, but YAP N/C alone is not a readout of mechanotrasndcution, per se. The authors have shown two different experiments where cells are cultured on a stiff (30kPa) substrate and soft substrate (300Pa), but they do not shown a direct comparison of YAP nuclear localization and circadian power under these two conditions in the same experiment. Direct, controlled perturbation of mechanical cues is necessary to support the title's use of the phrase "mechanical control."
On "via YAP/TAZ": In addition to above, it is necessary to show that the changes in Circadian power fraction induced by mechanical cues in fact require YAP/TAZ signaling. Thus, an experiment comparing soft (300Pa) substrate with Stiff (30kPa) substrate in the presence or absence of YAP/TAZ is necessary to state that YAP and TAZ are the mechanistic mediators of mechanical cues on the clock.
While the TEAD-binding domain mutant experiment is elegant, to claim that TEAD is the transcriptional mediator, it must be demonstrated that this mutant indeed fails to induce TEAD-mediated transcription. This could be simply executed by demonstrating that the CCD mutant expresses reduced CTGF and Cyr61 (for example), compared to the 5SA, under these conditions. Further, endogenous YAP is still active and available to bind to TEAD in this system, which should be discussed.
In Figure 3a: The cell perimeter needs to be shown either by actin staining or by brightfield images. The manually marking of cell boundaries is insufficient, specifically because the drugs used in this experiment affect the cytoskeleton. It would be very helpful to see this via actin staining or in the least with brightfield images.
This is an exciting paper that potentially links mechanotransduction to the circadian clock. While my group is not focused on circadian rhythms, and I don't have the background to comment on the measurements or robustness of circadian power, the idea is striking and significant.
I strongly recommend inclusion of loss-of-function approaches (either genetic or pharmacologic) in addition to the gain-of-function methods employed here to support the necessity of YAP/TAZ signaling. Also, appropriately controlled experiments to show true mechanical effects on the circadian clock are necessary.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): ____ *A significant criticism of the paper is an assumption that readers will be familiar with all of the findings in the author's previous 2016 paper and the PGL-1 papers by Aoki et al. Minimal context is given for each approach. *
To address this concern, we have added a paragraph in the Introduction section of the revised manuscript.
*Some conclusions are not well supported and require further analysis, proper controls, and more extensive descriptions of the experiments performed. *
We have addressed the reviewer’s concerns as detailed below.
Most importantly, the central conclusion and title of the paper is that composition can buffer the dynamics of individual proteins within liquid-like condensates. In other words, in vitro condensation assays often do not recapitulate LLPS behavior in vivo. That said, the findings in this study would be significantly strengthened and complemented by observing endogenously tagged PGL-3 and PGL-3 mutants in living worms, considering the efficiency of using CRISPR in C. elegans to insert tags and make precise mutations.
The original manuscript already contained data where we microinjected wild-type PGL-3 and mutant PGL-3 proteins (recombinantly purified) into adult C. elegans gonads to assay how the P granule phase supports diffusion of these proteins.
In the revised version, we now include additional data which shows “dynamics buffering” in transgenic worms generated using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Briefly, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to generate transgenic C. elegans which expresses PGL-3-mEGFP or PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP from the native pgl-3 locus. In vitro, wild-type PGL-3-mEGFP protein generates liquid-like condensates. On the other hand, the recombinantly purified PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP protein generates condensates that are non-dynamic. In contrast to these observations in vitro, both wild-type PGL-3-mEGFP and PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP show similar dynamics (half-time of FRAP recovery) within P granules in vivo.
*To improve readability, the introduction to P granules should be expanded, and include the reasons for looking at the nematode-specific PGL-3 protein among all the other known P granule proteins. A recap of previous findings on PGL-3 phase separation, in vivo and in vitro, is warranted, starting with the significant results of Saha et al 2016. Setting up the investigative questions in the context of recent work on PGL-1 (Aoki, et al) is also necessary. *
To address this concern, we have added a paragraph in the Introduction section of the revised manuscript.
The physiological concentration of PGL-3 should be more transparent, including why some experiments in this study are done at physiological concentrations while others are not. Describing why salt concentrations, crowding agents, and protein abundance are similar or different for each experiment is necessary and relevant. For example, after showing in Figure 1 that PGL-3 protein phase separates, the paragraph starting on line 161 says that it was previously shown that PGL-3 doesn't phase separate at physiological concentrations without RNA. One has to go back to Figure 1 to realize it was done differently than Figure 2 and Saha 2016.
The concentrations of PGL-3 protein and use of crowding agents (if any) have already been specified within figures or figure legends. Salt concentrations used are specified within figure legends or materials and methods section.
We have added the following paragraph to the materials and methods section of the revised manuscript.
“Saha et al. 2016 showed that at physiological concentrations (approx. 1 mM), the PGL-3 protein is unable to phase separate into condensates. At these concentrations, mRNA promotes phase separation of PGL-3. To assay for mRNA-dependence of condensate assembly, it is therefore essential to use physiological concentrations of the PGL-3 protein or mutants (e.g. Figure 2). However, these condensates are generally too small to assay rate of internal rearrangement of PGL-3 molecules within condensates using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments. Therefore, to generate large condensates for measuring internal rearrangement of PGL-3 or mutant molecules, we primarily used higher concentrations of these proteins where binding to RNA is not essential for phase separation. However, to mimic the in vivo P granule phase as closely as possible, we generally added constituent proteins in proportion to their in vivo abundance estimated in Saha et al. 2016.”
The added paragraph in the Introduction section of the revised manuscript may be helpful to the readers. * *
*Statements in the same paragraph like "in contrast to full-length PGL-3, mRNA does not support phase separation..." should be qualified by stating the concentration observed, with or without salts or other crowding agents. Similarly, line 230 "suggests that interactions involving the disordered C-terminal region of PGL-3 are not essential for the fast dynamics" and should be qualified with "at non-physiological concentrations and with XX crowding agents or salt concentration." It would be more consistent if physiological concentrations were consistent from figure to figure, as extra variables weaken some of the stated conclusions. *
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. However, we feel the statements (without full experimental details within main text) help convey the conceptual essence of the findings better. Of course, all these statements contain reference to figures or prior publications which provide relevant details about experimental conditions.
*The 2010 review reference stating that there are 40 P granule enriched proteins is outdated. More recent reviews put the number much higher. This is relevant because the approach to put PGL-3 in a more physiological environment by including just PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA with the condensate assays, out of ~100 P granule enriched proteins, may not be sufficient to conclude "that the influence of complex composition on dynamics is modest" (line 223), or imply that the multicomponent nature of the P granule is reconstituted by adding these components (line 355). *
We revised the text to indicate that P granules contain approx. 70 proteins and added appropriate references.
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Based on current information of constitutive P granule components (PGL-1, PGL-3, GLH-1, GLH-2, GLH-3, GLH-4, DEPS-1, MIP-1 and mRNA), (Kawasaki et al, 1998, 2004; Spike et al, 2008a, 2008b; Price et al, 2021; Cipriani et al, 2021; Phillips & Updike, 2022) we reconstituted P granule-like phase in vitro with mRNA, PGL- and GLH- proteins that likely constitute the most abundant components within P granules in vivo (based on concentration estimates in Saha et al. 2016).
We do appreciate the reviewer’s comment that more components can be added to our in vitro reconstitution in addition to the limited set of components used in our study. However, we feel it is interesting to observe that a limited set of components can support dynamics buffering (the main message of the paper). Further, the complementary in vivo experiments show that the P granule phase can also support dynamics buffering.
*Figure 1C needs to include PGL-3(370-693) in the analysis. Figure 1E is also incomplete without a comparison of FRAP recovery between PGL-3(1-452) and full PGL-3 as the control.
Fig. 1c already includes data with PGL-3 (370-693) [top row, central panel]. FRAP recovery data with full-length PGL-3 is already available in Supplementary Fig. 2c, g.
*Figure 4C is missing an essential control where PGL-3 and S1 FRAP is performed without PGL-1, GLH-1, and mRNA. *
In the revised version, we have added Supplementary Fig. 5f, where FRAP recovery of the following condensates are plotted together: 1) PGL-3 alone, 2) S1 alone, 3) PGL-3 + PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA, 4) S1 + PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA.
*It would also help show sup Fig4A in the main figure to show concentration dependence. *
We revised Fig. 4 to address the reviewer’s suggestion.
Consider adding subtitles to supplementary figures.
We considered the suggestion but felt it may not be essential.
*M&M should include an explanation for statistical analysis *
We added a paragraph describing statistical analysis within the Materials and Methods section.
*CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS I am also in agreement with the comments and critiques of reviewers 2 and 3.
* Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): The paper by Saha and colleagues investigate the in vitro liquid-liquid phase separation propensity of a P granule protein PGL-3 and its structural domains. The findings largely replicate and support the phase-separation properties of a paralogous protein called PGL-1, as recently described by Aoki et al. 2021. Furthermore, they show that the dynamics demonstrated by recombinant PGL-3 may be maintained or buffered by the complex composition of P granules.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
*Jelenic et al. describe the effect of partner proteins on the FRAP dynamics of recombinant PGL-3 protein and variants in in vitro condensates and C elegans p-granules. The study shows that the N terminal a-helical dimerization domains is required for condensate formation and modulate of it alters aggregation and the FRAP dynamics of its condensates. Interestingly, a construct including the entire IDR region (370-693) by itself does not phase separate on its own at these conditions. The K126E K129E mutant (known previously to disrupt dimerization) and the deletion mutant abrogate llps. A mutant construct that shuffles the sequence in the region 423-453 called S1 here reduces the helicity and the condensate FRAP dynamics but recovered in the presence of a few P granule components. Also, the reduced dynamics of partially unfolded PGL-3 condensates are also rescued by the p-granule components to a certain degree of the unfolded PGL3 concentrations. This threshold concentration for recovering the condensate dynamics is further reduced in the helix reducing S1 mutant, which is also dependent on the number and the nature of P granule components.
Overall, the study aims to probe how "composition can buffer protein dynamics within liquid-like condensates" - yet several underlying aspects of the study do not fully support that conclusion. The introduction does not sufficiently introduce the known structural information of the two dimerization domains in C elegans PGL proteins for which structures are known. The region is discussed as "alpha helical" but really there are two evolutionarily conserved independently folding dimerization domains (referring to the mutants as "reduced alpha helicity" is not helpful - these are mutations that destabilize a folded domain).*
To address this concern, we have added a paragraph in the Introduction section of the revised manuscript.
*Additionally, the abstract and introduction ignore the aspects of aggregation (touched on in discussion) - this is likely what the disruption to the helical region in residue 450 region is doing (the helix is not on the dimer interface based on homology / sequence identity to the crystal structure of PGL-1 central dimerization domain. *
We think elucidating the molecular mechanism of apparent aggregation of PGL-3 (D425-452) could be an interesting direction for future investigation. Here, we focused our analysis predominantly on the mutant S1 since it generates liquid-like condensates with ~20- fold slower dynamics (compared to wild-type) in contrast to non-dynamic condensates/aggregates. Therefore, influence of other P granule components on the dynamics of PGL-3 in liquid-like condensates is easier to address using the mutant S1 rather than PGL-3 (D425-452). We didn’t find evidence that S1 aggregates as we did not detect aggregates of S1 molecules using fluorescence confocal microscopy and the slow dynamics in condensates of S1 does not change significantly over 24 h (Supplementary Fig. 3f).
However, in the revised version, we now include additional in vivo data with C. elegans expressing the aggregation-prone PGL-3 (D425-452)-mEGFP. Briefly, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to generate transgenic C. elegans which expresses PGL-3-mEGFP or PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP from the native pgl-3 locus. In vitro, wild-type PGL-3-mEGFP protein generates liquid-like condensates. On the other hand, the recombinantly purified PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP protein generates condensates that are non-dynamic. In contrast to these observations in vitro, both wild-type PGL-3-mEGFP and PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP show similar dynamics (half-time of FRAP recovery) within P granules in vivo.
Finally, the "dynamics buffering" is not really clearly established and could also be explained as small concentrations of aggregated proteins act like clients while increasing the concentration results in aggregation and "cross linking" in the entire droplet - and this concentration is never achieved in the in worm experiments so it is not clear. In other words, the change in FRAP dynamics not observed in worms is perhaps not surprising if small amount of recombinant proteins are incorporated into the granules. *
Data with the S1 mutant establishes that dynamics buffering can be observed in condensates with different sets of additives both in vitro (Fig. 5a, b) and in vivo (Fig. 4a, b). Further, data with condensates of S1 containing the additives PGL-3 (K126E K129E) or S1 (K126E K129E) demonstrate that dynamics (half-time of FRAP recovery) within S1 condensates, and in turn “dynamics buffering” depend on inter-molecular interactions. With respect to the hypothesis proposed by the reviewer, we did not detect aggregates within S1 condensates using confocal fluorescence microscopy.
In contrast to S1 condensates, condensates containing partially unfolded PGL-3-mEGFP together with PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA showed spatial inhomogeneities in fluorescence signal throughout the condensate (Fig. 4g). We have not tested if areas with higher fluorescence signal represent aggregates. It is a possibility that the partially unfolded PGL-3-mEGFP fluorescence signal becomes more homogeneous if higher concentrations of additives (PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA) are used. However, the presented data demonstrate the significant effect of the P granule components (PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA) on the FRAP recovery rate of partially unfolded PGL-3-mEGFP in condensates (compare figures Fig. 3e and Fig. 4g).
However, consistent with dynamics buffering, the P granule phase in vivo supports wild-type dynamics of different PGL-3 constructs over a range of concentrations - PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP at physiological concentration (CRISPR transgenic strain, Fig. 4e) or at higher concentrations (microinjected S1 and partially unfolded PGL-3-mEGFP, Fig. 4b).
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*It is also not clear what the mechanism of the changes is - is the protein driven to fold more properly (despite S1 disruption of its conserved sequence) inside the condensate? Does it still self interact and act as a dimerization domain? Does this change disrupt interactions? *
We agree with the reviewer that identifying the precise structural changes of the S1 protein within the condensate vs. dilute phase could be an interesting direction for future investigation. However, we have already discussed the issues raised by the reviewer in the original manuscript.
“Our data is consistent with the model that other regions of S1 molecules cooperate with residues 425-452 (shuffled) to generate stronger inter-molecular interactions. For instance, addition of the mutant S1 (K126E K129E) enhances dynamics of S1 within condensates in contrast to maintaining the slower dynamics observed within condensates of S1 alone. This suggests that the interactions disrupted by the mutations K126E and K129E also contribute to slow S1 dynamics. One possibility is that interactions involving the residues K126 and K129 favor S1 conformations that enhance 425-452 (shuffled)-dependent interactions. Indeed, the mutations K126E K129E have been reported to interfere with interactions among N-termini of PGL-3 molecules (Aoki et al, 2021). While two self-association domains within the α-helical N-terminus of PGL-3 have been mapped (Aoki et al, 2021, 2016), structural insights into those associations are limited. However, PGL-3 shares significant sequence similarity with another protein PGL-1. Crystal structures are available for fragments of the PGL-1 protein that show the two self-association domains at the N-terminus are predominantly α-helical and globular in nature (Aoki et al, 2016, 2021). Therefore, one possibility is that shuffling the sequence 425-452 of PGL-3 or heat-induced unfolding of PGL-3 exposes hydrophobic residues that become available to participate in inter-molecular interactions.”
What is the real mechanism by which PGL-3 phase separates if not via the disordered domains? *
We agree with the reviewer that elucidating the detailed mechanism of phase separation of PGL-3 is an interesting direction for future investigation. However, we feel this is not required to support the main message of this manuscript.
Throughout the manuscript, the term "dynamics" is used to indicate FRAP, but it would be better to define what is meant (diffusion of PGL-3 in condensates) instead of using dynamics a term that could mean many things. Secondly, FRAP cannot directly measure liquidity etc (see recent critiques by McSwiggen elife 2019, etc) so it is better to be cautious in the claims. Finally, discussing "dyanmics buffering" adds more terminology where it is not needed - perhaps say "changes to diffusion of PGL-3 in condensates".
We feel it is useful to introduce a term that describes our observation. To our knowledge, our observation is novel and therefore requires a new term to describe it.
However, we do appreciate the concern raised by the reviewer. We used a more generic term “dynamics buffering” in contrast to the more specific “diffusion buffering” since we did not directly estimate diffusion behavior at the ‘single-molecule’ level. However, we already described what we mean by “dynamics buffering” in the text as follows.
“We used condensates of similar size for our analysis (average ± 1 SD of diameter of condensates are 6.4 ± 1.7 mm (Fig. 5a) and 5.9 ± 0.4 mm (Fig. 5b)). Therefore, dynamics buffering here is likely to represent similar diffusion rates of S1 within condensates.”
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*The "N-terminus" is not 65% of the protein. One could define this as the N-terminal domain, but again there are two clear folded domains in the first 65% of the protein and this needs to be described better. *
We revised the text to replace the terms “N-terminus” and “N-terminal domain” to “N-terminal fragment”.
*The description of "stickers" and the references to tau and hnRNPA1 are confusing as this is a predominantly ordered domain while those are IDRs. *
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We feel this is important as it aids discussing our work in the context of current literature describing the mechanisms of macromolecular phase separation.
The suggestion in the discussion that "P granule components support dynamics by participating in intermolecular interactions wth PGL-3-mEGFP molecules" is not well supported because no interaction assays are performed and no mutaitons are made that disrupt these interactions to test this.
Indeed, we have not conducted interaction assays or mutational analysis to directly test this. However, our detailed analysis with the S1 mutant supports this suggestion.
While partially unfolded PGL-3-mEGFP molecules lose 30% of a-helicity, the a-helicity of the S1 mutant is reduced by 15% compared to wild-type PGL-3. Data with S1 and partially unfolded PGL-3-mEGFP molecules show that loss of a-helicity correlates with slower diffusion of protein molecules within condensates. Using the mutants PGL-3 (K126E K129E) and S1 (K126E K129E), we show that diffusion rate of S1 molecules within condensates depend on inter-molecular interactions, and presence of other P granule components support faster diffusion rate of S1 molecules within condensates. Therefore, we feel it is safe to speculate that intermolecular interactions with P granule components can support dynamics of a “more unfolded” (compared to S1) version of PGL-3 molecule. * *
*More detailed analysis of some of the claims: Claim 1: An a-helical region mediates the phase separation of PGL-3, and the C-terminal disordered region by itself does not phase separate. The N-terminal dimerization is essential for LLPS. The C-terminal IDR interactions with mRNA facilitate the LLPS. Comments: The authors show sufficient experimental data using microscopy and FRAP on truncated constructs with the N-terminal and C-terminal regions - but see above regarding how these are described - a proper domain structure with the folded domains shown and the RGG motifs highlighted should be added and integrated throughout the discussion. *
In the revised version of the manuscript, we described the predicted PGL-3 domains within a paragraph in the introduction: “The interactions that support phase separation of the PGL-3 protein remains unclear. Structural studies on the orthologous PGL-1 protein revealed two dimerization domains. This raises the possibility that PGL-3 also contains similar dimerization domains, and phase separation depends on interactions involving these domains.”
Our Fig. 1a already includes the schematic representation of PGL-3 with predicted N-terminal and Central Dimerization domains and RGG repeats.
*They show that the N-terminus is necessary and adequate for LLPS, and the C-terminus by itself does not phase separate. But, how does the N-terminal domains phase separate? This is not explained - what are the interactions? *
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Also, a di-mutant (K126E K129E) that is known, and also authors use SEC-MALS to show their N-terminal construct is consistent with the published results. Disrupting the n-terminal dimerization prevents phase separation, suggesting the importance of these residues in the N-terminus for self-assembly and LLPS. The Microscopy data backs the claim that the mRNA-mediated LLPS is facilitated by binding with C-terminus. However, the m-RNA binding to IDR is not sufficient for LLPS. Yet, the authors do not explain how higher salt prevents phase separation - again the mechanism of phase separation is unclear. Is it multivalent interaction of the two dimerization domains? A basic model (that is tested) would be important.
We agree with the reviewer that elucidating the detailed mechanism of phase separation of PGL-3 is an interesting direction for future investigation. However, we feel this is not required to support the main message of this manuscript.
However, our manuscript already provides some relevant insights as follows.
“To investigate the underlying mechanism further, we began by testing if the N-terminal α-helical region of PGL-3 can self-associate. Our analysis using size exclusion chromatography followed by multi-angle light scattering (SEC-MALS) showed that this PGL-3 fragment 1-452 forms a dimer (Supplementary Fig. 2f). Mutation of two residues (K126E K129E) have been shown to interfere with interactions among the N-termini of PGL-3 molecules (Aoki et al, 2021). We mutated these two residues within the full-length PGL-3 protein (K126E K129E) (Fig. 1a) and found that this mutant PGL-3 (K126E K129E) protein cannot phase separate even at high protein concentrations up to ~130 µM (Fig. 1b, c). Addition of mRNA does not trigger phase separation of this protein at physiological concentrations either (Fig. 2a, b). Taken together, our data is consistent with a model where association among folded N-termini of PGL-3 molecules is essential for phase separation.”
A likely possibility is that phase separation of PGL-3 depends on electrostatic inter-molecular interactions among the folded N-terminal fragment of PGL-3 molecules. Therefore, high salt prevents phase separation.
Are the tags removed to ensure that phase separation is not caused by tags or remaining linker regions? Is the protein purified to be without nucleic acid contamination or other purity metrics?
Most of the experiments were done with only 5% of total protein tagged with 6x-His-mEGFP. No additional tags were present on the constructs. For recombinant expression and purification, proteins were cloned such that it is possible to remove the 6xHis-mEGFP tag following treatment with TEV protease. Following removal of the 6xHis-mEGFP tag, the residual linker is just two amino acid residues long. We used 100% tagged-protein for our experiments only in very few cases (indicated in the figure legends).
To demonstrate purity of recombinant proteins, SDS-PAGE gels with all protein constructs used in this study are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1.
To minimize contamination of nucleic acids, we treated samples with Benzonase during the course of purification.
To assess the extent of nucleic acid contamination, the ratio of absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm (A260/A280) was monitored. In exceptional cases with high A260/A280 values, we analyzed samples further by purifying RNA from the sample using RNA purification kit (Qiagen) and found that RNA represented 1% or less of the sample mass.* *
Claim2: The N-terminal a-helical region modulates the dynamics within condensates. The IDR region has minimal effect on the fast dynamics of PGL-3. Comments: The authors show that the full-length PGL-3 condensates have modest influence of components by comparing the FRAP half times with or without the P granule components, including mRNA. However, have the authors tried this in the presence of mRNAs for the constructs lacking the IDRs as they have several RGG domains and bind with mRNA and are likely to change the dynamics.
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. However, this experiment is not essential to support the claim made in the context of homotypic condensates of PGL-3 : “The N-terminal a-helical region modulates the dynamics within condensates. The IDR region has minimal effect on the fast dynamics of PGL-3.”
*The authors report the importance of the N-terminal a-helical region by making a construct that lacks/disrupts a part of the helices lowers the thermal stability and significantly lowers the dynamics of the condensates. Also unfolding of helices is shown to reduce the dynamics. One primary concern is whether these "rescued" protein dynamics imply protein functionality. *
An assay of “functionality” e.g. an enzymatic activity of the PGL-3 protein is not available.
However, we compared the fecundity of C. elegans worms expressing from the native pgl-3 locus, PGL-3-mEGFP or the mutant protein PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP, to assay the functionality of P granules in these strains. We found that worms of both genotypes produced similar number of offspring (Fig. 4d). This suggests that deletion of residues 425-452 of PGL-3 does not result in significant loss of function of P granules.
Are these semi denatured proteins refolded in the presence of P-granule components?
We feel that identifying the precise structural changes of the semi-denatured PGL-3 proteins within the condensate vs. dilute phase could be an interesting direction for future investigation.
Finally, it is not clear why the authors chose to disrupt folding of the central dimerization domain?
The manuscript included a paragraph to describe the rationale.
“This suggests that interactions involving the disordered C-terminal region of PGL-3 are not essential for the fast dynamics within condensates. Therefore, we addressed the role of the N-terminal α-helical region (1-452) in driving dynamics. In order to avoid engineering mutations that result in significant misfolding of PGL-3 and concomitant loss of its ability to phase separate, we focused our mutational analysis close to the junction of the folded N-terminus and the disordered C-terminus of PGL-3. Surprisingly, we found that a full-length PGL-3 construct (D425-452) that lacks only 27 residues phase separates into condensates that are non-dynamic (Fig. 3a, c). Sequence analysis of the PGL-3 protein predicts that this region 425-452 spans two α-helices (one complete helix and fraction of a second helix) (Supplementary Fig. 3d). We generated a PGL-3 construct (hereafter called ‘S1’) (Fig. 3a) in which the sequence in the region, 425-452, is shuffled while keeping the overall amino acid composition unchanged. We found that S1 phase separates into condensates that are 20- fold less dynamic than with wild-type PGL-3 (Fig. 3d, Supplementary Fig. 3c).”
Saying that "reduced alpha-helicity of PGL-3 correlates with slower dynamics in condensates" may be factual in these assays but "correlation" should be expanded upon to include mechanism and to me it seems that the statement should read "aggregation of PGL-3 causes slower dynamics in condensates" (both the partially destabilized mutant and the fully unfolded WT show similar effects perhaps to different degrees).
We feel that identifying the precise structural changes of the semi-denatured PGL-3 proteins within the condensate vs. dilute phase could be an interesting direction for future investigation.
We did not use the term "aggregation" since we did not detect aggregates of S1 molecules using fluorescence confocal microscopy.
*CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS I agree with the other reviewer's comments and critiques, I have concerns about the biological relevance and also the biophysical mechanisms. Reflecting on the other reviewers' comments, the papers could provide more depth in one or both of these areas to come to firm conclusions that are either revealing about PGL biology or elucidate a (possible) general biophysical mechanism. *
In the revised version, we now include additional data which shows “dynamics buffering” in transgenic worms generated using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Briefly, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to generate transgenic C. elegans which expresses PGL-3-mEGFP or PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP from the native pgl-3 locus. In vitro, wild-type PGL-3-mEGFP protein generates liquid-like condensates. On the other hand, the recombinantly purified PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP protein generates condensates that are non-dynamic. In contrast to these observations in vitro, both wild-type PGL-3-mEGFP and PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP show similar dynamics (half-time of FRAP recovery) within P granules in vivo.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): *Hence, although the authors shows how inclusion of other components can alter the one protein component phase separation, this is done with entirely artificial means of destabilizing the fold of one of the domains which likely leads to aggregation. So the true impact of the work is hard to understand because the mutations impact on the basic biophysical properties of the domain (stability, interaction) are not completely characterized and the reason for disrupting this folding is not clear. *
A major impact of our work is elucidation of a novel “dynamics buffering” property within biomolecular condensates in vitro. Our in vivo data is consistent with this finding.
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We have chosen two orthogonal ways of perturbing the PGL-3 protein (i.e. mutations and temperature-dependent unfolding) to assay the effect on diffusion rate against different levels of perturbation (e.g. 30% loss of a-helicity in heat-denatured PGL-3-mEGFP vs. 15% loss of a-helicity in the S1 mutant, compared to wild-type PGL-3). Studying the phase separation behavior of these “artificially-generated” constructs provided the understanding that dynamics of PGL-3 in condensates depends on inter-molecular interactions, and slower dynamics generally correlate with stronger inter-molecular interactions. Further, interactions among two or more P granule components can buffer against large change in dynamics / aggregation within the P granule phase. These insights may lay the groundwork for addressing how more “natural” modifications (e.g., post-translational modifications, high local concentration of “sticky” molecules) may influence dynamics within biomolecular condensates in vivo.
Based on current knowledge of P granule composition, chaperone proteins (e.g. heat-shock family proteins) do not show abundant concentration within P granules. However, it is unclear if chaperone proteins are completely excluded from the P granule phase. Therefore, we speculate that weak interactions among two or more non-chaperone proteins contribute significantly to “dynamics buffering” within the P granule phase in vivo.
In the discussion section of the manuscript, we had speculated that “dynamics buffering” may potentially explain observations reported in the nucleolus: “Similarly, interactions among components could be a potential mechanism of storage of misfolding-prone proteins in non-aggregated state within the liquid-like nucleolus under stress in vivo (Frottin et al, 2019).”
Our finding is also relevant in the context of synthetic biology with applications that require steady diffusion rate of macromolecules during biochemical reactions within biomolecular condensates.
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My field of expertise is protein phase separation and protein structure. * *
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary: P granules are liquid condensates found in the developing germlines and embryos of C. elegans. Prior work by the authors and others have established P granules as a tractable model to investigate the basic biophysical properties of liquid condensates. Much of the prior published work focused on specific P granule scaffold proteins, PGL-1 and PGL-3. How attributes of these PGL proteins and the effect of other P granule components affect condensate properties is not fully understood. Here, Jelenic, et al. probe the biophysical properties of PGL-3. Using recombinant protein, they show that an N-terminal, alpha-helical region of PGL-3 is sufficient for liquid condensate formation and that N-terminal assembly is required for this formation. Creation of a scrambled alpha-helical region in PGL-3 and heat treatment affects PGL-3 fluidity. This fluidity can be "rescued" in vivo and in vitro with the inclusion of other P granule factors, including wildtype PGL-3, PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA. The authors note an inverse correlation between fluidity and mutant PGL-3 fluorescent intensity. They propose a model that heterotypic compositions of condensates can buffer their fluidity against components with stronger multivalent interactions. *
MAJOR: 1. PGL-3 is a fantastic model to study the biophysical properties of a liquid condensate. But as the authors address in their discussion, the S1 mutant will likely affect the central domain folding, at its minimum causing exposure of a hydrophobic surface not typically exposed in biology. These helices are found at the terminal portion of the domain determined in the crystal structure and as depicted in the authors' Figure 1A. While the cause of S1's enhanced molecular interactions does not affect the in vitro work presented in this manuscript, it does affect how the conclusions connect to the biological nature of P granules and liquid condensates more generally. *
We have chosen two orthogonal ways of perturbing the PGL-3 protein (i.e. mutations and temperature-dependent unfolding) to assay the effect on diffusion rate against different levels of perturbation (e.g. 30% loss of a-helicity in heat-denatured PGL-3-mEGFP vs. 15% loss of a-helicity in the S1 mutant, compared to wild-type PGL-3). Studying the phase separation behavior of these “artificial” constructs provided the understanding that dynamics of PGL-3 in condensates depends on inter-molecular interactions, and slower dynamics generally correlate with stronger inter-molecular interactions. Further, interactions among two or more P granule components can buffer against large change in dynamics / aggregation within the P granule phase. These insights may lay the groundwork for addressing how more “natural” modifications (e.g., post-translational modifications, high local concentration of “sticky” molecules) may influence dynamics within biomolecular condensates in vivo.
Based on current knowledge of P granule composition, chaperone proteins (e.g. heat-shock family proteins) do not show abundant concentration within P granules. However, it is unclear if chaperone proteins are completely excluded from the P granule phase. Therefore, we speculate that weak interactions among two or more non-chaperone proteins contribute significantly to “dynamics buffering” within the P granule phase in vivo.
In the discussion section of the manuscript, we had speculated that “dynamics buffering” may potentially explain observations reported in the nucleolus: “Similarly, interactions among components could be a potential mechanism of storage of misfolding-prone proteins in non-aggregated state within the liquid-like nucleolus under stress in vivo (Frottin et al, 2019).”
Our finding is also relevant in the context of synthetic biology with applications that require steady diffusion rate of macromolecules during biochemical reactions within biomolecular condensates.
- Recombinant PGL-3 experiments added PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA simultaneously and measured fluidity. It will be interesting to know which components contribute to fluidity and whether fluidity enhancement of each component is dependent on one another. Addition experiments with each component should be included and/or at least discussed in the main text. *
Our data with S1-mEGFP or PGL-3-mEGFP (pre-heated at 50°C) proteins microinjected into C. elegans gonads, and the transgenic strain expressing PGL-3(D425-452)-mEGFP from the pgl-3 locus showed that the P granule phase can support fast dynamics of these mutant PGL-3 constructs. Since P granules have a complex composition, one possibility is that fast dynamics of these constructs is supported by interactions involving many P granule components. We found that using only a limited set of P granule components (PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA) can buffer dynamics of S1 in condensates in vitro.
In absence of a systematic analysis investigating the individual role of approx. 70 P granule proteins in buffering S1 dynamics in condensates in vitro, we have claimed in the text that dynamics-buffering of S1 in condensates is supported by interactions among two or more components. However, we do appreciate the reviewer’s comment and feel it would be interesting to investigate the contribution of individual P granule components towards fluidity in future studies. We have discussed this in the ‘Discussion’ section of the manuscript.
- The biological relevance of PGL-1, GLH-1, and mRNA were not discussed in the main text. How these factors contribute to P granule assembly and function should be mentioned in the Introduction or Results. *
To address this concern, we have added a paragraph in the Introduction section of the revised manuscript.
*MINOR: 1. Line 20, "most non-membrane-bound compartments...have complex composition": Are there examples of condensates that do not have complex composition? *
Not all non-membrane-bound compartments may have been characterized. To accommodate this possibility, we refrained from making a more general statement, but stated “most non-membrane-bound compartments…”.
- Lines 40-43, RNA interactions driving LLPS: Please include citations from the Parker Lab (e.g. Van Treeck and Parker, Cell. 2018 doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.07.023) *
We added the reference suggested by the reviewer.
Line 60, condensates contain hundreds of different proteins and RNA: Please cite at least a few examples of condensates with their components identified. *
We added some references following suggestion by the reviewer.
- Lines 82-84, PGL-3 drives assembly: Please cite Kawasaki, et al. Genetics 2004 for the discovery of PGL-3. *
We added the reference suggested by the reviewer.
Lines 88-89, PGL-3 N-terminal fragment predominantly alpha-helical: The PGL domain structures should be cited here as supporting evidence that these regions are composed primarily of alpha helices (Aoki, et al 2016, 2021) *
To address this concern, we have added a paragraph in the Introduction section of the revised manuscript.
- Lines 158-159, driving forces for phase separation: This statement should be removed or expanded. The authors point regarding the protein concentrations is not clear here but clarified in the Discussion (Lines 691-693). Recommend removing due to its speculative nature. *
We retained the speculative comment in the results section. We feel that this prepares the readers for the discussion later in the manuscript.
- Lines 210: Add commas before and after "PGL-1 and GLH-1"*
We addressed the reviewer’s suggestion.
- Lines 218-219: add "and" instead of comma between PGL-1 and GLH-1 *
We addressed the reviewer’s suggestion.
- Lines 238-239, alpha-helices: The PGL CDD structure should also be referenced here (Aoki, et al 2016). *
To address this concern, we have added a paragraph in the Introduction section of the revised manuscript.
- Lines 680-682, MEG proteins: Please cite accordingly. *
We added the reference suggested by the reviewer.
- Lines 694-695, heterotypic interactions: Please cite Saha, et al. 2016. *
We added the reference suggested by the reviewer.
- Figure 1: Add space between 1 and mM DTT *
We addressed the reviewer’s suggestion.
- Figure 2b: Please provide statistics between condensate numbers. *
We provide statistics between condensate numbers in Fig. 2b.
- Figure 4A: The region of the germline imaged and analyzed should be mentioned in the caption or the main text. *
We revised the Figure legend of Fig. 4a to address this issue.
- Figure 4B,C: Please include statistics between the FRAP curves. *
We have included statistics comparing FRAP curves in Supplementary Fig. 4a-c.
- Figure 4D: It will be helpful to compare this curve to Figure S4A in the same graph. Please also include graph statistics. *
We have revised Fig. 4 to address the reviewer’s suggestion.
- Figure 5: The data points are difficult to resolve. Recommend use of color.*
We considered the suggestion, but felt it works better in the original form.
- Figure 6: This is a very general model that does not highlight the extensive experimental work performed by the authors. Recommend incorporating PGL-3, mutants and P granule factors into this model. *
We thank the reviewer for appreciating our extensive work. However, we retained the original Fig. 6 for the sake of simplicity.
- Methods, Line 939, C. elegans section: What worms were used? TH623? Please describe the genotype. *
We have included a table listing the strains used in the study and their genotype. * CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS While my review was arguably the more favorable of the three, I agree with the other reviewers' comments and evaluation, particularly with Reviewer #1. As written in my review, my primary concern was the biological relevance of the work.*
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
Overall, the in vitro work presented investigating the biophysical properties of this minimal P granule system was thorough and well-analyzed, and the manuscript was clearly written. Additional citations and statistics will improve the manuscript and the strength of the conclusions, respectively. The biological relevance of this study to P granule form and function in vivo, and to condensates in vivo, is debatable. This work will interest those who study condensate biology, the biophysics of protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions, and RNA biochemists more generally.
A major impact of our work is elucidation of a novel “dynamics buffering” property within biomolecular condensates in vitro. Our in vivo data is consistent with this finding.
We have chosen two orthogonal ways of perturbing the PGL-3 protein (i.e. mutations and temperature-dependent unfolding) to assay the effect on diffusion rate against different levels of perturbation (e.g. 30% loss of a-helicity in heat-denatured PGL-3-mEGFP vs. 15% loss of a-helicity in the S1 mutant, compared to wild-type PGL-3). Studying the phase separation behavior of these “artificially-generated” constructs provided the understanding that dynamics of PGL-3 in condensates depends on inter-molecular interactions, and slower dynamics generally correlate with stronger inter-molecular interactions. Further, interactions among two or more P granule components can buffer against large change in dynamics / aggregation within the P granule phase. These insights may lay the groundwork for addressing how more “natural” modifications (e.g., post-translational modifications, high local concentration of “sticky” molecules) may influence dynamics within biomolecular condensates in vivo.
- *
Based on current knowledge of P granule composition, chaperone proteins (e.g. heat-shock family proteins) do not show abundant concentration within P granules. However, it is unclear if chaperone proteins are completely excluded from the P granule phase. Therefore, we speculate that weak interactions among two or more non-chaperone proteins contribute significantly to “dynamics buffering” within the P granule phase in vivo.
In the discussion section of the manuscript, we had speculated that “dynamics buffering” may potentially explain observations reported in the nucleolus: “Similarly, interactions among components could be a potential mechanism of storage of misfolding-prone proteins in non-aggregated state within the liquid-like nucleolus under stress in vivo (Frottin et al, 2019).”
Our finding is also relevant in the context of synthetic biology with applications that require steady diffusion rate of macromolecules during biochemical reactions within biomolecular condensates.
*I have expertise in P granules, protein/RNA biochemistry, condensate assembly, and C. elegans. *
Aoki ST, Kershner AM, Bingman CA, Wickens M & Kimble J (2016) PGL germ granule assembly protein is a base-specific, single-stranded RNase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Aoki ST, Lynch TR, Crittenden SL, Bingman CA, Wickens M & Kimble J (2021) C. elegans germ granules require both assembly and localized regulators for mRNA repression. Nat Commun 12: 996
Cipriani PG, Bay O, Zinno J, Gutwein M, Gan HH, Mayya VK, Chung G, Chen J-X, Fahs H, Guan Y, et al (2021) Novel LOTUS-domain proteins are organizational hubs that recruit C. elegans Vasa to germ granules. Elife 10: e60833
Frottin F, Schueder F, Tiwary S, Gupta R, Körner R, Schlichthaerle T, Cox J, Jungmann R, Hartl FU & Hipp MS (2019) The nucleolus functions as a phase-separated protein quality control compartment. Science 365: 342–347
Kawasaki I, Amiri A, Fan Y, Meyer N, Dunkelbarger S, Motohashi T, Karashima T, Bossinger O & Strome S (2004) The PGL family proteins associate with germ granules and function redundantly in Caenorhabditis elegans germline development. Genetics 167: 645–661
Kawasaki I, Shim YH, Kirchner J, Kaminker J, Wood WB & Strome S (1998) PGL-1, a predicted RNA-binding component of germ granules, is essential for fertility in C. elegans. Cell 94: 635–645
Phillips CM & Updike DL (2022) Germ granules and gene regulation in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline. Genetics 220: iyab195
Price IF, Hertz HL, Pastore B, Wagner J & Tang W (2021) Proximity labeling identifies LOTUS domain proteins that promote the formation of perinuclear germ granules in C. elegans. Elife 10: e72276
Saha S, Weber CA, Nousch M, Adame-Arana O, Hoege C, Hein MY, Osborne Nishimura E, Mahamid J, Jahnel M, Jawerth L, et al (2016) Polar Positioning of Phase-Separated Liquid Compartments in Cells Regulated by an mRNA Competition Mechanism. Cell 166: 1572-1584.e16
Spike C, Meyer N, Racen E, Orsborn A, Kirchner J, Kuznicki K, Yee C, Bennett K & Strome S (2008a) Genetic analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans GLH family of P-granule proteins. Genetics 178: 1973–1987
Spike CA, Bader J, Reinke V & Strome S (2008b) DEPS-1 promotes P-granule assembly and RNA interference in C. elegans germ cells. Development (Cambridge, England) 135: 983–993
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
P granules are liquid condensates found in the developing germlines and embryos of C. elegans. Prior work by the authors and others have established P granules as a tractable model to investigate the basic biophysical properties of liquid condensates. Much of the prior published work focused on specific P granule scaffold proteins, PGL-1 and PGL-3. How attributes of these PGL proteins and the effect of other P granule components affect condensate properties is not fully understood. Here, Jelenic, et al. probe the biophysical properties of PGL-3. Using recombinant protein, they show that an N-terminal, alpha-helical region of PGL-3 is sufficient for liquid condensate formation and that N-terminal assembly is required for this formation. Creation of a scrambled alpha-helical region in PGL-3 and heat treatment affects PGL-3 fluidity. This fluidity can be "rescued" in vivo and in vitro with the inclusion of other P granule factors, including wildtype PGL-3, PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA. The authors note an inverse correlation between fluidity and mutant PGL-3 fluorescent intensity. They propose a model that heterotypic compositions of condensates can buffer their fluidity against components with stronger multivalent interactions.
- PGL-3 is a fantastic model to study the biophysical properties of a liquid condensate. But as the authors address in their discussion, the S1 mutant will likely affect the central domain folding, at its minimum causing exposure of a hydrophobic surface not typically exposed in biology. These helices are found at the terminal portion of the domain determined in the crystal structure and as depicted in the authors' Figure 1A. While the cause of S1's enhanced molecular interactions does not affect the in vitro work presented in this manuscript, it does affect how the conclusions connect to the biological nature of P granules and liquid condensates more generally.
- Recombinant PGL-3 experiments added PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA simultaneously and measured fluidity. It will be interesting to know which components contribute to fluidity and whether fluidity enhancement of each component is dependent on one another. Addition experiments with each component should be included and/or at least discussed in the main text.
- The biological relevance of PGL-1, GLH-1, and mRNA were not discussed in the main text. How these factors contribute to P granule assembly and function should be mentioned in the Introduction or Results.
- Line 20, "most non-membrane-bound compartments...have complex composition": Are there examples of condensates that do not have complex composition?
- Lines 40-43, RNA interactions driving LLPS: Please include citations from the Parker Lab (e.g. Van Treeck and Parker, Cell. 2018 doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.07.023)
- Line 60, condensates contain hundreds of different proteins and RNA: Please cite at least a few examples of condensates with their components identified.
- Lines 82-84, PGL-3 drives assembly: Please cite Kawasaki, et al. Genetics 2004 for the discovery of PGL-3.
- Lines 88-89, PGL-3 N-terminal fragment predominantly alpha-helical: The PGL domain structures should be cited here as supporting evidence that these regions are composed primarily of alpha helices (Aoki, et al 2016, 2021)
- Lines 158-159, driving forces for phase separation: This statement should be removed or expanded. The authors point regarding the protein concentrations is not clear here but clarified in the Discussion (Lines 691-693). Recommend removing due to its speculative nature.
- Lines 210: Add commas before and after "PGL-1 and GLH-1"
- Lines 218-219: add "and" instead of comma between PGL-1 and GLH-1
- Lines 238-239, alpha-helices: The PGL CDD structure should also be referenced here (Aoki, et al 2016).
- Lines 680-682, MEG proteins: Please cite accordingly.
- Lines 694-695, heterotypic interactions: Please cite Saha, et al. 2016.
- Figure 1: Add space between 1 and mM DTT
- Figure 2b: Please provide statistics between condensate numbers.
- Figure 4A: The region of the germline imaged and analyzed should be mentioned in the caption or the main text.
- Figure 4B,C: Please include statistics between the FRAP curves.
- Figure 4D: It will be helpful to compare this curve to Figure S4A in the same graph. Please also include graph statistics.
- Figure 5: The data points are difficult to resolve. Recommend use of color.
- Figure 6: This is a very general model that does not highlight the extensive experimental work performed by the authors. Recommend incorporating PGL-3, mutants and P granule factors into this model.
- Methods, Line 939, C. elegans section: What worms were used? TH623? Please describe the genotype.
While my review was arguably the more favorable of the three, I agree with the other reviewers' comments and evaluation, particularly with Reviewer #1. As written in my review, my primary concern was the biological relevance of the work.
Overall, the in vitro work presented investigating the biophysical properties of this minimal P granule system was thorough and well-analyzed, and the manuscript was clearly written. Additional citations and statistics will improve the manuscript and the strength of the conclusions, respectively. The biological relevance of this study to P granule form and function in vivo, and to condensates in vivo, is debatable. This work will interest those who study condensate biology, the biophysics of protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions, and RNA biochemists more generally.
I have expertise in P granules, protein/RNA biochemistry, condensate assembly, and C. elegans.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Jelenic et al. describe the effect of partner proteins on the FRAP dynamics of recombinant PGL-3 protein and variants in in vitro condensates and C elegans p-granules. The study shows that the N terminal a-helical dimerization domains is required for condensate formation and modulate of it alters aggregation and the FRAP dynamics of its condensates. Interestingly, a construct including the entire IDR region (370-693) by itself does not phase separate on its own at these conditions. The K126E K129E mutant (known previously to disrupt dimerization) and the deletion mutant abrogate llps. A mutant construct that shuffles the sequence in the region 423-453 called S1 here reduces the helicity and the condensate FRAP dynamics but recovered in the presence of a few P granule components. Also, the reduced dynamics of partially unfolded PGL-3 condensates are also rescued by the p-granule components to a certain degree of the unfolded PGL3 concentrations. This threshold concentration for recovering the condensate dynamics is further reduced in the helix reducing S1 mutant, which is also dependent on the number and the nature of P granule components.
Overall, the study aims to probe how "composition can buffer protein dynamics within liquid-like condensates" - yet several underlying aspects of the study do not fully support that conclusion. The introduction does not sufficiently introduce the known structural information of the two dimerization domains in C elegans PGL proteins for which structures are known. The region is discussed as "alpha helical" but really there are two evolutionarily conserved independently folding dimerization domains (referring to the mutants as "reduced alpha helicity" is not helpful - these are mutations that destabilize a folded domain). Additionally, the abstract and introduction ignore the aspects of aggregation (touched on in discussion) - this is likely what the disruption to the helical region in residue 450 region is doing (the helix is not on the dimer interface based on homology / sequence identity to the crystal structure of PGL-1 central dimerization domain. Finally, the "dynamics buffering" is not really clearly established and could also be explained as small concentrations of aggregated proteins act like clients while increasing the concentration results in aggregation and "cross linking" in the entire droplet - and this concentration is never achieved in the in worm experiments so it is not clear. In other words, the change in FRAP dynamics not observed in worms is perhaps not surprising if small amount of recombinant proteins are incorporated into the granules. It is also not clear what the mechanism of the changes is - is the protein driven to fold more properly (despite S1 disruption of its conserved sequence) inside the condensate? Does it still self interact and act as a dimerization domain? Does this change disrupt interactions? What is the real mechanism by which PGL-3 phase separates if not via the disordered domains?
Throughout the manuscript, the term "dynamics" is used to indicate FRAP, but it would be better to define what is meant (diffusion of PGL-3 in condensates) instead of using dynamics a term that could mean many things. Secondly, FRAP cannot directly measure liquidity etc (see recent critiques by McSwiggen elife 2019, etc) so it is better to be cautious in the claims. Finally, discussing "dyanmics buffering" adds more terminology where it is not needed - perhaps say "changes to diffusion of PGL-3 in condensates".
The "N-terminus" is not 65% of the protein. One could define this as the N-terminal domain, but again there are two clear folded domains in the first 65% of the protein and this needs to be described better.
The description of "stickers" and the references to tau and hnRNPA1 are confusing as this is a predominantly ordered domain while those are IDRs.
The suggestion in the discussion that "P granule components support dynamics by participating in intermolecular interactions wth PGL-3-mEGFP molecules" is not well supported because no interaction assays are performed and no mutaitons are made that disrupt these interactions to test this.
More detailed analysis of some of the claims:
Claim 1:
An a-helical region mediates the phase separation of PGL-3, and the C-terminal disordered region by itself does not phase separate. The N-terminal dimerization is essential for LLPS. The C-terminal IDR interactions with mRNA facilitate the LLPS.
The authors show sufficient experimental data using microscopy and FRAP on truncated constructs with the N-terminal and C-terminal regions - but see above regarding how these are described - a proper domain structure with the folded domains shown and the RGG motifs highlighted should be added and integrated throughout the discussion. They show that the N-terminus is necessary and adequate for LLPS, and the C-terminus by itself does not phase separate. But, how does the N-terminal domains phase separate? This is not explained - what are the interactions? Are the tags removed to ensure that phase separation is not caused by tags or remaining linker regions? Is the protein purified to be without nucleic acid contamination or other purity metrics? Also, a di-mutant (K126E K129E) that is known, and also authors use SEC-MALS to show their N-terminal construct is consistent with the published results. Disrupting the n-terminal dimerization prevents phase separation, suggesting the importance of these residues in the N-terminus for self-assembly and LLPS. The Microscopy data backs the claim that the mRNA-mediated LLPS is facilitated by binding with C-terminus. However, the m-RNA binding to IDR is not sufficient for LLPS. Yet, the authors do not explain how higher salt prevents phase separation - again the mechanism of phase separation is unclear. Is it multivalent interaction of the two dimerization domains? A basic model (that is tested) would be important.
Claim 2:
The N-terminal a-helical region modulates the dynamics within condensates. The IDR region has minimal effect on the fast dynamics of PGL-3.
The authors show that the full-length PGL-3 condensates have modest influence of components by comparing the FRAP half times with or without the P granule components, including mRNA. However, have the authors tried this in the presence of mRNAs for the constructs lacking the IDRs as they have several RGG domains and bind with mRNA and are likely to change the dynamics. The authors report the importance of the N-terminal a-helical region by making a construct that lacks/disrupts a part of the helices lowers the thermal stability and significantly lowers the dynamics of the condensates. Also unfolding of helices is shown to reduce the dynamics. One primary concern is whether these "rescued" protein dynamics imply protein functionality. Are these semi denatured proteins refolded in the presence of P-granule components? Finally, it is not clear why the authors chose to disrupt folding of the central dimerization domain?
Saying that "reduced alpha-helicity of PGL-3 correlates with slower dynamics in condensates" may be factual in these assays but "correlation" should be expanded upon to include mechanism and to me it seems that the statement should read "aggregation of PGL-3 causes slower dynamics in condensates" (both the partially destabilized mutant and the fully unfolded WT show similar effects perhaps to different degrees).
I agree with the other reviewer's comments and critiques, I have concerns about the biological relevance and also the biophysical mechanisms. Reflecting on the other reviewers' comments, the papers could provide more depth in one or both of these areas to come to firm conclusions that are either revealing about PGL biology or elucidate a (possible) general biophysical mechanism.
Hence, although the authors shows how inclusion of other components can alter the one protein component phase separation, this is done with entirely artificial means of destabilizing the fold of one of the domains which likely leads to aggregation. So the true impact of the work is hard to understand because the mutations impact on the basic biophysical properties of the domain (stability, interaction) are not completely characterized and the reason for disrupting this folding is not clear.
My field of expertise is protein phase separation and protein structure.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
A significant criticism of the paper is an assumption that readers will be familiar with all of the findings in the author's previous 2016 paper and the PGL-1 papers by Aoki et al. Minimal context is given for each approach. Some conclusions are not well supported and require further analysis, proper controls, and more extensive descriptions of the experiments performed. Most importantly, the central conclusion and title of the paper is that composition can buffer the dynamics of individual proteins within liquid-like condensates. In other words, in vitro condensation assays often do not recapitulate LLPS behavior in vivo. That said, the findings in this study would be significantly strengthened and complemented by observing endogenously tagged PGL-3 and PGL-3 mutants in living worms, considering the efficiency of using CRISPR in C. elegans to insert tags and make precise mutations.
To improve readability, the introduction to P granules should be expanded, and include the reasons for looking at the nematode-specific PGL-3 protein among all the other known P granule proteins. A recap of previous findings on PGL-3 phase separation, in vivo and in vitro, is warranted, starting with the significant results of Saha et al 2016. Setting up the investigative questions in the context of recent work on PGL-1 (Aoki, et al) is also necessary.
The physiological concentration of PGL-3 should be more transparent, including why some experiments in this study are done at physiological concentrations while others are not. Describing why salt concentrations, crowding agents, and protein abundance are similar or different for each experiment is necessary and relevant. For example, after showing in Figure 1 that PGL-3 protein phase separates, the paragraph starting on line 161 says that it was previously shown that PGL-3 doesn't phase separate at physiological concentrations without RNA. One has to go back to Figure 1 to realize it was done differently than Figure 2 and Saha 2016. Statements in the same paragraph like "in contrast to full-length PGL-3, mRNA does not support phase separation..." should be qualified by stating the concentration observed, with or without salts or other crowding agents. Similarly, line 230 "suggests that interactions involving the disordered C-terminal region of PGL-3 are not essential for the fast dynamics" and should be qualified with "at non-physiological concentrations and with XX crowding agents or salt concentration." It would be more consistent if physiological concentrations were consistent from figure to figure, as extra variables weaken some of the stated conclusions.
The 2010 review reference stating that there are 40 P granule enriched proteins is outdated. More recent reviews put the number much higher. This is relevant because the approach to put PGL-3 in a more physiological environment by including just PGL-1, GLH-1 and mRNA with the condensate assays, out of ~100 P granule enriched proteins, may not be sufficient to conclude "that the influence of complex composition on dynamics is modest" (line 223), or imply that the multicomponent nature of the P granule is reconstituted by adding these components (line 355).
Figure 1C needs to include PGL-3(370-693) in the analysis. Figure 1E is also incomplete without a comparison of FRAP recovery between PGL-3(1-452) and full PGL-3 as the control.
Figure 4C is missing an essential control where PGL-3 and S1 FRAP is performed without PGL-1, GLH-1, and mRNA. It would also help show sup Fig4A in the main figure to show concentration dependence.
Consider adding subtitles to supplementary figures.
M&M should include an explanation for statistical analysis
I am also in agreement with the comments and critiques of reviewers 2 and 3.
The paper by Saha and colleagues investigate the in vitro liquid-liquid phase separation propensity of a P granule protein PGL-3 and its structural domains. The findings largely replicate and support the phase-separation properties of a paralogous protein called PGL-1, as recently described by Aoki et al. 2021. Furthermore, they show that the dynamics demonstrated by recombinant PGL-3 may be maintained or buffered by the complex composition of P granules.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The authors have assembled an enormous amount of statistical data on the genomes and phylogeny of Arctic algae, including the genomes of four new species that they sequenced for this study. Their main finding is that horizontal gene transfer has led to convergent evolution in distantly related microalgae.
**Major comments**
Reviewer #1__: The purpose of the study is not clearly stated in the abstract or the introduction. The authors say (line 93) "Defining the genetic adaptations underpinning these small algal species is crucial as a baseline to understand their response to anthropogenic global change (Notz & Stroeve,2016)." Is this their goal? Or are they just quoting another study? The authors state (line 103) "We extend by sequencing the genomes of four distantly related microalgae...". This is not really a question or a hypothesis. I am sure the authors can provide a more compelling reason to embark on such a labor-intensive study.__
Reply: We agree that the aim was lost in the details and the Introduction is now focused towards the original goal of the study, which was to investigate convergent evolution in a biogeographically isolated ocean. Additional references on the formation and history of the Arctic Basin have been added to the Introduction to provide context. “An ocean has been present at the pole since the beginning of the Cretaceous. Shaped by tectonic processes (Nikishin et al., 2021) the Arctic Ocean has been a relatively closed basin since the Masstrichtian at the end of the late Cretaceous epoch (ca. 70 million years before present), with episodic sea-ice cover since that time (Niezgodzki et al., 2019). This long history suggests limited gene flow from the global ocean over vast time scales and Arctic marine species including microalgae could well have unique adaptations to cold arctic conditions.” Line 78-83.
And following this we provide a clear hypothesis “The potential for lineages of ancient Arctic origin and the episodic input of outside species led us to our hypothesis that Arctic microalgae convergently evolved traits or adaptations aiding survival in an ice-influenced ocean. Line 112-117.
We also discuss both the adaptive and distinct physical environment of the Arctic, and its topographical separation from other ocean regions as dispersal limitation would enhance the Arctic-specific genomic signatures. We now cite the recent paper by Sommeria-Kline et al. (2020), which puts eukaryotic plankton biogeography into a global context (Line 72)
Reveiwer #1__: The most prominent shared trait that the authors found are genes for ice-binding proteins. However, in view of their importance, little information is given about their different types and possible functions.__
Reply: We appreciate the comment and have added information on relevant ice binding proteins found in the Arctic Algae. In addition, we discuss how the functional and secretory diversity of IBP would enhance the survivability of pelagic taxa. Lines 534 to 564.
Although ice binding proteins from multicellular animals and plants are outside the scope of this study, there is a recent review; Bar Doley, Braslavsky and Davies 2016 Annual review of Biochemisty 85: 515-542.
Reviewer #1__: The HGT of ice-binding proteins is a major focus of this study, but little is said about what previous studies have said about this. What are the previous studies, what are their findings and how do the present findings contribute to this?__
Reply: We agree that this aspect should have been more visible. We incorporated new data to characterize IBPs drawn from MMETSP transcriptomes, and environmental Tara Ocean metagenomes, as well as our Arctic strains. We note that as we take a PFAM-based approach, the IBPs treated are DUF3494/PF11999 domain, which are type 1 IBPs / algal IBPs (Raymond and Remia 2019). As an example of novelty, we identify the position of IBPs from dinoflagellates, within a larger Arctic Clade that included CCMP2293, CCMP2436 and CCMP2097 and Arctic TARA IBP, rendering this a pan-algal IBD clade.
In addition, we were able to resolve the position of anomalous F. cylindrus IBP that fell between two Arctic associated clades (A and B, in our Fig 4). This finding is consistent with F. cylindrus originating in the Arctic as previously suggested and subsequently invading the Southern Ocean.
The recurrent acquisition of multiple diverse IBP isoforms in individual species through HGT events has not been previously reported, and the extent of isoforms in the Arctic was surprising. See for example multiple different IBP forms with separate origins in Pavlovales CCMP2436 (Fig 4). The previous studies are referred to in the context of the phylogeny of the IBD within the results section: Lines 322- 413, and Lines 534-585.
Reviewer #1: Figure 5 on HGT of ice-binding proteins is difficult to follow. It would be clearer if each panel could be described separately, clearly stating its main finding. I doubt that a reader could look at this figure and explain to a colleague what it shows.
Reply: We have revised rearranged the figure (now Fig 4) with Arctic A, B, C and D clearly indicated as well as the two Antarctic dominated clades. The upper schematic includes the deepest phylogeny of algal IBDs to date, incorporating all of UniRef, MMETSP and TARA Oceans. The fasta files underlying the tree and the nexus file used are provided the S1 Data Folder, which is an excel folder with information on the analysis of the data. The callout and order of the clades has been revised to facilitate interpretation of the phylogenies more clearly. The entire section has been completely rewritten.
Reviewer #1: This is also a problem with many of the other figures. For each figure, what is the question being asked and what is its take-home message?
Reply: We agree that the message was lost and have now focused on our original question in our accepted proposal to JGI. “Is there a convergence among arctic microalgae at the genomic level?”. We found some genome properties were common among the Arctic isolates (more unknown PFAMS and several expanded PFAMs). The importance of ice binding proteins in Arctic Isolates and the widespread inter-algal HGT of this important protein among the Arctic strains. The IBP biogeography and phylogeny strongly indicate that the Arctic microalga have acquired IBP locally and that the Antarctic strains have acquired additional isoforms independently from Antarctic bacteria and fungi (Lines 565-585).
Reviewer ____#1____: ____The paper has more data than a reader can absorb. It could be strengthened by reducing the number of figures, simplifying them if possible, and more clearly stating the value of the remaining figures.
Reply. As suggested, we have refocused the paper, removing more speculative statistics based analysis and associated figures. The main conclusions are supported by the 5 main figures. We are now present 5 main figures and 11 supplementary figures (previously 23 downloadable supplementary figures and 40 on-line only figures supporting the support figures). We agree with the reviewer, and we feel the revised version is a more transparent synthesis. Briefly the Figures illustrate the following points. Fig. 1. The multigene tree of available algal genomes and transcriptomes provides a clear framework for judging the divergence of subsequent individual gene and PFAMs phylogenies. Fig. 2 (originally Fig. 3). Indicates the convergence of PFAM domains in the Arctic strains, in contrast to strains from elsewhere. Fig. 3 (originally Figure 4) shows Arctic specific expansions and contraction of PFAM domains, again demonstrating convergent evolution in the Arctic. The figure identifies specific PFAMs that contribute to the within-Arctic convergence. This figure is based on statistical methods independent of Fig 2. Figure 4 is the most extensive IBP phylogeny to date and has been discussed above. Figure 5, which was supplementary in our non-peer reviewed version, shows the biogeographic distribution of IBP, and can be compared to the distributions of the 18S rRNA genes from the four Arctic algae provided as supplementary (S6 Fig.)
**Minor comments**Reviewer #1
The figure citations are confusing. E.g., what does "Fig.1- Figure supplement 1" refer to? Does this refer to 1 or 2 figures? Apparently, it refers only to Fig. S1, so many readers will be confused when they look at Fig. 1.
Reply: We apologize for the confusing format; the manuscript had been formatted for the online journal eLife. Our revision follows the more traditional style of PLoS Biology and other Review Commons journals.
Multiple citations should be in order of publication date, not alphabetical order.
Reply ; We agree that date of publications is quite standard and recognizes priority of publication. Several on line journals no longer follow this rule and citation order will follow the specific style used by our accepting journal.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): It is well known that useful genes tend to be shared among microorganisms. The present study strengthens previous studies in showing that gene transfer is an important process in polar regions.
Reply: We thank the reviewer for recognizing the importance of our study.
Reviewer #2 ____(Evidence, reproducibility, and clarity (Required)):
This manuscript is the result of a large international collaborative effort, including the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute. Its focus is comparative genomics of eukaryotic Arctic algae. The primary data described in the ms are four new genome and transcriptome sequences from diverse Arctic algae, represented by a cryptomonad, a haptophyte, a chrysophyte, and a pelagophyte.
The authors compare these new data to previously published genomic/transcriptomic data from eukaryotic algae with the goal of understanding genome evolution in the Artic. The results of the paper are a series large-scale comparative genomic bioinformatics analyses, including the associated statistical analyses. The key findings center on statistically significant features of Arctic genomes, features that stand out as compared to the genomes of algae that are not primarily found in the Arctic. Together, these findings allow the authors to make various hypotheses and suggestions about genetic adaptations to polar environments.
By far the most significant finding is that the genomes of Arctic algae are enriched in genes encoding proteins with an ice-binding domain, paralleling findings from Antarctic algae. These genes appear to have spread among Arctic algal genomes via horizontal gene transfer, which raises a series of interesting questions. In my opinion, the major conclusions of this paper are supported by the data. Listed below are a few comments that may improve the ms:
Reviewer #2.
1) In today's post-genomics era, everyone seems to be sequencing nuclear genomes. Often what distinguishes high-impact and low-impact genome papers is the number of genomes presented and the quality of the genome assembly. I may have missed it, but reading the main text, the figures/tables, and the supplementary data I was not able to get a sense of the quality of the four genome assemblies from which the main findings are based. I was eventually able to find this information from PhycoCosm (note: some of the links to this site are not working in the ms). My quick scan of the PhycoCosm summary info for the four genomes indicates that the assemblies are highly fragmented, likely because they are based on short-read Illumina sequencing rather than a combination of short and long reads. I think it is important to briefly discuss (and or present) the quality of the assemblies in the ms and to highlight the potential limitations/drawbacks of employing highly fragmented assemblies when carrying out large-scale comparative genomics.
Reply: We agree and the data concerning the genome quality assemblies has been moved to the main text Table 1. The comparison with other paired related strains is provided in an excel folder designated S2 Data Folder.
Reviewer #2.
2) Horizontal gene transfer is undeniably a major driving force in evolution, and one that has shaped genomic architecture across the Tree of Life. I believe the data presented here support a role for HGT in the genome of evolution of Arctic algae, particularly with respect to genes encoding proteins with an ice-binding domain. However, we can all think of numerous instances when authors of genome papers were too quick to point to HGT. Thus, I would urge more caution and balance when presenting the HGT data, including some discussion about factors that could incorrectly lead researchers to conclude a significant role for HGT, such as contamination, gene duplication, mis-assemblies, etc. I'm not suggesting that you change the main conclusions, but just tone down the language in places (e.g., "we reveal remarkable convergence in the coding content ... ").
Reply: We understand the reviewers concerns and now more clearly outline the pipeline we have used to identify HGTs. This included: filtering each genome to remove all possible contaminant sequences first, considering both contig co-presence of vertical- and horizontally-derived genes, and reciprocal and independent annotations of gene sequences in both genome sequences and MMETSP transcriptomes. Retained genes were subjected to simultaneous BLAST analysis and manually curated phylogenies using decontaminated reference datasets. The most parsimonious explanation for our final IBP domain microbial algal clusters (Fig 4) is HGT. On the side of caution, we removed the entire section that identified potential arctic HGT based primarily on a less targeted broad statistical analysis. The focus is now on 3 genes that have clearly identifiable utility in the Arctic, were found to be enriched in Arctic genomes via a separate analysis and had homologs in the Tara Ocean Polar circle data. In addition, we describe more clearly the role of expansion and enrichment of PFAMs and the high proportion genes without an identifiable PFAMs in the Arctic strains as evidence for Arctic convergence separate from potential HGT.
Reviewer #2.
3) The downside of studying protists (as compared to multicellular animals, for instance) is that most are not widely known by the scientific community and even fewer scientists can picture what they actually look like (e.g., Pavlovales sp. CCMP2436). A few more details about the four Arctic algae that make up the focus of this paper might be helpful for the casual reader. My sense is that if at the next departmental meeting I asked my colleagues what a pelagophyte was most would look at me with a blank stare. Moreover, am I right to assume that all four algae are psychrotolerant rather than psychrophilic (Supplement Fig. 1 makes me think otherwise). It might be good to point out the difference in the text.
Reply: High resolution images of each strain are available on the JGI home page for each alga, given the multiple figures we feel photos would not add information.
Reviewer #2
4) I don't think Supp. Table 1 (the Pan-algal dataset) got uploaded correctly during the manuscript submission stage. The first link I click on gives me Supp. Table 2.
Reply: We apologize for this, the format was incorrect for the file designation and there were lost links. We now more actually refer to these as Data Folders as they are excel folders containing multiple sheets, All supplementary links will be verified again on final submission.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
By far the most significant finding from this paper is that the genomes of Arctic algae are enriched in genes encoding proteins with an ice-binding domain, paralleling findings from Antarctic algae. These genes appear to have spread among Arctic algal genomes via horizontal gene transfer, which raises a series of interesting questions. This is not the first paper to present these types of ideas, but it is arguably the broadest analysis yet, at least with respect to eukaryotic algae. This work will be of great interest to polar scientists, phycologists, protistologists, and the genomics community. I am genome scientist studying protists, including algae.
Reply. We thank the reviewer for their insightful comments.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
This manuscript is focused on Arctic microalgae, an important yet understudied community in permanently cold ecosystems. By sequencing the genomes of four phylogenetically diverse and uncharacterized polar algae, the authors seek to elucidate genomic features and protein families that are similar in polar species (and differ from their relatives from temperate environments) This work used high-throughput genomic sequencing and computational analysis to demonstrate significant horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in several gene families, including ice-binding proteins. The authors suggest that this HGT is an effector of environmental adaptation to Arctic environments.
**Major comments and experiment suggestions:**
The authors conclude that HGT between arctic species is a driver of polar adaptation. The authors strongly support the claim that HGT is present more frequently in the polar algae examined here. Whether this is adaptive should be further explored though. For instance, ice-binding domains were one PFAM group found at significantly higher frequencies in the polar species - but are all of these species associated with ice? What would be the benefit of IBDs in an alga that is found in the open ocean. Similar with the other domains (Lns 333-335), its not clear whether these are truly adaptive features. ____This is more speculative.
Reply: We agree that detail was lacking and have considerably expanded our introduction on the character of the Arctic Ocean and have stated the goals and underlying hypothesis. Briefly, all surface water organisms that live in the Arctic encounter ice during the year as the ocean freezes in winter, and surface waters reman around negative 1.7 °C for much of the year. This information has been added to the introduction. We have also expanded the discussion on the multiple effects of different IBPs that would be ecologically beneficial for plankton as well as ice-algae and cite relevant experimental studies and reviews.
Reviewer #3) ____HGT was a major conclusion of this study, putting this in a wider perspective would strengthen the conclusion, especially in the context of HGT from prokaryotes. Are there insights on whether IBDs are present in Arctic prokaryotes?
Reply: This is a good question, and we now point out that there were 91 Arctic bacterial and archaeal IBP sequences in our comparative dataset. In contrast to the Antarctic clades, none were closely related to the Arctic strain IBPs (Fig 4). Line 336.
Reviewer #3) ____The data obtained from the genomic works supports the conclusions stronger that ones from transcriptomes, where what genes/domains are present would depend largely on the sampling conditions. This should be emphasized.
Reply: The main rational for using transcriptomes was that more of these are available and enabled us to detect convergences and HGT across a broader taxonomic range than would be possible with genome-only data, where we had access to a total of only 21 microalgal genomes. In general transcriptome studies are aimed at identifying responses under different conditions and rely on comparative expression data, usually 2-fold differences in up or down expression under different growth conditions, see for example Freyria et al. 2022 (Communications Biology). Unlike a transcriptome expression study, our data mining detected any (constitutive or regulated) expression in these unicellular haploid cells, we would have detected genes used under any condition that an algal happened to be growing. IBD was not detected in any of the temperate genomes, and only detected in transcriptomes of Arctic and Arctic-Boreal groups. However, we agree that there may be some limitation of transcriptomes only studies and mention this. Lines 522-528.
Reviewer #3) ____An experiment to determine whether the species are cold extremophiles (psychrophiles) would be useful here to strongly support the data in Figure 1. The authors state that their species can not survive >6C but this is based on experiments done on older studies. Considering the cultures have been maintained as a continuous culture for decades, confirming that they still have psychrophilic characteristic would be useful. This is a straightforward and low cost experiment that requires simply measuring growth rates at several temperatures to define the optimal and confirm that the cells are not viable above 6C.
Reply: These are interesting points, and the broad “background” statements in the original manuscript would require a separate study,and have been deleted. Temperature tolerance experiments are not so simple for cold adapted algae with slow growth rates. Such experiments require specialized incubators to maintain low temperatures. Temperature experiments have been carried out on the cultures in the context of other studies, see for example, Daugberg et al. 2018, J. Phycol. But this is not within the scope of the present study.
We now restrict our conclusions to the specific question of convergence among Arctic strains. We apologize for the misunderstanding on the history of the cultures. They have not been in “continuous culture” but are cryopreserved. We now simply indicate that they grow below 6 °C, which is sufficient to assume that they are likely cryophiles, our experience is that they do not grow well or at all at higher temperatures, our efforts have been to maintain the cultures that are otherwise easily lost. We now make no claims about optimality or limits. Here we simply examined genomes and available transcriptomes that were generated from algae growing at 4-6 °C.
Reviewer #3) ____**Minor comments:**
Defining the species used here as psychrophiles would put the study in context better. The authors relate their finding to Antarctic species (HGT, ice-binding domains, large genomes) all of which are confirmed psychrophiles.
Reply: The temperature definition of psychrophiles is surprisingly high (optimal growth below 15 °C) and this definition of psychrophiles is now given in the introduction. The point is really that there are few isolates from cold surface waters that have been well studied. We now add. “A handful of polar algal genomes have been extensively studied, with 4 of these from around Antarctica and classified as psychrophiles (not being able to grow above 15 °C (Feller & Gerday, 2003)”. Lines 103-107.
Reviewer #3) ____A short rationale on why these species at all would be useful - are they representative of their classes? Do they have psychrophilic characteristics that might make them useful models in the future? Are they widely used now?
Reply: We appreciate the point as the definition of utility in discovery-based science is an open dialog.
We agree that the study requires context and have added our rational for selecting the species for genome sequencing to the introduction. “To address questions on genetic adaptations to this ice-influenced environment, we sequenced 4 phylogenetically divergent microalgae, from 4 algal classes belonging to 3 algal phyla: Cryptophyceae (Cryptophyta), Pavlovophyceae (Haptophyta), Chrysophyceae and Pelagophyceae (both in the Ochrophyta) isolated from the ca. 77 °N, where surface ice flow persists through June (Mei et al., 2002). The four isolates were selected as representatives of different water and ice conditions and phylogeny from available strains collected in April and June 1998 during the North Water Polynya study”.
Reviewer #3) ____Starting algal cultures were maintained in a continuous culture since 1998 and under continuous light since at least 2015, have the authors confirmed that these algae retain their physiological features even after this long time? The accumulation of mutations is a possibility here.
Reply: We apologize for the misunderstanding of the timeline; the history of the cultures was not given in the manuscript and the inferred history is not quite correct. The 2015 date was the year of publication for the MMETSP data. Our continuous light statement is a record of our standard culture conditions. We now elaborate on the material used in the current study. The cultures were deposited in the Bigelow culture collection (now NCMA) in 2002 and cryopreserved once they had been verified and given a culture designation. We obtained fresh cultures in 2005 and these were used for the MMETSP project. We obtained fresh cultures again in 2011, specifically for the JGI genome project. These algae do not grow fast and most of the DNA was sent to JGI in 2012 for most of the isolates. This history is rather long and not relevant, since one would speculate that over the years the algae would tend to lose the ice associated functionality, e.g. they were not frozen in seawater every year for 4 to 6 months or subject to sudden freshwater exposure, when ice melts. We would encourage other researchers to order the cultures and run experiments. We note that many of the 40 or so algae isolated from the same campaign have been used by others for specific studies and at least 8 are in the MMETSP data set. The presence of 18S rRNA and phylogenetic position of the IBP sequences compared to Tara Arctic circle data confirms long-term Arctic presence of each species and the IBP domains in the Arctic without marked changes over the last 20 years.
Reviewer #3) ____Ln381 - The culture collection IDs for each sequenced species should be included here
Reply: we have added the culture IDs throughout.
Reviewer #3) ____Ln. 389 - Algal cells are harvested and used for nucleic acid extraction, the nucleic acids themselves are not harvested
Reply: we agree and corrected the wording
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
This study is well places in the current state of research on polar alga and represents a significant and very valuable addition to the current knowledge pool. Algae in general are lagging behind other groups of photosynthetic organisms in the number of sequenced and analyzed genomes, despite algae being one of the main primary producers globally. This is even more strongly felt in polar research, where only 4 species have been sequenced, most of which are restricted to Antarctica. There is a true gap in our knowledge when it comes to Arctic species, and this study fills this gap. As the authors correctly state, we need more knowledge on polar environments and the primary producers that support these important ecosystems in light of current climate change trends.
Reply: we appreciate the succinct summary of our study and thank the reviewer for insights and suggestions that have improved the manuscript.
Reviewer field of expertise: Polar algae, stress responses, plant and algal energetics, cell signalling
Reply: We appreciate the incites and perspective steming from the reviewer's expertise.
Relevant key references cited in the reply:
Daugbjerg N, Norlin A, Lovejoy C. Baffinella frigidus gen. et sp. nov. (Baffinellaceae fam. nov., Cryptophyceae) from Baffin Bay: Morphology, pigment profile, phylogeny, and growth rate response to three abiotic factors. Journal of Phycology. 2018;54(5):665-80
Feller, G. and Gerday, C. (2003) Psychrophilic enzymes: Hot topics in cold adaptation. Nat Rev Microbiol, 1, 200-208.
Freyria NJ, Kuo A, Chovatia M, Johnson J, Lipzen A, Barry KW, et al. Salinity tolerance mechanisms of an Arctic Pelagophyte using comparative transcriptomic and gene expression analysis. Communications Biology. 2022;5(1). doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03461-2
Mei, Z. P., Legendre, L., Gratton, Y., Tremblay, J. E., Leblanc, B., Mundy, C. J., Klein, B., Gosselin, M., Larouche, P., Papakyriakou, T. N., Lovejoy, C. and Von Quillfeldt, C. H. (2002) Physical control of spring-summer phytoplankton dynamics in the North Water, April-July 1998. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49, 4959-4982.
Niezgodzki, I., Tyszka, J., Knorr, G. and Lohmann, G. (2019) Was the Arctic Ocean ice free during the latest Cretaceous? The role of CO2 and gateway configurations. Global and Planetary Change, 177, 201-212.
Nikishin, A. M., Petrov, E. I., Cloetingh, S., Freiman, S. I., Malyshev, N. A., Morozov, A. F., Posamentier, H. W., Verzhbitsky, V. E., Zhukov, N. N. and Startseva, K. (2021) Arctic Ocean Mega Project: Paper 3-Mesozoic to Cenozoic geological evolution. Earth-Science Reviews, 217.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This manuscript is focused on Arctic microalgae, an important yet understudied community in permanently cold ecosystems. By sequencing the genomes of four phylogenetically diverse and uncharacterized polar algae, the authors seek to elucidate genomic features and protein families that are similar in polar species (and differ from their relatives from temperate environments) This work used high-throughput genomic sequencing and computational analysis to demonstrate significant horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in several gene families, including ice-binding proteins. The authors suggest that this HGT is an effector of environmental adaptation to Arctic environments.
Major comments and experiment suggestions:
- The authors conclude that HGT between arctic species is a driver of polar adaptation. The authors strongly support the claim that HGT is present more frequently in the polar algae examined here. Whether this is adaptive should be further explored though. For instance, ice-binding domains were one PFAM group found at significantly higher frequencies in the polar species - but are all of these species associated with ice? What would be the benefit of IBDs in an alga that is found in the open ocean. Similar with the other domains (Lns 333-335), its not clear whether these are truly adaptive features. This is more speculative.
- HGT was a major conclusion of this study, putting this in a wider perspective would strengthen the conclusion, especially in the context of HGT from prokaryotes. Are there insights on whether IBDs are present in Arctic prokaryotes?
- The data obtained from the genomic works supports the conclusions stronger that ones from transcriptomes, where what genes/domains are present would depend largely on the sampling conditions. This should be emphasized.
- An experiment to determine whether the species are cold extremophiles (psychrophiles) would be useful here to strongly support the data in Figure 1. The authors state that their species can not survive >6C but this is based on experiments done on older studies. Considering the cultures have been maintained as a continuous culture for decades, confirming that they still have psychrophilic characteristic would be useful. This is a straightforward and low cost experiment that requires simply measuring growth rates at several temperatures to define the optimal and confirm that the cells are not viable above 6C.
Minor comments:
- Defining the species used here as psychrophiles would put the study in context better. The authors relate their finding to Antarctic species (HGT, ice-binding domains, large genomes) all of which are confirmed psychrophiles.
- A short rationale on why these species at all would be useful - are they representative of their classes? Do they have psychrophilic characteristics that might make them useful models in the future? Are they widely used now?
- Starting algal cultures were maintained in a continuous culture since 1998 and under continuous light since at least 2015, have the authors confirmed that these algae retain their physiological features even after this long time? The accumulation of mutations is a possibility here.
- Ln381 - The culture collection IDs for each sequenced species should be included here
- Ln. 389 - Algal cells are harvested and used for nucleic acid extraction, the nucleic acids themselves are not harvested
This study is well places in the current state of research on polar alga and represents a significant and very valuable addition to the current knowledge pool. Algae in general are lagging behind other groups of photosynthetic organisms in the number of sequenced and analyzed genomes, despite algae being one of the main primary producers globally. This is even more strongly felt in polar research, where only 4 species have been sequenced, most of which are restricted to Antarctica. There is a true gap in our knowledge when it comes to Arctic species, and this study fills this gap. As the authors correctly state, we need more knowledge on polar environments and the primary producers that support these important ecosystems in light of current climate change trends.
Review field of expertise: Polar algae, stress responses, plant and algal energetics, cell signalling
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This manuscript is the result of a large international collaborative effort, including the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute. Its focus is comparative genomics of eukaryotic Arctic algae. The primary data described in the ms are four new genome and transcriptome sequences from diverse Arctic algae, represented by a cryptomonad, a haptophyte, a chrysophyte, and a pelagophyte.
The authors compare these new data to previously published genomic/transcriptomic data from eukaryotic algae with the goal of understanding genome evolution in the Artic. The results of the paper are a series large-scale comparative genomic bioinformatics analyses, including the associated statistical analyses. The key findings center on statistically significant features of Arctic genomes, features that stand out as compared to the genomes of algae that are not primarily found in the Arctic. Together, these findings allow the authors to make various hypotheses and suggestions about genetic adaptations to polar environments.
By far the most significant finding is that the genomes of Arctic algae are enriched in genes encoding proteins with an ice-binding domain, paralleling findings from Antarctic algae. These genes appear to have spread among Arctic algal genomes via horizontal gene transfer, which raises a series of interesting questions. In my opinion, the major conclusions of this paper are supported by the data. Listed below are a few comments that may improve the ms:
1) In today's post-genomics era, everyone seems to be sequencing nuclear genomes. Often what distinguishes high-impact and low-impact genome papers is the number of genomes presented and the quality of the genome assembly. I may have missed it, but reading the main text, the figures/tables, and the supplementary data I was not able to get a sense of the quality of the four genome assemblies from which the main findings are based. I was eventually able to find this information from PhycoCosm (note: some of the links to this site are not working in the ms). My quick scan of the PhycoCosm summary info for the four genomes indicates that the assemblies are highly fragmented, likely because they are based on short-read Illumina sequencing rather than a combination of short and long reads. I think it is important to briefly discuss (and or present) the quality of the assemblies in the ms and to highlight the potential limitations/drawbacks of employing highly fragmented assemblies when carrying out large-scale comparative genomics.
2) Horizontal gene transfer is undeniably a major driving force in evolution, and one that has shaped genomic architecture across the Tree of Life. I believe the data presented here support a role for HGT in the genome of evolution of Arctic algae, particularly with respect to genes encoding proteins with an ice-binding domain. However, we can all think of numerous instances when authors of genome papers were too quick to point to HGT. Thus, I would urge more caution and balance when presenting the HGT data, including some discussion about factors that could incorrectly lead researchers to conclude a significant role for HGT, such as contamination, gene duplication, mis-assemblies, etc. I'm not suggesting that you change the main conclusions, but just tone down the language in places (e.g., "we reveal remarkable convergence in the coding content ... ").
3) The downside of studying protists (as compared to multicellular animals, for instance) is that most are not widely known by the scientific community and even fewer scientists can picture what they actually look like (e.g., Pavlovales sp. CCMP2436). A few more details about the four Arctic algae that make up the focus of this paper might be helpful for the casual reader. My sense is that if at the next departmental meeting I asked my colleagues what a pelagophyte was most would look at me with a blank stare. Moreover, am I right to assume that all four algae are psychrotolerant rather than psychrophilic (Supplement Fig. 1 makes me think otherwise). It might be good to point out the difference in the text.
4) I don't think Supp. Table 1 (the Pan-algal dataset) got uploaded correctly during the manuscript submission stage. The first link I click on gives me Supp. Table 2.
By far the most significant finding from this paper is that the genomes of Arctic algae are enriched in genes encoding proteins with an ice-binding domain, paralleling findings from Antarctic algae. These genes appear to have spread among Arctic algal genomes via horizontal gene transfer, which raises a series of interesting questions. This is not the first paper to present these types of ideas, but it is arguably the broadest analysis yet, at least with respect to eukaryotic algae. This work will be of great interest to polar scientists, phycologists, protistologists, and the genomics community. I am genome scientist studying protists, including algae.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors have assembled an enormous amount of statistical data on the genomes and phylogeny of Arctic algae, including the genomes of four new species that they sequenced for this study. Their main finding is that horizontal gene transfer has led to convergent evolution in distantly related microalgae.
Major comments
- The purpose of the study is not clearly stated in the abstract or the introduction. The authors say (line 93) "Defining the genetic adaptations underpinning these small algal species is crucial as a baseline to understand their response to anthropogenic global change (Notz & Stroeve,2016)." Is this their goal? Or are they just quoting another study? The authors state (line 103) "We extend <previous findings> by sequencing the genomes of four distantly related microalgae...". This is not really a question or a hypothesis. I am sure the authors can provide a more compelling reason to embark on such a labor-intensive study.
- The most prominent shared trait that the authors found are genes for ice-binding proteins. However, in view of their importance, little information is given about their different types and possible functions.
- The HGT of ice-binding proteins is a major focus of this study, but little is said about what previous studies have said about this. What are the previous studies, what are their findings and how do the present findings contribute to this?
- Figure 5 on HGT of ice-binding proteins is difficult to follow. It would be clearer if each panel could be described separately, clearly stating its main finding. I doubt that a reader could look at this figure and explain to a colleague what it shows.
- This is also a problem with many of the other figures. For each figure, what is the question being asked and what is its take-home message?
- The paper has more data than a reader can absorb. It could be strengthened by reducing the number of figures, simplifying them if possible, and more clearly stating the value of the remaining figures.
Minor comments
- The figure citations are confusing. E.g., what does "Fig.1- Figure supplement 1" refer to? Does this refer to 1 or 2 figures? Apparently, it refers only to Fig. S1, so many readers will be confused when they look at Fig. 1.
- Multiple citations should be in order of publication date, not alphabetical order.
It is well known that useful genes tend to be shared among microorganisms. The present study strengthens previous studies in showing that gene transfer is an important process in polar regions.
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Reply to the reviewers
We are very grateful about the thorough reading and deep understanding of the work that these 4 reviewers have provided. Although it is evident that they still request an improved profiling of some aspects, it is very encouraging that all four think the work is very interesting, original, insightful and adds a new layer of knowledge to the regulation of DNA damage sensing and repair. It is also very rewarding that the four reviewers estimate that this work will sew connections between different fields and interest a broad readership. This is why we have designed here a very deep revision, tailored to satisfy all the raised concerns except one, and this just for technical reasons.
Please find below the original reviewers’ comments and our answers to them preceded by the symbol “>”:
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): Ovejero et al. report an increase in lipid droplet (LD) abundance after long (from 120' on) exposure of budding yeast cells to DNA damaging agents zeocin and camptothecin (CPT). Next, they analyze DNA damage signaling in yeast mutants that impair triacylglycerol (TAGs) or sterol (STEs) esterification. They observe a slight anticipation in Rad53/CHK2 phosphorylation (indicative of DDR signaling) in yeast stem mutants, as well as in yeast cells or human cells lines pre-treated with oleate upon zeocin treatment. Yeast stem mutants are sensitive to zeocin and captothecin, but only confer sensitivity to hydroxyurea upon combination with tagD mutations. Authors relate these phenotypes to a somewhat decreases DSB resection in yeh2D mutants (expected to have reduced steryl esters pools) and RPA-foci in steD yeast cells. Next, a reduction in single strand annealing recombination repair events upon zeocin treatment is reported using a genetic reporter in steD mutants and oleate-treated cells. From these data they conclude that inability to process sterols in response to DSBs leads to an exacerbated DDR and prevents DNA repair. Next, it is shown that Flag-tagged Tel1 distinctly interacts with mono-phosphate phosphoinositides, including PI(4)P. An interaction in vivo is also inferred through Proximity Ligation Assays (PLA) using anti-PI(4)P and anti-ATM antibodies in human cell lines, which was moderately downregulated upon treatment with MMS or zeocin. Over-expression of the Osh4/OSBP1 transporter, which consumes PI(4)P, increased the number of Tel1 (nuclear) foci upon zeocin treatment. Conversely Sac1 ablation, in which accumulation of PI(4)P is expected, abrogated nuclear Tel1 foci formation and reduced telomere length (a phenotype related to lack of Tel1 function). From these results authors conclude that Tel1 availability in the nucleus is influenced by PI(4)P availability. Lastly, treatment with an OSBP1 inhibitor led to a cell line and damaging agent -variable reduction of ATM phosphorylation and a mostly non-significant reduction of DNA resection, measured by native BrdU detection, in response to CPT treatment. Overall, authors conclude that i) biding of Tel1/ATM to PI(4)P modulates its functional availability in the nucleus, and that ii) DNA damage elicits the esterification and storage of sterols toward LDs, which contributes to tritate Tel1/ATM away from the nucleus dampening the DDR and affecting long-range resection.
Major comments: While the conclusion that Tel1/ATM binds PI(4)P and this interaction modulates Tel1/ATM functional availability at the nucleus is convincing, the conclusion that DSBs elicit a change in the metabolism of this lipid to "control" Tel1/ATM function is not demonstrated. The notion that sterol processing occurs in response to DSBs is not sufficiently supported by the data presented, as the increase in LD numbers is observed much after activation of the DDR (Rad53 phosphorylation) in Zeozin-treated yeast cells.
We are afraid that we have not been clear enough in explaining the kinetics giving rise to our model. As indicated by the reviewer, our work shows, through kinetic studies, that the storage of sterols within LD occurs at later stages than the activation of the DDR by Tel1 and Rad53 phosphorylation. Tel1 foci decline is necessary for subsequent engagement of downstream DNA long-range resection. Since we propose that sterol storage within LD is a means to attenuate Tel1 engagement at DSBs, it is thus logical (and thus compatible with the data we show) that LD number increase occurs simultaneously with Tel1 foci decrease, at late stages of the reactionWe will include this explanation and graph in the revised version of the work.
In addition, evidence is not provided on the mechanisms by which PI(4)P metabolism would be controlled, which would be expected to be DDR-independent as they are placed upstream of this signaling pathway in the author's model.
The key mechanism through which, in the end, PI(4)P metabolism will be controlled, is the esterification of sterols within LD. Given that, as clarified above, LD formation in response to DSBs occurs “late” (i.e., after 120 min), it is not excluded that the DDR itself can instruct, through phosphorylation of some effector(s), LD formation. In other words, by ordering LD formation, the DDR would be launching a self-limiting mechanism. In support, we now know, although we do not show in this work, that eliminating key DDR proteins prevents the formation of LD in response to DNA damage. Because of this, we have undertaken an educated-guess approach and chosen critical or rate-limiting enzymes in LD biology either possessing an S/T-Q cluster domain (predicted to be a phosphorylation substrate for the DNA Damage Response kinases (1), and/or retrieved in phospho-proteomic screens as specific DDR targets (2,3). This adds up to 28 proteins in S. cerevisiae and 45 proteins in Homo sapiens. Importantly, the emergent candidates fall into two identical categories in both organisms. To provide initial support for their pertinence, we have generated a point mutant in the putative S/T-Q cluster of one of the yeast candidates. Of high relevance, we find that the concerned mutant is impaired in correctly triggering LD formation in response to DNA damage, and we have now obtained a specific funding to pursue this characterization that, as such, constitutes a different work from the one presented in this manuscript. We hope that the reviewer is now convinced yet that she/he agrees in keeping this information for subsequent manuscript(s).
The damaging agents used have been suggested to alter the redox metabolism and even lipid peroxidation (Kitanovic 2009, Mizumoto 1993, Krol 2015, Todorova 2015, Ren 2019, Singh 2014). Hence it is possible that PI(4)P changes are not due to DSBs, but an indirect though relevant effect. In absence of direct evidence supporting an active regulation of PI(4)P dynamics in response to DNA breaks, this conclusion remains speculative and this should be noted in the manuscript.
We fully agree with the reviewer that the used genotoxins are triggering a myriad of effects which could elicit the same phenomenon by indirect means. Yet, we want to stress that the use of camptothecin, which elicits a very robust LD formation phenotype (Figure 1C), is very likely specific, as it is proven as a potent and direct trapper of Top1 onto DNA after having cleaved it. Nevertheless, we propose in the next paragraph two specific experiments to dismiss this problem, please see immediately below.
Authors conclude that LD is specific to DSB induction. This seems an overstatement as they just reported LD increases in response to two agents that also induce other kinds of DNA damage. To also strengthen the link between DSBs and PI(4)P modulation of Tel1 function, authors should analyze LD numbers, Rad53 phosphorylation and Tel1 nuclear re-localization in response to HO-induced DNA breaks (e.g., using the system employed in Figure 3C).
We humbly think that enzymatically-induced DNA breaks will both activate Rad53 phosphorylation and Tel1 nuclear concentration, as this has already been established, thus requiring no further exploration. Yet, it is very important to assess the reviewer’s suggestion concerning whether enzymatically-induced DNA breaks also trigger the formation of LD. To this end, we will perform two complementary studies in which, instead of using HO, which cuts only a few times in the genome, we will:
- a) exploit the naturally DSB-accumulating mutant rad3-102, which we previously characterized in the past (4), and which we already exploit in this work for recombination analyses (Figure S4A), to evaluate whether it endogenously harbors more LD in comparison with the WT.
- b) we have recently created a tool in which gRNAs targeted to different subsets of transposons in the genome can drive Cas9 to create DSB in a dose-dependent manner ((9), under revision in Genetics). We will use this system to monitor the LD formation in response to Cas9-triggered cuts. In addition, on figure 5A, significant differences in GFP-Tel1 foci abundance between WT and steD or yeh2D cells are only observed after 210', way after the slight effect on Rad53 phosphorylation is observed. This is at odds with the conclusion that Tel1 association to STEs modulates DDR signaling.
We are afraid that we have not been clear enough in explaining the kinetics giving rise to our model. As indicated by the reviewer, our work shows, through kinetic studies, that the storage of sterols within LD occurs at later stages than the activation of the DDR by Tel1 and Rad53 phosphorylation. Tel1 foci decline is necessary for subsequent engagement of downstream DNA long-range resection. Since we propose that sterol storage within LD is a means to attenuate Tel1 engagement at DSBs, it is thus logical (and thus compatible with the data we show) that LD number increase occurs simultaneously with Tel1 foci decrease, at late stages of the reactionWe will include this explanation and graph in the revised version of the work.
Minor comments:
Figure S1D and E, experiments should be carried out to include time points in which LD accumulation and cell cycle arrest are observed upon zeocin treatment (i.e., up to 210' as in Figure 1A)
We will provide cytometry profiles of cells at 210 min. These data exist already in our laboratory.
How do authors explain increased single strand annealing recombination frequencies in steD and oleate-treated wild type cells (Figure 4A). Should it not be expected that increased STEs also impair recombination induced by endogenous damage?
Only ste∆ (and not +oleate) indeed manifests an increase in basal recombination frequencies, likely arising from endogenous damage. Although the increase is observed, it is not significant. We agree anyway with the reviewer that, was the experiment to be repeated more times, the increase may be found significantly different. We do not have any honest proposal to explain this.
Data presented in figure 4B and 4C are not fully convincing. Performing time course experiments might help concluding if the differences observed represent a relevant defect in DSB processing.
We will perform a Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) kinetcis in response to zeocin with or without oleate pre-loading to reinforce the conclusion.
Is Figure 5B referring to Flag-tagged Tel1 or GFP-tagged Tel1 as stated in the figure legend?
There is a misunderstanding here, as the mentioned Figure 5B corresponds to P-ATM immunofluorescences in human cells, not to any tagged Tel1 experiment.
Treatment with the ATM inhibitor AZD0156 increased PI(4)P-ATM PLA signals. From these authors conclude that "association of ATM and PI(4)P inversely correlated with the need for ATM within the nucleus. Do they imply that treatment with ATM-inhibitors reduces the requirement for ATM function in the nucleus? The interpretation of this result should be further elaborated to sustain this conclusion.
We may have conveyed a wrong notion at this point. We do not imply at all that ATM inhibitors reduce the need for ATM in the nucleus. Instead, we imply that, by reinforcing ATM attachment to Golgi-resident PI(4)P, ATM inhibitors end up titrating ATM away from the nucleus. We will clarify our explanation to avoid misunderstandings.
An increase of GFP-Tel1 foci upon OSH4 overexpression is described on Figure 7B. These are described as nuclear in the results, but no reference is made in the figure or legend as to how nucleus positions are addressed in these experiments. This should be clarified.
We systematically combine the tagging of a nucleoplasmic protein (mCherry-Pus1) with the detection of GFP-Tel1 foci, as to unambiguously assess the nuclear position of Tel1 foci. We will include this explanation and the corresponding mCherry-Pus1 channel to clarify this.
Also, WT controls and quantifications should be included in the experiments shown on Figure 7C.
These experiments are quantified from the moment we did them, although we did not include such quantifications in the present version for the sake of space. We will do so in the revised version.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
While the conclusion of lipid metabolism responding to DSBs is not convincing, the observation that Tel1/ATM function is modulated by PI(4)P biding is significant and advances the understanding on the function and regulation of this key kinase in promoting genome integrity maintenance. This is an unanticipated result which is highly novel and has implications for the modulation of Tel1/ATM function through pharmacological manipulation of lipid metabolism. This finding would be of broad interest for scientists working on the response to DNA damage and the maintenance of genome integrity. This reviewer belongs to that group and has limited expertise to evaluate the lipid metabolism genetic manipulation in the manuscript.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The authors show that cytoplasmic PI4P have a regulatory role on ATM response to DNA double strand breaks. The process involves a balance between exchange of PI4P between Golgi and ER in exchange of esterified sterols. The study is of interest, however provides indirect evidences to support their conclusions.
Major comments : 1). Since the major conclusion relates to PI4P association with ATM in basal conditions to keep ATM outside nucleus and known presence of PI4P, ATM in other organelles of a cell, further experiments such as cell fractionation experimental that show golgi specific interaction would support the main conclusion.
In continuation of 1st comment, since PI4P in substrate of PI4 phosphoinositol kinases, is there a competition between PI4kinases and ATM for PI4P binding should be addressed through immunoprecipitation studies.
First of all, we need to specify here that PI4kinases will phosphorylated PI4 to create PI(4)P. Thus, PI(4)P is the product, and not the substrate, of PI4kinases. We therefore do not expect any competition between such kinases and ATM.
Second, we take good note of the reviewer’s concern that the pool of PI(4)P at the Golgi may be shared, and also that it would be important to reinforce the notion of the relative subcellular localization of ATM under different treatments. To this end, we will perform the following integrative experiment:
Immunoprecipitation of PI(4)P could theoretically be done using our specific antibody, yet the IP efficiency of a lipid cannot be verified by western blot. Further, there are PI(4)P pools elsewhere in the cell that would mess up with interpretations. We therefore dismiss the use of anti-PI(4)P as a tool to perform immunoprecipitations.
Instead, to explore the impact of PI(4)P levels on ATM both at the Golgi and within the nucleus, we will split our cultures in two to either immunoprecipitate specific cytoplasmic Trans-Golgi Network-associated proteins (we will test separately TGN46 and GOLPH3); or the nuclear ATM-interacting factor MRE11 from nuclei, then blot for co-immunoprecipitated ATM. The relative co-immunoprecipitated ATM is expected to vary under different treatments to which the cells will be exposed, namely:
- untreated
- zeocin, to trigger ATM need in the nucleus
- OSBP inhibition (+/- zeocin), to stabilize PI(4)P at the Golgi
- PIK93, an inhibitor of PI4 kinases that prevents PI(4)P synthesis
2). The authors claim that the ATM retention is the main function of PI4P in Golgi. The authors should rule out the possibility that the phenotype observed on DNA damage response is not due to non availability of PI4P substrate for PI4P kinases, that have recently been shown to participate in genome integrity maintenance.
We want to explain that we do not intend to say that PI(4)P main function at the Golgi is ATM retention, as PI(4)P is a molecule binding and modulating multiple proteins, as for example the aforementioned GOLPH3. We will first revise our text to correct it, in case we have conveyed this incorrect notion, as it stems from the reviewer’s comment.
Second, the reviewer evokes the notion that PI(4)P can be the substrate of a second phosphorylation, which could give rise to PI(3,4)P or to PI(4,5)P, which could still undergo remodeling into PI(3)P, for example. Recent work by Dr Michael Sheetz’s lab demonstrated that this set of phosphoinositides serves to drive the nucleation and activation of the ATR-Chk1 branch of the DNA Damage Response upon genotoxic stress, yet was completely inert with respect to the ATM-Chk2 branch (5). To rule out the possibility, as evoked by the reviewer, that the oleate-induced DDR phenomena we describe relate to these other events, we have now explored the response of the ATR-Chk1 branch when comparing the response of zeocin-treated cells that have been pre-loaded or not with oleate. We observe that the ATR-Chk1 branch is unaltered by oleate loading. Thus, we can now propose that the PI(4)P branch exclusively modulates the ATM-Chk2 axis.
3). Does Oleate treatment influences Rad53 protein levels in addition to its phosphorylation that affect DNA damage response may be addressed.
Exponential cultures from three different WT, three different ste∆ and three different yeh2∆ strains have now been taken and pre-loaded for 2 hours with 0.05% oleate, then total levels of Rad53 (without induction of DNA damage) assessed. We can now formally say that basal levels of Rad53 protein are not altered by this incubation. We will include this control in the revised manuscript.
4). Does Yeh2 deletion reduces LDS should be checked.
We frequently use yeh2∆ cells in our studies. In particular, we have recently published work characterizing the phenotype of this strain with respect to the formation of lipid droplets in the nucleus (6). We are currently exploiting those same sets of data to quantify the total number of LD in order to satisfy the reviewer’s concern.
5). Figure 4D representation should show % of phospho reduction of initial activation and a better western blot image should be shown that show equal loading of samples.
We are currently repeating these gels and blots for the sake of clarity, as requested.
6). In immunoprecipitation experiments, kindly include isotypee IgG controls as well to rule out non-specificity.
Of course, this important control will be included every time.
Minor points: 1). Figure S1F do not show oleate treatment as presented in results section.
We will revise the accurate naming.
2). A better gel for S4B should be presented with ponceau of the same gel.
We are currently repeating this gel and associated blot for the sake of clarity, as requested.
3). Nuclear PI4Ps has also been previously reported, an explanation to the specific interaction of ATM and PI4P in the Golgi should be addressed/discussed.
We take it that the reviewer is referring here to the recent work by Fáberová et al (7) in which PI(4)P and PI(4,5)P were described as very dynamic in the nucleus, and mostly related then to mRNA transcription, splicing and export. We will reinforce the connection of our phenomenon to the Golgi-associated pool of PI(4)P thanks to the co-immunoprecipitation experiments proposed above, and will timely contextualize these in light of the paper by Fáberová and co-workers in the revised version. Thank you for reminding us of this work.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
The current work definitely adds a layer in our understanding to ATM regulation and cross-talk between different PIKK family of kinases. ATM localisation in extra nuclear regions of a cell has been described earlier with significant impact on cell physiology such as mitochondria etc., ATM retention at golgi and limiting nuclear ATM levels is significant advance at ATM activity regulation, while signifying non canonical function of PI4P.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In this manuscript, the authors propose that ATM/Tel1 signaling is regulated in a spatiotemporal manner during genotoxic stress both in yeast and mammalian cells. They show that Lipid droplets accumulate in response to genotoxic stress. As a consequence, there is a decrease of exchange of PI4P from the Golgi to ER, thus dampening ATM/Tel1 signaling by sequestering this kinase into the Golgi. The authors combined findings in yeast and mammals showing that this mechanism is conserved throughout eukaryotes. For this purpose, they use a vast number of techniques that support their proposed model.
Major comments:
The conclusions were made based on evidence combining yeast genetics, immunofluorescence, DNA end resection analysis and pharmacological interventions. The hypothesis that ATM is kept away from the nucleus by physically interacting with PI4P at the Golgi, thus allowing processive repair is bold and contributes for a better understanding of the choreography of the DDR kinases during DSB repair. However, many of the experiments in yeast and mammals show only mild phenotypes and there is no evidence that this mode of ATM dampening impact cell viability in mammals.
We agree with the reviewer that the effects associated to the reported phenomenon are indeed mild. This is a fact. We would like to remind that the metabolism of sterols is finely controlled, and at many different levels, in a very complex manner. For example, sterol increases in the cell will immediately be compensated by reduced synthesis, while synthesis inhibition will immediately promote uptake from the medium, and/or release from stores (for example, see (8)). As a natural consequence, the window of manipulation and, more importantly, the strength of the phenotypes we can uncover are small.
Therefore, I have some comments and suggestions of experiments that I think could improve the quality of the manuscript. I believe that most of these new experiments does not require much time and resources.
- Does oleate treatment in RPE-1/Huh-7 cells induce loss of viability? An experiment showing loss of viability like MT-assay or decreased cell proliferation would reinforce the importance of the mechanism proposed.
This experiment was already included in the previous version, yet it may have escaped the attention of the reviewer. We show in Figure S2E that oleate treatment restricts viability in Huh-7 cells alone, and also worsens their tolerance to zeocin. Perhaps we should reconsider moving this result to the main figures so that it does not go unnoticed.
- In yeast there is evidence that a ste delta strain show sensitivity to zeocin/CPT, but there is no experiment showing the same effect on cells lacking Yeh2. Since both strains share similar phenotypes, it would be interesting to show that increased kinetics of Rad53 signaling leads to sensitivity to genotoxins.
We have now performed this experiment, we will include the matching information for yeh2∆ cells, which agrees with the predictions.
- The conclusion that ste delta cells exposed to zeocin leads to unproductive events due to defects in DNA-end resection could be reinforced by a decrease in Rad52 foci. It has been previously shown by the group of Dr. Marcus Smolka, that inhibition of DNA-end resection decreases Rad52 foci (https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201607031). Since the authors were able to monitor Rad52-YFP (Figure S1A), it shouldn't consume time and resources.
The reviewer is right that this experiment should not be time- or resources-consuming. We will evaluate the accumulation of Rad52 foci in response to the concerned genotoxin in ste∆ cells.
- Since the authors propose that there is a DNA repair defect due to inhibition of long-range DNA-end resection, it would be important to monitor gamma-H2A(X) signal either in yeast or mammals.
Taking into consideration the reviewer’s suggestion, we have now performed anti-yH2AX immunofluorescence of all the implied conditions (genotoxins +/- oleate pre-load) and will quantify them to answer the concern.
- How do the authors exclude the possibility that yeast mutants or oleate treatment in yeast/mammalian cells change membrane permeability allowing an increase in genotoxin concentration?
Although this is a very reasonable criticism, we want to remind the data we present in Figure S4A in which we use the naturally DSB-bearing rad3-102 cells for recombination analyses, showing that, in the absence of any genotoxin, the same phenotype also applies. Yet, we want to reinforce the notion that LD formation in response to DSB can also occur when the breaks are not chemically, but physically, induced. To this end, and also to match a related request by Reviewer 1, we will:
- a) exploit the naturally DSB-accumulating mutant rad3-102 (4) to evaluate whether it endogenously harbors more LD in comparison with the WT.
- b) we have recently created a tool in which gRNAs targeted to different subsets of transposons in the genome can drive Cas9 to create DSB in a dose-dependent manner ((9), under revision in Genetics). We will use this system to monitor the LD formation in response to Cas9-triggered cuts. In addition, on figure 5A, significant differences in GFP-Tel1 foci abundance between WT and steD or yeh2D cells are only observed after 210', way after the slight effect on Rad53 phosphorylation is observed. This is at odds with the conclusion that Tel1 association to STEs modulates DDR signaling.
We are afraid that we have not been clear enough in explaining the kinetics giving rise to our model. As indicated by the reviewer, our work shows, through kinetic studies, that the storage of sterols within LD occurs at later stages than the activation of the DDR by Tel1 and Rad53 phosphorylation. Tel1 foci decline is necessary for subsequent engagement of downstream DNA long-range resection. Since we propose that sterol storage within LD is a means to attenuate Tel1 engagement at DSBs, it is thus logical (and thus compatible with the data we show) that LD number increase occurs simultaneously with Tel1 foci decrease, at late stages of the reactionWe will include this explanation and graph in the revised version of the work.
- It would be interesting to investigate genetic interactions between ste delta (or yeh2delta) and yeast mutants with DNA-end resection problems (exo1delta; sae2delta). For instance, it has been shown that Sae2 antagonizes checkpoint signaling by competing with Rad9 to DSB sites (https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1816539115). Also, cells lacking Sae2 show an increase in Rad53 signaling due to increased Tel1 Signaling. Therefore, an epistatic effect between these two pathways would reinforce the hypothesis of the manuscript.
we will build the double mutant sae2∆ yeh2∆ and assess the potential epistatic behavior they may display with respect to some key phenotypes (Tel1 foci formation, Rad53 phosphorylation…).
- The authors showed that Tel1-GFP does not accumulate in the nucleus in cells lacking Sac1 (Figure 7C). Tel1 is important to cope with increased DSBs in the absence of Mec1, thus avoiding genomic instability. Cells lacking both Mec1 and Tel1 show a sick phenotype with an exponential increase in gross chromosomal rearrangements and sensitivity to genotoxins. Therefore, does deletion of Mec1 (and Sml1) in sac1 delta phenocopies a mec1tel1 delta? Alternatively, does pharmacological inhibition of ATR in the presence of the OSBP1 inhibitor causes loss of viability or chromosomal aberrations?
We will delete SAC1 in mec1∆ sml1∆ and compare the fitness, through growth drop assays, with respect to the mutant tel1∆ mec1∆ sml1∆.
We will expose cells either to OSBP1 inhibitor, ATR inhibitor, or both, and assess the phosphorylation of their downstream common effector H2AX. Additionally, we will assess the effect on cell growth of the combination of ATRi and OSBP1i using synergy matrices. We will determine if the combination of both drugs synergizes or not to impair cell proliferation and reduce cell viability.
- Finally, it seems strange to me that ATR/Mec1 signaling is not mentioned throughout the entire manuscript. Does PI4P pathway affect only ATM/Tel1? In Figure 2D, an antibody against phospho-CHK1 could be used to monitor ATR signaling. In line with that, I would like to see in the discussion how these new findings are in line with evidence from a 2019 paper showing that phophoinositides PIP2 and PIP3, but not PI4P are important for ATR signaling (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01805-9). They showed that a nuclear pool of PIP2 increases upon DNA damage induction and rapidly accumulates at DNA lesions. This event is important for the recruitment of ATR. Since PI4P is substrate for PIP2 synthesis and there is a nuclear pool of PI4P and PIP2, I think it is important to discuss if the results presented here are in line with these previous findings.
The reviewer evokes recent work by Dr Michael Sheetz’s lab demonstrating that a different set of phosphoinositides serves to drive the nucleation and activation of the ATR-Chk1 branch of the DNA Damage Response upon genotoxic stress, yet was completely inert with respect to the ATM-Chk2 branch (5). We have now explored, also to satisfy a similar concerned raised by Reviewer 2, the response of the ATR-Chk1 branch when comparing the response of zeocin-treated cells that have been pre-loaded or not with oleate. We observe that the ATR-Chk1 branch is unaltered by oleate loading. Thus, we can now propose that the PI(4)P branch exclusively modulates the ATM-Chk2 axis.
We will of course give the needed credit to this work and contextualize our findings accordingly.
Minor comments:
- Line 124: The correct is Figure S1E, lower panel and not Figure S1F -Lines 127-128: Figure S2A does not show zeocin treatment
Both minor mistakes will be corrected.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
Together, these new findings, if corroborated by others, might be important to open new lines of investigation in basic and translational research regarding human diseases as explored in the discussion section. I believe this paper will attract attention not only from the DDR field but also from other areas of research such as nutrient and lipid signaling both in yeast and mammals. I hope I was able to collaborate in this review, since my main expertise is in the area of DNA damage signaling using budding yeast as an organism model.
Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
This is a very interesting study where Sara et al. demonstrated a link between lipid metabolism with DNA repair response (DDR). In this study, they have proposed ATM as a novel PI4P-effector. The sterol deposition into lipid droplets impacts the Golgi PI4P level due to lipid exchange machinery facilitated by OSBP1, therefore regulating the cytosolic retention of ATM due to PI4P binding. Although how lipid droplets in the cytosol sense the DNA damage and control the initiation of DDR by regulating ATM is still unclear, this study linked lipid biology/PI signaling to DNA damage repair and showed the evolutionary conservation of PI signaling and DNA repair machinery from yeast to humans. The experiments are well designed, nicely controlled, with a high quality of data presentation. With some improvements, this work could be a very interesting study attracting a broad readership.
In their model, ATM is PI4P-bound and sequestered inside the cytosol under basal conditions. Upon genotoxic stress, activation of OSBP1 removes PI4P and free PI4P-bound ATM for nuclear translocation of DNA repair. This could also be interpreted as genotoxic stress-induced PIP-kinase activity, where PI4P is processed into PIP2 or PIP3, somehow redirecting ATM into the nucleus to initiate its activation for DDR. Those aspects should be discussed and improved.
Both Reviewers 2 and 3 have somehow evoked a similar concern. More precisely, the work by Dr Michael Sheetz’s lab demonstrating that a different set of phosphoinositides serves to drive the nucleation and activation of the ATR-Chk1 branch of the DNA Damage Response upon genotoxic stress, yet was completely inert with respect to the ATM-Chk2 branch (5). We have now explored, to satisfy all reviewers’ concerns, the response of the ATR-Chk1 branch when comparing the response of zeocin-treated cells that have been pre-loaded or not with oleate. We observe that the ATR-Chk1 branch is unaltered by oleate loading. Thus, we can now propose that the PI(4)P branch exclusively modulates the ATM-Chk2 axis.
Additionally, we will of course give the needed credit to this work and contextualize our findings accordingly.
Upon stress, there is nuclear activation of p53-phosphoinositide (PI) signalosomes and PIP-kinases. Also, there is a significant PIP2 pool inside the nucleus with an involvement in DNA damage repair. Those papers and their relevance to the current study need to be discussed. If ATM is a novel PI4P-effector, there is also nuclear PI4P formation or nuclear PI4P accumulation upon stresses based on recent studies; how the ATM interacts with PIPn in the nucleus upon translocation? A know ATM substrate p53 is PIP2/PIP3 bound in the nucleus based on recent studies. Will ATM prefer to interact with other PIPn-bound proteins in the nucleus or PIPn regulate their interaction needs to be discussed.
These additional notions are in line with the previous paragraph presented by the reviewer, and our answers too. We will provide a constructive overview of all these ideas in the revised version of the manuscript.
Major points: 1. The PI4P-ATM complex is supported only by PLA and PIP strips. Need more robust biochemical characterization of the interaction: co-IP, lipid binding, and/or in vitro constitution.
We agree with the need to perform assays in which PI(4)P is embedded in a bilayer, as to confidently assess whether Tel1 can bind it in that context. We have now performed a pilot experiment in which we have confronted purified FLAG-Tel1 to liposomes harboring PI(4)P. Western blot analysis using anti-FLAG antibody shows the encouraging result that FLAG-Tel1 can be found there. As a control, we have performed the same process but in the absence of any liposomes. We observe that a residual fraction of FLAG-Tel1 can nevertheless be found in this control, most probably because the buffer used during the liposome assay makes part of FLAG-Tel1 precipitate.To avoid this type of background and to increase our trust in the results, we propose to perform the liposome assay but on a discontinuous density gradient, so that liposomes will be retrieved in the top layer (and bound FLAG-Tel1 with them, if that is the case), while any precipitated FLAG-Tel1 will be in the bottom fraction (liposome floatation assay). As a further control, we will include the same liposomes but lacking PI(4)P. We expect to be successful in the floatation assays. If we are not, we will repeat the experiment presented above to be confident that the observed increase is reproducible.
- The use of drug inhibitors only in the final figure is problematic. KD or KO experiments should be performed to confirm that ATM and the exchanger are the relevant targets.
We have now used siRNAs against the exchanger protein, OSBP1, with a very high silencing rate success. We have next monitored the activation status of the chromatin-associated ATM target KAP1, in order to monitor the predicted decrease of ATM activity specifically inside the nucleus. Our results confirm the role of OSBP1, by KD experiments as requested by the reviewer, in attenuating ATM nuclear participation.
- Poor quality of some WBs (e.g Fig. S1F).
We have now repeated the Western Blot to detect Rad53-P in response to 20 mM HU in WT versus ste∆cells.
- Lack of statistical analyses for some data (e.g. Fig. 1B-E)
We had already included, in the previous version, the complete statistical analyses corresponding to Figures 1B to E and evoked here by the reviewer. They were indeed included in Figure S1C, and our brief reference to them in the text may have escaped her/his attention. We will make a clear reference to this in the revised version.
Additional clarification points:
Figure 1: No representative images were shown for quantifications in Figure 1C, D, E.
If the reviewer / editor estimates it pertinent, we can of course include them. Yet, they will be very redundant with the images displayed in Figure 1A.
Line 121: Should be Figure S1E, upper panel. Line 124: Should be Figure S1E, lower panel. Figure 2D-E, please show the quantification of the ratio of pCHK2/CHK2 with an N=3
We will correct / include the requested changes.
Figure S2B: needs quantification of NileRed staining to conclude induction in LD formation
We will quantify the LD as requested.
Figure 3C, to show the selectivity of ATM-binding toward PI4P, PLA of ATM with other PIPn species should be assessed, such as PI3P, PI4,5P2, and PI3,4,5P3.
We have provided an overview of the binding preferences of ATM with respect to the full battery of phosphoinositides in the strip-binding assay shown in Figures S5C and 6B. Other than that, we are afraid that PLA studies as the ones we develop in the current manuscript for PI(4)P are not feasible, since no reliable antibodies exist for most of the phosphoinositide species evoked by the reviewer.
Figure S6A, PI4P level could be assessed by IF staining using PI4P antibody besides using PI4P sensor.
We will use our PI(4)P antibody to monitor by immunofluorescence the behavior of this molecule in response to either MMS or zeocin, as suggested.
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Referee #4
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This is a very interesting study where Sara et al. demonstrated a link between lipid metabolism with DNA repair response (DDR). In this study, they have proposed ATM as a novel PI4P-effector. The sterol deposition into lipid droplets impacts the Golgi PI4P level due to lipid exchange machinery facilitated by OSBP1, therefore regulating the cytosolic retention of ATM due to PI4P binding. Although how lipid droplets in the cytosol sense the DNA damage and control the initiation of DDR by regulating ATM is still unclear, this study linked lipid biology/PI signaling to DNA damage repair and showed the evolutionary conservation of PI signaling and DNA repair machinery from yeast to humans. The experiments are well designed, nicely controlled, with a high quality of data presentation. With some improvements, this work could be a very interesting study attracting a broad readership.
In their model, ATM is PI4P-bound and sequestered inside the cytosol under basal conditions. Upon genotoxic stress, activation of OSBP1 removes PI4P and free PI4P-bound ATM for nuclear translocation of DNA repair. This could also be interpreted as genotoxic stress-induced PIP-kinase activity, where PI4P is processed into PIP2 or PIP3, somehow redirecting ATM into the nucleus to initiate its activation for DDR. Those aspects should be discussed and improved.
Upon stress, there is nuclear activation of p53-phosphoinositide (PI) signalosomes and PIP-kinases. Also, there is a significant PIP2 pool inside the nucleus with an involvement in DNA damage repair. Those papers and their relevance to the current study need to be discussed. If ATM is a novel PI4P-effector, there is also nuclear PI4P formation or nuclear PI4P accumulation upon stresses based on recent studies; how the ATM interacts with PIPn in the nucleus upon translocation? A know ATM substrate p53 is PIP2/PIP3 bound in the nucleus based on recent studies. Will ATM prefer to interact with other PIPn-bound proteins in the nucleus or PIPn regulate their interaction needs to be discussed.
Major points:
- The PI4P-ATM complex is supported only by PLA and PIP strips. Need more robust biochemical characterization of the interaction: co-IP, lipid binding, and/or in vitro constitution.
- The use of drug inhibitors only in the final figure is problematic. KD or KO experiments should be performed to confirm that ATM and the exchanger are the relevant targets.
- Poor quality of some WBs (e.g Fig. S1F).
- Lack of statistical analyses for some data (e.g. Fig. 1B-E)
Additional clarification points:
Figure 1: No representative images were shown for quantifications in Figure 1C, D, E.
Line 121: Should be Figure S1E, upper panel.
Line 124: Should be Figure S1E, lower panel.
Figure 2D-E, please show the quantification of the ratio of pCHK2/CHK2 with an N=3
Figure S2B: needs quantification of NileRed staining to conclude induction in LD formation.
Figure 3C, to show the selectivity of ATM-binding toward PI4P, PLA of ATM with other PIPn species should be assessed, such as PI3P, PI4,5P2, and PI3,4,5P3.
Figure S6A, PI4P level could be assessed by IF staining using PI4P antibody besides using PI4P sensor.
This is a very interesting study where Sara et al. demonstrated a link between lipid metabolism with DNA repair response (DDR). In this study, they have proposed ATM as a novel PI4P-effector. The sterol deposition into lipid droplets impacts the Golgi PI4P level due to lipid exchange machinery facilitated by OSBP1, therefore regulating the cytosolic retention of ATM due to PI4P binding. Although how lipid droplets in the cytosol sense the DNA damage and control the initiation of DDR by regulating ATM is still unclear, this study linked lipid biology/PI signaling to DNA damage repair and showed the evolutionary conservation of PI signaling and DNA repair machinery from yeast to humans. The experiments are well designed, nicely controlled, with a high quality of data presentation. With some improvements, this work could be a very interesting study attracting a broad readership.
In their model, ATM is PI4P-bound and sequestered inside the cytosol under basal conditions. Upon genotoxic stress, activation of OSBP1 removes PI4P and free PI4P-bound ATM for nuclear translocation of DNA repair. This could also be interpreted as genotoxic stress-induced PIP-kinase activity, where PI4P is processed into PIP2 or PIP3, somehow redirecting ATM into the nucleus to initiate its activation for DDR. Those aspects should be discussed and improved.
Upon stress, there is nuclear activation of p53-phosphoinositide (PI) signalosomes and PIP-kinases. Also, there is a significant PIP2 pool inside the nucleus with an involvement in DNA damage repair. Those papers and their relevance to the current study need to be discussed. If ATM is a novel PI4P-effector, there is also nuclear PI4P formation or nuclear PI4P accumulation upon stresses based on recent studies; how the ATM interacts with PIPn in the nucleus upon translocation? A know ATM substrate p53 is PIP2/PIP3 bound in the nucleus based on recent studies. Will ATM prefer to interact with other PIPn-bound proteins in the nucleus or PIPn regulate their interaction needs to be discussed.
Major points:
- The PI4P-ATM complex is supported only by PLA and PIP strips. Need more robust biochemical characterization of the interaction: co-IP, lipid binding, and/or in vitro constitution.
- The use of drug inhibitors only in the final figure is problematic. KD or KO experiments should be performed to confirm that ATM and the exchanger are the relevant targets.
- Poor quality of some WBs (e.g Fig. S1F).
- Lack of statistical analyses for some data (e.g. Fig. 1B-E)
Additional clarification points:
Figure 1: No representative images were shown for quantifications in Figure 1C, D, E.
Line 121: Should be Figure S1E, upper panel.
Line 124: Should be Figure S1E, lower panel.
Figure 2D-E, please show the quantification of the ratio of pCHK2/CHK2 with an N=3
Figure S2B: needs quantification of NileRed staining to conclude induction in LD formation.
Figure 3C, to show the selectivity of ATM-binding toward PI4P, PLA of ATM with other PIPn species should be assessed, such as PI3P, PI4,5P2, and PI3,4,5P3.
Figure S6A, PI4P level could be assessed by IF staining using PI4P antibody besides using PI4P sensor.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript, the authors propose that ATM/Tel1 signaling is regulated in a spatiotemporal manner during genotoxic stress both in yeast and mammalian cells. They show that Lipid droplets accumulate in response to genotoxic stress. As a consequence, there is a decrease of exchange of PI4P from the Golgi to ER, thus dampening ATM/Tel1 signaling by sequestering this kinase into the Golgi. The authors combined findings in yeast and mammals showing that this mechanism is conserved throughout eukaryotes. For this purpose, they use a vast number of techniques that support their proposed model.
Major comments:
The conclusions were made based on evidence combining yeast genetics, immunofluorescence, DNA end resection analysis and pharmacological interventions. The hypothesis that ATM is kept away from the nucleus by physically interacting with PI4P at the Golgi, thus allowing processive repair is bold and contributes for a better understanding of the choreography of the DDR kinases during DSB repair. However, many of the experiments in yeast and mammals show only mild phenotypes and there is no evidence that this mode of ATM dampening impact cell viability in mammals. Therefore, I have some comments and suggestions of experiments that I think could improve the quality of the manuscript. I believe that most of these new experiments does not require much time and resources.
- Does oleate treatment in RPE-1/Huh-7 cells induce loss of viability? An experiment showing loss of viability like MT-assay or decreased cell proliferation would reinforce the importance of the mechanism proposed.
- In yeast there is evidence that a ste delta strain show sensitivity to zeocin/CPT, but there is no experiment showing the same effect on cells lacking Yeh2. Since both strains share similar phenotypes, it would be interesting to show that increased kinetics of Rad53 signaling leads to sensitivity to genotoxins.
- The conclusion that ste delta cells exposed to zeocin leads to unproductive events due to defects in DNA-end resection could be reinforced by a decrease in Rad52 foci. It has been previously shown by the group of Dr. Marcus Smolka, that inhibition of DNA-end resection decreases Rad52 foci (https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201607031). Since the authors were able to monitor Rad52-YFP (Figure S1A), it shouldn't consume time and resources.
- Since the authors propose that there is a DNA repair defect due to inhibition of long-range DNA-end resection, it would be important to monitor gamma-H2A(X) signal either in yeast or mammals.
- How do the authors exclude the possibility that yeast mutants or oleate treatment in yeast/mammalian cells change membrane permeability allowing an increase in genotoxin concentration?
- It would be interesting to investigate genetic interactions between ste delta (or yeh2delta) and yeast mutants with DNA-end resection problems (exo1delta; sae2delta). For instance, it has been shown that Sae2 antagonizes checkpoint signaling by competing with Rad9 to DSB sites (https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1816539115). Also, cells lacking Sae2 show an increase in Rad53 signaling due to increased Tel1 Signaling. Therefore, an epistatic effect between these two pathways would reinforce the hypothesis of the manuscript.
- The authors showed that Tel1-GFP does not accumulate in the nucleus in cells lacking Sac1 (Figure 7C). Tel1 is important to cope with increased DSBs in the absence of Mec1, thus avoiding genomic instability. Cells lacking both Mec1 and Tel1 show a sick phenotype with an exponential increase in gross chromosomal rearrangements and sensitivity to genotoxins. Therefore, does deletion of Mec1 (and Sml1) in sac1 delta phenocopies a mec1tel1 delta? Alternatively, does pharmacological inhibition of ATR in the presence of the OSBP1 inhibitor causes loss of viability or chromosomal aberrations?
- Finally, it seems strange to me that ATR/Mec1 signaling is not mentioned throughout the entire manuscript. Does PI4P pathway affect only ATM/Tel1? In Figure 2D, an antibody against phospho-CHK1 could be used to monitor ATR signaling. In line with that, I would like to see in the discussion how these new findings are in line with evidence from a 2019 paper showing that phophoinositides PIP2 and PIP3, but not PI4P are important for ATR signaling (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01805-9). They showed that a nuclear pool of PIP2 increases upon DNA damage induction and rapidly accumulates at DNA lesions. This event is important for the recruitment of ATR. Since PI4P is substrate for PIP2 synthesis and there is a nuclear pool of PI4P and PIP2, I think it is important to discuss if the results presented here are in line with these previous findings.
Minor comments:
- Line 124: The correct is Figure S1E, lower panel and not Figure S1F
- Lines 127-128: Figure S2A does not show zeocin treatment
Together, these new findings, if corroborated by others, might be important to open new lines of investigation in basic and translational research regarding human diseases as explored in the discussion section. I believe this paper will attract attention not only from the DDR field but also from other areas of research such as nutrient and lipid signaling both in yeast and mammals. I hope I was able to collaborate in this review, since my main expertise is in the area of DNA damage signaling using budding yeast as an organism model.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors show that cytoplasmic PI4P have a regulatory role on ATM response to DNA double strand breaks. The process involves a balance between exchange of PI4P between Golgi and ER in exchange of esterified sterols. The study is of interest, however provides indirect evidences to support their conclusions.
Major comments:
1). Since the major conclusion relates to PI4P association with ATM in basal conditions to keep ATM outside nucleus and known presence of PI4P, ATM in other organelles of a cell, further experiments such as cell fractionation experimental that show golgi specific interaction would support the main conclusion.
2). In continuation of 1st comment, since PI4P in substrate of PI4 phosphoinositol kinases, is there a competition between PI4kinases and ATM for PI4P binding should be addressed through immunoprecipitation studies.
3). The authors claim that the ATM retention is the main function of PI4P in Golgi. The authors should rule out the possibility that the phenotype observed on DNA damage response is not due to non availability of PI4P substrate for PI4P kinases, that have recently been shown to participate in genome integrity maintenance.
4). Does Oleate treatment influences Rad53 protein levels in addition to its phosphorylation that affect DNA damage response may be addressed.
5). Does Yeh2 deletion reduces LDS should be checked.
6). Figure 4D representation should show % of phospho reduction of initial activation and a bettier western blot image should be shown that show equal loading of samples.
7). In ammunoprecipitation experiments, kindly include isotypee IgG controls as well to rule out non-specificity.
Minor points:
1). Figure S1F do not show oleate treatment as presented in results section.
2). A better gel for S4B should be presented with ponceau of the same gel.
3). Nuclear PI4Ps has also been previously reported, an explanation to the specific interaction of ATM and PI4P in the Golgi should be addressed/discussed.
The current work definitely adds a layer in our understanding to ATM regulation and cross-talk between different PIKK family of kinases. ATM localisation in extra nuclear regions of a cell has been described earlier with significant impact on cell physiology such as mitochondria etc., ATM retention at golgi and limiting nuclear ATM levels is significant advance at ATM activity regulation, while signifying non canonical function of PI4P.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Ovejero et al. report an increase in lipid droplet (LD) abundance after long (from 120' on) exposure of budding yeast cells to DNA damaging agents zeocin and camptothecin (CPT). Next, they analyze DNA damage signaling in yeast mutants that impair triacylglycerol (TAGs) or sterol (STEs) esterification. They observe a slight anticipation in Rad53/CHK2 phosphorylation (indicative of DDR signaling) in yeast stem mutants, as well as in yeast cells or human cells lines pre-treated with oleate upon zeocin treatment. Yeast stem mutants are sensitive to zeocin and captothecin, but only confer sensitivity to hydroxyurea upon combination with tagD mutations. Authors relate these phenotypes to a somewhat decreases DSB resection in yeh2D mutants (expected to have reduced steryl esters pools) and RPA-foci in steD yeast cells. Next, a reduction in single strand annealing recombination repair events upon zeocin treatment is reported using a genetic reporter in steD mutants and oleate-treated cells. From these data they conclude that inability to process sterols in response to DSBs leads to an exacerbated DDR and prevents DNA repair. Next, it is shown that Flag-tagged Tel1 distinctly interacts with mono-phosphate phosphoinositides, including PI(4)P. An interaction in vivo is also inferred through Proximity Ligation Assays (PLA) using anti-PI(4)P and anti-ATM antibodies in human cell lines, which was moderately downregulated upon treatment with MMS or zeocin. Over-expression of the Osh4/OSBP1 transporter, which consumes PI(4)P, increased the number of Tel1 (nuclear) foci upon zeocin treatment. Conversely Sac1 ablation, in which accumulation of PI(4)P is expected, abrogated nuclear Tel1 foci formation and reduced telomere length (a phenotype related to lack of Tel1 function). From these results authors conclude that Tel1 availability in the nucleus is influenced by PI(4)P availability. Lastly, treatment with an OSBP1 inhibitor led to a cell line and damaging agent -variable reduction of ATM phosphorylation and a mostly non-significant reduction of DNA resection, measured by native BrdU detection, in response to CPT treatment. Overall, authors conclude that i) biding of Tel1/ATM to PI(4)P modulates its functional availability in the nucleus, and that ii) DNA damage elicits the esterification and storage of sterols toward LDs, which contributes to tritate Tel1/ATM away from the nucleus dampening the DDR and affecting long-range resection.
Minor comments:
Figure S1D and E, experiments should be carried out to include time points in which LD accumulation and cell cycle arrest are observed upon zeocin treatment (i.e., up to 210' as in Figure 1A)
How do authors explain increased single strand annealing recombination frequencies in steD and oleate-treated wild type cells (Figure 4A). Should it not be expected that increased STEs also impair recombination induced by endogenous damage?
Data presented in figure 4B and 4C are not fully convincing. Performing time course experiments might help concluding if the differences observed represent a relevant defect in DSB processing.
Is Figure 5B referring to Flag-tagged Tel1 or GFP-tagged Tel1 as stated in the figure legend?
Treatment with the ATM inhibitor AZD0156 increased PI(4)P-ATM PLA signals. From these authors conclude that "association of ATM and PI(4)P inversely correlated with the need for ATM within the nucleus. Do they imply that treatment with ATM-inhibitors reduces the requirement for ATM function in the nucleus? The interpretation of this result should be further elaborated to sustain this conclusion.
An increase of GFP-Tel1 foci upon OSH4 overexpression is described on Figure 7B. These are described as nuclear in the results, but no reference is made in the figure or legend as to how nucleus positions are addressed in these experiments. This should be clarified. Also, WT controls and quantifications should be included in the experiments shown on Figure 7C.
Major comments:
While the conclusion that Tel1/ATM binds PI(4)P and this interaction modulates Tel1/ATM functional availability at the nucleus is convincing, the conclusion that DSBs elicit a change in the metabolism of this lipid to "control" Tel1/ATM function is not demonstrated.
The notion that sterol processing occurs in response to DSBs is not sufficiently supported by the data presented, as the increase in LD numbers is observed much after activation of the DDR (Rad53 phosphorylation) in Zeozin-treated yeast cells. In addition, evidence is not provided on the mechanisms by which PI(4)P metabolism would be controlled, which would be expected to be DDR-independent as they are placed upstream of this signaling pathway in the author's model. The damaging agents used have been suggested to alter the redox metabolism and even lipid peroxidation (Kitanovic 2009, Mizumoto 1993, Krol 2015, Todorova 2015, Ren 2019, Singh 2014). Hence it is possible that PI(4)P changes are not due to DSBs, but an indirect though relevant effect.
In absence of direct evidence supporting an active regulation of PI(4)P dynamics in response to DNA breaks, this conclusion remains speculative and this should be noted in the manuscript.
Authors conclude that LD is specific to DSB induction. This seems an overstatement as they just reported LD increases in response to two agents that also induce other kinds of DNA damage. To also strengthen the link between DSBs and PI(4)P modulation of Tel1 function, authors should analyze LD numbers, Rad53 phosphorylation and Tel1 nuclear re-localization in response to HO-induced DNA breaks (e.g., using the system employed in Figure 3C)
In addition, on figure 5A, significant differences in GFP-Tel1 foci abundance between WT and steD or yeh2D cells are only observed after 210', way after the slight effect on Rad53 phosphorylation is observed. This is at odds with the conclusion that Tel1 association to STEs modulates DDR signaling.
Minor comments:
Figure S1D and E, experiments should be carried out to include time points in which LD accumulation and cell cycle arrest are observed upon zeocin treatment (i.e., up to 210' as in Figure 1A)
How do authors explain increased single strand annealing recombination frequencies in steD and oleate-treated wild type cells (Figure 4A). Should it not be expected that increased STEs also impair recombination induced by endogenous damage?
Data presented in figure 4B and 4C are not fully convincing. Performing time course experiments might help concluding if the differences observed represent a relevant defect in DSB processing.
Is Figure 5B referring to Flag-tagged Tel1 or GFP-tagged Tel1 as stated in the figure legend?
Treatment with the ATM inhibitor AZD0156 increased PI(4)P-ATM PLA signals. From these authors conclude that "association of ATM and PI(4)P inversely correlated with the need for ATM within the nucleus. Do they imply that treatment with ATM-inhibitors reduces the requirement for ATM function in the nucleus? The interpretation of this result should be further elaborated to sustain this conclusion.
An increase of GFP-Tel1 foci upon OSH4 overexpression is described on Figure 7B. These are described as nuclear in the results, but no reference is made in the figure or legend as to how nucleus positions are addressed in these experiments. This should be clarified. Also, WT controls and quantifications should be included in the experiments shown on Figure 7C.
While the conclusion of lipid metabolism responding to DSBs is not convincing, the observation that Tel1/ATM function is modulated by PI(4)P biding is significant and advances the understanding on the function and regulation of this key kinase in promoting genome integrity maintenance. This is an unanticipated result which is highly novel and has implications for the modulation of Tel1/ATM function through pharmacological manipulation of lipid metabolism. This finding would be of broad interest for scientists working on the response to DNA damage and the maintenance of genome integrity. This reviewer belongs to that group and has limited expertise to evaluate the lipid metabolism genetic manipulation in the manuscript.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 Virant and colleagues have devised well-thought-out experimentation and analysis pipelines to obtain unbiased measurements of kinetochore protein counts and distances from the centromeric histone known as Cnp1 in fission yeast. My concerns with this study are mainly regarding the clarity of some of the data analysis strategies and data presentation. The authors should be able to address these concerns without new experimentation.
We would like to thank reviewer 1 for their valuable comments. We have addressed all comments and highlighted the changed sections in our revised manuscript.
- Segmentation of individual centromeres: In general, the authors are to be commended for including a detailed description of their procedures and analysis method. However, it wasn't readily clear to me exactly how they segmented individual centromeres. The lack of a consistent offset between the fluorescence spots corresponding to the protein of interest and Cnp1 in image in Figure 1 makes this issue even more confusing. It will help to display representative segmented individual kinetochores either in the main figure or a supplementary figure.
We thank reviewer #1 for this comment and highly appreciate that they value our effort for detailed method descriptions. We strongly agree: Correct segmentation and best-possible visualization are crucial for our analyses. We hope that the following clarifications help to understand our work better:
All images of the manuscript are reconstructed from localization files using Rapidstorm, which linearly interpolates the localizations on a subpixel grid and fills the pixels based on the distance between the localization and the center of the main subpixel bin to avoid discretization errors (Wolter et al., 2012). These images are then overlaid with a Gaussian blur corresponding to their localization uncertainty. In our opinion, this procedure gives the most realistic image impression of the data and results in reconstructed images that as best as possible mimic real fluorescence images. This is in our opinion a very important aspect when presenting SMLM data in reconstructed images as it is crucial that one - when looking at those images - does not over- or under-interpret the SMLM data. We extended the explanation in the manuscript: “For visualization, we aimed to reconstruct SMLM images that neither over- nor under-interpret the resolution of the SMLM data and resemble fluorescence images as closely as possible. Localizations were tracked together using the Kalman tracking filter in Rapidstorm 3.2 with two sigma, and the NeNA value used as sigma. Images were then reconstructed in Rapidstorm 3.2 with a pixel size of 10 nm. Rapidstorm linearly interpolates the localizations and fills neighboring pixels based on the distance between the localization and the center of the main subpixel bin to avoid discretization errors (Wolter et al., 2012). These images were then processed with a Gaussian blur filter based on their NeNA localization uncertainty in the open-source software ImageJ 1.52p (Schindelin et al., 2012). Importantly, images were only used for image representation purposes, all data analysis steps were conducted on the localization data directly (see data analysis).”
Importantly, individual centromeres were segmented not on the images but on the localization data directly which we visualized in a self-written 3D visualization software that has the functionality to e.g. zoom in and out and to switch or overlay channels. This flexible visualization tool allowed us to make the best-possible informed decisions for the cluster selections and pairing of POI/cnp1CENP-A pairs. We extended our explanation by: “For several manual steps, localizations were visualized in a custom software, which allows to zoom in/out flexibly and to switch/overlay between the sad1/POI/ cnp1CENP-A channels. Using this tool, individual localizations could be selected and classified. For channel alignment, localizations belonging to the same fiducial marker in all three channels were grouped together. Cells with visible kinetochore protein clusters in the focal plane were selected and classified as individual region of interests (ROIs) and all clusters were annotated. cnp1CENP-A clusters were paired together with corresponding POI clusters. Whenever there was any doubt whether two clusters belonged to the same kinetochore or whether a cluster represented a single centromere region or several, the clusters were discarded. Two exemplary data sets can be found in the zip-file Supplementary Data 1. The annotation work was quality-checked by cross-checking the annotation of two different persons.” Maybe interesting to add is that we initially and extensively tried several ways to fully automate the annotation. As all tested routines could not reach the quality of manually annotated data and had to a large extend be manually rechecked and corrected, we in the end directly annotated the data manually. We were rigorous in case of doubt: “Whenever there was any doubt whether two clusters belonged to the same kinetochore or whether a cluster represented a single centromere region or several, the clusters were discarded (manuscript page 10, section Visualization and Manual Analytics).”
Furthermore, the reviewer is right, we didn’t include too much visual data/results into our manuscript. We now showcase some examples for our annotation. In the zip-folder “Supplementary Data 1”, the reviewer will find two csv SMLM data examples of annotated localization data of cells with a mitotic spindle that passed the quality checks of drift control and channel overlay. For the first example, a cell with dam1 as POI, all 6 kinetochores are visible and all were grouped and separated from noise. One can also nicely see (due to the large distance of dam1 to cnp1CENP-A) which of the six belong to which spindle by the spatial orientation of the cnp1CENP-A and dam1 cluster to each other, and both groups of three have a pair that is spatially closer to the wrong pole, important for question 2 below. The second example, with spc7 as the example POI, has only 5 visible clusters. A closer look shows that one of them has unusual dimensions and a high number of localizations, representing most likely two overlapping centromeric regions. Thus, for this cell, only 4 kinetochore pairs were annotated for further analysis. Also, the cluster pairs are overlapping much more, so a direct decision to which spindle they belong to gets difficult.
Finally, we realized that the example cell used for figure 1 which we chose a long time ago for representative purposes actually is a dataset that did not pass the final quality controls of drift correction and channel overlay. Thus, it is not part of the data that was used for the results of this work. While it is pretty embarrassing that we did not realize earlier, we are really grateful for the reviewers’ question about it. We now replaced it by another example which nicely represents the data that went into the analysis and also represents the biological heterogeneity, not only in offset but also e.g. in shape: In this work, we simplify by ignoring any shape in our current analysis and only use cluster centroid distances. Kinetochore POI cluster shapes are currently investigated in a more detailed follow-up study.
- Use the mixture coefficient: The authors use the coefficient λ to create a mixture model for the Bayesian inference of distances. The description provided in the methods section is not sufficient for an average reader to understand how this coefficient is ultimately used (I had to look up the code and then the Stan manual for a superficial understanding of this procedure). It will be very helpful to flesh out this part of the model. Similarly, notation for the model that they use should be included either in the Methods or in supplementary data so that casual readers can get some understanding of the model.
We added the following sentence to explain the significance of the mixture coefficient:
“The coefficient then corresponds to the prior probability that the centromere is attached to the first spindle pole.”
We are not sure whether we understand the last sentence of this comment correctly. We added more explanations and definitions to the Stan code (see kinetochore.stan) to make it easier to understand. However, the section “Distance calculation” is intended to give the reader a full understanding of all relevant parts of the model, a look at the code should therefore not be necessary. The Stan implementation of the model uses non-centered parameterization, which might make it appear more complex than what is described in the text. However, this is an implementation detail that is intended to make the posterior more well-suited for Monte Carlo estimation and does not change the underlying statistical model. It should therefore be of no concern to casual readers. Finally, we prepared a new Supplementary Figure S6 to visualize the model for all readers.
- The regional centromeres in fission yeast can incorporate varying levels of Cnp1 depending on its expression level (e.g. see Aravamudhan et al. 2013 Current Biology, Joglekar et al. 2008 JCB). Much of this "extra" Cnp1 is likely to be incorporated at sites distal to the Cnp1 molecules that directly nucleate the kinetochore. Therefore, the centroid of Cnp1 molecules is likely to be "shifted" to some extent from the foundation of the kinetochore. Any shift in the Cnp1 centroid will be important especially when comparing the fission yeast measurements with the budding yeast data. The authors should ascertain whether such a shift can be detected by comparing the budding yeast and fission yeast measurements.
The reviewer is absolutely right, there is an active discussion in the field to which extend there are cnp1CENP-A molecules at distal sites and thus not part of the platform for the kinetochore structure. While different quantification methods in the literature partly disagree in cnp1CENP-A numbers, we have no indications that our own assessment by PALM imaging is wrong. In this study, we get a very stable (Suppl. Figure S9 b) cnp1CENP-A read-out by PamCherry1, which agrees with our Lando et al. 2012 study (a single color study with a different, much simpler protocol and using a different microscope with different settings and analysis routines, mainly using mEos2 but also some SI data on PamCherry1 for counting cnp1CENP-A molecules). Furthermore, the recombinant fusions in the native locus of cnp1CENP-A are stable and the strains show no signs of growth or phenotypic defects.
While we therefore can argue that we see a native level and undisturbed distribution of cnp1CENP-A, we nevertheless do not know how much of this cnp1CENP-A is involved in building up the kinetochore. What we believe to know is the following:
- With our ChipSeq data in Lando et al. 2012 we explored the distribution and read-out hits of cnp1CENP-A within the outer repeats as well as the inner centromeric region of all three chromosomes (Figure 3 and SI in Lando et al. 2012). While cnp1CENP-A is highly populated within the ~ 10 to 15 kb large inner centromeric regions, there are less detections in the outer regions. Thus, while ChipSeq is not a quantitative method, we believe it’s showing the correct trend with some cnp1CENP-A in the outside regions but most cnp1CENP-A localizing in the inner region. We believe that in overexpression studies (like e.g. done both in Joglekar et al. 2008 & Aravamudhan et al. 2013), this most likely will differ (but we did not experimentally explore this).
- We generally would argue that our distances are rather accurate using a symmetry and compaction argument. The about 10kb inner regions are a roughly 3.4 µm long DNA strands at a linear 1-dimensional scale but in vivo are highly compacted. Total kinetochore sizes as seen in EM data for mammalian cells are “approximately 250 nm wide and 80 nm deep, with an electron-opaque inner plate juxtaposed to the centromeric chromatin, a translucent gap layer, and an electron-opaque, chromatin-distal outer plate apparently embedding the plus ends of spindle microtubules” (Musacchio and Desai, Biology 2017, 6(1), 5; 10.3390/biology6010005) and for * pombe also in the 200 nm range (Ding et al., J Cell Biol (1993) 120 (1); 10.1083/jcb.120.1.141). We evaluated the cnp1CENP-A cluster shapes as seen in our SMLM data. The clusters show a major axis length of 218 ± 88 nm and a minor axis length of 110 ± 29 nm on average. Taking into account our NeNA localization precisions, this is in nice agreement with the EM data measuring the lateral extend of the kinetochore structure. All together, we would argue a) that there is no reason or any indication in the literature that cnp1CENP-A not directly involved in kinetochore nucleation preferably gets incorporated on only one of the distal sites and thus would cause an asymmetry. We rather would argue that they are randomly inserted on both sides at low level and thus keep the symmetry needed to determine the center of the cnp1CENP-A cluster involved as the kinetochore platform. We also would argue b) that the structure is highly compacted and thus errors caused by additional cnp1CENP-A molecules will be small in respect to our resolution. We cannot completely exclude that there is such an effect that would increase the measured distances, however, and given all other sources of error (drift correction, channel alignment, cluster selection etc.) this most likely is not the main factor in defining the widths of the posterior distributions as we obtain them (Suppl. Figure S7). This argument is supported by the fact that we do not see any indication of such an effect for cnp1CENP-A-close proteins. We carefully checked fta2, fta7 and cnp20 data and also included some examples for the reviewer (see innerPOIexamples.zip). We hope that the reviewer agrees with us that there is no indication for a systematic asymmetric offset between the POI and cnp1CENP-A clusters. Finally, our distance numbers nicely agree with the distances the Ries group has measured for S. cerevisiae in the co-submitted manuscript. They a) have a point centromere with presumably only one kMT and b) did not use cnp1CENP-A *as their reference, they used spc7KNL1 (spc105).
Virant and colleagues present a rigorous single-molecule localization-based analysis of the kinetochore protein copy number and organization within the fission yeast kinetochore. Although the fission yeast kinetochore has been extensively studied, the spatial organization of its kinetochore components has remained uncharacterized. This manuscript addresses this deficiency, and in concert with the budding yeast study, highlights the conserved and diverged features of the kinetochore in the two yeast species. Therefore, this manuscript will be of great interest to the kinetochore and cell division field.
We would like to thank the reviewer again for their very helpful and highly constructive review.
Reviewer #2
In this study, Virant and colleagues have applied single molecule localization microscopy to map the positions of proteins in the pombe kinetochore. This has not been reported previously and this study is both well-conducted and the data appear solid. They also use a modification of this technique to assess the stoichiometry of kinetochore proteins. The results that they obtain are broadly in line with several previous studies that use other methodology but not in fission yeast nor to this level of detail. There are some important novel conclusions from this work. I would like the authors to address the following concerns prior to publication:
We would like to thank Reviewer #2 for their appreciation of our work and their helpful remarks regarding our manuscript which we will answer below.
- It is not clear to me why the sad1-Scarlet-I signal in Figure 1C, displays a grid-like pattern? This must be an artefact of image collection or processing. Could the authors explain this pattern since this may affect the ability to find a centroid position of this signal?
Thanks a lot for this comment. Yes, the grid-like pattern the reviewer observed is an artefact from image processing when compiling the exemplary composite 3-color images. We revisited the raw movie data and changed the procedure to produce the exemplary images to avoid this ugly artifact (which did not influence our data analysis as it is not present in the raw movies used for centroid determinations). Please note: we also changed the example cell for figure 1 due to reasons explained in the answer 1 to reviewer 1.
- It is my understanding that the distances reported are based on the positions of the proteins in one dimension, along the spindle axis, consistent with other studies and as illustrated in Figure 1b. This should be clearly stated in the results section.
The model underlying our Bayesian inference is that cnp1CENP-A-POI and one of the two sad1 spindles are all on one “mitotic” axis, along the kinetochore microtubule. BUT the orientation of this mitotic axis is NOT necessarily parallel to the spindle axis. See Figure 1a, the in red drawn spindle axis is not necessarily parallel to the green drawn microtubules connecting the kinetochores to the spindle poles. (Please note, thanks to this comment, we found that our original sketch of Figure 1a was misleading and corrected for that.). Figure 1b in this respect is a bit misleading as only one spindle pole is shown. The slight difference between the kinetochore and spindle axis cannot be visualized with only half a spindle. For answering the reviewers comment no. 5, we also now plotted the measured offset from and relative position of cnp1CENP-A cluster centroids to the spindle axis, see below.
- The distances between proteins in this study are measured during anaphase, whereas the distances measured in cerevisiae previously were in both metaphase and anaphase (Joglekar et al 2009) and in the accompanying manuscript (Cielinski et al) in metaphase. In the comparison of distances, it would be worth describing how the mitotic stage may have affected distances, since Joglekar et al, found significant positional changes in cerevisiae kinetochore proteins from metaphase to anaphase.
We would like to thank the reviewer for this comment. It sparked a longer discussion to precisely disentangle the cell cycle states. We afterwards went carefully through the literature again and added a column to Table S4 stating for which cell cycle phase(s) the individual works were conducted which we believe is highly useful when comparing the different data.
Discussing with the Ries group we made sure that we indeed measured the cells in the same state and that we in our manuscript made mistakes in defining it correctly. Important for S. pombe is, that while it is not possible to decide for 100% between metaphase and anaphase A, we can safely exclude anaphase B so that we can state that we did not image anaphase B: Supplementary Figure S10 shows that all spindle distances measured are smaller than one nuclear diameter which is given by 2-3 µm (MacLean 1964, 10.1128/jb.88.5.1459-1466.1964; Tda et al 1981, 10.1242/jcs.52.1.271) plus we ourselves measured a nup132 strain in early G2 phase and obtained 2.4 µm ± 0.19 µm (data not shown)). This is nicely in line with Joglekar et al. 2009 (this paper actually has a very good SI figure on exactly this topic, see Fig. S1) and corrected the manuscript accordingly. Thanks for pointing this out to remove this lapse in definitions.
__ 4. __It is hard to interpret the POI copy numbers in terms of each kMT. I am assuming that each cluster measured represents a single pombe kinetochore, containing 2-4 kMTs? If we assume that each pombe kinetochore can contain 2, 3, or 4 kMTs, then we might expect to see a trimodal dataset, I am guessing this was not seen in the data? Would it be possible to estimate protein numbers per kMT in Table 2, as done for the Cielinski et al study? I realize this would require an estimate of the number of kMTs per kinetochore. Alternatively, the authors are resolving individual kMTs, in which case this should be made clear.
Yes, the reviewer is absolutely correct, the clusters are associated with 2-4 kMT (as nicely resolved in Ding et al, J Cell Biol (1993) 120 (1); 10.1083/jcb.120.1.141). Thus, we can assume that 2-4 kinetochore structures are also involved per centromeric region. In our current analysis, we have to work with the average of 2-4 kMTs. The shapes of POI and cnp1CENP-A clusters we have in the SMLM data are definitely diverse, and we plan to extract more data on spatial distribution in the future, perhaps even at the level of individual centromeric regions, but we did not systematically explore shapes in this work. Thus currently, we cannot give a precise answer how individual regional kinetochores look like at the level of a single kinetochore, but we strongly agree with the reviewer that this will be highly interesting to explore further. In this manuscript, therefore, to compare the stoichiometries between the point centromere of S. cerevisiae and the regional centromere of S. pombe, we used ratios as given in Suppl. Table S4. These ratios provided us with comparable results across a wide range of literature since the ratios are only calculated internally for each study and not across studies (which would lead to compatibility issues).
For this study, we also labeled MT via atb2. Unfortunately, the SMLM experiments were very difficult as atb2 is also present everywhere else in the nucleus, in particular at the dense central MT bundle (see image below, white sad1-mScarlet-I, blue PamCherry1- cnp1CENP-A, and red mEos3.2-A69T-atb2). Thus, we could not resolve such fine details as single fibers for the kMTs: Most kMTs overlapped with the central fiber and due to the dense central MT bundle of atb2, the data of the atb2 channel could not be read-out neither in a quantitative nor complete way and we could not extract which percentage of atb2 molecules we actually successfully recorded in the SMLM data. Thus, especially visualizing fine fibers was difficult and the images obtained do not meet our quality standards – but the exemplary one below is maybe nevertheless informative in a qualitative way. Our current idea would be to use ExM plus SMLM, but this work would be a stand-alone study requiring the set-up and optimization of such a protocol.
- The same kMT issue may affect the measurements of distances. Each pombe kinetochore contains multiple kMTs and it is not clear whether these would align perfectly on the spindle axis. Did the authors see anything in their data that would support the notion that individual kMTs are aligned on the axis (as illustrated in Figure 2) or whether they are slightly separated? This is itself a potentially important result.
It is important to note that we did not measure the distance in projection of the spindle axis (defined as sad1-sad1 centroid axis), see also question 2. We can show in our data that the main microtubule bundle between the spindles is angled to the kinetochore microtubules that connect the centroids of our three-color channels for each centromeric region in a sad1-POI-cnp1 axis. For sad1, we cannot simply determine which one of the two spindles is the correct one, thus we implemented a mixture model for our Bayesian model, see also answers to reviewer 1).
While in the budding yeast literature it has been measured by EM that there are only small angles of up to 6° between the two axes present (Joglekar et al. 2009, 10.1016/j.cub.2009.02.056, Figure S1), Ding et al. 1993 showed larger deviations for S. pombe. Our data agrees with these findings. In the new Suppl. Figure S12, we plotted the height of all measured cnp1CENP-A centroids, normalized to the spindle lengths to represent the angular distribution between the spindle and kMT axes and in absolute nanometer distances to show that most kinetochores are in direct vicinity to the central bundle and only few show heights larger than 150 nm (also technically important as our focal z-range is ~600 nm).
- In all measurements of kinetochore protein intensity (both in this study and previous studies) there seems to be significant variation in the data for individual kinetochores, even for S. cerevisiae, which supposedly has a fixed number of the kMTs. The coefficient of variation is ~ 0.5 in the data shown in Table 2. Could the authors discuss the variability in POI copy numbers since it either reflects an inability to measure protein levels accurately or that there is some flexibility in kinetochore protein stoichiometry (or in this case differing numbers of kMTs per kinetochore - see point above)?
Regarding the variability in our counting data we indeed expect a mixture of biological and technical nature in line with what the reviewer argues above but intuitively would lean towards the latter, being technically limited by the read-out precision of quantitative PALM imaging using fluorescent proteins, which have finite maturation- and read-out efficiencies and possess limited signal-to-noise contrast. When discussing this comment and how we possibly could support our intuition by evidence, we realized that the main argument to be made is that the FtnA oligomer is a biologically highly defined structure and that the variance we obtain for our FtnA calibration standard indeed also directly can serve as a proxy for our technical variance. Using the results of 21.63 counts ± 10.2 STD for the 24mers and of 7.27 counts ± 2.72 STD for the 8mers, we thus can estimate that the technical variance causes a coefficient of variance of 0.35 to 0.5, thus almost completely explaining the experimentally seen coefficient of ~ 0.5. we added this argument to our manuscript by “The POI protein copy numbers as given in Table 2 show a large coefficient of variation. To assess to which extend this variability reflects a technical inability to measure protein levels accurately or some flexibility in kinetochore protein stoichiometry (e.g. due to differing numbers of kMTs per kinetochore), we can use the data of the FtnA oligomer counting standard: The FtnA oligomer is a biologically highly defined structure. Thus, our FtnA measurements can directly serve as a proxy for the contribution of the technical inaccuracy of our PALM imaging and analysis strategy to the variance. Using the results of 21.63 counts ± 10.2 STD for the 24mers and of 7.27 counts ± 2.72 STD for the 8mers, we can estimate that the technical inaccuracy causes a coefficient of variance of 0.35 to 0.5, thus almost completely explaining the experimentally seen coefficient of ~ 0.5 for our POI data (Table 2). Due to this high technical inaccuracy, we cannot resolve sub-populations of possibly different kinetochore structures (and thus POI copy numbers) on 2-4 kMTs in our current counting data (Supplementary Figure S9).”. Secondly, as the reviewer also pointed out earlier, we have a biological variance of 2-4 kMTs and thus must assume smaller and larger kinetochores on individual centromeres. Due to the high technical variance, we nevertheless cannot resolve sub-populations in our current counting data (please also compare to the data in Supplementary Figure S9).
Minor points:
Delete "an" from "...structure at an about 100 nm resolution" (page 3).
In Figure 2 the proteins in the schematic are color coded, but it is not clear what the coloured proteins are in all cases. Would it be possible to color code the adjacent text, e.g. Spc7 in orange.
Thanks for this suggestion, adjusted figure accordingly.
Also in this figure, the POI copy numbers are indicated by color coding of the data points. However, the points will likely be too small in the final figure for these colors to be clearly visible. Perhaps copy numbers could be indicated in another way or the "mean value" boxes could be larger?
We tested several options and decided to adjust the widths of the boxes.
Please define "N" in Table 2. e.g. N = number of kinetochores measured.
We added this information to the caption: “N number of centromeric regions analyzed.”
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
This manuscript, together with an accompanying one from Cielinski et al., are nice complementary studies that provide the first single molecule localization studies of the yeast kinetochore. Although other labs have used super-resolution methods to study individual kinetochore proteins; both of these new studies map distances between many proteins at the kinetochore and thus are able to produce maps of the overall kinetochore structure. Like the previous study using standard resolution methods (Joglekar et al, 2009. Current Biology 19, 694-699); these studies will likely provide a benchmark for future studies on eukaryotic kinetochore architecture, including those in mammalian systems. Additionally, this work will appeal to super-resolution microscopists.
My expertise is as a yeast kinetochore cell biologist.
We would like to thank Reviewer #2 again for their appreciation of our work and their valuable remarks and discussion points which improved our manuscript substantially during the revision phase.
Additional comments for both reviewers:
As the co-submitted manuscript from Cieslinski et al. 2021 re-analyzed all their distances and numbers during the revision phase, we updated the comparisons in Suppl. Table S4, S5 and our summary text: 1) their cnn1 distance measurement got corrected and no shows no deviation anymore to our data. Also, their protein copy numbers changed slightly. So we changed the summary from “Additionally, two organism-specific differences surfaced: cnp20CENP-T (cnn1) is located between spindle pole and cnp1CENP-A in our case (at similar distance as fta2CENP-P and fta7CENP-Q), whereas Cieslinski et al. position cnn1 (and mif2) behind cnp1CENP-A. Furthermore, the ratio of cnp20CENP-T to COMA is 1:0.9 in our case and 1:2.1 for S. cerevisiae“ to “Importantly, one substantial organism-specific difference for the inner kinetochore strategy surfaced: The ratio of cnp20CENP-T to COMA is 1:0.9 in our case and 1:2.0 for S. cerevisiae.” 2) Additionally, we were able to add a discussion about their new measurement of ask1 of the dam1 complex. Ask1 is a protein of the DASH ring. Their new distance measurement of S. cerevisiae ask1 fits to the distance we measure for S. pombe dam1 and thus supports our discussion that, for S.pombe, the C-terminus of dam1 localizes at the DASH ring and not at the ndc80 heads like for S. cerevisiae. We added this sentence to the summary: “Furthermore, the S. cerevisiae work measured the position of ask1, a protein of the DASH ring. Their positioning of S. cerevisiae ask1 is consistent with the distance we measured for S. pombe dam1 and thus directly supports our reasoning that the C-terminus of S. pombe dam1 is localized to the DASH ring and not to the ndc80 heads (like for S. cerevisiae).”
We found that we – very unfortunately - did a calculation mistake ourselves and used the inverse of the correction factor (multiplied with 0.9 instead of dividing with 0.9) when correcting our SMLM localizations to absolute protein counts. Thus, the numbers we gave in Table 2 and the color bar in Figure 2 were wrongly converted. We now corrected for this lapse.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this study, Virant and colleagues have applied single molecule localization microscopy to map the positions of proteins in the pombe kinetochore. This has not been reported previously and this study is both well-conducted and the data appear solid. They also use a modification of this technique to assess the stoichiometry of kinetochore proteins. The results that they obtain are broadly in line with several previous studies that use other methodology but not in fission yeast nor to this level of detail. There are some important novel conclusions from this work. I would like the authors to address the following concerns prior to publication:
- It is not clear to me why the sad1-Scarlett-I signal in Figure 1C, displays a grid-like pattern? This must be an artefact of image collection or processing. Could the authors explain this pattern since this may affect the ability to find a centroid position of this signal?
- It is my understanding that the distances reported are based on the positions of the proteins in one dimension, along the spindle axis, consistent with other studies and as illustrated in Figure 1b. This should be clearly stated in the results section.
- The distances between proteins in this study are measured during anaphase, whereas the distances measured in cerevisiae previously were in both metaphase and anaphase (Joglekar et al 2009) and in the accompanying manuscript (Cielinski et al) in metaphase. In the comparison of distances, it would be worth describing how the mitotic stage may have affected distances, since Joglekar et al, found significant positional changes in cerevisiae kinetochore proteins from metaphase to anaphase.
- It is hard to interpret the POI copy numbers in terms of each kMT. I am assuming that each cluster measured represents a single pombe kinetochore, containing 2-4 kMTs? If we assume that each pombe kinetochore can contain 2, 3, or 4 kMTs, then we might expect to see a trimodal dataset, I am guessing this was not seen in the data? Would it be possible to estimate protein numbers per kMT in Table 2, as done for the Cielinski et al study? I realise this would require an estimate of the number of kMTs per kinetochore. Alternatively, the authors are resolving individual kMTs, in which case this should be made clear.
- The same kMT issue may affect the measurements of distances. Each pombe kinetochore contains multiple kMTs and it is not clear whether these would align perfectly on the spindle axis. Did the authors see anything in their data that would support the notion that individual kMTs are aligned on the axis (as illustrated in Figure 2) or whether they are slightly separated? This is itself a potentially important result.
- In all measurements of kinetochore protein intensity (both in this study and previous studies) there seems to be significant variation in the data for individual kinetochores, even for S. cerevisiae, which supposedly has a fixed number of the kMTs. The coefficient of variation is ~ 0.5 in the data shown in Table 2. Could the authors discuss the variability in POI copy numbers since it either reflects an inability to measure protein levels accurately or that there is some flexibility in kinetochore protein stoichiometry (or in this case differing numbers of kMTs per kinetochore - see point above)?
Minor points:
Delete "an" from "...structure at an about 100 nm resolution" (page 3).
In Figure 2 the proteins in the schematic are color coded, but it is not clear what the coloured proteins are in all cases. Would it be possible to color code the adjacent text, e.g. Spc7 in orange. Also in this figure, the POI copy numbers are indicated by color coding of the data points. However, the points will likely be too small in the final figure for these colors to be clearly visible. Perhaps copy numbers could be indicated in another way or the "mean value" boxes could be larger?
Please define "N" in Table 2. e.g. N = number of kinetochores measured.
This manuscript, together with an accompanying one from Cielinski et al., are nice complementary studies that provide the first single molecule localization studies of the yeast kinetochore. Although other labs have used super-resolution methods to study individual kinetochore proteins; both of these new studies map distances between many proteins at the kinetochore and thus are able to produce maps of the overall kinetochore structure. Like the previous study using standard resolution methods (Joglekar et al, 2009. Current Biology 19, 694-699); these studies will likely provide a benchmark for future studies on eukaryotic kinetochore architecture, including those in mammalian systems. Additionally, this work will appeal to super-resolution microscopists.
My expertise is as a yeast kinetochore cell biologist.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Virant and colleagues have devised well-thought-out experimentation and analysis pipelines to obtain unbiased measurements of kinetochore protein counts and distances from the centromeric histone known as Cnp1 in fission yeast. My concerns with this study are mainly regarding the clarity of some of the data analysis strategies and data presentation. The authors should be able to address these concerns without new experimentation.
- Segmentation of individual centromeres: In general, the authors are to be commended for including a detailed description of their procedures and analysis method. However, it wasn't readily clear to me exactly how they segmented individual centromeres. The lack of a consistent offset between the fluorescence spots corresponding to the protein of interest and Cnp1 in image in Figure 1 makes this issue even more confusing. It will help to display representative segmented individual kinetochores either in the main figure or a supplementary figure.
- Use the mixture coefficient: The authors use the coefficient λ to create a mixture model for the Bayesian inference of distances. The description provided in the methods section is not sufficient for an average reader to understand how this coefficient is ultimately used (I had to look up the code and then the Stan manual for a superficial understanding of this procedure). It will be very helpful to flesh out this part of the model. Similarly, notation for the model that they use should be included either in the Methods or in supplementary data so that casual readers can get some understanding of the model.
- The regional centromeres in fission yeast can incorporate varying levels of Cnp1 depending on its expression level (e.g. see Aravamudhan et al. 2013 Current Biology, Joglekar et al. 2008 JCB). Much of this "extra" Cnp1 is likely to be incorporated at sites distal to the Cnp1 molecules that directly nucleate the kinetochore. Therefore, the centroid of Cnp1 molecules is likely to be "shifted" to some extent from the foundation of the kinetochore. Any shift in the Cnp1 centroid will be important especially when comparing the fission yeast measurements with the budding yeast data. The authors should ascertain whether such a shift can be detected by comparing the budding yeast and fission yeast measurements.
Virant and colleagues present a rigorous single-molecule localization-based analysis of the kinetochore protein copy number and organization within the fission yeast kinetochore. Although the fission yeast kinetochore has been extensively studied, the spatial organization of its kinetochore components has remained uncharacterized. This manuscript addresses this deficiency, and in concert with the budding yeast study, highlights the conserved and diverged features of the kinetochore in the two yeast species. Therefore, this manuscript will be of great interest to the kinetochore and cell division field.
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Reply to the reviewers
Please note we have uploaded a PDF with the point to point reply.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Wang et al. present an evaluation of a new generation of time-of-flight-based mass spectrometer that improves on the fraction of ions factually used for detection of peptide analytes, thus boosting the sensitivity of the Zenotof 7600 system when compared to the same instrument with the duty-cycle-enhancing Zenotrap module disabled and also when compared to the previous generation instrument of the same vendor in some of the comparisons.
The authors position the MS acquisition technique as particularly suitable in combination with medium (micro-) and high ('analytical') flow and throughput methods where higher flow rates (vs. conventional nanoflow-LCMS) allow rapid sample turnover and high throughput, yet limit the efficiency of electrospray and ion transfer into the MS system, thus being in dire need for enhanced sensitivity of the MS system employed for detection. The competency of such an MS system for very low input materials as e.g. encountered in emerging single-cell proteomic workflows, typically employing nanoflow chromatography, was thus not part of the study.
Accordingly, a medium- (micro-flow) and very high ('analytical'-flow) throughput LC method were screened on the three MS (parameter) setups using human cell lysate digests typically utilized in such technical evaluations. Well-received, the authors further extended their analysis (for the new instrument) across additional sample types of clinical and extended biological interest and spanning different levels of complexity and dynamic range of contained protein analytes.
In addition, the authors also performed a controlled ratio 2-species mixture experiment which allows detailed benchmarking of proteome coverage as well as the quality of protein quantification in a known differential comparison for the medium throughput (micro-flow) method.
The data quite convincingly demonstrate an increased sensitivity of the instrument based on similar identification performance in DIA bottom up proteomics from ca. 3- to 8-fold lower input peptide mass. However, I see a number of shortcomings mainly in the presentation and in part the completeness of the work, with specific comments below.
Major comments:
Are the key conclusions convincing?
- The concluded 10x sensitivity increase is overstating the observed numbers (x5-x8). In addition, the authors should at least discuss other changes than the Zeno trap incurred in the Zeno SWATH vs non-Zeno-SWATH DIA setups, particularly changes in accumulation times per m/z range, with Zeno Swath accumulating ~42 % longer per cycle spanning the same m/z range (85 vs 60 windows with 11ms per window) in the uflow method set and ~ 18 % longer in the high-flow method set (same window number but 13 ms vs. 11 ms dwell time per window). This should be discussed as one of the optimizations/factors contributing to the increased sensitivity observed in Zeno Swath measurements vs conventional SWATH. On that note, it was unclear to me when and where the 40 variable window SWATH method mentioned in the methods was used and where the settings can be found.
- Since injected material is a critical parameter here, it would be good if it was mentioned also with the key conclusion on the increased number of confidently quantified peptides in microflow (based on the 2-species controlled quantity experiment).
- Conclusions 'increasing protein identification numbers through the use of analytical-flow-rate chromatography' does not capture the observed data; the use of analytical-flow-rate does not convey an increase in protein identification numbers but enhanced sensitivity rather enables the maintenance of high protein identification numbers / proteome coverage despite/concurrent with analytical-flow chromatography
- In titration curve experiments like these, probing proteome coverage from relatively small sample amounts, special care
Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?
'Zeno SWATH increases protein identification in complex samples<br /> 5- to 10-fold when compared to current SWATH acquisition methods on the same instrument' - At no point this is shown, a decrease of required input amounts by 5-8-fold (increase in sensitivity) is shown by the data, not a multiplication of protein identification rates by that factor.
Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.
Figure 1f, Supplemental Figure 1b, Figure 3 and Supplemental Figure 3 lack data for the Zeno SWATH method's performance at higher concentration. Given the fact that there is a clear, continuous trend of significant enhancement of proteomic depth in the highest 3 concentrations sampled by the Zeno SWATH method, I lack an assessment of the upper limit of proteome coverage achievable by the new platform when input material is not limited, or at least learn why injecting more is not advisable on the ZenoTOF 7600 system. It is clear that the region of interest is the lower loads where sensitivity gains are most pronounced, but with the strong trend in IDs per ng injected in the sampled range and discrepant range sampled by the non-Zeno method I feel there is a gap in the dataset and the upper ceiling of proteome coverage could be mapped out more thoroughly (At least for human cell lysate and possibly human plasma where trends appear most (log2-)linear).
- Similarly, unless constrained for technical or practical reasons, I would suggest to find the ceiling for achievable proteome depth in analytical flow (4, 8 ug?)
Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.
All these should be re-injections of existing samples on these MS setups and a minor effort provided instrument availability (<1w) and rapid re-analysis via DIA-NN.
Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?
The raw data have not been deposited to a public repository. Reproducibility of the study would benefit significantly by raw data (including search results and spectral libraries with log files of creation) upload/sharing e.g. via ProteomeXchange/PRIDE.
- If any software versions or firmwares on the hardware are required to perform the measurements on the ZenoTOF on the market today, these versions and prospective release dates should be included or the accessibility of these settings commented on.
Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?
Figures 3 and Supplemental Figure 3 need a clarification in the legend as to the nature and origin of ID numbers (mean? Number of replicates? Add error bars if possible)
- The usage of DIA-NN for data analysis is somewhat unclear, in particular the in Methods/Spectral libraries "For the analysis of plasma samples, a project-independent public spectral library [29] was used as described previously [15]. The Human UniProt [30] isoform sequence database (UP000005640, 19 October 2021) was used to annotate the library and the processing was performed using the MBR mode in DIA-NN." The authors should address in a revised version whether the identification numbers reported stem from two-pass or single-pass analysis (i.e. when the feature termed Match-between-runs implemented since DIANNv1.8 was enabled and whether all runs, spanning different injection amounts were co-analyzed and data-re-queried for a targeted library containing precursors identified in high load samples in first pass analysis and then queried in low-load samples. In other words, are the low-load IDs independent of high load IDs? If not (i.e. the different loads were co-analyzed with MBR), what proteome coverage to the low sample loads reach bona fide, without the 'guidance' of high-load IDs?
Side note: Turning this around, could a high-load injection e.g. from a pool of limited-amount samples serve as a guiding element in a MBR-enabled analysis of a large cohort with limited sample amounts available per biological condition?
Minor comments:
Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.
- The authors state the impact on dynamic range of identification when comparing ID sets against an external dataset with presumable cellular concentration numbers. I would in addition suggest comparing the dynamic range of the quantititative values observed from the available data which should provide a direct assessment of the dynamic range of quantification of the two methods.
Are prior studies referenced appropriately?
The statement that conventional DIA methods rely on nanoflow chromatography (p3, paragraph 3) is not accurate as there is previous implementations of data-independent acquisition MS of microflow separations, in part the group's work and referred to later in the text.
o Vowinckel, J. et al. Cost-effective generation of precise label-free quantitative proteomes in high-throughput by microLC and data-independent acquisition. Sci. Rep. 8, 4346 (2018)
o Bruderer, R. et al. Analysis of 1508 plasma samples by capillary-flow data-independent acquisition profiles proteomics of weight loss and maintenance. Mol. Cell Proteom. 18, 1242-1254 (2019).
It is correct that most early implementations of DIA-MS utilized nanoflow separations due to sensitivity and proteome coverage but DIA as such is a chromatography-flow-speed-agnostic principle and the concept to combine microflow LC with DIA not new, yet powerful as demonstrated by the authors and others previously and once again, here. - P.3 paragraph 3 'Moreover, the increased sensitivity of DIA methods has facilitated applications in large-scale proteomics, including system-biology studies in various model organisms, disease states, and species [5-9]' Include Ref 4 where improved sensitivity of DIA was demonstrated (at proteomic breadth..) - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?
- Text and Figures need to be edited for typos, language, and clarity/accuracy.
- Abstract 'Zeno SWATH increases protein identification in complex samples<br /> 5- to 10-fold when compared to current SWATH acquisition methods on the same instrument' - At no point this is shown, a drop of required input amounts by 5-8-fold (increase in sensitivity) is shown by the data, not a multiplication of protein identification rates.
- P. 4 paragraph 3: Use terms 'consensus' or 'shared' identifications or similar to refer to the proteins identified in all 3 replicates, rather than 'reproducible' when discussing the reproducibility of peptide and protein quantification (as contrast to reproducibility of identification).
- P.3 paragraph 2 'selects and fragments multiple charge ions' -> multiply charged (?)
- P. 4 p. 1 'leading to under-detection' please clarify (leading to partial ion usage and limited sensitivity?)
- P. 6 paragraph 3 'The gain in identification number of Zeno SWATH versus SWATH is mostly explained by an increased dynamic range: i.e. more low-abundance proteins are detected' - Reformulate/clarify: Is increased dynamic range of identifications against external quantities an explanation or perhaps simply the increased sensitivity with improved duty cycle?
- Term 'active gradient' unclear. An inactive gradient is isocratic flow. Omit 'active'. Isocratic/other portions are overhead.
- Figure 1 panel a) iteration scheme a-d) is redundant with the rest of the figure; use alternative iter scheme within panel a). Panel a) is further contains illegibly small fonts and should be edited for legibility
- Revisit y-axis labels. Example: Fig. 1f) 'Precursors Identificaiton' -> Precursors identified/Precursor identifications. Correct throughout manuscript
- ID bar graphs in all Figures: Cumulative IDs shade of grey is not properly visible, suggest alternate color scheme or add black color outline to the bars
- Figure 1 e) legend 'along gradient length' -> gradient time / retention time
- Figure 1 d) too small, trend lines mentioned in text invisible in graph. Boxplots very small.
- There is three different terms used for the high throughput method (analytical-flow, high-flow, and another one.. please align where possible for clarity (i.e. choose 2 names for the 2 methods throughout the manuscript) etc..
Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?
- They authors may consider adding a short explanation of the term 'dynamic range coverage of identification' to contrast this from a direct assessment of dynamic range of quantitative values observed in this study.
- 2-species controlled experiment: The discrepancy of observed vs true mixing ratios suggests the data were scaled during the analysis which, with these mixture ratios, tends to distort the accuracy (i.e. generates offset of observed from true ratio. That's very likely not a pipetting error on a log scale). In other words, you may want to evaluate the raw quantitative ratios (w/o any normalization/scaling applied) which should be more reflective of true/manual pipetting ratios in light of normalization strategy incompatibily with certain species mix scenarios (compare Supplementary Figure 1 a). Note to the editor(s): This will not affect the clear benefit of Zenotrap usage demonstrated by the 2-species benchmark as is but can be considered a minor yet recommended improvement (thus here).
- The 2-species controlled experiment can reveal more information than currently extracted and I would recommend to show Zeno Swath and Swath xy scatters, including count-scaled density distributions of the observed ratios, side-by side. This would give deeper understanding of the large impact of the Zeno SWATH method. Also, I believe I haven't seen any instrument to date delivering precise quantification over as broad a dynamic range as surmisable from Fig. 1d) which might be worth wile highlighting.
Wang et al. describe a technical advance in ion usage and sensitivity based on an ion-trap device storing and focusing ions for TOF-based bottom-proteomics measurements. The study demonstrates improved sensitivity relative to previous generation instrumentation and also explores the impact of the specific trap device relative to the general improvements of the remaining MS system. The work outlines a route towards high coverage proteomics at very high throughput and robustness, as desirable in clinical proteomics and prospective personalized medicine approaches. While not all sample types of interest are limited to the amounts where the strongest improvements are seen in the presented data, large scale studies across expansive cohorts will likey be rendered more practical and realistic due to reduced instrument contamination at reduced loads and also further applications beyond those discussed in the manuscript will be rendered feasible on the newer generation instrument.
The improved ZenoTOF system and SWATH method follows a series of innovations in the mass spectrometry instrumentation, most notably and related the drastic improvement of ion utilization by storage e.g in a trapped ion mobility device earlier in the ion stream where, beyond an accumulation-based boost of sensitivity, ion mobility as a further biophysical properties is assessed in addition to the conventional m/z, as reviewed recently (doi: 10.1016/j.mcpro.2021.100138.). While these developments culminated and have been targeting low-flow, ultra-high sensitivity applications such as single-cell proteomics, the present study takes a different angle towards higher throughput measurements from significantly larger than single cell, but also significantly lower than historically required sample amounts that were prohibitive to a range of applications that are now easier to accomplish thanks to this and related work of the authors and others. The presented research appears of broad relevance and interest to the scientific community interested in protein abundance pattern analysis, in particular in larger (clinical) cohorts. Furthermore, the performance metrics on proteomic depth from human cell lysate digests will likely allow researchers with analytical quests other than those exemplified in the manuscript to extrapolate the ZenoTOF and Zeno SWATH suitability for their respective analytical targets.
Reviewer Field of expertise/background:
Quantitative proteomics. DIA mass spectrometry method & algorithm development & heavy usage. Protein Biochemistry. Molecular Biology.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript Wang et al, benchmark the new ZenoTOF with analytical and micro-flow set up and show impressive numbers of proteins identified and quantified. The paper is well written, and I have only a few minor comments:
- Figure 1. many of the panels are hard to read. Especially 1a
- Figure 1d. can the human amount not be normalised to log2=0?
- Please provide in the legend the bin size for the figure in 1e.
- Page 10 top: did SWATH identify more proteins than Zeno SWATH in plasma? There is something wrong as the figure shows something else. Also: That sentence in brackets is confusing.
- Typo: page 10: respectively.
- Please add raw data to PRIDE or a similar repository.
This is an impressive new technology that has been benchmarked by the Ralser group. It outperforms current state-of-the-art approaches.
The primary audience is the proteomics community.
My expertise is proteomics and quantitative mass spectrometry. I am well qualified to review this paper.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
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Reply to the reviewers
1. General Statements [optional]
In our work, we quantified the abundance and positions of major kinetochore proteins within the metaphase kinetochore in budding yeast using single-molecule localization microscopy. Based on these measures, we revised the current model of the kinetochore and provided a nanoscale view of the complex.
We now revised our manuscript according to reviewers’ points. We performed new analyses to quantify the measurement errors and to justify our data analysis workflows. We further exploited the correlation-based analysis and found a correlation between the spreads of kinetochore proteins perpendicular to the spindle axis and their positions along the axis. We also discussed the potential non-centromeric pools and revised our model of the kinetochore. Further information on our analyses was now provided to improve the clarity. Changes to the text were implemented to better reflect our data. Information from relevant works was incorporated to better connect this work to the field.
We thank the reviewers for their points, which help us show the rigorousness of our analyses, further demonstrate the potential of our work, and improve clarity.
2. Point-by-point description of the revisions
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The authors have developed a rigorous methodology for using single-molecule imaging of exogenously labeled kinetochore proteins to count and estimate their copy numbers and the average distance from the kinetochore protein Spc105. Although the method is technically sound, its application to the kinetochore raises some crucial questions below. My biggest concern is the effect of non-centromeric pools of the centromeric proteins Cse4, Cep3, and Ctf19 on the estimated copy number per kinetochore. The authors should be able to address most, if not all, questions by presenting a more in-depth data analysis.
Major points
- Accounting for tilt of the yeast spindle relative to the image plane: It is not clear to me how the authors ascertain whether the spindle being imaged is nearly parallel to the image plane. In the companion fission yeast study, spindle poles are used for this purpose, but this study seems to rely only on the labeled kinetochore proteins. The criteria used to select the in-plane spindles should be clearly defined.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We selected the in-plane spindles based on their average PSF size, which informs the z positions of the center of the kinetochore cluster (for simplicity, now all ’half-spindle’ was changed to ‘kinetochore cluster’). To calibrate the z position of kinetochore clusters, we first measured the width of the kinetochore cluster by fitting a cylindrical distribution. Overall, the kinetochores are likely symmetrically distributed around the spindle axes. Therefore, the height and the width of a kinetochore cluster should be the same. We then calibrated the z positions of the PSF size based on fluorescent bead data. Next, we plugged in the cylindrical distribution to the calibration curve to correlate the mean PSF size and position of the kinetochore cluster. We only took the kinetochore clusters with a mean PSF size
- The effects of PSF depth on counting kinetochore proteins: The authors use a well-characterized nuclear pore protein as the reference to estimate kinetochore protein counts per half-spindle. Although this method appears rigorous in principle, I am unsure about the effect of the spatial distribution of kinetochores on the accuracy of the estimated number. Nuclear pore proteins are all localized within an 100 nm away from the focal plane even when the spindle is perfectly parallel to the focal plane. A discussion of this possibility, its effect on the protein count/distance estimates, and any mitigating factors is essential to highlight the caveats associated with the conclusions.
Based on the cylindrical distribution (see please the reply to point 1) of kinetochore clusters and their positions in z, we calculated the upper and lower boundaries of the distribution of kinetochore proteins in z, given a specific mean PSF size cutoff of a kinetochore cluster. Regardless of how stringent the cutoff is (130 and 135 nm), we made sure the boundaries do not exceed the imaging depth defined by our choice of the PSF size filtering (
Presentation of the cross-correlation analysis: The authors use cross-correlation for an unbiased calculation of the axial separation between a protein of interest and Cse4, but I am curious about the structure of the underlying data, and the intensity image in Figure 1 is not easy to examine. It will be helpful to include more analysis of the underlying data for at least a subset of the proteins (e.g., proteins at short, intermediate, and long distances from Cse4) as supplementary data.
The authors should include X and Y projections of the cross-correlation function.
Do the widths of cross-correlation functions (i.e., their spread perpendicular to the spindle axis) match across all proteins and experiments? This should be an almost invariant characteristic of the measurements, assuming that proteins within each kinetochore tightly cluster around the 25 nm microtubule. This line of thinking makes the large width of the cross-correlation shown in Figure 1 somewhat surprising.
It will also be interesting to test if the correlation between the positions of Spc105 molecules, especially perpendicular to the spindle axis, is comparable to the known separations between adjacent microtubules in the yeast spindle (the authors could use Winey et al. 1995 for serial-section EM of yeast spindles for comparison).
The reviewer is interested in the spread, or the size of the distribution, of a protein in a kinetochore along and perpendicular to the spindle axis. This is an interesting idea and can be done practically. However, the information can be more easily obtained based on auto-correlation instead of cross-correlation, due to its better signal-to-noise ratio along the dimension perpendicular to the spindle axis. Cross-correlations in that dimension are convoluted with background localizations and different localization precisions of the two channels. These factors are hard to interpret and disentangled. In auto-correlations, although the background is still present, it can be modeled and then removed easily, as now mentioned on page 15 lines 500-516.
Accordingly, we performed auto-correlation analysis on all the proteins and compared them to simulations representing different sizes. We find that the size of the distribution correlates to the position of the protein along the spindle axis. The results are now included as the new Fig. S5 and discussed on page 6 lines 169-176.
The cross-correlation analysis was based on only the position of the maximum value, not the projections. To keep the figure concise, we decided not to include the projections. However, the auto-correlation analysis was indeed based on projections, which we now included in Fig. S5.
Regarding the correlation between the positions of Spc105 molecules, we believe the reviewer actually refers to the correlation between the positions of kinetochores. Auto-/cross-correlations contain the information of the cluster sizes, based on the first peak (as shown in Fig. S5), and the relative distance (if the pattern is periodic). Unfortunately, the positions of kinetochores perpendicular to the spindle axis are not periodically distributed. Therefore, we cannot comment on the separations between adjacent microtubules.
- Cse4 count (4 per kinetochore) and the model presented: One of the surprising conclusions of the study is that there are two nucleosomes associated with each microtubule attachment, with Mif2/CENP-C potentially interacting with both nucleosomes. There are two critical issues that the authors must consider.
(1) Fluorescent protein chimeras of Cse4 and CBF3 and COMA complex members do not exclusively localize to kinetochores. Biochemical studies show that both Cse4 and CBF3 proteins interact with non-centromeric DNA, e.g., see work from the Biggins lab regarding Cse4 over-expression and also from the Henikoff group that used ChIP-seq. I can't think of a similar reference for the CBF3 complex, but the DNA-binding proteins are also likely to interact with other parts of the genome. The non-centromeric protein is visible as a significant background fluorescence in wide-field microscopy, e.g., see Cep3 localization here: https://images.yeastrc.org/imagerepo/viewExperiment.do?id=202308&experimentGroupOffset=3&experimentOffset=0&experimentGroupSize=3
Similar background fluorescence can be detected for Cse4 and Ctf19. This extra-centromeric localization of Cse4, Cep3, and Ctf19 makes it possible that the protein counts included by the authors are "contaminated" to some extent by the extra-centromeric protein. The authors should discuss this possibility and how it might affect their counts.
After consideration, we agree with the reviewer that, specifically, a fraction of counted Cse4 molecules should be considered non-centromeric. We agree that the previous data is certainly sufficient to conclude it. The reviewer made a similar suggestion about COMA and CBF3 subcomplexes. In recent years a substantial portion of inner kinetochore components has been reconstituted. In Harrison et al. 2019, the Ctf19 complex structure has been solved. Two copies of the complex were observed. Therefore, the non-centromeric pool of COMA is certainly possible and we now made the adjustments to the text (page 8, lines 219-225) and Fig. 4. Accordingly, we now also modified the abstract (page 1, lines 26-27) and restructured the sections (page 10) to accommodate the different possibility of Cse4 copy numbers. While, fluorescence imaging of CBF3 presents a signal throughout the nuclear region we observed only four copies of Cep3 (part of CBF3). A CBF3 structure also has been resolved by Yan et al. 2018, in which the complex was proposed to exist as a dimer. This translates into four copies of Cep3. Therefore, we find it more suitable to leave all observed Cep3 (CBF3) molecules within a kinetochore model.
(2) The model drawn in Figure 4 makes explicit assumptions about the positioning of the four Cse4 molecules (or two nucleosomes) in each kinetochore relative to the rest of the kinetochore components. Yet, the data shown do not justify this specific arrangement. Lawrimore et al. 2011 claim that the non-centromeric Cse4 nucleosomes must be randomly distributed in the pericentromeric chromatin to evade detection in biochemical tests. Therefore, the nearest-neighbor analysis suggested above will be valuable for gaining new insights into the relative positioning of the centromeric- and non-centromeric Cse4 nucleosomes. A similar analysis for Cep3 and Ctf19 will also be helpful. If stereotypical positioning of these molecules cannot be detected, then the model should be revised accordingly (alternative models that are also consistent with the data can be included).
The reviewer has pointed out that Lawrimore et al. 2011 proposed and justified the existence of a non-centromeric Cse4 pool. This arrangement, also potentially along other inner kinetochore components, makes sense and our data did not indicate it otherwise. Therefore, we now revised our model accordingly by applying changes in the main text on page 10 lines 302-305 __as well as in __Fig. 4.
(3) I suggest one experiment that can help the authors better understand protein organization in one kinetochore. Joglekar et al. 2006 used a dicentric chromosome to isolate single kinetochores on the spindle axis to test the assumption that each kinetochore consists of approximately the same number of molecules of kinetochore proteins. The strains are easy to construct (transform existing strains with a linearized plasmid). Single kinetochores can be seen with a low but reasonable frequency. I leave the decision to perform the experiment to the authors' discretion depending on whether the experiment will be worth the effort in strengthening or enhancing their conclusions.
We performed the suggested experiment using the strain published in Joglekar et al. 2006 (kindly provided by Prof. Kerry Bloom) with Cse4 additionally tagged with mMaple. However, we always observed several super-resolved Cse4 clusters (likely of several kinetochores) overlapping with Nuf2-GFP diffraction-limited signal, therefore unable to assign a single isolated kinetochore to the lagging centromere.
- Information regarding the degree of correction applied to calculate protein count per half-spindle: It will be helpful to include data regarding the degree of correction applied to the expected and measured numbers of NPC protein as supplementary data so that the readers can see the magnitude of this correction relative to the measured counts.
We would like to clarify that we did not correct the data. Instead, we calibrate the copy number, given that the copy number of Nup188 per NPC is known. We assume the same ratio between localization and copy number applies to both Nup188 and the kinetochore proteins. We now include a new Table S4 listing calibration factors of all experiments shown in Fig. 3.
Minor points:
- McIntosh et al. JCB 2013 used microtubule plus-ends in serial section electron micrographs of yeast spindles to align the centromeric region and found a disk-shaped structure that roughly corresponds to the size of a single nucleosome ~ 80 nm away from the tip of the microtubule and centered the microtubule axis. The authors should refer to this finding in their discussion of the model that they present with two nucleosomes. In my opinion, this is compelling evidence for a nucleosome-like structure serving as the kinetochore foundation.
We agree with this reviewer's comment. The study, among others, present compelling evidence for a point-centromere. We now included the finding in the discussion on page 10, lines 293-294.
- As discussed by the authors, the number of Cse4 molecules per kinetochore has been the subject of some controversy. Biochemical data from the Biggins group and ChIPseq data from the Westermann group (Altunkaya et al. 2016 Current Biology) strongly suggest that Cse4 molecules can only be found centered on the centromeric sequence. The latter reference should be included in the discussion.
Thank you for pointing this out. Indeed, this is important. We have now added the relevant reference in the discussion on__ page 10 lines 291-292__.
- Although microscopy-based methods have estimated anywhere from 1, 2, to 6 Cse4 molecules per kinetochore, these studies generally agree on the stoichiometry between Cse4 and the rest of the kinetochore proteins, e.g., Ndc80 complex proteins are ~ 4-fold more abundant that Cse4, etc. The present study seems to disagree with protein stoichiometry. The authors may find it worthwhile to note this feature of their data.
We now discuss the stoichiometry difference between our results and others on page 11 lines 322-324.
- Omission of the Dam1 complex from this study is disappointing to me personally, but I am sure that the authors have good reasons for this. They should briefly comment on the absence of the Dam1 complex in this study.
To provide information on the Dam1 complex, we imaged Ask1, a component of the complex. The measured positioning and copy number of the protein are now included in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 respectively, and described and discussed in respective parts of the manuscript.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
Cieslinski and colleagues present a single-molecule localization-based study to define the copy numbers and relative organization of kinetochore proteins in budding yeast. These numbers confirm and significantly refine prior measurements of the same aspects of the kinetochore. They also raise new questions and point to new research directions. The measurements also reveal a model of the protein organization of the budding yeast kinetochore in metaphase. For these reasons, the manuscript is of significant interest to the cell division field.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In this study, Cielinski and colleagues have applied single molecule localization microscopy to map the positions of proteins in the yeast kinetochore. This has not been reported previously and this study is both well-conducted and the data appear solid. They also use a modification of this technique to assess the stoichiometry of kinetochore proteins. The results that they obtain are broadly in line with several previous studies that use other methodology. There may be an improvement in accuracy using this new approach that has not been obtained previously and there are some important novel conclusions from this work. I would like the authors to address the following concerns prior to publication:
Major points
- One interesting finding is that there is a discrepancy in the length of both the MIND and NDC80 complexes (from crystallographic data) with their relative positions. The authors suggest that the outer complexes could be twisted or rotated in respect of the spindle axis. It would be great if the authors could illustrate this in their model (or discuss it in the text), to demonstrate the required angle of twist/rotation of both complexes to account for the discrepancy. A twisted filament structure to the outer kinetochore does have some implications for its response to tension - a key determinant of kinetochore-microtubule attachment. It also may provide some flexibility to the structure under tension.
The discussion about this discrepancy has now been incorporated in the main text, page 9 lines 263-267. For clarity, we only partially reflect this in our schematic model (Fig. 4A; the MIND complex) but we already reflected this in the illustrative structural model in Fig. 4B.
- For the experiment with cycloheximide, the authors state "Although we observed minor changes in copy numbers, the overall effect of CHX was small." For some proteins, Cse4i for example, there appears to be a significant decrease in intensity (30-40%) after cycloheximide treatment, see Figure S3. While the conclusion that tag maturation does not affect copy number measurements is sound, I suggest modifying this section to reflect the data.
We now modified the section accordingly by pointing out that Cse4i under CHX measurements led to reduction of the signal. The modification can be found on page 8 lines 207-211.
- Page 5. The statement "These data agree reasonably well with previous diffraction-limited dual-color microscopy studies ..." provides readers with little ability to compare the data. I would like to see a supplementary figure comparing these new data with previous studies, especially those of Joglekar et al 2009, see Figure 3 in this paper.
We thank the reviewer for suggesting such a table. This will allow readers a direct comparison of the data between our study and Joglekar at al. 2009. The comparison can be found in new Table S1 __and __Fig. S4, which are now mentioned on page 5.
- In terms of the distances quoted, are they in one dimension (as per Jogelkar et al 2009) or in three? The results section is entitled "...positions of kinetochore proteins along the metaphase spindle axis", which suggests a single dimension. Please make this very clear in the results section. In the discussion, is the statement "we mapped the relative positions of 15 kinetochore proteins along the kinetochore axis", which is not entirely clear. It seems from the methods that this is one dimension "...we determined the average distance between the two proteins along the spindle axis. “I suggest clarifying the results section briefly and clearly to indicate that this is a single dimension being measured and also using consistent wording of the axis measured throughout the text.
We agree the previous description may not be clear to the viewers. We now changed the text accordingly in the results section, page 5 lines 129-130.
Minor points:
Abstract: I would drop "all" from "For all major kinetochore proteins...", since full characterisation was performed on 14 proteins (9 in terms of copy number).
We now deleted “all” in the abstract as the reviewer suggested__.__
Page 2: "trough" to through.
Page 2 "S. cerevisiae" to italics
Methods p11. How do the MKY strains relate to common yeast genetic backgrounds? (e.g. are they S288C?).
MKY strains are derivative of S288C. The information was now updated in the Methods section and in Table S2.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
This manuscript, together with an accompanying one from Virat et al., are nice complementary studies that provide the first single molecule localization studies of the yeast kinetochore. Although other labs have used super-resolution methods to study individual kinetochore proteins; both of these new studies map distances between many proteins at the kinetochore and thus are able to produce maps of the overall kinetochore structure. Like the previous study using standard resolution methods (Joglekar et al, 2009. Current Biology 19, 694-699); these studies will likely provide a benchmark for future studies on eukaryotic kinetochore architecture, including those in mammalian systems. Additionally, this work will appeal to super-resolution microscopists.
My expertise is as a yeast kinetochore cell biologist.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this study, Cielinski and colleagues have applied single molecule localization microscopy to map the positions of proteins in the yeast kinetochore. This has not been reported previously and this study is both well-conducted and the data appear solid. They also use a modification of this technique to assess the stoichiometry of kinetochore proteins. The results that they obtain are broadly in line with several previous studies that use other methodology. There may be an improvement in accuracy using this new approach that has not been obtained previously and there are some important novel conclusions from this work. I would like the authors to address the following concerns prior to publication:
Major points
- One interesting finding is that there is a discrepancy in the length of both the MIND and NDC80 complexes (from crystallographic data) with their relative positions. The authors suggest that the outer complexes could be twisted or rotated in respect of the spindle axis. It would be great if the authors could illustrate this in their model (or discuss it in the text), to demonstrate the required angle of twist/rotation of both complexes to account for the discrepancy. A twisted filament structure to the outer kinetochore does have some implications for its response to tension - a key determinant of kinetochore-microtubule attachment. It also may provide some flexibility to the structure under tension.
- For the experiment with cycloheximide, the authors state "Although we observed minor changes in copy numbers, the overall effect of CHX was small." For some proteins, Cse4i for example, there appears to be a significant decrease in intensity (30-40%) after cycloheximide treatment, see Figure S3. While the conclusion that tag maturation does not affect copy number measurements is sound, I suggest modifying this section to reflect the data.
- Page 5. The statement "These data agree reasonably well with previous diffraction-limited dual-color microscopy studies ..." provides readers with little ability to compare the data. I would like to see a supplementary figure comparing these new data with previous studies, especially those of Joglekar et al 2009, see Figure 3 in this paper.
- In terms of the distances quoted, are they in one dimension (as per Jogelkar et al 2009) or in three? The results section is entitled "...positions of kinetochore proteins along the metaphase spindle axis", which suggests a single dimension. Please make this very clear in the results section. In the discussion, is the statement "we mapped the relative positions of 15 kinetochore proteins along the kinetochore axis", which is not entirely clear. It seems from the methods that this is one dimension "...we determined the average distance between the two proteins along the spindle axis."I suggest clarifying the results section briefly and clearly to indicate that this is a single dimension being measured and also using consistent wording of the axis measured throughout the text.
Minor points:
Abstract: I would drop "all" from "For all major kinetochore proteins...", since full characterisation was performed on 14 proteins (9 in terms of copy number).
Page 2: "trough" to through.
Page 2 "S. cerevisiae" to italics
Methods p11. How do the MKY strains relate to common yeast genetic backgrounds? (e.g. are they S288C?).
This manuscript, together with an accompanying one from Virat et al., are nice complementary studies that provide the first single molecule localization studies of the yeast kinetochore. Although other labs have used super-resolution methods to study individual kinetochore proteins; both of these new studies map distances between many proteins at the kinetochore and thus are able to produce maps of the overall kinetochore structure. Like the previous study using standard resolution methods (Joglekar et al, 2009. Current Biology 19, 694-699); these studies will likely provide a benchmark for future studies on eukaryotic kinetochore architecture, including those in mammalian systems. Additionally, this work will appeal to super-resolution microscopists.
My expertise is as a yeast kinetochore cell biologist.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors have developed a rigorous methodology for using single-molecule imaging of exogenously labeled kinetochore proteins to count and estimate their copy numbers and the average distance from the kinetochore protein Spc105. Although the method is technically sound, its application to the kinetochore raises some crucial questions below. My biggest concern is the effect of non-centromeric pools of the centromeric proteins Cse4, Cep3, and Ctf19 on the estimated copy number per kinetochore. The authors should be able to address most, if not all, questions by presenting a more in-depth data analysis.
- Accounting for tilt of the yeast spindle relative to the image plane: It is not clear to me how the authors ascertain whether the spindle being imaged is nearly parallel to the image plane. In the companion fission yeast study, spindle poles are used for this purpose, but this study seems to rely only on the labeled kinetochore proteins. The criteria used to select the in-plane spindles should be clearly defined.
- The effects of PSF depth on counting kinetochore proteins: The authors use a well-characterized nuclear pore protein as the reference to estimate kinetochore protein counts per half-spindle. Although this method appears rigorous in principle, I am unsure about the effect of the spatial distribution of kinetochores on the accuracy of the estimated number. Nuclear pore proteins are all localized within an < 100 nm3 volume. Therefore, all proteins within an in-focus nuclear pore will also be in focus. This is not the case with yeast kinetochores, especially in metaphase. A fraction of the kinetochores is likely to be > 100 nm away from the focal plane even when the spindle is perfectly parallel to the focal plane. A discussion of this possibility, its effect on the protein count/distance estimates, and any mitigating factors is essential to highlight the caveats associated with the conclusions.
- Presentation of the cross-correlation analysis: The authors use cross-correlation for an unbiased calculation of the axial separation between a protein of interest and Cse4, but I am curious about the structure of the underlying data, and the intensity image in Figure 1 is not easy to examine. It will be helpful to include more analysis of the underlying data for at least a subset of the proteins (e.g., proteins at short, intermediate, and long distances from Cse4) as supplementary data.
- The authors should include X and Y projections of the cross-correlation function.
- Do the widths of cross-correlation functions (i.e., their spread perpendicular to the spindle axis) match across all proteins and experiments? This should be an almost invariant characteristic of the measurements, assuming that proteins within each kinetochore tightly cluster around the 25 nm microtubule. This line of thinking makes the large width of the cross-correlation shown in Figure 1 somewhat surprising.
- It will also be interesting to test if the correlation between the positions of Spc105 molecules, especially perpendicular to the spindle axis, is comparable to the known separations between adjacent microtubules in the yeast spindle (the authors could use Winey et al. 1995 for serial-section EM of yeast spindles for comparison).
- Cse4 count (4 per kinetochore) and the model presented: One of the surprising conclusions of the study is that there are two nucleosomes associated with each microtubule attachment, with Mif2/CENP-C potentially interacting with both nucleosomes. There are two critical issues that the authors must consider.
- (1) Fluorescent protein chimeras of Cse4 and CBF3 and COMA complex members do not exclusively localize to kinetochores. Biochemical studies show that both Cse4 and CBF3 proteins interact with non-centromeric DNA, e.g., see work from the Biggins lab regarding Cse4 over-expression and also from the Henikoff group that used ChIP-seq. I can't think of a similar reference for the CBF3 complex, but the DNA-binding proteins are also likely to interact with other parts of the genome. The non-centromeric protein is visible as a significant background fluorescence in wide-field microscopy, e.g., see Cep3 localization here: https://images.yeastrc.org/imagerepo/viewExperiment.do?id=202308&experimentGroupOffset=3&experimentOffset=0&experimentGroupSize=3 Similar background fluorescence can be detected for Cse4 and Ctf19. This extra-centromeric localization of Cse4, Cep3, and Ctf19 makes it possible that the protein counts included by the authors are "contaminated" to some extent by the extra-centromeric protein. The authors should discuss this possibility and how it might affect their counts.
- (2) The model drawn in Figure 4 makes explicit assumptions about the positioning of the four Cse4 molecules (or two nucleosomes) in each kinetochore relative to the rest of the kinetochore components. Yet, the data shown do not justify this specific arrangement. Lawrimore et al. 2011 claim that the non-centromeric Cse4 nucleosomes must be randomly distributed in the pericentromeric chromatin to evade detection in biochemical tests. Therefore, the nearest-neighbor analysis suggested above will be valuable for gaining new insights into the relative positioning of the centromeric- and non-centromeric Cse4 nucleosomes. A similar analysis for Cep3 and Ctf19 will also be helpful. If stereotypical positioning of these molecules cannot be detected, then the model should be revised accordingly (alternative models that are also consistent with the data can be included).
- (3) I suggest one experiment that can help the authors better understand protein organization in one kinetochore. Joglekar et al. 2006 used a dicentric chromosome to isolate single kinetochores on the spindle axis to test the assumption that each kinetochore consists of approximately the same number of molecules of kinetochore proteins. The strains are easy to construct (transform existing strains with a linearized plasmid). Single kinetochores can be seen with a low but reasonable frequency. I leave the decision to perform the experiment to the authors' discretion depending on whether the experiment will be worth the effort in strengthening or enhancing their conclusions.
- Information regarding the degree of correction applied to calculate protein count per half-spindle: It will be helpful to include data regarding the degree of correction applied to the expected and measured numbers of NPC protein as supplementary data so that the readers can see the magnitude of this correction relative to the measured counts.
Minor points:
- McIntosh et al. JCB 2013 used microtubule plus-ends in serial section electron micrographs of yeast spindles to align the centromeric region and found a disk-shaped structure that roughly corresponds to the size of a single nucleosome ~ 80 nm away from the tip of the microtubule and centered the microtubule axis. The authors should refer to this finding in their discussion of the model that they present with two nucleosomes. In my opinion, this is compelling evidence for a nucleosome-like structure serving as the kinetochore foundation.
- As discussed by the authors, the number of Cse4 molecules per kinetochore has been the subject of some controversy. Biochemical data from the Biggins group and ChIPseq data from the Westermann group (Altunkaya et al. 2016 Current Biology) strongly suggest that Cse4 molecules can only be found centered on the centromeric sequence. The latter reference should be included in the discussion.
- Although microscopy-based methods have estimated anywhere from 1, 2, to 6 Cse4 molecules per kinetochore, these studies generally agree on the stoichiometry between Cse4 and the rest of the kinetochore proteins, e.g., Ndc80 complex proteins are ~ 4-fold more abundant that Cse4, etc. The present study seems to disagree with protein stoichiometry. The authors may find it worthwhile to note this feature of their data.
- Omission of the Dam1 complex from this study is disappointing to me personally, but I am sure that the authors have good reasons for this. They should briefly comment on the absence of the Dam1 complex in this study.
Cieslinski and colleagues present a single-molecule localization-based study to define the copy numbers and relative organization of kinetochore proteins in budding yeast. These numbers confirm and significantly refine prior measurements of the same aspects of the kinetochore. They also raise new questions and point to new research directions. The measurements also reveal a model of the protein organization of the budding yeast kinetochore in metaphase. For these reasons, the manuscript is of significant interest to the cell division field.
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Reply to the reviewers
1. General Statements [optional]
Thank you for the peer review of our manuscript entitled “Hypoxia causes pancreatic β____-cell dysfunction by activating a transcriptional repressor BHLHE40” (RC-2022-01560). We greatly appreciate the reviewers’ constructive suggestions and your invitation to revise the manuscript. Below, we address the comments point-by-point and provide details of the changes we are planning to or have implemented. We believe that the revision plan will meet with the approval of the editor and reviewers. We also would be happy to respond to any further questions and comments that you may have.
2. Description of the planned revisions
Response to comments of reviewer 1
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The authors examine the role of hypoxia-induced transcriptional repression in mediating loss of β-cell function in type2 diabetes. Transcriptional profiling of mouse and human islets exposed to low oxygen conditions revealed downregulation of β-cell identity and oxidative phosphorylation genes, and upregulation of genes associated with hypoxia. Identification of genes commonly upregulated in Min6 cells, mouse and human islets under hypoxic conditions, revealed induction of two transcriptional repressors BHLHE40 and ATF3. The authors further show that Bhlhe40 deficiency rendered β-cells resistant to hypoxic stress and restored glucose- and KCl-stimulated insulin secretion. This rescue in β-cell function was at least, in part, due to restoration of ATP generation and exocytosis of insulin granules. Furthermore, transcriptional profiling of Min6 cells overexpressing Bhlhe40 indicated down-regulation of key β-cell genes including Mafa. The authors elegantly show that BHLHE40 blocks PDX1 binding to Mafa transcription start site by binding to two E-box sites within the Mafa promoter/enhancer region. Lastly, Cre-mediated β-cell-specific deletion of Bhlhe40 in ob/ob mice restored expression of Mafa and exocytotic genes, accompanied by improvements in ATP generation and insulin secretion.
Major comments 1. The authors conclude that BHLHE40 regulates insulin secretion at two key steps: ATP generation and exocytosis. However, insulin secretory profiles with glucose and KCl seem to be similar with genetic manipulations of Bhlhe40 both in vivo and ex vivo. As the authors indicate in line 176, this suggests a more prominent role of BHLHE40 in regulating exocytotic events downstream of Ca2+ influx. Further experiments are therefore necessary to adequately address the effects on ATP generation. Given the observation that PGC1____α, a regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis is suppressed by BHLHE40, mitochondrial assessments would be crucial. Additionally, the effect on mitochondrial mass in Fig 3K seem to be marginal and need to be confirmed using additional measurements listed below.
We appreciate your constructive suggestion. According to your suggestions, we will explore the role of BHLHE40 in mitochondrial function in more detail.
a. In fig 3F, the authors show no change in KCl stimulated Ca2+ influx. Glucose stimulated Ca2+ influx needs to be examined to confirm regulation of ATP generation.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We performed the experiment according to the suggestion. Please see section 3.
b. OXPHOS subunits, TOM20 levels by western blotting
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We will perform Western blotting to check the protein levels of OXPHOS subunits and TOM20 in control (Ctrl) and Bhlhe40 knockdown (KD) MIN6 cells cultured under 20% or 5% O2.
c. mtDNA content, transcript levels by qRT-PCR
We will perform qRT-PCR to check the mtDNA content in Ctrl and Bhlhe40 KD MIN6 cells cultured under 20% or 5% O2.
d. Functional assessments: Changes in mitochondrial membrane potential or oxygen consumption
We will evaluate mitochondrial membrane potential by MitoTracker Red staining in Ctrl and Bhlhe40 KD MIN6 cells cultured under 20% or 5% O2.
2. Data presented in Figure 4 and 5 indicates transcriptional repression of Mafa by BHLHE40 as a mechanism of beta-cell dysfunction under hypoxic conditions. However, additional experiments are necessary to confirm that repression of PDX1-Mafa binding specifically is responsible for defects in GSIS -
a. Fig 5G shows inhibition of PDX1-binding to Mafa with overexpression of Bhlhe40. This needs to be confirmed under hypoxic conditions.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Hypoxia for 16 to 24 hours decreases the expression levels of Pdx1 in mouse islets and MIN6 cells (Figure 1A and Sato Y., PLoS One 2014). In that condition, it is difficult to assess whether the reduction in PDX1 binding to Mafa enhancer is attributed to inhibition of PDX1 binding or PDX1 downregulation. Therefore, we will aim to determine the hypoxia exposure time during which Mafa expression is downregulated but Pdx1 expression is not affected. If we fail to identify the time, we plan to generate Pdx1-overexpressing MIN6 cell lines and evaluate PDX1 binding to Mafa enhancer in hypoxic conditions.
Sato Y. et al. Moderate Hypoxia Induces β-Cell Dysfunction with HIF-1–Independent Gene Expression Changes. PLoS One. 2014;9(12):e114868.
b. Fig 4H and 4I show restoration of insulin secretion normalized to total protein with AAV-Mafa. This needs to be supplemented with insulin content as MAFA has been implicated in regulating insulin gene expression (PMID: 25500951).
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out and agree with the comment on our original manuscript. We will evaluate insulin content by insulin ELISA assay in samples from AAV-Ctrl and AAV-Mafa-overexpressing MIN6 cells cultured under 20% or 5% O2. If the insulin content is affected by Mafa overexpression, insulin secretion will be adjusted by the intracellular insulin content.
c. qRT-PCR of exocytosis genes and ATP generation with hypoxia and AAV-Mafa.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We will evaluate expression of exocytosis genes and ATP generation in AAV-Ctrl and AAV-Mafa-overexpressing MIN6 cells cultured under 20% or 5% O2.
d. Would mutation of A and C E-box sites restore PDX1 binding to Mafa TF region under hypoxia?
To address this question, we plan to introduce mutations in A and C sites of the Mafa gene in MIN6 cells by using CRISPR-Cas9 technology and then to examine PDX1 binding to the Mafa gene by ChIP assay under hypoxic conditions.
3. β-dedifferentiation has been proposed to be involved in loss of insulin secretion in T2D (PMID: 22980982, 16123366). One can speculate that transcriptional repression of Mafa by BHLHE40 is a component of a larger dedifferentiation phenomenon occurring under hypoxia, as other ____β-cell genes were decreased with hypoxia (Fig 1A) and Bhlhe40-OE in Fig 4A. Identifying differences in dedifferentiation and ____β-cell disallowed genes with Bhlhe40 overexpression (RNA seq, qRT-PCR) would therefore potentially reveal a dedifferentiation mechanism.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Please see section 3.
4. The authors identify Atf3 as another transcriptional repressor enriched under hypoxia although to a lesser degree than Bhlhe40. The role of ATF3 in hypoxia-induced apoptosis and adaptive UPR has been previously suggested (PMID: 20519332, 20349223). Additionally, hypoxia represses adaptive UPR in models of T2D and drives ____β-cell apoptosis (PMID: 27039902). The authors discuss the role of ATF3 under hypoxia in the discussion (lines 319-324) and addressing these research gaps regarding ATF3 function would be insightful.
We are grateful for the reviewer’s comment. We will generate Atf3 knockdown MIN6 cell lines and examine the effect of ATF3 on hypoxia-induced apoptosis by PI/AnnexinV staining. If ATF3 is involved in hypoxia-induced apoptosis, we will also measure the mRNA expression levels involved in adaptive UPR.
Minor comments 1. In Fig 2E, increasing replicates would confirm no induction of Bhlhe40 with Thapsigargin.
Thank you for pointing out this issue. We will perform additional experiments to confirm the effect of thapsigargin on Bhlhe40 expression.
2. In Fig 2B, BHLHE40 bands need to be quantified to show time-dependent increase in protein levels.
Thank you for pointing out this issue. Please see section 3.
3. In Fig 3C, insulin content needs to be shown with Bhlhe40-OE as in Fig 3B with hypoxia.
Thank you for pointing out this issue. Please see section 3.
4. In Fid 4E-F, band intensities need to quantified by densitometry to determine degree of downregulation of MAFA.
We performed three independent experiments for Figure 4E. Please see section 3. We plan to perform additional experiments to determine the expression levels of MAFA (Figure 4F).
5. In Fig4H and 6G, insulin content needs to be shown as stated above.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We will perform additional experiments to check the insulin content in these settings.
6. In Supplemental Figure 3C, apoptosis induced by hypoxia was assessed by PI staining that detects late apoptosis. No significant changes were observed with Bhlhe40-KD, but additional cell death assessments can be used to confirm that B40 does not affect ____β-cell death.
We thank the reviewer for mentioning this issue. To address this concern, we plan to investigate the effects of Bhlhe40 KD on the number of Annexin V-positive cells (early apoptosis) and cleaved (activated) caspase 3 expression in Ctrl and Bhlhe40 KD MIN6 cells under hypoxic conditions.
7. It would be interesting to see the rates of diabetes incidence in Bhlhe40KO: ob/ob mice and if Bhlhe40 deficiency protects against or delays development of diabetes.
Thank you for mentioning this issue. Please see section 3.
8. Knockdown efficiency shown in Supplementary figure 3A needs to be estimated by quantifying band intensities.
We plan to perform additional experiments to quantify the band intensities.
9. Line 43 should say "...reversed defects in insulin secretion."
We apologize for our incorrect explanation in the original manuscript. We have corrected this error in the text. Please see section 3.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
The data presented provides novel mechanistic insights into the role of hypoxia in β-cell dysfunction. Studies in multiple models of type 2 diabetes (T2D) have shown the loss of signature β-cell genes including Ins1, Pdx1, Mafa, Slc2a2 as a result of excess nutrient stimulation and hypoxia; the precise causal mechanisms, however, still remain to be determined (PMID: 22980982, 28270834). A previous paper from the same group demonstrated downregulation of β-cell signature genes with hypoxia by a HIF1α independent mechanism (PMID: 25503986). Data presented in this report extend those observations and reveal a previously unappreciated role for transcriptional repressor BHLHE40 in the downregulation of a key β-cell gene Mafa. As the authors have identified additional transcriptional repressors including ATF3 and differentially expressed genes in both human and rodent β-cells, this paper would be of great value in understanding the effects of hypoxia. Moreover, studies in mouse models of T2D extend the association of BHLHE40 to clinical β-cell dysfunction and diabetes.
My areas of interest are pancreatic β-cell and mitochondrial physiology. GSE analysis and repression of PGC1α by BHLHE40, as appropriately discussed by the authors, point towards impaired mitochondrial function and ATP generation. Additional experiments would greatly support the role of BHLHE40 in mitochondrial dysfunction under hypoxia.
We thank the reviewer for his/her valuable comments.
Response to comments of reviewer 2
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): This study examines the role of BHEH40 in beta-cell function and its role in mediating the changes with 'hypoxia'. Most of the studies use 5% oxygen which is probably close to normal oxygen tension for islets, although it is not great for islet survival once the islets are removed from their normal vasculature. The human islet studies use 2% oxygen which would be actual hypoxia.
Major comments: Why were different oxygen concentrations used for mouse and human islets? What were the effects of 5% oxygen in human islets? Why was 5% oxygen chosen? 5% is close to normal oxygen tension that islets are exposed to in vivo, whereas 2% is not physiological.
We apologize for the lack of explanation in the original manuscript. Please see section 3.
If there was only 1 human donor, are the 2 and 3 RNA-seq technical replicates? If so, they do not show high replicability. Please discuss.
The reviewer is correct. We analyzed human islets from one donor for RNA-seq (Figure 1A). It would be preferable to obtain additional data derived from different human donor samples. Therefore, we plan to analyze human islets from another donor to show the replicability of increased expression of Bhlhe40 under hypoxic conditions.
Are the sequencing results from individual mice? Were the same mouse's islets used for normal and 5% oxygen or are they all different animals?
We apologize for the lack of explanation in the original manuscript. Results of RNA-seq were obtained from different animals. Please see section 3.
The whole gels with appropriate size markers need to be shown for all Westerns - they are not able to be appropriately reviewed in their current formats.
We apologize for the mistake. Please see section 3.
The histology in Figure 1K does not appear to match with the Western blot results in 1B, 1C which show a smaller but still clear band in the control 20% conditions, and in figures 1I and J in ob/ob and db/db controls. Lower power views showing most of the pancreas with a zoom-in shot of an example islet would be more appropriate. The immunofluorescence should be repeated to also include insulin so that beta-cells can be identified.
We thank the reviewer for mentioning this issue. We will repeat the immunohistochemical analysis according to the reviewer’s comments. We also plan to show the data on insulin staining.
What was the ____β-cell deletion efficiency of the knockdown mouse?
We apologize for the lack of explanation in the original manuscript. Please see section 3.
In the setting of hypoxia, would it be 'clinically' beneficial to have increased insulin secretion and thus metabolic demand? Please discuss.
We thank the reviewer for mentioning this important issue. Our results show that BHLHE40 controls at least two steps of insulin secretion: exocytosis and ATP generation. A relatively smaller reduction of Ppargc1a might suggest a more prominent role of BHLHE40 in regulating exocytosis rather than ATP generation (oxygen consumption step). Chronic hyperglycemia induces b-cell damage and impairs insulin secretion, a process known as glucotoxicity (Weir GC, Diabetes 2004, 2020). We believe that inactivation of BHLHE40 may help to reduce glucotoxicity by increasing insulin secretion. However, we would like to discuss this topic in more detail once we have investigated the roles of BHLHE40 in ATP generation (as suggested by reviewer 1).
Weir GC. et al. Five stages of evolving beta-cell dysfunction during progression to diabetes. Diabetes. 2004;53 Suppl 3:S16-21.
Weir GC. Glucolipotoxicity, β-Cells, and Diabetes: The Emperor Has No Clothes. Diabetes. 2020;69(3):273-278.
- Are the key conclusions convincing? Hard to assess the data in some cases - see above. - Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? Yes, some of the conclusions are too strongly worded. An example is "However, hyperactivation of HIF in ____β-cells impairs insulin secretion by switching glucose metabolism from aerobic oxidative phosphorylation to anaerobic glycolysis (14-16)," this is too broad a statement. Hyperactivation of HIF in ____β-cells BY VHL DELETION impairs insulin secretion by that mechanism. Other ways of increasing HIF in ____β-cells do not all have this effect. So, the following part "suggesting that activation of HIF underlies ____β-cell dysfunction and glucose intolerance in hypoxia." Is not warranted. It would be fair to say "suggesting that unregulated over-activation of HIF may cause ____β-cell dysfunction.
We apologize for our incorrect explanation in the original manuscript. Please see section 3.
The paper is not off to a good start when the author spell Abstract as Abstruct - it suggests a spell-check was not performed. For the last sentence of the abstract, 'and its implication' - what implication?
We apologize for the typo and the poor description in the original manuscript. Please see section 3.
Line 64 High glucose conditions generate RELATIVE, not absolute hypoxia in beta-cells. This statement should also be referenced.
We apologize for our inaccurate explanation in the original manuscript. Please see section 3.
- Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? See above.
- Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? Not enough detail for methods, but what is presented looks OK.
- Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Unclear, see above.
- Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.
- Are prior studies referenced appropriately? No, only the body of work on VHL, not HIFs.
- Are the text and figures clear and accurate? See above comments.
- Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions? See comments about gels etc above.
We thank the reviewer for his/her valuable comments. Please see section 3 regarding to references.
3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript
The authors conclude that BHLHE40 regulates insulin secretion at two key steps: ATP generation and exocytosis. However, insulin secretory profiles with glucose and KCl seem to be similar with genetic manipulations of Bhlhe40 both in vivo and ex vivo. As the authors indicate in line 176, this suggests a more prominent role of BHLHE40 in regulating exocytotic events downstream of Ca2+ influx. Further experiments are therefore necessary to adequately address the effects on ATP generation. Given the observation that PGC1____α, a regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis is suppressed by BHLHE40, mitochondrial assessments would be crucial. Additionally, the effect on mitochondrial mass in Fig 3K seem to be marginal and need to be confirmed using additional measurements listed below.
a. In fig 3F, the authors show no change in KCl stimulated Ca2+ influx. Glucose stimulated Ca2+ influx needs to be examined to confirm regulation of ATP generation.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. In accordance with the reviewer’s comments, we examined the glucose-stimulated Ca2+ influx and found that the influx stimulated by 22mM glucose in Bhlhe40-overexpressing (OE) MIN6 cells was significantly smaller than that in control MIN6 cells (Figure 3, J and K). We have added this information to the manuscript, as follows: “In addition, glucose-stimulated [Ca2+]i levels were significantly attenuated by Bhlhe40 overexpression (Figure 3, J and K). These results indicate that BHLHE40 suppresses glucose-stimulated ATP generation and the increase of [Ca2+]i levels in MIN6 cells” (lines 197 to 200).
3. β-dedifferentiation has been proposed to be involved in loss of insulin secretion in T2D (PMID: 22980982, 16123366). One can speculate that transcriptional repression of Mafa by BHLHE40 is a component of a larger dedifferentiation phenomenon occurring under hypoxia, as other ____β-cell genes were decreased with hypoxia (Fig 1A) and Bhlhe40-OE in Fig 4A. Identifying differences in dedifferentiation and ____β-cell disallowed genes with Bhlhe40 overexpression (RNA seq, qRT-PCR) would therefore potentially reveal a dedifferentiation mechanism.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. To check whether genes involved in dedifferentiation and the expression of b-cell disallowed genes are controlled by BHLHE40, we examined the expression of these genes in Bhlhe40 OE MIN6 cells and found that it was not increased by BHLHE40. However, because the findings were detected under limited experimental conditions, at this point we cannot conclude that BHLHE40 does not cause dedifferentiation of b-cells and induction of b-cell disallowed genes.
Minor comments 2. In Fig 2B, BHLHE40 bands need to be quantified to show time-dependent increase in protein levels.
Thank you for pointing out this issue. We performed three independent experiments and showed statistically significant upregulation of BHLHE40 (Figure 2B).
3. In Fig 3C, insulin content needs to be shown with Bhlhe40-OE as in Fig 3B with hypoxia.
Thank you for pointing out this issue. Bhlhe40 OE did not affect the insulin content in MIN6 cells (Supplemental Figure 3F).
4. In Fid 4E-F, band intensities need to quantified by densitometry to determine degree of downregulation of MAFA.
We performed three independent experiments for Figure 4E. Bhlhe40 OE led to a 67.4% decrease in the expression of MAFA in MIN6 cells (Figure 4E).
7. It would be interesting to see the rates of diabetes incidence in Bhlhe40KO: ob/ob mice and if Bhlhe40 deficiency protects against or delays development of diabetes.
Thank you for pointing out this issue. We found that nonfasting blood glucose concentrations were similar in Ctrl:ob/ob (239.9 ± 19.6 mg/dl; n = 9) and bB40KO:ob/ob mice (215.2 ± 17.1 mg/dl; n = 6) at 12 weeks of age (Supplemental Figure 5F). We have added this information to the revised manuscript, as follows: “In these mice, BHLHE40 deficiency in b-cells had no effect on obesity (Figure 6B), insulin sensitivity (Supplemental Figure 5E), or nonfasting glucose concentrations (Supplemental Figure 5F)” (lines 282 to 285).
9. Line 43 should say "...reversed defects in insulin secretion."
We apologize for our incorrect explanation in the original manuscript and have corrected it accordingly.
Response to comments of reviewer 2
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): This study examines the role of BHEH40 in beta-cell function and its role in mediating the changes with 'hypoxia'. Most of the studies use 5% oxygen which is probably close to normal oxygen tension for islets, although it is not great for islet survival once the islets are removed from their normal vasculature. The human islet studies use 2% oxygen which would be actual hypoxia.
Major comments: Why were different oxygen concentrations used for mouse and human islets? What were the effects of 5% oxygen in human islets? Why was 5% oxygen chosen? 5% is close to normal oxygen tension that islets are exposed to in vivo, whereas 2% is not physiological.
We apologize for the lack of explanation in the original manuscript. We previously reported that hypoxic responses occur at 5% to 7% oxygen tension in MIN6 cells and mouse islets and that 3% hypoxia for 24 hours markedly increases MIN6 cell death (Sato Y., J Biol Chem 2011, Sato Y., PLoS One 2014). We also examined whether hypoxic responses occur at the same oxygen tension in human islets. Interestingly, in human islets, exposure to 2% but not 5% oxygen tension induced the upregulation of the SLC2A1 gene without apparent cell death. Another group also reported a hypoxic response in human islets in 2% oxygen (Puri S., Genes Dev. 2013). We have no adequate explanation as to why hypoxic responses occur at different oxygen tensions in mouse and human islets, but because of these findings, we used 5% oxygen in MIN6 cells and mouse islets and 2% oxygen in human islets. We have added this information to the text (lines 98 to 104) and Supplemental Figure 1A.
Sato, Y. et al. Cellular hypoxia of pancreatic beta-cells due to high levels of oxygen consumption for insulin secretion in vitro. J Biol Chem. 2011;286(14):12524-32.
Sato, Y. et al. Moderate hypoxia induces β-cell dysfunction with HIF-1-independent gene expression changes. PLoS One. 2014;9(12):e114868.
Puri S. VHL-mediated disruption of Sox9 activity compromises β-cell identity and results in diabetes mellitus. Genes Dev. 2013;27(23):2563-2575.
Are the sequencing results from individual mice? Were the same mouse's islets used for normal and 5% oxygen or are they all different animals?
We apologize for the lack of explanation in the original manuscript. Each sample was derived from different mice. We have clarified this point by describing “n = 3” as “n = 3 mice/group” and have added this information to the legends of Figure 1 and Supplemental Figure 1.
The whole gels with appropriate size markers need to be shown for all Westerns - they are not able to be appropriately reviewed in their current formats.
We apologize for the inappropriate presentation of the data. We have included whole gel images with molecular weight markers as supplemental material.
What was the ____β-cell deletion efficiency of the knockdown mouse?
We apologize for not including this information. Although we showed the expression levels of Bhlhe40 in the islets of bB40KO mice (original Supplemental Figure 5B), we did not explain the data in the text. The deletion efficiency in the islets was 74.1%. We have added this information to the revised text (lines 274 to 275).
- Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? Yes, some of the conclusions are too strongly worded. An example is "However, hyperactivation of HIF in ____β-cells impairs insulin secretion by switching glucose metabolism from aerobic oxidative phosphorylation to anaerobic glycolysis (14-16)," this is too broad a statement. Hyperactivation of HIF in ____β-cells BY VHL DELETION impairs insulin secretion by that mechanism. Other ways of increasing HIF in ____β-cells do not all have this effect. So, the following part "suggesting that activation of HIF underlies ____β-cell dysfunction and glucose intolerance in hypoxia." Is not warranted. It would be fair to say "suggesting that unregulated over-activation of HIF may cause ____β-cell dysfunction.
We apologize for our incorrect explanation in the original manuscript. We have corrected this accordingly, as follows: “However, hyperactivation of HIF in b-cells by von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) deletion impairs insulin secretion by switching glucose metabolism from aerobic oxidative phosphorylation to anaerobic glycolysis (15-17), suggesting that unregulated overactivation of HIF may cause b-cell dysfunction (12, 14)” (lines 73 to 77).
The paper is not off to a good start when the author spell Abstract as Abstruct - it suggests a spell-check was not performed. For the last sentence of the abstract, 'and its implication' - what implication?
We apologize for the typo and the poor description in the original manuscript. The spell check was performed by an editing company, and we did not notice the error. We have changed the last sentence of the Abstract, as follows: “Collectively, this work identifies BHLHE40 as a key hypoxia-induced transcriptional repressor in b-cells that negatively regulates insulin secretion by suppressing MAFA expression” (lines 47 to 49).
Line 64 High glucose conditions generate RELATIVE, not absolute hypoxia in beta-cells. This statement should also be referenced.
We apologize for our inaccurate explanation in the original manuscript. We have corrected this accordingly, as follows: “high glucose conditions generate relative hypoxia in b-cells because these cells consume large amounts of oxygen (Sato Y., J Biol Chem 2011; Bensellam M., PLoS One 2012; Bensellam M., J Endocrinol 2018; Ilegems E, Sci Transl Med 2022)” (lines 64 to 65).
Sato, Y. et al. Cellular hypoxia of pancreatic beta-cells due to high levels of oxygen consumption for insulin secretion in vitro. J Biol Chem. 2011;286(14):12524-32.
Bensellam, M. et al. Glucose-induced O₂ consumption activates hypoxia inducible factors 1 and 2 in rat insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cells. PLoS One 2012;7(1):e29807.
Bensellam M. et al. Mechanisms of β-cell dedifferentiation in diabetes: recent findings and future research directions. J Endocrinol. 2018;236(2):R109-R143
Ilegems, E. et al. HIF-1α inhibitor PX-478 preserves pancreatic β cell function in diabetes. Sci Transl Med. 2022;14(638):eaba9112.
- Are prior studies referenced appropriately? No, only the body of work on VHL, not HIFs.
We apologize for our inadequate references about the involvement of HIFs in hypoxia-induced β-cell dysfunction. We have included the following references in the text (line 77):
Catrina, S.B. et al. Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factors in diabetes and its complications. Diabetologia. 2021;64(4):709-716
Gulton JE. Hypoxia-inducible factors and diabetes. J Clin Invest. 2020; 130(10):5063-5073
4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This study examines the role of BHEH40 in beta-cell function and its role in mediating the changes with 'hypoxia'. Most of the studies use 5% oxygen which is probably close to normal oxygen tension for islets, although it is not great for islet survival once the islets are removed from their normal vasculature. The human islet studies use 2% oxygen which would be actual hypoxia.
Major comments:
Why were different oxygen concentrations used for mouse and human islets? What were the effects of 5% oxygen in human islets? Why was 5% oxygen chosen? 5% is close to normal oxygen tension that islets are exposed to in vivo, whereas 2% is not physiological.
If there was only 1 human donor, are the 2 and 3 RNA-seq technical replicates? If so, they do not show high replicability. Please discuss.
Are the sequencing results from individual mice? Were the same mouse's islets used for normal and 5% oxygen or are they all different animals?
The whole gels with appropriate size markers need to be shown for all Westerns - they are not able to be appropriately reviewed in their current formats.
The histology in Figure 1K does not appear to match with the Western blot results in 1B, 1C which show a smaller but still clear band in the control 20% conditions, and in figures 1I and J in ob/ob and db/db controls. Lower power views showing most of the pancreas with a zoom-in shot of an example islet would be more appropriate. The immunofluorescence should be repeated to also include insulin so that beta-cells can be identified.
What was the β-cell deletion efficiency of the knockdown mouse?
In the setting of hypoxia, would it be 'clinically' beneficial to have increased insulin secretion and thus metabolic demand? Please discuss.
- Are the key conclusions convincing? Hard to assess the data in some cases - see above.
- Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? Yes, some of the conclusions are too strongly worded. An example is "However, hyperactivation of HIF in β-cells impairs insulin secretion by switching glucose metabolism from aerobic oxidative phosphorylation to anaerobic glycolysis (14-16)," this is too broad a statement. Hyperactivation of HIF in β-cells BY VHL DELETION impairs insulin secretion by that mechanism. Other ways of increasing HIF in β-cells do not all have this effect. So, the following part "suggesting that activation of HIF underlies β-cell dysfunction and glucose intolerance in hypoxia." Is not warranted. It would be fair to say "suggesting that unregulated over-activation of HIF may cause β-cell dysfunction. The paper is not off to a good start when the author spell Abstract as Abstruct - it suggests a spell-check was not performed. For the last sentence of the abstract, 'and its implication' - what implication? Line 64 High glucose conditions generate RELATIVE, not absolute hypoxia in beta-cells. This statement should also be referenced.
- Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? See above.
- Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? Not enough detail for methods, but what is presented looks OK.
- Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Unclear, see above.
- Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.
- Are prior studies referenced appropriately? No, only the body of work on VHL, not HIFs.
- Are the text and figures clear and accurate? See above comments.
- Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions? See comments about gels etc above.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors examine the role of hypoxia-induced transcriptional repression in mediating loss of β-cell function in type2 diabetes. Transcriptional profiling of mouse and human islets exposed to low oxygen conditions revealed downregulation of β-cell identity and oxidative phosphorylation genes, and upregulation of genes associated with hypoxia. Identification of genes commonly upregulated in Min6 cells, mouse and human islets under hypoxic conditions, revealed induction of two transcriptional repressors BHLHE40 and ATF3. The authors further show that Bhlhe40 deficiency rendered β-cells resistant to hypoxic stress and restored glucose- and KCl-stimulated insulin secretion. This rescue in β-cell function was at least, in part, due to restoration of ATP generation and exocytosis of insulin granules. Furthermore, transcriptional profiling of Min6 cells overexpressing Bhlhe40 indicated down-regulation of key β-cell genes including Mafa. The authors elegantly show that BHLHE40 blocks PDX1 binding to Mafa transcription start site by binding to two E-box sites within the Mafa promoter/enhancer region. Lastly, Cre-mediated β-cell-specific deletion of Bhlhe40 in ob/ob mice restored expression of Mafa and exocytotic genes, accompanied by improvements in ATP generation and insulin secretion.
Major comments
- The authors conclude that BHLHE40 regulates insulin secretion at two key steps: ATP generation and exocytosis. However, insulin secretory profiles with glucose and KCl seem to be similar with genetic manipulations of Bhlhe40 both in vivo and ex vivo. As the authors indicate in line 176, this suggests a more prominent role of BHLHE40 in regulating exocytotic events downstream of Ca2+ influx. Further experiments are therefore necessary to adequately address the effects on ATP generation. Given the observation that PGC1α, a regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis is suppressed by BHLHE40, mitochondrial assessments would be crucial. Additionally, the effect on mitochondrial mass in Fig 3K seem to be marginal and need to be confirmed using additional measurements listed below.
- a. In fig 3F, the authors show no change in KCl stimulated Ca2+ influx. Glucose stimulated Ca2+ influx needs to be examined to confirm regulation of ATP generation.
- b. OXPHOS subunits, TOM20 levels by western blotting
- c. mtDNA content, transcript levels by qRT-PCR
- d. Functional assessments: Changes in mitochondrial membrane potential or oxygen consumption
- Data presented in Figure 4 and 5 indicates transcriptional repression of Mafa by BHLHE40 as a mechanism of beta-cell dysfunction under hypoxic conditions. However, additional experiments are necessary to confirm that repression of PDX1-Mafa binding specifically is responsible for defects in GSIS -
- a. Fig 5G shows inhibition of PDX1-binding to Mafa with overexpression of Bhlhe40. This needs to be confirmed under hypoxic conditions.
- b. Fig 4H and 4I show restoration of insulin secretion normalized to total protein with AAV-Mafa. This needs to be supplemented with insulin content as MAFA has been implicated in regulating insulin gene expression (PMID: 25500951).
- c. qRT-PCR of exocytosis genes and ATP generation with hypoxia and AAV-Mafa.
- d. Would mutation of A and C E-box sites restore PDX1 binding to Mafa TF region under hypoxia?
- β-dedifferentiation has been proposed to be involved in loss of insulin secretion in T2D (PMID: 22980982, 16123366). One can speculate that transcriptional repression of Mafa by BHLHE40 is a component of a larger dedifferentiation phenomenon occurring under hypoxia, as other β-cell genes were decreased with hypoxia (Fig 1A) and Bhlhe40-OE in Fig 4A. Identifying differences in dedifferentiation and β-cell disallowed genes with Bhlhe40 overexpression (RNA seq, qRT-PCR) would therefore potentially reveal a dedifferentiation mechanism.
- The authors identify Atf3 as another transcriptional repressor enriched under hypoxia although to a lesser degree than Bhlhe40. The role of ATF3 in hypoxia-induced apoptosis and adaptive UPR has been previously suggested (PMID: 20519332, 20349223). Additionally, hypoxia represses adaptive UPR in models of T2D and drives β-cell apoptosis (PMID: 27039902). The authors discuss the role of ATF3 under hypoxia in the discussion (lines 319-324) and addressing these research gaps regarding ATF3 function would be insightful.
Minor comments
- In Fig 2E, increasing replicates would confirm no induction of Bhlhe40 with Thapsigargin.
- In Fig 2B, BHLHE40 bands need to be quantified to show time-dependent increase in protein levels.
- In Fig 3C, insulin content needs to be shown with Bhlhe40-OE as in Fig 3B with hypoxia.
- In Fid 4E-F, band intensities need to quantified by densitometry to determine degree of downregulation of MAFA.
- In Fig4H and 6G, insulin content needs to be shown as stated above.
- In Supplemental Figure 3C, apoptosis induced by hypoxia was assessed by PI staining that detects late apoptosis. No significant changes were observed with Bhlhe40-KD, but additional cell death assessments can be used to confirm that B40 does not affect β-cell death.
- It would be interesting to see the rates of diabetes incidence in Bhlhe40KO: ob/ob mice and if Bhlhe40 deficiency protects against or delays development of diabetes.
- Knockdown efficiency shown in Supplementary figure 3A needs to be estimated by quantifying band intensities.
- Line 43 should say "...reversed defects in insulin secretion."
The data presented provides novel mechanistic insights into the role of hypoxia in β-cell dysfunction. Studies in multiple models of type 2 diabetes (T2D) have shown the loss of signature β-cell genes including Ins1, Pdx1, Mafa, Slc2a2 as a result of excess nutrient stimulation and hypoxia; the precise causal mechanisms, however, still remain to be determined (PMID: 22980982, 28270834). A previous paper from the same group demonstrated downregulation of β-cell signature genes with hypoxia by a HIF1α independent mechanism (PMID: 25503986). Data presented in this report extend those observations and reveal a previously unappreciated role for transcriptional repressor BHLHE40 in the downregulation of a key β-cell gene Mafa. As the authors have identified additional transcriptional repressors including ATF3 and differentially expressed genes in both human and rodent β-cells, this paper would be of great value in understanding the effects of hypoxia. Moreover, studies in mouse models of T2D extend the association of BHLHE40 to clinical β-cell dysfunction and diabetes. My areas of interest are pancreatic β-cell and mitochondrial physiology. GSE analysis and repression of PGC1α by BHLHE40, as appropriately discussed by the authors, point towards impaired mitochondrial function and ATP generation. Additional experiments would greatly support the role of BHLHE40 in mitochondrial dysfunction under hypoxia (as discussed under comments).
- The authors conclude that BHLHE40 regulates insulin secretion at two key steps: ATP generation and exocytosis. However, insulin secretory profiles with glucose and KCl seem to be similar with genetic manipulations of Bhlhe40 both in vivo and ex vivo. As the authors indicate in line 176, this suggests a more prominent role of BHLHE40 in regulating exocytotic events downstream of Ca2+ influx. Further experiments are therefore necessary to adequately address the effects on ATP generation. Given the observation that PGC1α, a regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis is suppressed by BHLHE40, mitochondrial assessments would be crucial. Additionally, the effect on mitochondrial mass in Fig 3K seem to be marginal and need to be confirmed using additional measurements listed below.
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Reply to the reviewers
Manuscript number: RC-2022-01594
Corresponding authors: Hidehiko Kawai and Hiroyuki Kamiya
1. General Statements [optional]
We would like to extend our gratitude to the Editor and both Reviewers for their constructive and insightful comments to our manuscript. We deeply appreciate the Reviewers’ careful consideration of our work, in result of which we think the paper has greatly improved. Below, we have responded to all points raised by the Reviewers.
2. Point-by-point description of the revisions
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The analysis of mutations in mammalian, including human, genomes has been of interest for many decades. Early DNA sequencing technologies enabled direct identification of mutations in target genes provided that the mutant genes could be readily isolated. This requirement stimulated the development of shuttle vector plasmids that carried a mutation marker gene and could replicate in both mammalian and bacterial cells. These were used in experiments in which the plasmids, treated with a mutagen, would be passaged through mammalian host cells after which the progeny plasmids were introduced into an indicator bacterial strain. Colonies with mutant marker genes could be distinguished by color or survival, the plasmids recovered, and the sequence of the mutant gene determined. The shuttle vector plasmid that became the most widely used contained as the marker the supF amber suppressor tyrosyl tRNA gene positioned in the plasmid such that deletion mutations associated with mammalian cell transfection were selected against. Although various improvements have been introduced since its introduction in the mid-1980s, including bar codes to distinguish independent from sibling mutations (in the early 1990s), the basics of the system have been maintained, and it and variations are still in use. The Kamiya group has made several adjustments to the supF shuttle vectors, including the construction of indicator bacterial strains based on survival of bacteria containing mutant supF genes (the initial system relied on colony color). They have published many studies of mutagenesis by various agents, error prone polymerases, etc. In the current submission they describe a comprehensive approach to identifying mutations in the supF gene that exploits Next Generation Sequencing technology that can identify the full spectrum of mutations including those that escape detection in phenotypic screens. The study is exhaustive and presents a methodical validation of each component of their approach. They report UV induced mutations, the mechanism of which has been well characterized in previous literature. They also describe a category of multiple mutations, which had been observed in the early work with the supF plasmids, and whose relationship to UV photoproducts is most likely indirect.
*We thank the Reviewer for their very insightful feedback to our manuscript and their positive assessment. We have added some discussion points based on the essential references mentioned in the Reviewer’s comments, which we believe made the explanation of our study more complete. *
Major comments: This manuscript presents a technical advance on the use of the supF mutation reporter system. The extent of the validation of each component of the system, including the bar code is rigorous. Their data on the nature and location of UV induced mutations are in very good agreement with previous studies with supF and other reporter genes, a further validation of their approach. Their discussion of the mechanism of the UV induced mutations is in accord with prior work from other laboratories. However, their interpretation of the multiple mutations, although reasonable in invoking a role for APOBEC deamination of cytosines (see eLife. 2014; 3: e02001 for another discussion of this issue), overlooks a much earlier study on the same topic that showed that nicks in the vicinity of the marker gene are mutagenic and can induce multiple mutations (Proc Natl Acad Sci 1987 84:4944-8). It would be useful for the authors to consider their data on the multiple mutations in the light of the earlier analysis. Furthermore, a check to verify the covalently closed circular integrity of the plasmid preparations would be an important quality control and could reduce the mutagenesis observed in 0 UV controls.
We thank the Reviewer for the valuable comments that made our manuscript clearer and more emphatic. We are hereby addressing all of the Reviewer’s concerns. The available data accumulated from previous studies have proved the high sensitivity of the supF assay as a mutagenesis assay, which now has been clearly supported by the results in the current study. We believe that this NGS assay will be able to fulfil the data requirements to tackle many questions related to mutagenesis, thanks to the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of the procedure. However, to meet the experimental objectives, the preparation and analysis of the library are crucially important procedures in the stages of initial setting up of the assay. The covalently closed circular integrity of the vector library is definitely one of the important points we should pay attention to when performing this assay. After the construction of the BC12-library, we have to check the quality of the library by agarose gel electrophoresis. The background mutation frequency and the sequence of the library itself (uploaded as described in the DATA AVAILABILITY section of this manuscript) also needs to be analyzed by NGS before the experiment. We are also routinely constructing the double-stranded shuttle vector from a single-stranded circular DNA with a variety of site-specific damaged oligonucleotides. The treatment with T5 exonuclease followed by purification is absolutely essential to decrease the background mutation frequency. Without the treatment with the exonuclease, cluster mutations may be increased under specific experimental conditions. For this study, we carried out the conventional supF assay using the BC12-library purified after T5 exonuclease treatment. However, in this case the process of purification slightly increased the mutant frequency of the BC12-library to about 2 x10-4 (corresponding to 1x10-6/bp).Therefore, when setting up the essay, we have to consider the background control that we will need for the data analysis. In response to the Reviewer’s comments, we have now added the following paragraph in the DISCUSSION section:
Page 16, line 25:
”5) For the supF assay, spontaneous cluster mutations at TC:GA sites were often observed, and it was well illustrated in an earlier study that a nick in the shuttle vector was a trigger for these asymmetric cluster mutations (54). Therefore, we need to be aware of the quality of each library and how it affects the outcome of each analysis, especially for detection of very low levels of mutations. Depending on the purpose of the experiments, in the preparation of covalently closed circular vector libraries it is essential to eliminate the background level of mutations. In fact, the in vitro construction of the library of double-stranded shuttle vectors from single-stranded circular DNA requires the process of treatment with T5 Exonuclease, which drastically decreases background mutations.”
Minor points The authors state that only 30% of the base sequence of the supF gene can be "used for dual-antibiotic selection on the indicator E. coli". An earlier review (Mutation Res 220: 61,1989) indicated that within the mature tRNA region single or tandem mutations had been reported at 87% of sites, using the colony color assay. The direct NGS analyses would be indifferent to phenotype, and one would expect the maximum number of mutable sites would be recovered from this approach. It would be helpful for an explicit statement regarding the number of mutant sites to be in the Discussion, as this should strengthen the case for the NGS strategy.
We thank the Reviewer for the helpful comment. These are important points we should indeed mention. This method will complement previous data, and especially the data from titer plates will provide us with non-biased mutation spectra for the whole analyzed region. We have now explained in detail about the coverage of mutation spectra in the DISSCUSSION section.
Page 14, line 14:
“The mutation spectra of single or tandem base-substitutions for inactive supF genes identified by using the blue-white colony color assays were comprehensively summarized in an earlier review article, and it was noted that the mutations were detected at 86 sites within a 158-bp region covering the supF gene (54%) and at 74 sites within the 85-bp mature tRNA region (87%), thus demonstrating the great sensitivity of the supF assay system for analysis of mutation spectra (19). However, obtaining reliable datasets by the conventional supF assay requires skill and experience, especially for studies where the mutations of interest are induced with low frequency. The method has been advanced by the construction of indicator bacterial strains with different supF reporter genes which allow selection based on survival of bacteria containing mutant supF genes. However, the fact that the supF phenotypic selection process relies on the structure and function of transfer RNAs that may be differently affected by different mutations means that the improvement of the efficiency of the selection process may cause loss of coverage of the mutation spectra, as it is under our experimental conditions, where the coverage is about 30% (19,20).”
Page 15, line 4:
“From this point of view, we believe that we can secure a sufficient number of experiments to improve the accuracy of the analysis and to confirm the reproducibility of the experiments. Furthermore, the data from colonies grown on titer plates provides us, at least in principle, and with the exception of large deletions and insertions, with non-biased mutation spectra for the whole analyzed region.
Supplementary Figure 1 shows the organization of 8 supF reporter plasmids. Were these discussed in the text and employed in the experiments? It was not clear in the text.
We thank the Reviewer for the helpful comment. It was indeed not clear which vectors we used and why we constructed a series of vectors. Now, we have added the vectors we used for the constructions of the library and each experiment in the RESULTS and MATERIALS AND METHODS sections. Since this is quite important for us and, we believe, the readers, we also added the explanations in the DISCUSSION section, detailing why we have constructed a series of shuttle vectors, as follows:
Page 19, line 36:
“Mutational signatures identified in cancer cells are emerging as valuable markers for cancer diagnosis and therapeutics. Innumerable physical, chemical and biological mutagens, including anticancer drugs, induce characteristic mutations in genomic DNA via specific mutagenic processes. The mutation spectra obtained here by using the presented advanced method were in good agreement with accumulated data from previous papers where the conventional method had been used, with the advantage that our method provided less-biased mutation spectra data. As described above, the datasets presented here highlighted novel mutational signatures and also cluster mutations with a strand-bias, which could be associated with the processes of replication, transcription, or repair of DNA-damage, including a single strand break (a nick). In this study, eight series of supF shuttle vector plasmids were constructed, as presented in Supplementary Figure S1; however, the analysis was carried out using N12-BC libraries prepared from either pNGS2-K1 (Figures 1-4) or pNGS2-K3 (Figures 5-10). The pNGS2-K1/-A1/-K4/-A4 and pNGS2-K2/-A2/-K3/-A3 vector series contain an M13 intergenic region with opposite orientations relative to the supF gene, which allows us to incorporate specific types of DNA-damage at specific sites in the opposite strand of the vector library. Also, the pNGS2-K1/-A1/-K3/-A3 and pNGS2-K2/-A2/-K4/-A4 vector series contain the SV40 replication origin, which enables bidirectional replication and transcription, at opposite sides of the supF gene. Although this is still preliminary data, it is notable that the spontaneously induced mutations for the different vectors in U2OS cells were not significantly different. Therefore, the here presented mutagenesis assay with NGS, by using these series of libraries, can be applied in many different types of experiments to address both quantitative and qualitative features of mutagenesis. It is possible to design series of libraries containing DNA lesions or sequences suitable for the investigation of specific molecular mechanisms, such as TLS, template switching, and asymmetric cluster mutations.”
CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS Comment on the issue raised by Reviewer #2 regarding plasmids with unrepaired DNA damage introduced into E. coli after passage through U2OS cells: treatment of the plasmid harvest with Dpn1 eliminates un-replicated plasmid DNA. Also, SV40 T antigen drives run away replication of the plasmids, which contain the SV40 origin of replication. This greatly dilutes plasmids with remaining UV photoproducts.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
Significance This is a comprehensive description of a technical advance for the analysis of mutations based on the most widely used system for reporting mutations in mammalian, including human, cells. As costs for NGS decline it is likely to become the approach of choice.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In this manuscript, the authors developed a novel mutagenesis assay by combining the conventional supF forward mutagenesis assay with NGS technology. The manuscript is well written, providing design, methods, and results of the experimental system in very much details, which this reviewer highly evaluates. However, the manuscript may be too long and could be more concise. In addition, this reviewer is afraid that main figures seem difficult to fit printed pages (especially multi-paneled figures of large size, such as Fig. 5 through 8). The authors should re-organize the figures by reducing size and/or moving partly to supplementary information.
We thank the Reviewer for the helpful comments to our manuscript. It is true that the multi-paneled figures were too large, and we have now re-analyzed and optimized most of the figures by reducing size, transferring to Supplementary Figures, and separating one figure into two. Although the number of Figures and Supplementary Figures have now increased, we believe that it has become easy to follow for readers and to fit printed pages. *We considered carefully the Reviewer’s remark about the length of the manuscript, but we feel that the text was already as concise as we could make it, and we have already left out some more detailed explanations. *
- Some UV-induced DNA damage (typically CPD) is repaired only slowly in human cells, so that the replicated plasmid DNAs recovered from U2OS cells may still contain damage and possibly induce mutations in E. coli after transfection. As the result of high sensitivity of NGS analysis, it is worried that such mutations could be also included in the results. To obtain even more accurate mutational characteristics in mammalian cells, the authors could consider to treat the DNA samples with photolyases before transformation of E. coli. The authors could consider to discuss on this point.
*We thank the Reviewer for the helpful comment, indeed Dpn I treatment is one of the very important procedures for avoiding analysis bias. We have now expanded the explanation why the libraries have to be treated with Dpn I, as follows: *
Page 11, line 4:
“the libraries were extracted from the cells, and treated with dam-GmATC-methylated DNA specific restriction enzyme Dpn I to digest un-replicated DNAs that contain UV-photoproducts.”
- It is quite intriguing that multiple mutations in a single BC clone tend to occur in the same DNA strand. Is there any trend in a distance between the mutated sites? Considering participation of TLS polymerases in the first round of replication, it may be interesting if multiple DNA lesions occur in relatively close positions so that TLS polymerases elongate the DNA strand without switching back to replicative polymerases.
We thank the Reviewer for the valuable and insightful suggestions for this assay. We have analyzed the positions of SNSs in multiple-mutations shown in Supplementary Figures S11 and S12. As the reviewer mentioned, we may be able to address the mechanisms of TLS switching in mammalian cells by using this assay. In this study, the obtained non-biased mutation spectra of multiple mutations may not be enough for the static analysis, but our results indicate that multiple mutations were induced at relatively close positions. It would be interesting if we could address the mechanisms of TLS polymerase switching. We believe that the accumulation of large numbers of non-biased mutation spectra will provide us with growing opportunities to address more questions in mutagenesis. We have now added the Supplementary Figures S11 and S12, as well as the following discussion points:
Page 14, line 6:
“5) The distance between two SNSs in multiple mutations induced by UV irradiation was relatively shorter than the theoretically expected based on the sequence (Supplementary Figures S11 and S12).”
Page 18, line 27:
“In addition, the positions of SNSs in the multiple mutations were closer to each other compared to the theoretically expected positions (Supplementary Figures S11 and S12), which may reflect switching events involving TLS polymerases. It should be noted that the presented data for the distance between two SNSs in the multiple mutations was analyzed from the data from selection plates in order to secure a sufficient number of mutations, and therefore, there may be a bias due to hot spots associated with the selection process. However, the results from the limited number of mutations from the titer plates are similar to these from the selection plates. It can be proposed that this assay may also be applied for analysis of TLS polymerases in mammalian cells.”
- This reviewer is wondering whether the results of mammalian cells are influenced by transcription-coupled repair in this experimental system. Because the SV40 replication origin functions as bidirectional promoters, the supF region may be transcribed in U2OS cells so that DNA damage on transcribed strands may be removed more efficiently than non-transcribed strands. Please comment on this, if relevant.
*We thank the Reviewer for the insightful comments. This issue is also very important and interesting, and should be addressed in the mutagenesis research. That is exactly the reason why we presented series of vectors for the assay in this paper. The SV40 replication origin has an effect on the background mutations, which this is also dependent on the experimental conditions. However, this needs to be confirmed by further studies. We hope the idea for these constructions will be helpful for many laboratories. We have now added the following parts in the DISCUSSION section. *
Page 18, line 36:
“Mutational signatures identified in cancer cells are emerging as valuable markers for cancer diagnosis and therapeutics. Innumerable physical, chemical and biological mutagens, including anticancer drugs, induce characteristic mutations in genomic DNA via specific mutagenic processes. The mutation spectra obtained here by using the presented advanced method were in good agreement with accumulated data from previous papers where the conventional method had been used, with the advantage that our method provided less-biased mutation spectra data. As described above, the datasets presented here highlighted novel mutational signatures and also cluster mutations with a strand-bias, which could be associated with the processes of replication, transcription, or repair of DNA-damage, including a single strand break (a nick). In this study, eight series of supF shuttle vector plasmids were constructed, as presented in Supplementary Figure S1; however, the analysis was carried out using N12-BC libraries prepared from either pNGS2-K1 (Figures 1-4) or pNGS2-K3 (Figures 5-10). The pNGS2-K1/-A1/-K4/-A4 and pNGS2-K2/-A2/-K3/-A3 vector series contain an M13 intergenic region with opposite orientations relative to the supF gene, which allows us to incorporate specific types of DNA-damage at specific sites in the opposite strand of the vector library. Also, the pNGS2-K1/-A1/-K3/-A3 and pNGS2-K2/-A2/-K4/-A4 vector series contain the SV40 replication origin, which enables bidirectional replication and transcription, at opposite sides of the supF gene. Although this is still preliminary data, it is notable that the spontaneously induced mutations for the different vectors in U2OS cells were not significantly different. Therefore, the here presented mutagenesis assay with NGS, by using these series of libraries, can be applied in many different types of experiments to address both quantitative and qualitative features of mutagenesis. It is possible to design series of libraries containing DNA lesions or sequences suitable for the investigation of specific molecular mechanisms, such as TLS, template switching, and asymmetric cluster mutations.”
- page 13: Please check whether the description of Fig. 9C is correct (6th line, graph on top; 9th line, bottom graph).
We thank the Reviewer for carefully checking our manuscript, it was mislabeled in the text. Now, following the Reviewer’s comments, most figures have been changed from the figures in the previous submission. We appreciate the careful review.
CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS Reviewer #1 gives quite relevant comments as an expert of the mutagenesis field. It would improve this manuscript greatly for the authors to make appropriate modifications according to his/her suggestions.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
It is quite convincing that this method has a great potential to give much more extensive information on mutational characteristics, most importantly, by eliminating the bias caused by phenotypic selection. Therefore, this work certainly must be worth being published in an appropriate journal.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript, the authors developed a novel mutagenesis assay by combining the conventional supF forward mutagenesis assay with NGS technology. The manuscript is well written, providing design, methods, and results of the experimental system in very much details, which this reviewer highly evaluates. However, the manuscript may be too long and could be more concise. In addition, this reviewer is afraid that main figures seem difficult to fit printed pages (especially multi-paneled figures of large size, such as Fig. 5 through 8). The authors should re-organize the figures by reducing size and/or moving partly to supplementary information.
Specific comments
Some UV-induced DNA damage (typically CPD) is repaired only slowly in human cells, so that the replicated plasmid DNAs recovered from U2OS cells may still contain damage and possibly induce mutations in E. coli after transfection. As the result of high sensitivity of NGS analysis, it is worried that such mutations could be also included in the results. To obtain even more accurate mutational characteristics in mammalian cells, the authors could consider to treat the DNA samples with photolyases before transformation of E. coli. The authors could consider to discuss on this point.
It is quite intriguing that multiple mutations in a single BC clone tend to occur in the same DNA strand. Is there any trend in a distance between the mutated sites? Considering participation of TLS polymerases in the first round of replication, it may be interesting if multiple DNA lesions occur in relatively close positions so that TLS polymerases elongate the DNA strand without switching back to replicative polymerases.
This reviewer is wondering whether the results of mammalian cells are influenced by transcription-coupled repair in this experimental system. Because the SV40 replication origin functions as bidirectional promoters, the supF region may be transcribed in U2OS cells so that DNA damage on transcribed strands may be removed more efficiently than non-transcribed strands. Please comment on this, if relevant.
page 13: Please check whether the description of Fig. 9C is correct (6th line, graph on top; 9th line, bottom graph).
Reviewer #1 gives quite relevant comments as an expert of the mutagenesis field. It would improve this manuscript greatly for the authors to make appropriate modifications according to his/her suggestions.
It is quite convincing that this method has a great potential to give much more extensive information on mutational characteristics, most importantly, by eliminating the bias caused by phenotypic selection. Therefore, this work certainly must be worth being published in an appropriate journal.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The analysis of mutations in mammalian, including human, genomes has been of interest for many decades. Early DNA sequencing technologies enabled direct identification of mutations in target genes provided that the mutant genes could be readily isolated. This requirement stimulated the development of shuttle vector plasmids that carried a mutation marker gene and could replicate in both mammalian and bacterial cells. These were used in experiments in which the plasmids, treated with a mutagen, would be passaged through mammalian host cells after which the progeny plasmids were introduced into an indicator bacterial strain. Colonies with mutant marker genes could be distinguished by color or survival, the plasmids recovered, and the sequence of the mutant gene determined. The shuttle vector plasmid that became the most widely used contained as the marker the supF amber suppressor tyrosyl tRNA gene positioned in the plasmid such that deletion mutations associated with mammalian cell transfection were selected against. Although various improvements have been introduced since its introduction in the mid-1980s, including bar codes to distinguish independent from sibling mutations (in the early 1990s), the basics of the system have been maintained, and it and variations are still in use.
The Kamiya group has made several adjustments to the supF shuttle vectors, including the construction of indicator bacterial strains based on survival of bacteria containing mutant supF genes (the initial system relied on colony color). They have published many studies of mutagenesis by various agents, error prone polymerases, etc. In the current submission they describe a comprehensive approach to identifying mutations in the supF gene that exploits Next Generation Sequencing technology that can identify the full spectrum of mutations including those that escape detection in phenotypic screens. The study is exhaustive and presents a methodical validation of each component of their approach. They report UV induced mutations, the mechanism of which has been well characterized in previous literature. They also describe a category of multiple mutations, which had been observed in the early work with the supF plasmids, and whose relationship to UV photoproducts is most likely indirect.
Major comments:
This manuscript presents a technical advance on the use of the supF mutation reporter system. The extent of the validation of each component of the system, including the bar code is rigorous. Their data on the nature and location of UV induced mutations are in very good agreement with previous studies with supF and other reporter genes, a further validation of their approach. Their discussion of the mechanism of the UV induced mutations is in accord with prior work from other laboratories. However, their interpretation of the multiple mutations, although reasonable in invoking a role for APOBEC deamination of cytosines (see eLife. 2014; 3: e02001 for another discussion of this issue), overlooks a much earlier study on the same topic that showed that nicks in the vicinity of the marker gene are mutagenic and can induce multiple mutations (Proc Natl Acad Sci 1987 84:4944-8). It would be useful for the authors to consider their data on the multiple mutations in the light of the earlier analysis. Furthermore, a check to verify the covalently closed circular integrity of the plasmid preparations would be an important quality control and could reduce the mutagenesis observed in 0 UV controls.
Minor points:
The authors state that only 30% of the base sequence of the supF gene can be "used for dual-antibiotic selection on the indicator E. coli". An earlier review (Mutation Res 220: 61,1989) indicated that within the mature tRNA region single or tandem mutations had been reported at 87% of sites, using the colony color assay. The direct NGS analyses would be indifferent to phenotype, and one would expect the maximum number of mutable sites would be recovered from this approach. It would be helpful for an explicit statement regarding the number of mutant sites to be in the Discussion, as this should strengthen the case for the NGS strategy. <br /> Supplementary Figure 1 shows the organization of 8 supF reporter plasmids. Were these discussed in the text and employed in the experiments? It was not clear in the text.
Comment on the issue raised by Reviewer #2 regarding plasmids with unrepaired DNA damage introduced into E. coli after passage through U2OS cells: treatment of the plasmid harvest with Dpn1 eliminates un-replicated plasmid DNA. Also, SV40 T antigen drives run away replication of the plasmids, which contain the SV40 origin of replication. This greatly dilutes plasmids with remaining UV photoproducts.
This is a comprehensive description of a technical advance for the analysis of mutations based on the most widely used system for reporting mutations in mammalian, including human, cells. As costs for NGS decline it is likely to become the approach of choice.
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Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1:
Review of "Identifying novel regulators of placental development using time series transcriptomic data and network analyses."
The authors present a detailed bioinformatic assessment of mouse developmental time series of the placenta. They apply current data mining and analysis methods to identify protein-centred networks that are likely enriched to specific cell types of the placenta. They then translate these findings to humans using statistical comparisons of human single-cell sequencing data of the placenta. Lastly, they use knock-down experiments to validate the conserved functional importance of the hub genes in the mouse protein networks in human cells.
The strengths of this paper are the rigorous data mining methods and the functional translation to humans from mice. There are no critical weaknesses to the article. There is a blend of statistical analysis with anecdotal or hand curation from databases and the literature, but it is unclear if these curated finings are circumstantial or statistically meaningful. In the end, the hypothesis seems to hold in that 4/4 gene knocked down in the human cells gave a migration phenotype.
Comments, questions, critique:
Given the translational aims of the paper, more introduction/discussion material on the comparative aspects of mice and humans are needed. Are giant cells and EVT the same? What are the cell equivalents that you are discovering? The Soncin et al. paper is cited, but I think underused. This publication contains time series data on mice and humans and could be used as external validation of clusters, networks, and other analyses. Other publications to consider for context are
Cox B, et al. Mol Syst Biol 5: 279.
Silva JF, Serakides R. 2016. Cell Adhes Migr 10: 88-110. (specifically discusses migration difference between the species placentae)
We thank the reviewer for the comment and valuable resources. We agree that more information about the similarities and differences between the migratory cells needs to be provided. We have added the following details in the introduction of the manuscript:
“Although there are certain differences between the mouse and human placenta (Hemberger, Hanna, and Dean 2020; Soncin, Natale, and Parast 2015), they do express common genes during gestation, including common regulators and signaling pathways involved in placental development (Cox et al. 2009; Soncin et al. 2018; Soncin, Natale, and Parast 2015; Watson and Cross 2005). For example, Ascl2/ASCL2 and Tfap2c/TFAP2C are required for the trophoblast (TB) cell lineage in both mouse and human models (Guillemot et al. 1994; Kuckenberg, Kubaczka, and Schorle 2012; Varberg et al. 2021). Another example is the HIF signaling pathway, which regulates TB differentiation in both mouse and human placenta (Soncin, Natale, and Parast 2015).”
“Although the structure of the placenta is not identical between mouse and human, certain mouse placental cell types are thought to be equivalent to human placental cell types (Soncin, Natale, and Parast 2015). For example, parietal TGCs and glycogen TBs have been described as equivalent to human extravillous trophoblasts (EVTs) (Soncin, Natale, and Parast 2015). Mouse TGCs are not as invasive as human EVTs (Soncin, Natale, and Parast 2015), and they have different levels of polyploidy and copy number variation (Morey et al. 2021); however, both EVTs and TGCs are able to degrade extracellular matrix to enable TB migration into the decidua (Silva and Serakides 2016).”
Added to discussion:
“These genes were selected primarily based on the network analyses, but also based on expression data from human cells to account for possible differences between mouse and human placental gene expression.”
As the reviewer suggested, we used the Soncin et al., 2015 data for validation. Only 6,317 of the 11,713 protein-coding genes used for hierarchical clustering were detected in the mouse dataset in Soncin et al., 2015. This issue could be because the Soncin data was generated using microarrays.
Nevertheless, we still compared our e7.5 and e9.5 hierarchical groups with: (1) Soncin et al. gene clusters in mouse that were downregulated over time, had highest expression from e9.5-12.5, or were upregulated over time; and (2) Soncin et al. gene clusters in human that were best correlated with mouse clusters and were either downregulated over time or upregulated over time. We observed a general consensus that our e7.5-hierarchical group had the highest percent of agreement with Soncin et al. gene groups that are downregulated over time, and our e9.5-hierarchical group had the highest percent of agreement with Soncin et al. gene groups that either have highest expression at e9.5-e12.5 or genes that are upregulated over time. This data is added below, described in the results section 1, and included in Supplementary Table S1.
Comparison with Soncin et al. mouse data:
Having expression > 0 (in Soncin et al.) and being in any hierarchical clusters
E7.5-hierarchical genes (down-regulation trend)
E9.5-hierarchical genes (up-regulation trend)
Cluster 2, 3 and 7 (Soncin et al., downregulation trend)
800 (79.3%)
279 (27.7%)
Cluster 6 (Soncin et al., highest at e9.5 – e12.5)
51 (42.5%)
110 (91.7%)
Cluster 1, 4 and 5 (Soncin et al., upregulation trend)
415 (40.7%)
881 (86.5%)
Comparison with Soncin et al. human data:
Having expression > 0 (in Soncin et al.) and being in any hierarchical clusters
E7.5-hierarchical genes (down-regulation trend)
E9.5-hierarchical genes (up-regulation trend)
HS Cluster 5 (Soncin et al., downregulation trend)
92 (56.1%)
52 (31.7%)
HS Cluster 2 and 4 (Soncin et al., upregulation trend)
44 (39.6%)
72 (64.9%)
The following statement was added to the result section:
“Second, we compared our hierarchical groups with previously published mouse and human placental microarray time course data from Soncin et al., 2015 (Soncin, Natale, and Parast 2015). Despite the technical differences between the datasets, we observed a consensus that our e7.5 hierarchical cluster had the highest percent of overlap with Soncin et al. gene groups that are downregulated over time, and our e9.5 hierarchical cluster had the highest percent of overlap with Soncin et al. gene groups that either have highest expression at e9.5 - e12.5 or genes that are upregulated over time (Supplementary Table S1).”
Clustering represented in Figure 1B, was this a supervised model? Why only three clusters?) Did you specify that there would be three models and force each gene profile into one of the categories? How robust are the fits? A fitted model might be a better approach as you can specify the ideal models (early high, late high and mid-high), then determine each gene profile that fits each model and only assess those genes with a significant fit to the model. Forcing clustering to the three-model fit likely gives many poorly fitting profiles. While in the end, this works out, it may be due to applying other post hoc methods for gene enrichment, where noise distributes randomly.
We carried out unsupervised transcript clustering using hierarchical clustering (agglomerative approach using Euclidean distance and complete linkage). The resulting dendrogram was cut at the second highest level to obtain three clusters. We have added additional validation with different numbers of clusters (k = 3, 4 and 5) and quantification of agreement between different clustering methods to show the robustness of the hierarchical clusters. We acknowledge that hierarchical clustering could be sensitive to noise and could result in poorly fitted transcripts in each group; however, it was a necessary first step for us to identify genes relevant to the distinct placental processes at the three timepoints. Acknowledging this disadvantage, we only focused the analyses on genes that are differentially expressed over time and were present in the timepoint hierarchical groups.
We added the additional analysis as Supplementary Figure S1, and the following statements were added in the results section:
"First, we used three different algorithms, K-means clustering, self-organizing maps, and spectral clustering, to validate the trends of the expression levels in hierarchical groups, as well as the number of transcript groups (k = 3, 4 and 5). Only with k = 3 did we obtain groups with median expression level trends consistent in all four algorithms (Supplementary Figure S1). Moreover, with k = 3, the maximum percent of agreement (see Materials and Methods) between hierarchical clusters and clusters obtained using each of the different algorithms was 70.34-87.26% (Supplementary Figure S1), while the maximum percent of agreement between hierarchical clusters and clusters obtained from other algorithms decreases to between 55.67-65.72% with k = 4 and 54.81-59.19% with k = 5.”
We agree model-based clustering could be an alternative approach and have added it to the discussion section:
“Combining hierarchical clustering with differential expression analysis, we were able to identify gene groups using an unsupervised approach. It has also been shown that for times-series analyses with fewer than eight timepoints, pairwise differential expression analysis combined with additional methods identifies a more robust set of genes (Spies et al. 2019). Alternatively, model-based clustering using RNA-seq profiles (Si et al. 2014) could also be useful for gene group identification. However, it is still important to evaluate the robustness and functional relevance of the fitted models by carrying out additional downstream analyses.”
Several statements are made about the conservation of importance between mouse and human hub genes. For example, "We predict these highly expressed genes to be generally important for TB function and processes such as cell migration, a term associated with multiple timepoint specific networks (Figure 2A)." While your knock-down assay of migration results shows these hub genes to be necessary to humans, what do they mean to the mouse? You did not use mouse TSC to assess functional importance concurrently. You note a small number of genes as of known importance, "127 hub genes of which 16 have been annotated as having a role in placental development". Were the others knocked out but lack a developmental phenotype or not assessed? Are these functionally redundant in the mouse or not involved in the same processes between the species?
To assess the possible role of hub genes in mouse development more comprehensively, we extended our search for gene functions on the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) database to include not only placenta related GO and MGI phenotype terms (defined as “genes with known roles”), but also embryo related GO and MGI phenotype terms (defined as “genes with possible roles”). We included embryo related terms as “genes with possible roles” because embryonic lethal mouse knockout lines frequently have placentation defects, and because defects in placental development can be associated with the development of other embryonic tissues (Brown and Hay 2016; Perez-Garcia et al. 2018; Woods, Perez-garcia, and Hemberger 2018). This change resulted in an increase in the number of genes with relevant functions in mouse, including several annotated as embryonic lethal or with abnormal embryonic growth (see Supplementary Table S6). With the additional annotations:
- 6 out of 17 hub genes of e7.5 networks have known/possible roles.
- 17 out of 28 hub genes of e8.5 networks have known/possible roles.
- 48 out of 127 hub genes of e9.5 networks have known/possible roles. We also carried out randomization tests to determine if the number of known/possible genes we identified were significant. Randomization tests were carried out with the following procedure: for each timepoint, from the respective timepoint-specific groups, we sampled 10,000 gene sets of the same number as the hub gene numbers. Then we counted the number of known/possible genes in each random set. A p-value is calculated as the number of times a random gene set has ≥ known/possible genes than the observed number, divided by 10,000. We found that the number of genes with known/possible roles at each time point are statistically significant (Supplementary Figure S3). This result indicates that the gene sets we identified are significantly associated with relevant phenotypes in mouse.
The remaining hub genes are unannotated as related to placental or embryonic functions in the MGI database. Based on that, it is difficult to determine if they lack a relevant phenotype, or if there has not been a detailed assessment of the placenta.
Added to section 2 of the result section:
“Briefly, genes annotated under any GO or MGI phenotype terms related to placenta, TB cells, TE and the chorion layer are considered as having a “known” role in the placenta. Genes annotated under terms related to embryo are considered as having a “possible” role in the placenta, because embryonic lethal mouse knockout lines frequently have placentation defects, and because defects in placental development can be associated with the development of other embryonic tissues (Brown and Hay 2016; Perez-Garcia et al. 2018; Woods, Perez-garcia, and Hemberger 2018). Hereafter, such genes are referred to as “known/possible genes”. In the e7.5 networks, there were 17 hub genes in which six genes were known/possible. The number of hub genes that are labelled as known/possible is statistically significant when comparing to random gene sets selected from the e7.5 timepoint-specific group (Supplementary Figure S3). In the e8.5 and e9.5 networks, 17 out of 28 and 48 out of 127 hub genes were known/possible, respectively. Similar to e7.5, the number of hub genes labelled as known/possible in e8.5 networks and e9.5 networks were both statistically significant when comparing to random gene sets selected from the corresponding timepoint-specific groups (Supplementary Figure S3). These results indicate that the gene sets we identified are significantly associated with relevant phenotypes in the mouse.”
For the four genes that we tested in HTR-8/SVneo cells, we also added more information about the current known role of the gene in mouse.
Added to the discussion section:
“We identified hub genes and their immediate neighboring genes which could regulate placental development and confirmed the roles of four novel genes (Mtdh, Siah2, Hnrnpk and Ncor2) in regulating cell migration in the HTR-8/SVneo cell line. These genes were selected primarily based on the network analyses, but also based on expression data from human cells to account for possible differences between mouse and human placental gene expression. Previous studies suggested these four candidates are functionally important in mouse. Mtdh has been suggested to regulate cell proliferation in mouse fetal development (Jeon et al. 2010). The Siah gene family is important for several functions (Qi et al. 2013). Of relevance to the placenta, Siah2 is an important regulator of HIF1α during hypoxia both in vitro and in vivo (Qi et al. 2008). Moreover, while Siah2 null mice exhibited normal phenotypes, combined knockouts of Siah2 and Siah1a showed enhanced lethality rates, suggesting the two genes have overlapping modulating roles (Frew et al. 2003). Hnrnpk-/- mice were embryonic lethal, and Hnrnpk+/- mice had dysfunctions in neonatal survival and development (Gallardo et al. 2015) . Ncor2-/- mice were embryonic lethal before e16.5 due to heart defects (Jepsen et al. 2007). According to the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium database (Dickinson et al. 2016), Ncor2 null mice also showed abnormal placental morphology at e15.5. However, none of these genes have been studied in TB migration function.”
In determining conservation between mouse and human networks, were only 1:1 orthologs examined or did you consider more complex 1:many mapping conditions between the two species?
In this work, we used only one-to-one orthology between mouse and human avoid duplication while sampling in the enrichment tests. We added this detail in the method section. However, as found in Cox et al., 2009, genes with one-to-many orthologs could be highly intriguing and should be investigated in future studies.
Should the migration assay be normalized to survival/adhesion? If 70,000 cells were seeded but had 50% cell death (or reduced adhesion), then it may appear to be poor migration. Should the migration be evaluated as a ratio of top to bottom cell densities to control for poor adhesion or survival?
We thank the reviewer for bringing up this important point. Unfortunately, with the method we used we cannot quantify the densities on top, because the cells on top need to be scraped off prior to measuring the cells at the bottom (the two densities cannot be measured separately). To help with this concern, in a separate experiment we instead counted cell numbers 48-hours post-transfection for cells treated with target gene siRNA and cells treated with negative control siRNA to determine if apoptosis or changes in proliferation rate could be leading to changes in the observed migration. From this data, we determined that none of the siRNA knockdowns resulted in a significant change of cell counts (p-value > 0.05). We do note that Siah2 siRNA #1 has some decrease in counts (p-value = 0.081) and Ncor2 siRNA #1 and #2 have some increase in cell counts (p-value = 0.081 and p-value = 0.077) (Supplementary Figure S7). Additional follow up experiments we have performed with our targets of interest, which are out of the scope of this paper, demonstrate that different pathways and processes could be involved in the resulting decrease in migration we observed (we are following up experimentally in more detail for each gene). Proliferation and other assays could also be used to further examine the increase in Ncor2 cell counts that were observed. We have added the cell count results and additional text to the discussion.
Added to results, section 4:
“When comparing the number of cells 48 hours post-transfection for cells treated with target gene siRNA to cells treated with negative control siRNA, we determined that none of the target gene siRNA treatments resulted in significant changes in cell counts. We do note that Siah2 siRNA #1 has some decrease in cell counts (p-value = 0.081), and Ncor2 siRNA #1 and Ncor2 siRNA #2 have some increase in cell counts (p-value = 0.081 and p-value = 0.077) compared to negative control treated samples (Supplementary Figure S7). This provides evidence that, in general, the reduction in cell migration capacity was likely not due to the target gene impacting the rate of cell death.”
To the discussion:
“Moreover, we observed that cell counts generally were not decreased upon target gene knockdown compared to negative control knockdown. However, more detailed analysis and process specific assays are needed. For example, future studies assessing each gene’s role in cell adhesion, cell-cell fusion, cell proliferation and cell apoptosis can be done to better understand their roles in placental development.”
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
This significantly advances previous publications on this topic by functionally testing the discovered genes.
This highlights an excellent data mining strategy for a developmental disease using mice and translating to humans.
The audience is likely developmental biologists and reproductive specialists.
My expertise is bioinformatics and developmental biology.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The authors used RNA-seq data from mouse fetal placenta at e7.5, e8.5, and e9.5 to create timepoint-specific gene expression interaction networks to find genes that they predicted would regulate placental development. They confirmed four novel candidate genes and showed that in the transfected human trophoblast HTR-8/SVneo cell line, these four candidates reduced cell migration capacity. Additionally, the authors show that bulk RNA-seq data can be used to infer cell-type composition and when used with single-cell RNA-seq, can be a powerful tool to study the biological processes that involve multiple cell-types.
Overall, the authors are rigorous in their analyses, their conclusions appear sound, and the work could be an asset to the broader placental biology field. However, although the authors present an approach that future studies might find useful to replicate and their work has produced numerous novel transcripts/genes that warrant further investigation, the approach is not entirely novel, and could be expanded/improved (as suggested by the authors in the discussion), particularly with regard to validation of the genes/networks identified. Major and minor comments are listed below.
Major comments:
1) The authors used clustering and differential expression analysis to define sets of timepoint-specific genes. However, it was not clear to me the benefits of this approach. Why would using this approach be better than differential expression analysis alone such as in a typical ANOVA?
We have added more discussion on this matter to explain our approach. We believe using hierarchical clustering and pairwise differential expression analysis can help identify gene lists with higher confidence. These are the new details we added to the discussion section:
“Combining hierarchical clustering with differential expression analysis, we were able to identify gene groups using an unsupervised approach. It has also been shown that for times-series analyses with fewer than eight timepoints, pairwise differential expression analysis combined with additional methods identifies a more robust set of genes (Spies et al. 2019). Alternatively, model-based clustering using RNA-seq profiles (Si et al. 2014) could also be useful for gene group identification. However, it is still important to evaluate the robustness and functional relevance of the fitted models by carrying out additional downstream analyses.”
2) Related to number 1 above, although the authors are interested in timepoint-specific transcripts, the author's methods would filter out possibly interesting transcripts that turn on and off during development. The authors might want to check to see if there are transcripts that are up in e7.5 and then down in e8.5 but then up again in e9.5. Also, the author's methods seem to include transcripts that are not exclusive to one timepoint (i.e. are up in e7.5 and e8.5 but not e9.5). It might be interesting to differentiate transcripts that are exclusive to one timepoint from those that are in more than one timepoint.
We thank the reviewer for their valuable comment. We agree genes that turn on and off during the time course could be very interesting. In performing this analysis, we found that the number of such genes is rather small (38 genes that are up-regulated at e7.5 compared to e8.5 and up-regulated at e9.5 compared to e8.5). These genes were not enriched for processes that we observed with timepoint-specific gene groups, such as “trophoblast giant cell differentiation” (e7.5-specific genes), “labyrinthine layer development” (e8.5- and e9.5-specific genes), "blood vessel development” (e7.5- and e9.5-specific genes) and “response to nutrient” (e9.5-specific genes) (Supplementary Table S3). They are generally enriched for processes related to cytokine production and regulation of secretion.
We also agree that it is interesting to differentiate transcripts that are exclusive to one time point from those that are in more than one time point. In the revised manuscript, we added additional analysis for genes that belong to multiple timepoint groups due to different transcripts of the same gene being annotated as timepoint-specific, and genes unique to each timepoint (Added to results section 1):
“It is possible that timepoint-specific groups share genes that have timepoint-specific transcripts. Indeed, we identified 37 genes shared between e7.5 and e8.5, 5 genes shared between e7.5 and e9.5, and 109 genes shared between e8.5 and e9.5 (Supplementary Table S3). We found that genes only present at one timepoint (timepoint-unique genes) were generally enriched for similar terms as the full group of timepoint-specific genes (Supplementary Table S3). However, terms related to the development of labyrinth layer like “labyrinthine layer morphogenesis” and “labyrinthine layer blood vessel development” were only enriched when using all e8.5-specific genes but not when using e8.5 timepoint-unique genes. Moreover, we found that, unlike genes shared between e9.5 and e7.5, genes shared between e9.5 and e8.5 were enriched for processes such as “blood vessel development” and “insulin receptor signaling pathway”. This observation may indicate that different transcripts of the same genes could be expressed at different timepoints for the continuation of certain biological processes.”
3) In the network analysis it would be interesting and helpful to the reader to highlight, if any, nodes or terms that were found to be significant (i.e. hubs or genes that have a high centrality metric etc.) in both the STRING and GENIE3 networks or overlap the networks created by the two different algorithms to compare them. This might help readers better rank genes when using these data to decide what genes are most important at each timepoint.
We observed only one hub gene shared among networks inferred by the two methods (Vegfa in the e9.5 networks). However, hub genes of networks inferred by one method could be nodes in networks inferred by the other method. Hence, we have added lists of such genes in section 2. Interestingly, many of these genes have known roles in placental development. In terms of biological functions shared between the networks at the same timepoints, there were multiple interesting processes such as “positive regulation of cell migration”, “epithelium migration” and “vasculature development”, which we highlighted in Figure 2A.
In the revised manuscript, we have added the following details in different paragraphs of section 2 of the results:
“Although the networks inferred by the two methods did not share any hub genes, hub genes identified with one method could be members of the other method’s networks. These hub genes are Mmp9 (e7.5_1_STRING), Frk, Hmox1, and Nr2f2 (e7.5_2_GENIE3) (Table 1). This observation strengthens the potential roles of Frk gene in placental development.”
“Hub genes identified with one method and present in the other method’s networks are Hsp90aa1, Akt1, and Mapk14 (e8.5_1_STRING), Dvl3 and Msx2 (e8.5_2_GENIE3) (Table 1).”
“Hub genes identified with one method and present in the other method’s networks include important genes such as Rb1 (Sun et al. 2006), Yap1 (Meinhardt et al. 2020) (e9.5_1_GENIE3) and Vegfa (e9.5_2_STRING) (Table 1). Notably, Vegfa is the only hub gene identified with both of the network inference methods.”
4) The author's conclusion that network analysis can be used to identify genes more likely associated with specific placental cell types is very likely true, but I think that the conclusion would be more impactful if the authors reported how the method compares to simply taking a list of differentially expressed genes and looking for cell type enrichments using their favorite enrichment software. For example, if a gene is highly connected in a particular network that has been identified as SCT-specific, but that gene isn't considered an SCT "marker" by the placental biology research community, it would be interesting to highlight that it is prevalent in a previously published scRNA-seq dataset or a dataset that has isolated that particular cell type to show the advantages of using networks to find placental cell type specific genes.
We completely agree with the reviewer’s point and have now added a randomization analysis to compare the enrichment using PlacentaCellEnrich (PCE) with genes in networks and random genes (Supplementary Figure S6). We randomly sampled 10,000 gene sets with the same sizes as the subnetworks from their corresponding hierarchical groups and carried out PCE analysis. These tests showed that the enrichments of cell type-specific genes were only significant with the subnetwork genes but not the random genes. The randomization tests added a valuable highlight that the network genes are highly relevant to cell type-specific genes in the human placenta, and therefore provided more confidence in the gene lists obtained from the network analyses.
We also further checked the expression of the hub genes in other independent data in order to identify hub genes that are potentially cell type specific markers. For example, we observed that Dvl3 (e8.5_2_GENIE3) and Olr1 (e9.5_3_STRING) have been shown to be differentially expressed in SCT compared to other TB subtypes (human trophoblast stem cells, EVT (Sheridan et al. 2021) or endovascular TB (Gormley et al. 2021)).
We added the following detail in the results, section 3:
“Importantly, randomization tests showed that the enrichment of cell type-specific genes were only significant in these subnetworks but not in random gene sets selected from corresponding timepoint hierarchical groups (Supplementary Figure S6), which highlights the biological relevance of the gene network modules.”
Added to the discussion section:
“Moreover, hub genes could be used to identify potential novel markers for the cell types corresponding to their subnetworks. For example, hub genes of subnetworks enriched for SCT-specific genes such as Dvl3 (e8.5_2_GENIE3) and Olr1 (e9.5_3_STRING) are not established SCT marker genes, but are in fact differentially expressed in SCT compared to human trophoblast stem cells, EVT (Sheridan et al. 2021) or endovascular TB (Gormley et al. 2021). In general, combining network analysis with existing gene expression data from single cell or pure cell populations will allow identification of novel cell-specific marker genes to help future studies focused on different TB populations.”
5) While the selection of genes for validation was limited by the model system available for testing, the authors should recognize that the genes/networks identified here should first and foremost be validated in a mouse model (by knockdown/overexpression studies using mouse trophoblast stem cells or by evaluation of placenta/embryo in a KO/transgenic mouse model). Whether or not the data are relevant to human placentation is (at least initially) irrelevant. While we recognize that these are difficult studies requiring significant time and resources, as is, the data and results will have significantly less impact than if even a limited amount of such validation could be performed.
We thank the reviewer for this valuable comment. Based on this comment and the suggestions from reviewer #1, we have added the following points to the manuscript to discuss the relevance of the genes in the mouse models, and further explain our gene choices:
To assess the possible role of hub genes in mouse development more comprehensively, we extended our search for gene functions on the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) database to include not only placenta related GO and MGI phenotype terms (defined as “genes with known roles”), but also embryo related GO and MGI phenotype terms (defined as “genes with possible roles”). We included embryo related terms as “genes with possible roles” because embryonic lethal mouse knockout lines frequently have placentation defects, and because defects in placental development can be associated with the development of other embryonic tissues (Brown and Hay 2016; Perez-Garcia et al. 2018; Woods, Perez-garcia, and Hemberger 2018). This change resulted in an increase in the number of genes with relevant functions in mouse, including several annotated as embryonic lethal or with abnormal embryonic growth (see Supplementary Table S6). With the additional annotations:
- 6 out of 17 hub genes of e7.5 networks have known/possible roles.
- 17 out of 28 hub genes of e8.5 networks have known/possible roles.
- 48 out of 127 hub genes of e9.5 networks have known/possible roles. We also carried out randomization tests to determine if the number of known/possible genes we identified were significant. Randomization tests were carried out with the following procedure: for each timepoint, from the respective timepoint-specific groups, we sampled 10,000 gene sets of the same number as the hub gene numbers. Then we counted the number of known/possible genes in each random set. A p-value is calculated as the number of times a random gene set has ≥ known/possible genes than the observed number, divided by 10,000. We found that the number of genes with known/possible roles at each time point are statistically significant (Supplementary Figure S3). This result indicates that the gene sets we identified are significantly associated with relevant phenotypes in mouse.
The remaining hub genes are unannotated as related to placental or embryonic functions in the MGI database. Based on that, it is difficult to determine if they lack a relevant phenotype, or if there has not been a detailed assessment of the placenta.
Added to section 2 of the result section:
“Briefly, genes annotated under any GO or MGI phenotype terms related to placenta, TB cells, TE and the chorion layer are considered as having a “known” role in the placenta. Genes annotated under terms related to embryo are considered as having a “possible” role in the placenta, because embryonic lethal mouse knockout lines frequently have placentation defects, and because defects in placental development can be associated with the development of other embryonic tissues (Brown and Hay 2016; Perez-Garcia et al. 2018; Woods, Perez-garcia, and Hemberger 2018). Hereafter, such genes are referred to as “known/possible genes”. In the e7.5 networks, there were 17 hub genes in which six genes were known/possible. The number of hub genes that are labelled as known/possible is statistically significant when comparing to random gene sets selected from the e7.5 timepoint-specific group (Supplementary Figure S3). In the e8.5 and e9.5 networks, 17 out of 28 and 48 out of 127 hub genes were known/possible, respectively. Similar to e7.5, the number of hub genes labelled as known/possible in e8.5 networks and e9.5 networks were both statistically significant when comparing to random gene sets selected from the corresponding timepoint-specific groups (Supplementary Figure S3). These results indicate that the gene sets we identified are significantly associated with relevant phenotypes in the mouse.”
For the four genes that we tested in HTR-8/SVneo cells, we also added more information about the current known role of the gene in mouse.
Added to the discussion section:
“We identified hub genes and their immediate neighboring genes which could regulate placental development and confirmed the roles of four novel genes (Mtdh, Siah2, Hnrnpk and Ncor2) in regulating cell migration in the HTR-8/SVneo cell line. These genes were selected primarily based on the network analyses, but also based on expression data from human cells to account for possible differences between mouse and human placental gene expression. Previous studies suggested these four candidates are functionally important in mouse. Mtdh has been suggested to regulate cell proliferation in mouse fetal development (Jeon et al. 2010). The Siah gene family is important for several functions (Qi et al. 2013). Of relevance to the placenta, Siah2 is an important regulator of HIF1α during hypoxia both in vitro and in vivo (Qi et al. 2008). Moreover, while Siah2 null mice exhibited normal phenotypes, combined knockouts of Siah2 and Siah1a showed enhanced lethality rates, suggesting the two genes have overlapping modulating roles (Frew et al. 2003). Hnrnpk-/- mice were embryonic lethal, and Hnrnpk+/- mice had dysfunctions in neonatal survival and development (Gallardo et al. 2015) . Ncor2-/- mice were embryonic lethal before e16.5 due to heart defects (Jepsen et al. 2007). According to the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium database (Dickinson et al. 2016), Ncor2 null mice also showed abnormal placental morphology at e15.5. However, none of these genes have been studied in the context of TB migration.”
Minor comments:
1) In the GO analysis, why not use a combination of hypergeometric and binomial distribution for enrichment decisions?
We used hypergeometric tests as in the default setting of ClusterProfiler. GO enrichment with hypergeometric test for differentially expressed genes was also suggested in Rivals et al., 2007 (Rivals et al. 2007). Combination of hypergeometric and binomial tests will be of great use when carrying out enrichment for cis-regulatory domains where there is a higher chance of sampling a gene randomly (McLean et al. 2010).
We have added this detail in the method section to make the analysis clearer.
2) In Figure 2B, are there any genes that are both hub nodes (diamonds) and annotated as having placental functions (squares)? If so, it might be good to show that in some way.
We agree this is necessary and have altered the presentation in Figure 2. In the revised manuscript, we have added an additional list of hub genes as genes with possible roles. The figure now shows hub genes with known placental functions (diamonds), hub genes with possible functions (hexagons) and hub genes without related annotation (rounded squares). Non-hub genes are now not shown to avoid crowdedness.
3) It might improve the deconvolution analysis to employ more than one method and recent reports have shown that the cell-type signature data is the most important parameter with the main factors influencing performance being biological (such as where the sample was taken) rather than technical (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28655-4).
We agree the conclusion would have been further confirmed if we could employ another deconvolution method. Upon literature search, we found another tool, CAM (N. Wang et al. 2016), that had similar approaches to LinSeed which aims to infer cell proportions without reference. However, the tool has been taken down from Bioconductor and is not currently maintained. As a result, to the best of our knowledge, LinSeed is the only deconvolution tool that is completely reference-free.
We also tried carrying out the deconvolution analysis with another method, DSA (Zhong et al. 2013), with a limited number of marker genes obtained through literature review. However, when the marker genes are highly correlated in multiple cell types, the models failed to infer meaningful proportions.
We acknowledge that we need additional single cell RNA-seq data or marker genes obtained from pure cell populations to make more concrete conclusions for the deconvolution analysis. We hope with future studies, there will be more evidence supporting our observations.
We have added this acknowledgement in the results section:
“The identification of these cell groups could have resulted from noise introduced by both biological and technical variation, which is challenging to overcome when using a small sample size or analyzing without prior knowledge in the deconvolution analysis.”
Added to the discussion section:
“Nevertheless, we acknowledge that our deconvolution analysis and cell type annotations were limited due to the absence of matching scRNA-seq data, data from pure cell populations, or extensive cell marker lists. As these types of information are available, deconvolution analysis can be used to identify species-specific cell types or correcting for confounding effects prior to DEA (Sutton et al. 2022).”
4) The above report also shows that there are ways to correct for cell-type composition differences in DEA which might be interesting to look when using bulk data from different timepoints in future studies when focusing on different biological processes and not timepoint-specific transcripts.
We agree correcting for cell proportion prior to differential expression analysis will be interesting for future studies. When single cell RNA-seq data or more extensive marker gene lists are available, deconvolution analysis will be of great use for this purpose.
We have added this in the discussion section (also mentioned in point #3):
“Nevertheless, we acknowledge that our deconvolution analysis and cell type annotations were limited due to the absence of matching scRNA-seq data, data from pure cells, or extensive cell marker lists. As these types of information become more available, deconvolution analysis can be used to identify species-specific cell types or correcting for confounding effects prior to DEA (Sutton et al. 2022).”
5) Could the authors speculate as to possible reason(s) that an siRNA knockdown would give variable results functionally, while the actual gene expression appears to be consistently and sufficiently downregulated? Did the authors evaluate protein levels following siRNA knockdown?
Following the reviewer’s comment, we have evaluated protein levels for each target gene and each siRNA. For the genes that gave variable results between siRNAs (MTDH and NCOR2), we did not observe a change in their ability to reduce protein levels (Supplementary Figure S7). It is therefore possible that there are off-target effects for one of the siRNAs. We considered this possibility in designing the project, which is why we tested two siRNAs per target gene. Although siRNA off-target effects may be present, visual inspection of the migration experiments indicate that transfection with each of the siRNAs reduces migration capacity. We have added the possibility of off-target effects in the discussion section:
“We observed that while all siRNAs were able to decrease cell migration capacity, there was variability in the amount of decrease, even when comparing two siRNAs targeting the same gene. This observation did not seem to be associated with differences in transcript or protein knockdown levels and could be due to different off-target effects for different siRNAs.”
6) As mentioned in the discussion, finding genes that have timepoint dependent isoforms would an interesting and novel addition to the manuscript.
Protein isoforms would be interesting to study. Here we focused on different mRNA transcripts. We carried out additional GO analysis on the genes unique to each timepoint and genes shared among timepoints. This was also done in response to major comment 2:
In the revised manuscript, we added additional analysis for genes that belong to multiple timepoint groups due to different transcripts of the same gene being annotated as timepoint-specific, and genes unique to each timepoint (Added to results section 1):
“It is possible that timepoint-specific groups share genes that have timepoint-specific transcripts. Indeed, we identified 37 genes shared between e7.5 and e8.5, 5 genes shared between e7.5 and e9.5, and 109 genes shared between e8.5 and e9.5 (Supplementary Table S3). We found that genes only present at one timepoint (timepoint-unique genes) were generally enriched for similar terms as the full group of timepoint-specific genes (Supplementary Table S3). However, terms related to the development of labyrinth layer like “labyrinthine layer morphogenesis” and “labyrinthine layer blood vessel development” were only enriched when using all e8.5-specific genes but not when using e8.5 timepoint-unique genes. Moreover, we found that, unlike genes shared between e9.5 and e7.5, genes shared between e9.5 and e8.5 were enriched for processes such as “blood vessel development” and “insulin receptor signaling pathway”. This observation may indicate that different transcripts of the same genes could be expressed at different timepoints for the continuation of certain biological processes.”
7) Although outside the scope of this manuscript, it might be interesting to look at the effects of knocking down network genes on the networks themselves and in combination with a phenotypic readout such as a migration assay. With numerous knockouts and migration assay readouts, one could possibly find a better method to rank the genes within the networks.
We agree with this comment. Upon literature search, we realized this approach has been used in previous studies on other biological contexts such as virus entry (A. Wang et al. 2010; A. Wang, Ren, and Li 2011) and cancer cell growth (Paul et al. 2021). Although these studies used different network inference strategies from ours, their in silico gene knockouts proved to be effective for the candidate selection. However, the knockout process (both computationally and experimentally) may not be trivial; therefore, we agree the approach will be useful for future studies.
I mostly agree with the other two reviewers.
It is not clear to me that additional KD experiments (i.e. ones that might affect fusion, proliferation, apoptosis), as proposed by Reviewer #3, would be that much more informative. There are many differences between mouse and human placentation, and these model systems (HTR8 and BeWo) are not truly representative of either. The additional data mining/computational work would be more useful and enhance data interpretation.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
The authors use RNA-seq of mouse placenta at e7.5, e8.5, and e9.5 to show that timepoint-specific expression patterns are highly correlated with certain biological processes and point to the existence of certain cell types in the sample. While focused on early post-implantation mouse placental development, the author's methods could be transferrable to other timepoints, species, and organs. Furthermore, with their method they uncover what appears to be several novel, early placental, developmentally important genes and their results might be of interest to those in the field studying placental development.
Reviewer #3:
This paper is an analysis of RNA-seq data from the mouse human placenta at embryonic day from 7.5 to 9.5 days. Bioinformatics was used to pinpoint genes networks, and tentatively connect with human cell populations. Wet experiments were performed on the HTR8/SV neo trophoblast cell model.
The introduction clearly posits the reasons why mouse models were chosen, and presents some examples of genes that are conserved between human and mouse placentas, before presenting the major steps of mouse placental development at the crucial periods analyzed.
The results are divided into four parts:
- Identification of genes that are specific of fetal tissues at the three days studied
- A network analysis of the genes using classical bioinformatics tools (String, Genie3) to identify gene modules
- A connection with the human placenta at the level of cell-specific expression profile is then analyzed
- A in vitro validation on a trophoblast cell model using siRNA to Knockdown genes identified in the in silico part of the paper. Three clustering methods were used to classify the genes according to their profile (at which time point they have the highest level). The function associated are dispatched into three logical physiological events (7.5: proliferation and ectoplacental cone development, 8.5 attachment of the placenta -chorioallantoidian at this stage- , and 9.5: syncytiotrophoblast constitution and labyrinth development, structures essential for growth and exchange).
Mostly minor comments:
Quality of the transcriptomics data: 6 replicates per condition (some being pools at E7.5 and 8.5) is a lot, and I congratulate the authors to have make such effort. This says a lot about the technical quality of their results. Nevertheless, there is no comment on the exclusion of two samples in the further analysis based upon the PCA. Could the authors comment upon the reasons why these two samples behave so differently from the others?
We thank the reviewer for the comment. We reviewed the RNA concentration and quality prior to sequencing, and did not observe that the outliers were of lower quality. After sequencing, quality control metrics (obtained with FastQC), also did not indicate that the two outliers were of poor quality. Based on the PCA, it is also unlikely that two samples were swapped. One possibility is that the tissues obtained for these samples were diseased in some way. However, this is difficult to confirm, so we did not want to speculate about this in the manuscript. We did exclude the two samples to ensure the accuracy of our downstream analyses.
Rq: at this stage some statistics of the degree of enrichment in keyword should be provided (such as Enrichment Scores, normalized or not, and False Discovery Rates, to be able to evaluate the actual robustness of the genes network identified. In addition, it seems that the authors supervised the 'keywords' and 'ontologies' toward placental function. A more agnostic approach could be very relevant, such as identifying the ontologies associated to for instance the set of genes that are highest at 8.5 days, by comparing them with preliminary datasets accessible via the GSEA platform of the BROAD institute or similar sites such as Webgestalt. This does not mean that the placental-targeted approach is not useful, but to have a more global overview is in my opinion indispensable.
We agree and this is a good point. We have now added a stringent approach to determine if the placenta-targeted terms are truly relevant to the gene networks. We performed randomization tests using random gene sets sampled from hierarchical groups of the same time point. These tests showed that the selected terms are significant in the networks when compared to gene groups of the same size from the timepoint specific hierarchical groups (Supplementary Figure S3). Moreover, we have added the specific -log10(q-value) of some highlighted enriched terms in the main text, so together with Figure 2A, the degree of enrichment of these terms can be shown in a clearer way.
We have added this detail in the result section:
“Compared to e8.5 and e9.5 networks, e7.5 networks had a higher rank or fold change and were significantly enriched for the GO terms “inflammatory response” (e7.5_1_STRING: -log10(q-value) = 22.82 and e7.5_2_GENIE3: -log10(q-value) = 3.95) and “female pregnancy” (e7.5_2_GENIE3: -log10(q-value) = 4.1) (Figure 2A, Supplementary Table S5). The term “morphogenesis of a branching structure”, which can be expected following chorioallantoic attachment around e8.5, was not enriched at e7.5, but was enriched in multiple e8.5 and e9.5 networks (e8.5_1_STRING: -log10(q-value) = 1.73, e8.5_2_GENIE3: -log10(q-value) = 1.72, e9.5_1_STRING: -log10(q-value) = 4.01, e9.5_1_GENIE3: -log10(q-value) = 1.54, e9.5_2_STRING: -log10(q-value) = 14.33, and e9.5_2_GENIE3: -log10(q-value) = 2.2). After chorioallantoic attachment finishes, nutrient transport is being established. Accordingly, we observed the following enrichments: “endothelial cell proliferation” (highest ranked in e9.5_2_STRING: -log10(q-value) = 15.91), “lipid biosynthetic process” (only significant after e7.5, highest ranked in e9.5_3_STRING: -log10(q-value) = 17.63), “cholesterol metabolic process” (only significant after e7.5, highest ranked in e9.5_2_GENIE3: -log10(q-value) = 2.76 and e9.5_3_STRING: -log10(q-value) = 7.79), and “response to insulin” (only significant after e7.5, highest ranked in e9.5_1_GENIE3: -log10(q-value) = 1.67).”
“Using randomization tests, we observed the majority of these GO terms (10 out of 11 terms) were significantly enriched when using the network genes but not random gene sets (significance level of 0.05; the term “vasculature development” having p-value = 0.0549 and 0.0575 in with subnetwork e9.5_1_GENIE3 and e9.5_3_GENIE3, respectively) (see Materials and Methods, Supplementary Figure S3). This analysis demonstrates that the network genes were highly relevant to the biological functions of interest. Moreover, the observed GO terms strongly aligned with the processes enriched when using the full lists of timepoint-specific genes (Supplementary Table S3), indicating the representative characteristics of the network genes. While the current analysis focuses on the biological processes related to placental development, there are other terms significantly enriched, which can be found in Supplementary Table S5.”
This is partially done in the part 2 of the results, but it would be relevant to do it on the group of highly expressed genes and not only on the clusters found by the algorithm of sting and genie3.
We have added GO analysis for timepoint-specific genes and also observed highly relevant processes being enriched (Supplementary Table S3). This additional analysis has also helped strengthen the relevance of the network genes, as the observed terms with network genes aligned well with the terms enriched with the full lists of genes.
Rq: in the second part of the results, everything is descriptive but no hierarchy is given to facilitate the understanding and to try to generate a few 'take-home messages' for the reader.
We agree with the comment and have adjusted the writing accordingly. We have added the following statements in section 2 of the result section:
“In summary, we identified 18 subnetworks across three timepoints for downstream analyses, some of which were enriched, according to GO analysis and randomization tests, for specific terms relating to placental development (Figure 2A).”
“These results indicate that the gene sets we identified are functionally relevant in the mouse models.”
“In summary, we have identified hub genes in networks at each timepoint. Analyzing the annotations of hub genes using the MGI database demonstrated that the hub genes are biologically relevant to mouse development and will be strong candidates for future investigation.”
The network analysis is well presented in Figure 2. I wonder whether the author could add systematically besides the three examples that are given the network analysis for the other enrichment network that are described (the four at e7.5, the 6 at e8.5 and the 8 at e9.5).
We have added the additional figures in Supplementary Figure S3.
The deconvolution of the 3rd part of the results to try to connect the mouse results to the human cell situation is interesting. I suspect that given the terms of the mouse placentas used, it would be relevant to focus on 1st trimester human placental cells.
The reference dataset we used in the PlacentaCellEnrich analysis was from human 1st trimester placenta samples. For the Placenta Ontology analysis, we were limited to the provided database from (Naismith and Cox 2021); however, it will be interesting to revisit the analysis when the database is extended.
We have specified that the reference data in PlacentaCellEnrich analysis was from human 1st trimester placenta in the methods section:
“For PlacentaCellEnrich, cell-type specific groups were based on the single-cell transcriptome data of first trimester human maternal-fetal interface from Vento-Tormo et al.”
As previously mentioned, this is a highly descriptive paragraph, and two or three sentences at the end of each paragraph of the results would be in my opinion indispensable to present the most important observations of the results in an intelligible way. Overall, the data presented by the authors, are not obviously 'raw data', but an effort of interpretation should be done by the authors to underline the importance of their results, and to stress among these results which are the most important, and which are the most relevant for placental development and human health.
We agree with the comment and have adjusted the writing accordingly. We have added this summary paragraph at the end of section 3 of the result section:
“In summary, we have demonstrated that the identification of timepoint-specific gene groups and densely connected network modules can be used to infer the cellular composition of bulk RNA-seq samples. We used independent human datasets from different sources to annotate the cell types in each timepoint’s samples. As a result, from the bulk RNA-seq data we were able to observe that at e7.5 and e8.5, there was a high proportion of different TB populations, whereas at e9.5, the placental tissues consisted of multiple cell types such as TB, endothelial and fibroblast cells.”
In the last part, which is very important in this type of paper, four genes were selected. A choice of highly expressed genes was made (which can in fact be discussed, some transcriptional factors may have a crucial importance with relatively low levels of expression). The efficiency of the siRNA was overall excellent. The authors showed that each of these siRNA is efficient to inhibit cell migration in the HTR8/SVneo model.
The migration assays are quantified, but there is a inherent limit of the cell model: the authors analyzed only cell migration, but not other very important parameters. One of them is trophoblast fusion, an issue that can be studied in another trophoblast cell model, the BeWo cells, which are induced to fuse under forskolin. It would be highly relevant to test the siRNA identified in this respect, since fusion is a very conspicuous feature of trophoblast cells in mice as well as in humans. Other relevant endpoints such as proliferation markers, apoptosis markers, oxidative stress markers could be studied in the KD cell models. Alternatively, it would have been interesting to evaluate the overall effect of the siRNA by transcriptomics and check whether the modified gene expression leads to specific profiles characteristic of a certain moment of placental development in mice, or proportion of various cells in the human placentas. Without asking for further experiments the authors should mention these limits in their discussion.
We completely agree with this comment and are investigating each of our candidate genes in more detail in ongoing studies. As we have already learned that each gene is involved in different processes and pathways, we feel that these studies are out of the scope of the current paper. However, we have added this point to our discussion section:
“However, more detailed analysis and process specific assays are needed. For example, future studies assessing each gene’s role in cell adhesion, cell-cell fusion, cell proliferation and cell apoptosis can be done to better understand their roles in placental development.”
In sum, I feel that this paper provides an excellent dataset, but that the authors should make an additional effort of redaction to extract the most important conclusions of their paper. This would increase its impact for a wider public.
Thank you. We have attempted to do so in the revised version.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
The context is well introduced, but explanatory and synthesis sentences are missing at the end of each paragraph. I am relatively competent in bioinformatics methods, including deconvolution, and rather expert in cell biology. Therefore I feel comfortable to evaluate this paper.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This paper is an analysis of RNA-seq data from the mouse human placenta at embryonic day from 7.5 to 9.5 days. Bioinformatics was used to pinpoint genes networks, and tentatively connect with human cell populations. Wet experiments were performed on the HTR8/SV neo trophoblast cell model.
The introduction clearly posits the reasons why mouse models were chosen, and presents some examples of genes that are conserved between human and mouse placentas, before presenting the major steps of mouse placental development at the crucial periods analyzed.
The results are divided into four parts:
- Identification of genes that are specific of fetal tissues at the three days studied
- A network analysis of the genes using classical bioinformatics tools (String, Genie3) to identify gene modules
- A connection with the human placenta at the level of cell-specific expression profile is then analyzed
- A in vitro validation on a trophoblast cell model using siRNA to Knockdown genes identified in the in silico part of the paper.
Three clustering methods were used to classify the genes according to their profile (at which time point they have the highest level). The function associated are dispatched into three logical physiological events (7.5: proliferation and ectoplacental cone development, 8.5 attachment of the placenta -chorioallantoidian at this stage- , and 9.5: syncytiotrophoblast constitution and labyrinth development, structures essential for growth and exchange).
Mostly minor comments:
Quality of the transcriptomics data: 6 replicates per condition (some being pools at E7.5 and 8.5) is a lot, and I congratulate the authors to have make such effort. This says a lot about the technical quality of their results. Nevertheless, there is no comment on the exclusion of two samples in the further analysis based upon the PCA. Could the authors comment upon the reasons why these two samples behave so differently from the others?
Rq: at this stage some statistics of the degree of enrichment in keyword should be provided (such as Enrichment Scores, normalized or not, and False Discovery Rates, to be able to evaluate the actual robustness of the genes network identified. In addition, it seems that the authors supervised the 'keywords' and 'ontologies' toward placental function. A more agnostic approach could be very relevant, such as identifying the ontologies associated to for instance the set of genes that are highest at 8.5 days, by comparing them with preliminary datasets accessible via the GSEA platform of the BROAD institute or similar sites such as Webgestalt. This does not mean that the placental-targeted approach is not useful, but to have a more global overview is in my opinion indispensable.
This is partially done in the part 2 of the results, but it would be relevant to do it on the group of highly expressed genes and not only on the clusters found by the algorithm of sting and genie3. Rq: in the second part of the results, everything is descriptive but no hierarchy is given to facilitate the understanding and to try to generate a few 'take-home messages' for the reader.
The network analysis is well presented in Figure 2. I wonder whether the author could add systematically besides the three examples that are given the network analysis for the other enrichment network that are described (the four at e7.5, the 6 at e8.5 and the 8 at e9.5).
The deconvolution of the 3rd part of the results to try to connect the mouse results to the human cell situation is interesting. I suspect that given the terms of the mouse placentas used, it would be relevant to focus on 1st trimester human placental cells.
As previously mentioned, this is a highly descriptive paragraph, and two or three sentences at the end of each paragraph of the results would be in my opinion indispensable to present the most important observations of the results in an intelligible way. Overall, the data presented by the authors, are not obviously 'raw data', but an effort of interpretation should be done by the authors to underline the importance of their results, and to stress among these results which are the most important, and which are the most relevant for placental development and human health.
In the last part, which is very important in this type of paper, four genes were selected. A choice of highly expressed genes was made (which can in fact be discussed, some transcriptional factors may have a crucial importance with relatively low levels of expression). The efficiency of the siRNA was overall excellent. The authors showed that each of these siRNA is efficient to inhibit cell migration in the HTR8/SVneo model.
The migration assays are quantified, but there is a inherent limit of the cell model: the authors analyzed only cell migration, but not other very important parameters. One of them is trophoblast fusion, an issue that can be studied in another trophoblast cell model, the BeWo cells, which are induced to fuse under forskolin. It would be highly relevant to test the siRNA identified in this respect, since fusion is a very conspicuous feature of trophoblast cells in mice as well as in humans. Other relevant endpoints such as proliferation markers, apoptosis markers, oxidative stress markers could be studied in the KD cell models. Alternatively, it would have been interesting to evaluate the overall effect of the siRNA by transcriptomics and check whether the modified gene expression leads to specific profiles characteristic of a certain moment of placental development in mice, or proportion of various cells in the human placentas. Without asking for further experiments the authors should mention these limits in their discussion.
In sum, I feel that this paper provides an excellent dataset, but that the authors should make an additional effort of redaction to extract the most important conclusions of their paper. This would increase its impact for a wider public.
The context is well introduced, but explanatory and synthesis sentences are missing at the end of each paragraph. I am relatively competent in bioinformatics methods, including deconvolution, and rather expert in cell biology. Therefore I feel comfortable to evaluate this paper.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors used RNA-seq data from mouse fetal placenta at e7.5, e8.5, and e9.5 to create timepoint-specific gene expression interaction networks to find genes that they predicted would regulate placental development. They confirmed four novel candidate genes and showed that in the transfected human trophoblast HTR-8/SVneo cell line, these four candidates reduced cell migration capacity. Additionally, the authors show that bulk RNA-seq data can be used to infer cell-type composition and when used with single-cell RNA-seq, can be a powerful tool to study the biological processes that involve multiple cell-types.
Overall, the authors are rigorous in their analyses, their conclusions appear sound, and the work could be an asset to the broader placental biology field. However, although the authors present an approach that future studies might find useful to replicate and their work has produced numerous novel transcripts/genes that warrant further investigation, the approach is not entirely novel, and could be expanded/improved (as suggested by the authors in the discussion), particularly with regard to validation of the genes/networks identified. Major and minor comments are listed below.
Major comments:
1) The authors used clustering and differential expression analysis to define sets of timepoint-specific genes. However, it was not clear to me the benefits of this approach. Why would using this approach be better than differential expression analysis alone such as in a typical ANOVA?
2) Related to number 1 above, although the authors are interested in timepoint-specific transcripts, the author's methods would filter out possibly interesting transcripts that turn on and off during development. The authors might want to check to see if there are transcripts that are up in e7.5 and then down in e8.5 but then up again in e9.5. Also, the author's methods seem to include transcripts that are not exclusive to one timepoint (i.e. are up in e7.5 and e8.5 but not e9.5). It might be interesting to differentiate transcripts that are exclusive to one timepoint from those that are in more than one timepoint.
3) In the network analysis it would be interesting and helpful to the reader to highlight, if any, nodes or terms that were found to be significant (i.e. hubs or genes that have a high centrality metric etc.) in both the STRING and GENIE3 networks or overlap the networks created by the two different algorithms to compare them. This might help readers better rank genes when using these data to decide what genes are most important at each timepoint.
4) The author's conclusion that network analysis can be used to identify genes more likely associated with specific placental cell types is very likely true, but I think that the conclusion would be more impactful if the authors reported how the method compares to simply taking a list of differentially expressed genes and looking for cell type enrichments using their favorite enrichment software. For example, if a gene is highly connected in a particular network that has been identified as SCT-specific, but that gene isn't considered an SCT "marker" by the placental biology research community, it would be interesting to highlight that it is prevalent in a previously published scRNA-seq dataset or a dataset that has isolated that particular cell type to show the advantages of using networks to find placental cell type specific genes.
5) While the selection of genes for validation was limited by the model system available for testing, the authors should recognize that the genes/networks identified here should first and foremost be validated in a mouse model (by knockdown/overexpression studies using mouse trophoblast stem cells or by evaluation of placenta/embryo in a KO/transgenic mouse model). Whether or not the data are relevant to human placentation is (at least initially) irrelevant. While we recognize that these are difficult studies requiring significant time and resources, as is, the data and results will have significantly less impact than if even a limited amount of such validation could be performed.
Minor comments:
1) In the GO analysis, why not use a combination of hypergeometric and binomial distribution for enrichment decisions?
2) In Figure 2B, are there any genes that are both hub nodes (diamonds) and annotated as having placental functions (squares)? If so, it might be good to show that in some way.
3) It might improve the deconvolution analysis to employ more than one method and recent reports have shown that the cell-type signature data is the most important parameter with the main factors influencing performance being biological (such as where the sample was taken) rather than technical (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28655-4).
4) The above report also shows that there are ways to correct for cell-type composition differences in DEA which might be interesting to look when using bulk data from different timepoints in future studies when focusing on different biological processes and not timepoint-specific transcripts.
5) Could the authors speculate as to possible reason(s) that an siRNA knockdown would give variable results functionally, while the actual gene expression appears to be consistently and sufficiently downregulated? Did the authors evaluate protein levels following siRNA knockdown?
6) As mentioned in the discussion, finding genes that have timepoint dependent isoforms would an interesting and novel addition to the manuscript.
7) Although outside the scope of this manuscript, it might be interesting to look at the effects of knocking down network genes on the networks themselves and in combination with a phenotypic readout such as a migration assay. With numerous knockouts and migration assay readouts, one could possibly find a better method to rank the genes within the networks.
I mostly agree with the other two reviewers. It is not clear to me that additional KD experiments (i.e. ones that might affect fusion, proliferation, apoptosis), as proposed by Reviewer #3, would be that much more informative. There are many differences between mouse and human placentation, and these model systems (HTR8 and BeWo) are not truly representative of either. The additional data mining/computational work would be more useful and enhance data interpretation.
The authors use RNA-seq of mouse placenta at e7.5, e8.5, and e9.5 to show that timepoint-specific expression patterns are highly correlated with certain biological processes and point to the existence of certain cell types in the sample. While focused on early post-implantation mouse placental development, the author's methods could be transferrable to other timepoints, species, and organs. Furthermore, with their method they uncover what appears to be several novel, early placental, developmentally important genes and their results might be of interest to those in the field studying placental development.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Review of "Identifying novel regulators of placental development using time series transcriptomic data and network analyses."
The authors present a detailed bioinformatic assessment of mouse developmental time series of the placenta. They apply current data mining and analysis methods to identify protein-centred networks that are likely enriched to specific cell types of the placenta. They then translate these findings to humans using statistical comparisons of human single-cell sequencing data of the placenta. Lastly, they use knock-down experiments to validate the conserved functional importance of the hub genes in the mouse protein networks in human cells. The strengths of this paper are the rigorous data mining methods and the functional translation to humans from mice. There are no critical weaknesses to the article. There is a blend of statistical analysis with anecdotal or hand curation from databases and the literature, but it is unclear if these curated finings are circumstantial or statistically meaningful. In the end, the hypothesis seems to hold in that 4/4 gene knocked down in the human cells gave a migration phenotype.
Comments, questions, critique
- Given the translational aims of the paper, more introduction/discussion material on the comparative aspects of mice and humans are needed. Are giant cells and EVT the same? What are the cell equivalents that you are discovering? The Soncin et al. paper is cited, but I think underused. This publication contains time series data on mice and humans and could be used as external validation of clusters, networks, and other analyses. Other publications to consider for context are
a) Cox B, et al. Mol Syst Biol 5: 279.
b) Silva JF, Serakides R. 2016. Cell Adhes Migr 10: 88-110. (specifically discusses migration difference between the species placenta)
Clustering represented in Figure 1B, was this a supervised model? Why only three clusters?) Did you specify that there would be three models and force each gene profile into one of the categories? How robust are the fits? A fitted model might be a better approach as you can specify the ideal models (early high, late high and mid-high), then determine each gene profile that fits each model and only assess those genes with a significant fit to the model. Forcing clustering to the three-model fit likely gives many poorly fitting profiles. While in the end, this works out, it may be due to applying other post hoc methods for gene enrichment, where noise distributes randomly.
Several statements are made about the conservation of importance between mouse and human hub genes. For example, "We predict these highly expressed genes to be generally important for TB function and processes such as cell migration, a term associated with multiple timepoint specific networks (Figure 2A)." While your knock-down assay of migration results shows these hub genes to be necessary to humans, what do they mean to the mouse? You did not use mouse TSC to assess functional importance concurrently. You note a small number of genes as of known importance, "127 hub genes of which 16 have been annotated as having a role in placental development". Were the others knocked out but lack a developmental phenotype or not assessed? Are these functionally redundant in the mouse or not involved in the same processes between the species?
In determining conservation between mouse and human networks, were only 1:1 orthologs examined or did you consider more complex 1:many mapping conditions between the two species?
Should the migration assay be normalized to survival/adhesion? If 70,000 cells were seeded but had 50% cell death (or reduced adhesion), then it may appear to be poor migration. Should the migration be evaluated as a ratio of top to bottom cell densities to control for poor adhesion or survival?
This significantly advances previous publications on this topic by functionally testing the discovered genes.
This highlights an excellent data mining strategy for a developmental disease using mice and translating to humans.
The audience is likely developmental biologists and reproductive specialists.
My expertise is bioinformatics and developmental biology.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
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Reply to the reviewers
In this study we reveal that, in both mice and humans, the metabolic benefits of caloric restriction (CR) are sex- and age-dependent. Through a systematic review of the literature, we show that sex differences have been largely overlooked by previous CR research, a finding that Reviewer 1 highlights as “an important point”. Our results have critical implications for understanding the fundamental biology linking diet and health outcomes, as well as translational strategies to leverage the therapeutic benefits of CR in humans.
We thank the reviewers for their helpful appraisal of our manuscript, which Reviewer 2 highlights as “a very well written paper”. Reviewer 1 emphasised the translational relevance of our findings and commented on the “systematic” nature of our study. They noted that it “was well performed”, ”is a valuable and important contribution to the field”, and “will elicit great interest in the scientific and public readership.” Indeed, the importance of sex as a biological variable is the focus of a September 2022 news feature in Nature (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-02919-x), underscoring the timeliness and relevance of our findings. Our response to the reviewers comments is outlined below, including the changes we have incorporated in a revised version of our manuscript.
Reviewer 1 – Major Comments:
__A) The clinical part is definitely the weak spot in the study. I don't think that the data should be omitted, but the authors should be very careful in interpreting the data. Obvious limitations apply to this part, which need to be more directly addressed in the abstract and discussion. It feels like the data from the small-scale clinical trial is exaggerated. __The clinical study was conducted by Prof Alex Johnstone’s group at the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen. Her group are experts in the study of dietary interventions for weight loss. The study was conducted to a high standard and therefore we have the utmost confidence in the conclusions drawn from our analysis of this data.
As we discuss in response to the reviewer’s other points below, the clinical study was primarily designed to address other outcomes and we analysed the data retrospectively to investigate if sex and age affect CR-induced weight and fat loss. This explains some of the limitations that the reviewer mentions, e.g. the relatively low numbers of younger males, and the focus on overweight and obese subjects. As requested, we have now addressed these limitations as follows:
- Updated the abstract to clarify that the data are from overweight and obese subjects.
- Updated the results to emphasise that we did a retrospective analysis of CR in overweight and obese subjects (lines 396-398).
- Performed an additional ANCOVA analysis to test if baseline adiposity or BMI contribute to the sex differences in body mass, fat mass or fat-free mass (new Supplementary Figure 11); see Reviewer 1 Major Point D below.
- Updated the ‘Limitations’ section of the Discussion to highlight the retrospective nature of the human study (lines 746-748).
- Updated the Methods to again clarify the retrospective nature of the analysis (lines 884-885). __B) It is important to mention in the abstract and the discussion that the human data came from obese participants. This might well influence the findings from human data. __The human subjects were overweight or obese; this was previously stated in the methods section (line 885) and in the discussion (lines 509-511). To further clarify this, we now also mention it in the Abstract (lines 52-53) and have reiterated it in the Discussion (line 744). Importantly, the fact that humans still show age-dependent sex differences in fat loss, even when overweight and obese, supports our conclusion that this age effect in mice is not simply a consequence of aged mice being fatter than younger mice. We refer to this as the ‘baseline adiposity’ hypothesis (lines 500-518 of the Discussion). In response to point D below, we have also analysed if the loss of fat mass or fat-free mass is influenced by adiposity or BMI at baseline (pre-CR). Our analyses show that neither of these parameters explain the sex differences in loss of fat mass or fat-free mass (see new Supplementary Figure 11).
__C) It is very important to calculate the % calorie restriction of the human participants achieved throughout the CR study. This is crucial information to compare it to other studies. __We have updated the Methods (lines 906-909) to explain the basis for the weight loss diet, as follows: “Participants had their basal energy requirements determined and each participant was then fed an individualised diet with a caloric content equivalent to 100% of their resting metabolic rate (Table 3). This approach was taken to standardise the diet to account for individual energy requirements and energy restriction.” We have also updated Table 3 to show the caloric intake for males and females. Note that RMR accounts for ~60-70% of total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) in adults (Martin et al., 2022), so the diet in our study would give a daily caloric deficit of around 30-40% from baseline TDEE.
__D) Since there is quite a wide range in the BMIs of the participants, can the authors also stratify against BMI? __We have done this against both baseline BMI and against baseline fat mass (the latter to further test the ‘baseline adiposity’ hypothesis). We present this data in an updated Supplementary Figure 11. We find that, in males but not in females, baseline BMI or fat mass are significantly associated with the changes in fat mass or fat-free mass: surprisingly, individuals with higher baseline fat mass or BMI show less fat loss and a greater loss of fat-free mass during CR. Importantly, males and females do not significantly differ in the relationships between baseline fat mass (or BMI) and loss of fat mass or fat-free mass. This further supports our conclusion that the sex differences in fat loss are unrelated to differences in baseline adiposity. We report this in lines 409-411 of the Results and lines 513-515 of the Discussion.
__E) There is no mention of any pre-study registration online of the clinical part (e.g. _gov_). Was this done? __This study was done before pre-registration was a requirement for clinical trials. We retrospectively analysed the study data to investigate if sex and/or age influence the outcomes. In the updated manuscript we now state this on lines 884-885 of the Methods, as well as in the Results (line 396) and Discussion (lines 746-748).
__F) In the methods section the authors write "Participants were informed that the study was funded by an external commercial sponsor...". This is important information, and this is not mentioned anywhere else in the paper. Can the authors clarify this point? A commercial sponsor would, in my view, qualify for a conflict of interest that needs to be mentioned. __We have updated the Declaration of Interests section to clarify this as follows: “The human weight loss study was funded by a food retailer; however, the company had no role in the data analysis, interpretation or conclusions presented in this paper.”
__G) How did the authors determine the group sizes for the clinical part? I have some doubts about the sub-group sizes. It would be valuable information if the authors had a statistical analysis plan prior conducting the study. It appears a bit, like the sub-groups were chosen at random, to match findings of the mouse data. Otherwise, there should have been a better allocation within the sub-groups (especially age). __We agree that larger group sizes would have been preferable. This limitation reflects that the study was not originally designed to test age and sex effects on CR outcomes, but instead was analysed retrospectively to investigate the impact of these variables. As mentioned above, we have updated the text of the manuscript to highlight the retrospective nature of the analyses. In the Discussion, under ‘Limitations’, we also highlight the fact that relatively few younger subjects are included in the human study (lines 744-745).
__H) *There's a big problem with the age stratification of the male participants in the clinical data. If I'm correct there are only 5 males 45 groupings.
__I) The applied protocol for CR in mice is known to provoke long fasting phases and probably elicits some effects through fasting alone, rather than the caloric deficit. There are some papers out addressing this (e.g. by deCabo, Lamming). The authors should not dismiss this fact and at least address it in their discussion. Also, given this fact, it would be thoughtful to include a database-search - not only regarding CR - but also regarding various types of intermittent fasting protocols in humans and animal studies (similar to what the authors did in the supplemental figure). __We agree on the importance of highlighting recent studies demonstrating that prolonged daily fasting contributes to the outcomes of typical ‘single-ration’ CR protocols. We have added a new paragraph to the Discussion to address this (Lines 710-719).
Regarding the second point, we feel that including a new literature search that addresses not only CR, but also intermittent fasting, is beyond the scope of the current manuscript. However, this is a very good idea and would be worth addressing in a future standalone review article. We have also updated our source data to include all data from our literature reviews, to help if other researchers wish to analyse according to fasting duration or other variables.
__J) Did the authors monitor the eating time of the mice? __We have since done this in new cohorts of mice fed using the same CR protocol. We find that the mice consume their food within 2-3 hours, consistent with other CR studies. We have now mentioned this in the Methods section (lines 867-868).
__K) While CR certainly has a lot of health benefits in rodents and humans, it should be advised to raise the cautious note that it may not be beneficial for everyone in the general population. For some groups of people and in some cases (e.g. infectious diseases, pregnancy) even CR with adequate nutritional intake of micro/macronutrients might be disadvantageous. This should be mentioned clearly, as the topic gets more and more "hyped" in public media and online. __We now highlight this important point in the opening paragraph of the introduction (lines 65-67).
__L) There is no indication of how the authors dealt with missing data. Statistically this can be very important, especially in cases with a low number of data points. __In the Methods section we previously explained (lines 846-848) that “Mice were excluded from the final analysis only if there were confounding technical issues or pathologies discovered at necropsy.” No data had to be excluded from our human study and we have now stated this in the Methods (lines 897-898). For analyses involving paired or repeated-measures data (e.g. time courses of body mass or blood glucose), if data points were missing or had to be excluded for some mice then we used mixed models for the statistical analysis. We have now updated this information in the ‘Statistical analysis’ section of the Methods (lines 1047-1048). Because of the large numbers of mice used in our studies, analyses remain sufficiently well powered even if some data points were missing or had to be excluded.
__M) Key data from qPCR should be followed up by western blots or other means. If this was done and there was no effect, the authors should report this. Also, is there any evidence or the possibility to support these findings regarding pck1 and ppara in human samples? __As requested, we will next use Western Blotting to assess the expression of proteins encoded by the transcripts that show sex and/or diet differences within the liver (Fig. 6A). These data will be reported in our fully revised manuscript.
Regarding effects of CR on PCK1 and PPARA expression in human liver samples, no human CR studies have taken liver biopsies for downstream molecular analysis. Recent studies of the GTEx database confirm that hepatic gene expression in humans is highly sexually dimorphic (Oliva et al., 2020). We checked PCK1 and PPARA in the GTEx database and found that, in the liver, each of these transcripts is expressed more highly in females than in males (https://www.gtexportal.org/home/gene/PCK1 & https://www.gtexportal.org/home/gene/PPARA). While this is the opposite to what we observe in our ad libitum mice (Fig. 6A), it demonstrates that sex differences in these genes’ hepatic expression do occur in humans. The effect of CR on their hepatic expression, and whether this differs between males and females, remains to be addressed.
N): I think it would be very valuable to analyse the sex-differences in lipolysis directly in fat tissues. The authors concentrated on differences in hepatic mRNA profiles, but there's an obvious possibility and gap in their story. ____We agree that this would be informative. In the Discussion we cite previous research identifying sex differences in adipose lipolysis and lipogenesis and explain how this fits with our findings (lines 567-574). Since submitting our manuscript, we have begun experiments to investigate sex differences in the effects of CR on lipid metabolism and molecular pathways in adipose tissue. However, these analyses are extensive and ongoing, so we feel strongly that attempting to include them in our present paper would not only substantially delay publication, but also overload what is already a very extensive paper. Therefore, we plan to report our findings in future publications.
__O) Given the relatively low n and sometimes small effect sizes I fear that some of their findings won't be reproduced by other labs. Were the (mouse) data collected all at once in one cohort or did the authors pool data from different cohorts/repeats? __We presume the reviewer means ‘relatively high n’, as most of our mouse analyses used large group sizes. The mouse data were pooled from across multiple cohorts, with ANOVA confirming that the same sex-dependent CR effects were observed within each cohort. This reproducibility across multiple cohorts is a clear strength of our study because it demonstrates the robustness of our findings. Importantly, the sex differences in fat loss, weight loss and glucose homeostasis were still observed in our much-smaller cohort of evening-fed mice (Fig. S5-S6) (n = 5-6), demonstrating that large sample sizes are not needed for other researchers to detect these effects.
Reviewer 1 – Minor comments:
__a) The discussion is very extensive, and I suggest compressing the information presented there to make it more easily readable. __We have removed some text that was more speculative, such as the paragraph discussing a possible role for ERalpha. We have also revised wording elsewhere to state things more succinctly. However, given the scope of our study we feel we cannot substantially cut down the Discussion without compromising the interpretation of our findings. We note the Reviewer two’s comment that “This is a very well written paper” and feel that attempting to compress the extensive information in the Discussion would compromise, rather than help, the readability.
__b) There is some confusion present in the literature regarding the nomenclature of CR/fasting interventions. Recently some reviews have summarized the different forms (e.g. Longo Nature Aging, Hofer Embo Mol Med, ...) and the authors should address this briefly. Especially the applied CR intervention in ____mice overlaps with intermittent fasting. __We have updated the Discussion (lines 710-719) to explain how our single-ration CR protocol also incurs a prolonged intermittent fast, and how this fast per se may contribute to metabolic effects.
c): The order of the subpanels in Figure 9 (and other figures where B is below A and so on) is confusing. Please rearrange or indicate in a visual way which panels belong to each other.
We disagree that the order of subpanels is confusing: the panels are clearly labelled, and we find it most logical to have the absolute values shown in the top row (panels A, C and E), with the corresponding graphs of fold changes shown beneath each of these (panels B, D and F). This allows the reader to quickly compare the absolute vs fold-change data for each readout. If we had panels A-C on the top row and D-F on the second row, then the connection between graphs 9C and 9D would be less clear and comparable.
d): Did the authors also measure cardiovascular (e.g. blood pressure) parameters? There is some evidence out there that there is an age/sex dependency during fasting/CR. This would be a nice add-on to the rather small clinical data here.
We did measure various cardiovascular parameters for our mice but find, unlike for the metabolic outcomes, these generally don’t show sex or age differences. In our human study we measured blood pressure and heart rate before starting CR and at weeks 3 and 4 post-CR. For this response to reviewers we have summarized these human data in Figure R1. The data show that CR decreases blood pressure and heart rate in males and females (Figs. R1A-E). In the younger age group (We have decided to not include these data in the current study because we feel it is already extensive and is focused on metabolic outcomes. We instead plan to report the cardiovascular outcomes (from both humans and mice) in a separate paper.
__e) What was the decision basis for stratifying the human data into 45 years? __We used 45 years as the cutoff point because this is the age when, in women, oestrogen levels begin to decline (this point was stated in lines 491-492 of the Discussion, and we now reiterate it in lines 414-415 of the Results).
__f) The part on aging starting in Figure 7 comes quite surprising and it is not clearly linked to the data before. A suggestion here would be to smooth the transition in the text and the authors could again perform a literature search regarding age-of-onset for CR/fasting interventions in mice and humans. __We have added a sentence to smooth the transition to these studies (lines 363-364). We had previously done a literature search to identify the age of onset of CR interventions in mice and humans. We summarise the findings of this search in lines 452-470 and 484-495 of the Discussion. We have also updated the source data so that it includes the our review of the CR literature, allowing other researchers to interrogate this data.
g) At the first mention of HOMA and Matsuda indices, the effect direction should be put into physiological context.
We now mention this in lines 231-232 of the Results.
h) There is no mention of how the PCA analyses were conducted.
We have updated the Methods to explain that the PCA analyses were done using R. We have updated the source data to include the outputs from these analyses, as well as the underlying code. These data and code are now available here https://doi.org/10.7488/ds/3758.
i) Were the mice aged in-house in the authors' facility or bought pre-aged from a vendor? Is it known how they were raised? If bought pre-aged, were female and male animals comparable?
We bred and aged all mice in house. Males and females were littermates from across several cohorts. Therefore, there are no concerns about lack of comparability resulting from environmental differences.
j) Very minor note: I think that "focussed" has become very rarely used, even in British English. I don't know about the journal's language standards, but I would switch to the much more common "focused".
We have updated to ‘focused’ as requested.
k) Figure 6B/F (PCAs) should indicate the % difference of each dimension.
We have updated the figures to show the % variance accounted for by each principal component. We have also updated the figure legend to specify this.
l) Limitations section: Maybe tone down on "world-leading mass spec facility". This sounds like an excuse and this statement is unsupported and doesn't add anything valuable to the section. Other limitations would include the low n, as mentioned above and the mono-centric fashion of the mouse and human experiments.
We have addressed these points as follows:
- Toned down the description of our mass spec facility (they are renowned for expertise in steroid hormone analysis, so we our original text was intended to highlight that our facility are not novices for this).
- Regarding the low n for some of the human groups, we now highlight this on lines 744-745 of the Discussion.
- We have added a new paragraph to the Discussion (lines 710-719) explaining the limitations of our CR protocol, i.e. that includes elements of both CR and intermittent fasting. Reviewer 2:
__Point 1: This is a very well written paper. __We thank the reviewer for this kind comment.
__Point 2: Since the authors fed the animals in the morning, this is likely the reason for energy expenditure to be different in the CR vs ad lib groups. Although the authors do study the effects of night v day feeding and saw no change in the outcomes regarding weight, this fact I think should be mentioned somewhere. Also, figure 4A is expressed a W while all the other graphs are in kJ. I think it would be nice to see it all consistent. __Regarding the first point, we agree that time of feeding can influence when energy expenditure is altered, but most studies show that CR decreases overall energy expenditure regardless of time of feeding. For example, Dionne et al studied the effects of CR on energy expenditure, administering the CR diet during the night phase (Dionne et al., 2016). They found that CR mice have lower energy expenditure in the day but not in the night (Figure 3C in their paper), which is the opposite to our findings (Figure 4C). However, total energy expenditure in their study remains decreased with CR. This goes against the reviewer’s suggestion that feeding the animals in the morning “is likely the reason for energy expenditure to be different in the CR vs ad lib groups”. We have updated our manuscript (Lines 576-581) to clarify this.
Regarding the second point, we have updated Figure 4A to express the data in kJ (showing the average kJ, per hour, at each time point). The figure legend has been updated to reflect this.
__Point 3: For all the graphs, can you make the CR groups bold and not filled as it is hard to see the lighter colours. __We have updated the graphs so that the CR groups are represented by solid lines, rather than dashed lines.
__Point 4: I know many investigators use them, but I am not sure how relevant HOMA-IR and the Matsuda index are in mice since they were specifically designed for humans. __The issue of whether it is ‘correct’ to use HOMA-IR and/or Matsuda index in mice is often debated in the metabolism field. Importantly, we are not using the absolute values for HOMA-IR or Matsuda in the same way that they are used in humans; instead, we are comparing the relative values between groups because these are still physiologically meaningful. We discussed this with Dr Sam Virtue, an expert in mouse metabolic phenotyping (Virtue and Vidal-Puig, 2021), who agrees on their usefulness in this way.
__Point 5: Something also to note is the fact that all the glucose uptake data is under basal conditions. Just because there are no differences in the basal state does not mean that there are no differences after a meal/during an insulin stimulation. I think that this needs to be discussed and the muscle and fat not completely discounted as a player in the differences seen. __We agree that CR can enhance insulin-stimulated glucose uptake but our OGTT data suggest that it is effects on fasting glucose, rather than insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, that contribute to the sex differences we observe. We have now updated the Discussion (lines 608-613) as follows, “CR enhances insulin-stimulated glucose uptake (82) and it is possible that this effect differs between the sexes. However, our second relevant finding is that, during an OGTT, CR decreases the tAUC but not the iAUC, highlighting decreases in fasting glucose, rather than insulin-stimulated glucose disposal, as the main driver of the improvements in glucose tolerance.”
References cited in Response to Reviewers:
Dionne, D.A., Skovso, S., Templeman, N.M., Clee, S.M., and Johnson, J.D. (2016). Caloric Restriction Paradoxically Increases Adiposity in Mice With Genetically Reduced Insulin. Endocrinology 157, 2724-2734. 10.1210/en.2016-1102.
Martin, A., Fox, D., Murphy, C.A., Hofmann, H., and Koehler, K. (2022). Tissue losses and metabolic adaptations both contribute to the reduction in resting metabolic rate following weight loss. Int. J. Obes. 46, 1168-1175. 10.1038/s41366-022-01090-7.
Oliva, M., Muñoz-Aguirre, M., Kim-Hellmuth, S., Wucher, V., Gewirtz, A.D.H., Cotter, D.J., Parsana, P., Kasela, S., Balliu, B., Viñuela, A., et al. (2020). The impact of sex on gene expression across human tissues. Science 369, eaba3066. 10.1126/science.aba3066.
Virtue, S., and Vidal-Puig, A. (2021). GTTs and ITTs in mice: simple tests, complex answers. Nat Metab 3, 883-886. 10.1038/s42255-021-00414-7.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This study was investigating sex and age in calorie restriction. In part 1 the authors reviewed the literature to see the percentage of papers that still only use males as their primary animal model, of which it is still the predominant sex being investigated although there are countries that have stipulated the importance of both sexes being involved and responses compared. In human studies, both sexes are often used, but not analysed separately to give sex differences.
In the second section, which was experimental, the authors report that sex does play an important role in the effects of 30% calorie restriction in mice with differences in both metabolic outcomes as well as in adipose tissue - with males responding and females not. Interestingly, this sex effect in mice was not found if the calorie restriction was started later in life, with both sexes responding, suggesting female sex hormones play and important role early in life in the resistance to calorie restriction. This finding was replicated in human studies, with females seemingly resistant to the weight loss effects or CR, especially in the younger age group.
- This is a very well written paper
- Since the authors fed the animals in the morning, this is likely the reason for energy expenditure to be different in the CR vs ad lib groups. Although the authors do study the effects of night v day feeding and saw no change in the outcomes regarding weight, this fact I think should be mentioned somewhere. Also, figure 4A is expressed a W while all the other graphs are in kJ. I think it would be nice to see it all consistent.
- For all the graphs, can you make the CR groups bold and not filled as it is hard to see the lighter colours.
- I know many investigators use them, but I am not sure how relevant HOMA-IR and the matsuda index are in mice since they were specifically designed for humans.
- Something also to note is the fact that all the glucose uptake data is under basal conditions. Just because there are no differences in the basal state does not mean that there are no differences after a meal/during an insulin stimulation. I think that this needs to be discussed and the muscle and fat not completely discounted as a player in the differences seen.
Due to the lack of studies directly investigating sex and calorie restriction, I believe this is a very important manuscript.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In „The effects of caloric restriction on adipose tissue and metabolic health are sex- and age-dependent" the authors systematically studied the effects of sex and age on the response to sustained caloric restriction in mice and humans. The study was well performed and is a valuable addition to the literature. They found overlapping differences between the species when CR-data from mouse experiments and a small-scale clinical trial were stratified for sex and age. It appears that differences in the response to CR in young age in females compared to males depends on the hormonal status and is equalized in aged mice and humans. Since sex has played an underrated role so far in most studies on CR (especially in rodents), as the authors have laid out in their literature search, they make an important point.
Major comments:
- The clinical part is definitely the weak spot in the study. I don't think that the data should be omitted, but the authors should be very careful in interpreting the data. Obvious limitations apply to this part, which need to be more directly addressed in the abstract and discussion. It feels like the data from the small-scale clinical trial is exaggerated.
- It is important to mention in the abstract and the discussion that the human data came from obese participants. This might well influence the findings from human data.
- It is very important to calculate the % calorie restriction of the human participants achieved throughout the CR study. This is crucial information to compare it to other studies.
- Since there is quite a wide range in the BMIs of the participants, can the authors also stratify against BMI?
- There is no mention of any pre-study registration online of the clinical part (e.g. clinicaltrials.gov). Was this done?
- In the methods section the authors write "Participants were informed that the study was funded by an external commercial sponsor...". This is important information, and this is not mentioned anywhere else in the paper. Can the authors clarify this point? A commercial sponsor would, in my view, qualify for a conflict of interest that needs to be mentioned.
- How did the authors determine the group sizes for the clinical part? I have some doubts about the sub-group sizes. It would be valuable information if the authors had a statistical analysis plan prior conducting the study. It appears a bit, like the sub-groups were chosen at random, to match findings of the mouse data. Otherwise, there should have been a better allocation within the sub-groups (especially age).
- There's a big problem with the age stratification of the male participants in the clinical data. If I'm correct there are only 5 males <45 years. Although this looks intriguing, this can easily be a sampling problem.
- The applied protocol for CR in mice is known to provoke long fasting phases and probably elicits some effects through fasting alone, rather than the caloric deficit. There are some papers out addressing this (e.g. by deCabo, Lamming). The authors should not dismiss this fact and at least address it in their discussion. Also, given this fact, it would be thoughtful to include a database-search - not only regarding CR - but also regarding various types of intermittent fasting protocols in humans and animal studies (similar to what the authors did in the supplemental figure).
- Did the authors monitor the eating time of the mice?
- While CR certainly has a lot of health benefits in rodents and humans, it should be advised to raise the cautious note that it may not be beneficial for everyone in the general population. For some groups of people and in some cases (e.g. infectious diseases, pregnancy) even CR with adequate nutritional intake of micro/macronutrients might be disadvanteguous. This should be mentioned clearly, as the topic gets more and more "hyped" in public media and online.
- There is no indication of how the authors dealt with missing data. Statistically this can be very important, especially in cases with a low number of data points.
- Key data from qPCR should be followed up by western blots or other means. If this was done and there was no effect, the authors should report this. Also, is there any evidence or the possibility to support these findings regarding pck1 and ppara in human samples?
- I think it would be very valuable to analyse the sex-differences in lipolysis directly in fat tissues. The authors concentrated on differences in hepatic mRNA profiles, but there's an obvious possibility and gap in their story.
- Given the relatively low n and sometimes small effect sizes I fear that some of their findings won't be reproduced by other labs. Were the (mouse) data collected all at once in one cohort or did the authors pool data from different cohorts/repeats?
Minor comments:
- The discussion is very extensive, and I suggest compressing the information presented there to make it more easily readable.
- There is some confusion present in the literature regarding the nomenclature of CR/fasting interventions. Recently some reviews have summarized the different forms (e.g. Longo Nature Aging, Hofer Embo Mol Med, ...) and the authors should address this briefly. Especially the applied CR intervention in mice overlaps with intermittent fasting.
- The order of the subpanels in Figure 9 (and other figures where B is below A and so on) is confusing. Please rearrange or indicate in a visual way which panels belong to each other.
- Did the authors also measure cardiovascular (e.g. blood pressure) parameters? There is some evidence out there that there is an age/sex dependency during fasting/CR. This would be a nice add-on to the rather small clinical data here.
- What was the decision basis for stratifying the human data into < and >45 years?
- The part on aging starting in Figure 7 comes quite surprising and it is not clearly linked to the data before. A suggestion here would be to smooth the transition in the text and the authors could again perform a literature search regarding age-of-onset for CR/fasting interventions in mice and humans.
- At the first mention of HOMA and Matsuda indices, the effect direction should be put into physiological context.
- There is no mention of how the PCA analyses were conducted.
- Were the mice aged in-house in the authors' facility or bought pre-aged from a vendor? Is it known how they were raised? If bought pre-aged, were female and male animals comparable?
- Very minor note: I think that "focussed" has become very rarely used, even in British English. I don't know about the journal's language standards, but I would switch to the much more common "focused".
- Figure 6B/F (PCAs) should indicate the % difference of each dimension.
- Limitations section: Maybe tone down on "world-leading mass spec facility". This sounds like an excuse and this statement is unsupported and doesn't add anything valuable to the section. Other limitations would include the low n, as mentioned above and the mono-centric fashion of the mouse and human experiments.
The authors have analysed in great depth the importance of age and sex on the outcomes of CR on fat tissue, body weight and glucose homeostasis. It is a valuable and important contribution to the field. However, some points need to be clarified and some additional analyses/experiments should be performed. The piece will elicit great interest in the scientific and public readership. The authors have collected important evidence that the majority of CR studies in the literature have a drastic sex-bias in both mice and humans. This may be one reason why translational and mechanistic findings from mice to human application have been haltered in the field of nutritional healthy-aging-promoting interventions.
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Reply to the reviewers
The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The Drosophila oocyte is a classical model to study establishment of cell polarity, and it is known for decades how Bicoid and Oskar define the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo. However, Bicoid and Oskar are not conserved so that these findings cannot be generalized. The situation is different for the Par proteins, which have been identified in C. elegans. They are not only conserved but also their mode of of action seems to be preserved. 20 years ago it was a very surprising finding that the Par proteins contribute to establishment of polarity in the Drosophila oocyte. A fascinating and simple mutual inhibition model emerged over the years, in which the same molecular mechanisms establish cell polarity in the C. elegans one-cell embryo and in the Drosophila oocyte: Anteriorly localised Par-3/Bazooka recruits aPKC kinase, which excludes Par-1 by phosphorylation, whereas posteriorly localised Par-1 kinase excludes Par-3/Bazooka by phosphorylation. The manuscript by Milas et al. challenges this model by closely analysing Par localisation in living Drosophila oocytes. The authors provide strong evidence that the kinetics of Par-1 and Bazooka localisation are not consistent with the model.
Milas et al. first describe a morphological difference between the anterior-lateral and posterior cortex of the oocyte by showing that only the posterior cortex is tightly connected to the overlaying epithelium. This morphological difference correlates with the localisation of Par-1, which is restricted to the posterior, while Bazooka localises only to those regions of the cortex, where there is a gap between the oocyte and the epithelium. This gap expands towards the posterior cortex during stage 10A and encloses it at stage 11. Unexpectedly, Par-1 and Bazooka localisations overlap at the posterior cortex when the gap expands, which contradicts the mutual inhibition model. The authors hypothesised that the close contact of epithelium with the oocyte might influence Par-1/Bazooka localisation. To test this they mechanically detached the epithelium from the oocyte and also ablated groups of epithelial cells. These manipulations resulted in posterior spreading of Bazooka protein within 30-60 minutes. Interestingly, the authors found that in those regions of the posterior cortex, where cells have been ablated, Par-1 and Bazooka colocalise for 30 minutes, which is difficult to reconcile with a model in which Par-1 excludes Bazooka by phosphorylation. The authors also show that Par-1 finally disappeared form the regions where epithelial cells have been ablated. However, aPKC, the kinase that is supposed the exclude Par-1 by phosphorylation, appeared only after Par-1, which argues against the idea that aPKC prevents Par-1 localisation. In summary, the described localisation kinetics are in conflict with the current model, in which direct phosphorylation activities of Par-1 and aPKC orchestrate the mutual exclusive Par domains in the Drosophila oocyte. The data suggest that the mechanisms underlying mutual inhibition are more complex than thought and involve contact with posterior epithelial cells.
The microscopy used by the authors is state of the art, the data are of high quality and the quantitative analysis is convincing. The results are surprising but conclusive since the experiments were performed and presented in a professional way. This combination makes the manuscript very interesting.
Major points:
- The finding that the posterior cortex is in close contact to the epithelium, while there is a gap between the remaining oocyte cortex and the epithelium is very interesting, and should be quantified and characterised more precisely. When does the gap form and how exactly does it spread posteriorly? Is it possible to distinguish the gap from the attachment zone by using markers for the ECM (e.g. viking-GFP) or adhesion proteins (e.g. Integrin)?
- The authors suggest that direct contact between the epithelium and the oocyte is required to exclude Bazooka from the posterior oocyte cortex. The polar cells of the follicular epithelium have almost no contact to the oocyte. One would expect that if only the polar cells are ablated, this would not lead to posterior spreading of Bazooka. Such a control experiment could support the author´s model.
Minor points:
- There are repeatedly double negations which make the text difficult to understand (e.g. "Bazooka exclusion was lost...." (line 104) or "Par-1 does not delocalise from the posterior pole prior to accumulation of Bazooka" (line 163). I see that this follows the logic of the published molecular mechanisms but for the sake of comprehensibility, the authors should try to formulate the results in a positive way (at least in a repeating sentence).
- Based on the kinetics of Par-1 localisation the authors the conclude that Par-1 binds to diffusible binding sites at the oocyte cortex, which are modulated by posterior epithelial cells. This is one possible explanation for their results but other interpretations are equally possible. Since the authors provide no further evidence for the existence of Par-1 binding sites their interpretation should be formulated more carefully.
- The authors should mention that they use the Par-1 isoform (N1S) which fully rescues the par-1 mutant phenotype (see Doerflinger et. al, Curr Biol, 2006). What is known about the rescuing activity of the Bazooka transgenes that were used in the manuscript?
- In principle it is possible that the posterior spreading of Bazooka (after follicle cell detachment or ablation) is caused by premature ooplasmic steaming. However, the movies show that this is not the case. This should be stated in the text.
The Drosophila oocyte is a classical model to address the fundamental biological question of how cell polarity is established. The current model of mutual Par protein inhibition is a critical part of our understanding of cell polarisation, and was proposed to be conserved between flies and worms. In the case of Drosophila this model mainly relies on a combination of genetic and biochemical data. Milas et al. tested this model by using in vivo imaging, and found that the kinetics of Par localisation do not correspond to the existing model. This suggests that central aspects of the proposed mechanisms controlling mutual Par inhibition in the Drosophila oocyte are not conserved or not fully understood. The work makes therefore a surprising and important contribution to the understanding of cell polarity.
I work for many years on Drosophila oogenesis and my main interest switched from cell polarity to membrane trafficking.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This manuscript examines an important and unsolved question concerning the establishment of the polarity axis in the Drosophila oocyte, namely how the follicle cells located at the posterior of the egg chamber trigger a signal to the oocyte for its subsequent polarization. To address this question the authors, center their studies on the localization of PAR proteins which are distributed along the antero-posterior axis. They more specifically focus on the mutual exclusion of Par1 and Bazooka/Par3 (Baz)at the posterior of the oocyte. The signaling event from the posterior follicle cells toward the oocyte is an essential process however it remains unsolved despite numerous screening and genetic manipulation approaches, leaving open the possibility that classical signaling involving a diffusible ligand emitted by follicular cells with its receptor located at the plasma membrane of the oocyte, would not be applied here.
Here the authors are using original biophysical approaches to address whether signaling between the follicular cells and the oocyte would involve mechanical features.
The authors focus at the dual exclusion between Baz and Par1 between the stages 10 and 11. To specifically follow these two proteins in the oocyte without being disrupted by their expression in the follicle cells, they used the Gal4/UASp system to express Baz and Par1. They found that Baz accumulate again at the posterior of the oocyte at stage 10B following the loss of contact between the posterior follicle cells (PFCs) and the oocyte whereas Par1 is gradually lost at that position. By using a glass micropipette to aspirate and pull on the PFCs they observed a premature Baz accumulation at the oocyte posterior. Then, to spatially improve the targeted area in the PFCs, the authors use a pulsed UV lazer, and show that PFCs are required to locally maintain posterior exclusion of Baz. Using a similar setup, they show that similarly Par1 is eliminated at the oocyte cell cortex region that had been in contact with ablated PFCs. However, Par1, with a kinetic slower to the one of Baz, is never disappearing before Baz appearance. Although difficult to distinguish, the authors report that the disappearance of Par1 is locally connected by an increase in microtubules (see major points). Finally, upon PFCs ablation, the authors show that the posterior reappearance of Baz is followed by the appearance of aPKC. However, the reappearance of PKC is slower than the removal of Par1, suggesting that in this case Par1 is not removed by PKC.
The particularly interesting results of this work show that cellular contacts between PFCs and the oocyte are necessary to maintain Baz exclusion and Par1 localization. Furthermore, the ablation results suggest that individual PFCs are required to maintain local posterior exclusion of Baz. Overall it is an interesting observation, and most of the data are presented in a clean organized manner.
Major comments
- The authors concentrate their studies on the distribution of Par3 and Par1 at the posterior part of the oocyte, mainly at stage 10 according to the images in the figures and movies. The involvement of Par3 and Par1 on polarized transport to the posterior pole of the oocyte has been well characterized previously between stages 7 and 9. The results of the authors are very interesting but they do not show that beyond the return of Baz and the disappearance of Par1 at the developmental stage they are looking at, the antero-posterior polarization and more particularly the localization of oskar in the posterior is affected. This is an important point as the authors propose that follicle cell contact maintains main body axis polarity. This would be possible by monitoring the impact of PFC ablation on the maintenance of oskar localization by tracking osk RNA with the MCP-MS2 system, or also by visualizing the staufen protein with a stau-GFP transgene.
- The authors use the Jupiter protein fused to the cherry protein to track MTs. This is perfectly fine to highlight the cytoplasm in the oocyte and to outline the cell-cell contacts between the PFCs and the oocyte. However, with Jupiter-cherry the microtubules are not clearly detected in the oocyte in the data presented.This is a problem because the authors want to make an important point with the potential reappearance of microtubules in the oocyte while Par1 has disappeared in the vicinity of the destroyed PFCs. (Fig5). The authors should use another microtubule reporter that allows better detection of microtubules in the oocyte, Jupiter-GFP, EB1-GFP, Ensconsin MT binding domain (EMTB)-RFP.
Minor comments:
- The stage of the oocyte is not always indicated, this is particularly the case with the Fig2 with the pulling experiment with a glass micropipette.
- With the Fig 3E, to highlight the fact that the intensity of Baz increases very quickly after the removal of PFCs (1 mn) the authors should include an insert with a shorter time scale. The authors could also comment on the difference in velocity in baz reappearance when the ablation of PFCs includes or not polar cells.
- In the discussion line 240, this is not myosin II but myosin V which anchored oskar mRNA at the posterior.
- For the suppl figure 5, the n is not mentioned in the legend
Nature and significance of the advance and work in the context of existing literature
This manuscript examines an important and unsolved question concerning the establishment of the polarity axis in the Drosophila oocyte, namely how the follicle cells located at the posterior of the egg chamber trigger a signal to the oocyte for its subsequent polarization (Gonzalez-Reyes et al ; Nature 1995 ;doi: 10.1038/375654a0) and (Roth et al; 1995; Cell; doi: 10.1016/0092-8674(95)90016-0). To address this question the authors, center their studies on the localization of PAR proteins which are distributed along the antero-posterior axis. They more specifically focus on the mutual exclusion of Par1 and Bazooka/Par3 (Baz) at the posterior of the oocyte. The signaling event from the posterior follicle cells toward the oocyte is an essential process however it remains unsolved despite numerous screening and genetic manipulation approaches, leaving open the possibility that classical signaling involving a diffusible ligand emitted by follicular cells with its receptor located at the plasma membrane of the oocyte, would not be applied here. We still know little about the modalities of this signaling between the follicular cells and the oocyte necessary for the polarization of the latter. We know that the first sign of anteroposterior polarization in the oocyte is posteriorly the recruitment of Par1 and subsequently the elimination of Baz. However, we do not know the nature of this signaling. Furthermore, we do not know whether this signaling must be maintained in order to maintain the polarization of the oocyte and more particularly to maintain the localization of oskar RNA, the posterior determinant of the oocyte, Here the authors are using original biophysical approaches to address whether signaling between the follicular cells and the oocyte would involve mechanical features. Important results of this work show that cell contacts between PFCs and the oocyte are necessary to maintain baz exclusion and Par1 localisation. Furthermore, the ablation results suggest that individual PFCs are required to maintain local posterior exclusion of Bazooka.
Audience: These results will be of interest to those interested in the relationship between cell signaling and polarization in particular in a developmental context.
Reviewer's area of expertise: Cell polarity, microtubule-associated transport, oocyte development in Drosophila.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The formation of mutually exclusive domains of Partition defective (Par) proteins works as a foundation for establishment of cell polarity in a variety of cells. The Drosophila oocyte is a well-known model system to study mechanisms of the asymmetric distribution Par proteins. At stage 6/7 of oogenesis, an unknown signal the posterior follicle cells (PFC) induces the recruitment of the Par-1 kinase to the posterior cortex of the oocyte and the concomitant exclusion of aPKC/Par-6 from this region. By contrast, Bazooka (Par-3) remains at the posterior with Par-1 and only disappears from the posterior at early stage 9. Millas et al. investigate the nature of the PFC signal and whether PFC continue to play a role in keeping Bazooka away from the posterior after the original signal is received by the oocyte. They do so by following the distribution of Bazooka and other Par proteins in living oocytes after pulling away or ablating the PFC at various stages of oogenesis.
Major comments
- Quality of live imaging Judging from the appearance of the polar follicle cells and the size of the follicle cells, the authors constantly have an issue with maintaining a steady focal plane during live imaging in most movies (Figure 2 and video1; Figure 3 and video 2; Figure 4 and video 4; Figure 5 and video 5, FigureS5 and video 6). The conclusions of the paper are based on measuring changes in fluorescence intensity at the oocyte posterior over time, and this will be undermined by a varying focal plane. Considering the bullet shape of the oocyte, imaging the posterior at different focal planes could also cause artefacts. Supplementary Fig 3D-E and video 3 (a control experiment) are examples where the focal plane did not drift.
- Mechanical contact of PFC with the oocyte cortex causes the posterior exclusion of Bazooka and maintains oocyte polarity By physically pulling PFC away from the oocyte at stage 10b (Figures 1-2) the authors observed that in some oocytes Bazooka re-localises to posterior and concluded that it is a mechanical contact between PFC and the oocyte cortex that keeps Bazooka away from the posterior. Although this is an interesting observation per se, this is after the polarity of the oocyte has been defined (stages 6-9) and the posterior determinant, oskar mRNA has been localised. Could the authors do the same experiment at stages 6-9 to directly address whether the distance between the PFC and the oocyte cortex actually matters, considering that Bazooka remains at the posterior up to early 9 when the PFC and the oocyte are still at close contact?
The conclusion that the signal between PFC and the oocyte could be mechanical is only one of potential interpretations of the experiment. It still could be a short range/ non-diffusible biochemical signal that is sensitive to the distance between the PFC and the oocyte membrane. The authors do not provide any evidence for or against either interpretation. 3. Figure 5B is supposed to demonstrate that local loss of Par-1 at the posterior causes the re-growth of microtubules from this region. However, the data provided are not convincing. The accumulation of red vesicles at the posterior cortex 150 min post ablation does not look like a specific signal for Jupiter-mCherry-marked microtubules. Similar vesicles start to be visible in the neighbouring follicle cells at the same time.
Minor comments
- In Figure 4A-C, it is not clear what area has been ablated
- The authors should provide a simple 1-6 numbering for Video files
The observation that the PFC are required to maintain oocyte polarity at stage 9 is significant, but not very surprising, given the recent observation by Doerflinger et al that the posterior localisation of Par-1 requires continuous myosin activation, demonstrating that the antagonism between anterior and posterior Par proteins is not sufficient to maintain polarity once established. The authors must improve the quality of the live imaging to support this conclusion.
The conclusion that phosphorylation of Bazooka by Par-1 is not sufficient to exclude Bazooka from the posterior cortex is not novel (see Doerflinger et al 2010, 2022).
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Reply to the reviewers
The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Comments for Butt et al This study examines the potential role of SHARPIN phosphorylation on cell migration. The role of the phosphorylation sites of SHARPIN, especially S146, is clearly shown by the expression of the mutant in various cell lines. However, the argument of the interaction with the Arp2/3 complex is relatively weak; only the FRET analysis in cells is shown. It would be good if the authors could include more mechanistic insights into the role of the phosphorylation of SHARPIN.
Table 1. the reason for the selection of S131 and S156 is not clear. Why the S165 and T170 were not studied?
The phosphorylation would be better confirmed by the antibody for the phosphorylation peptides. The possible phospho-mimic mutants, with the substitution to the acidic amino acid residues, would be better to be examined.
The potential role of SHAEPIN in the context of the current understanding of the cell migration machinery would be better to be described. Now the study only contains the mutant expression phenotype.
Referees cross-commenting
I agree with other reviewers and do not have other opinions. The three reviews appear to be reasonable.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this paper, Butt and co-workers examine the role of SHARPIN phosphorylation in Ser146 as it controls diverse readouts related to cell motility. The main findings of the study are: SHARPIN is robustly phosphorylated by PKCalpha in vitro. Mass spectrometry and in silico approaches indicate that some of these sites may be genuinely phosphorylated in cells. Ser146 phosphorylation seems uninvolved in SHARPIN-mediated integrin inactivation but imitation of the non-phosphorylated state using a Ser to Ala mutant impairs SHARPIN interaction with Arp2/3. S146A and V240A/L242A mutations impair lamellipodia formation. S146E mutation has a much less pronounced effect on SHARPIN-Arp2/3 interaction and lamellipodia formation, being close to the effect of the wild type. The authors conclude, based on this, that the active form of SHARPIN is likely phosphorylated in Ser146. In 3D matrix invasion assay, CRISPR-mediated SHARPIN deletion decreased invasiveness in several tumor cell lines. Perhaps the most striking experiment is that the authors use SHARPIN-KO MDA-MB-231 cells reconstituted with GFP-SHARPIN, WT or 146A, in a xenograft model in zebrafish, and they see that only WT-expressing cells form distal clusters of tumor cells. This is an interesting paper that merits publication, but several issues need to be addressed.
- Whereas the data are consistent and interesting, some points could be strengthened quantitatively. An example is the quantification of the invasion assays (Fig. 4), which is relatively crude (this reviewer has firsthand experience with these assays).
- Does SHARPIN control actin polymerization in response to stimulation? For example, growth factors in the cells used, or PMA.
- PKCalpha has been involved in the control of protrusion dynamics through its local effect on myosin II regulatory light chain (Asokan et al, 2014). Is PKCalpha actually phosphorylating SHARPIN in live cells? Are other kinases involved in vitro? This needs to be clearly and explicitly demonstrated.
- SHARPIN phosphorylated in Ser146 locally at lamellipodia? This is a hard experiment that requires a phospho-specific antibody, but the subcellular localization of the effect may be critical towards explaining the relative importance and generality of this mechanism.
- In the same vein, does SHARPIN S146E localize more readily to protrusions that Ser146A?
- The inference that active SHARPIN is phosphorylated in Ser146 needs to be demonstrated formally for the story to be substantiated. One possible manner could be to immunoprecipitate the Arp2/3 complex and show that most of the associated SHARPIN is phosphorylated in this residue by mass spectrometry. Alternatively, the authors could pull down integrins and show that SHARPIN is not phosphorylated in this case, which is also suggested by their data.
- The last piece of data is striking, but the xenograft nature of the experiment casts some doubt as to its significance. B16F10 cells similarly treated could be implanted in C57BL/6 mice to make a much stronger case.
The data presented here, if substantiated as indicated in the previous section, would constitute a significant addition to the state of the art. My enthusiasm for the story is curbed by the technical flaws (relatively minor) and conceptual gaps (more significant) stated above. My expertise is cell and molecular biology with focus on cytoskeletal-related cell motility.
Referees cross-commenting
I mostly concur with the revisions suggested by the other two reviewers. Reviewer #1 raises a significant point that needs to be addressed, which pertains to the overall levels of overexpression. Other than that, I stand by my review, which has many connection points with those of reviewers 1 and 3. I think this paper has been judged fairly and the experiments requested are not overly complicated. I understand if the authors cannot do the in vivo experiment in mice, and this alone should not be grounds for rejection. However, they need to address the rest of our points.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The SHARPIN protein is involved in multiple cellular pathways, and a number of studies demonstrated that it can interact with many key proteins regulating cellular proliferation, adhesion, motility and other functions that are important in normal cell physiology, but are particularly relevant for cancer metastasis. This study addresses post-translational phosphorylation of SHARPIN in human cells, and identifies two functionally important sites that are specifically involved in the interaction with ARP2/3, as well as in lamellipodia formation and cell motility (invasion). The function of one of these phosphorylation sites, the S146, is further explored in KD, KO and rescue experiments, in several human cancer cell lines, and in zebrafish model, using the directed mutagenesis approach to abolish or mimic the phosphorylation of S146. The authors conclude that Ph-S146 modification of SHARPIN is specifically responsible for interaction with ARP2/3, lamellipodia formation, and cancer cell invasion.
Major comments:
- Are the key conclusions convincing?
Overall, the conclusions are convincing, though the question of wild-type and mutated SHARPIN in rescue experiments should be addressed, given the functional importance of SHARPIN overexpression in cancer. Indeed, throughout the paper, the authors monitor the expression levels of their ectopically expressed SHARPIN, and systematically refer to these molecules as being "overexpressed", without showing their relative levels with regard to normal endogenous levels of SHARPIN in these cell lines, prior to its KD/KO. However, as the typical cancer-related functions of SHARPIN are linked to its expression levels, it is important to understand whether the observed phenomena can be regarded as physiologically relevant, or are the authors operating out of the physiological scale. Given the capacity of HeLa and 293 cell lines to produce very high levels of ectopic proteins, this issue should be systematically controlled. Therefore, in all the experiments with ectopic expression of SHARPIN and its mutants, a western blot should be added to show the relative expression, compared to the endogenous protein.
There are also some major problems with the statistical analysis (please see below). - Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?
I would modify the text of the article referring to Fig.2A, where the authors qualify a 20-25% reduction of integrin activity as "significant". It is not clear whether they refer to statistical or functional significance, and the statement is generally misleading. - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.
As mentioned previously, I believe that the expression levels of ectopic SHARPIN have to be systematically monitored in all assays, and compared to the normal, endogenous levels. - Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.
These experiments are fully realistic and should not involve additional costs. - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?
There is some ambivalence about the "n" values in most of the experiments, where it is not clear at all what "n" means (the number of cells? Experimental points?) For example, in Fig.S1D, the legend states that n=1, whereas the panel shows three experimental points per condition, as well as error bars. I would suggest that the authors correct these obvious mistakes and explain more clearly what exactly "n" means, in each case. - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?
I cannot comment on that because I do not understand what exactly "n" means (please see above). For example, if in Fig.3, "n=4" means that only four cells were analyzed per experimental condition, this is clearly not enough. The statistical analysis is not sufficiently described in the Materials and Methods section, and the reasons for attributing one, two or three stars to the results are not stated, either (normally, this information should be equally present in Legends to Figures). The choice of applying the t-test does not appear evident to me, in experiments that clearly require multiple statistical comparisons, and in general, the statistical analysis does not appear adequate.
Minor comments:
- Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.
Please provide a clear gel for Fig.1A, especially the right-hand panel. The current results look as one big black spot, with two red frames added for no clear reason. - Are prior studies referenced appropriately?
I have no problem with the list of references. - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?
It will be a good idea to proof-read the text. For example, I have noticed a frequent use of the word "lamellApodia" instead of "lamellipodia", as well as other typing errors. - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?
Molecular weight markers should be added to all western blots, and scale bars to all immunofluorescent images.
- Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.
Given the functional importance of SHARPIN in cancer, and the fact that it interacts with multiple major regulatory networks, it is important to pinpoint the exact post-translational modification of this protein that is specifically responsible for interaction with ARP2/3, and for the invasion potential of cancer cells. - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).
I agree with the description of the field and the place of the current study that is provided in the manuscript, and do not have anything significant to add. - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.
The study will undoubtedly be interesting to scientists working with cell motility, ARP2/3-dependent lamellipodia formation, and eventually metastasis growth in cancer. - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.
I study the RAC1-WAVE-ARP2/3 regulatory pathway in normal and cancer cells. I did not have any problems with evaluating this work, either academically, or with regard to methodology.
Referees cross-commenting
I am very pleased to see that the three reviews have a very similar evaluation of this article, and hope that the raised questions will help the authors to improve the manuscript and successfully publish their work. I do not have any additional comments.
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Reply to the reviewers
- General Statements
We thank the reviewer for stating that “The detailed analysis uses many state of the art techniques to address the role of ROR1 and is of great interest to a large audience including basic researchers in the field of cancer biology and oncologists in the clinic” and we appreciate the reviewer’s constructive suggestions. We have substantially revised our manuscript and plan to perform new experiments based on these valuable comments.
- Description of the planned revisions
Three main points: (1) The importance of AURKB as a downstream effector of ROR1 [Reviewer #1: major #2] Based on these suggestions, we plan to perform a colony formation assay using AURKB-overexpressing cells with ROR1-knockdown. We will clarify this point in the revised manuscript.
(2) The link between ROR1 expression and YAP/BRD4 [Reviewer #1: major #5 and Reviewer #3: major #1] Based on the suggestion, we plan to perform the luciferase reporter assay. We will clearly describe this experiment in the revised manuscript.
(3) Single-cell analysis using other models to validate tumor heterogeneity [Reviewer #2: major #1 and Reviewer #3: major #2] Based on your suggestion, we plan to analyze primary human tumors (public data: for example, GSE155698, CRA001160) and examine PDO#1 xenografts (in-house data). We will clearly state this information in the revised manuscript.
For the two minor points suggested by Reviewer #2, we plan to (1) reanalyze TCGA data. (2) perform the organoid or colony formation assay to validate that the siRNA model functionally recapitulates the ROR1low vs. ROR1high phenotype.
Please see the “Authors’ responses to the reviewers' comments” for more details.
- Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript
As suggested by the reviewer, we have substantially revised our manuscript, and the changes are shown in red. • Reviewer #1: major comments #2, #3, #4, and #5; minor comments #1 and #2 • Reviewer #2: major comments #2, #3, and #4; minor comments #2, #3, #4, #8, and #10 • Reviewer #3: minor comments #1 and #2
Please see the “Authors’ responses to the reviewers' comments” for more details.
- Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out
Authors’ responses to the reviewers' comments
Reviewer #1
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In this manuscript the authors analyzed the role of ROR1 in pancreatic cancer progression and metastasis. They found that ROR1 expression is specifically increased in an partial EMT cell cluster upon scRNA-Seq of tumor cells derived from an orthotopic mouse PDAC model. Moreover, the ROR1 high population in tumors specifies cells with high proliferation and tumor initiation capacities, increased metastatic propensity and chemoresistance, since knockdown of ROR1 shows reduction of these features in vivo. By comparing transcriptomes from several in vivo models the authors identified that ROR1 acts through AURKB and that its expression is regulated by an upstream enhancer that is bound by YAP/TAZ and BRD4 complexes. With this study the authors identified a new targetable pathway that promotes tumor progression and metastasis in PDAC. The detailed analysis uses many state of the art techniques to address the role of ROR1 and is of great interest to a large audience including basic researchers in the field of cancer biology and oncologists in the clinic. However, some of the findings are a bit preliminary and the drawn conclusions are not sufficiently supported by the experimental data. Moreover, some findings seem a bit out of context and do not really help to bring the story forward. At other instances experimental details are missing to mechanistically demonstrate the role of ROR1. In particular it remains elusive how ROR1 is regulated, i.e. which signaling events are crucial to generate ROR1 high vs. low cells. I listed my specific comments below.
[Response] We thank the reviewer for stating that “The detailed analysis uses many state of the art techniques to address the role of ROR1 and is of great interest to a large audience including basic researchers in the field of cancer biology and oncologists in the clinic” and we appreciate the reviewer’s constructive suggestions. We have substantially revised our manuscript and plan to perform new experiments based on these valuable comments.
- The authors' initial finding is that in the partial EMT cluster ROR1, but also other RTKs (out of 56) are specifically increased. What about the other RTKs? Why was ROR1 chosen to analyze more thoroughly?
[Response 1] We are thankful for the reviewer’s suggestion to clarify why ROR1 was selected. (1) Seven candidate genes (EPHA4, EPHA7, ERBB4, FGFR1, JAK3, LYN, and ROR1) were chosen as surface markers in the partial EMT cluster. (2) The genes were sorted in order of high expression. (3) ROR1 is reported to promote metastasis in breast cancer (Cui et al, 2013). The induction of metastasis is one of the functions of tumor-initiating cells. FGFR1 is already known to enhance the CSC-like phenotype in non-small cell lung cancer (Ji et al, 2016). (4) The antibody against ROR1 was marketed as available for cell sorting using FACS. Therefore, we focused on ROR1 as a potential new marker for tumor-initiating cells with a partial EMT signature.
References Cui B, Zhang S, Chen L, Yu J, Widhopf GF 2nd, Fecteau JF, Rassenti LZ, Kipps TJ. Targeting ROR1 inhibits epithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastasis. Cancer Res. 2013 Jun 15;73(12):3649-60. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-12-3832. PMID: 23771907; PMCID: PMC3832210. Ji W, Yu Y, Li Z, Wang G, Li F, Xia W, Lu S. FGFR1 promotes the stem cell-like phenotype of FGFR1-amplified non-small cell lung cancer cells through the Hedgehog pathway. Oncotarget. 2016 Mar 22;7(12):15118-34. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7701. PMID: 26936993; PMCID: PMC4924774.
- The finding of AURKB as crucial target of ROR1 is very weak and needs more in-depth analyses. It is not clear why AURKB was chosen over the other candidates. Is AURKB expression directly regulated by ROR1? Are the two genes directly linked? Can ROR1 deficiency be compensated by AURKB overexpression? Especially the decrease in AURKB protein level in Fig. 4K is not very convincing to account for the different phenotypes in ROR1 high and low cells. Is AURKB and ROR1 expression correlated in TCGA samples (like Fig. 8B)? In Fig. 4L the readout was changed from colony numbers to colony diameter. If AURKB is the crucial player downstream of ROR1, then colony formation efficiency should be affected at first. This needs to be shown. The statement in lines 223,224 that AURKB is a direct downstream target of ROR1 was not shown!
[Response 2-1: changed] We thank the reviewer for noting this issue. We have performed additional experiments to assess the hypothesis that AURKB is a crucial downstream target of ROR1. ROR1-knockdown not only suppressed AKT phosphorylation (Supplemental Figure 9A) but also decreased c-Myc protein levels and the expression of c-Myc target genes (CDK4, CCND1, CDK2, and CCNE1), leading to a reduction in RB phosphorylation (new Supplemental Figure 9B and 9C). Based on these results, ROR1 regulates c-Myc expression through AKT signaling, leading to the activation of the E2F network (new Supplemental Figure 9D). We added some figures and descriptions to the preliminary revision manuscript (new Supplemental Figure 9B–9D, lines 357–363, lines 649–651).
[Response 2-2: the planned revisions] We also plan to perform new experiments with a colony formation assay to determine whether ROR1 deficiency is compensated by AURKB overexpression. We agree that this experiment will confirm that AURKB is an important downstream target of ROR1 in PDAC proliferation.
[Response 2-3] In TCGA-PAAD dataset, AURKB expression was not correlated with ROR1 expression. Since the ROR1high cluster is a minor population in the tumor, a downstream analysis of specific clusters with results from a bulk study such as this TCGA dataset is difficult to perform.
[Response 2-4: changed] We have added a new graph of organoid formation efficiency (new Figure 4L) and changed some descriptions in the preliminary revision manuscript (line 227).
- Fig. 4 A-E: The ROR1 KD was induced in vitro but not continued in vitro. The transient KD has a strong impact on tumor forming capacity, even though recovery of expression is likely within the first days in vivo. This is very interesting and underscores the role of ROR1 in tumor initiation and presumably independent of differences in proliferation. Would the results be different, if the DOX treatment would start with injection of the cells and continued in vivo? Is then tumor initiation not affected and maybe only tumor growth?
[Response 3: changed] We apologize for the confusing description in the original manuscript. In Fig. 4A–E, we used PDAC cells with stable expression of doxycycline-inducible shROR1. ROR1-knockdown was maintained in vivo by adding doxycycline to the drinking water. Continuous ROR1-knockdown suppressed tumor growth (Fig. 4C–E). Several statements we made were more ambiguous than intended, and we have adjusted the text and the figures for clarity in the preliminary revision manuscript (new Figure 4A and B, lines 203–204).
- In Fig. 5 the authors show that ROR1 is highly expressed in tumors after gemcitabine treatment and conclude that the ROR1 high cells are a resistant population. However, this statement is too strong, since gemcitabine treatment could also lead to an upregulation of ROR1 in "low" cells during acquisition of chemoresistence. Together with our knowledge on the role of EMT in driving therapy resistance and therapy-mediated induction of EMT, such a scenario is equally likely. Similarly, the statement in lines 370-372 is not supported by experimental evidence.
[Response 4: changed] We appreciate the reviewer’s critical comments. As suggested, we have not clearly determined whether (1) the ROR1high cells survived gemcitabine treatment and/or (2) the ROR1low cells increased ROR1 expression upon exposure to this treatment. We have carefully changed some descriptions in the preliminary revision manuscript (lines 241–242, 382–383).
- In order to understand how ROR1 is regulated, the authors use ATAC-Seq and cut and run and identified a putative upstream enhancer element (Fig. 7). Although this element increases the activity of the promoter fragment in a reporter construct, the experiments do not help to understand how ROR1 activity is increased specifically in the "high" cells. Are peaks of YAP1 and BRD4 also changed between hi/lo cells? Is YAP OE and KD (BRD4 OE and KD) or the use of the inhibotor JQ1 altering the activity of the reporter constructs (i.e. only of the enhancer-promoter combination but not of the promoter only construct)? This would help to strengthen a direct link between ROR1, YAP and BRD4. Is YAP activity different in ROR1 high vs. low cells?
[Response 5-1: changed] We thank the reviewer for this important comment. We have shown differences in chromatin accessibility and histone modification of the ROR1 enhancer between ROR1high and ROR1low cells using ATAC-seq and CUT&RUN assays (Fig. 7B). Very few ROR1high/low cells are present in xenograft. We were not successful in experiments examining the binding of YAP and BRD4 to enhancers in ROR1high/low cells because of the technical limitations in the ChIP and CUT&RUN assays. Instead, we used public data to examine YAP and BRD4 occupancy at the ROR1 enhancer region of cell lines with low ROR1 expression. In T-47D and MCF7 cells (breast cancer cells, low ROR1 expression), YAP and BRD4 did not bind to the ROR1 enhancer region (new Figure 8D and 8I). We have added figures and some descriptions to the preliminary revision manuscript (new Figure 8D and 8I, lines 304–309, line 768).
[Response 5-2: the planned revisions] We plan to perform new experiments with the reporter assay you suggested. We agree that this experiment will help strengthen the direct link between ROR1, YAP and BRD4.
[Response 5-3] As shown in Figure 8C, GSEA revealed that ROR1high cells in both S2-VP10 xenografts and PDO#1 xenografts expressed higher levels of YAP-regulated genes than ROR1low cells in these xenografts. We have added a description of this result as follows: “Thus, ROR1high cells have higher YAP activity than ROR1low cells.” (lines 304–305).
- In Fig. 8A the authors identified 202 antigens that match the H3 monomethylation / acetylation pattern. How was YAP etc. chosen?
[Response 6] We apologize for the poor description in the original manuscript. We chose YAP and BRD4 based on the following criteria: (1) these antigens are expressed in S2-VP10 cells and PDO#1 and (2) bind to the ROR1 enhancer region (based on an analysis of public data).
Minor: 1. Fig. 2D,E: What is actually shown here? Is there an overlap between the genes that define ROR1 high vs. low cells in both approaches? The gene list should be provided.
[Response: changed] We apologize for the poor description in the original manuscript. We have added this information to the preliminary revision manuscript (new Supplemental Table 3).
- Fig. 3G: I suggest to include the images of the tumors from the ROR1 low cells in the main figure as well.
[Response: changed] We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion. We have moved this information from the supplementary information to the main figure in the preliminary revision manuscript (new Figure 3G, lines 186–189).
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
PDAC is a very aggressive desease with very low 5-year survival rates. Understanding of the pathobiology is of keen interest. The findings of the authors are of high significance and extremely relevant as they provide a mechanism that can also be targeted by specific drug combinations, i.e. standard care gemcitabine with specific ROR1 inhibition. The findings are of great interest to a large audience including basic researchers in the field of cancer biology and oncologists in the clinic.
[Response] We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s comments.
Reviewer #2
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In this work Yamazaki and colleagues performed single cell RNA sequencing of one xenograft tumor formed by the S2-VP10 PDAC cell line to explore PDAC intratumor heterogeneity. Using this model they identified ROR1 as heterogeneously expressed in neoplastic cells. Using further in vivo and in vitro models they show that ROR1high cells have higher tumor initiation capacity than ROR1low. By histone and ATAC-seq analyses, they identify a ROR1 enhancer upstream the promoter and show that YAP and BRD4 bind to this genomic region and that BRD4 inhibition by JQ1 reduces ROR1 expression and organoid formation. The data, figures and methods are nicely and clearly presented.
[Response] We thank the reviewer for stating that “The data, figures and methods are nicely and clearly presented”, and we appreciate the reviewer’s constructive suggestions. We have substantially revised our manuscript and plan to perform new experiments based on these valuable comments.
Major comments
- The authors use one xenograft tumor as starting model and all conclusions are derived from the data generated with this model. To support the existence of identifie heterogeneity in the PDAC neoplastic compartment, I would strongly suggest to validate the existence of the partial EMT population and the ROR1 heterogeneity in single cell data bases generated from primary human tumors.
[Response 1: the planned revisions] We thank the reviewer for the positive suggestion. We plan to perform a new analysis of available public single-cell data from human PDAC tumors. In addition, we also launched a single-cell analysis of PDO#1 xenografts.
- In Fig. 3G, it is mentioned that tumors grown from ROR1high cells recapitulate the original PDOx histology thus suggesting that ROR1high cells in the tumor are the actual TICs. ROR1low cells could also grow tumors, just with lower incidence. Are these tumors any different to the ROR1high derived ones? Is it just a lower tumor initiation capacity (TIC) or they can not recapitulate the tumor as the ROR1high cell? Can they also give rise to differentiated progeny cells? This should appear in the main text and not only in the discussion. I would suggest to move panel 3G to supplementary figure.
[Response 2: changed] We thank the reviewer for noting this issue and apologize for the confusing description in the original manuscript. ROR1low cells generated tumors at a low frequency, and these tumors showed a hierarchical histology mimicking the original tumor. As suggested, we have added this information to the main text (new Figure 3G, lines 186–189).
- In line 160 you mention that known CSC markers such as CD44, PROM1 and DCLK1 are not differentially expressed between ROR1 high and low populations. Then, in figure 3H,I you analyze the expression of CD44v6 together with ROR1. I would try to put this information together in the text, or at least in fig. 3 start with something like "we had seen that both ROR1high and low express CD44, however...". In any case, I feel that the experiment with CD44 could be obviated (or at least moved to supplementary), as it brings the question of weather this is also true for DCLK1 or CD133.
[Response 3: changed] We appreciate and agree with the reviewer's comment on this point. Accordingly, we have moved this figure to the supplementary information and changed the description (new Supplemental Figure 5C and 5D, lines 191–196).
- JQ1 has been described to inhibit PDAC growth by downregulation of MYC. To unequivocally link the effect of JQ1 in the downregulation of ROR1 (Fig. 8M) as discussed in the text it would be important to exclude that other mechanisms such as MYC downregulation are taking place. For example, does JQ1 treatment of ROR1low cells also reduce their colony formation capacity (in an experiment such as the one in fig. 3C). Or does ROR1 re-expression in Fig. 8M rescue the JQ1 effect? These or other experiments could help to establish a stronger link between (BRD4/JQ1) and ROR1.
[Response 4: changed] We thank the reviewer for this important comment. As mentioned in the response to Reviewer #1-major comment #2, we newly found that ROR1 regulates c-Myc expression through AKT signaling, leading to the activation of the E2F network (new Supplemental Figures 9B–9D, lines 357–363).
Minor comments 1. The data are nicely presented (text and figures) and the conclusions are clear. My suggestion to make the story more "catchy" at the beginning would be, if possible, to start from the observation done in primary human data and then move to the PDX model to explore ROR1 as a TIC marker in PDAC. For this, you could use available public single cell data of human PDAC tumors. If this doesn't work (it is of course possible that by unsupervised analysis you don't get the same clusters as in the PDX with the partial EMT cluster popping up), it would be nice if some primary tumor data came early in the story (currently the first figure showing heterogeneity in primary samples is in supplem fig. 4A).
[Response: the planned revisions] We thank the reviewer for these excellent comments. As suggested, we plan to perform several new analyses (please see the previous comment for details: Reviewer #2-major comment #1).
- It is not clear if the xenografts were subcutaneous or orthotopic. It would be good to include this information in the main text (line 102) and the methods so that the reader knows what is the exact model that has been used.
[Response: changed] We thank the reviewer for this comment and apologize for the poor description in the original manuscript. As suggested, we have added this information to the preliminary revision manuscript (line 101).
- In Fig. 2F and 2G I would highlight the EMT pathway to help the reader.
[Response: changed] We thank the reviewer for this comment. As suggested, we have changed the relevant figures in the preliminary revision manuscript (new Figure 2F and 2G).
- In Supp Fig 4B it would be nice to have an amplified view of the staining as in panel C of the same figure.
[Response: changed] We thank the reviewer for this comment. As suggested, we have added high-magnification images of the staining in the preliminary revision manuscript (new Supplemental Figure 4A and 4B).
- In the same figure (Fig. 4A-D) ROR1 shows an apical staining pattern that doesn't seem to resemble the staining in patient samples. I am not an expert in pathology evaluation but I would recommend a pathologist to give her/his opinion. Possibly, during the PDX process, few cells from the original patient tumor are selected giving a different staining pattern.
[Response] We appreciate the reviewer's comment on this point. Dr. Ito, a coauthor of this paper, is a pathologist. We have changed some images of staining in patient samples (new Supplemental Figure 4A). We agree that ROR1 shows an apical staining pattern in PDX samples. However, some sites show similar apical staining patterns in patient samples (Patient #2 and Patient #4 in the new Supplemental Figure 4A). We propose that PDX mimics the original patient tissue because it has heterogeneity of ROR1 expression and morphological features indicative of a luminal structure.
- In the analyses of TCGA data, be aware that only 150 from the original dataset are actual PDAC tumors. The dataset contains otherwise data from cell lines, PDX, normal tissue, etc that should be removed for a proper analysis (see DOI: 10.3390/cancers11010126)
[Response: the planned revisions] We thank the reviewer for the careful review of this issue. We are currently reconsidering with the pathologist whether the samples are appropriate based on TCGA data (diagnosis and pathology sections) and the paper you presented. The current data (Figures 3A, 4J, and 8B) were analyzed for samples excluding cell lines, PDX, and normal tissue in the TCGA-PAAD dataset.
- Does ROR1 correlate with RFS? This would nicely fit with the concept of TIC and metastasis.
[Response] We thank the reviewer for noting this issue. Unfortunately, no correlation was observed between ROR1 expression and RFS.
- Line 219: ROR1 is not "depleted" in the lines as it is a downregulation model. "ROR1-downregulated" would be more correct.
[Response: changed] We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and agree with your comment. We have corrected this term accordingly in the preliminary revision manuscript (line 223).
- It would be good to have a supplem figure showing that siROR1 cells show reduction organoid formation, to validate that the siRNA model functionally recapitulates the ROR1low vs high phenotype.
[Response: the planned revisions] We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We plan to perform a colony formation assay.
- Some of the supplemental figures are only referred in the discussion although they appear earlier than other in the main text. This is a bit confusing when going through the figures.
[Response] We apologize for the poor description in the original manuscript. We have adjusted the order of the supplemental figures in the preliminary revision manuscript.
CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS I agree with the importance of addressing points 2 (link to AURKB), 4 (selection vs acquisition), 5 (mechanism in high vs low cells) raised by Reviewer 1, and the comments from Reviewer 3. I think that the study of other RTKs (point 1 from Reviewer 1) is not the focus of the story. It would be nice if the authors can comment on why they chose ROR1 but the fact that are other differentially expressed genes does not exclude the validity of the current story. I fell that the in vivo sustained KD experiment (point 3 from Reviewer 1) although interesting, it is not mandatory for a revision of this manuscript in case the adaptation of the animal protocol represents a long process. The experiment provided already in the current version is the best approach to address the role of ROR1 at the early initiation phase.
[Response] We thank the reviewer for these positive comments. As suggested, we have substantially revised our manuscript.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
Significance: This is a neat and interesting work with potential implications for the clinical field of pancreatic cancer as the authors identified a new subpopulation with enhanced tumor initiating cell capacity. However, the use of JQ1 for pancreatic cancer has been previously discussed mainly linked to MYC inhibition, but also to stromal reprogramming or DNA damage induction. I missed some discussion in this regard in the discussion section. What is adding the work to the field of JQ1 treatment in PDAC? IN a way, how do the authors foresee that the discovery of ROR1high cells and the regulation of ROR1 by BRD4 and YAP will be beneficial when considering JQ1 in the clinics? Maybe by stratifying patients? Or by following ROR1 upregulation upon initial chemotherapy? These questions are just suggestions. In general, some discussion to put the work into the context of previous works using JQ1 in PDAC would be nice.
[Response: changed] We thank the reviewer for this comment. As you suggested, we have added a description of the proposed use of JQ1 and BRD4 inhibitors in ROR1high PDAC treatment to the Discussion section (lines 412–416).
I believe that this work would be interesting not only to the pancreatic cancer community but also to a more general public working on cancer and/or stemmness as it touches several interesting points in that regard that can be applicable to other systems. My own work is focused on pancreatic cancer, patient heterogeneity and stromal interactions. I am not an expert on histone or ATACseq analyses.
[Response] We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s comments.
Reviewer #3
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary Yamazaki et al investigate partial EMT in pancreatic cancer and provide data that ROR1 marks pancreatic tumor cells that are capable of initiating tumors. The authors exploit scRNAseq of pancreatic tumor xenografts to identify a cluster of cells showing a partial EMT phenotype. The found 7 RTKs expressed more highly in this partial EMT cluster and focus their attention on ROR1, an 'orphan' receptor that has been implicated in WNT signaling and EMT previously. Validation experiments using ROR1-high vs low cells support that ROR1 expression correlates with EMT, poor outcome in human PDA patients, tumor forming and colony forming capacity. They also show that ROR1 high cells form tumors that recapitulate parental tumor histology. The authors show that ROR1 expression is associated with EF2 transcription factor activity, elevated expression of multiple targets including AURKB. Pharmacologic inhibition of AURKB reduces colony formation and genetic loss of ROR1 combined with chemotherapy (gemcitabine) has potent anti-tumor activity in vivo. The authors show that ROR1 expression is elevated in metastatic lesions and identify a novel enhancer element that putatively drives ROR1 expression in tumor cells. They provide evidence that this element is engaged by YAP/BRD4 and show that BRD4 inhibition reduces tumor cell colony formation. The manuscript is a solid combination of techniques with adequate controls and statistics.
[Response] We thank the reviewer for stating that “The manuscript is a solid combination of techniques with adequate controls and statistics”, and we appreciate the reviewer’s constructive suggestions. We have substantially revised our manuscript and plan to perform new experiments based on these valuable comments.
Major Comments: The overall conclusion that ROR1 expression marks a subset of pancreatic cancer cells that have the ability to initiate tumors is supported by the data provided. The correlative data are strong and the demonstration that loss of ROR1 reduces colony formation, reduces metastatic lesions and enhances the efficacy of chemotherapy are compelling. Additionally, the demonstration that ROR1 expression is elevated in metastatic lesions is consistent with many other drivers/markers of EMT in pancreatic cancer.
The conclusion that ROR1 expression is driven by YAP/BRD4 is interesting and provides important mechanistic depth to the study. However, this conclusion could be strengthened by use of a suitable rescue experiment. For instance does overexpression of ROR1 rescue the effect of BRD4 inhibition or loss of YAP?
[Response 1: the planned revisions] We thank the reviewer for this comment. We completely agree with the reviewer’s suggestion. However, the suggested examination to determine whether overexpression of ROR1 rescues the effect of BRD4 inhibition or loss of YAP may not be suitable because BRD4 and YAP act as transcriptional coregulators of various target genes. Instead, as mentioned in response to Reviewer #1-major comments 5-2, we plan to perform new experiments using a reporter assay.
A challenge with the data presented in Figure 1, the scRNA-seq data that lead them to ROR1, is that it is not stated how many tumors are used to generate the scRNA-seq data and the overall number of tumor cells analyzed is relatively low (993). The authors should provide the number of tumors used for the initial scRNA-seq. A general concern with any scRNA-seq data is batch effect, this is mitigated to a degree by the follow on studies that provide functional validation of ROR1 in multiple cell lines.
[Response 2: changed and the planned revisions] We appreciate the reviewer’s comments. As suggested, we have added this information to the preliminary revision manuscript (line 104). In addition, as mentioned in response to Reviewer #2 major comment #1, we plan to perform a new single-cell analysis of PDO xenografts (in-house data) and human PDAC tumors (available public data).
The data and methods are provided in an adequate manner. Reproduction of the experiments is likely. The authors use multiple cell lines and tools that are generally available. The authors note a limitation of the study is that only human tumor xenografts were exploited.
[Response] We thank the reviewer for the positive comment.
Minor comments: Figure 1E and text page 9. The text identifies MERB3 as a gene that marks the partial EMT cluster, I believe this is a type and the gene should actually be MSRB3.
[Response: changed] We apologize for the typo. We have corrected this error accordingly (line 114).
Please provide the dose of gemcitabine in the legend for figure 5
[Response: changed] We apologize for the poor description in the original manuscript. We have added this information.
CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS I think the comments from Referee #2 are pretty reasonable - have no additions
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
Intratumor heterogeneity is a major challenge for the treatment of many cancers, including pancreatic cancer. The data provided support that ROR1 marks a subset of cancer cells in pancreatic tumors that have the capacity to drive intratumor heterogeneity. If supported these data have the potential to drive significant impact. Identification of a marker and a targetable pathway that supports tumor initiation in pancreatic cancer has the potential to nominate companion therapies that enhance the efficacy of standard of care approaches. Further, identification of a pathway that drives partial EMT in pancreatic cancer provides a substantial increase in baseline knowledge of intratumor heterogeneity.
These data would be broadly interesting to scientists interested in the tumor microenvironment, metastasis, therapy resistance and tumor progression. In addition, oncologists focused on drug development and combinatorial therapy will find this manuscript of interest.
[Response] We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s comments.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Yamazaki et al investigate partial EMT in pancreatic cancer and provide data that ROR1 marks pancreatic tumor cells that are capable of initiating tumors. The authors exploit scRNAseq of pancreatic tumor xenografts to identify a cluster of cells showing a partial EMT phenotype. The found 7 RTKs expressed more highly in this partial EMT cluster and focus their attention on ROR1, an 'orphan' receptor that has been implicated in WNT signaling and EMT previously. Validation experiments using ROR1-high vs low cells support that ROR1 expression correlates with EMT, poor outcome in human PDA patients, tumor forming and colony forming capacity. They also show that ROR1 high cells form tumors that recapitulate parental tumor histology. The authors show that ROR1 expression is associated with EF2 transcription factor activity, elevated expression of multiple targets including AURKB. Pharmacologic inhibition of AURKB reduces colony formation and genetic loss of ROR1 combined with chemotherapy (gemcitabine) has potent anti-tumor activity in vivo. The authors show that ROR1 expression is elevated in metastatic lesions and identify a novel enhancer element that putatively drives ROR1 expression in tumor cells. They provide evidence that this element is engaged by YAP/BRD4 and show that BRD4 inhibition reduces tumor cell colony formation. The manuscript is a solid combination of techniques with adequate controls and statistics.
Major Comments:
The overall conclusion that ROR1 expression marks a subset of pancreatic cancer cells that have the ability to initiate tumors is supported by the data provided. The correlative data are strong and the demonstration that loss of ROR1 reduces colony formation, reduces metastatic lesions and enhances the efficacy of chemotherapy are compelling. Additionally, the demonstration that ROR1 expression is elevated in metastatic lesions is consistent with many other drivers/markers of EMT in pancreatic cancer.
The conclusion that ROR1 expression is driven by YAP/BRD4 is interesting and provides important mechanistic depth to the study. However, this conclusion could be strengthened by use of a suitable rescue experiment. For instance does overexpression of ROR1 rescue the effect of BRD4 inhibition or loss of YAP?
A challenge with the data presented in Figure 1, the scRNA-seq data that lead them to ROR1, is that it is not stated how many tumors are used to generate the scRNA-seq data and the overall number of tumor cells analyzed is relatively low (993). The authors should provide the number of tumors used for the initial scRNA-seq. A general concern with any scRNA-seq data is batch effect, this is mitigated to a degree by the follow on studies that provide functional validation of ROR1 in multiple cell lines.
The data and methods are provided in an adequate manner. Reproduction of the experiments is likely. The authors use multiple cell lines and tools that are generally available.
The authors note a limitation of the study is that only human tumor xenografts were exploited.
Minor comments:
Figure 1E and text page 9. The text identifies MERB3 as a gene that marks the partial EMT cluster, I believe this is a type and the gene should actually be MSRB3.
Please provide the dose of gemcitabine in the legend for figure 5
Referees cross-commenting
I think the comments from Referee #2 are pretty reasonable - have no additions
Intratumor heterogeneity is a major challenge for the treatment of many cancers, including pancreatic cancer. The data provided support that ROR1 marks a subset of cancer cells in pancreatic tumors that have the capacity to drive intratumor heterogeneity. If supported these data have the potential to drive significant impact. Identification of a marker and a targetable pathway that supports tumor initiation in pancreatic cancer has the potential to nominate companion therapies that enhance the efficacy of standard of care approaches. Further, identification of a pathway that drives partial EMT in pancreatic cancer provides a substantial increase in baseline knowledge of intratumor heterogeneity.
These data would be broadly interesting to scientists interested in the tumor microenvironment, metastasis, therapy resistance and tumor progression. In addition, oncologists focused on drug development and combinatorial therapy will find this manuscript of interest.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this work Yamazaki and colleagues performed single cell RNA sequencing of one xenograft tumor formed by the S2-VP10 PDAC cell line to explore PDAC intratumor heterogeneity. Using this model they identified ROR1 as heterogeneously expressed in neoplastic cells. Using further in vivo and in vitro models they show that ROR1high cells have higher tumor initiation capacity than ROR1low. By histone and ATAC-seq analyses, they identify a ROR1 enhancer upstream the promoter and show that YAP and BRD4 bind to this genomic region and that BRD4 inhibition by JQ1 reduces ROR1 expression and organoid formation. The data, figures and methods are nicely and clearly presented.
Major comments
- The authors use one xenograft tumor as starting model and all conclusions are derived from the data generated with this model. To support the existence of identifie heterogeneity in the PDAC neoplastic compartment, I would strongly suggest to validate the existence of the partial EMT population and the ROR1 heterogeneity in single cell data bases generated from primary human tumors.
- In Fig. 3G, it is mentioned that tumors grown from ROR1high cells recapitulate the original PDOx histology thus suggesting that ROR1high cells in the tumor are the actual TICs. ROR1low cells could also grow tumors, just with lower incidence. Are these tumors any different to the ROR1high derived ones? Is it just a lower tumor initiation capacity (TIC) or they can not recapitulate the tumor as the ROR1high cell? Can they also give rise to differentiated progeny cells? This should appear in the main text and not only in the discussion. I would suggest to move panel 3G to supplementary figure.
- In line 160 you mention that known CSC markers such as CD44, PROM1 and DCLK1 are not differentially expressed between ROR1 high and low populations. Then, in figure 3H,I you analyze the expression of CD44v6 together with ROR1. I would try to put this information together in the text, or at least in fig. 3 start with something like "we had seen that both ROR1high and low express CD44, however...". In any case, I feel that the experiment with CD44 could be obviated (or at least moved to supplementary), as it brings the question of weather this is also true for DCLK1 or CD133.
- JQ1 has been described to inhibit PDAC growth by downregulation of MYC. To unequivocally link the effect of JQ1 in the downregulation of ROR1 (Fig. 8M) as discussed in the text it would be important to exclude that other mechanisms such as MYC downregulation are taking place. For example, does JQ1 treatment of ROR1low cells also reduce their colony formation capacity (in an experiment such as the one in fig. 3C). Or does ROR1 re-expression in Fig. 8M rescue the JQ1 effect? These or other experiments could help to establish a stronger link between (BRD4/JQ1) and ROR1.
Minor comments
- The data are nicely presented (text and figures) and the conclusions are clear. My suggestion to make the story more "catchy" at the beginning would be, if possible, to start from the observation done in primary human data and then move to the PDX model to explore ROR1 as a TIC marker in PDAC. For this, you could use available public single cell data of human PDAC tumors. If this doesn't work (it is of course possible that by unsupervised analysis you don't get the same clusters as in the PDX with the partial EMT cluster popping up), it would be nice if some primary tumor data came early in the story (currently the first figure showing heterogeneity in primary samples is in supplem fig. 4A).
- It is not clear if the xenografts were subcutaneous or orthotopic. It would be good to include this information in the main text (line 102) and the methods so that the reader knows what is the exact model that has been used.
- In Fig. 2F and 2G I would highlight the EMT pathway to help the reader.
- In Supp Fig 4B it would be nice to have an amplified view of the staining as in panel C of the same figure.
- In the same figure (Fig. 4A-D) ROR1 shows an apical staining pattern that doesn't seem to resemble the staining in patient samples. I am not an expert in pathology evaluation but I would recommend a pathologist to give her/his opinion. Possibly, during the PDX process, few cells from the original patient tumor are selected giving a different staining pattern.
- In the analyses of TCGA data, be aware that only 150 from the original dataset are actual PDAC tumors. The dataset contains otherwise data from cell lines, PDX, normal tissue, etc that should be removed for a proper analysis (see DOI: 10.3390/cancers11010126)
- Does ROR1 correlate with RFS? This would nicely fit with the concept of TIC and metastasis.
- Line 219: ROR1 is not "depleted" in the lines as it is a downregulation model. "ROR1-downregulated" would be more correct.
- It would be good to have a supplem figure showing that siROR1 cells show reduction organoid formation, to validate that the siRNA model functionally recapitulates the ROR1low vs high phenotype.
- Some of the supplemental figures are only referred in the discussion although they appear earlier than other in the main text. This is a bit confusing when going through the figures.
Referees cross-commenting
I agree with the importance of addressing points 2 (link to AURKB), 4 (selection vs acquisition), 5 (mechanism in high vs low cells) raised by Reviewer 1, and the comments from Reviewer 3. I think that the study of other RTKs (point 1 from Reviewer 1) is not the focus of the story. It would be nice if the authors can comment on why they chose ROR1 but the fact that are other differentially expressed genes does not exclude the validity of the current story. I fell that the in vivo sustained KD experiment (point 3 from Reviewer 1) although interesting, it is not mandatory for a revision of this manuscript in case the adaptation of the animal protocol represents a long process. The experiment provided already in the current version is the best approach to address the role of ROR1 at the early initiation phase.
This is a neat and interesting work with potential implications for the clinical field of pancreatic cancer as the authors identified a new subpopulation with enhanced tumor initiating cell capacity. However, the use of JQ1 for pancreatic cancer has been previously discussed mainly linked to MYC inhibition, but also to stromal reprogramming or DNA damage induction. I missed some discussion in this regard in the discussion section. What is adding the work to the field of JQ1 treatment in PDAC? IN a way, how do the authors foresee that the discovery of ROR1high cells and the regulation of ROR1 by BRD4 and YAP will be beneficial when considering JQ1 in the clinics? Maybe by stratifying patients? Or by following ROR1 upregulation upon initial chemotherapy? These questions are just suggestions. In general, some discussion to put the work into the context of previous works using JQ1 in PDAC would be nice.
I believe that this work would be interesting not only to the pancreatic cancer community but also to a more general public working on cancer and/or stemmness as it touches several interesting points in that regard that can be applicable to other systems.
My own work is focused on pancreatic cancer, patient heterogeneity and stromal interactions. I am not an expert on histone or ATACseq analyses.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript the authors analyzed the role of ROR1 in pancreatic cancer progression and metastasis. They found that ROR1 expression is specifically increased in an partial EMT cell cluster upon scRNA-Seq of tumor cells derived from an orthotopic mouse PDAC model. Moreover, the ROR1 high population in tumors specifies cells with high proliferation and tumor initiation capacities, increased metastatic propensity and chemoresistance, since knockdown of ROR1 shows reduction of these features in vivo. By comparing transcriptomes from several in vivo models the authors identified that ROR1 acts through AURKB and that its expression is regulated by an upstream enhancer that is bound by YAP/TAZ and BRD4 complexes. With this study the authors identified a new targetable pathway that promotes tumor progression and metastasis in PDAC. The detailed analysis uses many state of the art techniques to address the role of ROR1 and is of great interest to a large audience including basic researchers in the field of cancer biology and oncologists in the clinic. However, some of the findings are a bit preliminary and the drawn conclusions are not sufficiently supported by the experimental data. Moreover, some findings seem a bit out of context and do not really help to bring the story forward. At other instances experimental details are missing to mechanistically demonstrate the role of ROR1. In particular it remains elusive how ROR1 is regulated, i.e. which signaling events are crucial to generate ROR1 high vs. low cells. I listed my specific comments below.
- The authors' initial finding is that in the partial EMT cluster ROR1, but also other RTKs (out of 56) are specifically increased. What about the other RTKs? Why was ROR1 chosen to analyze more thoroughly?
- The finding of AURKB as crucial target of ROR1 is very weak and needs more in-depth analyses. It is not clear why AURKB was chosen over the other candidates. Is AURKB expression directly regulated by ROR1? Are the two genes directly linked? Can ROR1 deficiency be compensated by AURKB overexpression? Especially the decrease in AURKB protein level in Fig. 4K is not very convincing to account for the different phenotypes in ROR1 high and low cells. Is AURKB and ROR1 expression correlated in TCGA samples (like Fig. 8B)? In Fig. 4L the readout was changed from colony numbers to colony diameter. If AURKB is the crucial player downstream of ROR1, then colony formation efficiency should be affected at first. This needs to be shown. The statement in lines 223,224 that AURKB is a direct downstream target of ROR1 was not shown!
- Fig. 4 A-E: The ROR1 KD was induced in vitro but not continued in vitro. The transient KD has a strong impact on tumor forming capacity, even though recovery of expression is likely within the first days in vivo. This is very interesting and underscores the role of ROR1 in tumor initiation and presumably independent of differences in proliferation. Would the results be different, if the DOX treatment would start with injection of the cells and continued in vivo? Is then tumor initiation not affected and maybe only tumor growth?
- In Fig. 5 the authors show that ROR1 is highly expressed in tumors after gemcitabine treatment and conclude that the ROR1 high cells are a resistant population. However, this statement is too strong, since gemcitabine treatment could also lead to an upregulation of ROR1 in "low" cells during acquisition of chemoresistence. Together with our knowledge on the role of EMT in driving therapy resistance and therapy-mediated induction of EMT, such a scenario is equally likely. Similarly, the statement in lines 370-372 is not supported by experimental evidence.
- In order to understand how ROR1 is regulated, the authors use ATAC-Seq and cut and run and identified a putative upstream enhancer element (Fig. 7). Although this element increases the activity of the promoter fragment in a reporter construct, the experiments do not help to understand how ROR1 activity is increased specifically in the "high" cells. Are peaks of YAP1 and BRD4 also changed between hi/lo cells? Is YAP OE and KD (BRD4 OE and KD) or the use of the inhibotor JQ1 altering the activity of the reporter constructs (i.e. only of the enhancer-promoter combination but not of the promoter only construct)? This would help to strengthen a direct link between ROR1, YAP and BRD4. Is YAP activity different in ROR1 high vs. low cells?
- In Fig. 8A the authors identified 202 antigens that match the H3 monomethylation/acetylation pattern. How was YAP etc. chosen?
- Fig. 2D,E: What is actually shown here? Is there an overlap between the genes that define ROR1 high vs. low cells in both approaches? The gene list should be provided.
- Fig. 3G: I suggest to include the images of the tumors from the ROR1 low cells in the main figure as well
PDAC is a very aggressive desease with very low 5-year survival rates. Understanding of the pathobiology is of keen interest. The findings of the authors are of high significance and extremely relevant as they provide a mechanism that can also be targeted by specific drug combinations, i.e. standard care gemcitabine with specific ROR1 inhibition. The findings are of great interest to a large audience including basic researchers in the field of cancer biology and oncologists in the clinic.
Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Reply to the reviewers
This is a revision plan, the manuscript has not been modified yet as it is being transferred to a journal.
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
This study proposes (and uses) an elegant model of bacteria evolution to study how division of labor can emerge through the interaction between non-random mutations (occurring at some specific ``fragile' genomic sites) and genome architecture. The study is very interesting and the results are convincing. My main concerns are about the presentation of the model and results. Although I am confident about the results, some elements should be clarified for a better understanding and for a correct interpretation of the results. Two points in particular (detailed below as major comments) require clarification.
Major comments:
- the notion of telomere/centromere is used all throughout the paper but I think it is used in a misleading way. First, it seems that here there is only one telomere (but this is actually a detail of the model). More importantly, as long as I know, it is well known that in S. coelicolor the sequence degenerates more rapidly when getting closer to the telomeres (but telomeres are defined independently from this property). But here, the notion of telomere is precisely directly determined by its mutational instability (respectively, the centromere is defined by its stability). Although this is reasonable given the objective of the model, it forbid the use of sentences like "we observed that the genome of the evolved colony founded had two distinct regions: a telomeric [...] and a centromeric [...]" (line 234) or "When bacteria divide, mutations induced at fragile sites lead to the deletion of the part of the genome distal to them, causing large telometic deletions" (line 239 - this is not a result but a hidden description of the model) as this distinction between the two regions is not an outcome of the simulation but rather given a priori as a coded property of the fragile sites that all lead to deletions on the same -- called telomeric -- side (of course, formally if the genome contains no fragile site, there is no distinction but still). Please clarify this in the main text and in the methods. *
Authors response (AR, in the following): we agree with the reviewer that the directionality of the deletions determines centromere and telomere in our model (and the reviewer is correct that we only consider one arm of the chromosome). We will explicitly state both in the main text and in the methods that the model does not include any explicit centromeric and telomeric structure, and that the polarity of the genetic information (and thus centromere and telomere) depends on the choice of directionality of the deletions.
- In most part of the paper (methods, results, figures, sup mat...) antibiotics are considered to have a concentration (or a high/low production) but at least twice in the text (lines 165 and 488) it is said that only the presence/absence of antibiotics is modelled. I was not able to understand how the continuous values are transformed into presence/absence (is there a threshold?) but more importantly, I strongly suspect that this choice has a strong influence on the outcome. For instance, with a diffusion radius equals to 10, it means that an antibiotics producing cell is able to protect 2*\pi*10=~60 replicating cells. Hence, one could conjecture that the fraction of antibiotic-producing mutants should a little more than 2%... which is what is observed by the authors. So (1) please clarify this point (2) discuss (or experiments) the consequences of this choice on the conclusion.
AR: the reviewer is correct that antibiotics are modelled as presence/absence – this was done for computational efficiency. However, the probability that a bacterium deposits an antibiotic at a site within the deposition radius is a continuous number, as it depends on the number of antibiotic genes and growth genes. We will make this clear in the main text and in the methods.
Secondly, we show the effect of varying the deposition radius for the evolutionary dynamics in Supplementary Section S17. We will make this clear in the main text. For the area covered by different radius of antibiotic deposition, please see below.
* Minor comments: - line 262: "We conclude that genome architecture is a key prerequisit for the maintenance of mutation-driven division of labor". Given the model hypotheses you cannot be so affirmative (it is a key prerequisit... in this model!) *
AR: we will modify the statement as suggested. * *
- line 286: "cannot" is probably too strong. It has not been observed...
AR: we will modify the statement as suggested.
- line 288 and following: you seem to consider that there is "selection for diversity". Given the large number of possible antibiotics and given that cells are "automatically" resistant to the antibiotics they produce, could it be simply drift? There is a clear selection pressure to limit the number of growth-promoting genes but no such pressure exist for antibiotics. Hence their number could simply drift (note that figs 2 and SF1 both use a log scale; random variations due to drift could be hidden by the log. Fig. SF2 does use a log scale and shows a dynamics that---to my eyes---claims for drift rather than for selection of diversity).
AR: we agree with the reviewer that drift might contribute to the overall antibiotic diversity. This might be especially true for the antibiotic genes residing downstream of the fragile sites, which have low probability of expression in the wild-type (because of the many growth genes) and are deleted in the mutants. Duplications, deletions and modifications of these genes are effectively neutral, and are therefore likley subject to drift. We will include this discussion in the main text. However, bacteria are highly susceptible to the diverse antibiotics produced by other colonies (i.e. those produced – largely – by the mutants). These antibiotics and their diversity drives colony invasion and is thus selective. The overall number and diversity of antibiotics is therefore, at least in part, under selection.
- line 340: "ends" should be "end" when discussing the model - line 345: "a telomeric region" should be "telomeric regions" when discussing the bacteria - line 359: "S. ambofaciens" should be italic - line 365: same for "Streptomyces"
AR: we will modify the statement as suggested (and thank the reviewer for carefully reading the text).
- line 245 states that colonies begin clonally but methods (lines 434-438) don't support this. Colonies don't begin clonally but they begin without antibiotic-producing spores (see also line 618)
AR: we agree with the reviewer that colonies are not specifically initialised as clonal. We will modify the sentence as: By this process colonies eventually evolve to become functionally differentiated throughout the growth cycle.
- line 442: "their" should be "its" - line 446: "hotspot for recombination" no, for "deletion" - line 449: please remove brackets around the reference.
AR: we will modify the statement as suggested.
- line 458: if I understood it correctly, there is no explicit competition in the model. Competition simply comes from the asynchronous replication. Am I true? Could you clarify that point?
AR: The reviewer is correct that through asynchronous updating only one focal lattice site is update at a time. However, if a site is empty, the bacteria surrounding it are competing based on their replication rate kreplication. Dividing by the neighbourhood size (eta) simply ensures that a bacterium surrounded by a completely empty neighborhood replicates on average alpha_g times (alpha_g being the max growth rate). We will mention this in the methods.
- line 490: "the antibiotic deposited is chosen randomly and uniformly among them". This is not fully clear. I suppose the bacteria is still resistant to all the antibiotics it \it{can} produce?
AR: Yes. This is mentioned in the methods section “Replication”.
- figure SF1: please use the same scales as in figure 2 such that the two plots can be easily compared
AR: we will modify the x-axis to include the number of growth cycles.
- section S3 and figure SF4: What is to be understood from the figure is not clear to me. Seems that WTs win only if generalists produce less AB or replicate slower (?) Is it true?
AR: The reviewer is correct. In other words: when the artificial generalist has the same replication rate and the same antibiotic production rate as the WT, then the competition experiment ends with a near draw (the generalist still wins, but slowly). This means that the fitness cost associated to division of labor, i.e. to having two cell types doing the same work as one generalist – is small.
We will include this description in the section.
The figure is unfortunately complicated by the fact that we do not know a-priori how high the effective antibiotic production rate is (because antibiotics are spatially distributed by the stochastically generated mutants) – and so we had to make a large parameter screen to figure out the parameter values for which the competition experiment made most sense.
- I found it very difficult to draw conclusion from section S4, S5 and S6. These experiments should be analyzed with the help of mathematical analyses of the equations. Moreover, the understanding of these results are rendered difficult due to the lack of clarity regarding the discrete (or not) nature of the antibiotic production/action/diffusion
AR: We hope that we have clarified the distinction between antibiotic production rate and antibiotic presence/absence in the lattice.
The model is not amenable to analytical tractability, which makes it difficult to make exact statements based on the equations that govern it. However, we can check that the model is robust, and identify regions of parameter space where the model behaves in a qualitatively similar way to main text results.
Sections S4, S5 and S6 are essentially parameter screens to verify that the model reproduces the results reported in the main text for a broad range of parameters. The primary conclusion that can be drawn is that the model is robust to parameter changes.
Section S4 explores the model robustness to changes in two key parameters of the model: the antibiotic inhibition due to growth genes beta_g and the parameter h_g, which is the number of growth genes that produces half-maximum growth rate. Section S5 further analyses the relation between these parameters, and how they together determine the strength of the trade-off. Section S6, finally, shows that a strong trade-off is not a necessary requirement for evolution of division of labor as the division also depends (in a counterintuitive way) on the parameter alpha_g, the maximum antibiotic production rate.
We will include and expand these summarizing statements in each section, to make clear what each section achieves.
- S7 and fig SF9. It is unclear to me why the fraction of mutants decrease along time elapsed in the cycle. Please explain.
AR: The reason is that not all mutants are born with the same number of antibiotic genes (Fig. 3A). A mutant with fewer antibiotic genes might be susceptible to some of the antibiotics produced by another mutant, and could be killed by these antibiotics. Once a mutant is killed in the inner colony, a wt will replicate to fill the spot, and likely a wt offspring will take that site rather than another mutant. Thus there is a decline in overall mutant population.
We will include this discussion in Section S7.
- Figure SF14: what are the tin lines? if they correspond to the five repeats, how can it be that the bold line be the median?
AR: we realise that the caption should be clearer. Each of the five lines (both bold and thin) in each pane represents the median number of genetic elements over time. The bold line just highlights one randomly chosen simulation (the same for each genetic element), to better guide the eye.
We will clarify the caption of the figure.
- S13 and figure SF15: given that AB concentration is ON/OFF, is this result really surprising? This also questions about the accumulation of AB genes in the original model. Although the authors regularly claim that this is due to selection for diversity, drift could also be at play (see above)
AR: As mentioned above, we agree with the reviewer and we will mention that drift may co-determine antibiotic gene accumulation.
- S17: for radius 1, 2 and 3, the aliasing is likely to be strong. Hence, the results cannot be interpreted with this sole information. Please give e.g. how many cells are "protected" for each radius (e.g. for r_{alpha}=1, this value can vary between 1 and 9!)
AR: for radius=1, 2, 3, 5 ,8, 10 the area covered by antibiotic production is respectively 5 ,13, 29, 81, 197, 317. We will include this information in the figure.
- L742: "matching the antibiotic bitstring with the bitstring of the antibiotic". True and actually elegant but simpler formulation could ease the reading...
AR: We will change the sentence as follows: “Both antibiotics and antibiotic genes are characterised by a bitstring, which determines their type. Antibiotic resistance in the model is determined by matching these two strings.”
- lines 746-751 and figure SF21: There again, could it be a consequence of the AB ON/OFF diffusion model?
AR: we agree with the reviewer that a continuous diffusion model could affect resistance to antibiotics. We expect that the main effect will come from some antibiotics antibiotics having different concentrations. For instance, we could have a situation in which many deleterious antibiotics are produced in small amount, but have a compounding effect on the susceptible bacterium. This finer model of antibiotic production, diffusion and killing was not included in the model to limit the computational load.
- S18-S19-S20: what should the reader understand from these results? Please better comment the figures.
AR: we agree that figures in Section S18,19 and 20 could have more descriptive captions. Sections S18, 19 and 20 are parameter screen to check that the model is robust to changes in the mutation rates affecting fragile sites activation and de-novo formation. The primary result of Section S18 is that that division of labor evolves over a broad range of fragile site activation rates and de-novo fragile site formation rates (and even when these parameters are decreased by one order of magnitude).
Section S19 shows how these combination of parameters result in quantitative changes in genome composition.
Section S20 shows that the de-novo fragile site formation rate can be zero: as long as the system is initialised genomes that can divide labor, the fragile sites will persist even though no new ones are generated.* *
- CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS Sorry about the confusion about the computation of the number of cells protected by a single AB-producing cell. Of course it is of the order 10*\pi^2 !!! The global argument still holds but the number of cells protected is of course larger than 60 (note that, due to aliasing at the periphery the exact number of cells in the protected area is difficult to determine). *
Author response: We hope the clarifications mentioned above answer the reviewer’s comment.
* Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
First, an very importantly, I must say that I am no familiar with the biological model (Streptomyces coelicolor). So I am not fully able to judge the biological significance of this research (i.e. whether the way division of labor is achieved here enlights---or not---the biology of this bacteria). However, on the computational side, the model and the results (as they are summarized in the conclusion) are very interesting on their own and deserve publication.
Remark: a lots of supplementary results are added to the paper that are not not fully explained or analysed. Please, better discuss all these results and their significance. *
AR: we will extensively check and add detail to the supplementary material, ensuring that results are fully explained (see also response to reviewer 1).*
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The manuscript "Evolution of genome fragility enables microbial division of labor" presents a model of genetically-based division of labour in bacterial colonies. It is postulated that two essential processes, growth and the important for elimination of competitors production of antibiotics, are poorly compatible in a single cell. The beneficial for a colony cell specialization is assumed to be determined only by genetic differences that appear via deletions of growth- promoting loci. These deletions and production of various antibiotics are mediated by a rather elaborate genetic architecture, which includes position-sensitive "fragile" sites, mutable antibiotic and growth-promoting genes. The model produces rather predictable results that under sufficiently strong incompatibility between growth and antibiotic production, the long-term evolution results in formation of mosaic of colonies, each specialized in production of its specific set of antibiotics. Such production is facilitated by evolving rapidly mutable genomes that constantly generate non-reproducing antibiotic-pumping cells.
The model appears very thoroughly developed and analyzed, and all major conclusion are intuitively appealing. Overall, the manuscript reads as a well-written quantitative proof of the principle of genetically-based division of labour between bacterial cells. The only part of the model that I'm a bit sceptical about is the unwarranted complexity of the genetic architecture. Unless the introduction of "fragile" sites and the directional ordering of genes is strongly justified by empirical data, a simpler and more clear assumption about mutational incapacitation of growth genes would suffice to reproduce the predicted phenomenology. So adding such empirical evidence would boost the relevance of the genetical part of the model. In the present form, all observed adaptations are inevitable simply because the expected division of labour will not evolve without each of them due to the design of the model. *
AR: We agree with the reviewer that a simpler model with a predetermined effect of mutations, such as to incapacitate the growth genes, would suffice to reproduce the phenomenology of the mutation-driven division of labor observed in Streptomyces. Adding the complexity of a genome architecture introduces one more hypothesis: that genome fragility can evolve to organize the division of labor. This hypothesis, supported by the results presented here, can be tested experimentally.
However, there is already some empirical support for our modelling choices: 1) mutation rates along the genome of Streptomyces are highly heterogeneous, 2) the genetic content is partitioned along the chromosome so that some genes are preferentially located in the mutationally quiet centromere, and others are in the mutationally active (sub)telomeric regions, 3) some cis genetic elements in Steptomyces’ genomes readily recombine to produce large-scale duplications and deletions (which we heavily simplified in the model as deletion-inducing fragile sites).
We will extend the introduction to include the references for the empirical support to our model.
* A couple of minor comments...
217 This is achieved when fewer growth-promoting genes are required to inhibit antibiotic 218 production (i.e. lower βg). Shouldn't it be "larger \beta_g"? *
AR: yes. Thanks for catching this!
* Whether in the main text or Supplementary materials, it woud help to add a complete population dynamics equation with all gain and loss terms. *
AR: we agree with the reviewer that it would be interesting to obtain a comprehensive population dynamics equation that captures the spatial dynamics of replication, mutation, and antibiotic production, causing colony formation and between-colony competition. However, deriving such equation would be a very big effort in itself, and we suspect that it would not be analytically tractable. Because of this, we prefer the “procedural” model description we gave – which also mirrors the model implementation (see github repository at github.com/escolizzi/strepto2).
* Strikingly, we find the opposite: division of labor evolves when 224 bacteria produce fewer overall antibiotics (lower αa), under shallow trade-off conditions 225 (hgβg = 5; see Suppl. Section S6).
I don't see why it is"striking". It seems perfectly explicable that a smaller \alpha requires more dedication to antibiotic production, thus favouring specialization. *
* *AR: we agree that we have not conveyed why we found this result surprising. We have set the trade-off shallow enough (h_g beta_g =5) that the generalist wins when alpha_g =1. In addition, lowering alpha_a makes the benefit of creating a mutant smaller, because a highly specialised mutant with zero growth genes makes fewer antibiotics. A generalist is proportionally less affected. Intuitively, we have compunded two benefits for the generalist.
But division of labor evolves, outcompeting the generalist – which surprised us.
We will modify the paragraph to better explain what we expected, and we will tone down the wording, removing the word “strikingly”.
*Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
Due to my relative lack of familiarity with the literature on evolution of genetically-based division of labour, I would rather not comment on the degree of innovation of the manuscript.
The text is well written and is accessible to a wide readership, so it could be recommended to a general biological or evolutionary journal.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary: In this manuscript the authors explore the co-evolution of genomic architecture and division of labour in antibiotic production, in a model inspired by the bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor. In the model a genetic trade-off is implemented where the having a large number of growths promoting genes (and thus fast growth) leads to a low production of antibiotics. On the other hand, having fewer growth promoting genes allows for a higher production of antibiotics. This trade-off selects for a division of labour, where one sub population specializes in antibiotic production and another sub population specializes in reproduction. This division of labour is achieved by evolving the genome structure, so that growth promoting genes are clustered together, separated from the rest of the genome by several fragile sites (sites that allow for large deletions). This allows a single mutational event to delete a large number of growth-promoting genes, which creates a cell, lacking growth genes and that thus has a high antibiotic production (cell specializing in antibiotic production). In other words, the genome structure evolves to shape evolvability, so as to allow cells with a high growth rate to rapidly and repeatably evolve/mutate into cells with a high antibiotic production. This creates a division of labour where a part of the population specializes in growth/reproduction and another part specializes in antibiotics production. This model provides a tangible mechanism to explain a similar division of labour observed in S. coelicolor. This mechanism also fits well with the large deletions observed in antibiotic-hyperproducing S. coelicolor cells, which are also repeatably generated during colony growth.
Major comments: -Line 69, It would be good to give a bit more information here on the (number of) different types of antibiotics produced by S. coelicolor, to help the reader understand some of the modelling choices later on, such as allowing for the evolution of a large number (16 or higher if I understand correctly) of different antibiotics and a cell automatically being resistant to all antibiotics it produces (instead of having separate resistance genes). *
AR: we agree with the reviewer that adding this information would put the model more in focus. The total number of antibiotics that can be produced by the genus Streptomyces has been estimated to be of the order of 100000 (ten to the fifth, [Watve et al., 2001]). Although we use S. Coelicolor as reference model organism for our computational model, we simulate long-term evolutionary dynamics that diversify the antibiotic repertoire. Each antibiotic is represented by a 16 bits string, meaning that there are 2^16 (= 65536) possible antibiotics in the system – consistent with the number of possible antibiotics in the genus.
This being said, our model genomes evolve to have many more antibiotic genes than typical Streptomyces. Each species in the genus has up to 30 biosynthetic gene clusters [Genilloud, O. (2014)], a fraction of which make antibiotics. We discuss this discrepancy and propose solutions for this in the Discussion (also see below).
Regarding the possibility of separating antibiotic resistance from antibiotic synthesis: we (and most literature on the eco-evolutionary dynamics of antibiotic-producing bacteria) simplified antibiotic production as depending on individual “antibiotic biosynthetic genes”. In reality several genes in a cluster must be expressed to synthesize an antibiotic. A typical biosynthetic gene cluster also encodes resistance genes for the cognate antibiotic, to prevent cell suicide [Mak et al., 2014] – hence antibiotic genes providing resistance in the model. This being said, Streptomyces genomes also host resistance genes to antibiotics for which they have no biosynthetic pathway themselves, including efflux pumps that give some nonspecific resistance [Nag et al 2021].
Modelling antibiotic synthesis in more detail would allow to make a better model of antibiotic evolution, as well as to enrich the social dynamics of the model – because “cheaters” could evolve that are resistant but do not contribute to the antibiotics in the colony. These questions are certainly interesing, but would further complexify the model. They are exciting venues for future model expansions.
We will include the literature mentioned above in the introduction, and use these references to better motivate the model.
* -Lines 127-129 It is mentioned here fragile sites in the genome might represent transposable elements or long inverted repeats. Would both of these types of fragile sites behave the same? Has it been shown that both transposable elements and long inverted repeats can lead to large deletions from a linear chromosome? It would be nice to have a bit more background on how fragile sites might work or what they might look like in an empirical context. I am a bit unsure on this, but depending on their exact empirical nature, should fragile sites not also lead to increased rates of gene duplication near themselves? *
AR: we see that we have not made a clear connection between the introduction, where we introduce the mutational dynamics of Streptomyces, and the methods, where we introduce fragile sites.
Briefly, both duplications and deletions occur in Streptomyces, as well as circularization of the linear chromosome, conjugation, etc. [Hoff et al 2018,Tidjani et al 2019]. However, the outcome of all these mutations is biased towards deletion [hoff et al 2018, Zhang et al, 2020, Zhang et al, 2022]. There are many mechanisms involved in producing these mutations, forming the mutational hotspots, handling DNA breaks, and in the horizontal transfer of genetic material [Tidjani et al 2019; Lorentzi et al, 2021]. As the reviewer suggests – they do not behave all in the same way. To construct the model, we simplified all these mutational mechanisms into one genetic element, the “fragile site”, and assumed that they are solely responsible for the chromosomal-scale mutations that produce deletions.
We will add this information to the introduction (see also response to reviewer 2), and refer to it in the methods.
* -Line 160 As alluded to before, given the introduction provided, two assumptions come about here (lines 160-166) that lack a bit of justification/background/context. First, why does one allow the evolution of such a relatively large number of antibiotics? A bit more empirical in the introduction background would go a long way to making this assumption seem more justified. As far as I can see the genomic architecture leading to division of labour is only demonstrated for values of v that are 6 (i.e. 64 antibiotics) or above. Perhaps it is because I lack empirical background here, but this still seems to be a relatively large antibiotic space. Does the model also work with v=2? Perhaps it would be good to show a simulation with v=2 in supplementary material S16 as well. *
AR: Hopefully the previous comment on the number of possible antibiotics also clarifies this point.
We will carry out a simulation with v=2.
* -Line 166 The assumption is made that if a bacterium produces a certain antibiotic, it is automatically resistant to this antibiotic. Now it could be that this assumption is empirically rooted, in which case it would be good to allude to this empirical justification. I wonder how would the results be impacted if the resistance genes were separated from the antibiotic production genes? (I do not think additional simulations are in any way necessary on this point, but some more context/thoughts on this matter would be helpful, perhaps near lines 306-309) *
AR: Please see response to major comment on the possibility of separating antibiotic resistance from antibiotic synthesis. We will add the discussion there in the Discussion session.
* -Figure 1 In the subscript it becomes evident that the probability of large deletions due to fragile sites is much higher (10 fold) than single gene duplications, it seems to me this should be the other way around, single gene duplications and deletions could be much more probable than fragile site induced large deletions. Would the model still produce the same results if the values for mu-d and mu-f were switched around? (Again, I do not think additional simulations are per se required, some justification for this assumption would already be plenty). *
AR: We chose these parameter values because, empirically, large scale chromosomal rearrangements (deletions) occur more frequently than single gene duplication/deletion in Streptomyces – as they are the primary mechanism for Streptomyces development and division of labor. We now mention this in the caption of Fig. 1.
Still, would we expect results to be affected if mu_d > mu_f? We do not think so, for the following reason: mu_d and mu_f are per-gene probabilities, so the genomic probability of duplication/deletion and of fragile site activation will depend on the evolved number of genes.
in Fig. 5 we show that mu_f can be decreased by more than one order of magnitude and results do not change qualitatively. To compensate for a smaller per-gene deletion rate (mu_f), the evolved number of fragile sites per genome becomes larger (Suppl. Section S19, Fig. SF23). A similar compensatory increase of fragile sites could happen if duplications and deletions rate per gene were larger.
* Minor comments: -Line 36, perhaps replace "must" with " can" as there are other ways to achieve a division of labour that do not hinge on genomic architecture such as those listed in the next sentence. This sentence seems at odds with the next one, which lists ways to achieve cell differentiation that do not per se completely rely on genomic architecture such as gene regulation. Maybe consider moving this sentence to be on line 40 (after "...organized at the genome level remains unclear") *
AR: we will modify the text as suggested by the reviewer
* -Line 48, perhaps remove "disposable" as there is no particular reason the somatic tissue is disposable, furthermore it invokes the disposable soma theory of aging which is not relevant here *
AR: we will remove “disposable”.
* -Line 147-148 Why these particular relationships, as a reader I do not understand how these functions were constructed and how they might influence the results, a bit more justification might be helpful. Perhaps later on (results/discussion) also address what might happen if you were to use different functions? *
AR: we agree that these functions could use a little more explanation. The probability of replication is a function that increases with the number of growth genes. We assume that the function saturates, as growth cannot be arbitrarily large even if the genome hosts many growth genes. So we need at least two parameters: one for the maximum growth rate (alpha_g), and another that controls the curvature of the function (h_g). A simple choice is a Hill function, but other saturating functions would likely work just as well (e.g. an exponential function with a form alpha_g*(1-exp(-g/h_g)). Similarly, antibiotic synthesis inhibition from growth genes should tend to zero for larger numbers of growth genes, hence the exponential (but we expect that a hyperbolic form e.g 1/(1+g/beta_g) would work just the same).
As this discussion is rather technical, we will include it in the methods section.
* -I am clearly biased on this matter, since I work on evolvability. So, the authors should feel free to ignore this comment. Regardless, I think the authors have shown a wonderful example of the evolution of evolvability. Perhaps it would be nice to add a little bit of an evolvability angle in the discussion. In particular thinking about how fragile sites shape evolvability. *
AR: we agree with the reviewer that the work is a clear form of evolution of evolvability. We now explicitly mention this in the discussion.
* -Lines 404-411 It is great to see that the authors consider the wider applicability of their findings. It would be nice to add something here about the broader applicability in bacteria. As a large number of bacteria have circular chromosomes, how would these findings be impacted if circular chromosomes were at play? (I suspect they would largely still work in the same way, but keen to hear what the authors think). Referring to the work of Yona et al. 2012 on transient chromosomal duplications in yeast due to heat stress might also be good here, to show the more general applicability of the authors findings, this is another example where genomic architecture shapes evolvability. Yona AH, Manor YS, Herbst RH, Romano GH, Mitchell A, Kupiec M, Pilpel Y, Dahan O. Chromosomal duplication is a transient evolutionary solution to stress. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Dec 18;109(51):21010-5. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1211150109. Epub 2012 Nov 29. PMID: 23197825; PMCID: PMC3529009. *
AR: Bacteria show many forms of targeted mutational dynamics (we do already mention CRISPR and HGT). It recently came to our attention that many bacterial and archea genomes host so-called Diversity-Generating Retroelements (DGR) [Macadangdang et al, 2022]. DGRs accelerate microbial evolution at specific sites and generate functional diversity. We will include this reference in the discussion.
We thank the reviewer for pointing us to the work on chromosomal duplication in yeast – we will also incorporate this “dramatic” form of duplication in the discussion.
* -Lines 412 -419 I agree with the authors that in practice the cells specializing in antibiotic production look somewhat like soma, however I would consider not using this term here as strictly speaking the antibiotics producing cells can still reproduce (be it at an extremely low rate, which leads to their loss). *
AR: We tone down both mentions of soma, as follows: “This gives rise to a division of labor driven by mutation, reminiscent of the division between germ and soma in multicellular eukaryotes.”
And, in the last sentence, we write: “...mutant cells *effectively* function as soma by enhancing...”
- Lines 434-438 If I understand correctly authors did not explicitly model the sporulation process (instead selecting random cells from the end of a cycle). I think this is a very good modelling choice that should not be changed; however, I do wonder how the results would be affected if sporulation was more explicitly modelled (for example by adding genes for sporulation, creating a 3 way trade-off between growth, sporulation and antibiotic production). Perhaps something that could be mentioned in the discussion.
AR: we agree with the reviewer that more complex evolutionary problem could be implemented in the system, e.g. through a gene type required for sporulation. They would likely have interesting outcomes. For instance, some bacteria may decide never to sporulate, while others could enhance their antibiotic resistance by turning into spores. Moreover, including additional functions together with an evolvable gene regulation could better capture the developmental dynamics observed through the life cycle of Streptomyces.
* I hope this review is of some use and helps the improvement of this manuscript. *
* Yours sincerely,
Timo van Eldijk
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
Significance: This study provides a clear conceptual advance by showing and studying how genome structure can evolve to create a division of labor. Thereby mechanistically explaining the division of labor in antibiotic production observed in S. coelicolor. It seems evident to me that whilst this study mainly focuses on S. coelicolor, the mechanism likely plays an important role in microbial evolution in general. Though others have previously theoretically explored such mechanisms, this study provides the first exploration modelled closely after an empirical system and hence provides a significant advance. In a more general sense, the evolution of genome architecture likely governs evolvability not just in microbes but in all life on earth. Therefore, I believe that this paper would be interesting for a general audience interested evolution. It would be of particular interest to those studying microbial evolution. My expertise lies in evolutionary biology, theoretical biology, microbial evolution and palaeontology. *
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript the authors explore the co-evolution of genomic architecture and division of labour in antibiotic production, in a model inspired by the bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor. In the model a genetic trade-off is implemented where the having a large number of growths promoting genes (and thus fast growth) leads to a low production of antibiotics. On the other hand, having fewer growth promoting genes allows for a higher production of antibiotics. This trade-off selects for a division of labour, where one sub population specializes in antibiotic production and another sub population specializes in reproduction. This division of labour is achieved by evolving the genome structure, so that growth promoting genes are clustered together, separated from the rest of the genome by several fragile sites (sites that allow for large deletions). This allows a single mutational event to delete a large number of growth-promoting genes, which creates a cell, lacking growth genes and that thus has a high antibiotic production (cell specializing in antibiotic production). In other words, the genome structure evolves to shape evolvability, so as to allow cells with a high growth rate to rapidly and repeatably evolve/mutate into cells with a high antibiotic production. This creates a division of labour where a part of the population specializes in growth/reproduction and another part specializes in antibiotics production. This model provides a tangible mechanism to explain a similar division of labour observed in S. coelicolor. This mechanism also fits well with the large deletions observed in antibiotic-hyperproducing S. coelicolor cells, which are also repeatably generated during colony growth.
Major comments:
- Line 69, It would be good to give a bit more information here on the (number of) different types of antibiotics produced by S. coelicolor, to help the reader understand some of the modelling choices later on, such as allowing for the evolution of a large number (16 or higher if I understand correctly) of different antibiotics and a cell automatically being resistant to all antibiotics it produces (instead of having separate resistance genes).
- Lines 127-129 It is mentioned here fragile sites in the genome might represent transposable elements or long inverted repeats. Would both of these types of fragile sites behave the same? Has it been shown that both transposable elements and long inverted repeats can lead to large deletions from a linear chromosome? It would be nice to have a bit more background on how fragile sites might work or what they might look like in an empirical context. I am a bit unsure on this, but depending on their exact empirical nature, should fragile sites not also lead to increased rates of gene duplication near themselves?
- Line 160 As alluded to before, given the introduction provided, two assumptions come about here (lines 160-166) that lack a bit of justification/background/context. First, why does one allow the evolution of such a relatively large number of antibiotics? A bit more empirical in the introduction background would go a long way to making this assumption seem more justified. As far as I can see the genomic architecture leading to division of labour is only demonstrated for values of v that are 6 (i.e. 64 antibiotics) or above. Perhaps it is because I lack empirical background here, but this still seems to be a relatively large antibiotic space. Does the model also work with v=2? Perhaps it would be good to show a simulation with v=2 in supplementary material S16 as well.
- Line 166 The assumption is made that if a bacterium produces a certain antibiotic, it is automatically resistant to this antibiotic. Now it could be that this assumption is empirically rooted, in which case it would be good to allude to this empirical justification. I wonder how would the results be impacted if the resistance genes were separated from the antibiotic production genes? (I do not think additional simulations are in any way necessary on this point, but some more context/thoughts on this matter would be helpful, perhaps near lines 306-309)
- Figure 1 In the subscript it becomes evident that the probability of large deletions due to fragile sites is much higher (10 fold) than single gene duplications, it seems to me this should be the other way around, single gene duplications and deletions could be much more probable than fragile site induced large deletions. Would the model still produce the same results if the values for mu-d and mu-f were switched around? (Again, I do not think additional simulations are per se required, some justification for this assumption would already be plenty).
Minor comments:
- Line 36, perhaps replace "must" with " can" as there are other ways to achieve a division of labour that do not hinge on genomic architecture such as those listed in the next sentence. This sentence seems at odds with the next one, which lists ways to achieve cell differentiation that do not per se completely rely on genomic architecture such as gene regulation. Maybe consider moving this sentence to be on line 40 (after "...organized at the genome level remains unclear")
- Line 48, perhaps remove "disposable" as there is no particular reason the somatic tissue is disposable, furthermore it invokes the disposable soma theory of aging which is not relevant here
- Line 147-148 Why these particular relationships, as a reader I do not understand how these functions were constructed and how they might influence the results, a bit more justification might be helpful. Perhaps later on (results/discussion) also address what might happen if you were to use different functions?
- I am clearly biased on this matter, since I work on evolvability. So, the authors should feel free to ignore this comment. Regardless, I think the authors have shown a wonderful example of the evolution of evolvability. Perhaps it would be nice to add a little bit of an evolvability angle in the discussion. In particularl thinking about how fragile sites shape evolvability.
- Lines 404-411 It is great to see that the authors consider the wider applicability of their findings. It would be nice to add something here about the broader applicability in bacteria. As a large number of bacteria have circular chromosomes, how would these findings be impacted if circular chromosomes were at play? (I suspect they would largely still work in the same way, but keen to hear what the authors think). Referring to the work of Yona et al. 2012 on transient chromosomal duplications in yeast due to heat stress might also be good here, to show the more general applicability of the authors findings, this is another example where genomic architecture shapes evolvability. Yona AH, Manor YS, Herbst RH, Romano GH, Mitchell A, Kupiec M, Pilpel Y, Dahan O. Chromosomal duplication is a transient evolutionary solution to stress. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Dec 18;109(51):21010-5. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1211150109. Epub 2012 Nov 29. PMID: 23197825; PMCID: PMC3529009.
- Lines 412 -419 I agree with the authors that in practice the cells specializing in antibiotic production look somewhat like soma, however I would consider not using this term here as strictly speaking the antibiotics producing cells can still reproduce (be it at an extremely low rate, which leads to their loss).
- Lines 434-438 If I understand correctly authors did not explicitly model the sporulation process (instead selecting random cells from the end of a cycle). I think this is a very good modelling choice that should not be changed; however, I do wonder how the results would be affected if sporulation was more explicitly modelled (for example by adding genes for sporulation, creating a 3 way trade-off between growth, sporulation and antibiotic production). Perhaps something that could be mentioned in the discussion.
I hope this review is of some use and helps the improvement of this manuscript.
Yours sincerely,
Timo van Eldijk
This study provides a clear conceptual advance by showing and studying how genome structure can evolve to create a division of labor. Thereby mechanistically explaining the division of labor in antibiotic production observed in S. coelicolor. It seems evident to me that whilst this study mainly focuses on S. coelicolor, the mechanism likely plays an important role in microbial evolution in general. Though others have previously theoretically explored such mechanisms, this study provides the first exploration modelled closely after an empirical system and hence provides a significant advance. In a more general sense, the evolution of genome architecture likely governs evolvability not just in microbes but in all life on earth. Therefore, I believe that this paper would be interesting for a general audience interested evolution. It would be of particular interest to those studying microbial evolution. My expertise lies in evolutionary biology, theoretical biology, microbial evolution and palaeontology.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
Learn more at Review Commons
Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The manuscript "Evolution of genome fragility enables microbial division of labor" presents a model of genetically-based division of labour in bacterial colonies. It is postulated that two essential processes, growth and the important for elimination of competitors production of antibiotics, are poorly compatible in a single cell. The beneficial for a colony cell specialization is assumed to be determined only by genetic differences that appear via deletions of growth- promoting loci. These deletions and production of various antibiotics are mediated by a rather elaborate genetic architecture, which includes position-sensitive "fragile" sites, mutable antibiotic and growth-promoting genes. The model produces rather predictable results that under sufficiently strong incompatibility between growth and antibiotic production, the long-term evolution results in formation of mosaic of colonies, each specialized in production of its specific set of antibiotics. Such production is facilitated by evolving rapidly mutable genomes that constantly generate non-reproducing antibiotic-pumping cells.
The model appears very thoroughly developed and analyzed, and all major conclusion are intuitively appealing. Overall, the manuscript reads as a well-written quantitative proof of the principle of genetically-based division of labour between bacterial cells. The only part of the model that I'm a bit sceptical about is the unwarranted complexity of the genetic architecture. Unless the introduction of "fragile" sites and the directional ordering of genes is strongly justified by empirical data, a simpler and more clear assumption about mutational incapacitation of growth genes would suffice to reproduce the predicted phenomenology. So adding such empirical evidence would boost the relevance of the genetical part of the model. In the present form, all observed adaptations are inevitable simply because the expected division of labour will not evolve without each of them due to the design of the model.
A couple of minor comments...
217 This is achieved when fewer growth-promoting genes are required to inhibit antibiotic 218 production (i.e. lower βg). Shouldn't it be "larger \beta_g"?
Whether in the main text or Supplementary materials, it woud help to add a complete population dynamics equation with all gain and loss terms.
Strikingly, we find the opposite: division of labor evolves when 224 bacteria produce fewer overall antibiotics (lower αa), under shallow trade-off conditions 225 (hgβg = 5; see Suppl. Section S6).
I don't see why it is"striking". It seems perfectly explicable that a smaller \alpha requires more dedication to antibiotic production, thus favouring specialization.
Due to my relative lack of familiarity with the literature on evolution of genetically-based division of labour, I would rather not comment on the degree of innovation of the manuscript.
The text is well written and is accessible to a wide readership, so it could be recommended to a general biological or evolutionary journal.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This study proposes (and uses) an elegant model of bacteria evolution to study how division of labor can emerge through the interaction between non-random mutations (occurring at some specific ``fragile' genomic sites) and genome architecture. The study is very interesting and the results are convincing. My main concerns are about the presentation of the model and results. Although I am confident about the results, some elements should be clarified for a better understanding and for a correct interpretation of the results. Two points in particular (detailed below as major comments) require clarification.
Major comments:
- the notion of telomere/centromere is used all throughout the paper but I think it is used in a misleading way. First, it seems that here there is only one telomere (but this is actually a detail of the model). More importantly, as long as I know, it is well known that in S. coelicolor the sequence degenerates more rapidly when getting closer to the telomeres (but telomeres are defined independently from this property). But here, the notion of telomere is precisely directly determined by its mutational instability (respectively, the centromere is defined by its stability). Although this is reasonable given the objective of the model, it forbid the use of sentences like "we observed that the genome of the evolved colony founded had two distinct regions: a telomeric [...] and a centromeric [...]" (line 234) or "When bacteria divide, mutations induced at fragile sites lead to the deletion of the part of the genome distal to them, causing large telometic deletions" (line 239 - this is not a result but a hidden description of the model) as this distinction between the two regions is not an outcome of the simulation but rather given a priori as a coded property of the fragile sites that all lead to deletions on the same -- called telomeric -- side (of course, formally if the genome contains no fragile site, there is no distinction but still). Please clarify this in the main text and in the methods.
- In most part of the paper (methods, results, figures, sup mat...) antibiotics are considered to have a concentration (or a high/low production) but at least twice in the text (lines 165 and 488) it is said that only the presence/absence of antibiotics is modelled. I was not able to understand how the continuous values are transformed into presence/absence (is there a threshold?) but more importantly, I strongly suspect that this choice has a strong influence on the outcome. For instance, with a diffusion radius equals to 10, it means that an antibiotics producing cell is able to protect 2\pi10=~60 replicating cells. Hence, one could conjecture that the fraction of antibiotic-producing mutants should a little more than 2%... which is what is observed by the authors. So (1) please clarify this point (2) discuss (or experiments) the consequences of this choice on the conclusion.
Minor comments:
- line 262: "We conclude that genome architecture is a key prerequisit for the maintenance of mutation-driven division of labor". Given the model hypotheses you cannot be so affirmative (it is a key prerequisit... in this model!)
- line 286: "cannot" is probably too strong. It has not been observed...
- line 288 and following: you seem to consider that there is "selection for diversity". Given the large number of possible antibiotics and given that cells are "automatically" resistant to the antibiotics they produce, could it be simply drift? There is a clear selection pressure to limit the number of growth-promoting genes but no such pressure exist for antibiotics. Hence their number could simply drift (note that figs 2 and SF1 both use a log scale; random variations due to drift could be hidden by the log. Fig. SF2 does use a log scale and shows a dynamics that---to my eyes---claims for drift rather than for selection of diversity).
- line 340: "ends" should be "end" when discussing the model
- line 345: "a telomeric region" should be "telomeric regions" when discussing the bacteria
- line 359: "S. ambofaciens" should be italic
- line 365: same for "Streptomyces"
- line 245 states that colonies begin clonally but methods (lines 434-438) don't support this. Colonies don't begin clonally but they begin without antibiotic-producing spores (see also line 618)
- line 442: "their" should be "its"
- line 446: "hotspot for recombination" no, for "deletion"
- line 449: please remove brackets around the reference.
- line 458: if I understood it correctly, there is no explicit competition in the model. Competition simply comes from the asynchronous replication. Am I true? Could you clarify that point?
- line 490: "the antibiotic deposited is chosen randomly and uniformly among them". This is not fully clear. I suppose the bacteria is still resistant to all the antibiotics it \it{can} produce?
- figure SF1: please use the same scales as in figure 2 such that the two plots can be easily compared
- section S3 and figure SF4: What is to be understood from the figure is not clear to me. Seems that WTs win only if generalists produce less AB or replicate slower (?) Is it true?
- I found it very difficult to draw conclusion from section S4, S5 and S6. These experiments should be analyzed with the help of mathematical analyses of the equations. Moreover, the understanding of these results are rendered difficult due to the lack of clarity regarding the discrete (or not) nature of the antibiotic production/action/diffusion
- S7 and fig SF9. It is unclear to me why the fraction of mutants decrease along time elapsed in the cycle. Please explain.
- Figure SF14: what are the tin lines? if they correspond to the five repeats, how can it be that the bold line be the median?
- S13 and figure SF15: given that AB concentration is ON/OFF, is this result really surprising? This also questions about the accumulation of AB genes in the original model. Although the authors regularly claim that this is due to selection for diversity, drift could also be at play (see above)
- S17: for radius 1, 2 and 3, the aliasing is likely to be strong. Hence, the results cannot be interpreted with this sole information. Please give e.g. how many cells are "protected" for each radius (e.g. for r_{alpha}=1, this value can vary between 1 and 9!)
- L742: "matching the antibiotic bitstring with the bitstring of the antibiotic". True and actually elegant but simpler formulation could ease the reading...
- lines 746-751 and figure SF21: There again, could it be a consequence of the AB ON/OFF diffusion model?
- S18-S19-S20: what should the reader understand from these results? Please better comment the figures.
Referees cross-commenting
Sorry about the confusion about the computation of the number of cells protected by a single AB-producing cell. Of course it is of the order 10*\pi^2 !!! The global argument still holds but the number of cells protected is of course larger than 60 (note that, due to aliasing at the periphery the exact number of cells in the protected area is difficult to determine).
First, an very importantly, I must say that I am no familiar with the biological model (Streptomyces coelicolor). So I am not fully able to judge the biological significance of this research (i.e. whether the way division of labor is achieved here enlights---or not---the biology of this bacteria). However, on the computational side, the model and the results (as they are summarized in the conclusion) are very interesting on their own and deserve publication.
Remark: a lots of supplementary results are added to the paper that are not not fully explained or analysed. Please, better discuss all these results and their significance.
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Reply to the reviewers
We thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and suggestions and were pleased to note the quality of work and the findings were well received. Both reviewers commented that the datasets and findings represent a valuable resource for the field, and that this is a valuable resource paper. The only major concern related to conceptual advance and we provide a clear plan below that we believe will thoroughly address this issue.
Below, we provide point-by-point responses to each of the reviewer’s comments. These are presented to improve the conceptual advance in section 1 and address all other issues raised in other minor comments in section 2.
Section 1: Conceptual A____dvance
One main concern raised by both of the reviewers was that the main biological findings did not represent a major new conceptual advance, which is encapsulated by the comments below:
Reviewer 1:
“Major comments:
The conclusions of the manuscript are convincing. The robust data generated is inherently valuable and is of great interest of the field. However, my impression is that the authors did not utilize the power of their studies. The main message - Prox1 is a key regulator in promoting and maintaining lymphatic cell fate - is well accepted and has been intensively studied. Therefore, the main findings presented in the current manuscript are not conceptually-advancing.
Additional studies focusing on the function of some of the identified hit genes, such as cdh6, slc7a7, fabp11a in lymphatics - either in fish or in vitro - would significantly improve the novelty of the article. Zebrafish is an ideal experimental model that enable a relatively easy and quick way to address these questions. However, considering the time and expense of those experiments, in vitro studies would be also well appreciated instead of fish.”
Reviewer 2:
“While the work presented in this manuscript could be an interesting resource for the researchers in the field, it does not provide significant conceptual advances in the field.”
I agree with the excellent technical and statistical comments of Rev. 2. Overall, we are in agreement regarding the strength of the datasets as a resource for the field, but with limited conceptual novelty.”
We appreciate both reviewers’ feedback and take this concern seriously. We believe that the paper would be improved by utilizing the unique and extensive single cell resource to develop a deeper new understanding of the molecular control of lymphatic development. We also believe that the novel and new biology already presented in the paper can be better highlighted by re-writing the paper in key places.
In revision, we will therefore provide two major improvements to address these comments on conceptual advance.
Firstly, we will re-write relevant sections of the paper to provide an improved focus on the new biology uncovered and less of a technical focus on the resource generated. Specifically, the key new biological insights our thorough analysis already made in the manuscript that will be better highlighted include:
- We define the precise timing of differentiation of lymphatics in vivo. Specified LECs in the cardinal vein are not significantly differentiated from their venous neighbours, rather they become transcriptionally distinct between 40 and 72 hours post fertilisation (hpf), well after the sprouting events by which they emerge from the vein. This was not previously shown in any study.
- We show in definitive Prox1 null maternal and zygotic double mutant zebrafish for the first time that the sprouting of LECs from the cardinal vein occurs independently of Prox1 function, separating the initial sprouting and fating events. This is different from earlier findings in mouse (Yang, Garcia-Verdugo et al. 2012) and offers a unique new understanding.
- We define the transcriptional program controlled by Prox1 during the maintenance of LEC fate in vivo at a whole transcriptome level. This has never actually been done before in any published literature. This reveals that Prox1 simultaneously up-regulates lymphatic marker genes and down-regulates blood vascular marker genes (which was known for a small number of markers). However, it also demonstrates the surprising finding that none of the change in fate from blood vascular to lymphatic vascular is regulated independently of Prox1 function. This shows that Prox1 is not “a” master regulator but “the only” master regulator of this fate decision in a definitive manner for the first time.
- In contrast to how Prox1 maintains lymphatic fate, we also provide a challenging and important analysis of Prox1 function at the earliest stages of lymphatic specification and transdifferentiation from blood vascular to lymphatic vasculature. For the first time in any published literature, we show that the role of Prox1 in vivo in this fate decision is primarily to negatively regulate blood vascular and hematopoietic cell fate and not to positively regulate a lymphatic specification gene network. Importantly, this suggests that lymphatic fate transition begins by blocking what may be a default blood vascular cell fate. This was not previously shown in vivo.
- Finally, at a molecular level we have demonstrated that Prox1 regulates chromatin accessibility across the genome. Specifically, mutants show a unique and unexpected chromatin signature, whereby chromatin is opened up at many key lymphatic developmental genes but these genes are not transcribed. This discordance in chromatin state and gene transcription appears to be consistent with ectopic activity of early blood and blood vascular transcription factors. This unique finding indicates that Prox1 function negatively regulates blood and blood vascular transcriptional control across diverse enhancers and regulatory elements, and that Prox1 function determines normal chromatin state changes to regulate cell fate. We believe that we did not do a good job of highlighting these important biological observations for the reviewers. Our revision will better emphasise the biological meaning in our data, rather than emphasising the technical aspects of the work.
Secondly, we agree with the reviewers that extracting a new biological finding or understanding from the data will improve the impact of this study. A longstanding question in the field of lymphangiogenesis has been what precise role Notch signalling plays in cell fate decisions and in vessel network growth. The literature is very murky on the role of Notch signalling in the specification of lymphatics. For example:
- Human in vitro work (Kang, Yoo et al. 2010) showed that increased Notch pathway function repressed expression of key transcription factors Prox1 and CoupTFII and the subsequent induction of LEC fate, but this was not confirmed in vivo.
- In mice, Murtomaki et al (2013) reported that Notch signalling negatively regulates VEC to LEC transition via suppression of Prox1 expression at the earliest stages of specification of LECs from the cardinal veins (Murtomaki, Uh et al. 2013).
- This work contradicts the rather definitive observation that endothelial deletion of the core Notch effector Rbpj (Tie2:Cre, Rbpj-f/f) has no effect on the expression of Prox1 in the cardinal veins (Srinivasan, Geng et al. 2010).
- In zebrafish, it was found that lymphatics don’t form in the absence of Notch signalling (Geudens, Herpers et al. 2010), but in this study we found no evidence of active Notch signalling during LEC specification and sprouting. This was recently explained with the demonstration that it was arterial Notch signalling responsible for the abnormal wiring of zebrafish vessels and loss of lymphatics (Geudens, Coxam et al. 2019). These studies suggest that the role of Notch signalling in zebrafish is not autonomous to the developing veins and lymphatics. Thus, it is currently very unclear if Notch signalling plays a specific role in developing lymphatics or if so, when and how it controls lymphangiogenesis in a cell autonomous manner.
Upon re-evaluating our data, we examined all of the known Notch ligands, receptors and target genes with single cell resolution. To our surprise we found that:
- jag2b expression is a specific marker of the fate-shifted LECs in Zprox1a-/- mutants at 4dpf, switching on when LEC fate is not maintained by Prox1.
- notch1a and notch1b are the key lymphatic expressed receptors for the pathway in zebrafish.
- The main downstream target expressed was her6, which was expressed in a specific manner in vasculature in the maturing LECs.
- Strikingly, there was little to no expression of these key pathway components at specification of LEC fate stages, but rather the Notch pathway is active at later stages when LECs differentiate and grow in the embryo. This prompted us to examine a unique notch1b mutant that we have in the lab. We found that this mutant has clear defects in lymphangiogenesis that impact later stages of development but do not impact early specification.
For our revision, we therefore plan to include one additional large Figure of data. This figure will build of a deeper analysis of Notch signalling in our single cell RNA and ATAC sequencing resource and use our new mutant strain to definitively demonstrate the importance of and timing of Notch signalling in the development of lymphatic vessels. We believe that this will clear up the mystery of when and how Notch controls lymphangiogenesis and will add important new conceptual advance to the paper.
Section 2: Other minor comments
Reviewers’ Comments:
Reviewer #1
An article in 2017 presented abundant expression of fabp11a in zebrafish and suggested its function in brain vessel integrity (PMID: 28443032). In the current manuscript however, the authors did not find fabp11a expression in the head vasculature. Did the authors not detect expression of fabp11a in brain blood vessel endothelial cells at the investigated stages of the zebrafish development? In this case, how would they discuss this seeming contradiction?
We thank the reviewer for pointing out this study. In the paper from Zhang et al. (2017), the authors showed blood vessel expression of fabp11a at earlier stages than we have examined in our images here. In particular, the expression in blood vessels in the head was shown at 1.5, 2 and 3 dpf. We have examined our transgenic line only at 5 dpf. At 5 dpf we do see expression in the trunk veins, which is consistent with the Zhang paper, but we have not looked at the cranial blood vessels at early stages.
In our revision, we will image earlier stage brain blood vessels using our new transgenic line to address this issue and provide additional confidence in our findings.
Minor comments:
In Figure 1a, authors show LEC sprouts in the trunk region at 40 hpf. At 3 dpf however, these LECs sprouts are not shown, but parachordal LECs only. Do these LEC sprouts disappear by 3 dpf? Cartoons on later timepoints suggest that LEC sprouts shown at 40 hpf remain in their location and make connection with parachordal LECs, but the panel in its current form is misleading.
We thank the reviewer for this feedback. We will correct this figure to better indicate these key stages and we will include a full reference at this point of the article to our previous review article Hogan and Schulte-Merker (2017) in which we describe this process in detail and in full (Hogan and Schulte-Merker 2017).
Although I appreciate that the authors were consistent with the colour coding in the graphs, some combinations should be revised. Although the light blue/dark blue colour combination works well in other places, in Figure 4a, it is hard to distinguish those colours. Use of a higher contrast colour combination would be better.
We will correct this by using high-contrast colour combinations as requested.
In Figure 1b, similar colours are used for different purposes. Orange in the upper panel shows 40 hpf cluster, while a very similar colour is used for the VEC_preLEC cluster in the lower panels. Although I recognize the overlay between these clusters, a different colour coding would be more accurate. Maybe, clusters from the upper panel (Stage) should be show individually, just like genes in panel c, to help the reader identifying those clusters at different timepoints.
We will correct this by selecting different colours for VEC_preLEC cluster and cells collected at the 40hpf time point.
Reviewer #2:
Specific Comments:
In general, the authors need to be more precise and cautious in interpreting the RNA velocity analyses. For instance, in Fig 1b, there are two potential regions which could reflect VEC to LEC transition (the one which is connected to LEC sub-cluster and the other which is located in between LEC and VEC/preLEC sub-clusters.) Which trajectory are the authors referring to? In addition, in Fig 3c, the authors claim that RNA velocity analyses showed that the cells within the mutant cluster, however, since cells located within the edge of the clusters tend to have similar trajectory (for instance, cells in the right edge within the LEC_S1 sub-cluster and those in the top left edge within the LEC_S2 sub-cluster), it is difficult to assess whether the trajectory the authors indicated in the mutant sub-cluster is biologically meaningful and relevant. Finally, in Fig 7a, further analyses are needed to support the authors claim which is solely based on RNA velocity analyses.
We thank the reviewer for this feedback and will ensure the size of arrows on our Velocity analysis are increased, to facilitate interpretation of the data. Further to this we will include a second trajectory analysis (Street, Risso et al. 2018) in Extended data figures 1, 2 and 7 that we expect will validate our observations made in Figures 1b, 3c and 7a respectively.
In Fig. 1b, it is not clear whether arterial and venous ECs were excluded from the analyses, if so, the authors need to state how these cell types were identified and excluded. In addition, it would be helpful if the authors show the actual number of cells in each sub-cluster, so the readers could estimate the prevalence of each sub-cluster.
We agree that this information can be more explicitly described, and will include the number of cells per cluster in the legend of Figure 1b, and all single cell RNA-seq UMAPs that define sub-populations. Furthermore, we will include an extra column in Extended Data Table 1a detailing the number of cells per cluster, expand Extended Figure 1 to describe step-wise sub setting of data. We will do this for all 3 single cell datasets. This information will also be written into the Results and Methods.
In Fig 2a, the authors claim that the level of gene expression is different between head and trunk region using cropped fluorescence microscopy images. It would be more convincing if the authors show both head and trunk regions in a single image.
We will address this by using images taken of the entire fish including both head and trunk.
In Fig. 1c, could the authors include an UMAP image showing the expression level of prox1b? It would be helpful for the readers to compare the expressivity of prox1b over time.
We will amend Figure 1c by replacing UMAP images of hexa with prox1b (prox3).
In Fig. 1d, the authors need to explain why the expression of LEC markers diminish at 5dpf.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. The 4 dpf single cell RNA-seq libraries are larger than the other libraries included in our developmental time course. While the normalisation (Stuart, Butler et al. 2019) and integration (He, Brazovskaja et al. 2020) approaches have partially corrected this, we believe the higher expression at 4 dpf can be attributed to library size rather than biology. In our revision we will include an analysis that applies down-sampling to larger libraries, that we believe will reduce the contribution of library size to gene expression patterns reported in the developmental time-course.
In Fig. 3a, it would be helpful if the authors show arterial ECs as well, so the readers could assess the characteristics of mutant clusters in a more general context.
We thank the reviewer for this feedback. This information is detailed in Extended Data Figure 2a, which shows UMAPS for all cells in the Zprox1a-/- mutant scRNA-seq dataset. We will expand this figure and include a separate panel with additional UMAP images and dot plots of all endothelial cell types including AEC (arterial endothelial cells), and believe that this will allow readers to better appreciate how different sub-populations of ECs relate to each other.
In the current Figure 3 we focus exclusively on evaluating the LEC, VEC and mutant sub-populations, allowing the reader to hone in on our key points.
In Fig. 3a and 3b, the authors state that Zprox1a null cells generate a peculiar VEC cluster (mutant cluster). Does prox1a influence the transcriptomic profile of VECs as well?
We thank the reviewer for this important question. We will expand the Extended Data Table 2 to include differential expression analyses between Zprox1a-/- mutant and WT AEC (arterial endothelial cells), and VEC (venous endothelial cells). We will include a dot plot in Extended Data Figure 2 that includes cluster specific markers of the mutant cluster with Zprox1a-/- mutant and WT AEC and VEC phenotypes. This demonstrates that the changes in Prox1 mutants are restricted to the cells that normally express Prox1 (i.e. LECs).
It is not clear how the normalization was done in Fig. 3d.
We will include this information in the Results section text more clearly upon revision.
In Fig. 3f, the number of the genes do not match with the extended data table 2b (1034 vs 1107, and 294 vs 326).
We thank the reviewer for picking up these errors. Figure 3f includes all genes that are considered differentially expressed (Wilcoxin Rank Sum adjusted p value
In Fig. 3i and 3k, the authors show the quantification of cdh5/kdrl intensity within the thoracic duct. It would be helpful if the authors could correlate the location of the area used for quantification (whether the quantification represents LEC cluster or mutant cluster).
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and will add a clear box displaying where measurements were made. We will also amend the text for clarity.
Can the authors specify the unique characteristics of mutant clusters such as the presence of specific markers?
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion, and will amend the text for clarity. We will include a dot plot of top cluster specific markers for all clusters (including the mutant specific cluster) in Extended Data Figure 2.
In Fig. 4g, how prevalent is prox1a/b binding sites and what is the P value?
This is a great question from the reviewer. The Prox1-motif has been problematic but we have now developed robust approaches to identify predicted Prox1-motifs in our snATAC identified peaks. We have now performed a Prox1 motif analysis and will update Figure 4g to include these results. We will include a quantitative comparison of the frequency of Prox1 motifs in LEC, VEC and AEC specific peaks identified in our ATAC analyses.
In Fig. 5a and 5b, the authors assume that the mutant cluster in scRNA-seq data and the mutant cluster in snATAC-seq data are the same population. Is there any validation done?
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We will clarify in text that we believe that these are the same cell population for two reasons:
- They are the only populations in both the scRNA-seq and snATAC-seq data composed almost entirely of Zprox1a-/- mutant cells.
- Furthermore, all other endothelial cell phenotypes (eg. AEC, VEC, LEC, muLEC, Endocardium) are accounted for in both datasets. At the transcriptional level (in our scRNA-seq) the mutant specific cluster co-expresses LEC and VEC markers, suggesting it is a hybrid cell type that sits between LEC and VEC phenotypes. However, at key lymphatic genes chromatin accessibility and gene expression (comparing snATAC and scRNA-seq) become discordant in the mutant specific clusters, which gives us confidence that we are observing a fate shift due to loss of Prox1 in this specific type of cell. This also suggests that Prox1 is required for concordant chromatin accessibility and gene expression.
In Fig. 5c, figure legend and the extended data table 4a did not match. In Fig 5c, the figure legend says the cut off was set by Wilcoxon Rank Sum, FDRWe thank the reviewer for picking up these errors. As in Figure 3f, Figure 5c includes peaks that are considered differentially accessible (Wilcoxin Rank Sum FDR In Fig. 7d and 7e, it is not clear how the clustering was performed. Based on the image shown in the Fig. 7d/e, three sub-clusters do not seem to clearly separate from one another. It would be helpful if the authors clearly state what was the criteria used for the clustering.
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. The reason that the clusters sit close together is because these cell types are not yet differentiated from each other. This can be appreciated by looking at clustering of all endothelial cells in 7a. In response to this comment we will no longer show subsetted and re-clustered data in 7d (we will move this to Extended Data), instead will display 7d and 7e using the same UMAP used in 7a with other endothelial cells (AEC, VEC, Endocardium) coloured light grey. We will also expand our description of clustering in the Results and Methods.
Overall, the dot plots should be replaced with the violin plots to better reflect potential heterogeneity within sub-clusters.
We agree that for key points, violin plots could be helpful. We will include violin plots in Extended Data Figures for key data points that include the following: Figures 1c, 3b and 7e. This will ensure that readers have a clear appreciation for heterogeneity within sub-clusters for all key markers that define phenotype in each dataset.
Other comments from reviewers:
Reviewer 1:
The manuscript uses state of the art approaches to characterize Prox1-dependent transcriptional and chromatin accessibility changes that define LEC fate and lymphatic sprouting in zebrafish models.
The key role of Prox1 in LEC differentiation and maintenance of lymphatic cell fate and lymphatic development is well known based on previous findings. Strength of the current manuscript is the massive dataset generated, which opens the opportunity to identify downstream players of Prox1 in regulating lymphatic fate and expansion. The authors, however, did not utilize this opportunity for elucidating novel conceptual findings about lymphatic endothelial fate, development or function.
The presented results will be of interest for experts in vascular biology, lymphatic biology, developmental biology and genetics. The generated data may be further used in studies investigating the function of the hit genes highlighted in this manuscript in lymphatic vessels.
Reviewer 2:
Grimm and colleagues analysed developmental lymphangiogenesis in zebrafish embryos using single cell transcriptomics. They identified a number of novel targets of Prox1a, the master regulator for the LEC fate. In addition, the authors have identified a novel mutant-specific sub-cluster in Zprox1a mutant embryos, reiterating the importance of prox1a in the specification and differentiation of LECs.
While the work presented in this manuscript could be an interesting resource for the researchers in the field, it does not provide significant conceptual advances in the field. Moreover, there are some technical issues that needs to be resolved prior to the publication of the manuscript.
We thank the reviewers for their positive response and feedback.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Grimm and colleagues analyzed developmental lymphangiogenesis in zebrafish embryos using single cell transcriptomics. They identified a number of novel targets of Prox1a, the master regulator for the LEC fate. In addition, the authors have identified a novel mutant specific subclusters in Zprox1a mutant embryos, reiterating the importance of prox1a in the specification and differentiation of LECs.
Specific Comments:
- In general, the authors need to be more precise and cautious in interpreting the RNA velocity analyses. For instance, in Fig 1b, there are two potential regions which could reflect VEC to LEC transition (the one which is connected to LEC subcluster and the other which is located in between LEC and VEC/preLEC subclsuters.) Which trajectory are the authors referring to? In addition, in Fig 3c, the authors claim that RNA velocity analyses showed that the cells within the mutant cluster, however, since cells located within the edge of the clusters tend to have similar trajectory (for instance, cells in the right edge within the LEC_S1 subcluster and those in the top left edge within the LEC_S2 subcluster), it is difficult to assess whether the trajectory the authors indicated in the mutant subcluster is biologically meaningful and relevant. Finally, in Fig 7a, further analyses are needed to support the authors claim which is solely based on RNA velocity analyses.
- In Fig. 1b, it is not clear whether arterial and venous ECs were excluded from the analyses, if so, the authors need to state how these cell types were identified and excluded. In addition, it would be helpful if the authors show the actual number of cells in each subcluster, so the readers could estimate the prevalence of each subcluster.
- In Fig 2a, the authors claims that the level of gene expression is different between head and trunk region using cropped fluorescence microscopy images. It would be more convincing if the authors show both head and trunk regions in a single image.
- In Fig. 1c, could the authors include an UMAP image showing the expression level of prox1b? It would be helpful for the readers to compare the expressivity of prox1b over time.
- In Fig. 1d, the authors need to explain why the expression of LEC markers diminish at 5dpf.
- In Fig. 3a, it would be helpful if the authors show arterial ECs as well, so the readers could assess the characteristics of mutant clusters in a more general context.
- In Fig. 3a and 3b, the authors state that Zprox1a null cells generate a peculiar VEC cluster (mutant cluster). Does prox1a influence the transcriptomic profile of VECs as well?
- It is not clear how the normalization was done in Fig. 3d.
- In Fig. 3f, the number of the genes do not match with the extended data table 2b (1034 vs1107, and 294 vs 326).
- In Fig. 3i and 3k, the authors show the quantification of cdh5/kdrl intensity within the thoracic duct. It would be helpful if the authors could correlate the location of the area used for quantification (whether the quantification represents LEC cluster or mutant cluster).
- Can the authors specify the unique characteristics of mutant clusters such as the presence of specific markers?
- In Fig. 4g, how prevalent is prox1a/b binding sites and what is the P value?
- In Fig. 5a and 5b, the authors assume that the mutant cluster in scRNA-seq data and the mutant cluster in snATAC-seq data are the same population. Is there any validation done?
- In Fig. 5c, figure legend and the extended data table 4a did not match. In Fig 5c, the figure legend says the cut off was set by Wilcoxon Rank Sum, FDR<0.05. However, in the extended data table 4a, different cut off was used. Similarly, figure legend for Fig. 5e needs to be revised as well.
- In Fig. 7d and 7e, it is not clear how the clustering was performed. Based on the image shown in the Fig. 7d/e, three subclusters do not seem to clearly separate from one another. It would be helpful if the authors clearly state what was the criteria used for the clustering.
- Overall, the dot plots should be replaced with the violin plots to better reflect potential heterogeneity within subclusters.
While the work presented in this manuscript could be an interesting resource for the researchers in the field, it does not provide significant conceptual advances in the field. Moreover, there are some technical issues that needs to be resolved prior to the publication of the manuscript.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors provide a comprehensive transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility atlas of embryonic lymphangiogenesis in fish using state-of-the-art sc-RNAseq and single cell ATAC sequencing approaches. Furthermore, they present data to prove that Prox1 is a key factor of maintaining LEC identity and promoting lymphatic vascular fate and lymphatic sprouting. Using novel reporter models, they further analyzed the spatial expression pattern of numerous hit proteins in the presence or absence of Prox1 genes.
The manuscript is well written, clear and reproducible based on the given information.
Major comments:
The conclusions of the manuscript are convincing. The robust data generated is inherently valuable and is of great interest of the field. However, my impression is that the authors did not utilize the power of their studies. The main message - Prox1 is a key regulator in promoting and maintaining lymphatic cell fate - is well accepted and has been intensively studied. Therefore, the main findings presented in the current manuscript are not conceptually-advancing.
Additional studies focusing on the function of some of the identified hit genes, such as cdh6, slc7a7, fabp11a in lymphatics - either in fish or in vitro - would significantly improve the novelty of the article. Zebrafish is an ideal experimental model that enable a relatively easy and quick way to address these questions. However, considering the time and expense of those experiments, in vitro studies would be also well appreciated instead of fish.
An article in 2017 presented abundant expression of fabp11a in zebrafish and suggested its function in brain vessel integrity (PMID: 28443032). In the current manuscript however, the authors did not find fabp11a expression in the head vasculature. Did the authors not detect expression of fabp11a in brain blood vessel endothelial cells at the investigated stages of the zebrafish development? In this case, how would they discuss this seeming contradiction?
Minor comments:
In Figure 1a, authors show LEC sprouts in the trunk region at 40 hpf. At 3 dpf however, these LECs sprouts are not shown, but parachordial LECs only. Do these LEC sprouts disappear by 3 dpf? Cartoons on later timepoints suggest that LEC sprouts shown at 40 hpf remain in their location and make connection with parachordial LECs, but the panel in its current form is misleading.
Although I appreciate that the authors were consistent with the color coding in the graphs, some combinations should be revised. Although the light blue/dark blue color combination works well in other places, in Figure 4a, it is hard to distinguish those colors. Use of a higher contrast color combination would be better.
In Figure 1b, similar colors are used for different purposes. Orange in the upper panel shows 40 hpf cluster, while a very similar color is used for the VEC_preLEC cluster in the lower panels. Although I recognize the overlay between these clusters, a different color coding would be more accurate. Maybe, clusters from the upper panel (Stage) should be show individually, just like genes in panel c, to help the reader identifying those clusters at different timepoints.
Referees cross-commenting
I agree with the excellent technical and statistical comments of Rev. 2. Overall, we are in agreement regarding the strength of the datasets as a resource for the field, but with limited conceptual novelty.
The manuscript uses state of the art approaches to characterize Prox1-dependent transcriptional and chromatin accessibility changes that define LEC fate and lymphatic sprouting in zebrafish models.
The key role of Prox1 in LEC differentiation and maintenance of lymphatic cell fate and lymphatic development is well known based on previous findings. Strength of the current manuscript is the massive dataset generated, which opens the opportunity to identify downstream players of Prox1 in regulating lymphatic fate and expansion. The authors, however, did not utilize this opportunity for elucidating novel conceptual findings about lymphatic endothelial fate, development or function.
The presented results will be of interest for experts in vascular biology, lymphatic biology, developmental biology and genetics. The generated data may be further used in studies investigating the function of the hit genes highlighted in this manuscript in lymphatic vessels.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary: GlmS, the glucosamine-6-phosphate synthetase in E. coli and related bacteria, is essential, required for synthesis of both peptidoglycan and LPS. It is regulated at various levels, including positive regulation of GlmS translation by the Hfq-binding sRNA GlmZ. GlmZ activation of translation is regulated, indirectly, by the levels of GlcN6P, the product of GlmS. The components of the sensing and regulatory cascade have previously been defined, via genetics, biochemical and molecular biology studies. GlmZ is cleaved by Rnase E, becoming inactive, when GlcN6P levels are high, dependent upon the binding of GlmZ to RapZ. RapZ has been found to directly sense GlcN6P levels; another regulatory RNA, GlmY, also binds RapZ in the absence of GlcN6P, protecting GlmZ from RapZ-mediated processing. The authors of this manuscript performed cryoEM to study the structure of two important complexes in this sensing cascade, RapZ/GlmZ and RapZ/GlmZ/RNase E-NTD, with the aim of clarifying how the RNA binding protein RapZ causes the cleavage of sRNA GlmZ by RNaseE. Some of the predictions for critical residues in the RapZ/GlmZ binary complex structure were investigated by mutagenesis RapZ to define essential resiudes for GlmZ cleavage; the results are consistent with the structure.
Major comments:
- Are the key conclusions convincing? 1) Given that this is basically a structural paper, the major questions would be whether the cryoEM reconstructions are accurate (appear to be consistent with general expectations) and whether there is clear evidence to support the physiological relevance of the structure. The tests of function are of two sorts: a) Effect of RapZ mutants in Fig. 3b-d. These tests show loss of RapZ function with various alleles, likely consistent with model (but as noted below, very difficult for the reader to identify on the structures in 3a). The implication is that these will interfere with GlmZ binding. Possibly direct tests of a couple of these mutants for GlmZ binding (or pull down of GlmZ from in vivo expressed protein) would further support the model. I note that the text says T248A was unaffected in cleavage, but seems to be much reduced in Fig. 3b, even if fusion activity is good.
Our reply. We have made further tests of the mutations for GlmZ binding. Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we observe reduced GlmZ binding affinities for RapZ mutants K170A, H190A, C247A, T248A (figure below). We also tested the activity of RapZ variant with 4 substitutions at the proposed RapZ/NTD interface (right lanes in figure below).
We followed the recommendation of the reviewer and performed co-purification experiments (“pull-down”) using StrepTactin affinity chromatography and Strep-tagged RapZ variants as baits. Eluates were assessed for RapZ protein content and co-eluting GlmZ and processed GlmZ* sRNAs using Northern blotting. These new results, which have been incorporated in Fig. S7c, show that all tested RapZ variants except for the wild-type protein are not capable to pull-down GlmZ or GlmZ* in cell extracts. This includes the RapZ-T248A variant, which as noted by the referee is nonetheless still capable to decrease full-length GlmZ to some extent, albeit processed GlmZ* is hardly detectable (Fig. 3b, lanes 23, 24). To address this issue further, we purified the RapZ-T248A variant and some additional variants for comparison and performed EMSA. Globally, the EMSAs confirm the co-purification experiments, i.e. they demonstrate strongly reduced GlmZ binding activity for most tested RapZ variants, but also show that the RapZ-T248 variant kept some residual binding activity. This may explain the weak signal for processed GlmZ in the Northern blot (Fig. 3b) as processed GlmZ* likely binds to RapZ for stabilization. Similar effects were previously seen for the RapZquad and the RapZ 1-279 variants in Durica-Mitic et al. 2020 (Fig. 5). Accordingly, we also changed our wording concerning the RapZ-T248A variant in the text. We have not incorporated the EMSA figure into the updated manuscript.
b) The ternary complex was tested primarily by the BACTH assay of some RapZ mutants (Fig. S11), that show a reduced interaction. This is not a particularly convincing assay for a number of reasons: 1) the effects are relatively modest (2x down, in an assay that is probably not very linear with interaction, 2) some with reduced interaction (S239A, T248A) had good activity (at least all those with full interaction seem to be functional); 3) Ternary complex suggests that RapZ mediates this interaction; this could be tested by deleting glmZ (and maybe glmY as well) from this BACTH strain. 4) the authors suggest that there are also important protein-protein interactions, based on some observed interactions, and support this with similarly difficult to interpret BACTH data from a previous paper for Rnase E-RapZ interaction. Here, too, that is not the most compelling data (is this interaction RNA-independent?).
Our reply: Previous work already indicated that formation of the ternary complex involves multiple interactions – direct protein-protein contacts but also indirect interactions mediated by sRNA GlmZ. For instance, in vitro pull-down signals (RapZ = prey; RNase E = bait) become reduced but not abolished when RNA-free protein preparations are used (Durica-Mitic et al., 2020; Fig. 2E). BACTH signals are reduced 2-fold when using RNase E and RapZ variants that are strongly impaired in their RNA-binding capabilities, respectively (Durica-Mitic et al., 2020; Fig. 2C). As the BACTH assays and in vitro pull-down approaches yield similar trends, we suggest that BACTH experiments represent a useful approach to clarify the questions under study.
Point b1: To demonstrate that removal of multiple interactions is required to disrupt the ternary complex, we combined substitutions of residues making contact to the sRNA as well as residues directly contacting RNase E. According to the structure of the ternary complex presented here, residues T161, Y240, N271 and Q273 in RapZ are proposed to contact RNase E directly. Upon substitution of these four latter residues, resulting in the RapZ variant named RapZ-4 subst., the BACTH signal decreases two-fold – similar to what is observed for the RapZ variants that carry Ala substitutions of residues involved in sRNA-binding, such as H190 or R253. Importantly, when the latter two substitutions are introduced into the RapZ-4 subst. variant – either alone or in combination, the BACTH signal is reduced to almost back-ground levels. These results are in agreement with the features of the ternary complex proposed here and also with data obtained previously: They show that protein-protein and protein-RNA contacts must be concomitantly removed to disrupt the complex completely. We integrated the latter data as Fig. S7a in the revised manuscript and discuss the data at the appropriate positions in the text.
Point b2: In our opinion, the data reporting regulatory activity of the individual RapZ variants (Fig. 3 b-d) correlate well with the BACTH data (Fig. S7a): RapZ variants carrying substitutions of residues I175 and N236 retain regulatory activity and concomitantly a high RNase E interaction potential indistinguishable from the wild-type is observed. In contrast, RapZ variants carrying substitutions affecting sRNA-binding, i.e. H190A, C247A, C247S, T248D, G249W, R253A loose activity completely and concomitantly show a 2-fold decrease in the BACTH signal. The remaining BACTH signal is explained by the remaining (protein-protein) contacts as discussed above (point b1). Therefore, these variants are likely uncapable to present GlmZ in a correct manner to RNase E even though interaction is retained to some degree.
Only the RapZ mutants with exchanges H171A, S239A and T248A do not follow either of these two scenarios: albeit they exhibit reduced interaction with RNase E according to BACTH, they retain the ability to regulate the chromosomal glmS’-lacZ fusion, at least when produced from a plasmid (Fig. 3d). However, inspection of the GlmZ Northern blot signals (Fig. 3b) reveals that full-length GlmZ is decreased as expected, but that processed GlmZ* becomes either not visible or is much reduced when compared to wild-type RapZ. This explains by a reduced sRNA binding affinity, as pointed out above (point 1a), which also provides a rationale for the decreased BACTH signal.
Point b3: We agree that deletion of glmZ in the BACTH strain would be an ideal approach to dissect the contributions of protein-protein and sRNA-protein mediated interactions for formation of the ternary complex in vivo. Unfortunately, construction of the strain is not straight-forward. In our hands, the BACTH reporter strain BTH101 is not amenable to chromosomal manipulations by using engineered recombination tools such as the phage lambda-derived Red system. This may be explained by regulatory elements used by the l Red system that depend on cAMP, which cannot be synthesized in this strain.
__Point b4: __We have addressed this query in the response to point b1.
- Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? Possibly the importance of RNAse E-RapZ direct interaction, without further proof that this actually is needed for function.
__Our reply: __We partially addressed this issue already in our response to point b1. Additionally, we also tested activity of the RapZ-4 subst variant that lacks the residues making direct contact to RNase E in our structure (Fig. 3b-d, last two lanes/columns). The results that are now described in the last paragraph of the results section show that this variant retains regulatory activity. Interestingly, the level of processed GlmZ* is strongly reduced in this case, similar to what is observed with the RapZ-S239A and RapZ-T248A variants discussed above. Therefore, these direct protein-protein contacts might have a role for GlmZ* decay in a manner that remains to be addressed.
- Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation. As noted above, further tests of RapZ mutants for RNA binding would be useful; if this has been done previously, needs to be presented.
Our reply.
This has been addressed in the response above.
Are there Rnase E residues that would be predicted by the model to be critical for the RapZ or GlmZ interaction but are not otherwise needed for activity? Would these disrupt either the BACTH results or activity in vivo?
Our reply.
Please see response to this point above.
- Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments. Yes, they are. They are generally extrapolations from what is already in the paper or in previous studies by these groups.
- Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? Yes.
- Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Yes.
Minor comments: - Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable. None noted. - Are prior studies referenced appropriately? Yes, they are. However, the paper could more clearly outline what is already known at the level of interactions of the molecules under study here.
Our reply. We have changed the text to better introduce information from previous studies: interprotomer contacts, properties of the isolated RapZ domains, conclusions from the truncation analyses, requirements for interaction for RNase E and for sRNA-binding, stabilization of processed GlmZ through RapZ binding (Göpel et al., 2013; Gonzalez et al 2017; Durica-Mitic and Görke, 2019; Durica-Mitic et al., 2020).
- Are the text and figures clear and accurate?
- In a number of places, the text and figure order/numbers are not correct. See Fig. S1 (p. 4), S2 (legends vs. figure panels).
Our reply. We have corrected these in the revised text.
Better labeling in many figures is needed. Clarify what is shown in Fig. S2d, and make the labels readable. Label the particle types in S3. Use schematics more (as in Fig. 4 and S8) to make it easier for reader to follow structure (for Fig. 2, for instance). It is very difficult to discern RapZ tetramer here. Fig. 3a, it is very difficult to see the residue numbers on the structures. Clearly identify the fructokinase-like domains. Label lanes in Fig. 3b, c, d. Indicate active site for RNase E. in Fig. 4, in schematic at least.
Our reply. We have also corrected these in the revised text.
- Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions? Overall, clarify and highlight better how the structures here fit with what is already known about important sequences/regions of RapZ, GlmZ, and Rnase E, maybe color-coding parts of GlmZ shown to be important for RapZ recognition, etc.
Our reply. We have added a sequence alignment for RapZ in the supplementary materials section, indicating important residues (Fig. S12).
Page 12, the second last row. Text after 'In this model...' can be simplified or removed because it is just a hypothesis.
Our reply. We have simplified the text.
Our reply:
We believe that the discussion section should also give room for novel ideas and hypotheses. Therefore, we wish to keep the paragraph.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field. Rnase E is a major essential endonuclease in bacteria such as E. coli. How accessory proteins lead to its recognition and cleavage of regulatory RNAs such as GlmZ is not well understood at the structural level, and these structures provide important insight into that process. In addition, the GlmZ/RapZ regulatory circuit plays an important role in bacterial growth and pathogenesis, and understanding it at this level of detail will certainly open up possibilities for targeting this process in the future.
Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate). The components that go into the current structures have been studied previously, with publications on RapZ structure, analysis of critical regions within the GlmZ RNA, and demonstration of the domain of Rnase E involved in interactions with RapZ (Durica-Mitic et al, 2020; Khan et al, 2020, Gonzalez et al, 2017, among others), exactly how these fit together has not been known. Other RNA binding proteins that affect degradation have been reported, but are not fully understood, and ways in which the ribonuclease binds complex RNAs is not fully understood either.
State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings. This work should be of broad interested to the field of RNA-based regulation and RNA degradation, with particular interest for those working on these processes in bacteria.
Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. Our expertise is in RNA-based regulation and microbial genetics; we are not able to critically evaluate the cryoEM analysis itself.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Islam et al present their characterization of the E. coli RapZ-GlmZ-RNase E ternary complex in this manuscript under review. In E. coli, the RNA binding protein RapZ facilitates cleavage of GlmZ sRNA by RNase E when intracellular concentrations of GlcN-6P are high; when GlcN-6P levels are low RapZ is titrated by GlmY sRNA and GlmZ sRNA promotes an increase in the translation and stability of the mRNA encoding GlcN-6P synthase, GlmS. Via Cryo-EM, the authors of this manuscript solve the structure of the binary RapZ:GlmZ (Fig. 2) and ternary RapZ:GlmZ:RNase Y (Fig. 4) complexes. Based on the apparent RapZ-sRNA binding sites in the solved structure of the binary complex, the authors make substitutions in residues suspected to be involved in RNA binding and measure the impact of these substitutions on cleavage of GlmZ and GlmZ-mediated activation of GlmS expression (Fig. 3). The authors find that some of the residues predicted to be involved in RNA binding based on their structural studies are also important for the cleavage of GlmZ, presumably by RNase E. Finally, the authors show via bacterial two-hybrid assays that some residues of RapZ necessary for GlmZ cleavage are also important for its interaction with RNase E (Fig. S11). I would suggest that the authors measure co-immunoprecipitation of GlmZ with tagged-RapZ with or without substitutions in the proposed RNA binding residues to resolve this issue. Alternatively, EMSAs could be performed.
Our reply. Please see the response above to reviewer 1. We have included results from EMSAs with selected RapZ mutants and for multiple mutations in the BACTH analysis.
Major comments:
Overall, the structural studies our impressive and provide considerable insight into the recognition of substrates by RapZ and RNase E. Given the dearth of solved structures of RNAs with their cognate RNA binding proteins, these results are very significant.
A limitation in this work is the lack of experiments directly testing whether or not the residues of RapZ that appear to be important for its interaction with the GlmZ sRNA in the authors' Cryo-EM structures actually have a significant role in RNA binding. In lieu of measuring GlmZ binding by RapZ, the authors measure GlmZ cleavage in strains expressing RapZ or particular variants harboring substitutions in residues that appear to play a role in sRNA binding (Fig. 3b); however, it is impossible for the authors to determine whether impairment of GlmZ cleavage by RNase E in their assays is due to lack of GlmZ binding to RapZ, extraordinarily tight binding of GlmZ to RapZ, changes in the orientation of GlmZ bound to RapZ, or conformational changes in RapZ that lead to disruption of direct RapZ-RNase E contacts. The lack of this empirical data supporting their structural studies becomes more salient as the authors attempt to test whether RapZ binding of GlmZ is important for its interaction with RNase E via a bacterial two-hybrid assay. Since the authors have not directly examined the importance of particular RapZ residues on GlmZ binding, the authors' interpretation of their results from these assays is very speculative.
Our reply: Reviewer 1 raised a similar point to which we replied above. The role of candidate residues in RapZ for binding GlmZ has been addressed by more direct assays (Pull-down/EMSA).
The authors state on page 7 that "the interaction of RapZ:GlmZ with RNase E does not involve conformational rearrangement of either RapZ or GlmZ". However, the arrangement of SLII relative to SLI appears different between the RapZ:GlmZ and RapZ:GlmZ:RNase E structures presented. Additionally, SLII appears entirely bound by RapZ in the binary complex (Fig. 2b), whereas in the structure of the ternary complex, SLII appears less associated with RapZ (Fig. S4b). A supplementary figure showing side-by-side the structure of GlmZ bound to RapZ solved in the presence or absence of RNase E may make clear whether any differences that exist in the conformation of RapZ and GlmZ between the binary and ternary complex structures.
Our reply: In the revised manuscript, we have included a supplementary figure showing side-by-side comparisons of the structures.
Minor comments: Figure S1 legend. Change "inactivate" to "inactive" or "inactivated"
Figure S2 legend. The description for "(d)" is for S2c and the text for "(c)" refers to the image in S2d.
Figure legend S5a and S9a. If resolution in the key is in angstroms, then it should be indicated.
Our reply: We have now corrected the above points in the revised text.
Figure 1. The model appears to indicate that the apo-form of RapZ binds GlmZ and GlmY, whereas the GlcN-6P bound form does not. Moreover, in the discussion, the authors indicate that GlcN-6P interferes with GlmZ binding to RapZ. How does RapZ bind and cleave GlmZ when GlcN-6P levels are high, if GlcN-6P interferes with GlmZ binding? It would be useful for the authors to address this conundrum in their discussion.
Our reply. We thank the reviewer for pointing out this paradox. Our unpublished work indicates that RapZ may have phosphatase activity for GlcN6P, and we added a comment to this in the discussion section.
Fig. S3B and C. While panels in Fig. S3B and C seemed well aligned, numbering of lanes would provide additional clarity.
We will provide lane numbers, accordingly.
Many bacterial species including Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Clostridium botulinum have RapZ homologs that bear a tyrosine instead of a histidine residue at the position corresponding to H190 in E. coli RapZ. Would you expect this change to reduce GlmZ binding by RapZ or lead to change in RNA specificity based on your structural data? This may be useful to discuss in the manuscript.
We believe that the is more behind this question. Likely, the referee (by inspecting a RapZ sequence alignment) realized that almost all residues proposed to be involved in binding GlmZ are also conserved in RapZ homologs in Gram-positive bacteria, unless His190 and His171, which are replaced by tyrosines in some of these species. However, no RNA-binding activity has been reported for the Gram-positive RapZ homologs. If true, the question arises what is making the difference here? In principle, this could be due to the lacking histidine residues, which are replaced by tyrosines in Gram-positive RapZs. Alternatively, we consider that the positively charged residues at the far C-terminus (K270, K281, R282, K283), which were identified previously to be required for sRNA binding (Göpel et al., 2013; Durica-Mitic et al., 2020), and which could not be resolved in the current structures, are additionally required to obtain RNA-binding activity.
Fig. S10. It is confusing to me that the yellow chain in the structure of RNase E is labeled as the DNase I-domain in the apo structure, whereas in the structure with RprA or GlmZ bound, this colored region is labeled as the 5' sensing domain.
We have changed the figure to make it clearer.
On page 12, the authors appear to indicate that their structural studies of the RapZ-GlmZ-RNase E ternary complex could be informative with regards to how KH domain proteins in Gram-positive bacteria could present their substrates to RNase E. First of all, these bacteria lack RNase E and instead encode an evolutionarily distinct endoribonuclease (RNase Y). Secondly, I think that it is overreaching to state that these structural studies will inform us on how KH domain proteins such as KhpA/KhpB, which may or may not have a chaperoning function akin to Hfq in Gram-positive bacteria, present substrates to RNase Y. Regardless, if this statement is to remain, the authors should make clear that is RNase Y and not RNase E that they are referring to.
We have changed the text to make clear that a different RNase is employed in this case.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
In my opinion, the significance of this work is in the achievement of high-resolution structures of the complexes of the RNA binding protein RapZ and the endoribonuclease RNase Y with RNA substrate bound. There are very few structures solved of RNA binding proteins or RNases with their cognate substrates. This is likely due to the difficult in obtaining high resolution data for the bound RNA that may have a large degree of flexibility or many alternative conformations. More structures like this are needed to advance our understanding of RNA-protein interactions.
I believe that these findings would not only be of great interest to those that study small regulatory RNAs, such as myself, but also others more generally interested in RNA binding proteins, RNases, or protein-RNA interactions.
Field of expertise: small regulatory RNAs, RNA chaperones, RNases
**Referees cross-commenting**
- I agree with Reviewer #1 that the results of the bacterial two-hybrid assay would be more informative, if the authors tested the impact of deletion of glmZ on the ability of the wild type and mutant RapZ proteins to interact with RNase Y by this assay.
As both reviewer #1 and I indicated, I think that it would be useful for the authors to directly assess the effect of key substitutions in RapZ on GlmY binding by a more direct measure of interaction, e.g., CoIP or EMSA.
I do think that it would be nice at some point for the authors to actually provide evidence that GlcN6P binds to the site that they predict as reviewer 3 suggested but this may be be beyond the scope of this manuscript and may be better addressed in another manuscript in which the authors solve the structure of RapZ with GlcN6P bound. In the meantime, the authors could limit their speculation.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary: The biogenesis of the bacterial cell envelope relies on glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN6P), which is mediated by GlmZ and the sRNA-binding protein RapZ. GlmZ stimulates translation of the GlcN6P synthetase. When the levels of the GlcN6P are sufficiently high, RapZ will presents GlmZ to the endoribonuclease RNase E for cleavage and thereby silencing synthesis of the GlcN6P synthetase. However, how RapZ recruit RNase E to GlmZ for degradation is still unsolved. This paper reports the cryoEM structure of the binary complex of RapZ: GlmZ and the ternary complex of the RNase E catalytic domain (RNase E-NTD), RapZ and GlmZ. RapZ interacts with SLI and SLII of GlmZ through complementarity in shape and electrostatic charge to the phosphodiester backbone of the sRNA and presents the sRNA by alignning its SSR comprising the cleavage site into the RNase E active center. This paper suggests a general RNase E recognition pathway for complex substrates, which will help to understand the mechanisms that other RNA chaperones such as Hfq might work in an analogous assembly to present base-paired sRNA/mRNA pairs for cleavage. In total, this is an excellent work. I will support the publication of it until these following points are presented.
Major comments: 1. It was mentioned on Page 5 that "Sulphate and malonate ions were previously seen at these positions in crystal structures of apo RapZ" and pn Page 11 that " Interestingly, the phosphate groups of the RNA backbone occupy positions in RapZ that were previously observed to bind sulphate or malonate ions in the crystal structure of apo-RapZ, suggesting that this pocket could be the binding site for a charged metabolite such as GlcN6P". Is there any following experiments to investigate it further? If possible, I suggest the author to confirm that weather RapZ has the binding activity with GlcN6P or not.
Binding of GlcN6P by the RapZ-CTD was demonstrated previously by SPR as well as by metabolomics of metabolites copurifying with RapZ (Khan et al., 2020), although evidence that the “sulphate/malonate binding sites” in RapZ also bind GlcN6P is still lacking. Crystallization of RapZ+GlcN6P is not straight forward as bound GlcN6P is apparently hydrolyzed over time.
"The kinase-like N-terminal domain of RapZ (NTD) makes only a few interactions with the RNA, and the path of the RNA does not encounter the Walker A or B motifs (Figure 2b). It is possible that this domain could act as an allosteric switch, whereby the binding of an as yet unknown ligand triggers quaternary structural changes that affect RapZ functions." Is there any more structural information supporting it? If the domain act as an allosteric switch, is it possible to make some deletion or substitution to test it?
The properties of the separated NTD and CTD of RapZ were assessed in previous work.
Is there any results to compare the binding affinity of GlmY and GlmZ with RapZ?
Affinities were determined previously using complimentary techniques:
Göpel et al., 2013/EMSA: KD GlmY ~ 30 nM; KD GlmZ ~ 75 nM
Gonzalez et al., 2017/biolayer interferometry: ~ 50 nM for both GlmY/GlmZ (full-length)
Minor comments: 1. Page 8, is it "stabilised" or "stabilized", please check it.
We have changed the spelling to “stabilized”.
The legends for Figure S2 c and d are reversed.
This has now been corrected.
It was suggested to show the RNA molecules in Figure S1a.
We have changed the figure to include single-stranded RNA substrate.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
This paper suggests a general RNase E recognition pathway for complex substrates, which will help to understand the mechanisms that other RNA chaperones such as Hfq might work in an analogous assembly to present base-paired sRNA/mRNA pairs for cleavage. In total, this is an excellent work.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The biogenesis of the bacterial cell envelope relies on glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN6P), which is mediated by GlmZ and the sRNA-binding protein RapZ. GlmZ stimulates translation of the GlcN6P synthetase. When the levels of the GlcN6P are sufficiently high, RapZ will presents GlmZ to the endoribonuclease RNase E for cleavage and thereby silencing synthesis of the GlcN6P synthetase. However, how RapZ recruit RNase E to GlmZ for degradation is still unsolved. This paper reports the cryoEM structure of the binary complex of RapZ: GlmZ and the ternary complex of the RNase E catalytic domain (RNase E-NTD), RapZ and GlmZ. RapZ interacts with SLI and SLII of GlmZ through complementarity in shape and electrostatic charge to the phosphodiester backbone of the sRNA and presents the sRNA by alignning its SSR comprising the cleavage site into the RNase E active center. This paper suggests a general RNase E recognition pathway for complex substrates, which will help to understand the mechanisms that other RNA chaperones such as Hfq might work in an analogous assembly to present base-paired sRNA/mRNA pairs for cleavage. In total, this is an excellent work. I will support the publication of it until these following points are presented.
Major comments:
- It was mentioned on Page 5 that "Sulphate and malonate ions were previously seen at these positions in crystal structures of apo RapZ" and pn Page 11 that " Interestingly, the phosphate groups of the RNA backbone occupy positions in RapZ that were previously observed to bind sulphate or malonate ions in the crystal structure of apo-RapZ, suggesting that this pocket could be the binding site for a charged metabolite such as GlcN6P". Is there any following experiments to investigate it further? If possible, I suggest the author to confirm that weather RapZ has the binding activity with GlcN6P or not.
- "The kinase-like N-terminal domain of RapZ (NTD) makes only a few interactions with the RNA, and the path of the RNA does not encounter the Walker A or B motifs (Figure 2b). It is possible that this domain could act as an allosteric switch, whereby the binding of an as yet unknown ligand triggers quaternary structural changes that affect RapZ functions." Is there any more structural information supporting it? If the domain act as an allosteric switch, is it possible to make some deletion or substitution to test it?
- Is there any results to compare the binding affinity of GlmY and GlmZ with RapZ?
Minor comments:
- Page 8, is it "stabilised" or "stabilized", please check it.
- The legends for Figure S2 c and d are reversed.
- It was suggested to show the RNA molecules in Figure S1a.
This paper suggests a general RNase E recognition pathway for complex substrates, which will help to understand the mechanisms that other RNA chaperones such as Hfq might work in an analogous assembly to present base-paired sRNA/mRNA pairs for cleavage. In total, this is an excellent work.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Islam et al present their characterization of the E. coli RapZ-GlmZ-RNase E ternary complex in this manuscript under review. In E. coli, the RNA binding protein RapZ facilitates cleavage of GlmZ sRNA by RNase E when intracellular concentrations of GlcN-6P are high; when GlcN-6P levels are low RapZ is titrated by GlmY sRNA and GlmZ sRNA promotes an increase in the translation and stability of the mRNA encoding GlcN-6P synthase, GlmS. Via Cryo-EM, the authors of this manuscript solve the structure of the binary RapZ:GlmZ (Fig. 2) and ternary RapZ:GlmZ:RNase Y (Fig. 4) complexes. Based on the apparent RapZ-sRNA binding sites in the solved structure of the binary complex, the authors make substitutions in residues suspected to be involved in RNA binding and measure the impact of these substitutions on cleavage of GlmZ and GlmZ-mediated activation of GlmS expression (Fig. 3). The authors find that some of the residues predicted to be involved in RNA binding based on their structural studies are also important for the cleavage of GlmZ, presumably by RNase E. Finally, the authors show via bacterial two-hybrid assays that some residues of RapZ necessary for GlmZ cleavage are also important for its interaction with RNase E (Fig. S11). I would suggest that the authors measure co-immunoprecipitation of GlmZ with tagged-RapZ with or without substitutions in the proposed RNA binding residues to resolve this issue. Alternatively, EMSAs could be performed.
Major comments:
Overall, the structural studies our impressive and provide considerable insight into the recognition of substrates by RapZ and RNase E. Given the dearth of solved structures of RNAs with their cognate RNA binding proteins, these results are very significant.
A limitation in this work is the lack of experiments directly testing whether or not the residues of RapZ that appear to be important for its interaction with the GlmZ sRNA in the authors' Cryo-EM structures actually have a significant role in RNA binding. In lieu of measuring GlmZ binding by RapZ, the authors measure GlmZ cleavage in strains expressing RapZ or particular variants harboring substitutions in residues that appear to play a role in sRNA binding (Fig. 3b); however, it is impossible for the authors to determine whether impairment of GlmZ cleavage by RNase E in their assays is due to lack of GlmZ binding to RapZ, extraordinarily tight binding of GlmZ to RapZ, changes in the orientation of GlmZ bound to RapZ, or conformational changes in RapZ that lead to disruption of direct RapZ-RNase E contacts. The lack of this empirical data supporting their structural studies becomes more salient as the authors attempt to test whether RapZ binding of GlmZ is important for its interaction with RNase E via a bacterial two-hybrid assay. Since the authors have not directly examined the importance of particular RapZ residues on GlmZ binding, the authors' interpretation of their results from these assays is very speculative.
The authors state on page 7 that "the interaction of RapZ:GlmZ with RNase E does not involve conformational rearrangement of either RapZ or GlmZ". However, the arrangement of SLII relative to SLI appears different between the RapZ:GlmZ and RapZ:GlmZ:RNase E structures presented. Additionally, SLII appears entirely bound by RapZ in the binary complex (Fig. 2b), whereas in the structure of the ternary complex, SLII appears less associated with RapZ (Fig. S4b). A supplementary figure showing side-by-side the structure of GlmZ bound to RapZ solved in the presence or absence of RNase E may make clear whether any differences that exist in the conformation of RapZ and GlmZ between the binary and ternary complex structures.
Minor comments:
Figure S1 legend. Change "inactivate" to "inactive" or "inactivated"
Figure S2 legend. The description for "(d)" is for S2c and the text for "(c)" refers to the image in S2d.
Figure legend S5a and S9a. If resolution in the key is in angstroms, then it should be indicated.
Figure 1. The model appears to indicate that the apo-form of RapZ binds GlmZ and GlmY, whereas the GlcN-6P bound form does not. Moreover, in the discussion, the authors indicate that GlcN-6P interferes with GlmZ binding to RapZ. How does RapZ bind and cleave GlmZ when GlcN-6P levels are high, if GlcN-6P interferes with GlmZ binding? It would be useful for the authors to address this conundrum in their discussion.
Fig. S3B and C. While panels in Fig. S3B and C seemed well aligned, numbering of lanes would provide additional clarity.
Many bacterial species including Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Clostridium botulinum have RapZ homologs that bear a tyrosine instead of a histidine residue at the position corresponding to H190 in E. coli RapZ. Would you expect this change to reduce GlmZ binding by RapZ or lead to change in RNA specificity based on your structural data? This may be useful to discuss in the manuscript.
Fig. S10. It is confusing to me that the yellow chain in the structure of RNase E is labeled as the DNase I-domain in the apo structure, whereas in the structure with RprA or GlmZ bound, this colored region is labeled as the 5' sensing domain.
On page 12, the authors appear to indicate that their structural studies of the RapZ-GlmZ-RNase E ternary complex could be informative with regards to how KH domain proteins in Gram-positive bacteria could present their substrates to RNase E. First of all, these bacteria lack RNase E and instead encode an evolutionarily distinct endoribonuclease (RNase Y). Secondly, I think that it is overreaching to state that these structural studies will inform us on how KH domain proteins such as KhpA/KhpB, which may or may not have a chaperoning function akin to Hfq in Gram-positive bacteria, present substrates to RNase Y. Regardless, if this statement is to remain, the authors should make clear that is RNase Y and not RNase E that they are referring to.
In my opinion, the significance of this work is in the achievement of high-resolution structures of the complexes of the RNA binding protein RapZ and the endoribonuclease RNase Y with RNA substrate bound. There are very few structures solved of RNA binding proteins or RNases with their cognate substrates. This is likely due to the difficult in obtaining high resolution data for the bound RNA that may have a large degree of flexibility or many alternative conformations. More structures like this are needed to advance our understanding of RNA-protein interactions.
I believe that these findings would not only be of great interest to those that study small regulatory RNAs, such as myself, but also others more generally interested in RNA binding proteins, RNases, or protein-RNA interactions.
Field of expertise: small regulatory RNAs, RNA chaperones, RNases
Referees cross-commenting
- I agree with Reviewer #1 that the results of the bacterial two-hybrid assay would be more informative, if the authors tested the impact of deletion of glmZ on the ability of the wild type and mutant RapZ proteins to interact with RNase Y by this assay.
- As both reviewer #1 and I indicated, I think that it would be useful for the authors to directly assess the effect of key substitutions in RapZ on GlmY binding by a more direct measure of interaction, e.g., CoIP or EMSA.
- I do think that it would be nice at some point for the authors to actually provide evidence that GlcN6P binds to the site that they predict as reviewer 3 suggested but this may be be beyond the scope of this manuscript and may be better addressed in another manuscript in which the authors solve the structure of RapZ with GlcN6P bound. In the meantime, the authors could limit their speculation.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
GlmS, the glucosamine-6-phosphate synthetase in E. coli and related bacteria, is essential, required for synthesis of both peptidoglycan and LPS. It is regulated at various levels, including positive regulation of GlmS translation by the Hfq-binding sRNA GlmZ. GlmZ activation of translation is regulated, indirectly, by the levels of GlcN6P, the product of GlmS. The components of the sensing and regulatory cascade have previously been defined, via genetics, biochemical and molecular biology studies. GlmZ is cleaved by Rnase E, becoming inactive, when GlcN6P levels are high, dependent upon the binding of GlmZ to RapZ. RapZ has been found to directly sense GlcN6P levels; another regulatory RNA, GlmY, also binds RapZ in the absence of GlcN6P, protecting GlmZ from RapZ-mediated processing. The authors of this manuscript performed cryoEM to study the structure of two important complexes in this sensing cascade, RapZ/GlmZ and RapZ/GlmZ/RNase E-NTD, with the aim of clarifying how the RNA binding protein RapZ causes the cleavage of sRNA GlmZ by RNaseE. Some of the predictions for critical residues in the RapZ/GlmZ binary complex structure were investigated by mutagenesis RapZ to define essential resiudes for GlmZ cleavage; the results are consistent with the structure.
Major comments:
- Are the key conclusions convincing?
- Given that this is basically a structural paper, the major questions would be whether the cryoEM reconstructions are accurate (appear to be consistent with general expectations) and whether there is clear evidence to support the physiological relevance of the structure. The tests of function are of two sorts:
- a) Effect of RapZ mutants in Fig. 3b-d. These tests show loss of RapZ function with various alleles, likely consistent with model (but as noted below, very difficult for the reader to identify on the structures in 3a). The implication is that these will interfere with GlmZ binding. Possibly direct tests of a couple of these mutants for GlmZ binding (or pull down of GlmZ from in vivo expressed protein) would further support the model. I note that the text says T248A was unaffected in cleavage, but seems to be much reduced in Fig. 3b, even if fusion activity is good.
- b) The ternary complex was tested primarily by the BACTH assay of some RapZ mutants (Fig. S11), that show a reduced interaction. This is not a particularly convincing assay for a number of reasons: 1) the effects are relatively modest (2x down, in an assay that is probably not very linear with interaction, 2) some with reduced interaction (S239A, T248A) had good activity (at least all those with full interaction seem to be functional); 3) Ternary complex suggests that RapZ mediates this interaction; this could be tested by deleting glmZ (and maybe glmY as well) from this BACTH strain. 4) the authors suggest that there are also important protein-protein interactions, based on some observed interactions, and support this with similarly difficult to interpret BACTH data from a previous paper for Rnase E-RapZ interaction. Here, too, that is not the most compelling data (is this interaction RNA-independent?).
- Given that this is basically a structural paper, the major questions would be whether the cryoEM reconstructions are accurate (appear to be consistent with general expectations) and whether there is clear evidence to support the physiological relevance of the structure. The tests of function are of two sorts:
- Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? Possibly the importance of RNAse E-RapZ direct interaction, without further proof that this actually is needed for function.
- Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation. As noted above, further tests of RapZ mutants for RNA binding would be useful; if this has been done previously, needs to be presented. Are there Rnase E residues that would be predicted by the model to be critical for the RapZ or GlmZ interaction but are not otherwise needed for activity? Would these disrupt either the BACTH results or activity in vivo?
- Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments. Yes, they are. They are generally extrapolations from what is already in the paper or in previous studies by these groups.
- Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? Yes.
- Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Yes.
Minor comments:
- Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable. None noted.
- Are prior studies referenced appropriately? Yes, they are. However, the paper could more clearly outline what is already known at the level of interactions of the molecules under study here.
- Are the text and figures clear and accurate?
- In a number of places, the text and figure order/numbers are not correct. See Fig. S1 (p. 4), S2 (legends vs. figure panels).
- Better labeling in many figures is needed. Clarify what is shown in Fig. S2d, and make the labels readable. Label the particle types in S3. Use schematics more (as in Fig. 4 and S8) to make it easier for reader to follow structure (for Fig. 2, for instance). It is very difficult to discern RapZ tetramer here. Fig. 3a, it is very difficult to see the residue numbers on the structures. Clearly identify the fructokinase-like domains. Label lanes in Fig. 3b, c, d. Indicate active site for RNase E. in Fig. 4, in schematic at least.
- Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions? Overall, clarify and highlight better how the structures here fit with what is already known about important sequences/regions of RapZ, GlmZ, and Rnase E, maybe color-coding parts of GlmZ shown to be important for RapZ recognition, etc.<br /> Page 12, the second last row. Text after 'In this model...' can be simplified or removed because it is just a hypothesis.
- Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.
Rnase E is a major essential endonuclease in bacteria such as E. coli. How accessory proteins lead to its recognition and cleavage of regulatory RNAs such as GlmZ is not well understood at the structural level, and these structures provide important insight into that process. In addition, the GlmZ/RapZ regulatory circuit plays an important role in bacterial growth and pathogenesis, and understanding it at this level of detail will certainly open up possibilities for targeting this process in the future. <br /> - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).
The components that go into the current structures have been studied previously, with publications on RapZ structure, analysis of critical regions within the GlmZ RNA, and demonstration of the domain of Rnase E involved in interactions with RapZ (Durica-Mitic et al, 2020; Khan et al, 2020, Gonzalez et al, 2017, among others), exactly how these fit together has not been known. Other RNA binding proteins that affect degradation have been reported, but are not fully understood, and ways in which the ribonuclease binds complex RNAs is not fully understood either.<br /> - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.
This work should be of broad interested to the field of RNA-based regulation and RNA degradation, with particular interest for those working on these processes in bacteria.<br /> - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.
Our expertise is in RNA-based regulation and microbial genetics; we are not able to critically evaluate the cryoEM analysis itself.
- Are the key conclusions convincing?
Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a damage to the spinal cord, that causes temporary or permanent changes in its function. While in mammals the regeneration process are very limited zebrafish are able to repair the spinal cord. Based on the hypothesis, that the vascular response might affect the regeneration capacity, the paper by Ribeiro et al addresses the structure and injury response of the spinal cord vasculature. As the growth of zebrafish larvae and juveniles depends a lot on the individual response to the environment, the authors first established comparable body measurement parameters (other than age) and observed the natural spinal cord vascularization process, starting from 6mm body length of the animals. Using transgenic lines the authors describe the formation and patterning of endothelial cells and pericytes up to 9mm length, when a more developed vascular network was present. They observe the processes of vascular regeneration after a contusion based SCI model at different time points (days post injury (dpi)) and in correlation with glial and axonal regrowth, also observing BSCB barrier integrity, angiogenesis, pericyte recruitment and the dependence on Vegf signaling.
The study is interesting and novel, vascular structures in the zebrafish adult spinal cord have not been reported yet and neither has the vascular response to SCI. Currently the study remains very descriptive, although the authors tried to add functional data, by inhibiting Vegf signaling.
Major points for revision: The authors fail to establish whether there is any relationship between spinal cord regeneration and vessel regeneration. While I do very well understand the challenges and limitations the authors should put more effort into functional analyses.
For example: the authors address EC proliferation as a marker for angiogenesis, but do not analyse whether or how much EC proliferation is required for revascularization and regeneration. Pharmacological inhibition of proliferation should be possible and used. From a vascular point of view it would also be interesting whether there is a differential influence of tip or stalk cell proliferation.
Although we agree that it would be interesting to inhibit EC proliferation to assess its role in spinal cord regeneration, the use of proliferation inhibiting drugs would likely have a widespread effect on the lesioned spinal cord, since many cell types proliferate in response to injury. Therefore, a pharmacological approach would not allow us to dissect the specific role of endothelial proliferation.
The same is true for pericyte recruitment: the role of pericytes for the vascular repair or the spinal cord regeneration is not clear. The authors could use use mutants with impaired pericyte development or e.g. nitroreductase mediated ablation of pericytes.
These experiments have been performed in larvae by Tsata et al. (2021). Although it would be interesting to repeat in adults, we believe that these experiments are beyond the focus of our study.
The statements regarding the role of Vegf are too bold. The problem lies in the limitations of assessing the efficiency of Vegf inhibition. The heatshock promotor has been shown to induce transcription for up to 4 hours, depending on the efficiency of heatshock. There are no data on the stability of dnVegfaa protein. Likewise the pharmacological inhibition could be far from complete. A full inhibition of Vegf signaling is expected to stop vessel growth or angiogenesis. While it is a sign of good practice, that the authors combined a genetic model with a pharmacological one, both leave the same unresolved issue. However if we believe a very limites requirement of Vegf-signaling, it would be interesting to look for other signaling pathways, like cxcl, IL, or FGF to regulates regenerative angiogenesis.
We agree that our data does not allow us assess the level of inhibition of the Vegf pathway. Since we are unable to confirm this at the moment, we will be excluding the Vegf inhibition data and make this a descriptive study.
Minor issues
The correlation with spinal cord repair could be stated more clearly throughout the manuscript. For the uninformed reader it is less clear when exactly the spinal cord is functional again.
We will include in Fig. 3 a plot of the swimming capacity in contusion-injured fish until 90 dpi and will explain in the text how the vascular response correlates with the functional recovery.
While I find the model in figure 8 very helpful, it gives 5 to 30 days, for the neuronal regeneration. Maybe a more detailed timeline of EC regeneration and remodeling correlating with neuronal repair would help.
We will update the model in Fig. 8 with a more detailed timeline and a better description of structures important for regeneration (glial bridge, axonal regrowth).
In line with that in figure 4 it is not clear whether the images of different time points are indeed one individual animal at the different time points or representative animals for the stage (also figure 4 lacks panel labels, in my copy I can see A, K and L, but no other letters).
We will detail in the figure legend that the images are of different animals that are representative for each stage.
For understanding the (re)vascularization, the direction of blood flow might be helpful.
We will perform an additional experiment to characterise the direction of blood flow in uninjured fish. For this we will use juvenile fish with a body size of 7-9 mm, in which we expect to be able to perform live imaging. We will use a lighsheet microscope to image circulating cells in the spinal cord blood vessels in fish with labelled thrombocytes (Tg(-6.0itga2b:EGFP); Lin et al., 2005) and endothelial cells (Tg(kdrl:ras-mCherry)). These transgenic lines are already available in our fish facility. Even though the vascular network has not yet reached its mature stage at these body sizes, we expect to have enough intraspinal vessels to describe the blood flow circuit.
Especially for the connection between spinal cord regeneration and vessel regeneration. Does blood flow regulate vessel pruning after 14 dpi?
Although we agree with the reviewer that it would be interesting to understand how blood flow direction is reestablished in repaired vessels and how blood flow levels correlate with vessel remodelling and pruning, this would be difficult to assess in this system. This could be examined using live imaging, but this technique is challenging in adult zebrafish and has only been carried out in more superficial organs than the spinal cord, such as skin (Castranova et al., 2022) and superficial brain structures (Barbosa et al., 2015; Castranova et al., 2021). In addition, SC-injured fish are more sensitive to external conditions and would probably not survive the long-term/repeated anaesthesia required for imaging.
This analysis could be performed in fixed samples, for example using the the Golgi complex position in relation to the endothelial nuclei as a proxy for blood flow direction (Kwon et al., 2016), however: (1) this would require a new transgenic line (Tg(fli1a: B4GALT1-mCherry)) that would take time to import and establish in the lab; (2) the identification of regressing vessels is not straightforward in fixed samples and is usually studied in very well established vascular models, such as the mouse retina and zebrafish ISVs (Franco et al., 2015).
For these reasons, we will not address this question by reviewer 1.
The combined Vegfaa DN and PTK treatment data looks like it could be inhibiting endothelial cell proliferation (Figure7I).However, Supplementary Figure 8B shows endothelial proliferation does not change. Does it mean the number of endothelial cells is same but the volume of endothelial cells decrees?
We will not be addressing the changes in endothelial density in the presence of dn-vegfaa and PTK787, since we will be removing the figures related to Vegf inhibition.
There are also some remaining grammatical errors, for example (but NOT limited to) line 133 to 135.
We will review grammatical errors in the text.
As a personal interest I think evaluating the role of Notch in the SCI model would also be very interesting, especially with regard to the vasculature, however that might be out of the scope of the manuscript.
We agree that Notch signalling may be a player during spinal cord revascularisation. However, mutants for dll4 (the Notch ligand involved in angiogenesis) die between 7-14 dpf and cannot be used for this study. In addition, the use of Notch-inhibiting drugs would likely have pleiotropic effects, since the Notch pathway is also involved in other aspects of spinal cord regeneration, namely in the regulation of regenerative neurogenesis (Dias et al., 2012). To our knowledge, tools that allow the endothelial-specific inhibition of the Notch pathway have not been developed, and therefore we will not be able to address this question.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
The study is partially descriptive, but very novel as the aspects of vascularisation in a spinal cord injury model have not been described before. If the major revisions regarding functionality are addressed fully, I would wholeheartedly recommend publication and expect an interest for a broad audience. The presented images and their analyses are of very high quality, and therefore also enhance the impact of the study.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The study by Ribeiro et al. investigates the formation of new blood vessels after spinal cord injury in adult zebrafish. The authors initially characterize the extend of spinal cord vascularization during the development of juvenile zebrafish and investigate the association of pericytes with the newly forming vasculature. They then injure the spinal cord and describe the subsequent regeneration of blood vessels. They perform assays to analyze the functionality of the newly forming blood vessels and show that initially blood vessels are leaky. Through EdU labelling the authors show that endothelial cells proliferate. Pericytes similarly increased in numbers. Lastly, the authors inhibited VEGF signaling, which only mildly affected vascular regeneration.
Together, this manuscript describes the re-vascularization of the regenerating spinal cord in adult zebrafish and addresses how blood vessels mature during this process through pericyte recruitment and decrease in leakiness. The manuscript provides some interesting initial insights into spinal cord vascularization, but is mainly descriptive and unfortunately remains superficial in this regard, as specified below:
- The authors only refer to "blood vessels" without specifying the type of blood vessels they observe (are these veins, arteries, capillaries)? A wealth of markers and transgenic zebrafish lines are available to better characterize spinal cord vessels. This is not necessary in case the authors solely refer to "blood vessels" as they do, but it greatly limits the insights into spinal cord vascularization. For instance, Wild et al. (2017) showed that new vessels apparently sprout from veins in the spinal cord. Is this also true during regeneration?
We will perform RNA in situ hybridisation using probes for arterial and venous markers. We will assay the expression of arterial markers (dll4, dlc, flt1 and efnb2a) and venous markers (flt4 and ephb4a) in uninjured spinal cord (to characterise vessel identity in homeostasis) and in 3 and 7 dpi spinal cords (to investigate the identify of angiogenic vessels during regeneration).
- The authors state that their characterization revealed a "stereotypic organization of blood vessels". However, the organization does not appear to be stereotypic (as I understand this term as looking the same in each fish) at all. Can the authors compare e.g. 3 or 5 wildtype fish and extract features that all fish share and those that differ between fish? This would greatly enhance our understanding of the vascular variability within the wildtype population.
We will provide an additional figure comparing the spinal cord vasculature in different fish.
- The authors show an interesting metameric organization of the vasculature with regions of high vascularization interspersed with sparsely vascularized areas. Are there any morphological landmarks that would precipitate these differences?
We will acquire light sheet images of adult spinal cords without removing the vertebrae. This will allow us to determine if the metameric organisation is correlated with the vertebral distribution.
Can the authors check whether they induce a lesion in a highly or poorly vascularized area? This might greatly influence the degree of re-vascularization.
We always perform the spinal cord injury in the region between neural arches (Dietrich et al., 2021). Once we determine how the vasculature is organised in relation to the vertebrae, we will be able to determine if the lesions are performed in a region of high or low vascularisation.
- The same superficial characterization unfortunately also applies to the cell population the authors refer to as "pericytes". Traditionally, pericytes are characterized as being associated with capillaries and sharing a basement membrane with the endothelium. Is this the case here?
We will further characterise the association between Tg(pdgfrß:citrine)-positive cells and blood vessels using an anti-laminin antibody (#L9393, Sigma) to label the basement membrane. Preliminary results recently acquired indicate that Tg(pdgfrß:citrine)-positive perivascular cells and endothelial cells are both enveloped by the basement membrane, supporting the identity of Tg(pdgfrß:citrine)-positive cells as pericytes. Moreover, pericytes are generally described as solitary mural cells associated with small diameter blood vessels (the type of distribution we observe for Tg(pdgfrß:citrine)-positive cells), whereas vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMCs) form concentric layers around larger blood vessels (a distribution we do not detect with this transgene) (Hellström et al., 1999). For these reasons we believe that this transgene is labelling pericytes. We will explain more clearly in the text how the morphology, localisation and density of Tg(pdgfrß:citrine)-positive cells suggests these cells are pericytes.
In addition, pdgfrb is hardly specific for pericytes, as it also labels a multitude of other cell types (refer to e.g. Tsata et al. (2021)).
The different cell types labelled by the pdgfrb reporter line used in the Tsata et al., 2021 paper were identified not by the use of different cell markers, but by their localisation: perivascular cells (the same cell type that we also detect), myoseptal cells (which we would not expect to detect, since we are only analysing the spinal cord tissue and not the adjacent muscle) and floor plate cells (a reporter distribution that the authors show is lost after 3 dpf and is not present in the adult spinal cord). Moreover, the Tsata et al., 2021 paper also includes a supplementary figure (S1, panel N) showing a restricted perivascular pdgfrb:GFP distribution in the wholemount adult spinal cord, in agreement with our characterisation. By their morphology and density, these perivascular cells are likely pericytes, as argued above.
It is also not clear why the transgenic pdgfrb line the authors use only labels cells next to blood vessels. Tsata et al. show a much broader labelling. The authors need to validate their transgenic line using in situ hybridization showing where pdgfrb is being expressed endogenously and how this overlaps with the fluorescent protein expression of the pdgfrb transgenic line.
We will perform ISH for pdgfrb to confirm if the Tg(pdgfrß:citrine) reporter reproduces the endogenous expression in the uninjured spinal cord and at 3 and 7dpi. The 3-7 dpi period is approximately equivalent to the 1-2 days post-lesion in larvae and, if the non-perivascular pdgfrb:GFP cells observed in the larval spinal cord are present in the adult, we expect to detect them by ISH during this phase of regeneration.
There are also several transgenic lines available that allow for the distinction between smooth muscle cells and pericytes (e.g. Shih,..., Lawson, Development 2021 and Whitesell,..., Childs, Plos ONE 2014). As for the vasculature, this more detailed characterization is not necessary in case the authors refer to the cells as "cells labelled by the pdgfrb transgene and reside next to endothelial cells". However, this would not be reflective of the level of detail currently present in the field.
As we explain above, the morphology and density of the pdgfrb:Citrine-positive cells suggests that these cells are pericytes and not smooth muscle cells (SMCs). To confirm this we will compare the expression of pdgfrb with markers of SMCs (i.e, 𝛼-smooth muscle actin and desmin) using immunohistochemistry and/or ISH.
The reviewer also suggests the characterisation of pericyte subtypes using the lines described by Shih et al., 2021. Although this would be interesting, we do not consider it is essential for our study. It would be very demanding to import the reporter lines and it is not certain that these subtypes are present in the spinal cord.
- The authors state that "New blood vessels rapidly attracted pericytes, formed through proliferation and possibly migration of existing pericytes". This statement is not supported by the data, as the authors do not perform lineage tracing of pre-existing pericytes. The authors need to specifically label existing pericytes and then follow whether these pre-labelled cells can be found on newly forming blood vessels. Tsata et al. provide some evidence for this in zebrafish larvae, but they also conclude that pdgfrb expressing tenocytes contribute to new mural cells.
We will reformulate the sentence to clarify that we detect pericyte proliferation, but pdgfrb-lineage tracing would be needed to provide evidence that existing pericytes contribute to the generation of mural cells associated to new blood vessels. However, we will not perform the lineage tracing experiment for the revision, as we are unable to currently import this line.
- The findings that new blood vessel growth only marginally depended on VEGFA signaling is striking. However, it might also point towards an inefficient inhibition of VEGFA signaling. In particular, other publications, for instance Cattin et al. 2015 have shown that inhibiting VEGFA signaling prevents new blood vessel growth during peripheral nerve regeneration in mouse. It will therefore be important that the authors demonstrate that their approach leads to successful inhibition of VEGFA signaling. VEGFAB mutants appear to be homozygous viable and important for spinal cord vascularization (Matsuoka et al., 2017). In addition, heterozygous VEGFAA mutants already have some vascular phenotypes, but are also viable. Can the authors combine these mutants with their inhibitor treatments to achieve a greater reduction in VEGFA signaling?
Since we are unable to confirm the level of inhibition of the Vegf pathway and we are unable to import the suggested lines at the moment, we will be excluding the Vegf inhibition data.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
Together, this publication is the first to describe to some extend the regenerating vasculature after spinal cord injury in adult zebrafish. However, both the vascular and regeneration fields are much more advanced than what the authors cover. Both blood vessels and perivascular cells can be characterized in much more detail, as outlined above. Also, studies on nerve regeneration and its dependence on the vasculature, e.g. during peripheral nerve regeneration in mouse have been carried out with a wealth of functional data available. Therefore, the impact of the present study in its current form will be limited. I am an expert on zebrafish blood vessel development.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary: Provide a short summary of the findings and key conclusions (including methodology and model system(s) where appropriate).
Ribeiro et al. described vascular development in the spinal cord from larval to adult stages in zebrafish, and found the dependence of vessel length on body-size. Then, the authors depicted the vascular regeneration process after spinal cord injury (SCI), which includes initial vascularization, angiogenesis, pericyte recruitment, and blood-spinal cord barrier establishment. Although the molecules or signaling pathways that drive the re-vascularization remain unidentified, this study illustrates the cellular processes of spinal cord vascular development and regeneration from the descriptive level, which may facilitate further understandings of mechanisms underlying vascular regeneration in the spinal cord.
Major comments: - Are the key conclusions convincing? The descriptions of spinal cord vascularization during development and vascular regeneration after SCI are convincing. However, inhibition of Vegfaa and Vegfr2 is nearly ineffective. The author might not conclude that the Vegfr2 signaling plays any role.
Since we are unable to confirm the level of inhibition of the Vegf pathway, we will be excluding the Vegf inhibition data.
Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.
Major comments: 1) In Figure 3, the exact injured site on the spinal cord is not clear. Please include a schematic illustration of full spinal cord to show where is the injured site. Are all the injury experiments in this study done at the same site? If not, is there any site difference regarding the regenerative capability.
We will include a scheme of the injury site in the spinal cord in Fig.3. All the injury were performed in the same position and this will be clarified in the methods.
2) Figure 2E showed a segmented pattern of spinal cord vasculature. Is this pattern correlated with the position of vertebra?
We will acquire light sheet images of adult spinal cords without removing the vertebrae. This will allow us to determine if the metameric organisation is correlated with the vertebral distribution.
3) In Figure 3, during vascular regeneration after SCI, the author only showed partial regeneration at 30 dpi. Why not show the stage of complete regeneration? At that stage, how about the behaviors of the regenerated animals?
We will add an additional timepoint (90 dpi) to the characterisation of the revascularisation. Moreover, we will include in Fig. 3 a plot of the swimming capacity in contusion-injured fish until 90 dpi and will explain in the text how the vascular response correlates with the functional recovery.
4) Only EdU data is not sufficient to conclude that new vessels come from proliferation of remaining endothelial cells. For example, these new vessels might come from transdifferentiation of lymphatic vessels, or immune cells, or glial cells, in the meantime proliferate. This could also explain why the inhibition of Vegfr2 signaling is ineffective on new vessel formation. Cre/loxP-mediated lineage tracings need to be performed to exactly identify where these new vessels originate.
We will clarify in the text that while the detection of endothelial proliferation suggests existing endothelial cells contribute to new vessels, we cannot exclude that other cell types also give rise to endothelial cells. However, regarding the transdifferentiation of immune and glial cells into endothelial cells, to our knowledge few examples have been described in the literature and generally associated with cancers or in in vitro conditions (Fernandez Pujol et al., 2000; Li et al., 2011; Soda et al., 2011). For this reason we do not expect this rare process to occur during spinal cord repair.
A cell type that has been associated with transdifferentiation into ECs are lymphatic cells (Das et al., 2022). However, we have analysed the expression of a lymphatic marker (Tg(lyve1b:DsRed)) and were only able to detect very few lyve1b:DsRed-positive cells before or after injury, suggesting that any possible lymphatic contribution would likely be very limited. We plan to include these data in the revised submission.
5) To confirm the Tg(hsp70l:dn-vegfaa) did work in this study, the authors need a positive control. For example, the effects on vasculogenesis or angiogenesis during embryonic development after heat shock. If the transgene works, the vascular development at early stages should be blocked (Marín-Juez et al., 2016).
We will be removing the vegf inhibition data, therefore we will not address this question.
Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments. The suggested experiments are realistic in terms of time and resources.
- Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? In the method, the author should describe how to identify the Tg(hsp70l:dn-vegfaa) in more details, because there is no fluorescence before and after heat shock.
We will be removing the vegf inhibition data, therefore we will not address this question.
Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Yes.
Minor comments: - Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable. In Figure 6, from 30 dpi to 90 dpi, the number of pericytes decreased. Did these pericytes undergo apoptosis from 30 dpi on?
We have not investigated pericyte apoptosis during vessel remodelling. However, this experiment would require the acquisition of long-term samples (between 60 and 90 dpi) and we would prefer not to address this question.
Are prior studies referenced appropriately? Yes.
- Are the text and figures clear and accurate? Please clearly labeled the injured region in Figure 6.
We will identify more clearly the site of the injury in Fig.6.
- Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions? The number of proliferating ECs at 3 dpi is more than those at 5 dpi (Figure 5G). But the number of total EdU+ cells at 3 dpi is less than those at 5 dpi (Figure 5A-D). These data are consistent with Figure S3, which showed ECs were the leading cell type to enter the lesioned site, then were the axons and glial cells at later stages. Please explain and discuss whether the regeneration of other cell types is dependent on the accomplishment of vascular regeneration.
As the reviewer points out, our data suggest that endothelial cells display an earlier peak of proliferation than spinal cord cells in general and colonise the lesioned tissue before new axons and glial cells. Although these observations could point to a role for ECs in the regeneration of other cell types, we would need to inhibit vascular repair to assess this possibility, which we were unable to do using Vegf inhibition. In our discussion we already mention some possible roles for ECs in stem cell proliferation, neurogenesis and axonal regrowth, but can expand this discussion if necessary.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
- Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.
Although this study has characterized the development and regeneration of spinal cord vasculature in details, the significance of the advance needs to be improved due to lack of mechanisms. Obviously Vegfa is not essential for the vascular regeneration after SCI. It is better for the authors to identify one or two factors required for this process, in addition to identify cell origins of new vessels. With those, the significance of this study will be improved because the cell origins and required factors will provide potential therapeutic targets after SCI.
- Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).
State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings. The audience includes people who are interested in vascular development and regeneration, and spinal cord clinicians.
Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. My field of expertise includes brain vascular regeneration, digestive organ development and regeneration. This study reported spinal cord vascular development and regeneration, which fit my expertise.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Provide a short summary of the findings and key conclusions (including methodology and model system(s) where appropriate).
Ribeiro et al. described vascular development in the spinal cord from larval to adult stages in zebrafish, and found the dependence of vessel length on body-size. Then, the authors depicted the vascular regeneration process after spinal cord injury (SCI), which includes initial vascularization, angiogenesis, pericyte recruitment, and blood-spinal cord barrier establishment. Although the molecules or signaling pathways that drive the re-vascularization remain unidentified, this study illustrates the cellular processes of spinal cord vascular development and regeneration from the descriptive level, which may facilitate further understandings of mechanisms underlying vascular regeneration in the spinal cord.
Major comments:
- Are the key conclusions convincing?
The descriptions of spinal cord vascularization during development and vascular regeneration after SCI are convincing. However, inhibition of Vegfaa and Vegfr2 is nearly ineffective. The author might not conclude that the Vegfr2 signaling plays any role. - Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.
Major comments:
- In Figure 3, the exact injured site on the spinal cord is not clear. Please include a schematic illustration of full spinal cord to show where is the injured site. Are all the injury experiments in this study done at the same site? If not, is there any site difference regarding the regenerative capability.
- Figure 2E showed a segmented pattern of spinal cord vasculature. Is this pattern correlated with the position of vertebra?
- In Figure 3, during vascular regeneration after SCI, the author only showed partial regeneration at 30 dpi. Why not show the stage of complete regeneration? At that stage, how about the behaviors of the regenerated animals?
- Only EdU data is not sufficient to conclude that new vessels come from proliferation of remaining endothelial cells. For example, these new vessels might come from transdifferentiation of lymphatic vessels, or immune cells, or glial cells, in the meantime proliferate. This could also explain why the inhibition of Vegfr2 signaling is ineffective on new vessel formation. Cre/loxP-mediated lineage tracings need to be performed to exactly identify where these new vessels originate.
- To confirm the Tg(hsp70l:dn-vegfaa) did work in this study, the authors need a positive control. For example, the effects on vasculogenesis or angiogenesis during embryonic development after heat shock. If the transgene works, the vascular development at early stages should be blocked (Marín-Juez et al., 2016).
- Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.
The suggested experiments are realistic in terms of time and resources. - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?
In the method, the author should describe how to identify the Tg(hsp70l:dn-vegfaa) in more details, because there is no fluorescence before and after heat shock. - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?
Minor comments:
- Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.
In Figure 6, from 30 dpi to 90 dpi, the number of pericytes decreased. Did these pericytes undergo apoptosis from 30 dpi on? - Are prior studies referenced appropriately?
Yes. - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?
Please clearly labeled the injured region in Figure 6. - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?
The number of proliferating ECs at 3 dpi is more than those at 5 dpi (Figure 5G). But the number of total EdU+ cells at 3 dpi is less than those at 5 dpi (Figure 5A-D). These data are consistent with Figure S3, which showed ECs were the leading cell type to enter the lesioned site, then were the axons and glial cells at later stages. Please explain and discuss whether the regeneration of other cell types is dependent on the accomplishment of vascular regeneration.
- Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.
Although this study has characterized the development and regeneration of spinal cord vasculature in details, the significance of the advance needs to be improved due to lack of mechanisms. Obviously Vegfa is not essential for the vascular regeneration after SCI. It is better for the authors to identify one or two factors required for this process, in addition to identify cell origins of new vessels. With those, the significance of this study will be improved because the cell origins and required factors will provide potential therapeutic targets after SCI. - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate). - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.
The audience includes people who are interested in vascular development and regeneration, and spinal cord clinicians. - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.
My field of expertise includes brain vascular regeneration, digestive organ development and regeneration. This study reported spinal cord vascular development and regeneration, which fit my expertise.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The study by Ribeiro et al. investigates the formation of new blood vessels after spinal cord injury in adult zebrafish. The authors initially characterize the extend of spinal cord vascularization during the development of juvenile zebrafish and investigate the association of pericytes with the newly forming vasculature. They then injure the spinal cord and describe the subsequent regeneration of blood vessels. They perform assays to analyze the functionality of the newly forming blood vessels and show that initially blood vessels are leaky. Through EdU labelling the authors show that endothelial cells proliferate. Pericytes similarly increased in numbers. Lastly, the authors inhibited VEGF signaling, which only mildly affected vascular regeneration.
Together, this manuscript describes the re-vascularization of the regenerating spinal cord in adult zebrafish and addresses how blood vessels mature during this process through pericyte recruitment and decrease in leakiness. The manuscript provides some interesting initial insights into spinal cord vascularization, but is mainly descriptive and unfortunately remains superficial in this regard, as specified below:
- The authors only refer to "blood vessels" without specifying the type of blood vessels they observe (are these veins, arteries, capillaries)? A wealth of markers and transgenic zebrafish lines are available to better characterize spinal cord vessels. This is not necessary in case the authors solely refer to "blood vessels" as they do, but it greatly limits the insights into spinal cord vascularization. For instance, Wild et al. (2017) showed that new vessels apparently sprout from veins in the spinal cord. Is this also true during regeneration?
- The authors state that their characterization revealed a "stereotypic organization of blood vessels". However, the organization does not appear to be stereotypic (as I understand this term as looking the same in each fish) at all. Can the authors compare e.g. 3 or 5 wildtype fish and extract features that all fish share and those that differ between fish? This would greatly enhance our understanding of the vascular variability within the wildtype population.
- The authors show an interesting metameric organization of the vasculature with regions of high vascularization interspersed with sparsely vascularized areas. Are there any morphological landmarks that would precipitate these differences? Can the authors check whether they induce a lesion in a highly or poorly vascularized area? This might greatly influence the degree of re-vascularization.
- The same superficial characterization unfortunately also applies to the cell population the authors refer to as "pericytes". Traditionally, pericytes are characterized as being associated with capillaries and sharing a basement membrane with the endothelium. Is this the case here? In addition, pdgfrb is hardly specific for pericytes, as it also labels a multitude of other cell types (refer to e.g. Tsata et al. (2021)). It is also not clear why the transgenic pdgfrb line the authors use only labels cells next to blood vessels. Tsata et al. show a much broader labelling. The authors need to validate their transgenic line using in situ hybridization showing where pdgfrb is being expressed endogenously and how this overlaps with the fluorescent protein expression of the pdgfrb transgenic line. There are also several transgenic lines available that allow for the distinction between smooth muscle cells and pericytes (e.g. Shih,..., Lawson, Development 2021 and Whitesell,..., Childs, Plos ONE 2014). As for the vasculature, this more detailed characterization is not necessary in case the authors refer to the cells as "cells labelled by the pdgfrb transgene and reside next to endothelial cells". However, this would not be reflective of the level of detail currently present in the field.
- The authors state that "New blood vessels rapidly attracted pericytes, formed through proliferation and possibly migration of existing pericytes". This statement is not supported by the data, as the authors do not perform lineage tracing of pre-existing pericytes. The authors need to specifically label existing pericytes and then follow whether these pre-labelled cells can be found on newly forming blood vessels. Tsata et al. provide some evidence for this in zebrafish larvae, but they also conclude that pdgfrb expressing tenocytes contribute to new mural cells.
- The findings that new blood vessel growth only marginally depended on VEGFA signaling is striking. However, it might also point towards an inefficient inhibition of VEGFA signaling. In particular, other publications, for instance Cattin et al. 2015 have shown that inhibiting VEGFA signaling prevents new blood vessel growth during peripheral nerve regeneration in mouse. It will therefore be important that the authors demonstrate that their approach leads to successful inhibition of VEGFA signaling. VEGFAB mutants appear to be homozygous viable and important for spinal cord vascularization (Matsuoka et al., 2017). In addition, heterozygous VEGFAA mutants already have some vascular phenotypes, but are also viable. Can the authors combine these mutants with their inhibitor treatments to achieve a greater reduction in VEGFA signaling?
Together, this publication is the first to describe to some extend the regenerating vasculature after spinal cord injury in adult zebrafish. However, both the vascular and regeneration fields are much more advanced than what the authors cover. Both blood vessels and perivascular cells can be characterized in much more detail, as outlined above. Also, studies on nerve regeneration and its dependence on the vasculature, e.g. during peripheral nerve regeneration in mouse have been carried out with a wealth of functional data available. Therefore, the impact of the present study in its current form will be limited. I am an expert on zebrafish blood vessel development.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a damage to the spinal cord, that causes temporary or permanent changes in its function. While in mammals the regeneration process are very limited zebrafish are able to repair the spinal cord. Based on the hypothesis, that the vascular response might affect the regeneration capacity, the paper by Ribeiro et al addresses the structure and injury response of the spinal cord vasculature. As the growth of zebrafish larvae and juveniles depends a lot on the individual response to the environment, the authors first established comparable body measurement parameters (other than age) and observed the natural spinal cord vascularization process, starting from 6mm body length of the animals. Using transgenic lines the authors describe the formation and patterning of endothelial cells and pericytes up to 9mm length, when a more developed vascular network was present. They observe the processes of vascular regeneration after a contusion based SCI model at different time points (days post injury (dpi)) and in correlation with glial and axonal regrowth, also observing BSCB barrier integrity, angiogenesis, pericyte recruitment and the dependence on Vegf signaling.
The study is interesting and novel, vascular structures in the zebrafish adult spinal cord have not been reported yet and neither has the vascular response to SCI. Currrently the study remains very descriptive, although the authors tried to add functional data, by inhibiting Vegf signaling.
Major points for revision: The authors fail to establish whether there is any relationship between spinal cord regeneration and vessel regeneration. While I do very well understand the challenges and limitations the authors should put more effort into functional analyses.
For example: the authors address EC proliferation as a marker for angiogenesis, but do not analyse whether or how much EC proliferation is required for revascularization and regeneration. Pharmacological inhibition of proliferation should be possible and used. From a vascular point of view it would also be interesting whether there is a differential influence of tip or stalk cell proliferation.
The same is true for pericyte recruitment: the role of pericytes for the vascular repair or the spinal cord regeneration is not clear. The authors could use use mutants with impaired pericyte development or e.g. nitroreductase mediated ablation of pericytes.
The statements regarding the role of Vegf are too bold. The problem lies in the limitations of assessing the efficiency of Vegf inhibition. The heatshock promotor has been shown to induce transcription for up to 4 hours, depending on the efficiency of heatshock. There are no data on the stability of dnVegfaa protein. Likewise the pharmacological inhibition could be far from complete. A full inhibition of Vegf signaling is expected to stop vessel growth or angiogenesis. While it is a sign of good practice, that the authors combined a genetic model with a pharmacological one, both leave the same unresolved issue. However if we believe a very limites requirement of Vegf-signaling, it would be interesting to look for other signaling pathways, like cxcl, IL, or FGF to regulates regenerative angiogenesis.
Minor issues
The correlation with spinal cord repair could be stated more clearly throughout the manuscript. For the uninformed reader it is less clear when exactly the spinal cord is functional again. While I find the model in figure 8 very helpful, it gives 5 to 30 days, for the neuronal regeneration. Maybe a more detailed timeline of EC regeneration and remodeling correlating with neuronal repair would help. In line with that in figure 4 it is not clear whether the images of different time points are indeed one individual animal at the different time points or representative animals for the stage (also figure 4 lacks panel labels, in my copy I can see A, K and L, but no other letters).
For understanding the (re)vascularization, the direction of blood flow might be helpful. Especially for the connection between spinal cord regeneration and vessel regeneration. Does blood flow regulate vessel pruning after 14 dpi?
The combined Vegfaa DN and PTK treatment data looks like it could be inhibiting endothelial cell proliferation (Figure7I).However, Supplementary Figure 8B shows endothelial proliferation does not change. Does it mean the number of endothelial cells is same but the volume of endothelial cells decrees?
There are also some remaining grammatical errors, for example (but NOT limited to) line 133 to 135.
As a personal interest I think evaluating the role of Notch in the SCI model would also be very interesting, especially with regard to the vasculature, however that might be out of the scope of the manuscript.
The study is partially descriptive, but very novel as the aspects of vascularisation in a spinal cord injury model have not been described before. If the major revisions regarding functionality are addressed fully, I would wholeheartedly recommend publication and expect an interest for a broad audience. The presented images and their analyses are of very high quality, and therefore also enhance the impact of the study.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1.
Reviewer #1 summary:
In this manuscript by Lu et al., the authors describe some CRISPR screens and protein-protein interaction screens to identify novel regulators of wild-type p53 and mutant p53 function and stability. Besides generating a wealth of data, they discover FBXO42-CCDC6 as positive regulators of the some p53 hot-spot mutants, including R273H mutant p53, but not of all p53 mutants tested and also not of wild-type, indicating selectivity. Furthermore, the found C16orf72(TAPR1) as a negative regulator of p53 stability.
Mechanistically, the authors claim a direct interaction between FBXO42 and CCDC6 and p53, but the importance of these interactions has not been shown. On the other hand the authors suggest that the FBXO42/CCDC6 regulate p53 via destabilization of USP28, but also the mechanism has not been worked out. For C16orf72, they show that it interacts with USP7, but no relevance of this interaction is shown either.
Response: We sincerely thank the reviewer for the constructive and thorough review. We have incorporated most of the suggestions into our planned revision, with our major focus on the molecular mechanistic follow-up.
Reviewer #1, major points.
One very important point for me is that the authors do not show the levels of expression of p53 in the p53-mClover stable cell lines. It is known that overexpressed p53 is usualy more stable than endogenous levels of wt-p53. Therefore, I think it is necessary that the authors show the levels of the p53-mClover fusion proteins in the stably transduced cell lines compared to endogenous p53 levels in the parental RPE1 cells and also compared to the endogenous levels of R273H mutant in the PANC-1 cells.
Response: We fully agree that the levels of overexpressed p53s are often more than the endogenous ones, due in part to increased expression and stability. In designing the reporter, we first tried to avoid the stabilisation of p53-GFP due to GFP aggregation by using the monomeric mClover-variant. Further, we titrated the WT and R273H clones (similar to our recent work in PMID: 35439056), to select clones with p53 levels closer to endogenous protein, and exhibiting high dynamic response to Nutlin-3a treatment.
In the revised submission, we will include Western blotting comparing the levels of p53-mClover (WT and R273H) expression to the endogenous p53s in RPE1 (WT) and PANC1 (R273H) cell lines, in the presence or absence of Nutlin-3a.
Also the functionality of the wild-type p53-mClover fusion is questionable, at least not shown. One would expect that the overexpression of a functional wt-p53 in p53-KO cells will affect the survival of the RPE1 cells. In Figure 5A the authors show that depletion of MDM2 or C16ORF72 is toxic for the RPE1 cells in a p53-dependent manner, indicating that elevated levels of p53 cannot be handled by these cells. So, experiment(s) showing that the wt-p53/mClover fusion is functional is needed.
Response: We agree that it will be an important point to benchmark the reporter design. The ectopically expressed WTp53 is often observed to have reduced functionality compared to the endogenous WTp53. The WTp53-reporter line behaves similarly to the RPE1 line (p53-proficient), where both chemical (e.g. Nutlin) or genetic perturbation (e.g. depletion of MDM2/C16orf72) would be toxic in a p53-depedent manner. In line with this data, we have observed that the WTp53-reporter line is able to induce a p53 response as demonstrated by induction of p53-target genes such as p21, which is not observed in p53 null RPE cells, albeit the p21 induction is not as dramatic as in RPE1 cells with endogenous WTp53. Together, these data indicate that our WTp53-reporter is functional albeit with a somewhat reduced activity.
In the revised submission, we will better demonstrate the functionality of the WTp53-mClover fusion by probing WTp53 target (e.g. p21), in the presence and absence of Nutlin. This is also performed as a part of the experiment addressing Point #1 above.
A second important point is that the 'verification' of the hits from the screens is only done in one cancer cell line, PANC-1, with mutant p53. I would have like to see at least one other cell line with another p53 mutant endogenously expressed that is also regulated by FBXO42/CCDC6.
Response: we will include validation of the hits (FBXO42, CCDC6) in other 1-2 tumour lines with confirmed R273H endogenous mutation (e.g. MB-MDA-468, etc).
For many of the p53-mutants, a bimodal expression is observed. In the FBXO42- and CCDC6-depleted cells, the equilibrium shifts towards more negative cells but the levels in the two populations itself don’t change (while for example for USP28 depletion also the right peak shifts further up, Fig S4E). Is there any correlation with the cell cycle and p53 expression? And can the authors exclude that FBXO42 and CCDC6 are involved in cell cycle progression and hereby influence p53 indirectly (by combining PI staining with Clover-p53 for example).
Response: we have indeed observed that the “bimodal” levels in the reporters of several mutants, which are also observed in other studies probing the endogenous p53 level (PMID: 29653964); while the population equilibrium shifts, the location of each peak (as a proxy of the level of p53s) are more stable.
Regarding the relation between p53-level and cell cycle stage, indeed, both the authors in the paper above and we have probed this possibility, but were unable to establish a direct connection.
In the revised submission, we will add flow cytometry analysis of the p53-mClover level, and the cell cycle position using Hoechst 33342 (live-cell permeable DNA staining).
The authors claim that the FBXO42-CCDC6 axis regulates stability specifically some p53-mutants, including R273H-mutant, in a manner involving USP28. But USP28 regulates all forms of p53, not just some mutants version. How can the authors reconcile this apparent contradiction?
Response: we thank the reviewer for this critical observation. From our screen (Supplemental Table 1A), we have indeed noticed a pronounced effects (|Z score| >=3) of FBXO42 on R273H and R248Q stability, and a marginal effect on wild-type p53. Similarly, USP28 had pronounced effects on R273H and R248Q and WTp53.
In the discussion of the paper, we noted that USP28 was shown to regulate p53 levels through distinct mechanisms:
‘USP28 was originally implicated as a protective deubiquitinating enzyme counteracting the proteasomal degradation of p53, TP53BP1, CHCK2, and additional proteins68-71. USP28 regulates wild-type p53 via TP53BP1-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Concordantly, our data shows that USP28 and TP53BP1 are strong positive regulators of wild-type p53. However, while USP28 was also a strong hit in the mutant R273H p53 screen, TP53BP1 was not, indicating that the effects we see upon loss of USP28 on R273H p53 are independent of TP53BP1.’
Together, this indicates that the R273H-mutant is regulated by a FBXO42-CCDC6-USP28 axis while wild-type p53 is regulated mainly via a USP28-TP53BP1 axis. We will attempt to address and discuss it in the revision.
On a similar note, the authors show that FBXO42 and CCDC6 interact with p53, but not USP28. Do FBXO42 and CCDC6 interact with each other and with USP28? And is the interaction with p53 specific for the R273H version? This part of the mechanism is very poorly defined and the Co-IPs are not very convincing or relevant for the proposed model.
Response: This comment will be more extensively addressed in the revision. We have indeed observed the interaction between FBXO42 and CCDC6 (via BioID and APMS); however, we failed to recover USP28 as an interactor of either FBXO42 or CCDC6. The interaction between CCDC6/FBXO42 is not specific to R273H; although we were able to IP endogenous R273H with CCDC6 in PANC-1 line, the WTp53 (as in HEK 293 TRex BioID line) was also picked up in the BioID preys of CCDC6/FBXO42. In addition, we have new data to show that FBXO42 directly interacts with WTp53.
In the revised submission, we will improve the molecular underpinning of the FBXO42-CCDC6-USP28-p53 axis we propose. We will specifically address the following.
(1.1.) Biochemically, further support that CCDC6 and FBXO42 regulate p53 via regulating USP28 stability: We will address this by established biochemical assays, e.g. cycloheximide-chase/MG132 experiment. While USP28 is an established WTp53 regulator, little is known about the mechanism, and the “upstream” regulation of USP28; we will attempt to fill this gap:
(1.2.) And to an unbiased systematic approach, how R273H interactome changes upon the loss of CCDC6 or FBXO42.
We will perform R273H-BioID upon loss of CCDC6 and FBXO42 and USP28.
(1.3.) Furthermore, we will specifically exam the interaction of USP28-p53R273H with or without the genetic perturbation of FBXO42/CCDC6.
Through these efforts, we hope to gain further mechanistic insights into this regulatory axis, but hope that the editors and reviewers will agree that a fully annotated mechanistic understanding is probably beyond the scope of this paper.
Reviewer #1, minor points.
The mechanisms of p53 regulation may vary greatly in different cell lines. Can the authors discuss why they choose to do the screen with different mutants, rather than with different cell lines expressing these same mutant endogenously?
Response: While it is certainly very interesting to assess how WT and mutant p53 is regulated in different cell lines, such an approach is confounded by the ‘genetic make-up’ of the respective tested cell lines. For example, TP53BP1 might be a regulator in one cell line but not in another for the simple reason that the later cell line harbors a TP53BP1 deletion or mutation or expression levels. In addition, while working with endogenous p53 mutations certainly has many advantages, comparing different mutants in different cell lines is again very much confounded by the ‘genetic make-up’ of the respective tested cell lines.
Our focus was slightly different, and we wanted to set out and specifically ask what the difference between p53 hotspot mutations are. Are they all the same or are there differences and importantly, are there differences between mutants and WT p53 and this can only be achieved when working in the same cellular background. In designing the screen, we have thus tried to optimise the inclusion of different hotspot mutants in an isogenic screening system. As such, we first depleted the endogenous WTp53 to minimise its interference and built the current isogenic system in the non-transformed RPE1 (“normal”) line.
However, as discussed above, we agree that the screen results will be validated in more cell lines carrying respective endogenous mutants.
Figure 1: Typo in the legends : Nultin ipv Nutlin
Response: We apologise for the typos. This is addressed in the current submission, along with improved figure legends to improve readability.
Figure 1b,1c : Show basal and Nutlin-3 induced MDM2 levels and in the overexpression cell lines; if WT-p53 is functional, MDM2 levels should be higher in WT-transduced cells compared to control or mt-p53 expressing cells.
Response: In the revised submission, we will include Western blotting probing MDM2 levels (antibody permitting); this is a part of the experiment proposed for Points 1 and 2.
Authors should explain which they name USP7 a negative regulator of p53, since it is supposed to de-ubiquitinate p53?!
Response: The effects of USP7 on WTp53 have indeed been difficult to elucidate (by Prof. Vogelstein PMID: 15118411, and PMID: 15058298, and seemingly opposite by Prof. Gu Wei, PMID: 15053880, and PMID: 11923872). However, consistent with Prof. Vogelstein group, the inhibition of USP7 (either by inhibitor or genetically via CRISPR in our studies), has resulted in elevated p53 level.
Figure 2E: the effect of MG132 on p53 seems to be very minimal on this Western blot; it would need quantification to be convincing...Quality of the blot is also not great.The fact that in control cells the levels of p53 R273H are not affected by MG132 treatment fits with Suppl Figure 2E, indicating that the proteasome has no effect on p53 R273H.
Response: We indeed noticed that while the proteasome pathway is largely implicated in the WTp53 screen, it has much reduced effects on R273H. Interestingly, the treatment of MG 132 also has limited effects using PANC-1 line (with endogenous R273H). We will repeat this experiment and provide quantifications and modify the text accordingly.
Suppl figure 3b, 3c, 3d:
Somehow, I have the feeling that the results from the western blots and the FACS do not match fully, although not all the time-points are shown in the various experiments.
For example, the FACS analysis (3b) suggests that in control-transduced cells after 16hr p53 is still increased. However, that is not clear at all in the Western blot (3c)
Is Suppl Figure 3d the quantification of 3c experiment? If so, in the blot also the 24 hrs should be shown.
The blot shown in Suppl Figure 3c suggests that CCDC6 expression increased upon irradiation. Do the authors agree with that? Would that explain why depletion of CCDC6 has more effect upon irradiation?
Suppl Figure S3E: if I am right, this is essentially the same type of experiment as shown in figure 2e, but analysis of p53-expression by Western blot. In that blot no real effect of MG132 on p53 levels could be seen. But here, in the FACS analysis, MG132 clearly increases the p53-Clover fusion levels; for me again that Western blot and FACS data do not neccesarily match.
Response: We apologise for the confusion. In the revised submission, we will improve the figure legends for better readability. Furthermore, in anticipation to the multiple cell lines involved in the revision, we will also clarify the cell lines in the figure.
With regards to the difference between the flow cytometry and WB data, we have generally observed the flow cytometry bimodal shifting to be more sensitive than the WB, e.g. a 50% shift in population (FACS) is reflected by a 15% reduction in WB (which may be partially explained as WB is a measurement across the cell population and FACS determines the p53-GFP levels of every cell and thus the shift of cells between peaks). Similarly, we noticed flow-cytometry based quantification by antibody staining the endogenous p53 yielded similar sensitivity (PMID: 29653964). As such, we will ensure the validation of hits is performed in two modes. For WB experiment, we will do so in two cell lines carrying the endogenous mutants as suggested by Reviewers #1 and 2.
Figure 3B: In the CCDC6 IP a very small amount of p53 can be found. I don't know how much input lysate compared to amount of lysate for IP is used, but the percentage of p53 found interacting with CCDC6 seems so marginal that is difficult to explain the effect of KO of CCDC6 in PANC1 cells.
And, the authors called it a 'reciprocal IP' (Suppl Figure 4a) after transfection of V5-tagged CCDC6 into PANC1 cells, but it actually is the same type of IP. Did the authors try to IP p53 and blot for CCDC6? That would be a reciprocal IP.
Response: We apologise for the confusion. In the revised submission, we will specify the portion of the lysates used for pre-IP (5% lysate) and IP (1 mg). As for the IP, we will also include the true reciprocal IP (IP p53, and blot for CCDC6).
Figure 3H: how can authors explain that basal levels of USP28 in control and CCDC6-KO cells transfected with control plasmid are more or less the same and not reduced in the CCDC6-KO cells?
Response: We will provide a better blot and quantification for this observation. In the current Fig 3H, the CCDC6-KO lane is slightly overladed as seen by the H3 loading control.
Figure 3I: Essentially the whole blot here is of low quality; especially the FBXO42 blot; is deletion of USP28 increasing FBXO42 protein levels, or is it just the quality of the blot? All in all it seems that FBXO42 is very low expressed in the used cell lines.
Response: We apologise for the confusion. In the revised submission, we will repeat and try to include higher quality WB, with more optimised condition for using the FBXO42 antibody.
FBXO42 messenger level is readily detected using qRT.
Figure 4B: I find it a bit surprising that USP7 is also found in the synthetic viability screen, since it has been shown that USP7 has many more essential targets and KO of p53 only partially rescues the development of USP7-KO mouse embryo's.
Response: We thank the reviewer for this critical observation. While the double p53-USP7 knockout line is viable, we acknowledge that it is amongst the top scored hits due to the large differential viabilities between WT and p53-null lines. In the revised submission, we will further clarify the screen analysis and the associated interpretation.
Figure 5: the authors nowhere show the efficacy of the guides targeting c16orf72. A Western blot showing the expression and the reduction upon expressing the guide-RNAs is essential.
Response: We thank the Reviewer for this suggestion. The efficacy of each guide has been verified using ICE (at the genomic level), and in the revised submission, we will include this critical information as part of the Figure S2F.
Figure 5E: First, here probably parental RPE1 cells have been used, but that is not stated. Second, the authors state 'only a slight increase in p53 levels upon siHUWE1'; I would say none compared to scrambled.
I know HUWE1 is a very huge protein, but the blot of HUWE1 is not convincing. I seem to be able to conclude that siMDM2 and siUSP7 reduces HUWE1 levels?
Response: We apologise for the confusion. In the revised submission, we will be specific of the cell line information on the figure, to improve the readability.
We agree with the reviewers that assessment of large protein by WB is often difficult but given that this band almost completely disappears upon HUWE1 knock-down, strongly argues that we are indeed assessing the endogenous HUWE1. We also agree that it is an interesting observation that the levels of HUWE1 seem to be slightly reduced upon knock-down of MDM2 and USP7. We will repeat this experiments and provide quantitative data for HUWE1 and p53. Of note, in the screen, HUWE1 also scored as a negative regulator of wt-p53 and did not quite reach statistical significance for the p53 mutants.
Regarding the relationship between C16orf72 and HUWE1, a newly published work (PMID: 35776542) seems to suggest that siHUWE1 has resulted in an increased C16orf72 level (termed HAPSTR1 in the paper), while siC16orf72 seemed to have no effect on HUWE1 level, although the stability of such a large protein by WB is often difficult to conclude.
Figure 5F, in relation to figure 5D. Here the author overexpress both c16orf72 and USP7, and find an interaction. The implication of that is not clear. If they want to make point of this interaction, they should have looked at endogenous proteins.
Response: We acknowledge the many concerns associated with coIP with ectopically, and especially overexpressed proteins in large quantity. In the revised submission, we will attempt to perform endogenous-based IP experiment (antibody permitting).
It is worrying that USP7 apparently was not one of the hits in the Mass-spec experiment of which results are shown in Figure 5D. Also in that experiment c16orf72 was overexpressed, and USP7 is very highly expressed in essentially all cell lines, so do the authors have an explanation?
Response: We indeed acknowledge this discrepancy. In the revised submission, we will attempt the coIP/IP using endogenous proteins (antibody permitting, or at least using endogenous target for one of the two partners). We also acknowledge that the limitation associated with the APMS for the detection of interactors.
Suppl. figure 5D is missing
Response: We apologise for the confusion. The Figure S5D was inconveniently placed at the top of the figure panel due to space limitation. In the revised submission, we will address this as a part of the overall readability improvement.
Reviewer #1, Significance.
The topic of the paper is of high interest given the relevance of p53 and its gain-of-function mutants in oncology, and the screens are well executed and clearly presented. In terms of novelty, FBXO42 has been linked to p53-degradation before, and c16orf72 was recently shown to be able to destabilize p53. However, the link between CCDC6 and p53 is novel and of interest, since they are both substrates of USP7 and are both regulators of the cell cycle.
We think the manuscript has potential to add something to the field, but would benefit greatly from a better understanding of the molecular underpinnings of their newly described mechanisms, as well as the conditions in which the mechanism is active.
Therefore, it might be advisable to shorten the manuscript, and go more in-depth in finding the mechanisms of regulation.
Response: We sincerely thank the reviewer for all the constructive critiques. We will incorporate them in to our revision.
Reviewer #2.
Reviewer #2 summary:
The paper describes several genome-wide CRISPR screens designed to identify regulators of p53 stability. The authors use a system in which p53 levels are marked by mClover expression, using RFP expression to normalise for gene expression changes.
Reviewer #2, major points.
The bimodal distribution of p53 expression levels in some reporter cell lines (G245S, R248Q, R248W and R273H) hampers the implementation of a robust readout and makes correct interpretation of the results challenging. While it is possible that the bimodal distribution indicates dynamic changes in p53 levels within one population, it also seems possible that a subclone of these cells have acquired additional alterations affecting p53 stability, and that the authors are screening a mixed population of two intrinsically different cell populations. This would make it difficult to interpret the results of the screen in these cell lines and may be a challenge when trying to identify something that has not already been highlighted on depmap.
Response: We thank the reviewer for this critical observation. We strongly believe that this bimodal distribution is actually an inherent property of the p53 mutants in these cells for the following reasons: (1) The observation of the similar bimodal appearance in cell lines harbouring corresponding endogenous mutant p53s (PMID: 29653964) suggest that these two populations are of biological significance. (2) We have established 5-10 clonal lines each from the G245S, R248Q, R248W and R273H p53 reporter line and all of them exhibit a bimodal distribution, making it very unlikely that these populations are all through stochastic outgrowth of sub-populations with spontaneous mutations/alterations. (3) The bimodal distribution is stable over several months to years in culture. If it were a spontaneous mutations giving rise to a clone with higher mutant p53 levels, we would likely expect that over time this clone takes over the population. (4) We observed that such a pool of bimodal cells could be “synchronised” (e.g. by Nutlin, or MDM2 knockout) to one population, and later return to and repopulate the other (e.g. Nutlin washoff, Figure 1B). (5) When we sort out a single cells from the upper or the lower peak, expand them, we obtain again populations of cells with the same bimodal distribution, indicating that this is a dynamic process. Thus, we believe that these two populations were rather intrinsic, such that a cell in the population may assume both states.
We also acknowledge the difficulties of screening using a bimodal population; however, we took advantage of these “bimodal” mutants and using FACS assessed the state of a single cell in relation to a genetic perturbation. Each guide has an equal chance of entering a cell that belongs to one of the two populations. If a gene knock-out really affects p53 levels, the cells with the respective guides enrich in one and deplete in the other population and the analysis comparing the guide abundances from these two peaks ensures the experiment are being perfectly internally controlled.
While many of the top scored hits from the resulting screens are known regulators, it is critical that we validate our hits in an independent system, such as the cell lines harbouring endogenous p53 mutations, echoed by both Reviewers #1 and 2.
The coverage of the sgRNA library (200x) is rather low for a negative selection screen, where a coverage of 500x would be more desirable. The FDR threshold is also rather lenient, a more stringent FDR threshold would seem more appropriate and shorten the list of potential hits.
Response: We thank the reviewer for this constructive suggestion. A higher coverage, along with a more stringent FDR, will ensure an even stronger confidence for the remaining individual hits. The present reporter-based enrichment screen and the synthetical viability drop-out screen used four guides per gene, and with 200x coverage for each guide.
In determining the coverage, we tried to reference recent successful screenings and apply earlier titration result for the 200x coverage (e.g. PMID: 26627737, PMID: 33465779, and reviewed in Nat Rev Methods Primers 2, 8 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43586-021-00093-4). While the threshold of FDR was often arbitrary, we fully agree that a more stringent FDR, which results in shortened hits list, may further boost the confidence of the hits, though also at the cost of losing potential hits due to collateral effects (e.g. guide efficiency).
We agree with this reviewer that a higher FDR, esp. at the hits that result in p53 stabilization, would make sense as any gene whose loss causes cellular or genotoxic stress, would likely lead at least in part to p53 stabilization. In the revised submission, we will adjust the FDR accordingly.
Although the study is focused on the regulation of p53 stability, there are no experiments to show that any of the manipulations alter the ubiquitination or degradation (half-life) of p53. The rescue of expression by proteasome inhibition is very modest (Figure 2E), suggesting the loss of expression may not be a reflection of degradation. A role for endogenous FBXO42 and C16orf72 in regulating the ubiquitination and half-life of endogenous p53 should be confirmed
Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. In the revised submission, we will monitor the ubiquitination status and also degradation (cycloheximide-chase) experiments for R273H cells, with or without the genetic alteration of CCDC6/FBXO42/C16orf72.
Many p53 mutants are used for the initial screens, but very little validation is carried out to show that the apparent differences in factors regulating their stability persists in cells naturally expressing these mutants. For example, FBXO42 is identified as a protein required to maintain the stability of R273H, 248W and R248Q, but not R175H, G245S and R337H. While the authors show an association of CCDC6 and p53 in PANC1 cells (expressing 273H), it would be important to show a panel of R273H, 248W and R248Q expressing tumor cells and the response of p53 to FBXO42 and CCDC6 depletion, compared to similar experiments in a panel of R175H, G245S and R337H expressing tumor cells. Again, it would be important to show that any changes in protein levels are due to changes in protein stability.
Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. In the revised submission, we will include validations in more cell lines carrying endogenous mutant p53s, with a focus on the R273H mutant. We will also try to involve a line with an endogenous p53 mutation that does not respond to FBXO42/CCDC6 alteration.
The potential hits should also be tested in wild type p53 expressing cells to confirm the specificity to mutant p53s.
Response: In the revised submission, we will include WB for WT lines (e.g. RPE1) upon genetic alteration of CCDC6 and FBXO42. This was already performed for C16orf72 (Figure 6D).
(6A) The role of C16orf72 in restraining p53 activity has been reported previously, as has the interaction with HUWE1 (including a new publication PMID: 35776542). The authors suggest an interaction between C16orf72 and USP7, although this should be shown with endogenous proteins. The relative importance of USP7 and HUWE1 binding is not explored. (6B) The effect of C16orf72 overexpression in promoting mammary tumors is impressive, although maybe the more interesting question is whether inhibition of C16orf72 expression can limit tumor development in this system.
Response to 6A: we are excited about the independent observations by other group(s) confirming similar results! As a part of our improvement for mechanistic work-up, in the revised submission, we will attempt to address, whether C16orf72’ regulation of p53 is dependent on USP7 and/or HUWE1, or other known E3s, such as MDM2.
(1) Whether the interaction of C16orf72 and HUWE1 or USP7 is required for the C16orf72 regulation of p53. Specifically, for example, we will perform epistasis experiments to test USP7’ or HUWE1’ ability to rescue the p53 levels in reporters upon ∆C16orf72. Due to the toxicity/lethality in WTp53 lines induced by the loss of C16orf72, we intend to test using R273H-reporter, or RPE1-line with ∆CDKN1A (p21) that is a synthetic viable rescue for ∆*C16orf72. *
(2) In the revised submission, we will attempt to perform endogenous-based C16orf72-USP7 IP experiment (antibody permitting).
6B. The effect of C16orf72 overexpression in promoting mammary tumors is impressive, although maybe the more interesting question is whether inhibition of C16orf72 expression can limit tumor development in this system.
Response: We are also equally excited about the in vivo result supporting the idea that C16orf72 overexpression in tumour-prone mice (Pik3caH1047R) mice harbouring WTp53 may accelerate tumour formations. In the revised submission, we will further support that this effect is specific to WTp53/C16orf72, by including data of the control cohort with p53-null background (LSL-Pi3kH1047R; p53Flox/Flox).
In regard to the effects of C16orf72-depletion in controlling tumour growth - we agree that this would be a very exciting avenue. Conditional C16orf72 mice are being made at the moment and these mice will allow us to comprehensively address this question. However, it will take several more month to generate and validate this line, and then another 2 breeding rounds to generate homozygous C16orf72fl/fl; Pik3caH1047R mice. In addition, the long time required to form tumours in the control mice with WTp53 (~250 days), it becomes not feasible for us to test whether the inhibition of C16orf72 could limit the tumour development, given the revision timeline. As such we respectfully believe that this would be beyond the scope of this manuscript.
Reviewer #2, Minor comments.
Figure 1b: The nutlin concentration stated in the methods section is wrong. Should be 10 µM instead of 10 nM (correct in figure legend).
Figure 6b: y-axis label is missing.
Figure 1e/f Legend: Should be FDR 0.5.
Response: We apologise for typos. The current submission has incorporated the corrections.
Figure 1c: Include results for a mutant that is not regulated by MDM2, such as R175H. Otherwise, as a standalone experiment, this figure doesn't add much.
Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. In the revised submission, we will include R175H/R337H.
Figure 1h: While an UpSet plot is an elegant way to present unique and overlapping hits between different screens, Venn diagrams might be more 'accessible' to many readers and easier to understand.
Response: We thank the reviewer for this feedback. The choice of UpSet blot was largely motivated by the different categories involved, which made the area representation and the intersection of the conventional Venn diagram no longer feasible.
In the revised submission, we will improve our figure legend for the UpSet blot, to improve the readability.
Might be worth stating that mClover is an eGFP variant and can therefore be targeted by eGFP sgRNAs so that it is easier to understand the following:
o Page 5, paragraph 1: "We used the TKOv3 sgRNA library, which contains [...] 142 control sgRNAs targeting EGFP, LacZ and luciferase"
o Page 5, paragraph 2: "As expected, sgRNAs targeting p53 and mClover were the most depleted sgRNAs, [...]
Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We believe this will also improve the readability and have incorporated this into our current submission.
Reviewer #2, Significance.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
This is an interesting concept and the results could provide a useful resource for groups interested in the regulation of p53. The authors chose to focus on candidate genes that could have been identified by looking for the top 30 p53 co-dependent genes on depmap (C16orf72 is #24 in this list and FBXO42 is #28, most of the other genes ranking above are already known as p53 regulators). While this validates the screen, it would have been interesting if the authors had identified and validated new regulators of p53 that were not apparent from previously published work.
Response: We thank the reviewer for all the thorough and constructive comments! In relation to the DepMap dataset, we are excited that many of the top hits from our screens are indeed top WTp53-correlators/anti-correlators (e.g. MDM2, USP28)!
While the DepMap dataset used cell fitness/viability to construct the genetic relation score, this assay may not effectively rule out the many regulators that could otherwise elicit their regulation of p53 via regulating the general cell response to cell cycle, stress, etc. In our screen systems (i.e. protein stability and synthetic viability screens), we attempted to focus on the regulators of p53-stability (post-translational), and further coupled it with the synthetic viability screens to concentrate on hits that have a more direct role in p53 regulation (e.g. MDM2, C16orf72).
One other difficulty to fully couple our screens to the DepMap dataset is due to the limited cell lines harbouring endogenous mutant p53s, e.g. R337H. This may also contribute to the uniqueness of the identified R337H-reporter specific hits (where cell lines harbouring R337H have not yet been included in the DepMap dataset), e.g. several Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases (SARS, YARS, etc) were identified as R337H unique regulators and subsequently verified using different guides in the reporter line, but could not be obtained via DepMap.
We largely see this paper as a resource for the p53 field and would like to publish it as soon as possible. In fact, when we started working on C16orf72 or CCDC6/FBXO42, these hits were not known for their ability to regulate p53. We will work up several other hits, but this would be beyond the scope of this paper and the first author’s Ph.D. thesis that needs to be completed under a timeline.
Reviewer #3.
Reviewer #3 summary:
The manuscript by Lu and coworkers performed genome wide CRISPR screens to search for genes that when knocked out, lead to p53 accumulation or degradation. Wt p53 and a panel of p53 hotspot mutants were chosen as reporter for the screen. The approach reassuringly identified many previously described regulators of p53 degradation, and also found a large set of new hits that many appear to be indirectly affecting p53 level.
A key step of this approach is the follow up functional and mechanistic study of the hits. To this end, the authors chose FBXO42 as a top hit that blocks mutant p53 degradation, and C16orf72 as a top hit that promotes wt/mutant p53 degradation.
Overall the functional data for FBXO42 is disappointing. FBXO42 knockout has quite modest effect on mutant p53 level (~50% reduction). The knockout also showed some effect on p53 mRNA level (~25% reduction), making the determination of mechanism difficult. It does not appear to be a promising targeting for reducing mutant p53 level and gain of function activity in tumor cells.
We thank the reviewer for this constructive comment! We will address this in the revision, as proposed in Point #3.
The C16orf72 finding unfortunately lost some novelty because it was independently identified as a p53 regulator in a recent study using CRISPR screening (PMID: 33660365). However, the repeated identification is reassuring and the current work provides more convincing functional data, showing C16orf72 knockout increase wt p53 level, inhibits cell proliferation specifically in p53+/+ cells, and overexpression of C16orf72 reduce wt p53 level and accelerates progression of a breast tumor mouse model. Their results suggest C16orf72 is a biologically relevant regulator of p53 in cancer development. In order to provide a reasonable amount of new information and set it further apart from the published study, some biochemical analysis looking into the mechanism of C16orf72 will be helpful.
Reviewer #3 Major and Minor comments:
Specific comments:
There appears to be a mix up in the figure legend for Fig.1A describing line 1 and 2.
Response: We sincerely apologise for the mix up in the figure legend! In the current submission, this has been fixed.
Fig.2. Data for some p53 mutants mentioned in the text cannot be found in the main figure 2D and supplemental figure S3A.
Response: We apologise for having not included the R175H and R337H mutants in Supplemental Figure S3A. In the revised version, we will include these two mutants.
Fig.2 E-F. The effects of FBXO42 and CCDC6 KO on endogenous mutant p53 level is small (~50% decrease). Given that mutant p53 accumulates at high levels, whether a 50% decrease has meaningful effect on its gain of function activities is questionable. The knockouts also caused a ~25% decrease in p53 mRNA (FigS3F) which makes the mechanism quite difficult to investigate further.
Response: We agree with the reviewer that the current data makes it difficult to conclude the mechanism. Given the design of our reporter, we still believe that the regulations could largely be at the post-translational level. In our revised version, we plan to exam the ubiquitination status of p53 upon losses of CCDC6/FBXO42, and also monitor the p53 degradation via cycloheximide chase.
To further address whether this reduced level of mutp53 has biological impacts, we plan to test it in the tumour cell context. Given the difference in migration capability observed between PANC-1 and PANC-1-∆p53 line (e.g. PMID: 35439056), we plan to also evaluate the migration pattern of PANC-1, with the presence and absence of FBXO42/CCDC6 (controlled by similar FBXO42/CCDC6 loss in PANC-1- ∆p53 background). Furthermore, in tissue culture, although there is only marginal to no difference in cell growth rate between many mutant p53 lines (e.g. PANC-1) and their ∆p53 line, we plan to test whether a reduced serum or nutrient level could exacerbate the difference, and hence further be used to monitor the difference resulted from the loss of FBXO42/CCDC6.
Fig.3B. The IP experiment using p53 shRNA and control shRNA should be done by IP of p53 followed by CCDC6 western blot. If CCDC6 IP is used as in the figure, then a CCDC6 shRNA knockdown sample should be compared to control shRNA. The current data does not rule out the possibility that CCDC6 antibody can nonspecifically pull down some p53.
Response: We apologise for the confusion. In the revised version, we will include the proper reciprocal IP, with IP of endogenous p53 (R273H) followed by blotting of CCDC6.
Fig.3D. The in vitro pull down experiment needs specificity controls such as non affected R175H p53 core domain. The data presented would suggest that MBP-FBXO42c captured more than 1:1 molar ratio of R273H core domain, which is unusual for specific binding unless there is aggregation of p53.
Response: We thank the reviewer for this constructive comment! In the revised version, we will incorporate this, by repeating the in vitro pull-down assay including a non-p53 control protein.
To increase the impact of the current study, the authors could provide more mechanism insight on how C16orf72 regulates p53 level, which was also missing in the other published study. For example, addressing whether C16orf72 effect is dependent on MDM2. Does it cooperate with MDM2 to ubiquitinate p53. Does it promote p53 ubiquitination in the absence of MDM2, since it interacts with HUWE1. Does it act by recruiting usp7 to stabilize MDM2.
Response: we thank the reviewer for this very constructive and thorough comment! In our revised version, we will attempt these assays and incorporate them into the submission.
Together with our response to Reviewer #2, Point #6, in the revised submission, we will attempt to address if C16orf72 regulation of p53 is dependent on MDM2 or HUWE1.
(1) Whether the interaction of C16orf72 and HUWE1, or C16orf72 and USP7 is required for the C16orf72 regulation of p53. Specifically, for example, we will perform epistasis experiments to test HUWE1’ or USP7’s ability to rescue the p53 levels in reporters upon the loss of C16orf72 (∆C16orf72). Due to the toxicity/lethality in WTp53 lines induced by the loss of C16orf72, we intend to test using the R273H-reporter, or RPE1-line with ∆CDKN1A (p21) that is a synthetic viable rescue for ∆*C16orf72. *
(2) Whether C16orf72 dependent upon or cooperate with MDM2 in regulating p53.
We will first probe whether C16orf72 overexpression increased the p53 ubiquitination, and then decide whether overexpression of C16orf72 has additive effects to MDM2 overexpression in regulating p53 levels.
We previously observed that overexpressing C16orf72 could not rescue the R273H level resulted from losing MDM2 (using flow-cytometry in R273H-reporter-∆MDM2), and as such, we plan to test the C16orf72-MDM2 relation in the MDM2-proficient context.
The manuscript is in a form extremely unfriendly to review, text, figures and legends are all split up at multiple locations, the pdf figures are very sluggish to scroll.
Response: We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience. In the current submission, we have split the submission into three separate files, (1) main text, (2) main figures, and (3) supplemental figures, along with (4) supplemental tables as individual EXCELs. We will also reduce the resolution of a few images, so the overall higher resolution is retained, while still fitting into the file size limit.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
The work is significant in identifying a functionally relevant regulator of p53 stability.
Response: we thank the reviewer again for the very constructive feedback!
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The manuscript by Lu and coworkers performed genome wide CRISPR screens to search for genes that when knocked out, lead to p53 accumulation or degradation. Wt p53 and a panel of p53 hotspot mutants were chosen as reporter for the screen. The approach reassuringly identified many previously described regulators of p53 degradation, and also found a large set of new hits that many appear to be indirectly affecting p53 level.
A key step of this approach is the follow up functional and mechanistic study of the hits. To this end, the authors chose FBXO42 as a top hit that blocks mutant p53 degradation, and C16orf72 as a top hit that promotes wt/mutant p53 degradation.
Overall the functional data for FBXO42 is disappointing. FBXO42 knockout has quite modest effect on mutant p53 level (~50% reduction). The knockout also showed some effect on p53 mRNA level (~25% reduction), making the determination of mechanism difficult. It does not appear to be a promising targeting for reducing mutant p53 level and gain of function activity in tumor cells.
The C16orf72 finding unfortunately lost some novelty because it was independently identified as a p53 regulator in a recent study using CRISPR screening (PMID: 33660365). However, the repeated identification is reassuring and the current work provides more convincing functional data, showing C16orf72 knockout increase wt p53 level, inhibits cell proliferation specifically in p53+/+ cells, and overexpression of C16orf72 reduce wt p53 level and accelerates progression of a breast tumor mouse model. Their results suggest C16orf72 is a biologically relevant regulator of p53 in cancer development. In order to provide a reasonable amount of new information and set it further apart from the published study, some biochemical analysis looking into the mechanism of C16orf72 will be helpful.
Specific comments:
There appears to be a mix up in the figure legend for Fig.1A describing line 1 and 2.
Fig.2. Data for some p53 mutants mentioned in the text cannot be found in the main figure 2D and supplemental figure S3A.
Fig.2 E-F. The effects of FBXO42 and CCDC6 KO on endogenous mutant p53 level is small (~50% decrease). Given that mutant p53 accumulates at high levels, whether a 50% decrease has meaningful effect on its gain of function activities is questionable. The knockouts also caused a ~25% decrease in p53 mRNA (FigS3F) which makes the mechanism quite difficult to investigate further.
Fig.3B. The IP experiment using p53 shRNA and control shRNA should be done by IP of p53 followed by CCDC6 western blot. If CCDC6 IP is used as in the figure, then a CCDC6 shRNA knockdown sample should be compared to control shRNA. The current data does not rule out the possibility that CCDC6 antibody can nonspecifically pull down some p53.
Fig.3D. The in vitro pull down experiment needs specificity controls such as non affected R175H p53 core domain. The data presented would suggest that MBP-FBXO42c captured more than 1:1 molar ratio of R273H core domain, which is unusual for specific binding unless there is aggregation of p53.
To increase the impact of the current study, the authors could provide more mechanism insight on how C16orf72 regulates p53 level, which was also missing in the other published study. For example, addressing whether C16orf72 effect is dependent on MDM2. Does it cooperate with MDM2 to ubiquitinate p53. Does it promote p53 ubiquitination in the absence of MDM2, since it interacts with HUWE1. Does it act by recruiting usp7 to stabilize MDM2.
The manuscript is in a form extremely unfriendly to review, text, figures and legends are all split up at multiple locations, the pdf figures are very sluggish to scroll.
The work is significant in identifying a functionally relevant regulator of p53 stability.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The paper describes several genome-wide CRISPR screens designed to identify regulators of p53 stability. The authors use a system in which p53 levels are marked by mClover expression, using RFP expression to normalise for gene expression changes.
- The bimodal distribution of p53 expression levels in some reporter cell lines (G245S, R248Q, R248W and R273H) hampers the implementation of a robust readout and makes correct interpretation of the results challenging. While it is possible that the bimodal distribution indicates dynamic changes in p53 levels within one population, it also seems possible that a subclone of these cells have acquired additional alterations affecting p53 stability, and that the authors are screening a mixed population of two intrinsically different cell populations. This would make it difficult to interpret the results of the screen in these cell lines and may be a challenge when trying to identify something that has not already been highlighted on depmap.
- The coverage of the sgRNA library (200x) is rather low for a negative selection screen, where a coverage of 500x would be more desirable. The FDR threshold is also rather lenient, a more stringent FDR threshold would seem more appropriate and shorten the list of potential hits.
- Although the study is focused on the regulation of p53 stability, there are no experiments to show that any of the manipulations alter the ubiquitination or degradation (half-life) of p53. The rescue of expression by proteasome inhibition is very modest (Figure 2E), suggesting the loss of expression may not be a reflection of degradation. A role for endogenous FBXO42 and C16orf72 in regulating the ubiquitination and half-life of endogenous p53 should be confirmed
- Many p53 mutants are used for the initial screens, but very little validation is carried out to show that the apparent differences in factors regulating their stability persists in cells naturally expressing these mutants. For example, FBXO42 is identified as a protein required to maintain the stability of R273H, 248W and R248Q, but not R175H, G245S and R337H. While the authors show an association of CCDC6 and p53 in PANC1 cells (expressing 273H), it would be important to show a panel of R273H, 248W and R248Q expressing tumor cells and the response of p53 to FBXO42 and CCDC6 depletion, compared to similar experiments in a panel of R175H, G245S and R337H expressing tumor cells. Again, it would be important to show that any changes in protein levels are due to changes in protein stability.
- The potential hits should also be tested in wild type p53 expressing cells to confirm the specificity to mutant p53s.
- The role of C16orf72 in restraining p53 activity has been reported previously, as has the interaction with HUWE1 (including a new publication PMID: 35776542). The authors suggest an interaction between C16orf72 and USP7, although this should be shown with endogenous proteins. The relative importance of USP7 and HUWE1 binding is not explored. The effect of C16orf72 overexpression in promoting mammary tumors is impressive, although maybe the more interesting question is whether inhibition of C16orf72 expression can limit tumor development in this system.
Minor comments
- Figure 1b: The nutlin concentration stated in the methods section is wrong. Should be 10 µM instead of 10 nM (correct in figure legend).
- Figure 1c: Include results for a mutant that is not regulated by MDM2, such as R175H. Otherwise, as a standalone experiment, this figure doesn't add much.
- Figure 1e/f Legend: Should be FDR <0.5 not >0.5.
- Figure 1h: While an UpSet plot is an elegant way to present unique and overlapping hits between different screens, Venn diagrams might be more 'accessible' to many readers and easier to understand.
- Might be worth stating that mClover is an eGFP variant and can therefore be targeted by eGFP sgRNAs so that it is easier to understand the following:
- Page 5, paragraph 1: "We used the TKOv3 sgRNA library, which contains [...] 142 control sgRNAs targeting EGFP, LacZ and luciferase"
- Page 5, paragraph 2: "As expected, sgRNAs targeting p53 and mClover were the most depleted sgRNAs, [...]
- Figure 6b: y-axis label is missing
This is an interesting concept and the results could provide a useful resource for groups interested in the regulation of p53. The authors chose to focus on candidate genes that could have been identified by looking for the top 30 p53 co-dependent genes on depmap (C16orf72 is #24 in this list and FBXO42 is #28, most of the other genes ranking above are already known as p53 regulators). While this validates the screen, it would have been interesting if the authors had identified and validated new regulators of p53 that were not apparent from previously published work.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript by Lu et al., the authors describe some CRISPR screens and protein-protein interaction screens to identify novel regulators of wild-type p53 and mutant p53 function and stability. Besides generating a wealth of data, they discover FBXO42-CCDC6 as positive regulators of the some p53 hot-spot mutants, including R273H mutant p53, but not of all p53 mutants tested and also not of wild-type, indicating selectivity. Furthermore, the found C16orf72(TAPR1) as a negative regulator of p53 stability. Mechanistically, the authors claim a direct interaction between FBXO42 and CCDC6 and p53, but the importance of these interactions has not been shown. On the other hand the authors suggest that the FBXO42/CCDC6 regulate p53 via destabilization of USP28, but also the mechanism has not been worked out. For c16orf72, they show that it interacts with USP7, but no relevance of this interaction is shown either.
Major points
One very important point for me is that the authors do not show the levels of expression of p53 in the p53-mClover stable cell lines. It is known that overexpressed p53 is usualy more stable than endogenous levels of wt-p53. Therefore, I think it is necessary that the authors show the levels of the p53-mClover fusion proteins in the stably transduced cell lines compared to endogenous p53 levels in the parental RPE1 cells and also compared to the endogenous levels of R273H mutant in the PANC-1 cells.
Also the functionality of the wild-type p53-mClover fusion is questionable, at least not shown. One would expect that the overexpression of a functional wt-p53 in p53-KO cells will affect the survival of the RPE1 cells. In Figure 5A the authors show that depletion of MDM2 or C16ORF72 is toxic for the RPE1 cells in a p53-dependent manner, indicating that elevated levels of p53 cannot be handled by these cells. So, experiment(s) showing that the wt-p53/mClover fusion is functional is needed.
A second important point is that the 'verification' of the hits from the screens is only done in one cancer cell line, PANC-1, with mutant p53. I would have like to see at least one other cell line with another p53 mutant endogenously expressed that is also regulated by FBXO42/CCDC6.
For many of the p53-mutants, a bimodal expression is observed. In the FBXO42- and CCDC6-depleted cells, the equilibrium shifts towards more negative cells but the levels in the two populations itself don't change (while for example for USP28 depletion also the right peak shifts further up, Fig S4E). Is there any correlation with the cell cycle and p53 expression? And can the authors exclude that FBXO42 and CCDC6 are involved in cell cycle progression and hereby influence p53 indirectly (by combining PI staining with Clover-p53 for example).
- The authors claim that the FBXO42-CCDC6 axis regulates stability specifically some p53-mutants, including R273H-mutant, in a manner involving USP28. But USP28 regulates all forms of p53, not just some mutants version. How can the authors reconcile this apparent contradiction?
On a similar note, the authors show that FBXO42 and CCDC6 interact with p53, but not USP28. Do FBXO42 and CCDC6 interact with each other and with USP28? And is the interaction with p53 specific for the R273H version? This part of the mechanism is very poorly defined and the Co-IPs are not very convincing or relevant for the proposed model.
Minor points
The mechanisms of p53 regulation may vary greatly in different cell lines. Can the authors discuss why they choose to do the screen with different mutants, rather than with different cell lines expressing these same mutant endogenously? .
Figure 1: Typo in the legends : Nultin ipv Nutlin
Figure 1b,1c : Show basal and Nutlin-3 induced MDM2 levels and in the overexpression cell lines; if WT-p53 is functional, MDM2 levels should be higher in WT-transduced cells compared to control or mt-p53 expressing cells. Authors should explain which they name USP7 a negative regulator of p53, since it is supposed to de-ubiquitinate p53?!
Figure 2E: the effect of MG132 on p53 seems to be very minimal on this Western blot; it would need quantification to be convincing...Quality of the blot is also not great. The fact that in control cells the levels of p53 R273H are not affected by MG132 treatment fits with Suppl Figure 2E, indicating that the proteasome has no effect on p53 R273H.
Suppl figure 3b, 3c, 3d:
Somehow, I have the feeling that the results from the western blots and the FACS do not match fully, although not all the time-points are shown in the various experiments. For example, the FACS analysis (3b) suggests that in control-transduced cells after 16 hr p53 is still increased. However, that is not clear at all in theWestern blot (3c) Is Suppl Figure 3d the quantification of 3c experiment? If so, in the blot also the 24 hrs should be shown. The blot shown in Suppl Figure 3c suggests that CCDC6 expression increased upon irradiation. Do the authors agree with that? Would that explain why depletion of CCDC6 has more effect upon irradiation? Suppl Figure S3E: if I am right, this is essentially the same type of experiment as shown in figure 2e, but analysis of p53-expression by Western blot. In that blot no real effect of MG132 on p53 levels could be seen. But here, in the FACS analysis, MG132 clearly increases the p53-Clover fusion levels; for me again that Western blot and FACS data do not neccesarily match.
Figure 3B: In the CCDC6 IP a very small amount of p53 can be found. I don't know how much input lysate compared to amount of lysate for IP is used, but the percentage of p53 found interacting with CCDC6 seems so marginal that is is difficult to explain the effect of KO of CCDC6 in PANC1 cells. And, the authors called it a 'reciprocal IP' (Suppl Figure 4a) after transfection of V5-tagged CCDC6 into PANC1 cells,but it actually is the same type of IP. Did the authors try to IP p53 and blot for CCDC6? That would be a reciprocal IP.
Figure 3H: how can authors explain that basal levels of USP28 in control and CCDC6-KO cells transfected with control plasmid are more or less the same and not reduced in the CCDC6-KO cells?
Figure 3I: Essentially the whole blot here is of low quality; especially the FBXO42 blot; is deletion of USP28 increasing FBXO42 protein levels, or is it just the quality of the blot? All in all it seems that FBXO42 is very low expressed in the used cell lines.
Figure 4B: I find it a bit surprising that USP7 is also found in the synthetic viability screen, since it has been shown that USP7 has many more essential targets and KO of p53 only partially rescues the development of USP7-KO mouse embryo's.
Figure 5: the authors nowhere show the efficacy of the guides targeting c16orf72. A Western blot showing the expression and the reduction upon expressing the guide-RNAs is essential. Figure 5E: First, here probably parental RPE1 cells have been used, but that is not stated. Second, the authors state 'only a slight increase in p53 levels upon siHUWE1'; I would say none compared to scrambled. I know HUWE1 is a very huge protein, but the blot of HUWE1 is not convincing. I seem to be able to conclude that siMDM2 and siUSP7 reduces HUWE1 levels? Figure 5F, in relation to figure 5D. Here the author overexpress both c16orf72 and USP7, and find an interaction. The implication of that is not clear. If they want to make point of this interaction, they should have looked at endogenous proteins. It is worrying that USP7 apparently was not one of the hits in de Mass-spec experiment of which results are shown in Figure 5D. Also in that experiment c16orf72was overexpressed, and USP7 is very highly expressed in essentially all cell lines, so do the authors have an explanation?
Suppl. figure 5D is missing
Referees cross-commenting
I agree essentially with all comments of Reviewer #2. Especially the major points 3 and 4. The use of more cell lines expressing endogenous mutant p53 is very important. In addition, I can agree with almost all comments of Reviewer #3. The effects especially of FBXO42 ablation are rather minimal, so relevance is questionable.
Nature and Significance
Compare to existing literature
The topic of the paper is of high interest given the relevance of p53 and its gain-of-function mutants in oncology, and the screens are well executed and clearly presented. In terms of novelty, FBXO42 has been linked to p53-degradation before, and c16orf72 was recently shown to be able to destabilize p53. However, the link between CCDC6 and p53 is novel and of interest, since they are both substrates of USP7 and are both regulators of the cell cycle.
We think the manuscript has potential to add something to the field, but would benefit greatly from a better understanding of the molecular underpinnings of their newly described mechanisms, as well as the conditions in which the mechanism is active.
Therefore, it might be advisable to shorten the manuscript, and go more in-depth in finding the mechanisms of regulation.
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Reply to the reviewers
Manuscript number: RC-2021-01204R
Corresponding author(s): Alexander, Aulehla
*Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): *
*The paper by Miyazawa and colleagues addresses a key question: How is changed metabolic activity sensed and to induce changes in developmental programs. In recent years, there is more and more indication that metabolism is not only a dull workhorse synthesizing the building blocks for new cells and providing chemical energy, but that metabolic activity itself has also a regulatory role. How this precisely works is largely unknown and even also unexplored in higher cells. From early insights obtained in microbes, it seems that certain metabolites - possibly reflecting metabolic activity (i.e. flux) - could be metabolic signals that feedback into cellular regulation. *
*The current paper takes this idea now to developmental processes, where the authors found that the glycolytic metabolite fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is a flux-dependent signal that interferes with developmental processes. This is a very exciting finding, as it indicates that this metabolite not only has a regulatory function in microbes but also in mouse during mesoderm development. *
*Answering the question how such a flux-dependent metabolite mechanistically interferes with the developmental processes is an enormously difficult. Compared to other mechanistic studies, where deleting genes, modifying genes, and changing protein expressions will usually do the trick, here, perturbing metabolite levels is extremely challenging, particularly if such perturbations need to be carried out in a way that nothing else is perturbed. Researchers, who are not overly familiar with metabolism, usually underestimate the difficulty with targeted and insightful perturbation of metabolism. *
*To this end, the authors of this paper need to be congratulated for a very well carried out study with very solid data, and excellent control experiments. The authors open up a new path towards understanding how embryo mesoderm development is regulated by metabolic activity. In particular, they show that that glycolytic flux, FBP and important developmental phenotypes as well as protein localization changes are linked. As normal with a complex metabolism-based story as this one, there is always more that could be done. Yet, the results are highly important to be reported now such that the field as a whole can build on these interesting results and to explore the exciting path further that has been opened by the authors. Thus, I strongly recommend publishing these findings: The data generated by the authors are accompanied by the required control experiments. The conclusions drawn are very solid. I do not have any major concerns but just a number of minor suggestions that the authors could consider in a revised version of the manuscript. *
*Minor: *
- At the end of the introduction, the authors stated their original goal. As it is phrased, it is unclear whether this goal has been obtained or not. They might want to consider replacing the last introductory sentence by a sentence stating what the reader can find in this paper.*
1. We agree with the reviewer and have rephrased accordingly (line 112–117):
“In this study, our goal was therefore to first determine in vivo sentinel metabolites during mouse embryo PSM development. We then combined genetic, metabolomic and proteomic approaches to investigate how altered glycolytic flux and metabolite levels impact developmental signaling and patterning processes.”
- Data from Fig 3: If you plot the lactate secretion vs the FBP levels of the controls and the overexpression experiment, would the control and the overexpression data lie on one line (maybe if combined with the data shown in Fig 1A)?*
2. As the reviewer suggested, it is of great interest to check whether lactate secretion and FBP levels show a similar correlation in control and cytoPfkfb3 embryos, considering that cytoPfkfb3 overexpression lifts the upper limit of glycolytic capacity and FBP levels (revised Figure 3B, 3E). As the reviewer suggested, we plotted FBP levels against lactate secretion and fitted a linear regression line onto control samples (please see the Figure R1 below). The new plot shows that lactate secretion and FBP levels in cytoPfkfb3 embryos lie on the linear regression line derived from wild-type samples, highlighting that a correlation between lactate secretion and FBP levels is maintained even in cytoPfkfb3 embryos. We now included this new plot in the revised Figure S4C and modified the text accordingly (line 474-477):
“In addition, FBP levels showed a linear correlation with lactate secretion in control explants, and such a correlation was maintained even in cytoPfkfb3 explants (Figure S4C).”
Figure R1. Correlation between lactate secretion and FBP levels in PSM explants. Linear regression line (a grey line) was derived from the data of control samples cultured in 0.5–25 mM glucose (black circles; from Figure 1A and 3E). The data from cytoPfkfb3 embryos cultured in 2.0–10 mM glucose (from Figure 3B and 3E) are shown as red rectangles.
- Maybe the authors could attempt an experiment like the following one: Chose the strongest phenotype observed and test a combination of overexpressing cytoPfkfb3 and reducing extracellular glucose level at the same time? *
3. We agree this suggested experiment is important to show that the phenotype in cytoPfkfb3 embryos is indeed dependent on glycolytic flux and have already addressed this specific point in our manuscript, see results in Figure 4B and 5A in our original manuscript. The results show that the phenotypes in cytoPfkfb3 explants, i.e. reduction in somite formation and downregulation of Msgn mRNA expression occur in a glucose dose-dependent manner. Since in this embryonic context, we show that glucose concentration impacts glycolytic flux (see increased lactate production upon glucose titration in Figure 3B), our findings support the conclusion that the effect of cytoPfkfb3 overexpression is flux-dependent and not due to the overexpression per se. Based on the reviewer's feedback, we have modified the text to clarify and highlight this critical point (line 339–345):
“Combined, these results show that cytoPfkfb3 overexpression results in reduced segment formation, arrest of the segmentation clock oscillations and downregulation of Wnt signaling, in a glucose-dose dependent manner. As glucose concentration impacts, in turn, glycolytic flux (Figure 1A, 3B), these findings suggest that these phenotypes are flux-dependent and are not a mere result of cytoPfkfb3 overexpression.”
- Can the proteomics experiments shown in Fig. 6 be repeated with high and low extracellular glucose? High glucose should yield high FBP levels and one would then expect to see the same as with the experiment where at 2 mM glucose 20 mM extracellular FBP were added. Is this the case? *
4. We agree with the reviewer that based on the findings, one would expect the phenotype, i.e. in this case translocation of proteins, to correlate with FBP levels. Two of our results are of note in this regard.
First, our data indicates that in order to see the effect on protein localization, high levels of FBP have to be reached. Accordingly, we find that Pfkl becomes depleted from the nuclear-cytoskeletal fraction in cytoPfkfb3 explants when cultured in 10 mM glucose but not (visibly) in 2.0 mM glucose (Figure 7D). Corresponding to this, FBP levels in cytoPfkfb3 explants show a significant increase (about 3-fold) from 2.0 to 10 mM glucose conditions (revised Figure 3E).
Second, in control samples, FBP levels saturate in high glucose conditions. FBP levels in control samples do not further increase when glucose concentration is increased from 10mM to 25mM, and thus it does not become as high as in cytoPfkfb3 embryos cultured in 10 mM glucose (revised Figure 3E).
Therefore, in order to reveal the translocation, it requires an experimental strategy that leads to significantly increased FBP levels, such as in cytoPfkfb3 explants with high glucose condition, or alternatively, direct supplementation of FBP.
As also pointed out by the other reviewers, we are experimentally generating controlled conditions that exceed the physiological range which the embryo is exposed to. Accordingly, our data does not constitute evidence that under physiological conditions an alteration of protein localization in response to change in glycolytic flux and FBP levels occurs, at a smaller scale.
We regard our approach as a first step to reveal potential mechanisms and so far hidden possible responses to changes in metabolic flux. In order to see minor changes in translocation upon small changes in glycolytic-flux/FBP levels, more quantitative approaches, such as live-imaging of tagged proteins, will need to be developed. We hence decided to include these discussion in our revised manuscript (line 657-666):
“Of note, the translocation of proteins was observed only when high levels of FBP were reached upon direct FBP supplementation or cytoPfkfb3 overexpression with high glucose (Figure 6, 7). Future studies hence need to investigate whether flux-dependent change in protein localization occurs upon moderate and more physiological changes in glycolytic-flux/FBP levels. To this end, the development of more quantitative approaches, such as live-imaging of tagged enzymes and the development of metabolite biosensors, are needed.”
- While the authors quantified proteins in different compartments, I was wondering whether they also looked for whole-embryo protein expression changes? *
5. We have not done protein expression analysis using whole embryos, or other isolated tissues in this study. This is indeed a potentially interesting future experimental comparison.
- Throughout the manuscript, the authors state the glucose levels or cytoPfkfb3 changes the glycolytic flux. While I tend to agree with this, it is important to note that the authors have not directly measured glycolytic flux, but use the amount of accumulated lactate as a proxy. I think it is important to add this disclaimer at important points in the manuscript, such that readers are aware of this point. *
6. We fully agree with the reviewer and now have added the following sentence in the first result section to make this point clearer to the reader (line 126-128):
"Throughout this study, we used quantification of secreted lactate as a proxy for glycolytic flux due to the inability to directly measure flux in embryonic tissues."
Another aspect for changing FBP levels could be connected on what was found in yeast, where the FBP levels were found to oscillate with the cell cycle (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31885198/). Could this be connected with the pattern formation here?
7. This is indeed an interesting aspect to discuss; in the absence of experimental evidence connecting the observed pattern formation and cell cycle (though some classic work had suggested its existence) we have decided to omit the discussion of this potential link.
- Line 606: The mentioned review article also covers yeast. As such, maybe the authors should replace the term "bacteria" with "microbes"? *
8. We modified our manuscript accordingly.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
**Referees cross-commenting**
As I mentioned in my comment, targeted metabolic perturbations are extremely difficult. Perturbing a metabolite level without at the same time perturbing the flux through this pathways is difficult (of not impossible). Also, the opposite is the case.
I am not sure whether experiments as the one suggested by reviewer 2 (comment 1) will really lead to results from which further conclusions can be drawn. Furthermore, there does not need to be a linear correlation between the extracellular glucose concentration and metabolic flux/FBP levels (as my reviewer colleague implies). Thus, I am not sure whether doing this experiment makes sense, or would lead to strengthened conclusions.
Reviewer 2 also states "The lack of proven mechanism for the activity of FBP might restrict the real general impact of this work." I agree that we do not know the downstream targets of FBP, but finding them would likely require many years of additional work. Such work will not be initiated if this paper is not published, and it would be a pity if it would be further delayed. I feel that the evidence is strong enough that FBP has an important role and with this paper published, it will motivate others to look for the downstream targets.
Reviewer 3 makes the point: "Given that FBP levels are highly correlated with extracellular glucose levels (which impact glycolytic flux )(TeSlaa and Teitell, 2014) the authors should elaborate on why progressive increase in extracellular glucose does not affect PSM patterning, in the same way that increasing FBP levels does. " Here, I feel my reviewer colleague might be overlooking that in biochemistry molecular interactions typically reach a saturation at some point. The correlation between extracellular glucose and glycolytic flux has likely only a range where these two measures linearly correlate. Similarily, the correlation between glycolytic flxu and FBP likely also exists only within a certain range, and finally FBP levels and the downstream targets likely also only linearly interact within bounds. Thus, the absence of a correlation at "extremes" does by no mean mean that what the authors propose is incorrect. In fact, it just shows what you expect from biomolecular interactions that there a limits to linear correlations.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
*Summary. *
*The work described in this paper first searches for potential sentinel metabolites of glycolytic flux, focusing on the process of somitogenesis during mouse embryonic development. By measuring the levels of different metabolites in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) of E10.5 mouse embryos cultured in the presence of three different glucose concentrations, the authors identify 14 metabolites whose concentration rises with increasing glucose concentration in the culture medium. Among them, they selected fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) for further analyses, as it showed the highest linear correlation with extracellular glucose concentrations. They then show that addition of FBP to the incubation medium of cultured embryo tails interfere with somitogenesis and tail extension in a concentration-dependent fashion. In addition, they show that this effect is exacerbated when extracellular glucose levels are increased. By analyzing specific targets of Wnt and Fgf signaling, the authors also show that addition of FBP down-regulates both signaling pathways in the PSM. They then use a genetic trick (ubiquitous overexpression of cytoPfkfb3) to increase FBP levels by allosteric activation of Pfk (the enzyme that produces FBP) in developing embryos. When tails from these transgenic embryos were cultured in vitro and exposed to various glucose concentrations somitogenesis was affected in a way resembling the effects of FBP on cultured tails from wild type embryos. The authors then go on to determine the subcellular localization of different proteins in tails incubated in the presence of various FBP concentrations to identify that some enzymes involved in the glycolytic pathway (and they specifically focus on Pfkl and Aldoa) are excluded from nuclear fractions at high FBP concentrations. The authors conclude that FBP functions as a flux-signaling metabolite connecting glycolysis and PSM patterning, potentially through modulating subcellular protein localization. *
*Major comments *
*I think that in general the work described in this manuscript has been performed to the highest technical standards. However, I do not think that I can agree with the authors' conclusions (that FBP connects glycolysis with PSM patterning and that subcellular localization of glycolytic enzymes play a role in this process), which in my opinion go way beyond what can be proven by the data provided. *
*1- Explants incubated with external glucose concentrations up to 25 mM have no obvious defects on somitogenesis or on the segmentation clock as determined by LuVeLu cycling activity. Under these conditions, explants are expected to contain very high FBP levels if this metabolite keeps its linear relationship with external glucose (in this work it was not measured beyond 10 mM glucose in the medium, where FBP concentration was already very high). This contrasts with the phenotypes observed upon exogenous supplementation of FBP, which affects somitogenesis already at 2 mM glucose. These latter results are at odds not only with the lack of phenotypic alterations under high glucose conditions, but also with the observation that exogenous addition of fructose 6-phosphate (F6P), the substrate of Pfk enzymes to generate FBP, does not alter somitogenesis. The authors take the absence of effects by incubation with F6P as a control of the specificity of FBP. However, as F6P is the natural substrate of Pfk, it is possible that supplementation of F6P also leads to an increase of FBP but in a way closer to a physiological condition. Therefore, I find it essential to determine FBP levels in tails incubated in the presence of increasing amounts of F6P, as if it increases FBP levels, similarly to what the authors described for the tails incubated with increasing glucose concentrations, it will have important implications to the interpretation of the work presented in this manuscript. *
9. We agree with the reviewer and to directly address this central point, we have performed an extended, additional experiment, collecting 375 embryos to quantify FBP levels under five conditions with three biological replicates.
There are two major results that we highlight here: First, we found that addition of F6P did not lead to increased FBP levels compared to control samples cultured in 10 mM glucose, which is in stark contrast to cytoPfkfb3 embryos cultured in 10 mM glucose (revised Figure 3E). Second, while increasing glucose concentration is mirrored by elevated FBP levels as we reported, we find clear evidence of saturation above a concentration of 10mM glucose: increasing glucose to 25mM does not increase FBP levels further (revised Figure 3E).
This saturation effect seen in glucose titration, but also the absence of elevated FBP upon F6P addition, might be expected outcomes because, as also the reviewer 1 pointed out in the response, Pfk is commonly considered to be a rate-limiting enzyme in the glycolytic pathway. We now have the direct experimental data supporting this hypothesis and thank the reviewers to have initiated this additional (very involved..) experiment.
This new data allows us to conclude more firmly on the correlation between FBP levels and phenotype: at high FBP levels, which are seen in cytoPfkfb3 samples, we observe PSM patterning defects. These high levels are not reached even at 25mM glucose or upon F6P addition, due to the saturation at the level of PFK enzymatic step. Hence, while glucose titration does elevate FBP significantly until this saturation, FBP levels are not as high as in cytoPfkfb3 samples. As a correlative finding, we see that only those conditions with very high FBP levels, or the direct addition of high levels of FBP, cause the arrest of segmentation clock activity. At moderately elevated FBP levels, observed in control explants with high glucose or in cytoPfkfb3 explants with low glucose, clock activity continues and we find a quantitative effect at the level of gene expression, i.e. Wnt signaling target downregulation (Figure S3, 5A).
The new data has been included in the revised manuscript and the text has been adjusted accordingly:
(Result Part, line 245–254) "Consistently, we found that cytoPfkfb3 overexpression lifted the upper limit of FBP levels in PSM cells (Figure 3E, S4B, S4C). In control explants, FBP levels did not increase further when glucose concentration was increased from 10 mM to 25 mM. It was also the case when control explants were cultured in 20 mM of F6P (Figure 3E). These results indicate that the Pfk reaction carries a (rate-)limiting role for glycolytic flux and FBP levels, and that cytoPfkfb3 overexpression hinders the flux-regulation function of Pfk."
(Discussion Part, line 551–573) “Our findings suggest that flux-regulation at the level of Pfk is critical to keep FBP steady state levels within a range compatible with proper PSM patterning and segmentation. In agreement with such a rate-limiting function for Pfk, we found in glucose titration experiments that FBP levels saturated and did not further increase at glucose levels above 10 mM (Figure 3E). Along similar lines, the supplementation of high concentrations of the Pfk substrate F6P did not result in a significant increase of FBP levels, again compatible with a rate-limiting function at the level of Pfk (Figure 3E). The upper limit of glycolytic flux and FBP levels can be experimentally increased by cytoPfkfb3 overexpression (Figure 3B, 3E). We interpret the data as evidence that cytoPfkfb3 overexpression compromises the flux-control function of Pfk and hence much higher FBP (and secreted lactate) levels are reached. Such a drastic increase in glycolytic flux and FBP levels correlates with a severe PSM patterning phenotype (Figure 4), which resembles the phenotype induced by supplementation of high dose of FBP (Figure 2). Our results in mouse embryos hence provides evidence that flux regulation by Pfk, an evolutionary conserved role present from bacteria to humans, serves to maintain FBP levels below a critical threshold.”
*The main difference between the experiments involving FBP supplementation and those involving high glucose concentrations or exogenous F6P addition is that in the later two cases increase in FBP would be restricted to the tissue(s) expressing Pfk, whereas upon FBP supplementation this metabolite would hit any tissue, regardless of whether or not it would ever be physiologically exposed to this molecule. In the case of the PSM, this might be relevant because it has been shown that there is a gradient of glycolysis, being high at the caudal tip and becoming lower at more anterior regions of the PSM, most likely mirroring the distribution of Pfk activity. Exogenous administration of FBP would flatten the gradient, which could lead to alterations in PSM patterning, whereas glucose (and eventually F6P) would not as they would increase FBP locally in the area where it is normally activated, keeping the natural gradient. *
*On the basis of these arguments, to which extent does FBP connect glycolysis and somitogenesis under physiological conditions? *
10. First, we would like to clarify that while indeed glycolytic activity is graded along the PSM, as other and we reported previously (reported in Bulusu et al., 2017 and Oginuma et al., 2017), the baseline expression of the entire glycolytic machinery (from glucose transport to lactate production) is very high, in all PSM cells. Hence, we see that cells all along the entire PSM have very active glycolysis, the posterior PSM being even more active.
For this and related reasons, our interpretation about the difference seen between glucose titration/F6P addition on one side, and FBP addition/cytoPfkfb3 addition on the other side, is based on the role of Pfk in controlling either flux levels or dynamics in all PSM cells.
Hence, while we agree that we generate experimental conditions that allow FBP levels to surpass those found in control embryos, we would like to highlight the fact that even moderate changes in flux does result in very robust functional consequences on gene expression (Figure S3, 5), as we show in this work.
We can currently not fully address the first point raised, i.e. the role of graded flux/graded metabolite levels, due to the experimental limitations. Such a study requires, for instance, the generation of metabolite biosensor reporter lines in order to be able to monitor these changes dynamically, in space and time.
*ESSENTIAL ADDITIONAL EXPERIMENT related to point #1: Measure FBP from PSM explants incubated under various exogenous concentrations of F6P. *
11. We have performed this suggested experiment, which required the collection of n=375 embryos cultured under the various conditions and analysis by LC-MS to quantify metabolites. The outcome was indeed very informative (please refer to our response #9).
*ANOTHER EXPERIMENT THAT COULD BE INFORMATIVE: measure FBP levels in PSM incubated under different glucose concentrations but instead of using the whole PSM together, dividing the PSM in posterior, medium and anterior parts (similarly to what was done in Oginuma et al, 2017, reference in the manuscript) to see if there is a gradient in FBP activation. *
12. While in principle we agree that this experiment could be informative, we consider the proposed experiment beyond the scope of this work and technically very challenging (although possible). With a similar motivation, the development of metabolite biosensors is an alternative route that we are pursuing for future studies (for the detail, please refer to our response #10).
*2- A similar argument could be presented for the results with the cytoPfkfb3 transgenics, as they are based on global artificial overactivation of Pfk, in addition to other possible effects of the ectopic activity of cytoPfkfb3, which were not controlled. Also, while the phenotypic alterations in the PSM in vitro, most particularly in the experiments involving incubation of the tails, are rather strong, the reported effects on somitogenesis in vivo are minor, also questioning the contribution of the in vitro conditions to the final phenotypic effects observed throughout the manuscript. *
13. First of all, we would like to emphasize that the phenotype seen in cytoPfkfb3 embryos, i.e. the reduction of segmentation and downregulation of Wnt-target gene expression, occurs in a glucose dose dependent manner (Figure 4B and 5A). Hence, it is not the overexpression of cytoPfkfb3 per se that can account for the effects seen. But rather, increased glycolytic flux caused by the combination of transgene expression with high glucose results in functional consequences.
In addition, ‘other possible effects’ that the reviewer is referring to should be evident in all transgenic embryos, irrespective of glucose dose. To the contrary, transgenic embryos cultured in low glucose conditions appear unaltered to control embryos.
Second, we agree that we need to distinguish between strong phenotypes, visible at the level of clock arrest, and milder phenotypes, visible at the level of quantitative gene expression changes. It is important to note that the moderate phenotype, i.e. the quantitative gene expression changes seen in posterior PSM, are seen upon the addition of FBP at moderate levels and upon in glucose titration within the physiological concentration range, as well as in cytoPfkfb3 embryos. We take this as evidence that the effects seen in cytoPfkfb3 transgenic embryos reflect a common response also seen under physiological conditions.
To extend this argument to the in vivo setting, we have performed additional experiments using a genetic mouse model for diabetes. As shown in our previous submission, cytoPfkfb3 transgenic animals do not exhibit a drastic in vivo phenotype when dissected at embryonic day 10.5. One interpretation of this finding is that since the cytoPfkfb3 phenotype is glucose and flux-dependent, the in vivo flux is low, reflecting low glucose concentrations described in vivo. To test the effect of increased flux in cytoPfkfb3 embryos in vivo, we therefore crossed the transgenic mice into a diabetic model called Akita, in which a point mutation in the Insulin2 gene causes high maternal glucose levels (Yoshioka et al., 1997; Wang et al., 1999). Using this experimental setup, we tested whether transgenic embryos in Akita diabetic females would manifest in vivo phenotypes.
Indeed, we found that cytoPfkfb3 transgenic embryos developing in Akita diabetic females showed significantly increased cases of neural tube closure defects (50% of cytoPfkfb3 embryos) and developmental delay (control: 38 somites vs. cytoPfkfb3: 34 somites at E10.5), defects not seen in transgenic cytoPfkfb3 embryos from control females (please refer to Figure R2 below). This dependency of the in vivo phenotype on maternal glucose conditions again highlights that the defects observed in cytoPfkfb3 embryos are not due to the expression of cytoPfkfb3 per se, but are rather directly linked to increased/unregulated glycolytic flux.
We included the new in vivo data in the revised Figure S5D-E and modified the text accordingly.
Figure R2. In vivo phenotype of cytoPfkfb3 embryos grown in diabetic Akita females. (A) The number of somites in control (Ctrl) and cytoPfkfb3 (Tg) E10.5 embryos grown in diabetic Akita females. (B) In situ hybridization of Msgn, Uncx4.1, and Shh mRNAs in Ctrl and Tg E10.5 embryos grown in diabetic Akita females (ss, somite stage; scale bar, 500 µm).
In conclusion, combining the arguments in the two previous comments, to which extent the results from the addition of FBP or from the transgenic activation of Pfk are not artefactual phenotypes without real physiological relevance?
14. In our view, two main conclusions, both in vivo and in vitro, can be drawn based on the result we obtained:
First, we find that a moderate increase in glycolytic flux, within the physiological range, leads to a quantitative and consistent change in gene expression, such as downregulation of Wnt target genes (Figure S3, 5). Such a phenotype was the result of either glucose titration or culturing cytoPfkfb3-transgenic embryos in low glucose concentration.
In these conditions, while overall PSM patterning is qualitatively normal, we do find consistent changes at quantitative level, i.e. gene expression changes, which are also mirrored by a reduced rate of segmentation (Figure 4B). A detailed analysis of the quantitative changes at the level of segmentation clock dynamics is being carried out and will be presented in a dedicated follow up study.
Second, we find that a very significant increase in FBP levels, i.e. when cytoPfkfb3 transgenic animals are cultured in high glucose conditions or when samples are cultured in high levels of FBP, PSM patterning is qualitatively altered and segmentation clock ceases to oscillate. In this case, we agree that it is not a physiological condition, as such high levels of flux and FBP are not reached in control samples which have intact flux regulation by Pfk. Nevertheless, such an experimental condition can be insightful, as it very clearly reveals the potential link between glycolysis, clock activity, PSM patterning and the Wnt signaling pathway.
It is the combination between the moderate and the more severe effects, observed both in vitro, and now also in vivo using the Akita model (see above), that we take as evidence for an intrinsic, physiological link between glycolytic activity, PSM patterning and signaling.
*3- The authors seem to give a strong functional meaning to the absence of Pfkl and Aldoa from the nuclear fraction in tails incubated with exogenous FBP, suggesting a "moonlighting" function of these enzymes under FBP regulation. In addition to the purely speculative nature of this interpretation (there is no proof for such activity or even an attempt to test it), the data provided is also difficult to interpret for various reasons. *
15. We fully agree that we do not show a functional role for either the nuclear localization of enzymes or their dynamic change in sub-cellular localization and have tried to express this clearly in the original manuscript:
(Result Part, line 382-388) “While we have not been able to address the functional consequence of specific changes in subcellular localization, such as the nuclear depletion of Pfkl or Aldoa when glycolytic flux is increased, these results pave the way for future investigations on the mechanistic underpinning of how metabolic state is linked to cellular signaling and functions.”
(Discussion Part, line 575-577): “While future studies will need to reveal if nuclear localization of glycolytic enzymes is linked to their moonlighting functions or metabolic compartmentalization…”
Based on this comment by the reviewer, we have further emphasised this point in the revised manuscript(line 635-639):
“While we do not have any direct functional evidence so far for a functional role of nuclear localized glycolytic enzymes, our findings do raise the question whether their subcellular compartmentalization is linked to a non-metabolic, moonlighting function.”
The protein levels in nuclear fractions are clearly much lower than those in the cytoplasm (this is best seen in the blots of Figure 6D). Does this represent similar subcellular distribution of these enzymes throughout the tissue or the different levels result from the presence of the enzymes in the nucleus of only a subset of the cells? This might be of importance to understand the possible relevance of the subcellular distribution of those enzymes. All the analyses were done on bulk tissue and, therefore, it is not possible to distinguishing between these possibilities. As the authors have antibodies for these enzymes, they could try to perform immunofluorescence analyses, which would provide spatial data.
16: We agree that a spatially resolved analysis of the subcellular localization of these various enzymes is needed. Unfortunately, the immunofluorescence experiments that we performed did not yield clear, reliable results and hence we can’t provide the answer at this time.
*In addition to this, it would be important to determine Pfkl and Aldoa subcellular localization in explants incubated with different external concentrations of glucose, which in a way reproduces better possible physiological effects (see point 1), to see if under those conditions high FBP also affects subcellular distribution of those enzymes. *
17: Please find our response under #4 (attached below), as this important point was also raised by the reviewer 1.
*(Our response #4) *
*#4. We agree with the reviewer that based on the findings, one would expect the phenotype, i.e. in this case translocation of proteins, to correlate with FBP levels. Two of our results are of note in this regard. *
*First, our data indicates that in order to see the effect on protein localization, high levels of FBP have to be reached. Accordingly, we find that Pfkl becomes depleted from the nuclear-cytoskeletal fraction in cytoPfkfb3 explants when cultured in 10 mM glucose but not (visibly) in 2.0 mM glucose (Figure 7D). Corresponding to this, FBP levels in cytoPfkfb3 explants show a significant increase (about 3-fold) from 2.0 to 10 mM glucose conditions (revised Figure 3E). *
*Second, in control samples, FBP levels saturate in high glucose conditions. FBP levels in control samples do not further increase when glucose concentration is increased from 10mM to 25mM, and thus it does not become as high as in cytoPfkfb3 embryos cultured in 10 mM glucose (revised Figure 3E). *
*Therefore, in order to reveal the translocation, it requires an experimental strategy that leads to significantly increased FBP levels, such as in cytoPfkfb3 explants with high glucose condition, or alternatively, direct supplementation of FBP. *
As also pointed out by the other reviewers, we are experimentally generating controlled conditions that exceed the physiological range which the embryo is exposed to. Accordingly, our data does not constitute evidence that under physiological conditions an alteration of protein localization in response to change in glycolytic flux and FBP levels occurs, at a smaller scale.
We regard our approach as a first step to reveal potential mechanisms and so far hidden possible responses to changes in metabolic flux. In order to see minor changes in translocation upon small changes in glycolytic-flux/FBP levels, more quantitative approaches, such as live-imaging of tagged proteins, will need to be developed. We hence decided to include these discussion in our revised manuscript (line 657-666):
“Of note, the translocation of proteins was observed only when high levels of FBP were reached upon direct FBP supplementation or cytoPfkfb3 overexpression with high glucose (Figure 6, 7). Future studies hence need to investigate whether flux-dependent change in protein localization occurs upon moderate and more physiological changes in glycolytic-flux/FBP levels. To this end, the development of more quantitative approaches, such as live-imaging of tagged enzymes and the development of metabolite biosensors, are needed.”
*3a- Analysis of subcellular localization of Pfkl and Aldoa by Immunofluorescence. This analysis is not limited by the amount of biological material available, so it could be applied to different experimental conditions. *
18. We addressed this point in our response #15.
*3b- Subcellular distribution of Pfkl and Aldoa in explants exposed to different exogenous glucose concentrations. As this involves wild type embryos, it can be done following similar protocols as in figures 6 and 7 of the manuscript. *
19. We addressed this point in our response #16.
4- The results from the work presented in this manuscript would indirectly indicate a negative relationship between glycolysis and somitogenesis. This contrasts with previous reports indicating the essential role of aerobic glycolysis for the same process. There is no explanation for this apparent (and important) contradiction (the authors only comment the discrepancy between the data provided in this paper and previous reports in what concerns the relationship between glycolysis and Wnt signalling, although they also do not provide an explanation).
19. We cannot resolve this discrepancy, but now offer a more detailed discussion, also based on the additional data we obtained.
First, it is important to point out that we have performed additional experiments to substantiate this part of the work, i.e. a transcriptome analysis with control and cytoPfkfb3 explants cultured in 10 mM glucose. We decided to focus on an early time point, i.e. three-hour after incubation, in order to increase the chance to score the primary response of PSM cells upon changes in glycolytic flux. In addition, our nanostring data in Figure S3 shows that glucose titration can change the expression levels of some Wnt-targets in both directions, i.e. decreasing glucose upregulates their expressions while increasing glucose downregulates their expressions. Again, this analysis was done at short time-scales to score the immediate effect.
One possible explanation regarding the difference to Oginuma et al. could indeed be the late time point of analysis in their study, i.e. 16-hour after culture. This difference in sampling time, i.e. 3-hour vs. 16-hour after culture, is of particular importance given the dynamic nature of metabolic and signaling responses.
We have added a sentence to explain this point in more detail (line 608-617):
“This discrepancy could relate to the time point of analysis: while Oginuma et al. mainly focused on analyzing samples 16-hour after metabolic changes, we chose to score the effects of altered glycolytic flux/FBP levels already after a three-hour incubation, with the goal to capture the primary response of PSM cells. Whether the difference in sampling time underlies the observed difference is yet unknown, but both studies highlight that Wnt signaling is responsive to glycolytic flux, supporting a tight link between metabolism and PSM development.”
Minor comments.
*It was not specified the tissue used for the Western blot analyses (was it the PSM alone, the whole tails including somites, etc). This is of relevance to comment #3. *
20. PSM explants without somites were cultured for one/three-hour and were subjected to subcellular protein fractionation. This information is now included in the revised method section.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
-The work described in this manuscript identifies FBP as a sentinel metabolite for the glycolytic flux. This, itself has the potential to be important for different processes in which differences in glycolysis makes a difference, although I do not think that this will be relevant for the developmental process on which the authors focused their study (see major comments #1 and 2). Indeed, the lethality of global transgenic cytoPfkfb3 expression (although it was not analyzed if it was during development of in postnatal stages, or the cause of this lethality) but with very minor effects on somitogenesis in vivo supports this conclusion.
21. Please see our detailed comments also based on the newly added in vivo experiments done with the Akita diabetic mouse model in our responses #9–14.
*- The potential moonlighting activity of Pfk (connected with specific subcellular localization), is an interesting idea but so far does not go beyond pure speculation. This is prone to the typical double edged effect of stimulating research in that direction but also the potential negative effect of being taken for granted without rigorous proof. *
22: We have added a statement to highlight the nature of this finding and the requirement for follow up studies both in this and other contexts. Please refer to our response #15 for the details.
- The importance of metabolism in general and glycolysis in particular for somitogenesis and axial extension has been recently reported (the relevant papers are cited in the manuscript) and therefore the work described in this manuscript extends those studies. Also, the recent observations that metabolic process can influence cell activity beyond their participation on the classical pathways in which they are involved, including processes apparently as distant as epigenetic regulation of gene activity (see for instance Tarazona and Pourquie, 2020, Dev Cell 54, 282-292), is opening new perspectives to the study of the influence of metabolism on physiological and pathological processes (championed by cancer and immunological response). It also provides a link between control mechanisms across large scale phylogeny, from procaryotes to eukaryotes.
-In principle, the potential audience for this work could be wide, as the interest in understanding the involvement of metabolism in the regulation of physiological and pathological processes has been growing over the last years. However, the lack of proven mechanism for the activity of FBP might restrict the real general impact of this work. In this regard, the suggestion that it might control some type of still unknown moonlighting activity of Pfk is so far totally speculative.
- I am a developmental biologist with strong focus on mechanisms of somitogenesis and axial extension in vertebrate embryos. There is no part of this work for which I do not feel competent to evaluate.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
*Summary - *
*In the present manuscript, Miyazawa and colleagues explore the role of glycolytic flux on embryonic development by using presomitic mesoderm (PSM) patterning as a model. *
*First, the authors examined the steady-state levels of central carbon metabolism metabolites in PSM explants. Explants were cultured in various concentrations of glucose and subjected to gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). These experiments allowed the identification of metabolites (such as lactate, 3PG, and FBP) that exhibit a linear correlation with glucose levels and can therefore serve as sentinel metabolites for glycolytic flux in PSM cells. Among the metabolites identified, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) showed the strongest linear correlation with glucose levels and was used to inform the design of subsequent experiments. *
*Second, to elucidate the functional role of FBP on PSM patterning, the authors supplement the media used to culture PSM explants with various concentrations of FBP and: *
*- analyze the dynamics of Notch signaling (a critical player in mesoderm segmentation during embryogenesis) using real-time imaging of the LuVeLu reporter; *
*- assess gene expression patterns using in situ hybridization of candidate genes. *
*The authors find that supplementation with FBP, but not F6P or 3PG, impairs mesoderm segmentation and disrupts the activity of the segmentation clock in the posterior PSM. Furthermore, FBP supplementation led to the reduced expression of FGF- and WNT-target genes Dusp4 and Msgn, respectively. *
*Third, the authors generate a conditional cytoPfkfb3 transgenic mouse line in which a cytoplasmic form of the Pfkfb3 enzyme is overexpressed. Pfkfb3 can promote glycolysis, and more importantly, leads to increased levels of FBP in a glucose-dependent manner. The authors find that cytoPfkfb3 transgenic PSM explants contain higher levels of FBP and secrete lactate at higher levels when compared to control explants. Importantly, cytoPfkfb3 transgenic PSM explants exhibit impaired somite formation and reduced expression of Msgn (but not Dusp4) in a glucose-dependent manner when compared to control explants. *
Finally, the authors investigate changes in protein subcellular localization in their pharmacological and genetic models of FBP-driven glycolytic flux activation. This was prompted by previous reports on the changes in subcellular localization of glycolytic enzymes (Hu et al., 2016). To this end, the authors perform proteome-wide cell-fractionation analyses in drug-treated and cytoPfkfb3 transgenic PSM explants and find that certain glycolytic proteins exhibit altered subcellular localization in both cases (albeit in different fractions).
*Major concerns: *
*- (Re: Results from Fig. 2 and Fig. S1.) *
*o Given that FBP levels are highly correlated with extracellular glucose levels (which impact glycolytic flux )(TeSlaa and Teitell, 2014) the authors should elaborate on why progressive increase in extracellular glucose does not affect PSM patterning, in the same way that increasing FBP levels does. This is especially important given the claim that FBP is a sentinel metabolite of glycolytic flux. *
23. This important point was also addressed by the reviewer 2, so please see our responses that are also listed under #9, #10, #14 (attached below).
*(Our response #9) *
*We agree with the reviewer and to directly address this central point, we have performed an extended, additional experiment, collecting 375 embryos to quantify FBP levels under five conditions with three biological replicates. *
*There are two major results that we highlight here: First, we found that addition of F6P did not lead to increased FBP levels compared to control samples cultured in 10 mM glucose, which is in stark contrast to cytoPfkfb3 embryos cultured in 10 mM glucose (revised Figure 3E). Second, while increasing glucose concentration is mirrored by elevated FBP levels as we reported, we find clear evidence of saturation above a concentration of 10mM glucose: increasing glucose to 25mM does not increase FBP levels further (revised Figure 3E). *
This saturation effect seen in glucose titration, but also the absence of elevated FBP upon F6P addition, might be expected outcomes because, as also the reviewer 1 pointed out in the response, Pfk is commonly considered to be a rate-limiting enzyme in the glycolytic pathway. We now have the direct experimental data supporting this hypothesis and thank the reviewers to have initiated this additional (very involved..) experiment.
*This new data allows us to conclude more firmly on the correlation between FBP levels and phenotype: at high FBP levels, which are seen in cytoPfkfb3 samples, we observe PSM patterning defects. These high levels are not reached even at 25mM glucose or upon F6P addition, due to the saturation at the level of PFK enzymatic step. Hence, while glucose titration does elevate FBP significantly until this saturation, FBP levels are not as high as in cytoPfkfb3 samples. As a correlative finding, we see that only those conditions with very high FBP levels, or the direct addition of high levels of FBP, cause the arrest of segmentation clock activity. At moderately elevated FBP levels, observed in control explants with high glucose or in cytoPfkfb3 explants with low glucose, clock activity continues and we find a quantitative effect at the level of gene expression, i.e. Wnt signaling target downregulation (Figure 5A, S3). *
The new data has been included in the revised manuscript and the text has been adjusted accordingly:
- (Result Part, line 245–254) "Consistently, we found that cytoPfkfb3 overexpression lifted the upper limit of FBP levels in PSM cells (Figure 3E, S4B, S4C). In control explants, FBP levels did not increase further when glucose concentration was increased from 10 mM to 25 mM. It was also the case when control explants were cultured in 20 mM of F6P (Figure 3E). These results indicate that the Pfk reaction carries a (rate-)limiting role for glycolytic flux and FBP levels, and that cytoPfkfb3 overexpression hinders the flux-regulation function of Pfk."
- (Discussion Part, line 551–573) “Our findings suggest that flux-regulation at the level of Pfk is critical to keep FBP steady state levels within a range compatible with proper PSM patterning and segmentation. In agreement with such a rate-limiting function for Pfk, we found in glucose titration experiments that FBP levels saturated and did not further increase at glucose levels above 10 mM (Figure 3E). Along similar lines, the supplementation of high concentrations of the Pfk substrate F6P did not result in a significant increase of FBP levels, again compatible with a rate-limiting function at the level of Pfk (Figure 3E). The upper limit of glycolytic flux and FBP levels can be experimentally increased by cytoPfkfb3 overexpression (Figure 3B, 3E). We interpret the data as evidence that cytoPfkfb3 overexpression compromises the flux-control function of Pfk and hence much higher FBP (and secreted lactate) levels are reached. Such a drastic increase in glycolytic flux and FBP levels correlates with a severe PSM patterning phenotype (Figure 4), which resembles the phenotype induced by supplementation of high dose of FBP (Figure 2). Our results in mouse embryos hence provides evidence that flux regulation by Pfk, an evolutionary conserved role present from bacteria to humans, serves to maintain FBP levels below a critical threshold.”
(Our response #10)
*#10. First, we would like to clarify that while indeed glycolytic activity is graded along the PSM, as other and we reported previously (reported in Bulusu et al., 2017 and Oginuma et al., 2017), the baseline expression of the entire glycolytic machinery (from glucose transport to lactate production) is very high, in all PSM cells. Hence, we see that cells all along the entire PSM have very active glycolysis, the posterior PSM being even more active. *
*For this and related reasons, our interpretation about the difference seen between glucose titration/F6P addition on one side, and FBP addition/cytoPfkfb3 addition on the other side, is based on the role of Pfk in controlling either flux levels or dynamics in all PSM cells. *
Hence, while we agree that we generate experimental conditions that allow FBP levels to surpass those found in control embryos, we would like to highlight the fact that even moderate changes in flux does result in very robust functional consequences on gene expression (Figure S3, 5), as we show in this work.
*We can currently not fully address the first point raised, i.e. the role of graded flux/graded metabolite levels, due to the experimental limitations. Such a study requires, for instance, the generation of metabolite biosensor reporter lines in order to be able to monitor these changes dynamically, in space and time. *
(Our response #14)
*In our view, two main conclusions, both in vivo and in vitro, can be drawn based on the result we obtained: *
*First, we find that a moderate increase in glycolytic flux, within the physiological range, leads to a quantitative and consistent change in gene expression, such as downregulation of Wnt target genes (Figure S3, 5). Such a phenotype was the result of either glucose titration or culturing cytoPfkfb3-transgenic embryos in low glucose concentration. *
In these conditions, while overall PSM patterning is qualitatively normal, we do find consistent changes at quantitative level, i.e. gene expression changes, which are also mirrored by a reduced rate of segmentation (Figure 4B). A detailed analysis of the quantitative changes at the level of segmentation clock dynamics is being carried out and will be presented in a dedicated follow up study.
*Second, we find that a very significant increase in FBP levels, i.e. when cytoPfkfb3 transgenic animals are cultured in high glucose conditions or when samples are cultured in high levels of FBP, PSM patterning is qualitatively altered and segmentation clock ceases to oscillate. In this case, we agree that it is not a physiological condition, as such high levels of flux and FBP are not reached in control samples which have intact flux regulation by Pfk. Nevertheless, such an experimental condition can be insightful, as it very clearly reveals the potential link between glycolysis, clock activity, PSM patterning and the Wnt signaling pathway. *
*It is the combination between the moderate and the more severe effects, observed both in vitro, and now also in vivo using the Akita model (see above), that we take as evidence for an intrinsic, physiological link between glycolytic activity, PSM patterning and signaling. *
- (Re: Fig. 2A and Fig. 2B)
*o The authors should be consistent with the glucose concentrations for the experiments where they assess the dynamics of Notch signaling (Figure 2A) and gene expression (Figure 2B) or otherwise elaborate on why different concentrations are used for these assays. *
24: We agree that ideally the experimental parameters should be as consistent as possible. In regards to the control glucose concentration used in this study, both 0.5 mM and 2.0 mM glucose were used. It reflects that over the years, minor adjustments in the experimental protocol were made, i.e. we now use 2.0 mM glucose as standard setting for all experiments, while previously, 0.5 mM glucose was used (see Bulusu et al., 2017). This change is based on the observation of a slightly improved culture outcome, in terms of reporter gene expression. We have confirmed that the developmental outcome and also effects seen upon addition of FBP are consistent at 0.5 mM and at 2.0 mM glucose. We made a note in the methods section to explain this point (line 1082-1084):
“Basal culture condition was 0.5 mM glucose at the beginning of this study but was later switched to 2.0 mM glucose which yields a slightly improved reporter gene expression. No major difference was observed in the effects of FBP between these glucose conditions.”
*- (Re: Results from pharmacological and genetic models of increased FBP levels) *
*o The authors state that FBP-driven impairment of mesoderm segmentation is most pronounced in the undifferentiated PSM cells (in the posterior-most end of the explants) and is, therefore, unlikely to be due to a toxic effect that might otherwise affect the whole explant. While this is a reasonable assumption, it does not discount the possibility that the spatial specificity of the effect of FBP could be driven primarily by increased cell death in the posterior end of the explant. Thus, the authors should test whether cell death underlies the mesoderm patterning defects seen in PSM explants subjected to increased FBP levels. *
25. We have performed immunostaining of active caspase-3 in explants cultured for three-hour in medium containing 0.5 mM glucose and 20 mM FBP and found no difference between control and FBP-treated explants (please refer to the Figure R2 below). This qualitative result does not indicate a major effect via cell death in the tail bud region (i.e. posterior PSM) as the underlying reason for the observed phenotype. We included the new data in the revised Figure S2C and adjusted the text accordingly.
Figure R3. Immunostaining of active caspase-3 in PSM explants. Explants were cultured for three hours in the presence or absence of 20 mM of FBP. Neural tubes were outlined by white dotted lines.
*- (Re: Gene expression experiments/analyses) *
*o This study would benefit greatly from transcriptomic analysis of wt and cytoPfkfb3 transgenic PSM explants (and/or transcriptomic characterization of FBP-treated vs. control PSM explants). The candidate approach used to assess gene expression (through in situ hybridization) may not be sufficient to conclude that cytoPfkfb3 over-expression leads to the downregulation of Wnt signaling (a claim the authors make at the beginning of the manuscript). *
26. We fully agree with the reviewer’s comment. We have now performed RNA-sequencing (RNAseq) analysis using control and cytoPfkfb3 explants cultured in 10 mM glucose, importantly after three hours of incubation in order to score early effects at transcriptome level (please refer to Figure R4).
We found clear evidence that many Wnt-target genes (i.e. Axin2, Cdx4, Dact1, Dkk1, Mixl1, Msgn1, Sp5, Sp8, T) were significantly downregulated in cytoPfkfb3 explants, supporting the conclusion that Wnt signaling activity is downregulated in cytoPfkfb3 explants under high glucose condition.
Furthermore, in order to examine similarities between the effects of cytoPfkfb3 overexpression and FBP supplementation, we also performed RNAseq analysis with explants treated with high dose of FBP or F6P. FBP supplementation resulted in downregulation of Wnt target gene expression (i.e. Dact1, Dkk1, Mixl1, Lef1, Sp5, T, Tbx6), mirroring the effects seen in cytoPfkfb3 samples. Such a response was not detected in F6P-treated explants.
Combined, these new data significantly strengthen our conclusion that an increase in glycolytic flux and FBP levels leads to downregulation of Wnt signaling activity. The new data is now included in the revised Figure 5C–E and adjusted the texts accordingly.
Figure R4. Transcriptome analysis of control (Ctrl) and cytoPfkfb3 (TG) PSM explants. PSM explants were cultured for three hours under different culture conditions. (A) Effects of cytoPfkfb3 overexpression on gene expression under 10 mM glucose condition. (B, C) Effects of 20 mM FBP (B) or F6P (C) on gene expression under 2.0 mM glucose condition. Wnt-target genes that were significantly downregulated in cytoPfkfb3 or FBP/F6P-treated explants are highlighted in blue.
*- (Re: Results related to the neural tube closure defects in cytoPfkfb3 transgenic embryos) *
*o The section of the manuscript describing the neural tube closure defects in cytoPfkfb3 transgenic embryos is superficial, lacks detail, and distracts from the focus of the study. Perhaps the data and text on neural tube closure defects should be included as supplemental information. *
27: We agree with the reviewer that in the previous version, this data appeared isolated. It also connects with the point raised by the reviewer 2 about the in vivo significance of our findings. To address both these points, we have now performed additional in vivo experiments using a diabetic mouse model (Akita) to directly test the in vivo consequence of cytoPfkfb3, which interestingly links to the previous findings of neural tube defects. Please see our response #13 for the details (attached below):
(Our response #13)
*First of all, we would like to emphasize that the phenotype seen in cytoPfkfb3 embryos, i.e. the reduction of segmentation and downregulation of Wnt-target gene expression, occurs in a glucose dose dependent manner (Figure 4B and 5A). Hence, it is not the overexpression of cytoPfkfb3 per se that can account for the effects seen. But rather, increased glycolytic flux caused by the combination of transgene expression with high glucose results in functional consequences. *
In addition, ‘other possible effects’ that the reviewer is referring to should be evident in all transgenic embryos, irrespective of glucose dose. To the contrary, transgenic embryos cultured in low glucose conditions appear unaltered to control embryos.
*Second, we agree that we need to distinguish between strong phenotypes, visible at the level of clock arrest, and milder phenotypes, visible at the level of quantitative gene expression changes. It is important to note that the moderate phenotype, i.e. the quantitative gene expression changes seen in posterior PSM, are seen upon the addition of FBP at moderate levels and upon in glucose titration within the physiological concentration range, as well as in cytoPfkfb3 embryos. We take this as evidence that the effects seen in cytoPfkfb3 transgenic embryos reflect a common response also seen under physiological conditions. *
*To extend this argument to the in vivo setting, we have performed additional experiments using a genetic mouse model for diabetes. As shown in our previous submission, cytoPfkfb3 transgenic animals do not exhibit a drastic in vivo phenotype when dissected at embryonic day 10.5. One interpretation of this finding is that since the cytoPfkfb3 phenotype is glucose and flux-dependent, the in vivo flux is low, reflecting low glucose concentrations described in vivo. To test the effect of increased flux in cytoPfkfb3 embryos in vivo, we therefore crossed the transgenic mice into a diabetic model called Akita, in which a point mutation in the Insulin2 gene causes high maternal glucose levels (Yoshioka et al., 1997; Wang et al., 1999). Using this experimental setup, we tested whether transgenic embryos in Akita diabetic females would manifest in vivo phenotypes. *
Indeed, we found that cytoPfkfb3 transgenic embryos developing in Akita diabetic females showed significantly increased cases of neural tube closure defects (50% of cytoPfkfb3 embryos) and developmental delay (control: 38 somites vs. cytoPfkfb3: 34 somites at E10.5), defects not seen in transgenic cytoPfkfb3 embryos from control females (please refer to Figure R2 below). This dependency of the in vivo phenotype on maternal glucose conditions again highlights that the defects observed in cytoPfkfb3 embryos are not due to the expression of cytoPfkfb3 per se, but are rather directly linked to increased/unregulated glycolytic flux.
We included the new in vivo data in the revised Figure S5D-E and modified the text accordingly.
*Figure R2. In vivo phenotype of cytoPfkfb3 embryos grown in diabetic Akita females. (A) The number of somites in control (Ctrl) and cytoPfkfb3 (Tg) E10.5 embryos grown in diabetic Akita females. (B) In situ hybridization of Msgn, Uncx4.1, and Shh mRNAs in Ctrl and Tg E10.5 embryos grown in diabetic Akita females (ss, somite stage; scale bar, 500 µm). *
- (Re: Conclusions of the study)
o A previous study by Oginuma et al., 2020 provided strong evidence for a mechanism underlying the positive regulation of Wnt signaling by glycolysis (initiated by the elevation of intracellular pH) in the chick embryo tailbud. As mentioned in the discussion, the results of the present study are not consistent with this mode - and this contradiction is not sufficiently resolved. This is a concern, given that the evidence that cytoPfkfb3 inhibits Wnt signaling is sparse (see above).
28: This important point was also raised by the reviewer 2, please see our response as listed under #19 (attached below).
(Our response #19)
*We cannot resolve this discrepancy, but now offer a more detailed discussion, also based on the additional data we obtained. *
*First, it is important to point out that we have performed additional experiments to substantiate this part of the work, i.e. a transcriptome analysis with control and cytoPfkfb3 explants cultured in 10 mM glucose. We decided to focus on an early time point, i.e. three-hour after incubation, in order to increase the chance to score the primary response of PSM cells upon changes in glycolytic flux. In addition, our nanostring data in Figure S3 shows that glucose titration can change the expression levels of some Wnt-targets in both directions, i.e. decreasing glucose upregulates their expressions while increasing glucose downregulates their expressions. Again, this analysis was done at short time-scales to score the immediate effect. *
*One possible explanation regarding the difference to Oginuma et al. could indeed be the late time point of analysis in their study, i.e. 16-hour after culture. This difference in sampling time, i.e. 3-hour vs. 16-hour after culture, is of particular importance given the dynamic nature of metabolic and signaling responses. *
We have added a sentence to explain this point in more detail (line 608-617):
“This discrepancy could relate to the time point of analysis: while Oginuma et al. mainly focused on analyzing samples 16-hour after metabolic changes, we chose to score the effects of altered glycolytic flux/FBP levels already after a three-hour incubation, with the goal to capture the primary response of PSM cells. Whether the difference in sampling time underlies the observed difference is yet unknown, but both studies highlight that Wnt signaling is responsive to glycolytic flux, supporting a tight link between metabolism and PSM development.”
*o Another discrepancy lies in the lack of an observable phenotype when culturing mouse PSM explants at very low glucose concentrations (e.g., 0.5 mM in Fig. 2A). Oginuma et al. observed clear disruptions to embryonic elongation and somite formation at a glucose concentration equal to 0.83 mM. Would this be due to species-specific mechanisms? Furthermore, while the authors focus on sentinel metabolites (such as FBP), experiments involving direct manipulation in glycolysis could resolve some of these inconsistencies. *
29: Indeed species specific differences in the requirement for glucose are to be expected. Our extensive analysis shows that at 0.5mM glucose, segmentation and elongation proceeds (Bulusu et al., 2017).
Regarding the second point, we have outlined several strategies to directly perturb glycolysis, i.e. glucose titration (mirrored by increase in lactate secretion) and by genetic targeting of the rate-limiting enzyme, Pfk. Glucose titration in wild-type embryos corresponds to the experiment the reviewer suggested, and we again found that higher glucose (i.e. higher flux) leads to down regulation of several Wnt-target genes (Figure S3). Of note, also in cytoPfkfb3 explants the effects are glucose-dose dependent (again mirrored by increase of lactate secretion), clearly indicating that we successfully and directly controlled glycolysis.
*References - *
- Hu, Hai, et al. "Phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulates glycolysis through mobilization of aldolase from the actin cytoskeleton." Cell 164.3 (2016): 433-446. *
- TeSlaa, Tara, and Michael A. Teitell. "Techniques to monitor glycolysis." Methods in enzymology 542 (2014): 91-114. *
- Oginuma, Masayuki, et al. "Intracellular pH controls WNT downstream of glycolysis in amniote embryos." Nature584.7819 (2020): 98-101. * *Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): *
The experimental results reported in this study enhance our understanding of how cellular metabolic states regulate cellular behaviors during embryonic development. The study provides insight into how PSM elongation is controlled by morphogenetic mechanisms that are modulated by glycolytic flux. One of the strengths of the study is the use of an interdisciplinary approach that includes GC-MS, in vivo imaging and mouse transgenic lines. It should be noted that some of the conclusions of the study diverge from previous papers that examine the role of metabolism in developmental patterning (e.g., Oginuma et al., 2020).
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In the present manuscript, Miyazawa and colleagues explore the role of glycolytic flux on embryonic development by using presomitic mesoderm (PSM) patterning as a model.
First, the authors examined the steady-state levels of central carbon metabolism metabolites in PSM explants. Explants were cultured in various concentrations of glucose and subjected to gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). These experiments allowed the identification of metabolites (such as lactate, 3PG, and FBP) that exhibit a linear correlation with glucose levels and can therefore serve as sentinel metabolites for glycolytic flux in PSM cells. Among the metabolites identified, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) showed the strongest linear correlation with glucose levels and was used to inform the design of subsequent experiments.
Second, to elucidate the functional role of FBP on PSM patterning, the authors supplement the media used to culture PSM explants with various concentrations of FBP and: - analyze the dynamics of Notch signaling (a critical player in mesoderm segmentation during embryogenesis) using real-time imaging of the LuVeLu reporter; - assess gene expression patterns using in situ hybridization of candidate genes. The authors find that supplementation with FBP, but not F6P or 3PG, impairs mesoderm segmentation and disrupts the activity of the segmentation clock in the posterior PSM. Furthermore, FBP supplementation led to the reduced expression of FGF- and WNT-target genes Dusp4 and Msgn, respectively.
Third, the authors generate a conditional cytoPfkfb3 transgenic mouse line in which a cytoplasmic form of the Pfkfb3 enzyme is overexpressed. Pfkfb3 can promote glycolysis, and more importantly, leads to increased levels of FBP in a glucose-dependent manner. The authors find that cytoPfkfb3 transgenic PSM explants contain higher levels of FBP and secrete lactate at higher levels when compared to control explants. Importantly, cytoPfkfb3 transgenic PSM explants exhibit impaired somite formation and reduced expression of Msgn (but not Dusp4) in a glucose-dependent manner when compared to control explants.
Finally, the authors investigate changes in protein subcellular localization in their pharmacological and genetic models of FBP-driven glycolytic flux activation. This was prompted by previous reports on the changes in subcellular localization of glycolytic enzymes (Hu et al., 2016). To this end, the authors perform proteome-wide cell-fractionation analyses in drug-treated and cytoPfkfb3 transgenic PSM explants and find that certain glycolytic proteins exhibit altered subcellular localization in both cases (albeit in different fractions).
Major concerns:
- (Re: Results from Fig. 2 and Fig. S1.)
- Given that FBP levels are highly correlated with extracellular glucose levels (which impact glycolytic flux )(TeSlaa and Teitell, 2014) the authors should elaborate on why progressive increase in extracellular glucose does not affect PSM patterning, in the same way that increasing FBP levels does. This is especially important given the claim that FBP is a sentinel metabolite of glycolytic flux.
- (Re: Fig. 2A and Fig. 2B)
- The authors should be consistent with the glucose concentrations for the experiments where they assess the dynamics of Notch signaling (Figure 2A) and gene expression (Figure 2B) or otherwise elaborate on why different concentrations are used for these assays.
- (Re: Results from pharmacological and genetic models of increased FBP levels)
- The authors state that FBP-driven impairment of mesoderm segmentation is most pronounced in the undifferentiated PSM cells (in the posterior-most end of the explants) and is, therefore, unlikely to be due to a toxic effect that might otherwise affect the whole explant. While this is a reasonable assumption, it does not discount the possibility that the spatial specificity of the effect of FBP could be driven primarily by increased cell death in the posterior end of the explant. Thus, the authors should test whether cell death underlies the mesoderm patterning defects seen in PSM explants subjected to increased FBP levels.
- (Re: Gene expression experiments/analyses)
- This study would benefit greatly from transcriptomic analysis of wt and cytoPfkfb3 transgenic PSM explants (and/or transcriptomic characterization of FBP-treated vs. control PSM explants). The candidate approach used to assess gene expression (through in situ hybridization) may not be sufficient to conclude that cytoPfkfb3 over-expression leads to the downregulation of Wnt signaling (a claim the authors make at the beginning of the manuscript).
- (Re: Results related to the neural tube closure defects in cytoPfkfb3 transgenic embryos)
- The section of the manuscript describing the neural tube closure defects in cytoPfkfb3 transgenic embryos is superficial, lacks detail, and distracts from the focus of the study. Perhaps the data and text on neural tube closure defects should be included as supplemental information.
- (Re: Conclusions of the study)
- A previous study by Oginuma et al., 2020 provided strong evidence for a mechanism underlying the positive regulation of Wnt signaling by glycolysis (initiated by the elevation of intracellular pH) in the chick embryo tailbud. As mentioned in the discussion, the results of the present study are not consistent with this mode - and this contradiction is not sufficiently resolved. This is a concern, given that the evidence that cytoPfkfb3 inhibits Wnt signaling is sparse (see above).
- Another discrepancy lies in the lack of an observable phenotype when culturing mouse PSM explants at very low glucose concentrations (e.g., 0.5 mM in Fig. 2A). Oginuma et al. observed clear disruptions to embryonic elongation and somite formation at a glucose concentration equal to 0.83 mM. Would this be due to species-specific mechanisms? Furthermore, while the authors focus on sentinel metabolites (such as FBP), experiments involving direct manipulation in glycolysis could resolve some of these inconsistencies.
- Hu, Hai, et al. "Phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulates glycolysis through mobilization of aldolase from the actin cytoskeleton." Cell 164.3 (2016): 433-446.
- TeSlaa, Tara, and Michael A. Teitell. "Techniques to monitor glycolysis." Methods in enzymology 542 (2014): 91-114.
- Oginuma, Masayuki, et al. "Intracellular pH controls WNT downstream of glycolysis in amniote embryos." Nature584.7819 (2020): 98-101.
The experimental results reported in this study enhance our understanding of how cellular metabolic states regulate cellular behaviors during embryonic development. The study provides insight into how PSM elongation is controlled by morphogenetic mechanisms that are modulated by glycolytic flux. One of the strengths of the study is the use of an interdisciplinary approach that includes GC-MS, in vivo imaging and mouse transgenic lines. It should be noted that some of the conclusions of the study diverge from previous papers that examine the role of metabolism in developmental patterning (e.g., Oginuma et al., 2020).
- (Re: Results from Fig. 2 and Fig. S1.)
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The work described in this paper first searches for potential sentinel metabolites of glycolytic flux, focusing on the process of somitogenesis during mouse embryonic development. By measuring the levels of different metabolites in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) of E10.5 mouse embryos cultured in the presence of three different glucose concentrations, the authors identify 14 metabolites whose concentration rises with increasing glucose concentration in the culture medium. Among them, they selected fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) for further analyses, as it showed the highest linear correlation with extracellular glucose concentrations. They then show that addition of FBP to the incubation medium of cultured embryo tails interfere with somitogenesis and tail extension in a concentration-dependent fashion. In addition, they show that this effect is exacerbated when extracellular glucose levels are increased. By analyzing specific targets of Wnt and Fgf signaling, the authors also show that addition of FBP down-regulates both signaling pathways in the PSM. They then use a genetic trick (ubiquitous overexpression of cytoPfkfb3) to increase FBP levels by allosteric activation of Pfk (the enzyme that produces FBP) in developing embryos. When tails from these transgenic embryos were cultured in vitro and exposed to various glucose concentrations somitogenesis was affected in a way resembling the effects of FBP on cultured tails from wild type embryos. The authors then go on to determine the subcellular localization of different proteins in tails incubated in the presence of various FBP concentrations to identify that some enzymes involved in the glycolytic pathway (and they specifically focus on Pfkl and Aldoa) are excluded from nuclear fractions at high FBP concentrations. The authors conclude that FBP functions as a flux-signaling metabolite connecting glycolysis and PSM patterning, potentially through modulating subcellular protein localization.
Major comments
I think that in general the work described in this manuscript has been performed to the highest technical standards. However, I do not think that I can agree with the authors' conclusions (that FBP connects glycolysis with PSM patterning and that subcellular localization of glycolytic enzymes play a role in this process), which in my opinion go way beyond what can be proven by the data provided.
- Explants incubated with external glucose concentrations up to 25 mM have no obvious defects on somitogenesis or on the segmentation clock as determined by LuVeLu cycling activity. Under these conditions, explants are expected to contain very high FBP levels if this metabolite keeps its linear relationship with external glucose (in this work it was not measured beyond 10 mM glucose in the medium, where FBP concentration was already very high). This contrasts with the phenotypes observed upon exogenous supplementation of FBP, which affects somitogenesis already at 2 mM glucose. These latter results are at odds not only with the lack of phenotypic alterations under high glucose conditions, but also with the observation that exogenous addition of fructose 6-phosphate (F6P), the substrate of Pfk enzymes to generate FBP, does not alter somitogenesis. The authors take the absence of effects by incubation with F6P as a control of the specificity of FBP. However, as F6P is the natural substrate of Pfk, it is possible that supplementation of F6P also leads to an increase of FBP but in a way closer to a physiological condition. Therefore, I find it essential to determine FBP levels in tails incubated in the presence of increasing amounts of F6P, as if it increases FBP levels, similarly to what the authors described for the tails incubated with increasing glucose concentrations, it will have important implications to the interpretation of the work presented in this manuscript. The main difference between the experiments involving FBP supplementation and those involving high glucose concentrations or exogenous F6P addition is that in the later two cases increase in FBP would be restricted to the tissue(s) expressing Pfk, whereas upon FBP supplementation this metabolite would hit any tissue, regardless of whether or not it would ever be physiologically exposed to this molecule. In the case of the PSM, this might be relevant because it has been shown that there is a gradient of glycolysis, being high at the caudal tip and becoming lower at more anterior regions of the PSM, most likely mirroring the distribution of Pfk activity. Exogenous administration of FBP would flatten the gradient, which could lead to alterations in PSM patterning, whereas glucose (and eventually F6P) would not as they would increase FBP locally in the area where it is normally activated, keeping the natural gradient. On the basis of these arguments, to which extent does FBP connect glycolysis and somitogenesis under physiological conditions?
ESSENTIAL ADDITIONAL EXPERIMENT related to point #1: Measure FBP from PSM explants incubated under various exogenous concentrations of F6P.
ANOTHER EXPERIMENT THAT COULD BE INFORMATIVE: measure FBP levels in PSM incubated under different glucose concentrations but instead of using the whole PSM together, dividing the PSM in posterior, medium and anterior parts (similarly to what was done in Oginuma et al, 2017, reference in the manuscript) to see if there is a gradient in FBP activation. 2. A similar argument could be presented for the results with the cytoPfkfb3 transgenics, as they are based on global artificial overactivation of Pfk, in addition to other possible effects of the ectopic activity of cytoPfkfb3, which were not controlled. Also, while the phenotypic alterations in the PSM in vitro, most particularly in the experiments involving incubation of the tails, are rather strong, the reported effects on somitogenesis in vivo are minor, also questioning the contribution of the in vitro conditions to the final phenotypic effects observed throughout the manuscript.
In conclusion, combining the arguments in the two previous comments, to which extent the results from the addition of FBP or from the transgenic activation of Pfk are not artefactual phenotypes without real physiological relevance? 3. The authors seem to give a strong functional meaning to the absence of Pfkl and Aldoa from the nuclear fraction in tails incubated with exogenous FBP, suggesting a "moonlighting" function of these enzymes under FBP regulation. In addition to the purely speculative nature of this interpretation (there is no proof for such activity or even an attempt to test it), the data provided is also difficult to interpret for various reasons. The protein levels in nuclear fractions are clearly much lower than those in the cytoplasm (this is best seen in the blots of Figure 6D). Does this represent similar subcellular distribution of these enzymes throughout the tissue or the different levels result from the presence of the enzymes in the nucleus of only a subset of the cells? This might be of importance to understand the possible relevance of the subcellular distribution of those enzymes. All the analyses were done on bulk tissue and, therefore, it is not possible to distinguishing between these possibilities. As the authors have antibodies for these enzymes, they could try to perform immunofluorescence analyses, which would provide spatial data.
In addition to this, it would be important to determine Pfkl and Aldoa subcellular localization in explants incubated with different external concentrations of glucose, which in a way reproduces better possible physiological effects (see point 1), to see if under those conditions high FBP also affects subcellular distribution of those enzymes.
SUGGESTED ADDITIONAL EXPERIMENTS related to point #3: 3a- Analysis of subcellular localization of Pfkl and Aldoa by Immunofluorescence. This analysis is not limited by the amount of biological material available, so it could be applied to different experimental conditions.
3b- Subcellular distribution of Pfkl and Aldoa in explants exposed to different exogenous glucose concentrations. As this involves wild type embryos, it can be done following similar protocols as in figures 6 and 7 of the manuscript. 4. The results from the work presented in this manuscript would indirectly indicate a negative relationship between glycolysis and somitogenesis. This contrasts with previous reports indicating the essential role of aerobic glycolysis for the same process. There is no explanation for this apparent (and important) contradiction (the authors only comment the discrepancy between the data provided in this paper and previous reports in what concerns the relationship between glycolysis and Wnt signalling, although they also do not provide an explanation).
Minor comments.
It was not specified the tissue used for the Western blot analyses (was it the PSM alone, the whole tails including somites, etc). This is of relevance to comment #3.
- The work described in this manuscript identifies FBP as a sentinel metabolite for the glycolytic flux. This, itself has the potential to be important for different processes in which differences in glycolysis makes a difference, although I do not think that this will be relevant for the developmental process on which the authors focused their study (see major comments #1 and 2). Indeed, the lethality of global transgenic cytoPfkfb3 expression (although it was not analyzed if it was during development of in postnatal stages, or the cause of this lethality) but with very minor effects on somitogenesis in vivo supports this conclusion.
- The potential moonlighting activity of Pfk (connected with specific subcellular localization), is an interesting idea but so far does not go beyond pure speculation. This is prone to the typical double edged effect of stimulating research in that direction but also the potential negative effect of being taken for granted without rigorous proof.
- The importance of metabolism in general and glycolysis in particular for somitogenesis and axial extension has been recently reported (the relevant papers are cited in the manuscript) and therefore the work described in this manuscript extends those studies. Also, the recent observations that metabolic process can influence cell activity beyond their participation on the classical pathways in which they are involved, including processes apparently as distant as epigenetic regulation of gene activity (see for instance Tarazona and Pourquie, 2020, Dev Cell 54, 282-292), is opening new perspectives to the study of the influence of metabolism on physiological and pathological processes (championed by cancer and immunological response). It also provides a link between control mechanisms across large scale phylogeny, from procaryotes to eukaryotes.
- In principle, the potential audience for this work could be wide, as the interest in understanding the involvement of metabolism in the regulation of physiological and pathological processes has been growing over the last years. However, the lack of proven mechanism for the activity of FBP might restrict the real general impact of this work. In this regard, the suggestion that it might control some type of still unknown moonlighting activity of Pfk is so far totally speculative.
- I am a developmental biologist with strong focus on mechanisms of somitogenesis and axial extension in vertebrate embryos. There is no part of this work for which I do not feel competent to evaluate.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The paper by Miyazawa and colleagues addresses a key question: How is changed metabolic activity sensed and to induce changes in developmental programs. In recent years, there is more and more indication that metabolism is not only a dull workhorse synthesizing the building blocks for new cells and providing chemical energy, but that metabolic activity itself has also a regulatory role. How this precisely works is largely unknown and even also unexplored in higher cells. From early insights obtained in microbes, it seems that certain metabolites - possibly reflecting metabolic activity (i.e. flux) - could be metabolic signals that feedback into cellular regulation. The current paper takes this idea now to developmental processes, where the authors found that the glycolytic metabolite fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is a flux-dependent signal that interferes with developmental processes. This is a very exciting finding, as it indicates that this metabolite not only has a regulatory function in microbes but also in mouse during mesoderm development. Answering the question how such a flux-dependent metabolite mechanistically interferes with the developmental processes is an enormously difficult. Compared to other mechanistic studies, where deleting genes, modifying genes, and changing protein expressions will usually do the trick, here, perturbing metabolite levels is extremely challenging, particularly if such perturbations need to be carried out in a way that nothing else is perturbed. Researchers, who are not overly familiar with metabolism, usually underestimate the difficulty with targeted and insightful perturbation of metabolism. To this end, the authors of this paper need to be congratulated for a very well carried out study with very solid data, and excellent control experiments. The authors open up a new path towards understanding how embryo mesoderm development is regulated by metabolic activity. In particular, they show that that glycolytic flux, FBP and important developmental phenotypes as well as protein localization changes are linked. As normal with a complex metabolism-based story as this one, there is always more that could be done. Yet, the results are highly important to be reported now such that the field as a whole can build on these interesting results and to explore the exciting path further that has been opened by the authors. Thus, I strongly recommend publishing these findings: The data generated by the authors are accompanied by the required control experiments. The conclusions drawn are very solid. I do not have any major concerns but just a number of minor suggestions that the authors could consider in a revised version of the manuscript.
- At the end of the introduction, the authors stated their original goal. As it is phrased, it is unclear whether this goal has been obtained or not. They might want to consider replacing the last introductory sentence by a sentence stating what the reader can find in this paper.
- Data from Fig 3: If you plot the lactate secretion vs the FBP levels of the controls and the overexpression experiment, would the control and the overexpression data lie on one line (maybe if combined with the data shown in Fig 1A)?
- Maybe the authors could attempt an experiment like the following one: Chose the strongest phenotype observed and test a combination of overexpressing cytoPfkfb3 and reducing extracellular glucose level at the same time?
- Can the proteomics experiments shown in Fig. 6 be repeated with high and low extracellular glucose? High glucose should yield high FBP levels and one would then expect to see the same as with the experiment where at 2 mM glucose 20 mM extracellular FBP were added. Is this the case?
- While the authors quantified proteins in different compartments, I was wondering whether they also looked for whole-embryo protein expression changes?
- Throughout the manuscript, the authors state the glucose levels or cytoPfkfb3 changes the glycolytic flux. While I tend to agree with this, it is important to note that the authors have not directly measured glycolytic flux, but use the amount of accumulated lactate as a proxy. I think it is important to add this disclaimer at important points in the manuscript, such that readers are aware of this point.
- Another aspect for changing FBP levels could be connected on what was found in yeast, where the FBP levels were found to oscillate with the cell cycle (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31885198/). Could this be connected with the pattern formation here?
- Line 606: The mentioned review article also covers yeast. As such, maybe the authors should replace the term "bacteria" with "microbes"?
Referees cross-commenting
As I mentioned in my comment, targeted metabolic perturbations are extremely difficult. Perturbing a metabolite level without at the same time perturbing the flux through this pathways is difficult (of not impossible). Also, the opposite is the case. I am not sure whether experiments as the one suggested by reviewer 2 (comment 1) will really lead to results from which further conclusions can be drawn. Furthermore, there does not need to be a linear correlation between the extracellular glucose concentration and metabolic flux/FBP levels (as my reviewer colleague implies). Thus, I am not sure whether doing this experiment makes sense, or would lead to strengthened conclusions.
Reviewer 2 also states "The lack of proven mechanism for the activity of FBP might restrict the real general impact of this work." I agree that we do not know the downstream targets of FBP, but finding them would likely require many years of additional work. Such work will not be initiated if this paper is not published, and it would be a pity if it would be further delayed. I feel that the evidence is strong enough that FBP has an important role and with this paper published, it will motivate others to look for the downstream targets.
Reviewer 3 makes the point: "Given that FBP levels are highly correlated with extracellular glucose levels (which impact glycolytic flux )(TeSlaa and Teitell, 2014) the authors should elaborate on why progressive increase in extracellular glucose does not affect PSM patterning, in the same way that increasing FBP levels does. " Here, I feel my reviewer colleague might be overlooking that in biochemistry molecular interactions typically reach a saturation at some point. The correlation between extracellular glucose and glycolytic flux has likely only a range where these two measures linearly correlate. Similarily, the correlation between glycolytic flxu and FBP likely also exists only within a certain range, and finally FBP levels and the downstream targets likely also only linearly interact within bounds. Thus, the absence of a correlation at "extremes" does by no mean mean that what the authors propose is incorrect. In fact, it just shows what you expect from biomolecular interactions that there a limits to linear correlations.
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Reply to the reviewers
We thank all reviewers for their input and suggestions.
In the discussion section, the reviewers agreed on four major points which we have addressed as follows:
In vivo validation of ROP1. We have now carried out mouse infections using the PRUΔKU80, PRUΔROP1, and complemented lines, showing that PRUΔROP1 is completely avirulent. This matches our in vivo CRISPR screen and in vitro IFNγ restriction assays results, and confirms that ROP1 is an important T. gondii virulence factor. We highlight the discrepancy with Soldati et al 1995, and suggest that this important role of ROP1 was previously overlooked in T. gondii RH due to the “hypervirulence” of this strain in laboratory mice. Clarify discrepancies in Irgb6 recruitment compared to published data: We revisited our image analysis pipeline for this data and corrected an error in the host cell segmentation step which was causing erroneously high calling of Irgb6 recruitment. The recruitment we now measure is now less variable and is consistent with published data, confirming that ROP1 does not affect Irgb6 recruitment or rhoptry bulb protein secretion. Conduct specific assays to measure host cell death or remove claims about this. We have carried out kinetic propidium iodide uptake assays as suggested by Reviewer #3. These have clarified that there is minimal parasite-induced host cell death at low MOI which cannot explain the host cell loss observed in the high-content imaging restriction assays. At an MOI of 0.3, ROP1 has no detectable effect on host cell death, while at a much higher MOI of 3, ROP1 knockout moderately increases cell death of PRU-infected BMDMs. Since cell death in macrophages is reported to result from exposure of parasite-derived PAMPS to host cytosolic sensors, we suggest that this increased host cell death at high MOI is a secondary effect of vacuole disrustion. Alternatively, these findings raise the interesting possibility of a differential phenotype for ROP1 at low versus high parasite burden. Queries regarding the restriction assays in C1QBPflox/flox/-/- MEFs. We included these data as we found statistically significant differences between the C1QBPflox/flox and C1QBP-/- MEFs that were dependent on the presence of ROP1 in the parasites. However, given the concerns raised by all three reviewers regarding the apparent lack of T. gondii restriction in these cells, we have withdrawn all conclusions relating to the putative role of C1QBP in parasite restriction. The data are included now in a supplementary figure only as a reference for other researchers working on the role of C1QBP in innate immunity who may use these previously published cell lines. We have made additional attempts to explore the link between ROP1 and C1QBP that have been unsuccessful, which are now mentioned in the discussion section. Although the co-immunoprecipitation of C1QBP with ROP1 is interesting, given the putative role of C1QBP in regulating autophagy and innate immune responses, further exploration of this potential interaction will require new tools and substantially more work that is beyond the scope of this manuscript. Further responses to comments raised by individual reviewers and details of further revisions are described below.
Reviewer #1
The authors identified ROP1 as a significant hit from their in vivo screen. However, they have not done any validation experiments using rop1 KO parasites in mice. Previous studies have shown no virulence defect in mice for rop1 KO in the type I background (PMID: 8719248). The result could be different in the type II strain used here, but this needs to be tested and shown.
Soldati et al 1995 (PMID: 8719248) demonstrated that there was no virulence defect associated with ROP1 knockout in the RH strain. However, the RH strain is extremely virulent in most laboratory mice strains, which can mask phenotypes observed in a type II strain. We have now carried out in vivo infections of C57BL/6J mice using the type II Prugniaud strain, and have shown a severe virulence defect for PRUΔROP1 parasites which is rescued by complementation. This matches our in vivo CRISPR screen and in vitro IFNγ restriction assays results, and confirms that ROP1 is a virulence factor in vivo.
The data in Fig. 2 and S3 do support that reduced parasitemia was due to decrease in number of vacuoles rather than their size or host cell death. However, it is important to control for invasion and/or egress differences of rop1 KO parasites in IFN-g activated cells.
Soldati et al 1995 (PMID: 8719248) demonstrated that ROP1 has no role in invasion in HFFs, therefore it would be very surprising if ROP1 were to have a specific IFNγ-dependent role in invasion in macrophages. There is no involvement of rhoptry bulb-localised proteins in the predominant model of invasion, only rhoptry neck and microneme proteins.
“Natural” egress after ~48 h would not occur here as the cells are fixed after 24 h. IFNγ-induced “early” egress has been documented in HFFs, A549s, and macrophages in vivo, and is apparent through increased host cell death/lysis (Niedelman et al 2013 PMID: 24042117, Rinkenberger et al 2021 PMID: 34871166, Tomita et al 2009 PMID: 19846885). We have now carried out prodium iodide uptake assays to more accurately quantify parasite-induced host cell death, and find no differences between strains at an MOI of 0.3, the targeted MOI we use in our restriction assays. At a higher MOI of 3, we find a moderate increase in host cell death in PRUΔROP1-infected BMDMs, which we suggest results from increased exposure of parasite-derived PAMPs to cytosolic sensors (Fisch et al 2019 PMID: 31268602, Zhao et al 2009 PMID: 19197351). Alternatively, this increased host cell death could result from increased rates of early egress, or from direct inhibition of programmed cell death pathways.
It is important and informative to depict absolute parasite/size when making multiple comparisons. For example, the data in Fig. 4E shows C1QBP-/- MEFs can clear both RH and PRU better than the WT. However the authors do not comment on what is the meaning of > 100% parasite numbers in IFN-g treated MEFs with respect to untreated in WT. Since the data are normalized, it is difficult to appreciate what the actual differences are. Additionally, C1QBP-/- MEFs show close to equal survival in control and IFN-g treated condition (approximately 100%). Is it correct to infer that C1QBP has no effect on parasite survival? This should be considered in light of the comment below on colocalisation of C1QBP.
It is standard practise to show IFNγ-dependent restriction as a percentage of unstimulated cells as this reflects the hypothesis being tested and the statistical tests carried out, as for example in Wang et al 2020 PMID: 33067458, Matta et al 2019 PMID: 31413201, Gay et al 2016 PMID: 27503074, Bando et al 2018 PMID: 30283439, Fleckenstein et al 2012 PMID: 22802726. Absolute numbers are included in the supplementary data for further reference.
The >100% survival observed in the C1QBPflox/flox and C1QBP-/- MEFs is puzzling. We conclude that these cell lines have largely lost the ability to restrict T. gondii parasites as a result of the immortalisation process and/or passage history, and what little restriction we observe is at the limit of detection in our assay. MEFs are otherwise known to restrict both RH and PRU parasites (Niedelman et al 2012 PMID: 22761577). We included these data as we found statistically significant differences between the C1QBPflox/flox and C1QBP-/- MEFs which were dependent on the presence of ROP1 in the parasites. However, after the concerns raised by all three reviewers we agree that it is better to not to draw conclusions from these assays given the lack of parasite restriction. We will include these data only in the supplementary figures as a reference for other researchers working on the role of C1QBP in innate immunity who may use these previously published cell lines.
The authors observed good restriction of both RH and PRU in IFN-g activated THP1s without cell death (Fig S1D). It is important to incorporate this information into the main result and discuss their implications in contrast to a previous report from 2019 (Fisch et al, PMID: 31268602).
As mentioned above, we have carried out propidium iodide uptake assays to address questions regarding host cell death more precisely, which are now included as a main figure in the revised manuscript. While Fisch et al measured host cell death during infection of stimulated THP-1s at an MOI of 3, our restriction assays were carried out at a targeted MOI of 0.3. The Howard lab has shown that host cell death is directly proportional to MOI in BMDMs (Zhao et al 2009 PMID: 19197351), and we also find that at an MOI of 0.3 there is little detectable host cell death in BMDMs. While we are not aware of a similar study in THP-1s, it is likely also the case that at low MOIs there is little detectable cell death.
The authors should consider conducting C1QBP functional assays to explore potential roles in parasite survival/growth within host cells. For example, it would be informative to measure the extent of autophagy or transcriptomic profile of the KO to deduce or suggest possible mechanisms of restriction.
All reviewers have raised concerns regarding the restriction assays in the C1QBPflox/flox/C1QBP-/- MEFs, particularly that they do not appear to restrict parasite growth as would be expected. As a result, we have decided to withdraw conclusions from these assays regarding the role of C1QBP. For the same reason, we feel that further functional assays using these cells would be of limited value. As an alternative, we attempted siRNA-mediated knockdown of C1QBP in primary BMDMs using a pool of three commercial siRNAs, but were able to achieve only
The authors state in their text that "C1QBP localised primarily to the mitochondria (Figure S7A) and therefore did not see any co-localisation with ROP1". The authors should discuss in more detail as this finding seems to contradict the interaction studies. Is there any independent evidence to corroborate the interaction studies and show they are not simply an in vitro artifact?
We have now added immunofluorescence images of C1QBP and ROP1 in infected MEFs and HFFs to the main figure and discuss this in further detail. We find that C1QBP primary localises to the mitochondria, therefore there is some overlap with ROP1 signal at the PVM in RH as type I strains recruit mitochondria to the vacuole via MAF1B (Pernas et al 2014 PMID: 24781109, Adomako-Ankomah et al 2016 PMID: 26920761). However, type II strains do not recruit host mitochondria therefore we see little overlap with ROP1 in PRU. Furthermore, the precise localisation of C1QBP is a matter of some debate, such that it is unclear whether ROP1 and C1QBP are topologically able to interact. One study reported that C1QBP is exclusively localised to the mitochondrial matrix and therefore would not be able to interact with ROP1 even when the mitochondria are recruited to the vacuole (Muta et al 1997 PMID: 9305894). Others have asserted that there is an additional cytosolic pool of C1QBP which can be recruited to the outer membrane of the mitochondria, thus allowing interaction with ROP1 immediately following rhoptry secretion into the cytosol or at the PVM (Xu et al 2009 PMID: 19164550). From these IFAs we are therefore unable to draw any firm conclusions.
We attempted proximity biotinylation to validate this potential interaction in cellulo, but C-terminal fusion of TurboID to ROP1 caused mislocalisation of the protein and prevented secretion of ROP1 to the parasitophorous vacuole. Based on the current evidence, we are unable to exclude that the interaction is an in vitro artefact as a result of cell lysis during the immunoprecipitation, and we clearly state this in the discussion. However, given this pulldown data is highly reproducible and technically sound, we believe it is important to include this result in the manuscript.
The authors state in their text that "Enhanced restriction of Δrop1 parasites is primarily mediated through increased vacuole destruction". Their data is more suggestive of growth restriction. The authors should provide more direct data for destruction of the vacuoles or change the wording to indicate it is due to growth restriction.
In the absence of specific results for vacuole destruction, which is technically challenging to determine quantitatively, we concluded by a process of elimination that restriction of ΔROP1 parasites at low MOI mostly likely occurs primarily through vacuole destruction, as we did not see strong evidence for vacuole size reduction and (now added in revision) do not see differences in parasite-induced host cell death. Reviewer #1 agrees in an earlier comment that vacuole destruction is the most likely mechanism. We note some subtle indications of strain- and host species-dependent differences, namely that RHΔROP1 parasites in THP-1 macrophages appear to have reduced vacuole size compared to RHΔUPRT (but not the complemented strain), but in all other cases the most likely mechanism consistent with our data is destruction of vacuoles. We have revised our conclusions to reflect that this is an inference from the data rather than a definitive finding.
The authors should provide high resolution IFA images and decrease their size to an equivalent size of other sub-figures. Empty white space between sub-figures can be minimized. Font size of the figure labels/axis/titles should be matched and increased slightly.
Thank you for these suggestions. Each IFA image is only 2x2 cm so we feel that decreasing their size further would make them difficult to see.
Reviewer #2
The title indicates a positive role for ROP1 in subverting innate immune restriction, but the data indicate that a deficiency in ROP1 causes susceptibility to innate immune restriction. This might seem like a subtle discord, but in the absence of identifying the mechanism of ROP1 subversion of innate immune restriction it seems more appropriate to provide a title that better reflects the findings i.e., that ROP1 deficient parasites are more susceptible to innate immune restriction.
We recognise this point and have changed the title to reflect both this and new results added in revision: “Toxoplasma gondii virulence factor ROP1 reduces parasite susceptibility to murine and human innate immune restriction”
The reference strains and complement strains lack UPRT, but from the available information it appears the KO strains have UPRT. If this is the case, it is necessary to rule out that the presence of UPRT doesn't render parasites more susceptible to IFNg mediated killing by performing additional experiments comparing RH∆ku80 with RH∆ku80∆uprt and Pru∆ku80 with Pru∆ku80∆uprt.
This is correct, the reference and complemented strains lack UPRT while the ROP1 knockout strains have a functional UPRT. For the high-content imaging assay it was necessary to use a reference strain that expressed a fluorophore, as the knockout and complemented strains do, to allow for accurate segmentation of the parasites. We considered it preferable to insert the mCherry fluorophore at the well-established, non-essential UPRT locus rather than integrate it randomly. Complementation at the UPRT locus is widely used in the literature with no impact on virulence phenotypes: Shen et al 2014 (PMID: 24825012) Fig 4F, Wang et al 2020 (PMID: 33067458) Fig 5F, Wang et al 2020 (PMID: 31908049) Fig 5, Fox et al 2019 (PMID: 31266861) Fig 5, Olias et al 2016 (PMID: 27414498) Fig 6. Moreover, the genome-wide CRISPR knockout screen of Wang et al 2020 (PMID: 33067458) has also demonstrated that knockout of UPRT does not affect growth of RH parasites in IFNγ-stimulated vs. naive BMDMs. UPRT has 100% amino acid identity between RH and PRU so no functional differences are expected.
Although it is understandable why the authors chose MEFs to test the role of C1QBP because MEFs were used for the Co-IP, the MEFs do not appear to be responding to IFNg for parasite growth restriction (-/+ IFNg % survival is at or above 100% for WT MEFs). As such, the authors are potentially blind to the role of C1QBP in the context of IFNg restriction. It would be ideal to repeat these experiments using BMDMs from WT and C1QBP KO mice to assess the potential contribution of C1QBP during IFNg restriction of T. gondii growth and survival.
We agree that it would be preferable to use ΔC1QBP BMDMs for these experiments. However, knockout of C1QBP is lethal in mice (Yagi et al 2012, PMID: 22904065), therefore it is not possible to obtain primary ΔC1QBP BMDMs. We also attempted siRNA-mediated knockdown of C1QBP in wild-type primary BMDMs using a pool of three different siRNAs, but were only able to achieve
Much of the data is analyzed with a paired two-sided t-test, but the authors used Bonferoni correction in some cases and Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment in other cases. It would be helpful to either consistently use the same correction or explain in a short section on stats in the methods the rationale for using different corrections.
We have changed the manuscript to consistently use Benjamini-Hochberg correction for all tests. These correction methods represent different approaches to the multiple-testing problem: Bonferroni correction controls the family-wise error rate, while the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure controls the false-discovery rate. We favour the FDR-based approach as it is less dependent on the somewhat-arbitrary decision as to what constitutes a “family” of tests - for example: should tests in the RH and PRU strains be in the same family; should tests for number of parasites and number of vacuoles/host cells be in the same family; should the tests in BMDMs vs. THP-1s should be the same family. At the alpha level of 0.05, one in twenty significant results are false positives following Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment, as opposed to one in twenty of all tests carried out prior to adjustment. We find this appropriate for our study.
The IFA images in Figure 2B appear to show considerable redistribution of ROP1 from the rhoptries to other parts of the parasite upon short Trition-X100 treatment of formaldehyde fixed samples. Inclusion of a low concentration of glutaraldehyde might help preserve the normal distribution of ROP1. Alternatively, or additionally, permeabilization with saponin or digitonin could help visualize ROP1 associated with the PVM. Improving the imaging is not critical to support the conclusions of the study, but would nevertheless be an asset.
The ROP1 immunofluorescence staining within the parasites is likely from protein that is being trafficked through the ER or Golgi. This staining is more prominent with shorter Triton permeabilisation and in the complement lines. We have also observed PVM localisation of ROP1 using permeabilisation with 0.1% saponin for 15 min, but find that it is clearer and more consistent with the short Triton permeabilisation. We have added additional examples to the supplementary figure validating ROP1 knockout and complement.
Reviewer #3
The IFNg-dependent T. gondii control data as well as the Irgb6 recruitment data are extremely variable and preclude drawing any solid conclusions (Fig 2c-f, 3d, 4e-f, S3a-d, S8). The authors normalize the data by presenting the ratio of +IFNg/-IFNg in % of the measure they are analyzing. However, this does not "clean up" the data. The underlying cause for this problem are the extremely varied input, the time point analyzed and the nature of the microscopy experiment.
We have found that parasite IFNγ-restriction assays are highly variable between biological replicates by all methods that we have tried. We thank Reviewer #1 for sharing their similar experience, as we have heard the same from several colleagues. As it becomes more common to plot individual data points rather than summary statistics, this is increasingly apparent in the literature (e.g. Wang et al 2020 Fig 2, Rinkenberger et al 2021). While we could select the three “best” replicates to publish or instead present only summary statistics to obscure the variation present, we do not feel that this would be in the best interest of the field or of open science. We address Reviewer #3’s specific concerns below.
Presenting the data as a ratio/percentage of IFNγ-stimulated versus naive cells is not an attempt to “clean up” the data, it is standard practice in the field and reflects the hypothesis being tested. For example: Wang et al 2020 PMID: 33067458 (Saeij lab), Matta et al 2019 PMID: 31413201 (Sibley lab), Gay et al 2016 PMID: 27503074 (Hakimi lab), Bando et al 2018 PMID: 30283439 (Yamamoto lab), Fleckenstein et al 2012 PMID: 22802726 (Howard lab).
- Varied input: looking at the Supplementary tables and calculating the input MOI in the -IFNg samples for the BMDM, for example, they range from 0.1-6. Most of the MOIs are in the 0.1-1 range, but this is still a huge variation and not the MOI of 0.3 the authors are aiming to add. Input host cells within one experiment often differ 5 fold between the T. gondii strains analyzed. Consistency in input is not achieved.
The inputs of the restriction assays, as estimated by the parasite and host cell numbers in the unstimulated cells, are variable but not so extreme as Reviewer #3 says. Importantly, variability between strains within a biological replicate is far less than between biological replicates, and it is for this reason that we have analysed the results with paired tests. It is in fact a feature of microscopy-based assays that these sources of variability can be identified. We have attempted to be as open as possible with our data in reporting all of these measured parameters.
MOI is the most appropriate measure of inter- and intra-replicate variability as it accounts for both host cell and vacuole number. We have now added estimated MOI as a column in the supplementary data files (S2B and S3B: MOI = “Vacuole - Minus IFNG Median”/”Host Nuclei - Minus IFNG Median”). Out of 49 data points, there are only three instances in the BMDM restriction assays where MOI >1 (1.26, 1.06, 1.42) and none in THP-1s. Because the MOIs are low, the range of MOI within each replicate is small. Furthermore, for MOI ≤1, we expect there will be little qualitative effect on restriction as the host cells will be infected with either 1 or 0 vacuoles. In our data, we do not find any correlation between MOI and restriction for any individual strain or for all strains combined.
Regardless of the inter-replicate variability, the results for parasite restriction are statistically significant using an appropriate paired test. Our control parasite line PRUΔGRA12 behaves as expected (Fox et al 2019 PMID: 31266861) and differences between the RH and PRU strain in BMDMs dependent on the polymorphic effector ROP18 are apparent, although not tested here. While there is variation in the magnitude of restriction between replicates, there is a qualitative decrease in parasite survival in terms of total parasite number (Fig 2C and 2E) for ΔROP1 parasites compared to both ΔUPRT and the complemented lines in every replicate for both strains in BMDMs (7/7 replicates for each strain), and in all but one replicate in THP-1s (6/7 for RH, 7/7 for PRU). We consider that this restriction phenotype is highly robust.
- Time point analyzed: the authors chose to analyze 24h p.i. IFNg-stimulated MEFs, BMDMs and THP-1s. All will have undergone a significant amount of cell death at this time point. The authors even present the varying host cell numbers in Fig S3: the +IFNg cell numbers vs -IFNg cell numbers in BMDMs range from 35-70% for example in RH; THP-1 seem slightly better but still there is a range of 70-120%.
24 hpi or later is a standard timepoint at which to measure parasite restriction, as at earlier timepoints the dynamic range of the assays are reduced due to lower parasite numbers and therefore lower fluorescence, luminescence, or uracil uptake. For example, the following references all measure parasite restriction at at least 24 hpi: Wang et al 2020 Fig. 2: 24 hpi; Matta et al 2019 Fig. 3: 36-40 hpi; Gay et al 2016 Fig. 8: 36-48 hpi; Bando et al 2018: 24 hpi; Fleckenstein et al 2012 Fig. 4: 48 hpi.
The Howard lab has shown that host cell death is directly proportional to MOI in murine cells (Zhao et al 2009 PMID: 19197351, Lilue et al 2013 PMID: 24175088). At low MOIs of
- Nature of the experiment: Due to rampant host cell death at 24h p.i. analyzing the total parasite or vacuole number or even vacuole size is difficult in a microscopy experiment (dead cells will wash away even after fixation as they do not adhere anymore). Most laboratories (Howard, Yamamoto, Coers, Saeij, Steinfeldt etc), who study these mechanisms employ experimental systems that do not rely on washes/perturbations (plaque assays, plate reader T. gondii luciferase growth assays, uracil incorporation etc), or focus on the "number of parasites/vacuole" measure that are less dependent on host cell numbers (Saeij, Coers etc) or choose host cells that do not undergo IFNg-driven cell death (A549 cells, Sibley recent elife; only overexpression of the host factor induces cell death).
High-content imaging has previously been used to characterise IFNγ-dependent restriction of T. gondii (Gay et al 2016 PMID: 27503074 Fig 8D, Rinkenberger et al 2021 PMID: 34871166, Fisch et al 2021 PMID: 34931666) and for anti-parasitic drug screening (Touquet et al 2018 PMID: 30157171). Certainly different methods have different strengths and weaknesses: for example, fixed imaging-based methods required washing which will remove dead host cells from the analysis, whereas e.g. luciferase or uracil incorporation assays do not; however, with imaging we can measure multiple potential phenotypes simultaneously and identify potential confounding factors that would be unknown in other assays. Acknowledging that every assay has specific weaknesses, we verify the role of ROP1 by orthogonal methods: in vivo CRISPR screen for growth in the mouse peritoneum, in vitro growth in IFNγ-stimulated macrophages, and (now added in revision) in vivo virulence studies. The results of all of these assays concur.
If ROP1 alters the amount of host cell death induced in macrophages, host cell numbers in the +IFNg samples will vary in dependency of ROP1. Hence, in order to assess ROP1-dependent T. gondii restriction it is imperative to know if ROP1 alters host cell death. This can only be measured with cell death assays (total LDH or better a kinetic cell death assay) and not by looking at how many host cells remain after fixation in a microscopy experiment. To compare ROP1-driven parasite restriction, it is important to compare the same input MOI for each strain (-IFNg), determine a time point p.i. before host cell death has taken over and verify host cell numbers stay within a reasonable variation between strains. Input MOI consistency between T. gondii strains is typically measured by plaque viability assay.
We have now carried out kinetic propidium iodide uptake assays to determine formally whether ROP1 affects host cell death in BMDMs, which have been added to the revised manuscript. At an MOI of 0.3, as targeted in our restriction assays, there is very little parasite-induced cell death and no significant differences between parasite strains. This is in line with the results from the Howard lab mentioned above (Zhao et al 2009 PMID: 19197351, Lilue et al 2013 PMID: 24175088), and confirms that the majority of host cell loss observed in the high-content imaging assays at an average MOI of 0.3 is not parasite-induced.
We also carried out propidium iodide uptake assays at an MOI of 3, and found a slight but significant increase in host cell death for PRUΔROP1 in BMDMs of 10-15%. A small increase was also observed for RHΔROP1 compared to the complemented line, but was not significant compared to RHΔUPRT. This differential effect at low and high MOI is interesting, although we cannot rule out that a small phenotype is beyond the limit of detection at low MOI. We conclude that at low MOI host cell death does not have a detectable role in the restriction of ΔROP1 parasites, leaving the most likely mechanism as disruption of vacuoles. At high MOI, vacuole breakage appears to result in host cell death as host cytosolic sensors recognise parasite-derived PAMPs: parasite DNA is sensed by AIM2 in activated THP-1 macrophages leading to apoptosis (Fisch et al 2019 PMID: 31268602), while in murine cells vacuole breakage by the IRGs leads to necrotic cell death (Zhao et al 2009 PMID: 19197351). Increased cell death at high MOI is therefore also consistent with increased disruption of vacuoles.
Fig 2C - Why are there datapoints with more than 100% T. gondii in +IFNg vs -IFNg samples? In these cases, no IFNg restriction was observed for the WT strain. This data is not reliable, as it has been demonstrated before that BMDMs control RH in an IFNg-dependent fashion.
This is one replicate out of seven. Although removing this replicate would not affect the statistical significance of the results in terms of total parasite number or number of vacuoles, we do not consider it appropriate to remove data because it does not match our expectations. Published data also show survival of RH parasites in BMDMs at or close to 100% in some replicates as a result of biological and technical variability (e.g. Wang et al 2020 PMID: 33067458, Fig. 2), which is to be expected in primary cells derived from different donor mice. The average survival we determine for RH across replicates in ~75%, which is in line with published data.
Fig 4C - The description of the IP in the legends and the materials is incomplete. In the materials it only states the loading of the IP fraction. Is the supernatant the post-IP fraction? 202200-HA is not described in the Figure legend. Why is the IP'ed version of C1QBP smaller than the supernatant version?
We will clarify this in the figure legend and methods. The supernatant is the post-IP fraction. It was necessary to load as much material as possible to detect C1QBP in the post-IP supernatant of the RHΔKU80 and PRUΔKU80-infected samples, but as the protein concentration in the supernatant is far higher than in the IP fraction this appears to have caused slight retardation of protein migration in these lanes. This is only apparent for C1QBP as it is the only protein detected in both supernatant and IP.
Fig 4E and F - There is almost no IFNg-dependent restriction in the WT MEFs for any of the parasite strains (4E). Some of the data even shows a dramatic increase of parasite load with IFNg versus without IFNg. Hence, no conclusion can be drawn about the function of C1QBP and making a ratio of KO vs WT (Fig 4F) is not justified as there was no IFNg restriction to begin with in WT cells.
We included these data as we found statistically significant differences between the C1QBPflox/flox and C1QBP-/- MEFs that were dependent on the presence of ROP1 in the parasites. However, after the concerns raised by all three reviewers we agree that it is better to not to draw conclusions from these assays given the lack of parasite restriction that would otherwise be expected in MEFs (e.g. Niedelman et al 2012 PMID: 22761577). We will include these data only in the supplementary figures as a reference for other researchers working on the role of C1QBP in innate immunity who may use these previously published cell lines.
Fig 3D - Something is wrong with the Irgb6 recruitment data. Many labs have shown that RH recruitment of Irgb6 is at most 10% due to the activity of ROP5 and ROP18. The authors get up to 40% recruitment for RH and again the data ranges from 5-42%, that's a huge variation!
Recruitment of IRGB6 was determined by the ratio of the median fluorescence intensity in a 6 pixel radius around the parasites versus the median intensity in the rest of the infected cell cytoplasm. After carefully checking each step of this analysis pipeline, we found that the threshold for host cell cytoplasm segmentation based on CellMask staining was set too low and was including areas of empty space. This resulted in erroneously low median intensity in the host cell and so false-positive calling of IRGB6 recruitment to some vacuoles. We have corrected the cut-off threshold for host cell segmentation and reanalysed all the data with this corrected script. We now find average recruitment of ~5% for RHΔUPRT, ~15% for RHΔROP18, and ~60% for PRUΔUPRT (comparable to e.g. Fentress et al 2011, Fleckenstein et al 2012, Niedelman et al 2012, and Etheridge et al 2014), as well as less variability overall.
Fig S3A and C: The authors conclude that ROP1 does not affect vacuole size. I disagree. The data for THP-1 is significant. However, due to the noisy input with such varied MOI and varied host cell numbers, at the moment, no solid conclusion can be drawn.
Although there is a significant difference between RHΔUPRT and RHΔROP1, this is not rescued by complementation so we are hesitant to claim this as a phenotype of ROP1. There are no significant differences in the PRU strain. We highlight this in the text of the results section, as it may be an important strain- or host species-dependent mechanism.
Fig S3B and D: The data clearly show huge variation in host cell numbers depending on IFNg and T. gondii infection. It is well-known that host cell death occurs in these experimental systems. In order to analyze whether ROP1 impacts host cell death a kinetic cell death assay is needed. Assessment of remaining host cell numbers in a 96 well plate microscopy experiment is not a quantitative assessment of host cell death, so the conclusion is not valid.
Please refer to comments on host cell death above.
T. gondii "type" is always spelt with a lowercase "t" by convention.
We have corrected this.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors identify 22 putative T. gondii virulence factors in an in vivo CRISPR screen and aim to analyze ROP1 as one of the hits for its contribution and mechanism in IFNg-driven parasite control mostly in murine and human macrophages. Somewhat disappointingly, most of the data are too variable to draw conclusions. The underlying cause for the variability in the data are the divergent input host cell numbers within the same experiment, variable MOI and most importantly, probably the loss of host cells due to cell death (the infected ones wash away more easily). The authors try to remedy this by pooling and normalizing data, and while there may be a trend to ROP1 counteracting IFNg-driven T. gondii control (Fig 2), the result overall is not convincing. Even if more robust data would confirm the role of ROP1 in innate immune evasion, all mechanistic "tries" the authors undertake in this study show no phenotype (Fig 3 and S6) or are unreliable (Fig 4, see comments below).
Major concern:
The IFNg-dependent T. gondii control data as well as the Irgb6 recruitment data are extremely variable and preclude drawing any solid conclusions (Fig 2c-f, 3d, 4e-f, S3a-d, S8). The authors normalize the data by presenting the ratio of +IFNg/-IFNg in % of the measure they are analyzing. However, this does not "clean up" the data. The underlying cause for this problem are the extremely varied input, the time point analyzed and the nature of the microscopy experiment.
- Varied input: looking at the Supplementary tables and calculating the input MOI in the -IFNg samples for the BMDM, for example, they range from 0.1-6. Most of the MOIs are in the 0.1-1 range, but this is still a huge variation and not the MOI of 0.3 the authors are aiming to add. Input host cells within one experiment often differ 5 fold between the T. gondii strains analyzed. Consistency in input is not achieved.
- Time point analyzed: the authors chose to analyze 24h p.i. IFNg-stimulated MEFs, BMDMs and THP-1s. All will have undergone a significant amount of cell death at this time point. The authors even present the varying host cell numbers in Fig S3: the +IFNg cell numbers vs -IFNg cell numbers in BMDMs range from 35-70% for example in RH; THP-1 seem slightly better but still there is a range of 70-120%.
- Nature of the experiment: Due to rampant host cell death at 24h p.i. analyzing the total parasite or vacuole number or even vacuole size is difficult in a microscopy experiment (dead cells will wash away even after fixation as they do not adhere anymore). Most laboratories (Howard, Yamamoto, Coers, Saeij, Steinfeldt etc), who study these mechanisms employ experimental systems that do not rely on washes/perturbations (plaque assays, plate reader T. gondii luciferase growth assays, uracil incorporation etc), or focus on the "number of parasites/vacuole" measure that are less dependent on host cell numbers (Saeij, Coers etc) or choose host cells that do not undergo IFNg-driven cell death (A549 cells, Sibley recent elife; only overexpression of the host factor induces cell death). If ROP1 alters the amount of host cell death induced in macrophages, host cell numbers in the +IFNg samples will vary in dependency of ROP1. Hence, in order to assess ROP1-dependent T. gondii restriction it is imperative to know if ROP1 alters host cell death. This can only be measured with cell death assays (total LDH or better a kinetic cell death assay) and not by looking at how many host cells remain after fixation in a microscopy experiment. To compare ROP1-driven parasite restriction, it is important to compare the same input MOI for each strain (-IFNg), determine a time point p.i. before host cell death has taken over and verify host cell numbers stay within a reasonable variation between strains. Input MOI consistency between T. gondii strains is typically measured by plaque viability assay.
Other specific major comments:
Fig 2C - Why are there datapoints with more than 100% T. gondii in +IFNg vs -IFNg samples? In these cases, no IFNg restriction was observed for the WT strain. This data is not reliable, as it has been demonstrated before that BMDMs control RH in an IFNg-dependent fashion.
Fig 4C - The description of the IP in the legends and the materials is incomplete. In the materials it only states the loading of the IP fraction. Is the supernatant the post-IP fraction? 202200-HA is not described in the Figure legend. Why is the IP'ed version of C1QBP smaller than the supernatant version?
Fig 4E and F - There is almost no IFNg-dependent restriction in the WT MEFs for any of the parasite strains (4E). Some of the data even shows a dramatic increase of parasite load with IFNg versus without IFNg. Hence, no conclusion can be drawn about the function of C1QBP and making a ratio of KO vs WT (Fig 4F) is not justified as there was no IFNg restriction to begin with in WT cells.
Fig 3D - Something is wrong with the Irgb6 recruitment data. Many labs have shown that RH recruitment of Irgb6 is at most 10% due to the activity of ROP5 and ROP18. The authors get up to 40% recruitment for RH and again the data ranges from 5-42%, that's a huge variation!
Fig S3A and C: The authors conclude that ROP1 does not affect vacuole size. I disagree. The data for THP-1 is significant. However, due to the noisy input with such varied MOI and varied host cell numbers, at the moment, no solid conclusion can be drawn.
Fig S3B and D: The data clearly show huge variation in host cell numbers depending on IFNg and T. gondii infection. It is well-known that host cell death occurs in these experimental systems. In order to analyze whether ROP1 impacts host cell death a kinetic cell death assay is needed. Assessment of remaining host cell numbers in a 96 well plate microscopy experiment is not a quantitative assessment of host cell death, so the conclusion is not valid.
Minor comments:
T. gondii "type" is always spelt with a lower case "t" by convention.
T. gondii protein ROP1 was identified by the authors in an in vivo CRISPR screen as a potential effector protein mediating parasite resistance to innate immunity. The function of ROP1 is currently unknown. The data presented in this manuscript does not deliver conclusive evidence that ROP1 counteracts IFNg-driven immunity and a potential mechanism has not been uncovered.
Referees cross-commenting
This section contains comments of all reviewers
Reviewer 1
I agree with the comments of review #2 in regard to additional experiments needed for validation. I also agree with reviewer #3 about the variable data with Irgb6 recruitment and IFNg control- we have also done these assays and struggled with the variability. The suggestions for how to reduce variability with modified protocols are good - but is our role really to instruct them how to do the experiments? It seems you are asking them to start over, and I am not sure the situation is that bleak. I would be more inclined to allow them to claim only features that are clearly supported within the variability of the current assays. Perhaps that weakens the conclusions they can make and hence ultimate decision - but I feel that this choice (of fixing it or compromising) should be up to the authors.
Reviewer 3
Thanks for your points, yes I agree, statements can be made about the role of ROP1 in innate immune defence (i.e. it probably contributes to control of vacuole numbers and size in both mouse and human), but the authors should more carefully place them in the framework of their assays.
Rev 2, point 1 is very good (title suggestion). Rev 1, point 1, I agree very much (validate ROP1 phenotype in vivo). Rev 2, minor point 1 (explain your stats) and Rev 1, point 3 (depict absolute numbers in comparisons). This is my point also, the authors try to normalise the data and apply varied statistics to smooth over the variability. All reviewers pointed out the problems with the C1QBP data, specifically the >100% data of +IFNg vs -IFNg and additionally the potential for an in vitro artefact (Rev 1).
My main points remain: - statements on ROP1 and its impact on host cell death without conducting any host cell death assay cannot be made. - the Irgb6 recruitment data is puzzling and contradicts all the many published data on Irgb6 recruitment levels. - C1QBP data is not interpretable with data where IFNg does not restriction WT parasites.
In the end, maybe suggesting in vivo validation of ROP1, remove impact on host cell death claim and the C1QBP data (or conduct further experiments to understand role)?
Reviewer 1
Yes I agree with the points and this slightly reworded final assessment:
Request in vivo validation of ROP1 Clarify discrepancies in Irgb6 data Remove impact on host cell death claim Soften the conclusions about C1QBP data (or conduct further experiments to understand its role).
Reviewer 2
Thanks for leading the discussion R1 and R3. It looks like we are in good agreement. The study has some merit but will require more in vitro and in vivo experiments to support the conclusions and to substantiate the relationship between ROP1 and C1QBP.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Toxoplasma gondii secretes a variety of effector proteins that manipulate many aspects of host cell physiology including several that facilitate evasion of cell autonomous immunity due to activation by interferon gamma. The current study features a new CRISPR gRNA library targeting genes encoding proteins that are released from two types of secretory organelles that have previously been strongly implicated in immune evasion, namely rhoptries and dense granules. The authors use the library to identify parasite genes that are more important to in vivo infection than they are suring in vitro culture. That the screen identified several known immune evasion genes suggests that the experiment worked as intended. Among the somewhat marginal hits, the authors identified ROP1, which they pursued further since the function of this protein has remained unknown despite being the first identified ROP protein. As rigorous component of the study, the authors disrupt and restore expression of ROP1 in two different strains (RH and Pru) and identify ROP1 knockout parasite susceptibility to IFNg stimulation in two different types of macrophages (murine BMDMs and human THP-1). Two functional assays were used to indicate that rhoptry secretion is not impaired in parasites lacking ROP1. Co-immunoprecipitation assays suggest an interaction between ROP1 and a multifunctional host protein, C1QBP, inspiring the hypothesis that ROP1 targets C1QBP to evade cell autonomous immunity. However, host cells lacking C1QBP appear to be more restrictive to growth of WT parasites and neutral to ROP1 deficient parasites, implying that C1QBP contributes to T. gondii survival in a manner that is dependent on ROP1. The authors are appropriately cautious when discussing the extent to which the function of ROP1 is mechanistically linked to C1QBP. Overall, the study provides some new evidence for a role of ROP1 in limiting IFNg dependent clearance of T. gondii and identifies some clues to potential mechanism without being able to nail down this aspect.
Main comments
- The title indicates a positive role for ROP1 in subverting innate immune restriction, but the data indicate that a deficiency in ROP1 causes susceptibility to innate immune restriction. This might seem like a subtle discord, but in the absence of identifying the mechanism of ROP1 subversion of innate immune restriction it seems more appropriate to provide a title the better reflects the findings i.e., that ROP1 deficient parasites are more susceptible to innate immune restriction.
- The reference strains and complement strains lack UPRT, but from the available information it appears the KO strains have UPRT. If this is the case, it is necessary to rule out that the presence of UPRT doesn't render parasites more susceptible to IFNg mediated killing by performing additional experiments comparing RH∆ku80 with RH∆ku80∆uprt and Pru∆ku80 with Pru∆ku80∆uprt.
- Although it is understandable why the authors chose MEFs to test the role of C1QBP because MEFs were used for the Co-IP, the MEFs do not appear to be responding to IFNg for parasite growth restriction (-/+ IFNg % survival is at or above 100% for WT MEFs). As such, the authors are potentially blind to the role of C1QBP in the context of IFNg restriction. It would be ideal to repeat these experiments using BMDMs from WT and C1QBP KO mice to assess the potential contribution of C1QBP during IFNg restriction of T. gondii growth and survival.
Minor comments
- Much of the data is analyzed with a paired two-sided t-test, but the authors used Bonferonni correction in some cases and Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment in other cases. It would be helpful to either consistently use the same correction or explain in a short section on stats in the methods the rationale for using different corrections.
- The IFA images in Figure 2B appear to show considerable redistribution of ROP1 from the rhoptries to other parts of the parasite upon short Trition-X100 treatment of formaldehyde fixed samples. Inclusion of a low concentration of glutaraldehyde might help preserve the normal distribution of ROP1. Alternatively, or additionally, permeabilization with saponin or digitonin could help visualize ROP1 associated with the PVM. Improving the imaging is not critical to support the conclusions of the study, but would nevertheless be an asset.
Immune evasion is critical to the survival of pathogens including Toxoplasma gondii, yet the effector proteins responsible for such evasion remain incompletely identified or understood. This study identifies a role for ROP1 in parasite survival in interferon gamma stimulated host cells, thus addressing a long standing question of this protein's function during infection. The study appears suited to a microbiology or infection themed journal. My areas of expertise are T. gondii pathogenesis, virulence, secretion, invasion, egress, resource acquisition, and persistence.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Butterworth et al identify a novel function of Toxoplasma ROP1 being involved in subverting host IFN-g restriction of parasite growth. The authors executed a CRISPR-Cas9 sgRNA screen in a type II strain parasite targeting a sub-pool of genes characterized with respect to their localization in rhoptries and dense-granules. They adopted an approach of sequentially sequencing the survivors following growth in vitro in human foreskin fibroblasts followed by in vivo expansion in mouse peritoneum. Measurement of relative depletion of sgRNA sequences produced significant hits of factors involved in parasite survival. They identified many parasite proteins previously known to be involved in different aspects of parasite virulence including those involved in countering murine IFN-g mediated anti-toxoplasma response. They then focused on identifying the function of ROP1 in augmenting virulence and survival of the parasite in mice. Lastly, using immunoprecipitation in mouse cells they identified host C1QBP as a protein that may be involved in facilitating ROP1 mediated parasite resistance against the IFN-g response.
Major Comments:
- The authors identified ROP1 as a significant hit from their in vivo screen. However, they have not done any validation experiments using rop1 KO parasites in mice. Previous studies have shown no virulence defect in mice for rop1 KO in the type I background (PMID: 8719248). The result could be different in the type II strain used here, but this needs to be tested and shown.
- The data in Fig. 2 and S3 do support that reduced parasitemia was due to decrease in number of vacuoles rather than their size or host cell death. However, it is important to control for invasion and/or egress differences of rop1 KO parasites in IFN-g activated cells.
- It is important and informative to depict absolute parasite/size when making multiple comparisons. For example, the data in Fig. 4E shows C1QBP-/- MEFs can clear both RH and PRU better than the WT. However the authors do not comment on what is the meaning of > 100% parasite numbers in IFN-g treated MEFs with respect to untreated in WT. Since the data re normalized, it is difficult o appreciate what the actual differences are. Additionally, C1QBP-/- MEFs show close to equal survival in control and IFN-g treated condition (approximately 100%). Is it correct to infer that C1QBP has no effect on parasite survival? This should be considered in light of the comment below on colocalisation of C1BQ.
- The authors observed good restriction of both RH and PRU in IFN-g activated THP1s without cell death (Fig S1D). It is important to incorporate this information into the main result and discuss their implications in contrast to a previous report from 2019 (Fisch et al, PMID: 31268602).
- The authors should consider conducting C1QBP functional assays to explore potential roles in parasite survival/growth within host cells. For example, it would be informative to measure the extent of autophagy or transcriptomic profile of the KO to deduce or suggest possible mechanism of restriction.
Minor Comments:
- The authors state in their text that "C1QBP localised primarily to the mitochondria (Figure S7A) and therefore did not see any co-localisation with ROP1". The authors should discuss in more detail as this finding seems to contradict the interaction studies. Is there any independent evidence to corroborate the interaction studies and show they are not simply an in vitro artifact?
- The authors state in their text that "Enhanced restriction of Δrop1 parasites is primarily mediated through increased vacuole destruction". Their data is more suggestive of growth restriction. The authors should provide more direct data for destruction of the vacuoles or change the wording to indicate it is due to growth restriction.
- The authors should provide high resolution IFA images and decrease their size to an equivalent size of other sub-figures. Empty white space between sub-figures can be minimized. Font size of the figure labels/axis/titles should be matched and increased slightly.
The work has significance with respect to host-parasite interaction in the Toxoplasma field. The report aims to assign a function to the first identified rhoptry protein in Toxoplasma. It employs CRISPR-Cas9 screens in Toxoplasma to study and identify the function of proteins involved in parasite virulence. The study may be of less interest to groups working in the field of host-pathogen interaction, innate immunity, as the genes studied here are not widely conserved nor do they provide obvious parallels to other systems.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): Major comments: 1. The authors mentioned that the heart dysfunction observed upon CHCHD3/6 KD may be mediated via defects in ATP synthase. Then, how does CHCHD3/6 KD affect ATP synthase? Additionally, OPA1 also affects ATP synthase, why does OPA1 KD just reduce fractional shortening (S.T.2) without reducing F-actin staining?
- Since MICOS is in involved ETC assembly/sorting in cristae, ATPase subunits may not be assembled correctly and thus causing defects mitochondrial morphology and function, which is further supported by reduced mito-GFP staining (see Fig. 4B&H) (see discussion, lines 438-41 in red; see also lines 434-438 and 441-44 that are unchanged). F-actin staining with OPA1 KD: it may not be a strong enough KD to cause reduced F-actin staining, since only strong CHCHD3/6 KD shows reduced F-actin.
- To address this issue and ask whether OPA1 interacts with CHCHD3/6 in affecting sarcomeric protein levels, we plan to do an interaction experiment with and OPA1 KD with CHD3/6-C1 KD at 21oC (as in Fig. 6B) and probe for reduced FS; and as well at 25oC and probe for reduced F-actin staining (as with beta-Spectrin KD in Fig. 6D and with Sam50 in Fig. 5D).
- It has been reported that CHCHD3 KD in HeLa cells causes fragmented mitochondria, so how does CHCHD3/6 KD caused mitochondrial aggregation? What is the mechanism?
- Thank you for pointing that out. It is actually more appropriate to call this phenotype “fission-fusion defects”. See lines 279-86, 416.
- To address this issue further, we propose to do co-KD or co-overexpression (OE) of Drp1 with KD of CHCHD3/6 (as above). Specifically, we will use the strong CHCHD3/6-RNAiA to in conjunction with Drp-1 OE (in the presence of mito-GFP) and see if this can rescue the mitochondrial morphology defects, thus concluding that CHCHD3/6 KD is likely to causes aggregation that is normalized with Drp-1 OE. If this is not the case, but a parallel experiment with Drp-1 KD can rescue, this would support the conclusion that CHCHD3/6 causes increased fragmentation that is counteracted with Drp-1 KD. A complementary experiment would be to use a CHCHD3/6 sensitizer (as in Fig. 5&6). These experiments are intended to address the question whether CHCHD3/6 causes primarily fusion or fission defects.
- The ultrastructure of mitochondria (especially aggregated mitochondria) in control and CHCHD3/6 KD heart of drosophila should be analyzed by TEM.
- That’s difficult, since cardiac tissue is so thin. It is not clear of fission vs fusion defects can easily be distinguished. Instead, we propose to do genetic interaction experiments (see above 2.).
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): The manuscript partially illustrate the relationship between MICOS complex with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), which is interesting to the reader.
- We thank the reviewer for his/her appreciation of our study
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): This study performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) on a large cohort of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) patients and their families to identify candidate. Nine candidate genes with rare, predicted damaging homozygous variants were identified. Of the candidate HLHS gene homologs tested, cardiac-specific knockdown (KD) of the mitochondrial contact site and cristae organization system (MICOS) complex subunit dCHCHD3/6 resulted in drastically compromised heart contractility, diminished levels of sarcomeric actin and myosin, reduced cardiac ATP levels, and mitochondrial fission-fusion defects. These heart defects were similar to those inflicted by cardiac KD of ATP synthase subunits of the electron transport chain (ETC), consistent with the MICOS complex's role in maintaining cristae morphology and ETC complex assembly. Analysis of 183 genomes of HLHS patient-parent trios revealed five additional HLHS probands with rare, predicted damaging variants in CHCHD3 or CHCHD6. Hypothesizing an oligogenic basis for HLHS, the authors tested 60 additional prioritized candidate genes in these cases for genetic interactions with CHCHD3/6 in sensitized fly hearts. Moderate KD of CHCHD3/6 in combination with Cdk12 (activator of RNA polymerase II), RNF149 (E3 ubiquitin ligase), or SPTBN1 (scaffolding protein) caused synergistic heart defects, suggesting the potential involvement of a diverse set of pathways in HLHS. General Comments: The authors performed an elegant series of experiments that implicate variants of dCHCHD3/6 in HLHS patients as contributing to mitochondrial and sarcomeric defects and contractile function defects. Demonstrating in Drosphilia the functional and biochemical implications of knocking out dCHCHD3/6 provides some potentially important insights into the functional and biochemical implications of dCHCHD3/6 variants in HLHS patients. The data is also complemented by hiPSC-CM studies in which knockdown of CHCHD6 and CHCHD3 showed similar alterations in ATP synthase and mitochondrial morphology. The authors nicely show that knock down of the subunit dCHCHD3/6 resulted in drastically compromised heart contractility, diminished levels of sarcomeric actin and myosin, reduced cardiac ATP levels, and mitochondrial fission-fusion defects in the Drosphilia. What is not clear is how these changes mirror the phenotype of HLHS in humans. It would helpful to speculate to a greater extent as to how these changes would manifest as a decreased left ventricular development in HLHS.
- This is indeed a very important question we comment on in the discussion (see text revision, lines 415-22 in red; see also lines 402-415 and 423-33 that are unchanged). We want to stress that we focus on genetic interactions in heart development, not on convergent endpoint phenotypes between flies and humans. However, our studies do support the idea that mitochondrial defects could contribute to HLHS. We show that MICOS deficiency causes mitochondrial defects manifest in diminished ATP production in addition to diminished sarcomeric actin and myosin causing diminished contractility. Impaired contractility during development has previously been proposed to contribute to defective human cardiac growth (no flow – no growth, Goldberg and Rychik, 2016; Grossfeld et al., 2019), thereby compounding the potentially polygenic effects from damaging gene variants.
Why there would a preferential effect on the left ventricle is another interesting question. We speculate that some of the patient-specific variants are in genes preferentially affecting the left ventricle thus preferentially affecting its growth, thus affecting its contractility, then again compounded by impaired blood flow feeding back to diminishing growth. Specific Comments:
Line 139: Figure 1A does not show echos from the siblings.
We apologize that the “(Figure 1A)” was in wrong position (after echocardiograms), causing confusion. We moved it to the previous sentence (line 138). In case the reviewers require that echocardiograms are shown as supplemental data, we can provide these.
Line155: This table is listed as "Table 1" not Supplemental Table 1.
We apologize for mislabeling. This table is now listed as Supplementary Table 1.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): This is a highly significant study. The main audience would be pediatric cardiologists and geneticists.
We thank the reviewer for his/her appreciation of our study
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This study performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) on a large cohort of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) patients and their families to identify candidate. Nine candidate genes with rare, predicted damaging homozygous variants were identified. Of the candidate HLHS gene homologs tested, cardiac-specific knockdown (KD) of the mitochondrial contact site and cristae organization system (MICOS) complex subunit dCHCHD3/6 resulted in drastically compromised heart contractility, diminished levels of sarcomeric actin and myosin, reduced cardiac ATP levels, and mitochondrial fission-fusion defects. These heart defects were similar to those inflicted by cardiac KD of ATP synthase subunits of the electron transport chain (ETC), consistent with the MICOS complex's role in maintaining cristae morphology and ETC complex assembly. Analysis of 183 genomes of HLHS patient-parent trios revealed five additional HLHS probands with rare, predicted damaging variants in CHCHD3 or CHCHD6. Hypothesizing an oligogenic basis for HLHS, the authors tested 60 additional prioritized candidate genes in these cases for genetic interactions with CHCHD3/6 in sensitized fly hearts. Moderate KD of CHCHD3/6 in combination with Cdk12 (activator of RNA polymerase II), RNF149 (E3 ubiquitin ligase), or SPTBN1 (scaffolding protein) caused synergistic heart defects, suggesting the potential involvement of a diverse set of pathways in HLHS.
General Comments:
The authors performed an elegant series of experiments that implicate variants of dCHCHD3/6 in HLHS patients as contributing to mitochondrial and sarcomeric defects and contractile function defects. Demonstrating in Drosphilia the functional and biochemical implications of knocking out dCHCHD3/6 provides some potentially important insights into the functional and biochemical implications of dCHCHD3/6 variants in HLHS patients. The data is also complemented by hiPSC-CM studies in which knockdown of CHCHD6 and CHCHD3 showed similar alterations in ATP synthase and mitochondrial morphology.
The authors nicely show that knock down of the subunit dCHCHD3/6 resulted in drastically compromised heart contractility, diminished levels of sarcomeric actin and myosin, reduced cardiac ATP levels, and mitochondrial fission-fusion defects in the Drosphilia. What is not clear is how these changes mirror the phenotype of HLHS in humans. It would helpful to speculate to a greater extent as to how these changes would manifest as a decreased left ventricular development in HLHS.
Specific Comments:
Line 139: Figure 1A does not show echos from the siblings.
Line155: This table is listed as "Table 1" not Supplemental Table 1.
This is a highly significant study. The main audience would be pediatric cardiologists and geneticists.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript titled "mitochondrial MICOS complex genes, implicated in hypoplastic left heart syndrome, maintain cardiac contractility and actomyosin integrity", Katja Birker et al. reveal that CHCHD3/6 cardiac-specific KD caused reduced contractility and decreased sarcomeric F-Actin and Myosin staining in fly due to impaired ATP synthase. The findings shown in this manuscript are interesting. However, the additional experiments are needed to confirm the conclusion before publication.
Major comments:
- The authors mentioned that the heart dysfunction observed upon CHCHD3/6 KD may be mediated via defects in ATP synthase. Then, how does CHCHD3/6 KD affect ATP synthase? Additionally, OPA1 also affects ATP synthase, why does OPA1 KD just reduce fractional shortening (S.T.2) without reducing F-actin staining?
- It has been reported that CHCHD3 KD in HeLa cells causes fragmented mitochondria, so how does CHCHD3/6 KD caused mitochondrial aggregation? What is the mechanism?
- The ultrastructure of mitochondria (especially aggregated mitochondria) in control and CHCHD3/6 KD heart of drosophila should be analyzed by TEM.
The manuscript partially illustrate the relationship between MICOS complex with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), which is intertesing to the reader.
- Aug 2022
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Reply to the reviewers
Reply to the Reviewers
We thank the reviewers for dedicating time to review our manuscript and providing highly valuable feedback. Please find below a point-by-point answer.
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In the present manuscript, van der Plas et al. compellingly illustrated a novel technique for engendering a whole-brain functional connectivity map from single-unit activities sampled through a large-scale neuroimaging technique. With some clever tweaks to the restricted Boltzmann Machine, the cRBM network is able to learn a low-dimensional representation of population activities, without relying on constrained priors found in some traditional methods. Notably, using some 200 hidden layer neurons, the employed model was able to capture the dynamics of over 40,000 simultaneously imaged neurons with a high degree of accuracy. The extracted features both illustrate the anatomical topography/connectivities and capture the temporal dynamics in the evolution of brain states. The illustrated technique has the potential for wide-spread applications spanning diverse recording techniques and animal species. Furthermore, the prospectives of modeling whole-brain network dynamics in 'neural trajectory' space and of generating artificial data in silico make for very enticing reasons to adopt cRBM.
Major comments:
Line 164. The authors claim that conventional methods "such as k-means, PCA and non-negative matrix factorization" cannot be quantitatively assessed for quality on the basis that they are unable to generate new artificial data. Though partly true, in most neuroscience applications, this is hardly cause for concern. Most dimensionality reduction methods (with few exceptions such as t-sne) allow new data points to be embedded into the reduced space. As such, quality of encoding can be assessed by cross-validation much in the same way as the authors described, and quantified using traditional metrics such as percentage explained variance. The authors should directly compare the performance of their proposed model against that of NNMF and variational auto-encoders. Doing so would offer a more compelling argument for the advantage of their proposed method over more widely-used methods in neuroscience applications. Furthermore, a direct comparison with rastermap, developed by Stringer lab at Janelia (https://github.com/MouseLand/rastermap), would be a nice addition. This method presents itself as a direct competitor to cRBM. Additionally, the use of GLM doesn't do complete justice to the comparison point used, since a smaller fraction of data were used for calculating performance using GLM, understandably due to its computationally intensive nature.
We thank the reviewer for the comment, and certainly agree that there are multiple methods for unsupervised feature extraction from data and that they can be validated for encoding quality by cross-validation. However, we stress that reconstructing through a low-dimensional, continuous bottleneck is a different (and arguably, easier) task, than generating whole distributions. Reconstruction delineates the manifold of possible configurations, whereas generative modeling must weigh such configurations adequately. Moreover, none of the methodologies mentioned can perform the same tasks as cRBMs. For instance, NNMF learns localized assemblies, but cannot faithfully model inhibitory connections since, by definition, only non-negative weights are learnt. Also, the connection between the learnt assemblies and the underlying connectivity is unclear. Similarly, rastermap is an algorithm for robustly i) sorting neurons along a set number of dimensions (typically 1 or 2) such that neighboring neurons are highly correlated, and ii) performing dimensionality reduction by clustering along these dimensions. Because Rastermap uses k-means as the basis for grouping together neurons, it does not quantify connections between neurons and assemblies, nor assign neurons to multiple assemblies. Moreover, it is not a generative model, and thus cannot predict perturbation experiments, infer connectivities or assign probabilities to configurations. Therefore, we do not believe that NNMF or Rastermap would be a suitable alternative for cRBM in our study. We nonetheless appreciate the reviewer’s suggestions and agree that we should motivate more clearly why these methods are not applicable for our purposes. Therefore, to emphasize the relative merit of cRBM with respect to other unsupervised algorithms, we now provide a table (Supplementary Table 2) that lists their specific characteristics. We stress that we do not claim that cRBM are consistently better than these classical tools for dimensionality reduction, but focus only on the properties relevant to our study.
Further, we agree that VAEs, which also jointly learn a representation and distribution of data, are close competitors of cRBMs. In Tubiana et al. Neural Computation 2019, we previously compared sparse VAEs with cRBMs for protein sequence modeling, and found that RBMs consistently outperformed VAEs in terms of the interpretability-performance trade-off. In the revised manuscript, we propose to repeat the comparison with VAE for zebrafish neural recordings, and expect similar conclusions.
As for GLM, it is true that the comparison involved subsampling of the neurons (due to the very high computational cost of GLM, where we could estimate the connectivity of 1000 neurons per day). This was already denoted in the relevant figure caption, as the reviewer has seen, but we have now also clarified this point in Methods 7.10.3. Still, we performed our GLM analysis on 5000 neurons (using all neurons as regressors), which is 10% of all neurons, and we believe this is a sufficient number for comparison. This emphasizes the ability of our optimized cRBMs to handle very large datasets, such as the presently used zebrafish whole brain recordings.
Line 26. The authors describe their model architecture as a formalization of cell assemblies. Cell assemblies, as originally formulated by Hebb, pertains to a set of neurons whose connectivity matrix is neither necessarily complete nor symmetric. Critically, in the physiological brain, the interactions between the individual neurons that are part of an assembly would occur over multiple orders of dependencies. In a restricted Boltzmann machine, neurons are not connected within the same layer. Instead, visible layer neurons are grouped into "assemblies" indirectly via a shared connection with a hidden layer neuron. Furthermore, a symmetrical weight matrix connects the bipartite graph, where no recurrent connectivities are made. As such, the proposed model still only elaborates symmetric connections pertaining to first-order interactions (as illustrated in Figure 4C). Such a network may not be likened with the concept of cell assemblies. The authors should refrain from detailing this analogy (of which there are multiple instances of throughout the text). It is true that many authors today refer to cell assemblies as any set of temporally-correlated neurons. However, saying "something could be a cell assembly" is not the same as saying "something is a cell assembly". How about sticking with cRBM-based cell assemblies (as used in section 2.3) and defining it beforehand?
We thank the reviewer for this excellent question. We agree that there is, in general, a discrepancy between computationally-defined assemblies and conceptual/neurophysiological definition of cell assemblies. We have added a clarification in Results 2.1 to clarify the use of this term when it first occurs in Results. However, we still believe that our work contributes to narrowing the gap. Indeed, our RBM-defined assemblies are i) localized, ii) overlapping, iii) rooted in connectivity patterns (both excitatory and inhibitory), and iv) cannot be reduced to a simple partitioning of the brain with full & uniform connectivity within and between partitions. This is unlike previous work based on clustering (no overlaps or heterogeneous weights), NNMF (no inhibition) or correlation network analysis (no low-dimensional representation).
Regarding the specific comments pointed here, we stress that:
- Effective interactions between neurons are not purely pairwise (“First order”), due to the usage of the non-quadratic potential. (see Eqn 12-13). If the reviewer means by “First-order” interactions the lack of hierarchical organization, we agree, to some extent: in the current formulation, correlations between assemblies are mediated by overlaps between their weights. Fully-hierarchical organization, e.g. by using Deep Boltzmann Machines or pairwise connections within the hidden layer is an interesting future direction, but on the other hand may make it hard to clearly identify assemblies as they might be spread out over multiple layers
- Neurons that participate in a given assembly (as defined by a specific hidden unit) are not all connected with one another with equal strength. Indeed, these neurons may participate in other assemblies, resulting in heterogeneity of connections (see Eqn. 15-17) and interactions between assemblies.
- We acknowledge that the constraint of symmetrical connections is a core limitation of our method. Arguably, asymmetric connections are critical for predicting temporal evolution but less important for inferring a steady-state distribution from data, as we do here. In the revised submission, we added a new paragraph in the discussion section (lines 351-357) in which these limitations are discussed, including the imposed symmetry of the connections and the lack of hierarchical structures, copied below. We trust that this addresses the reviewer’s criticism:
In sum, cRBM-inferred cell assemblies display many properties that one expects from physiological cell assemblies: they are anatomically localized, can overlap, encompass functionally identified neuronal circuits and underpin the collective neural dynamics (Harris, 2005, 2012; Eichenbaum, 2018). Yet, the cRBM bipartite architecture lacks many of the traits of neurophysiological circuits. In particular, cRBMs lack direct neuron-to-neuron connections, asymmetry in the connectivity weights and a hierarchical organization of functional dependencies beyond one hidden layer. Therefore, to what extent cRBM-inferred assemblies identify to neurophysiological cell assemblies, as postulated by Hebb (1949) and others, remains an open question.
I would strongly recommend adding a paragraph discussing the limitation of using the cRBM, things future researchers need to keep in mind before using this method. One such recommendation is moving the runtime-related discussion for cRBM, i.e. 8-12 hrs using 16 CPU from Methods to Discussion, since it's relevant for an algorithm like this. Additionally, a statement mentioning how this runtime will increase with the length of recordings and/or with the number of neurons might be helpful. What if the recordings were an hour-long rather than 25mins. This would help readers decide if they can easily use a method like this.
We thank the reviewer for the suggestion, and agree that it is important to cover the computational cost in the main text. Regarding the runtime for longer recordings, the general rule of thumb is that the model requires a fixed number of gradient updates to converge (20-80k depending on the data dimensionality) rather than a fixed number of epochs. Thus, runtime should not depend on recording length, as the number of epochs can be reduced for longer recordings. While we did not verify this rule for neural recordings, this is what we previously observed when modeling protein/DNA sequence data sets, whose size range from few hundreds to hundreds of thousands of samples (Tubiana et al., 2019, eLife; Tubiana et al. 2019, Neural Computation; Bravi et al. Cell Systems 2021; Bravi et al. PLOS CB 2021; Fernandez de Cossio Diaz et al. Arxiv 2022 Di Gioacchino et al. BiorXiv 2022). We have now added a summary of these points in Methods 7.7.2, also refer to this with explicit mention of the runtime in the Discussion, end of 2nd paragraph:
By implementing various algorithmic optimizations (Methods 7.7), cRBM models converged in approximately 8-12 hours on high-end desktop computers (also see Methods 7.7.2).
Line 515. A core feature of the proposed compositional RBM is the addition of a soft sparsity penalty over the weight matrix in the likelihood function. The authors claim that "directed graphical models" are limited by the a priori constraints that they impose on the data structure. Meanwhile, a more accurate statistical solution can be obtained using a RBM-based model, as outlined by the maximum entropy principle. The problem with this argument is that the maximum entropy principle no longer applies to the proposed model with the addition of the penalty term. In fact, the lambda regularization term, which was estimated from a set of data statistics motivated by the experimenter's research goals (Figure S1), serves to constrict the prior probability. Moreover, in Figure S1F, we clearly see that reconstruction quality suffers with a higher penalty, suggesting that the principle had indeed been violated. That being said, RBMs are notoriously hard to train, possibly due to the unconstrained nature of the optimization. I believe that cRBM can help bring RBM into wider practical applications. The authors could test their model on a few values of the free parameter and report this as a supplementary. I believe that different parameters of lambda could elaborate on different anatomical clusters and temporal dynamics. Readers who would like to implement this method for their own analysis would also benefit tremendously from an understanding of the effects of lambda on the interpretation of their data. Item (1) on line 35 (and other instances throughout the text) should be corrected to reflect that cRBM replaces the hard constraints found in many popular methods with a soft penalty term, which allows for more accurate statistical models to be obtained.
We thank the reviewer for their analysis and suggestion. Indeed, adding the regularization term - not present in the classical formulation of the RBM (Hinton & Salakhutdinov, 2006, Science) - was critical for significantly enhancing its performance, which allowed us to implement this model on our large scale datasets (~50K visible units). We agree that providing more information on the effect of the regularization term will benefit readers who would like to use this method, and we propose to add this in the revised manuscript, which would implement the reviewer’s suggestion. See “PLANNED REVISION #1”.
The reviewer’s comment on the Maximum Entropy issue calls for some clarification. The maximum entropy principle is a recipe for finding the least constrained model that reproduces specified data-dependent moments. However, it cannot determine which moments are statistically meaningful in a finite-sized data set. A general practice is to only include low-order moments (1st and 2nd), but this is sometimes already too much for biological data. Regularization provides a practical means to select stable moments to be fitted and others to be ignored. This can be seen from the optimality condition, which writes, e.g., for the weights wi,mu:
| i h,mu>data - i h,mu>model | i,mu = 0.
i h,mu>data - i h,mu>model | = lambda sign(wi,mu) if |wi,mu| > 0.
Essentially, this lets the training decide which subset of the constraints should actually be used. Thus, regularized models are closer to the uniform distribution (g=w=0), and actually have higher entropy than unregularized one (see, e.g., Fanthomme et al. Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 2022). Therefore, we believe that a regularized maximum entropy model can still be considered a bona fide MaxEnt model. This formulation should not be confused with another formulation (that perhaps the reviewer has in mind) where a weighted sum of the entropy and the regularization term is maximized under the same moment-matching constraints. In this case, we agree that maximum entropy principle (MaxEnt) would be violated.
The choice of regularization value should be dictated by bias-variance trade-off considerations. Ideally, we would use the same criterion as for training, i.e., maximization of log-likelihood for the held-out test set, but it is intractable. Thus, we used a consensus between several tractable performance metrics as a surrogate; we believe this consensus to be principally independent of the research goal. While the reconstruction error indeed increases for large regularization values, this is simply because too few constraints are retained at high regularizations.
Essentially, the parameters selected by likelihood maximization find the finest assembly scale that can be accommodated by the data presented. Thus, the number and size of the assemblies are not specified by the complexity of the data set alone. Rather, the temporal resolution and length of the recordings play a key role; higher resolution recordings will allow the inference of a larger number of smaller assemblies, and enable the study of their hierarchical organization.
That being said, we fully agree that the regularization strength and number of hidden units have a strong impact on the nature of the representation learnt. In the revised manuscript, we will follow the reviewer’s suggestion and provide additional insights on the effect of these parameters on the representation learnt (please see revision plan).
Minor comments:
From a neuroscience point of view, it might be interesting to show what results are achieved using different values of M (say 100 or 300), rather than M=200, while still maintaining the compositional phase. Is there any similarity between the cRBM-based cell assemblies generated at different values of M? Is there a higher chance of capturing certain dynamics either functional or structural using cRBM? For example, did certain cRBM-based cell assemblies pop up more frequently than others at all values of M (100,200,300)?
This point will be addressed in the future, as detailed in our response to reviewer 2 (see PLANNED REVISION #1).
The authors have mentioned that this approach can be readily applied to data obtained in other animal models and using different recording techniques. It might be nice to see a demonstration of that.
We agree that showing additional data analysis would be interesting, but we feel that it would overburden the supplementary section of the manuscript, which is already lengthy. In previous works, we and collaborators have used cRBMs for analyzing MNIST data (Tubiana & Monasson, 2017, PRL; Roussel et al. 2022 PRE), protein sequence data (Tubiana et al., 2019, eLife; Tubiana et al. 2019, Neural Computation; Bravi et al. Cell Systems 2021; Bravi et al. PLOS CB 2021; Fernandez de Cossio Diaz et al. Arxiv 2022), DNA sequences (Di Gioacchino et al. BiorXiv 2022), spin systems (Harsh et al. J. Phys. A 2020), etc. Many are included as example notebooks - next to the zebrafish data - in the linked code repository. For neural data, we have recently shared our code with another research group working on mice auditory cortex (2-photon, few thousands of neurons, Léger & Bourdieu). Preliminary results are encouraging, but not ready for publication yet.
Line 237. The justification for employing a dReLU transfer function as opposed to ReLU is unclear, at least within the context of neurobiology. Given that this gives rise to a bimodal distribution for the activity of HUs, the rationale should be clearly outlined to facilitate interpretability.
We thank the reviewer for the question. As we detail in the manuscript (Methods), the dReLU potential is one of the sufficient requirements for the RBM to achieve the compositional phase. The compositional phase is characterized by localized assemblies that co-activate to generate the whole-brain neural dynamics. This property reflects neurobiological systems (Harris, 2005, Neuron), which is one of the reasons why we employed compositional RBMs for this study.
As the reviewer points out, the HUs that we infer exhibit bimodal activity (Figure 4). Importantly, the HU activity is not constrained by the model to take this shape, as dReLU potentials allow for several activity distributions (see Methods 7.5.4; “Choice of HU potential”). In fact, ReLU potentials are a special case of dReLU (by $(\gamma_{\mu, -} \to \infty)$), so our model allows HU potentials to behave like ReLUs, but in practice they converge to a double-well potential for almost all HUs, leading to bimodal activity distributions.
Following the suggestion of the reviewer, we have now added this detail for clarity in Methods 7.5.4 and referenced this Methods section at line 237.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
van der Plas et al. highlighted a novel dimensionality reduction technique that can be used with success for discerning functional connectivities in large-scale single-unit recordings. The proposed model belongs to a large collection of dimensionality reduction techniques (for review, Cunningham, J., Yu, B. Dimensionality reduction for large-scale neural recordings. Nat Neurosci 17, 1500-1509 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.3776; Paninski, L., & Cunningham, J. P. (2018). Neural data science: accelerating the experiment-analysis-theory cycle in large-scale neuroscience. Current opinion in neurobiology, 50, 232-241.). The authors themselves highlighted some of the key methods, such as PCA, ICA, NNMF, variational auto-encoders, etc. The proposed cRBM model has also been published a few times by the same authors in previous works, although specifically pertaining to protein sequences. The use of RBM-like methods in uncovering functional connectivities is not novel either (see Hjelm RD, Calhoun VD, Salakhutdinov R, Allen EA, Adali T, Plis SM. Restricted Boltzmann machines for neuroimaging: an application in identifying intrinsic networks. Neuroimage. 2014 Aug 1;96:245-60. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.03.048.). However, given that the authors make a substantial improvement on the RBM network and have demonstrated the value of their model using physiological data, I believe that this paper would present itself as an attractive alternative to all readers who are seeking better solutions to interpret their data. However, as I mentioned in my comments, I would like to see more definitive evidence that the proposed solution has a serious advantage over other equivalent methods.
Reviewer's expertise:
This review was conducted jointly by three researchers whose combined expertise includes single-unit electrophysiology and two-photon calcium imaging, using which our lab studies the neurobiology of learning and memory and spatial navigation. We also have extensive experience in computational neuroscience, artificial neural network models, and machine learning methods for the analysis of neurobiological data. We are however limited in our knowledge of mathematics and engineering principles. Therefore, our combined expertise is insufficient to evaluate the correctness of the mathematical developments.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In their manuscript, van der Plas et al. present a generative model of neuron-assembly interaction. The model is a restricted Boltzmann machine with its visible units corresponding to neurons and hidden units to neural assemblies. After fitting their model to whole-brain neural activity data from larval zebrafish, the authors demonstrate that their model is able to replicate several data statistics. In particular, it was able to replicate the pairwise correlations between neurons as well as assemblies that it was not trained on. Moreover, the model allows the authors to extract neural assemblies that govern the population activity and compose functional circuits and can be assigned to anatomical structures. Finally, the authors construct functional connectivity maps from their model that are then shown to correlate with established structural connectivity maps.
Overall, the authors present convincing evidence for their claims. Furthermore, the authors state that their code to train their restricted Boltzmann machine models is already available on GitHub and that the data underlying the results presented in this manuscript will be made publicly available upon publication, which will allow people to reproduce the results and apply the methods to their data.
One thing the authors could maybe discuss a bit more is the "right" parameter value M, especially since they used the optimal value of 200 found for one sample also for all the others. More specifically, how sensitive are the results to this value?
In the following we jointly address three of the reviewers’ questions (2 from reviewer 1, and 1 from reviewer 2).
Shortly summarized, the cRBM model has 2 free parameters; the number of hidden units M and the regularization parameter lambda. In figures 2 and S1 we optimize their values through cross-validation, and then perform our further analyses on models with these optimal values. The reviewers ask us to examine the outcome of the model for slightly different values of both parameters, in particular in relation to the sensitivity of the cRBM results to selecting the optimal parameters and the change in inferred assemblies and their dynamics.
We thank the reviewers for these questions and appreciate their curiosity to understand the effects of changing either of these two free parameters.
We inspected these models when we performed the model selection (of Figures 2 and S1), but did not formalize our findings into figures for the manuscript. We found that small changes in the parameter setting did not abruptly change the inferred assemblies (e.g., M=100) apart from slightly changing in size, so we expect that the statistics that we intend to include in the proposed supplementary figure would reflect that, and it would definitely benefit the manuscript to include this analysis. Very-low-M settings are interesting to include, because assemblies are much larger - essentially merging smaller assemblies of higher-M models - at the cost of model performance.
We propose to create additional supplementary figures that address these questions. As suggested, we will pick a few example cRBMs with different parameter settings (below-optimal M, above-optimal M, and same for lambda), as well as very low M settings (M~20 or 50). We will then show example assemblies and assembly dynamics, as well as the relevant statistics (assembly size, dynamics time scale etc) that describe them.
And, what happens if one would successively increase that number, would the number of assemblies (in the sense of hidden units that strongly couple to some of the visible units) eventually saturate?
This point will be addressed by inspecting models at different M values (see Revision Plan #1). We would like to further answer this question by referring to past work. In Tubiana et al., 2019, elife (Appendix 1) we have done this analysis, and the result is consistent with the reviewer’s intuition. Because of the sparsity regularization, if M becomes larger than its optimum, the assemblies further sparsify without benefiting model performance, and eventually new assemblies duplicate previous assemblies or become totally sparse (i.e., all weights = 0) to not further induce a sparsity penalty in the loss function. So the ‘effective’ number of assemblies indeed saturates for high M.
Moreover, regarding the presentation, I have a few minor suggestions and comments that the authors also might want to consider:
* In Figure 6C, instead of logarithmic axes, it might be better to put the logarithmic connectivity on a linear axis. This way the axes can be directly related to the colour bars in Figures 6A and B.
We agree and thank you for the suggestion. We have changed this accordingly (and also in the equivalent plots in figure S6).
* In Equation (8), instead of $\Gamma_{\mu}(I)$ it should be $\Gamma_{\mu}(I_{\mu}(v))$.
Done, thank you.
* In Section 7.0.5, it might make sense to have the subsection about the marginal distributions before the ones about the conditional distributions. The reason would be that if one wants to confirm Equation (8) one necessarily has to compute the marginal distribution in Equation (12) first.
We thank the reviewer for the suggestion, but respectfully propose to leave the section ordering as is. We understand what the reviewer means, but Equation (8) can also be obtained by factorizing P(v,h) Equation (7) and removing the v_i dependency. In Equation (8), \Gamma can then be obtained by normalization. We believe this flow aligns better with the main text (where conditionals come first, when used for sampling, followed by the marginal of P(v) used for the functional connectivity inference).
* In Line 647f, the operation the authors are referring to is strictly speaking not an L1-norm of the matrix block. It might be better to refer to that e.g. as a normalised L1-norm of the matrix block elements.
Done, thank you.
* In Line 22, when mentioning dimensionality reduction methods to identify assemblies, it might make sense to also reference the work by Lopes-dos-Santos et al. (2013, J. Neurosci. Methods 220).
Done, thank you for the suggestion.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
The work presented in this manuscript is very interesting for two reasons. First, it has long been suggested that assemblies are a fundamental part of neural activity and this work seems to support that by showing that one can generate realistic whole-brain population activity imposing underlying assembly dynamics. Second, in recent years much work has been devoted to developing methods to find and extract neural assemblies from data and this work and the modelling approach can also be seen as a new method to achieve that. As such, I believe this work is relevant for anyone interested in neural population activity and specifically neural assemblies and certainly merits publication.
Regarding my field of expertise, I used to work on data analysis of neural population activity and in particular on the question of how one can extract neural assemblies from data. I have to say that I have not much experience with fitting statistical models to data, so I can't provide any in-depth comments on that part of the work, although what has been done seems plausible.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary: Understanding the organization of neural population activities in the brain is one of the most important questions in neuroscience. Recent technique advance has enabled researchers to record a large number of neurons and some times the whole brain. Interpreting and extracting meaningful insights from such data sets are challenging. van der Pals \textit{et al} applied a generative model called compositional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (cRBM) to discover neuron assemblies from spontaneous activities of zebra fish brain. They found that neurons can be grouped into around 200 assemblies. Many of them have clear neurophysiological meaning, for example, they are anatomically localized and overlapped with known neural circuits. The authors also inferred a coarse-grained functional connectivity which is similar to known structural connectivity.
The structure of the paper is well organized, the conclusion seems well supported by their numerical results. While this study provides a compelling demonstration that cRBM can be used to uncover meaningful structures from large neural recordings, the following issues limit my enthusiasm.
1) The overall implication is not clear to me. Although the authors mentioned this briefly in the discussion. It is not clear what else do we learn from discovered assemblies beyond stating that they are consist with previous study. For example, the author could have more analysis of the assembly dynamics, such as whether there are low dimensional structure etc.
First, we will comment on our analysis of the assemblies, before we continue to discuss the main implications of our work, which we believe are the inferred generative model of the zebrafish brain and the perturbation-based connectivity matrix that we discovered. Further, we have implemented the reviewer’s suggestion of analyzing the low-dimensional structure of the hidden unit activity, as further detailed in Question 7.
Indeed, the example assemblies that we show in Figure 3 have been thoroughly characterized in previous studies, which is why we chose to showcase these examples. Previous studies (including our own) typically focused on particular behaviors or sensory modalities, and aimed at identifying the involved neural circuit. Here, we demonstrate that by using cRBM on spontaneous activity recordings, one can simultaneously identify many of those circuits. In other words, these functional circuits/assemblies activate spontaneously, but in many different combinations and perhaps infrequently, so that it is very difficult to infer them from the full neural dynamics that they generate. cRBM has been able to do so, and Figure 3 (and supplementary video 1) serve to illustrate the variety of (known) circuits and assemblies that it inferred, some of which may represent true but not yet characterized circuits, which thus provide hypotheses for subsequent studies.
Further, we believe that the implication of our study goes beyond the properties of the assemblies we’ve identified, in several ways.
We demonstrate the power of cRBM’s generative capacity for inferring low-dimensional representations in neuroscience. Unlike standard dimensional reductionality methods, generative models can be assessed by comparing the statistics of experimental vs in-silico generated data. This is a powerful approach to validate a model, rarely used in neuroscience because of the scarcity of generative models compatible with large-scale data, and we hope that our study will inspire the use of this method in the field. We have made our cRBM code available, including notebook tutorials, to facilitate this.
The generative aspect of our model allowed us to predict the effect of single-neuron perturbations between all ~ 10^9 pairs of neurons per fish, resulting in a functional connectivity matrix.
We believe that the functional connectivity matrix is a major result for the field, similar to the structural connectivity matrix from Kunst et al., 2019, Neuron. The relation between functional and structural connectivity is unknown and of strong interest to the community (e.g., Das & Fiete, 2020, Nature Neuroscience). Our results allowed for a direct comparison of whole-brain region-by-region structural and functional connectivity. We were thus able to quantify the similarity between these two maps, and to identify specific region-pair matches and non-matches of functional and structural connectivity - which will be of particular interest to the zebrafish neuroscience community for developing future research questions.
Further, using these trained models - that will be made public upon publication - anyone can perform any type of in silico perturbation experiments, or generate endless artificial data with matching data statistics to the in vivo neural recordings.
We hope that this may convince the reviewer of the multiple directions of impact of our study. We will further address their comment on analysis of assembly dynamics below (question 7).
2) The learning algorithm of cRBM can be interpreted as matching certain statistics between the model and the experiment. For a general audience, it is not easy to understand $\langle h_{\mu} \rangle_{data}, \langle v_ih_{\mu}\rangle_{data}$. Since these are not directly calculated from experimental observed activities $v_i$, but rather the average is conditioned on the empirical distribution of $p(v_i)$. For example, the meaning of $\langle v_ih_{\mu}\rangle_{data}$ means
\langle v_ih_{\mu}\rangle_{data} = \frac{1}{l}\sum_{\mathbf{v}\in S} \mathbb{E}{p(\mathbf{h|v})}(v_ih{\mu}),
where $S$ is the set of all observed neural activities: $S = {\mathbf{v}^1, \cdots, \mathbf{v}^l}$. The authors should explain this in the main text or method, since they are heavily loaded in figure 2.
We thank the reviewer for their suggestion, and have now implemented this. Their mathematics are correct; and we agree that it is not easy to understand without going through the full derivation of the (c)RBM. At the same time, we have tried not to alienate readers who might be more interested in the neuroscience findings than in understanding the computational method used. Therefore, we have kept mathematical details in the main text to a minimum (and have used schematics to indicate the statistics in Figures 2C-G), while explaining it in detail in Methods.
Accordingly, we have now extended section 7.10.2 (“Assessment of data statistics”) that explains how the data statistics were computed in Methods (and have referenced this in Results and in Methods 7.5.5), using the fact that we already explain the process of conditioning on __v __in Methods 7.5.1. The following sentences were added:
[..] However, because (c)RBM learn to match data statistics to model statistics (see Methods
7.5.5), we can directly compare these to assess model performance. [..]
For each statistic 〈 fk〉 we computed its value based on empirical data 〈 fk〉_data and on the model 〈 fk〉_model, which we then quantitatively compared to assess model performance. Data statistics 〈 fk〉_data were calculated on withheld test data (30% of recording). Naturally, the neural recordings consisted only of neural data v and not of HU data h. We therefore computed the expected value of __ht at each time point t conditioned on the empirical data _v_t, as further detailed in Methods 7.5.1.
3) As a modeling paper, it would be great to have some testable predictions.
We thank the reviewer for the enthusiasm and suggestion. We agree, and that is why we have included this in the form of functional connectivity matrices in Figures 5 and 6. To achieve this, we leveraged the generative aspect of the cRBM to perform in silico single-neuron perturbation experiments, which we aggregated to connectivity matrices. In other words, we have used our model to predict the functional connectivity between brain regions using the influence of single-neuron perturbations.
Obtaining a measure of functional connectivity/influence using single-neuron perturbations is also possible using state-of-the-art neuro-imaging experiments (e.g., Chettih & Harvey, 2019, Nature), though not at the scale of our in silico experiments. We therefore verify our predictions using structural data from Kunst et al., 2019, which we have extended substantially. We provide our functional connectivity result in full, and hope that this can inspire future zebrafish research by predicting which regions are functionally connected, which includes many pairs of regions that have not yet directly been studied in vivo.
1) The assembly is defined by the neurons that are strongly connected with a given hidden unit. Thus, some neurons may enter different assemblies. A statistics of such overlap would be helpful. For example, a ven diagram in figure 1 that shows how many of them assigned to 1, 2, etc assemblies.
We thank the reviewer for this excellent suggestion. Indeed, neurons can be embedded in multiple assemblies. This is an important property of cRBMs, which deserves to be quantified in the manuscript. We have now added this analysis as a new supplementary figure 4. Neurons are embedded in an assembly if their connecting weight w_{i, \mu} is ‘significantly’ non-zero, depending on what threshold one uses. We have therefore shown this statistic for 3 values of the threshold (0.001, 0.01 and 0.1) - demonstrating that most neurons are strongly embedded in at least 1 assembly and that many neurons connect to more than 1 assembly.
Updated text in Results:
Further, we quantified the number of assemblies that each neuron was embedded in, which showed that increasing the embedding threshold did not notably affect the fraction of neurons embedded in at least 1 assembly (93% to 94%, see Figure S4).
2) What does the link between hidden units in Figure 1B right panel mean?
Thank you for the question, and we apologize for the confusion: if we understand the question right, the reviewer asks why the colored circles under the title ‘Neuronal assemblies of Hidden Units’ are linked. This schematic shows the same network of neurons as shown in gray at the left side of Fig 1B, but now colored by the assembly ‘membership’ of each neuron. Hence, the circles shown are still neurons (and not HUs), and their links still represent synaptic connections between neurons. We apologize for the confusion, and have updated the caption of Fig 1B to explain this better:
“[..] The neurons that connect to a given HU (and thus belong to the associated assembly), are depicted by the corresponding color labeling (right panel).[..]”.
3) A side-by-side comparison of neural activity predicted by model and the experimentally recorded activities would help the readers to appreciate the performance of the model. Such comparison can be done at both single neuron level or assembly level.
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. The cRBM model is a statistical model, meaning that it fits the statistics of the data, and not the dynamics. The data that it generates therefore (should) adhere to the statistics of the training data, but does not reflect their dynamics. We believe that showing generated activity side-by-side of empirical activity is therefore not a meaningful example of generated data, as this would exemplify the dynamics, which this model is not designed to capture. Instead, in Figure 2, we show the statistics of the generated data versus the statistics of the empirical data (e.g., Fig 2C for the mean activity of all neurons). We believe that this is a better example representation of the generative performance of the model.
4) Definition of reconstruction quality in line 130.
We thank the reviewer for the suggestion, and have added the following sentence after line 130:
The reconstruction quality is defined as the log-likelihood of reconstructed neural data v___{recon} (i.e., __v that is first transformed to the low-dimensional h, and then back again to the high-dimensional __v___{recon}, see Methods 7.10.2).
Further, please note that Methods describes the definition in detail (Eq 18 of the submitted manuscript), although we agree with the reviewer that more detail was required in the Results section at line 130.
5) Line 165. If PCA is compared with cRBM, why other dimensionality reduction methods, such as k-means and non-negative matrix factorization, can not be compared in terms of the sparsity?
Please see answer to question 1 from R1 and Revision Plan #2.
6) Line 260, please provide minimum information about how the functional connectivity is defined based on assemblies discovered by cRBM.
We apologize if this was not clear. The first paragraph of this section (lines 248-259) of the submitted manuscript, provides the detail that the reviewer asks for, and we realize that the sentence of line 260 is better placed in the first paragraph, as it has come across as a very minimal explanation of how functional connectivity is defined.
We have now moved this sentence to the preceding paragraph, as well as specified the Method references (as suggested by this reviewer below), for additional clarity. We thank the reviewer for pointing out this sentence.
7) Some analysis of the hidden units population activities. Such as whether or not there are interesting low dimensional structure from figure 4A.
We thank the reviewer for their suggestion. In our manuscript we have used the cRBM model to create a low-dimensional (M=200) representation of zebrafish neural recordings (N=50,000). The richness of this model owes to possible overlaps between HUs/assemblies that can result in significant correlation in their activities. The latter is illustrated in Figure 4A-C: the activity of some HUs can be strongly correlated.
The reviewer’s suggestion is similar; to perform some form of dimensionality reduction on the low-dimensional HU activity shown in Fig 4. We have now added a PCA analysis to Figure 4 to quantify the degree of low-dimensional structure in the HU dynamics, and show the results in a new panel Figure 4D.
The following text has been added to the Results section:
These clusters of HUs with strongly correlated activity suggest that much of the HU variance could be captured using only a small number of variables. We quantified this by performing PCA on the HU dynamics, finding that indeed 52% of the variance was captured by the first 3 PCs, and 85% by the first 20 PCs (Figure 4D).
We believe that further visualization of these results, such as plotting the PC trajectories, would not further benefit the manuscript. The manuscript focuses on cRBM, and the assemblies/HUs it infers. Unlike PCA, these are not ranked/quantified by how much variance they explain individually, but rather they together ‘compose’ the entire system and explain its (co)variance (Figure 2). Breaking up a dominant activity mode (as found by PCA), such as the ARTR dynamics, into multiple HUs/assemblies, allows for some variation in activity of individual parts of the ARTR circuit (such as tail movement and eye movement generation), even though at most times the activity of these HUs is coordinated. We hope the reviewer agrees with our motivation to keep the manuscript focused on the nature of cRBM-inferred HUs.
8) Figure 4B right panel, how did the authors annotate the cluster manually? As certain assembly may overlap with several different brain regions, for example, figure 4D.
We thank the reviewer for this question, and we presume they meant to reference figure 3D as an example? For figure 4, as well as Figure 3, we used the ZBrain Atlas (Randlett et al., 2015) for definition of brain regions. This atlas presents a hierarchy of brain regions: for example, many brain regions are part of the rhombencephalon/hindbrain. This is what we used for midbrain/hindbrain/diencephalon. Further, many assemblies are solely confined to Optic Tectum (see Fig 3L), which we therefore used (split by hemisphere). Then, many brain regions are (partly) connected to the ARTR circuit, such as the example assembly of Figure 3D that the reviewer mentions. These we have all labeled as ARTR (left or right), though technically only part of their assembly is the ARTR. These two clusters therefore rather mean ‘ARTR-related’, in particular because their activity is locked to the rhythm of the ARTR (see Fig 4A). The final category is ‘miscellaneous’ (like Figure 3G).
However we agree that this wasn’t clear from the manuscript text, so we have changed the figure 4C caption to mention that ‘ARTR’ stands for ARTR-related assemblies, which we hope clarifies that ARTR-clustered assemblies can exist of multiple, disjoint groups of neurons, which relate to the ARTR circuit.
9) Better reference of the methods cited in the main text. The method part is quite long, it would be helpful to cite the section number when referring it in the main text.
We thank the reviewer for this helpful suggestion, we agree that it would benefit the manuscript to reference specific sections of the Methods. We have now changed all references to Methods to incorporate this.
10) Some discussion about the limitation of cRBM would be great.
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion, and have now included this. As Reviewer 1 had the same suggestion, we refer our answer to questions 2 and 3 from R1 for more detail.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
This work provides a timely new technique to extract meaningful neural assemblies from large scale recordings. This study should be interested to both researchers doing either experiments and computation/theory. I am a computational neuroscientist.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Understanding the organization of neural population activities in the brain is one of the most important questions in neuroscience. Recent technique advance has enabled researchers to record a large number of neurons and some times the whole brain. Interpreting and extracting meaningful insights from such data sets are challenging. van der Pals \textit{et al} applied a generative model called compositional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (cRBM) to discover neuron assemblies from spontaneous activities of zebra fish brain. They found that neurons can be grouped into around 200 assemblies. Many of them have clear neurophysiological meaning, for example, they are anatomically localized and overlapped with known neural circuits. The authors also inferred a coarse-grained functional connectivity which is similar to known structural connectivity.
The structure of the paper is well organized, the conclusion seems well supported by their numerical results. While this study provides a compelling demonstration that cRBM can be used to uncover meaningful structures from large neural recordings, the following issues limit my enthusiasm.
- The overall implication is not clear to me. Although the authors mentioned this briefly in the discussion. It is not clear what else do we learn from discovered assemblies beyond stating that they are consist with previous study. For example, the author could have more analysis of the assembly dynamics, such as whether there are low dimensional structure etc.
- The learning algorithm of cRBM can be interpreted as matching certain statistics between the model and the experiment. For a general audience, it is not easy to understand $\langle h_{\mu} \rangle_{data}, \langle v_ih_{\mu}\rangle_{data}$. Since these are not directly calculated from experimental observed activities $v_i$, but rather the average is conditioned on the empirical distribution of $p(v_i)$. For example, the meaning of $\langle v_ih_{\mu}\rangle_{data}$ means \begin{equation} \langle v_ih_{\mu}\rangle_{data} = \frac{1}{l}\sum_{\mathbf{v}\in S} \mathbb{E}{p(\mathbf{h|v})}(v_ih{\mu}), \end{equation} where $S$ is the set of all observed neural activities: $S = {\mathbf{v}^1, \cdots, \mathbf{v}^l}$. The authors should explain this in the main text or method, since they are heavily loaded in figure 2.
- As a modeling paper, it would be great to have some testable predictions.
- The assembly is defined by the neurons that are strongly connected with a given hidden unit. Thus, some neurons may enter different assemblies. A statistics of such overlap would be helpful. For example, a ven diagram in figure 1 that shows how many of them assigned to 1, 2, etc assemblies.
- What does the link between hidden units in Figure 1B right panel mean?
- A side-by-side comparison of neural activity predicted by model and the experimentally recorded activities would help the readers to appreciate the performance of the model. Such comparison can be done at both single neuron level or assembly level.
- Definition of reconstruction quality in line 130.
- Line 165. If PCA is compared with cRBM, why other dimentionality reduction methods, such as k-means and non-negative matrix factorization, can not be compared in terms of the sparsity?
- Line 260, please provide minimum information about how the functional connectivity is defined based on assemblies discovered by cRBM.
- Some analysis of the hidden units population activities. Such as whether or not there are interesting low dimensional structure from figure 4A.
- Figure 4B right panel, how did the authors annotate the cluster manually? As certain assembly may overlap with several different brain regions, for example, figure 4D.
- Better reference of the methods cited in the main text. The method part is quite long, it would be helpful to cite the section number when referring it in the main text.
- Some discussion about the limitation of cRBM would be great.
This work provides a timely new technique to extract meaningful neural assemblies from large scale recordings. This study should be interested to both researchers doing either experiments and computation/theory. I am a computational neuroscientist.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In their manuscript, van der Plas et al. present a generative model of neuron-assembly interaction. The model is a restricted Boltzmann machine with its visible units corresponding to neurons and hidden units to neural assemblies. After fitting their model to whole-brain neural activity data from larval zebrafish, the authors demonstrate that their model is able to replicate several data statistics. In particular, it was able to replicate the pairwise correlations between neurons as well as assemblies that it was not trained on. Moreover, the model allows the authors to extract neural assemblies that govern the population activity and compose functional circuits and can be assigned to anatomical structures. Finally, the authors construct functional connectivity maps from their model that are then shown to correlate with established structural connectivity maps.
Overall, the authors present convincing evidence for their claims. Furthermore, the authors state that their code to train their restricted Boltzmann machine models is already available on GitHub and that the data underlying the results presented in this manuscript will be made publicly available upon publication, which will allow people to reproduce the results and apply the methods to their data.
One thing the authors could maybe discuss a bit more is the "right" parameter value M, especially since they used the optimal value of 200 found for one sample also for all the others. More specifically, how sensitive are the results to this value? And, what happens if one would successively increase that number, would the number of assemblies (in the sense of hidden units that strongly couple to some of the visible units) eventually saturate?
Moreover, regarding the presentation, I have a few minor suggestions and comments that the authors also might want to consider: - In Figure 6C, instead of logarithmic axes, it might be better to put the logarithmic connectivity on a linear axis. This way the axes can be directly related to the colour bars in Figures 6A and B. - In Equation (8), instead of $\Gamma_{\mu}(I)$ it should be $\Gamma_{\mu}(I_{\mu}(v))$. - In Section 7.0.5, it might make sense to have the subsection about the marginal distributions before the ones about the conditional distributions. The reason would be that if one wants to confirm Equation (8) one necessarily has to compute the marginal distribution in Equation (12) first. - In Line 647f, the operation the authors are referring to is strictly speaking not an L1-norm of the matrix block. It might be better to refer to that e.g. as a normalised L1-norm of the matrix block elements. - In Line 22, when mentioning dimensionality reduction methods to identify assemblies, it might make sense to also reference the work by Lopes-dos-Santos et al. (2013, J. Neurosci. Methods 220).
The work presented in this manuscript is very interesting for two reasons. First, it has long been suggested that assemblies are a fundamental part of neural activity and this work seems to support that by showing that one can generate realistic whole-brain population activity imposing underlying assembly dynamics. Second, in recent years much work has been devoted to developing methods to find and extract neural assemblies from data and this work and the modelling approach can also be seen as a new method to achieve that. As such, I believe this work is relevant for anyone interested in neural population activity and specifically neural assemblies and certainly merits publication.
Regarding my field of expertise, I used to work on data analysis of neural population activity and in particular on the question of how one can extract neural assemblies from data. I have to say that I have not much experience with fitting statistical models to data, so I can't provide any in-depth comments on that part of the work, although what has been done seems plausible.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In the present manuscript, van der Plas et al. compellingly illustrated a novel technique for engendering a whole-brain functional connectivity map from single-unit activities sampled through a large-scale neuroimaging technique. With some clever tweaks to the restricted Boltzmann Machine, the cRBM network is able to learn a low-dimensional representation of population activities, without relying on constrained priors found in some traditional methods. Notably, using some 200 hidden layer neurons, the employed model was able to capture the dynamics of over 40,000 simultaneously imaged neurons with a high degree of accuracy. The extracted features both illustrate the anatomical topography/connectivities and capture the temporal dynamics in the evolution of brain states. The illustrated technique has the potential for wide-spread applications spanning diverse recording techniques and animal species. Furthermore, the prospectives of modeling whole-brain network dynamics in 'neural trajectory' space and of generating artificial data in silico make for very enticing reasons to adopt cRBM.
Major comments:
Line 164. The authors claim that conventional methods "such as k-means, PCA and non-negative matrix factorization" cannot be quantitatively assessed for quality on the basis that they are unable to generate new artificial data. Though partly true, in most neuroscience applications, this is hardly cause for concern. Most dimensionality reduction methods (with few exceptions such as t-sne) allow new data points to be embedded into the reduced space. As such, quality of encoding can be assessed by cross-validation much in the same way as the authors described, and quantified using traditional metrics such as percentage explained variance. The authors should directly compare the performance of their proposed model against that of NNMF and variational auto-encoders. Doing so would offer a more compelling argument for the advantage of their proposed method over more widely-used methods in neuroscience applications. Furthermore, a direct comparison with rastermap, developed by Stringer lab at Janelia (https://github.com/MouseLand/rastermap), would be a nice addition. This method presents itself as a direct competitor to cRBM. Additionally, the use of GLM doesn't do complete justice to the comparison point used, since a smaller fraction of data were used for calculating performance using GLM, understandably due to its computationally intensive nature.
Line 26. The authors describe their model architecture as a formalization of cell assemblies. Cell assemblies, as originally formulated by Hebb, pertains to a set of neurons whose connectivity matrix is neither necessarily complete nor symmetric. Critically, in the physiological brain, the interactions between the individual neurons that are part of an assembly would occur over multiple orders of dependencies. In a restricted Boltzmann machine, neurons are not connected within the same layer. Instead, visible layer neurons are grouped into "assemblies" indirectly via a shared connection with a hidden layer neuron. Furthermore, a symmetrical weight matrix connects the bipartite graph, where no recurrent connectivities are made. As such, the proposed model still only elaborates symmetric connections pertaining to first-order interactions (as illustrated in Figure 4C). Such a network may not be likened with the concept of cell assemblies. The authors should refrain from detailing this analogy (of which there are multiple instances of throughout the text). It is true that many authors today refer to cell assemblies as any set of temporally-correlated neurons. However, saying "something could be a cell assembly" is not the same as saying "something is a cell assembly". How about sticking with cRBM-based cell assemblies (as used in section 2.3) and defining it beforehand?
I would strongly recommend adding a paragraph discussing the limitation of using the cRBM, things future researchers need to keep in mind before using this method. One such recommendation is moving the runtime-related discussion for cRBM, i.e. 8-12 hrs using 16 CPU from Methods to Discussion, since it's relevant for an algorithm like this. Additionally, a statement mentioning how this runtime will increase with the length of recordings and/or with the number of neurons might be helpful. What if the recordings were an hour-long rather than 25mins. This would help readers decide if they can easily use a method like this.
Line 515. A core feature of the proposed compositional RBM is the addition of a soft sparsity penalty over the weight matrix in the likelihood function. The authors claim that "directed graphical models" are limited by the a priori constraints that they impose on the data structure. Meanwhile, a more accurate statistical solution can be obtained using a RBM-based model, as outlined by the maximum entropy principle. The problem with this argument is that the maximum entropy principle no longer applies to the proposed model with the addition of the penalty term. In fact, the lambda regularization term, which was estimated from a set of data statistics motivated by the experimenter's research goals (Figure S1), serves to constrict the prior probability. Moreover, in Figure S1F, we clearly see that reconstruction quality suffers with a higher penalty, suggesting that the principle had indeed been violated. That being said, RBMs are notoriously hard to train, possibly due to the unconstrained nature of the optimization. I believe that cRBM can help bring RBM into wider practical applications. The authors could test their model on a few values of the free parameter and report this as a supplementary. I believe that different parameters of lambda could elaborate on different anatomical clusters and temporal dynamics. Readers who would like to implement this method for their own analysis would also benefit tremendously from an understanding of the effects of lambda on the interpretation of their data. Item (1) on line 35 (and other instances throughout the text) should be corrected to reflect that cRBM replaces the hard constraints found in many popular methods with a soft penalty term, which allows for more accurate statistical models to be obtained.
Minor comments:
From a neuroscience point of view, it might be interesting to show what results are achieved using different values of M (say 100 or 300), rather than M=200, while still maintaining the compositional phase. Is there any similarity between the cRBM-based cell assemblies generated at different values of M? Is there a higher chance of capturing certain dynamics either functional or structural using cRBM? For example, did certain cRBM-based cell assemblies pop up more frequently than others at all values of M (100,200,300)?
The authors have mentioned that this approach can be readily applied to data obtained in other animal models and using different recording techniques. It might be nice to see a demonstration of that.
Line 237. The justification for employing a dReLU transfer function as opposed to ReLU is unclear, at least within the context of neurobiology. Given that this gives rise to a bimodal distribution for the activity of HUs, the rationale should be clearly outlined to facilitate interpretability.
van der Plas et al. highlighted a novel dimensionality reduction technique that can be used with success for discerning functional connectivities in large-scale single-unit recordings. The proposed model belongs to a large collection of dimensionality reduction techniques (for review, Cunningham, J., Yu, B. Dimensionality reduction for large-scale neural recordings. Nat Neurosci 17, 1500-1509 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.3776; Paninski, L., & Cunningham, J. P. (2018). Neural data science: accelerating the experiment-analysis-theory cycle in large-scale neuroscience. Current opinion in neurobiology, 50, 232-241.). The authors themselves highlighted some of the key methods, such as PCA, ICA, NNMF, variational auto-encoders, etc. The proposed cRBM model has also been published a few times by the same authors in previous works, although specifically pertaining to protein sequences. The use of RBM-like methods in uncovering functional connectivities is not novel either (see Hjelm RD, Calhoun VD, Salakhutdinov R, Allen EA, Adali T, Plis SM. Restricted Boltzmann machines for neuroimaging: an application in identifying intrinsic networks. Neuroimage. 2014 Aug 1;96:245-60. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.03.048.). However, given that the authors make a substantial improvement on the RBM network and have demonstrated the value of their model using physiological data, I believe that this paper would present itself as an attractive alternative to all readers who are seeking better solutions to interpret their data. However, as I mentioned in my comments, I would like to see more definitive evidence that the proposed solution has a serious advantage over other equivalent methods.
Reviewer's expertise:
This review was conducted jointly by three researchers whose combined expertise includes single-unit electrophysiology and two-photon calcium imaging, using which our lab studies the neurobiology of learning and memory and spatial navigation. We also have extensive experience in computational neuroscience, artificial neural network models, and machine learning methods for the analysis of neurobiological data. We are however limited in our knowledge of mathematics and engineering principles. Therefore, our combined expertise is insufficient to evaluate the correctness of the mathematical developments.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In this paper, Staneva et al describe a novel complex found at RNA PolII promoters that they term the SPARC. The manuscript focuses on defining the core components of the complex and the pivotal role of SET27 in defining its function, and role in PolII transcription. This manuscript is a logical follow on from an initial paper (Staneva et al, 2021) by the same authors where they systematically analyzed chromatin factors, and their role in both transcription start and termination. What is also very clear, is that this complex is one made of histone readers and writers which suggests its function is to change the chromatin structure around a PolII promoters. The authors show that this complex is necessary for the correct positioning of PolII and directionality of transcription.
This was a well-designed study and well written and clear manuscript that provides fascinating insight transcription control in bloodstream form parasites.
I have no major comments only a few minor ones.
1) Localisation of the different SPARC components appears to be either nuclear or nuclear and cytoplasmic. - Both SET27 and CRD1 show a nuclear and cytoplasmic localisation in the bloodstream form IFA (Supplementary Fig 1B), but only a nuclear localisation procyclic form.
Did the authors attempt C terminally tagging SET27, CRD1 to see if this resulted in a change in the pattern?
We have not tagged either protein at the C terminus, however SET27 (Tb927.9.13470) has been tagged both N- and C-terminally in procyclic form (PF) cells as part of the TrypTag project (http://tryptag.org). In both cases, SET27 localized to the nucleus, suggesting that the differences in localization we observe for SET27 depend on the life cycle stage, and not on the position of the tag. One caveat is that in the TrypTag project proteins are tagged with mNeonGreen whereas in our study proteins were tagged with YFP. Based on our images, CRD1 appears to be predominantly nuclear in both bloodstream form (BF) and PF parasites. CRD1 (Tb927.7.4540) has been tagged only N-terminally in PF cells as part of the TrypTag project where it has also been classified as mostly nuclear with only 10% of cells showing cytoplasmic localization for CRD1.
We are well aware that tags can alter the behaviour of a protein. Absolute confirmation of location will require the generation of antibodies that detect untagged proteins. However, this is a longer-term undertaking. We have added the following statement to the Results section to address the point raised:
“We tagged the proteins on their N termini to preserve 3′ UTR sequences involved in regulating mRNA stability (Clayton, 2019). We note, however, that the presence of the YFP tag and/or its position (N- or C-terminal) might affect protein expression and localization patterns”.
- The point is made that JBP2 shows a 'distinct cytoplasmic localisation' in PF cells. by this logic, the SET27 localisation in BF is also distinctly cytoplasmic and a nuclear enrichment is not clear.
Indeed the reviewer is correct - we have inadvertently over accentuated the significance of this difference in the text. We had emphasized the predominantly cytoplasmic localization of JBP2 in PF trypanosomes as potentially related to its weaker association with other (predominantly nuclear) SPARC components in the mass spectrometry experiments. The presence of SET27 in the nuclei of both BF and PF cells is confirmed by a positive ChIP signal. We have revised the manuscript text by changing “distinct cytoplasmic” to “predominantly cytoplasmic” to describe JBP2 localization in PF cells. We hope that this resolves the issue.
- Why would the localisation pattern change between life cycle stages? Surely PolII transcription should remain the same?
Although our analysis suggests that there may be some shift in SET27 and JBP2 localization between BF and PF stages, sufficient amounts of these proteins may be present in the nucleus for proper SPARC assembly and RNAPII transcription regulation in both life cycle forms. The proportion of SET27 and JBP2 proteins that localizes to the cytoplasm may have functions unrelated to transcription.
2) Several of the images in Supplementary Fig 1B seem to show foci in the nucleus (CSD1, PWWP1, CRD1). Do you see foci throughout the cell cycle or just in G1/S phase cells as shown here?
We have not systematically investigated protein localization at different cell cycle stages, so we do not have microscopy images for all proteins at all stages of the cell cycle. However, the images we did collect suggest the punctate pattern is preserved for CRD1 in the G2 phase in both BF and PF cells (see below) as we showed in Supplemental Figure S1B for cells with 1 kinetoplast and 1 nucleus (G1/S phase cells). The significance of these puncta remains to be determined.
3) In Figure 6, what does 'TE' stand for?
TE denotes transposable elements. We have added this to the figure legend.
4) The authors show this interesting link between SPARC complex and subtelomeric VSG gene silencing. -In the CRD1 ChIP or RBP1 ChIP, are there any other peaks in telomere adjacent regions in the WT cells similar to that seen on chromosome 9A? And does the sequence at this point resemble a PolII promoter?
Apart from peaks located on Chromosome 9_3A, there are other CRD1 and RPB1 ChIP peaks in chromosomal regions adjacent to telomeres in WT cells. We observed broadening of RPB1 distribution in these regions upon SET27 deletion, similar to what we show for Chromosome 9_3A. In particular, wider RPB1 distribution on Chromosome 8_5A coincides with upregulation of 10 VSG transcripts. These two loci explain most of the differentially expessed genes (DEGs) detected, but other subtelomeric regions show a similar pattern. We have added the following statement to the Results section to highlight that the phenotype shown for Chromosome 9_3A is not unique:
“We also observed a similar phenotype at other subtelomeric regions, such as Chromosome 8_5A where 10 VSGs and a gene encoding a hypothetical protein were upregulated upon SET27 deletion (Supplemental Table S3)”.
Cordon-Obras et al. (2022) have recently defined key sequence elements present at one RNAPII promoter. We searched for similar sequence motifs but failed to identify them as underlying CRD1 and RPB1 ChIP peaks, highlighting the likely sequence heterogeneity amongst trypanosome RNAPII promoters. To address this point, we have added the following sentence to the Discussion:
“Sequence-specific elements have recently been found to drive RNAPII transcription from a T. brucei promoter (Cordon-Obras et al., 2022), however, we were unable to identify similar motifs underlying CRD1 or RPB1 ChIP-seq peaks, suggesting that T. brucei promoters are perhaps heterogeneous in composition”.
-In the FLAG-CRD1 IP (Figure 3B), the VSG's seen here are not represented (as far as I can tell) in Figure 6B and C. If my reading is correct could, is this a difference in the FC cut off for what is significant in these experiments?
The VSGs detected in the FLAG-CRD1 IP from set27D/D cells are indeed different from the ones shown in Figure 6 (even after setting the same fold change cutoffs). We have highlighted this by adding the following statement to the Results section: “Gene ontology analysis of the upregulated mRNA set revealed strong enrichment for normally silent VSG genes (Figure 6B-D) which were distinct from the VSG proteins detected in the FLAG-CRD1 immunoprecipitations from set27D/D cells (Figure 3B)”.
The VSGs in the mass spectrometry experiments likely represent unspecific interactors of FLAG-CRD1. To clarify this, we have added the following statement to the Results section: ”Instead, several VSG proteins were detected as being associated with FLAG-CRD1 in set27D/D cells, though it is likely that these represent unspecific interactions”.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
Trypanosomes are unusual in the way that they transcribe protein coding genes. Recent advances have defined the chromatin composition at the TSS and TTS, and the recent publication of a PolII promoter sequence(s) further adds to our understanding of how transcription here is regulated. Defining the SPARC complex now add to this understanding and highlights the role of potential histone readers and writers. I think that this will be of interest to the kinetoplastid community especially those working on control of gene expression.
Our lab studies gene expression and antigenic variation in T. brucei.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In this manuscript, the authors identify a six-membered chromatin-associated protein complex termed SPARC that localizes to Transcription Start Regions (TSRs) and co-localizes with and (directly or indirectly) interacts with RNA polymerase II subunits. Careful deletion studies of one of its components, SET27, convincingly show the functional importance of this complex for the genomic localization, accuracy, and directionality of transcription initiation. Overall, the experiments are well and logically designed and executed, the results are well presented, and the manuscript is easy to read.
There are a few minor points that would benefit from clarification and/or from a more detailed discussion:
1) The concomitant expression of many VSGs (37) in a SET27 deletion strain is remarkable and has important implications for their normally monoallelic expression. It is well established that VSG expression in wild-type T. brucei can only occur from one of ~15 subtelomeric bloodstream expression sites, which include the ESAGs. This result implies that VSG genes are also transcribed from "archival VSG sites" in the genome, not only from expression sites. Are there VSGs from the silent BESs among the upregulated VSGs? Is there precedence in the literature for the expression of VSGs from chromosomal regions besides the subtelomeric expression sites?
Our analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) revealed that 43 VSG genes (37 of which are subtelomeric) and 2 ESAG genes are upregulated in the absence of SET27. Both ESAGs but none of the upregulated VSGs in set27D/D cells are annotated as located in BES regions. While it is possible that recombination events have resulted in gene rearrangements between the reference strain and our laboratory’s strain, at least some of the upregulated VSGs are likely to be transcribed from non-BES archival sites. VSG transcript upregulation from non-BES regions was also recently described by López-Escobar et al (2022).
We note that the upregulated mRNAs in set27D/D are still relatively lowly expressed (Figure 6C). This is presumably insufficient to coat the surface of T. brucei, and expression from BES sites instead may be required to achieve this. We have revised the manuscript Discussion section to make these points more clear:
“Bloodstream form trypanosomes normally express only a single VSG gene from 1 of ~15 telomere-adjacent bloodstream expression sites (BESs). In contrast, in set27D/D cells we detected upregulation of 43 VSG transcripts, none of which were annotated as located in BES regions. Recently, López-Escobar et al (2022) have also observed VSG mRNA upregulation from non-BES locations, suggesting that VSGs might sometimes be transcribed from other regions of the genome. However, the VSG transcripts we detect as upregulated in set27D/D were relatively lowly expressed (Figure 6C) and may not be translated to protein or be translated at low levels compared to a VSG transcribed from a BES site”.
2) The role of SPARC in defining transcription initiation is compelling. It's less clear to the reviewer if the observed transcriptional silencing within subtelomeric regions can also ascribed to SPARC. Have the authors considered the possibility that some components of the SPARC may be shared by other chromatin complexes, which could be responsible for the transcriptional activation of silent genes in SET27 deletion mutants?
We cannot rule out indirect effects through the participation of some SPARC components in other complexes operating independently of SPARC. Indeed, the transcriptional defect within the main body of chromosomes appears to be somewhat different from that observed at subtelomeric regions, particularly with respect to distance from SPARC. We have added a statement in the Discussion section to highlight the possibility raised by the reviewer:
“However, an alternative possibility is that transcriptional repression in subtelomeric regions is mediated by different protein complexes which share some of their subunits with SPARC, or whose activity is influenced by it”.
3) The authors mention that the observed interaction of FLAG-CRD1 with VSGs in the immunoprecipitations (Fig. 3B) is evidence for the actual expression of normally silent VSGs on the protein level. This is true, but it should be spelled out that this interaction is nevertheless likely an artifact, at least the physiological relevance of these interactions is questionable.
We agree that these are likely background associations and have added the following statement to the Results section to clarify this point:
“Instead, several VSG proteins were detected as associated with FLAG-CRD1 in set27D/D cells, though it is likely that these represent unspecific interactions”.
To avoid unnecessary confusion we have also removed the following sentence from the revised Discussion:
“The interactions of FLAG-CRD1 with VSGs in the affinity selections from set27Δ/Δ cells indicate that some of the normally silent VSG genes are also translated into proteins in the absence of SET27”.
4) "ophistokont" is misspelled in the introduction
Thanks for noticing. We have corrected it to “Opisthokonta”.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
The manuscript by Staneva et al. addresses the fundamental regulatory mechanism of gene transcription in the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei, a highly divergent eukaryotic organism that is renowned for unusual features and mechanisms in gene regulation, metabolism, and other cellular processes. While post-transcriptional regulation is prevalent and relatively well established in T. brucei, much less is known about the mechanism of transcription initiation and transcriptional control, in part due to the general paucity of well-defined conventional promoter regions in this organism (only very few have been identified thus far). In this context, the work by Staneva et al. is highly significant and represents an important contribution to the field of gene regulation and chromatin biology in T. brucei and other related kinetoplastid parasites.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript, the authors identify a six-membered chromatin-associated protein complex termed SPARC that localizes to Transcription Start Regions (TSRs) and co-localizes with and (directly or indirectly) interacts with RNA polymerase II subunits. Careful deletion studies of one of its components, SET27, convincingly show the functional importance of this complex for the genomic localization, accuracy, and directionality of transcription initiation. Overall, the experiments are well and logically designed and executed, the results are well presented, and the manuscript is easy to read.
There are a few minor points that would benefit from clarification and/or from a more detailed discussion:
- The concomitant expression of many VSGs (37) in a SET27 deletion strain is remarkable and has important implications for their normally monoallelic expression. It is well established that VSG expression in wild-type T. brucei can only occur from one of ~15 subtelomeric bloodstream expression sites, which include the ESAGs. This result implies that VSG genes are also transcribed from "archival VSG sites" in the genome, not only from expression sites. Are there VSGs from the silent BESs among the upregulated VSGs? Is there precedence in the literature for the expression of VSGs from chromosomal regions besides the subtelomeric expression sites?
- The role of SPARC in defining transcription initiation is compelling. It's less clear to the reviewer if the observed transcriptional silencing within subtelomeric regions can also ascribed to SPARC. Have the authors considered the possibility that some components of the SPARC may be shared by other chromatin complexes, which could be responsible for the transcriptional activation of silent genes in SET27 deletion mutants?
- The authors mention that the observed interaction of FLAG-CRD1 with VSGs in the immunoprecipitations (Fig. 3B) is evidence for the actual expression of normally silent VSGs on the protein level. This is true, but it should be spelled out that this interaction is nevertheless likely an artifact, at least the physiological relevance of these interactions is questionable.
- "ophistokont" is misspelled in the introduction
The manuscript by Staneva et al. addresses the fundamental regulatory mechanism of gene transcription in the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei, a highly divergent eukaryotic organism that is renowned for unusual features and mechanisms in gene regulation, metabolism, and other cellular processes. While post-transcriptional regulation is prevalent and relatively well established in T. brucei, much less is known about the mechanism of transcription initiation and transcriptional control, in part due to the general paucity of well-defined conventional promoter regions in this organism (only very few have been identified thus far). In this context, the work by Staneva et al. is highly significant and represents an important contribution to the field of gene regulation and chromatin biology in T. brucei and other related kinetoplastid parasites.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this paper, Staneva et al describe a novel complex found at RNA PolII promoters that they term the SPARC. The manuscript focuses on defining the core components of the complex and the pivotal role of SET27 in defining its function, and role in PolII transcription. This manuscript is a logical follow on from an initial paper (Staneva et al, 2021) by the same authors where they systematically analyzed chromatin factors, and their role in both transcription start and termination. What is also very clear, is that this complex is one made of histone readers and writers which suggests its function is to change the chromatin structure around a PolII promoters. The authors show that this complex is necessary for the correct positioning of PolII and directionality of transcription.
This was a well-designed study and well written and clear manuscript that provides fascinating insight transcription control in bloodstream form parasites.
I have no major comments only a few minor ones.
- Localisation of the different SPARC components appears to be either nuclear or nuclear and cytoplasmic.
- Both SET27 and CRD1 show a nuclear and cytoplasmic localisation in the bloodstream form IFA (Supplementary Fig 1B), but only a nuclear localisation procyclic form. Did the authors attempt C terminally tagging SET27, CRD1 to see if this resulted in a change in the pattern?
- The point is made that JBP2 shows a 'distinct cytoplasmic localisation' in PF cells. by this logic, the SET27 localisation in BF is also distinctly cytoplasmic and a nuclear enrichment is not clear.
- Why would the localisation pattern change between life cycle stages? Surely PolII transcription should remain the same?
- Several of the images in Supplementary Fig 1B seem to show foci in the nucleus (CSD1, PWWP1, CRD1). Do you see foci throughout the cell cycle or just in G1/S phase cells as shown here?
- In Figure 6, what does 'TE' stand for?
- The authors show this interesting link between SPARC complex and subtelomeric VSG gene silencing.
- In the CRD1 ChIP or RBP1 ChIP, are there any other peaks in telomere adjacent regions in the WT cells similar to that seen on chromosome 9A? And does the sequence at this point resemble a PolII promoter?
- In the FLAG-CRD1 IP (Figure 3B), the VSG's seen here are not represented (as far as I can tell) in Figure 6B and C. If my reading is correct could, is this a difference in the FC cut off for what is significant in these experiments?
Trypanosomes are unusual in the way that they transcribe protein coding genes. Recent advances have defined the chromatin composition at the TSS and TTS, and the recent publication of a PolII promoter sequence(s) further adds to our understanding of how transcription here is regulated. Defining the SPARC complex now add to this understanding and highlights the role of potential histone readers and writers. I think that this will be of interest to the kinetoplastid community especially those working on control of gene expression.
Our lab studies gene expression and antigenic variation in T. brucei.
- Localisation of the different SPARC components appears to be either nuclear or nuclear and cytoplasmic.
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Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewers 1 and 2 are very positive about our manuscript, while reviewer 3 is surprisingly critical.
However, except for the first observation, most of reviewer 3´s comments are based on incorrect interpretations of our results.
We have integrated the useful comment into our revised version, and we will discuss in the following sections why reviewer 3’s remaining criticisms should be disregarded.
Reviewer 1:
Reviewer 1 has only minor suggestions and is satisfied that we prove convincingly our claims. The reviewer also finds our results reinforce our previously proposed hypothesis that the glands and the trachea evolved from common metamerically repeated ancient primordia.
We have introduced the following changes to the text to accommodate Reviewer’s 1 minor suggestions.
Main suggestion: Insert a paragraph in discussion explaining the relevance of new insights to more basal insects that do not form a ring gland.
RESPONSE:We have introduced at the end of Discussion the following paragraph:
“Our analysis of snail activation in the CA and PG shows that these glands and the trachea share similar upstream regulators, reinforcing the hypothesis that both diverged from an ancient segmentally repeated organ. In Drosophila melanogaster the CA and the PG primordia experiment a very active migration after which they fuse to the corpora cardiaca forming the ring gland (Sanchez-Higueras and Hombria, 2016). This differs from more basal insects where the CA fuses to the corpora cardiaca but not to the PG, and from the Crustacea where the three equivalent glands are independent of each other (Chang and O'Connor, 1977; Laufer et al., 1987; Nijhout, 1994; Wigglesworth, 1954). As the mechanisms we here describe relate to the early specification of the glandular primordia in Drosophila, it will be interesting to investigate if the equivalent genes are also involved in the endocrine gland specification of more distant arthropods”.
Additional comment 1: Introduction, pg 3, a paragraph starting with "In comparison to the extensive knowledge we have of ..." - consider omitting or greatly shortening, this text breaks a flow as it is focused on tracheal development. I understand the authors' logic, but this information distracts from the main focus on CA and PG. RESPONSE:We agree that the trachea description paragraph breaks the flow of the introduction to gland development. As suggested by the reviewer, we have deleted most of the descriptive text on trachea development but left all the references so that interested readers can find the information.
Additional comment 2: Beginning of discussion, pg 11: - change 2nd sentence to: " Our results indicate that the HH and the Wnt pathways act indirectly to negatively regulate the spatial activation ..." - the following sentence, starting with "Engrailed activation off hh transcription ...." is way too long and hard to follow, consider breaking into two sentences. RESPONSE:We have changed both sentences as suggested
Additional comment 3: In Fig 4B, mx and lb segments should be labeled so this panel is consistent with labeling in 4A. RESPONSE:We have changed Fig.4B labels to be consistent with 4A
Additional comment 4: In Fig 6, reduce a font size for labels on right-hand side (A1, A2, A1+A2 proximal, etc), so that they are visualy distinct from panel labels on left-hand side (A, B, C,..).
RESPONSE:We have changed Fig.6 Font size as suggested
Reviewer 2
The reviewer is positive and agrees that the results we present in “this paper add to our understanding of how the CA and PG primordia are specified and highlights important similarities with the specification of the tracheal primordia”. The reviewer’s comments focus specially on the activation vs. maintenance of sna.
Specific Comment a): Referring to Fig 1G-J, the reviewer says: It is not clear to me from either this figure or from the text whether the initial pattern of expression of the sna-rg reporter in stage 11 embryos is WT and then disappears at stage 12, or whether it is always defective. In trying to understand the activation process, I think it would be important to know for sure whether rg enhancer activity during the initiation phase in stage 11 is WT or not.
RESPONSE: As suggested by the reviewer, we have included st11 embryos in Fig. 1 as panels G,J which illustrate that early sna-rg activation occurs normally in snaΔrgR2embryos prior to apoptosis kicking in. To make space for these images, we have taken out the st12 embryos that we had in our previous submitted version. This does not affect the manuscript’s message, as st12 phenotypes are similar to those at st13 which are presented in Fig. 1H,J.
Moreover, in this revised version, the embryos in Fig. 1G-J have also been double stained with the apoptosis marker DCP1 to highlight the cell death observed in the gland primordia of snaΔrgR2 embryos (Fig. 1G’-J’).
Specific Comment b) The authors argue that the rg deletion removes the only region driving sna expression in CA/PG. I'm not convinced that necessity necessarily implies sufficiency with respect to the requirements for rescue. While the sna-rg reporter is expressed in a pattern that seems to mimic the endogenous gene, do we know that a rg-sna transgene would fully rescue the rg deletion mutant?
RESPONSE: In our previous paper (Sanchez-Higueras 2014) we presented evidence that in sna null embryos, a Snail BAC gene lacking the sna-rg CRM can fully rescue the mesoderm phenotypes but not the ring gland ones. This proved that in the BAC transgene there was no shadow CRM capable of rescuing the gland formation in the absence of sna-rg. In the current paper we show that deleting the endogenous sna-rg CRM in the sna locus results in the absence of sna transcription from the gland primordia.
Making a sna-rg- construct expressing sna to test if this rescues the snaΔrgR2 homozygous mutants could be done, but it will delay this publication without adding much to the paper: we already know that sna-rg is sufficient to drive activation in all the CA and the PG cells (Sanchez-Higueras 2014 Fig 2J-M) and it would be expected to rescue the gland formation in snaΔrgR2 homozygous mutants.
Having said that, we have changed the wording in the manuscript to one that may be acceptable to the reviewer.
Instead of:
“These results prove that snaΔrgR2 deletes the only regulatory region driving sna expression in the CA and PG gland primordia…”
We now say:
“These results prove that the snaΔrgR2 deletes mutation inactivates the only regulatory region driving sna expression in the CA and PG gland primordia…”
Specific Comment c) is Sna required for maintaining sna expression?
RESPONSE:This experiment is relevant to the maintenance mechanism of sna expression in the ring gland, and not to its activation which is the main focus of this paper.
The search for the maintenance mechanisms is currently been followed in the laboratory and we prefer not deal with it in this paper. Providing a negative answer to this question would not be satisfactory, as we would need to search for the factors controlling sna’s maintenance.
Specific comment d) The authors show that there is an expansion in the number of sna-rg reporter expressing cells along the AP axis when upd is ectopically expressed using a sal-Gal4 driver. Though not mentioned in the text at this juncture, sal is expressed in the PG primordia, while seven-up (svp) is expressed in the CA primordia. I assume that the upd induced expansion is only observed for the PG primorida (LB) and not the CA primordia (Mx)-at least this is what the figure looks like. (…) How about svp driven upd-assuming there is a svp-Gal4 driver-does it cause an expansion of Ca but not PG.
RESPONSE: As the reviewer has noticed, there is a stronger expansion of sna-rg-GFP expression in the labial segment than in the maxillary segment. This is not due to the use of the sal-Gal4 line. We see the same effect with arm-Gal4 which drives similar expression on the maxilla and the labium. To illustrate this point, we have included two new panels (Fig.5D-E) where the ectopic expression of Upd has been induced with arm-Gal4. These embryos have been stained with anti-Sal to label the PG. This experiment shows clearly that the PG has expanded much more than the CA.
There are several reasons why expansion of the glands could be more efficient in the labium than in the maxilla. One possible reason is the temporal response to Upd activation. Upd induction by the arm-Gal4 and sal-Gal4 lines may occur after the cells in the maxilla are no longer capable of activating sna-rg but still capable of activating it in the labium. This temporal hypothesis is based on our results showing that the CA expresses more transiently the upd gene and that STAT activation lasts for longer in the labium than in the maxilla (Fig. 4A-D)].
A second possibility, that we favour, is the existence of dorso-ventral repressor genes modulating sna-rg expression intrasegmentally. Some of our results point towards the sna-rg CRM receiving repressor inputs that modulate intrasegmental spatial expression in the dorso-vental axis. When we delete the A2 distal region of the sna-rg enhancer, its expression in the labium expands ventrally (Fig. 6E,G and Sup.Fig. 4D). If a similar repressor was also modulating sna-rg in the maxilla it could be blocking its expansion. However, at this stage we have no solid data to support any of these hypotheses. As explained before for the maintenance mechanisms of sna-rg expression, our ongoing work aims to isolate and characterize further elements controlling the ring gland gene network, including these negative regulators.
In the revised manuscript we now describe the different effects of Upd ectopic activation on the expression of sna-rg in the maxilla and the labium (underlined text is new to this revised version):
“To test if generalised Upd expression in the maxilla and labium can activate sna-rg expression independently of other upstream positive or negative inputs, we induced UAS-upd with either the sal-Gal4 or the arm-Gal4 lines. We observe that, these embryos have expanded sna-rg expression along the antero-posterior axis in the maxillary and labial segments (Fig. 5C). Analysis of Sal expression, which labels the PG primordium (Sanchez-Higueras et al., 2014), shows that Upd ectopic expression induces a moderate expansion of the CA primordia while resulting a much larger increase of the PG primordium (Fig. 5D-E). This expansion occurs mostly in the anterior and posterior axis from cells where the Hh and the Wnt pathways are normally blocking sna-rg expression, while expansion is less noticeable in the dorso-ventral axis. This indicates that most of the antero-posterior intrasegmental inputs provided by the segment polarity genes converge on Upd transcription but that the dorso-ventral information is registered downstream of Upd.”
The differential response of sna-rg to Upd activation in the maxillary and labial segments is also mentioned in Fig. 5 legend. (see Continuation comment d).
* Continuation comment d) “It looks to me also like the vvl domain is expanding as well. This information should be clarified.*”
RESPONSE: Yes, ectopic upd expression also expands vvl1+2 expression. We have previously published that vvl1+2 is a direct target of JAK/STAT signalling in the trachea (Sanchez-Higueras 2019 and Sotillos et al. 2010 Dev.Biol). Although vvl1+2 expands dorsally in the Mx, those cells do not activate sna-rg dorsally. The ventral restriction of sna-rg in the maxilla is controlled by Dfd while in the labium its dorsal expression depends on Scr. We explain this in Fig.5’s figure legend where we now say (underlined text is new to this revised version):
(C) Ectopic Upd expression driven with sal-Gal4 induces ectopic sna-rg and vvl1+2 expression in the gnathal segments, which for sna-rg is more pronounced in the labium than in the maxilla. Note that in the maxillary segment Upd can induce ectopic dorsal vvl1+2 but not sna-rg expression, this is expected as Dfd only induces sna-rg ventrally in the maxilla. (D-E) sna-rg-GFP embryos stained with anti-GFP (green) and anti-Sal (red). In control embryos (D) Sal labels the PG primordium but not the CA. In arm-Gal4 embryos ectopically expressing Upd, the PG is more expanded than the CA as shown by number of cells co-expressing Sal and GFP.
Specific Comment e) The authors note a difference between CA and PG in the requirement for STAT binding sites in the enhancers. Is that related to the fact that svp is expressed in CA and sal is expressed in PG? Would driving svp expression using the sal-Gal4 driver maintain sna-rg expression.
RESPONSE: During our preliminary ongoing experiments on sna maintenance mechanisms we looked in svp mutants and did not notice a change in sna-rg expression, thus it is unlikely that Svp is responsible for the difference. As said above, we continue looking for genes involved in gland formation. Sal could be involved in the maintenance of sna in the PG, but as Sal is expressed in the maxilla and labial segments before gland formation, it is difficult to disentangle if Sal is required for sna activation or maintenance (or both).
Specific Comment f) Do svp or sal have a role in initiating sna expression when upd is present or maintaining sna expression after upd disappears? Presumably there is already published data that would answer these questions.
RESPONSE: As explained above we did not find any effect of svp on activation of sna-rg, however we find that in sal mutants the labium does not express sna-rg. This shows that sal is likely to be another positive input. As in sal mutants both trh and Ubx become ectopically expressed in the Lb (Casanova1989 Roux's archives of developmental biology 198: 137-140; Castelli-Gair 1998 IJDB42:437-444) we have done the experiment in sal trh double mutants and in sal Ubx,abdA,Abd-B mutants. In both cases we still see a failure of sna activation in the Lb reinforcing the idea that Sal is an additional positive input. However, we prefer not to add the sal experiments as they would complicate the paper which currently focuses on the similar requirement of the Wnt, Hh and JAK/STAT signalling pathways.
Reviewer 3
Reviewer is very critical. We accept some of the points raised and have modified the manuscript accordingly. However, as we detail below, the most serious criticisms are incorrect and do not affect the conclusions reached by our work.
We agree with the following comment:
“In the Dfd Scr double mutant, both the CA and PG expression of the snail-rg-GFP reporter is still there - admittedly, the gland cells look abnormal at late stages, but this reporter that is supposed to function as a proxy for gland induction is still expressed. That either means that expression of sna-rg-GFP is not a proxy or that the glands are still being specified in the absence of the Hox genes that are proposed to specify these organs. The reporter should not be expressed if these Hox genes are what specify these endocrine organs.”
RESPONSE: The reviewer has made a good observation. The expression of sna-rg-GFP is not completely absent in Dfd Scr mutant embryos (Fig. 5F in this revised version), which indicates that although the Hox genes are required to activate upd in the maxilla and labium and in their absence the gland primordia become apoptotic, there must be other positive inputs to the enhancer. However, this does not mean the Hox gene input is irrelevant for gland specification. Not only the Hox genes are required to keep normal levels of upd expression in the Mx and Lb primordia and gland viability, but previously we also showed that cephalic Hox genes influence the dorso-ventral position inside the vvl1+2 expressing cells where the sna-rg enhancer is activated: in the maxilla Dfd induces the ventral vvl1+2 expressing cells to activate sna-rg, while in the labium Scr induces the dorsal vvl1+2 cells to activate sna-rg (Sanchez Higueras 2014). The data presented in this paper indicate that the input of both Dfd and Scr over sna-rg CRM activation are indirect.
As a result of the reviewer’s criticism, we have tested if the additional positive input could be provided by Ci. In our previous submitted version, we showed that the repressor form of Ci blocks sna-rg activation. In this revised version, we have tested what is the effect of expressing the activator form of Ci. In embryos overexpressing the activator CiPKA isoform, we have observed that the expression of sna-rg and upd are expanded, indicating that Ci can provide the additional Hox-independent positive input. In the revised version we present these new results as Fig.3G and Fig. 4I. We have modified accordingly the scheme that appears in panel 3I to include this. In the main text we describe the result in the Hh regulation section where we have added:
“Although the above results indicate Ci is not absolutely required for sna-rg expression, we observed that overexpression of CiPKA, the active form of Ci, causes a non-fully penetrant expansion of sna-rg expression (Fig. 3G) suggesting the possibility that sna-rg may be responsive to Ci and to a second activator.”
… and in the “Regulation of Upd ligand expression by the Wg and Hh pathways” section
where we say:
“We also found that ectopic expression of the activator Ci protein results in a non-fully penetrant expansion of upd expression in stage 10 embryos (Fig. 4H-I).”
We have also modified the final scheme in Fig. 7 to mention that Dfd and Scr prevent the apoptosis of the gland primordia, and that there must be an additional positive input controlling upd activation besides the Hox input. However, in the figure we do not define Ci as the activating input as we would like to have additional evidence before making such claim.
To clarify that the Hox input is not absolutely required we have modified the text in several places. Where we said:
“Expression of the sna-rg reporter in the maxilla and the labium requires Dfd and Scr function …”
We now say:
“Development of the CA and PG and normal expression of the sna-rg reporter in the maxilla and the labium require Dfd and Scr function …”
We also mention this in Fig. 5 legend where we have added:
“In Dfd Scr mutant embryos (F), although the gland primordia become apoptotic, residual GFP expression indicates that there must exist Hox independent inputs activating the sna-rg enhancer.”
As a result of reviewer 3’s comment, we have noticed a further example of similarity between the gland and the trachea specification, which we have commented in the revised discussion where we added the following paragraph:
“Another interesting similarity between glands and trachea is that, although ectopic Hox gene expression can ectopically induce sna-rg and trh outside their normal domain, the lack of Hox expression does not completely abolish their endogenous expression, indicating that in both cases a second positive input can compensate for the absence of Hox mediated activation. Our results suggest that, in the glands, this redundant input could be provided by the activating Ci form (Figs. 3G and 4I), but further analysis to confirm this possibility and discard alternative sna-rg activators should be performed.”
We disagree with the following comments:
The finding that the CA and PGs form in slightly different DV positions from each other and slightly different DV positions from the trachea (based on the vvl1+2 mCherry reporter staining combined with that of the sna-rg-GFP reporter staining in Figure 5A, where staining does not overlap except where the CA cells have started to migrate over the vvl1+2 mCherry expressing cells) argues pretty strongly against the CA and PG being homologous to each other or absolutely homologous to the trachea primordia
RESPONSE: This erroneous claim was based on Fig. 5A, that showed a double stained embryo where co-expression is difficult to appreciate without separating the channels. Co-expression of these two reporter lines in the ring gland has been previously documented beyond doubt in our 2014 publication, cited throughout the manuscript, where we presented eight different panels of glands clearly co-expressing both markers at various developmental stages (Current Biology 2014 Fig.2B-I). To prevent any readers reaching the same conclusion as the reviewer, we have modified Fig. 5A to show a double stained sna-rg-GFP vvl1+2-mCherry embryo alongside with the two separate channels (panels 5A’ and A’’) to make the co-expression evident.
Although we are not including it in this manuscript, the reviewer will also be able to find images in the same 2014 Current Biology publication (Fig.3), where the ectopic activation of Dfd in the trunk leads to the activation of the sna-rg-GFP reporter in the vvl1+2 tracheal cells, proving that the glands and the trachea are formed at homologous positions.
Having made clear that sna-rg activation in both the CA and the PG occurs in vvl1+2 expressing cells, we now refute a second criticism: The reviewer is puzzled that despite the glands being formed at different dorso-ventral positions in the vvl1+2 expressing patch of cells, we claim both groups of cells are homologous to the trachea.
We are not saying that the CA are formed at homologous positions to those giving rise to the PG. What we say is that both the CA and the PG are formed at positions homologous to those giving rise to the trachea in the trunk segments.
To make this clear in the revised version, we have changed the wording of a sentence in the Introduction section that might have originated the confusion.
Instead of saying:
“First, the CA, the PG and the traqueal primordia are specified in the lateral ectoderm at homologous positions”.
Now, it reads:
“First, the CA and the PG are specified in the cephalic lateral ectoderm at homologous positions to those forming the tracheal primordia in more posterior trunk segments.”
It has been shown that each tracheal primordium (which are labelled by vvl1+2-mCherry) gives rise to different tracheal branches depending on the positions where they are specified: the dorsal cells give rise to the dorsal tracheal branches, the ventral cells to the ganglionic branches, the medial cells to the dorsal trunk etc. (for illustration see Fig.12 in Manning and Krasnow 1993). Each of these tracheal branches have a different shape and migrate to different positions. We believe that a similar positional specification occurs in the vvl1+2 cells in the maxilla and the labium. In the maxilla only the vvl1+2 ventral cells activate sna and svp (among other genes) to give rise to the CA. In the labium vvl1+2 dorsal cells activate sna, sal, phm (among other genes) to give rise to the PG. This regionalization is similar to what happens during tracheal branch specification, with the only difference that the interaction with Dfd and with Scr is what makes the positional outcome in the maxilla and the labium different (see in our Current Biology 2014 publication Fig. 3E-F and H-J). Thus, when the reviewer considers the equivalence between the CA/PG/trachea homology with that of the wing/haltere or that of the thoracic leg1/2/3 saying: “Indeed, the situation with these endocrine glands and the trachea is completely unlike the situation with the wing and haltere, wherein both structures arise from the same DV position in adjacent segments, or with legs 1, 2 and 3, which arise from the same DV position in adjacent segments”
…the reviewer should think about the coxa and the tarsi in the legs. The coxa in T1 is not homologous to the tarsi in T2 or T3, but when considering the leg structure as a whole, the coxa and the tarsi form part of the same homologous structure in T1, T2 and T3 despite being formed at different positions inside the leg primordia.
The reviewer also doubts that the activation of upd occurs in the sna-rg primordium when saying: “Likewise, the STAT10X-GFP staining does not overlap with the sna-rg-mCherry staining (I see red cells and I see green cells - there are no yellow cells). If activation of snail is through Upd activation of STAT signaling, we should see that the snail reporter expression is within the domain of STAT10X-GFP expression.”
RESPONSE: This is due to the fact that upd activation in the CA is extremely transient, leading to the loss of the x10STAT-GFP expression before the sna-rg-mCherry levels are robust enough in the maxilla. This criticism does not apply to the PG where due to upd expression lasting longer, co-expression of sna-rg-mCherry and x10STAT-GFP in panel 4B should be evident to the reviewer.
To try to sort the CA co-expression problem, we are currently repeating the experiment but instead of analysing sna-rg-mCherry activation with the RFP antibody, we will do an mcherry RNA in situ. We hope that the mcherry transcript will be detectable earlier than the protein and the co-expression will be evident.
We strongly disagree when the reviewer says: “This paper provides a strong basis for arguing that the CA and PG are induced independently of Jak/Stat signaling, whereas trachea require this signaling pathway.”
RESPONSE: When making this claim, the reviewer is ignoring a large number of experiments presented in the manuscript. If the CA and the PG are induced independently of JAK/STAT signalling:
(1) Why sna-rg expression disappears from the glands in mutants lacking the Upd ligands (Fig. 5B and 6K)?
(2) Why deleting the region containing the putative STAT binding sites in the sna-rg enhancer causes the loss of enhancer expression (Fig. 6C)?
(3) Why the smaller enhancer mentioned in point (2) recovers gland expression when adding a STAT binding site from an unrelated gene (Fig. 6G)?
(4) Why the regained expression of the construct mentioned in (3) is lost by the mutation of two bases affecting this single STAT site (Fig. 6H)?
The reviewer’s conclusion rests on giving an excessive importance to his reservations to CA co-expression in panel 4A while, surprisingly, disregarding the co-expression in the PG shown in panel 4B and all the experiments presented in Fig. 5 and Fig.6.
Reviewer 3 Minor comments: RESPONSE: Both comments have been taken into account in the revised version.
In summary, in this revised version we have answered most queries raised by reviewers 1 and 2. Moreover, reviewers 1 and 2 agree that the results presented in this manuscript reinforce the hypothesis that the CA and the PG glands and the trachea derive from the divergent evolution of a metamerically repeated homologous organ.
Reviewer 3 has made a good point that we have taken into account and has improved the revised submission.
However, reviewer 3 is wrong when concluding:
“This paper provides a strong basis for arguing that the CA, PG and trachea are not homologous structures”, and when saying: “the CA and PG are induced independently of Jak/Stat signaling, whereas trachea require this signaling pathway”.
As we argue above, these conclusions are erroneous because:
(1) Are based on the incorrect interpretation of Fig 5A and ignore previous published evidence cited throughout the manuscript.
(2) It does not take into account key experiments presented in this work, while giving too much weigh to a result that can be easily interpreted.
(3) It misinterprets the arguments justifying the positional homology between the CA/PG glands and trachea primordia.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This paper focuses on the specification of two endocrine glands that form from head ectoderm, the corpora allata (CA), which forms in the maxillary segment and secretes Juvenile hormone, and the prothoracic glands (PG), which form in the labial segment and secrete Ecdysone. Secretion of both hormones results in a larval molt. Secretion of only Ecdysone induces metamorphosis, the transition of the larvae into the adult forms. Both the CA and PGs form in positions homologous to the tracheal primordia (approximately) and previous reports indicate that ectopic expression of the appropriate Hox genes can result in homeotic transformations of the glands into tracheal primordia and of tracheal primordia into glands. Using a GFP reporter construct for the snail gene as a proxy for gland specification, the authors show that CA and PG formation is regulated by two segment polarity genes: Hh and Wnt, with Hh signaling activating reporter gene expression and Wnt signaling inhibiting reporter gene expression. They also suggest that their endocrine gland GFP reporter is regulated by the two Hox proteins expressed in those segments: Dfd (maxillary) and Scr (labial) (although figure 5D,E argue against this conclusion). They presumably show that reporter gene regulation by Wnt signaling and Hh signaling is indirect and through localized transcriptional activation of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway ligand gene upd (however, the STAT reporter and the snail reporter are expressed in different cells (fig 4B) - so I'm not so convinced of this conclusion). The authors also find that the CA and PG primordia form at slightly different dorsal ventral positions and that DV positional information is controlled downstream of upd JAK/STAT signaling.
Major comments:
The paper is well written and makes for a nice story, but the corresponding data are not supportive of most of the conclusions drawn by the authors.
First, in the Dfd Scr double mutant, both the CA and PG expression of the snail-rg-GFP reporter is still there - admittedly, the gland cells look abnormal at late stages, but this reporter that is supposed to function as a proxy for gland induction is still expressed. That either means that expression of sna-rg-GFP is not a proxy or that the glands are still being specified in the absence of the Hox genes that are proposed to specify these organs. The reporter should not be expressed if these Hox genes are what specify these endocrine organs. This finding might explain why mutating the Hox consensus binding sites had no effect on expression of the smaller snail reporters.
The finding that the CA and PGs form in slightly different DV positions from each other and slightly different DV positions from the trachea (based on the vvl1+2 mCherry reporter staining combined with that of the sna-rg-GFP reporter staining in Figure 5A, where staining does not overlap except where the CA cells have started to migrate over the vvl1+2 mCherry expressing cells) argues pretty strongly against the CA and PG being homologous to each other or absolutely homologous to the trachea primordia. Likewise, the STAT10X-GFP staining does not overlap with the sna-rg-mCherry staining (I see red cells and I see green cells - there are no yellow cells). If activation of snail is through Upd activation of STAT signaling, we should see that the snail reporter expression is within the domain of STAT10X-GFP expression. This would be consistent with observing a loss of upd mRNA in the maxillary and labial segments with loss of Dfd and Scr, but not seeing a loss of the sna-rg-GFP reporter. This would also argue against the proposed homology between the glands and the trachea. Indeed, the situation with these endocrine glands and the trachea is completely unlike the situation with the wing and haltere, wherein both structures arise from the same DV position in adjacent segments, or with legs 1, 2 and 3, which arise from the same DV position in adjacent segments. This paper provides a strong basis for arguing that the CA, PG and trachea are not homologous structures and that the CA and PG are induced independently of Jak/Stat signaling, whereas trachea require this signaling pathway.
Minor comments:
Page 3: tracheal is misspelled in the first paragraph, line 3.
Page 5, end of first sentence in first full paragraph: "lethal" should be changed to "non-viable". I think the authors mean that homozygous embryos die, not that they cause the death of other life forms.
Nature of significance of advance:
I think the significant finding is that the CA, PG, and trachea are not homologous structures. But that is not what the authors are concluding. The only findings consistent with the data provided are that Wg signaling represses expression of the snail reporter and Hh signaling activates its expression (Figures 1 - 3). Most of the other conclusions do not seem to be sufficiently supported by the data.
Context of the work:
These authors have published that the CA and PG are structures specified in homologous positions to the trachea. It has already been published that CA, PG and trachea primordia express the Vvl transcription factor - although I did not go back to see how that was determined. It has already been published that ectopic expression of specific Hox genes can transform the gland primordia into trachea and vice versa (these experiments may also warrant a closer look). So, idea that CA, PG and TR arose from divergent evolution of a segmentally repeated ancient structure has been proposed.
Best target audience:
With the findings that are consistent with the story line (figures 1 - 3), Drosophila embryologists working on the formation of these glands would be interested.
My field of expertise:
Drosophila development.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This manuscript from Garcia-Ferres et al., describes studies aimed at understanding the specification of precursor cells to two ring gland organs, the corpora allata (CA) and the prothoracic gland (PG). These two glands are specified in the lateral ectoderm at positions that match the tracheae in more posterior segments, and like tracheal cells, the CA/PG primordia express ventral veinless (Vvl). The specification of CA/PG primordia requires the Hox genes Deformed (Dfd) and Sex combs reduced (Scr), while the trachea dependent on BX-C complex genes. CA/PG precursor cells also differ from tracheal precursors in that the former requires the expression of "mesodermal" gene snail (sna), while tracheal cells require trachealess. The sna gene has a complex regulatory region, with distinct enhancers for expression in the mesoderm and in the CA/PG primordia. Garcia-Ferres et al have used a reporter carrying the sna CA/PG enhancer, rg, to studying the mechanisms of CA/PG specification.
In the first set of experiments, using a Crispr deletion the authors showed that the rg enhancer in the endogenous Sna gene is essential for CA/PG specification. The next used the sna-rg to examine the effects of mutations in (potentially) upstream signaling pathways on CA/PG specification. The CA/PG primordia are located outside of the wingless (wg) (parasegmental) expression domain; however, the authors found that two sets of lateral ectodermal cells express sna-rg in wg mutants. Conversely ectopic expression of wg or armS10 in the maxillia and labium eliminates sna-rg expression indicating that wg is a negative regulator of sna. Unlike wg, mutations in hedgehog (hh) and engrailed (en) eliminate sna-rg expression, indicate that both of these genes are required to promote CA/PG specification. The failure to express sna-rg is due at least in part to repressive activities of Cubitus interruptus (Ci) as sna-rg expression is restored in an en, ci double mutant. Sna-rg expression also depends upon JAK/STAT signaling and is in a deficiency that deletes the three upd genes. A upd dependent reporter is activated in CA/PG primordia in stage10/11 embryo, while upd itself appears to be express in the same cells. Consistent with the idea that the JAK/STAT maybe controlling sna-rg expression in response to wg and hh signaling, the authors finding that expression of upd expands in wg mutants, while it disappears in hh mutants. upd expression appears to be controlled by inputs not only from wg and hh, but also by Dfd and Scr as Dfd Scr mutant embryos lack upd expression. In contrast, the pattern of wg and en expression in the Dfd Scr mutant is normal.
To confirm that JAK/STAT signaling is required for activating the sna-rg reporter, the authors undertook a functional dissection of the rg enhancers. When they split a truncated rg enhancer, rgR2, into two fragments, A1 and A2, there was no expression of the reporter. As fragment A2 has three STAT binding sites, the authors tested whether expression could be rescued by adding a generic STAT site to A1-it could be. On the other hand, when they mutated the three STAT sites in A2, they found that only PG expression is lost. This result suggests that there is a Upd responsive element in A1+A2; however, activation is likely indirect since the activity of this element is tissue specific. They also putative Hox-Exd-Hth bindings sites in the rgR2 enhancer; however. these sites do not appear to be required for reporter expression.
This paper adds to our understanding of how the CA and PG primordia are specified and highlights important similarities with the specification of the tracheal primordia. There are some questions that should be addressed.
Specific Comments:
There are two phases to sna expression in CA/PG primordia. In the first phase (stage 11) hh signaling to neighboring cells prevents of the Ci repressor protein which would in turn activate upd expression in these cells. However, wg expression anterior in anterior cells blocks Upd expression so that it is turned on only a single set of cells posterior to the hh expressing cells. Upd in turn activates the sna via the STAT binding sites in the rg enhancer. upd expression also depends on the Hox genes Dfd and Scr, and when they are mutant upd is not expressed and sna is not turned on. Upd expression is only transient, and so after it disappears a maintenance mechanism ensures that that sna is expressed until at least stage 16. The authors don't really address the maintenance mechanism so it isn't clear what elements or factors are needed to keep the rg enhancer active after upd expression disappears.
- a) In Fig. 1, G-J the authors show sna-rg reporter expression in WT and in their sna-rg deletion mutant. The images in G and I are of stage 12 embryos. At this point there is clearly little if any rg reporter expression in the deletion mutant, while high levels are observed in the WT. However, this is after sna expression is supposed to be activated by Upd, which is in stage 11. Moreover, upd expression is turned off in stage 12. (Assuming I didn't miss something) It is not clear to me from either this figure or from the text whether the initial pattern of expression of the sna-rg reporter in stage 11 embryos is WT and then disappears at stage 12, or whether it is always defective. In trying to understand the activation process, I think it would be important to know for sure whether rg enhancer activity during the initiation phase in stage 11 is WT or not. The expectation-at least from what is written in the manuscript-is that the initial expression of the sna-rg reporter will be the same as WT in the sna-rg deletion mutant.
- b) The authors argue that the rg deletion removes the only region driving sna expression in CA/PG. I'm not convinced that necessity necessarily implies sufficiency with respect to the requirements for rescue. While the sna-rg reporter is expressed in a pattern that seems to mimic the endogenous gene, do we know that a rg-sna transgene would fully rescue the rg deletion mutant?
- c) If sna protein is not required for initiating (see a) sna expression, is it required for maintaining sna expression?
- d) The authors show that there is an expansion in the number of sna-rg reporter expressing cells along the AP axis when upd is ectopically expressed using a sal-Gal4 driver. Though not mentioned in the text at this juncture, sal is expressed in the PG primordia, while seven-up (svp) is expressed in the CA primordia. I assume that the upd induced expansion is only observed for the PG primorida (LB) and not the CA primordia (Mx)-at least this is what the figure looks like.<br /> It looks to me also like the vvl domain is expanding as well. This information should be clarified. How about svp driven upd-assuming there is a svp-Gal4 driver-does it cause an expansion of Ca but not PG.
- e) The authors note a difference between CA and PG in the requirement for STAT binding sites in the enhancers. Is that related to the fact that svp is expressed in CA and sal is expressed in PG? Would driving svp expression using the sal-Gal4 driver maintain sna-rg expression
- f) Do svp or sal have a role in initiating sna expression when upd is present or maintaining sna expression after upd disappears? Presumably there is already published data that would answer these questions.
This manuscript will be of interest to scientists seeking to understand fate specification-and how the same pathways/interactions can generate completely different organs-- in this case ring glands as opposed to trachea. The paper does however leave many questions unanswered. This is to be expected given that not all of the key players have been identified, and for those that have, the functions are not fully understood.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this study, the authors focus on understanding the regulation of development of corpora allata (CA) and prothoracic gland (PG) in Drosophila. Through a series of well designed experiments they convincingly show that interactions between Scr, Dfd, and JAK/STAT pathways induce localized expression of unpaired (upd) gene, which in turn controls snail (a key regulator of early gland development). Overall, this is an excellent study that extends authors' previous work on evolution and divergence of glands (in head) and respiratory organs (in trunk) from common, metamerically repeated primordia. Specifically, this work provides new information regarding CA and PG specification and as such will be of interest to a broad range of developmental biologists. Text is very well written, and figures are well organized and convey results in a clear way. I have several small comments (detailed below), but other than that this manuscript is ready for publication.
Aleksandar Popadić
Main suggestion:
As the formation of the ring gland is an exclusively dipteran trait, it would be helpful to insert a paragraph in discussion explaining the relevance of new insights to other, more basal insects. In a sense, studies of a ring gland present a tail end of evolution, what do results obtain tell us about the regulation of the PG and CA development in other insects?
Additional comments:
- Introduction, pg 3, a paragraph starting with "In comparison to the extensive knowledge we have of ..." - consider omitting or greatly shortening, this text breaks a flow as it is focused on tracheal development. I understand the authors' logic, but this information distracts from the main focus on CA and PG.
- Beginning of discussion, pg 11:
- change 2nd sentence to: " Our results indicate that the HH and the Wnt pathways act indirectly to negatively regulate the spatial activation ..."
- the following sentence, starting with "Engrailed activation off hh transcription ...." is way too long and hard to follow, consider breaking into two sentences.
- In Fig 4B, mx and lb segments should be labeled so this panel is consistent with labeling in 4A.
- In Fig 6, reduce a font size for labels on right-hand side (A1, A2, A1+A2 proximal, etc), so that they are visualy distinct from panel labels on left-hand side (A, B, C,..).
While this is a strictly Drosophila study, it does provide a significant new insight into development of corpora allot and prothoracic gland (which are critical organs for insect growth and development). As such this work will be of interest to a wide audience of biologists (please see my comments below for details).
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required):
*In this manuscript, Dr. Huiping Liu and colleagues investigate the role of CD81 in breast cancer metastasis, cancer stem cells, and extracellular vesicles (EVs). CD81 is a tetraspanin protein that has unclear roles in cancer. The authors discover that CD81 can form a complex with CD44 on cell surface and instigate cell clustering (important for CTC dissemination), self renewal and metastasis using multiple cell lines and xenografts. Multi-omic studies led them to CD81-regualted EVs, which they found to play critical roles in driving stemness and cell clustering. Furthermore, they found that CD81 is co-expressed with CD44 and affects patient outcomes. Overall, the novelty of the work is high, and the amount of data is impressive and of high quality. The experiments presented are well controlled and rigorous. However, there are some concerns as listed below: *
We appreciate the positive comments on the high novelty and high quality of the work. The concerns below have been addressed with point-to-point answers.
*Major: 1. The conclusion of EVs made by TICs to reprogram non-TICs into TICs is based on adding large amounts of EVs isolated from WT tumor cells. The amount may not be achievable in physiological conditions. Further, if the EVs released by TICs are sufficient to reprogram neighboring tumor cells, this event would be expected to self-propagate and all the tumor cells would become TICs. *
We are thankful to the reviewer for the valuable thoughts and input. While the EVs used to educate and reprogram non-TICs may seem to be large amounts, the doses are justified as below and in the Method section to address pathophysiologically relevant questions using testable models.
First, we add this section of “Exosome or sEV education” to the Method section.
The EV education/reprogramming doses were determined based on literature reports and our own measurements. From published reports (reference PMID: 27599779), EVs could be detected in human/mouse plasma with high levels in the patients with cancer (>1x109/mL higher in cancer patients than healthy controls), as well as mouse plasma (>1x109/ml higher EV counts in the tumor bearing mice than non-tumor mice). In our studies, triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells do secret large amounts of EVs, with a yield of 0.2~1x109 EVs /mL supernatant (MDA-MB-231 or 4T1 cell culture) as measured on NTA as well as Apogee micro flow vesiclometer (MFV). Please note the small EV collecting efficiency is only ~10% by ultracentrifugation at 100,000xg for 70 min during the EV purification and we end up obtaining 1-2% EVs after two spins (one or two washes) (200 mL culture to yield 60-75 µg EV protein). Therefore, we utilized an amount of the EVs purified from 50x larger volume of culture supernatants for EV educating culture. For example, 10-15 µg purified EVs purified from ~50mL supernatant were used for 1 mL educating culture to make 2~5x108 EVs/mL for reprograming CD81KO cells. The dose is pathophysiologically relevant to the EV concentrations in the plasma and culture media.
Second, we admit that the boundary and heterogeneity between TICs and non-TICs are more drastic in patient/mouse tumors in vivo than cultured tumor cells in vitro. Considering the complexity that the educational effects of cancer EVs on surrounding cells in vivo interplay with many other variables such as spatial restrictions, EV-dilution by interstitial fluids, EV release into blood, and mixed tumor-suppressing factors in the microenvironment, we have adopted the simplified EV education models in vitro to quantify the reprogramming effects of TIC EVs on non-TIC tumor cells (CD81KO cells). This model is mainly utilized to examine the effects of EV proteins CD44 and CD81 in measurable reprograming activities. Notably, we observed that CD44+CD81+ TICs tend to gradually dominate in culture whereas non-TIC populations gradually lose and thus a high percentage of cells may become tumorigenic TICs. Our data demonstrate that EV-education effects can contribute to the outcomes in a CD44- and CD81-dependent manner.
- The conclusion that CD44 switched from membrane to intracellular locations adherent vs. suspension cultures is not well supported by the data presented in Fig 1E. It appears that the cells expressing membrane CD44 did not change much, but the cells population expressing intracellular CD44 expanded in the suspension culture. *
We appreciate the comment and have clarified the observation and the conclusion accordingly in updated Figure 1C-D:
“CD44 was observed mostly on the cytoplasmic membrane in WT MDA-MB-231 cells, both adherent and in suspension, but the intracellular CD44 accumulated specifically in the cells in suspension (P=0.03) (Figure 1C-D)”
- Fig 6E-H experiments are a bit flawed. Metastasis degree is unlikely to be proportional to the primary tumor size, so it is not proper to normalize the metastatic burden to the primary tumor weight. These data can be removed without significantly weakening the major conclusions. *
Thanks for the suggestion. We have removed the normalized panel of original Fig 6H and updated as below with tumor weight and lung metastasis signals.
- Fig 3J appears to have different lanes pasted together. ¬¬Therefore, it is unclear whether the results could be compared, calling into the question of the statements involving the proteins studied including OCT4, pSTAT3 and FAK. *
Sorry for the confusion. We must clarify that all the lanes are from the same blot which has been stripped and reblotted for multiple proteins. The full blots of previous Fig 3J (new supplementary Fig S8A) are included below for reference.
- The authors state that EVs were comparable between WT and 44ko and 84ko cells partly based on the western blot presented in Fig 3E. While TSG101 appears similar, the other markers appear quite different. This needs explanation. *
We conducted three independent immunoblots for EV proteins in Fig 3E and quantified the protein intensities in 3F which demonstrates that both CD44 and CD81 are significantly lost in the EVs of CD81KO cells and CD44KO cells, CD63 slightly reduced in the EVs of CD44KO cells, whereas no significant differences in EV markers TSG101 and LAMP2b comparing the KO EVs with the WT EVs (the levels normalized by b-actin loading control). These data suggest that CD81 and CD44 are required for each other’s localization or packaging to the EV.
- The rationale for different cut-offs in Fig 4A-C is unclear. Auto cut-offs should not be used to maximize the detection of difference. The exact public dataset used should be stated. *
Thanks for the insightful suggestions. In Supplementary Figure S8, we have added new Kaplan-Meier plots based on Liu_2014 cohort (TNBC) with cutoffs at lower 25%, median and upper 25% of CD81 protein levels, respectively, most of which show significant differences in overall survival (OS), relapse-free survival (RFS), and distant metastasis-free survival (DMSF) between CD81 high and low groups (CD81 as an unfavorable marker). These are consistent with and strengthening the data of the KM plots with auto cut offs in Fig 4A-C.
- Minor The description regarding the screen leading to CD81 is confusing. Including a diagram may help. *
Thanks again and we have added a schematic to Supplementary Figure. S1A with the experimental procedure details of sorting CD44 +/- cells and performing CD44 knockdown in PDX tumors for mass spectrometry comparisons. CD81 is one of 38 overlapped proteins differently shown in two comparisons.
- Fig 1E, the phrase "ratio of cells expressing" is bit confusing. Did the authors mean % of cells expressing their indicated markers? *
Yes, the y axis label is equivalent to % (1=100%) and now specified as “Proportion of CD44+ or CD88+ cells” in Figure 1E.
- Cryo-EM shows detects impaired membrane integrity of EVs of 81ko but 44ko. Yet, Fig 2 shows that ko of either 44 or 81 disruptions the localization and therefore the function of the other. Explanation is needed for why 44ko did not affect 81 regulation of EVs. *
We appreciate the thoughtful comments. After repeating and reanalyzing the experimental data from multiple cryo-EM and immunoblotting experiments, we updated Figure 2 which shows both CD81KO and CD44KO impaired the membrane integrity of EVs. Furthermore, the immunoblot validated that CD44 is deficient in the EVs of CD81KO cells, suggesting a possible role of CD81 and in recruiting CD44 to EV and strengthening the EV membrane integrity. In the meantime, CD81 localization on the membrane is dependent on the presence of membrane CD44 in Fig 1E.
- Fig S8C is not a robust correlation analysis. A scatter plot should be presented. *
A scatter plot is included (new Fig S9C) with R = 0.29 and p = 0.015.
- There are a few typos. For example "cytoplastic membranes" should be cytoplasmic membranes. The following sentence is awkward: "Among the siCD81-upregulated genes, SEMA7a, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchor promoting osteoclast and blood cell differentiation (58, 59), when further depleted in CD81KO cells, siSEMA7a partially rescued or restored mammosphere formation in these cells (Supplementary Figure S2D-F),.."* Typos were corrected. The sentence has been updated to:
Among the siCD81-upregulated genes, SEMA7a, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchor promoting osteoclast and blood cell differentiation (50, 51), was depleted in CD81KO cells by siSEMA7a which transfection partially rescued or restored mammosphere formation in these cells (Supplementary Figure S2D-F), suggesting a novel role of SEMA7a in inhibiting self-renewal of breast cancer cells.
Reviewer #2
The experiments are generally well performed and convincing, except that all mouse experiments seem to have been performed only once, with small groups of mice (between 4 and 6 with several sites of tumor injection per mouse). Reproducing at least once these experiments should be shown.
We appreciate the positive comments as well as instructive suggestions. We would like to clarify that the mouse studies in Figures 5 and 6 were originally completed with two to three different models using both human and mouse TNBC cells. While one of the tumorigenic experiments in Figure 5 (where three different models were used) was done once due to the pandemic disruption and increased costs for NSG mice, Figure 6 data was originally generated by multiple in vivo experiments. Nevertheless, we have managed to repeat the in vivo tumorigenic experiments. We updated Figure 5 (see next page) with new results from 2-3 experiments for each panel/model with increased number of injections to 8-20 in 2-5 mice per group in each of three different tumor models. Furthermore, we also selectively repeated 4T1 experiments in Figure 6M with updated legend showing the experiment was consistently repeated.
“These experiments were repeated at least twice to show consistent conclusions”.
*Another unsatisfying aspect is the claim that CD44 and CD81 are specifically required for secretion of the subtype of EVs called exosomes, which forms in intracellular multivesicular endosomes. This claim is based on the (wrong) assertion that CD81 (together with CD9, CD63 and TSG101) is an exosome marker, based on ref 46,47 published in 2006 and 2011: the field has evolved a lot since then, and it is now becoming clear that CD63 (which normally accumulates in multivesicular endosomes) may be enriched in exosomes, but that neither CD9 nor CD81 are, since they mainly localize at the plasma membrane, and thus probably are released more prominently in small microvesicles (see Kowal, J., et al. (2016). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113: E968. and Mathieu, M., et al. (2021). Nat Commun 12(1): 4389.). *
Thanks for the comment on the evolving literature of CD81. To avoid confusion and follow the EV nomenclature guidelines, we used the more acceptable and general term “extracellular vesicles (EVs)” instead of “exosomes” in our manuscript. We have also cited the two new publications in PNAS 2016 and Nat Commu 2021 (ref 38 and 39) with modified statement on CD81 as below.
“We performed mass spectrometry proteomic profiling of TNBC patient-derived xenografts (PDX) tumor cells that cluster and discovered that one of the altered proteins upon CD44 depletion was CD81, a tetraspanin protein enriched in extracellular vesicles (EVs) (38-39).”
*In figure 3, the authors show empty internal compartments in cells with deleted CD44 or CD81, which (if these compartments are altered MVBs) should then lead to fewer exosomes recovered extracellularly. However, the authors observe instead more particles recovered from these cells. When analyzing the composition of these EVs, the authors show maybe a decrease in CD63 in EVs from both CD44 and CD81 ko cells, but contradictory effects on the presence of Lamp2 (which is a more convincing marker of late endosome/lysosome-derived exosomes): increased in CD44 but decreased in CD81 ko. These results, however, are not really interpretable, since the authors show only a single Western Blot, thus no evidence of reliable changes in protein composition. In any case, I would suggest that the authors do not, in the current state of the article, try to claim any specific subcellular origin of the EVs affected by CD44 and CD81. *
We appreciate the comments and would like to clarify our observations. When the CD44/CD81 KO cells show increased empty internal compartments, it is a sign for loss of cellular mass. Therefore, it might be surprising but also reasonable to link such phenotype with an increased quantity of draining EVs in low quality (disrupted membrane) from CD44KO and CD81KO cells that show active endocytosis and/or exocytosis pathways.
To better quantify the proteins of the EVs derived from WT, CD44KO and CD81KO cells, we repeated the western blots three times and in new Fig 3F we reported the levels of CD44, CD81, and other EV proteins (CD63, TSP101, and LAMP2b). Compared to WT EVs, CD44 and CD81 are relatively compromised in the EVs of CD81KO and CD44KO, respectively. CD63 slightly decreases in CD44KO EVs whereas LAMP2b shows no significant changes in both KO cells. We modified the text below reporting the EV phenotypes without specifying subcellular origin of EVs.
After purified from the culture supernatants of CD44KO and CD81KO cells via 100,000 xg ultracentrifugation (Supplementary Fig S6A), the sizes of small EVs (ev44KO and ev81KO) were relatively comparable to the WT control, as characterized by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and immunoblotting with EV markers (Figure 3E-F, Supplementary Figure S6B). However, when examined by cryo-EM, ev81KO displayed impaired membrane integrity (Figure 3E-F), indicating an essential role for CD81 in modulating EV biogenesis and packaging of membrane proteins.
*In addition, the EVs are only quantified by the vesicle flow cytometry established by the authors, but then, in functional assay, and in Western blots, EVs are quantified in terms of proteins. It would be important to show if CD44 and CD81 ko also decrease the amount of proteins recovered in the EV preparations, and the number of particles quantified by NTA, as they apparently decrease the number of events detected by vesicle flow cytometry, or not, and if not, why did the authors chose to show only the vesicle flow cytometry results (this is not a very commonly used technic in the field). *
Thanks for the suggestion. We have quantified the EVs by vesicle flow cytometry (MFV) and NTA which show consistent EV counts of WT, CD44KO, and CD81 KO (see table below). We utilize EV protein to normalize the EV education as all the samples had about 6x108 EVs/ µg protein.
We have also calculated the EV production data (counts/cell) as measured by NTA in Supplementary Fig SD which is relatively consistent with the MFV analysis in Fig 3C, demonstrating that CD44KO and CD81KO cells release a higher number of EVs than WT cells.
We have also calculated the EV production data (counts/cell) as measured by NTA in Supplementary Fig SD which is relatively consistent with the MFV analysis in Fig 3C, demonstrating that CD44KO and CD81KO cells release a higher number of EVs than WT cells.
*Finally, a somehow frustrating aspect of the paper is that the link between the observed effect of CD44 or CD81 ko on EV release and their in vitro functions on mammosphere formation (fig3), and the effect on in vivo tumor growth and metastasis (fig 5-6) end up as two separate observations (the authors rightly do not claim that impaired exosome release in vivo is responsible for the impaired metastasis). The observation also of clustered CD81 and CD44+ circulating tumor cells in patients (fig4) is also somehow a separate observation. Thus there are several stories put together in this article. *
We appreciate the comment and apologize for disconnected data presentation. We have reorganized the paper to highlight machine learning-assisted discoveries of CD81 functions and molecular network in partnership with CD44 in promoting cancer stemness which is connected to endocytosis-related EV phenotypes. We admit that in addition to massive manpower and financial support, there are technical limitations in the EV-mediated functional studies in animal models. As proof-of-concept, we therefore utilized the simulated models in vitro to test the hypothesis of EV-CD44 and EV-CD81 in promoting cancer stemness of recipient cells. Our follow-up studies on EV-educated animals are ongoing but beyond the scope of the current manuscript. We are also open to the suggestion leaving the EV part out if that’s recommended by all editors and all reviewers.
Please see updated title “Machine learning-assisted elucidation of CD81-CD44 interactions in promoting cancer stemness and extracellular vesicle integrity” and the abstract.
Tumor-initiating cells with reprogramming plasticity or stem-progenitor cell properties (stemness) are thought to be essential for cancer development and metastatic regeneration in many cancers; however, elucidation of the underlying molecular network and pathways remains demanding. Combining machine learning and experimental investigation, here we report CD81, a tetraspanin transmembrane protein known to be enriched in extracellular vesicles (EVs), as a newly identified driver of breast cancer stemness and metastasis. Using protein structure modeling and interface prediction-guided mutagenesis, we demonstrate that membrane CD81 interacts with CD44 through their extracellular regions in promoting tumor cell cluster formation and lung metastasis of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). In-depth global and phosphoproteomic analyses of tumor cells deficient with CD81 or CD44 unveils endocytosis-related pathway alterations, leading to further identification of a quality-keeping role of CD44 and CD81 in EV secretion as well as in EV-associated stemness-promoting function. CD81 is co-expressed along with CD44 in human circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and enriched in clustered CTCs that promote cancer stemness and metastasis, supporting the clinical significance of CD81 in association with patient outcomes. Our study highlights machine learning as a powerful tool in facilitating the molecular understanding of new molecular targets in regulating stemness and metastasis of TNBC.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
These results are interesting as showing a novel molecule whose high expression may promote tumor progressions (CD81, as a cluster with CD44). The novelty lies in the functional interaction between CD44 and CD81 leading to the pro-metastatic effect described. Interaction between CD44 and CD81 had been previously observed in a generic proteomic study of EVs (Perez-Hernandez, D., et al. (2013). J Biol Chem 288: 11649), but not more explored in terms of consequent functions. A pro-metastatic effect of CD81 expression in tumors, especially TNBC, has also been recently demonstrated (Vences-Catalan, F., et al. (2021). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118.). These two articles should be quoted in the current paper. My field of expertise is extracellular vesicles, and their roles in cancer progression. I can only judge superficially the modeling part of the article,
Thank you for highlighting the novelty of CD81 interaction with CD44 as a cluster in promoting tumor progression. We are grateful to the reviewer for providing the CD81 literature information which has been included and cited in the discussion (ref 65, 68), serving as a cross-validation for part of our work.
A study by Perez-Hernandez et al. also observed CD44 among the EV protein interactome network pulled down by CD81 peptides without exploring their relevance to EV functions (65)… A potential anti-CD81 therapeutic strategy was identified that may block the pro-metastatic effect of CD81 in animal studies (68).
Reviewer #3
*Major Comments:
The authors suggest that CD44 and CD81 interact and colocalize inside breast cancer cells. However, staining data presented shows very modest co-localization and immunoprecipitation experiments only employed beads as a negative control. To reinforce their conclusions, the authors should quantify co-localization using standard methods (Mander's or Pearson's coefficients). In addition, the authors should perform negative control immunoprecipitation experiments with antibodies against a target protein not expected to interact with CD81 to show that CD44 binding is specific. *
We are grateful for the instructive suggestions. To reinforce our conclusion about the membrane CD44-CD81 interactions, we repeated the Co-IP using anti-CD44 along with two negative controls (new Fig 1F), one of which is the IgG-bead control and the other is CD44KO cell lysate negative control). CD81 was only detected in the protein complex of the WT lysate (TN1 PDX or MDA-MB-231) pulled down by anti-CD44 (new Fig 1F). We also quantified the colocalization using Pearson’s coefficients with average r=0.57 from three different experiments which is now included in Supplementary Fig S2A.
From TEM and quantification in figures 3A, B the authors conclude that there is increased vacuolization with cells. They suggest that purple arrows point to multivesicular endosomes and yellow arrows vacuoles. In fact, the electron dense organelles indicated by purple arrows look more like lysosomes, whereas the yellow arrows appear more like early endosomes/endocytic vesicles. The authors should reassess their vesicle classification system and also provide a breakdown of the proportions of these structures within the graph.
Thanks for the comments. We agree with the reviewer that yellow arrows in Fig 3A could be vacuoles of early endosomes. And we added lysosome images and quantification in Supplementary Fig S6C, showing significant differences among three types of cells (WT, CD44KO, and CD81KO). That may help explain the phenotypes of altered EV release in CD44KO and CD81KO cells.
*Given that CD81+/CD44+ EVs are proposed to drive the aggregation and self-renewal of tumor initiating cells, it is somewhat counterintuitive that CD44 and CD81 KO cells show increased levels of EV secretion relative to WT controls. Additionally, it is perplexing that CD44 and CD81 secretion in EVs is unaffected (or my even increase) in knockout cells despite the fact these membrane proteins are supposed to interact and are mutually required for proper expression/localization. How do the authors reconcile these potentially contradictory observations? *
We appreciate the diligence and apologize for the lack of quantification and normalized loading in the original western blotting. We have repeated the EV western blots for protein density quantifications three times in new Fig 3E-F (see next page) that demonstrate a dramatic loss of CD44 in CD81 KO-EVs and a partial loss of CD81 in CD44KO EVs.
*The EV rescue experiments in figure 3H, I show recovery of mammosphere formation in CD81 KO cells treated with EVs from WT cells, suggesting that WT EVs are sufficient to rescue self-renewal. However, it's unclear from their studies whether exosome secretion of CD81/CD44 is actually necessary for aggregation and self-renewal phenotypes. Since CD81 has also been shown to be important for the trafficking of membrane proteins, the loss of self self renewal could relate to cell autonomous alterations in vesicular trafficking in CD81 KO cells. To reconcile between these possibilities, the authors should evaluate how depletion of factors necessary for CD81 secretion (e.g. Rab27a (PMID: 26305877; supplemental data), ESCRT components (PMID: 32049272), or others?) affects mammosphere formation. In either case the results would be extremely interesting and help to determine whether self-renewal is controlled by CD81 via cell autonomous or non-cell autonomous mechanisms. *
We are thankful for the extremely intriguing question about cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous roles of CD81 in controlling self-renewal. To address the question, we did transfect siRNAs to knock down Rab27a levels in TNBC cells and found a decreased efficiency in mammosphere formation of these cells in comparison to scrambled (Scr) control cells (Supplementary Fig S8D) (see next page), suggesting a possible non-cell autonomous mechanism of CD81 promoted self-renewal.
Furthermore, when the expression of the EV secretion-regulating gene Rab27a was downregulated in MDA-MB-231 cells by siRNA mediated transfection, the mammosphere formation was significantly reduced (The authors observe that CD81 depletion profoundly impairs primary tumor development and metastasis in pre-clinical models. In fact, the defect in metastasis appears to be secondary to the robust impairment in tumorigenesis. What is the fate of CD81 KO cells in mammosphere assays and transplant models? Do CD81 KO cells have reduced viability and/or proliferation in vitro and in vivo? Can the defects in mammosphere formation and tumorigenesis in CD81 KO cells be rescued via re-introduction of wtCD81? What about mutant CD81 that is deficient for CD44 binding? These studies will help to delineate the role of CD81 in primary tumor development and whether interaction with CD44 is require for this process.
Thanks for the comments and questions. We included the data on slightly slower cell proliferation of human CD81KO and mouse Cd81KO cells (no obvious cell death) in Supplementary Fig S1E-F (see next page). We have also reintroduced wtCD81 in two sets of distinct vectors into CD81KO cells and observed wtCD81 in both HA and GFP vectors rescued the defects of CD81KO cells while mutant CD81 deficient for CD44 binding failed to do so, demonstrating the role of CD81-CD44 interaction in promoting self-renewal.
*In the authors model, they show CD81 interactions with CD44 facilitating EV secretion which enhances self-renewal and CD44 alone facilitates tumor cell clustering. However, they show that CD81 can also binding CD44. Does the CD81-CD44 interaction also serve to facilitate clustering between tumor cells? *
Yes, we conducted the tumor cell clustering experiment and added the new Supplementary Fig 12D which demonstrates that CD81 WT rescues the clustering of CD81KO cells and the CD81 truncated mutant does not.
*Minor Points:
In a number of figures (e.g. Fig, 1C; Fig 3E, H) the authors show representative immunoblots but there are no indications in the legends of how many times the experiment was performed. Presumably at least 3 independent experiments were performed. The authors should also include quantification of these data to support that these effects are reproducible and significant. All data points should be plotted within graphs so that the reader can note the distribution of the data. *
Thanks for the suggestions. We have included all raw data points in all quantified bar graphs and quantified the western blots from at least three independent experiments. Representative is shown below (next page).
*While the manuscript was generally well written, there are a couple of grammatical mistakes that can be fixed. *
We appreciate the positive comment and have corrected the grammatical mistakes by native /professional writers.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The manuscript of Ramos et al describes studies focused on understanding the relationship between membrane proteins CD44 and CD81 in the self-renewal of tumor initiating cells and breast cancer metastasis. They demonstrate CD81 and CD44 are protein binding partners, and that loss of either component affects the clustering and self-renewal of tumor initiating cells. Proteomics from CD44 and CD81 deficient cells revealed alterations in levels and phosphorylation status of proteins associated with endocytosis and lysosomes, suggesting that impaired tumor cell self-renewal was related to perturbations in the endolysosome pathway. Digging deeper into this connection, the authors found that loss of CD44 and CD81 resulted in increased vacuolization inside cells and greater release of EVs. Moreover, EVs from wildtype, but not CD44 or CD81 deficient cells, modestly rescued the self-renewal defects observed in cells lacking CD81. Importantly, Ramos et al find that CD81 is enriched within aggregated CTCs from TNBC patients with metastatic disease and its levels are negatively correlated with patient survival. Consistent with an important role for CD81 in TNBC, the authors find that depletion of CD81 severely impairs tumorigenesis and metastasis in pre-clinical models using PDX, 4T1 and MDA-MB-231 cells. Altogether, these observations lead the authors to propose that CD81 partners with CD44 to promote exosome biogenesis, tumor cluster formation, and lung metastasis in triple negative breast cancer.
Major Comments:
The authors suggest that CD44 and CD81 interact and colocalize inside breast cancer cells. However, staining data presented shows very modest co-localization and immunoprecipitation experiments only employed beads as a negative control. To reinforce their conclusions, the authors should quantify co-localization using standard methods (Mander's or Pearson's coefficients). In addition, the authors should perform negative control immunoprecipitation experiments with antibodies against a target protein not expected to interact with CD81 to show that CD44 binding is specific.
From TEM and quantification in figures 3A,B the authors conclude that there is increased vacuolization with cells. They suggest that purple arrows point to multivesicular endosomes and yellow arrows vacuoles. In fact, the electron dense organelles indicated by purple arrows look more like lysosomes, whereas the yellow arrows appear more like early endosomes/endocytic vesicles. The authors should reassess their vesicle classification system and also provide a breakdown of the proportions of these structures within the graph.
Given that CD81+/CD44+ EVs are proposed to drive the aggregation and self-renewal of tumor initiating cells, it is somewhat counterintuitive that CD44 and CD81 KO cells show increased levels of EV secretion relative to WT controls. Additionally, it is perplexing that CD44 and CD81 secretion in EVs is unaffected (or my even increase) in knockout cells despite the fact these membrane proteins are supposed to interact and are mutually required for proper expression/localization. How do the authors reconcile these potentially contradictory observations?
The EV rescue experiments in figure 3H, I show recovery of mammosphere formation in CD81 KO cells treated with EVs from WT cells, suggesting that WT EVs are sufficient to rescue self-renewal. However, it's unclear from their studies whether exosome secretion of CD81/CD44 is actually necessary for aggregation and self-renewal phenotypes. Since CD81 has also been shown to be important for the trafficking of membrane proteins, the loss of self self renewal could relate to cell autonomous alterations in vesicular trafficking in CD81 KO cells. To reconcile between these possibilities, the authors should evaluate how depletion of factors necessary for CD81 secretion (e.g. Rab27a (PMID: 26305877; supplemental data), ESCRT components (PMID: 32049272), or others?) affects mammosphere formation. In either case the results would be extremely interesting and help to determine whether self-renewal is controlled by CD81 via cell autonomous or non-cell autonomous mechanisms.
The authors observe that CD81 depletion profoundly impairs primary tumor development and metastasis in pre-clinical models. In fact, the defect in metastasis appears to be secondary to the robust impairment in tumorigenesis. What is the fate of CD81 KO cells in mammosphere assays and transplant models? Do CD81 KO cells have reduced viability and/or proliferation in vitro and in vivo? Can the defects in mammosphere formation and tumorigenesis in CD81 KO cells be rescued via re-introduction of wtCD81? What about mutant CD81 that is deficient for CD44 binding? These studies will help to delineate the role of CD81 in primary tumor development and whether interaction with CD44 is require for this process.
In the authors model, they show CD81 interactions with CD44 facilitating EV secretion which enhances self-renewal and CD44 alone facilitates tumor cell clustering. However, they show that CD81 can also binding CD44. Does the CD81-CD44 interaction also serve to facilitate clustering between tumor cells?
Minor Points:
In a number of figures (e.g. Fig, 1C; Fig 3E, H) the authors show representative immunoblots but there are no indications in the legends of how many times the experiment was performed. Presumably at least 3 independent experiments were performed. The authors should also include quantification of these data to support that these effects are reproducible and significant.
All data points should be plotted within graphs so that the reader can note the distribution of the data.
While the manuscript was generally well written, there are a couple of grammatical mistakes that can be fixed.
Given that the complex mechanisms contributing to self-renewal of tumor initiating cells and disease progression in TNBC are poorly understood, this work is both clinically important and addresses the biology from a unique perspective. In addition, this reviewer finds the study to be reasonably logical and well controlled. Nevertheless, there are a number of areas where additional experiments are necessary in order to strengthen the conclusions of the manuscript and provide support for the authors model.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The article by Liu et al describes a novel partner interaction between two transmembrane proteins, CD44 and CD81, which associate in tumor cells and in extracellular vesicles released by these cells. The authors have previously shown, by KD or KO strategies, that CD44 expression by tumors participates in their migration and metastatic properties. Here the authors show that CD81 deletion in tumors similarly decreases both tumor local growth and formation of metastasis. Since CD81 has been described on small EVs, the authors also evaluate the effect of CD44 or CD81 (or both) KO in the capacity of tumors to release small EVs, and in the ability of these EVs to reconstitute migration of tumor cells depleted of CD81 in vitro. Finally, the authors show a negative correlation between CD81 expression and clinical outcome in breast cancer patients, and observe clusters of circulating tumor cells expressing CD81 and CD44 in these patients.
The experiments are generally well performed and convincing, except that all mouse experiments seem to have been performed only once, with small groups of mice (between 4 and 6 with several sites of tumor injection per mouse). Reproducing at least once these experiments should be shown.
Another unsatisfying aspect is the claim that CD44 and CD81 are specifically required for secretion of the subtype of EVs called exosomes, which forms in intracellular multivesicular endosomes. This claim is based on the (wrong) assertion that CD81 (together with CD9, CD63 and TSG101) is an exosome marker, based on ref 46,47 published in 2006 and 2011: the field has evolved a lot since then, and it is now becoming clear that CD63 (which normally accumulates in multivesicular endosomes) may be enriched in exosomes, but that neither CD9 nor CD81 are, since they mainly localize at the plasma membrane, and thus probably are released more prominently in small microvesicles (see Kowal, J., et al. (2016). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113: E968. and Mathieu, M., et al. (2021). Nat Commun 12(1): 4389.). In figure 3, the authors show empty internal compartments in cells with deleted CD44 or CD81, which (if these compartments are altered MVBs) should then lead to fewer exosomes recovered extracellularly. However, the authors observe instead more particles recovered from these cells. When analyzing the composition of these EVs, the authors show maybe a decrease in CD63 in EVs from both CD44 and CD81 ko cells, but contradictory effects on the presence of Lamp2 (which is a more convincing marker of late endosome/lysosome-derived exosomes): increased in CD44 but decreased in CD81 ko. These results, however, are not really interpretable, since the authors show only a single Western Blot, thus no evidence of reliable changes in protein composition. In any case, I would suggest that the authors do not, in the current state of the article, try to claim any specific subcellular origin of the EVs affected by CD44 and CD81. In addition, the EVs are only quantified by the vesicle flow cytometry established by the authors, but then, in functional assay, and in Western blots, EVs are quantified in terms of proteins. It would be important to show if CD44 and CD81 ko also decrease the amount of proteins recovered in the EV preparations, and the number of particles quantified by NTA, as they apparently decrease the number of events detected by vesicle flow cytometry, or not, and if not, why did the authors chose to show only the vesicle flow cytometry results (this is not a very commonly used technic in the field). Another important point to change is the presentation of results as bar graphs: all such graphs must be replaced by graphs showing the position of individual replicates, to illustrate the reproducibility of the presented results (eg fig1B, S1C, 3C, 3G-H, 5C, 5E, 5G, 6B, 6H, 6K, etc). (as explained in Weissgerber et al, Plos Biol 2015 13(4): e1002128).
Finally, a somehow frustrating aspect of the paper is that the link between the observed effect of CD44 or CD81 ko on EV release and their in vitro functions on mammosphere formation (fig3), and the effect on in vivo tumor growth and metastasis (fig 5-6) end up as two separate observations (the authors rightly do not claim that impaired exosome release in vivo is responsible for the impaired metastasis). The observation also of clustered CD81 and CD44+ circulating tumor cells in patients (fig4) is also somehow a separate observation. Thus there are several stories put together in this article.
These results are interesting as showing a novel molecule whose high expression may promote tumor progressions (CD81, as a cluster with CD44). The novelty lies in the functional interaction between CD44 and CD81 leading to the pro-metastatic effect described. Interaction between CD44 and CD81 had been previously observed in a generic proteomic study of EVs (Perez-Hernandez, D., et al. (2013). J Biol Chem 288: 11649), but not more explored in terms of consequent functions. A pro-metastatic effect of CD81 expression in tumors, especially TNBC, has also been recently demonstrated (Vences-Catalan, F., et al. (2021). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118.). These two articles should be quoted in the current paper.
My field of expertise is extracellular vesicles, and their roles in cancer progression. I can only judge superficially the modeling part of the article,
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript, Dr. Huiping Liu and colleagues investigate the role of CD81 in breast cancer metastasis, cancer stem cells, and extracellular vesicles (EVs). CD81 is a tetraspanin protein that has unclear roles in cancer. The authors discover that CD81 can form a complex with CD44 on cell surface and instigate cell clustering (important for CTC dissemination), self renewal and metastasis using multiple cell lines and xenografts. Multi-omic studies led them to CD81-regualted EVs, which they found to play critical roles in driving stemness and cell clustering. Furthermore, they found that CD81 is co-expressed with CD44 and affects patient outcomes. Overall, the novelty of the work is high, and the amount of data is impressive and of high quality. The experiments presented are well controlled and rigorous. However, there are some concerns as listed below:
- The conclusion of EVs made by TICs to reprogram non-TICs into TICs is based on adding large amounts of EVs isolated from WT tumor cells. The amount may not be achievable in physiological conditions. Further, if the EVs released by TICs are sufficient to reprogram neighboring tumor cells, this event would be expected to self-propagate and all the tumor cells would become TICs.
- The conclusion that CD44 switched from membrane to intracellular locations adherent vs. suspension cultures is not well supported by the data presented in Fig 1E. It appears that the cells expressing membrane CD44 did not change much, but the cells population expressing intracellular CD44 expanded in the suspension culture.
- Fig 6E-H experiments are a bit flawed. Metastasis degree is unlikely to be proportional to the primary tumor size, so it is not proper to normalize the metastatic burden to the primary tumor weight. These data can be removed without significantly weakening the major conclusions.
- Fig 3J appears to have different lanes pasted together. ¬¬Therefore, it is unclear whether the results could be compared, calling into the question of the statements involving the proteins studied including OCT4, pSTAT3 and FAK.
- The authors state that EVs were comparable between WT and 44ko and 84ko cells partly based on the western blot presented in Fig 3E. While TSG101 appears similar, the other markers appear quite different. This needs explanation.
- The rationale for different cut-offs in Fig 4A-C is unclear. Auto cut-offs should not be used to maximize the detection of difference. The exact public dataset used should be stated.
- The description regarding the screen leading to CD81 is confusing. Including a diagram may help.
- Fig 1E, the phrase "ratio of cells expressing" is bit confusing. Did the authors mean % of cells expressing their indicated markers?
- Cryo-EM shows detects impaired membrane integrity of EVs of 81ko but 44ko. Yet, Fig 2 shows that ko of either 44 or 81 disruptions the localization and therefore the function of the other. Explanation is needed for why 44ko did not affect 81 regulation of EVs.
- Fig S8C is not a robust correlation analysis. A scatter plot should be presented.
- There are a few typos. For example "cytoplastic membranes" should be cytoplasmic membranes. The following sentence is awkward: "Among the siCD81-upregulated genes, SEMA7a, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchor promoting osteoclast and blood cell differentiation (58, 59), when further depleted in CD81KO cells, siSEMA7a partially rescued or restored mammosphere formation in these cells (Supplementary Figure S2D-F),.."
This work has high significance in CTC formation and metastasis. While CD44 has been reported by this group previously in 2019 Cancer Discovery to promote clustering formation and collective dissemination, this work takes a step further to identify a new interaction partner of CD81 on cell membrane and implicate the regulation of EVs as mechanism to promote stemness. This manuscript has broad interest in the Cancer Research community. This reviewer expertise is breast cancer and rodent models of breast cancer.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary: Klein and colleagues generate an ES cell model system with inducible FACT depletion to understand how loss of FACT affects gene regulation in ES cells. They find that FACT is critical for ES cell maintenance through multiple mechanisms including direct regulation of key pluripotency transcription factors (Sox2, Oct4, and Nanog), maintaining open chromatin at enhancers, and regulated enhancer RNA transcription. The paper is well-written, the experiments are generally well-controlled and appropriately interpreted and placed within the context of the field.
We appreciate the Reviewer’s support of this manuscript.
Major comments: 1. In general, the ChIP-seq and CUT&RUN data are not that similar. Although correlation seems reasonable (S2A), looking at the heatmaps in S2B/C these seem pretty different. It's not very clear if this is a case where CUT&RUN has higher specificity (and signal-to-noise, which is very clear from example tracks) or if these two methods are picking up biologically different sites. Could the authors include some overlap analysis of peaks and comment on these discrepancies. Looking at the example tracks in Figure 2B, it seems likely that prior SPT16 and SSRP1 ChIP-seq were relatively high-noise.
We have identified overlapping peaks between the two techniques, and while CUT&RUN identified substantially more peaks overall, percentage of peaks shared between datasets were relatively consistent (1-6% of total) between the individual ChIP-seq datasets and the CUT&RUN dataset (Response Figure 1). We note that the biological classes identified through all datasets were remarkably consistent (Fig. 2D), and therefore attribute the discrepancies to the greater number of reproducible peaks called from CUT&RUN data. As discussed in the paper, peak calling algorithms designed for the specific data types were used, and therefore peak calling could also contribute to differences.
Response Figure 1. ChIP-seq and CUT&RUN peak overlap. Pie chart depicting the unique and overlapping peaks called from V5-SPT16 CUT&RUN data and FACT ChIP-seq data. These data are included in the revised manuscript (as a new Figure panel 2E). Peaks must have been identified in at least two technical or biological replicates.
Are motifs described in Figure 2E CUT&RUN only, and do prior ChIP-seq experiments also identify these motifs?
The motifs shown in Figure 2E (now 2F) are indeed CUT&RUN peaks only. We were unable to confidently assign enriched motifs to the ChIP-seq datasets (the most enriched motifs were approximately p = 10-18). By analyzing all SPT16 ChIP-seq peaks, rather than only intersected SPT16 ChIP-seq peaks, we were able to identify motifs recognized by two of the top three CUT&RUN motif hits (SOX2 and OCT4/SOX2/TCF/NANOG); however, enrichment was quite poor (p = 10-3). By limiting the analysis to intergenic regions, we were able to identify strong enrichment for motifs recognized by CTCF and BORIS (p = 10-58 and 10-51, respectively). As validation, we also called motifs from peak files published as supplementary material to the original Tessarz lab manuscript but were still unable to confidently call motifs (all p > 10-7 for SPT16 peaks, p > 10-15 for SSRP1 peaks). Related to major comment 1, we suspect that the weak motif enrichment is due to high background in ChIP-seq datasets compared to CUT&RUN datasets.
The authors state that FACT depletion affects eRNA transcription and measured this using TT-seq. The analysis in Figure 3B seems to be all the different types of sites looked at together (genes, PROMPTs, etc). Is there evidence that eRNAs specifically are regulated by FACT loss.
We apologize for the confusion and have clarified that Figure 3B (now 3A) is referring to mRNAs only in the text and figure. Our analysis of eRNA regulation by FACT is predominantly contained within Fig. 4B (TT-seq from DHSs, but no histone mark overlap assessment), Supp Fig. S4 (as in Fig 4B, but at DHSs overlapping H3K27ac or H3K4me1), Fig. 5E (FACT localization to putative enhancers, defined as in S4), and Fig. 6D (ATAC-seq demonstrating loss of accessibility at putative enhancers upon FACT depletion). Based on these results, we believe there are many eRNAs specifically misregulated by FACT loss and that potential direct targets (based on change in depletion and containing FACT binding) are in Fig 5E.
Could these be compared to DHS sites that lack FACT binding to support a direct role for FACT at these sites?
We appreciate the suggestion and have performed this analysis (see Response Figure 2). Relatedly, we analyzed putative silencers, defined as DHSs marked by H3K27me3, for FACT binding and expression changes (measured by TT-seq) following FACT depletion (Supp Fig. S7). As expected, FACT does not bind these putative silencer DHSs and transcription does not markedly increase or decrease from these regions after FACT depletion. Complicating the matter, FACT binds at many DHSs, even those that did not to meet our stringent peak-calling criteria (see Response Figure 2, middle cluster).
__Response Figure 2. Overlap between FACT binding sites and gene-distal DHSs. __Individual clusters are sorted by V5-SPT16 binding. Clusters were assigned based on direct overlap between called V5-SPT16 peaks and assigned gene-distal DHSs. Overall, 17.6% of DHSs overlapped a FACT peak identified in at least one CUT&RUN replicate (8.5% of DHSs overlapped a peak present in multiple replicates).
One mechanism proposed for how FACT regulates enhancers is that it is required for maintaining a nucleosome free area, and when FACT is depleted nucleosomes invade the site (Figure 7). It wasn't clear if they compared distal DHS sites were FACT normal bound to those without FACT binding in the MNase experiments, which could help support the direct role or specificity of FACT in regulating those enhancers (or a subset of them).
We have subset the V5-SPT16 CUT&RUN peaks and distal DHSs into groups and have identified increased nucleosome occupancy after depletion at both FACT-bound and FACT-unbound DHSs suggesting both direct and indirect regulation (Fig. 6A, D). There is disruption to nucleosome arrays at non-FACT-bound DHSs (although more modest relative to the FACT bound locations), and therefore we speculate that a nucleosome remodeler is involved downstream of FACT (possibly CHD1, per recent work out of Patrick Cramer and François Robert’s labs, among others).
- Data quality for nucleosome occupancy was a little strange (Figure 7F), where the two clones had very different MNase patterns at TSS sites. Could the authors comment on why there is such a strong difference between clones here.
We agree that the trends identified by visualizing differential MNase-seq signal near TSSs do not fully replicate; however, in examining the nondifferential MNase-seq heatmaps, we see a more expected distribution (see new Figure 7A). Per our newly-added Supp Fig. S9B, all MNase-seq replicates had a pairwise Pearson correlation value of at least 0.73 (SPT16-depleted clone 1/rep 1 vs untagged rep 3), and the vast majority of samples had pairwise correlations of above 0.85, suggesting that these discrepancies are not due to strong differences in sequencing depth or MNase-protected regions. We therefore suspect that the clonal distinctions are a result of different background occupancy of nucleosomes near the TSS, resulting in an array with increased occupancy in one clone and more generalized increased occupancy in the other clone. We also added the MNase-seq data over TSSs in a non-differential form in Fig 7A, and believe the difference between the clones is due to the differential analysis, and have commented accordingly in the revised manuscript.
More details on some of the analysis steps would be really helpful in evaluating the experiments. Specifically, was any normalization done other than depth normalization? I ask this because the baseline levels for many samples in metaplots look quite different. For example, see Figure 7B where either clone 1 has a globally elevated (at least out 2kb) ratio of nucleosome in the IAA samples relative to the EtOH, or there is some technical difference in MNase. One suggestion is to look at methods in the CSAW R package to allow TMM based normalization strategies which may help.
We appreciate the suggestion – we have expanded our explanation of normalization methodology in the paper. We initially used quartile and RPGC normalizations to attempt to mitigate technical differences in MNase-seq data. Size distribution plots did not suggest differences in MNase digestion between samples, and neither quartile/RPGC nor TMM-based normalization fully resolved this issue. Because our ATAC-seq datasets agree with the general trends identified by MNase-seq (which are consistent, despite technical differences between clones), we do not believe that the differences constitute true biological difference, but rather experimental noise.
- I appreciated the speculation section, and the possible relationship between FACT and paused RNAPII is interesting. While further experiments may be outside the scope of this work and I am not suggesting they do them, I am wondering if others have information on locations of paused RNAPII in ESC that would allow them to test if genes with paused RNAPII have a special requirement for FACT that they could use their current data to assess.
We agree that experiments to test the relationship between paused RNAPII and FACT are an intriguing next step, and plan to dissect those in the near future.
Minor comments: 1. When describing the peaks found in the text related to Figure 2 they refer to 'nonunique' peaks. Does this mean the intersection of the independent peak calls? Could they clarify this.
We apologize for the confusion and have clarified in the text that nonunique peaks does indeed refer to the intersection of independent peak calls (now specified on manuscript page 8, line 15).
In the text they refer to H3K56ac data in S2D and I don't see that panel. The color scheme for the 1D heatmaps (Figure 5A) is tough to appreciate the differences. I'd suggest something more linear rather than this spectral one might be easier to see.
We apologize for the confusion and removed the remaining H3K56ac-related data and references in the text. We appreciate the suggestion regarding the 1D heatmap color scheme and have adjusted the colors to a linear (white à red) scheme.
For the 2D heatmaps of binding, could they include the number of elements they are looking at for each group?
We appreciate the suggestion and have included numbers of elements visualized wherever applicable in the figure panels and legends.
- Also for 2D heatmaps, I think the scale is Log2 (IAA/EtoH), but could they confirm that and include it in the figure?
We apologize for the confusion; the only heatmaps displaying log2(IAA:EtOH) are those in Fig. 6; for those panels, we have clarified the scale in the figure and legend.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
The use of degrader based approaches to depleting a protein allows refined kinetic and temporal assays which I think are important. Several papers showed a rapid invasion of nucleosomes after SWI/SNF loss using these kinds of approaches and revealed surprisingly fast replacement of SWI/SNF. This paper is consistent with those models, showing that another remodeler behaves the same, suggesting there may be general requirements for active chromatin remodeling to maintain the expression of these genes. It also highlights a key gap in how specificity works to target these enzymes remains somewhat unknown.
This work will be of interest to those studying detailed mechanisms of gene regulation. Compared to some other chromatin regulators, FACT is understudied and so this work will allow comparison between different chromatin remodeling complexes.
My experience: chromatin, gene regulation, cancer, genomics
We appreciate the thorough review and hope that we have sufficiently addressed your concerns.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The authors propose that the FACT complex can regulate pluripotency factors along with their regulatory targets through non-genic locations. They find that acute depletion of FACT leads to a "reduction" in pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cell by disrupting transcription of master regulators of pluripotency. They also show FACT depletion affected the transcription of gene distal regulatory sites, but not silencers. They also stated that SPT16 depletion resulted in both, a reduction of chromatin accessibility and increase of nucleosome occupancy over FACT bound sites.
Overall the study appears technically well executed. The use of an Auxin induced depletion system is a good model to study the acute effects of FACT depletion. However, I have a number of concerns relating to specificity and interpretation of the results that need to be addressed. We appreciate the careful review and have addressed your comments below:
Major points o Authors claimed that depletion of the FACT complex "triggers a reduction in pluripotency". As evidence supporting this statement they present images of alkaline phosphatase assays of a time course performed upon depletion of FACT. These experiments indeed show that ESCs are destabilized in the absence of SPT16. However, some key questions regarding the phenotype remain unresolved: o What is are the kinetics of expression of selected naïve pluripotency and early differentiation markers? Are differentiation markers upregulated, consistent with normal differentiation upon FACT depletion?
We appreciate the suggestion and have emphasized the decrease in pluripotency factor expression, accompanied by an increase in differentiation marker expression across all three germ layers. We graphed 7 pluripotency factors and 7 differentiation markers for each germ layer; generally speaking, pluripotency factors are decreased while differentiation markers are increased (Response Figure 4; pluripotency factors are included in the new Fig. 3B, while differentiation markers are included in the new Supp Fig. S3 F-H).
We have also performed an immunocytochemistry (ICC) timecourse, per Reviewer 3’s suggestion. This ICC timecourse allows us to orthogonally assess decreased pluripotency factor expression, to pair with the OCT4 Western blot shown in Supp Fig. S1B. These new ICC data are shown in the new Fig. 1D and included here for convenience (Response Figure 5). In addition, we have added alkaline phosphatase staining at 12 hours of depletion to Fig. 1C.
__Response Figure 4. Plots of DESeq2 analysis across experimental timecourse. __Shown are lineage markers denoting: A. Pluripotency B. Endoderm C. Mesoderm and D. Ectoderm. Generally, expression of pluripotency factors decrease over time, while differentiation markers of each lineage increase over time. These data are shown in Figure 3B and Supplemental Figure S3F-H.
__Response Figure 5. Immunocytochemistry timecourse depicting DAPI staining (left panels, blue) and OCT4 immunofluorescence (right panels, green). __Images are representative of plate-wide immunofluorescence changes.
O Is only ESC identity affected or does loss of FACT impair viability also of cells that have exited pluripotency? To address this, growth curves and/or cell cycle analysis upon FACT depletion could be performed. Alternatively, the authors could utilize surface markers to distinguish naïve pluripotent form differentiated cells in the cell cycle analysis experiments to identify a potential differential response of pluripotent and differentiated cells to FACT depletion.
We have performed a growth curve with FACT depletion as suggested; as the two points are related, we will explain further below:
o Another key question is whether it is only the metastable pluripotent state of ESCs in heterogeneous FCS/LIF conditions which is affected by FACT loss, and whether cells cultured in the more homogeneous and more robust 2i-LIF conditions can tolerate FACT removal. If that is indeed the case it would enable the authors to address one main concern I have with this manuscript, which is that it is nearly impossible to distinguish the direct effect of FACT loss from differences induced by differentiation (and maybe cell death, see comment above). This is a critical concern that needs to be addressed and discussed appropriately.
We apologize for the confusion – all original experiments for this project were performed in the presence of LIF as well as GSK and MEK inhibitors CHIR99021 and PD0325091, respectively (2i+LIF conditions). To address the reviewers question, we have now performed a timecourse growth assay under both LIF-only and 2i+LIF conditions (Response Figure 6 and new Supp Fig S1F), and as suggested by the reviewer, observe a stronger effect of FACT depletion on cell viability in LIF-alone (FACT-depletion results in ~90% death within ~24 hours, with differences in growth observed by 12 hours) than in 2i+LIF (FACT-depletion results ~80% death within 48 hours, with differences in growth observed starting around 18 hours). Overall, ES cells in LIF alone are indeed more sensitive to FACT loss, supporting our decision to perform the experiments throughout the manuscript in 2i+LIF conditions.
LIF alone LIF + 2i
Response Figure 6. __Growth assays in LIF (left) and 2i+LIF (right) conditions. __Cells were treated with either EtOH or 3-IAA and counted at the indicated times. Viability was assessed using trypan blue exclusion. Error bars indicate standard deviation for biological triplicate experiments.
o A further major concern is about the specificity of the effect of FACT depletion. The authors claim that FACT is required to maintain pluripotency. From the data presented this is unclear. FACT appears to be part of the general transcription machinery in ESCs. It appears generally associated with active promoters and active genes, according to the data in this manuscript. Whether there is any specific link to pluripotency remains to be shown. It is unclear how enrichment analyses have been performed. If they haven't been performed using a background list of genes actively transcribed in ES cells, they will obviously show enrichment of ESC specific GO categories, because ESCs express ESC specific genes robustly expressed in ESCs?
We apologize for the confusion and have updated our methods section to include more comprehensive details on our pathway enrichment analyses. We have confirmed that pluripotency-related categories are still highly enriched in FACT-regulated DEGs, even when using a background dataset of all transcribed genes, per our TT-seq datasets (baseMean ≥ 1 in DESeq2 output).
In line with this: the authors show that FACT bound loci well overlap with Oct4 bound regions. But which proportion of FACT targets loci are actually Oct4 bound too?Is FACT binding exclusive to Oct4 regulated enhancers and promoters? In other words, will FACT be recruited to all actively transcribed genes in ES cells? In that case, a specific effect on pluripotency network regulation cannot be claimed.
We appreciate the suggestion, and have added the number of OCT4/SOX2/NANOG-bound FACT peaks and vice versa in the text and legend of Fig 3E-F. We have also summarized this information in Response Table 1, below (and included these data as Table 2 in the revised manuscript).
OCT4 peaks
Sox2 Peaks
Nanog Peaks
Any of OSN
V5 Peaks
OSN Peaks
% of OSN peaks bound by FACT
% of V5 peaks bound by pluripotency factor(s)
V5-bound promoters
OSN-bound promoters
V5- and OSN-bound promoters
OSN-bound gene-distal peaks
V5-bound gene-distal OSN peaks
__Response Table 1. Overlapping CUT&RUN and ChIP-seq peaks shared between OCT4, SOX2, NANOG, and V5-SPT16 under various stratifications. __Shown are numbers or percentages of peaks overlapping between V5 and OSN. The last column are peaks containing any of OCT4, SOX2, and/or NANOG. The first four rows include all peaks, regardless of location, and the last five rows are broken down by promoter (as defined by an annotated mRNA) or gene-distal location (defined by a minimum of +/- 1kb from a gene).
Of the 45,865 OCT4 peaks, 3,688 are located at promoters, and 1,209 of these peaks are bound by V5-SPT16 (32.8%). Inversely, 13,228 of 42,177 gene-distal OCT4 peaks are called as SPT16-V5 peaks in at least one CUT&RUN replicate (31.36%), suggesting a relationship between OCT4 binding and FACT binding, which has long been identified with genic transcription, but has roles extending beyond gene-proximal regulation. We observe similar trends with NANOG and SOX2.
o It is disappointing that neither raw data (GEO submission set to private) nor any Supplemental Tables containing differentially expressed transcripts and ChIP or Cut and Run peaks and associated genes were made available. This strongly reduces the depth of review that can be performed.
We apologize if the reviewer token in the cover letter was not accessible. The GEO datasets (including differentially expressed transcripts, raw fastq files, and analyzed datasets) will be made public upon publication; in the meantime, the GEO entry (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE181624) can still be accessed using the previously provided reviewer token: wvkvwmwynjeffux.
o To what extent do FACT bound loci overlap with genes differentially expressed 24h after FACT depletion? This analysis would help determine the direct targets of FACS regulation.
We appreciate the suggestion. This analysis can be found in the original Figure S6, broken down by FACT-repressed (expression increased upon FACT depletion), unchanged, and FACT-stimulated (expression decreased upon FACT depletion) DESeq2 results (ordered left-to-right, respectively). Figure S6A-C shows that V5-SPT16 binding is enriched, but not exclusive to, genes with FACT-regulated expression, while Fig. S6D-F shows TT-seq data for each group, sorted by log2-fold change assigned by DESeq2.
o The paper mainly relies on NGS analysis. Therefore, it is crucial that authors show as Supplemental Material some basic QC of these data. PCA analyses to show congruency of replicates are the minimum requirement.
We appreciate the suggestion and have included a new Supp. Fig S9, with pairwise comparative Pearson correlation scatterplots and heatmaps for replicates in each dataset, in addition to the scatterplots shown for CUT&RUN and ChIP-seq data in the original Supp Fig. S2A.
o Did the authors perform any filtering for gene expression levels before analysis? Are genes in the analysis robustly expressed in at least one of the conditions?
We apologize for the confusion. Due to the sensitive nature of TT-seq and the germ layer-inconsistent pattern of cell differentiation following FACT depletion, we did not perform filtering for gene expression prior to any analyses. For the vast majority of genes analyzed, however, we are able to identify transcription via TT-seq, even in those that do not significantly change expression upon FACT depletion (see Supp Fig S6E). As discussed above, we did include a cutoff for expressed genes in our revised pathway analysis.
o Wherever p values were reported for enrichment analyses, adjusted p values should be used
We apologize for the oversight; the p values were in fact adjusted p values and have updated the text and figures to make it explicit that the adjusted p values were used wherever applicable.
o I cannot follow the logic used by the authors to explain discrepant results from Chen et al about the role of FACT in ESCs. Chen et al showed that FACT disruption by SSRP1 depletion is compatible with ESC survival and leads to ERV deregulation. The authors of the present study attribute these differences to potential FACT independent roles of SSRP1. However, I would assume that if there are indeed FACT independent roles of SSRP1, then the phenotype of SSRP1 KOs in which FACT and other processes should be dysfunctional should be even stronger than a plain FACT KO. This needs a proper and careful explanation.
We apologize that our discussion of FACT-independent roles of SSRP1 was not clear and have clarified our wording in the text (page 4, line 49 – page 5, line 4)in the revised manuscript); we intended to reconcile the results of Chen et al. 2020 with Goswami et al. 2022 and Cao et al. 2003; despite SSRP1 knockout viability in embryonic stem cells, SSRP1 knockout is lethal in mice between 5-40 weeks and general SSRP1 knockout is lethal 3.5 days post-conception (per Goswami et al. 2022). We therefore posit that the general requirement for SSRP1 may be due to distinct roles from those carried out by the FACT complex in ES cells, as discussed by Spencer et al. 1999, Zeng et al. 2002, Li et al. 2007, and Marciano et al. 2018.
We note that our findings are in agreement with papers from the Gurova lab and others in that depletion of mRNA or protein of SPT16 leads to concomitant loss of SSRP1; we therefore do not expect total SSRP1 loss to have a stronger effect than SPT16 depletion. We therefore expect, and confirmed via Western blotting (Figure 1B, Supplemental Figure 1), that depletion of SPT16 leads to loss of both FACT subunits, and therefore all FACT subunit activity, complex-dependent or -independent.
Also, did the authors observe any evidence for ERV deregulation upon acute SPT16 depletion?
We did indeed observe ERV deregulation upon SPT16 depletion. When reviewing our TT-seq datasets, 7.1% of ERVs were derepressed, while 2.4% decreased in expression upon 24h FACT depletion (mm10 ERVs sourced from gEVE, Nakagawa and Takahashi, 2016). Further, we identified increased chromatin accessibility after FACT depletion at annotated LTR elements, as shown in the table below (Response Table 2). Here we are displaying the calculated enrichment score for accessibility detected at these locations. A negative value indicates lower accessibility than expected by region size, while a positive score indicates that reads are more enriched than expected at the indicated region.
ATAC-seq enrichment score for locations losing accessibility with FACT depletion
LTR Enrichment
Intergenic Enrichment
Promoter Enrichment
ATAC-seq enrichment score for locations gaining accessibility with FACT depletion
LTR Enrichment
Intergenic Enrichment
Promoter Enrichment
__Response Table 2. Changes in ATAC-seq peak enrichment for selected regions, annotated via HOMER. __At regions differentially accessible between SPT16-depleted and SPT16-undepleted samples, regions were assigned to an annotated genomic feature using HOMER annotatePeaks.pl and assigned an enrichment score based on the ratio of ATAC-seq signal to region size. Over time, LTR elements become more enriched among the ATAC-seq peaks both gaining and losing accessibility, indicating a role for FACT in maintaining LTR accessibility.
We do wish to note, however, that Lopez et al. 2016 identified SPT16-independent regulation of LEDGF/HIV-1 replication by SSRP1, and therefore cannot rule out effects on ERV dysregulation due to SSRP1 loss that accompanies SPT16 depletion.
Minor points o Figure S2A is very small and resolution is low. Page 10: "...while all four Yamanaka factors (Pou5f1, Sox2, Klf4, and Myc) and Nanog were significantly 24 reduced after 24 hours (Fig. 3A, S3A-B)". No data for myc is being shown.
We apologize for the figure resolution and have included a larger image. Because pairwise comparative scatterplots are not space-efficient, we opted to display the Pearson correlations for the datasets including more samples (TT-seq and ATAC-seq timecourses) as heatmaps in the new Supp Fig S9. We have added Myc labeling to the volcano plot (now in Fig. 3A) and included a trace of Myc expression over time to the new pluripotency factor graph in Fig. 3B.
o Are the two bands in the middle in figure 1B is supposed to be a ladder? This should be clarified.
We thank the reviewer for noticing this and apologize for the oversight.
o Figure 3C- This Figure is complicated to read. Also, information appears redundant with the Table 1, I recommend to remove this panel.
We have moved the panel to the supplement (now Supp Fig. S3A). While the information is somewhat redundant with Table 1, we chose to include the former panel 3C as a visual representation of the consistent deregulation over depletion time across transcript categories.
o Figure 6 and figure 7 could be presented in one single figure since both aspects are complementary and target related aspects.
While we thank the reviewer for this suggestion, we do not believe that the information contained in Figs. 6 and 7 can effectively be conveyed in a single figure. While both figures focus on chromatin accessibility and nucleosome occupancy, Fig. 6 is designed to address the changes in chromatin accessibility over time, while Fig. 7 is more relevant to the biological mechanism through which FACT co-regulates targets of the core pluripotency network (OCT4/SOX2/NANOG) after 24 hours of depletion.
o Are the authors certain that the effects observed are directly linked to the FACT complex in contrast to FACT independent roles of SPT16, if any exist? The experiment to address this would be to deplete SSRP1 and investigate whether the effects are identical, which would be the hypothesis to be tested.
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We did attempt to create additional SSRP1-AID-tagged lines; however, generating these lines proved to be technically challenging, and comparison of the FACT-dependent and -independent roles of the individual subunits is beyond the scope of this work. Further complicating the matter, SSRP1 is effectively depleted within 6 hours of 3-IAA addition in SPT16-AID lines due to the interdependence of FACT subunits. We again thank the reviewer for their suggestion and will consider this work for a future study.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
My expertise is pluripotency and GRNs.
I would judge the significance of the study as presented as low, mainly because at this moment it remains unclear what FACT indeed does concerning regulation of pluripotency.
We respect the reviewer’s opinion and hope that our revisions have made more clear how the FACT complex prevents nonspecific differentiation from occurring, thereby maintaining pluripotency and self-renewal in embryonic stem cells. Importantly, neither untagged cells treated with 3-IAA nor tagged cells treated with vehicle display the growth defects, loss of pluripotency factor expression, increased differentiation marker expression, phenotypic evidence of differentiation, and reduced alkaline phosphatase staining that the FACT-depleted cells do, highlighting a key requirement for FACT in pluripotent cells. Beyond this, we believe the novel gene distal regulatory role we have identified for FACT presents an exciting new role for this complex in gene regulation.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In this manuscript, Klein, et al. addressed function of FACT complex in mouse ESCs, using cut&run, TT-seq, ATAC-seq, MNase-seq, together with Auxin-mediated FACT degradation system. The authors first reported that efficient and acute depletion of SPT16 with the Auxin-mediated degradation system resulted in over 5,000 up- and 5,000 down-regulated genes within 24 hours, including down-regulation of pluripotent gens. Then, they demonstrated that many of FACT binding sites overlap with Oct4, Sox2, Nanog binding sites by Cut&Run, and those loci increase nucleosome occupancy 24 hour after removal of FACT.
The Auxin-mediated degradation system seems to be working very well (while I would like to see an over exposed version of Western blotting), and efficient degradation might explain the different phenotypes from the previous reported phenotypes by shRNA and the chemical inhibitor, which might not deplete FACT function completely and/or might have off-target effects. The Cut&Run data also have much sharper peaks than previously reported SSRP1, SPT16 ChIP-seq data. Doing ATAC-seq, MNase-seq upon removal of FACT is excellent. WIth the excellnet degradation system, depletion of FACT resulted in loss and gain of gene expression and differentiation. However, unfortunately it was not very clear to me what was the direct consequences of FACT removal and its mechanisms, waht was consequence of differentiation.
We appreciate the kind words regarding our choice and execution of techniques and the reviewer’s time spent on this manuscript. We have made a number of changes to the manuscript in order to clarify the direct role of FACT and the consequences of FACT loss on embryonic stem cells.
Although we did not develop the blots for a longer period when we performed the Westerns, we have artificially overexposed our V5-SPT16 Western blot from Figure S1 (in Adobe Illustrator) to highlight the more subtle bands at later depletion timepoints; we hope that this helps to clarify the effectiveness of the degron system.
Response Figure 7. V5-SPT16 Western blot with adjusted exposure. We manually adjusted the entire blots’ exposures using Adobe Illustrator. L indicates ladders, and the timecourse depletion is shown above the blot.
In my opinion, doing many of the analysis 24 hours after FACT depletion, where differential expressed (coding) genes (DEGs) are >10,000 (Table 1)), is too late to understand what the direct consequences are. Seeing 214 up- and 174 down-regulated DEGs 6 hours after FACT depletion, I do agree that FCAT seems to do both suppression and activation of target genes. It could have been really interesting to investigate what % of FACT bindign sites change chromatin accesibility and nucleosome occupancy at that time point, if those loci are close to any of the up- or down-regualted DEGs.
We appreciate the suggestion and have included more information regarding the percentage of FACT binding sites with altered chromatin accessibility, as well as included some analyses to address the directness of FACT’s contribution to DEGs at all timepoints (see Supp Figs S4, S6). We would like to note that, we performed the TT-seq and ATAC-seq experiments at 0, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours post 3-IAA treatment in order for us to explore the progressive change in both the transcriptome and chromatin accessibility, with only the MNase-seq limited to 24 hours. As originally shown in our Sankey plot in Supp Fig 4, we see a progressive change in expression for a small subset of genes over our timecourse running from 0-24 hours, with the largest effect observed at 24 hours, once the FACT protein levels are almost entirely depleted. Similarly, we see a progressive change in ATAC-seq signal over the same regions, with the strongest effects over the same regions visible at 24 hours post-depletion. Due to our observation that SPT16 is not depleted at 3 or 6 hours, with significant depletion seen at 24 hours (see Response Figure 7) and because we intended to study the FACT complex’s role in preventing differentiation, we were most interested in the effects at 24 hours of depletion, which allow us to analyze both the disruption of pluripotency factor expression and the facilitation of differentiation marker expression across all three germ layers (see Response Figure 4).
Followings are reasons of above my judgement and suggestions to improve the manuscript.
Major points 1. Figure 1. ALP staining is not very sensitive way to evaluate ESC differentiation. I recommend Immunofluorescence for pluripotency genes (NANOG and/or SOX2) and quantification. Or present changes of pluripotency genes in graphs over time course from RNA-seq data.
We appreciate the suggestions and have taken both into account. We have included a new panel in Figure 3 (new 3B) to display the changes of pluripotency factor expression over our timecourse. We have also included some data showing differentiation factors as part of a response to Reviewer 1, which can be found above (Response Figure 4). In addition, we performed immunocytochemistry to examine OCT4 abundance over a depletion timecourse and have added a 12-hour to our alkaline phosphatase assay to address the sensitivity of differentiation over time (Figure 1C, D and Response Figure 5).
- Fig 2A, 3E, 3F. How many transcription start sites are shown here? (Throughout the manuscript, it is hard to know how many loci are shown in the heatmaps. It should be described within the figures)
We apologize for the omission and have added numbers of loci shown to relevant Figure panels throughout the paper.
It is nice to see nascent transcription high sites have high FACT binding, but can you also show actual nascent transcription of these loci as a heatmap, before and after FACT depletion? These heatmaps should be shown in a descending order of FACT Cut&Run signalling, as FACT binding is important in this manuscript.
We appreciate the suggestion and have plotted those data below (see Response Figure 8).
Response Figure 8. Nascent transcription from sites with high FACT binding. Top: TPM-normalized TT-seq signal after 12-hour treatment, oriented to mRNA strand and plotted as entire mRNA length, ± 500 bp. Data are sorted by SPT16 CUT&RUN signal over 1kb upstream of annotated TSSs. n = 1 over 22,597 rows (RefSeq Select mRNAs). Bottom: TPM-normalized TT-seq signal after 24-hour treatment, oriented to mRNA strand and plotted as entire mRNA length, ± 500 bp. Data are sorted by SPT16 CUT&RUN signal over 1kb upstream of annotated TSSs. n = 3 (mean) over 22,597 rows (RefSeq Select mRNAs).
Strong FACT binding sites have strong transcription. Is FACT really supressing transcription?
We agree that it is very difficult to disentangle FACT function due to its binding correlation with transcription; however, we see a clear trend of FACT binding at promoters that are sensitive to FACT depletion (Supp Fig. S6A/D and C/F). Intriguingly, the genes that see the greatest derepression by DESeq2 analysis are those that are directly bound by FACT (per ChIP-seq and CUT&RUN; Supplemental Figure S6A/D), while the greatest decrease in expression occurs at genes that are less bound by FACT (Supp Fig S6C/F). In our opinion, this trend lends credence to both direct repression by FACT and distal gene regulation. We note that others (e.g., Kolundzic et al. 2018) have shown direct repression of gene expression by FACT, in line with that aspect of our data.
- Fig 3ABD. It is more important to show 3h, 6h 12 h time points. The same apply to Fig 4. What %, how many of DEGs (coding and non-coding) at each time point had FACT binding nearby in ESCs?
We agree that the early timepoints are important and have added volcano plots to the supplemental material for earlier timepoints, with genes of interest specifically annotated. We have also examined pluripotency and differentiation markers at earlier timepoints, per other reviewers’ suggestions, and have included the percentage of DEGs with nearby FACT binding in the manuscript. Specifically, 2013 replicated V5 peaks (out of 16,054; 12.54%) occurred within 1000 bp of a RefSeq Select TSS.
Total DEGs (up)
V5-bound DEGs (up)
Total DEGs (down)
V5-bound DEGs (down)
16 (27.59%)
1 (20%)
38 (17.76%)
31 (17.82%)
123 (9.00%)
281 (14.54%)
431 (7.98%)
663 (13.26%)
__Response Table 3. Table of DESeq2-assigned DEGs that are bound by SPT16-V5. __To be defined as V5-SPT16-bound, a DEG must have SPT16-V5 binding within 1000 bp upstream of its RefSeq-select annotated TSS.
We believe that these earliest depletion timepoints are in line with FACT-mediated gene regulation occurring distal to the regulated genes’ promoters.
Fig 3EF. Interesting data and the overlap between SPT16 binding sites and pluripotency binding sites look very strong. But it is difficult to know what % is overlapping from these figures.
We appreciate the difficulty in quantifying the overlap between pluripotency factor binding sites and FACT binding sites; we have added those data to the manuscript below Figure 3E for OCT4; for other pluripotency factors, these data can be found in Response Figure 9 and Response Table 1. Briefly, 18.33% of OCT4 ChIP-seq peaks are bound by V5-SPT16 and 52.41% of V5-SPT16 peaks are bound by OCT4. Interestingly, 34.6% of gene-distal OCT4 ChIP-seq peaks are bound by V5-SPT16, implying greater convergence between FACT and pluripotency factors at gene-distal sites, in line with known trends for OCT4 binding. Overall, 59.63% of V5-SPT16 peaks are co-bound by at least one of OCT4, SOX2, or NANOG.
Can you show 1 heatmap split into 3 groups, a. SPT16-V5 unique, common between SPT16-V5 and Oct4 ChIP-seq, Oct4 ChIP-seq unique, with indication of numbers each group has? Also make the same figures for Sox2 and Nanog. (E is less important. If the authors want, they can use the published FACT ChIP-seq data in the same loci.)
We appreciate the suggestion and have plotted V5-SPT16 CUT&RUN data and pluripotency factor ChIP-seq over unique and shared regions for OCT4 (top) SOX2 (middle) and NANOG (bottom). Interestingly, although some peaks in the non-overlapping cluster were not called as peaks by the algorithms’ threshold, one can observe that a subset do seem to have overlapping binding. We again appreciate the suggestion and think that this was an excellent way to display the data and have included these data as a new panel (Fig. 3E) but also show below in Response Figure 9.
Fig. 5. Basic information what % (how many) of SPT16-V5 CUT&RUN peaks belong to this 'enhancer' category is missing.
We apologize for the oversight and have added numbers to the figure and legend.
I am not sure the meaning of separating enhancers and TSS of coding genes in the analyses, though. If majority of SPT16-V5 CUT&RUN peaks overlap with Oct4 binding sites, it is not surprising that SPT16-V5 CUT&RUN peaks overlaps with ATAC-seq signal and enhancer marks.
We agree that it is unsurprising that V5-SPT16 overlaps with accessible chromatin and enhancers, given the extensive overlap with OCT4 ChIP-seq peaks. We wanted to emphasize our novel finding of gene-distal FACT binding, given the more established trend of binding at promoters.
- Fig 6A. I could not figure out what % of DHSs overlaps with FACT binding sites.
We have added this percentage to Fig 5C and included an analysis of altered chromatin accessibility in a new Table 3 (page 20). Briefly, 11,234 replicated V5-SPT16 peaks (out of 16,043; 70%) directly overlap a gene distal DHS. Orthogonally, 11,234 DHSs (out of 132,555; 8.5%) directly overlap a V5-SPT16 peak.
I do not see the point of showing DHSs which do not overlap with FACT binding sites.
In agreement with Reviewer 1, we believe that it is important to include FACT-unbound DHSs for a clearer understanding of the direct vs indirect effects of FACT depletion. We have condensed some of these data into a single heatmap, clustered between FACT-bound DHSs, non-FACT-bound DHSs, and FACT-bound non-DHS sites to streamline the information (now shown in Fig 3E).
Response Figure 9. Heatmaps of clustered SPT16 and OSN binding data. Shown are clustered heatmaps depicting V5-SPT16 CUT&RUN binding overlapping ChIP-seq peaks for OCT4 (top) SOX2 (middle) and NANOG (bottom). In each set of heatmaps the top cluster is pluripotency factor-unique, the middle cluster is shared, and the V5-unique cluster is on the bottom. Each cluster is sorted by descending strength of V5-SPT16 binding (CUT&RUN). Clusters were assigned by directly overlapping peaks.
How ATAC-seq signal changes upon depletion of FACT at FACT binding sites (Fig 6B) is important. Can you explain why ATAC-seq signals increase at the FACT binding site flanking regions (across +/- 2kb) where FACT binding is strong (without changing the chromatin accessibility at the FACT binding sites)? Perhaps authors need to show actual ATAC-seq track with EtOH or 3-IAA treatment over ~10kb regions flanking FACT binding sites. It is difficult to understand what is happening seeing only the changes (ratio) of ATAC-seq read counts, how big the differences are.
We agree that the local window and ratio of ATAC-seq signal somewhat muddles the true biological trends. We have plotted non-differential ATAC-seq signal for each SPT16-AID clone over V5 binding sites, ±10 kb, to more accurately depict the local chromatin status (shown below in Response Figure 10). There is an apparent trend at V5-SPT16 CUT&RUN peaks of accessible chromatin, and this high local accessibility very likely contributes to the high ATAC-seq signal immediately flanking V5 binding sites; over the binding sites themselves, however, FACT depletion consistently triggers decreased accessibility (see Fig. 6).
Can you identify differentially open loci based on 3-IAA- and Et-OH treated ATAC-seq data at each time point, and then how many of them overlap with FACT binding sites? There are a few tools to identify differential open regions with ATAC-seq data. That could help to understand the direct roles of FACT binding.
We appreciate the suggestion and have performed this analysis using a combination of PEPATAC and HOMER (see Response Tables 4-6 below). FACT depletion leads to the following accessibility changes:
Decreased accessibility
220 (0.35%)
3,713 (5.99%)
6,885 (11.11%)
8,441 (13.62%)
Increased accessibility
2 (0.00%)
12 (0.02%)
276 (0.45%)
6,031 (9.73%)
Response Table 4. Accessibility changes over consensus ATAC-seq peaks. Consensus ATAC-seq peaks were defined per PEPATAC standards (peaks called by MACS2 in (n/2)+1 samples, irrespective of condition.
Decreased accessibility
848 (1.64%)
1870 (3.51%)
2525 (4.83%)
4,092 (7.90%)
Increased accessibility
107 (0.21%)
283 (0.55%)
534 (1.03%)
2,449 (4.73%)
Response Table 5. Accessibility changes over regions bound by V5-SPT16.
Response Figure 10. ATAC-seq data shown over a 20kb window. Heatmaps depicting non-differential ATAC-seq data over FACT binding sites for SPT16-AID clones 1 (top) and 2 (bottom). Data are sorted by V5-SPT16 binding strength.
Decreased accessibility
3,294 (2.46%)
3,175 (2.37%)
3,636 (2.71%)
7,018 (5.23%)
Increased accessibility
102 (0.08%)
313 (0.23%)
1,797 (1.34%)
5,975 (4.45%)
V5-bound DHSs (11,234 total)
Decreased accessibility
1 (0.01%)
9 (0.08%)
96 (0.85%)
2006 (17.86%)
Increased accessibility
5 (0.04%)
28 (0.25%)
71 (0.63%)
87 (0.77%)
Response Table 6. Accessibility changes over gene-distal DHSs and over only FACT-bound gene-distal DHSs.
Together with Fig 1A and Fig 6C, do they mean the more FACT binding, the more transcription (Fig 1A). Also the higher transcription rate, the more increased chromatin accessibility upon depletion of FACT (Fig 6C)?
While we do see that FACT binding correlates with transcription and with FACT-dependent chromatin accessibility, we do not wish to make the argument that FACT binding alone is indicative of high transcription, nor that transcription is necessarily the deciding factor in FACT-depleted chromatin accessibility changes. We do want to note that transcriptional disruption is a likely contributor to increased chromatin accessibility in the absence of FACT as it pertains to paused RNAPII, as speculated in our discussion, but that experiments to truly test this hypothesis are beyond the scope of this work. That being said, in response to Reviewer 1, we did assess the potential correlation of FACT binding to locations with greater paused RNAPII (Response Figure 3) and see a connection. We are excited to explore this more in future work.
Perhaps plotting nascent transcripts at 12hr, 24 hr of FACT depletion next to these heatmaps might show if it colleates with transcription changes as well?
We appreciate the suggestion, and have included this plot in Response Figure 8, sorted by FACT binding to gene promoters; however, we find it difficult to visualize differences in transcription with non-differential heatmaps.
Sites losing chromatin accessibility (bottom half of Fig 6C) seem not to have FACT binding (bottom half of Fig 1A), thus it is likely to be indirect effects. It is better to make figures focussing on 'direct effects'.
We agree that there are sites with reduced chromatin accessibility upon FACT depletion that are not bound by FACT; however, given the extensive binding of FACT at gene-distal regulatory regions (F2D, F4A, F5, F6A/D), we would suggest that these “indirect” effects are possibly the result of FACT-dependent gene-distal regulation.
Fig 1A and Fig 6C indicated that FACT binding sites (i.e. TSS) decrease chromatin accessibility. I thought it does not fit with the idea of increasing nucleosome occupancy. But actually the data (Fig 7F) shows that TSS does not show increased nucleosome occupancy unlike Fig 7A-E. In fact, Fig 6B showed that about bottom 50% of weaker V5 binding sites decreased chromatin accessibility at 24 hr, which fits with increased nucleosome occupancy in Fig 7A. But then if you looked at only top 50% of stronger V5 binding sites, which did not decrease chromatin accessibility, nucleosome occupancy did not change as well? Why don't you make heatmap of MNase-seq next to Fig 6B?
We have added heatmaps of non-differential MNase-seq data to Fig. 7A to address both concerns. Regarding Figure 6B, we note that the V5-SPT16 peaks themselves invariantly show decreased chromatin accessibility, and that it is the surrounding chromatin, not the V5-SPT16 peak itself, that shifts from increased to decreased chromatin accessibility at 12-24 hours of depletion. We would also like to clarify that the original heatmaps in Fig 6B were sorted by change in chromatin accessibility at 24h, rather than V5 binding.
We disagree that the TSSs do not show increased nucleosome occupancy in Fig. 7F, as there is an increase in signal above background directly over the TSS in both replicates, per the differential metaplot shown in Fig. 7B, that is specific to the AID-tagged lines. However, the two clones did show variable results. To address this, we have plotted the non-differential MNase-seq plots (Fig. 7A), which show more consistent trends; it appears that the transformation of the data into differential at this location was the cause of the slightly variable plots over TSSs.
- I could not follow based on which data the model in Fig 8 is made. Again it is better to focus in the direct effects.
Thank you for the suggestion; we have updated our model to focus more on the direct effects.
Minor points. 10. Line 1 page 5, Kolundzic paper did not have MEF reprograming data. They reported human fibroblast reprogramming was enhanced by FACT KD.
We appreciate the correction and have clarified the language to specify that the work of Kolundzic et al. included human fibroblast reprogramming and Shen et al. performed MEF reprogramming.
- Line 3, I disagree with "these data establish FACT as essential in pluripotent cells". One paper said FACT KD increased proliferation of mESCs, the other paper said chemical inhibition of FACT was necessary for passaging ESCs, but not proliferation. Importance of FACT in pluripotent cells was very unclear to me.
We have clarified our language to specify that pluripotent cells have a FACT dependency that differentiated cells do not. We note that we were unable to recapitulate a relationship between FACT and trypsinization/passaging of ES cells, suggesting a more nuanced role for FACT in pluripotent cells, in line with work from the Tessarz and Gurova labs.
Line 7 Page 7, reference the paper with the ChIP-seq data.
We apologize for the oversight and have added the reference.
Line 16, Page 7. It doesn't seem the the Cut&run and previously published ChIP-seq data agree well.. >50% look different. It is nothing the authors can do, but can you show venn diagram of peak overlap?
In response to Reviewer 1, we have generated Response Figure 1 where we display a pie chart of the overlap. In addition to displaying this again to the right in Response Figure 11 this, we have included another analysis below in Response Figure 11, to address this comment. Specifically, we have plotted peak overlaps as a Venn diagram to compare peaks identified in at least two experimental replicates from either the CUT&RUN or ChIP-seq data (left). We have also overlapped replicated peaks between the individual targets and displayed them as a pie chart (right; same as Response Figure 1). While the CUT&RUN data do display a greater signal:noise ratio and call far more peaks, we note that more peak conservation between experiments is relatively consistent (1-6%) between all datasets, including the ChIP-seq experiments profiling opposite factors.
Overall, we see strongly reproducible trends (albeit with less sharp definition in the ChIP-seq), complemented by highly similar biological feature assignment in Fig. 2D and Pearson correlation values of between 0.76 and 0.78 between SPT16 ChIP-seq and V5-SPT16 CUT&RUN (Supp Fig. S2A).
__Response Figure 11. Overlaps between SPT16-V5 CUT&RUN, SPT16 ChIP-seq, and SSRP1 ChIP-seq. __Called peaks were compared between V5-SPT16 CUT&RUN, SPT16 ChIP-seq, and SSRP1 ChIP-seq, using both our own analysis pipeline (left) and the peaks published with the original manuscript by Tessarz et al. (2018; right). While our ChIP-seq peak-calling appears to have applied more stringent thresholds, trends are generally agreeable.
Line 12, 22 page 10. Fig.3AB is 24 hrs. Do not match with the text.
We apologize for the error and have changed the references in the text to the new panel 3C.
- Line 23, 24, page 10, Highlight Klf4 and Myc in the volcano plot.
We have added KLF4 and MYC annotation to the volcano plot in Fig. 3A, as well as plotted their log2FC over time in the new panel 3B.
- Line 18, 19, page 16. This is not accurate statement. Sample 2 increased the accessibility at 6 hours. Sample 1 decreased, but even the control did so.
We apologize for the unclear wording; we intended to suggest that all timepoints after 6 hours (i.e., 12 and 24 hours) display decreased accessibility directly over the DHS. We have corrected the text.
- Line 48-50, page 16. Two replicates show very different patterns. Difficult to agree with the statement based on the figure.
We agree that the differential replicate patterns are not ideal; however, both replicates display an increase in nucleosome-sized reads over the promoter region, consistent with our ATAC-seq results presented in Fig 6C. Size distribution plots did not suggest differences in MNase digestion between samples, and neither quartile/RPGC nor TMM-based normalization fully solved this issue. Because our ATAC-seq datasets agree with the general trends identified by MNase-seq (which are consistent, despite technical differences between clones), we do not believe that the differences constitute biological difference, but rather experimental noise. We have included a heatmap of non-differential MNase-seq signal around TSSs in Fig 7A to highlight the experimental reproducibility between replicates. Based on this analysis it appears that the transformation of the data into differential at this location was the cause of the slightly variable plots over TSSs.
- Line 15, page 19. Where does "1.5 times" come from? which is 1.5 times more, and is that different from the proportion of those?
We apologize for the unclear reference to the altered transcripts in Table 1 and have changed our wording to be more precise.
- Line 32, page 19. Is Fig S2B correct figure?
We appreciate the correction; the text should have referred to Fig. 4 and has been fixed.
Line 35-39, page 21. I understand FACT does not bind to silenced loci. If FACT does not bind, it is not surprising that expression from those loci does not change upon FACT deletion. I do not understand what the authors said.
We agree that a lack of binding and unchanged expression after FACT depletion at putative silencers are unsurprising; given FACT’s extensive genic and gene-distal binding, we wished to show a class of transcribed regions unbound by FACT as a control, to show that non-FACT-regulated transcription was not affected by FACT transcription. We have clarified our wording in the text to emphasize that a lack of change was expected at silencers.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
Previously it has been shown that Oct4 physically interacts with the FAcilitates Chromatin Transactions (FACT) complex. Seemingly contradicting phenotypes have been reporting upon suppression of FACT function in the maintenance and induction of pluripotent cells. Mylonas has reported that knockdown of SSRP1, a component of FACT complex, increased ESC proliferation (2018). Shen has described that chemical inhibition of FACT complex affected passaging of ESCs, but proliferation was not affected without passaging. Kolundzic has found that both SSRP1 and SUPT16H, another component of FACT complex, enhance human fibroblast reprogramming into iPSCs (2018), while Shen has reported that chemical inhibition of FACT blocks mouse iPSC generation form MEFs.
My expertise lies on pluripotent stem cells and transcriptional regulations. I did like the Auxin-mediated FACT degradation system these authors used and acute depletion of FACT is an excellent way of evaluating FACT function in ESC, compared to previously published shRNA based knockdown or use of a chemical inhibitor. However, as I described above, it was not very clear what could the direct effects and I feel looking at 24 hours after depletion might be to late to address this question.
We appreciate the review and agree that acute depletion of FACT has great potential to understand the complex’s function in ES cells. We understand that the nature of gene-distal regulation does make it difficult to cleanly elucidate direct regulation, and hope that our revisions have clarified that our goal was to examine direct, gene-distal regulation, rather than indirect effects. We would like to note that we examined transcription and chromatin accessibility after 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours of 3-IAA treatment, with all these data included in the original manuscript, and saw minimal change (likely because FACT was not fully depleted until later timepoints); to capture the true biological effects of FACT depletion, we explored most thoroughly the 24 hour 3-IAA treatment to understand the downstream effects between FACT loss and cellular differentiation. However, we have expanded discussion and analyses of the earlier timepoints in this revised manuscript.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript, Klein, et al. addressed function of FACT complex in mouse ESCs, using cut&run, TT-seq, ATAC-seq, MNase-seq, together with Auxin-mediated FACT degradation system. The authors first reported that efficient and acute depletion of SPT16 with the Auxin-mediated degradation system resulted in over 5,000 up- and 5,000 down-regulated genes within 24 hours, including down-regulation of pluripotent gens. Then, they demonstrated that many of FACT binding sites overlap with Oct4, Sox2, Nanog binding sites by Cut&Run, and those loci increase nucleosome occupancy 24 hour after removal of FACT.
The Auxin-mediated degradation system seems to be working very well (while I would like to see an over exposed version of Western blotting), and efficient degradation might explain the different phenotypes from the previous reported phenotypes by shRNA and the chemical inhibitor, which might not deplete FACT function completely and/or might have off-target effects. The Cut&Run data also have much sharper peaks than previously reported SSRP1, SPT16 ChIP-seq data. Doing ATAC-seq, MNase-seq upon removal of FACT is excellent. WIth the excellnet degradation system, depletion of FACT resulted in loss and gain of gene expression and differentiation. However, unfortunately it was not very clear to me what was the direct consequences of FACT removal and its mechanisms, waht was consequence of differentiation.
In my opinion, doing many of the analysis 24 hours after FACT depletion, where differential expressed (coding) genes (DEGs) are >10,000 (Table 1)), is too late to understand what the direct consequences are. Seeing 214 up- and 174 down-regulated DEGs 6 hours after FACT depletion, I do agree that FCAT seems to do both suppression and activation of target genes. It could have been really interesting to investigate what % of FACT bindign sites change chromatin accesibility and nucleosome occupancy at that time point, if those loci are close to any of the up- or down-regualted DEGs.
Followings are reasons of above my judgement and suggestions to improve the manuscript.
Major points
- Figure 1. ALP staining is not very sensitive way to evaluate ESC differentiation. I recommend Immunofluorescence for pluripotency genes (NANOG and/or SOX2) and quantification. Or present changes of pluripotency genes in graphs over time course from RNA-seq data.
- Fig 2A, 3E, 3F. How many transcription start sites are shown here? (Throughout the manuscript, it is hard to know how many loci are shown in the heatmaps. It should be described within the figures) It is nice to see nascent transcription high sites have high FACT binding, but can you also show actual nascent transcription of these loci as a heatmap, before and after FACT depletion? These heatmaps should be shown in a descending order of FACT Cut&Run signalling, as FACT binding is important in this manuscript. Strong FACT binding sites have strong transcription. Is FACT really supressing transcription?
- Fig 3ABD. It is more important to show 3h, 6h 12 h time points. The same apply to Fig 4. What %, how many of DEGs (coding and non-coding) at each time point had FACT binding nearby in ESCs?
- Fig 3EF. Interesting data and the overlap between SPT16 binding sites and pluripotency binding sites look very strong. But it is difficult to know what % is overlapping from these figures. Can you show 1 heatmap split into 3 groups, a. SPT16-V5 unique, common between SPT16-V5 and Oct4 ChIP-seq, Oct4 ChIP-seq unique, with indication of numbers each group has? Also make the same figures for Sox2 and Nanog. (E is less important. If the authors want, they can use the published FACT ChIP-seq data in the same loci.)
- Fig. 5. Basic information what % (how many) of SPT16-V5 CUT&RUN peaks belong to this 'enhancer' category is missing. I am not sure the meaning of separating enhancers and TSS of coding genes in the analyses, though. If majority of SPT16-V5 CUT&RUN peaks overlap with Oct4 binding sites, it is not surprising that SPT16-V5 CUT&RUN peaks overlaps with ATAC-seq signal and enhancer marks.
- Fig 6A. I could not figure out what % of DHSs overlaps with FACT binding sites. I do not see the point of showing DHSs which do not overlap with FACT binding sites. How ATAC-seq signal changes upon depletion of FACT at FACT binding sites (Fig 6B) is important. Can you explain why ATAC-seq signals increase at the FACT binding site flanking regions (across +/- 2kb) where FACT binding is strong (without changing the chromatin accessibility at the FACT binding sites)? Perhaps authors need to show actual ATAC-seq track with EtOH or 3-IAA treatment over ~10kb regions flanking FACT binding sites. It is difficult to understand what is happening seeing only the changes (ratio) of ATAC-seq read counts, how big the differences are. Can you identify differentially open loci based on 3-IAA- and Et-OH treated ATAC-seq data at each time point, and then how many of them overlap with FACT binding sites? There are a few tools to identify differential open regions with ATAC-seq data. That could help to understand the direct roles of FACT binding.
- Together with Fig 1A and Fig 6C, do they mean the more FACT binding, the more transcription (Fig 1A). Also the higher transcription rate, the more increased chromatin accessibility upon depletion of FACT (Fig 6C)? Perhaps plotting nascent transcripts at 12hr, 24 hr of FACT depletion next to these heatmaps might show if it colleates with transcription changes as well? Sites losing chromatin accessibility (bottom half of Fig 6C) seem not to have FACT binding (bottom half of Fig 1A), thus it is likely to be indirect effects. I beleive it is better to make figures focussing on 'direct effects'.
- Fig 1A and Fig 6C indicated that FACT binding sites (i.e. TSS) decrease chromatin accessibility. I thought it does not fit with the idea of increasing nucleosome occupancy. But actually the data (Fig 7F) shows that TSS does not show increased nucleosome occupancy unlike Fig 7A-E. In fact, Fig 6B showed that about bottom 50% of weaker V5 binding sites decreased chromatin accessibility at 24 hr, which fits with increased nucleosome occupancy in Fig 7A. But then if you looked at only top 50% of stronger V5 binding sites, which did not decrease chromatin accessibility, nucleosome occupancy did not change as well? Why don't you make heatmap of MNase-seq next to Fig 6B?
- I could not follow based on which data the model in Fig 8 is made. Again it is better to focus in the direct effects.
Minor points.
- Line 1 page 5, Kolundzic paper did not have MEF reprograming data. They reported human fibroblast reprogramming was enhanced by FACT KD.
- Line 3, I disagree with "these data establish FACT as essential in pluripotent cells". One paper said FACT KD increased proliferation of mESCs, the other paper said chemical inhibition of FACT was necessary for passaging ESCs, but not proliferation. Importance of FACT in pluripotent cells was very unclear to me.
- Line 7 Page 7, reference the paper with the ChIP-seq data.
- Line 16, Page 7. It doesn't seem the the Cut&run and previously published ChIP-seq data agree well.. >50% look different. It is nothing the authors can do, but can you show venn diagram of peak overlap?
- Line 12, 22 page 10. Fig.3AB is 24 hrs. Do not match with the text.
- Line 23, 24, page 10, Highlight Klf4 and Myc in the volcano plot.
- Line 18, 19, page 16. This is not accurate statement. Sample 2 increased the accessibility at 6 hours. Sample 1 decreased, but even the control did so.
- Line 48-50, page 16. Two replicates show very different patterns. Difficult to agree with the statement based on the figure.
- Line 15, page 19. Where does "1.5 times" come from? which is 1.5 times more, and is that different from the proportion of those?
- Line 32, page 19. Is Fig S2B correct figure?
- Line 35-39, page 21. I understand FACT does not bind to silenced loci. If FACT does not bind, it is not surprising that expression from those loci does not change upon FACT deletion. I do not understand what the authors said.
Previously it has been shown that Oct4 physically interacts with the FAcilitates Chromatin Transactions (FACT) complex. Seemingly contradicting phenotypes have been reporting upon suppression of FACT function in the maintenance and induction of pluripotent cells. Mylonas has reported that knockdown of SSRP1, a component of FACT complex, increased ESC proliferation (2018). Shen has described that chemical inhibition of FACT complex affected passaging of ESCs, but proliferation was not affected without passaging. Kolundzic has found that both SSRP1 and SUPT16H, another component of FACT complex, enhance human fibroblast reprogramming into iPSCs (2018), while Shen has reported that chemical inhibition of FACT blocks mouse iPSC generation form MEFs.
My expertise lies on pluripotent stem cells and transcriptional regulations. I did like the Auxin-mediated FACT degradation system these authors used and acute depletion of FACT is an excellent way of evaluating FACT function in ESC, compared to previously published shRNA based knockdown or use of a chemical inhibitor. However, as I described above, it was not very clear what could the direct effects and I feel looking at 24 hours after depletion might be to late to address this question.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors propose that the FACT complex can regulate pluripotency factors along with their regulatory targets through non-genic locations. They find that acute depletion of FACT leads to a "reduction" in pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cell by disrupting transcription of master regulators of pluripotency. They also show FACT depletion affected the transcription of gene distal regulatory sites, but not silencers. They also stated that SPT16 depletion resulted in both, a reduction of chromatin accessibility and increase of nucleosome occupancy over FACT bound sites.
Overall the study appears technically well executed. The use of an Auxin induced depletion system is a good model to study the acute effects of FACT depletion. However, I have a number of concerns relating to specificity and interpretation of the results that need to be addressed.
Major points
- Authors claimed that depletion of the FACT complex "triggers a reduction in pluripotency". As evidence supporting this statement they present images of alkaline phosphatase assays of a time course performed upon depletion of FACT. These experiments indeed show that ESCs are destabilized in the absence of SPT16. However, some key questions regarding the phenotype remain unresolved:
- What is are the kinetics of expression of selected naïve pluripotency and early differentiation markers? Are differentiation markers upregulated, consistent with normal differentiation upon FACT depletion?
- Is only ESC identity affected or does loss of FACT impair viability also of cells that have exited pluripotency? To address this, growth curves and/or cell cycle analysis upon FACT depletion could be performed. Alternatively, the authors could utilize surface markers to distinguish naïve pluripotent form differentiated cells in the cell cycle analysis experiments to identify a potential differential response of pluripotent and differentiated cells to FACT depletion.
- Another key question is whether it is only the metastable pluripotent state of ESCs in heterogeneous FCS/LIF conditions which is affected by FACT loss, and whether cells cultured in the more homogeneous and more robust 2i-LIF conditions can tolerate FACT removal. If that is indeed the case it would enable the authors to address one main concern I have with this manuscript, which is that it is nearly impossible to distinguish the direct effect of FACT loss from differences induced by differentiation (and maybe cell death, see comment above). This is a critical concern that needs to be addressed and discussed appropriately.
- A further major concern is about the specificity of the effect of FACT depletion. The authors claim that FACT is required to maintain pluripotency. From the data presented this is unclear. FACT appears to be part of the general transcription machinery in ESCs. It appears generally associated with active promoters and active genes, according to the data in this manuscript. Whether there is any specific link to pluripotency remains to be shown. It is unclear how enrichment analyses have been performed. If they haven't been performed using a background list of genes actively transcribed in ES cells, they will obviously show enrichment of ESC specific GO categories, because ESCs express ESC specific genes Will results hold true if these experiments are performed using background lists of genes robustly expressed in ESCs? In line with this: the authors show that FACT bound loci well overlap with Oct4 bound regions. But which proportion of FACT targets loci are actually Oct4 bound too? Is FACT binding exclusive to Oct4 regulated enhancers and promoters? In other words, will FACT be recruited to all actively transcribed genes in ES cells? In that case, a specific effect on pluripotency network regulation cannot be claimed.
- It is disappointing that neither raw data (GEO submission set to private) nor any Supplemental Tables containing differentially expressed transcripts and ChIP or Cut and Run peaks and associated genes were made available. This strongly reduces the depth of review that can be performed.
- To what extent do FACT bound loci overlap with genes differentially expressed 24h after FACT depletion? This analysis would help determine the direct targets of FACS regulation.
- The paper mainly relies on NGS analysis. Therefore, it is crucial that authors show as Supplemental Material some basic QC of these data. PCA analyses to show congruency of replicates are the minimum requirement.
- Did the authors perform any filtering for gene expression levels before analysis? Are genes in the analysis robustly expressed in at least one of the conditions?
- Wherever p values were reported for enrichment analyses, adjusted p values should be used
- I cannot follow the logic used by the authors to explain discrepant results from Chen et al about the role of FACT in ESCs. Chen et al showed that FACT disruption by SSRP1 depletion is compatible with ESC survival and leads to ERV deregulation. The authors of the present study attribute these differences to potential FACT independent roles of SSRP1. However, I would assume that if there are indeed FACT independent roles of SSRP1, then the phenotype of SSRP1 KOs in which FACT and other processes should be dysfunctional should be even stronger than a plain FACT KO. This needs a proper and careful explanation. Also, did the authors observe any
- evidence for ERV deregulation upon acute SPT16 depletion?
Minor points
- Figure S2A is very small and resolution is low. Page 10: "...while all four Yamanaka factors (Pou5f1, Sox2, Klf4, and Myc) and Nanog were significantly 24 reduced after 24 hours (Fig. 3A, S3A-B)". No data for myc is being shown.
- Are the two bands in the middle in figure 1B is supposed to be a ladder? This should be clarified.
- Figure 3C- This Figure is complicated to read. Also, information appears redundant with the Table 1, I recommend to remove this panel.
- Figure 6 and figure 7 could be presented in one single figure since both aspects are complementary and target related aspects.
- Are the authors certain that the effects observed are directly linked to the FACT complex in contrast to FACT independent roles of SPT16, if any exist? The experiment to address this would be to deplete SSRP1 and investigate whether the effects are identical, which would be the hypothesis to be tested.
My expertise is pluripotency and GRNs.
I would judge the significance of the study as presented as low, mainly because at this moment it remains unclear what FACT indeed does concerning regulation of pluripotency.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Klein and colleagues generate an ES cell model system with inducible FACT depletion to understand how loss of FACT affects gene regulation in ES cells. They find that FACT is critical for ES cell maintenance through multiple mechanisms including direct regulation of key pluripotency transcription factors (Sox2, Oct4, and Nanog), maintaining open chromatin at enhancers, and regulated enhancer RNA transcription. The paper is well-written, the experiments are generally well-controlled and appropriately interpreted and placed within the context of the field.
Major comments:
- In general, the ChIP-seq and CUT&RUN data are not that similar. Although correlation seems reasonable (S2A), looking at the heatmaps in S2B/C these seem pretty different. It's not very clear if this is a case where CUT&RUN has higher specificity (and signal-to-noise, which is very clear from example tracks) or if these two methods are picking up biologically different sites. Could the authors include some overlap analysis of peaks and comment on these discrepancies. Looking at the example tracks in Figure 2B, it seems likely that prior SPT16 and SSRP1 ChIP-seq were relatively high-noise.
- Are motifs described in Figure 2E CUT&RUN only, and do prior ChIP-seq experiments also identify these motifs?
- The authors state that FACT depletion affects eRNA transcription and measured this using TT-seq. The analysis in Figure 3B seems to be all the different types of sites looked at together (genes, PROMPTs, etc). Is there evidence that eRNAs specifically are regulated by FACT loss. Could these be compared to DHS sites that lack FACT binding to support a direct role for FACT at these sites?
- One mechanism proposed for how FACT regulates enhancers is that it is required for maintaining a nucleosome free area, and when FACT is depleted nucleosomes invade the site (Figure 7). It wasn't clear if they compared distal DHS sites were FACT normal bound to those without FACT binding in the MNase experiments, which could help support the direct role or specificity of FACT in regulating those enhancers (or a subset of them).
- Data quality for nucleosome occupancy was a little strange (Figure 7F), where the two clones had very different MNase patterns at TSS sites. Could the authors comment on why there is such a strong difference between clones here.
- More details on some of the analysis steps would be really helpful in evaluating the experiments. Specifically, was any normalization done other than depth normalization? I ask this because the baseline levels for many samples in metaplots look quite different. For example, see Figure 7B where either clone 1 has a globally elevated (at least out 2kb) ratio of nucleosome in the IAA samples relative to the EtOH, or there is some technical difference in MNase. One suggestion is to look at methods in the CSAW R package to allow TMM based normalization strategies which may help.
- I appreciated the speculation section, and the possible relationship between FACT and paused RNAPII is interesting. While further experiments may be outside the scope of this work and I am not suggesting they do them, I am wondering if others have information on locations of paused RNAPII in ESC that would allow them to test if genes with paused RNAPII have a special requirement for FACT that they could use their current data to assess.
Minor comments:
- When describing the peaks found in the text related to Figure 2 they refer to 'nonunique' peaks. Does this mean the intersection of the independent peak calls? Could they clarify this.
- In the text they refer to H3K56ac data in S2D and I don't see that panel. The color scheme for the 1D heatmaps (Figure 5A) is tough to appreciate the differences. I'd suggest something more linear rather than this spectral one might be easier to see.
- For the 2D heatmaps of binding, could they include the number of elements they are looking at for each group?
- Also for 2D heatmaps, I think the scale is Log2 (IAA/EtoH), but could they confirm that and include it in the figure?
- The use of degrader based approaches to depleting a protein allows refined kinetic and temporal assays which I think are important. Several papers showed a rapid invasion of nucleosomes after SWI/SNF loss using these kinds of approaches and revealed surprisingly fast replacement of SWI/SNF. This paper is consistent with those models, showing that another remodeler behaves the same, suggesting there may be general requirements for active chromatin remodeling to maintain the expression of these genes. It also highlights a key gap in how specificity works to target these enzymes remains somewhat unknown.
- This work will be of interest to those studying detailed mechanisms of gene regulation. Compared to some other chromatin regulators, FACT is understudied and so this work will allow comparison between different chromatin remodeling complexes.
- My experience: chromatin, gene regulation, cancer, genomics
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Reply to the reviewers
We were pleased with the overall very positive comments by the reviewers considering our study as convincing, well written and of importance for researchers not only in the fields of adrenal and gonadal disease, but also for endocrinology, tumorigenesis, sexual dimorphism and beyond.
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Lyraki et.al. investigated the molecular basis of sexual dimorphism in adrenocortical hyperplasia. They use genetically modified mice, ectopically overexpressing R-spondin in SF1-experessing tissues (Sf1-Rspo1-gain-of-function [GOF]), causing overactivation of WNT signalling. Effects of R-spondin overexpression is nicely visualized using RNA Scope in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence; Ectopic R-spondin overexpression resulted in sex-specific adrenocortical hyperplasia (female) and degeneration (male), without observed changes in overall steroidogenic activity. Comparisons of the transcriptome of both male and female GOF and control mice of 4 weeks of age using RNA-sequencing demonstrated differential expression of genes involved in the cell cycle and immune response, in a sex-specific manner. Consequently, a BrdU proliferation assay confirmed increased proliferation in the inner cortex of female GOF mice but not male GOF mice. In contrast, male GOF mice showed increased CD68 staining, suggestive for increased macrophage infiltration. Next, using a sex reversal mice model, they show that the sexual dimorphism in adrenal hyperplasia is dependent on testicular androgens rather than chromosomal sex. When female GOF mice were treated daily with dihydrotestosterone, their adrenal weight and adrenal proliferation (BrdU assay) reduced. Moreover, knocking out the androgen receptor in the adrenal cortex of both female and male mice overexpressing R-spondin resulted in increased adrenal weight in male mice to a level comparable to the weight of female adrenals.
Altogether, I believe this manuscript convincingly shows that androgens act on adrenocortical cells and contribute to the sex-dependent susceptibility to adrenocortical hyperplasia. I have a few comments:
- Can the authors please briefly specify why for Figure 1D, three different statistical tests were performed? Based on the graphs it seems probable that this decided based on tests for normality and unequal variances? Were tests for normality and equal variances performed?
We apologize for not further explaining the reasons for choosing different tests. Different versions of one-way ANOVA were performed for this figure to assess whether adrenal weight differs between groups of different sex and genotype. The choice of statistical test was based on different normality distributions and unequal variances. More specifically, most groups for the 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 6 months timepoints displayed Gaussian distributions according to Shapiro-Wilk test. On the contrary, all the groups in the 12-month timepoint failed the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, prompting us to use a non-parametric test instead of ANOVA for this specific timepoint (the Kruskal-Wallis test). In addition, we tested for equality of variance using the Brown-Forsythe test. While the groups in the other timepoints display more or less equal variances, we confirmed significantly unequal standard deviations among the different groups in the 6-week timepoint (pThe manuscript will be amended accordingly.
Would it be an idea to perform a two-way ANOVA (or equivalent test) instead to study the interactive effect of ectopic R-spondin overexpression and sex on adrenal weight as well as BrdU expression?
We will perform the two-way ANOVA test as suggested.
Based on the images of Axin2 expression in Figure 3B, Axin2 expression seems higher in the outer cortex of the female adrenal, compared to the outer cortex of the male adrenal (and the opposite in the inner cortex). Can you please explain why the opposite trend is seen in Figure 3D for the outer cortex?
For our analysis we separated the adrenal into two regions with the outer cortex representing the region
Please clearly state the number of mice used for each experiment, either in the results section or in the methods section. At line 146, it is stated that n=6 mice "are analysed". At the other sentences just the n was provided. Therefore, I was wondering if not all mice were analysed here? How many mice were used? Also, at line 169 it is stated that 9 female Sf1-Rspo1GOF mice were used, while at line 170, only 8 aging Sf1-Rspo1GOF mice weer checked for carcinoma. Please explain.
We apologize for not having been more specific. The statement “n=6 mice analysed” in line 146 refers to the total number of animals analysed in this age group. We will clarify this by rephrasing the sentence: “At 6 weeks, all the male Sf1-Rspo1GOF adrenals (n=6) exhibited these degenerative changes to a varying degree….’
We will also review the entire manuscript and provide the number of samples used for each experiment.
Because of the low number, I am (based on this data only) not convinced that the presence of adrenocortical carcinoma in 1 of 8 female adrenals versus 0 of 8 male adrenals suggests sexual dimorphism (line 172).
The massive hyperplasia observed in female, but not in male mice in combination with the observed tumour in the female cohort strongly suggests that tumour formation in Rspo1GOF mice is sex specific. However, we agree with the reviewer that the low number of mice analysed does not allow us to draw a firm conclusion. We will therefore soften our statement and instead discuss that the increased proliferation is very likely to lead to a higher risk of developing adrenal tumours in females.
At line 159, please specify the age of the mice when steroid hormone levels were quantified.
Steroid hormone levels were quantified in 6 weeks old animals and this information will be included in the revised version of our manuscript.
I would suggest rephrasing sentence 186-188. Principle component analysis indeed nicely separates the samples on sex and Rspondin overexpression. However, I am not sure if one could say that sex was the “second most important factor” underlying the variation in gene expression.
We will change the respective phrase to: “Strikingly, sex was responsible for 26.3% of the variation in gene expression patterns among our experimental groups…”
The manuscript is well written, although the manuscript (especially the introduction) is quit lengthy and could be written more concisely.
We will review and shorten the manuscript.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): Of note, I am working in a specific endocrinological research niche and a bit distanced from this field. However, sexual dimorphism in (adrenal) diseases is a well-recognized phenomenon and the role of androgens and the androgen receptor in adrenal proliferation have previously been studied. Novel studies, like this study, are required to understand the mechanisms of sexual dimorphism in adrenal disease. This study is interesting especially (but not exclusively) for researchers working on adrenal or gonadal diseases or sexual dimorphism.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary: In this paper, the authors focus on the molecular cause of the sexual dysmorphism observed in the adrenocortical phenotype induced by moderate Wnt/b-catenin activation due to the gain of function of Rspo1 (Sf1-Rspo1GOF mice). Indeed, while the phenotype is similar before puberty, the females later develop adrenocortical hyperplasia with increase in proliferation and adrenal weight whereas the adrenal cortex of the males becomes thinner with ages and presents recruitment of macrophages and monocytes. Interestingly, the proliferation in the adrenal cortex is suppressed by androgen treatment in female and increases by Ar KO in male supporting an important role of androgen in the regulation of adrenocortical proliferation.
Major comments: - The authors describe an increase of Axin 2 expression in the outer part of the adrenal cortex in males compared to females but could the authors add a higher magnification of the outer cells in Sf1-Rspo1GOF to better illustrate this difference? Also, is this difference driven by an increase of dot per cell or an increase of the numbers of Axin 2 positive cells in this area?
High power views of the Axin2 RNA-Scope analysis will be included. The metric for the data that we provide is dots/cell and thus reflects the expression of Axin2 per cell. This information will be added to the revised version of the manuscript.
- The authors show that DHT injection in females leads to decrease proliferation but also increase the expression of Axin 2, a b-catenin target gene. As b-catenin is known to increase cell proliferation, did the authors look for instance, at the consequence on the expression of CCND1 or others b-catenin target genes involved in cell cycle regulation?
MYC expression (a b-catenin target gene) was analysed, but was not found to be changed upon DHT treatment. qPCR analysis for CCND1, as suggested by this reviewer, will be performed.
- Does DHT treatment in females or Ar KO in males affect the nucleo-cytoplasmic accumulation of b-catenin compared to controls? These results could help determine if Ar acts through b-catenin signaling or independently.
Measuring b-catenin activity in DHT treated females and AR KO is also a very good suggestion. We will analyse samples by immunofluorescent staining, and (as nuclear b-catenin is notoriously difficult to detect) by Axin2 expression which can be used as a readout for canonical b-catenin signalling.
- The authors did not mention if AS-RspoGOF males have macrophages and monocytes accumulation in the adrenal cortex as observed in Sf1-RspoGOF, this is an important information to better understand their origin and to know if they are due to mature or early embryonic dysregulation as AS-cre is activated later in time than Sf1-cre.
This is an interesting point and we will provide immunostaining for CD68 and IBA1 on AS-RspoGOF animals.
Minor comments: - In figure S8, could the authors add a H&E staining of AS-RspoGOF male adrenals in order to have all the controls?
This information will be added to Figure S8
- Based on the results presented here, the macrophage and monocyte observed in Sf1-RSPO1GOF males does not sound to be due to androgens as they are not observed in females treated with DHT. The authors should discuss these results and potential hypothesis explaining the macrophage recruitment.
A sentence discussing this point will be included.
- The authors should add a sentence or two to integrate their results in the ones previously published by Dumontet and collaborators (PMID: 29367455) regarding the consequences of DHT treatment on the regulation of Wnt signaling.
A sentence putting our study into context with findings in Dumontet et al. will be added.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
Although the potential role of DHT in the sexual dysmorphism has previously been suggested in mouse models developing adrenocortical tumors, the demonstration of the direct role of the androgen receptor in this regulation demonstrated here is an important key in the understanding of molecular causes of this phenomenon that is observed both in human and mice adrenocortical tumorigenesis. Moreover, this model opens new perspectives to study the importance of the immune system in the regulation of the adrenal cortex homeostasis. Based on my expertise on adrenocortical homeostasis, I know that this manuscript will be of particular interest for researchers in the field of adrenocortical function and tumorigenesis but also, more generally for people working on the consequences of DHT and sexual dysmorphism.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this paper, the authors focus on the molecular cause of the sexual dysmorphism observed in the adrenocortical phenotype induced by moderate Wnt/b-catenin activation due to the gain of function of Rspo1 (Sf1-Rspo1GOF mice). Indeed, while the phenotype is similar before puberty, the females later develop adrenocortical hyperplasia with increase in proliferation and adrenal weight whereas the adrenal cortex of the males becomes thinner with ages and presents recruitment of macrophages and monocytes. Interestingly, the proliferation in the adrenal cortex is suppressed by androgen treatment in female and increases by Ar KO in male supporting an important role of androgen in the regulation of adrenocortical proliferation.
Major comments:
- The authors describe an increase of Axin 2 expression in the outer part of the adrenal cortex in males compared to females but could the authors add a higher magnification of the outer cells in Sf1-Rspo1GOF to better illustrate this difference? Also, is this difference driven by an increase of dot per cell or an increase of the numbers of Axin 2 positive cells in this area?
- The authors show that DHT injection in females leads to decrease proliferation but also increase the expression of Axin 2, a b-catenin target gene. As b-catenin is known to increase cell proliferation, did the authors look for instance, at the consequence on the expression of CCND1 or others b-catenin target genes involved in cell cycle regulation?
- Does DHT treatment in females or Ar KO in males affect the nucleo-cytoplasmic accumulation of b-catenin compared to controls? These results could help determine if Ar acts through b-catenin signaling or independently.
- The authors did not mention if AS-RspoGOF males have macrophages and monocytes accumulation in the adrenal cortex as observed in Sf1-RspoGOF, this is an important information to better understand their origin and to know if they are due to mature or early embryonic dysregulation as AS-cre is activated later in time than Sf1-cre.
Minor comments:
- In figure S8, could the authors add a H&E staining of AS-RspoGOF male adrenals in order to have all the controls?
- Based on the results presented here, the macrophage and monocyte observed in Sf1-RSPO1GOF males does not sound to be due to androgens as they are not observed in females treated with DHT. The authors should discuss these results and potential hypothesis explaining the macrophage recruitment.
- The authors should add a sentence or two to integrate their results in the ones previously published by Dumontet and collaborators (PMID: 29367455) regarding the consequences of DHT treatment on the regulation of Wnt signaling.
Although the potential role of DHT in the sexual dysmorphism has previously been suggested in mouse models developing adrenocortical tumors, the demonstration of the direct role of the androgen receptor in this regulation demonstrated here is an important key in the understanding of molecular causes of this phenomenon that is observed both in human and mice adrenocortical tumorigenesis. Moreover, this model opens new perspectives to study the importance of the immune system in the regulation of the adrenal cortex homeostasis. Based on my expertise on adrenocortical homeostasis, I know that this manuscript will be of particular interest for researchers in the field of adrenocortical function and tumorigenesis but also, more generally for people working on the consequences of DHT and sexual dysmorphism.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Lyraki et.al. investigated the molecular basis of sexual dimorphism in adrenocortical hyperplasia. They use genetically modified mice, ectopically overexpressing R-spondin in SF1-experessing tissues (Sf1-Rspo1-gain-of-function [GOF]), causing overactivation of WNT signalling. Effects of R-spondin overexpression is nicely visualized using RNA Scope in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence; Ectopic R-spondin overexpression resulted in sex-specific adrenocortical hyperplasia (female) and degeneration (male), without observed changes in overall steroidogenic activity. Comparisons of the transcriptome of both male and female GOF and control mice of 4 weeks of age using RNA-sequencing demonstrated differential expression of genes involved in the cell cycle and immune response, in a sex-specific manner. Consequently, a BrdU proliferation assay confirmed increased proliferation in the inner cortex of female GOF mice but not male GOF mice. In contrast, male GOF mice showed increased CD68 staining, suggestive for increased macrophage infiltration.
Next, using a sex reversal mice model, they show that the sexual dimorphism in adrenal hyperplasia is dependent on testicular androgens rather than chromosomal sex. When female GOF mice were treated daily with dihydrotestosterone, their adrenal weight and adrenal proliferation (BrdU assay) reduced. Moreover, knocking out the androgen receptor in the adrenal cortex of both female and male mice overexpressing R-spondin resulted in increased adrenal weight in male mice to a level comparable to the weight of female adrenals.
Altogether, I believe this manuscript convincingly shows that androgens act on adrenocortical cells and contribute to the sex-dependent susceptibility to adrenocortical hyperplasia. I have a few comments:
- Can the authors please briefly specify why for Figure 1D, three different statistical tests were performed? Based on the graphs it seems probable that this decided based on tests for normality and unequal variances? Were tests for normality and equal variances performed?
Would it be an idea to perform a two-way ANOVA (or equivalent test) instead to study the interactive effect of ectopic R-spondin overexpression and sex on adrenal weight as well as BrdU expression? 2. Based on the images of Axin2 expression in Figure 3B, Axin2 expression seems higher in the outer cortex of the female adrenal, compared to the outer cortex of the male adrenal (and the opposite in the inner cortex). Can you please explain why the opposite trend is seen in Figure 3D for the outer cortex? 3. Please clearly state the number of mice used for each experiment, either in the results section or in the methods section. At line 146, it is stated that n=6 mice "are analysed". At the other sentences just the n was provided. Therefore, I was wondering if not all mice were analysed here? How many mice were used? Also, at line 169 it is stated that 9 female Sf1-Rspo1GOF mice were used, while at line 170, only 8 aging Sf1-Rspo1GOF mice weer checked for carcinoma. Please explain. 4. Because of the low number, I am (based on this data only) not convinced that the presence of adrenocortical carcinoma in 1 of 8 female adrenals versus 0 of 8 male adrenals suggests sexual dimorphism (line 172). 5. At line 159, please specify the age of the mice when steroid hormone levels were quantified. 6. I would suggest rephrasing sentence 186-188. Principle component analysis indeed nicely separates the samples on sex and Rspondin overexpression. However, I am not sure if one could say that sex was the "second most important factor" underlying the variation in gene expression. 7. The manuscript is well written, although the manuscript (especially the introduction) is quit lengthy and could be written more concisely.
Of note, I am working in a specific endocrinological research niche and a bit distanced from this field. However, sexual dimorphism in (adrenal) diseases is a well-recognized phenomenon and the role of androgens and the androgen receptor in adrenal proliferation have previously been studied. Novel studies, like this study, are required to understand the mechanisms of sexual dimorphism in adrenal disease. This study is interesting especially (but not exclusively) for researchers working on adrenal or gonadal diseases or sexual dimorphism.
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The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this work, Sil et al. use fluorescent microscopy and biochemical reconstitution to study the ribonucleoparticles formed by one of the two L1 transposon proteins: ORF1p. Authors show that fluorescently tagged ORF1p forms puncta in HeLa cells within several hours of induced expression. The authors use this system to test how various mutations in the ORF1p affect its ability to form puncta in cells. They then correlate this property to the ability to induce transposition, which is quantified using a reporter system. Mutants that fail to form puncta are also unable to induce transposition. This leads the authors to conclude that condensation of ORF1p is required for L1 retrotransposition. A two-color colocalization assay demonstrates that ORF1p is immobile within the observed puncta, showing no evidence of exchange and mixing with a co-expressed ORF1p labeled with a different fluorescent protein. In addition, the authors purify the ORF1p protein, and various mutant variants, and test their ability to undergo phase separation in vitro in various conditions where they vary the concentrations of ORF1p, the salt, and RNA. The simple phase separation assays are complemented with a biophysical characterization of the condensates, where the post-fusion relaxation into a circular shape of the droplet is quantified and used to determine the inverse capillary velocity, which reflects the condensate viscosity and surface tension. These properties and then correlated with the ability of the variants to form puncta and facilitate retrotransposition.
It is an interesting and well-written article. The figures are neat and well documented. The experimental methods are described in sufficient detail. However, I believe that the conclusions made are not sufficiently supported by the presented evidence. The authors show correlation, not causation, of the ORF1p condensation and transposition. The evidence that the ORF1p particles form co-translationally, that they are condensates, and that they directly mediate transposition is insufficient. The in vitro work is interesting, but too preliminary and needs a more careful quantification. I encourage the authors to address my comments experimentally as much as they can. Where not possible, they could tone down the language and address the comments in writing and point out the limitations in the article text.
Major comments:
- What is the evidence that ORF1p forms condensates in an endogenous situation? A more thorough discussion of the evidence, based on the literature is needed. Alternatively, authors could use antibodies (if available) to demonstrate that such structures indeed exist in cell culture of tissues.
- The model that the observed puncta form co-translationally through co-condensation of ORF1p and its encoding mRNA is intriguing and would indeed provide an elegant biophysical explanation for the discussed cis preference of transposition. In my opinion, this idea is the strongest part of the paper. I would advise the authors to provide more compelling evidence for this idea, as currently, it is not well-supported by the data. At the least, the authors need to show that the L1 mRNA is actually present in the studied condensates (for example, using smFISH on fixed cells). This will also allow the determination of the number of L1 mRNAs present in each condensate.
- If authors have access to a microscope that can perform FRAP measurements, I would strongly suggest such an assay, where the individual cytoplasmic and nuclear ORF1p puncta can be examined for their material properties as a function of time (compare 6 hours post-induction and 72 hours post-induction).
- Please provide a more detailed analysis of the formation of nuclear ORF1p condensates. How much later do they appear? The nucleus is the place where transposition occurs. Do the authors suggest that the co-translationally formed condensates enter the nucleus? Or do they form there de-novo? Is there also no colocalization in the nuclear foci? This could be addressed by a quantitative time-course.
- The in vitro assays only use the L1 mRNA fragment. Do other RNAs (for example total RNA, rRNA, mRNA) similarly affect ORF1p condensates? Other studies showed that the presence of specific RNA could nucleate the formation of condensates in vitro, particularly where non-specific RNA is also present, mimicking the cellular environment (Maharana et al. Science 2018, PMID: 29650702; Elguindy and Mendell, Nature 2021, PMID: 34108682). The authors should test if the observed effect of L1 mRNA fragment is sequence-specific. Length dependence should also be addressed, as it may be the key parameter for the "co-translational assembly and gelation" model.
Minor comments:
- The K3/K4 and R261 variants don't form puncta and do not promote transposition, yet phase separate at a similar concentration in vitro. The stammer mutants phase separate less efficiently in vitro, yet form puncta and promote transposition. This suggests that the in vitro phase separation assay is not very informative of the protein's behavior in cells. To me, it suggests that the puncta observed in cells might not be formed through phase separation. Other mechanisms of puncta formation should be explored.
- Based on the fluorescent images, can the authors estimate what percent of the ORF1p protein is actually present in distinct condensates and how much is diffuse in the cytoplasm or nucleoplasm? How does the outside (diffuse) concentration change upon increased expression or ORF1p? Is there any evidence of a saturation concentration?
- Does the ORF1-Halo and ORF1-mNG2 colocalization change at longer time-points where larger condensates are observed?
- The authors often refer to the "the total area of condensed phase". This parameter is not very useful, as it highly depends on the experimental condition. Instead, authors should determine the apparent saturation concentration for each studied mutant in the presence and absence of RNA at a relevant RNA concentration. This requires increasing the resolution at the protein concentration axis and an unbiased analysis pipeline.
- It is shown that decreasing ORF1p protein concentration at a fixed salt concentration decreased the total condensed phase area but increased the protein partition coefficient. The DNA/RNA binding mutant R261A does not show this trend. Moreover, it is the only mutant that shows a change in the phase diagram upon the addition of RNA. One explanation is that there are nucleic acid contaminants present in the protein prep. In fact, the R261A mutant seems to also have a lower 260 nm peak relative to 280nm peak at the chromatogram. That the enrichment of the ORF-1p protein changes with increasing concentration strongly suggests that we are already looking at a multi-component system here, where the contaminant would be a second component. The authors do include an extra step in the purification protocol to reduce nucleic acid contamination. However, they could also run an ion-exchange chromatography to improve the purity. Alternatively, they could test if adding benzonase, RNAse or DNAse changes the phase diagram of the ORF1p alone.
- It would be great to see how the StammerDel behaves in vitro. The authors could at least try the purification with their current protocol. Full-length proteins often behave very differently than the fragments alone.
The model that the proteins encoded by the L1 transposon form condensates co-translationally and that these assemblies are functional units of the transposon that explain the cis-preference is a significant, important and interesting concept. In my opinion, this idea is the strongest part of the paper. However, unless supported by more evidence (such as experiments and analysis suggested above), it remains just an idea. This work would be of interest of the phase separation community as well as general cell biology and genetics field.
My field of expertise is: biomolecular phase separation, quantitative microscopy, cell biology, protein biochemistry, developmental biology and genetics.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This paper revisits aggregate formation by ORF1p, a nucleic acid (NA) binding protein encoded by the L1 retrotransposon. This topic dates to 1996 (Hohjoh and Singer - 1996 Embo J 15: 630) and was extensively examined again in 2012 using highly purified ORF1p by Callahan et al (Callahan et al - 2012 Nucleic Acids Res., 40, 813), to determine the effect of salt and nucleic acid on this process. The earlier studies employed chemical cross linking and gel electrophoresis to examine ORF1p aggregates in the presence and absence of NA and neither were cited in the present study. As ORF1p contains several intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) ORF1p aggregates can form phase separated condensates (droplets) which were characterized microscopically in the present study, and the authors assume that condensate formation is intrinsic to the function of ORF1p in retrotransposition, or as they state on page 2: "...we hypothesized that ORF1p undergoes condensation to carry out its roles in L1 RNP formation...". The authors attempt to correlate the ability of L1 encoded ORF1p complexed or not with RNA to form phase separated condensates in parallel with retrotransposition assays. They couple these observations with in vitro studies on condensate formation by the purified protein.
I have the following major comments:
- (A) The functional relevance of condensate formation by IDR-containing proteins has been questioned (Martin, E. W. and A. S. Holehouse - 2020; Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 4: 307). These authors conclude their review as follows: "In summary, IDRs are ubiquitous and play a wide range of functional roles across the full spectrum of biology, and in a large number (likely the majority) of cases their biological function has nothing to do with the ability to form large macroscopic liquid droplets. The notion that the presence of an IDR means a protein has evolved to phase separate is an inaccurate inference that has unfortunately been used to justify questionable lines of inquiry and questionable experimental design." And in terms of ORF1p this admonition is exemplified by the findings of Newton et al (2021, Biophys J 120;2181) cited by the present authors. This study showed that phase separated condensates readily form by just the N-terminal 152 amino acids (NTD + coiled coil). As this region of ORF1p cannot bind NA, condensate formation is indifferent to RNA binding, an obviously critical function of ORF1p.
- (B) Earlier studies (Ostertag et al - 2000; NAR 28:1418) showed that sufficient retrotransposition events have occurred by 48 hours after introduction of an L1 retrotransposition reporter to be readily detectable by whole cell staining for the retrotransposition-generated reporter gene product. The 48-hour lag presumably reflects the time to accumulate sufficient L1RNPs or their retrotransposed products to be detectable. Does this mean that the puncta (Fig 1F) accumulating during the first 24 hours after introduction of their full-length L1 retrotransposition reporter (Fig 1C) are the L1RNPs generated by the reporter? If not, what are they? If they are L1RNPs, are they thought to be or expected to exhibit the properties of phase separated condensates or are such properties just a feature of disembodied ORF1p that the authors posit could form an active L1RNP? The Ostertag paper should be cited here given its relevance to this issue.
- (C) Four of the IDRs in ORF1p harbor or are juxtaposed to phosphorylation sites essential for retrotransposition (their citation - Cook et al, 2015). As the authors expressed their purified proteins in E. coli, it is not phosphorylated and would not only be inactive for retrotransposition and given the structural effects of phosphorylation (e.g., Bah, A., et al.;2015; Nature, 510, 106) it would differ significantly from the structure of the active protein. As variables they introduce into ORF1p several not too subtle mutations particularly regarding the ORF1 coiled coil. They thereby aim to assess the role or particulars of ORF1p condensate formation for L1 retrotransposition. In their Abstract they state (p.1, l. 11) "...we propose that ORF1p oligomerization on L1 RNA drives the formation of a dynamic L1 condensate that is essential for retrotransposition."
- (D) Although the authors provide no direct experimental evidence for the above statement and whatever the authors mean by "dynamic L1 condensate" how does this conclusion materially differ from the conclusions published by Naufer et al, in 2016 (NAR; 44,281), which also was not cited by the authors. Naufer et al used single molecule studies and highly purified ORF1p that had been expressed in insect cells (and thus was fully phosphorylated, Cook et al, 2015). They showed that oligomerization of nucleic acid (NA)-ORF1p complexes to a compacted stably bound polymer was positively correlated with retrotransposition. Both properties could be eliminated by coiled coil mutations that had no effect on biochemical assays of ORF1p activity - high affinity NA binding and NA chaperone activity. As both properties map to the carboxy terminal-half of ORF1p, the inactivating coiled coil mutations are an example of the numerous instances of strong epistasis exerted by amino acid substitutions in the coiled coil on the retrotransposition activity of ORF1p. In some cases epistasis is exerted at the single residue level (e.g., Martin,et al - 2008, Nucleic Acids Res., 36, 5845; Furano, et al. - 2020, PLOS Genetics 16 e1008991.)
While the authors are apparently also not mindful of the PLOS Genetics paper examining the effect of a single inactivating coiled coil substitution at the level of microscopically observed condensates could have provided compelling evidence linking their formation and retrotransposition. On the other hand, lack of a condensate-based readout for single amino acid inactivating coiled coil mutations would question the validity of equating ORF1p condensates with retrotransposition competence. - (E) The afore mentioned Callahan et al study (2012, NAR, 40, 813) in addition to producing results partly recapitulated in Fig. 2 of the present paper, showed that ORF1p polymerization was mediated by interactions between the highly conserved RRM-containing region of ORF1p. This observation is consistent with previous studies showing RRM-mediated protein interactions of other proteins (Clery, et al 2008, Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol., 18, 290; Kielkopf, et al Genes Dev., 18, 1513)
As well as including the missing citations of the L1 literature, implications of the above considerations need to be addressed before publication.
I have the following additional comments and issues:
- p.2. l. 8, the citation to TPRT should include Luan,et al.- 1993, Cell 72: 595
- p. 5, middle of 2nd para - what does "different diffusivity" mean? - what are "stereotyped puncta"?
Any invocation of cis preference should cite the foundational study by Kaplan, N., et al. (1985). "Evolution and extinction of transposable elements in Mendelian populations." Genetics 109 459. 3. p.10 middle paragraph, the authors state: "The decreased phase separation of the R261A mutant was unexpected, as we predicted that mutating a core RNA-binding residue would only affect condensation in the presence of RNA. We also noted that the protein partition coefficients of the R261A condensed phases were higher than their counterparts for WT and K3A/K4A. Taken together, these experiments showed that K3/K4 and R261 are not essential for protein condensation in vitro."
these findings would have been predicted by the afore mentioned findings of Newton et al, which should be cited here. 4. p. 14, first paragraph "we predicted that stammer-deleted ORF1p would maintain an elongated coiled coil conformation that might disfavor trimer- trimer interactions that are mediated by the N terminal half of the protein (Figure 4A, left two cartoons)."
It seems that the authors are stating that different fully formed trimers can form larger complexes mediated by interactions between their coiled coils, an idea apparently based on results published by Khazina and Weichenreider (2018). This paper states that "Additional biophysical characterizations suggest that L1ORF1p trimers form a semi-stable structure that can partially open up, indicating how trimers could form larger assemblies of L1ORF1p on LINE-1 RNA." However, the cited Khazina structural data ((PDB) entry 6FIA)) were derived from coiled coils that had been solubilized to monomers in guanidinium HCl from inclusion bodies (insoluble aggregates) that had accumulated during their synthesis in E. coli...a common condition for highly expressed proteins. Fully denatured ORF1p coiled coils such as these, which also lack the entire NTD are an in vitro artifact and never exist in "nature". It is almost certain that ORF1p monomers trimerize while being synthesized on adjacent ribosomes (e.g., Bertolini et al.- 2021; Science 371: 57). I am not aware of any biochemical evidence from the Martin laboratory on mouse ORF1p or the Weichenrieder or Furano laboratories on human ORF1p indicating that the coiled coils of fully formed trimers synthesized in vivo can unravel to mediate interactions between different trimers. In fact, the authors' results in Fig 1F supports this contention. 5. p.10, Legend to Figure 1G The cells were stained simultaneously with two Halo ligand dyes (Halo-JF549 and Halo- JF646), giving a positive control for colocalization.
Why is staining the same ligand (Halo) with two different dyes a colocalization control? 6. The authors conclude their paper with the statement "The L1 system characterized in this work employs a uniquely powerful combination of biochemical reconstitution, live-cell imaging, and functional phenotyping in cells. In vitro reconstitution allows us to study the biophysical properties of condensates in a minimal and controllable system."
However, there are several instances where the in vitro biochemical properties of ORF1p variants are somewhat discordant with their in vivo results. In the case of their coiled coil mutants. replacement of the coiled coil stammer, MEL (uniquely invariant for more than 50 Myr of primate coiled coil evolution) with AAA or AEA exhibited reduced retrotransposition that was not accompanied by a corresponding reduction in condensate formation (Fig 4). In another instance, while mutation of the highly conserved residue (R261) necessary for RNA binding eliminated retrotransposition it did not have a corresponding effect on condensate formation even in the presence of RNA (Fig 3).
General comments on the Figures - Although I rather liked the cartoon version of ORF1p (Fig 1B) and when used to show the location of mutated site, versions that purport to show the effect of mutations on structure (Fig 4A) are misleading and should be eliminated.
Closing Comment:
Overall, I enjoyed reading this paper, and feel that when the issues I raised are appropriately addressed and the relevant missing citations are included it would make a useful contribution. However, it seems that the authors could make a more compelling case that dissociates condensate formation of ORF1p and its activity in retrotransposition, consistent with the Martin and Holehouse review cited above. So, I urge them to reconsider their conclusions. I did not find the highly speculative discussion about the relevance of phase separation / condensate formation to cis preference at all convincing as it is just as it is just as likely (maybe more so) to be enforced at the level of selection - evolutionary failures, by definition, are not propagated.
Although this paper addresses a long-studied topic in L1 biology, namely how the L1 encoded proteins assemble into an L1 RNP (the retrotransposition intermediate), the authors posit that the formation of phase/separated protein condensates (visible as microscopic droplets) are involved. Such droplets are a currently popular biochemical feature exhibited by some proteins, but their functional relevance is a currently a contentious topic in protein biochemistry. I do not think that the authors make a convincing case that condensate formation is involved, rather I think that their evidence provides reasonable evidence that condensation has no role. I urge the authors to consider this possibility, but whatever which conclusion proves to be correct, their study would make a useful contribution to the field.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This study shows that the ORF1 protein of the LINE-1 retroelement forms puncta in vivo that they define as cytoplasmic biomolecular condensates based on the characterization of the biophysical properties of ORF1p condensates in vitro.
Defective retrotransposition of some ORF1p mutants correlates with defects in puncta formation in vivo and alteration of biophysical properties of in vitro condensates leading the authors to conclude that condensation of ORF1p is required for retrotransposition.
The study combines biochemical reconstitution, biophysic analysis and live-cell imaging. In particular, the authors take advantage of a new powerful tool they have developed based on the tagging of ORF1 within a functional L1 reporter element. The fluorescent tag allows following the dynamics of ORF1p by live-cell imaging.
The key conclusion is that ORF1p condensation is important for L1 retrotransposition. The correlation is clearly shown but raises several questions: Is the defect in ORF1p condensation the only explanation for the retrotransposition defects of the ORF1p mutants analyzed here? Can we exclude that the mutations in ORF1p affect other functions of the protein such as its binding to RNA (as in the case of the R261 mutant) and cis-preference, or its binding to other factors involved in L1 replication? Could the loss of these functions affect L1 retrotransposition independently of ORF1p condensation?
Major comments:
On several occasions, the authors propose that ORF1p-HALO dynamics in vivo is linked to its co-translational association with L1 RNA. However, they never show the presence of L1 RNAs in ORF1p-HALO puncta in vivo. To strengthen the conclusion that the puncta observed in vivo are L1 RNPs, the authors should add experiments showing the presence of L1 RNA in the cytoplasmic puncta (by RNA FISH) or that the puncta are dependent on the presence of L1 RNA (expressing ORF1p-HALO alone should not be sufficient for puncta formation). These experiments seem to be realistic in few weeks with the tools already available in the laboratory.
Apart from this comment, the authors are cautious in their conclusions. It is clear, as they indicate in the Discussion, that showing that ORF1p condensation is also required for the mobility of other retroelements will strengthen the implication of ORF1p condensation in L1 replication.
The data are well presented and the methods described in detail so that others should be able to use them. The experiments seem to be adequately replicated and the statistical analysis adequate.
Minor comments:
Figure 1F: Having the pictures of cell nuclei (like in Figure 1D) would be nice to know how many cells we are looking at in this panel.
Figure 2E: it is surprising that there is no correlation between the ORF1p:RNA ratio and the number of individual fusion events (i.e. curves of ORF1p+RNA 10000:1 and 1000:1 overlap while 3000:1 is different). Could the authors discuss this point?
Previous studies are appropriately referenced. Text and figures are clear and precise.
Referees cross-commenting
The main critical points shared by all reviewers are: 1) the need to show the presence of LINE1 RNAs in ORF1p condensates in vivo and 2) the lack of evidence for causality between ORF1 condensate formation and L1 transposition efficiency (At this stage, the authors should moderate their conclusions, especially in the abstract). Regarding the other reviews, we noticed the need to cite additional relevant studies in the field (reviewer #2) and the interesting points raised by reviewer #3 to investigate the formation of ORF1 condensates in an endogenous situation, and whether other RNAs do affect ORF1p condensates.
The study is technically interesting in that it describes a new system for tracking ORF1p puncta formation in vivo. The findings are not unexpected because it comes after the publication of Newton et al. in 2021 (PMID : 33798566), describing that ORF1p does phase separation in vitro. Furthermore, the fact that RNPs form "membrane-less" structures is already established in other situations as the authors point out. Compared to Newton et al., condensates are better-defined biochemically, especially for RNA association features and in vivo dynamics.
The ORF1 protein is widely studied for its role in L1 retrotransposition. The protein forms a homotrimer in vitro, binds to L1 mRNA in a cis-preferential manner, and is required for retrotransposition. On the other hand, RNA-binding proteins are often involved in the formation of membrane-less organelles (stress granules, RNA processing bodies...). These observations suggest that ORF1p may also form RNP condensates required for L1 retrotransposition. A study published in Biophysical Journal in 2021 (Newton et al. PMID: 33798566) has already reported the phase separation of the LINE-1 ORF1p that is mediated by the N-terminus and coiled-coil domain. This former study was based on in vitro microscopy and NMR approaches and is cited in the submitted manuscript. The study submitted to Rev commons goes further by analyzing the biochemical properties of ORF1p condensates in the presence of L1 RNA and by following in vivo condensates of ORF1p (WT or mutants) expressed from a functional L1 reporter element by live-cell imaging. The findings will interest a wide audience investigating the biology of retroelements and more particularly scientists who study the L1 retrotransposon.
I am an expert in retrotransposon biology but I do not work on L1. I am not expert enough to assess the quality and relevance of the biophysical experiments in the paper. In particular, panels 2D, 3B and 3D were difficult to analyze.
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Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
- *
The authors proposed that the stable and opened membrane neck that connects the bud to the cytoplasm may persist for a long time in the infected cell during active RNA production. The viral ring-shaped nsPs is supposed to have an important role of maintaining this stable high-curvature membrane neck. It is suggested that the nsP1 dodecamer may pull together the membrane inner surface in the neck region via electrostatic interactions. Namely the authors observed that in the absence of negatively charged membrane lipids nsP1 did not bind appreciably to the membrane. The presented experimental data and theoretical consideration suggest that the CHIKV spherule consists of a membrane bud filled with viral RNA, and has a macromolecular complex gating the opening of this bud to the cytoplasm.
The presented results are interesting, the manuscript is well written and can be published after revision. The following comments are offered to the authors' consideration.
We thank the reviewer for this positive overall assessment.
1.Since there is no protein coating over the curved surface of the membrane bud, the authors concluded that the membrane neck must be stabilised by specific mechanism involving nsP1. It was further assumed that the viral protein nsP1 serves as a base for the assembly of of a larger protein complex at the neck of the membrane bud. In addition to suggested mechanism of the neck stabilization, thin highly curved membrane neck can be stabilised also by accumulation of the membrane components having the appropriate membrane curvature (i. E. negative intrinsic curvature or anisotropic intrinsic curvature), see Kralj-Iglic et al., Eur. Phys. J. B., 10: 5-8 (1999), https://doi.org/10.1007/s100510050822.
Please discuss this issue in the manuscript.
This is a good point, thank you for making it. In the revised manuscript we discuss both the possibility of lipid sorting into the neck region by nsP1 (lines 217-222), and the mentioned paper regarding anisotropic inclusions (lines 268-271).
- *
2.In Eq. (1) the Gaussian curvature term (appearing in Helfrich bending energy term) is not included. Usually this term is omitted in the case of closed membrane shapes (i.e. so-called spherical topology) due to validity of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. In the present manuscript/work the shape equation was solved for the membrane patch. Can you therefore please explain shortly to the reader why you can omit the Gaussian curvature term from Eq.(1). For example due fixed inclination angle and foxed curvature at the boundary, .....
Thanks for finding this omission. We have now revised the manuscript to describe why we can omit the Gaussian curvature term (lines 241-245).
3.«Sigma« and »P« can be considered also as global Lagrange multipliers for the constraint of the fixed total membrane area of the bud (including the neck membrane) and the constraint of the fixed volume of the bud. If you then take into account separately also the equation for the fixed membrane area you could predict different shapes of the bud (by solving the shape equation) at fixed area of the bud, calculated for different values of the model parameters (and different boundary conditions) - in this case Sigma is the result of variational procedure (as well P if you consider also the constraint for the fixed volume of the bud). See for example Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, vol. 37, pp. 125-129, 1999 and J. Phys. Condens. Matter, vol. 4, pp. 1647-1657, 1992. Can you please shortly discuss in the manuscript also this issue.
This is an interesting point. We now discuss this and cite the mentioned papers at the end of the theory section in the supplementary information (lines 203-205) as well as briefly mentioning it when discussing Eq. 1 (lines 240-242).
- *
**Referees cross-commenting**
I agree as well.
- *
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
The presented experimental and theoretical results are interesting, the manuscript is well written and can be published after revision.
We thank the reviewer for this appreciative comment.
- *
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In their manuscript "Architecture of the chikungunya virus replication organelle" Laurent and colleagues show:
- *
- the 3D structure of the "neck complex" that forms the gateway between the Chikungunya virus replication/transcription organelle (termed "spherule") and the cytoplasm of infected cells. The structure was obtained by native electron cryo-tomography and sub-tomogram averaging of BHK cells infected with a single-cycle replicon system encoding all components of the viral replication machinery. The nominal resolution of the structure is 28 Å. The viral nsP1 protein, for which two high-resolution structures have previously been published, could unambiguously be located within the density of the neck complex.
- *
- nsP1 interaction with membranes relies on lipids with a single negative net charge, such as POPS, POPG and PI, whereas two different PIPs with a negative net charge greater than one support nsP1 binding less efficiently. These membrane determinants for nsP1 binding were elucidated using two complementary methods: multilamellar vesicle pulldown assays and confocal imaging of fluorescently labeled giant unilamellar vesicles in the presence of fluorescently labeled nsP1. Purified nsP1 was produced in E. coli.
- *
- nsP1 recruits nsP2 (another component of the neck complex) to membranes with suitable lipid composition. This observation was made using the same multilamellar vesicle pulldown assay.
- *
- the 3D organization of the viral genome within the spherule, demonstrating that each spherule contains one copy of the genome as a double-stranded RNA molecule. This analysis was carried out by segmentation of the same tomograms that were used to visualize the neck complex.
- *
- the force exerted by RNA polymerization within the spherules is sufficient to drive membrane remodeling. This is a theoretical argument based on mathematical modelling.
- *
Major comments:
The article is written clearly and all major claims seem justified. The biochemical assays are presented in duplicates or triplicates, which is sufficient to derive the provided conclusions. The workflow for electron cryo-tomography analysis seems sound, even though the low number of individual particles (=64) for sub-tomogram averaging of the neck complex limits the resolution of its final structure. Given the strong competition in the field, and considering the high experimental workload that would be required for further improvement of the resolution, I do not recommend any additional benchwork for this paper.
We thank the reviewer for this assessment, especially for recognising the challenge in obtaining a larger number of spherule subtomograms under the complex replicon particle protocol we had to use in order to study the BSL3 CHIKV under BSL2 conditions.
- *
My only concern is the accuracy of the experimental genome length measurements, which has important implications for their mechanistic interpretation. The type of tomograms that have been recorded here inherently suffers from anisotropy with respect to both resolution and contrast. This makes accurate tracing of tangled filaments very challenging, and in this light, I congratulate the authors for the impressively good agreement of their average experimentally determined genome length with the theoretical genome length (Figure 4C). As to be expected, however, the second supplementary video clearly shows multiple gaps in the traced genome, implying that there must necessarily be errors in the length measurements. Unless there is a possibility to confidently estimate the magnitude of these errors, my preferred interpretation would be that the vast majority of imaged spherules - regardless of their temporary volume in the moment of sample freezing - likely contains precisely one copy of the double-stranded RNA genome, and not fractions thereof as is suggested in the text (for example, line 305: "Analysis of the cryo-electron tomograms gave a clear answer to the question of the membrane bud contents: the lumen of full-size spherules consistently contains 0.8-0.9 copies."). I feel that this subject deserves more discussion in the manuscript. If the authors prefer to keep their original interpretation that the majority of spherules contains only fractions of full genomes, I invite them to provide an explanation for why their experimental genome length measurements are sufficiently accurate to favor this rather surprising conclusion over my more trivial interpretation. If I understand correctly, my preferred interpretation has implications for the mathematical model for membrane remodeling (Equation 2).
This is a good point. In fact, we agree that our original manuscript and wording was unclear and we agree with the reviewer’s interpretation (“my preferred interpretation would be that the vast majority of imaged spherules - regardless of their temporary volume in the moment of sample freezing - likely contains precisely one copy of the double-stranded RNA genome”). We have now changed the text to reflect that we believe we have a 10-20% false negative rate in the filament tracing and that the most likely interpretation is indeed that each spherule has exactly one genome copy (lines 207-210). In addition, we looked at the possible consequences of the slight underestimation of the filament length for the mathematical model, and describe on lines 257-264 why this in fact would have no impact on the conclusions of the modeling.
- *
Minor comments:
Virus taxa should be capitalized and written in italics wherever applicable. I recommend adhering to the following rules:
Thank you for helping us clarify this. In response to this we have now italicized and capitalized all virus taxa.
Figure 2I looks as if the pink cross-section of nsP1 has not been scaled correctly. Comparison to Figure 2H gives me the impression that the diameter of the pink nsP1 ring in Figure 2I should be scaled down relative to the greyscale neck complex.
We would like to than the reviewer for their keen eye. There was indeed a scaling problem, which we have now solved in the updated Fig. 2.
- *
The caption of Figure 2 calls more panels than are provided in the figure. The caption "panel E" seems to be obsolete.
Thanks for finding this mistake. We have now revised Fig. 2 and its legend.
- *
In the methods, centrifugation speed should be given in units of relative centrifugal force (rcf) instead of revolutions per minute (rpm), especially for the MLV pulldown assay where no rotor is indicated.
We agree and have changed this on lines 482,490,524,531,543 and 597 of the manuscript
- *
In the methods for the MLV assay, the lipid:protein ratio is given with 500:1. It should be specified whether this is a mass ratio or a molar ratio.
It was molar ratio which we have now specified on line 595.
In the methods, the buffer composition for the mass photometry measurement should be indicated.
Good point. We added this on lines 632-633.
- *
**Referees cross-commenting**
- *
I agree to the other reviewers' remarks.
- *
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
- *
Chikungunya virus is a very important human pathogen, and research on the architecture of its replication/transcription organelle holds great promise for the development of future therapies. Laurent and colleagues advanced this field by providing pioneering low-resolution 3D structures of the membrane-bound viral protein complex and the viral RNA content of this organelle in situ. In addition, they also assessed the lipid requirements for membrane interaction of the primary viral membrane anchor of this complex, nsP1, in vitro. Underlining the importance of these results, a competing group submitted a partially overlapping study to BioRXiv three months ahead (https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.04.08.487651). Whereas the competing group describes the structure of the neck complex at a much higher resolution, it neither analyzes the RNA content of the spherules nor does it address the lipid preferences of nsP1. The present study by Laurent and colleagues should therefore be of great interest to many virologists and cellular biologists.
- *
I am a structural virologist with a focus on envelope glycoproteins. Of relevance to this review, I have experience with cellular electron cryo-tomography and sub-tomogram averaging, as well as in-vitro protein/liposome interaction assays. I do not feel qualified to evaluate the details of the mathematical model for membrane remodeling that is used in the last results section of this manuscript.
We thank reviewer 2 for this positive overall assessment of our work.
- *
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
- *
This is an interesting and well written paper describing the replication spherules generated by Chikungunya virus. Cryo-electron tomography was used to determine a low-resolution structure of the spherule, suggesting that nsP1 is located at the neck of the spherule. Segmentation of the tomograms combined with mathematical modeling was used to produce a structural model for RNA organization in the spherule, suggesting that each spherule contained approximately one copy of a full double-stranded RNA genome. I have a few minor comments:
- *
We are thankful for this positive overall assessment of our work.
- *
The structural studies were complemented with lipid binding assays, showing that nsP1 has an affinity for anionic lipids. While interesting, the connection of these experiments to the rest of the study seems tenuous. There is no further mention of them in the discussion or how they relate to the tomography and their replication model.
We agree that those data were not as well integrated into the paper as they could have been, and are thankful that the reviewer pointed this out. To improve the integration of these data into the manuscript, we have expanded on two ways in which the reconstitution data relate to the rest of the paper: (i) the tomography led us to hypothesise that nsP1 recruits other nsPs to the membrane, which we could confirm with the reconstitution (lines 151-152, and throughout that parapgraph), and (ii) the lipid preferences of nsP1 that we could measure using the titrating pulldown experiments inform the possible models for how the spherule memebrane is remodeled since nsP1 binds lipids that cannot on their own stabilize a neck shape (lines 217-222). We have also slightly expanded the discussion of the biochemistry and its relation to other data in the paper (lines 307-311).
- *
It is a nice match between the calculated length of the RNA (assumed to be ds) and the length of the vector, but the segmentation of the RNA is not completely convincing based on the provided images. It is difficult to distinguish the RNA strands from the noise and other components in the spherule and, at least by eye, the segments do not seem very connected. Please provide some more details on the tracing algorithm. Has it been validated on a known system?
We appreciate this comment and recognise that we did not sufficiently explain the tracing algorithm. This software was in fact custom written (by others, ca 10 years ago) for cryo-electron tomography and has since been used by others in several studies of cellular cryo-electron tomograms, e.g. to study actin cytoskeleton. We now mention this in the results (lines 195-196) and methods (lines 462-463).
The tomogram video is nice, but it would be good to see a raw image as well, preferably covering a wider view that includes the whole cell, as well as a tomogram that represents the entire field of the reconstruction.
This is a good suggestion. We unfortunately cannot provide images covering the entire cells since this is beyond the field of view of the electron microscope (and an image montage was not acquired at the time of data collection). However, we are now providing an additional supplementary movie that shows the entire field of view of the tomogram. In addition, we have uploaded two of the tomograms (including the uncropped tomogram from Figure 1) to EMDB where they will be downloadable by everyone after publication. We hope the reviewer appreciates that this is all that is technically possible at the moment.
- *
In figure 2, the panels are mislabeled relative to the legend, which refers to the color guide as its own panel.
Thanks for pointing this out, we have rectified this in the revised Fig. 2 and its legend.
Line 405: C36 symmetry? Why? Shouldn't it be C12 symmetry?
36-fold symmetry was applied to the lipid membrane part to smoothen it further. The membrane part of the structure is simply outlining the neck shape and this is better visualised in this smoothened representation as also done e.g. in the study of the coronavirus neck complex (Wolff et al, Science 2020). We changed the methods text to make this more clear (line 449).
- *
Line 409: "fit" should be "fitted"
Thanks, Corrected in the revised manuscript line 454.
**Referees cross-commenting**
- *
I think we are all in good agreement, and I believe that the concerns raised can be addressed though a better explanation of the methods and improved discussion of their results.
We also agree and believe we have addressed all of the remaining concerns in the revised manuscript.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
- *
This is a rather focused study, showing tomography data on the alphavirus replication complex. The main significance of the study is the description of the spherule's dimension and its relationship to the nature of the RNA, which provided a model for the replication process. While somewhat narrow in scope, the study should be of interest to people working in the virus replication and virus structure field. The lipid data are interesting, but does not seem well integrated with the rest of the study.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This is an interesting and well written paper describing the replication spherules generated by Chikungunya virus. Cryo-electron tomography was used to determine a low-resolution structure of the spherule, suggesting that nsP1 is located at the neck of the spherule. Segmentation of the tomograms combined with mathematical modeling was used to produce a structural model for RNA organization in the spherule, suggesting that each spherule contained approximately one copy of a full double-stranded RNA genome. I have a few minor comments:
The structural studies were complemented with lipid binding assays, showing that nsP1 has an affinity for anionic lipids. While interesting, the connection of these experiments to the rest of the study seems tenuous. There is no further mention of them in the discussion or how they relate to the tomography and their replication model.
It is a nice match between the calculated length of the RNA (assumed to be ds) and the length of the vector, but the segmentation of the RNA is not completely convincing based on the provided images. It is difficult to distinguish the RNA strands from the noise and other components in the spherule and, at least by eye, the segments do not seem very connected. Please provide some more details on the tracing algorithm. Has it been validated on a known system?
The tomogram video is nice, but it would be good to see a raw image as well, preferably covering a wider view that includes the whole cell, as well as a tomogram that represents the entire field of the reconstruction.
In figure 2, the panels are mislabeled relative to the legend, which refers to the color guide as its own panel.
Line 405: C36 symmetry? Why? Shouldn't it be C12 symmetry? Line 409: "fit" should be "fitted"
Referees cross-commenting
I think we are all in good agreement, and I believe that the concerns raised can be addressed though a better explanation of the methods and improved discussion of their results.
This is a rather focused study, showing tomography data on the alphavirus replication complex. The main significance of the study is the description of the spherule's dimension and its relationship to the nature of the RNA, which provided a model for the replication process. While somewhat narrow in scope, the study should be of interest to people working in the virus replication and virus structure field. The lipid data are interesting, but does not seem well integrated with the rest of the study.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In their manuscript "Architecture of the chikungunya virus replication organelle" Laurent and colleagues show:
- the 3D structure of the "neck complex" that forms the gateway between the Chikungunya virus replication/transcription organelle (termed "spherule") and the cytoplasm of infected cells. The structure was obtained by native electron cryo-tomography and sub-tomogram averaging of BHK cells infected with a single-cycle replicon system encoding all components of the viral replication machinery. The nominal resolution of the structure is 28 Å. The viral nsP1 protein, for which two high-resolution structures have previously been published, could unambiguously be located within the density of the neck complex.
- nsP1 interaction with membranes relies on lipids with a single negative net charge, such as POPS, POPG and PI, whereas two different PIPs with a negative net charge greater than one support nsP1 binding less efficiently. These membrane determinants for nsP1 binding were elucidated using two complementary methods: multilamellar vesicle pulldown assays and confocal imaging of fluorescently labeled giant unilamellar vesicles in the presence of fluorescently labeled nsP1. Purified nsP1 was produced in E. coli.
- nsP1 recruits nsP2 (another component of the neck complex) to membranes with suitable lipid composition. This observation was made using the same multilamellar vesicle pulldown assay.
- the 3D organization of the viral genome within the spherule, demonstrating that each spherule contains one copy of the genome as a double-stranded RNA molecule. This analysis was carried out by segmentation of the same tomograms that were used to visualize the neck complex.
- the force exerted by RNA polymerization within the spherules is sufficient to drive membrane remodeling. This is a theoretical argument based on mathematical modelling.
Major comments:
The article is written clearly and all major claims seem justified. The biochemical assays are presented in duplicates or triplicates, which is sufficient to derive the provided conclusions. The workflow for electron cryo-tomography analysis seems sound, even though the low number of individual particles (=64) for sub-tomogram averaging of the neck complex limits the resolution of its final structure. Given the strong competition in the field, and considering the high experimental workload that would be required for further improvement of the resolution, I do not recommend any additional benchwork for this paper.
My only concern is the accuracy of the experimental genome length measurements, which has important implications for their mechanistic interpretation. The type of tomograms that have been recorded here inherently suffers from anisotropy with respect to both resolution and contrast. This makes accurate tracing of tangled filaments very challenging, and in this light, I congratulate the authors for the impressively good agreement of their average experimentally determined genome length with the theoretical genome length (Figure 4C). As to be expected, however, the second supplementary video clearly shows multiple gaps in the traced genome, implying that there must necessarily be errors in the length measurements. Unless there is a possibility to confidently estimate the magnitude of these errors, my preferred interpretation would be that the vast majority of imaged spherules - regardless of their temporary volume in the moment of sample freezing - likely contains precisely one copy of the double-stranded RNA genome, and not fractions thereof as is suggested in the text (for example, line 305: "Analysis of the cryo-electron tomograms gave a clear answer to the question of the membrane bud contents: the lumen of full-size spherules consistently contains 0.8-0.9 copies."). I feel that this subject deserves more discussion in the manuscript. If the authors prefer to keep their original interpretation that the majority of spherules contains only fractions of full genomes, I invite them to provide an explanation for why their experimental genome length measurements are sufficiently accurate to favor this rather surprising conclusion over my more trivial interpretation. If I understand correctly, my preferred interpretation has implications for the mathematical model for membrane remodeling (Equation 2).
Minor comments:
Virus taxa should be capitalized and written in italics wherever applicable. I recommend adhering to the following rules: https://talk.ictvonline.org/information/w/faq/386/how-to-write-virus-species-and-other-taxa-names
Figure 2I looks as if the pink cross-section of nsP1 has not been scaled correctly. Comparison to Figure 2H gives me the impression that the diameter of the pink nsP1 ring in Figure 2I should be scaled down relative to the greyscale neck complex.
The caption of Figure 2 calls more panels than are provided in the figure. The caption "panel E" seems to be obsolete.
In the methods, centrifugation speed should be given in units of relative centrifugal force (rcf) instead of revolutions per minute (rpm), especially for the MLV pulldown assay where no rotor is indicated.
In the methods for the MLV assay, the lipid:protein ratio is given with 500:1. It should be specified whether this is a mass ratio or a molar ratio.
In the methods, the buffer composition for the mass photometry measurement should be indicated.
Referees cross-commenting
I agree to the other reviewers' remarks.
Chikungunya virus is a very important human pathogen, and research on the architecture of its replication/transcription organelle holds great promise for the development of future therapies. Laurent and colleagues advanced this field by providing pioneering low-resolution 3D structures of the membrane-bound viral protein complex and the viral RNA content of this organelle in situ. In addition, they also assessed the lipid requirements for membrane interaction of the primary viral membrane anchor of this complex, nsP1, in vitro. Underlining the importance of these results, a competing group submitted a partially overlapping study to BioRXiv three months ahead (https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.04.08.487651). Whereas the competing group describes the structure of the neck complex at a much higher resolution, it neither analyzes the RNA content of the spherules nor does it address the lipid preferences of nsP1. The present study by Laurent and colleagues should therefore be of great interest to many virologists and cellular biologists.
I am a structural virologist with a focus on envelope glycoproteins. Of relevance to this review, I have experience with cellular electron cryo-tomography and sub-tomogram averaging, as well as in-vitro protein/liposome interaction assays. I do not feel qualified to evaluate the details of the mathematical model for membrane remodeling that is used in the last results section of this manuscript.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors proposed that the stable and opened membrane neck that connects the bud to the cytoplasm may persist for a long time in the infected cell during active RNA production. The viral ring-shaped nsPs is supposed to have an important role of maintaining this stable high-curvature membrane neck. It is suggested that the nsP1 dodecamer may pull together the membrane inner surface in the neck region via electrostatic interactions. Namely the authors observed that in the absence of negatively charged membrane lipids nsP1 did not bind appreciably to the membrane. The presented experimental data and theoretical consideration suggest that the CHIKV spherule consists of a membrane bud filled with viral RNA, and has a macromolecular complex gating the opening of this bud to the cytoplasm.
The presented results are interesting, the manuscript is well written and can be published after revision. The following comments are offered to the authors' consideration.
- Since there is no protein coating over the curved surface of the membrane bud, the authors concluded that the membrane neck must be stabilised by specific mechanism involving nsP1. It was further assumed that the viral protein nsP1 serves as a base for the assembly of of a larger protein complex at the neck of the membrane bud. In addition to suggested mechanism of the neck stabilization, thin highly curved membrane neck can be stabilised also by accumulation of the membrane components having the appropriate membrane curvature (i. E. negative intrinsic curvature or anisotropic intrinsic curvature), see Kralj-Iglic et al., Eur. Phys. J. B., 10: 5-8 (1999), https://doi.org/10.1007/s100510050822.<br /> Please discuss this issue in the manuscript.
- In Eq. (1) the Gaussian curvature term (appearing in Helfrich bending energy term) is not included. Usually this term is omitted in the case of closed membrane shapes (i.e. so-called spherical topology) due to validity of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. In the present manuscript/work the shape equation was solved for the membrane patch. Can you therefore please explain shortly to the reader why you can omit the Gaussian curvature term from Eq.(1). For example due fixed inclination angle and foxed curvature at the boundary, .....
- «Sigma« and »P« can be considered also as global Lagrange multipliers for the constraint of the fixed total membrane area of the bud (including the neck membrane) and the constraint of the fixed volume of the bud. If you then take into account separately also the equation for the fixed membrane area you could predict different shapes of the bud (by solving the shape equation) at fixed area of the bud, calculated for different values of the model parameters (and different boundary conditions) - in this case Sigma is the result of variational procedure (as well P if you consider also the constraint for the fixed volume of the bud). See for example Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, vol. 37, pp. 125-129, 1999 and J. Phys. Condens. Matter, vol. 4, pp. 1647-1657, 1992. Can you please shortly discuss in the manuscript also this issue.
Referees cross-commenting
I agree as well.
The presented experimental and theoretical results are interesting, the manuscript is well written and can be published after revision.
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Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Reply to the reviewers
The current resubmission is our revision plan only. Therefore the authors do not wish to provide a response at this time. We will include our response to reviewers with our full resubmission.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Nguyen and Goetz here explore the roles of Tau tubulin kinase 2 (TTBK2) in ciliary stability. Using a murine conditional null MEF model, they ablate TTBK2 from cells with established cilia and monitor the impact on ciliary structures. They observe loss of cilia over time, acoompanied by changes in centriolar satellites, axonemal microtubule composition and intraflagellar transport protein levels at the basal body. They note changes in autophagy proteins in the absence of TTBK2 and find that pharmacological manipulation of actin dynamics impacts on the ciliary phenotypes seen in TTBK2 deficient cells.
Major comments:
- The phrase 'centrosomal compartment' is potentially ambiguous. This is not a generally-used term and its use to mean the base of the cilium, PCM and satellites is spatially uninformative; there is not a 'compartment' meant here in the sense of a discrete structure. Especially in the context of the title, I suggest this phrase should be revised for greater clarity, but it may also be useful to rephrase it in the Discussion.
- As a question for discussion/ consideration: Is TTBK2 a satellite component, or is it envisaged that these functions are all derived from a CEP164-associated fraction? This point is related to the point raised above about a 'compartment', in that different populations of TTBK2 might be involved differently in cilium regulation. An experimental approach to this might be to use a CEP164-TTBK2 fusion (such as was described by Cajanek and Nigg in PNAS 2014) and test if this can rescue the TTBK2 deficiency.
- The statement on p.8 that 'Loss of TTBK2 results in increased actin activity' is not directly supported by the data, so should be revised. The actin analyses are indirect and show attenuated effects, so some caution is warranted in the interpretation of these findings (as is the case in the Discussion). With that point in mind, I am unsure if the title's inclusion of an actin-based mechanism for TTBK2 functions in cilium stability is optimal.
- A key technical issue is that the description of how intensity measurements were made should be improved. It is not clear what area or volume was used for this in the various experiments that measured axonemal/ centrosomal/ peri-centrosomal regions, particularly when the centrioles are further apart from one another. As the intensity measurements form a key part of the paper, this should be clarified throughout.
- From the images presented in Fig. 2A, the classification of the number of buds/ axonemal breaks is not clear. Improved images of the different outcomes of TTBK2 removal should be shown to make the basis for the proposed differentiation between these phenotypes more convincing. This is visible in the movies, but the still images are not ideal.
- A control should be presented for the loss of TTBK2 in the drug treatment experiments in Figure 4, to confirm that there is no impact on the recombination.
- A control for the relative expression level of the rescuing TTBK2-GFP protein should be provided in support of the data in Fig. S1D. This should also be included for the data in Fig. S4.
Minor comments:
- Fig. 1B- 'lambda tubulin' should be corrected. Fig 7A should also correct the tubulin designation.
- It would be helpful to indicate in individual figures throughout that the bar graphs show means +/- SEM (it is stated in the Methods, but it would be desirable to have the Figures be entirely self-contained).
- Fig S1E does not show individual experiments as data points; this should be corrected for consistency.
- The phospho-Aurora A staining in Fig. S2C should be quantitated; there appears to be an increased level of this signal in the absence of TTBK2.
- The Ac-Tub staining shown in Fig. 3A is confusing, given the intensity measurements presented. More representative images should be shown.
- It is unclear whether there is a decline in PCM1 intensity levels over the timecourse of the (vehicle only) experiment in Fig. 5B. This should be tested for. It should also be specified in the Figure Legend that these cells remain serum starved for the duration of the timecourse (assuming the experiment follows the design outlined in Fig. 1A).
- The images in Figure 7A and 7C are not at sufficient resolution to distinguish IFT88 or IFT140 signals; blow-up panels should be included.
- Scale bars should be included in Figs. 2, S2, 3, 5, S3, S4, 6, 7.
- Details of the serum starvation regime should be provided in the Methods (% serum).
Referees cross-commenting
The comments from Reviewers 1 and 2 are detailed and constructive. There is good convergence between all three reviewers on a requirement for additional data on the involvement of actin and on the analysis of the centriolar satellites. As these are the main themes of the study, such information seems essential to support the principal conclusions drawn.
I question Reviewer 1's stipulation that a quantitative proteomic analysis of PCM1 interactors is needed to sustain the conclusion that the satellites are substantively altered upon TTBK2 depletion. This would be a very strong experiment, but I feel that the analysis of a selection of individual satellite components, as done here, is sufficient to support the conclusion that the satellites are impacted by TTBK loss. Obviously, the more detailed the analysis (i.e., the more proteins examined), the better, but I am not convinced that this will bring us so much closer to the mechanism of TTBK2. I concur with the point raised for revision by Reviewer 2, that the actual role of the satellites in cilium stability should be addressed more robustly, however.
The importance of the primary cilium as a signalling organelle makes TTBK2 function a theme of general interest. A potential role for TTBK2 in the maintenance of cilium stability through a link to the centriolar satellites is new. Readership would include people working on centrosomes/ cilia and related themes.
My expertise: cell biology of centrosomes/ cilia.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This study by Nguyen and Goetz, explores the role of Tau tubulin kinase 2 (TTBK2) in cilium integrity in cultured cells. TTBK2 is a serine-threonine kinase that plays a key role in cilium initiation and has been implicated in maintaining assembled cilia in adult mice. The authors developed an inducible system to deplete TTBK2 once cilia are assembled to investigate the role of this kinase in cilium stability in a cell culture system. Using this system and live- and fluorescent- imaging approaches, the authors find that TTBK2 promotes cilium stability.
The authors suggest three parallel pathways by which TTBK2 maintains cilia: 1) through tubulin polyglutamylation and actin dynamics, 2) through regulation of IFT pools at the centrosome, and 3) through regulation of centriolar satellite composition. Some of these conclusions (especially 1 and 3) need to be revisited and need some additional experiments (detailed below).
Major comments:
- In the abstract and discussion, the authors suggest that TTBK2 functions via centriolar satellites to promote cilium stability. While the data support a role for TTBK2 in centriolar satellite homeostasis, it is unclear whether satellites contribute to cilium stability. Given that restoration of centriolar satellite composition using rapamycin does not rescue cilia loss upon TTBK2 depletion, these sections need to be revised.
- The authors show that TTBK2 regulates centriolar satellite composition via its kinase activity. Is TTBK2's kinase activity important for cilium stability, actin dynamics and IFT localization?
- Do changes in tubulin poly-glutamylation precede the loss of cilia phenotype observed upon depletion of TTBK2? Currently changes in tubulin post-translational modifications are assessed at 72h post-tamoxifen treatment. In order to support the hypothesis that changes in tubulin poly-glutamylation drives cilia loss upon TTBK2 depletion (as suggested in the abstract), these experiments must be repeated at an earlier time points, such as 24-48 h post tamoxifin treatment).
- By using small molecule inhibitors that alter actin dynamics, the authors suggest that loss of TTBK2 regulates actin polymerization leading to cilium instability. Are there any observable changes in cellular F-actin upon loss of TTBK2? Phalloidin staining and/or a biochemical assay to directly assess soluble vs. filamentous actin would be helpful to bolster the claim that TTBK2 regulates actin dynamics.
Minor comments:
The manuscript is well written, and easy to follow. Prior studies are referenced appropriately. I have some minor points that would improve the presentation and clarity of the manuscript:
- I would recommend the authors improve the presentation of figures by making the size of graphs more consistent across figures. For example, graphs in Figure 4 should be increased in size as they are currently very hard to read. Importantly, scale bars are missing from most immunofluorescence images.
- Statistical tests are missing in Figure S1 A and S1 E.
- Are the additional puncta observed around the centrosome in the TTBK2 immunofluorescence images (Figure 1B) non-specific signals? Also, gamma-tubulin is mislabeled as lambda-tubulin in the figure.
- Insets would be helpful for images Figure 1C, S1C, 2A, 4B, 7A, 7C.
- Quantification of fluorescence intensity is missing for Figure S2 C.
- The title for Figure S2 is misleading as it suggests there is a change in cilia disassembly factors upon loss of TTBK2, while the data show no changes in any of the factors assessed.
Although we now have some understanding of how cilium assembly is initiated, how the cilium is maintained at steady state remains poorly understood. Therefore, this study exploring the role of TTBK2 in ciliary structure maintenance is timely and will be of interest to cilia biologists. TTBK2 has previously been implicated in cilium maintenance, and the link between TTBK2 and IFT recruitment, and tubulin post-translational modifications has been previously described using hypomorphic mutants of TTBK2. Though this study specifically looks TTBK2's role in cilium maintenance at steady state, these previous studies (referenced in the manuscript) do diminish the novelty of the manuscript. Mechanistic details of how TTBK2 regulates actin, IFT dynamics and tubulin post-translational modifications to control cilium stability remain unknown but are important avenues for future research.
Reviewers' expertise: cilia and centrosome biology, microscopy.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
TTBK2 is kinase mutated in spinocerebellar ataxia type 11 (SCA11). It is well characterized for its functions and molecular mechanism of action during cilium assembly and ciliary signaling. In this manuscript, Nguyen et al. investigated the role of TTBK2 during cilium stability using mouse embryonic fibroblasts derived from Ttbk2cmut embryos. This system allowed them to inducibly deplete TTBK2 in ciliated cells and thus, address the specific functions of TTBK2 during cilium maintenance and stability in ciliated cells. Upon TTBK2 loss, the ciliary axoneme was destabilized in part via an increased frequency of cilia breaks and primary cilia was lost, which was shown by live imaging experiments. To dissect the mechanism of axoneme destabilization, they performed rescue experiments with drug treatments as well as quantified of basal body, satellite and ciliary abundance of key ciliogenesis factors and tubulin modifications. Based on results from these experiments, the authors concluded that altered actin dynamics, reduction in axonemal polyglutamylation as well as changes in satellite-associated PCM1 and OFD1 and IFT levels at the basal body together underlies the axonemal destabilization phenotypes associated with TTBK2. Overall, the manuscript is well-written and the presented data is robust.
I list below three major concerns I have on the manuscript along with detailed explanation. Although questions addressed in the manuscript and the tools the authors generated will be of general interest, the presented data falls short in supporting the major conclusions of the manuscript that pertain to the mechanisms by which TTBK2 regulate cilium stability and maintenance.
- Previous papers from the Goetz lab showed that TTBK2 is important for the structure and stability of the ciliary axoneme (i.e. reduced polyglutamylation of cilia in Ttbk2 hypomorphic mutants and null cells, disorganized axonemal microtubules). Although authors study the roles of TTBK2 in cilium stability with temporal control and identify altered centriolar satellite composition and actin dynamics as potential mechanisms, TTBK2's function in this process is not unexpected.
- The authors suggest that TTBK2 regulate cilium stability through parallel pathways that operate via actin, centriolar satellites, autophagy and IFT machinery. The presented data is not sufficient to assess whether these are direct or indirect consequences of TTBK2 depletion, which results in lack of a coherent model for how TTBK2 operates in ciliated cells. For example, what is the regulatory/functional link between TTBK2, actin and myosin VI during cilium maintenance? The authors discuss that TTBK2 BioID data includes actin-binding proteins and suggest actin polymerization as one potential mechanism. To gain insight into how TTBK2 alters actin dynamics, they can follow-up on the BioID hits to explain how TTBK2 depletion alters actin dynamics. Alternatively, they can treat cells with specific inhibitors of actin polymerization to determine whether axonemal destabilization phenotypes are rescued.
- The authors define changes in centriolar satellite composition as a consequence of TTBK2 depletion based on reduced PCM1 and elevated OFD1 and CEP290 intensity at the pericentrosomal region in TTBK2-depleted cells. Centriolar satellites are composed of about 200 proteins and a significant number of these proteins are implicated in ciliogenesis including the previously characterized interactors of TTBK2. Changes in PCM1, OFD1 and CEP290 levels in the 1 uM ROI authors defined around the basal body is not sufficient to conclude that satellite composition is altered and that this change underlies the axoneme destabilization and disassembly. Proteomic pulldown of PCM1 before and after tamoxifen addition will reveal how the satellite proteome is affected by TTBK2 depletion and will strengthen authors' conclusions.
Below are other comments I have on the data and its analysis and presentation:
- Fig. 1B: TTBK2 at the basal body was assessed as "positive" or "negative". Instead of classification into two groups, quantification of the basal body levels of TTBK2 in a time course manner will be more informative in correlating phenotype with TTBK2 depletion.
- Fig. 1C: In addition to percentage of ciliated cells, the cilium length should also be quantified in a time course manner to determine how TTBK2 depletion leads to cilium disassembly by 48-72 h. For representative images presented, insets are required.
- Fig. S1A: Western blot quantification of TTBK2 levels in addition to mRNA levels will be informative in assessing changes in protein levels upon tamoxifen addition.
- Statistical analysis for Fig. 2B is required. How many cilia / experimental replicates were quantified in Fig. 2B?
- Fig. S2: Bowie et al. 2018 paper reported increased Kif2a levels at the basal body as one possible mechanism for cilium instability in TTBK2 mutant cells. However, TTBK2 depletion in ciliated cells does not have a similar effect. How do the authors explain this difference on effects of TTBK2 in basal body Kif2a levels?
- How did the authors quantify between budding and axonemal events in Fig. 2? In general, the methods section for analysis of the microscopy data should be written in a more detailed way to be able to assess the presented data.
- Acetylated tubulin, but not glut tubulin, ciliary levels are decreased upon TTBK2 depletion. Can such change directly affect cilium stability? What triggers changes in glutamylation upon TTBK2 depletion?
- "Loss of TTBK2 results in an increase in actin activity" (pg.8) is an overconclusion based on the presented data. What is the effect of TTBK2 depletion on actin levels and organization? Specifically, the authors can also stain for actin in the cilia to determine whether it underlies the increased excision events reported by live imaging of cilia. Given that Nager et al. 2017 paper identified actin-myosin activity as a mechanism for ciliary ectocytosis, this will be interesting to test using similar assays to quantify actin dynamics in this paper. Moreover, Yeyati et al. 2018 paper on dissecting KDM3A's function during actin dynamics and cilium stability used quantitative approaches that can be adapted by the authors.
- Quantification of centriolar satellite levels of PCM1, OFD1 and CEP290 can be done in a different way to more specifically identify the satellite pools of these proteins. The quantification of their pericentrosomal levels was done by drawing 1 uM ROI around the centrosome. Therefore, the levels might represent changes in the centrosomal pool of these proteins, but not the satellite pool, which would then change the author's conclusions. A method that the authors can adapt is the Gupta et al. Cell 2015 paper. Such quantification will ensure that the authors are not drawing their conclusions based on changes in basal body levels of the proteins. Moreover, the representative images presented for centriolar satellite pools of these proteins in Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig. S4 should be modified to include not only the basal body pool but the whole cell including an inset. Since satellites are distributed throughout the cell, presenting whole cell images is important to assess the remaining pool beyond the basal body.
- Does TTBK2 depletion alter the cellular abundance of CEP290, OFD1 and PCM1? This might underlie the changes in the basal body abundance of these proteins.
- Fig. 4C-E: Graphs are too small compared to figures.
- In multiple parts of the manuscript, the authors stated that the mechanisms of TTBK2 during cilium initiation is not known. Including major papers from the Goetz lab, there are many studies in literature that defines how TTBK2 regulates cilium initiation. The major unknowns relates to its functions during cilium maintenance and disassembly.
Although cilium assembly has been studied with extensive detail, relatively less is known about them mechanisms of cilium maintenance. This is in part due to lack of tools to manipulate protein expression in ciliated cells. The MEF cells used in this study is an elegant tool to address questions related to cilium maintenance and stability. Moreover, the live imaging experiments performed in TTBK2 depleted ciliated cells are excellent experiments in showing the spatiotemporal events that lead to axoneme destabilization. By identifying TTBK2 as a critical regulator of these processes, the results of the manuscript advances our understanding of how cilium is maintained as well as to the molecular defects that underlie SCA11. The topic is also of general interest to cell and developmental biologists.
As a reviewer, my expertise is on questions that pertain to the biogenesis of centrosome and cilium and we extensively use cell biology, proteomics and biochemistry approaches.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The manuscript by Neville et al addresses the link between the localization and the activity of the so-called "Pins complex" or "LGN complex", that has been shown to regulate mitotic spindle orientation in most animal cell types and tissues. In most cell types, the polarized localization of the complex in the mitotic cell (which can vary between apical and basolateral, depending on the context) localizes pulling forces to dictate the orientation. The authors reexplore the notion that this polarized localization of the complex is sufficient to dictate spindle orientation, and propose that an additional step of "activation" of the complex is necessary to refine positioning of the spindle.
The experiments are performed in the follicular epithelium (FE), an epithelial sheet of cell that surrounds the drosophila developing oocyte and nurse cells in the ovarium. Like in many other epithelia, cell divisions in the FE are planar (the cell divides in the plane of the epithelium). The authors first confirm that planar divisions in this epithelium depends on the function of Pins and its partner mud, and that the interaction between the two partners is necessary, like in many other epithelial structures. Planar divisions are often associated with a lateral/basolateral "ring" of the Pins complex during mitosis. The authors show that in the FE, Pins is essentially apical in interphase and becomes enriched at the lateral cortex during mitosis, however a significant apical component remains, whereas mud is almost entirely absent from the apical cortex. Pins being "upstream" of mud in the complex, this is a first hint that the localization of Pins is not sufficient to dictate the localization of mud and of the pulling forces.
The authors then replace wt Pins, whose cortical anchoring strongly relies on its interaction with Gai subunits, with a constitutively membrane anchored version (via a N-terminal myristylation). They show that the localization of myr-Pins mimics that of wt-Pins, with a lateral enrichment in mitosis, and a significant apical component. Since a Myr-RFP alone shows a similar distribution, they conclude that the restricted localization of Pins in mitosis is a consequence of general membrane characteristics in mitosis, rather than the result of a dedicated mechanism of Pins subcellular restriction. Remarkably, Myr-Pins also rescues Pins loss-of-function spindle orientation defects.
They further show that the cortical localization of Pins does not require its interaction with Dlg (unlike what has been suggested in other epithelia). However, spindle orientation requires Dlg, and in particular it requires the direct Dlg/Pins interaction. The activity of Dlg in the FE appears to be independent from khc73 and Gukholder, two of its partners involved in its activity in microtubule capture and spindle orientation in other cell types. Based on all these observations, the authors propose that Dlg serves as an activator that controls Pins activity in a subregion of its localization domain (in this case, the lateral cortex of the mitotic FE cell). They propose to test this idea by relocalizing Pins at the apical cortex, using Inscuteable ectopic expression. With the tools that they use to drive Inscuteable expression, they obtain two populations of cells. One population has a stronger apical that basolateral Insc distribution, and the spindle is reoriented along the apical-basal axis; the other population has higher basolateral than apical levels of Insc distribution, and the spindle remains planar. The authors write that Pins localization is unchanged between the two subsets of cells (although I do not entirely agree with them on that point, see below), and that although Mud is modestly recruited to the apical cortex in the first population, it remains essentially basolateral in both. In this situation, the localization of Insc in the cell is therefore a better predictor of spindle orientation than that of Pins or Mud. Remarkably, removing Dlg in an Insc overexpression context leads to a dramatic shift towards apical-basal reorientation of the spindle, suggesting that loss of Dlg-dependent activation of the lateral Pins complex reveals an Insc-dependent apical activation of the complex. Overall, I find the demonstration convincing and the conclusion appropriate. One of the limitations of the study is the use of different drivers and reporters for the localization of Pins, which makes it hard to compare different situations, but not to the point that it would jeopardize the main conclusions. I do not have major remarks on the paper, only a few minor observations and suggestion of simple experiments that would complete the study.
What happens to Pins and Mud in Dlg mutant cells that overexpress Insc and behave as InscA? Are they still essentially lateral, or are they more efficiently recruited to the apical cortex?
This is a terrific question. Of course we would love to know and intend to find out.
One way to do this (consistent with the manuscript) would be to generate flies that are Dlg[1P20], FRT19A/RFP-nls, hsflp, FRT19A; TJ-GAL4/+; Pins-Tom, GFP-Mud/UAS-Insc. (Note that these flies would only allow us to image Mud; we would have to repeat the experiment using GFP FRT19A; hsflp 38 to see Pins. This isn’t ideal given that we’d like to image both together). Generating these flies is a major technical challenge because of the number of transgenes and chromosomes involved.
Our preferred way to do this would be to generate flies that are Dlg[1P20]/Dlg[2]; TJ-GAL4/+; Pins-Tom, GFP-Mud/UAS-Insc. So far, we’ve been unsuccessful. We are now undertaking a modified crossing scheme that we hope will solve the problem, though we aren’t overly optimistic about the outcome. We find that the temperature-sensitive mutation Dlg[2] presents an activation barrier; while we are able to generate flies that are Dlg[2] / FM7 in combination with transgenes and/or mutations on other chromosomes, we do not always recover the Dlg[2] / Y males (which must develop at 18degrees) from these complex genotypes.
In the longer term (outside the scope of revision), we are working to develop more tools for imaging Mud and Pins that we hope will help answer this question.
Regarding the competition between Pins and Insc for dictating the apical versus basolateral localization of Insc, the Insc-expression threshold model could be easily tested in Pins62/62 mutants, where it is expected that only InscA localization should be observed, even at 25{degree sign}C (unless Pins is required for the cortical recruitment of Insc, as it is the case in NBs - see Yu et al 2000 for example).
This is another great experiment and one we’d love to carry out. Again, the genetics are currently challenging, only because both UAS-Inscuteable and FRT82B pinsp62 are on the third chromosome. (Right now we’re trying to hop UAS-Inscuteable to the second).
However, we do have another idea for testing the threshold model, which is to repeat the experiment in which we express UAS-Insc in cells that are DlgIP20/IP20 at 25oC. Because the relevant cells (UAS-Insc OX in Dlg mitotic clones) are relatively rare, we have not yet been able to collect enough examples to make a firm conclusion. However, our preliminary results (only six cells so far!) suggest that more InscB cells are observed at the lower temperature, consistent with the threshold model.
I do not agree with the authors on P.10 and Figure 6A-D, when they claim that the apical enrichment of Pins is equivalent in both InscA and InscB cells. The number of measured cells is very low, and the ratio of apical/lateral Pins differs between the two sets of cells. The number of cells should be increased and the ratios compared with a relevant statistic method.
Totally fair. We are working to add more data to these panels (6B and 6D). The trend observed in 6D may be softening in agreement with the reviewer’s prediction, although we currently don’t yet have enough new data points to be confident in that conclusion. Therefore, we have not yet updated the manuscript, though we expect to do so during the revision period. We will also add a statistical comparison. Importantly, as the reviewer suggested, this does not alter our conclusions.
A lot of the claims on Pins localization rely on overexpression (generally in a Pins null background) of tagged Pins expressed from different promoters or drivers, and fused to different fluorescent tags. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate to which extent the localization reflects an endogenous expression level, and to compare the different situations. As the cortical localization of Pins relies on interaction with cortical partners (mostly GDP-bound Gai) which are themselves in limiting quantity in the cell, and in the case of Gai-GDP, regulated by Pins GDI activity, this poses a problem when comparing their distribution, because the expression level of Pins may contribute to its cortical/cytoplasmic ratio, but also to its lateral/apical distribution. Although I understand that the authors have been using tools that were already available for this study, I think it would be more convincing if all the Pins localization studies were performed with endogenously tagged Pins, even those with Myr localization sequences. In an age of CRISPR-Cas-dependent homologous recombination, I think the generation of such alleles should have been possible. Although this would probably not change the main claims of the paper, it would have made a more convincing case for the localization studies.
We don’t disagree at all with this point. We did indeed try to stick with the published UAS-Pins-myr-GFP, not only for convenience but because it allows us to make comparisons to other studies using the same tool (Chanet et al Current Biology 2017 and Camuglia et al eLife 2022). Another consideration is that we used only one driver across our experiments (Traffic jam-GAL4). It is quite weak at the developmental stages that we examine, meaning that overexpression is not a major concern. (Indeed we have struggled with the opposite problem).
We certainly take the reviewer’s comment seriously and we therefore described it in the manuscript. We are currently working to develop endogenous tools using CRISPR.
Paragraph added to Discussion – Limitations of our Study:
“Another technical consideration is that our work makes use of transgenes under the control of Traffic jam-GAL4. While this strategy allows us to compare our results with previous work employing the same or similar tools, a drawback is that we cannot guarantee that Traffic jam-GAL4 drives equivalent expression to the endogenous Pins promoter (Chanet et al., 2017, Camuglia et al., 2022). However, given that Traffic jam-GAL4 is fairly weak at the developmental stages examined, we are not especially concerned about overexpression effects.”
The authors should indicate in the figure legends or in the methods that the spindle orientation measurements for controls for Pins62/62 are reused between figures 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 , and between figure 3, 4 and 5, respectively.
Absolutely. Added to the Methods section.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
Altogether, this study makes a convincing case that the localization of the core members of the pulling force complex, Pins and Mud, is not entirely sufficient to localize active force generation, and that the complex must be activated locally, at least in the FE. The notion of activation of the Pins/LGN complex has probably been on many people's mind for years: Pins/LGN works as a closed/open switch depending on the number of Gai subunits it interacts with, it must be phosphorylated, etc... suggesting that not all cortical Pins/LGN was active and involved in force generation. However the study presented here shows an interesting case where localization and activation are clearly disconnected. The authors show how Dlg plays this role in physiological conditions in the FE, and use ectopic expression of Insc to show that, at least in an artificial context, Insc can have the same "activating activity" (or at least an activating activity that is stronger than its apical recruitment capability and stronger than Dlg's activating activity). It is to my knowledge the first case of such a clear dissociation. In their discussion, the authors are careful not to generalize the observation to other tissues. Although I did not reexplore all that has been published on the Pins/LGN-NuMA/Mud complex over the last 20 years, my understanding is that despite interesting cases of distribution of the complex like that of Mud in the tricellular junction in the notum, the localization model can still explain most of the phenotypes that have been described without invoking an activation step. If it is the case, then the activation model is another variation (an interesting one!) on the regulation of the core machinery, which are plentiful as the authors indicate in their introduction, and is maybe specific to the FE; if not, then it would be interesting to push the discussion further by reexamining previous results in other systems, and pinpointing those phenotypes that could be better explained with an activation step.
Overall, I find this is an elegant piece of work, which should be of interest to many cell and developmental biologists beyond the community of spindle orientation aficionados.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): Summary: The manuscript by Neville et al. addressed the mechanism how conserved spindle regulators (Pins/Mud/Gai/Dynein) control spindle orientation in the proliferating epithelia by revising "the canonical model", using the Drosophila follicular epithelium (FE). The authors examined the epistatic relationship among Pins, Mud and Dlg in FE and found that Pins controls the cortical localization of Mud by utilizing mutant analyses, and suggested their localization does not fully overlap using the newly generated knock-in allele. They also showed that Pins relocalization during mitosis depends on cortical remodeling, or passive model, where Pins localization changes with other membrane-anchored proteins. Their data further suggest that Pins cortical localization is not influenced by Dlg, but Pins-interacting domain of Dlg does affect spindle orientation. Based on these results, the authors propose that Dlg controls spindle orientation not by redistributing Pins, but by promoting (or "activating" from their definition) Pins-dependent spindle orientation. Interestingly, ectopic expression of Inscuteable (Insc) suggested that Insc localization, either apical or lateral, correlates with spindle orientation, and their localization is a dominant indicator of spindle orientation, compared to the localization of Pins and Mud, implicating potentially distinct roles of activation and localization of the spindle complex. Overall their genetic experiments are well-designed and provide stimulation for future research. However, their evidence is suggestive, but not conclusive for their proposal. I have several concerns about their conclusion and would like to request more detailed information as well as to propose additional experiments.
Major concerns: 1. This report lacks technical and experimental details. As the typical fly paper, the authors need to show the exact genotypes of flies they used for experiments. This needs to be addressed for Figures 1-6, and Supplemental Figures. Especially, which Gal4 drivers were used for UAS-Pins wt or mutant constructs in Figure 4 with pins mutant background, Khc73, GUKH mutant backgrounds. Which exact flies were used for mutant clone experiments for Supplemental Figure 3? (A for typical mosaic, and B for MARCM). Without these details, it is impossible to evaluate results and reproduce by others.
We take this concern very seriously!
- We listed the GAL4 driver (Traffic jam-GAL4) in the first section of the Materials and Methods: Expression was driven by Traffic Jam-GAL4 (Olivieri et al., 2010). The transgene and relevant citation have been added to Table 1.
- We explained the background stock for the MARCM experiment in the Materials and Methods: Mosaic Analysis with a Repressible Cell Marker (after the method of Lee and Luo) was carried out using GFP-mCD8 (under control of an actin promoter) as the marker. The transgene and relevant citation have been added to Table 1.
- In line with other fly studies (eg. Nakajima et al., Nature 2013) and our own Drosophila work (Bergstralh et al Current Biology 2013, Bergstralh*, Lovegrove*, St Johnston NCB 2015, Bergstralh et al Development 2016, Finegan et al EMBO J 2019, Cammarota*, Finegan* et al Current Biology 2020) we were careful to show the relevant genotype components in each figure.
- We included a fully referenced Supplementary Table (Table 1 – Drosophila genetics) listing every mutant allele or transgene with a citation and a note about availability. We have expanded this table in response to the author’s concern (see above).
Related to the comment 1, how did the author perform "clonal expression of Ubi-Pin-YFP" in page 5? As far as I understand, Ubi-Pin-YFP is expressed ubiquitously by the ubiquitin promoter.
The reviewer makes a good point. We regret that we did not make this experiment more clear. Ubi-Pins-YFP was recombined onto an FRT chromosome (FRT82B). We made mitotic clones.
We have clarified this in the Methods section as follows:
“Mitotic clones of Ubi-Pins-YFP were made by recombining the Ubi-Pins-YFP transgene onto the FRT82B chromosome”
- In page 6, if Pins relocalization is passive and is associated with membrane-anchored protein remodeling during mitosis, its relocalization can be suppressed by disrupting the process of mitotic remodeling (mitotic rounding). The authors should test this by either genetic disruption or pharmacological treatment for the actomyosin should cause defects in Pins relocalization, which bolster their conclusion.
We agree that this is a cool experiment and are happy to give it another shot. However, we do note that interpretation could be difficult. We don’t know that mitotic rounding and membrane-anchored protein remodeling during mitosis are inextricably linked. Notably, the remodeling we describe reflects cell polarity; apical components are evidently moved to the lateral cortex. This is contrary to understanding of rounding, which reflects isotropic actomyosin activity (Chanet et al., (2017) Curr.Biol. & Rosa et al., (2015) Dev. Cell.). Therefore we don’t understand what a “negative” result would mean, or for that matter that a “positive” result would be safe to interpret.
We have attempted many strategies to prevent cell rounding in the follicular epithelium, none of which have successfully prevented rounding. 1) We attempted to genetically knockdown Moesin in the FE and did not see an effect on cell rounding. However we couldn’t confirm knockdown and therefore are not confident in this manipulation. 2) It is difficult to interpret the result of genetically disrupting Myosin, because it causes pleiotropic effects, such as inhibition of the cell cycle, and disruption of monolayer architecture. 3) We treated egg chambers with Y-27632 (a Rok-inhibitor) and examined its effect on mitotic cell rounding and on cytokinesis, which are Rok-dependent processes. Our experiments were performed using manually-dissociated ovarioles treated for 45 minutes in Schneider Cell Medium supplemented with insulin. Even at our maximum concentration of 1mM Y-27632, several orders of magnitude above the Ki, we are unable to see any effect on mitotic cell shape or actin accumulation at the mitotic cortex and did not observe any evidence of defective cytokinesis. We also did not observe defects in spindle organization or orientation, as would be expected from failed rounding. We therefore do not believe that the inhibitor works in this tissue. One possible explanation is that the follicle cells are secretory, and likely to pass molecules taken up from the media quickly into the germline. Therefore, we do not anticipate that we can perform this experiment to our satisfaction.
- The critical message in this manuscript is that the core spindle complex mediated by Pins-Mud controls spindle orientation by "activation", but not localization. The findings that Pins and Mud localization is not influenced by Insc and that ecotpic Insc expression and genetic Mud depletion (Figure 6) might support their proposal, but these results just suggest their localization does not matter. I wonder how the authors could conclude and define "activation". What does this activation mean in the context of spindle orientation? Can the authors test activation by enzymatic activity or assess dynamics of spindle alignment?
We intend for the critical message of the manuscript to be that “The spindle orienting machinery requires activation, not just localization.” We absolutely do not make the claim that localization is not important, only that it is not sufficient. The reviewer recognizes this point here and in a subsequent comment: “The authors showed that Pins and Mud localization themselves are not sufficient for the control of spindle orientation with genetic analyses.”
We also do not claim that Pins and/or Mud localization are not impacted by Inscuteable. On the contrary, we plainly see and report that they are; the intensity profiles in Figure 6 are distinct from those in Figure 2, as discussed in the text.
We appreciate the reviewer’s point about activation. Since we do not understand these proteins to be enzymes, we aren’t sure what enzymatic activity would be tested. The dynamics of spindle alignment in this slowly developing system are prohibitively difficult to measure: the mitotic index is very low (~2%) and only a very small fraction of those cells will be in a focal plane that permits accurate live imaging in the apical-basal axis. Alternative modes of activation include conformational change and/or a connection with other important molecules. The simplest possibility would be that Dlg allows Pins to bind Mud, but so far our data do not support it. We have added the following paragraph to our discussion:
“The mechanism of activation remains unclear. While the most straightforward possibility is that Dlg promotes interaction between Pins and Mud, our results show that Mud is recruited to the cortex even when Dlg is disrupted (Figure 4D). Alternatively, Discs large may promote a conformational change in the spindle-orientation complex and/or a change in complex composition. Furthermore, the Inscuteable mechanism is not likely to work in the same way. Dlg binds to a conserved phosphosite in the central linker domain of Pins and should therefore allow for Pins to simultaneously interact with Mud (Johnston et al., 2009). Contrastingly, binding between Pins and Inscuteable is mediated by the TPR domains of Pins, meaning that Mud is excluded (Culurgioni et al., 2011; 2018). While a stable Pins-Inscuteable complex has been suggested to promote localization of a separate Pins-Mud-dynein complex, our work raises the possibility that it might also or instead promote activation.”
- In page 7-8, although Pins-S436D rescue spindle orientation, but Pins-S436A does not in pins null clones background, Pins localization is not influenced by Dlg. This questions how exactly Pins and Dlg can interact, and how Dlg affect Pins function. Related to this observation, in the embryonic Pins:Tom localization in dlg mutant does not provide strong evidence to support their conclusion given the experimental context is different from previous study (Chanet et al., 2017).
We agree with the reviewer. Our data (this paper and previous papers) and the work of others indicate that this interaction is important for spindle orientation (Bergstralh et al., 2013a; Saadaoui et al., 2014; Chanet et al., 2017). However, we show here that Dlg doesn’t obviously impact Pins localization (as proposed in our earlier paper), but does impact the ability of the spindle orientation machinery to work (hence activity).
The reviewer makes a very good point. Our experimental context is different from the previous study concerning Pins and Dlg in embryos: Chanet et al (2017) performed their work in the embryonic head, whereas we look at divisions in the ventral embryonic ectoderm. These are distinct mitotic zones (Foe et al. (1989) Development) and exhibit distinct epithelial morphologies. We show that Pins:Tom localizes at the mitotic cell cortex in Dlg[2]/Dlg[1P20] in cells in the ventral embryonic ectoderm. Our only conclusion from this experiment is that Pins:Tom can localize without the Dlg GUK domain in another cell type (outside the follicular epithelium). In the current preliminary revision we have softened our claim as follows:
“We also examined the relationship between Pins and Dlg in the Drosophila embryo. A previous study showed that cortical localization of Pins in embryonic head epithelial cells is lost when Dlg mRNA is knocked down (Chanet et al., 2017). We find that Pins:Tom localizes to the cortex in the ventral ectoderm of early embryos from Dlg1P20/Dlg2 mothers, indicating that Pins localization in the ventral embryonic ectoderm epithelium does not require direct interaction with Dlg. We therefore speculate that Dlg plays an additional role in that tissue, upstream of Pins (Figure 4G).”
Our intention is to elaborate on our findings with additional data from embryos. To this end we have already acquired preliminary control data investigating the spindle angle with respect to the plane of the epithelium, and are in the process of examining spindle angles in dlg mutant embryonic tissue.
In page 11, the authors state "... that activation of pulling in the FE requires Dlg". I was not convinced by anything related to "pulling". There is no evidence to support "pulling" or such dynamic in this paper, just showing Mud localization, correct?
We appreciate the reviewer’s concern. The original sentence read that “We interpret [our data] to mean that interaction between Pins and Dlg, which is required for pulling, stabilizes the lateral pulling machinery even if Dlg is not a direct anchor.” This statement is based on work across multiple systems, including the C. elegans embryo (Grill et al Nature 2001), the Drosophila pupal notum (Bosveld et al, Nature 2016), and HeLa cells (Okumura et al eLife 2018), which shows that Mud/dynein-mediated pulling (on astral microtubules) orients/positions spindles. This is described in the introduction.
To address the reviewer’s particular concern, we have replaced “pulling” with “spindle-orentation machinery,” so that this sentence now reads …“activation of the spindle-orientation machinery in the FE requires Dlg.”
- Ectopic expression of Insc (Figure 6) provided a new idea and hypothesis, but the conclusion is more complicated given that Insc is not expressed in normal FE. For example, the statement that "Inscuteable and Dlg mediate distinct and competitive mechanism for activation of the spindle-orienting machinery in follicle cells" is probably right, but it does not show anything meaningful since Insc does not exist in normal FE. Is Dlg in a competitive situation during mitosis of FE? If so, which molecules are competitive against Dlg? The important issue is to provide a new interpretation of how spindle orientation is controlled epithelial cells. I strongly recommend to add models in this manuscript for clarity.
We considered the addition of model cartoons very carefully in preparing the original manuscript, and again after review. While we are certainly not going to “dig in” on this point, our concern is that model figures would obscure rather than clarify the message. As the reviewer points out, we do not understand how activation works, and as discussed in the manuscript we don’t think it’s likely to work the same way in follicle cells (Dlg) as it does in neuroblasts (Insc). Therefore model figure(s) are premature.
We do not agree with the statement that "Inscuteable and Dlg mediate distinct and competitive mechanism for activation of the spindle-orienting machinery in follicle cells… does not show anything meaningful.” This is a remarkable finding because it suggests that there is more than one way to activate Pins. Given the critical importance of spindle orientation in the developing nervous system, and the evolutionary history of the Dlg-Pins interaction, we think that this finding supports a model in which the Dlg-Pins interaction evolved in basal organisms, and a second Inscuteable-Pins interaction evolved subsequently to support neural complexity. These ideas are raised in the Discussion.
The reviewer also writes that “The important issue is to provide a new interpretation of how spindle orientation is controlled epithelial cells.” We find this concern perplexing, since the reviewer clearly recognizes that we have provided a new interpretation: Dlg is not a localization factor but rather a licensing factor for Pins-dependent spindle orientation.
Minor comments: 8. Some sections were not written well in the manuscript. "It does not" in page 6. "These predictions are not met". I just couldn't understand what they stand for. Their writing has to be improved.
Again, we are not going to dig in here, but we would prefer to retain the original language, which in our opinion is fairly clear. Our study is hypothesis-driven and based on assumptions made by the current model. We used direct language to help the reviewer understand what happened when we tested those assumptions.
- In page 9, Supplementary Figure 4 should be cited in the paragraph (A potential strategy for..), not Supplemental Figure 1A, and 1B.
Good catch, thank you! We have corrected this.
- In page 10, the authors examine aPKC localization in Insc expressing context of FE. Does aPKC localization correlate with Insc localization (Insc dictates aPKC?)? aPKC is not involved in spindle orientation from the author's report (Bergstralh et al., 2013), so it does not likely provide any supportive evidence.
I’m afraid we don’t entirely understand this comment. The interdependent relationship between aPKC and Inscuteable localization is long-established in the literature and was previously addressed in the follicle epithelium (Bergstralh et al. 2016). We do not make the claim here that aPKC governs spindle orientation. We are emphasizing that the difference between InscA and InscB cells extends to the relocalization of polarity components involved in Insc localization. As described in the manuscript, these data are provided to support our threshold model:
“In agreement with interdependence between Inscuteable and the Par complex, we find that aPKC is stabilized at the apical cortex in InscA cells but enriched at the lateral cortex in InscB cells (Figure 6E). This finding is consistent with an Inscuteable-expression threshold model; below the threshold, Pins dictates lateral localization of Inscuteable and aPKC. Above the threshold, Inscuteable dictates apical localization of Pins and aPKC.”
- In Dicussion page 12, "In addition, we find that while the LGN S408D (Drosophila S436D) variant is reported to act as a phosphomimetic, expression of this variant has no obvious effect on division orientation (Johnston et al., 2012)". Where is the evidence for this? I interpret that this phosphomimetic form can rescue like wt-Pins not like unphospholatable mutant S436A, so it means that have an effect on spindle orientation, correct?
The reviewer makes a good point. We regret the confusion. We mean to point out that the S436D variant is no different from the wild type. We have amended the text to clarify:
“In addition, we find that while the LGN S408D (Drosophila 436D) variant is reported to act as a phosphomimetic, this variant does not cause an obvious mutant phenotype in the follicular epithelium (Johnston et al., 2012). What then is the purpose of this modification? Since the phosphosite is highly conserved through metazoans, one possibility to consider is that the phosphorylation regulates the spindle orientation role of Pins, whereas unphosphorylated Pins plays a different role (Schiller and Bergstralh, 2021).”
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
The authors showed that Pins and Mud localization themselves are not sufficient for the control of spindle orientation with genetic analyses. While the authors tried to challenge the concept of "canonical model", there is no clear demonstration of "activation" of the spindle complex. I appreciate their genetic evidence and new results, and understand the message that Pins and Mud effects are beyond localization, but there is no alternative mechanism to support their model. At the current stage, their evidence provides more hypothesis, not conclusion. Based on my expertise in Developmental and Cell biology, I suggest that the work has an interest in audience who studies spindle machinery, but for general audience.
We think that the reviewer fundamentally shares our perspective on the study. Our work tests assumptions made by the canonical model and shows that they aren’t always met (meaning that the question of how spindle orientation works in epithelia at least is still unsolved), and that in the FE at least one component (Dlg) has been misunderstood. We reach a major conclusion, which is that localization of Pins is not enough to predict spindle orientation in the FE.
It’s absolutely true that the precise molecular role of Dlg has not been solved by our study. This is a major question for the lab, and we are currently undertaking biochemical work to address it. It’s probably more work than we can (or should) do on our own, which is just one reason to share our current results with colleagues.
One fundamental reason for undertaking this study is that 25 years of spindle orientation studies released into an environment in which “positive” conclusions are the bar for publication success may have burdened the field with claims that are overly-speculative. We appear to have contributed to this problem ourselves in 2013. With that in mind we contend that providing an alternative molecular mechanism at this point is premature and would impair rather than improve the literature.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Neville et al re-examine the role and regulation of Pins/LGN in Drosophila follicular epithelial cells. They argue that polar or bipolar enrichment of Pins localisation at the plasma membrane is not crucial for spindle orientation, and therefore propose that Pins must be somehow activated to function. These interpretations are not supported by the data. However, the data strongly suggest an alternative interpretation which is of major biological significance.
As an initial point, we disagree with the summary above. We do not argue that enrichment of Pins is not crucial for spindle orientation. We argue that enrichment of Pins is not sufficient. This is why we titled the paper “The spindle orienting machinery requires activation, not just localization” instead of “The spindle orienting machinery requires activation, not localization.”
Although we disagree with reviewer, we appreciate their criticism of our manuscript and are glad for the opportunity to clarify our findings. In our responses to the specific comments (below) we explain why our data contradict the reviewer’s model and what we will do to improve the manuscript.
- In the experiments on Dlg mutants (Fig 4D, S3) visualising Pins:Tom, the wild-type needs to be shown next to the Dlg mutant image, otherwise a comparison cannot be made. For example, Pins:Tom looks strongly enriched at the lateral membranes in the wild-type shown in Fig 2B&C, but much more weakly localised at the lateral membranes in Dlg1P20/2 mutants in Fig 4D. Thus, it looks like the Dlg GUK domain is required for full enrichment of Pins:Tom at lateral membranes, even if some low level of Pins can still bind to the plasma membrane in the absence of the Dlg GUK domain. Quantification would likely show a reduction in Pins:Tom lateral enrichment in the Dlg1P20/2 mutants - consistent with the spindle misorientation phenotype in these mutants.
The reviewer raises a reasonable concern about Figure 4D. We noted the difficulty of imaging Pins:Tom, which is exceedingly faint, in our original manuscript. For technical reasons, only one copy of the transgene was imaged in the experiment presented in 4G (two copies were used in Figure 2B), and the lack of signal presented an even greater challenge. In the manuscript we went with the clearest image. To address the reviewer’s concern, we have added signal intensity plots to this figure showing that Pins:Tom and Pins-myr are both laterally enriched at mitosis in Dlg[1P20]/Dlg[2] mutants. These data have been added as a new panel (E) in Figure 4. We were also able to replace the pictures in 4D with new ones generated after review.
- In Fig 4E, the phosphomutant PinsS436A-GFP looks more strongly apical and less strongly lateral than the wildtype Pins-GFP, consistent with the spindle misorientation phenotype in S436A rescued pins mutants.
The reviewer has an eagle eye! We did not detect a difference in localization across the three transgenes, though we were certainly looking for it (that’s why we generated these flies in the first place). Again, the strength of signal was a major challenge in these experiments, and we therefore went with the cleanest image. In response to the reviewer’s concern, we note that the S436A and S436D examples shown have equivalent apical signal, but only the S436A fails to rescue spindle orientation.
Together, Reviewer Comments 1 and 2 suggest a model in which Dlg is required for lateral enrichment of Pins at mitosis. As described in the manuscript, this is the very model proposed in our own previous study (Bergstralh, Lovegrove, and St Johnston; 2013), and reiterated in a subsequent review article (Bergstralh, Dawney, and St Johnston; 2017). We point these publications out because the senior author of the current manuscript is not especially enthusiastic about showing himself to be wrong (twice!) in the literature. He therefore insisted on seeing multiple lines of evidence before making the counterargument:
- The reviewer’s model (the 2013 model) is firstly challenged by work shown in Figure 3. We find that membrane-anchored proteins (even just myristoylated RFP!) demonstrate lateral enrichment at mitosis, regardless of whether or not they interact with the Dlg-GUK domain.
- Even stronger evidence is shown in Figure 4F. Pins-myr-GFP is very plainly enriched at the lateral cortex in Dlg[IP20]/Dlg[2] mutant cells (now demonstrated with signal intensity plots in FIGURE 4E). However, the spindle doesn’t orient correctly (quantified in 4C). Since Dlg is impacting spindle orientation independently of Pins localization, these data support our “claim in the final sentence of the abstract ‘Local enrichment of Pins is not sufficient to determine spindle orientation; an activation step is also necessary’.”
In the InscA examples, Pins:Tom looks apical. In the InscB examples, Pins:Tom looks more laterally localised, consistent with the spindle orientations in these experiments.
These figures (6A-D) don’t only show/quantify Pins:Tom localization. They also show localization of GFP-Mud. Whereas Pins:Tom is certainly apically enriched in the InscA examples, the interesting finding is that GFP-Mud is not. In strong contrast, it instead shows a weak apical localization and a strong lateral enrichment. As described in the manuscript, this pattern of Mud localization predicts normal spindle orientation, which is not observed in these cells.
Thus, these data appear to support the existing model that Pins enrichment at the plasma membrane is a key factor directing mitotic spindle orientation in these cells. The author's claim in the final sentence of the abstract "Local enrichment of Pins is not sufficient to determine spindle orientation; an activation step is also necessary" is not supported by the data.
We are pleased that the reviewer shared this quote; our claim is that Pins localization is not sufficient, not that it is unnecessary (see above). We absolutely do not dispute that “Pins enrichment at the plasma membrane is a key factor directing mitotic spindle orientation.”
The open question posed by the data is why GFP-Mud is excluded apically & basally during mitosis, while Pins:Tom is not. The simple alternative model is that Mud only localises to the plasma membrane where Pins is most strongly concentrated, such that Mud strongly amplifies any Pins asymmetry. Thus, even myr-Pins can still rescue a pins n mutant, because myr-Pins is still enriched laterally compared to apically (or basally).
Thus, I would strongly suggest re-titling the manuscript to: "Mud/NuMA amplifies minor asymmetries in Pins localisation to orient the mitotic spindle".
Well, that is a good-looking title, and we’re therefore sorry to decline the suggestion. However, as described above, Figure 4D shows that Pins enrichment does not always predict spindle orientation. More importantly, Figure 6A (cited by the reviewer in Comment 3) very plainly shows that Mud does not “only locali[ze] to the plasma membrane where Pins is most strongly concentrated.” In this picture – and across multiple InscA cells (Figure 6B) - Pins is strongly concentrated at the apical surface, whereas Mud is not.
Mud/NuMA presumably achieves this amplification by binding to the plasma membrane only where Pins is concentrated above a critical threshold level. This would mean a non-linear model based on cooperativity among Pins monomers that increases the binding avidity to Mud above the threshold concentration of Pins monomers.
This is essentially a minor revision of the standard model, which we expected would hold true in the FE. As described above, it is not supported by our data.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
The manuscript is focused on the question of mitotic spindle orientation in epithelial cells, which is a fundamental unsolved problem in biology. The data reported are impressive and important, providing new insights into how the key spindle orientation factors Mud/NuMA and Pins/LGN localise during mitosis in epithelia. I recommend publication after major revisions.
We are delighted that the reviewer finds our data impressive and important, and our experiments insightful. We understand that the “major revisions” requested are meant to bring the paper in line with their model (our own earlier model). Since the data in our original manuscript contradict that model, the revisions are instead focused on clarifying and strengthening our message.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Neville et al re-examine the role and regulation of Pins/LGN in Drosophila follicular epithelial cells. They argue that polar or bipolar enrichment of Pins localisation at the plasma membrane is not crucial for spindle orientation, and therefore propose that Pins must be somehow activated to function. These interpretations are not supported by the data. However, the data strongly suggest an alternative interpretation which is of major biological significance.
- In the experiments on Dlg mutants (Fig 4D, S3) visualising Pins:Tom, the wild-type needs to be shown next to the Dlg mutant image, otherwise a comparison cannot be made. For example, Pins:Tom looks strongly enriched at the lateral membranes in the wild-type shown in Fig 2B&C, but much more weakly localised at the lateral membranes in Dlg1P20/2 mutants in Fig 4D. Thus, it looks like the Dlg GUK domain is required for full enrichment of Pins:Tom at lateral membranes, even if some low level of Pins can still bind to the plasma membrane in the absence of the Dlg GUK domain. Quantification would likely show a reduction in Pins:Tom lateral enrichment in the Dlg1P20/2 mutants - consistent with the spindle misorientation phenotype in these mutants.
- In Fig 4E, the phosphomutant PinsS436A-GFP looks more strongly apical and less strongly lateral than the wildtype Pins-GFP, consistent with the spindle misorientation phenotype in S436A rescued pins mutants.
- In the InscA examples, Pins:Tom looks apical. In the InscB examples, Pins:Tom looks more laterally localised, consistent with the spindle orientations in these experiments.
Thus, these data appear to support the existing model that Pins enrichment at the plasma membrane is a key factor directing mitotic spindle orientation in these cells. The author's claim in the final sentence of the abstract "Local enrichment of Pins is not sufficient to determine spindle orientation; an activation step is also necessary" is not supported by the data.
The open question posed by the data is why GFP-Mud is excluded apically & basally during mitosis, while Pins:Tom is not. The simple alternative model is that Mud only localises to the plasma membrane where Pins is most strongly concentrated, such that Mud strongly amplifies any Pins asymmetry. Thus, even myr-Pins can still rescue a pins mutant, because myr-Pins is still enriched laterally compared to apically (or basally).
Thus, I would strongly suggest re-titling the manuscript to: "Mud/NuMA amplifies minor asymmetries in Pins localisation to orient the mitotic spindle".
Mud/NuMA presumably achieves this amplification by binding to the plasma membrane only where Pins is concentrated above a critical threshold level. This would mean a non-linear model based on cooperativity among Pins monomers that increases the binding avidity to Mud above the threshold concentration of Pins monomers.
The manuscript is focused on the question of mitotic spindle orientation in epithelial cells, which is a fundamental unsolved problem in biology. The data reported are impressive and important, providing new insights into how the key spindle orientation factors Mud/NuMA and Pins/LGN localise during mitosis in epithelia. I recommend publication after major revisions.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The manuscript by Neville et al. addressed the mechanism how conserved spindle regulators (Pins/Mud/Gai/Dynein) control spindle orientation in the proliferating epithelia by revising "the canonical model", using the Drosophila follicular epithelium (FE). The authors examined the epistatic relationship among Pins, Mud and Dlg in FE and found that Pins controls the cortical localization of Mud by utilizing mutant analyses, and suggested their localization does not fully overlap using the newly generated knock-in allele. They also showed that Pins relocalization during mitosis depends on cortical remodeling, or passive model, where Pins localization changes with other membrane-anchored proteins. Their data further suggest that Pins cortical localization is not influenced by Dlg, but Pins-interacting domain of Dlg does affect spindle orientation. Based on these results, the authors propose that Dlg controls spindle orientation not by redistributing Pins, but by promoting (or "activating" from their definition) Pins-dependent spindle orientation. Interestingly, ectopic expression of Inscuteable (Insc) suggested that Insc localization, either apical or lateral, correlates with spindle orientation, and their localization is a dominant indicator of spindle orientation, compared to the localization of Pins and Mud, implicating potentially distinct roles of activation and localization of the spindle complex. Overall their genetic experiments are well-designed and provide stimulation for future research. However, their evidence is suggestive, but not conclusive for their proposal. I have several concerns about their conclusion and would like to request more detailed information as well as to propose additional experiments.
Major concerns:
- This report lacks technical and experimental details. As the typical fly paper, the authors need to show the exact genotypes of flies they used for experiments. This needs to be addressed for Figures 1-6, and Supplemental Figures. Especially, which Gal4 drivers were used for UAS-Pins wt or mutant constructs in Figure 4 with pins mutant background, Khc73, GUKH mutant backgrounds. Which exact flies were used for mutant clone experiments for Supplemental Figure 3? (A for typical mosaic, and B for MARCM). Without these details, it is impossible to evaluate results and reproduce by others.
- Related to the comment 1, how did the author perform "clonal expression of Ubi-Pin-YFP" in page 5? As far as I understand, Ubi-Pin-YFP is expressed ubiquitously by the ubiquitin promoter.
- In page 6, if Pins relocalization is passive and is associated with membrane-anchored protein remodeling during mitosis, its relocalization can be suppressed by disrupting the process of mitotic remodeling (mitotic rounding). The authors should test this by either genetic disruption or pharmacological treatment for the actomyosin should cause defects in Pins relocalization, which bolster their conclusion.
- The critical message in this manuscript is that the core spindle complex mediated by Pins-Mud controls spindle orientation by "activation", but not localization. The findings that Pins and Mud localization is not influenced by Insc and that ecotpic Insc expression and genetic Mud depletion (Figure 6) might support their proposal, but these results just suggest their localization does not matter. I wonder how the authors could conclude and define "activation". What does this activation mean in the context of spindle orientation? Can the authors test activation by enzymatic activity or assess dynamics of spindle alignment?
- In page 7-8, although Pins-S436D rescue spindle orientation, but Pins-S436A does not in pins null clones background, Pins localization is not influenced by Dlg. This questions how exactly Pins and Dlg can interact, and how Dlg affect Pins function. Related to this observation, in the embryonic Pins:Tom localization in dlg mutant does not provide strong evidence to support their conclusion given the experimental context is different from previous study (Chanet et al., 2017).
- In page 11, the authors state "... that activation of pulling in the FE requires Dlg". I was not convinced by anything related to "pulling". There is no evidence to support "pulling" or such dynamic in this paper, just showing Mud localization, correct?
- Ectopic expression of Insc (Figure 6) provided a new idea and hypothesis, but the conclusion is more complicated given that Insc is not expressed in normal FE. For example, the statement that "Inscuteable and Dlg mediate distinct and competitive mechanism for activation of the spindle-orienting machinery in follicle cells" is probably right, but it does not show anything meaningful since Insc does not exist in normal FE. Is Dlg in a competitive situation during mitosis of FE? If so, which molecules are competitive against Dlg? The important issue is to provide a new interpretation of how spindle orientation is controlled epithelial cells. I strongly recommend to add models in this manuscript for clarity.
Minor comments:
- Some sections were not written well in the manuscript. "It does not" in page 6. "These predictions are not met". I just couldn't understand what they stand for. Their writing has to be improved.
- In page 9, Supplementary Figure 4 should be cited in the paragraph (A potential strategy for..), not Supplemental Figure 1A, and 1B.
- In page 10, the authors examine aPKC localization in Insc expressing context of FE. Does aPKC localization correlate with Insc localization (Insc dictates aPKC?)? aPKC is not involved in spindle orientation from the author's report (Bergstralh et al., 2013), so it does not likely provide any supportive evidence.
- In Dicussion page 12, "In addition, we find that while the LGN S408D (Drosophila S436D) variant is reported to act as a phosphomimetic, expression of this variant has no obvious effect on division orientation (Johnston et al., 2012)". Where is the evidence for this? I interpret that this phosphomimetic form can rescue like wt-Pins not like unphospholatable mutant S436A, so it means that have an effect on spindle orientation, correct?
The authors showed that Pins and Mud localization themselves are not sufficient for the control of spindle orientation with genetic analyses. While the authors tried to challenge the concept of "canonical model", there is no clear demonstration of "activation" of the spindle complex. I appreciate their genetic evidence and new results, and understand the message that Pins and Mud effects are beyond localization, but there is no alternative mechanism to support their model. At the current stage, their evidence provides more hypothesis, not conclusion. Based on my expertise in Developmental and Cell biology, I suggest that the work has an interest in audience who studies spindle machinery, but for general audience.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The manuscript by Neville et al addresses the link between the localization and the activity of the so-called "Pins complex" or "LGN complex", that has been shown to regulate mitotic spindle orientation in most animal cell types and tissues. In most cell types, the polarized localization of the complex in the mitotic cell (which can vary between apical and basolateral, depending on the context) localizes pulling forces to dictate the orientation The authors reexplore the notion that this polarized localization of the complex is sufficient to dictate spindle orientation, and propose that an additional step of "activation" of the complex is necessary to refine positioning of the spindle.
The experiments are performed in the follicular epithelium (FE), an epithelial sheet of cell that surrounds the drosophila developing oocyte and nurse cells in the ovarium. Like in many other epithelia, cell divisions in the FE are planar (the cell divides in the plane of the epithelium). The authors first confirm that planar divisions in this epithelium depends on the function of Pins and its partner mud, and that the interaction between the two partners is necessary, like in many other epithelial structures. Planar divisions are often associated with a lateral/basolateral "ring" of the Pins complex during mitosis. The authors show that in the FE, Pins is essentially apical in interphase and becomes enriched at the lateral cortex during mitosis, however a significant apical component remains, whereas mud is almost entirely absent from the apical cortex. Pins being "upstream" of mud in the complex, this is a first hint that the localization of Pins is not sufficient to dictate the localization of mud and of the pulling forces. The authors then replace wt Pins, whose cortical anchoring strongly relies on its interaction with Gai subunits, with a constitutively membrane anchored version (via a N-terminal myristylation). They show that the localization of myr-Pins mimics that of wt-Pins, with a lateral enrichment in mitosis, and a significant apical component. Since a Myr-RFP alone shows a similar distribution, they conclude that the restricted localization of Pins in mitosis is a consequence of general membrane characteristics in mitosis, rather than the result of a dedicated mechanism of Pins subcellular restriction. Remarkably, Myr-Pins also rescues Pins loss-of-function spindle orientation defects. They further show that the cortical localization of Pins does not require its interaction with Dlg (unlike what has been suggested in other epithelia). However, spindle orientation requires Dlg, and in particular it requires the direct Dlg/Pins interaction. The activity of Dlg in the FE appears to be independent from khc73 and Gukholder, two of its partners involved in its activity in microtubule capture and spindle orientation in other cell types. Based on all these observations, the authors propose that Dlg serves as an activator that controls Pins activity in a subregion of its localization domain (in this case, the lateral cortex of the mitotic FE cell). They propose to test this idea by relocalizing Pins at the apical cortex, using Inscuteable ectopic expression. With the tools that they use to drive Inscuteable expression, they obtain two populations of cells. One population has a stronger apical that basolateral Insc distribution, and the spindle is reoriented along the apical-basal axis; the other population has higher basolateral than apical levels of Insc distribution, and the spindle remains planar. The authors write that Pins localization is unchanged between the two subsets of cells (although I do not entirely agree with them on that point, see below), and that although Mud is modestly recruited to the apical cortex in the first population, it remains essentially basolateral in both. In this situation, the localization of Insc in the cell is therefore a better predictor of spindle orientation than that of Pins or Mud. Remarkably, removing Dlg in an Insc overexpression context leads to a dramatic shift towards apical-basal reorientation of the spindle, suggesting that loss of Dlg-dependent activation of the lateral Pins complex reveals an Insc-dependent apical activation of the complex.
Overall, I find the demonstration convincing and the conclusion appropriate. One of the limitations of the study is the use of different drivers and reporters for the localization of Pins, which makes it hard to compare different situations, but not to the point that it would jeopardize the main conclusions. I do not have major remarks on the paper, only a few minor observations and suggestion of simple experiments that would complete the study
What happens to Pins and Mud in Dlg mutant cells that overexpress Insc and behave as InscA? Are they still essentially lateral, or are they more efficiently recruited to the apical cortex?
Regarding the competition between Pins and Insc for dictating the apical versus basolateral localization of Insc, the Insc-expression threshold model could be easily tested in Pins62/62 mutants, where it is expected that only InscA localization should be observed, even at 25{degree sign}C (unless Pins is required for the cortical recruitment of Insc, as it is the case in NBs - see Yu et al 2000 for example)
I do not agree with the authors on P.10 and Figure 6A-D, when they claim that the apical enrichment of Pins is equivalent in both InscA and InscB cells. The number of measured cells is very low, and the ratio of apical/lateral Pins differs between the two sets of cells. The number of cells should be increased and the ratios compared with a relevant statistic method.
A lot of the claims on Pins localization rely on overexpression (generally in a Pins null background) of tagged Pins expressed from different promoters or drivers, and fused to different fluorescent tags. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate to which extent the localization reflects an endogenous expression level, and to compare the different situations. As the cortical localization of Pins relies on interaction with cortical partners (mostly GDP-bound Gai) which are themselves in limiting quantity in the cell, and in the case of Gai-GDP, regulated by Pins GDI activity, this poses a problem when comparing their distribution, because the expression level of Pins may contribute to its cortical/cytoplasmic ratio, but also to its lateral/apical distribution. Although I understand that the authors have been using tools that were already available for this study, I think it would be more convincing if all the Pins localization studies were performed with endogenously tagged Pins, even those with Myr localization sequences. In an age of CRISPR-Cas-dependent homologous recombination, I think the generation of such alleles should have been possible. Although this would probably not change the main claims of the paper, it would have made a more convincing case for the localization studies.
The authors should indicate in the figure legends or in the methods that the spindle orientation measurements for controls or Pins62/62 are reused between figures 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 , and between figure 3, 4 and 5, respectively
Altogether, this study makes a convincing case that the localization of the core members of the pulling force complex, Pins and Mud, is not entirely sufficient to localize active force generation, and that the complex must be activated locally, at least in the FE.
The notion of activation of the Pins/LGN complex has probably been in many people's mind for year: Pins/LGN works as a closed/open switch depending on the number of Gai subunits it interacts with, it must be phosphorylated, etc... suggesting that not all cortical Pins/LGN was active and involved in force generation. However the study presented here shows an interesting case where localization and activation are clearly disconnected. The authors show how Dlg plays this role in physiological conditions in the FE, and use ectopic expression of Insc to show that, at least in an artificial context, Insc can have the same "activating activity" (or at least an activating activity that is stronger than its apical recruitment capability and stronger than Dlg's activating activity). It is to my knowledge the first case of such a clear dissociation. In their discussion, the authors are careful not to generalize the observation to other tissues. Although I did not reexplore all that has been published on the Pins/LGN-NuMA/Mud complex over the last 20 years, my understanding is that despite interesting cases of distribution of the complex like that of Mud in the tricellular junction in the notum, the localization model can still explain most of the phenotypes that have been described without invoking an activation step. If it is the case, then the activation model is another variation (an interesting one!) on the regulation of the core machinery, which are plentiful as the authors indicate in their introduction, and is maybe specific to the FE; if not, then it would be interesting to push the discussion further by reexamining previous results in other systems, and pinpointing those phenotypes that could be better explained with an activation step.
Overall, I find this is an elegant piece of work, which should be of interest to many cell and developmental biologists beyond the community of spindle orientation aficionados.
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Reply to the reviewers
We thank for reviewers for their feedback and were pleased they think that the manuscript is “of great interest to the scientific community”. The reviewers agree that the manuscript addresses an important question and that the identification of ASNS as a potential vulnerability of late-stage colorectal cancer is significant. The reviewers agree that our findings would be substantially strengthened by validation in state-of-the-art organoid model systems. We agree with this and are currently liaising with collaborators (Owen Sansom, Beatson Institute and Laura Thomas, Swansea University) to replicate our findings in both mouse and human colorectal organoid models. We will determine the sensitivity of colorectal organoid models to ASNS inhibition across a range of tumorigenicities and mutational profiles representing different stages of the adenoma-carcinoma progression. We believe these experiments will substantially strengthen the manuscript and lend weight to our finding that late-stage adenocarcinoma cells are vulnerable to ASNS inhibition.
This is the predominant concern across reviewers, we are confident we can address this and all other, relatively minor, concerns as detailed below.
Please find below a point-by-point reply to the reviewer’s comments. Reviewer comments are in italicized text and our responses follow.
Reviewer #1
- All of the findings in this manuscript are limited to in vitro observations, we know that most of the in vitro findings can not be translated in vivo. The manuscript would significantly benefit from in vivo experiments using the cells described in Fig.1 A and confirming the in vitro findings.*
We agree that validation of our results in a more physiological context would significantly elevate our manuscript. In order to address this, we intend to use both human and mouse colorectal organoid models (please see detailed description of this in response to reviewer 2). We have decided to take this approach rather than conduct in vivoexperiments using the AA series (C1, SB, 10C and M) for two main reasons. Firstly, the C1 and SB cell lines do not form tumours in mice, consistent with them representing early colorectal adenoma cells. As such, we are not able to use the entire series in in vivo experiments. Secondly, we are keen to demonstrate replication of our findings in an alternative model. An organoid model would offer increased functional relevance, whilst allowing us to retain the ability to validate our observed metabolic dependencies across the adenoma to carcinoma sequence. We hope the reviewer agrees that these experiments would address their concerns.
- The authors should provide proliferation data for the cell lines they used in this manuscript (C1, SB, 10C and M). In Fig. 1 B they show clear differences in EACR, can the authors provide data on glucose uptake differences in these analyzed cell lines.*
We agree that proliferation and glucose uptake data would be a useful addition to the manuscript. We will provide doubling times for the cell lines used in this study and will measure glucose uptake by analysing extracellular glucose levels in the cell culture media from each of the cell lines.
- In Figure 2 C the authors should provide isotope tracing data for the upper glycolysis (e.g. glucose and glucose-6-P) and alanine. In Figure 2 D the authors should provide the isotope tracing data for glutamine and glutamate.*
We have data for glycolytic intermediates; glycerol-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and alanine and will add them to the figures as requested.
- Do the authors see any sign of reductive carboxylation in their U-13C glutamine experiments?*
We observe only a low level of reductive carboxylation across the AA series cell lines (
- Can the authors speculate how the C1, SB, 10C and M cell lines would react when glucose would be replaced with galactose in the culture environment and forcing the cells to increase oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS).*
We would speculate that the cells would react similarly to our experiments in low glucose conditions displayed in Fig 3A-K. Given that M cells were shown to be the most flexible with regards to fuel source, we would expect them to be able to survive and proliferate more efficiently than the other cell lines in challenging culture conditions. Additionally, we would expect the C1s to survive well in galactose conditions, given that they rely less on glycolysis for ATP production and have significantly higher spare respiratory capacity compared to the more progressed cell lines.
- Can the authors comment whether C1, SB, 10C and M cell lines show differences in coping with oxidative stress?*
Again, we would speculate that the M cells would cope with exposure to oxidative stress best, given their metabolic flexibility. However, we would aim to test this by measuring the cellular response to hydrogen peroxide (which would induce oxidative stress) across all cell lines.
- In the ASNS knockdown experiments do the authors detect an increase in glucose uptake in ASNS deficient cells.*
This is an interesting question; we will address it by comparing extracellular glucose levels in C1 and M cells transfected with control and siRNA targeting ASNS.
- Can the authors provide gene expression data that would explain the metabolic switch between early and late-stage adenocarcinoma? Do the authors detect any differences in mTORC1 activation among the C1, SB, 10C and M cell lines? ASNS is an ATF4 target, can the authors provide any expression data on ATF4 in their cell lines.*
To address the first question, using our proteomics data, we have generated heatmaps showing protein abundance data from key metabolic pathways including glycolysis, the TCA cycle and the electron transport chain in the C1, SB and M cell lines. These data show an array of variation in protein expression of these pathways between the C1, SB and M cells, with no clear up or downregulation of these pathways as a whole, but rather more intricate regulation of clusters of proteins within the pathways. These data align well with the metabolomic data presented in Figure 2 and will allow us to investigate the mechanisms underlying the metabolic switch. These heat maps will be incorporated into the manuscript. Using the heatmaps we will identify and discuss key nodes we predict to explain the metabolic switch between early and late-stage adenocarcinoma. We will then determine whether manipulation of these nodes impact the metabolic phenotype of the cells experimentally. For example, the heat maps have highlighted that ENO3 or enolase 3 is strongly upregulated in the SB and M cells in comparison to the C1 cells and may be involved in driving the metabolic switch. Indeed, ENO3 has previously been found to promote colorectal cancer progression by enhancing glycolysis (Chen et al, Med Oncol, 2022), consistent with what we see here. To test this, we will knock down ENO3 across the cell line series and determine the impact on cellular phenotype and metabolism (using Seahorse extracellular flux analysis).
With regards to mTORC1 activation, we have further analysed our proteomics data from C1, SB and M cells and have found that the M cells show significantly higher serine 235/236 phosphorylation of ribosomal S6 protein, a common readout for mTORC1 activation, compared to C1 and SB cells. Further, we aim to carry out immunoblotting across the four cell lines to analyse phospho-S6 (relative to total S6), 4E-BP1 and phospho-ULK-1 (relative to total ULK-1) levels.
With regards to ATF4, using our proteomics data we have generated a heatmap of gene expression changes of ATF4 target genes in C1, SB and M cells that we will provide in supplementary material . These data suggest that there does not appear to be any clear pattern of enhanced or reduced ATF4 transcriptional activity across the cell lines, with different clusters of genes within this signature up or downregulated across the series. Moreover, Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) revealed that the ATF4 pathway showed an activation z-score of -0.41 (p=0.0134) in SB versus C1 cells, and 0.35 (p=0.00051) in M versus C1 cells (where a threshold of +/- 2 indicates activation/suppression of the pathway, respectively), confirming there is no clear regulation of this pathway between the cell lines. In addition, we will carry out immunoblotting for ATF4 expression levels across the cell line series.
Reviewer #2
*Major comments: *
*Early CRC *
*Molecular understanding of CRC is obviously of great interest and importance for the clinics. However, tumors of early stages are almost exclusively resected and not treated with systemic agents. Hence, the argument by the authors that the metabolic understanding of early CRC is of clinical relevance is somewhat misleading. Overall, it would have been much more clinically relevant to investigate the multiple steps of later stages during CRC progression. How about metabolic changes during metastasis. Deep mechanistic understanding of process during metastasis has striking clinical relevance. *
We agree with the reviewer that understanding metastatic progression is of clinical relevance and should indeed be investigated in more detail. Using our model, we do shed light on a vulnerability of late-stage adenocarcinoma cells (sensitivity to asparagine synthetase (ASNS) inhibition). Indeed, we show that ASNS expression is elevated in both colorectal tumour and metastatic tissue in comparison to normal suggesting that our study may have revealed a vulnerability with utility for treating late stage (and potentially metastatic) tumours. The reviewer raises an important issue with the way we frame the utility of the model in the manuscript text. We will rewrite this to emphasise its utility in identifying late-stage vulnerabilities and the clinical value of this approach. We maintain that the molecular understanding of colorectal cancer across all stages of its progression will provide a valuable contribution to the field but agree that we should be more specific with regards to the clinical utility of our findings.
*Model system *
The cell lines used in this study are not state-of-the-art to investigate the complex process during CRC progression. The original paper is from 1993 in which the cell lines were generated does not allow understanding of the characteristics of these cell lines. Recently, multiple models have been established, for example in organoids, to investigate the progression of CRC much more reliably. There are systems that use CRISPR/CAS9 edited human organoids that follow the genetic alterations of CRC progression with accompanied phenotypes. Further, extensive biobanks of organoids from patients are available (also commercially) which better represent the stages of CRC. Similarly, the question raised above of how representative this progression cell line set is needs to addressed. The mutagen-induced progression could generate various alterations that are not detected in patients, hence create an artificial system. Overall, biological replicates are missing.
We thank the reviewer for their critique and agree that our manuscript would be significantly strengthened if we were able to replicate our key findings in another model. We agree that the cell line series we have used here has limitations and we will make sure these are discussed by adding a ‘Limitations’ section to the ‘Discussion’. We maintain that the cell line series is a valuable tool in which to effectively identify metabolic vulnerabilities for further research. A key advantage of this system is that it is a human cell line series of the same lineage. In addition, we can easily conduct metabolomics and stable isotope tracer analysis allowing us to investigate cellular metabolic activity and manipulate any identified pathways easily. As such, the cell line series is an effective tool in which to identify potential vulnerabilities, but we agree that these vulnerabilities need to be validated in state-of-the-art organoid systems for the impact of the work to be clearer.
To address this, in collaboration with Owen Sansom (Beatson Institute) and Laura Thomas (Swansea University), we aim to validate our identified metabolic dependency in mouse and human colorectal organoids respectively. We will determine the sensitivity of colorectal organoid models across a range of tumorigenicities and mutational profiles representing different stages of the adenoma-carcinoma progression to asparagine synthetase (ASNS) inhibition. We believe these experiments will substantially strengthen the manuscript and lend weight to our finding that late-stage adenocarcinoma cells are vulnerable to ASNS inhibition.
*Gene Expression analysis *
In Figure 5 C and D is the expression of ASNS to stages and overall survival from online available datasets correlated. Its unclear what the difference between tumor and metastatic in C means. The labelling in D is too small. Is the difference between the two groups significant? Are these patients only at a specific stage? It seems not that ASNS is a strong prognosticator; further stratification is needed to clarify the role of ASNS in CRC.
The data displayed in Fig 5C and 5D are from separate datasets so are not correlated. In Fig 5C ‘Tumour’ refers to gene expression from the primary tumour site (in this case the colorectum), whereas ‘Metastatic’ refers to gene expression from a metastatic tumour (from which the primary tumour was of colorectal origin). We will make this clearer in the text and figure legend. We will also make the labelling on the survival plot in D clearer, indicating that the difference between the two groups is significant and displaying the p value clearly.
The data included in the survival plots in 5D encompass all tumour stages. We have further analysed these data, adjusting for tumour stage. We found that high ASNS expression in later stage tumours (stage 3 and 4) is associated with poorer overall survival, whereas there is no significant difference in overall survival in earlier stage tumours (stage 1 and 2) in relation to ASNS expression. We plan to add this to the supplementary materials and discuss in the main text as it is consistent with our findings from the AA cell line series.
*Western Blot controls *
For the Western Blots in Figure 6 A and C the total S6 and ULK1 controls are missing what is needed to assess the effect on pS6 and pULK1 correctly.
We will add total S6 and ULK1 controls to these figures.
In the same panels, the KO efficacy is not very high in A (-ASN). However, this is crucial to make the conclusion that this cell line (C1) is not dependent on ASNS.
The average knockdown efficiency in the C1 cells is 72% across n=3 experiments. Therefore, levels of ASNS are significantly reduced. However, to further validate this finding, we will use L-Albizziine, a competitive inhibitor of ASNS, at the same concentration in both C1 and M cells to eliminate any issues surrounding variation in knockdown efficiency and to replicate the results obtained using ASNS siRNA. These data will be included in supplementary material.
*Minor comments: *
*Statistical analysis of proliferation assays *
The statistical significance for proliferation assays are missing.
The statistical significance at the final timepoints of the proliferation assays are displayed on bar graphs in Supplementary Figure 5 (Figure S5B and C). We will add these to the proliferation curves in the main figure.
Reviewer #3
*A major concern is the model used in this study: *
Sodium butyrate and the carcinogen N-methyl-N-nitro-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) were used for the transformation. I believe this model was developed by one of the co-authors of the study, A.C. Williams in the 1990s. The relevance of the model for in vivo colon carcinogenesis is not entirely clear to me and I miss information why in particular sodium butyrate and MNNG were used. I am not an expert on colon carcinogenesis but I did not have the impression that this model has been widely adopted and I miss detailed information on the model itself as well as a critical discussion of its limitations.
We thank the reviewer for raising these concerns and will include a ‘Limitations’ section in the manuscript ‘Discussion’ to elaborate on both the utility and the limitations of this model system. As described in response to concerns raised by reviewer #1 and reviewer #2, we plan to validate our findings in organoid models of colorectal tumourigenesis to strengthen the discoveries made using the AA cell line series.
With regards to the use of sodium butyrate and MNNG for transformation of the C1 cells, justification was provided in the original paper describing generation of the cell line model series (Williams et al, Cancer Research. 1990). Sodium butyrate is naturally occurring in the gut and was used for the transformation of the C1 cells as it had been proposed to play a role in promoting colorectal tumorigenesis through upregulating carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) expression and enhancing proliferation in adenoma cells able to resist growth arrest following treatment (Berry et al, Carcinogenesis. 1988). At the time of generating the cell line series, few reagents were known to induce transformation in human epithelial cells. However, MNNG was one of those and had been previously used to transform keratinocytes (Rhim et al, Science. 1986). Crucially, tumours formed in mice from xenografted 10C cells were found to be heterogeneous, displaying areas of differentiation with glandular organisation, the presence of functional goblet cells enabling mucin production, as well as areas of poorly or undifferentiated cells. Furthermore, cytogenetic analyses revealed that genetic changes in the cell line progression model such as chromosome 18q loss and KRAS activation replicate those seen in CRC patients (Williams et al, Oncogene. 1993). Together, these characteristics recapitulate human tumours in vivo, validating the use of sodium butyrate and MNNG in generating an in vitro CRC cell line model that represents human colorectal tumorigenesis.
Figure 6: total levels of ribosomal S6 protein and ULK1 should be detected, quantified and used for normalization.
We agree with the reviewer, we will add total S6 and ULK1 controls to these figures.
Can you measure ASN upon inhibition of autophagy? Does it go down further?
This is an interesting question, and we will address this experimentally by measuring ASN levels following treatment with chloroquine in the C1 and M cell lines. We will do this using stable isotope labelling and mass spectrometry and include the results in supplementary material.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Legge and colleagues metabolically characterize an in vitro colon carcinogenesis model based on the development of the adenoma cell line PC/AA to a tumorigenic phenotype. They find differences in the use of glucose and glutamine in the different cell lines and a dependency of what they call late-stage adenocarcinoma cells on asparagine (ASN) synthesis, which is not present in their early stage cell line. The study is well-written and interesting.
A major concern is the model used in this study:
Sodium butyrate and the carcinogen N-methyl-N-nitro-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) were used for the transformation. I believe this model was developed by one of the co-authors of the study, A.C. Williams in the 1990s. The relevance of the model for in vivo colon carcinogenesis is not entirely clear to me and I miss information why in particular sodium butyrate and MNNG were used. I am not an expert on colon carcinogenesis but I did not have the impression that this model has been widely adopted and I miss detailed information on the model itself as well as a critical discussion of its limitations.
The seahorse and the stable isotope labelling experiments appear fine to me.
Figure 6: total levels of ribosomal S6 protein and ULK1 should be detected, quantified and used for normalization.
Can you measure ASN upon inhibition of autophagy? Does it go down further?
The identification of ASN synthesis as a potential vulnerability of advanced colon cancer is potentially significant but needs to be confirmed in other models.
Differences in ASN sensing between early and late stage colon cancer cells as well as the role of autophagy are potentially interesting and merit further investigation.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The manuscript by Legge and colleagues describes the metabolic rewiring during colorectal cancer (CRC) progression. While earlier stages depend on glycolysis but maintain oxidative metabolism later stages are more plastic and can be maintained in nutrient-poor environments. The study addresses a very important open question towards the progression of CRC, however the stated clinical relevance is relatively little. The strongest limitation is the used model system to describe the step-wise progression of CRC what makes it difficult to understand how important the findings of this study are for the very heterogonous disease CRC.
Major comments:
Early CRC
Molecular understanding of CRC is obviously of great interest and importance for the clinics. However, tumors of early stages are almost exclusively resected and not treated with systemic agents. Hence, the argument by the authors that the metabolic understanding of early CRC is of clinical relevance is somewhat misleading. Overall, it would have been much more clinically relevant to investigate the multiple steps of later stages during CRC progression. How about metabolic changes during metastasis. Deep mechanistic understanding of process during metastasis has striking clinical relevance.
Model system
The cell lines used in this study are not state-of-the-art to investigate the complex process during CRC progression. The original paper is from 1993 in which the cell lines were generated does not allow understanding of the characteristics of these cell lines. Recently, multiple models have been established, for example in organoids, to investigate the progression of CRC much more reliably. There are systems that use CRISPR/CAS9 edited human organoids that follow the genetic alterations of CRC progression with accompanied phenotypes. Further, extensive biobanks of organoids from patients are available (also commercially) which better represent the stages of CRC. Similarly, the question raised above of how representative this progression cell line set is needs to addressed. The mutagen-induced progression could generate various alterations that are not detected in patients, hence create an artificial system. Overall, biological replicates are missing.
Gene Expression analysis
In Figure 5 C and D is the expression of ASNS to stages and overall survival from online available datasets correlated. Its unclear what the difference between tumor and metastatic in C means. The labelling in D is too small. Is the difference between the two groups significant? Are these patients only at a specific stage? It seems not that ASNS is a strong prognosticator; further stratification is needed to clarify the role of ASNS in CRC.
Western Blot controls
For the Western Blots in Figure 6 A and C the total S6 and ULK1 controls are missing what is needed to assess the effect on pS6 and pULK1 correctly. In the same panels, the KO efficacy is not very high in A (-ASN). However, this is crucial to make the conclusion that this cell line (C1) is not dependent on ASNS
Minor comments:
Statistical analysis of proliferation assays
The statistical significance for proliferation assays are missing.
The described topic is very relevant and of great interest to the field. However, I see the major limitation in the applied system to decode metabolic dependencies. If the key points were validated for example in state-of-the-art organoid systems, the impact of the work would be much clearer. I have to note that my expertise in the field of metabolism is relative little. My expertise lays in modelling CRC and its plasticity/heterogeneity with a strong asset to the translational space.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Legge et al. provide novel metabolic liabilities in colorectal cancer progression. They identified that during colorectal tumor progression cancer cells shift from glycolytic to oxidative metabolism that enables cancer cells to advance. Using stable isotope tracing experiments with U-13C glucose and U-13C glutamine they showed that the contribution of these carbon sources changes from colorectal adenoma to carcinoma progression. In their in vitro model they identified that late-stage colorectal adenocarcinoma cells (M) display metabolic plasticity which leads to resistance to changes in nutrient supply compared to early stage adenoma cells. Proteomic analysis revealed that amino acid metabolism is highly dysregulated during carcinoma progression. The authors identified ASNS and regulation of asparagine availability as novel metabolic target for late-stage adenocarcinoma.
Overall, this is a very interesting and important manuscript describing a previously unknown metabolic liability in late-stage adenocarcinoma. The authors also nicely demonstrate how cancer metabolism is adapting and changing during cancer progression. These findings are clearly of high relevance in the context of better understanding of how metastatic cancer cells gain abilities to metastasize. Therefore, the findings presented here would advance the field. However, there are some open questions in the study design and the current set of data as listed below.
- All of the findings in this manuscript are limited to in vitro observations, we know that most of the in vitro findings can not be translated in vivo. The manuscript would significantly benefit from in vivo experiments using the cells described in Fig.1 A and confirming the in vitro findings.
- The authors should provide proliferation data for the cell lines they used in this manuscript (C1, SB, 10C and M). In Fig. 1 B they show clear differences in EACR, can the authors provide data on glucose uptake differences in these analyzed cell lines.
- In Figure 2 C the authors should provide isotope tracing data for the upper glycolysis (e.g. glucose and glucose-6-P) and alanine. In Figure 2 D the authors should provide the isotope tracing data for glutamine and glutamate.
- Do the authors see any sign of reductive carboxylation in their U-13C glutamine experiments?
- Can the authors speculate how the C1, SB, 10C and M cell lines would react when glucose would be replaced with galactose in the culture environment and forcing the cells to increase oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS).
- Can the authors comment whether C1, SB, 10C and M cell lines show differences in coping with oxidative stress?
- In the ASNS knockdown experiments do the authors detect an increase in glucose uptake in ASNS deficient cells.
- Can the authors provide gene expression data that would explain the metabolic switch between early and late-stage adenocarcinoma? Do the authors detect any differences in mTORC1 activation among the C1, SB, 10C and M cell lines? ASNS is an ATF4 target, can the authors provide any expression data on ATF4 in their cell lines.
Referees cross-commenting
The comments from the other reviewers are fair and would significantly improve the quality of the manuscript. Overall all three reviewers think that this manuscript is of great interest for the scientific community.
Overall, this is a very interesting and important manuscript describing a previously unknown metabolic liability in late-stage adenocarcinoma. The authors also nicely demonstrate how cancer metabolism is adapting and changing during cancer progression. These findings are clearly of high relevance in the context of better understanding of how metastatic cancer cells gain abilities to metastasize. Therefore, the findings presented here would advance the field.
The findings are novel and have not been described in this detail before.
The findings would be of importance for a broad audience and ideally will help to identify novel pharmacological inhibitors that could be used in patients.
My expertise is in cancer metastasis, cancer metabolism and translational/clinical medicine.
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Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Reply to the reviewers
The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This manuscript attempts to link different aspects of HDAC1 function to Plasmodium falciparum biology. HDAC1 is essential so is likely to have important functions in parasite development.
The emphasis is upon the potential gene regulation aspects of HDAC1 function, but it is well known that acetylation of other proteins is regulated by HDAC1 orthologues. While they examine the genome occupancy of HDAC1, it's not clear whether the phenotypic effects described can be ascribed to effects upon histone modifications. For RNA-seq analysis and ChIPseq, they generally use one time point so they have not controlled for potential differences in cell cycle to explain differences in gene expression or genome occupancy. These weaknesses in the experimental design make it difficult to evaluate the significance of their data with artemesinin and drug resistant lines.
The authors suggest that CKII is important for regulating the function of HDAC1. This is biologically plausible, but the link could be more convincing. In addition, the evidence that the potential gene regulation effects are critical for the phenotype observed could be stronger.
Major comments:
Figure 1: They perform phosphorylation studies with recombinant CKII and HDAC1, but they do not demonstrate whether the phosphorylated residues correspond to the predicted residues S391, S397 and S440 or if mutation of the predicted residues affects activity.
The inhibitor data are consistent with the predicted effects, but kinase inhibitors do not always have the same target in vivo or in cells as they do in protein assays. Concentrations of inhibitors used should be provided in the materials and methods.
They also claim that CK2 and HDAC1 interact in parasites (p5). They do not provide data to support this statement, nor do they provide any data about other proteins that might be interacting with HDAC1. If they were able to purify enough HDAC1 for mass spec identification, they should provide further documentation about interacting proteins and potential post-translational modifications.
In addition, they should provide more detailed characterization with Western/IFA of when HDAC1 is expressed and whether CKII is always expressed at the same time.
Overall the importance and significance of CKII in regulation of HDAC1 activity is not clear and would be much strengthened if experiments performed with recombinant protein could be replicated in IP parasite lysates with appropriate controls and a time series.
Figure 2: Using an HDAC1 GFP line they perform ChIP-seq. The ChIP-seq experiments seem to be well performed with high correlation between replicates but were performed at a single time point in the life cycle of erythrocytic stages. It's not clear if the distribution or abundance of HDAC1 changes during the cell cycle, though they suggest it does, and given changes noted in genome occupancy, one cannot determine if the differences seen could be completely explained by parasites being in different stages of the cell cycle with different levels of HDAC1. They show enrichment of different pathways, but do not comment on whether these are just pathways that are enriched in trophozoites.
Figure 3 They characterize the growth rate of parasites treated with sublethal concentrations of HDAC1 inhibitor and see effects. The images presented in panel A are not good quality and parasite morphology is difficult to evaluate. They perform RNA-seq at a single time point and the choice of time point and drug concentration used is not justified. Changes are reported but again with a single time point, it's difficult to interpret the significance of the changes-are these dying parasites or parasites slowly progressing through the life cycle? To really understand the effects of these drugs a better characterization of dose response and time point series is needed.
Figure 4 Upon overexpression of PfHDAC1-GFPglmS there appear to be more parasites. It is unclear if this due to more merozoites per schizont, better invasion with more rings. Again, better characterization of time points would be helpful to understand how overexpression of HDAC1 affects proliferation.
Figure 5. They state that there is less HDAC1 in art resistant lines, but given that they have not provided any information about cell cycle expression of HDAC1 and growth of these lines in comparison to wild-type, it is unclear if there are differences in biology or if the cells differ where they are in the cell cycle.
This is particularly important because of the known differences of artemisinin effects depending upon cell cycle stage.
Figure 6 Genome occupancy data are difficult to interpret given possible differences in cell cycle.
Minor comments:
The general quality of images and gels should be improved.
More information should be provided about the validation and specificity of the in house HDAC1 antibodies.
Concentrations of inhibitors used should be provided.
Referees cross-commenting
There is consensus amongst all reviewers that the experiments as presented cannot be readily interpreted and are lacking adequate controls. The amount of experimental work and further analysis is considerable.
Understanding gene expression and the role of HDAC1 is potentially significant, particularly if these can be linked to important biological processes such as artemisinin resistance. Potentially the audience would be broad. The link between these processes is not well supported by the data as currently presented.
Expertise: epigenetics, parasite gene expression.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this study, Kanyal et al present a functional analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum Histone deacetylase 1 (PfHDAC1). PfHDAC1 is the only predicted class I HDAC in P. falciparum and has been shown to be the target of several established and novel compounds with anti-malarial activity across parasite stages. In this work, the authors showed that recombinant HDAC1 is phosphorylated in the presence of CKII in vitro and can de-acetylate P. falciparum histones (although no loading control was presented for this latter assay). ChIPseq of GFP tagged HDAC1 identifies target sites relating to diverse cellular processes, and sublethal treatment with the proposed HDAC1 inhibitor rhomidepsin has an impact on cell cycle progression, suggesting that HDAC1 may act in cell cycle control. However, overexpression of Histone deacetylase seems to enhance parasite multiplication by increasing invasion gene expression, which seems counterintuitive as overexpression is expected to cause decreased histone acetylation and thereby gene repression, and hence this pattern may be due to indirect effects, which the authors acknowledge but the relevance of which they do not discuss further. Interestingly, HDAC1 expression is reduced in Art resistant parasites and inhibition of HDAC1 (at what concentrations?) increases ART resitance both in wt and in K13 mutant parasites, suggesting regulation of HDAC1 may be involved in adapting to artemisinin treatment. ChIPseq of artemisinin resistant versus sensitive parasites suggests that HDAC1 is relocated to various different loci, although replicates for this experiment seem to be missing and hence the validity of these results would need further support, particularly because ChIP results conducted with anti-HDAC1 antibodies and anti-GFP antibodies seem to diverge considerably. Lastly, the authors propose that artemisinin treatment results in mistrageting of HDAC1 but find no correlation with gene expression. Generally, the study raises some interesting aspects related to a function of HDAC1 in artemisinin resistance but would benefit from more rigorous analyses and comparisons of the NGS data presented in correlation to each other (e.g. ChIP anti-GFP vs ChIP anti-HDAC1) as well as to published data sets (e.g. Huang et al). Sometimes it is difficult to assess which data set the authors refer to and whether transcriptional data were derived from RNA harvested in parallel to ChIPseq (matched) or whether they were performed independently or by others. Also, many assays seem to lack replicates and controls as outlined below.
Major comments:
- Transcriptomic data of parasites treated with Romidepsin are presented as a proxy for HDAC1 function and indicate deregulation of invasion pathways, however what is the evidence that romidepsin targets (exlusively) HDAC1? This could for example be addressed by comparing the Romidepsin IC50 in HDAC1 overexpressing parasites versus parasites with WT levels of HDAC1.
- How do the rhomidepsin treatment data correlate with JX21108 RNAseq results, a validated HDAC1 targeting compound? The authors need to thoroughly cross evaluate their data with the RNAseq data set from HDAC1 knockdown parasites and JX21108 treated parasites presented in Huang et al, 2020.
- What is the overlap between genes deregulated after rhomidepsin treatment and ChIPseq targets?
- What are the target genes that show strong enrichment in the gene body in Fig. 2E? How are the data sorted? It is expected that HDAC1 may affect gene expression differently when it is present in the gene body to when it is present in the promoter region, therefore it would be useful to stratify the target genes by peak position relative to genetic elements.
- How do the anti-GFP ChIPseq data in K13WT strains (496 target genes, Fig 5) correlate with the anti-HDAC1 ChIPseq data (1409 target genes Fig 2 and 6)? There seems to be limited overlap in the target sites in number and quality, but it is difficult to assess just from looking at gene numbers and GO analyses. The data sets need to be more thoroughly cross-validated. What proportion of peaks overlap and where?
- How many replicates were performed for each experiment? Many of the Figures showing recombinant assays and ChIPseq assays seem to represent only a single biological replicate (e.g. Fig 1E histone deacetylation assay, Fig. 5A, Fig 6C: ChIP under Artemisinin treatment).
- Several critical controls are missing, for example Figure 1E/ Suppl. Figure 2D loading control (anti-H3). How was densitometry normalized?
- What was the parasite age in RNAseq of HDAC1-GFP-GlmS parasites? Were the two data sets from different parasite lines adjusted for parasite age? How many replicates for RNAseq?
- The data in Figure 6A Lanes 1-5 are evidently the same as shown in Fig 1D. The presentation of Art treated data as a single lane 6 without direct reference is not convincing as this does not allow a direct comparison of loading and between conditions.
- How does histone acetylation change in response to Art treatment?
Minor comments:
- Page 4 top paragraph: check whether Ref 16 and 17 are correctly cited here.
- In all Figures: specify drug concentrations and number of replicates.
- What concentrations of etinostat, DHA, Romidepsin were used to treat parasites? Please provide exact concentrations of treatments ( not just +, ++, for example for TBB Fig 1, Artemisinin 6A), what was the "continuous sublethal dosage of romidepsin" exactly, what is the IC50 of romidepsin?
- What is referred to as control in Fig. 1E?
- Fig 4F please specify in the figure legend what the control was
- Fig 4G the labelling of the circus plot is unreadably small.
- Figure 5G and H: what RNAseq data set is shown here? Are these matched RNAseq data from these ChIP assays or other?
- The calculation of how the growth curves were corrected as "GFP-glmS corrected growth curves" is unclear, please provide exact formula. Generally, the multiplication rates even in untreated conditions appear rather low in all experimetns (for example Fig 4D, only less than 2-fold growth after 1 cycle, 4 fold growth after 2 cycles.... Do the parasites under the normal growth conditions really only duplicate in each cycle? This seems a very low multiplication rate even for static in vitro culture of P. falciparum.
- What is the relevance of the 2xFKBP in the tagging construct?
Referees cross-commenting
All reviewers agree that the manuscript in its current form would benefit from the addition of controls and replicates as well as additional time points for RNAseq and ChIP experiements.
Generally, the study raises some interesting aspects related to a function of HDAC1 in artemisinin resistance but would benefit from more rigorous analyses and comparisons of the NGS data presented in correlation to each other (e.g. ChIP anti-GFP vs ChIP anti-HDAC1) as well as to published data sets (e.g. Huang et al). Sometimes it is difficult to assess which data set the authors refer to and whether transcriptional data were derived from RNA harvested in parallel to ChIPseq (matched) or whether they were performed independently or by others. Also, many assays seem to lack replicates and controls as outlined below.
My personal field of research is chromatin biology and antigenic variation in malaria parasites.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This study characterises a Plasmodium class I Histone deacetylase (PfHDAC1). The manuscript reports a wide range of experiments - some of them complex and involved, but not all of these experiments appear to be well controlled, and some are insufficiently described to know if they have been appropriately designed and interpreted. A link to HDAC1 regulation and artemisinin resistance is advanced, but the evidence here is very indirect and inconclusive.
The study shows that HDAC1 interacts with PfCKII- a homologue of the mammalian casein kinase known to interact with mammalian HDAC1. They also demonstrate that, at least in vitro, HDAC1 can serve as a substrate for phosphorylation by PfCKII, and that this phosphorylation impacts HDAC1's deacetylation of histones. Such assays where a kinase is provided with a single, abundant substrate in vitro, are not always rigourous tests for kinase specificity, but do in this case at least indicate that HDAC1 associated with its activity.
Major issues:
- The authors conduct CHiP seq experiments on a GFP tagged HDAC. It is unclear from the methods and results section what control is used in these experiments. The ENCODE consortium has established minimum standards (Landt et al 2012) for conducting and reporting CHiP seq experiments, and states that the "recommended control for epitope-tagged measurements is an immunoprecipitation using the same antibody against the epitope tag in otherwise identical cells that do not express the tagged factor.". These experiments appear to lack that control and the enrichments reported should be approached with caution in the absence of such a control.
- The genes with apparently altered ChiP seq were subjected to gene ontology enrichment analysis, and the authors report potential enrichments - which appear to impact a range of unconnected biological pathways throughout the parasite and throughout the lifecycle, despite the CHIP seq being conducted only at a single time stage. No mention is made of correction for multiple hypothesis testing, known to present a considerable problem for such analyses, and no correction is described for background GO distributions in the P. falciparum genome, so again it's unknown if or how that was performed. The reported enriched categories must be also treated with considerable caution given the absence of description of these crucial steps. The authors report from this section that HDAC1 is associated with stress responses, but really, by their criteria, HDAC1 is associated with 1/3 of the whole genome, so it's a bit selective to regard it as a stress regulator
- The authors preform a well-designed series of transfection experiments with modulation of HDAC1 to show that an overexpression of HDAC1 leads to increased growth rate, and that this increase reduces when the overexpression of HDAC1 is inducibly repressed. However, I found the presentation of results from these experiments difficult to understand and there is considerable transformation of the data prior to plotting - they would be easier to understand if no background subtraction to normalise for GFP were conducted, and if all strains were plotted on the same axes. A potential confounding factor in this experiment is that many lines overexpressing GFP grow more slowly, and that this growth defect can be localisation dependent, so that over-expression of GFP alone may cause a different growth penalty than GFP on a nuclear protein. I am uncertain that the conclusion of 50% faster growth is a safe one based on these graphs - at some time intervals the over-expressor appears to grow just as slow or even slower (as a percentage of the previous timepoint) than the control, and these appear to have been based on technical replicates of a single biological experiment. The authors contend that the growth rate is due to changed expression of invasion genes (among many other substrate gene categories) giving rise to enhanced invasion - such a phenomenon is readily testable, and the authors should dissect this if they wish to substantiate the frankly surprising claim that overexpression of HDAC leads to increased growth rate.
- The authors also report an apparent down regulation of HDAC abundance in artemisinin resistant parasites. This conflicts with previous global proteomic analyses of artemisinin resistant parasites which found no such change in HDAC1 regulation or abundance (eg Siddiqui et al 2017, Yang et al 2019). Stage matching is a particular challenge in such experiments given the differences in cycle progression between ARTR and ARTS parasites, and it isn't clear that this has been adequately controlled for to have confidence in these results, particularly given their contradiction of previous analyses. The abundance of PfHDAC1 changes considerably throughout the asexual intraerythrocytic cycle, (out of synch with the control used here actin), so potential stage-mismatch might contribute to apparent differences here. Again, explicit mention of replicates is lacking. The authors also mention genes regulated by HDAC1 as including genes related to processes related to artemisin resistance, but this is hard to sustain - indeed with so many genes apparently substrates of HDAC1 it would be highly surprising if there were no overlap with some genes in pathways related to artemisin resistance. An accompanying experiment demonstrating an increase in survival (of both ART resistant and ART sensitive lines) in an artemisinin ring stage survival assay is intriguing, after using a possible inhibitor of HDAC but these results are hard to reconcile with a dynamic transcriptional response. (Why was this done with an uncharacterised inhibitor, rather than the more specific HDAC1 overexpressor/knockdown system? An accompanying RNAseq analysis is described, but the analysis is piecemeal and selective, with the authors pointing out candidate genes representing categories plausibly linked to artemisinin resistance. I found this section unconvincing and indirect - lots of genes are changed in these experiments, and so they inevitably include some that are feasibly linked to artemisinin resistance, but the one gene convincingly known to modulate resistance, K13, isn't mentioned, and presumably wasn't specifically changed in this analysis.
- A previous study by the laboratory of Christian Doerig (Eukaryot Cell. 2010 Jun; 9(6): 952-959.) reported that HDAC1 activity (unclear which of the HDACs) is associated with Pfcrk-3). This activity may not correspond to the HDAC1 characterised here, but deserves some discussion.
- The Western blots are letterboxed and in some cases appear to crop out bands on the limit of the image (eg Fig 5, 6). Please provide fuller pictures of the blots and indicate the relevant bands if there are several background bands.
Minor issues
The text uses breaking spaces for the gap between genus abbreviation and species throughout. Replace with non-breaking spaces. Abstract: "is correlated with parasitemia progression" - Unclear meaning. Reword. Introduction "closes in on 400,000 deaths annually" Unclear meaning/vernacular usage. Reword. Very long paragraph on pages 3-4. Reorder logical flow and break into smaller paragraphs to make this more easily read. "Given the evidence of the role of HDAC inhibition in the emergence of chemotherapeutic resistance in mammalian system" - needs a reference - no mention of this phenomenon up until this point of the manuscript
Referees cross-commenting
I agree with the other reviewers comments. Although the manuscript contains a very large number of complex experiments, necessary controls, sufficient replicates, and appropriate analysis are missing from many of the experiments.
I appreciate that the experiments referred to would require a very substantial time and resource commitment to complete, but in their current form, many of these experiments are not safely interpretable.
This manuscript makes major claims for HDAC1, in particular for its role in artemisinin resistance. Such a link would be significant, but I regard few of these claims as having been robustly substantiated in this manuscript. The CHIP-seq evidence is of interest as a useful dataset, particularly if accompanied by relevant controls
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Reply to the reviewers
General Comments
We thank all reviewers for providing very detailed, knowledgeable, and informative reviews.
All reviewers were complementary about the data and the rigor of the study. Reviewers 2 and 3 commented on the significance of the work, and their assessments were complementary, specifically about the fact that it bridges several previous studies and links these to kinase-phosphatase regulation on the BUB complex. We agree that this a major strength of the work. That is why we also believe the comment by reviewer 1 that “most of the phenotypes/observations are consistent with the literature and not surprising” is actually a strength and not a weakness. Sometimes manuscripts that bring together various different findings into one conceptual model can be very powerful, even if each finding in isolation is not so surprising. In this case, the concept that a dual kinase-phosphatase module integrates two major mitotic processes will, we believe, prove to be a significant breakthrough that helps to explain how these processes are properly integrated at kinetochores.
The main criticism of all reviewers related to the interpretations and writing style, which in general, we felt were valid. We will take on board all these comments, reword the manuscript during revision, and provide a detailed response to each of these points at resubmission.
In terms of points requiring new experiments, there were 3 in total:
1) Reviewers 1 and 3 raised an important issue about the feedback loop which will be addressed with new experiments to uncouple the feedback.
2) Reviewer 2 made an important point about KNL1 levels, including a good suggestion to perform FRAP analysis to examine BUB complex dynamics when MELT numbers are increased. We will carry out this experiment prior to revision.
3) Reviewer 1 had a second major comment regarding the modulation of MELT number and how this cannot be directly linked to PLK1/PP2A levels. We have 3 new experiments to add regarding this, performed already, which are discussed in the section below.
All other comments were textual points that in most case we felt were valid. They showed that all reviewers had a very good grasp of the paper, the concepts, and the field in general. So, we finish by thanking all reviewers again for their thorough and detailed assessments of our manuscript. The comments they raised will help us to improve the manuscript after revision.
Description of the planned revisions
Three main points:
1) The role of the feedback loop [reviewers 1 and 3]:
The general issue is explained succinctly by reviewer 3’s comment:
“The argument linking the negative feedback loop to biological functions is not straightforward. The authors provide evidence in Figure 1 for regulatory pathways between docked PLK1 and bound PP2A. However, their assays in Figure 2 bypass the feedback loop by directly modulating PP2A activity. These experiment supports an argument that the kinase/phosphatase activity balance is important, but do not address the feedback loop specifically (which could potentially be done using mutations that disrupt the feedback regulation). The claim that "a homeostatic feedback loop maintains an optimal balance of PLK1 and PP2A on the BUB complex" is too strong because there is no direct evidence connecting the feedback loop to optimal function.”
This is a good point that we will address at revision. We demonstrate that the enzymes regulate each other on the BUB complex in figure 1 (PLK1 recruits PP2A, and PP2A removes PLK1), which balances their levels on the BUB complex. To determine consequences of upsetting this balance we locked either the kinase-bound or phosphatase-bound states (Figure 2). Importantly, this is required to assess direct phenotypes associated with each, but it does not directly demonstrate the role of the feedback loop. To do this we will generate mutants, as suggested, and analyse their phenotypes.
We will mutate the PLK1 binding site (T620A) and recover the PLK1-regulated sites in the KARD motif to phospho-mimicking aspartates (S676D/T680D), analyzing effects on PLK1/PP2A recruitment, chromosome alignment and SAC strength. We predict that this will remove PLK1 and recover some PP2A, but to lower levels overall than the BUBR1-B56 fusion. In that case the phenotypes will probably be milder, but that would not change the overall conclusions.
We maintain that locking PLK1 on its phospho-binding site (in BUBR1-DPP2A) is the ideal scenario to test direct PLK1 roles, but we will also now create alanine mutants of the PLK1 site (S676A/T680A) and the CDK1 site (S670A) to address the feedback loops controlled by CDK1 and PLK1. Our prediction is that these will skew the balance towards PLK1, without fully removing PP2A, again likely to produce milder intermediate phenotypes.
It is definitely worth testing these predictions, because it would directly address the role of the feedback loop and it would avoid relying solely on “artificially high levels” as mentioned by reviewer 1. One final point on this however, the PLK1 recruitment in DPP2A cells is not artificial – it is PLK1 bound to its native phospho-motif when PP2A is unbound (without any feedback from PP2A this phospho-site and PLK1 binding increase to the observed maximal levels). The fusion of B56 is admittedly less optimal, but this does still lock the phosphatase-bound state in a set stoichiometry, crucially in the absence of kinase. This is required to assess direct phosphatase effects. These PLK1/PP2A levels may well be higher than observed physiologically on the BUB complex when considering the behavior of all BUBR1 molecules, since we doubt they ever reach 1:1 stoichiometry with either PLK1 or PP2A. However, the feedback loop is operating within individual molecules (figure 1), which may well individually flip between PLK1 or PP2A bound states. This may occur on certain molecules at specific times. Therefore, locking the PLK1.PP2A-bound state on all molecules is, in our opinion, still a valid and useful perturbation to assess function of these two states.
2) The increase recruitment of BUB1-PLK1/PP2A when MELT numbers are increased [reviewer 2]
"While in the 12x and 19x mutant conditions there are more molecules of BUBs per Knl1, the overall BUB levels are the same as in wild-type controls. Since the MELT repeat used throughout the paper is a consensus sequence that is likely optimal for BUB binding, it is possible that the phenotypes of the 12x and 19x mutants are explained because of an increase in the affinity of BUBs for Knl1 rather than overall levels. This would also help explain why Knl1 and BUBs are observed at the spindle midzone in the 19x mutant (Fig. S4)"
The reviewer raises an important issue here, when stating that increasing MELT numbers decreases KNL1 kinetochore recruitment. This has the net effect of normalizing overall BUB1-PLK1/PP2A kinetochore levels, even though BUB1-PLK1/PP2A recruitment per KNL1 molecule is increased. That is why we were careful to state BUB1-PLK1/PP2A were increased “on each KNL1 molecule” and not “on kinetochores” when referring to the effect in the 12x/19x MELT mutant. However, this could easily be misinterpreted so this point will be clarified at revision.
The issue of why the phenotype is so dependent on kinase/phosphatase level per KNL1 molecules is an important one however, which has puzzled us until now. We think the suggestion to look at turnover by FRAP is a good one, because enhanced binding strength could underlie the phenotype here, and potentially explain the lack of disassembly at anaphase. We will perform these experiments at revision to see if they can clarify the issue.
3) The link between MELT number and PLK1/PP2A levels [Reviewer 1]
“My second comment relates to the fact that the two parts of the paper are not directly linked although the authors try to do this. They nicely manipulate the MELT repeats on KNL1 to change the number of Bub complexes. However, they cannot directly link the data to changes in Plk1 and PP2A-B56 levels only as many other things are changing. By increasing MELT numbers Bub complex and Mad1/Mad2 levels increase as well as an example and this makes interpretations complicated. To me these experiments are not addressing the main conclusions of the paper.”
We do not agree with this overall assessment, but there are two elements to this comment: the effect of modulating MELT number on SAC strength (and its link to PLK1) or on KT-MT stability (and link to P2A). We will therefore discuss each separately:
For SAC regulation, we feel that the data is clear and the interpretations are justified, although we will add new data to support this point after revision. Increasing MELT number causes defects in MELT-BUB dissociation and SAC silencing (4a-c). Importantly, these phenotypes can be completely rescued by inhibiting PLK1 (4d-e). So, we do link the effects of high MELT number to PLK1 activity. Our interpretation is that when MELT numbers are increased the ability of PLK1 to phosphorylate these motifs and maintain the SAC platform is enhanced (when MPS1 is inhibited pharmacologically or upon KT-MT attachment). So, whilst it is true that many factors, such as the kinetochore levels of BUB/MAD1/MAD2, are crucial for the SAC, the ability of PLK1 to maintain these levels (via pMELT-BUB1) is crucial and that changes as MELT number increases. This contributes directly to the observe SAC silencing phenotype, as confirmed by the complete rescue of this phenotype after PLK1 inhibition.
We did also explore the possibility that increased BUB1 activity could also contribute to SAC strengthening, for example, by enhancing Aurora B recruitment to centromeres. However, BUB1 inhibition did not alter SAC strength or MELT dephosphorylation kinetics. We will add this data after revision.
We also evaluated the levels of phosphorylated MAD1-pT716, which is important for MCC assembly (Ji et al. 2017, Ji et al. 2018, Faesen, 2017). Our data show that WT and 19xMELT exhibit similar MAD1-pT716 levels during a nocodazole arrest and following MPS1 inhibition. In summary, the main changes we observe are elevated BUB1 levels due to MELT phosphorylation, and increased BUB1 phosphorylation on pT461 (as shown in Figure 4h). All this points towards a localized effect of PLK1 on/around the BUB complex. We will add this data and make this point clearly at revision.
For KT-MT attachment regulation, we agree that we do not have a similar way to inhibit PP2A-B56 activity to rescue hyperstable microtubule attachment when MELT numbers are high. For this, we require a way to rapidly inhibit PP2A-B56 activity after attachments have formed, something that is not technical feasible at the present. We can also not say for certain that reduced MELT numbers destabilize microtubule due to lack of PP2A, however we feel this is the most like interpretation for the following reasons. The phenotype of removing PP2A from BUBR1 or removing the MELT from KNL1 (along with all associated factors), is identical: mutant cells have comparable chromosome misalignment due to unattached kinetochores (compare 2F-I with 5A-D). Therefore, the additional factors lost by removing the MELTs cannot be having such a strong impact in KT-MT attachment. The obvious factor that could affect attachment strength is again BUB1, via Aurora B recruitment to centromeres. However, loss of BUB1 (after MELT removal) is predicted to enhance attachment stability (reduced Aurora B) and not decrease it, as we observe. So, whilst we cannot definitely conclude that modulating MELT number affect attachment stability via PP2A, we feel that this is certainly the most likely explanation. We will state this clearly in the revised text.
Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out
“SAC strength of BubR1 WT, ΔC and B56γ was analysed in the presence of nocodazole + MPS1i. It would be interesting to see what the phenotypes are without MPS1i [Reviewer 1]”
In the absence of MPS1i basal MELT phosphorylation increases (DC) or decreases (B56g) as predicted (Figure 2d; compare timepoint 0 all conditions). This does not cause any change to SAC strength when all kinetochores are unattached in nocodazole (not shown). The sensitize SAC assay (nocodazole + MPSi) has been used by many groups (originally Santaguida et al, 2011; Saurin et al, 2011), because it reduces SAC signals from all unattached kinetochores which would otherwise produce a saturated response. In this case, we specifically chose a dose of MPS1 inhibitor that gave a partial SAC response from which we could observe either strengthening or weakening – a key point of the assay. Indeed, this showed that the SAC was strengthened (DC) or weakened (B56g), as predicted (Figure 2E). The only other way to do this, which has been used by some in the literature, is to use a low dose of nocodazole which prevents all kinetochore from signaling to the SAC. We specifically wanted to avoid this situation because then you cannot untangle the effects on SAC and KT-MT attachment stability – this was crucial in our case.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
A dividing cell relies on both error correction and spindle assembly checkpoints (SACs) to ensure accurate chromosome segregation. The PLK1-PP2A pair resides at the interface of the two pathways and makes these pathways robust and responsive. By generating fusion proteins and mutagenesis to perturb PLK1 and PP2A activities in HeLa cells, the authors found that both enzymes constitute a negative feedback loop on the scaffold BubR1. The docked PLK1 phosphorylates the PP2A binding site to recruit PP2A, while the PLK1 docking site is dephosphorylated after PP2A recruitment. They also manipulate kinetochore recruitment of PP2A to show effects on the SAC and on kinetochore-microtubule attachments. Independently, by varying active MELT repeats on KNL1, the authors found that decreasing MELT repeats weakens the SAC with unstable attachments, while increasing MELT repeats strengthens the SACs with hyperstable attachments. Thus, the recruited level of BubR1 determines SAC strength and attachment stability. The data included in this paper are solid, and the concepts are interesting, but these potential strengths of the manuscript are obscured because the logical progression and presentation are difficult to follow.
Major comments:
- The first three paragraphs of the introduction lead up to the question: "Why the same phosphatase complex is used for both process is still not clearly understood". One conceptually simple answer is that the SAC should be silenced as attachments are stabilized, so it makes sense to use the same enzyme to accomplish both tasks. If the authors have something else in mind, they should clarify.
- The argument linking the negative feedback loop to biological functions is not straightforward. The authors provide evidence in Figure 1 for regulatory pathways between docked PLK1 and bound PP2A. However, their assays in Figure 2 bypass the feedback loop by directly modulating PP2A activity. These experiment supports an argument that the kinase/phosphatase activity balance is important, but do not address the feedback loop specifically (which could potentially be done using mutations that disrupt the feedback regulation). The claim that "a homeostatic feedback loop maintains an optimal balance of PLK1 and PP2A on the BUB complex" is too strong because there is no direct evidence connecting the feedback loop to optimal function.
- The paragraph starting with "Given the roles of PLK1 and PP2A ...": How does the kinase-dominant situation destabilize KT-MT attachments? Is it by inhibiting PP2A or by phosphorylating some kinetochore components? The former pathway is unclear because the authors show that PLK1 promotes PP2A recruitment in Figure 1.
- The paragraph starting with "In summary, a balanced recruitment of PLK1 and PP2A ...": What is meant by "phosphorylation sites that block KT-MT attachment" (used twice in the paragraph)? Block means prevent binding, as opposed to activities that destabilize attachment by promoting unbinding. Which do the authors mean? The following is also unclear: "kinetochores are no longer responsive to MT attachment". If attachment is blocked, as stated in the previous sentence, then what does it mean to say that kinetochores are not responsive to attachment (which never occurred if it was blocked)?
- Figures 1-2 and Figures 3-5 are separate concepts, but this is never explained clearly in the manuscript. Specifically, Figures 1-2 focus on the antagonism between PLK1 and PP2A activities, whereas Figures 3-5 focus on changing both activities in the same direction (either increase or decrease). There is no transition from one part to the other. Both concepts should be explained and the hypotheses stated clearly.
- Several words are used ambiguously. "Homeostasis" is vague, and it is unclear what exactly the authors mean. As discussed above, the meaning seems different for figures 1-2 vs figures 3-5. "Reciprocal changes" is also unclear (and seems misleading) because the perturbations of PLK1 and PP2A levels are in the same direction (more MELT motifs means more binding sites for both). For "preserved" (description of figure 4F), it's unclear if the authors refer to the Bub1 and BubR1 levels at metaphase or the change between prometaphase and metaphase. The authors should clarify what they mean and how it is measured.
- "too much kinase-phosphatase module would cause a strong SAC and hyperstable KT-MT attachment, and too little would cause a weak SAC and hypostable KT-MT attachments": The reasoning behind these predictions is not clear. For example, why does high phosphatase not silence the SAC as explained earlier in the manuscript?
- The mitotic exit assay in Figure 4G is hard to interpret. Mitotic duration depends on establishing correct attachments and then silencing the SAC. 19xMELT could affect both. A better measurement of SAC silencing would be time from metaphase alignment to anaphase.
- The paragraph starting "In summary, PLK1 is able to phosphorylate MELTs to recruit Bub1": The authors should clarify what was already known and what advance they are making. Similarly, the sentence starting with "Therefore, the number of MELT motifs ..." should also clarify the advance relative to previous findings.
Minor comments:
- Please include pages numbers (and line numbers are also helpful).
- Previous literature (PMID 17785528) suggests that phosphorylation of pT620 is important for KT-MT regulation but not SAC signaling. Can the authors comment on this?
- SAC silencing seems more appropriate than "mitotic exit" in the last sentence of the second paragraph.
- Figure 1 would be clearer with images and the relevant quantifications together in the same panel.
- In the first paragraph of Results, the authors primarily explain the impacts of PP2A on SAC silencing but not on KT-MT attachment, even though the topic sentence seems equally weighted to both.
- Some terms are not defined when first introduced, such as the KARD domain and B56gamma.
- Figure 1JK: how were mitotic cells enriched and harvested?
- Figure 2C: a log scale may help show changes in both directions.
- Chromosome alignment assays in Figure 2 are not so informative because perturbation either way can generate misaligned chromosomes. The primary figures are dense with data, so these results can be made supplemental.
- Figure 3F: can the authors comment on the B56gamma decrease between nocodazole and MG132 conditions?
- Figure 4A: the data are difficult to interpret as presented. It is not clear whether SAC signaling changes monotonically with number of MELT repeats. It would be better to plot MELT number vs a summary statistic (such as time to 50% mitotic exit or something else that the authors find informative).
- Figure 6. "uncouplr" should be "uncouple".
- Missing references in bibliography: Ghongane et al 2014, Roy et al. 2020.
The proposed model is conceptually significant, and this mechanistic work bridges several previous findings. Biochemical studies suggest that KNL1 harbors PLK1-PP2A and Bub complex, and functional studies suggest that truncation on MELT motifs generates mitotic errors (PMID 24363448, 24344183). Furthermore, biochemical and functional assays suggest that PLK1 is a key regulator of the SAC (PMID 33125045). In this work, the authors link functional consequences to biochemical interactions among KNL1, BubR1, PLK1, and PP2A, which is an advance.
This work should appeal to the kinetochore and cell cycle communities, but the logical flow needs to be improved.
My most relevant expertise is in mitotic kinases and regulation of kinetochore microtubules.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript by Corno et al the authors investigate how the kinase/phosphatase balance is regulated at kinetochores during mitosis. When kinetochores are unattached, mitotic kinases signal through the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) to prevent progression through mitosis. Once attachments have occurred, the activities of kinetochore phosphatases silence the SAC and stabilize kinetochore-microtubule attachments to promote exit from mitosis. Key regulators of this signaling are the BUB proteins Bub1 and BubR1, which recruit the kinase Plk1. BubR1 also recruits the phosphatase PP2A-B56 in a Plk1-dependent manner. By analyzing the recruitment of Plk1 and PP2A-B56 at unattached kinetochores, the authors uncovered a mechanism by which Plk1 and PP2A-B56 negatively regulate each other's recruitment, thereby maintaining an optimal kinase/phosphatase balance. Disrupting this balance can lead to either a hyperactive SAC or premature stabilization of erroneous attachments.
Overall, this is a very careful study and the data is clear and consistent. My only comments are in regards to the interpretation of the Knl1 data on the manuscript.
- In figures 3 and 4, the authors engineer a system to manipulate the levels of BUBs at the kinetochore by modulating the number of MELT repeats on Knl1. For this, they mutate all 19 MELT repeats on Knl1 and then add back discreet number of MELT motifs that follow a consensus sequence. They find that a 6x mutant, which contains 6 repeats of this consensus MELT motif, is sufficient to rescue the functions of Knl1 on the SAC and on chromosome alignment. However, 12x and 19x MELT repeat versions show an increased SAC response and increased stability of kinetochore-microtubule attachments. The authors interpret this as a result of increased kinetochore levels of BUBs, and therefore, increased levels of both Plk1 and PP2A-B56 (Fig. 3). However, from their representative images in Fig. S3A, it does not appear as if BUB levels are significantly increased in cells expressing the 12x and 19x Knl1 mutants, compared to wild-type controls. Considering that in the 12x and 19x mutants Knl1 recruitment is reduced by more than half of controls (Fig. S3B) and because the authors normalized their BUB kinetochore intensity levels by the Knl1 values, it makes it seem as if BUB kinetochore levels are increased in the cell under these conditions. While in the 12x and 19x mutant conditions there are more molecules of BUBs per Knl1, the overall BUB levels are the same as in wild-type controls. Since the MELT repeat used throughout the paper is a consensus sequence that is likely optimal for BUB binding, it is possible that the phenotypes of the 12x and 19x mutants are explained because of an increase in the affinity of BUBs for Knl1 rather than overall levels. This would also help explain why Knl1 and BUBs are observed at the spindle midzone in the 19x mutant (Fig. S4). To distinguish between these possibilities, the authors might consider doing FRAP experiments using fluorescently labelled Bub1 or BubR1 and measure BUB protein dynamics at kinetochores.
- Also in regards to the 12x and 19x mutants, because these reduce Knl1 kinetochore levels, this fact alone might explain some of the observed phenotypes, such as the mild defects in chromosome alignment (Fig. S5).
This is a significant advancement in our understanding of how the spindle assembly checkpoint is regulated by kinases and phosphatases at the kinetochore. The authors used very precise manipulations to dissect how these components are balanced and they uncovered a very interesting negative feedback mechanism. They also provided significant evidence for the importance of this balance in normal mitotic progression. This work will be of broad interest to cell biologists, as well as cancer biologists.
My expertise is on the fields of cell biology, mitosis and cell division mechanisms.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The proper segregation of chromosomes during mitosis depends on correct kinetochore-microtubule (KT-MT) attachments which is monitored by the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). The Bub complex composed of the Bub1-Bub3 and BubR1-Bub3 complexes plays an important role in regulating KT-MT by recruiting Plk1 and PP2A-B56 as well as the SAC components Mad1/Mad2 and Cdc20. The Bub complex is recruited to kinetochores by Bub3 binding directly to phosphorylated MELT repeats on KNL1. The MELT repeats are predominantly phosphorylated by Mps1 but can also be phosphorylated by Plk1.
Here the authors investigate the Plk1 and PP2A-B56 module on BubR1 further. It is already known that Plk1 is recruited to BubR1 T620 (a Cdk1 site) and that this is important for proper chromosome segregation. Furthermore, BubR1 binds to PP2A-B56 through and LxxIxE motif that is phosphorylated by Plk1 to stimulate binding. The main message of the paper is that the Plk1-PP2A-B56 module on BubR1 is crucial for integrating SAC and KT-MT attachments and that a homeostatic negative feedback loop between Plk1 and PP2A-B56 exists to limit the levels of these enzymes. As outlined below I do not think that their experimental evidence/setup can be used to draw these conclusions. Overall, I have limited comments on the technical execution of experiments as this is overall done well but more on interpretations of results and what conclusions can be drawn. Also, most of the phenotypes/observations are consistent with the literature and not suprising.
Major comments:
The authors generate a scenario where high levels of Plk1 are recruited to BubR1 by removing the entire C-terminus to remove the PP2A-B56 binding site and a situation of high PP2A-B56 by replacing the BubR1 C-term with B56gamma. Firstly, these are crude mutants generating extreme situations - specifically the fusion of B56gamma which likely creates artificially high levels of BubR1-B56gamma making it difficult to make conclusions on the physiological levels. These mutants are then analysed in a number of assays and phenotypic consequences analysed in the presence of nocodazole + Mps1 to evaluate SAC strength. It would be interesting to see what the phenotypes are without Mps1 inhibition. I cannot see in any way how the authors from two end points (high kinase or high phosphatase) can reach a conclusion that a homeostatic negative feedback loop exists between these enzymes that is critical for integrating SAC and KT-MT interactions. They can only conclude on what happens if you have too much kinase or phosphatase but no data are addressing what happens if you manipulate the cross-talk on BubR1. The experiments to do must be to carefully tune the proposed cross talk and then monitor what happens. This can be done by bypassing Plk1 regulation of the PP2A-B56 binding site or increasing the strength of the Plk1 binding site. Furthermore, there is no data to show that cross-talk is changing in response to changes in KT-MT attachment status - is the levels and activities of Plk1/PP2A-B56 on BubR1 changing. Yes Plk1 and PP2A-B56 can regulate each other on BubR1 but is this regulated as proposed.
My second comment relates to the fact that the two parts of the paper are not directly linked although the authors try to do this. They nicely manipulate the MELT repeats on KNL1 to change the number of Bub complexes. However, they cannot directly link the data to changes in Plk1 and PP2A-B56 levels only as many other things are changing. By increasing MELT numbers Bub complex and Mad1/Mad2 levels increase as well as an example and this makes interpretations complicated. To me these experiments are not addressing the main conclusions of the paper.
Specific comments:
- I would caution the interpretation of phenotypes being suppressed by Plk1 inhibitors. This does not address whether it is BubR1 bound Plk1 that is specifically affected - several Plk1 substrates could be contributing. Similar for Mad1 phosphorylation they cannot conclude that it is Plk1 bound to BubR1 phosphorylating Mad1.
- On page 4 the authors write: "We sought to modulate MELT numbers in a way that would allow BUB complex levels to be increased or decreased in a graded manner, thereby causing reciprocal changes to PLK1 and PP2A levels." I do not see how this will result in reciprocal levels as total Bub complex levels are increased.
- Page 7 first paragraph authors write: "remained high despite inhibition of Mps1". This is not completely correct as levels are dropping dramatically after 5/10 min of Mps1 inhibition. Total drop seems more than WT situation.
- Page 7 second paragraph authors write: "implying the elevated PLK1 in this situation (Figure 3E) is also able to better amplify MELT signalling..." This cannot be concluded as the starting levels are so much higher in 19XMELT than WT and there is no data to show this is due to more Plk1 bound to BuBR1.
- Page 7 second section authors write: "Figure 5B shows that KNL1deltaMELT causes severe chromosome misalignments, as expected, given the PP2A-B56 binding to KNL1 is inhibited in this situation". Multiple things are changing so this cannot be interpreted only as a readout of PP2A-B56. With no MELTs there is no recruitment of SAC proteins.
- Page 7 second section authors write: "Therefore, the number of MELT motifs is crucial for determining the stability of KT-MT attachments, most probably by setting the levels of PP2A-B56..." Again many things are changing so impossible to interpret data in light of PP2A-B56.
- One possibility not mentioned by authors is that PP1 bound to KNL1 cannot act as efficiently on some MELT repeats and that the dephosphorylation by PP1 of the 19xMELT is different from KNL1 WT which would impact on their results.
See above.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This study finds that probucol enhances mitophagy and mitochondrial quality control, suggesting its target ABCA1 may be a good target for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Using an AI approach based on reported enhancers of mitophagy, they identify a list of 79 compounds to test in an assay based on Parkin- and CCCP-mediated mitophagy. One of the hits is probucol, an inhibitor of ABCA1, an ATP-dependent lipid transporter. Probucol causes a slight increase in mitochondrial turnover in HeLa cells, and increases Paraquat-driven mitophagy in flies. To explore the effects of lipids on the probucol-induced effects on mitophagy, it is observed that overexpression of human ABCA1 in flies suppresses the effect of Paraquat, and that inhibitors of DGAT reduces mitophagy as well, which may result from altered lipid droplets metabolism. Probucol alleviates motor phenotypes in fly and zebrafish PD models induced with mitochondrial dysfunction. The rough-eye fly phenotype observed with overexpression of Rho-7 (PARL ortholog) is modulated by ABCA expression, in addition to modulation of Parkin/PINK1. Finally, probucol appears to work at late stage mitophagy by modify LC3 lipidation and increasing lysosomal areas.
Overall, this is an interesting paper, which makes a good case for the consideration of probucol as a potential treatment for PD. This is an improved version of a manuscript from the same group I had reviewed for another journal, and many of the issues raised have been resolved since. Yet, I remain to be convinced about some points:
Major points
- The data provided does not support the claim that the AI selection of compounds had anything to do with the "high-rate" of success. To be able to claim this, there should be a comparison with a randomly selected set of ~80 compounds from the 3231 candidates, and show that for those, there is a lower chance of finding hits, if any at al. This section needs to be improved and a more compelling case presented. Just to be clear, it doesn't take anything away from the rest of the paper, but the authors make claim about this AI method that I don't believe are justified. Either provide more data or change the text and tone down the claims about the AI method.
- The effects of probucol on LD area and mitophagy in cells are interesting, but the data presented are not sufficient to claim that the effects are ABCA1-dependent. To do this, they must measure LD area and mitophagy in cells with shRNA against ABCA1, followed by CCCP and probucol (or DMSO). Probucol should have no effect when ABCA1 is knocked down. The experiments shown in Appendix Fig. S4 don't exactly show that; S4C lacks probucol treatment, and S4D/E measure mitochondrial volume, which is not mitophagy. Furthermore, it would important to show at least one dose-response curve for probucol in mitophagy, in cells. What is the IC50? Does it match that of the known Kd for ABCA1? This would be further evidence that the effects of probucol are "on-target".
- In Figure 5A, what is the baseline climbing % WITHOUT paraquat? This is important to show to provide a comparison point for the level of rescue induced by probucol.
- The epistatic relationships for the rough eye phenotype (REP) are confusing and need to be better explained/presented. A diagram showing the effect of each gene on the phenotype would be useful. Also, given that the effect of probucol in cells are Parkin/PINK1-independent, it is somewhat confusing to find that hABC1 effects are Parkin-dependent for the REP. Please clarify.
- In Figure 7E, again, data for the baseline climbing % is lacking. Furthermore, it is not clear why the % climbing of ABCA RNAi+DMSO+PQ (bottom graph) is higher than the control condition mCherry RNAi+DMSO (top graph). Are these % for the bottom and top graphs comparable? If not, then the bottom graph should also include a baseline condition without paraquat. Finally, why is paraquat not reducing climbing in ABCA RNAi or Atg7 RNAi? Controls are lacking in these experiments (as in Figure 5A above).
Minor point
- In Figure 5C, experiment with SR3677 is shown, but mentioned nowhere in the text. I understand this is a ROCK inhibitor, but this should be mentioned.
Nature and significance: This is an interesting report, but there is no major conceptual advance in our understanding of mitophagy and neurodegeneration. Nonetheless, the discovery of a new potential target (ABCA1) for treating mitochondrial dysfunction of worth reporting.
Comparison with existing knowledge: the report is original, but there have been a few reports of the effect of perbucol in Parkinson's model (e.g. Ray et al 2014, Cell Death Discov, PMID 24407237), or ABCA1 variants (Ya & Lu, 2017, Med Sci Monitor). Those should be acknowledged.
Audience: researchers in the field of Parkinson's research, but also mitophagy and lipid metabolism.
My expertise: Parkin/PINK1 pathway, mitophagy, pharmacology, structural biology.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In their manuscript, Moskal et al. performed an AI-based screen to find potential mitophagy inducers and subsequently test them in model organisms of human neurodegenerative disorders, whereby mitophagy induction might be beneficial. The authors found that probucol, a retired lipid-lowering drug, is a candidate mitophagy inducer at least in cell culture and flies. Furthermore, they reported physiological benefits in association with probucol treatment to flies fed paraquat, a toxin that causes loss of dopaminergic neurons. This manuscript has some potential especially as it implicates an unknown target for mitophagy, ABCA. However, the paper can't be published in its current form for the several reasons:
Major comments:
The sequence in which the experiments were presented in this paper is illogical and sometimes confusing: (i) in page 5, when the mitophagy-inducing effect of probucol was shown in paraquat-treated flies, the corresponding physiological relevance of this observation, ie effects on climbing ability and survival, should have been reported immediately and not later on in another section of the manuscript. Since paraquat induces mitophagy, It is not very intuitive to imagine that further increase in response to probucol is beneficial. This leaves the reader wondering whether further increase in mitophagy is beneficial or detrimental. In fact, excessive mitochondrial clearance has been shown to render caloric restriction - the most robust antiaging and autophagy-inducing intervention, detrimental (PMID: 30929899). (ii) Similarly, causality testing of the role of ABCA-autophagy axis in mediating the salutary effects of probucol in flies, which were reported in the very end of the manuscript should have been mentioned early on upon introducing such health-promoting effects. (iii) Another example is also LC3 lipidation and lysosome abundance, which support the pro-autophagic effect of probucol. Instead of being reported with other evidence supporting mitophagy induction at the beginning of the manuscript (page 5) were kept for no obvious reason to be mentioned in the very end of the results (page 9) after all other mechanistic and in vivo physiological testing results were reported!
As such, the manuscript needs extensive re-writing, thereby also removing unnecessary data that only distracts from the main message. By that, I mainly refer to the rough eye model induced by expression of rhomboid-7 in the fly eye. The sudden shift towards using the rho-7 fly eye model along with extensive characterization of the role of pink1 and parkin is distracting from the main objective of the study: finding a novel mitophagy inducer in probucol and describe its mechanism of action. Instead of reporting causality testing of autophagy in paraquat-treated flies, where probucol induced mitophagy, the authors decided to discuss the fly eye model and go on to show the role of mitophagy, pink1 and parkin in this model. I suggest removing this model from the current manuscript and dedicate a future manuscript to the experiments performed there because they do not serve the purpose of the study. In fact, mitophagy induction in this model is harmful. As such, this model only dilutes the message and lowers confidence in the robustness of the reported cascade of events involving probucol>ABCA>mitophagy>physiological benefits.
Regardless, the experiments testing causality of autophagy and ABCA in Fig. 7e are misleading. There are no corresponding negative controls showing the benefits of probucol in absence of ABCA and Atg7 RNAi. The authors should not rely on a different set of experiments (Fig. 5a-b) done at a different time and another cohort of flies.
The authors applied an interesting screening approach using semantic textual similarity to a pre-defined list of positive controls. These positive controls comprised of 7 mitophagy inducers that primarily act on the NAD+-sirtuin pathway. NAD+, as also sirtuins, induce a myriad of effects, not only mitophagy. In fact, some might even argue that autophagy/mitophagy are only partly involved in the effects of these compounds (PMID: 34843394). Why did not the authors expand their positive control list to include other classes of mitophagy inducers? the reference (ref. 10) used has many other potential positive controls that do not necessarily increase apoptosis and mitochondrial damage. Furthermore, the sematic screen has been limited to papers published until 2014. Why was that the case? In fact, a crude Pubmed (not Medline) search using the term "mitophagy" returns 935 hits (till 2014), while from 2015 onwards it returns more than 5800 papers! This clearly shows that much more has been done after 2014. The search should be expanded, otherwise the authors are missing out on all major development that happened in the field.
The authors also reported that they filtered out the candidate molecules with any association to either the term "apoptosis" or "mitochondrial damage". How could you differentiate between causation or protection from mitochondrial damage when a compound is mention in the context of apoptosis/mito damage using semantic fingerprint?
How does ABCA1 KO and overexpression affect the pro-mitophagic action of probucol? This has been shown for DGAT, but not for ABCA which is a central finding in this manuscript.
- In page 1, the following statement is problematic: "we focused on the ultimate endpoint of mitophagy-clearance of damaged mitochondria from cells. Ultimately, if this step is improved, then the negative consequences of mitochondrial damage in the dopaminergic neurons may be mitigated". Increasing the clearance of damaged mitochondria is not necessarily beneficial. In fact, excessive clearance of damaged mitochondria renders autophagy inducing interventions harmful as mentioned above. It is also not clear whether and how the authors could tell that only damaged mitochondria were sequestrated. Even in absence of mitophagy induction at baseline (in absence of CCCP), this does not imply that only damaged mitochondria are cleared when damage is induced. Lack of evidence is not an evidence for lack of an effect.
- In page 4, the authors report that "the degradation of VDAC1 was increased at several time points by probucol treatment, but not in the absence of mitochondrial damage (Figure 2D, E)" the graph shows DSMO and probucol not CCCP vs DSMO, is this a typo?
- Fig 7A-B is very confusing. Why did not the authors use protease inhibitors to properly evaluate autophagy flux if that was the purpose? also how come starvation does not induce autophagy in these cells? what was the time point tested? Were the cells starved as a positive (or worse: negative) control?
- The authors reported that their screen could efficiently predict olaparbi upon leaving it out (top 3.9% of the 3231 compounds screened). How did the other 6 positive controls fair in this cross validation using the leave-one-out approach? please report this for the other 6 positive compounds as well.
- rather small sample size in most of the experiments with n=3-4 (eg, Fig 5 D, E F and G).
- Some figures do not show the data points and thus it is not possible to tell how big was the exact sample size (eg, Fig. 5A)
- how do the authors explain the discrepancy between Fig. 4G and Fig. 3D where PQ increased % of red-only/total mito area in one but not in the other?
- How can the results in Fig 6 quantified? If qualitative then many more representative images should have been presented.
- There appears to be a deleted lane from the western blot in Fig S2A. This needs to be declared in the legend, along with a justification.
- Western blots in general do not show the molecular weight. Please add this throughout the manuscript
- A lot of abbreviations are mentioned without spelling out what they stand for, eg, CCCP, ABCA, DGAT.
- Typo in page 1: the loss of which is (not are) responsible for the classical motor..
- Line numbers were not included in the submitted manuscript, thus I could not provide the authors with the exact position of any of the issues mentioned above.
Despite reporting novel findings, the manuscript has major flaws in terms of experimental approach and presentation of the results. The authors need to revise their screen, as also restructure the manuscript to be better reflect the findings, thereby improving the significance of both the physiological and mechanistic value of the study.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In the manuscript by Moskal et al, the authors utilize an AI-based approach to identify mitophagy modulating compounds based on parameters from already FDA-approved drugs. From this screen, the authors find that the compound Probucol enhances stress-induced mitophagy. It appears to do this via its canonical target, ABCA1, via a PINK1/Parkin-independent mechanism. Importantly, the authors show that probucol improves phenotypes in fly and animal models with mitochondrial perturbations, suggesting that this pathway may hold some therapeutic value.
Major comments:
- I will mention that I have already reviewed a version of this manuscript at another location and here the authors have addressed my previous concerns.
- The key conclusions are robust and shown in multiple cell types and models.
- I do not have any requests for additional experiments, given that those present already sufficiently support the claims of the paper.
Minor comments:
- I am a little confused over the descriptions of the rough eye phenotype in Fig. 6. In the text on p7, the authors state that rho-7 overexpression causes the eyes to appear rough. Yet in the figure the eyes appear smoother - indeed the legend says they have "glossy appearing eyes". This seems the opposite to rough - unless I am missing something? Perhaps rewording the text would help with this.
- Here the authors identify a small molecule, probucol, that enhances mitophagy and in doing so implicate the ABCA1 pathway of lipid transport in this process. A great strength of the work is that in vivo data (in flies and fish) are obtained, which has clear disease-relevance. The manuscript is timely, in that lipid signaling and lipid droplets are being shown to have a strong regulatory role in autophagy.
- The authors use a novel AI-based approach to identify mitophagy-inducing compounds, and while this seems a good approach, I do not feel I have the expertise here to critically review this aspect. It is also noteworthy that the initial assay was designed to look at modulators of Parkin-dependent mitophagy, but the compound discovered appears to act independently of PINK1/Parkin.
- My main expertise is in autophagy and mitophagy cell biology and I do think the findings in this manuscript will be of interest to this field and those focussed on therapeutic approaches for diseases where impaired mitochondrial function has been implicated.
- The manuscript does lack a mechanistic understanding of the mode of action of probucol - how it is enhancing mitophagy is not clear. However, it is up to the authors and editors of the destination journal as to whether more work is done here, or in a follow-up study.
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Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Ciliates extensively rearrange their somatic genome every time a new somatic nucleus develops from the zygotic germline nucleus. In this manuscript, Feng et al report the sequencing, assembly and annotation of the germline and somatic genomes of Euplotes woodruffi and the germline genome of Tetmemena sp. (whose somatic genome was sequenced and assembled by the same lab in 2015). They present a comparative analysis of developmentally programmed genome rearrangements in these two species and in the model ciliate Oxytricha trifallax. Their major findings are that:
(i) E. woodruffi and Tetmemena sp. eliminate a smaller fraction of their germline genome (~54%) from their somatic macronucleus (MAC) than O. trifallax (>80%)
(ii) Transposable elements (TE) represent a smaller fraction of the germline genome (~2%) in the first two ciliates than in O. trifallax (~15%). TEs are mainly located at the boundaries of germline chromosomes and in intergenic regions, but can also be found inside IESs
(iii) Several thousands of genes are scrambled in the germline genome of all three species
The authors have also addressed the possible origin of gene scrambling. They report an interesting association with local paralogy and propose a model for the emergence of the odd-even pattern of gene unscrambling between two paralogous copies.
Major comments:
- Based on the statistics presented in Table 1, genome assemblies are of good quality, with a reasonable N50 size of germline (MIC) contigs. It seems, however, that no entire MIC chromosome could be assembled, since no two-telomere contig is mentioned in the list. As proposed by the authors (p.7) the presence of numerous TEs at the boundaries of MIC contigs (Fig S1) may have hindered the assembly of MIC chromosome ends. I would have appreciated to have more information on the "other repeats" (which seem to differ from tandem repeats according to Fig 2) and their location along MIC contigs.
Subcategories of “other repeats” were included in Table S2 based on Repeatmasker annotations. We now analyzed the locations of other repeats in MIC contigs and include those as well in new Figure S1B. About 30% of “other” transposable elements are present at the boundaries of MIC contigs, which may also hinder the assembly. Notably, 35-45% of “other TEs” are in assembled, intergenic regions.
The definition of "Internal Eliminated Sequences" (IES) is not clear. The authors make a distinction between IESs and TEs. I understand that IESs are DNA segments that separate two macronuclear-destined sequences (MDS) in the germline genome. Thus they appear to be restricted to those regions that eventually yield gene-sized MAC chromosomes. IESs are eliminated between two pointers that may not be identical on both sides in case of scrambled genes. Some clarification is needed here.
To illustrate my point: I found the statement "with many TE insertions within IESs, suggesting that TE insertions may have generated IESs" particularly confusing (p. 9 lines 5-6). Does this mean that IESs extend beyond the ends of inserted TEs? The legend of Fig S1 should also be clarified.
We clarified the text and legend. IESs can extend beyond the ends of inserted TEs, even if the original IES is a decayed TE, due to subsequent sequence evolution at the boundaries or if the original insertion was into an existing IES. David Prescott referred to sequence evolution at the edges of IESs as “pointer sliding” (ref.36).
p. 10 lines 2-4 and Fig S2: Could the authors explain the difference they make between MDS (in the text) and CDS (in Fig S2)? My understanding is that a CDS is the entire gene coding sequence and may be made of multiple MDSs. If this is correct, the sentence should read "We compared the number of MDSs between single-copy orthologs for single-gene MAC chromosomes across the three species and found that the orthologs have similar CDS lengths".
Yes, we made the correction.
p. 12 lines 10-15: the discovery that paralogous MDSs can be found in scrambled genomic loci is interesting. If the two paralogs can be distinguished based on the number of substitutions, it would be informative to go back to individual reads and check whether each of the two copies can be incorporated in the unscrambled CDS (and at which frequency). Would the pointers be compatible with this?
The paralogous MDSs in the MIC are often not identical. The copy with the highest similarity is assigned as “preliminary match” by SDRAP (ref. 52), and others are assigned as “additional matches”. To validate SDRAP assignments, we did pairwise BLASTN alignments (“-task megablast”) of paralogous MIC MDSs and their corresponding MAC MDSs. We confirmed that in the three species, the preliminary match has the best or equally best pid (percentage of identity) in most cases. Therefore, the MDS assigned as preliminary match is more likely the paralog incorporated into the MAC chromosome.
We used genome assemblies of Euplotes woodruffi, which had the highest Nanopore coverage, to further investigate the frequency of MDS incorporation. We followed the reviewer’s suggestion and called SNP variants on both MAC and MIC genomes. For MAC SNP calling, we used Illumina reads as input for freebayes (ref a). For MIC SNP calling, we used Nanopore reads, instead of Illumina reads, to avoid non-specific short-read mapping on paralogous MDSs and to avoid the presence of any contaminating MAC reads. Variants were called and phased by PEPPER-Margin-DeepVariant (ref b), a new tool published in 2021 in Nature Methods, which has been reported to have similar accuracy to Illumina read variant calling, especially at high read coverage. We used the parameter “--pepper_min_coverage_threshold 20” to call confident variants when at least 20 reads cover the position. Only 92 MIC SNPs in the paralogous MDSs passed all filters of the program. Using this small set of MIC SNPs, we were unfortunately unable to distinguish which paralogous MIC MDS was incorporated into the MAC. Therefore, we cannot infer with what frequency one paralogous MDS is incorporated over another, until they become sufficiently diverged, which is compatible with the model.
a. Garrison E, Marth G. Haplotype-based variant detection from short-read sequencing. arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.3907. 2012 Jul 17.
b. Shafin K, Pesout T, Chang PC, Nattestad M, Kolesnikov A, Goel S, Baid G, Kolmogorov M, Eizenga JM, Miga KH, Carnevali P. Haplotype-aware variant calling with PEPPER-Margin-DeepVariant enables high accuracy in nanopore long-reads. Nature methods. 2021 Nov;18(11):1322-32.
The hypothesis that odd-even scrambled loci have evolved from paralogous genes in E. woodruffi is supported by the existence of paralogous MDSs, length conservation of MDS/IES pairs and sequence similarity between corresponding MDS and IES in a pair. The correlations presented for Oxytricha and Tetmemena are much less convincing (Fig S5D and E). I recommend that the authors are even more cautious in their statement on p.13 ("For Oxytricha and Tememena, the MDS and IES lengths for such MDS/IES pairs also correlate positively, but more moderately").
Thank you, we rephrased the text.
p. 15 last paragraph: Why did the authors focus only on TBEs inserted in non-scrambled IESs to look for orthologous TBE insertions? Is there a reason to believe that no recent TBE insertion occurred at other genomic loci? Or was it only for practical reasons? It is also not clear to me whether the authors have considered full-length TBEs or the presence of at least one TBE ORF.
This analysis was limited for practical reasons, because we identify position conservation of TBEs by aligning protein sequences of MAC genes. We only consider TBEs inserted in non-scrambled IESs in exons. It would be difficult and less meaningful to align completely non-coding MIC-limited regions.
Partial TBEs are also included if they contain at least one TBE ORF (detected by BLAST).
Furthermore, TE insertion cannot explain the origin of scrambled IESs, and TEs rarely map to scrambled IESs (Figure S1A), but there is a clear evolutionary model for the origin of nonscrambled IESs from decay of TBEs (ref. 49). Initial purifying selection would act on the TE to maintain its ability to self-excise, whereas we advocate for a different model for the origin of scrambled IESs by decay of paralogous MDSs.
p. 16: the authors report that some introns of E. woodruffi map "near" Oxytricha/Tetmemena pointers. How near? Based on the information provided by the authors, I don't think this observation necessarily implies that IESs were converted to introns (or reciprocally) during evolution. If this were true, shouldn't at least one intron boundary coincide exactly with a pointer? The authors should clarify this (also in the discussion, on p. 20, top paragraph).
We used a 20bp window (~7 amino acids), as described in the Methods, and added that to the Results. Full detail is provided in the Methods section, “Ortholog comparison pipeline and Monte Carlo simulations”. 103 E. woodruffi introns are within 20bp from the midpoint of Oxytricha/Tetmemena pointers. Among these, 43 intron boundaries overlap an Oxytricha or Tetmemena pointer. We observed 306 cases of precisely matching boundaries between any two species, where the exon junction of one species maps inside the MDS/IES pointer of another species, although we would only expect the boundaries of introns and IESs to coincide so precisely if they were recent conversions. Hence we feel that a window analysis is informative.
p. 19 2nd paragraph: the suggested mechanism explaining the 5' bias of IESs in E. woodruffi genes is unclear. How could germline recombination take place between a MIC chromosome and a MAC reverse transcript or nanochromosome? This would imply that DNA could be imported in the MIC. Is there evidence that this might occur?
The ability of TEs to invade the MIC demonstrates that even foreign DNA can be incorporated into the MIC. Since MAC DNA is present at high copy number, it offers a potential source for a recombination template that could erase IESs, as could an errant reverse transcript of one of the long noncoding template RNAs. Any of these would be infrequent events that would matter on an evolutionary time scale even if developmentally rare.
According to Figure 1, no scrambled genes have been reported in Paramecium tetraurelia. Within the frame of the proposed model, this is somewhat unexpected because this ciliate went through several whole genome duplications during evolution and harbors many paralogous gene pairs. Is there a reason why no gene scrambling took place in Paramecium?
Paramecium uses only TA dinucleotide pointers for IES elimination, unlike the rich diversity of pointers in spirotrichous ciliates. This limitation in its machinery may explain why no scrambled loci have been observed in Paramecium, despite the abundance of paralogs. Our model suggests that local MIC paralogy is associated with the origin of scrambling. But most of the paralogy reported in Paramecium is at the level of whole chromosomes in the MAC (ref. 104) rather than local MIC paralogy.
Minor comments:
p. 4 (4th bottom line): To my knowledge, ref #28 presents a draft (incomplete) MIC assembly of the Paramecium genome.
Thank you, we added reference 29 and adjusted the wording describing the quality of MIC genome draft assemblies.
p. 7 (last paragraph): "encoding" should be replaced by "carrying"
Thank you, we made the change.
p. 10 (2nd paragraph): insert a missing "o" into "nanochromosomes"
Thank you, corrected.
p. 10 (same paragraph): the weak 5' bias of IES distribution in Tetmemena should be shown (either as an additional panel in Fig 3 or in a Sup Figure.
Thank you, we added it as Figure S2C.
p. 24 2nd paragraph: "a" is missing in "Trinity, which is a software..."
Thank you, we made the correction.
I agree with most comments of reviewer 3.
The authors have actually defined "TE" in the introduction (p. 6). Depending on the journal's rules for abbreviation use, it may not be necessary to define it again in the results section
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
Ciliates are unicellular models to study developmentally programmed genome rearrangements at the mechanistic, genome-wide and evolutionary levels. These aspects have so far mostly been addressed in three species: P. tetraurelia and Tetrahymena thermophila on the one hand, the spirotrichous ciliate O. trifallax on the other.
One new piece of information that can be found in the present manuscript is the assembly and annotation of the germline genome of two novel species: Tetmemena sp, closely related to Oxytricha, and the more distant E. woodruffi. Feng et al establish that, similar to other ciliates, Tetmemena and Euplotes eliminate TEs and other germline-specific sequences during programmed genome rearrangements. They also undergo extensive gene unscrambling, which results in IES removal and MDS reordering to assemble coding sequences.
A TE origin was discussed previously for Paramecium (Arnaiz et al PLoS Genet; Sellis et al 2021 PLoS Biol) and Tetrahymena IESs (Hamilton et al 2016 eLife). While this may also hold true in spirotrichous ciliatesThe present manuscript proposes a completely new evolutionary scenario for IESs from scrambled genes. Here, Feng et al establish that scrambled genes of spirotrichous ciliates tend to be associated with local paralogy. They provide evidence supporting that IESs from scrambled genes may have evolved from paralogous MDSs.
Although I am more an expert in the molecular mechanisms involved in genome rearrangements, I feel that the work reported here should draw the attention of a broader audience interested in genome dynamics and evolution, beyond the specific field of spirotrichous ciliate biology.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Feng et al. provide a solid analysis of the evolution of genome rearrangement in spirotrich ciliates. The authors applied a variety of state-of-the-art sequencing and bioinformatic methods to investigate the intriguing and extremely complex patterns of genome architecture in this protist lineage. Methods (including statistical analyses) are adequate and explained in detail. Results and discussions reflect careful, clever analysis of the data and excellent linkage with the literature. Figures and tables complement the text in a compelling way. I have only minor suggestions:
Summary: more gradually introduce Spirotrichea and the phylogenetic relationship among the three species analyzed. This would better position the reader to understand the evolutionary context you are working in. Also, it would be helpful to more clearly differentiate novel vs. existing data. A suggestion: "This study focuses on three spirotrich species: two in the family Oxytrichidae (Oxytricha trifallax and Tetmemena sp) and Euplotes woodruffi as an outgroup. To complement existing data, we sequenced, assembled and annotated the germiline and somatic genomes of E. woodruffi and the germline genome of Tetmemena sp."
Thank you, we clarified the summary (abstract).
Introduction, first paragraph: Replace "The species in this study..." for a more precise statement, such as "The three spirotrich species studied here..."
Thank you, we have made this statement more precise.
p. 4: This sentence is unclear: "These useful tools provide partial insight to guide selection of species for full genome sequencing, which allows construction of complete rearrangement maps of a MIC genome onto a MAC genome for a reference species."
Thank you, we have clarified this sentence.
p. 8: define TE on first mention.
Defined on page 6.
Table 1. Indicate which MIC and MAC data are from this study.
References are included for published data and a note has been added to indicate data from this study.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
The present work represents a significant advance in the field of evolutionary genomics. The focus of the paper is on ciliates, an ancient (2 billion-year old) and highly diverse eukaryotic phylum that presents many peculiarities, including sex, nuclear dimorphism, genome rearrangement, high numbers of paralogs and transposons, etc. While some data exist on a few model ciliates of disparate phylogenetic position, this work focuses on two species taxonomically placed in the same family, plus a more distant outgroup within the same class. This gives a novel dimension to this study, that goes beyond exploring genome architecture in a single clade. Instead, it allows to explore evolutionary trends in genome rearrangement among relatively closely related species. This paper should be of high interest not only for ciliate biologists (like me), but also in relation to comparative genomics of protists/eukaryotes and germ-soma biology. I highly recommend publication.
- Based on the statistics presented in Table 1, genome assemblies are of good quality, with a reasonable N50 size of germline (MIC) contigs. It seems, however, that no entire MIC chromosome could be assembled, since no two-telomere contig is mentioned in the list. As proposed by the authors (p.7) the presence of numerous TEs at the boundaries of MIC contigs (Fig S1) may have hindered the assembly of MIC chromosome ends. I would have appreciated to have more information on the "other repeats" (which seem to differ from tandem repeats according to Fig 2) and their location along MIC contigs.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Feng et al. provide a solid analysis of the evolution of genome rearrangement in spirotrich ciliates. The authors applied a variety of state-of-the-art sequencing and bioinformatic methods to investigate the intriguing and extremely complex patterns of genome architecture in this protist lineage. Methods (including statistical analyses) are adequate and explained in detail. Results and discussions reflect careful, clever analysis of the data and excellent linkage with the literature. Figures and tables complement the text in a compelling way. I have only minor suggestions:
Summary: more gradually introduce Spirotrichea and the phylogenetic relationship among the three species analyzed. This would better position the reader to understand the evolutionary context you are working in. Also, it would be helpful to more clearly differentiate novel vs. existing data. A suggestion: "This study focuses on three spirotrich species: two in the family Oxytrichidae (Oxytricha trifallax and Tetmemena sp) and Euplotes woodruffi as an outgroup. To complement existing data, we sequenced, assembled and annotated the germiline and somatic genomes of E. woodruffi and the germline genome of Tetmemena sp."
Introduction, first paragraph: Replace "The species in this study..." for a more precise statement, such as "The three spirotrich species studied here..."
p. 4: This sentence is unclear: "These useful tools provide partial insight to guide selection of species for full genome sequencing, which allows construction of complete rearrangement maps of a MIC genome onto a MAC genome for a reference species."
p. 8: define TE on first mention.
Table 1. Indicate which MIC and MAC data are from this study.
The present work represents a significant advance in the field of evolutionary genomics. The focus of the paper is on ciliates, an ancient (2 billion-year old) and highly diverse eukaryotic phylum that presents many peculiarities, including sex, nuclear dimorphism, genome rearrangement, high numbers of paralogs and transposons, etc. While some data exist on a few model ciliates of disparate phylogenetic position, this work focuses on two species taxonomically placed in the same family, plus a more distant outgroup within the same class. This gives a novel dimension to this study, that goes beyond exploring genome architecture in a single clade. Instead, it allows to explore evolutionary trends in genome rearrangement among relatively closely related species. This paper should be of high interest not only for ciliate biologists (like me), but also in relation to comparative genomics of protists/eukaryotes and germ-soma biology. I highly recommend publication.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
This reviewer did not leave any comments
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Ciliates extensively rearrange their somatic genome every time a new somatic nucleus develops from the zygotic germline nucleus. In this manuscript, Feng et al report the sequencing, assembly and annotation of the germline and somatic genomes of Euplotes woodruffi and the germline genome of Tetmemena sp. (whose somatic genome was sequenced and assembled by the same lab in 2015). They present a comparative analysis of developmentally programmed genome rearrangements in these two species and in the model ciliate Oxytricha trifallax. Their major findings are that:
(1) E. woodruffi and Tetmemena sp. eliminate a smaller fraction of their germline genome (~54%) from their somatic macronucleus (MAC) than O. trifallax (>80%)
(2) Transposable elements (TE) represent a smaller fraction of the germline genome (~2%) in the first two ciliates than in O. trifallax (~15%). TEs are mainly located at the boundaries of germline chromosomes and in intergenic regions, but can also be found inside IESs
(3) Several thousands of genes are scrambled in the germline genome of all three species
The authors have also addressed the possible origin of gene scrambling. They report an interesting association with local paralogy and propose a model for the emergence of the odd-even pattern of gene unscrambling between two paralogous copies.
Major comments:
(1) Based on the statistics presented in Table 1, genome assemblies are of good quality, with a reasonable N50 size of germline (MIC) contigs. It seems, however, that no entire MIC chromosome could be assembled, since no two-telomere contig is mentioned in the list. As proposed by the authors (p.7) the presence of numerous TEs at the boundaries of MIC contigs (Fig S1) may have hindered the assembly of MIC chromosome ends. I would have appreciated to have more information on the "other repeats" (which seem to differ from tandem repeats according to Fig 2) and their location along MIC contigs.
(2) The definition of "Internal Eliminated Sequences" (IES) is not clear. The authors make a distinction between IESs and TEs. I understand that IESs are DNA segments that separate two macronuclear-destined sequences (MDS) in the germline genome. Thus they appear to be restricted to those regions that eventually yield gene-sized MAC chromosomes. IESs are eliminated between two pointers that may not be identical on both sides in case of scrambled genes. Some clarification is needed here.
To illustrate my point: I found the statement "with many TE insertions within IESs, suggesting that TE insertions may have generated IESs" particularly confusing (p. 9 lines 5-6). Does this mean that IESs extend beyond the ends of inserted TEs? The legend of Fig S1 should also be clarified.
(3) p. 10 lines 2-4 and Fig S2: Could the authors explain the difference they make between MDS (in the text) and CDS (in Fig S2)? My understanding is that a CDS is the entire gene coding sequence and may be made of multiple MDSs. If this is correct, the sentence should read "We compared the number of MDSs between single-copy orthologs for single-gene MAC chromosomes across the three species and found that the orthologs have similar CDS lengths".
(4) p. 12 lines 10-15: the discovery that paralogous MDSs can be found in scrambled genomic loci is interesting. If the two paralogs can be distinguished based on the number of substitutions, it would be informative to go back to individual reads and check whether each of the two copies can be incorporated in the unscrambled CDS (and at which frequency). Would the pointers be compatible with this?
(5) The hypothesis that odd-even scrambled loci have evolved from paralogous genes in E. woodruffi is supported by the existence of paralogous MDSs, length conservation of MDS/IES pairs and sequence similarity between corresponding MDS and IES in a pair. The correlations presented for Oxytricha and Tetmemena are much less convincing (Fig S5D and E). I recommend that the authors are even more cautious in their statement on p.13 ("For Oxytricha and Tememena, the MDS and IES lengths for such MDS/IES pairs also correlate positively, but more moderately").
(6) p. 15 last paragraph: Why did the authors focus only on TBEs inserted in non-scrambled IESs to look for orthologous TBE insertions? Is there a reason to believe that no recent TBE insertion occurred at other genomic loci? Or was it only for practical reasons? It is also not clear to me whether the authors have considered full-length TBEs or the presence of at least one TBE ORF.
(7) p. 16: the authors report that some introns of E. woodruffi map "near" Oxytricha/Tetmemena pointers. How near? Based on the information provided by the authors, I don't think this observation necessarily implies that IESs were converted to introns (or reciprocally) during evolution. If this were true, shouldn't at least one intron boundary coincide exactly with a pointer? The authors should clarify this (also in the discussion, on p. 20, top paragraph).
(8) p. 19 2nd paragraph: the suggested mechanism explaining the 5' bias of IESs in E. woodruffi genes is unclear. How could germline recombination take place between a MIC chromosome and a MAC reverse transcript or nanochromosome? This would imply that DNA could be imported in the MIC. Is there evidence that this might occur?
(9) According to Figure 1, no scrambled genes have been reported in Paramecium tetraurelia. Within the frame of the proposed model, this is somewhat unexpected because this ciliate went through several whole genome duplications during evolution and harbors many paralogous gene pairs. Is there a reason why no gene scrambling took place in Paramecium?
Minor comments:
p. 4 (4th bottom line): To my knowledge, ref #28 presents a draft (incomplete) MIC assembly of the Paramecium genome.
p. 7 (last paragraph): "encoding" should be replaced by "carrying"
p. 10 (2nd paragraph): insert a missing "o" into "nanochromosomes"
p. 10 (same paragraph): the weak 5' bias of IES distribution in Tetmemena should be shown (either as an additional panel in Fig 3 or in a Sup Figure.
p. 24 2nd paragraph: "a" is missing in "Trinity, which is a software..."
I agree with most comments of reviewer 3.
The authors have actually defined "TE" in the introduction (p. 6). Depending on the journal's rules for abbreviation use, it may not be necessary to define it again in the results section
Ciliates are unicellular models to study developmentally programmed genome rearrangements at the mechanistic, genome-wide and evolutionary levels. These aspects have so far mostly been addressed in three species: P. tetraurelia and Tetrahymena thermophila on the one hand, the spirotrichous ciliate O. trifallax on the other.
One new piece of information that can be found in the present manuscript is the assembly and annotation of the germline genome of two novel species: Tetmemena sp, closely related to Oxytricha, and the more distant E. woodruffi. Feng et al establish that, similar to other ciliates, Tetmemena and Euplotes eliminate TEs and other germline-specific sequences during programmed genome rearrangements. They also undergo extensive gene unscrambling, which results in IES removal and MDS reordering to assemble coding sequences.
A TE origin was discussed previously for Paramecium (Arnaiz et al PLoS Genet; Sellis et al 2021 PLoS Biol) and Tetrahymena IESs (Hamilton et al 2016 eLife). While this may also hold true in spirotrichous ciliatesThe present manuscript proposes a completely new evolutionary scenario for IESs from scrambled genes. Here, Feng et al establish that scrambled genes of spirotrichous ciliates tend to be associated with local paralogy. They provide evidence supporting that IESs from scrambled genes may have evolved from paralogous MDSs.
Although I am more an expert in the molecular mechanisms involved in genome rearrangements, I feel that the work reported here should draw the attention of a broader audience interested in genome dynamics and evolution, beyond the specific field of spirotrichous ciliate biology.
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Reply to the reviewers
Manuscript number: RC-2022-01541
Corresponding author(s): Hubert Hilbi
1. General Statements
Upon infection of eukaryotic host cells, Legionella pneumophila forms a unique compartment, the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV). While the role of vesicle trafficking pathways for LCV formation has been quite extensively studied, the role of putative membrane contact sites (MCS) between the LCV and the ER has been barely addressed. In our study, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the localization and function of protein and lipid components of LCV-ER MCS in the genetically tractable amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum.
We would like to thank the 3 reviewers for their thorough and constructive reviews. Overall, the reviewers state that the study is of interest to researchers in the field of Legionella and other intracellular pathogens (Reviewer 2), as well as to cell biologists (Reviewer 3). Reviewer 1 does not ask for additional experiments but is critical about the overall structure of the manuscript and the proteomics approach. As requested by the reviewer, we have substantially restructured the revised manuscript, now clearly outline the hypotheses put forward in the study and streamlined the proteomics data. Reviewer 2 asks for additional experiments to support our model of LCV-ER MCS. In the revised manuscript, we have included additional experiments addressing lipid exchange at the MCS, and we plan to perform further co-localization experiments. Reviewer 3 appreciates the comprehensive LCV proteomics and asks for only minor revisions, which we have incorporated in the revised version of the manuscript. We include below a point-by-point response to all the comments made by the reviewers.
2. Description of the planned revisions
Reviewer #2
Major comment
1) MCS contain protein complexes or a group of proteins, but the proteins here are studied in isolation and do not support the model shown in Figure 7. Co-localization studies of the putative LCV-ER MCS proteins are critical, especially given that the authors hypothesize the proteins are working together to modulate PI(4)P levels.
Response: As suggested by the reviewer, we will perform additional co-localization experiments with MCS components. To this end, we will construct mCherry-Vap, and we will co-transfect the parental D. discoideum strain Ax3 with plasmids producing mCherry-Vap and OSBP8-GFP or GFP-OSBP11. Using these dually fluorescence labelled D. discoideum strains, the co-localization of Vap with the OSBPs will be assessed at 1, 2, and 8 h post infection. The data will be presented as fluorescence micrographs, and co-localization of Vap with the OSBPs will be quantified using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and fluorescence intensity profiles. The data will be outlined in the text (l. 258 ff.) and shown in the new Fig. 2 and__ Fig. S4__.
3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):
In the manuscript by Vormittag, et al., the authors perform proteomics identification of proteins associated with the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) in the model amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum comparing WT to atlastin knockout mutants. The authors find approximately half the D. discoideum proteome associated with the LCV, but there was enrichment of some proteins on the WT relative to the mutant. They focus on proteins involved in forming membrane contact sites (MCS) that previously were shown to be important for expansion of the Chlamydia-containing vacuole. Most significant are the oxysterol binding proteins (OSBP) and VapA (similar to that seen in Chlamydia). The authors show differential association of these proteins with either the LCV or presumably the ER associated with the LCV. Using a linear scale over 8 days, they show that mutations in some of the MCS reduce yields in two of the OSPB knockout mutants and the growth rate of the vap mutant is slowed but ultimate yield is increased. Using some nice microscopy techniques, they measure LCV size, and the osbK mutant appears particular small relative to other strains, whereas the osbH mutant generates large vacuoles. This doesn't necessarily correlate with the PI4P quantities on the vacuoles (which is higher in all of them), but I am not totally sure how this is measured, and whether is it PI4P/pixel or PI4P/LCV. In all cases, this was reduced by Sac1 mutation. Surprisingly, even though there was uniform increase in PI4P in each of the mutants, loss of PI4P only affects localization of some of the proteins. Finally, in what seems to be a peripherally related experiment, the authors show that a pair of Legionella translocated effectors are required to maintain PI4P levels, although it is not clear how this is related to the other data in the manuscript.
It is not clear from the manuscript if the authors are just cataloging things or trying to test a hypothesis. This is an extremely difficult manuscript to read and reconstruct what the authors showed. I really think that the only people who will understand what is written are people who are familiar with the work in Chlamydia starting in 2011 in Engel's and Derre's laboratories, which clearly showed that MCS and most specifically Vap/OSBPs are involved in vacuole expansion. If the authors could rewrite the manuscript along these lines, perhaps comparing their data to the Chlamydia data it would help a lot. Otherwise, I don't think anyone else will understand why they are focusing on these things. I don't recommend new experiments (although re-analyzing data is necessary), but the manuscript has to be taken apart and claims removed, and data be interpreted properly. Otherwise, the manuscript seems like just a clearing house for data.
Response: Thank you for the concise summary of our data and pointing out the need to restructure the manuscript and to clearly outline the hypotheses underlying the study. According to the reviewer’s suggestions, we have now re-structured the manuscript. In the revised manuscript the story unfolds from the observation that the ER tightly associates with (isolated) LCVs, and the proteomics approach is used as a validation of the presence of MCS proteins at the LCV-ER MCS.
As suggested by the reviewer, we now highlight the seminal work on Chlamydia by the Engel and Derré laboratories not in the Discussion section (as in the original version of the manuscript) but already in the Introduction section (l. 142-148). We believe that it makes a stronger case to start out an analysis of LCV-ER MCS with a Legionella-specific cell biological finding (LCV-ER association) and an unbiased proteomics approach, as compared to a more derivative and defensive approach starting out with what is known about Chlamydia.
The reviewer’s comment “This is an extremely difficult manuscript to read” appears overly harsh and conflicts with the positive evaluation of Reviewer #2 and Reviewer #3. Finally, we respectfully disagree with the reviewer’s statement that experiments characterizing L. pneumophila effectors implicated in the formation and function of LCV-ER MCS are peripheral. These experiments significantly contribute to a mechanistic understanding of how L. pneumophila forms and exploits LCV-ER MCS, and they are central for studies on pathogen-host interactions. The studies are analogous to the work on Chlamydia effectors by the Engel and Derré laboratories, but the mode of action of Legionella and Chlamydia effectors is obviously different. Another important distinction of our work to the studies on Chlamydia is the use of the genetically tractable amoeba, D. discoideum, which allows an analysis of LCV-ER MCS by fluorescence microscopy at high spatial resolution.
Specific comments
The problems start with the first figure, in which the authors state that almost half the D. discoideum proteome is LCV-associated. I doubt that this is correct, and they should base this on some selective criterion. Furthermore in Fig. 1A, they show Venn diagrams for how they whittled this down, but the Supplemental Dataset gives us no clue on how this was done. I can only sit down myself with the dataset and try to figure that out, but that is an unreasonable expectation for the reader. The dataset provided should have a series of sheets, describing how the large protein set was whittled down and how they were sorted, so the reader can evaluate how robust the final results were. To me (at least), if they said: "look we got this surprising result that suggests MCS are involved in promoting LCV formation, and although this is well recognized in Chlamydia but poorly recognized in Legionella", that would be satisfactory to me.
Response: According to the reviewer’s suggestions, we have now thoroughly re-structured the manuscript. In the revised manuscript the story unfolds from the observation that the ER tightly associates with LCVs in infected cells and with isolated LCVs. The proteomics approach is now used as a validation of the presence of MCS proteins at the LCV-ER MCS and relegated to the Supplementary Information section (former Fig. 1, now Fig. S3).
For the proteomics analysis, all protein identifications have been filtered for robustness applying a constant FDR (false discovery rates) of protein and PSM (peptide spectrum match) of 0.01, which is a commonly accepted threshold in the field. Moreover, two identified unique peptides were required for protein identification. The parallel application of both filter criteria results in very robust and reliable data sets. This is outlined in the Material and Methods section (l. 683-693).
In the data set of LCV-associated proteins, 2,434 D. discoideum proteins have been identified (Table S1). This is 18.5% of the total of 13,126 predicted D. discoideum proteins (UniprotKB) and considerably less than “almost half the D. discoideum proteome”, as stated by the reviewer. Moreover, 1,224 L. pneumophila proteins have been identified (among 3,024 predicted L. pneumophila proteins in the database). This is a reasonable number of proteins identified from an intracellular vacuolar pathogen, given the LCV isolation and proteomics methods applied. We now outline these findings more extensively in the Results section (l. 207-213). Moreover, to render Table S1 more reader-friendly, we added to the datasheet “All data” the datasheets “Dictyostelium”, “Legionella” and “Info”.
The Venn diagram in Fig. S3A (previously Fig. 1A) does not show a subset of proteins “whittled down” from the entire proteomes, but simply summarizes LCV-associated proteins, which were either identified exclusively in the parental strain Ax3 but not in the Δsey1 mutant strain, or only in Δsey1 but not in Ax3, thus identifying possible candidates relevant for the LCV-ER MCS. This information is now outlined more clearly in the text (l. 238-241). Moreover, we now explicitly define in the Material and Methods section (l. 697-704) the “on” and “off” proteins shown in Fig. S3A.
The overall rational for the comparative proteomics approach was our previous finding that compared to the D. discoideum parental strain Ax3, the Δsey1 mutant strain accumulates less ER around LCVs (PMID: 28835546, 33583106). This finding suggests that formation of the LCV-ER MCS might be compromised in the Δsey1 mutant strain. This hypothesis is now outlined at the beginning of the Results paragraph (l. 204-207).
I am clueless regarding how Fig. 6 fits with the rest of the manuscript. If this is about MCS, there is no demonstration these effectors are directly involved in MCS other than the somewhat diffuse argument that there is some correlative connection to PI4P levels, that I am not particularly convinced by.
Response: The PtdIns(4)P gradient between two different cellular membranes is an intrinsic feature of MCS. To date, a quantification of PtdIns(4)P levels on LCVs in response to the presence or absence of specific L. pneumophila effectors is lacking. Accordingly, we opted for quantifying the PtdIns(4)P levels on LCVs in presence and absence of an L. pneumophila effector putatively generating PtdIns(4)P on LCVs, the phosphoinositide 4-kinase LepB, or titrating PtdIns(4)P on LCVs, the PtdIns(4)P-binding ubiquitin ligase SidC. To address the concerns of Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 3 (see below), we now outline in detail the rational to assess the role of LepB and SidC for MCS function (l. 385-387). Importantly, we now also provide data that at LCV-ER MCS PtdIns(4)P/cholesterol lipid exchange is functionally important (new Fig. 6 and Fig. S10). In the revised version of the manuscript, this new data is preceding the experiments with the L. pneumophila effectors, which should render our choice of effectors more comprehensible to the reader and increase the flow of the manuscript.
Line 146 and associated paragraph. We don't need a catalog of proteins in narrative. There is more detail in the narrative than there is in the tables and figures, which would be a more appropriate way to present the data.
Response: As suggested by the reviewer, we summarized the LCV-associated D. discoideum proteins and considerably reduced the list in the text (l. 214-230).
Line 186. There is nothing wrong with pursuing MCS based on the idea that this was seen before with Chlamydia and you wanted to test if this was a previously unappreciated aspect of Legionella biology. I don't see the rationale based on the proteomics, partly because I don't understand how the proteomics dataset was parsed.
Response: As suggested by the reviewer, we thoroughly re-structured the manuscript and now highlight the seminal work on Chlamydia by the Engel and Derré laboratories already in the Introduction section (not in the Discussion section as in the original version of the manuscript). We believe that it makes a stronger case to start out an analysis of LCV-ER MCS with a Legionella-specific cell biological finding (LCV-ER association) and an unbiased proteomics approach, as compared to a more derivative and defensive approach starting out with what is known about Chlamydia.
Figure 3: These growth curves are super-weird. I am not used to looking at 8 days of logarithmic growth in a linear scale and seeing no (apparent) growth for 4 days. Considering all the microscopy data are performed in the first 18 hrs of infection, it’s hard to see how this is related to data at 8 days post infection. If this were plotted in logarithmic scale, as microbiologists are used to doing, then perhaps we could see a connection. Also, in some cases, it might be helpful to calculate a growth rate, because it’s possible the author may now see some effects by comparing logarithmic growth rates.
Response: We have been characterizing growth of L. pneumophila in D. discoideum in several studies using growth curves with RFU vs. time plotted in linear scale (e.g., Finsel et al., 2013, Cell Host Microbe 14:38; Rothmeier et al., 2013, PloS Pathog 9: e1003598; Swart et al., 2020, mBio 11: e00405-20). The D. discoideum-L. pneumophila infection model is peculiar, since the amoebae do not survive temperatures beyond 26 degC. This is substantially below the optimal growth temperature of L. pneumophila (35-40 degC). This means that - due to the many genetic tools available - D. discoideum is an excellent model to investigate cell biological aspects of the infection at early time points (ca. 1-18 h p.i.), but the amoebae are not an optimal system to quantify (several rounds) of intracellular growth.
Figure 2: The images don't necessarily show what the bar graphs show. In particular, look at Osp8. That image doesn't make sense to me.
Response: The individual channels of the merged images in Fig. 1 (formerly Fig. 2) are shown in Fig. S2. By looking at the individual channels, it becomes clear that OSBP8-GFP co-localizes with calnexin-mCherry (overlapping signals), but not with P4C-mCherry or AmtA-mCherry (adjacent signals). Co-localization was quantified in a non-biased manner by Pearson’s correlation coefficient. To further visualize co-localization, we now also provide fluorescence intensity profiles for all confocal micrographs (amended Fig. 1).
In summary, I think the authors hit on something that is probably important for Legionella biology, but it’s not clear what they want to show. They are very invested in connecting everything to PI4P levels, which may or may not be correct, but it seems to me that perhaps taking more care in showing the importance of the Vap/OSPB nexus in supporting Legionella growth should be the first priority.
Response: Given the importance of the PtdIns(4)P gradient for lipid exchange at MCS, we believe it is justified to put considerable emphasis on this lipid. To further substantiate a functional role of PtdIns(4)P at LCV-ER MCS, we now also show that an increase in PtdIns(4)P at the LCV correlates with a decrease of cholesterol (new Fig. 6 and Fig. S10). The inverse correlation of these two lipids is in agreement with the notion that cholesterol is a counter lipid of PtdIns(4)P at LCV-ER MCS.
It is not clear from the manuscript if the authors are just cataloging things or trying to test a hypothesis.
Response: In the revised version of the manuscript, we put forward several specific hypotheses, which we then tested in our study (l. 152-155).
If I understand Fig. 1, only one of the candidates (VapA) was verified as being more enriched in WT relative to atlastin mutants. This argues even more strongly that the authors have to describe their criteria for choosing these candidates.
Response: As outlined above (specific point 1), we have now re-structured the manuscript according to the reviewer’s suggestions. In the revised manuscript the story unfolds from the observation that the ER tightly associates with LCVs in infected cells and with isolated LCVs. The proteomics approach is now used as a validation of the presence of MCS proteins at the LCV-ER MCS and relegated to the Supplementary Information section (formerly Fig. 1, now Fig. S3). We consider the proteomics approach a powerful hypothesis generator, and the experimental identification of several MCS proteins by proteomics validated the cell biological and bioinformatics insights.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
As stated above, the manuscript can't decide if it’s about MCS or PI4P, and I would argue strongly that the emphasis on PI4P detracts from the manuscript, as well as its inability to draw connection to previous work that is likely to be important.
Response: We respectfully disagree with the reviewer on this important point and hold that proteins as well as lipids are crucial functional determinants of MCS. The PtdIns(4)P gradient is a pivotal process for lipid exchange at MCS. Therefore, we believe it is justified to put considerable emphasis on this lipid. In the Introduction section, we now specify several hypotheses on the localization and function of lipids and proteins at LCV-ER MCS (l. 152-155). Moreover, we now also refer to the previous work on Chlamydia MCS in the Introduction section (l. 142-148).
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):
Summary of paper and major findings
Membrane contact sites (MCS) are locations where two membranes are in close proximity (10-80nm). MCS have a defined protein composition which tether the membranes together and function in small molecule and lipid exchange. Typically, MCS proteins contain structural (e.g., tethers) and functional (e.g., exchange lipids) proteins, in addition to proteins which regulate the structure and function of the MCS. In this manuscript, Vormittag et al describe protein components of MCS between the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) and the host endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the amoeba Dictyostelium. Proteomics of isolated LCVs followed by microscopy analysis identified several proteins which localize to either the LCV-associated ER (OSBP8), the LCV (OSBP11), or both (VAP and Sac1). The mammalian homologs of these proteins have been shown to play important roles in ER MCS, with VAP serving a structural role, Sac1 a PI(4P) phosphatase regulating PI(4)P levels, and OSBP8 and OSBP11 lipid transferring proteins. Given the importance of PI(4)P in formation and maintenance of the Legionella-containing vacuole, the authors used dicty mutants to determine the importance of these proteins in bacterial growth, LCV size, and PI(4)P levels on the LCV. While VAP and OSBP11 appear to promote Legionella infection, OSBP8 appears to restriction infection, although all identified MCS components appear to play a role in decreasing PI(4P) shortly after infection. Finally, VAP and OSBP8 localization to the LCV is PI(4)P-dependent. Overall, the authors conclude that these MCS components play a role in modulating PI(4)P levels on the LCV.
Overall, this is an interesting study further exploring the role of PI(4)P in LCV-ER interactions, and how PI(4)P levels are regulated. The figures are clearly presented, there is an impressive amount of data, and rigor appears to be strong with appropriate replicates and statistical analysis. The phenotypes are often mild, but the authors are careful to not overinterpret the data. While this is an interesting study, additional experiments are necessary to support the overall model and the text needs to put the findings into the larger context.
Response: We would like to thank the reviewer for this positive and constructive assessment. We performed and planned additional experiments to further strengthen the study and support our model.
Major comments
1) MCS contain protein complexes or a group of proteins, but the proteins here are studied in isolation and do not support the model shown in Figure 7. Co-localization studies of the putative LCV-ER MCS proteins are critical, especially given that the authors hypothesize the proteins are working together to modulate PI(4)P levels.
Response: To further explore the possible interactions between Vap and OSBP proteins, we plan co-localization experiments using D. discoideum strains producing mCherry-Vap and either OSBP8-GFP or GFP-OSBP11, as outlined above (Section 2, new__ Fig. 2__ and Fig. S4).
Moreover, we included additional data on PtdIns(4)P/cholesterol lipid exchange (Fig. 6 __and Fig. S10__), which have been incorporated into the model (amended Fig. 8). Based on the available data, we do not postulate direct interactions between Vap and OSBP proteins. The previous model, which now has been amended, might have been misleading in that respect.
2) The phenotypes are relatively mild, suggesting functional redundancy. Double knockouts, particularly in VAP and OSBP11, may generate a stronger phenotype that better supports the hypothesis and demonstrate the importance during infection.
Response: Thank you for this interesting suggestion. Please see Section 4 below for our arguments, why we believe that this intriguing approach is beyond the scope of the current study.
3) The timing of PI(4)P and MCS protein localization during infection is critical to understanding how MCS might be functioning. Based on Figure 6C, PI(4)P levels decrease on the LCV during infection, but this is not fully explained in the context of what's known in the literature and what is observed the previous figures. How does localization of different MCS components change during infection, and does this correlate with the changes in growth or LCV size? A better description in the Introduction on LCV-associated PI(4)P levels would be beneficial in orienting the reader to why PI(4)P levels are modulated.
Response: As suggested by the reviewer, we added to the Introduction section more detail about the kinetics of PtdIns(4)P accumulation on LCVs (l. 65-71), and we discuss the limited spatial resolution of the IFC approach (formerly Fig. 6C, now Fig. 7C; l. 407-408). Importantly, we also provide new data showing that within 2 h p.i. an increase in PtdIns(4)P at the LCV coincides with a decrease of cholesterol (new Fig. 6 and Fig. S10). The new data is put into this context in the Discussion section (l. 449-454).
4) OSW-1 has other targets besides OSBPs, and depleting Sac1 and Arf1 in A549 cells is not specifically targeting the MCS, as these proteins have other functions. The data in mammalian cells is not convincing and should be removed.
Response: As suggested by the reviewer, we removed the data on depleting Sac1 in A549 cells (Fig. 3D, and Fig. S6BC). We propose to leave the pharmacological data on inhibition of L. pneumophila replication by OSW-1 in the manuscript, but to clearly point out that OSW-1 has other targets besides OSBPs (l. 297-299).
Minor comments
1) Figure 2 is missing details on number of experiments/replicates and statistical analysis.
Response: Thank you for having noted this oversight. The number of independent experiments and statistical analysis have now been added to Fig. 1 (formerly Fig. 2) (l. 1009-1010).
2) Can the authors hypothesize why VAP promotes growth early during infection, but appears to restrict growth at later timepoints (Figure 3A)?
Response: Thank you for raising this intriguing point. The opposite effects on growth of Vap at early and later timepoints during infection might be explained by interactions with antagonistic OSBPs. Vap likely co-localizes with OSBP8 as well as with OSBP11 on the limiting LCV membrane or the ER, respectively (experiment to be performed; Fig. 2 and__ Fig. S4__). The absence of OSBP8 (ΔosbH) or OSBP11 (ΔosbK) causes larger or smaller LCVs, and increased or reduced intracellular replication of L. pneumophila, respectively. Thus, OSBP8 seems to restrict and OSBP 11 seems to promote intracellular replication. Accordingly, if Vap affects or interacts with OSBP11 early and with OSBP8 later during infection, opposite effects on growth of Vap might be explained. These reflections are now outlined in the Discussion section (l. 431-441).
3) There is a large amount of data, which makes it difficult at times to follow. I suggest adding additional information to table 1, including LCV size and whether or not the protein's localization is PI(4)P-dependent.
Response: Thank you for this suggestion. As proposed by the reviewer, we added the additional information to Table 1 (PtdIns(4)P-dependency of protein localization, LCV size).
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
Membrane contact sites during bacterial infection are a growing area of research. In Legionella, several papers point to the presence of MCS. Further, PI(4)P is known to be an important component on the LCV. This paper shows that MCS protein members are important in modulating LCV PI(4)P levels. The model as presented is not completely supported by the data as co-localization experiments are needed, along with more detailed analysis of how PI(4)P levels change over infection and the role of these MCS proteins in that process. This study will be of interest to those studying Legionella and other vacuolar pathogens. Area of expertise is on membrane contact sites and lipid biology.
Response: Thank you very much for the overall positive and constructive evaluation.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):
The authors perform proteomic analysis of Legionella-containing vacuoles. The observe association of membrane contact site (MCS) proteins including VAP, OSBPs, and Sac1. Functional data indicates that these proteins contribute to PI4P levels on LCVs and their ability to acquire lipid from the ER to enable LCV expansion/stability. Overall, the paper is an important contribution to the field and builds upon a growing appreciation for MCS in establishment of intracellular niches by microbial pathogens. I have only minor comments for the authors consideration.
Response: We would like to thank the reviewer for this enthusiastic assessment.
Minor comments:
-line 145, "This approach revealed 3658 host or bacterial proteins identified on LCVs...". This number seems high... how does it compare to prior proteomic studies of pathogen-containing vacuoles?
Response: As outlined above (reviewer 1, point 1), we have now changed the text (l. 207-213): “This approach revealed 2,434 LCV-associated D. discoideum proteins (Table S1), of a total of 13,126 predicted D. discoideum proteins (UniprotKB). Moreover, 1,224 L. pneumophila proteins were identified (among 3,024 predicted L. pneumophila proteins), which is a reasonable number of proteins identified from an intracellular bacterial pathogen within its vacuole with the proteomics methods applied (Herweg et al, 2015; Schmölders et al., 2017).”
- line 160. Can the authors comment on why mitochondrial proteins are observed in their proteomic analysis? Are these non-specific background signals or reflecting relevant organelle contact?
Response: The dynamics of mitochondrial interactions with LCVs and the effects of L. pneumophila infection on mitochondrial functions have been thoroughly analyzed (PMID: 28867389). This seminal work is now cited in the text (l. 227-230).
- line 268. It is reported that LCVs are smaller with MCS disruption at 2 and 8 h p,i.. Does this also lead to instability or rupture of LCVs? And related to this why would LCVs be bigger at 16h with MCS disruption?
Response: MCS components affect LCV size positively or negatively. E.g., the absence of OSBP8 (ΔosbH) or OSBP11 (ΔosbK) causes larger or smaller LCVs, and increased or reduced intracellular replication of L. pneumophila, respectively. However, as outlined in the Discussion section (l. 442-454), we believe that the relatively small size likely reflects a structural remodeling of the pathogen vacuole rather than a substantial LCV expansion. LCV rupture takes place only very late in the infection cycle (beyond 48 h) and is followed by lysis of the host amoeba (PMID: 34314090).
- lines 288 and 299 "data not shown" this data should be included in a supplemental figure.
Response: The data on the localization of GFP-Sac1 and GFP-Sac1_ΔTMD are included in the Figs. 1A, 4A, 5AD, S2A, S7A, and__ S9__ (l. 328, l. 339).
- line 327. The authors choose to focus on the role of LepB and SidC in MCS modulation. The rationale for choosing these two amongst the ca 330 effectors was not given. Were other effectors also examined?
Response: LepB and SidC were chosen due to their activities producing or titrating PtdIns(4)P, respectively, and their LCV localization. This rational is now given in the text (l. 385-387). No other effectors were examined up to this point.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
Comprehensive LCV proteomics of interest to field of cellular microbiology. Studies of MCS broadly relevant to cell biologists.
Response: Thank you very much for the overall very positive evaluation.
4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out
Reviewer #2
Major comment
2) The phenotypes are relatively mild, suggesting functional redundancy. Double knockouts, particularly in VAP and OSBP11, may generate a stronger phenotype that better supports the hypothesis and demonstrate the importance during infection.
Response: Thank you for raising the important question of functional redundancy. We now outline this concept in the Discussion section (l. 427-429). A further analysis of the genetic and biochemical relationship between Vap and OSBP11 or OSBP8 are without doubt some of the most interesting aspects of further studies on the topic of LCV-ER MCS.
The construction of a D. discoideum double mutant strain is time consuming and usually takes 1-2 months. Provided that a Vap/OSBP11 double deletion mutant strain is viable and can be generated, it takes another 1-2 months to thoroughly characterize the strain regarding intracellular replication of L. pneumophila (Fig. 3), LCV size (Fig. 4), and PtdIns(4)P score (Fig. 5). Moreover, there is already a large amount of data in the paper (to quote Reviewer #2), and therefore, adding new data might makes it even harder to follow the story and focus on the key points. Finally, we believe that the planned colocalization experiments (Reviewer #2, point 1) and the new data on lipid exchange kinetics (new Fig. 6 and Fig. S10) fit the current story more coherently, and thus, are more straightforward and informative than the generation and characterization of double mutant strains. For these reasons, we believe that the generation and characterization of D. discoideum double mutant strains is beyond the scope of the current study.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors perform proteomic analysis of Legionella containing vacuoles. The observe association of membrane contact site (MCS) proteins including VAP, OSBPs, and Sac1. Functional data indicates that these proteins contribute to PI4P levels on LCVs and their ability to acquire lipid from the ER to enable LCV expansion/stability. Overall the paper is an important contribution to the field and builds upon a growing appreciation for MCS in establishment of intracellular niches by microbial pathogens. I have only minor comments for the authors consideration.
Minor comments:
- line 145, "This approach revealed 3658 host or bacterial proteins identified on LCVs...". This number seems high... how does it compare to prior proteomic studies of pathogen-containing vacuoles?
- line 160. Can the authors comment on why mitochondrial proteins are observed in their proteomic analysis? Are these non-specific background signals or reflecting relevant organelle contact?
- line 268. It is reported that LCVs are smaller with MCS disruption at 2 and 8 h p,i.. Does this also lead to instability or rupture of LCVs? And related to this why would LCVs be bigger at 16h with MCS disruption?
- lines 288 and 299 "data not shown" this data should be included in a supplemental figure
- line 327. The authors choose to focus on the role of LepB and SidC in MCS modulation. The rationale for choosing these two amongst the ca 330 effectors was not given. Were other effectors also examined?
Comprehensive LCV proteomics of interest to field of cellular microbiology. Studies of MCS broadly relevant to cell biologists.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Summary of paper and major findings
Membrane contact sites (MCS) are locations where two membranes are in close proximity (10-80nm). MCS have a defined protein composition which tether the membranes together and function in small molecule and lipid exchange. Typically, MCS proteins contain structural (e.g., tethers) and functional (e.g., exchange lipids) proteins, in addition to proteins which regulate the structure and function of the MCS. In this manuscript, Vormittag et al describe protein components of MCS between the Legionella containing vacuole (LCV) and the host endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the amoeba Dictyostelium. Proteomics of isolated LCVs followed by microscopy analysis identified several proteins which localize to either the LCV-associated ER (OSBP8), the LCV (OSBP11), or both (VAP and Sac1). The mammalian homologs of these proteins have been shown to play important roles in ER MCS, with VAP serving a structural role, Sac1 a PI(4P) phosphatase regulating PI(4)P levels, and OSBP8 and OSBP11 lipid transferring proteins. Given the importance of PI(4)P in formation and maintenance of the Legionella Containing Vacuole, the authors used dicty mutants to determine the importance of these proteins in bacterial growth, LCV size, and PI(4)P levels on the LCV. While VAP and OSBP11 appear to promote Legionella infection, OSBP8 appears to restriction infection, although all identified MCS components appear to play a role in decreasing PI(4P) shortly after infection. Finally, VAP and OSBP8 localization to the LCV is PI(4)P-dependent. Overall, the authors conclude that these MCS components play a role in modulating PI(4)P levels on the LCV.
Overall, this is an interesting study further exploring the role of PI(4)P in LCV-ER interactions, and how PI(4)P levels are regulated. The figures are clearly presented, there is an impressive amount of data, and rigor appears to be strong with appropriate replicates and statistical analysis. The phenotypes are often mild, but the authors are careful to not overinterpret the data. While this is an interesting study, additional experiments are necessary to support the overall model and the text needs to put the findings into the larger context.
Major comments
- MCS contain protein complexes or a group of proteins, but the proteins here are studied in isolation and do not support the model shown in Figure 7. Co-localization studies of the putative LCV-ER MCS proteins are critical, especially given that the authors hypothesize the proteins are working together to modulate PI(4)P levels.
- The phenotypes are relatively mild, suggesting functional redundancy. Double knockouts, particularly in VAP and OSBP11, may generate a stronger phenotype that better supports the hypothesis and demonstrate the importance during infection.
- The timing of PI(4)P and MCS protein localization during infection is critical to understanding how MCS might be functioning. Based on Figure 6C, PI(4)P levels decrease on the LCV during infection, but this is not fully explained in the context of what's known in the literature and what is observed the previous figures. How does localization of different MCS components change during infection, and does this correlate with the changes in growth or LCV size? A better description in the Introduction on LCV-associated PI(4)P levels would be beneficial in orienting the reader to why PI(4)P levels are modulated.
- OSW-7 has other targets besides OSBPs, and depleting Sac1 and Arf1 in A549 cells is not specifically targeting the MCS, as these proteins have other functions. The data in mammalian cells is not convincing and should be removed.
Minor comments
- Figure 2 is missing details on number of experiments/replicates and statistical analysis.
- Can the authors hypothesize why VAP promotes growth early during infection, but appears to restrict growth at later timepoints (Figure 3A)?
- There is a large amount of data, which makes it difficult at times to follow. I suggest adding additional information to table 1, including LCV size and whether or not the protein's localization is PI(4)P-dependent.
Membrane contact sites during bacterial infection are a growing area of research. In Legionella, several papers point to the presence of MCS. Further, PI(4)P is known to be an important component on the LCV. This paper shows that MCS protein members are important in modulating LCV PI(4)P levels. The model as presented is not completely supported by the data as co-localization experiments are needed, along with more detailed analysis of how PI(4)P levels change over infection and the role of these MCS proteins in that process. This study will be of interest to those studying Legionella and other vacuolar pathogens.
Area of expertise is on membrane contact sites and lipid biology.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In the manuscript by Vormittag, et al., the authors perform proteomics identification of proteins associated with the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) in the model amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum comparing WT to atlastin knockout mutants. The authors find approximately half the D. discoideum proteome associated with the LCV, but there was enrichment of some proteins on the WT relative to the mutant. They focus on proteins involved in forming membrane contact sites (MCS) that previously were shown to be important for expansion of the Chlamydia-containing vacuole. Most significant are the oxysterol binding proteins (OSBP) and VapA (similar to that seen in Chlamydia). The authors show differential association of these proteins with either the LCV or presumably the ER associated with the LCV. Using a linear scale over 8days, they show that mutations in some of the MCS reduce yields in two of the OSPB knockout mutants and the growth rate of the vap mutant is slowed but ultimate yield is increased. Using some nice microscopy techniques, they measure LCV size, and the osbK mutant appears particular small relative to other strains, whereas the osbH mutant generates large vacuoles. This doesn't necessarily correlate with the PI4P quantities on the vacuoles (which is higher in all of them), but I am not totally sure how this is measured, and whether is it PI4P/pixel or PI4P/LCV. In all cases, this was reduces by Sac1 mutation. Surprisingly, even though there was uniform increase in PI4P in each of the mutants, loss of PI4P only affects localization of some of the proteins. Finally, in what seems to be a peripherally related experiment, the authors show that a pair of Legionella translocated effectors are required to maintain PIF4P levels, although it is not clear how this is related to the other data in the manuscript.
It is not clear from the manuscript if the authors are just cataloging things or trying to test a hypothesis. This is an extremely difficult manuscript to read and reconstruct what the authors showed. I really think that the only people who will understand what is written are people who are familiar with the work in Chlamydia starting in 2011 in Engel's and Derre's laboratories, which clearly showed that MCS and most specifically Vap/OSBPs are involved in vacuole expansion. If the authors could rewrite the manuscript along these lines, perhaps comparing their data to the Chlamydia data it would help a log. Otherwise, I don't think anyone else will understand why they are focusing on these things. I don't recommend new experiments (although re-analyzing data is necessary), but the manuscript has to be taken apart and claims removed, and data be interpreted properly. Otherwise, the manuscript seems like just a clearing house for data.
- The problems start with the first figure, in which the authors state that almost half the D. discoideum proteome is LCV-associated. I doubt that this is correct, and they should base this on some selective criterion. Furthermore in Fig. 1A, they show Venn diagrams for how they whittled this down, but the Supplemental Dataset gives us no clue on how this was done. I can only sit down myself with the dataset and try to figure that out, but that is an unreasonable expectation for the reader. The dataset provided should have a series of sheets, describing how the large protein set was whittled down and how they were sorted, so the reader can evaluate how robust the final results were. To me (at least), if they said: "look we got this surprising result that suggests MCS are involved in promoting LCV formation, and although this is well recognized in Chlamydia but poorly recognized in Legionella", that would be satisfactory to me.
- I am clueless regarding how Fig. 6 fits with the rest of the manuscript. If this is about MCS, there is no demonstration these effectors are directly involved in MCS other than the somewhat diffuse argument that there is some correlative connection to PI4P levels, that I am not particularly convinced by.
- Lin 146 and associated paragraph. We don't need a catalog of proteins in narrative. There is more detail in the narrative than there is in the tables and figures, which would be a more appropriate way to present the data.
- Line 186. There is nothing wrong with pursuing MCS based on the idea that this was seen before with Chlamydia and you wanted to test if this was a previously unappreciated aspect of Legionella biology. I don't see the rationale based on the proteomics, partly because I don't understand how the proteomics dataset was parsed.
- Figure 3: These growth curves are super-weird. I am not used to looking at 8 days of logarithmic growth in a linear scale, and seeing no (apparent) growth for 4 days. Considering all the microscopy data are performed in the first 18 hrs of infection, its hard to see how this is related to data at 8 days post infection. If this were plotted in logarithmic scale, as microbiologists are used to doing, then perhaps we could see a connection. Also, in some cases, it might be helpful to calculate a growth rate, because its possible the author may now see some effects by comparing logarithmic growth rates.
- Figure 2: The images don't necessarily show what the bar graphs show. In particular, look at Osp8. That image doesn't make sense to me.
In summary, I think the authors hit on something that is probably important for Legionella biology, but its not clear what they want to show. They are very invested in connecting everything to PI4P levels, which may or may not be correct, but it seems to me that perhaps taking more care in showing the importance of the Vap/OSPB nexus in supporting Legionella growth should be the first priority.
It is not clear from the manuscript if the authors are just cataloging things or trying to test a hypothesis.
If I understand Fig. 1, only one of the candidates (VapA) was verified as being more enriched in WT relative to atlastin mutants. This argues even more strongly that the authors have to describe their criteria for choosing these candidates
As stated above, the mansucript can't decide if its about MCS or PI4P, and I would argue strongly that the emphasis on PI4P detracts from the manuscript, as well as its inability to draw connection to previous work that is likely to be important.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
This paper examines the formation and repair of micronuclei in non-cancerous cells, specifically in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. This work was performed completely in culture and used a combination of western blot, confocal and superresolution microscopy to assess the contents of micronuclei over a repair period of 5 hours after 2 hours of induction of double strand breaks by treatment with etoposide. The authors found that the bodies colocalised with LC3, Beclin 1 and lysosomes suggestive of autophagy. However no evidence of autophagic flux has been demonstrated.
Major issues are as follows:
Figure 2
A - Any sense of the autophagic flux? LC3B - I and LC3B - II seem to be in equal quantities most of the time. Maybe using the tandem LC3 in this system could provide further insight. Also remove the violin plots from this graph and from G and H, as there are too few data points.
Thank you for your comment. We have evidence of a functional autophagic flux, since we observed an increasing number of acidic vesicles stained with Lysotracker in response to DNA damage, which were reduced after DNA repair. Some of the micronuclei were also co-stained with Lysotracker, suggesting their lysosomal degradation. We reorganized the data in the revised figure 2A to communicate better these observations. We reproduce here the dynamic of Lysotracker stain, please notice an increase in the abundance of acidic vesicles after 2h of DNA damage. A further evidence of activation of functional autophagy is the dynamic intracellular distribution of both LC3 and BECN1, indicative of autophagy induction. Please notice in revised Figure 2A that LC3 surrounding vesicles increases after 2h of DNA damage and diminish when DNA is repaired. BECN1 in control MEFs is highly concentrated inside the nucleus, predominantly at the nucleolus, and after DNA damage it redistributes towards the cytoplasm. Finally after DNA repair, BECN1 appears highly concentrated at the nucleus again. These dynamic changes correlate with autophagosomes formation and successful fusion with lysosomes. In the revised manuscript we removed the violin plot as suggested. Since the elimination of nuclear components occurs in a subset of cells, the role of the autophagic machinery needs to be analyzed cell by cell. We considered better to eliminate also the Western blot, as an analysis of the whole population does not provide information relevant for this study.
Can you reduce the brightness in the merge image, as I cannot see DAPI nor a convincing Beclin-1/LC3 co-localisation.
Thank you for the observation. We improved the quality of the images and reorganized Figure 2 to convincingly show BECN1 and LC3 co-localization, together with Lysotracker, in nuclear alterations (buds and micronuclei). We modified the results text accordingly.
Although the data is convincing, It would be clearer if the brightness of the merge image was reduced.
Thank you for your comment. We improved the images shown, these data is now integrated in new Figure 2A.
Is the significant result the difference between 5h R Control si and 5h R Atg7? if so, there is no significant change in micronuclei as the same time point, can you explain this disconnect? are the buds being degraded prior to becoming micronuclei?
That is correct, we found no statistical significant difference in the number of micronuclei formed silencing Atg7, although there was a trend to reduce them. To consolidate the role of autophagy in nuclear buds and micronuclei formation, we studied Atg4-/- MEFs. We confirmed a statistical significant reduction of buds formation when autophagy is impaired (new Figure 2G). However, we observed that the number of micronuclei increased after 2h of DNA damage in Atg4-/- MEFs, suggesting that autophagy does not contribute to micronuclei formation but elimination. Together, our results suggest that the origin of buds and micronuclei are mechanistically different. A difference in the biogenesis of buds and micronuclei has been previously suggested studying cells cultured under strong stress conditions that induce DNA amplification, as well as in cells under folic acid deficiency. While interstitial DNA without telomere was more prevalent in buds than in micronuclei, telomeric DNA was more frequently observed in micronuclei (Fennech et al. 2011, Mutagenesis 26:125-132). We agree with the reviewer, it seems that not all the buds become micronuclei.
Figure 3 A - nice microscopy showing the co-localisation of TOP2A and LC3-GFP. I'm interested in DAPI being on some bodies and not others. Do you have any sense of the dynamics of this?
Thank you for the interesting question. Since removal of nuclear alterations as nuclear buds and micronuclei is a very dynamic process, we detect nuclear damaged material in the cytoplasm are at different degradation stages. Nucleases could be degrading DNA in micronuclei. Another possibility to the lack of DAPI signal in some micronuclei containing TOP2A and GFP-LC·is that TOP2A could be expelled from the nucleus with undetectable fragments of DNA or even without DNA, as a renewal process. We believe that nuclear buds can form without extruding DNA in some cases, perhaps to modulate proteostasis in addition to protect genome stability. In the revised manuscript we discuss this possibility further.
G - c shows a strand of mostly TOP2B coming from the nucleus. Is there any evidence that this occurs using either confocal microscopy or super resolution approaches. Could you try Z-stack to find these?
Thank you for the suggestion, we analyzed Z-stack images and tried to observe it also by immunofluorescence. We could detect some tubular signal connecting the nucleolus with a micronucleus containing TOP2B and BECN1 (arrow head in Fig 3B reproduced below), although we cannot be certain we are detecting the same nuclear extrusion mechanism by Electron Microscopy than by immunofluorescence.
Figure 4 C - is there a significant increase in FBL negative bodies, this would make sense if FBN is being degraded in the micronuclei during the repair process
We found that the number of micronuclei without FBL increased with statistical significant difference by Two-way-ANOVA followed by Dunnett´s multiple comparison test (P=0.463 comparing cells with 2h of DNA damage with control cells; P=0.0017 comparing cells after 5h of DNA repair with untreated cells; n=5). We agree with the reviewer, a possible explanation is that FBL is being degraded in micronuclei during the repair process. Although it could also be possible that nucleolar is less sensitive to Etoposide poisoning, or that nucleolar DDR is mechanistically different.
Would it be possible to increase the n of these experiments to confirm either no change in FBL/LC3 co-loc, or evidence of increase?
Thank you for the suggestion. We repeated the experiment two more times to increase the n to 5. We found no statistical difference in the number of nuclear buds or micronuclei containing both FBL and LC3 during DNA damage and repair. Therefore it seems that the release of nucleolar components is not enhanced by Etoposide-induced DSB, suggesting that nucleolar DDR is a unique response, independent of DDR elsewhere in the genome (reviewed in Nucleic Acids Research, 2020, Vol. 48, No. 17 9449–9461 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa713).
Minor issues:
Figure 4 and 5 legends are in a different font.
Thank you. We correct the font in the current manuscript.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
There is little specific data on the role of autophagy in clearing micronuclei in cancer cells, so this may be suggestive of a new mechanism that occur during normal cellular homeostasis. There are known links between lamin A defects and the formation of micronuclei, but not explicitly that the micronuclei are also Lamin A positive. it is likely that analogous processes occur in both cancer and non-cancer, so the impact of these data is not clear to me. This paper may be of interest to researchers interested in nuclear structure and DNA damage, but based on the data presented the significance is limited.
The significance of the present work is to discover that autophagy is relevant both during physiological DNA damage and in response to an exogenous DNA damaging agent, to extrude damaged DNA, TOP2cc and Fibrillarin from the nucleus. This knowledge is relevant since insufficiencies on autophagy imply a risk of genomic instability, which in turn could drive the cell into a senescent or malignant state. We present data showing that autophagy regulates the dynamic formation and elimination of nuclear buds and micronuclei in a mechanistically differentiated way. While autophagy contributes to nuclear buds formation, it is necessary for micronuclei elimination. Our data suggest that nucleophagy could be also a mechanism to alleviate basal nucleolar stress. As the reviewer noticed, some micronuclei did not have DNA. It is conceivable then that nuclear buds and micronuclei form also for a proteostatic function, not necessarily involving DNA damage elimination. We believe the significance of our work contributes to our understanding of the cell, as well as to cancer research. Whether common mechanisms between cancerous and normal cells occur is relevant to know, to consider the specificity of potential therapeutic approaches.
I don't have sufficient expertise to evaluate the super resolution microscopy beyond assessing the images.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Peer review of the manuscript with the number RC-2021-01181 by Muciño-Hernandez G et. al. at Review Commons and with the tittle "Nucleophagy contributes to genome stability 1 though TOP2cc and nucleolar components degradation"
- Summary Muciño-Hernandez G et. al. show in this manuscript that mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) have basal levels of nuclear buds and micronuclei, which are indicators of genomic DNA damage. These basal levels of nuclear buds and micronuclei in MEFs increased after Etoposide treatment, which is known to induce DNA Double stranded Breaks (DSD). Interestingly, the nuclear buds and micronuclei co-localize with makers for nucleophagy (BECN1 and LC3) and acidic vesicles, suggesting that they are cleared by nucleophagy. The authors propose that basal levels of nucleophagy clear basal levels of genomic DNA damage that occurs as result from DNA-dependent biological processes in the cell nucleus, thereby contributing to nuclear stability of MEFs under physiological conditions. These basal levels of nucleophagy increase after the action of factors that induce DNA damage and nuclear stress. The concepts proposed by Muciño-Hernandez G et. al. are novel, since most of the current published data on nucleophagy related to DNA damage have been obtained under pathological conditions, e.g. implementing cancer cells.
The authors use in their manuscript various molecular biology techniques to obtain data that support their claims, including Western Blot analysis of protein extracts from MEFs, immunostaining on MEFs and neutral comet assays, complemented with state of the art imaging techniques, such as confocal microscopy, immunoelectron microscopy and super resolution microscopy. The quality of the data is sound. The structure of the manuscript support the understanding of the reader. However, I would like to suggest several improvements that will help to increase the quality of the manuscript, in order that fits to the standards of articles recently published in journals affiliated to Review Commons, such as the Journal of Cell Biology, the EMBO Journal or eLife.
- Major comments
2.1 The authors have to improve the description of the results. Especially the description of those Figure panels containing plots that were generated using data from several experiments has to be improved.
One example is the description of the Figure 1D, which is in the lanes 137-151 of the current version of the manuscript. Whereas the authors describe in lanes 137-147 observations related to representative pictures of confocal microscopy after immunostaining presented in Figure 1D (left), the description of the quantification from 9 independent experiments presented in the plots in Figure 1D (right) comes relatively short in lanes 147-150 without mentioning any of the values implemented for creating the plots.
"Interestingly, while the frequency of nuclear buds gradually increased after DNA damage and during DNA repair, the frequency of micronuclei also increased after DNA damage, but diminished upon DNA repair."
The other plots presented in the different figure panels across the manuscript are described in a similar manner. I would like to suggest to the authors to improve their manuscript by including during the description of their results the values that were implemented for the degeneration of the plots presented in the manuscript. For example, in the specific case of Figure 1D above:
"Interestingly, the percentage of MEFs with nuclear buds gradually increased from XY% ({plus minus} XY SD) in control non-treated (Ctrl) MEFs to XY% ({plus minus} XY SD; P=XY) after 2 h Etoposide-induced DSB in MEFs and XY% ({plus minus} XY SD; P=XY) after DNA repair take place in MEFSs 5 h upon stop of Etoposide treatment (Figure 1D, right). In contrast, the percentage of MEFs with micronuclei significantly increased from XY% ({plus minus} XY SD) in Ctrl MEFs to XY% ({plus minus} XY SD; P=XY) after 2 h Etoposide-induced DSB, whereas it was reduced to XY% ({plus minus} XY SD; P=XY) 5 h after stop of Etoposide treatment (Figure 1D, right)."
Descriptions of the plots as mentioned above will make the text more intuitive for the reader, and they will make possible to read the Results Section without switching to the Figure Legends or the Material and Methods Section or to Supplementary Files. Even though the representative pictures from different microscopy techniques presented in the manuscript are of good quality and support the claims of the authors, it is important to mention that the quantifications presented in the plots demonstrate the statistical significance of these representative pictures. Thus, the authors should consistently include in the manuscript during the description of theirs results all the information (mean values, standard error of the means, P values, n values, etc.) that support their interpretation of the results and demonstrate the statistical significance of their claims.
Thank you for your clear and valuable advice. We followed it and in the revised manuscript we included the data in the results section.
2.2 Following a similar line of argumentation as in the previous point, the authors should provide as Supplementary Material an Excel file containing a statistical summary, including all statistical relevant information from each one of the plots presented in each Figure panel, such as n values, P values, Test implemented, values used for the plots, numbers of experiments, etc. The information could be organized in the Excel file in different data sheets according to the Figure panels, in order that the reader can easily navigate through the data. In the current version of the manuscript, one cannot find the values used for the generation of the plots presented in the manuscript in any of the submitted files.
Thank your for this suggestion. We have included in Table S1 an Excel file with a data sheet for each Figure panel, containing all the data collected and the statistical analysis performed.
Minor comments
3.1 In general, prior studies were appropriately referenced. Only few references has to be added.
Line 48: Add to the already included reference "Dobersch et al., 2021" also the reference Singh et al., 2015 PMID 26045162.
Thank you, we added this reference.
Line 53: Add the corresponding reference after the word "respectively".
We added the corresponding reference.
Line 82: Add the corresponding reference after the word "them".
We added the corresponding reference.
Line 125: Add the corresponding reference after the word "cells".
We added the corresponding reference.
Line 130: The expression "...by analyzing the recruitment of the phosphorylated histone γH2AX..." is the first time that the authors mention in the manuscript the DNA damage maker γH2AX. I suggest that is better introduced as " ... by analyzing the recruitment of the DNA damage marker γH2AX (histone variant H2A.X phosphorylated a serine 139, Rogakou EP, et al., 1998, PMID 9488723) to DSB sites."
Thank you very much for your suggestion. In the revised manuscript we corrected the text as suggested.
Line 199: Add the corresponding reference after the word "formation".
We added the corresponding reference.
Line 205: Add the corresponding reference after the word "cells".
We added the corresponding reference.
3.2 The use of the English language is appropriate throughout the manuscript. However, there are minor errors in the use of punctuation marks, in the use of prepositions and typos. I will list some of them below. However, I would like to recommend that manuscript is corrected by an English native speaker.
Thank you for your careful review of our manuscript. We corrected all the errors listed. A college proficient in English has reviewed the revised manuscript.
Line 41: "...and reproductive systems; genome instability also..." the semicolon can be replaced by a period.
Line 43: "Since early in development DNA is under constant endogenous..." between "development" and "DNA" there should a comma.
The sentence in lanes 53-55 has to be rephrased.
Lines 62-63: the expression "...throughout life." should be substituted.
Line 70: The abbreviation "rDNA" has to be explained the first time that is used.
Lines 81-82: It has to be explained for the scientist that is not specialized in the field of nucleophagy, how the integrity of the genome is threatened by micronuclei and nuclei-derived material.
√ Lines 106-110: The sentence is long. It would be easier to understand for the reader if this sentence is divided into two sentences.
Lines 121-122: The subtitle should be rephrased.
Lines 132-138: The sentence is long. It would be easier to understand for the reader if this sentence is divided into two sentences, e.g. with a period before the word "hence".
Lines 143-144: "... in a subpopulation of healthy, untreated cells...". The interpretation of "healthy" might be subjective. I would like to suggest substituting in the complete manuscript the word "healthy" by "control".
Line 163: The abbreviation for γH2AX was already introduced in line 130.
Line 182: A comma after "cell lines" is missed.
Line 183: delete "either". √ Lines 190-194: The sentence is long. It would be easier to understand for the reader if this sentence is divided into two sentences, e.g. with a period after the word "decreased" in line 191.
Line 218: I assume that instead of "bus", it should be "buds".
Line 220: I assume that instead of "iRNA", it should be "siRNA". In addition, it is the first time that the abbreviation is used. Thus, I suggest introducing it as "...was silenced by specific small interfering RNA (siRNA) previous to ..."
Line 327: delete the word "chronic".
Line 344: I assume that instead of "(figures 4C)", it should be "(Figure 4D)".
3.3 The structure of the Figures is ok for the peer review process and it might be optimized during editing of the manuscript. Nevertheless, I would like to suggest to the authors to increase the lettering size throughout all the figures. It will make the figures more intuitive.
Thank you for the suggestion. We increase the font size of the figures.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
The work presented by Muciño-Hernandez G et. al. will be clearly a significant contribution to the scientific community working on autophagy, DNA damage repair and cancer, among others. It will be of interest to a broad spectrum of scientists, as I will elaborate in the following lines. The authors propose that MEFs have basal levels of genomic DNA damage under physiological conditions, which are cleared by basal levels of nucleophagy. On one hand, these findings are in line with various publications demonstrating that DNA-dependent biological processes in the cell nucleus, such as transcription, replication, recombination, and repair, involve intermediates with DNA breaks that may compromise the integrity of DNA. Thus, there must be mechanisms that ensure the integrity of the genome during these processes under physiological conditions, one of them seems to be nucleophagy. This perspective might explain the fact that proteins and histone modifications that were initially characterized during DNA repair also play a role during transcription, recombination, and replication. For example, phosphorylated H2AX at S139 (γH2AX) is often used as a marker for DNA-DSB [PMID 9488723]. However, accumulating evidences suggest additional functions of this histone modification [PMIDs 19377486; 22628289; 23382544]. In addition, McManus et al. [PMID 16030261] analyzed the dynamics of γH2AX in normal growing mammalian cells and found γH2AX in all phases of cell cycle with a maximum during M phase, suggesting that γH2AX may contribute to the fidelity of the mitotic process, even in the absence of ectopic- induced DNA damage. Further, Singh et al [PMID 26045162] and Dobersch et al [PMID 33594057] report that γH2AX plays a role in transcriptional activation in response to TGFB-signaling. Moreover, classical DNA-repair complexes have been linked to DNA demethylation and transcriptional activation [PMIDs 17268471; 28512237; 25901318], and DNA-DSB is known to induce ectopic transcription that is essential for repair, supporting a tight mechanistic correlation between transcription, DNA damage, and repair [PMID 24207023]. Perhaps, the authors might consider introducing several of the aspects and the citations written above into the Discussion section of the revised version of their manuscript. On the other hand, most of the published data related to nucleophagy have been obtained from cancer cells. Muciño-Hernandez G et. al. obtained their data implementing MEFs to demonstrate that the proposed mechanisms take also place under non-pathological conditions, what is one of the novel aspects of the present work.
I hope that my suggestions help the authors to improve their manuscript, thereby reaching the standards of manuscripts recently published in journals affiliated to Review Commons AND increasing the impact of their contribution to the scientific community.
Thank you very much for your suggestions. They helped us to present now a much-improved manuscript. We hope the revised work is now suitable for publication in the Journal of Cell Science.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In this manuscript, Muciño-Hernández and colleagues suggest that basal formation of nuclear buds and micronuclei increases in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts following etoposide-induced double strand breaks (DSBs). The study combines the use of biochemical methodologies with confocal and super resolution microscopy in an effort to explore the contribution of nucleophagy to genome stability. The authors provide evidence that autophagy is induced upon etoposide treatment. They detected GFP-LC3 and BECN1 signals in nuclear buds and micronuclei even in untreated control and to a higher extent in etoposide-treated cells. Then, the authors examined whether nucleophagy is required for the removal of nuclear buds and micronuclei, by treating fibroblasts with control and Atg7 siRNA. The authors claim that the percentage of cells with micronuclei or nuclear buds decrease upon Atg7 knockdown, suggesting that components of the autophagy machinery induce the formation of these nuclear abnormalities. Moreover, Type II DNA Topoisomerases (TOP2A and TOP2B) and the ribosomal protein fibrillarin were detected in nuclear buds and micronuclei in fibroblasts treated or not with etoposide. Again in this case, GFP-LC3 was detected in fibrillarin-containing nuclear alterations. Based on these observations, the authors suggest that nucleophagy contributes to the elimination of chromosomal fragments or nucleolar bodies exiting the nucleus under DNA damage -inducing conditions. Specifically, they propose a key role for nucleophagy in maintaining genome stability by eliminating Type II DNA Topoisomerase cleavage complex (TOP2cc) and nucleolar components such as fibrillarin.
While it seems that there is a relationship between nuclear-extruded TOP2 with endogenous BECN1 and GFP-LC3 suggesting autophagic engagement, inconsistencies of fluorescent images between different figures indicate possible technical problems/limitations (please see specific comments, below), compromising authors' claims. LC3 immunoblotting and GFP-LC3 localization results appear over-interpreted (comments below). Neither TOP2 nor Fibrillarin have been shown to be actual autophagic substrates. Also, the link between genomic stability, micronuclei formation and autophagy has been previously reported (Zhao et al., PMID: 33752561).
An additional major concern is relates to nucleophagy being a selective type of autophagy. As such it requires efficient recognition and sequestration of the nuclear material destined to be degraded. Cargo specificity is mediated by receptor proteins, but no evidence for such receptors is provided in this study. Moreover, there is no real mechanistic insight on how nucleophagy mediates genome stability and how this can be interpreted in terms of cell survival under physiological and stress conditions. In other words, the biological significance of the findings presented has not been addressed.
Specific comments are summarized below:
The authors suggest that autophagy is induced after etoposide treatment and during the DNA repair process. However, the Western blot presented in Fig. 2A is not convincing and quantification does not support a significant autophagy induction in any of these cases. Autophagy appears to be induced 1h after etoposide removal, as evidenced LC3II/LC3 I increase (Fig. 2A and S2A). Nevertheless, all these changes should be more rigorously assessed.
Thank you for the observation. We removed the analysis of LC3II/LC3I by Western blot in the revised manuscript because a basal and induced elimination of nuclear components by the autophagic machinery occurs only in a subset of cells. It needs to be analyzed cell by cell. Pooling together all the cells dilutes the observation. Nevertheless, the dynamic intracellular distribution of both LC3 and BECN1 indicate autophagy induction. Please notice in revised Figure 2A that LC3 surrounding vesicles increases after 2h of DNA damage and diminish when DNA is repaired. BECN1 in control MEFs is highly concentrated inside the nucleus, at the nucleolus as it co-localized with Fibrillarin (new Figure 4E), and after DNA damage it redistributes towards the cytoplasm. Finally after DNA repair, BECN1 appears highly concentrated at the nucleus again. A further evidence of a functional autophagic flux, is the observation of an increasing number of acidic vesicles stained with Lysotracker in response to DNA damage, which were reduced after DNA repair. Some of the micronuclei were also co-stained with Lysotracker, suggesting their lysosomal degradation.
Line 190 and Fig. 2A: It is totally unclear whether "autophagy activation" takes place during the two waves described. There is no LC3B-I to LC3B-II conversion to initially suggest "autophagy activation". It rather suggests that autophagy is stalled. Fig. 2F shows that GFP-LC3 is strongly fluorescent into the lysotracker-stained lysosomes, further pointing to possible functional or technical problems.
As pointed out by reviewer 1, the images presented in original Figure 2F were over-exposed. In the current version we replaced those images with new images of better quality. We also reorganized the presentation of the data, and in revised Figure 2A we present photos where more convincingly can be observed a co-localization of BECN1 with LC3, with o without Lysotracker signal in nuclear buds and micronuclei. We also performed immunolocalization of endogenous LC3 (new Figure 2D) to rule out a possible misinterpretation of GFP-LC3 aggregates. As explained before, we removed original Figure2A.
Fig. 2B and Sup. Fig. 2B: BECN1 staining looks problematic. There is extreme BECN1 accumulation in the nucleus. Are those nuclear patterns of endogenous BECN1 and GFP-LC3 normal (see also minor comment 6 and 7)? Is there literature supporting such a distribution?
Yes, it has been documented BECN1 localization in the nucleus during development and in response to DNA damage stimuli such as ionizing radiation, and with a function related to DNA repair alternative to autophagosome formation (Fei Xu, et al. 2017, Scientific Reports | 7:45385 | DOI: 10.1038/srep45385). In the current manuscript we also detected endogenous LC3, to avoid a possible artifact with GFP-LC3 expression. We observed endogenous LC3 also localized in the nucleus (new Figure 2D).
It is hard to imagine how BECL1 is implicated in a (here hypothetical) nuclear lamina degradation event driven by LC3-lamin B1 direct interaction (Dou et al., 2015). BECL1 is an upstream to LC3 component and is a subunit of the PI3K complex catalyzing the local PI3P generation. The above should cause recruitment of the downstream autophagic machinery. Other subunits of the same complex or downstream effectors should be identified at the same spots to support authors' claims.
Our proposal that BECN1 is contributing to nucleophagy is supported by its co-localization with LC3 and Lysotracker stained vesicles (new figure 2A), as well as with TOP2 (Figure 3A-C). We appreciate the interesting idea of the reviewer; we certainly did not analyze the presence of BECN1 interacting partners. We agree, further studies analyzing their localization could complement our current findings. Supporting our work, others have observed UVRAG in the nucleus, specifically in centromeric regions, and it also has a role in DNA repair through its interaction with DNA-PK (Dev Cell. 2012 May 15; 22(5): 1001–1016. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2011.12.027). Given the anti-tumorigenic role of several autophagic molecules, it is tempting to speculate that several of them could have triple roles in the nucleus: directly interacting with DNA repair machinery, eliminating unrepairable DNA damaged and preventing excessive protein accumulation in the nucleus. Further experiments are necessary to probe this hypothesis, but are beyond the scope of the present manuscript.
U, 2h D and 5h R images of whole cells are necessary. The authors should also provide representative images of cells under different conditions i.e. control, etoposide-treatment and during DNA repair. Along similar lines, untreated control cells are not included in Fig. 2E and F. These images are needed for a better comparison between normal and DNA damage-inducing conditions.
The reviewer is right. In the revised Figure 2 we included representative images of control cell, Etoposide-treatment and during DNA repair cells. Images of whole cells are now shown in supplementary Figure 2S.
The authors state that autophagy is required for nuclear buds and micronuclei formation. However, the data shown in Fig. 2G and H are hardly convincing given that the statistical difference between cells treated with control and Atg7 siRNA is not strong (for example, *p˂0.5, 5h after etoposide removal). To provide further support to this notion, they should use cells from autophagy defective mutants and examine the appearance of nuclear abnormalities across different conditions compared to control cells.
We agree with the reviewer and followed his/her suggestion. We established collaboration with Dr. Sandra Cabrera, who kindly shared with us Atg4b-/- mice from which we isolated MEFs to compare side by side with WT MEFs the appearance of nuclear abnormalities. We confirmed a statistical significant reduction in the formation of nuclear buds in both conditions: silencing the expression of Atg7 by siRNA and in Atg4b-/- MEFs, suggesting that the autophagic machinery contributes to buds formation (new Figure 2F-G). Interestingly, we observed a different result analyzing micronuclei. While we found no statistical significant difference in the percentage of cells with micronuclei silencing the expression of Atg7 by siRNA, we found a statistical significant increment of cells with micronuclei in Atg4b-/- MEFs (new Figure 2F-G). This apparently discrepant result suggests that nuclear buds and micronuclei have a different mechanistic origin. A difference in the biogenesis of buds and micronuclei has been previously suggested studying cells cultured under strong stress conditions that induce DNA amplification, as well as in cells under folic acid deficiency. While interstitial DNA without telomere was more prevalent in buds than in micronuclei, telomeric DNA was more frequently observed in micronuclei (Fennech et al. 2011, Mutagenesis 26:125-132).
Lines 223-228: The role of autophagic machinery in the formation of nuclear buds is not supported and furthermore hard to conceptualize. How the components of autophagy are implicated during the nuclear buds and micronuclei formation? Colocalization of autophagic proteins might mean that autophagy is engaged at some point after or during the above formation. The causal, mechanistic and temporal aspects of the above budding and nucleophagic events need experimental support and/or more accurate interpretation.
We agree with the reviewer, and now we expressed our interpretation with more caution. The role of autophagic machinery in the formation of nuclear buds is supported by the following findings: a) the localization of LC3 and BECN1 in nuclear buds; b) the inhibition of Atg7 expression by specific siRNAs reduced the number of cells with buds and c) Atg4b-/- MEFs had reduced number of cells with buds (new Figure 2G). How the components of autophagic machinery are implicated in nuclear buds formation is an interesting question and deserves further investigation, beyond the scope of the present manuscript.
The authors claim that nucleophagy eliminates topoisomerase cleavage complex because TOP2A and TOP2B appear to more extensively co-localize with GFP-LC3 and BECN1 after etoposide-induced DSBs. However, the quantification presented in Fig. 3D-F to support this statement does not, in general, show a statistically significant difference in fibroblasts across different conditions (normal, etoposide treatment, etoposide removal).
Autophagic elimination of TOP2 protein is supported by the following findings: 1) both BECN1 and LC3 were detected in micronuclei in acidic vesicles (labeled with Lysotracker), which is indicative of the autolysosomal nature of the cytoplasmic compartment containing TOP2 (Figure 2A); 2) TOP2B was found by electron microscopy in some cells exiting the nucleus surrounded by LC3 (Figure 3G); 3) TOP2B accumulated in cells lacking ATG4, as expected if it is degraded by autophagy (Figure 3H).
Why would BECLIN colocalise with TOP2B in Figure 3g, given that beclin is involved in the initiation process?
We think that BECN1 is involved in additional functions to the initiation process of bud formation. For example, it has been shown by others that BECN interacts with TOP2 (Dev Cell. 2012 May 15; 22(5): 1001–1016. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2011.12.027). It could be working as an autophagic receptor targeting TOP2cc to buds and micronuclei. We are aware that further studies are necessary to test this hypothesis, but they are beyond the scope of this manuscript.
Fig. 4A and B: There is no enrichment of GFP-LC3 in "the nuclear alterations containing Fibrillarin" as stated in lines 341-343 comparing to the rest of the cellular GFP fluorescence.
It is true that there is not a local enrichment of GFP-LC3 as those normally reported as LC3 puncta in response to autophagy induction by starvation, for example. Nevertheless we are confident of the specificity of the observation, as not every nuclear alteration was found having GFP-LC3. We detected GFP-LC3 in 72% (mean ± 3.61 SD) of the nuclear alterations containing Fibrillarin in untreated cells, in 65.7% (mean ± 1.97 SD) of cells with 2h of DNA damage and in 90.33% (mean ±6.36 SD) after 5 h of DNA repair (in 5 independent experiments).
Moreover, there is no statistical significance in Fig. 4C and D measurements limiting the safety of authors' conclusions in lines 341-346.
We agree with reviewer´s observation. We repeated these experiments two more times and did not find a statistical significant difference in the percentage of cells with nuclear lesions containing Fibrillarin and GFP-LC3 after DNA damage nor after DNA repair. These results suggest that nucleolar DDR is a particular response, independent of DDR elsewhere in the genome, as has been suggested (reviewed in Nucleic Acids Research, 2020, Vol. 48, No. 17 9449–9461; doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa713). An alternative is that the release of nucleolar components is not enhanced by Etoposide at the dose and time used in this work.
Lines 368-370: As discussed by the authors and reported in previous publication (Xu et al., 2017), "BECN1 interacts directly with TOP2B, which leads to the activation of DNA repair proteins, and the formation of NR and DNA-PK repair complexes", independent of its role in autophagy. Currently, there are no rigorous findings supporting the contribution of BECN1 (as a functional constituent of the core autophagic machinery) to nuclear damaged material extrusion (lines 382-384).
We agree with the reviewer in that we did not perform an assay to demonstrate that BECN1 is contributing to TOP2 nuclear extrusion as a functional constituent of the core autophagic machinery. Nevertheless, the following data support the proposal of an autophagic elimination of TOP2cc: 1) TOP2B was detected in micronuclei containing BECN1 (Figure 3B); 2) BECN1 was found in micronuclei containing LC3 and in an acidic vesicle (labeled with Lysotracker), indicative of the autolysosomal nature of the compartment (Figure 2A); 3) TOP2 was found in some cells exiting the nucleus surrounded by LC3 (Figure 3G); d) TOP2 accumulated in cells lacking ATG4, suggesting its autophagic degradation (Figure 3H).
Lines 435-441 and Fig. 5: The current findings do not support the proposed model. It is hard to support and conceptualize the statement "proteasome and nucelophagy function in a dynamic way inside the nucleus".
The reviewer is right. We made a mistake integrating an interpretation within the summary of the actual findings of this work. We correct the text in the current version.
In Fig. 5, LC3 appears to decorate inner nuclear membrane and probably to interact with some of the other proteins depicted, which is misleading.
We agree with the reviewer. We removed the scheme in the current manuscript.
Beclin-1 appears to interact with Fibrillarin (Nucleolus).
This is correct. We observed by immunofluorescence a co-localization of BECN1 with Fibrillarin (new Figure E), and demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation that they are constituents of a complex (new Figure F).
Most of the differences in Sup. Fig. 3 lack statistical significance compromising the authors' claims.
We agree with the reviewer. To perform a separated statistical analysis of the percentage of cells with nuclear buds or micrnonuclei did not provide further information. We eliminated this analysis in the current version.
Many conclusions are drawn by colocalisation-immunofluorescence analysis. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments should also be performed to show that TOP2B and fibrillarin interact with LC3/autophagic machinery.
Thank you for your suggestion. We performed immunoprecipitation analysis and confirmed an interaction of Fibrillarin with BECN1, this result is now presented in Figure 4F. We found no co-immunoprecipitation of LC3 with either Fibrillarin or TOP2A, nor of TOP2B with BECN1.
Additionally, colocalisation analysis should be performed using tools such as Pearson's correlation and is an initial indication of nucleophagy. In the case of fibrillarin, immunofluorescence images do not indicate colocalisation, they need to be repeated.
The transport of Fibrillarin out of the nucleus by micronuclei formation and its autophagic degradation implies that both proteins are contained in the same vesicular compartment, it does not necessarily requires a direct interaction of Fibrillarin with LC3. Therefore, a co-localization detected by Pearson´s analysis is not a necessary confirmation of the nucelophagic degradation of Fibrillarin. Actually, Fibrillarin does not seem to interact with LC3, since we could not detect both proteins by co-immunoprecipitation. Nevertheless, we observed a nucleolar localization of BECN1 overlapping with Fibrillarin (new Figure 4E), and we confirm by co-immunoprecipitation the presence of both BECN1 and Fibrillarin in a complex (new Figure 4F). Following reviewer´s advice, we repeated two more times the analysis of Fibrillarin immunolocalization. We corroborated its localization in micronuclei and nuclear buds in 5.86% (mean ± 5.03 SD) of untreated cells, indicating a basal level of nucleolar material exclusion from the nucleus. Interestingly, the percentage of cells with Fibrillarin in nuclear alterations did not increased with statistical significance with Etoposide treatment. At 2 h of DNA damage we observed only a slight increase to 6.8% (mean ± 4.03 SD) of cells having nuclear buds and micronuclei with Fibrillarin, while the number of cells with nuclear lesions increased to 30.6% (mean ± 4.2 SD). Similarly, the proportion of cells having Fibrillarin in nuclear lesions after 5 h of DNA repair increased only to 7.66 % (mean ±6.08 SD), while the total number of cells having nuclear buds and micronuclei increased to 38.42% (mean ± 9.3SD). These results suggest that nucleolar components are constantly sent out of the nucleus as a homeostatic process, and not significantly in response to Etoposide-induced DSB.
Measurement of LC3/fibrillarin positive puncta should be performed, under basal conditions, genotoxic, and nucleolar stress under control and Atg7 knockdown conditions.
Since we observed no statistical significant change in the number of micronuclei with Fibrillarin under Etoposide-induced DSB nor DNA repair, we did not perform the suggested experiment.
Moreover, if nuclear proteins described are substrates of autophagy, then their levels would decrease upon autophagic induction i.e. starvation or in this case DNA damage and nucleolar stress. Thus, western blot analysis of relative protein levels can be performed.
Thank you for the suggestion. Since only 5% of the cells have micronuclei with Fibrillarin, and this proportion did not increased significantly in response to DNA damage, it is unlikely to detect a difference in the amount of Fibrillarin in response to autophagy manipulation performing a population analysis (as it is in a Western blot). Nevertheless, we compared Fibrillarin abundance by Western blot in WT MEFs vs. Atg4-/- MEFs untreated (U), treated for 2 h with Etoposide (D) and after 5 h of DNA repair (5) shown in the top panel of the follow figure. As expected, we found no statistical significant difference determined by 2way-ANOVA followed by Sidak´s multiple comparisons test (n=3). Ajusted P values are shown for each comparison (left graph).
On the other hand, since the percentage of cells with TOP2B in micronuclei and nuclear buds increased in response to DNA damage and during DNA repair, it was possible to detect a statistical significant accumulation of TOP2B in cells lacking ATG4 after 5h of DNA repair (bottom panel and right graph in the figure above). This observation is now included in new Figure 3H. Supporting our finding, TOP2A is reduced in cancerous cells grown under glucose deprivation (Alchanati, I., et al. 2009. PLoS One. 4:e8104).
Endogenous LC3 nuclear buds should also be detected to verify nucleophagy as GFP-LC3 has been shown to aggregate, causing artifacts under certain conditions.
We agree with the reviewer. We detected endogenous LC3 by immunofluorescence. This result is now included in Figure 2D.
Minor comments
In the Discussion section, the paragraph focused on the role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system is not substantiated by the data presented in the manuscript. Along similar lines, formation of aggresomes following etoposide treatment and their subsequent removal has not been monitored.
We apologized for the confusion, we corrected the text to now clearly distinguish which are our findings and which are published data that we just attempt to relate.
Western blots of better quality should be provided with assigned markers of protein size.
The Western blots shown have markers of protein size.
There are several language errors in the text that need to be corrected. Several sentences are too long and confusing or must be re-phrased. For example, see the lines: 123-125, 209-210,212, 218,221-222.
We apologize for our language errors. We corrected all errors indicated and asked colleges proficient in English to review our text.
Fig. 1B. Place "μm" into parenthesis.
Sup. Fig. 1B: Replace "gH2AX" with "γH2AX".
Fig. 1D: Separate DAPI and γH2AX channel images would be informative.
We now show also separated channels.
Fig. 2E: Enlarged separate DAPI, GFP-LC3 and lamin A/C channel images would be informative.
We now show also separated channels.
Line 218: Replace "bus" with "buds".
Fig. 2B, 2E, 2F, 3A and probably Sup. Fig. 2B represent MEFs treated for 2h with etoposide. The pattern of GFP-LC3 in 2B looks extensively nuclear and almost absent from cytoplasm.
We confirmed our finding detecting endogenous LC3.
In addition, Fig. 2B and 3B represent MEFs treated for 2h with Etoposide. The pattern of endogenous BECN1 in Fig. 2B looks extensively nuclear and almost absent from cytoplasm. In Fig. 3B the pattern is notably different.
BECN1 pattern of distribution is rather similar, predominantly in the nucleolus. We demonstrate it further by detecting BECN1 overlapping localization with Fibrillarin (new Figure 4E) and co-immunoprecipitation (new Figure 4F).
Sup. Fig. 2C: Index box is not properly aligned.
Thank you. We reviewed the alignment of each index box and reorganized the figure in the revised manuscript to add the whole blots of the new experiments we performed to analyze MEFs Atg4-/-.
Lines 154, 343 and 837: Replace "DBS" with "DSB".
Thank you, we corrected these typos.
Fig. 4 panels are not clearly cited at the text.
We apologize, we reviewed that they are clearly cited now.
Line 220: siRNA
Thank you, we corrected the text.
Lines 373-374: References "Lenain et al., 2015" and "Li et al., 2019" are missing.
Thank you for noticing it, we added the missing references. We use EndNote X9, we did not expect it to fail.
Lines 400-401 and 407: Probably the second "Latonen, 2011" reference needs "et al".
It is correct. We now cite this paper properly.
Line 427: Do authors refer to Fig. 1E rather than Fig. 2B?
Yes, we are sorry for this mistake. Thank you for pointing it out.
Line 434: Correct "clearance" spelling.
Thank you, we corrected it.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
The authors suggest that nucleophagy contributes to the elimination of chromosomal fragments or nucleolar bodies exiting the nucleus under DNA damage -inducing conditions. Specifically, they propose a key role for nucleophagy in maintaining genome stability by eliminating Type II DNA Topoisomerase cleavage complex (TOP2cc) and nucleolar components such as fibrillarin.
However, neither TOP2 nor Fibrillarin have been shown to be actual autophagic substrates. Also, the link between genomic stability, micronuclei formation and autophagy has been previously reported (Zhao et al., PMID: 33752561).
We found nuclear buds and micronuclei with markers of different stages of the autophagic pathway, suggesting an active role of autophagy proteins in buds formation, and micronuclei removal. We detected TOP2 and Fibrillarin in micronuclei and propose their elimination by nucleophagy by the following findings: 1) both BECN1 and LC3 were detected in micronuclei in acidic vesicles (labeled with Lysotracker), which is indicative of autolysosomes (Figure 2A); 2) TOP2B was found by electron microscopy in some cells exiting the nucleus surrounded by LC3 (Figure 3G); 3) TOP2B accumulated in cells lacking ATG4, as expected if it is degraded by autophagy (Figure 3H); 4) BECN1 has a dynamic cytoplasmic-nucelar traffic in response to DNA damage; 5) BECN1co-localized with Fibrillaron in nucleolus and both proteins were co-immunoprecupitated.
The link between genomic stability, micronuclei formation and autophagy has been previously reported only in cancerous cells. Considering that physiological DNA damage occurs constantly in the cell, basal nucleophagy is potentially fundamental to maintain cells healthy.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript, Muciño-Hernández and colleagues suggest that basal formation of nuclear buds and micronuclei increases in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts following etoposide-induced double strand breaks (DSBs). The study combines the use of biochemical methodologies with confocal and super resolution microscopy in an effort to explore the contribution of nucleophagy to genome stability. The authors provide evidence that autophagy is induced upon etoposide treatment. They detected GFP-LC3 and BECN1 signals in nuclear buds and micronuclei even in untreated control and to a higher extent in etoposide-treated cells. Then, the authors examined whether nucleophagy is required for the removal of nuclear buds and micronuclei, by treating fibroblasts with control and Atg7 siRNA. The authors claim that the percentage of cells with micronuclei or nuclear buds decrease upon Atg7 knockdown, suggesting that components of the autophagy machinery induce the formation of these nuclear abnormalities. Moreover, Type II DNA Topoisomerases (TOP2A and TOP2B) and the ribosomal protein fibrillarin were detected in nuclear buds and micronuclei in fibroblasts treated or not with etoposide. Again in this case, GFP-LC3 was detected in fibrillarin-containing nuclear alterations. Based on these observations, the authors suggest that nucleophagy contributes to the elimination of chromosomal fragments or nucleolar bodies exiting the nucleus under DNA damage -inducing conditions. Specifically, they propose a key role for nucleophagy in maintaining genome stability by eliminating Type II DNA Topoisomerase cleavage complex (TOP2cc) and nucleolar components such as fibrillarin.
While it seems that there is a relationship between nuclear-extruded TOP2 with endogenous BECN1 and GFP-LC3 suggesting autophagic engagement, inconsistencies of fluorescent images between different figures indicate possible technical problems/limitations (please see specific comments, below), compromising authors' claims. LC3 immunoblotting and GFP-LC3 localization results appear over-interpreted (comments below). Neither TOP2 nor Fibrillarin have been shown to be actual autophagic substrates. Also, the link between genomic stability, micronuclei formation and autophagy has been previously reported (Zhao et al., PMID: 33752561).
An additional major concern is relates to nucleophagy being a selective type of autophagy. As such it requires efficient recognition and sequestration of the nuclear material destined to be degraded. Cargo specificity is mediated by receptor proteins, but no evidence for such receptors is provided in this study. Moreover, there is no real mechanistic insight on how nucleophagy mediates genome stability and how this can be interpreted in terms of cell survival under physiological and stress conditions. In other words, the biological significance of the findings presented has not been addressed.
Specific comments are summarized below:
The authors suggest that autophagy is induced after etoposide treatment and during the DNA repair process. However, the Western blot presented in Fig. 2A is not convincing and quantification does not support a significant autophagy induction in any of these cases. Autophagy appears to be induced 1h after etoposide removal, as evidenced LC3II/LC3 I increase (Fig. 2A and S2A). Nevertheless, all these changes should be more rigorously assessed.
Line 190 and Fig. 2A: It is totally unclear whether "autophagy activation" takes place during the two waves described. There is no LC3B-I to LC3B-II conversion to initially suggest "autophagy activation". It rather suggests that autophagy is stalled. Fig. 2F shows that GFP-LC3 is strongly fluorescent into the lysotracker-stained lysosomes, further pointing to possible functional or technical problems.
Fig. 2B and Sup. Fig. 2B: BECN1 staining looks problematic. There is extreme BECN1 accumulation in the nucleus. Are those nuclear patterns of endogenous BECN1 and GFP-LC3 normal (see also minor comment 6 and 7)? Is there literature supporting such a distribution? It is hard to imagine how BECL1 is implicated in a (here hypothetical) nuclear lamina degradation event driven by LC3-lamin B1 direct interaction (Dou et al., 2015). BECL1 is an upstream to LC3 component and is a subunit of the PI3K complex catalyzing the local PI3P generation. The above should cause recruitment of the downstream autophagic machinery. Other subunits of the same complex or downstream effectors should be identified at the same spots to support authors' claims. U, 2h D and 5h R images of whole cells are necessary. The authors should also provide representative images of cells under different conditions i.e. control, etoposide-treatment and during DNA repair. Along similar lines, untreated control cells are not included in Fig. 2E and F. These images are needed for a better comparison between normal and DNA damage-inducing conditions.
The authors state that autophagy is required for nuclear buds and micronuclei formation. However, the data shown in Fig. 2G and H are hardly convincing given that the statistical difference between cells treated with control and Atg7 siRNA is not strong (for example, *p˂0.5, 5h after etoposide removal). To provide further support to this notion, they should use cells from autophagy defective mutants and examine the appearance of nuclear abnormalities across different conditions compared to control cells.
Lines 223-228: The role of autophagic machinery in the formation of nuclear buds is not supported and furthermore hard to conceptualize. How the components of autophagy are implicated during the nuclear buds and micronuclei formation? Colocalization of autophagic proteins might mean that autophagy is engaged at some point after or during the above formation. The causal, mechanistic and temporal aspects of the above budding and nucleophagic events need experimental support and/or more accurate interpretation.
The authors claim that nucleophagy eliminates topoisomerase cleavage complex because TOP2A and TOP2B appear to more extensively co-localize with GFP-LC3 and BECN1 after etoposide-induced DSBs. However, the quantification presented in Fig. 3D-F to support this statement does not, in general, show a statistically significant difference in fibroblasts across different conditions (normal, etoposide treatment, etoposide removal). Why would BECLIN colocalise with TOP2B in Figure 3g, given that beclin is involved in the initiation process?
Fig. 4A and B: There is no enrichment of GFP-LC3 in "the nuclear alterations containing Fibrillarin" as stated in lines 341-343 comparing to the rest of the cellular GFP fluorescence. Moreover, there is no statistical significance in Fig. 4C and D measurements limiting the safety of authors' conclusions in lines 341-346.
Lines 368-370: As discussed by the authors and reported in previous publication (Xu et al., 2017), "BECN1 interacts directly with TOP2B, which leads to the activation of DNA repair proteins, and the formation of NR and DNA-PK repair complexes", independent of its role in autophagy. Currently, there are no rigorous findings supporting the contribution of BECN1 (as a functional constituent of the core autophagic machinery) to nuclear damaged material extrusion (lines 382-384).
Lines 435-441 and Fig. 5: The current findings do not support the proposed model. It is hard to support and conceptualize the statement "proteasome and nucelophagy function in a dynamic way inside the nucleus". In Fig. 5, LC3 appears to decorate inner nuclear membrane and probably to interact with some of the other proteins depicted, which is misleading. Beclin-1 appears to interact with Fibrillarin (Nucleolus).
Most of the differences in Sup. Fig. 3 lack statistical significance compromising the authors' claims.
Many conclusions are drawn by colocalisation-immunofluorescence analysis. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments should also be performed to show that TOP2B and fibrillarin interact with LC3/autophagic machinery. Additionally, colocalisation analysis should be performed using tools such as Pearson's correlation and is an initial indication of nucleophagy. In the case of fibrillarin, immunofluorescence images do not indicate colocalisation, they need to be repeated. Measurement of LC3/fibrillarin positive puncta should be performed, under basal conditions, genotoxic, and nucleolar stress under control and Atg7 knockdown conditions. Moreover, if nuclear proteins described are substrates of autophagy, then their levels would decrease upon autophagic induction i.e. starvation or in this case DNA damage and nucleolar stress. Thus, western blot analysis of relative protein levels can be performed.
Endogenous LC3 nuclear buds should also be detected to verify nucleophagy as GFP-LC3 has been shown to aggregate, causing artifacts under certain conditions.
Minor comments
In the Discussion section, the paragraph focused on the role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system is not substantiated by the data presented in the manuscript. Along similar lines, formation of aggresomes following etoposide treatment and their subsequent removal has not been monitored.
Western blots of better quality should be provided with assigned markers of protein size.
There are several language errors in the text that need to be corrected. Several sentences are too long and confusing or must be re-phrased. For example, see the lines: 123-125, 209-210,212, 218,221-222.
Fig. 1B. Place "μm" into parenthesis.
Sup. Fig. 1B: Replace "gH2AX" with "γH2AX".
Fig. 1D: Separate DAPI and γH2AX channel images would be informative.
Fig. 2E: Enlarged separate DAPI, GFP-LC3 and lamin A/C channel images would be informative.
Line 218: Replace "bus" with "buds".
Fig. 2B, 2E, 2F, 3A and probably Sup. Fig. 2B represent MEFs treated for 2h with etoposide. The pattern of GFP-LC3 in 2B looks extensively nuclear and almost absent from cytoplasm.
In addition, Fig. 2B and 3B represent MEFs treated for 2h with Etoposide. The pattern of endogenous BECN1 in Fig. 2B looks extensively nuclear and almost absent from cytoplasm. In Fig. 3B the pattern is notably different.
Sup. Fig. 2C: Index box is not properly aligned.
Lines 154, 343 and 837: Replace "DBS" with "DSB".
Fig. 4 panels are not clearly cited at the text.
Line 220: siRNA
Lines 373-374: References "Lenain et al., 2015" and "Li et al., 2019" are missing.
Lines 400-401 and 407: Probably the second "Latonen, 2011" reference needs "et al".
Line 427: Do authors refer to Fig. 1E rather than Fig. 2B?
Line 434: Correct "clearance" spelling.
The authors suggest that nucleophagy contributes to the elimination of chromosomal fragments or nucleolar bodies exiting the nucleus under DNA damage -inducing conditions. Specifically, they propose a key role for nucleophagy in maintaining genome stability by eliminating Type II DNA Topoisomerase cleavage complex (TOP2cc) and nucleolar components such as fibrillarin.
However, neither TOP2 nor Fibrillarin have been shown to be actual autophagic substrates. Also, the link between genomic stability, micronuclei formation and autophagy has been previously reported (Zhao et al., PMID: 33752561).
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Peer review of the manuscript with the number RC-2021-01181 by Muciño-Hernandez G et. al. at Review Commons and with the tittle "Nucleophagy contributes to genome stability 1 though TOP2cc and nucleolar components degradation"
1. Summary
Muciño-Hernandez G et. al. show in this manuscript that mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) have basal levels of nuclear buds and micronuclei, which are indicators of genomic DNA damage. These basal levels of nuclear buds and micronuclei in MEFs increased after Etoposide treatment, which is known to induce DNA Double stranded Breaks (DSD). Interestingly, the nuclear buds and micronuclei co-localize with makers for nucleophagy (BECN1 and LC3) and acidic vesicles, suggesting that they are cleared by nucleophagy. The authors propose that basal levels of nucleophagy clear basal levels of genomic DNA damage that occurs as result from DNA-dependent biological processes in the cell nucleus, thereby contributing to nuclear stability of MEFs under physiological conditions. These basal levels of nucleophagy increase after the action of factors that induce DNA damage and nuclear stress. The concepts proposed by Muciño-Hernandez G et. al. are novel, since most of the current published data on nucleophagy related to DNA damage have been obtained under pathological conditions, e.g. implementing cancer cells.
The authors use in their manuscript various molecular biology techniques to obtain data that support their claims, including Western Blot analysis of protein extracts from MEFs, immunostaining on MEFs and neutral comet assays, complemented with state of the art imaging techniques, such as confocal microscopy, immunoelectron microscopy and super resolution microscopy. The quality of the data is sound. The structure of the manuscript support the understanding of the reader. However, I would like to suggest several improvements that will help to increase the quality of the manuscript, in order that fits to the standards of articles recently published in journals affiliated to Review Commons, such as the Journal of Cell Biology, the EMBO Journal or eLife.
2. Major comments
2.1 The authors have to improve the description of the results. Especially the description of those Figure panels containing plots that were generated using data from several experiments has to be improved.
One example is the description of the Figure 1D, which is in the lanes 137-151 of the current version of the manuscript. Whereas the authors describe in lanes 137-147 observations related to representative pictures of confocal microscopy after immunostaining presented in Figure 1D (left), the description of the quantification from 9 independent experiments presented in the plots in Figure 1D (right) comes relatively short in lanes 147-150 without mentioning any of the values implemented for creating the plots.
"Interestingly, while the frequency of nuclear buds gradually increased after DNA damage and during DNA repair, the frequency of micronuclei also increased after DNA damage, but diminished upon DNA repair."
The other plots presented in the different figure panels across the manuscript are described in a similar manner. I would like to suggest to the authors to improve their manuscript by including during the description of their results the values that were implemented for the degeneration of the plots presented in the manuscript. For example, in the specific case of Figure 1D above:
"Interestingly, the percentage of MEFs with nuclear buds gradually increased from XY% ({plus minus} XY SD) in control non-treated (Ctrl) MEFs to XY% ({plus minus} XY SD; P=XY) after 2 h Etoposide-induced DSB in MEFs and XY% ({plus minus} XY SD; P=XY) after DNA repair take place in MEFSs 5 h upon stop of Etoposide treatment (Figure 1D, right). In contrast, the percentage of MEFs with micronuclei significantly increased from XY% ({plus minus} XY SD) in Ctrl MEFs to XY% ({plus minus} XY SD; P=XY) after 2 h Etoposide-induced DSB, whereas it was reduced to XY% ({plus minus} XY SD; P=XY) 5 h after stop of Etoposide treatment (Figure 1D, right)."
Descriptions of the plots as mentioned above will make the text more intuitive for the reader, and they will make possible to read the Results Section without switching to the Figure Legends or the Material and Methods Section or to Supplementary Files. Even though the representative pictures from different microscopy techniques presented in the manuscript are of good quality and support the claims of the authors, it is important to mention that the quantifications presented in the plots demonstrate the statistical significance of these representative pictures. Thus, the authors should consistently include in the manuscript during the description of theirs results all the information (mean values, standard error of the means, P values, n values, etc.) that support their interpretation of the results and demonstrate the statistical significance of their claims.
2.2 Following a similar line of argumentation as in the previous point, the authors should provide as Supplementary Material an Excel file containing a statistical summary, including all statistical relevant information from each one of the plots presented in each Figure panel, such as n values, P values, Test implemented, values used for the plots, numbers of experiments, etc. The information could be organized in the Excel file in different data sheets according to the Figure panels, in order that the reader can easily navigate through the data. In the current version of the manuscript, one cannot find the values used for the generation of the plots presented in the manuscript in any of the submitted files.
3. Minor comments
3.1 In general, prior studies were appropriately referenced. Only few references has to be added.
Line 48: Add to the already included reference "Dobersch et al., 2021" also the reference Singh et al., 2015 PMID 26045162.
Line 53: Add the corresponding reference after the word "respectively".
Line 82: Add the corresponding reference after the word "them".
Line 125: Add the corresponding reference after the word "cells".
Line 130: The expression "...by analyzing the recruitment of the phosphorylated histone γH2AX..." is the first time that the authors mention in the manuscript the DNA damage maker γH2AX. I suggest that is better introduced as " ... by analyzing the recruitment of the DNA damage marker γH2AX (histone variant H2A.X phosphorylated a serine 139, Rogakou EP, et al., 1998, PMID 9488723) to DSB sites."
Line 199: Add the corresponding reference after the word "formation".
Line 205: Add the corresponding reference after the word "cells".
3.2 The use of the English language is appropriate throughout the manuscript. However, there are minor errors in the use of punctuation marks, in the use of prepositions and typos. I will list some of them below. However, I would like to recommend that manuscript is corrected by an English native speaker.
Line 41: "...and reproductive systems; genome instability also..." the semicolon can be replaced by a period.
Line 43: "Since early in development DNA is under constant endogenous..." between "development" and "DNA" there should a comma.
The sentence in lanes 53-55 has to be rephrased.
Lines 62-63: the expression "...throughout life." should be substituted.
Line 70: The abbreviation "rDNA" has to be explained the first time that is used.
Lines 81-82: It has to be explained for the scientist that is not specialized in the field of nucleophagy, how the integrity of the genome is threatened by micronuclei and nuclei-derived material.
Lines 106-110: The sentence is long. It would be easier to understand for the reader if this sentence is divided into two sentences.
Lines 121-122: The subtitle should be rephrased.
Lines 132-138: The sentence is long. It would be easier to understand for the reader if this sentence is divided into two sentences, e.g. with a period before the word "hence".
Lines 143-144: "... in a subpopulation of healthy, untreated cells...". The interpretation of "healthy" might be subjective. I would like to suggest substituting in the complete manuscript the word "healthy" by "control".
Line 163: The abbreviation for γH2AX was already introduced in line 130.
Line 182: A comma after "cell lines" is missed.
Line 183: delete "either".
Lines 190-194: The sentence is long. It would be easier to understand for the reader if this sentence is divided into two sentences, e.g. with a period after the word "decreased" in line 191.
Line 218: I assume that instead of "bus", it should be "buds".
Line 220: I assume that instead of "iRNA", it should be "siRNA". In addition, it is the first time that the abbreviation is used. Thus, I suggest introducing it as "...was silenced by specific small interfering RNA (siRNA) previous to ..."
Line 327: delete the word "chronic".
Line 344: I assume that instead of "(figures 4C)", it should be "(Figure 4D)".
3.3 The structure of the Figures is ok for the peer review process and it might be optimized during editing of the manuscript. Nevertheless, I would like to suggest to the authors to increase the lettering size throughout all the figures. It will make the figures more intuitive.
4. Significance
The work presented by Muciño-Hernandez G et. al. will be clearly a significant contribution to the scientific community working on autophagy, DNA damage repair and cancer, among others. It will be of interest to a broad spectrum of scientists, as I will elaborate in the following lines. The authors propose that MEFs have basal levels of genomic DNA damage under physiological conditions, which are cleared by basal levels of nucleophagy. On one hand, these findings are in line with various publications demonstrating that DNA-dependent biological processes in the cell nucleus, such as transcription, replication, recombination, and repair, involve intermediates with DNA breaks that may compromise the integrity of DNA. Thus, there must be mechanisms that ensure the integrity of the genome during these processes under physiological conditions, one of them seems to be nucleophagy. This perspective might explain the fact that proteins and histone modifications that were initially characterized during DNA repair also play a role during transcription, recombination, and replication. For example, phosphorylated H2AX at S139 (γH2AX) is often used as a marker for DNA-DSB [PMID 9488723]. However, accumulating evidences suggest additional functions of this histone modification [PMIDs 19377486; 22628289; 23382544]. In addition, McManus et al. [PMID 16030261] analyzed the dynamics of γH2AX in normal growing mammalian cells and found γH2AX in all phases of cell cycle with a maximum during M phase, suggesting that γH2AX may contribute to the fidelity of the mitotic process, even in the absence of ectopic- induced DNA damage. Further, Singh et al [PMID 26045162] and Dobersch et al [PMID 33594057] report that γH2AX plays a role in transcriptional activation in response to TGFB-signaling. Moreover, classical DNA-repair complexes have been linked to DNA demethylation and transcriptional activation [PMIDs 17268471; 28512237; 25901318], and DNA-DSB is known to induce ectopic transcription that is essential for repair, supporting a tight mechanistic correlation between transcription, DNA damage, and repair [PMID 24207023]. Perhaps, the authors might consider introducing several of the aspects and the citations written above into the Discussion section of the revised version of their manuscript. On the other hand, most of the published data related to nucleophagy have been obtained from cancer cells. Muciño-Hernandez G et. al. obtained their data implementing MEFs to demonstrate that the proposed mechanisms take also place under non-pathological conditions, what is one of the novel aspects of the present work.
I hope that my suggestions help the authors to improve their manuscript, thereby reaching the standards of manuscripts recently published in journals affiliated to Review Commons AND increasing the impact of their contribution to the scientific community.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This paper examines the formation and repair of micronuclei in non-cancerous cells, specifically in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. This work was performed completely in culture and used a combination of western blot, confocal and superresolution microscopy to assess the contents of micronuclei over a repair period of 5 hours after 2 hours of induction of double strand breaks by treatment with etoposide. The authors found that the bodies colocalised with LC3, Beclin 1 and lysosomes suggestive of autophagy. However no evidence of autophagic flux has been demonstrated.
Major issues are as follows:
Figure 2 A - Any sense of the autophagic flux? LC3B - I and LC3B - II seem to be in equal quantities most of the time. Maybe using the tandem LC3 in this system could provide further insight. Also remove the violin plots from this graph and from G and H, as there are too few data points. B. Can you reduce the brightness in the merge image, as I cannot see DAPI nor a convincing Beclin-1/LC3 co-localisation. F. Although the data is convincing, It would be clearer if the brightness of the merge image was reduced. G. Is the significant result the difference between 5h R Control si and 5h R Atg7? if so, there is no significant change in micronuclei as the same time point, can you explain this disconnect? are the buds being degraded prior to becoming micronuclei?
Figure 3 A - nice microscopy showing the co-localisation of TOP2A and LC3-GFP. I'm interested in DAPI being on some bodies and not others. Do you have any sense of the dynamics of this? G - c shows a strand of mostly TOP2B coming from the nucleus. Is there any evidence that this occurs using either confocal microscopy or super resolution approaches. Could you try Z-stack to find these?
Figure 4 C - is there a significant increase in FBL negative bodies, this would make sense if FBN is being degraded in the micronuclei during the repair process D. Would it be possible to increase the n of these experiments to confirm either no change in FBL/LC3 co-loc, or evidence of increase?
Minor issues:
Figure 4 and 5 legends are in a different font.
There is little specific data on the role of autophagy in clearing micronuclei in cancer cells, so this may be suggestive of a new mechanism that occur during normal cellular homeostasis. There are known links between lamin A defects and the formation of micronuclei, but not explicitly that the micronuclei are also Lamin A positive. it is likely that analogous processes occur in both cancer and non-cancer, so the impact of these data is not clear to me. This paper may be of interest to researchers interested in nuclear structure and DNA damage, but based on the data presented the significance is limited.
I don't have sufficient expertise to evaluate the super resolution microscopy beyond assessing the images.
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The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript, Joshi et al investigate the intracellular behavior of PGRP-LE for the activation of the NF-kB pathway in Drosophila enterocytes undergoing pathogen infection. The authors identify that, upon enteric infection, PGRP-LE aggregates to form a microscopic structure of puncta, which colocalize with Rab5. The authors further analyze the role of Rab5 for the NF-kB pathway and suggest that Rab5-dependent pathway represents one of two distinct routes for the activation of the NF-kB pathway based on the observation that RNAi-mediated knockdown of Rab5 selectively downregulates PGRP-SC1, which results in systemic immune response. Generally, the manuscript provides convincing experimental results to support the authors' arguments raising an interesting cell biological aspect of PGRP-LE for the well-known immune pathway. However, in my opinion, there are some ambiguous points as well. I would like to have several suggestions to strengthen the manuscript.
Major comments
- To identify the role of Rab5, the authors performed an RNAi-mediated knockdown experiment and found that the expression of PGRP-SC1 is downregulated but the expression of other target genes such as AttacinD are not affected. The authors concluded that the expression of PGRP-SC1 is under the control of a Rab5-dependent route while other targets are regulated by Rab5-independent route. However, an alternative interpretation would be that Rab5 is required for all target genes and the observed differential expression of the targets is due to residual activity of Rab5 after RNAi-mediated knockdown. If the authors show that RNAi-mediated Rab5 knockdown almost deplete Rab5 expression, it would be helpful for the authors' argument. Also, this alternative explanation is worth to be provided in the discussion section.
- The authors show that enterocytes with Rab5 knockdown still produce enlarged puncta without any further characterization. However, the identity of this subcellular structure would be an important piece of information to support the authors' argument concerned with a Rab5-independent route, which is largely a speculation at the moment. So, I would recommend to investigate whether the enlarged puncta colocalize with any known endosome and/or autophagosome markers. This information will enable to understand the Rab5-independent NF-kB activation pathway (e.g. by manipulating this pathway) in enterocytes.
Minor comments
It would be helpful for general readers to have an additional figure with a simple drawing of the authors' working model.
This paper showed for the first time a Rab5-dependent PGRP-LE aggregation that act as a signaling hub to finely modulate NF-kB pathway. As NF-kappaB is an evolutionarily conserved transcription factor that is essential for the immune activation from Drosophila to mammals, the present information would be of interest to a broad audience.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The manuscript presented by Joshi et al presents a body of results describing the aggregation of the peptidoglycan receptor PGRP-LE, which is an intracellular protein, in response to intestinal infection by oral ingestion in Drosophila. This study is based on the generation of two CRISPR/Cas9 mutant lines in which the PGRP-LE sequence has been fused to the V5 epitope (inserted into the PGRP domain) or the fluorescent protein eGFP (added at the C-terminal position). In each case, the "sensor protein" is expressed under the control of the endogenous promoter that ensures a physiological expression of the sensor.
As expected from the literature, the authors show that the expression of each of the two PGRP-LE sensors is strongly induced in the digestive tract by the ingestion of the bacterium Erwinia carotorova carotorova (E.cc), which is known to produce a strong activation of the NF-kB signaling cascade under these infection conditions. In this study, the authors show that PGRP-LE-V5 sensors form clusters in the immunocompetent domains of the gut, particularly in the R4 domain where NF-kB activation is known to be primarily dependent on PGRP-LE. This clustering is not observed in clones with little or no expression of PGRP-LE due to RNAi-mediated knockdown of gene expression. The transcription of endogenous PGRP-LE or that of the PGRP-LE-V5 and eGFP sensors is not increased by the infection, allowing the authors to propose that the PGRP-LE protein pre-existing in the intestinal cells relocalizes into clusters or aggregates. These aggregates are also marked by the Rab5 protein, a marker of early endosomes, but not by the Rab7 marker, a marker of late endosomes. The expression of the antimicrobial peptide AttD is similar in the presence of the sensors as in control flies, which indicates that the immune response is not drastically affected by these sensors. Moreover, the kinetics of receptor aggregation parallels that of NF-kB pathway activation followed by AttD expression.
Ingestion of E. coli or commensal bacteria or PGN, which do not induce a significant immune response according to the literature and data reproduced here by the authors, do not induce receptor aggregation either. Surprinsingly, heat-killed E.cc bacteria, which induce no or a very slight expression of AttD cause more but smaller aggregates of PGRP-LE. Moreover, these aggregates are not labeled by the Rab5 protein. The authors show that this aggregation of PGRP-LE is not affected by the down-regulation of the HH pathway, and is correctly induced by a uracil auxotrophic Ecc mutant. The expression of RNAi directed against the dFADD protein, an adaptor of the PGRP-LC membrane receptor contributing to the activation of the Imd/NF-kB pathway, does not alter this aggregation either. Finally, the authors observed that a set of genes whose expression in response to E.cc is dependent on PGRP-LE shows a differential dependence on Rab5 expression: while PGRP-SC1 expression is affected by Rab5 silencing, this is not the case for PGRP-LB or PGRP-SC2 expression. Furthermore, directed Rab5 knock-down in the adult gut induces an exacerbated immune response in the fat body. The combined action of PGRP-LE and Rab5 would therefore be necessary for the activation of PGRP-SC1 but not of PGRP-LB or PGRP-SC2. From these results the authors propose the existence of two pathways of activation of NF-kB target genes downstream of PGRP-LE, depending or not on an endosomal Rab5 signaling platform. The authors also propose that the amount of PGN may control the choice of Rab5-dependent or Rab5-independent pathway activation.
Major comments:
The authors have constructed beautiful genetic tools (PGRP-LE sensors). They present a set of convincing results concerning the formation of PGRP-LE protein aggregates in response to E.cc infection under different infection conditions or genetic backgrounds. Nevertheless, the study remains essentially descriptive and based on immunofluorescence and expression studies of a small set of genes responsive to the NF-kB pathway. To better support the hypotheses and conclusions, deep sequencing studies would be very powerful to reveal whether the differential expression observed for the target genes PGRP-SC1 versus PGRP-SC2 and PGRP-LB is also true for a large set of genes of the immune response, which would make the results more accurate. It would also be interesting to study more genetic conditions, e.g. affecting the endocytic pathway, proteasomal degradation or autophagy in order to determine the fate of aggregates and the mechanisms of their removal/resolution. Furthermore, biochemical studies, such as immunoblots, would allow following the fate of PGRP-LE at the protein level. The authors indeed show that the expression of PGRP-LE gene is not induced by E.cc but one can wonder if the protein is stabilized. They propose that PGRP-LE is not recycled because it does not colocalize with Rab7, but it might be also degraded by the lysosomal pathway rather than recycled. It would be interesting to test if aggregates are removed by the lysosomal pathway or by autophagy. Moreover, a recycling via Rab7 is maybe not expected for a protein that is not localized on the plasma membrane. A kinetic study including co-staining with Rab7 would better support the conclusion that there is no colocalization with Rab7. Otherwise, they may miss the right timing to observe this colocalization. Similarly, the absence of colocalization with Lamp1 at a given time does not allow concluding with certainty that PGRP-LE is not degraded by the lysosomal pathway. The 24h staining (Fig2A) sounds similar to a Lamp1 profile. One should therefore be more cautious in drawing conclusions about these co-staining experiments. Moreover, Rab7 and Lamp-1 staining are faint and miss RNAi controls to show the specificity of the staining.
In conclusion, a corpus of additional experiments would be necessary to significantly advance the field and demonstrates the existence of a Rab5 signalization platform causing differential expression of target genes of the immune response. The expression of a large set of genes could be tested, some of the RNAi lines used needs to be better characterized, complementary genetic and biochemistry experiments would help to understand the fate of PGRP-LE, the effect of the Imd pathway could be more documented with other RNAi than FADD... The role of other components of the endocytic pathway tan Rab5 could be assayed with other RNAi (Rab7, ESCRT, ... ) to block the endocytic pathway and observe if it interferes with the aggregates. The authors could also possibly test the proposed hypothesis on the amount of PGN/bacteria that would be at the origin of a differential response.
In the figure and figures legends and methods, the authors describe the aggregates as oligomers, but no experiment support this assumption. In the text, the authors stick with the nomenclature as clusters or aggregates which is more appropriate.
Minor comments:
- The abstract would benefit from being rewritten: the first half provides general information that is not strictly necessary, which prevents a more thorough description of the results. I disagree or misunderstand the statement "little is known about the subcellular events required to translate these early steps into downstream target gene transcription" because extensive studies of the fly immune response have been done.
- Two spellings in the intro: PeptidoGlycaN or PeptidoGlycan. I suggest peptidoglycan
- "the innate immune response that might otherwise be obscured by the action of the adaptive immune response": this is a rather archaic way of thinking because it is clear that the two responses are complex and intimately intertwined.
- "to visualize PGN detection by PGRP": correct "by PGRP-LE". -avoid "to our surprise". -"locus-directed": I suggest "tissue directed" or "in a localized manner in the digestive tract".
- Describe the purpose and procedure of smurf methodology.
- As noted above, do not describe clusters as oligomers in the methods and figures and figure legends. -"PGRP-LE recruits Rab5 protein": do the authors suggest a direct interaction between the two products? If so, it would be interesting to test this with co-IP experiments. However, it is possible that the aggregates are internalized in the endosomal compartment, independently of any Rab5/PGRP-LC interaction. Therefore, the term "recruits" is confusing here. -To make the results accessible to a broader audience, the authors may clarify the drosophila-specific genetic tools used in this study (Flpout clones, Gal80ts conditional expression...)
- In some cases, statistical analysis of RT-qPCR data are performed using a one-way ANOVA (fig 1H, 5A) whereas in others (fig 2H and L, 5B) a non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test is used. The rationale for these discrepancies should be explained. Moreover, in all these experiments the data are compared to a control that is set to 100% and has no standard deviation. This violates some of the ANOVA assumptions (normality of the data points). To be correct, an outside control should be used to normalize the data (including the control to which the other genotypes are compared)
- Could the authors better explain the rationale for using PGRP-LE::V5 in some experiments and PGRP-LE::GFP in others? -Fig 1H: in this experiment, according to the legend, all the genotypes are infected. So it's not clear how the authors conclude that infection does not activate PGRP-LE expression in the absence of a non-infected control. We may have missed some points. Furthermore, as stated above, the authors could also perform a Western blot to ensure that PGRP-LE translation is not activated, or the protein stabilized, following infection.
- Fig 2A: The PGRP-LE aggregates a 24 hpi look different from the previous time points. It would be interesting to make a double staining with a Lamp1 antibody to check for colocalization at this late time points.
- Fig 2H: attD induction by hk E.cc is indicated as not significantly different from uninfected control and presumably not from E. coli and PGN. So the statement "hk E.cc which induced a weak AttD transcription" in the text is not correct.
- Fig 3: The RNAi lines used in this figure have no effect on PGRP-LE aggregation. To safely conclude that the corresponding proteins do not play a role in this process, the efficiency of the RNAi lines against their respective targets should be shown.
- Fig 3A,B : why no quantification of the aggregates are presented in this particular figure?
- Fig 4D: the pictures are too small, use the same magnification as in A and C
The studies presented in this manuscript are interesting and well done but remain mainly descriptive without sufficient data to support what could be a conceptual advance. Further work is needed to demonstrate that PGRP-LE would signal via two different pathways, dependent or not on Rab5 and the endocytic machinery. Further genetic and biochemical studies would allow to better describe these two putative signaling pathways leading to differential immune response genes expression, and/or the nature (oligomeric or not) and fate of PGRP-LE aggregates (endocytic-, lysosomal-, autophagic-patways,...). Such endosomal signaling platform has been described for the activation of the Toll pathway. Exacerbated immune response in the fat body following inactivation of Rab5, Fab1, and ESCRT components has been described earlier suggesting that accurate termination of IMD signaling also requires the endocytic machinery.
This study concerns fly scientists interested in the fine understanding of the signaling mechanisms of the innate immune response and may have a wider audience in the community of scientists interested in the molecular mechanisms of cell signaling in eukaryotic cells in response to external stimuli, and the role of endocytic trafficking in this response. Our expertise (reviewer and co-reviewer) covers the NF-kB-dependent immune response and some aspects of intracellular trafficking.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors used CRISPR engineering to drop a V5 or GFP tag into teh PGRP-LE locus (protein fusions) to monitor the behavior of this intracellular peptidoglycan sensing receptor in the drosophila midgut. They show that upon immune stimulation with Ecc that PGRP-LE forms some sort of aggregate or punctae that is dynamic during the 24 hour of infection monitored. A similar response is not seen with live E. coli but a week and smaller response is observed with heat killed E. coli, for unclear reasons. These punctae appear to form independent of the classic IMD signaling components, suggesting it is upstream event in the pathway which is consistent with early studies showing the PGRP-LE multimerizes (infinitely) upon binding PGN and also that it forms amyloid fibrils doing signaling. The Ecc punctae tightly colocalize with Rab5 but not Rab7 or other early endosome markers, but in the absence of Rab5 the PGRP-LE punctae are greatly enlarged. Rab5 was found to critical for induction of PGRP-SC1 but not the classic IMD pathway AMP, Attain.
While the conclusions of the report are intriguing and the development of these tools is very exciting, the conclusions are not fully convincing. To start, the author wish to conclude that PGRP-LE localization is altered with Ecc infection but they have not excluded that the expression of the protein is sharply upregulated. I.e. in the uninfected animals there is not really any PGRP-LE observed (1D). The try to tackle this by looking at mRNA expression, but this data lacks the unaffected control. [In fact, the uninfected control is missing on most of the gene expression data, which is a troubling omission and makes it hard to really understand what the data shows.]. Moreover, the mRNA levels do not necessarily corresponding to the protein levels, i.e. there could be post translation control. So, overall, the authors need to provide more compelling evidence that PGRP-LE is relocalized upon Ecc challenge rather than upregulated.
Moreover, the paper contains some seeming contradictory findings that the authors make little effort explain. For example, they conclude "These results suggest that although smaller PGRP-LE aggregates can form normally in the absence of Rab5, the latter is required for proper bigger E.cc mediated PGRP-LE aggregates" because E. coli induced PGRP-LE clusters don't colocalize with Rab5, yet in the absence of Rab5, the Ecc cluster are super-enlarged (4F). This makes no sense with the conclusions.
Finally, the interaction and function of the Rab5 interaction is underdeveloped and lacks insight. For example, why is Rab5 required for the induction of one target gene but not another? And, why not characterize this more completely? Why is there not Rab5 vesicle with E. coli feeding or even uninfected? The cell biology requires more in-depth consideration. From 4E, the authors wish to conclude that the Rab5 vesicle are induced by Ecc (even in the absence of PGRP-LE) yet the uninfected control is not shown. IN a simple world, would not one would expect Rab5 endosomes in all cells, at least to some level?
And, focusing on the big picture, the authors claim that it is "not easily testible" if the PGRP-LE aggregates are amyloidal, as suggested by earlier publications. This could actually be tested by staining with amyloid specific dies and/or suitable mutants engineered int he RHIM domain. This would be very informative if the authors could extend this work to examine this question.
Minor comments:
All the colocalization data should be quantified as in 4B. It is not true that DAP = Gram negative. Gram-positive bacilli also have DAP PGN. The wording in the Introduction should be adjusted. The text needs a careful proofreading.
Referees cross-commenting
I think the comments from #2 and myself are aligned. Working is interesting, tools are especially exciting, but the studies are descriptive and under-developed. I will further add, I found the absence of uninfected controls for many assays a major problem.
The significance of this work lies in the development of powerful tools to track an intracellular innate immune receptor in an intact animals. The connection to Rab5 is curious and likely an important advance in our understanding of the cell biology of this pathway, but is under-developed. The significance is this difficult to know for certain. The Drosophila immunity field, and the insect immunity field more broadly, will be keenly interested in this study. The wider NF-κB/innate immune field will also be interested in these findings, given teh similarity between this pathway and NOD1/NOD2 immune sensing in mammals.
My area of expertise is the Drosophila immune response and this manuscript is very much in my wheelhouse.
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Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Avar et al report on the development of a high-throughput method to screen modifiers of prion replication in cell lines using a genome-wide siRNA library. They identified a number of hits and further studied one candidate, the ribonucleoprotein Hnrnpk. The authors convincingly show the interest of their method. However, the claims that the ribonucleoprotein Hnrnpk impact prion propagation need to be more quantitatively and statistically substantiated.
- * A large part of the manuscript is dedicated to the validation of the high-throughput assay (called QUIPPER). QUIPPER is made in 384-plates and provides great technological improvement. It works with different prion-permissive cell lines and different prion strains. QUIPPER is an antibody-FRET-based assay that detects a specific population of PrPSc that resists phospholipase C (PIPLC) treatment. Historically, PIPLC has been shown to cleave cell surface PrPC while preserving PrPSc (which is endocytic or inaccessible). I would recommend that the authors quantify the proportion of PIPLC-resistant PrPSc (PrPPIPLC) versus total PrPSc in their different models. First, PrPPIPLC proportion may be cell and strain dependent. Second and most importantly, as siRNA effects are studied using PrPPIPLC as readout, it is crucial to know if this form is a bona fide surrogate of PrPSc and infectivity or only a specific, subcellular, potentially minor form of PrPSc. This is particularly important as the effects of Hnrnpk knock-down in QUIPPER and western blot sounds discordant; in QUIPPER, the effects are strong (> 5-fold) while by western blot, the effects are much more modest (We addressed this issue in several ways; firstly, we quantified the proportion of PIPLC-resistant PrP (PrPPLC) versus PrPSc in two different models (Fig. 1B and D). Secondly, we directly compared residual infectivity of cells treated with PK or PIPLC (Figure 1C), using the standard scrapie cell assay. The results show that infectivity is retained upon PIPLC treatment. In addition, we assessed the 161 hits obtained via QUIPPER using PrPSc as a readout (Fig. 3B).
To provide further data on the robustness of our PIPLC-based readout, we have performed western blotting of infected and uninfected cells upon PIPLC treatment and assessed the band patterns following PIPLC administration. This Figure is now incorporated in the manuscript as Supp. Fig. 1C and demonstrates that upon PIPLC digestion of NBH and RML infected CAD5 and GT-1/7 cells, PrP is barely detectable in the non-infected cells, while it is in the prion infected ones. The blots also show that the PIPLC-resistant PrP (PrPPLC) is resistant to PK digestion. These new data, together with those provided in Fig. 1B and Figure 1C, show that PrPPLC is equivalent to PrPSc in terms of PK resistance and infectivity.
The reviewer pointed out a discordance between Western Blotting and QUIPPER. Although it is not clearly stated, we think the reviewer may be suggesting a discordance based on Fig. 3D. We would like to point out that Fig. 3D does not report fold changes as the reviewer is suggesting, but Z-scores, measured by standard deviations from the mean, not allowing to infer fold-changes. We quantified the effect of NT and HNRNPK targeting siRNAs on prion levels (Fig. 4A) and saw a three-fold change. We believe that the quantifications provided in the new version of the manuscript alleviate the concerns regarding any discordance.
Technically, this is quite easy as it necessitates, after PIPLC treatment, the quantification of PrPSc in the supernatant versus PrPSc in the cell pellet. In Fig. 1C, the authors show that PrPPIPLC is infectious in a cell-scrapie assay. Using this approach, they could also quantify the infectivity of these species relative to the total infectivity content.
We addressed this in Supplementary Fig. 1C as depicted above. Supplementary Fig. 1C shows the alikeness of the PrP species measured via the QUIPPER vs. the canonical PK digestion: upon digestion with PIPLC following a PK treatment, we detect PrPSc. Therefore, the experiment demonstrates that PrPPLC is alike in nature to PrPSc. The difference between the PK digested (lanes 3&4) vs PIPLC treated then PK digested lanes (lanes 7&8) is the PrPSc that is released into the media following PIPLC digestion.
The authors identified a list of prion modifiers candidate. Surprisingly, the authors did not perform a pathways analysis to identify potential pathways that could impact prion propagation.*
Despite extensive efforts, there were no pathways that were enriched in our 40 hits, which is mentioned in the discussion part of the manuscript. Two analyses (for the 161 candidates and 40 hits) are now added to Supplementary Fig. 3C and pasted below.
The authors then studied in more details one hit, the ribonucleoprotein Hnrnpk. They studied the impact of Hnrnpk knock-down on PrPC and PrPres levels in different cell lines. These data (Fig 4 and Fig S4) lack quantitative (on a higher number of wells) and statistical analyses. The western blot that are shown suggest that PrPC levels are slightly increased by the siRNA and that the increase in PrPres levels is modest, barely significant given the western blot method. Same comment after PSA treatment, at least in PG127-infected hovS cells.*
We performed a quantification on the western blots for all figures mentioned by the reviewers throughout the manuscript. These are incorporated to the manuscript for the figures: Fig. 4A, Fig. 4B, Supplementary Fig. 4A, Supplementary Fig. 4C, Supplementary Fig. 4D, Supplementary Fig. 4F, Supplementary Fig. 4G.
Additionally, statistical analyses have been incorporated into the manuscript in these figures: Fig. 4C, Fig. 4D, Fig. 4E, Fig, 4F, Fig, 4G, Fig, 4H, Supplementary Fig. 4F. The analyses and the quantitative data demonstrate the effect of Hnrnpk downregulation and PSA treatment on prion levels to be significant. Moreover, we also addressed the regulation of prions via HNRNPK using vacuoles as a read-out as well as with a different mode of regulating HNRNPK expression using shRNAs. All these results, point to HNRNPK as a true modulator of PrPSc.
In Figure 4A and B, the use of POM1 and/or POM2 to detect PrPC / PrPres is confusing. POM2 is supposed to detect mostly full-length PrPC (Fig 4A top panel), but more than 3 glycoforms are detected. In Fig 4B, POM1 is used for PrPC but because it has a central epitope, it detects both PrPC and PrPSc.
Both antibodies are able to recognize both PrPC and PrPSc as it has been shown in many publications from the Aguzzi lab as well as other labs in the field. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19060956/
Note also in Fig 4B, that DMSO alone seems to impact PrPC levels in PG127-infected hovS cells. This advocates again for a more quantitative analysis.
We have quantified the western blots using the DMSO control as standard value. As DMSO was used to dilute PSA, this should take into account potential effects coming from DMSO (Fig. 4D, Fig. 4F, Fig. 4H and Supplementary Fig. 4F).
- Psammaplysene A (PSA) is a pharmacological Hnrnpk binder. The authors used this molecule to further demonstrate that Hnrnpk is involved in prion propagation. I disagree with the author's conclusion that "PSA effect does seem to be limited when HNRNPK shRNAs are applied". In Fig S4D, 1µM PSA seems do decrease PrPres levels at similar levels whether the shRNA is applied or not. Again quantification and statistical analyses from several independent experiments would help supporting the authors conclusions.*
We assessed this point carefully by quantification of the western blots (Fig. 4H) and providing statistical data (Student’s t-test) from three experiments. As we see a threefold lower decrease of prions with and without Hnrnpk regulation when PSA is present, we concluded that the effect we see from PSA should be arising through Hnrnpk. However, we cannot conclusively delineate the effect of PSA, because Hnrnpk ablation is not possible due to essentiality of Hnnrpk. This has now been added to the discussion portion of our manuscript.
- The authors finally tested PSA on organotypic brain slices (in that case, they provide statistical results) and on flies infected with ovine PG137 prions. PSA administration significantly reduced the locomotor deficits prion-infected flies. The authors quantified the effects of PSA on prion accumulation in flies. Because the overall levels were not detectable by immunoblot, they used a cell-free assay termed RT-QuIC to address prion seeding activity in fly heads. I have specific comments about these experiments:
- Maybe I missed it, but I could not find which recombinant PrP is used in RT-QuIC assay.*
This information is provided in the M&M section of the manuscript at hand. The relevant section on P25 reads, where HaPrP23-231 refers to hamster PrP:
The reaction buffer of the RT-QuIC consisted of 1 mM EDTA (Life Technologies), 10 μM thioflavin T, 170 mM NaCl, and 1× PBS (incl. 130 mM NaCl) and HaPrP23-231 filtered using 100-kD centrifugal filters (Pall Nanosep OD100C34) at a concentration of 0.1 mg/ml.
In addition, we added this information to the main text as well.
- This is important as recombinant PrP self-polymerize after a period of time and here the authors have left the RT-QuIC assay running for unusually long period of times (RT-QuIC are stopped after 24h-48h).
For prions, long RT-QuIC experiments are often performed (also see: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32598380/, https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mBio.02451-14, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-84527-9, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3458796/ and others).
In addition, this is controlled for in all experiments performed in the lab, as the prion-negative sample containing the same RT-QuIC substrate does not become positive after the entire duration of the assay (Fig. 5D).
- Instead of titrating prion seeding activity by endpoint titration, the authors quantified PSA activity by measuring the effect on another parameter of the RT-QuIC, the length of the lag phase before the conversion reaction is visible. While this is an interesting criterion, reduction of seeding activity must be shown to unequivocally demonstrate that PSA has delayed prion pathogenesis in flies.
Based on the data presented in the manuscript, we assessed prion pathogenesis in flies using a well-established climbing assay, demonstrating that treatment with PSA significantly improves locomotor behavior, which has been shown to be directly linked to prion levels and is known to have even greater sensitivity then the traditional mouse bioassay (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5998032/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6113635/, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00441-022-03586-0).. The RT-QuIC represented here represents itself as a secondary read-out to the climbing assay, for which Lag-time quantification is used routinely (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3893511/, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-10922-w, https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mBio.02451-14, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-87295-8). Our results effectively highlight the overlap between the complementary read-outs.
- Can the authors exclude any interfering effect of PSA on the RT-QuIC reaction, given the amount of material used to seed the reaction (1:20 diluted head homogenates)?
We do not know how much PSA has reached the Drosophila brain, therefore, the experiment suggested by the reviewer cannot be tied to a 1:20 dilution. However, the concern of the reviewer is valid, and we therefore performed a spiking experiment of a prion positive sample using 1uM PSA (the highest amount used to treat cells, for which we saw a strong prion-reducing effect). We did not see an interference in the RT-QuIC signal due to PSA in the reaction. This has been incorporated into Figure 5D.
- could the authors comment on the fact that HNRNPK knock-out is not possible and that their siRNA and shRNA are not affecting the cell viability?*
To select hits during the screen process, we apply a viability filter, excluding siRNAs that reduce viability by more than 50% when compared to the non-targeting control siRNA (Supplementary Fig. 1F). For GT-1/7 cells we do not see any effect on viability of siRNA treatment after 96h. However, as downregulation of HNRNPK worsens the cytopathological vacuolation in the hovS model, as shown in Supp. Fig 4A, we do see an effect on cell fitness using both siRNA as well as shRNA. In addition, as knocking down HNRNPK will not lead to its complete loss, the remaining levels might be enough to sustain viability. Moreover, the longest knockdown experiment we performed is 7 days, we cannot exclude that longer exposure would have an impact on viability, but this question is not in the scope of the paper.
- In the discussion the authors do not discuss how Hnrnpk could impact prion propagation. This may deserve a comment as this protein is present in the nucleus. As PrPC has been also identified in this compartment, can this specific form be involved in prion pathogenesis?*
We additionally elaborated on potential ways of how Hnrnpk might impact prion propagation in the discussion, which includes potential nuclear PrPSc as well as with regards to our data obtained from the sequencing efforts shown in Fig. 4I. In addition, we investigated some functional targets of Hnrnpk how they are affected by PSA, which is now added to Supp. Fig 4G.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
The QUIPPER method is a great conceptual and technological approach that could be applied to genome-wide analyses and screening for therapeutic molecules.
* The study will interest a general audience interested in neurodegenerative diseases linked to protein misfolding. There are commonalities in pathways and modifiers of the conversion. Further PrP has emerged as a receptor for alpha-synuclein (Parkinson disease) and A-beta peptides (Alzheimer's disease).
Expertise key words: prion diseases - prion pathogenesis in cell models*
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Prions are protein-based infectious agents that underlie neurodegenerative disease. For prion diseases (e.g., mad cow disease), the infectious agent is the cellular prion protein (PrPc). It exists in a normal conformation and carries out its normal cellular function. However, when it becomes misfolded and aggregates it can adopt an altered conformation, referred to as the prion conformation, or PrPSc. PrPSc aggregates can template the conversion of other PrPc molecules into the PrPSc form. In this way the prions can propagate from one cell to the next and throughout an organism. Prion diseases are truly devastating and identifying ways of stopping prion propagation is of great interest. In this manuscript by Aguzzi and colleagues, the authors designed a way to screen for prion propagation modifiers in mammalian cells. They built a highly sensitive readout of PrPSc propagation and adapted it to a 384-well plate format in adherent cells. They then used this to perform a genomewide siRNA screen, looking for genes that increased or decreased PrPSc propagation when knocked down.
* They identified nearly 1,200 modulators of prion propagation and then subjected them to various validations and filtering to focus on only those hits that affected PrPSc but not PrPc (though hits that affect levels of PrPc could certainly be interesting). All this led to 40 genes (20 that increased and 20 that decreased prion propagation.*
* Among these 40, the authors focused on one hit, hnRNPK, an essential RNA-binding protein with diverse cellular functions. They provide evidence that reducing levels of hnRNPK leads to increase prion levels.*
* They next move to a marine compound called Psammaplysene A (PSA), which had previously been shown to have some neuroprotective properties and to be able to bind to hnRNPK. Because of the latter observation, the authors test if PSA can affect prion levels. They show that indeed treatment of their cell line prion infection model, or an organotypic slice model, or a fly model with PSA is sufficient to decrease prion levels.*
* The authors propose that PSA works to reduce prion levels by increasing the activity of hnRNPK and that this also implies a role of RNA (because hnRNPK is an RNA-binding protein) in prion propagation. * In a nutshell, in my opinion the design and execution of this genomewide screen is ingenious and has yielded a treasure trove of potential prion modifiers. The ability to distinguish between modifiers of Prpc and PrpSc is super powerful. However, the follow-up and focus on hnRNPK and its connections (which seem tenuous) to the marine compound PSA are incomplete and raise more questions than answers. In its present form, it is hard to assess the potential significance of hnRNPK in prion propagation. I have some comments and suggestions for the authors to consider.
* 1.To my eye, Fig. 4A looks like Hnrnpk siRNA leads to slightly increased levels of PrPc (detected with POM2 antibody) and this could explain the increase in PrPSc levels. Can the authors assess Prnp RNA levels and the effects of their siRNAs on Prnp expression? It would also be useful to provide quantification of immunoblots if possible.*
We quantified the western blots as mentioned in our response to reviewer 1. The quantifications are now provided for figures: Fig. 4A and Supplementary Fig. 4A, showing that the increase in prion levels is much stronger than that of PrPC. These confirm the results from the screen as seen in Fig. 3D. In addition, we would again like to point out that the use of shRNAs to knockdown HNRNPK did not yield the increase in PrPC levels aforementioned, as evident by Supplementary Fig. 4D which demonstrates a decrease of PrPC, despite increasing PrPSc levels. Moreover, we show quantification of RNA levels upon downregulation of Hnrnpk and with PSA, which show that downregulation of Hnrnpk via siRNAs indeed increases Prnp mRNA levels and that PSA does not change RNA levels of neither Hnrnpk nor Prnp (Fig. 4C).
- In Supplemental Fig. 4B it also looks like knocking down Hnrnpk results in decreased PrPc levels in this experiment and its not clear how robust the increase in PrPSc levels are. Quantification of these experiments, if possible, would be helpful.*
Please see response above. We now provide quantification to all western blots.
- The authors treat with PSA, which is supposed to bind to Hnrnpk. They state that this treatment does not affect PrPc levels but to my eye Supplemental Fig. 4C looks like highest doses of PSA cause a decrease in PrPc levels. Quantification of the immunoblots would also be useful here.*
Please see response above. We now provide quantification to all western blots and added a sentence to the manuscript.
- The authors use Hnrnpk knockdown along with PSA to test if the effects of PSA depend on Hnrnpk. They see PSA decreases PrPSc levels and that this is, to my eye, only slightly attenuated by Hnrnpk reduction. I interpret these results slightly different than the authors. To me, it seems that this result indicates that PSA's effects are (mostly) independent of Hnrnpk.*
Addressed in point 4 from reviewer one.
- In the original paper identifying PSA and hnRNPK physical interaction, RNA-binding was important. In the authors' assays, does Hnrnpk's effect on prions depend on RNA-binding? Specific mutations to the RNA-binding domains can be made to assess this.*
This is a very interesting point. We did try to obtain data to support this claim, however, due to the essentiality as well as tight control of Hnrnpk expression, we were not able to express different forms of Hnrnpk and acquire conclusive data. Therefore, it is currently being pursued how Hnrnpk might affect prion propagation in the scope of another publication.
The genetic interaction in the vacuolation phenotype between Prnp and Hnrnpk that the authors report is very interesting (Supplemental Fig. 4A). It seems like this system and phenotype could be useful for the authors in exploring mechanisms by which HnrnpK is functioning.*
We absolutely agree to the reviewer’s comment. As mentioned above a second publication is under way to investigate the mechanisms of Hnrnpk’s antiprion function, which is not in the scope of this study.
- The authors propose that PSA increases activity of Hnrnpk but does it change any Hnrnpk RNA targets from their RNA sequencing? Some functional readout of Hnrnpk function would be useful here to test this hypothesis.*
Although we do suspect RNA binding has an important role in the anti-prion function of Hnrnpk, we cannot exclude other modalities which Hnrnpk might be function through, such as DNA binding and protein-protein interactions. Therefore, to answer this question, a considerable effort that explores each of the potential of these modalities with regards to the anti-prion function of Hnrnpk would be needed. This extensive effort, however, is out of the scope of the manuscript at hand. However, we investigated the effect of PSA on some known functional targets of Hnrnpk (as suggested by the reviewer) from our sequencing efforts and added this analysis as Supplementary Fig. 4H to the manuscript. These results suggest that PSA leads to an increase of the expression of DNA targets of Hnrnpk, potentially suggesting a modality of action. Moreover, we amended the discussion with regards to potential pathways that might be yielding the effect seen as evidenced by the RNAseq data.
- In the Introduction, the authors mention two yeast papers in introducing the concept of using unicellular model organisms to perform modifier screens. The first paper (Outeiro and Lindquist, 2003) is a classic but does not contain a yeast screen. The other one does include a loss of function screen in yeast (for polyQ toxicity modifiers) but those results seems to be due to loss of the [RNQ+] prion from certain deletion strains instead of from specific roles of modifier genes, so that paper might not be the best exemplar of yeast modifier screens.*
We sincerely thank the reviewer for their careful readthrough of the manuscript, the portion that refers to the manuscripts as screens was amended and two new citations for appropriate yeast screens were added to the manuscript.
- The authors asked if any of their hits from their screen had human genetics connections to neurodegeneration. They mention one of their hits Dock3 right after saying that no hit reached statistical significance after multiple testing corrections. This seems a bit misleading since any time one makes a list of anything there will always be, by definition, one at the top of the list.*
We amended the wording to improve clarity of the manuscript.
- The authors perform RNA sequencing on prion infected cells that either had Hnrnpk siRNA or PSA and since these two treatments had opposite effects they looked for genes that went in the corresponding directions. They didn't find anything significant when looking for genes downregulated by Hnrnpk siRNA and upregulated by PSA. They did find glucose metabolism genes when looking in the opposite direction. The significance of this finding is unclear and the authors do not expand on it.*
Addressed in point 7 of reviewers 1 and 2, we expanded the discussion portion of the manuscript with regards to these results.
- To me, the data with PSA seem more robust than the Hnrnpk data and it seems that the authors are trying to perhaps over-fit them together. It is possible that PSA affects prion levels independent of Hnrnpk function. This would not dampen my enthusiasm at all for this finding and could be of interest to those in the prion field, in which the search for anti-prion compounds is of great interest.*
Upon statistical analysis of the result in Fig 4H, we see a three-fold decrease of PSA activity upon HNRNPK downregulation, suggesting PSA activity might be linked to HNRNPK. However, the reviewers point is well taken and we emphasized the value of understanding the function of PSA or mimicry of its effect as potential therapy in the future.
All three reviewers seem to appreciate the novelty and impact of the new QUIPPER method the authors have developed to discover modifiers of prion propagation. All three reviewers also seem to be somewhat less convinced by the connection to hnRNPK, including how the compound PSA's anti-prion effects involve hnRNPK (or not).*
* In my opinion, this manuscript presents important and novel work and a really ingenious new method to study prion propagation, which will be broadly useful to the prion field. I feel that the hnRNPK data could be strengthened, especially with more quantitative analyses. The PSA treatment data are compelling but it seems that the effects might be independent of hnRNPK and that the authors are trying to force a connection which might not be there.*
* Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):*
* *** Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. ****
I have expertise in neurodegenerative disease, protein misfolding, yeast modifier screens, CRISPR modifier screens in human cells, and RNA-binding proteins. I have general knowledge about prions, including PrP, but I am not a prion expert.*
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
The authors conducted an arrayed RNAi-based genome-wide high-throughput screening of all protein-coding modifier genes that affect prion propagation in cultured cells (murine and human cell lines) using a novel quantitative high throughput QUIPPER assay that they developed. They identified 1191 genes, of which 40 selectively affect PrPSc. Half of the 40 genes seem to inhibit PrPSc (limiter) whereas the other half do the opposite (stabilizers). One of the strong limiters is Hnrnpk, is an essential small heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein that has been implicated in a few protein misfolding diseases. The biological relevance of the findings is demonstrated by the detection of previously reported modifier genes as well as thorough verification of Hnrnpk as an effective prion limiter that seems to be independent of the two prion strains or host species (mouse and human cell lines as well as Drosophila).
* The manuscript is very well written, the approach is novel, very well verified, and effective, the data are solid, and the main conclusions convincing.*
* Two issues need to be discussed.*
* Major comments:*
* First, some genes encoding proteins involved in PrP processing, such as ADAM10 and ADAM8, are known to affect PrPC levels, but they are not among the modifier genes identified. Based on Table 2, ADAM8 expression is very low in the GT-1/7 cells. This points to one of the caveats of the RNAi screening approach in that potential roles of low expressing genes in the cell lines used could be missed. Although it is beyond the scope of this manuscript, it would be helpful to add discussions on complimentary screening enhancing gene expression and the use of more cell lines that will allow identification of more modifiers.*
We thank the reviewer for their concern. The point regarding the screen being less sensitive for genes that are low-expressed in the cell line in question is valid. Upon advancing of the CRISPR-based technologies and the improvement of these technologies to be used in combination with prions, we see their value. We added a sentence to the discussion, talking about gene activation as a future alternative to perform a complimentary screen.
Second, the statement that PSA's anti-prion effect potentially arises through enhancing the activity of HNRNPK makes sense, but it is also possible that PSA can directly inhibit prion replication as well. It would be helpful to calculate the percentage of reduction in PrPSc by PSA treatment and the percentages compared between shNT and shHNRNK cells.
We thank the reviewer for the careful read through of the manuscript. The point was addressed for reviewer 1 point 4. In addition, if PSA is added to the RT-QuIC, it does not prevent aggregate formation, indicating that PSA is unlikely to directly inhibit prion replication, but rather depends on a cellular host-intrinsic molecule for its activity. However, we also elaborate more on the possibility of potential other mechanisms for Hnrnpk and PSA’s function on regulating prion levels in the discussion section of our manuscript.
Minor comments:
* First, Figure 1C shows that the relative intensity for RML CAD5 cell lysate infected cells is less than with PIPLC treated or PK treated, which seems to be the opposite of what is expected, because PIPLC or PK treatment should not increase infectivity. Please explain.*
We agree with the reviewer that the results were surprising. For the practicality of the screen, we wanted to show that the treatment does not eliminate the infectious species, which we were able to demonstrate. However, the increase of infectivity could stem from many different factors, e.g. the amount of duration of PK treatment might not harm but instead rather expose the infectious species, or PIPLC might remove cell surface molecules that could prevent infection of cells. However, as there are a plethora of possible scenarios and it was not relevant for the study at hand, we did not go into further detail.
Second, in Fig S1 e, the labels are too small to read. In Fig 3D, it would be easier to match the stabilizer or limiter genes with the corresponding Z score dots if the genes with a negative Z scores are labelled on the left side while genes with positive Z scores be labelled on the right side.
We amended the figures as per the reviewer’s suggestion.
Third, The following sentence on page 11 is confusing: "20 out of these 40 candidates reduce prion propagation upon silencing, and 20 candidates enhanced prion propagation, and henceforward are called stabilizers or limiters, respectively (Fig. 3D-E, Supplementary Table 1)." Did the author mean to say "....and 20 candidates enhanced prion propagation upon silencing, and hence..."?
We reworded the sentence according to the reviewer’s comment.
* Fourth, In the subheading "Hnrnpk expression limits of prion propagation in mouse and human cells", "of" should be deleted.*
We addressed this in the main manuscript file.
I agree with Reviewer #2's assessment that more quantification will be helpful and the link between the effect of PSA treatment and hnRNPK can be strengthened. I want to stress that the knockdown data clearly shows the involvement of hnRNPK as a prion limiter in cultured cells. The question on PSA does affect the interpretation of the ex vivo and in vivo data.*
* The blot in Fig. S4c seems to show some decrease in PrPC levels in NBH-treated GT-1/7 cells. This blot needs to be quantified to confirm whether the PrPC level is changed by PSA treatments. Whether PSA directly inhibits prion replication can be relatively easily assessed in RT-QuIC reactions. Alternative to the use of PSA, RNAi-mediated hnRNPK knockdown can also be done on cultured tissue slices or in brain, but this will require a lot more time and efforts and may be too much to ask for in this manuscript.*
Quantifications for blots were added throughout the manuscript and the text was amended accordingly, and all the points mentioned have been addressed throughout this response letter.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
* The findings are novel and very significant. They identified a large number of modifier genes, and established a solid foundation for future studies on prion modifier genes to study prion replication and pathogenesis and for novel therapies against prions and potentially some other protein misfolding diseases. HNRNPK seems to be good target for therapeutic intervention and PSA may be a good candidate for prion treatment. The novel QUIPPER assay can be used to screen for anti-prion compounds and potentially adapted to study other misfolding proteins associated with cells.*
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The authors conducted an arrayed RNAi-based genome-wide high-throughput screening of all protein-coding modifier genes that affect prion propagation in cultured cells (murine and human cell lines) using a novel quantitative high throughput QUIPPER assay that they developed. They identified 1191 genes, of which 40 selectively affect PrPSc. Half of the 40 genes seem to inhibit PrPSc (limiter) whereas the other half do the opposite (stabilizers). One of the strong limiters is Hnrnpk, is an essential small heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein that has been implicated in a few protein misfolding diseases. The biological relevance of the findings is demonstrated by the detection of previously reported modifier genes as well as thorough verification of Hnrnpk as an effective prion limiter that seems to be independent of the two prion strains or host species (mouse and human cell lines as well as Drosophila).
The manuscript is very well written, the approach is novel, very well verified, and effective, the data are solid, and the main conclusions convincing. Two issues need to be discussed.
Major comments:
First, some genes encoding proteins involved in PrP processing, such as ADAM10 and ADAM8, are known to affect PrPC levels, but they are not among the modifier genes identified. Based on Table 2, ADAM8 expression is very low in the GT-1/7 cells. This points to one of the caveats of the RNAi screening approach in that potential roles of low expressing genes in the cell lines used could be missed. Although it is beyond the scope of this manuscript, it would be helpful to add discussions on complimentary screening enhancing gene expression and the use of more cell lines that will allow identification of more modifiers.
Second, the statement that PSA's anti-prion effect potentially arises through enhancing the activity of HNRNPK makes sense, but it is also possible that PSA can directly inhibit prion replication as well. It would be helpful to calculate the percentage of reduction in PrPSc by PSA treatment and the percentages compared between shNT and shHNRNK cells.
Minor comments:
First, Figure 1C shows that the relative intensity for RML CAD5 cell lysate infected cells is less than with PIPLC treated or PK treated, which seems to be the opposite of what is expected, because PIPLC or PK treatment should not increase infectivity. Please explain.
Second, in Fig S1 e, the labels are too small to read. In Fig 3D, it would be easier to match the stabilizer or limiter genes with the corresponding Z score dots if the genes with a negative Z scores are labelled on the left side while genes with positive Z scores be labelled on the right side.
Third, The following sentence on page 11 is confusing: "20 out of these 40 candidates reduce prion propagation upon silencing, and 20 candidates enhanced prion propagation, and henceforward are called stabilizers or limiters, respectively (Fig. 3D-E, Supplementary Table 1)." Did the author mean to say "....and 20 candidates enhanced prion propagation upon silencing, and hence..."?
Fourth, In the subheading "Hnrnpk expression limits of prion propagation in mouse and human cells", "of" should be deleted.
I agree with Reviewer #2's assessment that more quantification will be helpful and the link between the effect of PSA treatment and hnRNPK can be strengthened. I want to stress that the knockdown data clearly shows the involvement of hnRNPK as a prion limiter in cultured cells. The question on PSA does affect the interpretation of the ex vivo and in vivo data.
The blot in Fig. S4c seems to show some decrease in PrPC levels in NBH-treated GT-1/7 cells. This blot needs to be quantified to confirm whether the PrPC level is changed by PSA treatments. Whether PSA directly inhibits prion replication can be relatively easily assessed in RT-QuIC reactions. Alternative to the use of PSA, RNAi-mediated hnRNPK knockdown can also be done on cultured tissue slices or in brain, but this will require a lot more time and efforts and may be too much to ask for in this manuscript.
The findings are novel and very significant. They identified a large number of modifier genes, and established a solid foundation for future studies on prion modifier genes to study prion replication and pathogenesis and for novel therapies against prions and potentially some other protein misfolding diseases. HNRNPK seems to be good target for therapeutic intervention and PSA may be a good candidate for prion treatment. The novel QUIPPER assay can be used to screen for anti-prion compounds and potentially adapted to study other misfolding proteins associated with cells.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Prions are protein-based infectious agents that underlie neurodegenerative disease. For prion diseases (e.g., mad cow disease), the infectious agent is the cellular prion protein (PrPc). It exists in a normal conformation and carries out its normal cellular function. However, when it becomes misfolded and aggregates it can adopt an altered conformation, referred to as the prion conformation, or PrPSc. PrPSc aggregates can template the conversion of other PrPc molecules into the PrPSc form. In this way the prions can propagate from one cell to the next and throughout an organism. Prion diseases are truly devastating and identifying ways of stopping prion propagation is of great interest. In this manuscript by Aguzzi and colleagues, the authors designed a way to screen for prion propagation modifiers in mammalian cells. They built a highly sensitive readout of PrPSc propagation and adapted it to a 384-well plate format in adherent cells. They then used this to perform a genomewide siRNA screen, looking for genes that increased or decreased PrPSc propagation when knocked down.
They identified nearly 1,200 modulators of prion propagation and then subjected them to various validations and filtering to focus on only those hits that affected PrPSc but not PrPc (though hits that affect levels of PrPc could certainly be interesting). All this led to 40 genes (20 that increased and 20 that decreased prion propagation.
Among these 40, the authors focused on one hit, hnRNPK, an essential RNA-binding protein with diverse cellular functions. They provide evidence that reducing levels of hnRNPK leads to increase prion levels.
They next move to a marine compound called Psammaplysene A (PSA), which had previously been shown to have some neuroprotective properties and to be able to bind to hnRNPK. Because of the latter observation, the authors test if PSA can affect prion levels. They show that indeed treatment of their cell line prion infection model, or an organotypic slice model, or a fly model with PSA is sufficient to decrease prion levels.
The authors propose that PSA works to reduce prion levels by increasing the activity of hnRNPK and that this also implies a role of RNA (because hnRNPK is an RNA-binding protein) in prion propagation.
In a nutshell, in my opinion the design and execution of this genomewide screen is ingenious and has yielded a treasure trove of potential prion modifiers. The ability to distinguish between modifiers of Prpc and PrpSc is super powerful. However, the follow-up and focus on hnRNPK and its connections (which seem tenuous) to the marine compound PSA are incomplete and raise more questions than answers. In its present form, it is hard to assess the potential significance of hnRNPK in prion propagation. I have some comments and suggestions for the authors to consider.
- To my eye, Fig. 4A looks like Hnrnpk siRNA leads to slightly increased levels of PrPc (detected with POM2 antibody) and this could explain the increase in PrPSc levels. Can the authors assess Prnp RNA levels and the effects of their siRNAs on Prnp expression? It would also be useful to provide quantification of immunoblots if possible.
- In Supplemental Fig. 4B it also looks like knocking down Hnrnpk results in decreased PrPc levels in this experiment and its not clear how robust the increase in PrPSc levels are. Quantification of these experiments, if possible, would be helpful.
- The authors treat with PSA, which is supposed to bind to Hnrnpk. They state that this treatment does not affect PrPc levels but to my eye Supplemental Fig. 4C looks like highest doses of PSA cause a decrease in PrPc levels. Quantification of the immunoblots would also be useful here.
- The authors use Hnrnpk knockdown along with PSA to test if the effects of PSA depend on Hnrnpk. They see PSA decreases PrPSc levels and that this is, to my eye, only slightly attenuated by Hnrnpk reduction. I interpret these results slightly different than the authors. To me, it seems that this result indicates that PSA's effects are (mostly) independent of Hnrnpk.
- In the original paper identifying PSA and hnRNPK physical interaction, RNA-binding was important. In the authors' assays, does Hnrnpk's effect on prions depend on RNA-binding? Specific mutations to the RNA-binding domains can be made to assess this.
- The genetic interaction in the vacuolation phenotype between Prnp and Hnrnpk that the authors report is very interesting (Supplemental Fig. 4A). It seems like this system and phenotype could be useful for the authors in exploring mechanisms by which HnrnpK is functioning.
- The authors propose that PSA increases activity of Hnrnpk but does it change any Hnrnpk RNA targets from their RNA sequencing? Some functional readout of Hnrnpk function would be useful here to test this hypothesis.
- In the Introduction, the authors mention two yeast papers in introducing the concept of using unicellular model organisms to perform modifier screens. The first paper (Outeiro and Lindquist, 2003) is a classic but does not contain a yeast screen. The other one does include a loss of function screen in yeast (for polyQ toxicity modifiers) but those results seems to be due to loss of the [RNQ+] prion from certain deletion strains instead of from specific roles of modifier genes, so that paper might not be the best exemplar of yeast modifier screens.
- The authors asked if any of their hits from their screen had human genetics connections to neurodegeneration. They mention one of their hits Dock3 right after saying that no hit reached statistical significance after multiple testing corrections. This seems a bit misleading since any time one makes a list of anything there will always be, by definition, one at the top of the list.
- The authors perform RNA sequencing on prion infected cells that either had Hnrnpk siRNA or PSA and since these two treatments had opposite effects they looked for genes that went in the corresponding directions. They didn't find anything significant when looking for genes downregulated by Hnrnpk siRNA and upregulated by PSA. They did find glucose metabolism genes when looking in the opposite direction. The significance of this finding is unclear and the authors do not expand on it.
- To me, the data with PSA seem more robust than the Hnrnpk data and it seems that the authors are trying to perhaps over-fit them together. It is possible that PSA affects prion levels independent of Hnrnpk function. This would not dampen my enthusiasm at all for this finding and could be of interest to those in the prion field, in which the search for anti-prion compounds is of great interest.
All three reviewers seem to appreciate the novelty and impact of the new QUIPPER method the authors have developed to discover modifiers of prion propagation. All three reviewers also seem to be somewhat less convinced by the connection to hnRNPK, including how the compound PSA's anti-prion effects involve hnRNPK (or not).
In my opinion, this manuscript presents important and novel work and a really ingenious new method to study prion propagation, which will be broadly useful to the prion field. I feel that the hnRNPK data could be strengthened, especially with more quantitative analyses. The PSA treatment data are compelling but it seems that the effects might be independent of hnRNPK and that the authors are trying to force a connection which might not be there.
Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.
I have expertise in neurodegenerative disease, protein misfolding, yeast modifier screens, CRISPR modifier screens in human cells, and RNA-binding proteins. I have general knowledge about prions, including PrP, but I am not a prion expert.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Avar et al report on the development of a high-throughput method to screen modifiers of prion replication in cell lines using a genome-wide siRNA library. They identified a number of hits and further studied one candidate, the ribonucleoprotein Hnrnpk. The authors convincingly show the interest of their method. However, the claims that the ribonucleoprotein Hnrnpk impact prion propagation need to be more quantitatively and statistically substantiated.
- A large part of the manuscript is dedicated to the validation of the high-throughput assay (called QUIPPER). QUIPPER is made in 384-plates and provides great technological improvement. It works with different prion-permissive cell lines and different prion strains. QUIPPER is an antibody-FRET-based assay that detects a specific population of PrPSc that resists phospholipase C (PIPLC) treatment. Historically, PIPLC has been shown to cleave cell surface PrPC while preserving PrPSc (which is endocytic or inaccessible). I would recommend that the authors quantify the proportion of PIPLC-resistant PrPSc (PrPPIPLC) versus total PrPSc in their different models. First, PrPPIPLC proportion may be cell and strain dependent. Second and most importantly, as siRNA effects are studied using PrPPIPLC as readout, it is crucial to know if this form is a bona fide surrogate of PrPSc and infectivity or only a specific, subcellular, potentially minor form of PrPSc. This is particularly important as the effects of Hnrnpk knock-down in QUIPPER and western blot sounds discordant; in QUIPPER, the effects are strong (> 5-fold) while by western blot, the effects are much more modest (< 2-fold). Technically, this is quite easy as it necessitates, after PIPLC treatment, the quantification of PrPSc in the supernatant versus PrPSc in the cell pellet. In Fig. 1C, the authors show that PrPPIPLC is infectious in a cell-scrapie assay. Using this approach, they could also quantify the infectivity of these species relative to the total infectivity content.
- The authors identified a list of prion modifiers candidate. Surprisingly, the authors did not perform a pathways analysis to identify potential pathways that could impact prion propagation.
- The authors then studied in more details one hit, the ribonucleoprotein Hnrnpk. They studied the impact of Hnrnpk knock-down on PrPC and PrPres levels in different cell lines. These data (Fig 4 and Fig S4) lack quantitative (on a higher number of wells) and statistical analyses. The western blot that are shown suggest that PrPC levels are slightly increased by the siRNA and that the increase in PrPres levels is modest, barely significant given the western blot method. Same comment after PSA treatment, at least in PG127-infected hovS cells. In Figure 4A and B, the use of POM1 and/or POM2 to detect PrPC / PrPres is confusing. POM2 is supposed to detect mostly full-length PrPC (Fig 4A top panel), but more than 3 glycoforms are detected. In Fig 4B, POM1 is used for PrPC but because it has a central epitope, it detects both PrPC and PrPSc.
Note also in Fig 4B, that DMSO alone seems to impact PrPC levels in PG127-infected hovS cells. This advocates again for a more quantitative analysis. 4. Psammaplysene A (PSA) is a pharmacological Hnrnpk binder. The authors used this molecule to further demonstrate that Hnrnpk is involved in prion propagation. I disagree with the author's conclusion that "PSA effect does seem to be limited when HNRNPK shRNAs are applied". In Fig S4D, 1µM PSA seems do decrease PrPres levels at similar levels whether the shRNA is applied or not. Again quantification and statistical analyses from several independent experiments would help supporting the authors conclusions. 5. The authors finally tested PSA on organotypic brain slices (in that case, they provide statistical results) and on flies infected with ovine PG137 prions. PSA administration significantly reduced the locomotor deficits prion-infected flies. The authors quantified the effects of PSA on prion accumulation in flies. Because the overall levels were not detectable by immunoblot, they used a cell-free assay termed RT-QuIC to address prion seeding activity in fly heads. I have specific comments about these experiments: - Maybe I missed it, but I could not find which recombinant PrP is used in RT-QuIC assay. - This is important as recombinant PrP self-polymerize after a period of time and here the authors have left the RT-QuIC assay running for unusually long period of times (RT-QuIC are stopped after 24h-48h). - Instead of titrating prion seeding activity by endpoint titration, the authors quantified PSA activity by measuring the effect on another parameter of the RT-QuIC, the length of the lag phase before the conversion reaction is visible. While this is an interesting criterion, reduction of seeding activity must be shown to unequivocally demonstrate that PSA has delayed prion pathogenesis in flies. - Can the authors exclude any interfering effect of PSA on the RT-QuIC reaction, given the amount of material used to seed the reaction (1:20 diluted head homogenates)? 6. could the authors comment on the fact that HNRNPK knock-out is not possible and that their siRNA and shRNA are not affecting the cell viability? 7. In the discussion the authors do not discuss how Hnrnpk could impact prion propagation. This may deserve a comment as this protein is present in the nucleus. As PrPC has been also identified in this compartment, can this specific form be involved in prion pathogenesis?
The QUIPPER method is a great conceptual and technological approach that could be applied to genome-wide analyses and screening for therapeutic molecules.
The study will interest a general audience interested in neurodegenerative diseases linked to protein misfolding. There are commonalities in pathways and modifiers of the conversion. Further PrP has emerged as a receptor for alpha-synuclein (Parkinson disease) and A-beta peptides (Alzheimer's disease).
Expertise key words: prion diseases - prion pathogenesis in cell models
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Reply to the reviewers
All the Reviewer’s comments are reproduced below, with our responses interspersed in [[brackets]]. Citations from the revised manuscript are included in “quotation marks”. The website accepts input only as plain text. Consequently, we had to transform the mathematical expressions into plain text. We apologize for the reduced readability.
Reviewer #1
1) The authors state that: "the conductance density mediated by the expression of the mutant was 2.5 times smaller than the wild type, although we transfected the same amount of plasmid DNA (Fig. 2E). Assuming that protein expression is independent of the mutation, the observation suggested that the unitary proton flux ratio RC of wild type to mutant channel was equal to 2.5" (lines 82‐85).
Macroscopic conductance (G) depends on channel number (N), microscopic or unitary conductance (γ), and open probability (PO) by G=N γ PO. The authors assume that the level of WT and D174A mutant protein expression on plasma membrane, which determines N, are equal; however, this critical assumption does not appear to have been tested.
The fact that conductance density (nS/pF) is plotted in Fig. 2E does not alter this caveat because this procedure normalizes the data only for cell surface area (i.e., size). The authors' conclude that "The conductance density relationship (Fig. 2E) compares the maximal conduction of both constructs; this is the fully open channel (open probability ≈ 1)"(lines 87‐88). However, neither raw currents nor G‐V data are shown. Typically, currents measured at large, near‐saturating PO are used to compare the relative conductances of WT and mutant ion channels. The currents shown in Fig. 2A and 2B exhibit prominent 'droop' at even modest depolarizing potentials (+10 mV for D174A and +30 mV for WT), indicating that the proton gradient has been substantially perturbed by the flow of ge depolarizing voltages needed to drive channels to near‐maximal PO. Furthermore, there is no evidence that maximal PO itself is also not different in WT and D174A channels. Indeed, maximal PO for native Hv1 channels measured using variance analysis is reported by significantly smaller than 1.0, and assuming that PO = 1.0 for either WT or D174A is therefore not well supported. Maximal could be altered by the D174A mutation, which has a clear and strong effect on channel gating evidenced by the large (‐70 mV) negative shift in threshold potential reported both here and previously in the literature. Effects of mutations on maximal PO due to altered gating behavior could be separate and distinct from any change in plasma membrane channel number (N). 3 Lastly, because D174A channels have a much higher PO than WT at 0 mV, the mutant will necessarily conduct inward proton currents at the physiological resting membrane potential (RMP) in tsa‐201 cells (perhaps ‐30 mV?). Inwardly directed proton currents will therefore cause intracellular acidification under resting conditions.
The constitutive acid load in cells expressing D174A, but not WT, is likely to have a variety of physiological consequences, including decreased protein expression or plasma membrane targeting of D174A. There is evidence that another constitutively open Hv1 mutant (R205H) also generates smaller currents macroscopic conductance than WT, and this phenomenon is likely to result from decreased cell surface expression. To conclude that the microscopic conductances of WT and D174A are unequal, the authors must demonstrate that N is not different. The authors' conclusion that D174A "conducts protons at a lower rate" (line 89) is therefore not well supported by the experimental data.
We toned down our conclusions from the experiments to accommodate the reviewer's criticism: (page 4): " Consequently, the mutant channel is nearly fully open (Fig. 2D), readily seen when the membrane potential is 0 mV and external voltage is absent. The high open probability of the D174 mutant under symmetrical pH conditions is readily seen in the tail current amplitude reaching a quasi-saturation (Fig. 2A). The resulting outward currents have a higher amplitude in the wild-type (Fig. 2A+B). Interestingly, the conductance density mediated by the expression of the mutant was 2.5 times smaller than the wild type, although we transfected the same amount of plasmid DNA (Fig. 2E). Our observation suggests a reduced flux through the mutant if we assume that protein abundance in the plasma membrane is independent of the mutation."]]
2) The authors indirectly measure apparent proton flux rates (λD) in LUVs containing WT and D174A mutant Hv1 channels using a fluorescence‐based approach, and conclude that λD is 2.4 times smaller for D174A than WT. However, the method for estimating λD is not performed under voltage clamp, and the driving force for proton current is neither known nor measured.
The reviewer is mistaken. The method for estimating λD is performed under voltage clamp, and the driving force for proton current is known.
Page 6: “To obtain λD, we encapsulated c_k^i=150 mM KCl in the HV1 containing large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) and exposed these vesicles to a buffer with a K+ concentration c_k^o= 3 mM. The addition of valinomycin facilitated K+ efflux, thereby inducing a membrane potential, ψ. ψ constituted the driving force for H+ uptake. It can be calculated according to the Goldman equation:
ψ = -RT/F ln ((c_k^i+(P_H/P_K ) c_H^i)/(c_k^o+(P_H/P_K ) c_H^o ))
The ratio of the HV1 mediated proton permeability P_H to the valinomycin-mediated potassium permeability P_K is always smaller than 0.04. We base our conclusion on the observation that the CCCP-mediated proton permeability represents an upper limit for P_H since CCCP always induces a faster vesicular proton uptake than HV1 (Fig. 3). Accordingly, the maximum value of P_H/P_K can be estimated as the ratio of valinomycin to CCCP conductivities. The respective values are equal to 1.6 10-3 Ω-1 cm2 [1] and 4 10-6 Ω-1 cm-2 [2]. At pH 7.5, we find c_H^o=10^(-7.5) M, i.e., c_k^o ≫ (P_H/P_K )c_H^o. Similarily, c_k^I ≫ (P_H/P_K ) c_H^i for a broad range of intravesicular pH. With these simplifications, Eq. 1 transforms into the Nernst equation yielding:
ψ = -RT/F ln (c_k^i)/(c_k^o )=-100 mV
ψ of such size may decrease intravesicular pH by nearly two units. Such acidification does not violate c_k^i ≫ (P_H/P_K ) c_H^i so that ψ remains constant throughout the experiment. That is, the vesicle experiments proceed under voltage clamp conditions. The simple explanation is that, due to the small proton concentration and the limited buffer capacity, the K+ conductance exceeds H+ conductance under all conditions. The conclusion is in line with simulations (32), confirming that the membrane potential is driven very near the Nernst potential for K+.”]]
The authors state that "Transmembrane voltage constituted the driving force for proton uptake into LUVs (Figure M). It resulted from facilitated K+ efflux out of the vesicles (30)", (lines 261‐262), but this voltage is unknown and not likely to equal the Nernst equilibrium potential for K+ once Hv1 channels begin to open.
The reviewer is mistaken. The voltage is known (see the equations above). The opening of the HV1 channels does not alter the potential because c_k^o ≫ (P_H/P_K ) c_H^o and c_k^i ≫ (P_H/P_K ) c_H^i for a broad range of intravesicular pH (see above).]]
Once Hv1 channels begin to open, intra‐lumenal pH (pHi) will necessarily occur during the experiment. Such changes are likely exacerbated by a) the low proton buffering capacity of the system (5 mM HEPES) and b) the absence of any counter‐charge pathway to balance the effect of proton charge movement on the membrane potential.
Vesicle acidification occurs. It signifies the presence of functional proton channels. Nevertheless, the membrane potential does not change (see Equation 1 above). The statement b) is not correct because the outward K+ movement counters the inward-directed proton charge movement.]]
Given the small volume of LUVs, even a relatively modest difference in either membrane potential or pHi could substantially alter the driving force for proton movement. Together, these factors are highly likely to result in a rapid and potentially large change in the driving force for proton flux.
As outlined above, membrane potential stays invariant. Vesicle acidification changes the driving force for proton flux. The steady state is reached when the electrochemical potentials for protons on the two sides of the membrane are equal to each other.]]
Driving force changes may also be different for WT and D174A because their relative PO may be different under the experimental conditions used here. Because D174A activates at much more negative voltages, it is likely to open more quickly and to a higher PO than WT at early times after depolarization is initiated by addition of valinomycin (Fig. 3A). This fact will likely result in a larger initial inward current being carried by D174A than WT channels. The result would be a more rapid acidification of LUVs by D174A.
The reviewer is mistaken. Assuming a transport rate of 20,000 potassium ions per second (G. Stark, B. Ketterer, R. Benz and P. Läuger; Biophys. J. 1971 Vol. 11 Pages 981-981) and a membrane capacity of 1 μF cm-2, it takes valinomycin about 10 ms to drive the vesicular potential to near Nernst values. Activation of the proton channel is at least 10 times slower. Thus, both mutant channel and wild type channel may open at roughly the same instant. The driving force is sufficient to open both channels to the same probability.]]
The experimental data in Fig. 3A are consistent with the expectation that the proton gradient and driving force more rapidly approach equilibrium for D174A than WT channels: the apparent rate of AMCA fluorescence change is slower in D174A. Although the authors correctly interpret the experimental data to mean that the apparent λD is slower for D174A, they do not rule out the artifactual explanation for the measured differences. Indeed, the observation in Fig. 3A that AMCA fluorescence change eventually reaches a plateau and is not affected by CCCP means that the proton gradient has become exhausted during the experiment, and directly demonstrates that the proton driving force is uncontrolled under the current experimental conditions.
The reviewer's interpretation of our results is flawed. Instead of becoming exhausted, the proton gradient builds up during the experiment. Initially, extravesicular and intravesicular pH values are equal to each other. Valinomycin-mediated K+ efflux results in a membrane potential that drives Hv1-mediated H+ influx.
Page 8: “The number NC of reconstituted HV1 dimers per vesicle determines the acidification rate λ, i.e., the time that elapses before reaching the steady state. The final intraluminal pH is independent of NC. Similarly, CCCP addition in the steady state does not change the intraluminal pH of HV1-containing vesicles. But CCCP will affect the intraluminal pH of vesicles deprived of HV1 since H+ background permeability is too small to allow vesicle acidification within the time allotted for the experiment. Consequently, only HV1-free vesicles will acidify upon CCCP addition. That is, CCCP addition allows estimating the fraction of vesicles deprived of HV1.”]]
In contrast to the authors' statement that "Our experiments with the purified and reconstituted channels corroborated the conclusion (Fig. 3A)", (lines 92‐93) it is not clear that unitary proton flux rates/unitary conductances are actually different in WT and D174A.
The reviewer is mistaken. Since we measured under voltage clamp conditions, ensured rapid installment of the membrane potential, and selected a potential large enough to allow for the same open probability of wild-type and mutant channels, the measured transport rates, λ, are valid. Moreover, we determined the number of HV1 channels per vesicle and thus calculated the transport rate of an individual channel, λD. Since λD is different for WT and D174A, the unitary proton flux rates/unitary conductances are actually different in the wild type and mutant.]]
3) The presumed differences in unitary conductances (i.e., 'transport rate') between WT and D174A are used to estimate Arrhenius activation energies (Ea): ("The difference in measures transport rates allows a rough estimation of the Arrhenius 128 activation energy Ea for HV1‐mediated proton flow. It amounts to 40 kJ/mol for the wild type and 23 kJ for the mutant. Thus, Ea exceeds the corresponding 15 kJ/mol barrier measured for gramicidin A (32, 33)", (lines 128‐130). The method for determining Ea in the current work is not well‐described. In Ref. 32, the authors estimate Arrhenius activation energy (Ea = 20 kJ/mol) for gramicidin D (not gramicidin A) from the slope of a line fit to measurements of currents at various temperatures. Here, the authors measure AMCA fluorescence decay rates at 4 °C and 23 °C and observe a similar temperature‐dependent difference in WT and D174A (Fig. S2). Given that the data indicate that WT and D174A are similarly temperature‐dependent, it is unclear how the authors arrive at different Ea values. The authors' conclusion that "The increment in Ea suggests that the transport mechanism may be different from a pure Grotthuss type, where the proton uses an uninterrupted water wire to cross the membrane", (lines 131‐133) therefore does not appear to be well‐supported.
We removed both the calculation and discussion of activation energies. Knowledge and discussion of activation energies distract from the scope of the manuscript. We show the experiments at different temperatures solely to demonstrate that Hv1 and D174A facilitate proton transport at a decreased temperature where the background conductivity of the lipid bilayer to water is small.]]
4) The authors report no difference in water permeability in WT vs. D174A (Fig. 5 and S1) and interpret the results to mean that proton currents are not associated with measurable bulk water flow. A similar conclusion was reached for native Hv1 channels using deuterium substitution (DeCoursey & Cherny, 1997).
The comment of the reviewer is misleading:
- Equal water permeabilities of WT and D174A would not exclude an association between proton currents and water flow. Accordingly, our manuscript does not contain the stipulated interpretation.
- DeCoursey & Cherny (1997) did not evaluate bulk water flow through proton channels. They compared D+ and H+ currents across the plasma membrane of rat alveolar epithelial cells. Page 2: “Comparing deuterium ion and proton currents through the plasma membrane of rat alveolar epithelial cells, DeCoursey & Cherny (22) found an isotope effect exceeding that for hydrogen bond cleavage in bulk water. It suggested the involvement of an amino acid side chain in proton conduction (22). Alternatively, altered properties of confined water could have been responsible for the higher isotope effect.”]]
However, the absence of bulk water flow does not itself rule out the possibility that 'trapped' waters within the Hv1 pore do not themselves carry the measured proton current. If intra‐pore water molecules are tethered by hydrogen bonds with protein atoms, they may not move when Hv1 channels open.
The reviewer’s comment contains one misinterpretation and one unfounded statement:
- We never stated that 'trapped' waters within the Hv1 pore do not themselves carry the measured proton current. On the contrary, we envisioned the trapped waters delivering the protons to one or more titratable amino acid side chains and accepting the protons from them.
- The reviewer’s view that intra‐pore water molecules tethered by hydrogen bonds with protein atoms may not move when Hv1 channels open is a misconception. Page 12 bottom: “The contrasting opinion that instead of a channel obstruction hydrogen bonds may immobilize the pore water (19) is not convincing. First, the lifetime of a hydrogen bond is in the ps range while HV1’s mean open time exceeds 100 ms (41). Thus, hydrogen bonds may break more than 1011 times during the open state, rendering them unfit for tethering intraluminal water molecules. Second, the effect of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and pore residues is limited to decreased water mobility in narrow channels (23). Their number, NH, allows for predicting pf (26). Specifically, every H-bond donating or receiving pore-lining residue contributes an average increment ΔΔG╪ of 0.1 kcal/mol to the Gibbs free energy of activation ΔG╪ (24). Equation (1) allows the calculation of ΔG╪:
ΔG╪= N_H ΔΔG╪ + ΔΔG╪_i (13)
where ΔΔG╪_i = 2 kcal/mol (24). Since N_H = 6 (Fig. S1) in the open HV1 conformation, Eq. 1 predicts ΔG╪ = 2.6 kcal/mol. Eq. (2) allows calculating HV1’s pf from this value (42):
p_f = v_0 v_w exp(-ΔG╪/RT) (14)
where vw = 3 × 10−23 cm3 is the volume of one water molecule and ν0 is the universal attempt frequency, ν0 = kB∙T/h ≈ 6.2 × 1012 s−1 at room temperature (kB is Boltzmann’s and h is Planck’s constant).”]]
Proton transfer through a hydrogen‐bonded network of waters requires only that the electronic structure of the network be rearranged during proton transfer; water is not required. As in the previous study (DeCoursey & Cherny, 1997), the lack of water flux reported here demonstrates seems to reinforce the notion that H+ moves separately from its waters of hydration (i.e., hydronium, H3O+, is not the permeant species) and does not necessarily imply information about the mechanism of proton transfer (i.e., side chain ionization vs. Grotthuss‐type transfer in a water‐wire).
The reviewer is mixing two unrelated issues. Of course, proton transport may be separated from mass transfer. Yet, charge transfer may or may not include one or several titratable amino acid side chains. If proton side chain ionization is not involved in proton transfer, a water wire must exist that connects the aqueous solutions on both sides of the membrane. In this case, an osmotic gradient will drive water molecules through the open channel. Since we did not observe such water flux, we conclude that the water wire is interrupted by at least one side chain. Thus, our experiments imply information about the mechanism of proton transfer.]]
The authors state that: 1) "every H‐bond donating or receiving pore‐lining residue would have contributed an increment ΔΔ𝐺‡ of 0.1 kcal/mol to the Gibbs free energy of activation Δ𝐺‡ (25)" (lines 145‐147), and 2) calculating NH from this Δ𝐺‡ allows estimation of the channel's unitary water permeability (Eqn. 2). Although hydrogen bonding patterns will undoubtedly alter the free energy for channel activation, this is not the same free energy change as that for proton transfer.
The reviewer's remark is in line with the previous and the current versions of our manuscript.]]
Hv1 gating involves conformational changes that are both voltage and Δ pH-dependent, and the D174A mutation is known to alter the voltage dependence of gating (Fig. 2 and previous studies). The effect of D174A on Hv1 unitary conductance, however, is speculated but not unambiguous (see above).
Our experiments unambiguously demonstrate the effect of D174A on Hv1 unitary conductance. The interpretation of the experiments is straightforward – there is no speculation involved. The contrasting opinion of the reviewer rests on his misinterpretations of (i) our measurements of proton transport rate λD for wild-type and mutant (see above) and the CCCP-effect (see above).]]
In the absence of definitive experimental data showing differences in the unitary conductance of WT vs. D174A, the authors' assumption that water permeability would be strongly temperature‐dependent (lines 154‐160) seems premature and their ensuing conclusion tenuous: "pore residues interrupt the HV1 spanning water wire, trapping the water molecules inside the HV1 channel. In contrast to water, protons cross the pore by hopping from one acidic residue to another through one or more bridging water molecules (Fig. 6)" (lines 161‐164).
The reviewer chooses to misinterpret our lines. We did not assert that water permeability through the Hv1 channel would be strongly temperature‐dependent. We referred to the well-known fact that there is a strong temperature dependence of lipid bilayer water permeability - in contrast to the tiny effect of temperature on the water permeation across aqueous channels.
Page 11, bottom: “Considering the stark dependence of the activation energy for background water flow across lipid bilayers (24), we repeated the experiments at a decreased temperature of 4°C. Thanks to the low background water permeability at 4°C, even tiny contributions of HV1 to Pf should be detectable. Yet, the channels did not contribute to the water flow through the vesicular membrane even though channel water permeability but weakly depends on temperature (24).”]]
Furthermore, the authors calculate the number of hydrogen bonds (NH) that pore waters could form with pore lining residues based on an X‐ray structure of a chimeric proton channel protein (pdb: 3WKV) that is: a) manifests discontinuous transmembrane water density and is known to represent a non‐conductive conformation, b) contains residues from Ci‐VSP in the critical S2‐S3 linker that form part of the proton transfer pathway, and c) exhibits structural features (i.e., highly conserved ionizable residues such as D185 and R205, which like D174 are reported to dramatically alter Hv1 gating, are packed into a solvent‐free crevice) that are inconsistent with physiological function. Given that all Hv1 ionizable mutant combinations tested so far (the sole exception of D112V ‐ other nonionizable substitutions at D112 are tolerated) remain functional (Musset, Smith et al., 2011, Ramsey, Mokrab et al., 2010), the identities of water‐interacting residues speculative.
We substituted the X‐ray structure of the chimeric proton channel protein for the AlphaFold structure. We now provide views of the open and closed conformations in the Supplement based on the homology structure (13). Microsecond-long molecular dynamics simulations have optimized the latter.
The experimental observation of mutants’ functionality (with the sole exception of D112V) supports our view that proton transfer occurs through a hydrogen‐bonded network of waters that is only once (at D112) interrupted by an amino acid side chain. The nature of the amino acids interacting with the proton transferring water molecules is of little importance.]]
Interpreting differences in the calculated NH based on pdb: 3WKV therefore seems unlikely to reveal fundamentally important insights into Hv1 function. The author's conclusion that "The observation rules out the formation of an uninterrupted water chain spanning the open channel from the aqueous solution at one side of the membrane to the other. NH would have governed water mobility if such a water wire had formed (24)", (lines 143‐145) therefore does not appear to be strongly supported.
We did not base our conclusion of an obstructed water pathway on the analysis of structural models. In contrast, the conclusion is the result of our experiments. The structural models permitted the prediction of the expected water permeability. Depending on the model and the channel conformation, we find NH values between six and 16. All of these NH values translate into water permeabilities exceeding gramicidin’s water permeability. Thus, we would have been able to detect the water flux through an unobstructed proton channel.]]
Reviewer #2:
Summary: Voltage‐gated proton channels are peculiar members of the voltage‐gated ion channel family due to their absence of canonical pore. Instead, protons permeate through their voltage‐sensing domain. The mechanisms of proton permeation in Hv1 channels are still unclear, with currently two competing hypotheses: (i) hopping through titrable residues within the protein; or (ii) via Grotthuss mechanism involving proton jumping through a continuous water wire. So far, these hypotheses were only tackled by computation. The authors therefore aimed to experimentally test the two hypotheses. To do so, the authors measured the transport rates of protons and water through wild‐type and mutant D174A Hv1 reconstituted in lipid vesicles. Overall, the presented data are convincing and support their conclusion that proton conduction through the channel is not solely mediated by water transport. However, there are several aspects of the paper that I did not understand and would require clarification.
We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation.]]
Major comments: My major concern is about the relevance of using the D174A mutant. The authors explain at the beginning of the paper that Hv1‐D174A is open at 0 mV, which allows measuring proton flux in systems in which voltage cannot be controlled. However, it seems from the proton flux experiments that wild‐type Hv1 can conduct protons perfectly well in the used experimental paradigm. So why test a mutant? It is actually not clear why wild‐type Hv1 can conduct protons in the proton conduction assay.
We introduced the D174A mutation to measure water flux in a setting where the membrane potential is zero. We only performed the proton flux measurements to show that our reconstituted HV1 channels are functional. HV1 can conduct protons because we establish a transmembrane potential in the proton conduction assay. That is, only initially, extravesicular and intravesicular pH values are equal. Valinomycin addition results in a K+ efflux that, in turn, generates a membrane potential. This potential drives the HV1-mediated H+ influx.]]
The authors should clearly state the trans‐membrane potential created by the K+ gradient across the vesicle, as well as the pH inside and outside the vesicle, and related these conditions to their electrophysiology data to give us an idea of the open probability of wild‐type Hv1 in the conditions used in the proton conduction assays. This is critical to be able to compare the relative rates of proton transport between the wild‐type and the mutant.
[[Page 6, bottom:
" ...we encapsulated c_k^i=150 mM KCl in the HV1 containing large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) and exposed these vesicles to a buffer with a K+ concentration c_k^o= 3 mM. The addition of valinomycin facilitated K+ efflux, thereby inducing a membrane potential, ψ. ψ constituted the driving force for H+ uptake. It can be calculated according to the Goldman equation:
ψ = -RT/F ln ((c_k^i+(P_H/P_K ) c_H^i)/(c_k^o+(P_H/P_K ) c_H^o ))
The ratio of the HV1 mediated proton permeability P_H to the valinomycin-mediated potassium permeability P_K is always smaller than 0.04. We base our conclusion on the observation that the CCCP-mediated proton permeability represents an upper limit for P_H since CCCP always induces a faster vesicular proton uptake than HV1 (Fig. 3). Accordingly, the maximum value of P_H/P_K can be estimated as the ratio of valinomycin to CCCP conductivities. The respective values are equal to 1.6 10-3 Ω-1 cm2 [1] and 4 10-6 Ω-1 cm-2 [2]. At pH 7.5, we find c_H^o=10^(-7.5) M, i.e., c_k^o ≫ (P_H/P_K )c_H^o. Similarily, c_k^I ≫ (P_H/P_K ) c_H^i for a broad range of intravesicular pH. With these simplifications, Eq. 1 transforms into the Nernst equation yielding:
ψ = -RT/F ln (c_k^i)/(c_k^o )=-100 mV
ψ of such size may decrease intravesicular pH by nearly two units.
Such acidification does not violate so that remains constant throughout the experiment. That is, the vesicle experiments proceed under voltage clamp conditions. The simple explanation is that, due to the small proton concentration and the limited buffer capacity, the K+ conductance exceeds H+ conductance under all conditions. The conclusion is in line with simulations (32), confirming that the membrane potential is driven very near the Nernst potential for K+.”]]
Similarly, the buffers and pH used for the water transport assay are not explicitly mentioned. Are they the same as for the proton transport assay or are the buffers inside and outside the vesicle symmetrical?
We added the information about buffers and pH used to the legend. Except for 150 mM sucrose, the internal and external solutions were identical: 150 mM KCl, 5 mM HEPES (pH 7.5), and 0.5 mM EGTA.]]
Finally, in the introduction the authors base their assumptions about water transport on an X‐ray structure of Hv1 in a closed conformation (3WKV). I do not think it is relevant to study permeation, which in theory should only happen in an open state. If the authors want to make assumptions about the number of hydrogen bonds in the pore and how many water molecules are in the pore (and I don't think they need to do it), they should rather base their assumptions on the computational models of Hv1 open state.
We thank the reviewer for the advice. We added a figure to the Supplement. It shows Hv1 models from long-timescale molecular dynamics simulations (Geragotelis et al, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 Vol. 117 Issue 24 Pages 13490-13498). The open structure reveals NH=6. We used this value for our calculations.]]
Minor comments:
1) Figure 6: the authors should precise that the model of proton conduction through Hv1 is just an assumption. The structural features of Hv1 open state are indeed unknown.
[[We modified the figure based on the simulation results of Geragotelis et al. We indicated in the legend that the scheme is based on HV1 homology models.]]
2) Page 9, lines 170‐171 "Drastically prolonged tail current kinetics might reflect a decreased voltage‐dependence of the deactivation in the D174 mutant". Or rather the prolonged kinetics reflect the stabilization of the open state by the mutation (as stated by the authors just after).
[[Page 14:
“Drastically prolonged tail current kinetics might reflect (i) a decreased voltage dependence of the deactivation in the D174A mutant or (ii) a stabilized open state (14).”]]
3) Supplementary figures are displayed in an odd fashion. Figure S3 should be placed before Figures S1 and S2.
[[We added two more Supplementary Figures and displayed them in the order of text mentionings.]]
4) In Figure 2, displaying the current trace corresponding to the 0 mV voltage step would improve readability of the figure, by showing that Hv1‐D174A mutants conduct protons at 0 mV and not wt Hv1.
We show the current trace corresponding to the 0 mV voltage step for the D174A mutant in panel A and the trace for the wild-type in panel B of Fig. 2.]]
5) Figure 2 legend "Pronounced inward H+ currents activate negatively to the reversal potential (here ‐70 mV)". I think the authors mean "Here 0 mV", ‐70 mV is the threshold potential. Panel (c), I guess the EH vs Vrev plot is for D174A mutants but it is not mentioned in the legend
We corrected the legend. “Pronounced inward H+ currents activate negatively (here – 70 mV) to reversal potential (here – 8 mV), indicating a high open probability of the D174A mutant at 0 mV.” And “Comparison of calculated Nernst potential for protons (EH) and measured reversal potential (Vrev) for the D174A mutant.”]]
6) Page 4, line 89: the fact that D174A conducts protons at a lower rate is, at this point, based on a lot on assumption. I would just correct the last sentence by saying "Thus, D174A, while opening with less depolarization, seems to conduct protons at a lower rate"
[[We toned down our statement and inserted a phrase very close to the one suggested.
Page 5: “Our observation suggests a reduced flux through the mutant if we assume that the protein expression level is independent of the mutation.”]]
7) Page 6, line 107. The word "therefore" is not necessary
8) Page 7, line 128: "of" in "measures of transport" is missing
[[We deleted the paragraph.]]
9) Page 12, lines 261‐262: "Figure M" ??
[[“Inset of Figure 3A”]]
CROSS‐CONSULTATION COMMENTS I agree with the two other reviewer's comments. I think our reviews more or less raise the same weaknesses in the study.
This paper addresses a single question with a clearly defined experimental paradigm. Once the issues addressed, the paper should bring important significance to the field of voltage‐gated ion channels since the nature of proton conduction in Hv1 was not known. It could help explain ion conduction in some channelopathies involving ion conduction through the voltage‐sensing domain. The audience is mainly the voltage‐gated ion channel community, as well as the community of membrane permeation mechanisms My field of expertise is in ion channel structure‐function and pharmacology. I have little expertise in the described proton and water flow assays. Therefore I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate the detailed experimental protocol that led to the measurements.
Reviewer #3:
Summary: This study addresses a fundamental question about the mechanism of proton conduction in the voltage gated proton channel Hv1 i.e., whether protons hop through an uninterrupted water wire, or move by other means involving titratable channel residues. The authors argue that an uninterrupted water wire entails a certain rate of water movement through the open channel, which they estimate to be around 10‐12 cm3s‐1 based on a structural model of Hv1 and previous work on other channels. They then measure water permeability of LUVs containing a purified Hv1 mutant expected to be open at 0 mV via light scattering, and proton flux using a pH sensitive fluorescent dye. They calculate a water permeability much lower than predicted and conclude that the water in the conduction pathway does not form an uninterrupted water wire. The manuscript is written clearly, and the experimental measurements are convincing.
[[We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation.]]
There are nonetheless some ambiguities in the way the formation of water wires is discussed.
Major comments: A protein like Hv1 is larger and more complex than small peptides like gramicidin. In this context, transient water wires, frequently interrupted by titratable residues, or by steric hindrance from hydrophobic sidechains etc. are likely. Can the authors provide an estimate for the maximum frequency and lifetime of uninterrupted proton wires compatible with their measurements? This would be helpful to evaluate whether short‐lived uninterrupted water wires could contribute significantly to proton conduction or not. Trapping usually implies restricted movement. So, for how long do water molecules need to stay inside the channel in order to be considered trapped? Are the water molecules really trapped or simply forming broken wires?
[[Page 13, bottom:
“The question arises whether the obstacle in the water pathway is permanent. HV1’s titratable residues or steric hindrance from fluctuating sidechains may frequently interrupt otherwise intact water wires. Yet, our calculations (Eqs. 7 – 11) show that proton diffusion from the bulk solution to the pore mouth is the transport limiting step. Undoubtedly, transient closure would have caused a detectable pore resistance because part of the protons arriving at the pore mouth could not enter the pore. If the pore was closed longer than one ps, an arriving H+ may diffuse out of the capture zone and vanish into the bulk:
t_c=(r_0^2)/6D = 10^(-16)/(6 × 8.65 × 10^(-5) ) s = 2 × 10^(-13) s
where tc denotes the time a proton requires to diffuse a distance equal to the capture radius r0. Since transient closures would give rise to experimentally undetected pore resistance, they must be ruled out. The observation agrees well with noise experiments, where Lorentzian time constants, albeit smaller than the time constants for H+ current activation but larger than 0.1 s were observed (41).
We provided the calculations showing the diffusion limitations on page 9:
“…we show that the transport limiting step is H+ diffusion to the pore (access resistance) and not transport through the pore. Therefore, we first calculate the maximum current Imax permitted by diffusion for a constantly open pore (35):
I_max=2π F r_o D_H c_H
where F, r0, DH, and cH are Faraday's constant, the capture radius, the H+ diffusion constant, and the H+ concentration, respectively. The only unknown parameter is r0. Taking the gA estimate r0 = 0.87 Å (36), disregarding buffer effects and assuming DH = 8.65×105 cm2s-1, we find:
I_max=2π (9.6 ×10^4 As)/mol × 0.87 × 10^(-8) cm × 8.65 x 10^(-5) (cm^2 s^(-1) × 4 × 10^(-7.5) mol)/(1000 cm^3 )
I_max=5.6 × 10^(-17) A
Eq. 8 considers that the approximately 25 % charged lipids in the bilayer induce an increase in surface proton concentration, i.e. it accounts for a surface potential of roughly -40 mV in 150 mM salt. The maximal unitary rate would then be equal to:
q_max = 5.6 × 10^(-17) C/s/1.6 × 10^(-19) C =348 s^(-1)
Here we used the r0 value determined for gA (36). Acidic moieties at the entrance of HV1 and proton surface migration along the lipid bilayer could serve to increase that value (37, 38). The observation suggests transport limitations by poor proton availability. Calculation of the channel resistance, Rch (35), confirms the hypothesis:
R_ch = R_pore+R_access =[l_ch+(π a_ch)/2] ρ/(π a_ch^2 )
where R_pore is the resistance of the pore proper and R_access is the access resistance. Assuming a channel radius, a_ch, of 0.15 nm, a length, l_ch of 4 nm and solution resistivity (H+ as the sole conducted ion at bulk pH of 7.5 and a surface potential of -40 mV), ρ, of 2×105 Ω cm, we find R_ch = 4×1013 Ω. Thus, the resulting current, Iρ, that we may expect for the vesicular membrane potential of 100 mV is equal to 3×10-15 A. Accordingly, Iρ exceeds Imax by more than one order of magnitude. Consequently, we may safely conclude that HV1 conductance is limited by proton availability under our conditions. ”]]
The main conclusion of the paper rests on the negative results from the water permeability assay of Fig. 5. It is recommended to include a positive control (e.g., with gramicidin A), run under the same conditions and similar number of channels per LUV, to show how the results should look like in case of significant water permeability.
[[We included the gramicidin measurements (Fig. 6) as requested.]]
Figure 6 show a simplified scheme of proton transport with trapped water molecules in Hv1. Panel A represents a resting state (nonconductive); panel B represents an open state (conductive), favored by the D174A mutation. So, what makes B conductive and A nonconductive? Is it the presence of two salt bridges in B vs. three salt bridges in A? This should be clarified.
We modified the figure based on the simulation results of Geragotelis et al. We indicate with arrows the parts of the channel where the proton is free to move and crosses the sites with insurmountable energy barriers.
Legend to the figure (now Fig. 8): “In the region of the selectivity filter adjacent to D112, the channel is too narrow to let water molecules pass (see also Fig. S1). Yet, the proton may bypass the electrostatic barrier of the open channel at D112 (18), i.e., jump between the two neighboring water molecules. Removal of D174 shifts the voltage sensitivity so that most channels are already open at a transmembrane potential of 0 mV. B) The closed channel. It neither allows water nor proton transport. In its new location, D112 provides an insurmountable electrostatic barrier to proton passage.”]]
Minor comments: The interpretation of Fig. 2E strongly depends on the assumption that the D174A mutation does not alter membrane trafficking. It is recommended to check the validity of this assumption, e.g., by colocalization with a plasma membrane marker. Images of SDS‐PAGE results for the studied Hv1 proteins should be provided to show preparation purity.
We toned down the interpretation of Fig. 2E. As it stands now, Fig. 2 shows that the mutant (i) is functional and (ii) has a high open probability at 0 mV. These conclusions are independent on membrane trafficking. We included images of SDS page results for the studied HV1 proteins in the Supplement.]]
CROSS‐CONSULTATION COMMENTS I agree with the comments from the other two reviewers. My major point is that refuting major water permeability in Hv1 is not the same thing as refuting that protons can be conducted by transient water wires, unless it is proved that the transient water wires cannot sustain enough proton movement to account for the single channel conductance. Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): The Hv1 channel plays important roles in the human body, including the immune, respiratory, and reproductive systems. Despite recent advances in understanding the mechanism of proton conduction by Hv1, whether or not protons hop within a continuous water wire in the open channel is a subject of debate (DeCoursey J. Physiol. 2017, Bennett & Ramsey J. Physiol. 2017). This work provides important insights on the debate by refuting the existence of a water wire that can sustain large water permeability. The findings reported here will be of interest to ion channel biophysicist like this reviewer, but also to biologists studying cellular pH homeostasis and the pathophysiology of Hv1.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
This study addresses a fundamental question about the mechanism of proton conduction in the voltage gated proton channel Hv1 i.e., whether protons hop through an uninterrupted water wire, or move by other means involving titratable channel residues. The authors argue that an uninterrupted water wire entails a certain rate of water movement through the open channel, which they estimate to be around 10-12 cm3s-1 based on a structural model of Hv1 and previous work on other channels. They then measure water permeability of LUVs containing a purified Hv1 mutant expected to be open at 0 mV via light scattering, and proton flux using a pH sensitive fluorescent dye. They calculate a water permeability much lower than predicted and conclude that the water in the conduction pathway does not form an uninterrupted water wire. The manuscript is written clearly, and the experimental measurements are convincing. There are nonetheless some ambiguities in the way the formation of water wires is discussed.
Major comments:
A protein like Hv1 is larger and more complex than small peptides like gramicidin. In this context, transient water wires, frequently interrupted by titratable residues, or by steric hindrance from hydrophobic sidechains etc. are likely. Can the authors provide an estimate for the maximum frequency and lifetime of uninterrupted proton wires compatible with their measurements? This would be helpful to evaluate whether short-lived uninterrupted water wires could contribute significantly to proton conduction or not.
Trapping usually implies restricted movement. So, for how long do water molecules need to stay inside the channel in order to be considered trapped? Are the water molecules really trapped or simply forming broken wires?
The main conclusion of the paper rests on the negative results from the water permeability assay of Fig. 5. It is recommended to include a positive control (e.g., with gramicidin A), run under the same conditions and similar number of channels per LUV, to show how the results should look like in case of significant water permeability.
Figure 6 show a simplified scheme of proton transport with trapped water molecules in Hv1. Panel A represents a resting state (nonconductive); panel B represents an open state (conductive), favored by the D174A mutation. So, what makes B conductive and A nonconductive? Is it the presence of two salt bridges in B vs. three salt bridges in A? This should be clarified.
Minor comments:
The interpretation of Fig. 2E strongly depends on the assumption that the D174A mutation does not alter membrane trafficking. It is recommended to check the validity of this assumption, e.g., by colocalization with a plasma membrane marker.
Images of SDS-PAGE results for the studied Hv1 proteins should be provided to show preparation purity.
Referees cross-commenting
I agree with the comments from the other two reviewers. My major point is that refuting major water permeability in Hv1 is not the same thing as refuting that protons can be conducted by transient water wires, unless it is proved that the transient water wires cannot sustain enough proton movement to account for the single channel conductance.
The Hv1 channel plays important roles in the human body, including the immune, respiratory, and reproductive systems. Despite recent advances in understanding the mechanism of proton conduction by Hv1, whether or not protons hop within a continuous water wire in the open channel is a subject of debate (DeCoursey J. Physiol. 2017, Bennett & Ramsey J. Physiol. 2017). This work provides important insights on the debate by refuting the existence of a water wire that can sustain large water permeability. The findings reported here will be of interest to ion channel biophysicist like this reviewer, but also to biologists studying cellular pH homeostasis and the pathophysiology of Hv1.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Voltage-gated proton channels are peculiar members of the voltage-gated ion channel family due to their absence of canonical pore. Instead, protons permeate through their voltage-sensing domain. The mechanisms of proton permeation in Hv1 channels are still unclear, with currently two competing hypotheses: (i) hopping through titrable residues within the protein; or (ii) via Grotthuss mechanism involving proton jumping through a continuous water wire. So far, these hypotheses were only tackled by computation. The authors therefore aimed to experimentally test the two hypotheses. To do so, the authors measured the transport rates of protons and water through wild-type and mutant D174A Hv1 reconstituted in lipid vesicles. Overall, the presented data are convincing and support their conclusion that proton conduction through the channel is not solely mediated by water transport. However, there are several aspects of the paper that I did not understand and would require clarification.
Major comments:
My major concern is about the relevance of using the D174A mutant. The authors explain at the beginning of the paper that Hv1-D174A is open at 0 mV, which allows measuring proton flux in systems in which voltage cannot be controlled. However, it seems from the proton flux experiments that wild-typet Hv1 can conduct protons perfectly well in the used experimental paradigm. So why test a mutant? It is actually not clear why wild-type Hv1 can conduct protons in the proton conduction assay. The authors should clearly state the trans-membrane potential created by the K+ gradient across the vesicle, as well as the pH inside and outside the vesicle, and related these conditions to their electrophysiology data to give us an idea of the open probability of wild-type Hv1 in the conditions used in the proton conduction assays. This is critical to be able to compare the relative rates of proton transport between the wild-type and the mutant. Similarly, the buffers and pH used for the water transport assay are not explicitly mentioned. Are they the same as for the proton transport assay or are the buffers inside and outside the vesicle symmetrical? Finally, in the introduction the authors base their assumptions about water transport on an X-ray structure of Hv1 in a closed conformation (3WKV). I do not think it is relevant to study permeation, which in theory should only happen in an open state. If the authors want to make assumptions about the number of hydrogen bonds in the pore and how many water molecules are in the pore (and I don't think they need to do it), they should rather base their assumptions on the computational models of Hv1 open state.
Minor comments:
- Figure 6: the authors should precise that the model of proton conduction through Hv1 is just an assumption. The structural features of Hv1 open state are indeed unknown.
- Page 9, lines 170-171 "Drastically prolonged tail current kinetics might reflect a decreased voltage-dependence of the deactivation in the D174 mutant". Or rather the prolonged kinetics reflect the stabilization of the open state by the mutation (as stated by the authors just after).
- Supplementary figures are displayed in an odd fashion. Figure S3 should be placed before Figures S1 and S2.
- In Figure 2, displaying the current trace corresponding to the 0 mV voltage step would improve readability of the figure, by showing that Hv1-D174A mutants conduct protons at 0 mV and not wt Hv1.
- Figure 2 legend "Pronounced inward H+ currents activate negatively to the reversal potential (here -70 mV)". I think the authors mean "Here 0 mV", -70 mV is the threshold potential. Panel (c), I guess the EH vs Vrev plot is for D174A mutants but it is not mentioned in the legend
- Page 4, line 89: the fact that D174A conducts protons at a lower rate is, at this point, based on a lot on assumption. I would just correct the last sentence by saying "Thus, D174A, while opening with less depolarization, seems to conduct protons at a lower rate"
- Page 6, line 107. The word "therefore" is not necessary
- Page 7, line 128: "of" in "measures of transport" is missing
- Page 12, lines 261-262: "Figure M" ??
Referees cross-commenting
I agree with the two other reviewer's comments. I think our reviews more or less raise the same weaknesses in the study.
This paper addresses a single question with a clearly defined experimental paradigm. Once the issues addressed, the paper should bring important significance to the field of voltage-gated ion channels since the nature of proton conduction in Hv1 was not known. It could help explain ion conduction in some channelopathies involving ion conduction through the voltage-sensing domain.
The audience is mainly the voltage-gated ion channel community, as well as the community of membrane permeation mechanisms.
My field of expertise is in ion channel structure-function and pharmacology. I have little expertise in the described proton and water flow assays. Therefore I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate the detailed experimental protocol that led to the measurements.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
- The authors state that: "the conductance density mediated by the expression of the mutant was 2.5 times smaller than the wild type, although we transfected the same amount of plasmid DNA (Fig. 2E). Assuming that protein expression is independent of the mutation, the observation suggested that the unitary proton flux ratio RC of wild type to mutant channel was equal to 2.5" (lines 82-85).
Macroscopic conductance (G) depends on channel number (N), microscopic or unitary conductance (), and open probability (PO) by G=NPO. The authors assume that the level of WT and D174A mutant protein expression on plasma membrane, which determines N, are equal; however, this critical assumption does not appear to have been tested. The fact that conductance density (nS/pF) is plotted in Fig. 2E does not alter this caveat because this procedure normalizes the data only for cell surface area (i.e., size).
The authors' conclude that "The conductance density relationship (Fig. 2E) compares the maximal conduction of both constructs; this is the fully open channel (open probability ≈ 1)"(lines 87-88). However, neither raw currents nor G-V data are shown. Typically, currents measured at large, near-saturating PO are used to compare the relative conductances of WT and mutant ion channels. The currents shown in Fig. 2A and 2B exhibit prominent 'droop' at even modest depolarizing potentials (+10 mV for D174A and +30 mV for WT), indicating that the proton gradient has been substantially perturbed by the flow of ge depolarizing voltages needed to drive channels to near-maximal PO. Furthermore, there is no evidence that maximal PO itself is also not different in WT and D174A channels. Indeed, maximal PO for native Hv1 channels measured using variance analysis is reported by significantly smaller than 1.0, and assuming that PO = 1.0 for either WT or D174A is therefore not well supported. Maximal could be altered by the D174A mutation, which has a clear and strong effect on channel gating evidenced by the large (-70 mV) negative shift in threshold potential reported both here and previously in the literature. Effects of mutations on maximal PO due to altered gating behavior could be separate and distinct from any change in plasma membrane channel number (N). Lastly, because D174A channels have a much higher PO than WT at 0 mV, the mutant will necessarily conduct inward proton currents at the physiological resting membrane potential (RMP) in tsa-201 cells (perhaps -30 mV?). Inwardly directed proton currents will therefore cause intracellular acidification under resting conditions. The constitutive acid load in cells expressing D174A, but not WT, is likely to have a variety of physiological consequences, including decreased protein expression or plasma membrane targeting of D174A. There is evidence that another-constitutively open Hv1 mutant (R205H) also generates smaller currents macroscopic conductance than WT, and this phenomenon is likely to result from decreased cell surface expression. To conclude that the microscopic conductances of WT and D174A are unequal, the authors must demonstrate that N is not different The authors' conclusion that D174A "conducts protons at a lower rate" (line 89) is therefore not well supported by the experimental data. 2. The authors indirectly measure apparent proton flux rates (D) in LUVs containing WT and D174A mutant Hv1 channels using a fluorescence-based approach, and conclude that D is 2.4 times smaller for D174A than WT. However, the method for estimating D is not performed under voltage clamp, and the driving force for proton current is neither known nor measured. The authors state that "Transmembrane voltage constituted the driving force for proton uptake into LUVs (Figure M). It resulted from facilitated K+ efflux out of the vesicles (30)", (lines 261-262), but this voltage is unknown and not likely to equal the Nernst equilibrium potential for K+ once Hv1 channels begin to open.
Once Hv1 channels begin to open, intra-lumenal pH (pHi) will necessarily occur during the experiment. Such changes are likely exacerbated by a) the low proton buffering capacity of the system (5 mM HEPES) and b) the absence of any counter-charge pathway to balance the effect of proton charge movement on the membrane potential. Given the small volume of LUVs, even a relatively modest difference in either membrane potential or pHi could substantially alter the driving force for proton movement. Together, these factors are highly likely to result in a rapid and potentially large change in the driving force for proton flux.
Driving force changes may also be different for WT and D174A because their relative PO may be different under the experimental conditions used here. Because D174A activates at much more negative voltages, it is likely to open more quickly and to a higher PO than WT at early times after depolarization is initiated by addition of valinomycin (Fig. 3A). This fact will likely result in a larger initial inward current being carried by D174A than WT channels. The result would be a more rapid acidification of LUVs by D174A.
The experimental data in Fig. 3A are consistent with the expectation that the proton gradient and driving force more rapidly approach equilibrium for D174A than WT channels: the apparent rate of AMCA fluorescence change is slower in D174A. Although the authors correctly interpret the experimental data to mean that the apparent D is slower for D174A, they do not rule out the artifactual explanation for the measured differences. Indeed, the observation in Fig. 3A that AMCA fluorescence change eventually reaches a plateau and is not affected by CCCP means that the proton gradient has become exhausted during the experiment, and directly demonstrates that the proton driving force is uncontrolled under the current experimental conditions.
In contrast to the authors' statement that "Our experiments with the purified and reconstituted channels corroborated the conclusion (Fig. 3A)", (lines 92-93) it is not clear that unitary proton flux rates/unitary conductances are actually different in WT and D174A. 3. The presumed differences in unitary conductances (i.e., 'transport rate') between WT and D174A are used to estimate Arrhenius activation energies (Ea): ("The difference in measures transport rates allows a rough estimation of the Arrhenius 128 activation energy Ea for HV1-mediated proton flow. It amounts to 40 kJ/mol for the wild type and 23 kJ for the mutant. Thus, Ea exceeds the corresponding 15 kJ/mol barrier measured for gramicidin A (32, 33)", (lines 128-130).
The method for determining Ea in the current work is not well-described. In Ref. 32, the authors estimate Arrhenius activation energy (Ea = 20 kJ/mol) for gramicidin D (not gramicidin A) from the slope of a line fit to measurements of currents at various temperatures. Here, the authors measure AMCA fluorescence decay rates at 4{degree sign}C and 23{degree sign}C and observe a similar temperature-dependent difference in WT and D174A (Fig. S2). Given that the data indicate that WT and D174A are similarly temperature-dependent, it is unclear how the authors arrive at different Ea values. The authors' conclusion that "The increment in Ea suggests that the transport mechanism may be different from a pure Grotthuss type, where the proton uses an uninterrupted water wire to cross the membrane", (lines 131-133) therefore does not appear to be well-supported. 4. The authors report no difference in water permeability in WT vs. D174A (Fig. 5 and S1) and interpret the results to mean that proton currents are not associated with measurable bulk water flow. A similar conclusion was reached for native Hv1 channels using deuterium substitution (DeCoursey & Cherny, 1997). However, the absence of bulk water flow does not itself rule out the possibility that 'trapped' waters within the Hv1 pore do not themselves carry the measured proton current. If intra-pore water molecules are tethered by hydrogen bonds with protein atoms, they may not move when Hv1 channels open. Proton transfer through a hydrogen-bonded network of waters requires only that the electronic structure of the network be rearranged during proton transfer; water is not required. As in the previous study (DeCoursey & Cherny, 1997), the lack of water flux reported here demonstrates seems to reinforce the notion that H+ moves separately from its waters of hydration (i.e., hydronium, H3O+, is not the permeant species) and does not necessarily imply information about the mechanism of proton transfer (i.e., side chain ionization vs. Grotthuss-type transfer in a water-wire).
The authors state that: 1) "every H-bond donating or receiving pore-lining residue would have contributed an increment ΔΔ𝐺‡ of 0.1 kcal/mol to the Gibbs free energy of activation Δ𝐺‡ (25)" (lines 145-147), and 2) calculating NH from this Δ𝐺‡ allows estimation of the channel's unitary water permeability (Eqn. 2). Although hydrogen bonding patterns will undoubtedly alter the free energy for channel activation, this is not the same free energy change as that for proton transfer. Hv1 gating involves conformational changes that are both voltage and pH-dependent, and the D174A mutation is known to alter the voltage dependence of gating (Fig. 2 and previous studies). The effect of D174A on Hv1 unitary conductance, however, is speculated but not unambiguous (see above). In the absence of definitive experimental data showing differences in the unitary conductance of WT vs. D174A, the authors' assumption that water permeability would be strongly temperature-dependent (lines 154-160) seems premature and their ensuing conclusion tenuous: "pore residues interrupt the HV1 spanning water wire, trapping the water molecules inside the HV1 channel. In contrast to water, protons cross the pore by hopping from one acidic residue to another through one or more bridging water molecules (Fig. 6)" (lines 161-164).
Furthermore, the authors calculate the number of hydrogen bonds (NH) that pore waters could form with pore-lining residues based on an X-ray structure of a chimeric proton channel protein (pdb: 3WKV) that is: a) manifests discontinuous transmembrane water density and is known to represent a non-conductive conformation, b) contains residues from Ci-VSP in the critical S2-S3 linker that form part of the proton transfer pathway, and c) exhibits structural features (i.e., highly conserved ionizable residues such as D185 and R205, which like D174 are reported to dramatically alter Hv1 gating, are packed into a solvent-free crevice) that are inconsistent with physiological function. Given that all Hv1 ionizable mutant combinations tested so far (the sole exception of D112V - other non-ionizable substitutions at D112 are tolerated) remain functional (Musset, Smith et al., 2011, Ramsey, Mokrab et al., 2010), the identities of water-interacting residues speculative. Interpreting differences in the calculated NH based on pdb: 3WKV therefore seems unlikely to reveal fundamentally important insights into Hv1 function. The author's conclusion that "The observation rules out the formation of an uninterrupted water chain spanning the open channel from the aqueous solution at one side of the membrane to the other. NH would have governed water mobility if such a water wire had formed (24)", (lines 143-145) therefore does not appear to be strongly supported.
Bennett AL, Ramsey IS (2017a) CrossTalk opposing view: proton transfer in Hv1 utilizes a water wire, and does not require transient protonation of a conserved aspartate in the S1 transmembrane helix. J Physiol
Bennett AL, Ramsey IS (2017b) Rebuttal from Ashley L. Bennett and Ian Scott Ramsey. J Physiol
De La Rosa V, Bennett AL, Ramsey IS (2018) Coupling between an electrostatic network and the Zn(2+) binding site modulates Hv1 activation. J Gen Physiol
De La Rosa V, Ramsey IS (2018) Gating Currents in the Hv1 Proton Channel. Biophys J 114: 2844-2854
DeCoursey TE (2017) CrossTalk proposal: Proton permeation through HV 1 requires transient protonation of a conserved aspartate in the S1 transmembrane helix. J Physiol 595: 6793-6795
DeCoursey TE, Cherny VV (1997) Deuterium isotope effects on permeation and gating of proton channels in rat alveolar epithelium. J Gen Physiol 109: 415-34
Musset B, Smith SM, Rajan S, Morgan D, Cherny VV, Decoursey TE (2011) Aspartate 112 is the selectivity filter of the human voltage-gated proton channel. Nature 480: 273-7
Ramsey IS, Mokrab Y, Carvacho I, Sands ZA, Sansom MS, Clapham DE (2010) An aqueous H+ permeation pathway in the voltage-gated proton channel Hv1. Nat Struct Mol Biol 17: 869-75
Ramsey IS, Moran MM, Chong JA, Clapham DE (2006) A voltage-gated proton-selective channel lacking the pore domain. Nature 440: 1213-6
Randolph AL, Mokrab Y, Bennett AL, Sansom MS, Ramsey IS (2016) Proton currents constrain structural models of voltage sensor activation. Elife 5: e18017
Here the authors attempt to ascertain whether water molecules may mediate proton transfer in the voltage-gated proton channel Hv1 using a combination of whole-cell voltage clamp electrophysiology, protein purification, reconstitution, and pH-dependent AMCA fluorescence measurement and estimates of water permeability, and hydrogen bond calculations based on an X-ray structure of a chimeric Hv1 proton channel model protein. The authors address an important question that is fundamental to the exquisitely proton-selective Hv1 channel and which may be applicable to other proton transporting proteins.
Although there is high potential for significance to a wide range of experimenters studying biologically fundamental mechanisms of proton transport, the experimental data fail to strongly support most of the authors main conclusions, and it is unclear whether the work represents a technial advance for the field. Previous work in the literature has described two main hypotheses for the proton transport mechanism in Hv1:
- A) an intra-protein transmembrane water wire that allows permeating H+ to move along a chain of hydrogen-bonded water molecules and does not require explicit ionization of any particular amino acid side chain (Bennett & Ramsey, 2017a, Bennett & Ramsey, 2017b, Ramsey et al., 2010), and
- B) Explicit ionization of a conserved side chain in the S1 helix (D112 in human Hv1) is required for proton transfer in Hv1 channels (DeCoursey, 2017, Musset et al., 2011). The Reviewer is an expert in the field, having originally identified and functionally characterized Hv1 channels in 2006 (Ramsey, Moran et al., 2006), contributed to the identification of key side chains and structural determinants of Hv1 function (De La Rosa, Bennett et al., 2018, Ramsey et al., 2010, Randolph, Mokrab et al., 2016), measured gating currents in Hv1 (De La Rosa & Ramsey, 2018), and authored the hypothesis that Hv1 utilizes a water-wire type mechanism for proton transfer (Ramsey et al., 2010).
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Reply to the reviewers
August 17, 2022
RE: Review Commons Refereed Preprint #RC-2022-01442
Dear Editor of the EMBO Journal,
Please find our updated manuscript and response to the reviewers’ comments. We appreciate the effort that the reviewers have put into the evaluation of our manuscript.
We are happy with the potential importance the reviewers realise in the study:
Reviewer 1: The finding that ubiquitination occurs inside mitochondria would be an important conceptual advance, which would open new perspectives both for ubiquitination and mitochondrial biology
Reviewer 2: This work would represent a significant/exceptional discovery if supported by compelling data.
Reviewer 3: the results are interesting and very important, as mentioned in the major comments section…
With regard to the major comments raised by the reviewers, you will find below our specific response point by point with explanations and suggested novel experiments (highlighted in yellow). In summary we suggest the following actions to fully support our model:
- We will perform a-complementation with ubiquitin (lacking the GG motif) fused at its C-terminus to the short fragment of b-galactosidase (a). Blue colonies with ωm will indicate import.
- As shown in Figure S2, now added to the manuscript, we show detection of ubiquitinated proteins and mono ubiquitin in extracts of mitochondria pre-treated with trypsin.
- A bio-archives address of our other manuscript will be provided.
- The use of a-complementation for protein localization was developed by us 15 years ago and since then has been used by us and other groups verifying its use as a screening tool. One point is clear, ωm or ωc do not leak into other subcellular compartments. Nevertheless, in the research of specific genes validation is important. Yes!!! ωm and ωc are exclusively located in mitochondria or the cytosol respectively.
- We will highly purify mitochondria on gradients and treat them with protease.
- We cannot be sure that we will be able to detect a protein with ubiquitin modifying activity which functions solely on certain proteins in mitochondria, so publication cannot rely on this.
- Repeat mass spectrometry with careful editing will be undertaken as suggested by the reviewer.
- We will attempt to perform protease protection assays in the presence of specific detergents.
Before tackling the very tough revision, we would like to know if EMBO Journal would positively consider acceptance of our manuscript based on the review and planned revision.
Prof. Ophry Pines Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem 91220 Israel
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In this manuscript, Zhang et al. investigate whether ubiquitination occurs inside mitochondria of the budding yeast S. cerevisiae. They first observe thanks to a sensitive complementation assay that several components of the yeast ubiquitination (and deubiquitination) machinery can localize inside mitochondria. To be able to specifically probe ubiquitin conjugates assembled inside mitochondria they fused HA-tagged ubiquitin to a mitochondrial targeting sequence. Using this construct, they demonstrate that ubiquitin conjugates can be assembled in mitochondria. A series of elegant experiments demonstrates that the pattern of ubiquitin conjugates depends on the mitochondrial localization and the activity of the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Rad6. Altogether, these results convincingly demonstrate that ubiquitination can occur inside yeast mitochondria when ubiquitin is intentionally targeted inside this organelle. It however remains unclear whether mitochondrial ubiquitination occurs in endogenous conditions (without targeting ubiquitin into this compartment) and whether it affects mitochondrial functions.
Response: Regarding the question whether mitochondrial ubiquitination occurs in endogenous conditions, we feel that this is obvious based on our results. We detect numerous ubiquitination related enzymes (E1, E2, E3, DUB) eclipsed in mitochondria but none of the proteasome subunits. As pointed out by the reviewer “these results convincingly demonstrate that ubiquitination can occur inside yeast mitochondria”. With that said, additional data will be incorporated into the manuscript as suggested by the reviewer and can be seen below.
Major comments:
1) The materials and methods section is lacking important information (western blot protocol, details of antibodies, strains, plasmids...). It is thus difficult to evaluate how several experiments were performed and how their design (e.g. the promoters chosen to express tagged proteins) could impact the interpretation of the results. This is a major issue that needs to be corrected. The main text should also explicitly indicate whether tagged proteins used in the alpha-complementation assay are overexpressed or not.
Response: The materials and methods section will be updated accordingly.
2) Despite the previous comment, the data presented in the manuscript convincingly demonstrate that multiple components of the ubiquitination machinery can localize within mitochondria and that ubiquitin conjugates can be assembled in mitochondria when ubiquitin is modified to be intentionally targeted into this compartment. However, little data is shown to support the hypothesis that ubiquitin conjugates can be assembled in mitochondria when ubiquitin is not fused to a mitochondrial targeting sequence. Thus, in my opinion, the evidences presented in the current manuscript are not sufficient to conclude that ubiquitin conjugates are assembled in mitochondria in endogenous conditions (as this is done implicitly). Additional evidences are needed to draw this conclusion (see some experimental suggestions hereafter). Without further evidences, the speculative aspects of the claim that "ubiquitination occurs in the mitochondrial matrix" should be discussed explicitly.
Response: See the discussion above why we are confident that ubiquitination occurs in mitochondria. Our major problem with ubiquitin and the ubiquitination enzymes is that they are eclipsed in mitochondria. We propose as suggested by the reviewer (item 4 of his review) to perform a-complementation with ubiquitin fused at its C-terminus to the short fragment of b-galactosidase (a). Blue colonies with ωm will indicate import.
3) The authors used a mass spectrometry approach to identify mitochondrial ubiquitination substrates. However, they have not yet succeeded in identifying a substrate whose modification is specifically regulated by a given component of the mitochondrial ubiquitination machinery. They have also not identified a phenotype or process impacted by mitochondrial ubiquitination. Thus, at this stage, the biological consequences of mitochondrial ubiquitination remain elusive.
__Response: __We have not identified a substrate whose modification is dependent on a given component of the mitochondrial ubiquitination machinery, even though we have tried. Again, the problem is low levels of these proteins eclipsed in mitochondria. Even when we do find a protein that is ubiquitinated (e.g. Aco1) its ubiquitination is not exclusively dependent on Rad6. Thus, different ubiquitin enzymes may have the same substrates.
4) The authors have not directly investigated whether ubiquitin itself (without a mitochondrial targeting sequence) localizes in mitochondria. I encourage them to address this question since it would provide an important piece of evidence suggesting that mitochondrial ubiquitination can occur in endogenous conditions. This could be done using the alpha-complementation assay and the results could be presented within Figure 1. Ideally this experiment should be performed without overexpressing ubiquitin. Note that if the authors decide to use a C-terminally tagged form of ubiquitin for this experiment, the GG motif of ubiquitin should be mutated to avoid cleavage of the alpha tag by cellular DUBs. This form of ubiquitin will not be conjugatable, but this is not an issue for this experiment since its aim is to determine whether ubiquitin can be targeted to mitochondria, not to probe conjugates.
Response: We will perform experiments as suggested by the reviewer including ubiquitin fused at its C-terminus to the short fragment of b-galactosidase (a), see item 2. We have previously made a PreSu9-Ubi lacking a GG motif but now will look at a different combination of this and other constructs.
5) In the top panels of Figure 2 and S1, free ubiquitin is well detectable in the total and cytosolic fractions. It is however not clear to me whether it is also detectable in the concentrated mitochondrial fraction. If yes and if it would be resistant to trypsin digestion, it would provide additional evidence that endogenous ubiquitin can be targeted to the mitochondrial matrix (see previous comment).
Response: See Item 6.
6) The data shown in the top panel of Figure 2 and S1 also suggest that free ubiquitin is less concentrated in mitochondria than in the cytosol (since it is more difficult to detect in the concentrated mitochondrial fraction than in the cytosolic fraction, see previous comment). It is thus possible that the use of preSu9-HA-Ubi (or preFum1-HA-Ubi) lead to an artificially high intra-mitochondrial concentration of free ubiquitin. As the concentration of free ubiquitin is known to impact ubiquitination processes, I encourage the authors to compare the relative levels of free ubiquitin present in the mitochondrial fraction prepared from WT and preSu9-HA-Ubi (or preFum1-HA-Ubi) expressing cells. If free ubiquitin is detectable in mitochondrial fractions and resistant to trypsin (see previous comment), this could be done by repeating the experiment shown in Figure 3B and probing the blot with an antibody that recognizes free ubiquitin.
Response to 5 and 6: Detection of ubiquitin in mitochondria is extremely difficult even when mitochondria are 15-fold concentrated versus the cytosol and when HA-Ubi is overexpressed. Thus, ubiquitin is eclipsed in mitochondria. Nevertheless, as shown in the Figure below which was not part of the submitted manuscript yet was performed in parallel to experiments done early on, shows detection of very weak bands of free ubiquitin in extracts of mitochondria pre-treated with trypsin.
Endogenous ubiquitination pattern in mitochondria of _Δrad6 _cells is restored to normal by Rad6-α. __WT or Δrad6 cells containing a Rad6-α construct or an empty plasmid were subjected to subcellular fractionation. Mitochondrial fractions with or without trypsin treatment, were probed for ubiquitin by WB. Aco1 is a matrix mitochondrial protein, and Tom70 is a mitochondrial outer membrane protein (MOM) facing the cytosol.
7) I strongly encourage the authors to provide more data indicating that "ubiquitination occurs in mitochondria" by performing experiments that do not rely on the use of the preSu9-HA-Ubi or other forms of ubiquitin that are intentionally targeted to mitochondria. For instance, they could analyse the pattern of HA-Ubi conjugates of trypsin digested mitochondrial fractions prepared from wt, rad6-delta, and rad6-delta complemented with preSu9-Rad6-alpha-SL17. Note that if trypsin digested mitochondrial fractions are too contaminated by ubiquitinated proteins present outside mitochondria to perform this experiment, the authors may use the unspecific DUB Usp2 as an alternative protease to strip ubiquitinated proteins from the mitochondria periphery.
Response: Concentrated mitochondrial extracts from WT and Δrad6 cells untreated or treated with trypsin were probed with anti-ubiquitin antibodies (Figure above). A very weak band corresponding to free ubiquitin can be detected in extracts of mitochondria treated with trypsin but these are very weak and are on the limit of detection.
Minor comments:
1) Overall, the manuscript is well organized and easy to follow. The text is clearly written; the figures are well annotated.
2) The authors should provide full images of all the blots with anti-ubiquitin and anti-HA antibodies so that one can see the bands corresponding to free ubiquitin (or free HA-Ubi). For instance, in Figure 3B, it is not possible to see the presence (or absence) of the band corresponding to free HA-Ubi because the very bottom of the image is cut.
3) The authors should indicate whether the MTS of Su9 (and Fum1) are expected to be cleaved after import of preSu9-HA-Ubi (and preFum1-HA-Ubi) in mitochondria. They should also label on the corresponding immunoblots the presence (or absence) of the band corresponding to the free preSu9-HA-Ubi (and preFum1-HA-Ubi) (or HA-Ubi if the MTS is expected to be cleaved from these constructs).
4) In Figure 3B, the ubiquitin conjugates produced with preSu9-HA-Ubi and preFum1-HA-Ubi have different migration patterns. I think this should be explicitly mentioned and discussed. Could it be due to the presence of lysine residues in the Su9 or Fum1 MTS that could lead to the assembly of artificial ubiquitin chains?
5) The authors indicate that "endogenous Rad6 [...] is expressed at very low levels and can hardly be detected in the mitochondrial fraction by WB (Figure S5)". I did not manage to observe the band corresponding to endogenous Rad6 in the mitochondrial fraction in the pdf. The authors should provide a more contrasted or better quality image.
CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS I agree with reviewer 2 that proper validation of the complementation assay is crucial for this manuscript. I was myself wondering whether it uses endogenously tagged proteins or whether it is based on an overexpression system. I imagine this information will be detailed in the manuscript in preparation mentioned by the authors. I am therefore wondering whether it would be possible to ask the authors to provide the draft of this manuscript (or at least the validation part).
Response: A bio-archives address of our other manuscript will be provided upon resubmission. See other issues referred to the response Reviewer 2.
I agree with most comments of reviewer 3. Regarding the hypothesis that preSu9-HA-Ubi could form aggregates on the cytosolic surface of the mitochondria, I think that the results presented on Figure 7B rather argue against it (since they indicate that Rad6 localized inside mitochondria can restore the pattern of ubiquitin conjugates). That's why (in my opinion) the major question the author now need to adress is whether intra-mitochondrial ubiquitination occurs in endogenous conditions (ie without forcing ubiquitin into this compartment and without E2 or E3 overexpression).
Response: See response to the other reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
The finding that ubiquitination occurs inside mitochondria would be an important conceptual advance, which would open new perspectives both for ubiquitination and mitochondrial biology research. However, the significance of the current manuscript is limited because the presented evidences heavily rely on the use of artificial conditions (ubiquitin tagged with a mitochondrial-targeting sequence) that may trigger irrelevant ubiquitination events. The significance would be much higher if the authors would provide further evidences indicating that intra-mitochondrial ubiquitination occurs in endogenous conditions and/or if they had identified a mitochondrial process specifically impacted by mitochondrial ubiquitination.
Expertise of the reviewer: Ubiquitination, Yeast biology, protein-protein interactions. No specific expertise in mitochondrial biology
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In the manuscript by Yu et al., the authors test the concept that certain proteins are unevenly distributed within distinct cell compartments. Due to this localization discrepancy, protein detection in some subcellular compartments can be "eclipsed" by a predominant subset of specific protein localizing in another cell compartment their actual distribution. Therefore, tiny amounts of physiologically relevant proteins could be biologically relevant. Still, their function in some locations can be overlooked (or eclipsed) because of the high expression level of the same protein in another subcellular compartment(s). Although, this concept is not particularly novel. For example, it is already known that many different proteins can localize to distinct cellular locations (e.g., permanent mitochondrial and peroxisomal localization of many proteins or transient localization of particular proteins to separate cell compartments). The authors apply a yeast system and an α-complementation assay to test further the role of such eclipsed proteins in mitochondrial biology. Specifically, they focus on the ubiquitin (Ub, or as abbreviated incorrectly in this manuscript; Ubi) conjugation pathway, components of which have never been convincingly shown to localize inside the mitochondria. This work proposes that certain ubiquitination events can occur inside yeast mitochondria. This work would represent a significant/exceptional discovery if supported by compelling data. However, the major problem with this work is that the conclusions are based on the ectopic expression of distinct proteins. This approach is not failproof in precise protein expression/delivery to the specific subcellular locations and is likely to result in a non-specific localization. Thus, the problem of eclipsed proteins is addressed by the methodology that may lead to the artificial generation of eclipsed overexpressed proteins. A more effective approach would be if the authors found a way to study this issue with endogenous proteins. The need for overexpression of mitochondria-targeted ubiquitin makes it challenging to reconcile the physiological role of these fundings. In addition, some critical technical issues and omissions further reduce the potential impact of this work (see Specific comments below). For example, strong evidence of mitochondria fraction purity and additional evidence that all the essential constructs used in this work are not misdirected to a different compartment are needed.
Response: “Although, this concept is not particularly novel” is a very disappointing remark by the reviewer!! While dual targeting of proteins has been known for many, many years, how widespread the phenomenon was unknown and thought to be negligible. We are leaders for the last 30 years in the field of dual targeting and distribution and in particular distribution of single translation products. We coined the terms “echoforms” and “eclipsed distribution” and developed methods to detect and screen for dual targeting. The concept of eclipsed distribution and in particular eclipsed targeting to mitochondria is very new, and is leading to a novel perception of the mitochondrial proteome (see MS submission). While the reviewer appears to be an expert on ubiquitination, we are experts on dual targeting.
- Ub was abbreviated incorrectly in this manuscript, Ubi. __Response: __This will be corrected.
Other comments will be referred to in the response to Specific comments.
Specific comments 1. The authors should demonstrate beyond doubt that the ω components of their assay (ω-C, which supposedly stays in the cytosol-ONLY and the ω-M component, which seemingly remains in the mitochondria-ONLY) are in the compartment that the authors claim. These two proteins are transfected into yeast cells and overexpressed. Therefore it is possible that they leak to other, not intended, subcellular compartments. The authors assume that ω-M and ω-C are exclusively located either in the mitochondria or the cytosol. However, this should be shown as validation of the assay. The indicated reference from 2005 (Ref.13) and others are irrelevant since assays have variations and are often researcher/lab dependent. This validation is very important since a misallocation of the overexpressed ω-M or ω-C, leaking into other subcellular compartments, may cause misdetection of the α-constructs.
Response: The use of a-complementation for protein localization was developed by us 15 years ago and since then has been used by us and other groups verifying its use as a screening tool. One point is clear, ωm or ωc do not leak into other subcellular compartments. Nevertheless, in the research of specific genes validation is important. Yes!!! ωm and ωc are exclusively located in mitochondria or the cytosol respectively.
It is not surprising that Ub conjugates are detected in mitochondrial fractions. It could be due to ubiquitination of the OMM (coming from the cytosol) or perhaps since the subcellular fractions were not pure mitochondria free from contamination (the likely culprit could be the ER). The mitochondrial fractions in this work were obtained by 10,000 g separation between cytosolic and mitochondrial crude fractions. Indeed, these 10,000 g crude fractions are highly impure with membranes from other compartments (i.e., microsomes, lysosomes, and so on). Therefore, more sophisticated purification methods should be used. In addition, the authors should also test these fractions for non-mitochondrial proteins from other membrane organelles.
Response: We agree with the reviewer and therefore will take the following approaches:
- i) We will treat isolated mitochondria with protease in order to remove adhering proteins and digest OMM proteins…… see attached figure.
- ii) We will highly purify mitochondria on gradients and this will be straight forward since we are now employing such methods in other projects in the lab. iii) Matrix protein enrichment (by mass spec) is associated with IP for preSu9-HA-Ub conjugates which is three-fold higher than for HA-Ub. In any case the fact that we identify conjugates of proteins not known to be mitochondrial, strongly supports our thesis.
Figure 2. Coomassie blue staining does not show any signal in the "M" fraction. It can be interpreted that the authors do not get any mitochondria there, and therefore the lack of Ub signal is due to the absence of the protein in the samples. Using the same amount of protein from each fraction would probably reduce the necessity of 15x enrichment.
Response: The Coomassie blue staining does show a signal in the "M" fraction which is weak yet when a 15x enrichment is run, the protein level by Coomassie blue staining is similar to the cytosolic fraction.
Figure 3. It is puzzling why the HA-UBQ presence is so strong in the crude mitochondrial fraction, but the preSu9-HA-Ub signal (mito-matrix) is comparatively weak. These data suggest that the crude mito-fraction could be highly contaminated with OTHER membranes. On the other hand, the preSu9-HA-UBQ signal is no more than 1-5% of the total mitochondrial signal. The high enrichment of the HA-Ubi in both cytosols and the mitochondria could indicate the OMM ubiquitination or (again) contamination by other compartments. The constructs with MTS are detected in the mitochondria. However, the localization of tagged MTS-Ubi in a non-targeted compartment (e.g., cytosol) should be excluded by additional exposure times. Because the manuscript talks about eclipsed proteins, this is important.
Response: The HA-Ub is strong in the mitochondrial fraction, in the absence of trypsin, but is very weak in the presence of the protease indicating that most of the ubiquitinated proteins are externally attached to mitochondria. In contrast, PreSu9-HA-Ub is imported into the mitochondrial matrix and is protected from trypsin. This manuscript refers to “eclipsed in mitochondria” (not the cytosol) and this is true for ubiquitination enzymes as well as for ubiquitin.
Figure 3C-E. These data indeed suggest that the Ub-conjugates could be formed inside the mitochondria. However, the above-discussed possibility that other than mitochondria compartments co-sediment in the 10,000g fractions makes the data interpretation highly challenging.
__Response: __We will highly purify mitochondria on gradients and this will be straight forward since we are now employing such methods in other projects in the lab.
Figure 4. Unsurprisingly, mitochondrial targeting of Ub leads to detecting some co-immunoprecipitating mitochondrial proteins. However, these data do not support the notion that Ub conjugation machinery acts inside the mitochondria and that the target proteins are indeed conjugated with Ub (the interaction with Ub is not equal to being conjugated). At the minimum, the authors should provide a validation that some of the detected mitochondrial matrix proteins are indeed ubiquitinated. To this end, purified mitochondria could be used for the candidate protein IP under denaturing conditions and then blotted for the candidate protein and Ub.
__Response: __As shown in Table S2 and figure S7, forms of Ilv5, a mitochondrial protein, are ubiquitinated in WT and Drad6 cells. These modified forms of Ilv5 can be eluted from mitochondrial extracts of WT and Drad6 cells. However, the ubiquitination of ilv5 is not dependent or effected by the Drad6 mutation. We cannot be sure that we will be able to detect a protein with ubiquitin modifying activity which functions solely on certain proteins in mitochondria.
Figure 5. The knock-out of the E2 Rad6 causes a change in the mitochondria ubiquitination pattern. This is an interesting observation, but again it does not prove that the change in the mitochondrial ubiquitination is due to the activity of Rad6 inside of the mitochondria, as opposed to ubiquitination of the OMM proteins or contaminating fractions. One also wonders why overexpression of mitochondria-targeted Ub would be necessary to detect the ubiquitination if this process was physiologically relevant, especially given that detecting endogenous Ub is not challenging. Furthermore, the apparent increase in ubiquitination in E2 mutant cells (Fig. 5) should also be addressed in more detail. Finally, data from one WB is shown, and quantification of several independent experiments should also be provided.
__Response: __We show in the MS that RAD6 is exclusively targeted to mitochondria (Su9MTS) while unimported molecules are degraded (SL17; degron). This hybrid Rad6 can restore the WT ubiquitin pattern, while a rad6 active site mutant cannot.
Figure 6. Can the authors provide Western blot data showing the expression of Rad6? Furthermore, quantifying these rescue experiments is necessary to make this conclusion more solid.
Response: Even though we did not succeed in making good Rad6 antisera, we can clearly detect Rad6-a fusion proteins (Figure 7B).
Figure 7. The authors found that preSu9-Rad6-α have problems being imported into the mitochondria matrix; therefore, they rebuild it as a preSu9-Rad6-α-SL17 protein. SL17 is a degron that targets the cytosolic protein (not imported into the mitochondria) to the proteasome and degraded (Figs. 7A-B-C). These issues could be a red flag for the rest of the manuscript, suggesting that other constructs (that were not critically evaluated for their localization in this work) could leak to different cellular compartments.
Response: The wording used by the reviewer is particularly disturbing since current understanding in cell biology of eukaryotic cells does not accept “leaking” of proteins to different cellular compartments. One wouldn’t want DNAses, RNAses, Proteases etc leaking from one compartment to another. The localization of proteins to different cellular compartments involves very precise signals on the proteins, and specific cellular components, such as translocases, are required to target proteins to their exact destination. This is true for Rad6; it contains an MTS like sequence which when removed blocks import of the protein into mitochondria. Rad6 according to our analysis is an eclipsed dual targeted protein, so it no surprise that it is in two compartments and the trick with the SL17 degron solves the problem.
The manuscript needs to be carefully edited, some references are in the not correct format, and there are issues with figure labels.
Response: Careful editing will be undertaken as suggested by the reviewer.
CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS I agree with a great summary by reviewer 1. This discovery should be validated by top-quality data.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
In the manuscript by Yu et al., the authors test the concept that certain proteins are unevenly distributed within distinct cell compartments. Due to this localization discrepancy, protein detection in some subcellular compartments can be "eclipsed" by a predominant subset of specific protein localizing in another cell compartment their actual distribution. Therefore, tiny amounts of physiologically relevant proteins could be biologically relevant. Still, their function in some locations can be overlooked (or eclipsed) because of the high expression level of the same protein in another subcellular compartment(s). Although, this concept is not particularly novel. For example, it is already known that many different proteins can localize to distinct cellular locations (e.g., permanent mitochondrial and peroxisomal localization of many proteins or transient localization of particular proteins to separate cell compartments). The authors apply a yeast system and an α-complementation assay to test further the role of such eclipsed proteins in mitochondrial biology. Specifically, they focus on the ubiquitin (Ub, or as abbreviated incorrectly in this manuscript; Ubi) conjugation pathway, components of which have never been convincingly shown to localize inside the mitochondria. This work proposes that certain ubiquitination events can occur inside yeast mitochondria. This work would represent a significant/exceptional discovery if supported by compelling data. However, the major problem with this work is that the conclusions are based on the ectopic expression of distinct proteins. This approach is not failproof in precise protein expression/delivery to the specific subcellular locations and is likely to result in a non-specific localization. Thus, the problem of eclipsed proteins is addressed by the methodology that may lead to the artificial generation of eclipsed overexpressed proteins. A more effective approach would be if the authors found a way to study this issue with endogenous proteins. The need for overexpression of mitochondria-targeted ubiquitin makes it challenging to reconcile the physiological role of these fundings. In addition, some critical technical issues and omissions further reduce the potential impact of this work (see Specific comments above). For example, strong evidence of mitochondria fraction purity and additional evidence that all the essential constructs used in this work are not misdirected to a different compartment are needed.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Summary: In this study, the authors detected a set of components of a ubiquitination system in the mitochondrial matrix in budding yeast using the subcellular compartment-dependent α-complementation assay. The authors detected the conjugates of mitochondrial targeting signal sequence-directed HA-Ub (preSu9-HA-Ub) in the mitochondrial matrix. The immunoprecipitates of the preSu9-HA-Ubi conjugates were highly enriched for the mitochondrial matrix proteins. Subsequently, the authors focused on the Rad6 E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme in the mitochondrial matrix and evaluated its inactivation-altered ubiquitination pattern in the organelle. The authors conclude that ubiquitination occurs in the mitochondrial matrix because of the eclipsed targeted components of the ubiquitination machinery.
Major comments: The authors argued that the proteins that were modified with preSu9-HA-Ubi, which was forced to be imported into the mitochondria, are present in the mitochondrial matrix, because these species are resistant to trypsin digestion. However, it was possible that they formed severe aggregates on the cytosolic surface of the mitochondria, and hence, were resistant to the proteinase. In other words, a small amount of proteins that were not imported into the mitochondria could be deposited on the cytosolic surface of the mitochondria, where they were modified with preSu9-HA-Ubi by cytosolic Rad6. To confirm if the preSu9-HA-Ubi-modified proteins were really present in the mitochondrial matrix, they should perform the protease protection assay in the presence of an appropriate detergent (Figure 3D). In addition, subcellular fractionation of the organelle by density gradient centrifugation, indirect immunofluorescence microscopic analysis of the preSu9-HA-Ubi conjugates, and/or experiments on the in vitro import of preSu9-HA-Ubi and Rad6 into the mitochondria would strongly support the authors conclusion. Other experiments that might support the authors conclusion would be to test whether the band pattern for the preSu9-HA-Ubi conjugates changes when the mitochondrial import is impaired.
Response: We will attempt to perform 1) Protease protection assay in the presence of a detergent (Figure 3D). 2) Subcellular fractionation of the organelle by density gradient centrifugation. 3) In vitro import of Rad6 into the mitochondria.
Minor comments: In Figure 3B, the molecular weight distributions of the preSu9-HA-Ubi conjugates and those of the preFum-HA-Ubi conjugates are different. Is there any reason for this difference?
In Figure 3E, the position of "-" (MG132) for lane 1 is not correct.
In Figure 6A: The band pattern for preSu9-HA-Ubi (lane 13) in the rad6-delta cells expressing Ubc8-alpha is different from that of the wild-type cells expressing Ubc8-alpha (lane 12) as well as that obtained from the rad6-delta cells harboring empty plasmids (lane 9). Is there any explanation for this observation?
In Figure 7B and S6: The level of preSu9-Rad6-alpha-SL17 in the rad6-delta cells is always lower than that in the wild-type cells (compare lanes 13 and 10 in Figure 7B, and lanes 13 and 12 in Figure S6). Is there any explanation for this observation? The protease protection assay (with detergent control) is needed to fully confirm that preSu9-Rad6-alpha-SL17 is present in the mitochondria.
In Figure S7, the authors presented the matrix proteins, Ilv5 and Aco1, detected in the preSu9-HA-Ubi IPed samples and described this observation in the main text. However, the authors also showed the blots for Idh1 and Fum1, which were also pulled down with preSu9-HA-Ubi from the WT cells more than from the rad6-delta cells. Is this correct? If so, please elucidate this observation in the main text.
Figure 8D and 8E are not cited in the main text. Although there are no explanations for these figures in the main text, it looks like Rad6-deltaN11-alpha resides in the mitochondrial fraction. However, the alpha-complementation assay suggests that it resides in the cytosol. Please explain this discrepancy.
First page of the discussion section, item 6): E2 Rad6, but not E3 Rad6?
Figure S7: HA-Ub (cytosolic form) control is needed in addition to the empty vector control.
Figure S7, left panel: There is an unnecessary line break in "Hsp60" and "Ilv5."
Figure S7, right panel: There is an unnecessary line break in "Hsp60."
CROSS-CONSULTATION COMMENTS I agree with comments of reviewer 1 and 2. -Validation of the complementation assay. -I also think that it is important to address whether intra-mitochondrial ubiquitination can be observed with endogenous level of ubiquitin. If even a small amount of preSu9-HA-Ub is mistargeted to the cytosol, proteins at the cytosolic side of mitochondrial outer membrane could be ubiquitinated and detected in the mitochondrial fraction. -Preparation of mitochondria with more sophisticated purification methods (i.e. high resolution density gradient) would be needed to separate mitochondria from ER and other organelles. -More information is needed in the materials and methods section.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): Significance Although the results are interesting and very important, as mentioned in the major comments section, additional experiments are needed to support their model. However, researchers working on the mitochondrial biology and ubiquitin systems might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this study, the authors detected a set of components of a ubiquitination system in the mitochondrial matrix in budding yeast using the subcellular compartment-dependent α-complementation assay. The authors detected the conjugates of mitochondrial targeting signal sequence-directed HA-Ub (preSu9-HA-Ub) in the mitochondrial matrix. The immunoprecipitates of the preSu9-HA-Ubi conjugates were highly enriched for the mitochondrial matrix proteins. Subsequently, the authors focused on the Rad6 E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme in the mitochondrial matrix and evaluated its inactivation-altered ubiquitination pattern in the organelle. The authors conclude that ubiquitination occurs in the mitochondrial matrix because of the eclipsed targeted components of the ubiquitination machinery.
Major comments:
The authors argued that the proteins that were modified with preSu9-HA-Ubi, which was forced to be imported into the mitochondria, are present in the mitochondrial matrix, because these species are resistant to trypsin digestion. However, it was possible that they formed severe aggregates on the cytosolic surface of the mitochondria, and hence, were resistant to the proteinase. In other words, a small amount of proteins that were not imported into the mitochondria could be deposited on the cytosolic surface of the mitochondria, where they were modified with preSu9-HA-Ubi by cytosolic Rad6. To confirm if the preSu9-HA-Ubi-modified proteins were really present in the mitochondrial matrix, they should perform the protease protection assay in the presence of an appropriate detergent (Figure 3D). In addition, subcellular fractionation of the organelle by density gradient centrifugation, indirect immunofluorescence microscopic analysis of the preSu9-HA-Ubi conjugates, and/or experiments on the in vitro import of preSu9-HA-Ubi and Rad6 into the mitochondria would strongly support the authors conclusion. Other experiments that might support the authors conclusion would be to test whether the band pattern for the preSu9-HA-Ubi conjugates changes when the mitochondrial import is impaired.
Minor comments:
In Figure 3B, the molecular weight distributions of the preSu9-HA-Ubi conjugates and those of the preFum-HA-Ubi conjugates are different. Is there any reason for this difference?
In Figure 3E, the position of "-" (MG132) for lane 1 is not correct.
In Figure 6A: The band pattern for preSu9-HA-Ubi (lane 13) in the rad6-delta cells expressing Ubc8-alpha is different from that of the wild-type cells expressing Ubc8-alpha (lane 12) as well as that obtained from the rad6-delta cells harboring empty plasmids (lane 9). Is there any explanation for this observation?
In Figure 7B and S6: The level of preSu9-Rad6-alpha-SL17 in the rad6-delta cells is always lower than that in the wild-type cells (compare lanes 13 and 10 in Figure 7B, and lanes 13 and 12 in Figure S6). Is there any explanation for this observation? The protease protection assay (with detergent control) is needed to fully confirm that preSu9-Rad6-alpha-SL17 is present in the mitochondria.
In Figure S7, the authors presented the matrix proteins, Ilv5 and Aco1, detected in the preSu9-HA-Ubi IPed samples and described this observation in the main text. However, the authors also showed the blots for Idh1 and Fum1, which were also pulled down with preSu9-HA-Ubi from the WT cells more than from the rad6-delta cells. Is this correct? If so, please elucidate this observation in the main text.
Figure 8D and 8E are not cited in the main text. Although there are no explanations for these figures in the main text, it looks like Rad6-deltaN11-alpha resides in the mitochondrial fraction. However, the alpha-complementation assay suggests that it resides in the cytosol. Please explain this discrepancy.
First page of the discussion section, item 6): E2 Rad6, but not E3 Rad6?
Figure S7: HA-Ub (cytosolic form) control is needed in addition to the empty vector control.
Figure S7, left panel: There is an unnecessary line break in "Hsp60" and "Ilv5."
Figure S7, right panel: There is an unnecessary line break in "Hsp60."
I agree with comments of reviewer 1 and 2.
- Validation of the complementation assay.
- I also think that it is important to address whether intra-mitochondrial ubiquitination can be observed with endogenous level of ubiquitin. If even a small amount of preSu9-HA-Ub is mistargeted to the cytosol, proteins at the cytosolic side of mitochondrial outer membrane could be ubiquitinated and detected in the mitochondrial fraction.
- Preparation of mitochondria with more sophisticated purification methods (i.e. high resolution density gradient) would be needed to separate mitochondria from ER and other organelles.
- More information is needed in the materials and methods section.
Although the results are interesting and very important, as mentioned in the major comments section, additional experiments are needed to support their model. However, researchers working on the mitochondrial biology and ubiquitin systems might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In the manuscript by Yu et al., the authors test the concept that certain proteins are unevenly distributed within distinct cell compartments. Due to this localization discrepancy, protein detection in some subcellular compartments can be "eclipsed" by a predominant subset of specific protein localizing in another cell compartment their actual distribution. Therefore, tiny amounts of physiologically relevant proteins could be biologically relevant. Still, their function in some locations can be overlooked (or eclipsed) because of the high expression level of the same protein in another subcellular compartment(s). Although, this concept is not particularly novel. For example, it is already known that many different proteins can localize to distinct cellular locations (e.g., permanent mitochondrial and peroxisomal localization of many proteins or transient localization of particular proteins to separate cell compartments). The authors apply a yeast system and an α-complementation assay to test further the role of such eclipsed proteins in mitochondrial biology. Specifically, they focus on the ubiquitin (Ub, or as abbreviated incorrectly in this manuscript; Ubi) conjugation pathway, components of which have never been convincingly shown to localize inside the mitochondria. This work proposes that certain ubiquitination events can occur inside yeast mitochondria. This work would represent a significant/exceptional discovery if supported by compelling data. However, the major problem with this work is that the conclusions are based on the ectopic expression of distinct proteins. This approach is not failproof in precise protein expression/delivery to the specific subcellular locations and is likely to result in a non-specific localization. Thus, the problem of eclipsed proteins is addressed by the methodology that may lead to the artificial generation of eclipsed overexpressed proteins. A more effective approach would be if the authors found a way to study this issue with endogenous proteins. The need for overexpression of mitochondria-targeted ubiquitin makes it challenging to reconcile the physiological role of these fundings. In addition, some critical technical issues and omissions further reduce the potential impact of this work (see Specific comments below). For example, strong evidence of mitochondria fraction purity and additional evidence that all the essential constructs used in this work are not misdirected to a different compartment are needed.
Specific comments
- The authors should demonstrate beyond doubt that the ω components of their assay (ω-C, which supposedly stays in the cytosol-ONLY and the ω-M component, which seemingly remains in the mitochondria-ONLY) are in the compartment that the authors claim. These two proteins are transfected into yeast cells and overexpressed. Therefore it is possible that they leak to other, not intended, subcellular compartments. The authors assume that ω-M and ω-C are exclusively located either in the mitochondria or the cytosol. However, this should be shown as validation of the assay. The indicated reference from 2005 (Ref.13) and others are irrelevant since assays have variations and are often researcher/lab dependent. This validation is very important since a misallocation of the overexpressed ω-M or ω-C, leaking into other subcellular compartments, may cause misdetection of the α-constructs.
- It is not surprising that Ub conjugates are detected in mitochondrial fractions. It could be due to ubiquitination of the OMM (coming from the cytosol) or perhaps since the subcellular fractions were not pure mitochondria free from contamination (the likely culprit could be the ER). The mitochondrial fractions in this work were obtained by 10,000 g separation between cytosolic and mitochondrial crude fractions. Indeed, these 10,000 g crude fractions are highly impure with membranes from other compartments (i.e., microsomes, lysosomes, and so on). Therefore, more sophisticated purification methods should be used. In addition, the authors should also test these fractions for non-mitochondrial proteins from other membrane organelles.
- Figure 2. Coomassie blue staining does not show any signal in the "M" fraction. It can be interpreted that the authors do not get any mitochondria there, and therefore the lack of Ub signal is due to the absence of the protein in the samples. Using the same amount of protein from each fraction would probably reduce the necessity of 15x enrichment.
- Figure 3. It is puzzling why the HA-UBQ presence is so strong in the crude mitochondrial fraction, but the preSu9-HA-Ub signal (mito-matrix) is comparatively weak. These data suggest that the crude mito-fraction could be highly contaminated with OTHER membranes. On the other hand, the preSu9-HA-UBQ signal is no more than 1-5% of the total mitochondrial signal. The high enrichment of the HA-Ubi in both cytosols and the mitochondria could indicate the OMM ubiquitination or (again) contamination by other compartments. The constructs with MTS are detected in the mitochondria. However, the localization of tagged MTS-Ubi in a non-targeted compartment (e.g., cytosol) should be excluded by additional exposure times. Because the manuscript talks about eclipsed proteins, this is important.
- Figure 3C-E. These data indeed suggest that the Ub-conjugates could be formed inside the mitochondria. However, the above-discussed possibility that other than mitochondria compartments co-sediment in the 10,000g fractions makes the data interpretation highly challenging.
- Figure 4. Unsurprisingly, mitochondrial targeting of Ub leads to detecting some co-immunoprecipitating mitochondrial proteins. However, these data do not support the notion that Ub conjugation machinery acts inside the mitochondria and that the target proteins are indeed conjugated with Ub (the interaction with Ub is not equal to being conjugated). At the minimum, the authors should provide a validation that some of the detected mitochondrial matrix proteins are indeed ubiquitinated. To this end, purified mitochondria could be used for the candidate protein IP under denaturing conditions and then blotted for the candidate protein and Ub.
- Figure 5. The knock-out of the E2 Rad6 causes a change in the mitochondria ubiquitination pattern. This is an interesting observation, but again it does not prove that the change in the mitochondrial ubiquitination is due to the activity of Rad6 inside of the mitochondria, as opposed to ubiquitination of the OMM proteins or contaminating fractions. One also wonders why overexpression of mitochondria-targeted Ub would be necessary to detect the ubiquitination if this process was physiologically relevant, especially given that detecting endogenous Ub is not challenging. Furthermore, the apparent increase in ubiquitination in E2 mutant cells (Fig. 5) should also be addressed in more detail. Finally, data from one WB is shown, and quantification of several independent experiments should also be provided.
- Figure 6. Can the authors provide Western blot data showing the expression of Rad6? Furthermore, quantifying these rescue experiments is necessary to make this conclusion more solid.
- Figure 7. The authors found that preSu9-Rad6-α have problems being imported into the mitochondria matrix; therefore, they rebuild it as a preSu9-Rad6-α-SL17 protein. SL17 is a degron that targets the cytosolic protein (not imported into the mitochondria) to the proteasome and degraded (Figs. 7A-B-C). These issues could be a red flag for the rest of the manuscript, suggesting that other constructs (that were not critically evaluated for their localization in this work) could leak to different cellular compartments.
- The manuscript needs to be carefully edited, some references are in the not correct format, and there are issues with figure labels.
I agree with a great summary by reviewer 1. This discovery should be validated by top-quality data.
In the manuscript by Yu et al., the authors test the concept that certain proteins are unevenly distributed within distinct cell compartments. Due to this localization discrepancy, protein detection in some subcellular compartments can be "eclipsed" by a predominant subset of specific protein localizing in another cell compartment their actual distribution. Therefore, tiny amounts of physiologically relevant proteins could be biologically relevant. Still, their function in some locations can be overlooked (or eclipsed) because of the high expression level of the same protein in another subcellular compartment(s). Although, this concept is not particularly novel. For example, it is already known that many different proteins can localize to distinct cellular locations (e.g., permanent mitochondrial and peroxisomal localization of many proteins or transient localization of particular proteins to separate cell compartments). The authors apply a yeast system and an α-complementation assay to test further the role of such eclipsed proteins in mitochondrial biology. Specifically, they focus on the ubiquitin (Ub, or as abbreviated incorrectly in this manuscript; Ubi) conjugation pathway, components of which have never been convincingly shown to localize inside the mitochondria. This work proposes that certain ubiquitination events can occur inside yeast mitochondria. This work would represent a significant/exceptional discovery if supported by compelling data. However, the major problem with this work is that the conclusions are based on the ectopic expression of distinct proteins. This approach is not failproof in precise protein expression/delivery to the specific subcellular locations and is likely to result in a non-specific localization. Thus, the problem of eclipsed proteins is addressed by the methodology that may lead to the artificial generation of eclipsed overexpressed proteins. A more effective approach would be if the authors found a way to study this issue with endogenous proteins. The need for overexpression of mitochondria-targeted ubiquitin makes it challenging to reconcile the physiological role of these fundings. In addition, some critical technical issues and omissions further reduce the potential impact of this work (see Specific comments above). For example, strong evidence of mitochondria fraction purity and additional evidence that all the essential constructs used in this work are not misdirected to a different compartment are needed.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript, Zhang et al. investigate whether ubiquitination occurs inside mitochondria of the budding yeast S. cerevisiae. They first observe thanks to a sensitive complementation assay that several components of the yeast ubiquitination (and deubiquitination) machinery can localize inside mitochondria. To be able to specifically probe ubiquitin conjugates assembled inside mitochondria they fused HA-tagged ubiquitin to a mitochondrial targeting sequence. Using this construct, they demonstrate that ubiquitin conjugates can be assembled in mitochondria. A series of elegant experiments demonstrates that the pattern of ubiquitin conjugates depends on the mitochondrial localization and the activity of the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Rad6. Altogether, these results convincingly demonstrate that ubiquitination can occur inside yeast mitochondria when ubiquitin is intentionally targeted inside this organelle. It however remains unclear whether mitochondrial ubiquitination occurs in endogenous conditions (without targeting ubiquitin into this compartment) and whether it affects mitochondrial functions.
Major comments:
1) The materials and methods section is lacking important information (western blot protocol, details of antibodies, strains, plasmids...). It is thus difficult to evaluate how several experiments were performed and how their design (e.g. the promoters chosen to express tagged proteins) could impact the interpretation of the results. This is a major issue that needs to be corrected. The main text should also explicitly indicate whether tagged proteins used in the alpha-complementation assay are overexpressed or not.
2) Despite the previous comment, the data presented in the manuscript convincingly demonstrate that multiple components of the ubiquitination machinery can localize within mitochondria and that ubiquitin conjugates can be assembled in mitochondria when ubiquitin is modified to be intentionally targeted into this compartment. However, little data is shown to support the hypothesis that ubiquitin conjugates can be assembled in mitochondria when ubiquitin is not fused to a mitochondrial targeting sequence. Thus, in my opinion, the evidences presented in the current manuscript are not sufficient to conclude that ubiquitin conjugates are assembled in mitochondria in endogenous conditions (as this is done implicitly). Additional evidences are needed to draw this conclusion (see some experimental suggestions hereafter). Without further evidences, the speculative aspects of the claim that "ubiquitination occurs in the mitochondrial matrix" should be discussed explicitly.
3) The authors used a mass spectrometry approach to identify mitochondrial ubiquitination substrates. However, they have not yet succeeded in identifying a substrate whose modification is specifically regulated by a given component of the mitochondrial ubiquitination machinery. They have also not identified a phenotype or process impacted by mitochondrial ubiquitination. Thus, at this stage, the biological consequences of mitochondrial ubiquitination remain elusive.
4) The authors have not directly investigated whether ubiquitin itself (without a mitochondrial targeting sequence) localizes in mitochondria. I encourage them to address this question since it would provide an important piece of evidence suggesting that mitochondrial ubiquitination can occur in endogenous conditions. This could be done using the alpha-complementation assay and the results could be presented within Figure 1. Ideally this experiment should be performed without overexpressing ubiquitin. Note that if the authors decide to use a C-terminally tagged form of ubiquitin for this experiment, the GG motif of ubiquitin should be mutated to avoid cleavage of the alpha tag by cellular DUBs. This form of ubiquitin will not be conjugatable, but this is not an issue for this experiment since its aim is to determine whether ubiquitin can be targeted to mitochondria, not to probe conjugates.
5) In the top panels of Figure 2 and S1, free ubiquitin is well detectable in the total and cytosolic fractions. It is however not clear to me whether it is also detectable in the concentrated mitochondrial fraction. If yes and if it would be resistant to trypsin digestion, it would provide an additional evidence that endogenous ubiquitin can be targeted to the mitochondrial matrix (see previous comment).
6) The data shown in the top panel of Figure 2 and S1 also suggest that free ubiquitin is less concentrated in mitochondria than in the cytosol (since it is more difficult to detect in the concentrated mitochondrial fraction than in the cytosolic fraction, see previous comment). It is thus possible that the use of preSu9-HA-Ubi (or preFum1-HA-Ubi) lead to an artificially high intra-mitochondrial concentration of free ubiquitin. As the concentration of free ubiquitin is known to impact ubiquitination processes, I encourage the authors to compare the relative levels of free ubiquitin present in the mitochondrial fraction prepared from wt and preSu9-HA-Ubi (or preFum1-HA-Ubi) expressing cells. If free ubiquitin is detectable in mitochondrial fractions and resistant to trypsin (see previous comment), this could be done by repeating the experiment shown in Figure 3B and probing the blot with an antibody that recognizes free ubiquitin.
7) I strongly encourage the authors to provide more data indicating that "ubiquitination occurs in mitochondria" by performing experiments that do not rely on the use of the preSu9-HA-Ubi or other forms of ubiquitin that are intentionally targeted to mitochondria. For instance, they could analyse the pattern of HA-Ubi conjugates of trypsin digested mitochondrial fractions prepared from wt, rad6-delta, and rad6-delta complemented with preSu9-Rad6-alpha-SL17. Note that if trypsin digested mitochondrial fractions are too contaminated by ubiquitinated proteins present outside mitochondria to perform this experiment, the authors may use the unspecific DUB Usp2 as an alternative protease to strip ubiquitinated proteins from the mitochondria periphery.
Minor comments:
1) Overall, the manuscript is well organized and easy to follow. The text is clearly written; the figures are well annotated.
2) The authors should provide full images of all the blots with anti-ubiquitin and anti-HA antibodies so that one can see the bands corresponding to free ubiquitin (or free HA-Ubi). For instance, in Figure 3B, it is not possible to see the presence (or absence) of the band corresponding to free HA-Ubi because the very bottom of the image is cut.
3) The authors should indicate whether the MTS of Su9 (and Fum1) are expected to be cleaved after import of preSu9-HA-Ubi (and preFum1-HA-Ubi) in mitochondria. They should also label on the corresponding immunoblots the presence (or absence) of the band corresponding to the free preSu9-HA-Ubi (and preFum1-HA-Ubi) (or HA-Ubi if the MTS is expected to be cleaved from these constructs).
4) In Figure 3B, the ubiquitin conjugates produced with preSu9-HA-Ubi and preFum1-HA-Ubi have different migration patterns. I think this should be explicitly mentioned and discussed. Could it be due to the presence of lysine residues in the Su9 or Fum1 MTS that could lead to the assembly of artificial ubiquitin chains?
5) The authors indicate that "endogenous Rad6 [...] is expressed at very low levels and can hardly be detected in the mitochondrial fraction by WB (Figure S5)". I did not manage to observe the band corresponding to endogenous Rad6 in the mitochondrial fraction in the pdf. The authors should provide a more contrasted or better quality image.
I agree with reviewer 2 that proper validation of the complementation assay is crucial for this manuscript. I was myself wondering whether it uses endogenously tagged proteins or whether it is based on an overexpression system. I imagine this information will be detailed in the manuscript in preparation mentioned by the authors. I am therefore wondering whether it would be possible to ask the authors to provide the draft of this manuscript (or at least the validation part).
I agree with most comments of reviewer 3. Regarding the hypothesis that preSu9-HA-Ubi could form aggregates on the cytosolic surface of the mitochondria, I think that the results presented on Figure 7B rather argue against it (since they indicate that Rad6 localized inside mitochondria can restore the pattern of ubiquitin conjugates). That's why (in my opinion) the major question the author now need to adress is whether intra-mitochondrial ubiquitination occurs in endogenous conditions (ie without forcing ubiquitin into this compartment and without E2 or E3 overexpression).
The finding that ubiquitination occurs inside mitochondria would be an important conceptual advance, which would open new perspectives both for ubiquitination and mitochondrial biology research. However, the significance of the current manuscript is limited because the presented evidences heavily rely on the use of artificial conditions (ubiquitin tagged with a mitochondrial-targeting sequence) that may trigger irrelevant ubiquitination events. The significance would be much higher if the authors would provide further evidences indicating that intra-mitochondrial ubiquitination occurs in endogenous conditions and/or if they had identified a mitochondrial process specifically impacted by mitochondrial ubiquitination.
Expertise of the reviewer: Ubiquitination, Yeast biology, protein-protein interactions. No specific expertise in mitochondrial biology
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1:
1) The authors could consider qualifying the observations as preliminary as no
mechanistic data or longer-term pathophysiology is investigated. Indeed, the latter is well
beyond the current scope and may require generation of cell-type specific STING ki mice.
- *
Thank you for the comment. We have qualified our observations as preliminary (line 662).
Indeed, generating cell-type specific STING ki mice is part of our future plans.
2) The authors consistently write "NF-kB/inflammasomes" - these two pathways (although
related) are quite distinct and should not be lumped together in such a way.
- *
Thank you for this important note, we now corrected the text (for example see section headings in the Results section, lines 338 and 415).
3) Line 79: "NRLP3" should be corrected to NLRP3.
- *
Line 210: age of "adult mice" in weeks should be state in the text and figure legend.
Thank you, corrected.
4) Line 262: In Figure 3B and D the images look very different and there is no indication of
what a positive inclusion is? This should be indicated on the image.
- *
Thank you for the suggestion. We replaced the corresponding panels with new images, where we show the nuclei with blue, and the Thioflavin S staining with magenta pseudo-color (current Figure 3E). We marked the outline of Thioflavin S positive cells with yellow. An inset showing the magnification of some neurons with inclusions is also presented.
5) Line 280: The data of Ifi44 should also be mentioned in the text.
- *
Thank you. We performed new experiments to show the gene expression changes in the
striatum and in the substantia nigra, therefore majority of the gene expression data from the cortex has been moved to the supplementary material (supplemental Figures 3 and 5), and is not discussed in detailed in the current manuscript.
6) Line 290: Figure 4, Examining IL-1B and Caspase-1 transcripts is not a readout of
inflammasome activation. pro-IL1B is upregulated in response to NFkB activity. Inflammasome
activation is commonly examined in other methods e.g. via ASC puncta formation (imaging
based), active IL-1B secretion (ELISA), Caspase-1 and IL-1B cleavage via western blot
Thank you for this suggestion, we performed new experiments and added the data as Figure 6.
- We performed Western blot analysis to detect IL-1β cleavage and NLRP3 proteins from the striatum (Figure 6C-E). 2) We quantified the number of ASC puncta within microglia and astroglia from striatal sections (Figure 6F-I). 3). 3) We also measured the protein levels of several additional immune mediators in the striatum of STING ki and KO animals (supplemental Figure 6, summary heatmap is on Figure 7A). 7) Line 310: The NF-kB subunit examined should be stated (p65?). Furthermore, IRF3
translocation might be a better readout for STING activation.
- *
We indeed detected the p65 subunit of NF-kB (antibody is listed in the supplemental Table), and now it is also indicated in the text (line 366). We also performed subcellular fractionation and quantified IRF3 in the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. The data is now added on Figure 6A, B.
8) Discussion: Given the findings here suggest a strong role for NF-kB, a short discussion
of IFN vs non-IFN responses from STING should be included. There have been a number of
seminal papers demonstrating the importance of non-IFN STING responses of late as well as
much evidence from SAVI mice to suggest some non-IFN driven pathologies.
- *
Thank you for the suggestion. The data on inflammasomes were given a separate section in the results (from line 395). In the discussion, from line 535 we discuss the IFN dependent response and from line 548 we discuss the non-IFN driven pathways.
9) Discussion: Is there any evidence from the human SAVI patients of neuroinflammation
etc. This should be mentioned either way in the discussion
- *
Thank you for this comment. The manifestation of neurological symptoms is not a core feature of the human SAVI disease. Some patients suffer from various neurological symptoms e.g. calcification of basal ganglia, spastic diplegia and episodes of seizure (Fremond et al., 2021). We inserted a short text in discussion (lines 532-534).
10) Discussion: There is a large body of work demonstrating STING-induced cell death in
numerous cell types. Despite this it is not mentioned nor discussed but should be. It could
represent how dopaminergic neurons are lost in the STING ki mice.
- *
Thank you for pointing out the gap in our discussion. We added additional text in lines 604-618.
11) The resolution/quality of some of the imaging is not great but this may be due to PDF
Thank you, we upload the figures with higher resolution.
Reviewer #2:
1) The authors base their conclusions (line 215-216) on the neuroinflammatory status of
their mice strongly on an assessment of the Iba1 and GFAP-positive area fraction. Increase of
Iba1 and GFAP areas does not necessarily correlate with an increased cytokine production and
release by the cells. Therefore, in addition the measurement of cytokine mRNAs it would be
necessary to measure cytokines also on protein level (see also #4 and #5).
- *
Thank you for this suggestion, we measured the protein levels of several immune mediators with LEGENDplex™ assay from the striatum, and the new data are included as Figure 7A and supplemental Figure 6.
2) In the same context: Is the increase of Iba1 and GFAP- covered area due to increased
proliferation of microglia and astrocytes or due to increased expression of these markers in
activated glia? How is the number of Iba1/GFAP-positive cells affected?
- *
We quantified the number of glia cells in the striatum and in the substantia nigra of adult STING WT and STING ki mice, and, parallel with higher immunoreactivity for the corresponding markers, we detected increased number of cells as well. The quantifications are now included in supplemental Figure 1.
3) Nowadays we know that microglia and astrocytes can exist in a variety of activated
states which can be either beneficial or detrimental. An analysis of disease-associated
microglial markers (Keren-Shaul et al. 2017) would give a good picture of the state microglia are
- *
Thank you for the suggestion. In addition to the panel of immune modulators at the protein level (supplemental Figure 6), we performed qPCR analysis of additional “M1” marker (Nos2) and additional “M2” markers (Il4, Fizz2, Ym1) (Gong et al., 2019). The data is included in Figure 7A and shown in supplemental figure 6. The findings are described from line 431.
4) It also would be of interest to determine which cell type is responsible for the observed
neurodegeneration. Which cytokines are released by microglia or astrocytes upon STING
activation? Even in vitro experiments would help here to get a more profound understanding.
- *
We agree with the suggestion, however, the further in vitro experiments are beyond the scopes of this study and will be the basis of a future project.
5) In line 273 the authors describe that STING is known to activate NFkB and the
inflammasome. As proof that this is also occurring in their mouse, they perform qPCR analysis
of whole brain IL-1b, TNF-a and Casp1 expression. While this analysis indicates that there is
indeed an increased mRNA production of proinflammatory cytokines in the brains of STING ki
mice, it does not give any indication whether the inflammasome is active or not. The inflammasome is a protein complex largely regulated on protein level. Meaning an assessment
of the cleavage of Caspase 1 on protein level or the presence of cleaved IL-1b in comparison to
uncleaved Pro-IL-1b by Western Blot as well as a staining for the number of inflammasomes
would be required to draw these conclusions.
- *
Thank you for the suggestion. We performed additional experiments: 1) Western blot to detect pro-IL1b and IL1b and NLRP3 proteins from the striatum (Figure 6C-E), and 2) we quantified the number of ASC puncta within microglia and astroglia from striatal sections (Figure 6F-I).
6) To conclude that NFkb/inflammasome pathway is the most active/crucial in astrocytes
(line 354) a staining for ASC inflammasomes would be of importance, especially as astrocytes
normally do not express NLRP3.
- *
Thank you for this comment. We stained brain sections for ASC specks and for microglia (Iba1) and astroglia (GFAP) markers (Figure 6F-I). Although amount of ASC specks in astroglia was lower than in microglia, we found still a substantial amount of ASC specks in astroglia in the brains of STING ki animals.
7) As already shown for ALS (Yu et al., 2020) and Parkin KO (Sliter et al. 2018), the authors want to
further assess the relevance of the STING pathway to PD (line 27-28). Therefore, an in-depth analysis of
key PD hallmarks beyond phosphorylated a-synuclein, loss the other was parkin/PINK related (so TDP
deleted) of TH-stained neurons and dopamine reduction is needed. In the discussion the authors
hypothesize that autophagy (line 467) may be linked to the observed phenotype. Therefore,
assessment of autophagy/mitophagy as well as mitochondrial dysfunction and mtDNA should
be analysed. In the same line of thought it would be important to know if and how the observed
dopamine reduction effects mouse behaviour, thus mice should be subjected to the Rotarod or
pole or beam walk test.
- *
Thank you for these suggestions. In the work by Yu et al. and Sliter et al., the STING pathway was shown to mediate neurodegeneration resulting from TDP-43 pathology and mitochondrial damage. Our work is complementary by investigating the effects of constitutive activation of STING. We have therefore focused on the signaling pathways downstream of STING. As mentioned above, the most important next step will be to separate the contributions of neuronal and glial cells by generating cell type specific STING activation. Of course, it will be interesting to see at a later time point whether STING activation feeds back. We also speculate that STING activation may also cause TDP-43 pathology. Yet, this will be part of a future study. To acknowledge that the pathology is not specific to alpha-synuclein, we added a short statement from line 634.
With respect to the comprehensive analysis of the PD phenotype, our work includes the
classical parameters of TH neuron number, TH fiber density, dopamine concentration and
synuclein pathology. With respect to mouse behavior, we note that the STING ki mice have severe inflammation in the lung, kidney and other (peripheral) organs, reduced body weight and reduced lifespan (Luksch et al., 2019; Motwani et al., 2019; Siedel et al., 2020). Motor deficits cannot be attributed to dopamine neuron degeneration and for this reason were not included (stated in the Discussion, lines 624-625). In order to expand the description of the PD phenotype we now included measurements of cytosolic reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial oxygen species and nitric oxide, which result from inflammation and are known to affect dopaminergic neurons (new Figure 8).
Reviewer #3:
1) The method for quantification of TH-positive cells is not sufficient. They just described
how they stained every fifth sections but did not mention how they count. This is a critical point
and they should carefully provide information more than just referring their previous paper.
Counting of dopaminergic neurons and quantification of fibers was described in a dedicated section of the methods. This section has now been expanded (from line 154).
2) It is not persuasive that they did not investigate local inflammation in SN. They
presented increased microglia and astrocytes in the striatum but not analyzed these cells in SN
- *
Indeed, we measured neuroinflammation in the substantia nigra as well, however, although increased in STING ki mice, it was less pronounced than neuroinflammation in the striatum. We now include the quantification of area fraction as well as cell number counting of microglia and astroglia in the substantia nigra of STING WT and STING ki animals (supplemental Figure 1), and also the expression of inflammatory mediators in Figure 4.
3) In Figure 3, they analyzed alpha-synuclein phosphorylation and beta-sheet structure in
the striatum. This is funny from the aspect of Parkinson's disease, which dominantly affects SN.
They should perform similar experiments with SN samples. In a different aspect, the aggregates
detected by Thio S may not be alpha-synuclein and could be tau, TDP43 or other substances.
Phospho-synuclein of course does not mean aggregation, so they can consider electron
- *
We agree with the reviewer. To complement our data, we therefore performed solubility assay both from the striatum and from the substantia nigra to quantify the ratio of alpha-synuclein in the Triton X-100 soluble and insoluble fractions (Figure 3C, D) as previously (Szego et al., 2022; Szegő et al., 2019). Additionally, we quantified phosphorylated alpha-synuclein from the substantia nigra as well Figure 3A,B).
We also agree with the reviewer that the presence of Thioflavin S-positive inclusions may also contain other, beta-sheet forming proteins and noted this from line 634.
4) Figure 5, pSTAT3 increased in Iba1-negative cells, which seem neurons from the size of
nuclei. First, the authors should investigate the identity of pSTAT3-positive cells with GFAP and
MAP2. If pSTAT3 is actually increased in neurons, what does it mean in the pathology? For
instance, in viral infection, STAT3 activation triggers suicide of neurons to prevent further
proliferation of viral particles in neurons. Is it homologous or other function?
- *
Thank you for this suggestion. The brain sections were stained for Iba1 and GFAP. pSTAT3 nuclear staining indeed increased in non-glia cells, based on the morphology, we think in neurons. However, detailed characterization of the signal is out of the scopes of this (preliminary) study.
5) In Figure 6 and overall, cell types in which the activation of three signaling pathways,
were mixed up and hard to understand the actual situation in the brain.
- *
In our model, STING is activated in all cells. Consequently, we cannot determine the origin of immune mediators found elevated in the STING ki mice. This will require cell type specific STING activation. In order to react to the reviewer’s comment and be clearer, we have added more details about the brain region and age of mice used for each analysis also in the figures.
6) In the method section, the original paper for generation of heterozygous STING N153S
KI mice should be Warner et al, JEM 2017.
- *
We used a STING N153S ki mouse strain that was independently generated in the Technical University Dresden (Luksch et al., 2019).
7) NF-κB stains seem located in cytoplasm in Figure 5B.
- *
We agree: especially in the young STING ki mice, cytoplasmic NF-kB staining is increased
compared to STING WT mice. To quantify nuclear translocation, however, we counted the
number of those cells where NF-kB signal was overlapping with the nuclear Hoechst staining.
8) In Figure 4 and 6, why the authors evaluate gene expressions in frontal cortex instead of
SN or striatum.
- *
As noted in several comments, we show here that the STING-induced pathology involves
dopaminergic neurons, but believe that it is not specific for the dopaminergic system given that STING-ki is ubiquitously expressed. For practical reasons, we have used cortical samples for the expression analysis. For consistency, we now performed additional qPCR measurement from the striatum and from the substantia nigra and included them as new Figure 4 and supplemental Figure 6N-Q. The previous data from the cortex was moved to the supplemental Figures 3 and 5. Additionally, we measured the levels of several inflammatory modulators from the striatum of STING ki and KO animals (Figure 7A and supplemental figure 6A-M).
9) In some groups (Sting-ki;ifnar1-/- in Fig 6C, 6E), the values were separated to two
groups, which makes readers to doubt on soundness of their genotyping.
- *
Our genotyping protocol is highly standardized, and the genotype of the animals were correctly assigned. Here we provide an example of gel images showing the products after PCR reactions for the STING N153S allele (Figure 1a), STING WT allele (Figure 1b), Ifnara WT allele (Figure 1c) and lack of Ifnara allele (Figure 1d) of the same animals. We note that a bimodal distribution of phenotypes is often observed in Ifnar-/- mice.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this manuscript, the authors tried to investigate the role of STING in neurodegeneration of dopaminergic neurons with heterozygous STING N153S knock-in mice and their offspring mated with IFNAR or Casp1 KO mice. They observed preliminarily the reduction of dopaminergic neurons (TH-positive cells) in substantia nigra (SN), and added further investigation mostly based on morphological analysis. Though the topic they investigated is highly important, their data remain in preliminary states and are not well organized from the aspect of brain regions and cell types (i.e., neuron, astrocyte or microglia). It is a pity that they did not provide sufficient results for this important question.<br /> The rationale for that they focused on alpha-synuclein but not on other neurodegenerative disease proteins is not strong. Collectively, although their data have not reached to construction of a hypothesis, depending on the level of journal, the manuscript could be publishable after extensive additional experiments and rigorous revision.
Major points
- The method for quantification of TH-positive cells is not sufficient. They just described how they stained every fifth sections but did not mention how they count. This is a critical point and they should carefully provide information more than just referring their previous paper.
- It is not persuasive that they did not investigate local inflammation in SN. They presented increased microglia and astrocytes in the striatum but not analyzed these cells in SN.
- In Figure 3, they analyzed alpha-synuclein phosphorylation and beta-sheet structure in the striatum. This is funny from the aspect of Parkinson's disease, which dominantly affects SN. They should perform similar experiments with SN samples. In a different aspect, the aggregates detected by Thio S may not be alpha-synuclein and could be tau, TDP43 or other substances. Phospho-synuclein of course does not mean aggregation, so they can consider electron microscopy.
- Figure 5, pSTAT3 increased in Iba1-negative cells, which seem neurons from the size of nuclei. First, the authors should investigate the identity of pSTAT3-positive cells with GFAP and MAP2. If pSTAT3 is actually increased in neurons, what does it mean in the pathology? For instance, in viral infection, STAT3 activation triggers suicide of neurons to prevent further proliferation of viral particles in neurons. Is it homologous or other function?
- In Figure 6 and overall, cell types in which the activation of three signaling pathways, were mixed up and hard to understand the actual situation in the brain.
Minor points
- In the method section, the original paper for generation of heterozygous STING N153S KI mice should be Warner et al, JEM 2017.
- NF-κB stains seem located in cytoplasm in Figure 5B.
- In Figure 4 and 6, why the authors evaluate gene expressions in frontal cortex instead of SN or striatum.
- In some groups (Sting-ki;ifnar1-/- in Fig 6C, 6E), the values were separated to two groups, which makes readers to doubt on soundness of their genotyping.
- Conceptual for the field.
- Genetic analysis of the hyperactive STING mouse model in neurodegeneration is new.
- Researchers in the field of neurodegeneration and immunology audience might be interested.
- Neurodegeneration, innate immunity, molecular biology, neuropathology, neurology.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Szegö et al. show that constitutive activation of the stimulator of interferon genes (STING) by the gene variant N153S in a heterozygous mouse model leads to reduction of dopaminergic neurons and increased glial cell activation. The comparison of juvenile (5 weeks) and adult (20 weeks) mice nicely shows that increased glial cell activation preceded the neurodegeneration induced by STING activation. Assessment of cytokine mRNA expression as well as phosphorylated a-synuclein revealed increased pathology in adult STING ki mice. The authors identified NF-kB, Casp1 as well as nuclear pSTAT to be upregulated in these mice. Using a conclusive step-by-step assessment of the STING cascade components, the authors show that glial activation and dopaminergic neuron degeneration partially depend both on Casp1 and Ifnar1.
Major points:
- The authors base their conclusions (line 215-216) on the neuroinflammatory status of their mice strongly on an assessment of the Iba1 and GFAP-positive area fraction. Increase of Iba1 and GFAP areas does not necessarily correlate with an increased cytokine production and release by the cells. Therefore, in addition the measurement of cytokine mRNAs it would be necessary to measure cytokines also on protein level (see also #4 and #5).
- In the same context: Is the increase of Iba1 and GFAP- covered area due to increased proliferation of microglia and astrocytes or due to increased expression of these markers in activated glia? How is the number of Iba1/GFAP-positive cells affected?
- Nowadays we know that microglia and astrocytes can exist in a variety of activated states which can be either beneficial or detrimental. An analysis of disease-associated microglial markers (Keren-Shaul et al. 2017) would give a good picture of the state microglia are in.
- It also would be of interest to determine which cell type is responsible for the observed neurodegeneration. Which cytokines are released by microglia or astrocytes upon STING activation? Even in vitro experiments would help here to get a more profound understanding.
- In line 273 the authors describe that STING is known to activate NFkB and the inflammasome. As proof that this is also occurring in their mouse, they perform qPCR analysis of whole brain IL-1b, TNF-a and Casp1 expression. While this analysis indicates that there is indeed an increased mRNA production of proinflammatory cytokines in the brains of STING ki mice, it does not give any indication whether the inflammasome is active or not. The inflammasome is a protein complex largely regulated on protein level. Meaning an assessment of the cleavage of Caspase 1 on protein level or the presence of cleaved IL-1b in comparison to uncleaved Pro-IL-1b by Western Blot as well as a staining for the number of inflammasomes would be required to draw these conclusions.
- To conclude that NFkb/inflammasome pathway is the most active/crucial in astrocytes (line 354) a staining for ASC inflammasomes would be of importance, especially as astrocytes normally do not express NLRP3.
- As already shown for ALS (Yu et al., 2020) and Parkin KO (Sliter et al. 2018), the authors want to further assess the relevance of the STING pathway to PD (line 27-28). Therefore, an in-depth analysis of key PD hallmarks beyond phosphorylated a-synuclein, loss of TH-stained neurons and dopamine reduction is needed. In the discussion the authors hypothesize that autophagy (line 467) may be linked to the observed phenotype. Therefore, assessment of autophagy/mitophagy as well as mitochondrial dysfunction and mtDNA should be analysed. In the same line of thought it would be important to know if and how the observed dopamine reduction effects mouse behaviour, thus mice should be subjected to the Rotarod or pole or beam walk test.
The manuscript is well written and clearly structured. The data are convincing and correlate well with earlier works, however they lack novelty. The findings that STING exhibits proinflammatory (Abdullah et al. 2018; Sharma et al., 2020; Glück et al., 2017; Yu et al. 2020, 2021) and neurodegenerative effects (e.g. the rescue of neuron loss and motoric defect shown in STING-KO Parkin mutator mice by Sliter et al. 2018) were already shown. The later paper points out already the relevance of STING in PD. All pathway components investigated here were already known to be triggered by STING and/or are known for their involvement in neurodegeneration and an unbiased screening for novel pathways triggered by STING, which could have revealed new perspectives, was not included. An assessment of the following aspects would give a missing novel insight into the role of STING in neurodegeneration.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In the paper by Szego et al., the authors examined the contribution of the innate immune receptor STING to neuroinflammation and the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. To do this they utilised a systemic mouse model of STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy (SAVI) driven by a gain-of-function knock-in (ki) mutation in STING (N153S in this case). This mouse model has been well characterised previously with a focus on the major pathologies commonly observed in the human SAVI patients (e.g. Interstitial Lung Disease, pulmonary fibrosis) but little has been done to examine neuroinflammation in this setting. As such, the approach is a good one and the observations made suggest that aberrant STING activation, in addition to driving neuroinflammation, causes loss of dopaminergic neurons and may contribute to aSyn pathology. Overall this is an interesting observation study but lacks any mechanistic insights into how STING may mediate these processes and if what the functional consequences of STING-induced neuroinflammation are for the animal - If aged do they ultimately acquire a PD-like phenotype?
Major comments:
- Based on the data presented the key conclusions from the authors are convincing and not overstated.
- The authors could consider qualifying the observations as preliminary as no mechanistic data or longer-term pathophysiology is investigated. Indeed, the latter is well beyond the current scope and may require generation of cell-type specific STING ki mice.
- The data and the methods are presented in such a way that ensure they are reproducible.
- All the experiments appear to be adequately replicated and appropriate statistical analysis has been applied.
Minor comments:
- The authors consistently write "NF-kB/inflammasomes" - these two pathways (although related) are quite distinct and should not be lumped together in such a way.
- Line 79: "NRLP3" should be corrected to NLRP3.
- Line 210: age of "adult mice" in weeks should be state in the text and figure legend.
- Line 262: In Figure 3B and D the images look very different and there is no indication of what a positive inclusion is? This should be indicated on the image.
- Line 280: The data of Ifi44 should also be mentioned in the text.
- Line 290: Figure 4, Examining IL-1B and Caspase-1 transcripts is not a readout of inflammasome activation. pro-IL1B is upregulated in response to NFkB activity. Inflammasome activation is commonly examined in other methods e.g. via ASC puncta formation (imaging based), active IL-1B secretion (ELISA), Caspase-1 and IL-1B cleavage via western blot.
- Line 310: The NF-kB subunit examined should be stated (p65?). Furthermore, IRF3 translocation might be a better readout for STING activation.
- Discussion: Given the findings here suggest a strong role for NF-kB, a short discussion of IFN vs non-IFN responses from STING should be included. There have been a number of seminal papers demonstrating the importance of non-IFN STING responses of late as well as much evidence from SAVI mice to suggest some non-IFN driven pathologies.
- Discussion: Is there any evidence from the human SAVI patients of neuroinflammation etc. This should be mentioned either way in the discussion.
- Discussion: There is a large body of work demonstrating STING-induced cell death in numerous cell types. Despite this it is not mentioned nor discussed but should be. It could represent how dopaminergic neurons are lost in the STING ki mice.
- The resolution/quality of some of the imaging is not great but this may be due to PDF compression.
- The findings represent a conceptual advance in the field by placing STING as a central mediator in neurological immune dysregulation. This work is of note as it provides evidence of a direct role for STING activity in neuroinflammation which has been otherwise implicated via genetic depletion in other studies in mouse models of PD and ALS.
- This manuscript is of particular interest to researchers in the innate immunity/immunology fields, neuroinflammation and far beyond due to the enormous attention currently surrounding the cGAS-STING pathway in disease and the rationale design of STING agonists and inhibitors aimed at improving outcomes in numerous inflammatory disease pathologies.
- Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if
there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.
- I have over ten years' experience in the innate immunity field. Most relevant to this manuscript, I have a strong research program on STING and have an excellent molecular understanding of the pathway as well as the literature surrounding cGAS-STING in disease pathology. I have a basic understanding of neuroinflammation but am by no means an expert in that area. Hence, I cannot fully assess if the authors have used the best methods to make their conclusions.
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Reply to the reviewers
The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this paper by the Vagner lab, co-transcriptional cleavage (CoTC) is discovered as a mechanism to ensure 3'-end processing of selected genes under conditions of global inhibition of 3'-end processing under DNA damage conditions.
While global inhibition of 3'-end processing acts as a fail-safe mechanism to ensure that mutations arising from DNA damage are not propagated (and instead repaired), the expression of repair genes must be maintained under these conditions. In an elegant serious of experiments, Sfaxi and coauthors have identified CoTC as a mechanism, which allows specific pre-mRNAs to escape 3'-end processing inhibition in response to UV-induced DNA damage.
This is an important discovery, the article reads well and most of the experiments are technically sound. That having said, I think the authors did not 'sell' this important finding very well. While they initially started their studies based on processing of the p53 pre-mRNA, they later performed RNAseq (Figure 5&6) to identify further genes that are regulated in a CoTC-dependent manner - analogous to the p53 pre-mRNA. In doing so, the authors identify and validate further CoTC-dependent genes. Given the global RNAseq approach that the authors have undertaken but not yet fully exhausted, there are probably more genes hidden that are processed in a similar way.
I would recommend harvesting the hidden treasure to more comprehensively understand CoTC-dependent processing and its relation to DNA damage conditions. In my opinion, it would be important to perform
- GO enrichment analyses of the 108 pre-mRNAs more effectively processed under UV and address the question whether DNA damage repair-related terms can be retrieved
- study of further DNA-damaging conditions to address the question if similar patterns and genes can be retrieved under these conditions
- complementary analysis of data derived from tumor genome databases whether mutations in the identified CoTC-sites are enriched (which one would expect)
Finally I wonder, whether a small scheme illustrating conventional versus CoTC processing could enhance access for a broader readership.
Minor Comments:
Page 4, 2nd paragraph, last sentence: what is "vcxPAS"?
Page 6, 2nd paragraph, the TBP RNA is not explained.
Page 6, 2nd paragraph and following paragraphs. The PCF11-depletion experiments to sort out conventional versus CoTC-dependence is not very well controlled: it is surprising to see that depletion of PCF11, which is already absent under UV (Fig. 1A), seems to modulate processing of TBP under this condition (Fig. 1E). In order to turn this into a bona fide positive control for the entire experimental set-up, it is relevant to show that there are residual PCF11-levels under UV that can be further downregulated by siRNAs under this condition (currently this is not supported by the WB data in Fig. 1B).
Page 8, 1st paragraph, last sentence: I find the reference to GAPDH and WDR13 as part of a figure that comes far below is a bit confusing
Page 9, last paragraph, page 10, 1st paragraph: What does the analysis of WDR12, GAPDH and TBP exactly control for?
Figure 3. Overall, I find the information shown in Fig. 3 somewhat confusing and wonder whether the quality can be improved (partial co-localization of spots, are the spots shown in D -UV an artifact? Etc.)
Figure 4. I find the composition of panels C and D not very intuitive (I would reorganize the data such that each panel shows the RNA and protein expression data for each candidate individually (panel C for p53 and panel D for p21, respectively)
Figure 5, panel B: The figure shows that the by far largest number of genes (>3000/3722) is not differentially regulated under UV compared to no-UV conditions. Does this question the commonly made statement that 3'-end processing is globally inhibited under UV quoted here (page 14, 2nd paragraph) and elsewhere?
Referees cross-commenting
@reviewer 1 & 3: I fully agree; the PCF11 depletion under UV-conditions is clearly visible. Thank you!
This is an important study to better understand the function and target genes of CoTC-mediated 3'-end processing. It thereby extends earlier studies mainly adressing the underlying molecular mechanisms and rationalizes the function (and evolution) of this gene regulatory principle.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
DNA damage leads to transient inhibition of 3' end processing and a marked reduction of cellular Pcf11 levels, a component of the cleavage factor II (CF II). In previous work, St¬ephan Vagner and colleagues described that p53 mRNA escapes the 3' end processing inhibition through the actions of the DHX36 RNA-helicase and the heterogenous RNA binding protein hnRNP H/F. However, this previous work failed to identify a mechanism through which DHX36 and hnRNP H/F would mediate the escape. In this work Stephane Vagner and his colleagues describe now how a sequence located 1200 nt downstream of the P53 poly(A) signal (PAS) is required to alleviate p53 mRNA from the general DNA-damage-dependent 3' end processing block. The presence of this element makes p53 mRNA 3' end processing independent from CTD-serine-2-phosphorylation and the CFII factor Pcf 11. As a high proportion of non-cleaved p53 pre-mRNA can be found in the nucleoplasm, the authors suggest that this element may be a co-transcriptional cleavage inducing site (CoTC). Deletion of this element renders p53 mRNA susceptible to DNA-damage-induced 3' end processing inhibition and leads to a p53 protein reduction after UV-exposure. Consequently, expression of down-stream targets of p53 is also reduced. The authors identify 9 more candidates for CoTC in other genes encoding for proteins required for the DNA-damage response.
Major points:
Although Figures 4 and S7 clearly show how long the RNA is that is retained on the chromatin, it is not clear, how long the RNA is that is released into the nucleoplasm. A Co-TC mechanism would pose that either nucleoplasmic CPSF-mediated cleavage and/or nucleoplasmic exonucleolytic degradation preceded nucleoplasmic polyadenylation. Neither of these points has been addressed by the current manuscript. This could be addressed by transcript reverse transcription analysis with nuclear RNA, in the background of an exosome ko to see if this would allow stabilisation of the un-cleaved RNA and its detection in the nucleoplasmic fraction.
Minor points:
It would be good if the site of action of DHX36 and hnRNP H/F could be repeated and put into context with the Co-TC element.
Introduction; I feel the pause-type termination is probably better explained in either Cortazar et al 2019 or Gromak et al 2006.
There may be a typo towards the end of the second paragraph: vcxPAS. If this is not a typo, it would be helpful to have this explained better.
Figure 1A/B the conclusion: "These observations suggest that PCF11 might be dispensable for pre-mRNA 3' end processing following UV-induced DNA damage" is in contradiction to the general 3' end processing defect following DNA-damage that the authors cite. This statement is only understandable with the prior knowledge of p53 mRNA being able to escape this inhibition. I feel it would be helpful to rephrase this.
Figure 1 E): shifting the entire axis up, is to my reading counterintuitive. I would show all graphs at the same scale.
Williamson et al (Svejstrup) 2017 showed through DRB-washed PRO-seq profiles that Pol II elongation speed is reduced for at least 8 hrs following UV-exposure, resulting in depletion from Pol II in gene bodies and concentration towards the gene beginnings (transcript start sites, TSS). It would be helpful to have an idea how the transcriptional profile looks on p53 at the time point of analysis - and at which time point after DNA-damage insult the 3' end processing inhibition starts. Such study could also form the beginning of a more in-depth analysis on how the CoTC is mediated. Such an in-depth analysis should also probe the chromatin crosslinking of RNA Pol II, as well as 3' end factors at the regular PAS and downstream Co-TC element. The fact that the smFISH shows signal for the downstream probes of Rad53, suggests that Pol II regularly transcribes to these positions. Could there be another PAS-dependent termination signal in further downstrea areas?
Figure 5) the sequencing procedure should be explained better in the main text. From the text it is not clear, what sort of sequencing was performed.
Referees cross-commenting
@ Reviewer #1:
Generally agree with Reviewer 1. 2) Figure 3B : I agree that this experiment would benefit from better description. In fact, wouldnt one expect to be there signal in Figure 3D after UV, since cleavage is inhibited? Unless Williamson et al is taken into account, showing that transcription is generally slowed.
@ Reviewer #3:
Generally find all these suggestions are very valid and would increase the value of the manuscript. I am not sure if I understand correctly/agree with two comments:
If understood correctly, this reviewer suggests that there is no Pcf11 under UV treatment conditions as suggested in Figure 1A. However, Figure 1B might show a longer Western Blot exposure or have more material loaded, showing that there is some Pcf11 available for si-mediated knockdown.
Figure 5 Panel B. I would agree that this panel is not very well explained. My interpretation so far has been in quartiles (left top, less cleaved, less total; top right less cleaved, more total upon UV versus bottom left more cleaved, downregulated and bottom right more cleaved upreagulated upon UV). In which case a significant number of transcripts is no cleaved upon UV. To help with interpretation at least a longer legend could be added.
This manuscript is overall convincing and adds more gravitas to the highly debated observation of co-transcriptional cleavage events. Although this study is by no means mechanistically exhaustive, it shows that the proposed mechanism may be true for the genes of DNA-damage repair factors that need to be "exempted" from the general DNA-damage-induced inhibition of 3' end cleavage. This opens up the exciting possibility that co-transcriptional elements can be used under specific, controlled environmental conditions. Although alternative explanations are possible to explain these pre-mRNA's release from the chromatin, 3' end processing at the regular poly(A) signal is for these RNAs clearly inhibited.
For a complete classification as Co-TC element however, additional experiments would be required. I am not adding these to the major or minor points, as these in my eyes would constitute a new story. The original literature on CoTC (West et al 2004, Teixeira et al 2004), posed that a Co-TC event provides a 5'phospho entry site that could be used by a molecular torpedo (Xrn2). Part of the controversy about Co-TC cleavage is the question of how such a 5'phospho-end could chemically be generated by autocatalytic cleavage. To substantiate the claim that these elements are indeed Co-TC cleavage events either generated by auto-catalytic cleavage or another enzymatic function, the authors should test if they promote termination in this homologous, as well as a heterologous context.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Sfaxi et al., significantly extended a current knowledge of the mechanism and the function of co-transcriptional RNA cleavage (CoTC). First, the authors focused on TP53 genes to study the CoTC. They showed TP53 transcripts are cleaved independently of PCF11 and Pol II CTD Ser2 phosphorylation in the UV-treated cells, concluding RNA cleavage at polyadenylation site (PAS) of the TP53 gene occurs post-transcriptionally. This strongly suggests that TP53 gene transcription termination is regulated by CoTC. They also showed a biological importance of the CoTC on TP53 gene expression. Depletion of the potential TP53 CoTC genomic region impaired mRNA and protein levels of p53 and its target p21. This deregulated G1-S phase progression in cell cycle following UV treatment. Finally they extended these findings to other genes by the novel screening approach of the CoTC.
Minor comments:
- P4, Second paragraph, Another model~; Two more papers need to be cited. "Dye and Proudfoot 2001 Cell" "West et al., 2008 Mol Cell"
- Figure 3B; The authors should explain more about foci detected by probes A and B.
- P10, Last line, strong decrease~; (Figures 4E and ~) -> (Figure 4E, right panels, and~)
- Figure 5C; The author should show the entire image of the RNA-seq reads in the gene region, but not just in the windows described in Figure 5A. Also, TP53 and GAPDH genes need to be shown for the controls.
Referees cross-commenting
I totally agree with Reviewer #2.
Overall this paper is well described and written. In my view, this will bring important information to the transcription termination field.
Note, I am not sure that the authors need to include the generality of the CoTC in Figures 5 and 6 since their RNA-seq analysis and its validation for biological functions are incomplete. Therefore I feel that focusing on the TP53 gene may enhance the impact of this paper.
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Reply to the reviewers
Manuscript number: RC-2022-01481R
Corresponding author(s): Sebastian Voigt. Mirko Trilling, David Schwefel
1. General Statements [optional]
2. Description of the planned revisions
Reviewer #1: Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Using proteome profiling of rat CMV infected cells, the authors of this study identify the E27 protein of rat cytomegalovirus as being crucial for proteasomal degradation of STAT2. Since E27 shares 56% sequence identity to the previously characterized STAT2 antagonist M27 of murine CMV the authors investigated association of E27 with the Cullin4-RING UbL CRL4. Using gel filtration chromatography they provide evidence that E27 forms a stable ternary complex with DDB1 and STAT2 suggesting that E27 bridges STAT2 to DDB1 which is further corroborated by data from cross-linking mass spectrometry. A cross-linked DDB1/DDA1/E27/STAT2 complex was then used for cryo-EM imaging experiments. The subsequent single particle analysis yielded a density map at 3.8 A resolution that was further used to generate an E27 molecular model. At this point it should be noted that resolution was not very high and data form AlphaFold2 prediction and CLMS experiments were necessary to build a model which was described as having "sufficient quality", however, no quality parameters are included for this model. In this model, a cryptic zinc-binding motif was identified that turned out to be well conserved in M27. At this point the study switches to a mutational analysis of M27: MCMV mutants either lacking M27 or bearing an AxAxxAA triple mutation were investigated both in cell culture and in animal models. Surprisingly, the M27-AxAxxA mutant while exhibiting attenuated IFN inhibition was still more active than an M27 deletion mutant. Later during the study it is postulated that this may be due to the fact that E27 binding to STAT2 abrogates the interaction with IRF9, however, this is only predicted from modeling and no experimental data are provided for this hypothesis. Furthermore, modeling approaches were used to predict how E27 replaces endogenous CRL4 substrate receptors and how E27 recruits STAT2 to mediate CRL4-catalysed ubiquitin transfer.
Reviewer #1: Significance
__Reviewer #1: __This is an interesting and well written paper describing for the first time in molecular detail how a cytomegalovirus-encoded interferon antagonist degrades STAT2 by mimicking the molecular surface properties of cellular CRL4 substrate receptors.
This study should be of broad interest for both virologists and structural biologists.
Authors Response: We thank the reviewer for the insightful and constructive evaluation. We are very grateful for highlighting the significance of our work.
Reviewer #1: Major points
__Reviewer #1: __To my opinion the authors should perform mutational analysis in the context of E27 and RCMV. I accept that switching to M27 may be easier due to established procedures for MCMV mutagenesis and analysis, however, since all structural work is primarily done on E27 it would be consequent to confirm these structural predictions in the context of E27 before switching to a related protein.
Authors Response: As the Reviewer appreciated, there were multiple reasons for the switch from RCMV-E E27 to MCMV M27. Most importantly, the MCMV in vivo infection model in mice is very well-established. Please also note that MCMV is applied far more often by virologists and immunologist as a standard model. Thus, the extension of our findings from RCMV to MCMV increases the relevance and outreach of the study. By performing the experiments in the MCMV context, we also aimed to emphasise that the function of the zinc-binding motif, which structurally organises the DDB1-binding domain, is functionally conserved among E27/M27-like proteins. Obviously, Reviewer #1 could ask why we do not solve the structure of M27 parallel to E27. With the sole exception of E27, none of the rodent M27 homologues could be produced recombinantly in a soluble form, preventing the purification and structure analysis of M27.
Since we agree with Reviewer #1 that the extension from E27 to M27 may read “a bit rough” without a mutational analysis in the E27 context, we will construct RCMV-E E27 mutants leading to Cys=>Ala exchanges in the Zn-binding motif. An analysis of the interaction between DDB1 and these E27 mutants will be included in the revised manuscript.
__Reviewer #1: __Moreover, data on the replication of the generated E27 deletion RCMV should be included in the manuscript (i.e. growth curves).
Authors Response: RCMV mutants lacking the E27 gene exhibit an impaired replication. According to the suggestion, the growth curves will be part of the revised manuscript.
Reviewer #1: The hypothesis that STAT2/E27 interaction is sterically incompatible with IRF9 binding is only based on structural prediction. It would help if the authors could present experimental evidence for such a mechanism.
Authors Response: The hypothesis is based on three lines of argumentation: (i) structural data regarding the binding interface between STAT2 and E27 covering the known STAT2-IRF9 interface (Fig. 7F) (Rengachari et al., 2018). (ii) The finding that M27 mutants incapable to bind DDB1 and induce STAT2 degradation along the ubiquitin proteasome pathway retain a residual capacity to inhibit ISRE signaling, suggesting that the binding of M27 to STAT2 suffices to elicit some signaling inhibitory functions (Fig. 7G). (iii) To elicit their function, CRL4 substrate receptors such as E27 interact with two partners. As we discussed elsewhere (Le-Trilling and Trilling, 2020), a simultaneous development of two independent traits violates evolutionary and probability theories. Thus, these receptors must acquire their binding interfaces sequentially, and the first interaction must provide an evolutionary advantage allowing the fixation of the allele in the population. Afterwards, the second binding interface evolves. Thus, a hypothesis in which E27/M27 precursors evolved the capacity to bind STAT2, preventing its association with IRF9 thereby establishing relevant but incomplete IFN inhibition (before the DDB1 interface was invented leading to STAT2 degradation by the proteasome), provides a parsimonious explanation for all these findings without violating evolutionary constraints. To corroborate our argumentation, we will analyse if E27 indeed displaces IRF9 from STAT2 by analytical gel filtration and/or co-immunoprecipitation experiments.
Reviewer #2: Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
__Reviewer #2: __The manuscript entitled "Structure and mechanism of a novel cytomegaloviral DCAF mediating interferon antagonism" by Dr. Schwefel and colleagues cleverly combines biochemistry, mass-spectrometry, Cryo-EM and cell biology to dissect how RCMV-E hijacks its hosts ubiquitylation machinery to mediate proteasomal degradation of STAT2, a key player driving the antiviral IFN response. They identify E27 as DDB1-binding element, which is able promote CRL4-dependent ubiquitylation of STAT2, and demonstrate its effect on STAT2 levels by knockout RCMV-E strains. These findings are supported by in vitro reconstitution of the DDB1/E27/STAT2 complex and analyses via XL-MS and Cryo-EM. The obtained data are then powerfully validated and analysed in mutational strains via infection of homologue in vivo models. The results collectively explain how E27 mimics endogenous CRL4 substrate receptors, thereby recruiting STAT2 to be targeted by CLR4 for ubiquitylation in a NEDD8-dependent manner.
Overall this is an important study that provides convincing insights on how rodent CMVs antagonize their host interferon response by exploiting its ubiquitin-proteasome system.
The manuscript is well written and its introduction is extraordinarily comprehensive. There are a few minor points for the authors to consider below.
Authors Response: We thank the reviewer for this very positive assessment.
Reviewer #2: Significance
Reviewer #2: The work of Schwefel and colleagues combines several powerful state-of-the art techniques to dissect the mechanism of the viral protein E27 and, for the first time, provides a rational for its ability to act as STAT2 antagonist. They performed outstanding structure-function analyses of the ubiquitin system, including the first global proteomic profiling of RCMV-infected cells, setting the standard for its human counterpart as rodent CMVs are commonly used as infection models. The manuscript is highly suitable for publication in any of the journals associated with the review commons platform.
Authors Response: Again, we thank the reviewer for these kind words and the appreciation of our work.
Reviewer #2: This reviewer agrees that at least testing mutants in the E27 in some assays would be appropriate.
Authors Response: As detailed in the response to Reviewer #1, we will generate RCMV-E E27 mutants targeting the Zn-binding motif by site-directed mutagenesis. An analysis of the interaction between DDB1 and these E27 mutants will be included in the revised manuscript.
Reviewer #3: Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
__Reviewer #3: __Le-Trilling et al. present the first proteomic analysis of RCMV-infected cells, where they identified STAT2 as one of the most heavily downregulated (and degraded) proteins. This analysis showed that RCMV mediated degradation of STAT2 is conserved in closely related species used as animal models (rat and mouse) and human, despite the intra-host adaptation of each CMV. They also identify E27 as the RCMV factor that targets STAT2 for degradation, that exhibits ~50% homology with MCMV pM27. This study also identifies a Zinc binding motif in E27 using Cryo-EM which is conserved in other CMV species and is potentially involved in antagonising Type I and III responses.
Reviewer #3: Significance
__Reviewer #3: __The present work provides the first proteomics analysis of RCMV infection in rat cells, comparing infected vs non-infected rat fibroblasts to access potential RCMV targets. Then, it focuses on the characterisation of RCMV E27 and its role targeting and interacting with STAT2 (plus recruiting the Cul4 complex for STAT2 degradation). Finally, it provides the Cryo-EM structure of E27 and its CMV homologues, and the structure of the complex of E27 with elements of the CUL4 complex and STAT2. This is the first time that E27 function and structure are characterised. These are all novel findings - although the mouse homologue M27 has previously been found to interact with and degrade STAT2 (published by some of the same authors in Plos pathogens in 2011, (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1002069). Therefore the chief novel information is the structural studies.
The manuscript will be of interest to researchers working with human and animal herpesviruses.
My field of expertise is in Virology, Innate Immunity and host-virus interactions from an evolutionary perspective. I do not have expertise in Cryo-EM, so I could not evaluate the methods used in the section.
__Authors Response: __We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation of our work and its significance.
Reviewer #3: Major points
__Reviewer #3: __1. The authors claim the identification of a Zinc-binding motif in the protein E27 (RCMV) using Cryo-EM, then validation of the phenotype with MCMV WT, delM27 and M27 AxAxxA. To justify the change to MCMV to perform the functional validation, they stated "MCMV M27, the closest E27 homologue, exhibits 56% and 76% amino acid sequence identity and similarity, respectively (Fig. S4B). E27 and M27 AlphaFold2 structure predictions are almost indistinguishable (RMSD of 1.195 Å, 6652 aligned atoms) (Figs. 3B, S4A), and structural alignment of these predictions demonstrated conservation of side chain positions involved in zinc-binding (Fig. 3C). Thus, M27 represents a valid model to study functional consequences of interference with the zinc coordination motif through site-directed mutagenesis, and to test the predictive power of our E27/M27 model". Although they rationalise the change to MCMV to validate the functional outcomes of the newly identified zinc binding motif with alignments and Cryo-EM data, it falls within the DDB1 binding region that is less conserved (Fig S4B). The addition of a mouse model here provides a solid result but given the aim of the paper is to provide a proper characterisation of RCMV and elucidate some inter-species adaptations, I strongly recommend the validation with E27 here given the potential impact of this motif. Rather than having to repeat this in a rat model (which would clearly be a large amount of work), this could simply be achieved by constructing the relevant deletion / mutant viruses and assessing in vitro in a relevant cell line (readout - either virus titre or luciferase assay as shown in Figure 3G/H).
__Authors Response: __Please also see our responses to the other reviewers. Briefly, we will apply side-directed mutagenesis to alter the CxCxxC motif in E27 that binds the zinc ion, and analyse the interaction of these E27 mutants with DDB1. In this context, we would like to add that almost two thirds of E27 residues in direct contact with DDB1 are at least type-conserved in M27, and the zinc-coordinating side chains are totally conserved (Fig. 3C). Together with a predicted similar structural organization of the respective binding regions (Fig. S11), and in light of our MCMV mutagenesis results (Fig. 7), it is highly likely that the DDB1-binding mode is conserved between E27 and M27. As mentioned above, we will put this assumption to the test in the revision process.
__Reviewer #3: __Furthermore, in Figure 2, the GF assay was performed using full-length DDB1, however CLMS was performed using DDB1 delBPB (interchange between these two proteins continues in the remainder of the paper). This should be at least justified, and preferably one or other of wt DDB1 and DDB1 delBPB used in the GF or CLMS assay where this has not yet been performed. Later on in the results section (Fig 5E), the authors use wt DDB1 while in fig 4 they used the delBPB to describe the interaction with E27 - would be relevant to have consistency across the paper and some supplementary data that could support using one or the other in each assay.
__Authors Response: __Protein complex preparations including full length DDB1 did not yield cryo-EM reconstructions at appropriate resolution for model building, almost certainly due to the known flexibility of the DDB1 BPB, impeding proper alignment of the cryo-EM particle images. This is why we switched to DDB1ΔBPB. Importantly, the structure model including full length DDB1 (Fig. S12B) clearly demonstrates that the BPB is located on the opposite side of the E27 binding interface on DDB1 (where it is situated to flexibly connect to the CUL4 scaffold to create the ubiquitination zone around immobilised substrates [Fig. 6]). This rules out an involvement of DDB1 BPB in E27- and/or STAT2-binding processes. Several previous studies have employed DDB1ΔBPB to facilitate structure determination, and have successfully applied the resulting structural models for functional follow-up experiments in the context of complete CRL4 assemblies (Bussiere et al., 2020; Petzold et al., 2016; Slabicki et al., 2020). Nevertheless, we will repeat GF experiments with DDB1ΔBPB for consistency and include these data in the revised manuscript.
Reviewer #3: Minor points
__Reviewer #3: __2. Although they present sufficient detail in the methods, further details in the text should be given as to the number of repeats performed in each case, and whether the data shown is representative or based on an average of repeats (preferably the latter; if representative, the data for other repeats should be shown in supplementary information).
Authors Response: We will add this information in the revised version of the manuscript.
3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript
Reviewer #1: Major points
__Reviewer #1: __Resolution of the cryoEM structure is rather low and many predictions of the manuscript are based on modeling using AlphaFold2 prediction. The authors describe their model as of "sufficient quality", however, no quality measures are included in the manuscript. At least the discussion should address limitations of the used approach.
Authors Response: While we apologize for not sufficiently describing our quality measures, we respectfully disagree regarding the conclusion. Our resolution (3.8 Å, map 1) lies well within the 3–4 Å resolution range of the vast majority of structures deposited to the Electron Microscopy Data Bank during the last five years (https://www.emdataresource.org/statistics.html). Nevertheless, de novo modelling in this resolution regime is challenging. This is why we sought additional guidance through cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) restraints and AlphaFold2. Please also note that modelling of E27 was not based solely on the AlphaFold2 prediction. Instead, a partial model corresponding to the α-domain was manually built in map 1, guided by XL-MS information (see Methods - “Model building and refinement” and Fig. S5B, grey cartoon). This partial model proved to be in very good agreement with AlphaFold2 predictions (RMSD of 1.489 Å, 2764 aligned atoms). Only after this initial sanity check, the computational prediction was used for model completion, adjustment, and refinement.
We now added graphical overviews of model fits in Figs. S5 and S10. Furthermore, we included detailed views of the fit of relevant side chains involved in intermolecular interaction to the experimental density (Fig. S7, S9). We also calculated and listed quality indicators of the model-to-map fit in Table S1 (correlation coefficients and model resolution based upon model-map FSC). To ensure the validity of our atomic model using an alternative method besides cryo-EM and XL-MS, we have performed site-directed mutagenesis of critical binding regions in E27, followed by in vitro reconstitution and analytical GF (Fig. S7B, C, S9B, C). The text was revised accordingly (see p10 [ll22] and p14 [ll26]).
__Reviewer #1: __The authors identify a cryptic zinc-binding motif in E27 that is conserved in homologous proteins. For this reviewer it is not clear: is there experimental evidence for zinc binding of E27 or can the presence of zinc reliably be detected in their structural data? If not, it would be worth to confirm zinc binding.
Authors Response: Our structural data show a tetragonal metal coordination geometry, involving three cysteine side chains and one histidine side chain, with coordination bond lengths of 2.2 Å between the histidine nitrogen and the metal ion, and of 2.4 Å between the cysteine sulfurs and the metal ion. The density feature cannot be explained by another type of side chain interaction, e.g. a disulfide bond, because this would lead to a steric clash with the remaining adjacent side chains. Based on the knowledge on metal-binding sites in proteins and metal-coordination chemistry, these characteristics indicate the presence of a structural zinc-binding site for the following reasons: (i) after magnesium, zinc is the second most prevalent metal in the Protein Data Bank (https://metalpdb.cerm.unifi.it/getSummary), however, magnesium is coordinated octahedrally by oxygen ligands (Tang and Yang, 2013); (ii) the most abundant zinc ligands are cysteine and histidine; (iii) the most abundant zinc coordination number is four ligands; (iv) the average coordination bond lengths are 2.12±0.19 Å and 2.33±0.12Å for nitrogen-zinc and sulfur-zinc interactions, respectively (Ireland and Martin, 2019; Laitaoja et al., 2013), which is in very good agreement with our structural observations. We included this argumentation in the revised manuscript (see p9 [ll21]), and added Fig. S5C for visualization.
Reviewer #2: Minor points
Reviewer #2: Page 2, line 3. "Here," should be inserted before "Global proteome profiling..." to highlight the work of this manuscript.
Authors Response: We changed the text accordingly.
Reviewer #2: Page 3, line 21. "IFNs" instead of "IFN"
Authors Response: We changed the text accordingly.
Reviewer #2: Page 4, lines 9,15,27. "Ubiquitin Ligases (UbL)" is not a common abbreviation and could be mistaken for Ubl (Ubiquitin-like proteins). Possible abbreviation is "E3s" for Ubiquitin E3 ligases
Authors Response: We have amended the respective abbreviations accordingly.
Reviewer #2: Page 4 line 25. "RBX1" is the more common term for "ROC1"
Authors Response: This has been corrected throughout the manuscript.
Reviewer #2: Page 5 lines 1-9. Citing of the first structure of DDB1 in complex with a viral protein is recommended. (Ti Li et al. Cell 2006)
Authors Response: We thank the reviewer for this important suggestions and cited this landmark publication.
Reviewer #2: Figure 1 a) STAT2 dot is cut off in second panel. I recommend highlighting STAT2 in both panels.
We amended the figure accordingly. We furthermore additionally highlighted the “STAT2” text in both panels by increasing the font size and putting it in bold type.
Reviewer #2: Page 7 line 17. "Cross-linking MS (CLMS)" is commonly abbreviated as (XL-MS)
Authors Response: We changed the text accordingly.
Reviewer #2: Figure 2 a-c) These panels could benefit from thinner lines in order to increase visibility of chromatograms and cross-links.
Authors Response: The panels were changed accordingly.
Reviewer #2: Figure 2 a-b) Could the authors elaborate on why STAT2 is stoichiometrically
underrepresented in the SDS-PAGE of the E27/DDB1/STAT2 complex?
Authors Response: We applaud Reviewer #2 for their in-depth examination. Honestly, we were also puzzled by this. Based on the cryo-EM single particle analysis, we found an explanation: We separated a major contamination in silico during 2D classification (~12% of all particles). Out of curiosity, we reconstructed a density map from these particles (now shown in Fig. S3). The map was identical to a previous cryo-EM structure of the E. coli protein ArnA (Yang et al., 2019), a notorious contaminant in E. coli Ni-NTA protein purifications (Andersen et al., 2013). ArnA migrates similar to E27 on the SDS-PAGE, the band runs just a little bit faster (compare fraction 6 [ArnA] and fractions 8/9 [E27] from the SDS-PAGE of the analytical GF run of E27 in isolation, Fig. 2A, green trace). However, in analytical GF, ArnA elutes at higher molecular weight fractions, since it forms a hexamers (Ve~10.2 ml). Incidentally, this elution volume of the ArnA hexamer almost equals the one of DDB1 or DDB1ΔBPB/DDA1/E27/STAT2 complexes. This leads to a superposition of ArnA and E27 bands in the respective SDS-PAGE lanes corresponding to GF fraction 6. Accordingly, we conclude that it is actually not STAT2 that is underrepresented, but rather E27 seems overrepresented due to SDS-PAGE band overlap with the ArnA contaminant. We have now indicated the contaminant in Fig. 2A, amended the legend, and extended Fig. S3 to indicate at which point of the cryo-EM analysis the contaminating ArnA particles were separated, and to show the ArnA model to map fit.
In addition to this, it might be that potential STAT2 degradation products (marked by ** in Fig. 2), which seem to co-migrate with STAT2/E27 complexes, occupy FL STAT2 binding sites on E27.
Reviewer #2: Paragraph "The E27 structure.." page 9. Placing this paragraph after the overall
structure is recommended.
Authors Response: Accordingly, we have now moved this section to the end of the results section.
Reviewer #2: Figure 3 a) The grey mesh being laid over the ribbon structures is not contributing to the overall visibility. Adding a panel of the cryo-EM structure alone in cost of alphafold models is recommended.
Figure 4a) same issue with grey mesh
Authors Response: Thank you very much for the very good suggestions. We have removed the mesh representation, and included panels just showing the segmented cryo-EM map in the new Fig. 3A.
Reviewer #2: c) panels could benefit from fewer amino acids being labeled/shown
Authors Response: We understand the motives of the Reviewer. However, we would prefer to depict all relevant side chain interactions in these panels. The rearrangement of the figure, i.e. showing the overview of the interacting regions before the detailed panels, should make them more accessible (new Fig. 3B).
__Reviewer #2: __d) may want to avoid red-green coloring to improve for colorblindness
Authors Response: We are deeply sorry for our ignorance in this regard. We changed the colors accordingly (see new Fig. 3B, C).
__Reviewer #2: __Figure 6a) s.a grey mesh
Authors Response: We removed the mesh representations and included panels just showing the segmented cryo-EM density in the new Fig. 5C.
__Reviewer #2: __A 3.8 A overall resolution map and the approach to fitting may be suitable, but it is unclear from the authors' figures whether the side-chains shown in the figures are clearly visible in the map or if they are modeled by some other approach. Side chains should ideally be visible in the maps if shown in figures, and if not, close-ups of the corresponding regions of the maps should be shown with sufficient depthcue to allow the reader to gauge how the map corresponds to the model.
Authors Response: This is a crucial point. As mentioned in the response to Reviewer #1, major point 2, we have now included very detailed views of the fit of relevant side chains involved in intermolecular interaction to the experimental density (Fig. S7, S9).
__Reviewer #2: __Along these lines, the figures with the mesh maps do not clearly show how well the model fits the map. This needs to be clearly visible in figures, and ideally maps and models provided to reviewers in order for the reviewers to gauge the level of accuracy of the fit.
Authors Response: Please see our response to Reviewer #1, major point 2. Briefly, we have now included graphical overviews of model fits in Figs. S5 and S10. We also calculated and listed quality indicators of the model-to-map fit in Table S1 (correlation coefficients and model resolution based upon model-map FSC). To ensure the validity of our atomic model using an alternative method besides cryo-EM and XL-MS, we have performed site-directed mutagenesis of critical binding regions in E27, followed by in vitro reconstitution and analytical GF (Fig. S7B, C, S9B, C). The text was extended accordingly (see p10 [ll22] and p14 [ll26]).
__Reviewer #2: __At minimum, the authors have nicely assembled proteomics and cell biological data indicating that E27 hijacks CRL4 to turn over Stat2 in rat cells in a manner paralagous to M27 hijacking in mouse cells, biophysical/structural data for a model of a CUL4-DDB1-E27-Stat2 complex, and mutagenesis of a putative zinc binding site in M27.
I feel most of the issues raised by all 3 reviewers could be addressed in the text, with more clarity about the structural models, and better explanation for why the construct with proteins from various organisms were used for structural studies (the authors had made human DDB1 before, and it expressed well, and perhaps didn't consider to make from rat? Or this mixture expressed, purified best? Gave best quality EM data?).
Authors Response: We thank Reviewer #2 for her/his overall assessment. As mentioned in the two cross-consultation comments before, and in the response to Reviewer #1, major point 2, we strived to provide adequate measures allowing to judge the quality of our structural models in the present updated version of the manuscript. In addition, as indicated in the response to reviewer #3, major point 2, we have now added Fig. S12 and extended the Discussion to explain and justify the use of different protein constructs.
__Reviewer #2: __Also, the presentation of the zinc binding site should come after the overall structure. As for the use of MCMV to assess the role of the zinc binding site, placing this last in the text might allow this to flow better.
Authors Response: Thank you very much for this suggestion. The manuscript has been restructured as recommended: details of the zinc-binding motif and the MCMV assays are now shown in Fig. 7 and described in the text just before the Discussion.
Reviewer #3: Major points
__Reviewer #3: __2. Given that previous data in mice showed that the E27 homologue pM27 binds a component of host Cullin4-RING UbLs (CRL4), to induce the poly-ubiquitination of STAT2, the current study also addressed if this mechanism was preserved in RCMV. Yet, they seemed to do this with E27, rnSTAT2 and hsDDB1 - Page 7 lines 1 to 3: "These results prompted us to explore the association of E27 with Rattus norvegicus (rn) STAT2 and Homo sapiens (hs) DDB1 in vitro. Importantly, 1128 of 1140 amino acids are identical between hsDDB1 and rnDDB1 (...)". They identify the residues and regions where the DDB1 is different between both species, but should provide a structure/alignment with this highlighted. In addition, DDB1 is a DNA damage protein that is annotated in the Rattus norvegicus genome. The authors should justify the assays between rnSTAT2-hsDDB1 instead of using the both proteins from rn, and present the equivalent data for rnDDB1 in the paper.
Authors Response: Among the 12 alterations between human and rat DDB1, 4 are type-conserved (Fig. S12A). Thus, >99% of amino acids are identical or similar. We mapped all exchanges on a model of full length human DDB1 bound to E27 and the rat STAT2 CCD. None are involved in intermolecular interactions (Fig. S12B, C). Please note that due to the high conservation of DDB1 across eukaryotes, this inter-species approach has been used by us and others to study DDB1-containing complexes (e.g., the SV5V, WHX, SIV Vpx and Vpr, zebrafish DDB2, and chicken CRBN proteins have been in vitro reconstituted with human DDB1 for structural characterisation) and valid biological conclusions have been drawn from these studies (Angers et al., 2006; Banchenko et al., 2021; Fischer et al., 2014; Fischer et al., 2011; Li et al., 2006; Li et al., 2010; Schwefel et al., 2015; Schwefel et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2015).
Reviewer #3: Minor points
__Reviewer #3: __1. In fig 5D, the authors present the H-box alignment, where it is clear that this motif is not conserved. The lack of H-box conservation should be discussed in the results and discussion, to provide an explanation for the competition/binding observed.
Authors Response: We respectfully disagree. There is conservation of amino acid side chains, regarding their physicochemical properties, observable in the H-box motif. Furthermore, the secondary structure is conserved. Please note, that the H-box is not our invention but rather represented a well-accepted motif known in the field, see e.g., (Li et al., 2010). We extended the discussion to cover this point (p21 [ll15]).
__Reviewer #3: __3. The authors commence their abstract justifying the study on the grounds of the usefulness of rodent HCMV counterparts as common infection models for HCMV. They should return to this theme in the discussion - what is the usefulness of their findings with regards to HCMV (particularly given the relatively low homology between E27 and HCMV pUL27, and the alternative mechanism for STAT2 antagonism encoded by HCMV UL145)?
Authors Response: We extended the discussion in this regard. Briefly, our data, to our knowledge for the first time, reveal that RCMV (like MCMV) exploits CRL4 to induce proteasomal degradation of STAT2. With pUL145, HCMV relies on an analogous protein. In clear contrast to HCMV, RMCV and MCMV are both amenable to in vivo experiments in small animal models. Over 40 years ago, HCMV has been called the troll of transplantation due to its grim impact on immunosuppressed individuals after transplantation surgery (Balfour, 1979). Despite tremendous efforts, HCMV still harms and kills graft recipients. While MCMV allows various experiments regarding general principles of cytomegaloviral pathogenesis and antiviral immunity, one shortcoming is that the mouse obviously is a rather small animal, preventing various chirurgical and solid organ transplantation (SOT) procedures. In clear contrast, SOT procedures that are indispensable for human medicine can be recapitulated in rat models. Thus, according to our opinion, our work lays the molecular foundation for future studies addressing the relevance of STAT2 and CMV-induced STAT2 degradation in rat SOT models.
4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out
- *
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Le-Trilling et al. present the first proteomic analysis of RCMV-infected cells, where they identified STAT2 as one of the most heavily downregulated (and degraded) proteins. This analysis showed that RCMV mediated degradation of STAT2 is conserved in closely related species used as animal models (rat and mouse) and human, despite the intra-host adaptation of each CMV. They also identify E27 as the RCMV factor that targets STAT2 for degradation, that exhibits ~50% homology with MCMV pM27. This study also identifies a Zinc binding motif in E27 using Cryo-EM which is conserved in other CMV species and is potentially involved in antagonising Type I and III responses.
Major and minor concerns to be addressed:
Major points
- The authors claim the identification of a Zinc-binding motif in the protein E27 (RCMV) using Cryo-EM, then validation of the phenotype with MCMV WT, delM27 and M27 AxAxxA. To justify the change to MCMV to perform the functional validation, they stated "MCMV M27, the closest E27 homologue, exhibits 56% and 76% amino acid sequence identity and similarity, respectively (Fig. S4B). E27 and M27 AlphaFold2 structure predictions are almost indistinguishable (RMSD of 1.195 Å, 6652 aligned atoms) (Figs. 3B, S4A), and structural alignment of these predictions demonstrated conservation of side chain positions involved in zinc-binding (Fig. 3C). Thus, M27 represents a valid model to study functional consequences of interference with the zinc coordination motif through site-directed mutagenesis, and to test the predictive power of our E27/M27 model". Although they rationalise the change to MCMV to validate the functional outcomes of the newly identified zinc binding motif with alignments and Cryo-EM data, it falls within the DDB1 binding region that is less conserved (Fig S4B). The addition of a mouse model here provides a solid result but given the aim of the paper is to provide a proper characterisation of RCMV and elucidate some inter-species adaptations, I strongly recommend the validation with E27 here given the potential impact of this motif. Rather than having to repeat this in a rat model (which would clearly be a large amount of work), this could simply be achieved by constructing the relevant deletion / mutant viruses and assessing in vitro in a relevant cell line (readout - either virus titre or luciferase assay as shown in Figure 3G/H).
- Given that previous data in mice showed that the E27 homologue pM27 binds a component of host Cullin4-RING UbLs (CRL4), to induce the poly-ubiquitination of STAT2, the current study also addressed if this mechanism was preserved in RCMV. Yet, they seemed to do this with E27, rnSTAT2 and hsDDB1 - Page 7 lines 1 to 3: "These results prompted us to explore the association of E27 with Rattus norvegicus (rn) STAT2 and Homo sapiens (hs) DDB1 in vitro. Importantly, 1128 of 1140 amino acids are identical between hsDDB1 and rnDDB1 (...)". They identify the residues and regions where the DDB1 is different between both species, but should provide a structure/alignment with this highlighted. In addition, DDB1 is a DNA damage protein that is annotated in the Rattus norvegicus genome. The authors should justify the assays between rnSTAT2-hsDDB1 instead of using the both proteins from rn, and present the equivalent data for rnDDB1 in the paper. Furthermore, in Figure 2, the GF assay was performed using full-length DDB1, however CLMS was performed using DDB1 delBPB (interchange between these two proteins continues in the remainder of the paper). This should be at least justified, and preferably one or other of wt DDB1 and DDB1 delBPB used in the GF or CLMS assay where this has not yet been performed. Later on in the results section (Fig 5E), the authors use wt DDB1 while in fig 4 they used the delBPB to describe the interaction with E27 - would be relevant to have consistency across the paper and some supplementary data that could support using one or the other in each assay.
Minor points:
- In fig 5D, the authors present the H-box alignment, where it is clear that this motif is not conserved. The lack of H-box conservation should be discussed in the results and discussion, to provide an explanation for the competition/binding observed.
- Although they present sufficient detail in the methods, further details in the text should be given as to the number of repeats performed in each case, and whether the data shown is representative or based on an average of repeats (preferably the latter; if representative, the data for other repeats should be shown in supplementary information).
- The authors commence their abstract justifying the study on the grounds of the usefulness of rodent HCMV counterparts as common infection models for HCMV. They should return to this theme in the discussion - what is the usefulness of their findings with regards to HCMV (particularly given the relatively low homology between E27 and HCMV pUL27, and the alternative mechanism for STAT2 antagonism encoded by HCMV UL145)?
The present work provides the first proteomics analysis of RCMV infection in rat cells, comparing infected vs non-infected rat fibroblasts to access potential RCMV targets. Then, it focuses on the characterisation of RCMV E27 and its role targeting and interacting with STAT2 (plus recruiting the Cul4 complex for STAT2 degradation). Finally, it provides the Cryo-EM structure of E27 and its CMV homologues, and the structure of the complex of E27 with elements of the CUL4 complex and STAT2. This is the first time that E27 function and structure are characterised. These are all novel findings - although the mouse homologue M27 has previously been found to interact with and degrade STAT2 (published by some of the same authors in Plos pathogens in 2011, (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1002069). Therefore the chief novel information is the structural studies.
The manuscript will be of interest to researchers working with human and animal herpesviruses.
My field of expertise is in Virology, Innate Immunity and host-virus interactions from an evolutionary perspective. I do not have expertise in Cryo-EM, so I could not evaluate the methods used in the section.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The manuscript entitled "Structure and mechanism of a novel cytomegaloviral DCAF mediating interferon antagonism" by Dr. Schwefel and colleagues cleverly combines biochemistry, mass-spectrometry, Cryo-EM and cell biology to dissect how RCMV-E hijacks its hosts ubiquitylation machinery to mediate proteasomal degradation of STAT2, a key player driving the antiviral IFN response. They identify E27 as DDB1-binding element, which is able promote CRL4-dependent ubiquitylation of STAT2, and demonstrate its effect on STAT2 levels by knockout RCMV-E strains. These findings are supported by in vitro reconstitution of the DDB1/E27/STAT2 complex and analyses via XL-MS and Cryo-EM. The obtained data are then powerfully validated and analysed in mutational strains via infection of homologue in vivo models. The results collectively explain how E27 mimics endogenous CRL4 substrate receptors, thereby recruiting STAT2 to be targeted by CLR4 for ubiquitylation in a NEDD8-dependent manner.
Overall this is an important study that provides convincing insights on how rodent CMVs antagonize their host interferon response by exploiting its ubiquitin-proteasome system. The manuscript is well written and its introduction is extraordinarily comprehensive. There are a few minor points for the authors to consider below.
Minor points:
Page 2, line 3. "Here," should be inserted before "Global proteome profiling..." to highlight the work of this manuscript.
Page 3, line 21. "IFNs" instead of "IFN"
Page 4, lines 9,15,27. "Ubiquitin Ligases (UbL)" is not a common abbreviation and could be mistaken for Ubl (Ubiquitin-like proteins). Possible abbreviation is "E3s" for Ubiquitin E3 ligases
Page 4 line 25. "RBX1" is the more common term for "ROC1"
Page 5 lines 1-9. Citing of the first structure of DDB1 in complex with a viral protein <br /> is recommended. (Ti Li et al. Cell 2006)
Figure 1 a) STAT2 dot is cut off in second panel. I recommend highlighting STAT2 <br /> in both panels.
Page 7 line 17. "Cross-linking MS (CLMS)" is commonly abbreviated as (XL-MS)
Figure 2 a-c) These panels could benefit from thinner lines in order to increase visibility of chromatograms and cross-links.
Figure 2 a-b) Could the authors elaborate on why STAT2 is stoichiometrically underrepresented in the SDS-PAGE of the E27/DDB1/STAT2 complex?
Paragraph "The E27 structure.." page 9. Placing this paragraph after the overall structure is recommended.
Figure 3 a) The grey mesh being laid over the ribbon structures is not contributing to the overall visibility. Adding a panel of the cryo-EM structure alone in cost of alphafold models is recommended.
Figure 4a) same issue with grey mesh c) panels could benefit from fewer amino acids being labeled/shown d) may want to avoid red-green coloring to improve for colorblindness
Figure 6a) s.a grey mesh
Referees cross-commenting
A 3.8 A overall resolution map and the approach to fitting may be suitable, but it is unclear from the authors' figures whether the side-chains shown in the figures are clearly visible in the map or if they are modeled by some other approach. Side chains should ideally be visible in the maps if shown in figures, and if not, close-ups of the corresponding regions of the maps should be shown with sufficient depthcue to allow the reader to gauge how the map corresponds to the model.
Along these lines, the figures with the mesh maps do not clearly show how well the model fits the map. This needs to be clearly visible in figures, and ideally maps and models provided to reviewers in order for the reviewers to gauge the level of accuracy of the fit.
At minimum, the authors have nicely assembled proteomics and cell biological data indicating that E27 hijacks CRL4 to turn over Stat2 in rat cells in a manner paralagous to M27 hijacking in mouse cells, biophysical/structural data for a model of a CUL4-DDB1-E27-Stat2 complex, and mutagenesis of a putative zinc binding site in M27.
I feel most of the issues raised by all 3 reviewers could be addressed in the text, with more clarity about the structural models, and better explanation for why the construct with proteins from various organisms were used for structural studies (the authors had made human DDB1 before, and it expressed well, and perhaps didn't consider to make from rat? Or this mixture expressed, purified best? Gave best quality EM data?). Also, the presentation of the zinc binding site should come after the overall structure.
As for the use of MCMV to assess the role of the zinc binding site, placing this last in the text might allow this to flow better. This reviewer agrees that at least testing mutants in the E27 in some assays would be appropriate.
The work of Schwefel and colleagues combines several powerful state-of-the art techniques to dissect the mechanism of the viral protein E27 and, for the first time, provides a rational for its ability to act as STAT2 antagonist. They performed outstanding structure-function analyses of the ubiquitin system, including the first global proteomic profiling of RCMV-infected cells, setting the standard for its human counterpart as rodent CMVs are commonly used as infection models. The manuscript is highly suitable for publication in any of the journals associated with the review commons platform.
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Using proteome profiling of rat CMV infected cells, the authors of this study identify the E27 protein of rat cytomegalovirus as being crucial for proteasomal degradation of STAT2. Since E27 shares 56% sequence identity to the previously characterized STAT2 antagonist M27 of murine CMV the authors investigated association of E27 with the Cullin4-RING UbL CRL4. Using gel filtration chromatography they provide evidence that E27 forms a stable ternary complex with DDB1 and STAT2 suggesting that E27 bridges STAT2 to DDB1 which is further corroborated by data from cross-linking mass spectrometry. A cross-linked DDB1/DDA1/E27/STAT2 complex was then used for cryo-EM imaging experiments. The subsequent single particle analysis yielded a density map at 3.8 A resolution that was further used to generate an E27 molecular model. At this point it should be noted that resolution was not very high and data form AlphaFold2 prediction and CLMS experiments were necessary to build a model which was described as having "sufficient quality", however, no quality parameters are included for this model. In this model, a cryptic zinc-binding motif was identified that turned out to be well conserved in M27. At this point the study switches to a mutational analysis of M27: MCMV mutants either lacking M27 or bearing an AxAxxAA triple mutation were investigated both in cell culture and in animal models. Surprisingly, the M27-AxAxxA mutant while exhibiting attenuated IFN inhibition was still more active than an M27 deletion mutant. Later during the study it is postulated that this may be due to the fact that E27 binding to STAT2 abrogates the interaction with IRF9, however, this is only predicted from modeling and no experimental data are provided for this hypothesis. Furthermore, modeling approaches were used to predict how E27 replaces endogenous CRL4 substrate receptors and how E27 recruits STAT2 to mediate CRL4-catalysed ubiquitin transfer.
Major comments:
- To my opinion the authors should perform mutational analysis in the context of E27 and RCMV. I accept that switching to M27 may be easier due to established procedures for MCMV mutagenesis and analysis, however, since all structural work is primarily done on E27 it would be consequent to confirm these structural predictions in the context of E27 before switching to a related protein. Moreover, data on the replication of the generated E27 deletion RCMV should be included in the manuscript (i.e. growth curves).
- Resolution of the cryoEM structure is rather low and many predictions of the manuscript are based on modeling using AlphaFold2 prediction. The authors describe their model as of "sufficient quality", however, no quality measures are included in the manuscript. At least the discussion should address limitations of the used approach.
- The authors identify a cryptic zinc-binding motif in E27 that is conserved in homologous proteins. For this reviewer it is not clear: is there experimental evidence for zinc binding of E27 or can the presence of zinc reliably be detected in their structural data? If not, it would be worth to confirm zinc binding.
- The hypothesis that STAT2/E27 interaction is sterically incompatible with IRF9 binding is only based on structural prediction. It would help if the authors could present experimental evidence for such a mechanism.
This is an interesting and well written paper describing for the first time in molecular detail how a cytomegalovirus-encoded interferon antagonist degrades STAT2 by mimicking the molecular surface properties of cellular CRL4 substrate receptors.
This study should be of broad interest for both virologists and structural biologists.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Reply to the reviewers
Manuscript number: RC-2022-01528
Corresponding author(s): Elena Taverna and Tanja Vogel
1. General Statements [optional]
We thank the reviewers for the comments and points they raised. We think what we have been asked is a doable task for us and we are confident we will manage to address all points in a satisfactory manner.
2. Description of the planned revisions
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Reviewer’s comment: The manuscript investigated the role of DOT1L during neurogenesis especially focusing on the earlier commitment from APs. Using tissue culture method with single-cell tracing, they found that the inhibition of DOT1L results in delamination of APs, and promotes neuronal differentiation. Furthermore, using single cell RNA-seq, they seek possible mechanisms and changes in cellular state, and found a new cellular state as a transient state. Among differentially expressed genes, they focused on microcephaly-related genes, and found possible links between epigenetic changes led by DOT1L inhibition and epigenetic inhibition by PRC2. Based on these findings, they suggested that DOT1L could regulate neural fate commitment through epigenetic regulation. Overall, it is well written and possible links from epigenetic to metabolic regulation are interesting. However, there are several issues across the manuscript.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We thank the reviewer’s 1 for her/his comments and constructive criticism.
We hope the revision plan will address the points raised by the reviewer in a satisfactory manner.
Major issues:
* *Reviewer’s comment: 1) It is not clear whether the degree of H3K79 methylation (or other histones) changes during development, and whether DOT1L is responsible for those changes. It is necessary to show the changes in histone modifications as well as the levels of DOT1L from APs to BPs and neurons, and to what extent the treatment of EPZ change the degree of histone methylation.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
As for the level of DOT1L protein We tried several commercially available antibodies, but they do not work in the mouse, even after multiple attempts and optimization. So, unfortunately we will not be able to provide this piece of information.
As for the level of DOT1L mRNA We will provide info regarding the DOT1L mRNA level in APs, BPs and neurons by using scRNAseq data from E12, E14, E16 WT cerebral cortex.
As for the levels of H3K79methylation, we did not intend to claim that the histone methylation is responsible for the reported fate transition. We will edit the text to avoid any possible confusion. If it is deemed to be necessary to address the point raised by the reviewer, we do have 3 options, that we here in order of priority and ease of execution from our side.
immunofluorescence with an Ab against H3K79me2 using CON and EPZ-treated hemispheres.
- FACS sort APs, BPs and neurons from CON and EPZ-treated hemispheres, followed by immunoblot for H3K79me2 to assess the H3K79me2 levels. As for the FACS sorting, we will use a combinatorial sorting in the lab on either a TUBB3-GFP or a GFP-reporter line using EOMES-driven mouse lines. This strategy has already been employed in the lab by Florio et al., 2015 and we will use it with minor modifications.
- scCut&Tag for H3K79me2 from CON and EPZ-treated hemispheres. This option entails a collaboration with the Gonzalo Castelo-Branco lab in Sweden and might therefore require additional time to be established and carried out. Reviewer’s comment:
Furthermore, the study mainly used pharmacological bath application. DOT1L has anti-mitotic effect, thus it is not clear whether the effect is coming from the inhibition of transmethylation activity.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
In a previous work we used a genetic model (DOT1L KO mouse) that showed microcephaly (Franz et al. 2019). For this study, we wanted to fill a gap in knowledge by understating if the DOT1L effect was mediated by its enzymatic activity. For this reason, we choose to use the pharmacological inhibition with EPZ, whose effect on DOT1L activity has been extensively reported and documented in literature (EPZ is a drug currently in phase clinical 3 studies).
The stringent focus of this study on the pharmacological inhibition is thus a step toward understanding what specific roles DOT1L can play, both as scaffold or as enzyme.
Here, we concentrate on the enzymatic function and the scaffolding function is beyond the scope of this specific study. We can further discuss and elaborate on the rationale behind this in the revised manuscript.
Reviewer’s comment:
In addition, the study assumed that the effect of EPZ is cell autonomous. However, if EPZ treatment can change the metabolic state in a cell, it would be possible that observed effects was non-cell autonomous. It would be important to address if this effect is coming in a cell-autonomous manner by other means using focal shRNA-KD by IUE.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We did not claim that the effect of EPZ is cell autonomous, we are actually open on this point, as we consider both explanations to be potentially valid. We will edit the text to avoid any possible confusion on what we assume and what not.
As a general consideration, it is entirely possible that the effects are non-cell autonomous. We will comment and elaborate on that in the revised manuscript.
If the reviewer/journal considers this a point that must be addressed experimentally, then we will proceed as follows:
- DOT1L shRNA-KD via in utero electroporation, followed by either
- in situ hybridization for ASNS to check if ASNS transcript is increased upon DOT1L shRNA-KD compared to CON
- FACS sorting of the positive electroporated cells (CON and DOT1L shRNA-KD), followed by qPCR to assess the levels of ASNS
- If the reviewer wants us to check for a more downstream effect on fate, then we will immuno-stain the DOT1L shRNA-KD and CON with TUBB3 AB and/or TBR1 AB (as already done in the present version of the manuscript). Reviewer’s comment: 2) The possible changes in cell division and differentiation were found by very nice single-cell tracing system. However, changes in division modes occurring in targeted APs such as angles of mitotic division and the expression of mitotic markers were not addressed. These information is critical information to understand mechanisms underlying observed phenotype, delamination, differentiation and fate commitment.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
Previous effects of DOT1L manipulation on the mitotic spindle were observed in a previous paper, using DOT1L KO mouse (Franz et al. 2019). Considering that in our experiments we do use a pharmacological inhibition, we will address this point by quantifying the spindle angle in CON and EPZ-treated cortical hemispheres.
We will co-stain for DAPI to visualize the DNA/chromosomes, and for phalloidin (filamentous actin counterstain) that allows for a precise visualization of the apical surface and of the cell contour, as it stains the cell cortex.
Of note, the protocols we are referring to are already established in the lab, based on published work from the Huttner lab (Taverna et al, 2012; Kosodo et al, 2005).
Reviewer’s comment: 3) The scRNA-seq analysis indicated interesting results, but was not fully clear to explain the observed results in histology. In fact, in single cell RNA-seq, the author claimed that cells in TTS are increased after EPZ treatment, which are more similar to APs. However, in histological data, they found that EPZ treatment increased neuronal differentiation. These data conflicts, thus I wonder whether "neurons" from histology data are actually neurons? Using several other markers simultaneously, it would be important to check the cellular state in histology upon the inhibition/KD of DOT1L.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
The reviewer’s comment is valid, and we indeed found that TTS cells are an intermediate state between APs and neurons in term of transcriptional profile. This is the reason why we called this cell cluster transient transcriptional state.
We plan to address this point by staining for TBR1 and/or CTIP2 in CON and EPZ-treated hemispheres and to expand with this EOMES and SOX2 co-staining.
Minor issues:
Reviewer’s comment: Figure 1 - It is not clear delaminated cells are APs, BPs or some transient cells (Sox2+ Tubb3+??). It is important to use several cell type-specific and cell cycle markers simulnaneously to characterize cell-type specific identity of the analysed cells by staining. These applied to Fig1B,D,E,F,G,as well as Fig2,3.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will address this point by using a combinatorial staining scheme for several fate markers such as TUBB3, EOMES and SOX2, as suggested by the reviewer.
Reviewer’s comment: - Please provide higher magnification images of labelled cells (Fig 1H)
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
In the revised manuscript, we will provide higher magnification for the staining.
Reviewer’s comment: - Please provide clarification on the criteria of Tis21-GFP+ signal thresholding.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
In the revised manuscript, we will provide a clarification on the criteria of Tis21-GFP+ signal thresholding.
Reviewer’s comment: - Splitting the GFP signal between ventricular and abventricular does not convincingly support the "more basal and/or differentiated" states after EPZ treatment.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will provide a clarification regarding this point.
Reviewer’s comment: - Please explain the presence of Tis21-GFP+ cells at the apical VZ.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
Tis21-GFP+ cells at the apical VZ has been extensively reported in the literature, since the first paper by Haubensak et al. regarding the generation of the Tis21-GFP+ line. In a nutshell, T Tis21-GFP+ cells are present throughout the VZ (therefore also in the apical portion) as neurogenic, Tis21-GFP positive cells are undergoing mitosis at the apical surface. Indeed, the presence of Tis-21 GFP signal have been extensively used by the Huttner lab and collaborators to score apical neurogenic mitosis. In addition, since AP undergo interkinetic nuclear migration, it follows that Tis21-GFP+ nuclei are going to be present throughout the entire VZ.
In the revised manuscript, we will explain this point and cite additional literature.
Reviewer’s comment: - Order the legends in same order as the bars.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will follow reviewers’ recommendation and order the legends accordingly.
Reviewer’s comment: Figure 2 -Fig 2B) The difference between CON and EPZ apical contacts is not clear and does not match with the graph in Fig 2E.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will explain Fig. 2B in more detail and provide additional images in the revised manuscript.
Reviewer’s comment: -Supp Fig 2 - are these injected slices cultured in control conditions? Please include this in the text and figure/figure legend
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
In the revised manuscript, the text will be changed to address this point and provide clearer info.
Reviewer’s comment: Fig 2C) The EPZ-treated DxA555+ cells exhibit morphological change of cell shape. Is this phenotype? please comment on the image shown for EPZ treatment panel.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We thank the reviewer for having raised this point.
The change in morphology might be a consequence of delamination and or of cell fate. In the revised manuscript, we will certainly better comment on this very relevant point and expand the discussion accordingly.
Reviewer’s comment: Fig 2F - 2G) Data presented on EOMES+ and TUBB3+ % are counterintuitive. The authors claimed that TUBB3+ cells are increased and neuronal differentiation is promoted. However, no changes in EOMES+ are observed. What is the explanation? Did the author check the double positive cells? These could be TSS cells?
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We thank the reviewer to have raised this point.
As envisioned by the reviewer, we suspect that the counterintuitive data might be due to TSS cell, which based on our scRNAseq data are expressing at the same time several cell type specific markers. It is possible that, since the treatment with EPZ is 24h long, cells (like the TTS cluster) have no time to completely eliminate the EOMES protein. If that were to be the case, then we would expect to still detect (as we indeed do) EOMES immunoreactivity.
To address this point, we will:
- analyze scRNA-seq data and check which is the extent of co-expression of Eomes and Tubb3 mRNAs in the TTS population.
- Check for EOMES and TUBB3 double positive cells in the microinjection experiment. Reviewer’s comment: Figure 2 and Figure 3) the number of pairs analyzed for EPZ is twice as that of Con for comparison of the parameters taken into account. Please include n of each graph in the figure legend of the specific panel if not the same for all panels in that figure (i.e. for figure 3)
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will revise the text accordingly.
Reviewer’s comment:
Figure 3) The data indicated that the number of daughter cell pairs in EPZ samples is almost double than Control. Is this the phenotype? More numbers of daughter cells in EPZ treated samples were observed from the same number of injections? or the number of injected cells were different?
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
Due to technical reasons, we indeed performed a higher number of injections in EPZ-treated slices. We think this is the main reason behind the difference in number.
If the reason were to be biological, one would expect to see the same trend in IUE experiments, but this is actually not the case. This does suggest/corroborate the idea that the reason behind the difference is mainly technical.
Reviewer’s comment: Figure 4)
- Please clarify if the single cell transcriptomic analysis has been performed only once, and if yes, how statistical testing to compare the cell proportion is carried out with only one batch. Fig 4G)
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
As for the scRNAseq on microinjected cells:
the scRNA-seq analysis was done once using cells pooled from 3 different microinjection experiments performed in 3 different days.
As for the scRNAseq on IUE cells:
The scRNA-seq analysis was done once using cells pooled from 2-3 different IUE experiments performed in 3 different days.
For all scRNAseq experiments the statistical testing is achieved by intrasample comparisons according to established bioinformatics pipelines. We will better explain this point in the revised manuscript.
Reviewer’s comment: Figure 4 and 5) - Figures are not supportive of the statement regarding APs' neurogenic potential upon DOT1L inhibition. TSS transcriptomic profile resembles more progenitors than neurons. Please comment on TSS neurogenic capacity taking into account the provided GO and RNAseq.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We thank Reviewer 1 for raising this point, It is indeed true that TTS resemble more AP than neurons (as indicated in the Fig. S5B, C). We took that to indicate the fact that these cells are transient and therefore still maintain some AP features. Interestingly, TTS downregulate cell division markers, suggesting a restriction of proliferative potential, as one would expect for cells with an increased neurogenic potential. We will discuss this point in the revised manuscript.
Reviewer’s comment: - Please provide GO analysis for APs and BPs.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we will incorporate a more careful and in-depth analysis in the revised version of the manuscript.
Reviewer’s comment: - Reconstruct figure 5A by listing genes in the same order in both Con and EPZ and prioritize EPZ-Con differences instead of cell-cell differences.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will revise Figure 5A based on the reviewer’s comment.
Reviewer’s comment:
Moreover, the presented genes in the heatmap is not the same in two conditions (i.e. NEUROG1 is present in EPZ but absent in Con). Please justify.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
This observation is based on different activities of transcription factor networks in the control and EPZ condition. They are not supposed to be the same as the cell states are altered and different TF are expressed and active upon the treatment in the diverse cell types. In a revised manuscript we will justify this point.
Reviewer’s comment: Fig 5D)
- Please explain why binding of EZH2 on the promoter of Asns is strongly reduced in comparison to a mild significant reduction of H3K79me/H3K27me3 in EPZ compared to Control.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
Several explanations are possible
First, the variation can be due to batch effects.
Second, the acute reduction of EZH2 might not be directly accompanied by a reduced histone mark, which is reduced either by cell division or by demethylases. The two processes of getting rid of the mark might be slower than the reduction of EZH2 presence at the respective site.
Based on the reviewer’s comment, we will explain this point in the revised manuscript.
- *
Reviewer’s comment:
Also is the changed directly medicated by DOT1L?
Please test whether DOT1L can bind the promoter of Asns.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
To address this relevant issue we will proceed with the following protocol:
- electroporate a tagged version of DOT1L into ESCs
- select ESCs and differentiate them into NPC_48h.
- treat NPC with DMSO (Con) or EPZ
- harvest CON and EPZ-treated NPC
- perform ChIP-qPCR DOT1L at the Asns promoter Reviewer’s comment: Please provide the expression patterns of DOT1L and Asns during neuronal differentiation.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
As for Dot1l
Dot1l expression was shown in Franz et al 2019, by ISH from E12.5 to E18.5.
As for Asns
We will provide E14.5 in situ staining of Asns in the developing mouse brain using the Gene Paint database (see Figure below).
We will also show immunostainings for ASNS at mid-neurogenesis, provided that Ab against ASNS works in the mouse.
Other General comments:
Reviewer’s comment: Please Indicate VZ, SVZ and CP on the side of the pictures/ with dot lines in the pictures both for primary figures and supplementary.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will revise the figures accordingly.
Reviewer’s comment: - The Results and figures sometimes do not support the statement made by the authors
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will carefully check on this and eliminate any overinterpretation or non-supported statements from the text.
- Schemes are not informative/explanatory enough, i.e. time windows of treatment and sample collection, culture conditions details.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will revise the schemes to include more details. In particular, we plan to add a supplementary figure with a detailed visual description of the protocol, to match the detailed description presented in the materials and methods.
Reviewer’s comment: - A more extensive characterization of TTS cells in terms of differentiation progression and integration would be enlightening
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
In general, we are facing two main challenges while studying the TTS population: one is the lack of a specific marker gene for TTS, the other is the relatively small size of the TTS subpopulation.
For these reasons, our ability to carry on an in-depth analysis of this cell state is limited.
Considering the reviewer’s comment, in the revised manuscript we will expand the analysis ad characterization of the differentiation potential of TTS using RNA velocity trajectory.
We can also expand the discussion on this point.
Reviewer’s comment: - Picture quality can be improved, provide high magnification images.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will revise the figures to include higher magnification images.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
Reviewer’s comment: The study could be important for the specific field in neural development. It aims to understand mutations in respective genes and brain malformation. If the link between epigenetic and metabolic changes is clearly shown, it will be interesting. However, the current manuscript is still rather descriptive, and clear mechanistic insights were not provided. The study have potentials and additional data will strength the value of study.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will address the direct impact of DOT1L and H3K79me2 on the Asns gene locus during the revision (see the rationale of the experimental strategy also in the revision plan above). We hope we will thus provide a mechanistic link between epigenetics and altered metabolome.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Reviewer’s comment: Appiah et al. present a concise manuscript that provides details and possible mechanisms of their previous work (Franz et al., 2019; Ferrari et al., 2020). The study uses diverse lines of investigation to arrive at most conclusions. However, as interesting as the data is, we find that at the present state, it is not sufficient to prove that, indeed, the asparagine metabolism is regulated by DOTL1/PRC2 crosstalk. The neurogenic shift presented in the first part of the paper is not comprehensive and, therefore, not very convincing. The quality of images provided in the main and supplementary data is less than ideal. Additional data analysis and interpretation of the scRNA seq data may be needed. The authors finally conclude with rescue experiments done in culture and in-vivo, which we believe is the stand-out part of this study. Overall the manuscript has some interesting observations that are often over-interpreted with less supporting data. The manuscript reads well but requires additional data and changes in the claims/interpretation to be suited for publication.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
In the revised manuscript, we hope we will address the comments and concerns raised by the reviewer in a satisfactory manner. Comments
Reviewer’s comment: 1) Abstract: Is this statement correct: "DOT1L inhibition led to increased neurogenesis driven by a shift from asymmetric self-renewing to symmetric neurogenic divisions of APs. AP undergoes symmetric division for self-renewal and asymmetric neurogenic divisions.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
Based on the current literature (cit. Huttner and Kriegstein), AP undergo:
- symmetric division for proliferative division at early stages of neurogenesis
- asymmetric self-renewing division, generating an AP and a BP at mid neurogenesis. This division is also described as neurogenic, as it produces a BP, that is a step further than AP in term of neurogenic potential.
- symmetric consumptive division at late neurogenesis To avoid any possible confusion, we will re-phrase the sentence to include the adjective “consumptive” and specify the composition of the progeny.
In the revised manuscript, the sentence will read as follow:
"DOT1L inhibition led to increased neurogenesis driven by a shift of APs from asymmetric self-renewing (generating one AP and one BP) to symmetric consumptive divisions (generating two neurons)"
Reviewer’s comment: All the data is based on treatments with EPZ (DOTL1 inhibitor), yet no information is shown to support its targeted activity in this system. A proof of principle in the chosen experimental system is missing; for instance, examining the activity or protein level of DOTL1 and decreased methylation of the target(s) is essential.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
EPZ is a well characterized drug, that has been used previously in our lab and by others as well.
As for our lab, the information regarding the inhibitor, its activity and efficiency in inhibiting DOT1L towards H3K79me2 was shown in Franz et al. Supplementary Fig. S6 D, E.
In the present manuscript, an additional confirmation that EPZ targets DOT1L in regard to its H3K79me2 activity is shown in Fig. 5D.
We would refer to this information more explicitly in a revised manuscript.
Reviewer’s comment: 2) Figure 1: The scoring of centrosomes and cilia is insufficient to conclude delamination and increase in basal fates. The effect could be on ciliogenesis or centrosome tethering to the apical end-feet of the AP, and other possible explanations for this observation also exist. The images are too small; larger images or graphic representations could be helpful in addition to the data.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We did not intend to claim that the change in centrosome location demonstrate delamination, but only that it suggests delamination. This criterion has been extensively used as a proxy for delamination by several labs working on the cell biology of neurogenesis, such Huttner and Gotz labs. If the issue persists, we can re-phrase in a more cautious way the text referring to Figure 1 to highlight that the data only suggest delamination.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
To make a statement regarding delamination, I would like to see either the dynamics of delamination (organotypic slices images), staining with BP markers, or morphological changes of AP (staining that will reveal loss of adherence) or comparable data to support the observation. In my opinion Supp. Figure 1 is insufficient; the single image is not convincing; I would like to see 3D reconstruction and better-quality images.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We can certainly provide better images and co-stain with relevant markers.
We think it is beyond the scope of the manuscript embarking in live imaging as we are not studying the dynamics of delamination per se.
Reviewer’s comment: Tis21 data (1H), again of low quality, is only a single piece of evidence and the conclusion "suggesting that the acquisition of a basal fate was paralleled by a switch to neurogenesis" is premature. I think other cell cycle exit reporters, Fucci markers, pHis, BrdU, NeuroD, or Tbr2 reporters (Li et al., 2020, (Haydar and Sestan labs)) to name a few, are necessary to establish the conclusions. The authors should show other markers such as PAX6, EOMES, or other upper-layer markers upon cell cycle exit in the SVZ/CP. These additional experiments will assist in cell fate analysis.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We completely understand the points raised by the reviewer, and we plan to address them by co-staining with PAX6/SOX2, PH3 and/or EOMES.
We think establishing the Fucci or EOMES mouse system is beyond the scope of the manuscript. In addition, given the present setting of all labs involved, it would be logistically unattainable (see also comments in the section below).
We think the co-staining scheme and plan will be informative enough to satisfactory address the concerns raised by the reviewer.
Reviewer’s comment: 2) Figure 2: The microinjection experiments are elegant; the images, however, do not complement the experiment. The images of the microinjected cells seem not to be reconstructed from z-stacked optical slices, so often, processes are not continuous (panel B, for example); therefore, it is not clear if an apical process is indeed missing or just not seen.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
The mentioned images are reconstructed from continuous Z-stacks, as we always do given the type of data. We can provide better reconstructions and/or additional images.
Reviewer’s comment:
The data analysis should include other parameters; BrdU staining could have given information on cell cycle exit, PAX6, SOX2, and EOMES on the location of the cells in the VZ/sVZ. The quality of images showing EOMES and TUBB3 staining is so low that it makes the reader doubt the validity of the quantifications. "Taken together, these data suggest that the inhibition of DOT1L might favor the acquisition of a neuronal over BP cell fate" This interpretation should be subjected to more investigations. It is possible that this treatment just accelerates the AP-> BP -> Neuronal fate. The author's claim needs to be backed by additional experiments or be changed.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
To address this point, we will include in the revised manuscript staining and co-staining with PAX6, SOX2 (see also response above) and provide a BrdU labeling experiment.
Reviewer’s comment: 3) Figure 3: The experiment concept and its performance are impressive, yet the data is insufficient. The images in A that are supposed to be representative show two cells; their location is not clear, and the expression of GFP is not clear; in fact, both pairs seem to be GFP negative (not clear what is the threshold for background). Staining with anti-GFP and a second method to follow neurogenesis is necessary.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We did use different staining methods and schemes to follow neurogenesis. As specified above, we will deepen our analysis by using additional markers, such as TBR1.
Reviewer’s comment: 4) On page 9, lines 8-10, the authors claim that their number of cells was "sufficient" for single-cell analysis; the numbers are Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
In the revised manuscript, we will include the analysis of how many cells are needed to identify cluster of 6 cell types in this paradigm, based for example on the algorithms developed in Treppner et al. 2021.
Reviewer’s comment: 5) The authors use Seurat and RaceID without their appropriate citations in the first mention during the results. The authors also stop immediately after DEG analysis along with clustering. The authors could analyze their RNA-seq data with a trajectory; to say the least, the identification/characterization of TTS and neurons as Neurons I, II, and III are insufficient. There could be multiple ways to show the "fate" of cells in the isolated FACS, which the authors have missed.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We will include the respective citations in a revised manuscript. We provide already differentiation trajectories but will include other methods, including scVelo of FateID to extend the trajectory analyses. We kindly ask the reviewer to also refer to the comments above regarding the TTs cluster characterization as part of our effort to provide a better picture of the different clusters.
Reviewer’s comment: 6) The authors detected candidates like Fgfr3, Nr2f1, Ofd1, and Mme as part of their treated (different approaches) datasets (from their DEG analysis). They correctly cite Huang et al., 2020 but fail to give us a sense of the consequences of these gene dysregulations. The authors can also validate if these proteins are expressed in their treated cells.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
In the revised manuscript we will comment on the function of the four genes mentioned.
In addition, we will validate the expression of these genes on protein and transcriptional level through immunostainings -provided that antibodies are working in our system- or smFISH, respectively.
Reviewer’s comment: 7) The authors list a few GO terms (page 10, lines 1-10) and associate them with reduced proliferation; they must cite relevant studies. The authors can also add supplementary data showing which genes in their data correspond to these GO terms.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
We thank the reviewer for pointing out the missing citations.
We of course agree on the need to add them, and we will do so in the revised manuscript.
Reviewer’s comment: 8) On Page 11, lines 3-7, the authors describe their method to arrive at the 17 targets with TF activity from the previous analysis. Can the authors describe the method used to correlate the two? The reviewer understands this could be MEME analysis or analysis of earlier datasets of Ferrari et al. 2020. But it must be explicitly stated, and a few examples in supplementary need to be exemplified as this analysis is key to discovering the three metabolic genes.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
In the revised manuscript, we will clarify the exact analysis that resulted in the identification of the 17 target genes, using the specific tool for gene network analysis, that is based on our scRNA-seq data alone, but not on the Ferrari et al 2020 data set.
3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript
4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out
Reviewer’s comment: Tis21 data (1H), again of low quality, is only a single piece of evidence and the conclusion "suggesting that the acquisition of a basal fate was paralleled by a switch to neurogenesis" is premature. I think other cell cycle exit reporters, Fucci markers, pHis, BrdU, NeuroD, or Tbr2 reporters (Li et al., 2020, (Haydar and Sestan labs)) to name a few, are necessary to establish the conclusions. The authors should show other markers such as PAX6, EOMES, or other upper-layer markers upon cell cycle exit in the SVZ/CP. These additional experiments will assist in cell fate analysis.
Response to Reviewer and planned revision:
As pointed out above, we think establishing the Fucci or EOMES mice system is beyond the scope of the manuscript as it will not provide more information than the ones we will obtain from systematic and extensive co-staining experiments. In addition, all labs involved are facing a logistic issue (animal house not ready yet, construction works etc) that made the importing and setting up of the colony unattainable for the next 6-10months. If the reviewer and/or the editorial board think this is a major point compromising the entire revision, we kindly ask to contact us again so that we can discuss the issue and arrive to a shared conclusion.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Appiah et al. present a concise manuscript that provides details and possible mechanisms of their previous work (Franz et al., 2019; Ferrari et al., 2020). The study uses diverse lines of investigation to arrive at most conclusions. However, as interesting as the data is, we find that at the present state, it is not sufficient to prove that, indeed, the asparagine metabolism is regulated by DOTL1/PRC2 crosstalk. The neurogenic shift presented in the first part of the paper is not comprehensive and, therefore, not very convincing. The quality of images provided in the main and supplementary data is less than ideal. Additional data analysis and interpretation of the scRNA seq data may be needed. The authors finally conclude with rescue experiments done in culture and in-vivo, which we believe is the stand-out part of this study. Overall the manuscript has some interesting observations that are often over-interpreted with less supporting data. The manuscript reads well but requires additional data and changes in the claims/interpretation to be suited for publication.
- Abstract: Is this statement correct: "DOT1L inhibition led to increased neurogenesis driven by a shift from asymmetric self-renewing to symmetric neurogenic divisions of APs". AP undergoes symmetric division for self-renewal and asymmetric neurogenic divisions.
All the data is based on treatments with EPZ (DOTL1 inhibitor), yet no information is shown to support its targeted activity in this system. A proof of principle in the chosen experimental system is missing; for instance, examining the activity or protein level of DOTL1 and decreased methylation of the target(s) is essential. <br /> 2. Figure 1: The scoring of centrosomes and cilia is insufficient to conclude delamination and increase in basal fates. The effect could be on ciliogenesis or centrosome tethering to the apical end-feet of the AP, and other possible explanations for this observation also exist. The images are too small; larger images or graphic representations could be helpful in addition to the data.
To make a statement regarding delamination, I would like to see either the dynamics of delamination (organotypic slices images), staining with BP markers, or morphological changes of AP (staining that will reveal loss of adherence) or comparable data to support the observation. In my opinion Supp. Figure 1 is insufficient; the single image is not convincing; I would like to see 3D reconstruction and better quality images.
Tis21 data (1H), again of low quality, is only a single piece of evidence and the conclusion "suggesting that the acquisition of a basal fate was paralleled by a switch to neurogenesis" is premature. I think other cell cycle exit reporters, Fucci markers, pHis, BrdU, NeuroD, or Tbr2 reporters (Li et al., 2020, (Haydar and Sestan labs)) to name a few, are necessary to establish the conclusions. The authors should show other markers such as PAX6, EOMES, or other upper-layer markers upon cell cycle exit in the SVZ/CP. These additional experiments will assist in cell fate analysis. 2. Figure 2: The microinjection experiments are elegant; the images, however, do not complement the experiment. The images of the microinjected cells seem not to be reconstructed from z-stacked optical slices, so often, processes are not continuous (panel B, for example); therefore, it is not clear if an apical process is indeed missing or just not seen. The data analysis should include other parameters; BrdU staining could have given information on cell cycle exit, PAX6, SOX2, and EOMES on the location of the cells in the VZ/sVZ. The quality of images showing EOMES and TUBB3 staining is so low that it makes the reader doubt the validity of the quantifications. <br /> "Taken together, these data suggest that the inhibition of DOT1L might favor the acquisition of a neuronal over BP cell fate" This interpretation should be subjected to more investigations. It is possible that this treatment just accelerates the AP-> BP -> Neuronal fate. The author's claim needs to be backed by additional experiments or be changed. 3. Figure 3: The experiment concept and its performance are impressive, yet the data is insufficient. The images in A that are supposed to be representative show two cells; their location is not clear, and the expression of GFP is not clear; in fact, both pairs seem to be GFP negative (not clear what is the threshold for background). Staining with anti-GFP and a second method to follow neurogenesis is necessary. 4. On page 9, lines 8-10, the authors claim that their number of cells was "sufficient" for single-cell analysis; the numbers are <500 for all samples. The authors need to justify this statement or articles that carefully analyze the number required for such a conclusion as references. 5. The authors use Seurat and RaceID without their appropriate citations in the first mention during the results. The authors also stop immediately after DEG analysis along with clustering. The authors could analyze their RNA-seq data with a trajectory; to say the least, the identification/characterization of TTS and neurons as Neurons I, II, and III are insufficient. There could be multiple ways to show the "fate" of cells in the isolated FACS, which the authors have missed. 6. The authors detected candidates like Fgfr3, Nr2f1, Ofd1, and Mme as part of their treated (different approaches) datasets (from their DEG analysis). They correctly cite Huang et al., 2020 but fail to give us a sense of the consequences of these gene dysregulations. The authors can also validate if these proteins are expressed in their treated cells. 7. The authors list a few GO terms (page 10, lines 1-10) and associate them with reduced proliferation; they must cite relevant studies. The authors can also add supplementary data showing which genes in their data correspond to these GO terms. 8. On Page 11, lines 3-7, the authors describe their method to arrive at the 17 targets with TF activity from the previous analysis. Can the authors describe the method used to correlate the two? The reviewer understands this could be MEME analysis or analysis of earlier datasets of Ferrari et al. 2020. But it must be explicitly stated, and a few examples in supplementary need to be exemplified as this analysis is key to discovering the three metabolic genes.
Appiah et al. present a concise manuscript that provides details and possible mechanisms of their previous work (Franz et al., 2019; Ferrari et al., 2020). The study uses diverse lines of investigation to arrive at most conclusions. However, as interesting as the data is, we find that at the present state, it is not sufficient to prove that, indeed, the asparagine metabolism is regulated by DOTL1/PRC2 crosstalk. The neurogenic shift presented in the first part of the paper is not comprehensive and, therefore, not very convincing. The quality of images provided in the main and supplementary data is less than ideal. Additional data analysis and interpretation of the scRNA seq data may be needed. The authors finally conclude with rescue experiments done in culture and in-vivo, which we believe is the stand-out part of this study.
Overall the manuscript has some interesting observations that are often over-interpreted with less supporting data. The manuscript reads well but requires additional data and changes in the claims/interpretation to be suited for publication.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
The manuscript investigated the role of DOT1L during neurogenesis especially focusing on the earlier commitment from APs. Using tissue culture method with single-cell tracing, they found that the inhibition of DOT1L results in delamination of APs, and promotes neuronal differentiation. Furthermore, using single cell RNA-seq, they seek possible mechanisms and changes in cellular state, and found a new cellular state as a transient state. Among differentially expressed genes, they focused on microcephaly-related genes, and found possible links between epigenetic changes led by DOT1L inhibition and epigenetic inhibition by PRC2. Based on these findings, they suggested that DOT1L could regulate neural fate commitment through epigenetic regulation. Overall, it is well written and possible links from epigenetic to metabolic regulation are interesting. However there are several issues across the manuscript.
Major issues:
- It is not clear whether the degree of H3K79 methylation (or other histones) changes during development, and whether DOT1L is responsible for those changes. It is necessary to show the changes in histone modifications as well as the levels of DOT1L from APs to BPs and neurons, and to what extent the treatment of EPZ change the degree of histone methylation. Furthermore, the study mainly used pharmacological bath application. DOT1L has anti-mitotic effect, thus it is not clear whether the effect is coming from the inhibition of transmethylation activity. In addition, the study assumed that the effect of EPZ is cell autonomous.However, if EPZ treatment can change the metabolic state in a cell, it would be possible that observed effects was non-cell autonomous. It would be important to address if this effect is coming in a cell-autonomous manner by other means using focal shRNA-KD by IUE.
- The possible changes in cell division and differentiation were found by very nice single-cell tracing system. However, changes in division modes occurring in targeted APs such as angles of mitotic division and the expression of mitotic markers were not addressed. These information is critical information to understand mechanisms underlying observed phenotype, delamination, differentiation and fate commitment .
- The scRNA-seq analysis indicated interesting results, but was not fully clear to explain the observed results in histology. In fact, in single cell RNA-seq, the author claimed that cells in TTS are increased after EPZ treatment, which are more similar to APs. However, in histological data, they found that EPZ treatment increased neuronal differentiation. These data conflicts, thus I wonder whether "neurons" from histology data are actually neurons? Using several other markers simultaneously, it would be important to check the cellular state in histology upon the inhibition/KD of DOT1L.
Minor issues:
Figure 1
It is not clear delaminated cells are APs, BPs or some transient cells (Sox2+ Tubb3+??). It is important to use several cell type-specific and cell cycle markers simulnaneously to characterize cell-type specific identity of the analysed cells by staining.These applied to Fig1B,D,E,F,G,as well as Fig2,3.
Please provide higher magnification images of labelled cells (Fig 1H)
- Please provide clarification on the criteria of Tis21-GFP+ signal thresholding.
- Splitting the GFP signal between ventricular and abventricular does not convincingly support the "more basal and/or differentiated" states after EPZ treatment.
- Please explain the presence of Tis21-GFP+ cells at the apical VZ.
- Order the legends in same order as the bars.
Figure 2
Fig 2B) The difference between CON and EPZ apical contacts is not clear and does not match with the graph in Fig 2E.
Supp Fig 2 - are these injected slices cultured in control conditions? Please include this in the text and figure/figure legend
Fig 2C) The EPZ-treated DxA555+ cells exhibit morphological change of cell shape. Is this phenotype? please comment on the image shown for EPZ treatment panel.
Fig 2F - 2G) Data presented on EOMES+ and TUBB3+ % are counterintuitive. The authors claimed that TUBB3+ cells are increased and neuronal differentiation is promoted. However, no changes in EOMES+ are observed. What is the explanation? Did the author check the double positive cells? These could be TSS cells?
Figure 2 and Figure 3) the number of pairs analyzed for EPZ is twice as that of Con for comparison of the parameters taken into account. Please include n of each graph in the figure legend of the specific panel if not the same for all panels in that figure (i.e. for figure 3)
Figure 3)
- The data indicated that the number of daughter cell pairs in EPZ samples is almost double than Control. Is this the phenotype? More numbers of daughter cells in EPZ treated samples were observed from the same number of injections? or the number of injected cells were different? Figure 4)
- Please clarify if the single cell transcriptomic analysis has been performed only once, and if yes, how statistical testing to compare the cell proportion is carried out with only one batch. Fig 4G)
Figure 4 and 5)
- Figures are not supportive of the statement regarding APs' neurogenic potential upon DOT1L inhibition. TSS transcriptomic profile resembles more progenitors than neurons. Please comment on TSS neurogenic capacity taking into account the provided GO and RNAseq.
- Please provide GO analysis for APs and BPs.
Figure 5)
- Reconstruct figure 5A by listing genes in the same order in both Con and EPZ, and prioritize EPZ-Con differences instead of cell-cell differences. Moreover, the presented genes in the heatmap is not the same in two conditions (i.e. NEUROG1 is present in EPZ but absent in Con). Please justify. Fig 5D)
- Please explain why binding of EZH2 on the promoter of Asns is strongly reduced in comparison to a mild significant reduction of H3K79me/H3K27me3 in EPZ compared to Control. Also is the changed directly medicated by DOT1L? Please test whether DOT1L can bind the promoter of Asns.
Please provide the expression patterns of DOT1L and Asns during neuronal differentiation.
Other General comments: - Please Indicate VZ, SVZ and CP on the side of the pictures/ with dot lines in the pictures both for primary figures and supplementary. - The Results and figures sometimes do not support the statement made by the authors - Schemes are not informative/explanatory enough, i.e. time windows of treatment and sample collection, culture conditions details.. - A more extensive characterization of TTS cells in terms of differentiation progression and integration would be enlightening - Picture quality can be improved, provide high magnification images.
The study could be important for the specific field in neural development. It aims to understand mutations in respective genes and brain malformation. If the link between epigenetic and metabolic changes is clearly shown, it will be interesting. However, the current manuscript is still rather descriptive, and clear mechanistic insights were not provided. The study have potentials and additional data will strength the value of study.
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The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this work, the authors investigate the effect of using mature mRNAs instead of only nascent mRNA (located at the transcription site) when estimating transcriptional kinetics parameters from single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH) experiments. The authors find that using nascent mRNA and correcting for cell cycle effects yields more accurate parameter estimates than using mature mRNAs. The author performs smFISH experiments of the GAL10 gene in yeast to test their findings. Also, the authors test different methods to obtain parameter estimates in cases where there is no information about the location of the transcription site.
Major comments:
1.The authors make multiple claims of novelty that conflict with work described in some of their references, particularly: Skinner et al., eLife, 2016; Xu et al., Nature Methods, 2015 and Physical Review Letters, 2016 (References #26,27 and 24 in their manuscript). I could find several instances where the scope of their claims was unclear. Below I describe some cases:
a.The title of this paper, "accurate inference of stochastic gene expression from nascent transcript heterogeneity" could also be the summary conclusion of the three works cited above. However, later in the Introduction of the manuscript, the authors state that their goal is to "understand the impact of post-transcriptional noise and cell-to-cell variability on the accuracy of transcriptional parameters inferred from mature mRNA data," a related yet different topic. I would change the title of the manuscript to reflect their main goal better.
b.I would make their claims of novelty more specific. For example, at the end of the abstract, the authors claim that "our novel data curation method yields a quantitatively accurate picture of gene expression." Quantifying nascent mRNA using smFISH to obtain transcription kinetic parameters has been done before (the references above are an example) also developing the modeling tools to do so (for example, in Xu et al., Physical Review Letters, 2016). What is, exactly, the novelty in their approach? They need to make that explicit or soften their claims.
c.In the Introduction, when discussing the effect of the cell cycle in parameter estimation, they write: "Since estimation of all transcriptional parameters (...) from nascent data as a function of the cell cycle phase has not been reported". However, the work they reference (Skinner et al., eLife, 2016) shows such measurements for multiple transcriptional parameters for different cell cycle stages. The original work may not have gone as far as the current work, but it is unclear what has been done before from the way the authors describe earlier literature.
d.The authors develop a new formulation of the delay telegraph model to obtain kinetic parameters from the nascent RNA copy number statistics. They state in the SI that "Similar delay models have also been studied by other authors," however, the authors do not explain in which way their model differs from previous work. Does their approach have advantages over previously published models?
2.There is a particular choice during their analysis that I find problematic. In section 2.3, the authors state "The transcription site is counted as 1 mRNA, regardless of its intensity, but has a negligible influence since the mean number of mature mRNA is much greater than 1" (the number should be spelled). It is unclear that statement is true for all possible kinetic parameters. It is also hard to evaluate that claim because the authors do not show images of transcription sites that would support it. Trying to find more information, I saw images from previous work from one of the authors ("Optimized protocol for single-molecule RNA FISH to visualize gene expression in S. cerevisiae", figure 4). Those images suggest that the opposite is the case: in the cell shown, the number of mRNAs in the transcription site is not negligible but instead seems to contain most of the mRNAs in the cell. Solving this problem would require the authors to remake their analysis without making this assumption.
3.Overall, I think the current experiments are sufficient to support their claims. Also, the description of methods and references is appropriate to allow other researchers to reproduce their observations. Finally, the experiments are replicated, and enough cells are analyzed to provide enough statistical significance to their claims.
Minor comments:
1.In section 2.1.3, the authors mention using an optimization package written in Julia programing language. A reference to the package needs to be included, either an academic article or the website to the package.
2.In the discussion, the authors state "In addition, live-cell measurements include cells in S phase, which are excluded in smFISH." I do not think that statement is correct. One would expect that a large enough sample of cells assayed with smFISH will contain a subpopulation containing cells in the S-phase.
3.I find the overall presentation of figures and the analysis performed not optimal to convey their points. Below are some suggestions regarding presentation (and in some cases, analysis).
Text suggestions:
a.The meaning of the word "inference" seems to change across the manuscript. In the title, I understand that inference means "estimation," or more explicitly, estimating model parameters from experimental or simulated data. However, in the methods section, the authors write "Mature mRNA inference" and "Nascent mRNA inference." Do they mean "Estimating/Inferring model parameters from synthetic/experimental mature/nascent mRNA datasets"?
b.In the Introduction, the authors use three different terms for cell cycle (cell cycle position, cell cycle stage, and cell cycle phase). It is unclear to me if they are referring to the same concept.
Presentation suggestions:
c.I would remove Figure 2C and put it in the Supplementary information. It shows procedure details that are not fundamental to understanding their claims.
d.I would also relegate the tables in their six datasets in figure 1 and 2 to the Supplementary material. Tables are not very effective methods to present information.
e.I do not think that figures 1c and 2d are needed. Comparing the results from stochastic simulations and the predictions from the models is an internal control that the researchers should do to test the accuracy of their SSA implementation; it does not convey a message related to the main conclusions of their work.
f.I like figure 4a; it conveys one of the main points: not correcting for cell cycle can lead to considerable errors in parameter estimation. I would like to see a similar plot that conveys the difference in parameter estimation when using nascent vs. mature mRNA.
g.Why do the authors have table 1 separated from figure 4 while adding the tables to figures 1 and 2? I would be consistent and move all tables to the supplementary material.
As described above, some claims do not seem novel considering the references in this manuscript. This is not a problem; the authors can soften their claims to novelty without compromising their other claims. Previous works that estimated mRNA transcription kinetic parameters by quantifying nascent mRNA recognized that using mature mRNA would incur in parameter estimation errors. They considered it evident that quantifying the process closer to the transcription site would improve estimates. Similarly, it was also apparent that adding missing information (the gene copy number based on cell cycle information) would improve parameter estimates. That is why the authors presenting those arguments as findings is unnecessary. However, it is true that here the authors are interested in the level of error, not the fact that getting more accurate (or relevant) measurement will improve estimates.
An item that the authors may want to emphasize is their finding that it is possible to correct for measurements where the identity of the transcription site is unknown. All the works that they cite where nascent mRNA is measured using some method to localize the position of the transcription site. I mammalian cells and fly embryos, it is possible to label introns to identify mRNA located at the transcription site. That is not possible in many yeast genes or other microorganisms.
Which audience would be most interested in this work? I think those searching for methods to quantify transcriptional kinetics in organisms where the identity of the transcription site cannot be measured by smFISH or other novel methods such as Cas-FISH.
I performed studies of transcriptional kinetics in bacteria during my doctorate, and I continue utilizing smFISH in my research.
Referees cross-commenting
I agree with the assessment from the other reviewers. One of reviewer 2's requests (to perform simulations covering the parameter space) is particularly relevant given the main goals of the authors. All reviewers noted that the method used to quantify the number of RNA at the transcription site has shortcomings that need to be addressed
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In the manuscript Fu and co-authors compare accuracy for 2 models that infer kinetics of the transcription from synthetic and experimental data. Specifically, they compare the telegraph model for mRNA and the delayed telegraph model for nascent RNA. They first provide the comparison for synthetically simulated data, and derive that the latter exhibits higher accuracy. Next they apply the model to experimental data from smFISH for PP7-GAL10 strain, and provide the framework to estimate the number of mRNAs and use the intensity at the transcriptional site to infer the number of bounds of polymerase during the transcription (nascent RNA). For the latter, I appreciate that they account for the fact that intensity throughout the transcription will depend on 'spatial' position of polymerase and incorporate this into the framework to infer nascent RNA levels. Additionally, for the experimental data they infer kinetics with and without accounting for cell cycle (accordingly 1 or 2 gene copies), and through comparing to life imaging data from Donovan et al., 2019, they suggest that the model that best describes experimental data is delayed telegraph for nascent RNA when accounted for cell cycle. Finally they provide 2 approaches - called rejection and fusion - to account for potential artifacts in estimation of nascent RNA levels from the intensity at transcriptional sites, and provide the comparison of how this approaches affect the overall fit.
Whereas it is important to have a systematic understanding/comparison for both models as well as for how accounting of cell cycle might improve the overall accuracy, some of the aspects of the results/estimation of values from experimental data require more thorough analysis. Specifically, below I describe points to be addressed:
Major points:
Comparison of the models for simulated data. In the first two chapters of the results the authors compare simulations/parameter inference from the synthetic data for the telegraph-based model for mRNA and delayed telegraph model for nascent RNA, and conclude that the latter provides better accuracy. However, based on the relationship for mean relative error distribution as a function of fON, it seems to me that both models show very similar results, and the support of better accuracy for nascent RNA seems unclear to me. Additionally, simulations are performed for the concise number of parameter sets, and it is unclear how well/uniformly the chosen sets cover the parameter space. I suggest that more thorough analysis is required. One way to do so would be to perform simulations on the same set of parameters that comprehensively cover the parameter space for both models and compare mean error rates in pairwise fashion. Additionally, it might be worth considering comparing error rate for each parameter separately (i.e. for sigma-on, sigma-off and the production rate of mRNAs when promoter is on).
An additional analysis of the accuracy of the estimated values from the experimental data. When it comes to experimental data, the overall fit of any proposed model will depend on both the suitability/correctness of a model to explain the process in question as well as the reliability of the estimates (inputs for the model) from the experiments. Specifically, it is possible that a model (either telegraph for mRNA or delayed telegraph for nascent RNA or both) to explain transcriptional kinetics is fairly accurate, but the input estimates (for accordingly mRNA or nascent RNA) are biased (due to technical artifacts from the experiment and/or the approach towards estimating those values), thus affecting the overall fit of a model and interpretation of the results.
I appreciate that authors address one potential artifact in estimating nascent RNA, where it is possible that the intensity of nascent RNA is overestimated if it is mistakenly confused with mRNA. I suggest that the more detailed analysis of the accuracy for both the number of mRNA molecules and the intensity of nascent RNA is required to provide better insight in how reliably those values are estimated and accordingly whether models might perform poorly due to biased estimates.
Specifically, I am wondering about next aspects:
Mature mRNA: More detailed method section covering the estimate for background signal and spot detection. A potential proximity of mRNA molecules resulting in underestimation of the total number of mRNAs, and how this might affect the fit of the telegraph model. Even though smFISH has been widely used to estimate the number of mRNA molecules (as a total number of spots), the technique has been mostly applied to mammalian cells with considerably bigger cell size. Additionally, the usage of the total number of mRNA molecules in order to estimate transcriptional kinetics from the telegraph model seemingly requires a highly accurate estimate of the total number of molecules. Combined, it is not obvious if potential underestimation of mRNAs (specifically in cells with high number of mRNAs) via smFISH in budding yeast cells might lead to the misleading interpretation of the results. One way to assess whether such 'merging' takes place is to look into the distribution of intensities for cytoplasmic spots (per cell and/or all the cells in the whole field of view). If those distributions frequently show bi/multi-modal behavior, it is worth considering whether a proposed way to estimate mRNA number is suitable in for given model organism/growth conditions/gene, and further extend the analysis on simulated data to provide the robustness of the fit of the telegraph model for mRNAs in cases whether number of mRNAs is underestimated. A more minor issue, but authors state that, for each cell, the highest intensity of the nuclear spot will count as one mRNA, and that it has a negligible influence. I would appreciate a more thorough analytical explanation for this or an additional analysis on the simulated data to support how random +/-1 of mRNAs might affect results of the fit, specifically for cases with ~low average mRNA estimate.
Nascent RNA: I might be missing something, but it seems that for cells in late G2 phase where nucleus is either strongly elongated (and looks like a sand clock) or even exhibits 2 separate nuclei connected with the chromatin bridge - 2 copies of the gene can be spatially resolved and therefore it might happen that 2 independent/separate brightest spots (one per each cell) amount to total estimate of nascent RNA in cases where promoter is on simultaneously in both copies? If so, depending on estimated in the study/prior literature-based estimates for sigma-on/off, the probability of simultaneous transcription might vary and this should be taken into account? This also might partially explain the phenomenon of lower transcriptional activity in G2 which is currently suggested to be explained with dosage compensation? Or are those cells considered as 2 cells in G1? If so, it needs to be specified in the text. Additionally, I suggest that images from microscopy can be provided as a supplement to aid clarity in how cell cycle, number of mRNAs and intensity for nascent RNA were estimated.
Additional experimental validation and/or the discussion of the accuracy of the inference for a different range of parameters. The analysis of the experimental data consists of the (I presume highly comparable with Donovan et al., 2019) single condition (i.e. galactose concentration, glu/galactose ratio) resulting in a single parameter set for transcriptional kinetics. Specifically, it is estimated that sigma on and off will be comparable for the given set up, and therefore, based on simulated data, the estimates will be somewhat reliable for the cell cycle accounted delayed telegraph for nascent RNA. I wonder how in practice (i.e. estimated from the experiments) the same model will perform for a different set of parameters/different conditions. Ideally, I would suggest performing the similar experiment, but where sigma on/sigma off is expected to be different. One way to achieve this with the GAL10 / galactose set up is to tune the glu/gal ratio of the media. Even without a comparison to live-cell tracing, the analysis of estimated parameters for merged and cell cycle specific data can shed light on how suitable the model is for alternative parameters. Alternatively, if the experiment is currently not feasible, I would appreciate a more extensive discussion of the practical suitability of the cell-cycle specific delayed telegraph model for nascent RNA for alternative sets of transcriptional parameters. Considering that the comparison was performed only against 'simple' telegraph model and in introduction authors mention a variety of 'improved' models for mRNA, that account for various sources of heterogeneity, they might be more suitable for alternative set of transcriptional parameters, and might be more suitable that cell cycle specific delayed telegraph for nascent RNA.
Overall, the main statements of the paper - that cell cycle specific inference from the experimental data using delayed telegraph model from nascent RNA performs best (compared to telegraph model from mRNA or not cell cycle specific) are supported, and I agree that understanding of the limitations of the currently popular models (telegraph for mRNA and/or not accounting for cell cycle) is an important addition to the field. I would be happy to further proceed with the revision/acceptance of the paper if the comments above are addressed/considered.
Minor comments:
Current method section is lacking the description of the growth media, which is an important aspect to specify when it comes to budding yeast (particularly when the sugar source is different from the standard glucose and/or results are compared to another publication). In the figure 2b I find the cartoon a little misleading - specifically why polymerase is bound when the promoter is off? If it is to illustrate the case when transcription/polymerase bound occured after promoter is switched off, why there are no polymerase to the right from the current one (as in in the case where promoter is on)? In table1 - there is a typo in the 2nd meta-row - I suspect it should say G2?
This paper is somewhat outside my core expertise, although closer to the expertise of my postdoc who assisted with the review.
The work is interesting but the generalisability of the conclusions is somewhat limited, partially by the lack of experimental validation. Nevertheless, there are interesting aspects of the study and the area of research is important.
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Referee #1
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
In this study, the authors consider the problem of inferring transcription dynamics from smFISH data. They distinguish between two important experimental situations. The first one considers measurements of mature mRNAs, while the second one considers measurements of nascent mRNA through fluorescent probes targeting PP7 stem loops. The former problem has been previously dealt with extensively, but less work has been done on the context of the latter. The inference approaches are based on maximum likelihood estimation, from which point estimates for promoter-switching and transcription rates are obtained. The study focuses on steady state measurements only. The authors perform several analyses using synthetic data to understand the limitations of both approaches. They find that inference from nascent mRNA is more reliable than inference from mature mRNA distributions. Moreover, they show that accounting for different cell-cycle stages (G1 vs G2) is important and that pooling measurements across the cell-cycle can lead to quantitatively and even qualitatively different inferences. Both approaches are then used to analyze transcription in an experimental system in yeast, for which they find evidence of gene dosage compensation. I consider this an interesting and relevant study, which will appeal to the systems- and computational biology community. The paper is well written and the (computational) methods are described in detail. The experimental description is quite minimal and could profit from further details / explanations. I have several technical criticisms and questions, which I believe should be addressed before publication. Since I am a theorist, I will comment predominantly on the statistical / computational aspects.
Major comments/questions:
-A key reference that is missing is Fritzsch et al. Mol Syst Biol (2018). In this work, the authors have used nascent mRNA distributions and autocorrelations (obtained from live-imaging) to infer promoter- and transcription dynamics. I believe this work should be appropriately cited and discussed.
Synthetic case study:
-Inference and point estimates. The authors use a maximum-likelihood framework to extract point estimates of the parameters. Subsequently, relative absolute differences are used to assess the accuracy of the inference. However, as far as I have understood, this is performed for only a single simulated dataset, for each considered parameter configuration. The resulting metric, however, does not really capture the inference accuracy, since it is based on a single (random) realization of the MLE. I would recommend to at least repeat the inference multiple times for different realizations of the simulated dataset (per parameter configuration) to get a better feeling of the distribution of the MLE (e.g., its bias / variance). Alternatively, identifiability analyses based on the Fisher information could be performed for (some of) the different parameter configurations although this may be computationally more demanding.
-It would be useful to include confidence intervals based on profile likelihoods also for the synthetic case study, in particular for the 6 reported datasets. I would also find it helpful to see comprehensive profile likelihood plots for the key results / parameter inferences in the supplement. This would also provide useful insights into the identifiability of the parameters.
Experimental case study:
-Validation against live-cell data. In the simulation of the autocorrelation function, what was the ratio of cells initialized in G1 / G2, respectively? I'd expect this to have direct influence on the simulated ACF. Moreover, a linear fit is used to correct for "non-stationary effects" in the ACF that supposedly stem from cell-cycle dynamics. First, I don't think this terminology is really accurate, since non-stationarity would lead to an ACF that depends on two parameters (tau_1 and tau_2). I suppose the goal of the linear correction is to remove slow / static population heterogeneity? If yes, wouldn't it be easier / more direct to also change the simulations to non-synchronized cell-cycles? In this case, they should also display the very slow / static components as displayed in the data, which would eliminate the need for the post-hoc correction. I was also wondering whether other statistics (e.g., mean, variance, distributions) match between the simulations and the live-cell experiment? This could provide further validation of the inferred parameters.
-If I understood correctly, the signal intensity of the measured transcription spot is normalized by the median cytoplasmic spot brightness. Since the normalized intensity of a single complete transcript is 1, the cumulative intensity should give a lower bound on the nascent mRNAs. The histograms in Fig. 4b show intensity values in the range of 30, which would mean that at least 30 transcripts contribute to the transcription spot. The total number of nucleoplasmic and cytoplasmic mRNA, however, is in the range of 10 (Fig. 3a). I am probably missing something but how can we reconcile these numbers? The authors mention that the brightest spot just counts for one transcript, but argue that this has negligible influence on mature RNA counts. Could this be a possible explanation for the mismatch?
Minor comments:
-In the experimental case study, the authors argue that the "correct" inference result is the one that accounts for cell-cycle stage, while the other one termed "incorrect". I find this terminology too strong, since every estimate is subject to uncertainty.
-Page 2: "... in a asynchronous population" -> "... in an asynchronous population"
-Page 7: "...parameters sets 3 and 4" -> "...parameter sets 3 and 4"
-Figures 5a and 6a: parameter names and units should go on the y-axis.
Quantifying kinetic parameters from incomplete and noisy experimental data is a core problem in systems biology. I therefore consider this manuscript to be very relevant to this field. The contribution of this manuscript is largely methodological, although its potential usefulness is demonstrated using experimental data in yeast.
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Reply to the reviewers
Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
In recent years, the field has investigated crosstalk between cGMP and cAMP signaling (PMID: 29030485), lipid and cGMP signaling (PMID: 30742070), and calcium and cGMP signaling (PMID: 26933036, 26933037). In contrast to the Plasmodium field, which has benefited from proteomic experiments (ex: PMID 24594931, 26149123, 31075098, 30794532), second messenger crosstalk in T. gondii has been probed predominantly through genetic and pharmacological perturbations. The present manuscript compares the features of A23187- and BIPPO-stimulated phosphoproteomes at a snapshot in time. This is similar to a dataset generated by two of the authors in 2014 (PMID: 24945436), except that it now includes one BIPPO timepoint. The sub-minute phosphoproteomic timecourse following A23187 treatment in WT and ∆cdpk3 parasites is novel and would seem like a useful resource.
CDPK3-dependent sites were detected on adenylate cyclase, PI-PLC, guanylate cyclase, PDE1, and DGK1. This motivated study of lipid and cNMP levels following A23187 treatment. The four PDEs determined to have A23187-dependent phosphosites were characterized, including the two PDEs with CDPK3-dependent phosphorylation, which were found to be cGMP-specific. However, cGMP levels do not seem to differ in a CDPK3- or A23187-dependent manner. Instead, cAMP levels are elevated in ∆cdpk3 parasites. This would seem to implicate a feedback loop between CDPK3, the adenylyl cyclase, and PKA/PKG: CDPK3 activity reduces adenylyl cyclase activity, which reduces PKA activity, which increases PKG activity. The authors don't pursue this direction, and instead characterize PDE2, which does not have CDPK3-dependent phosphosites, and seems out of place in the study
We agree with reviewer 1 that a feedback loop between CDPK3, the adenylyl cyclase and PKA/PKG is certainly one of several possibilities (and we acknowledge this in the manuscript).
We felt, however, that given the observation that A23187 and BIPPO treatment leads to phosphorylation of numerous PDEs (hinting at the presence of an Ca2+-regulated feedback loop), it was entirely relevant to study these in greater detail. Coupled with the A23187 egress assay on ΔPDE2 parasites - our findings suggest that PDE2 plays an important role in this signalling loop (an entirely novel finding). While PDE2 appears to exert its effects in a CDPK3-independent manner (indeed suggesting that CDPK3 might exert its effects on cAMP levels in a different fashion), this does not detract from the important finding that PDE2 is one of the (likely numerous) components that is regulated in a Ca2+-dependent feedback loop to regulate egress.
We have modified our writing to better reflect the fact that our decision to pursue study of the PDEs was not solely CDPK3-centric.
While we feel that our reasoning for studying the PDEs is solid, we appreciate that further clarification on the putative CDPK3-Adenylate cyclase link would make it easier for the reader to follow the rationale.
We have not studied the direct link between CDPK3 and the Adenylate Cyclase β in more detail, as ACβ alone was shown to not play a major role in regulating lytic growth (Jia et al., 2017).
1.Some of the key conclusions are not convincing.
The data presented in Figure 6E, F, and G and discussed in lines 647-679 are incongruent. In Figure 6E, the plaques in the PDE2+RAP image are hardly visible; how can it be that the plaques were accurately counted and determined not to differ from vehicle-treated parasites?
Are the images in 6E truly representative? Was the order of PDE1 and PDE2 switched? The cited publication by Moss et al. 2021 (preprint) is not in agreement with this study, as stated. That preprint determined that parasites depleted of PDE2 had significantly reduced plaque number and plaque size (>95% reduction); and parasites depleted of PDE1 had a substantially reduced plaque size but a less substantial reduction in plaque number.
The plaques for PDE2+RAP were counted using a microscope since they are difficult to see by eye. We thank the reviewer for detecting our incorrect reference to Moss et al. (2021). This has been corrected in the text. We confirm, however, that the images in 6E are representative of what we observed and do indeed differ from what was seen by Moss et al.. We have acknowledged this clearly in the text.
The differences cannot easily be explained other than by the different genetic systems used. Further studies of the individual PDEs will likely illuminate their role in invasion/ growth, but we feel this would be beyond the scope of this study.
Unfortunately, the length of time required for PDE depletion (72h) is incompatible with most T. gondii cellular assays (typically performed within one lytic cycle, 40-48h). Although the authors performed the assays 3 days after initial RAP treatment, is there evidence that non-excised parasites don't grow out of the population. This should be straightforward to test: treat, wait 3 days, infect onto monolayers, wait 24-48h fix, and stain with anti-YFP and an anti-Toxoplasma counterstain. The proportion of the parasite population that had excised the PDE at the time of the cellular assays will then be known, and the reader will have a sense of how complete the observed phenotypes are. As a reader, I will regard the phenotypes with some level of skepticism due to the long depletion time, especially since a panel of PDE rapid knockdown strains (depletion in __Response:
- Cellular assays using KO parasites are commonly performed at the point at which protein depletion is detected. Both our western blots and plaque assay results demonstrate that, at the point of assay, there is no substantial outgrowth of non-excised parasites. The original manuscript also includes PCRs performed at the 72 hr time point (See Fig. 6B) to support this.
- We appreciate the reviewer’s comment re the panel of PDE KD strains. The reviewer notes that there are substantial limitations to conditional KO systems, which similarly applies to KD systems - there are notable pros and cons to each approach. When designing our strategy (pre-publication of the Moss et al., 2022), we made a deliberate decision to use conditional KO strains in light of the fact that residual protein levels in KD systems can cause significant problems, particularly for membrane proteins (all of the investigated PDEs have a transmembrane domain). Tagging of proteins with the degradation domain can have further issues, leading to protein mis-localisation, which we have experienced with several unrelated proteins in the lab.
The authors should qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether.
The claims in lines 240-260 are confusing. It seems likely that the two drug treatments have at least topological distinctions in the signaling modules, given that cGMP-triggered calcium release is thought to occur at internal stores, whereas A23187-mediated calcium influx likely occurs first at the parasite plasma membrane.The authors' proposed alternative, that treatment-specific phosphosite behavior arises from experimental limitations and "mis-alignment", is unsatisfying for the following reasons: (1) From the outset, the authors chose different time frames to compare the two treatments (15s for BIPPO vs. 50s for A23187); (2) the experiment comprises a single time point, so it does not seem appropriate to compare the kinetics of phosphoregulation. There is still value in pointing out which phosphosites appear treatment-specific under the chosen thresholds, but further claims on the basis of this single-timepoint experiment are too speculative. Lines 264-267 and 281-284 should also be tempered.
Relatedly, graphing of the data in Figure 1G (accompanying the main text mentioned above) was confusing. Why is one axis a ratio, and the other log10 intensity? What does log10 intensity tell you without reference to the DMSO intensity? Wouldn't you want the L2FC(A23187) vs. L2FC(BIPPO) comparisons? Could you use different point colors to highlight these cases on plot 1E? Additionally, could you use a pseudocount to include peptides only identified in one treatment condition on the plot in 1E? (Especially since these sites are mentioned in lines 272-278 but are not on the plot)
- The kinetics of the responses to A23187 and BIPPO are very different. This is why treatment timings are purposely different as they were selected to align pathways to a point where calcium levels peak just prior to calcium re-uptake. We make no mention of kinetic comparisons, and merely demonstrate that at the chosen timepoints, overall signalling correlation is very high. The observation that most of the sites that behave differently between conditions sit remarkably close to the threshold for differential regulation (in the treatment condition where they are not DR - see Fig. 1G) led us to speculate that many of these sites are likely on the cusp of differential regulation. While it is entirely possible that some of these differences are, in fact, treatment specific (and we clearly acknowledge this in the text), we simply state that we cannot confidently discern clear signalling features that allow us to distinguish between the two treatments. We feel that this is an entirely relevant observation given the observed preponderance of both A23187 and BIPPO-dependent DR phosphosites on proteins in the PKG signalling pathway (as current models place this upstream of Ca2+release).
- Log10 intensity only serves to spread the data for easier visualisation. The only comparison being made relates to the LFCs. Fig. 1Gi shows the LFC scores (x axis) for all sites regulated following A23187 treatment (for which peptides were also identified in BIPPO treatment). On this plot we have highlighted the sites that are differentially regulated following BIPPO but not A23187 treatment (with red showing the DRup and blue showing the DRdown sites). This demonstrates that many of the sites that are regulated following BIPPO but not A23187 treatment cluster close to the threshold for differential regulation in the A23187 dataset - suggesting that many of these sites are likely on the cusp of differential regulation. Fig. 1Gii shows the reverse. While we could highlight the above-mentioned sites on the plot in Fig. 1E, we do not feel that it would demonstrate our point as clearly.
We feel that including a pseudocount on Fig. 1E for peptides lacking quantification in one treatment condition would be visually misleading as the direct correlation being made in Fig. 1E is BIPPO vs A23187 treatment. The sites mentioned in lines 272-278 in the original manuscript (now lines 268-276) are available in the supplement tables.
3.Additional experiments would be essential to support the main claims of the paper.
Genetic validation is necessary for the experiments performed with the PKA inhibitor H89. H89 is nonspecific even in mammalian systems (PMID: 18523239) and in this manuscript it was used at a high concentration (50 µM) The heterodimeric architecture of PKA in apicomplexans dramatically differs from the heterotetrameric enzymes characterized in metazoans (PMID: 29263246), so we don't know what the IC50 of the inhibitor is, or whether it inhibits competitively. Two inducible knockdown strains exist for PKA C1 (PMID: 29030485, 30208022). The authors could request one of these strains and construct a ∆cdpk3 in that genetic background, as was done for the PDE2 cKO strain. Estimated time: 3-4 weeks to generate strain, 2 weeks to repeat assays.
- While we appreciate that H89 is not 100% specific for PKA, this is not our only line of evidence that cAMP levels are altered. We demonstrate that cAMP levels are elevated in CDPK3 KO parasites – further substantiating our finding.
The H89 concentration used in our experiment is in keeping with/lower than the concentrations used in other Toxoplasma publications (Jia et al., 2017), and both the Toxoplasma and Plasmodium fields have shown convincingly that H89 treatment phenocopies cKD/cKO of PKA (see Jia et al., 2017; Flueck et al., 2019).
While we agree that the genetic validation suggested by reviewer 1 would serve to further support our findings (though it would not provide further novel insights), the suggested time frame for experimental execution was not realistic. Line shipment, strain generation, subcloning and genetic validation would take substantially longer than 3-4 weeks.
cGMP levels are found to not increase with A23187 treatment, which is at odds with a previous study (lines 524-560). The text proposes that the differences could arise from the choice of buffer: this study used an intracellular-like Endo buffer (no added calcium, high potassium), whereas Stewart et al. 2017 used an extracellular-like buffer (DMEM, which also contains mM calcium and low potassium). An alternative explanation is that 60 s of A23187 treatment does not achieve a comparable amount of calcium flux as 15 s of BIPPO treatment, and a calcium-dependent effect on cGMP levels, were it to exist, could not be observed at the final timepoint in the assay. The experiments used to determine the kinetics of calcium flux following BIPPO and A23187 treatments (Fig. 1B, C) were calibrated using Ringer's buffer, which is more similar to an extracellular buffer (mM calcium, low potassium). In this buffer, A23187 treatment would likely stimulate calcium entry from across the parasite plasma membrane, as well as across the membranes of parasite intracellular calcium stores. By contrast, A23187 treatment in Endo buffer (low calcium) would likely only stimulate calcium release from intracellular stores, not calcium entry, since the calcium concentration outside of the parasite is low. Because calcium entry no longer contributes to calcium flux arising from A23187 treatment, it is possible that the calcium fluxes of A23187-treated parasites at 60 s are "behind" BIPPO-treated parasites at 15 s. The researchers could control these experiments by *either* (i) performing the cNMP measurements on parasites resuspended in the same buffer used in Figure 1B, C (Ringer's) or (ii) measuring calcium flux of extracellular parasites in Endo buffer with BIPPO and A23187 to determine the "alignment" of calcium levels, as was done with intracellular parasites in Figure 1C. No new strains would have to be generated and the assays have already been established in the manuscript. Estimated time to perform control experiments with replicates: 2 weeks. This seems like an important control, because the interpretation of this experiment shifts the focus of the paper from feedback between calcium and cGMP signaling, which had motivated the initial phosphoproteomics comparisons, to calcium and cAMP signaling. Further, the lipidomics experiments were performed in an extracellular-like buffer, DMEM, so it's unclear why dramatically different buffers were used for the lipidomics and cNMP measurements.
While the initial calibration experiments to measure calcium flux were indeed performed in Ringer’s buffer, the parasites were intracellular. We therefore chose to measure cNMP concentrations of extracellular parasites syringe lysed in Endo buffer, which is better at mimicking intracellular conditions than any other described buffer.
As the reviewer suggested, we measured the calcium flux of extracellular parasites in Endo buffer upon stimulation with either A23187 or BIPPO.
We found that peak calcium response to BIPPO in Endo buffer was similar to that of intracellular parasites (~15 seconds post treatment) (See Supp Fig. 6A). Upon treatment with A23187, extracellular parasites in Endo buffer had a much faster response compared to their intracellular counterparts, with peak flux measured at ~25 seconds post treatment (see Supp Fig. 6B). This indeed does suggest that extracellular parasites in Endo buffer behave differently to A23187 compared to their intracellular counterparts. However, peak calcium response is still occuring within the experimental time course and is not being missed, as the reviewer worries. Moreover, since we are able to detect increased cAMP levels in A23187 treated parasites, Ca2+ flux appears sufficient to alter cNMP signalling.
We did notice however that the intensity of the calcium flux was much weaker in Endo buffer compared to intracellular parasites (see Supp Fig. 6B). We found that this was due to the lack of host-derived Ca2+, since supplementation of Endo buffer with 1 uM CaCl2 restored the intensity of the calcium response to match that of intracellular parasites (see Supp Fig. 6C). We therefore decided to repeat our cGMP measurements, this time using extracellular parasites in Endo buffer supplemented with 1 uM CaCl2. However, we found no differences in cGMP levels in the response to ionophore under these conditions (now Supp Fig. 6D) compared to the previous experiments, so the conclusions from the previous data do not change.
As for the lipidomics experiments, we chose to use DMEM so that our dataset could be compared with other published lipidomic datasets (Katris et al., 2020; Dass et al., 2021) where DMEM was also used as a buffer when measuring global lipid profiles of parasites.
We now acknowledge in the paper that Endo buffer has its shortcomings, and that this could be the reason why we do not detect changes in cGMP concentrations. We do, however, believe that Endo buffer is the best alternative to intracellular parasites and is supported by its consistent use in numerous publications studying Toxoplasma signalling (McCoy et al., 2012; Stewart et al., 2017).
Additional information is required to support the claim that PDE2 has a moderate egress defect (lines 681-687). T. gondii egress is MOI-dependent (PMID: 29030485). Although the parasite strains were used at the same MOI, there is no guarantee that the parasites successfully invaded and replicated. If parasites lacking PDE2 are defective in invasion or replication, the MOI is effectively decreased, which could explain the egress delay. Could the authors compare the MOIs (number of vacuoles per host cell nuclei) of the vehicle and RAP-treated parasites at t = 0 treatment duration to give the reader a sense of whether the MOIs are comparable?
Since PDE2 KO parasites have a substantial growth defect, we did notice that starting MOIs were consistently lower for the RAP-treated samples compared to the DMSO-treated samples. However, this was also the case for PDE1 KO parasites where we did not see an egress delay. We also found that the egress delay was still evident for ∆CDPK3 parasites, despite having higher starting MOIs than WT parasites in our experiments. Therefore there does not appear to be a link between starting MOIs and the egress delay.
To be sure of our results, we also performed egress assays where we co-infected HFFs with mCherry-expressing WT parasites (WT ∆UPRT) and GFP-expressing PDE2 cKO parasites that were treated with either DMSO or RAP or ∆CDPK3 parasites. This recapitulated our previous findings, confirming the deletion of PDE2 leads to delay in A23187-mediated egress.
4.A few references are missing to ensure reproducibility.
The manuscript states that the kinetic lipidomics experiments were performed with established methods, but the cited publication (line 497) is a preprint. These are therefore not peer reviewed and should be described in greater detail in this manuscript, including any relevant validation.
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have included a greater description of the methods used in the materials and methods section such that the experiment is reproducible, as per the reviewer’s suggestion. We decided to still make mention of the BioRxiv preprint since we thought it was appropriate for the reader to be informed of ongoing developments in the field.
Please cite the release of the T. gondii proteomes used for spectrum matching (lines 972-973).
We have included this as per the reviewer’s suggestion.
Please include the TMT labeling scheme so the analysis may be reproduced from the raw files.
We have included this as per the reviewer’s suggestion in Supp Fig. 3A.
5.Statistical analyses should be reviewed as follows:
Have the authors examined the possibility that some changes in phosphopeptide abundance reflect changes in protein abundance? This may be particularly relevant for comparisons involving the ∆cdpk3 strain. Did the authors collect paired unenriched proteomes from the experiments performed? Alternatively, there may be enriched peptides that did not change in abundance for many of the proteins that appear dynamically phosphorylated.
We did not collect unenriched proteomes from the experiments performed (although we did perform unenriched mixing checks to ensure equal loading between samples), and believe that this wasn’t a necessity for the following reasons:
- For within-line treatment analyses, treatment timings are so short (a maximum of 15-50s in the single timepoint experiment) that it would be unlikely to detect substantial changes in protein abundance. Moreover, these unlikely events would affect all phosphosites across a protein, and therefore be detectable.
In our CDPK3 dependency timecourse experiments, we normalise both the WT and ∆CDPK3 strain to 0s, and measure signalling progression over time. Therefore, any difference at timepoints that are not “0” are not originating from basal differences. We also see a consistent increase/decrease in phosphosite detection across the sub-minute timecourse, further confirming that the observed changes are truly down to dynamic changes in phosphorylation and not protein levels.
In the single timepoint CDPK3 dependency analyses (44 regulated sites identified, Data S2), we acknowledge that there could be some risk of altered starting protein abundance between lines. However, if protein abundance were responsible for the changes in phosphosite detection, we would expect all phosphosites across the protein to shift, and we do not observe this. Moreover, when we look at these CDPK3 dependent proteins and compare their phosphosite abundance in untreated WT and ∆CDPK3 lines, we find that for each protein, either all or the majority of phosphosites detected are unchanged (highlighting that there is no substantial difference in this protein’s abundance between lines). Where there are phosphosite differences between lines, these are only ever on single sites on a protein while most other sites are unchanged - implying that these are changes to basal phosphorylation states and not protein levels.
It seems like for Figs. 3B and S5 the maximum number of clusters modeled was selected. Could the authors provide a rationale for the number of clusters selected, since it appears many of the clusters have similar profiles.
The number of clusters is chosen automatically by the Mclust algorithm as the value that maximizes the Bayes Information Criterion (BIC). BIC in effect balances gains in model fit (increasing log-likelihood) against increasing the number of parameters (i.e. number of clusters).
Please include figure panel(s) relating to gene ontology. Relevant information for readers to make conclusions includes p-value, fold-enrichment or gene ratio, and some sort of metric of the frequency of the GO term in the surveyed data set. See PMID: 33053376 Fig. 7 and PMID: 29724925 Fig. 6 for examples or enrichment summaries. Additionally, in the methods, specify (i) the background set, (ii) the method used for multiple test correction, (iii) the criteria constituting "enrichment", (iv) how the T. gondii genome was integrated into the analysis, (v) the class of GO terms (molecular function, biological process, or cellular component), (vi) any additional information required to reproduce the results (for example, settings modified from default).
We have included the additional information requested in the materials and methods.
We purposely did not include GO figure panels as our analyses are being done across many clusters, making it very difficult to display this information cohesively. We have included all data in Tables S2-S5. These tables included all the relevant information on p-value, enrichment status, ratio in study/ratio in population, class of GO terms etc.
The presentation of the lipidomics experiments in Figure 4A-C is confusing. First, the ∆cdpk3/WT ratio removes information about the process in WT parasites, and it's unclear why the scale centers on 100 and not 1. Second, the data in Figure S6 suggests a more modest effect than that represented in Fig. 4; is this due to day to day variability? How do the authors justify pairing WT and mutant samples as they did to generate the ratios?
This is a common strategy used by many metabolomics experts (Bailey et al., 2015; Dass et al., 2021; Lunghi et al., 2022). We had originally chosen to represent the data as a ratio since this form of representation helps get rid of the variability that arises between experiments and allows us to see very clear patterns which would otherwise go unnoticed. This variability arises from the amount of lipids in each sample which varies between parasites in a dish, the batch of FBS and DMEM used, and the solutions and even room temperature used to extract lipids on a given day.
However, we agree with the reviewer that depicting the data in Figure 4A-C as a ratio of ∆CDPK3/WT parasites can be confusing, so we have now changed the graphs, plotting WT and ∆CDPK3 levels instead, and have moved the ratio of ∆CDPK3/WT to the Supplementary Figure 5.
The significance test seems to be performed on the difference between the WT and ∆cdpk3 strains, but not relative to the DMSO treatment? Wouldn't you want to perform a repeated measures ANOVA to determine (i) if lipid levels change over time and (ii) if this trend differs in WT vs. mutant strain?
The reviewer correctly points out that ANOVA is often used for time courses, but we must point out that it is not always strictly appropriate since it can overlook the purpose of the individual experiment design, which in this case is, 1) to investigate the role of CDPK3 compared to the WT parental strain, and 2) specifically to find the exact point at which the DAG begins to change after stimulus to match the proteomics time course.
Our data is clearly biassed towards earlier time points where we have 0, 5, 10, 30, 45 seconds where DAG levels are mostly unchanged compared to the single timepoint 60 seconds which shows a significant difference in DAG using our method of statistical comparison by paired two tailed t-test. Therefore, it would be unwise to use ANOVA when we really want to see when the A23187 stimulus takes effect, which appears to be after the 45 second mark. Therefore, analysing the data by ANOVA would likely provide a false negative result, where the result is non-significant but there is clearly more DAG in WT than CDPK3 after 60 seconds. T-tests are commonly used when comparing the same cell lines grown in the same conditions with a test/treatment, and in this case the test/treatment is CPDK3 present or absent (Lentini et al., 2020).
In the main text, it would be preferable to see the data presented as the proteomics experiments were in Figure 4B and 4C, with fold changes relative to the DMSO (t = 0) treatment, separately for WT and ∆cdpk3 parasites.
We have now changed the way that we represent the data, plotting %mol instead of the ratio.
Signaling lipids constitute small percentages of the overall pool (e.g. PMID: 26962945), so one might not necessarily expect to observe large changes in lipid abundance when signaling pathways are modulated. Is there any positive control that the authors could include to give readers a sense of the dynamic range? Maybe the DGK1 mutant (PMID: 26962945)?
DGK1 is maybe not a good example because the DGK1 KO parasites effectively “melt” from a lack of plasma membrane integrity ((Bullen et al., 2016), so this would likely be technically challenging. We don’t see the added value in including an additional mutant control since we can already see the dynamic change over time from no difference (0 seconds) to significant difference (60 seconds) between WT and CDPK3 for DAG and most other lipids. We already see a significant difference between WT and CDPK3 after 60 seconds for DAG, and we can clearly see in sub-minute timecourses the changes or not at the specific points where the A23187 is added (0-5 seconds), the parasites acclimatise, for the A23187 to take effect (10-30 seconds) and for the parasite lipid response to be visible by lipidomics (45-60 +seconds).
Figure 4E: are the differences in [cAMP] with DMSO treatment and A23187 treatment different at any of the timepoints in the WT strain? The comparison seems to be WT/∆cdpk3 at each timepoint. Does the text (lines 562-568) need to be modified accordingly?
In WT (and ∆CDPK3) parasites, [cAMP] is significantly changed at 5s of A23187 treatment (relative to DMSO). We have modified our figures to include this analysis. The existing text accurately reflects this.
Figure 6I: is the difference between PDE2 cKO/∆cdpk3 + DMSO or RAP significant?
In our original manuscript, there was no statistical difference in [cAMP] between PDE2cKO/∆CDPK3+DMSO and PDE2cKO/∆CDPK3+DMSO+RAP, likely due to the variation between biological replicates. To overcome the issues in variability between replicates, we have now included more biological replicates (n=7). This has led to a significant difference in [cAMP] between PDE2cKO/∆CDPK3 DMSO- and RAP-treated parasites and between PDE2cKO DMSO- and RAP-treated parasites (now Fig. 6I).
1.The following references should be added or amended:
Lines 83-85: in the cited publication, relative phosphopeptide abundances of an overexpressed dominant-negative, constitutively inactive PKA mutant were compared to an overexpressed wild-type mutant. In this experimental setup, one would hypothesize that targets of PKA should be down-regulated (inactive/WT ratios). However, the mentioned phosphopeptide of PDE2 was found to be up-regulated, suggesting that it is not a direct target of PKA.
We thank the reviewer for spotting this error, we have now modified our wording.
Cite TGGT1_305050, referenced as calmodulin in line 458, as TgELC2 (PMID: 26374117).
We have included this as per the reviewer’s suggestion.
Cite TGGT1_295850 as apical annuli protein 2 (AAP2, PMID: 31470470).
We have included this as per the reviewer’s suggestion.
Cite TGGT1_270865 (adenylyl cyclase beta, Acβ) as PMID: 29030485, 30449726.
We have included this as per the reviewer’s suggestion.
Cite TGGT1_254370 (guanylyl cyclase, GC) as PMID: 30449726, 30742070.
We have included this as per the reviewer’s suggestion.
Note that Lourido, Tang and David Sibley, 2012 observed that treatment with zaprinast (a PDE inhibitor) could overcome CDPK3 inhibition. The target(s) of zaprinast have not been determined and may differ from those of BIPPO (in identity and IC50). The cited study also used modified CDPK3 and CDPK1 alleles, rather than ∆cdpk3 and intact cdpk1 as used in this manuscript. That is to say, the signaling backgrounds of the parasite strains deviate in ways that are not controlled.
While it is true that zaprinast targets have not been unequivocally identified, zaprinast-induced egress is widely thought to be the result of PKG activation, a conclusion that is further supported by the finding that Compound 1 completely blocks zaprinast-induced egress (Lourido, Tang and David Sibley, 2012). Similarly, BIPPO-induced egress is inhibited by chemical inhibition of PKG by Compound 1 and Compound 2 (Jia et al., 2017). Moreover, like zaprinast, BIPPO has been clearly shown to partially overcome the ∆CDPK3 egress delay (Stewart et al., 2017).
2.The following comments refer to the figures and legends:
Part of the legend text for 1G is included under 1H.
This has been corrected
Figure 1H: The legend mentions that some dots are blue, but they appear green. Please ensure that color choices conform to journal accessibility guidelines. See the following article about visualization for colorblind readers: https://www.ascb.org/science-news/how-to-make-scientific-figures-accessible-to-readers-with-color-blindness____/ . Avoid using red and green false-colored images; replace red with a magenta lookup table. Multi-colored images are only helpful for the merged image; otherwise, we discern grayscale better. Applies to Figures 1B, 5C, 6D. (Aside: anti-CAP seems an odd choice of counterstain; the variation in the staining, esp. at the apical cap, is distracting.)
We thank reviewer #1 for bringing this to our attention, and have modified our colour usage for all IFAs and Figures 1H and 3E.
We chose CAP staining as the antibody is available in the laboratory and stains both the apical end (which has been shown to contain several proteins important for signalling as well as PDE9) and the parasite periphery, the location of CDPK3.
Figure 1B: When showing a single fluorophore, please use grayscale and include an intensity scale bar, since relative values are being compared.
We have modified this as per the reviewer’s suggestion
Figure 1C: it is difficult to compare the kinetics of the calcium response when the curves are plotted separately. Since the scales are the same, could the two treatments be plotted on the same axes, with different colors? Additionally, according to the legend, a red line seems to be missing in this panel.
Fig1C is not intended to compare kinetics, merely to show peak calcium release in each separate treatment condition. We have removed mention of a red line in the figure legend.
Figure 2A: Either Figure S4 can be moved to accompany Figure 2A, or Figure 2A could be moved to the supplemental.
Figure S4 has now been incorporated into Figure 2.
Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):
This manuscript would interest researchers studying signaling pathways in protozoan parasites, especially apicomplexans, as CDPK3 and PKG orthologs exist across the phylum. To my knowledge, it is the first study that has proposed a mechanism by which a calcium effector regulates cAMP levels in T. gondii. Unfortunately, the experiments fall short of testing this mechanism.
We thank reviewer #1 for their comments, but disagree with their assessment that the key points of the manuscript “fall short of experimental testing”.
- We demonstrate that, following both BIPPO and A23187 treatment, there is differential phosphorylation of numerous components traditionally believed to sit upstream of PKG activation (as well as several components within the PKG signalling pathway itself).
- We show that some of these sites are CDPK3 dependent, and that deletion of CDPK3 leads to changes in lipid signalling and an elevation in levels of cAMP (dysregulation of which is known to alter PKG signalling).
- We show that pre-treatment with a PKA inhibitor is able to largely rescue this phenotype.
- We demonstrate that a cAMP-specific PDE is phosphorylated following A23187 treatment (i.e. Ca2+ flux)
- We show that this cAMP specific PDE plays a role in A23187-mediated egress.
- While the latter PDE may not be directly regulated by CDPK3, these findings suggest that there are likely several Ca2+-dependent kinases that contribute to this feedback loop.
Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Provide a short summary of the findings and key conclusions (including methodology and model system(s) where appropriate).
In this manuscript, Dominicus et al investigate the elusive role of calcium-dependent kinase 3 during the egress of Toxoplasma gondii. Multiple functions have already been proposed for this kinase by this group including the regulation of basal calcium levels (24945436) or of a tyrosine transporter (30402958). However, one of the most puzzling phenotypes of CDPK3 deficient tachyzoites is a marked delay in egress when parasites are stimulated with a calcium ionophore that is rescued with phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors. Crosstalk between, cAMP, cGMP, lipid and calcium signalling has been previously described to be important in regulating egress (26933036, 23149386, 29030485) but the role of CDPK3 in Toxoplasma is still poorly understood.
Here the authors first take an elegant phosphoproteomic approach to identify pathways differentially regulated upon treatment with either a PDE inhibitor (BIPPO) and a calcium ionophore (A23187) in WT and CDPK3-KO parasites. Not much difference is observed between BIPPO or A23187 stimulation which is interpreted by the authors as a regulation through a feed-back loop.
The authors then investigate the effect of CDPK3 deletion on lipid, cGMP and cAMP levels. The identify major changes in DAG, phospholipid, FFAs, and TAG levels as well as differences in cAMP levels but not for cGMP. Chemical inhibition of PKA leads to a similar egress timing in CDPK3-KO and WT parasites upon A23187 stimulation.
As four PDEs appeared differentially regulated in the CDPK3-KO line upon A23187, the authors investigate the requirement of the 4 PDEs in cAMP levels. They show diverse localisation of the PDEs with specificities of PDE1, 7 and 9 for cGMP and of PDE2 for cAMP. They further show that PDE1, 7 and 9 are sensitive to BIPPO. Finally, using a conditional deletion system, they show that PDE1 and 2 are important for the lytic cycle of Toxoplasma and that PDE2 shows a slightly delayed egress following A23187 stimulation.
**Major comments:**
-Are the key conclusions convincing?
The title is supported by the findings presented in this study. However I am not sure to understand why the authors imply a positive feed back loop. This should be clarified in the discussion of the results.
We believe in a positive feedback loop as, upon A23187 treatment (resulting in a calcium flux), ΔCDPK3 parasites are able to egress, albeit in a delayed manner. This egress delay is substantially, but not completely, alleviated upon treatment with BIPPO (a PDE inhibitor known to activate the PKG signalling pathway). In conjunction with our phosphoproteomic data (where we see phosphorylation of numerous pathway components upstream of PKG upon BIPPO and A23187 treatment - both in a CDPK3 dependent and independent manner), these observations suggest that calcium-regulated proteins (CDPK3 among them) feed into the PKG pathway. As deletion of CDPK3 delays egress, it is reasonable to postulate that this feedback is one that amplifies egress signalling (i.e. is positive).
The phosphoproteome analysis seems very strong and will be of interest for many groups working on egress. However, the key conclusion, i.e. that a substrate overlaps between PKG and CDPK3 is unlikely to explain the CDPK3 phenotype, seems premature to me in the absence of robustly identified substrates for both kinases.
We certainly do not fully exclude the possibility of a substrate overlap but do lean more heavily towards a feedback loop given (a) the inability to clearly detect treatment-specific signalling profiles and (b) the phospho targets observed in the A23187 and BIPPO phosphoproteomes. We have further clarified our reasoning, and overall tempered our language in the manuscript as per the reviewer’s suggestion.
I am not sure there is a clear key conclusion from the lipidomic analysis and how it is used by the authors to build their model up. Major changes are observed but how could this be linked with CDPK3, particularly if cGMP levels are not affected?
Our phosphoproteomic analyses identify several CDPK3-dependent phospho sites on phospholipid signalling components (DGK1 & PI-PLC), suggesting that there is indeed altered signalling downstream of PKG. To test whether these lead to a measurable phenotype, we performed the lipidomics analysis. We did not pursue this arm of the signalling pathway any further as we postulated that the changes in the lipid signalling pathway were less likely to play a role in the feedback loop. Nevertheless, we felt that it was worthwhile to include these findings in our manuscript as they support the conclusions drawn from the phosphoproteomics - namely that lipid signalling is perturbed in CDPK3 mutants. We, or others, may follow up on this in future.
We agree with the reviewer that it is surprising that cGMP levels remain unchanged in our experiments when we treat with A23187. Given the measurable difference in cAMP levels between WT and ΔCDPK3 parasites, we postulate that CDPK3 directly or indirectly downregulates levels of cAMP. This would, in turn, alter activity of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase PKAc. Jia et al. (2017) have shown a clear dependency on PKG for parasites to egress upon PKAc depletion, but were also unable to reliably demonstrate cGMP accumulation in intracellular parasites. Similarly, their hypothesis that dysregulated cGMP-specific PDE activity results in altered cGMP levels has not been proven (the PDE hypothesised to be involved has since been shown to be cAMP-specific).
While it is possible that our collective inability to observe elevated cGMP levels is explained by the sensitivity limits of the assay, it is similarly possible that cAMP-mediated signalling is exerting its effects on the PKG signalling pathway in a cGMP-independent manner.
The evidence that CDPK3 is involved in cAMP homeostasis seems strong. However, the analysis of PKA inhibition is a bit less clear. The way the data is presented makes it difficult to see whether the treatment is accelerating egress of CDPK3-KO parasites or affecting both WT and CDPK3-KO lines, including both the speed and extent of egress. This is important for the interpretation of the experiment.
Fig. 4F shows that there is a significant amount of premature egress in both WT and ∆CDPK3 parasites following 2 hrs of H89 pre-treatment (consistent with previous reports that downregulation of cAMP signalling stimulates premature egress). When we subsequently investigated A23187-induced egress rates of the remaining intracellular H89 pre-treated parasites (Fig. 4Gi-ii) we found that the ∆CDPK3 egress delay was largely rescued. We have moved Fig. 4F to the supplement (now Supp Fig. 5E) in order to avoid confusion between the distinct analyses shown in 4F (pre-treatment analyses) and 4G (egress experiment). These experiments provided a hint that cAMP signalling is affected, which we then validate by measuring elevated cAMP levels in CDPK3 mutant parasites.
The biochemical characterisation of the four PDE is interesting and seems well performed. However, PDE1 was previously shown to hydrolyse both cAMP and cGMP (____https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.21.461320____) which raises some questions about the experimental set up. Could the authors possibly discuss why they do not observe similar selectivity? Could other PDEs in the immunoprecipitate mask PDE activity? In line with this question, it is not clear what % of "hydrolytic activity (%)" means and how it was calculated.
The experiments describing the selectivity of BIPPO for PDE1, 7 and 9 as well as the biological requirement of the four tested PDEs are convincing.
We believe that the disagreement between our findings and those published by Moss and colleagues are due to the differences in experimental conditions. We performed our assays at room temperature for 1 hour with higher starting cAMP concentrations (1 uM) compared to them. They performed their assays at 37ºC for 2 hours with 10-fold lower starting cAMP concentrations (0.1 uM). We have now repeated this set of experiments using the Moss et al. conditions, and find that PDEs 1, 7 and 9 can be dual specific, while PDE2 is cAMP-specific, thereby recapitulating their findings (Now included in the revised manuscript under Supp Fig. 7B). However, we also now performed a timecourse PDE assay using our original conditions and show that the cAMP hydrolytic activity for PDE1 can only be detected following 4 hours of incubation, compared to cGMP activity that can be detected as early as 30 minutes, suggesting that it possesses predominantly cGMP activity (See Supp Fig. 7C). We therefore believe that our experimental setup is more stringent, because if one starts with a lower level of substrate and incubates for longer and at a higher temperature, even minor dual activity could make a substantial difference in cAMP levels. Our data suggests that the cAMP hydrolytic activity of PDEs 1, 7 and 9 is substantially lower than the cGMP hydrolytic activity that they display.
We have also included a clear description of how % hydrolytic activity was calculated in the methods section.
-Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?
The claim that CDPK3 affects cAMP levels seems strong however the exact links between CDPK3 activity, lipid, cGMP and cAMP signalling remain unclear and it may be important to clearly state this.
We have modified our wording in the text to more clearly describe our current hypothesis and reasoning.
-Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.
I think that the manuscript contains a significant amount of experiments that are of interest to scientists working on Toxoplasma egress. Requesting experiments to identify the functional link between above-mentioned pathways would be out of the scope for this work although it would considerably increase the impact of this manuscript. For example, would it be possible to test whether the CDPK3-KO line is more or less sensitive to PKG specific inhibition upon A23187 induced?
-Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.
The above-mentioned experiment is not trivial as no specific inhibitors of PKG are available. Ensuring for specificity of the investigated phenotype would require the generation of a resistant line which would require significant work.
__Response: __We agree that this would be an interesting experiment to further substantiate our findings. As indicated by the reviewer, however, the lack of specific inhibitors of PKG means a resistant line would likely be required to ensure specificity.
-Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?
It is not clear how the % of hydrolytic activity of the PDE has been calculated.
Response: We have included a clearer description of how % hydrolytic activity was calculated in the methods section.
-Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?
This seems to be performed to high standards.
**Minor comments:**
-Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.
I do not have any comments related to minor experimental issues.
-Are prior studies referenced appropriately?
Most of the studies relevant for this work are cited. It is however not clear to me why some important players of the "PKG pathway" are not indicated in Fig 1H and Fig 3E, including for example UGO or SPARK.
We have modified Fig 1H and 3E to include all key players involved in the PKG pathway.
-Are the text and figures clear and accurate?
While all the data shown here is impressive and well analysed, I find it difficult to read the manuscript and establish links between sections of the papers. The phosphoproteome analysis is interesting and is used to orientate the reader towards a feedback mechanism rather than a substrate overlap. But why do the authors later focus on PDEs and not on AC or CNBD, as in the end, if I understand well, there is no evidence showing a link between CDPK3-dependent phosphorylation and PDE activity upon A23187 stimulation?
We thank reviewer#2 and appreciate their constructive feedback re the flow of the manuscript.
Our key findings from the phosphoproteomics study were that 1) BIPPO and A23187 treatment trigger near identical signalling pathways, 2) that both A23187 and BIPPO treatment leads to phosphorylation of numerous components both upstream and downstream of PKG signalling (hinting at the presence of an Ca2+-regulated feedback loop) and 3) several of the abovementioned components are phosphorylated in a CDPK3 dependent manner.
While several avenues of study could have been pursued from this point onwards, we chose to focus on the feedback loop in a broader sense as its existence has important implications for our general understanding of the signalling pathways that govern egress.
We reasoned that, given the differential phosphorylation of 4 PDEs following A23187 and BIPPO treatment (none of which had been studied in detail previously), it was relevant to study these in greater detail.
Coupled with the A23187 egress assay on PDE2 knockout parasites - our findings suggest that PDE2 plays a role in the abovementioned Ca2+ signalling loop. While PDE2 may not exert its effects in a CDPK3-dependent manner (and CDPK3 may, therefore, alter cAMP levels in a different fashion), this does not detract from the important finding that PDE2 is one of the (likely numerous) components that is regulated in a Ca2+-dependent feedback loop to facilitate rapid egress.
We have modified our wording to better reflect our rationale for studying the PDEs irrespective of their CDPK3 phosphorylation status.
While we feel that our reasoning for studying the PDEs is solid, we do appreciate that further clarification on the putative CDPK3-Adenylate cyclase link would elevate the manuscript substantially. However, given the data that the ACb is not playing a sole role in the control of egress, this is likely a non-trivial task and requires substantial work.
It is also unclear how the authors link CDPK3-dependent elevated cAMP levels with the elevated basal calcium levels they previously described. This is particularly difficult to reconcile particularly in a PKG independent manner.
We previously postulated that elevated Ca2+ levels allowed ΔCDPK3 mutants to overcome a complete egress defect, potentially by activating other CDPKs (e.g. CDPK1). It is similarly plausible that elevated Ca2+ levels in ΔCDPK3 parasites may lead to elevated cAMP levels in order to prevent premature egress.
As noted in our previous responses, we acknowledge that our inability to detect cGMP is surprising. However, given the clarity of our cAMP findings, and the phosphoproteomic evidence to suggest that various components in the PKG signalling pathway are affected, we postulate that we are either unable to reliably detect cGMP due to sensitivity issues, or that cAMP is exerting its regulation on the PKG pathway in a cGMP-independent manner. As noted previously, while the link between cAMP and PKG signalling has been demonstrated by Jia et al., it is not entirely clear how this is mediated.
The presentation of the lipidomic analysis is also not really clear to me. Why do the authors show the global changes in phospholipids and not a more detailed analysis?
We performed a detailed phospholipid profile of WT and ∆CDPK3 parasites under normal culture conditions. However, due to the sheer quantity of parasites required for this detailed analysis, we were unable to measure individual phospholipid species in our A23187 timecourse. We therefore opted to measure global changes following A23187 stimulation.
As the authors focus on the PI-PLC pathway, could they detail the dynamics of phosphoinositides? I understand that lipid levels are affected in the mutant but I am not sure to understand how the authors interpret these massive changes in relationship with the function of CDPK3 and the observed phenotypes.
Our phosphoproteomic analyses identified several CDPK3-dependent phospho sites on phospholipid signalling components (DGK1 & PI-PLC), suggesting that (in keeping with all of our other data), there is altered signalling downstream of PKG. To test whether these changes lead to a measurable phenotype, we performed the lipidomics analysis. Following stimulation with A23187, we found a delayed production of DAG in ∆CDPK3 parasites compared to WT parasites. Since DAG is required for the production of PA, which in turn is required for microneme secretion, our finding can explain why microneme secretion is delayed in ∆CDPK3 parasites, as previously reported (Lourido, Tang and David Sibley, 2012; McCoy et al., 2012).
We did not follow this arm of the signalling pathway any further as we postulated that the changes in the lipid signalling pathway were less likely to play a role in the feedback loop. Nevertheless, we felt that it was worthwhile to include these findings in our manuscript as they support the conclusions drawn from the phosphoproteomics - namely that lipid signalling is perturbed in CDPK3 mutants. We, or others, may follow up on this in future.
Finally, the characterisation of the PDEs is an impressive piece of work but the functional link with CDPK3 is relatively unclear. It would also be important to clearly discuss the differences with previous results presented in this this preprint: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.21.461320____.
My understanding is while the authors aim at investigating the role of CDPK3 in A23187 induced egress, the main finding related to CDPK3 is a defect in cAMP homeostasis that is not linked to A23187. Similarly, the requirements of PDE2 in cAMP homeostasis and egress is indirectly linked to CDPK3. Altogether I think that important results are presented here but divided into three main and distinct sections: the phosphoproteomic survey, the lipidomic and cAMP level investigation, and the characterisation of the four PDEs. However, the link between each section is relatively weak and the way the results are presented is somehow misleading or confusing.
As mentioned in a previous response, we chose to study PDEs in greater detail because of our observation that both A23187 and BIPPO treatments lead to their phosphorylation (hinting at the presence of a Ca2+regulated feedback loop). We were particularly intrigued to study the cAMP specific PDE, as CDPK3 KO parasites suggested that cAMP may play a role in the Ca2+ feedback mechanism. As PDE2 may not be directly regulated by CDPK3, Ca2+ appears to exert its feedback effects in numerous ways. We have modified our wording to better reflect our rationale for studying the PDEs irrespective of their CDPK3 phosphorylation status.
-Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?
This is a very long manuscript written for specialists of this signalling pathway and I would suggest the authors to emphasise more the important results and also clearly state where links are still missing. This is obviously a complex pathway and one cannot elucidate it easily in a single manuscript.
We have included an additional summary in our conclusions to better illustrate our findings and clarify any missing links.
Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):
-Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.
This is a technically remarkable paper using a broad range of analyses performed to a high standard.
-Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).
The cross-talk between cAMP, cGMP and calcium signalling is well described in Toxoplasma and related parasites. Here the authors show that, in Toxoplasma, CDPK3 is part of this complex signalling network. One of the most important finding within this context is the role of CDPK3 in cAMP homeostasis. With this in mind, I would change the last sentence of the abstract to "In summary we uncover a feedback loop that enhances signalling during egress and links CDPK3 with several signalling pathways together."
In light of feedback received from several reviewers, we have made our wording less CDPK3 centric - as our findings relate in part to CDPK3 and, in a broader sense, to a Ca2+ driven feedback loop.
The genetic and biochemical analyses of the four PDEs are remarkable and highlight consistencies and inconsistencies with recently published work that would be important to discuss and will be of interest for the field.
__Response: __We thank reviewer#2 and agree that the PDE findings are of significant importance to the field.
While I understand the studied signalling pathway is complex, I think it would be important to better describe the current model of the authors. In the discussion, the authors indicate that "the published data is not currently supported by a model that fits most experimental results." I would suggest to clarify this statement and discuss whether their work helps to reunite, correct or improve previous models.
__Response: __We have expanded on the abovementioned statement to clarify that the presence of a feedback loop is a major pillar of knowledge required for the complete interpretation of existing signalling data.
Could the authors also speculate about a potential role of PDE/CDPK3 in host cell invasion as cAMP signalling has be shown to be important for this process (30208022 and 29030485)?
__Response: __Existing literature (Jia et al., 2017) suggests that perturbations to cAMP signalling play a very minor role in invasion since parasites where either ACα or ACβ are deleted show no impairment in invasion levels. We currently do not have substantial data on invasion, and are not sure that pursuing this is valuable given the minor phenotypes observed in other studies.
-State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.
This paper is of great interest to groups working on the regulation of egress in Toxoplasma gondii and other related apicomplexan pathogens.
-Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.
I am working on the cell biology of apicomplexan parasites.
Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):
Dominicus et al aimed to identify the intersecting components of calcium, cyclic nucleotides (cAMP, cGMP) and lipid signaling through phosphoproteomic, knockout and biochemical assays in an intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, particularly when its acutely-infectious tachyzoite stage exits the host cells. A series of experimental strategies were applied to identify potential substrates of calcium-dependent protein kinase 3 (CDPK3), which has previously been reported to control the tachyzoite egress. According to earlier studies (PMID: 23226109, 24945436, 5418062, 26544049, 30402958), CDPK3 regulated the parasite exit through multiple phosphorylation events. Here, authors identified differentially-regulated (DR) phosphorylation sites by comparing the parasite samples after treatment with a calcium ionophore (A23178) and a PDE inhibitor (BIPPO), both of which are known to induce artificial egress (induced egress as opposed to natural egress). When the DCDPK3 mutant was treated with A23187, its delayed egress phenotype did not change, whereas BIPPO restored the egress to the level of the parental (termed as WT) strain, probably by activating PKG.
The gene ontology enrichment of the up-regulated clusters revealed many probable CDPK3-dependent DR sites involved in cyclic nucleotide signaling (PDE1, PDE2, PDE7, PDE9, guanylate and adenylate cyclases, cyclic nucleotide-binding protein or CNBP) as well as lipid signaling (PI-PLC, DGK1). Authors suggest lipid signaling as one of the factors altered in the CDPK3 mutant, albeit lipidomics (PC, PI, PS, PT, PA, PE, SM) showed no significant change in phospholipids. To reveal how the four PDEs indicated above contribute to the cAMP and cGMP-mediated egress, they examined their biological significance by knockout/knockdown and enzyme activity assays. Authors claim that PDE1,7,9 proteins are cGMP-specific while PDE2 is cAMP-specific, and BIPPO treatment can inhibit PDE1-cGMP and PDE7-cGMP, but not PDE9-cGMP. Given the complexity, the manuscript is well structured, and most experiments were carefully designed. Undoubtedly, there is a significant amount of work that underlies this manuscript; however, from a conceptual viewpoint, the manuscript does not offer significant advancement over the current knowledge without functional validation of phosphoproteomics data (see below). A large body of work preceding this manuscript has indicated the crosstalk of cAMP, cGMP, calcium and lipid signaling cascades. This work provides a further refinement of the existing model In a methodical sense, the work uses established assays, some of which require revisiting to reach robust conclusions and avoid misinterpretation. The article is quite interesting from a throughput screening point of view, but it clearly lacks the appropriate endorsement of the hits.The authors accept that identifying the phosphorylation of a protein does not imply a functional role, which is a major drawback as there is no experimental support for any phosphorylation site of the protein identified through phosphoproteomics. In terms of the mechanism, it is not clear whether and how lipid turnover and cAMP-PKA signaling control the egress phenotype (lack of a validated model at the end of this study).
We thank reviewer #3 for their comments, but respectfully disagree with their assessment that the work presented does not advance current knowledge.
- We demonstrate that, following both BIPPO and A23187 treatment, there is differential phosphorylation of numerous components traditionally believed to sit upstream of PKG activation (as well as numerous components within the PKG signalling pathway itself). While it may have been inferred from previous studies that A23187 and BIPPO signalling intersect, this has never been unequivocally demonstrated - nor has a feedback loop ever been shown.
We provide a novel A23187-driven phosphoproteome timecourse that further bolsters the model of a Ca2+-driven feedback loop.
We show that deletion of CDPK3 leads to a delay in DAG production upon stimulation with A23187.
We show that some of the abovementioned sites are CDPK3 dependent, and that deletion of CDPK3 leads to elevated levels of cAMP (dysregulation of which is known to alter PKG signalling).
We show that pre-treatment with a PKA inhibitor is able to largely rescue this phenotype.
We demonstrate that a cAMP-specific PDE is phosphorylated following A23187 treatment (i.e. Ca2+ flux)
We show that this cAMP specific PDE plays a role in egress.
While the latter PDE may not be directly regulated by CDPK3, these findings suggest that there are likely several Ca2+-dependent kinases that contribute to this feedback loop.
We also firmly disagree with the reviewer’s assertion that without phosphosite characterisation, we have no support for our model. Following treatment with A23187 (and BIPPO), we clearly show broad, systemic changes (both CDPK3 dependent and independent) across signalling pathways previously deemed to sit upstream of calcium flux. Given the vast number of proteins involved in these signalling pathways, and the multitude of differentially regulated phosphosites identified on each of them, it is highly likely that the signalling effects we observe are combinatorial. Accordingly, we believe that mutating individual sites on individual proteins would be a very costly endeavour which is unlikely to substantially advance our understanding of signalling during egress. Moreover, introducing multiple point mutations in a given protein to ablate phosphorylation may lead to protein misfolding and would therefore not be informative. One of the key aims of this study was to assess how egress signalling pathways are interconnected, and we believe we have been able to show strong support for a Ca2+-driven feedback mechanism in which both CDPK3 and PDE2 play a role through the regulation of cAMP.
While we agree with the reviewer’s statement that a large body of work preceding this manuscript has indicated the crosstalk of cAMP, cGMP, calcium and lipid signalling cascades, a feedback loop has not previously been shown. We believe that this finding is absolutely central to facilitate the complete interpretation of existing signalling data. Furthermore, no previous studies have gone to this level of detail in either proteomics or lipidomics to analyse the calcium signal pathway in any apicomplexan parasite. We argue that the novelty in our manuscript is that it is a carefully orchestrated study that advances our understanding of the signalling network over time with subcellular precision. The kinetics of signalling is not well understood and we believe that our study is likely the first to include both proteomic and lipidomic analyses over a timecourse during the acute lytic cycle stage of the disease. In doing so, we found evidence for a feedback loop that controls the signalling network spatiotemporally, and we characterise elements of this feedback in the same study.
**Major Comments:**
Based on the findings reported here there is little doubt that BIPPO and A23187-induced signaling intersect with each other, as very much expected from previous studies. The authors selected the 50s and 15s post-treatment timing of A23187 and BIPPO, respectively for collecting phosphoproteomics samples. At these time points, which were shown to peak cytosolic Ca2+, parasites were still intracellular (Line #171). How did authors make sure to stimulate the entire signaling cascade adequately, particularly when parasites do not egress within the selected time window? There is significant variability between phosphosite intensities of replicates (Line #186), which may also be attributed to insufficient triggers for the egress across independent experiments. This work must be supported by in vitro egress assays with the chosen incubation periods of BIPPO and ionophore treatment (show the induced % egress of tachyzoites in the 50s and 15s).
- We appreciate that the reviewer acknowledges that our data clearly shows that BIPPO and A23187-induced signalling intersect. While this may have been expected from previous studies, this has not previously been shown - and is therefore valuable to the field. Specifically, the fact that A23187-treatment leads to phosphorylation of targets normally deemed to sit upstream of calcium release is entirely novel and adds a substantial layer of information to our understanding of how these signalling pathways work together.
Treatments were purposely selected to align pathways to a point where calcium levels peak just prior to calcium reuptake. At these chosen timepoints, we clearly show that overall signalling correlation is very high. We know from our egress assays using identical treatment concentrations (Fig. 2C), that the stimulations used are sufficient to result in complete egress. We are simply comparing signalling pathways at points prior to egress.
As mentioned in point 2, we show convincingly that the treatments used are sufficient to trigger complete egress. As detailed clearly in the text, we believe that these variations in intensities between replicates are due to slight differences in timing between experiments (this is inevitable given the very rapid progression of signalling, and the difficulty of replicating exact sub-minute treatment timings). We demonstrate that the reporter intensities associated with DR sites correlate well across replicates (Supp Fig. 3C), suggesting that despite some replicate variability, the overall trends across replicates is very much consistent. This allows us to confidently average scores to provide values that are representative of a site’s phosphorylation state at the timepoint of interest.
The reviewer’s suggestion that we should demonstrate % egress at the 50s and 15s treatment timepoints is obsolete - we state clearly in the text that parasites have not egressed at these timepoints. Our egress assays (Fig. 2C) further support this.
The authors discuss that CDPK3 controls the cAMP level and PKA through activation of one or more yet-to-be-identified PDEs(s). cAMP could probably also be regulated by an adenylate cyclase, ACbeta that was found to have CDPK3-dependent phosphorylation sites. If CDPK3 is indeed a regulator of cAMP through the activation of PDEs or ACbeta, it would be expected that the deletion of CDPK3 would perturb the cAMP level, resulting in dysregulation of PKAc1 subunit, which in turn would dysregulate cGMP-specific PDEs (PMID: 29030485) and thereby PKG. All these connections need to explain in a more clear manner with experimental support (what is positive and what is negatively regulated by C____DPK3).
- We do not firmly state that CDPK3 regulates cAMP by phosphorylation of a PDE - this is one of the possibilities addressed. We acknowledge the possibility that this could also be via the adenylate cyclase (see line 792).
PMID: 29030485 demonstrates clearly a link between cAMP signalling and PKG signalling, but does not demonstrate how this is mediated. The authors postulate that a cGMP-specific PDE is dysregulated given their observation that PDE2 is differentially phosphorylated in a constitutively inactive PKA mutant, however this was not validated experimentally. We and others (Moss et al., 2022), however, demonstrate that PDE2 is cAMP-specific. This suggests that the model built by PMID: 29030485 requires revisiting. We acknowledge clearly in the text that Jia et al. have shown a link between cAMP and PKG signalling, and hypothesise that CDPK3’s modulation of cAMP levels may affect this (this is in keeping with our phosphoproteomic data).
Moreover, the egress defect is not due to a low influx of calcium in the cytosol because when the ionophore A23187 was added to the CDPK3 mutant, its phenotype was not recovered. Rather, the defect may be due to the low or null activity of PKG that would activate PI4K to generate IP3 and DAG. The latter would be used as a substrate by DGK to generate PA that is involved in the secretion of micronemes and Toxoplasma egress. In this context, authors should evaluate the role of CDPK3 in the secretion of micronemes that is directly related to the egress of the parasite.
- We agree with the reviewer on their point about calcium influx, and have already acknowledged in the text that the feedback loop does not control release of Ca2+ from internal stores as disruption of CDPK3 does not lead to a delay in Ca2+
We agree, and clearly address in the text, that the egress defect could be due to altered PKG/phospholipid pathway signalling.
(Lourido, Tang and David Sibley, 2012; McCoy et al., 2012) have both previously shown that microneme secretion is regulated by CDPK3. We therefore do not deem it necessary to repeat this experiment, but have made clearer mention of their findings in our writing.
When the Dcdpk3 mutant with BIPPO treatment was evaluated, it was observed that the parasite recovered the egress phenotype. It is concluded that CDPK3 could probably regulate the activity of cGMP-specific PDEs. CDPK3 could (in)activate them, or it could act on other proteins indirectly regulating the activity of these PDEs. Upon inactivation of PDEs, an increase in the cGMP level would activate PKG, which will, in turn, promote egress. From the data, it is not clear whether any phosphorylation by CDPK3 would activate or inactivate PDEs, and if so, then how (directly or indirectly). To reach unambiguous interpretation, authors should perform additional assays.
As mentioned previously, given the abundance of differentially regulated phosphosites, we do not believe that mutating individual sites on individual proteins is a worthwhile or realistic pursuit.
We clearly show systematic A23187-mediated phosphorylation of key signalling components in the PKA/PKG/PI-PLC/phospholipid signalling cascade, and demonstrate that several of these are CDPK3-dependent. We demonstrate that CDPK3 alters cAMP levels (and that the ∆CDPK3 egress delay in A23187 treated parasites is largely rescued following pre-treatment with a PKA inhibitor). We similarly demonstrate that A23187 treatment leads to phosphorylation of numerous PDEs, including the cAMP specific PDE2, and show that PDE2 knockout parasites show an egress delay following A23187 treatment. While PDE2 may not be directly regulated by CDPK3 (suggesting other Ca2+ kinases are also involved), these findings collectively demonstrate the existence of a calcium-regulated feedback loop, in which CDPK3 and PDE2 play a role (by regulating cAMP).
We acknowledge that we have not untangled every element of this feedback loop, and do not believe that it would be realistic to do so in a single study given the number of sites phosphorylated and pathways involved. We do believe, however, that we have shown clearly that the feedback loop exists - this in itself is entirely novel, and of significant importance to the field.
On a similar note, a possible experiment that can be done to improve the work would be to treat the CDPK3 mutant with BIPPO in conjunction with a calcium chelator (BAPTA-AM) to reveal, which proteins are phosphorylated prior to activation of the calcium-mediated cascades?
We agree that this would be an interesting experiment to carry out but would involve significant work. This could be pursued in another paper or project but is beyond the scope of this work.
The manuscript claims that PDE1, PDE7, PDE9 are cGMP specific, and BIPPO inhibits only cGMP-specific PDEs. All assays are performed with 1-10 micromolar cAMP and cGMP for 1h. There is no data showing the time, protein and substrate dependence. Given the suboptimal enzyme assays, authors should re-do them as suggested here. (1) Repeat the pulldown assay with a higher number of parasites (50-100 million) and measure the protein concentration. (2) Set up the PDE assay with saturating amount of cAMP and cGMP, which is critical if the PDE1,7,9 have a higher Km Value for cAMP (means lower affinity) compared to cGMP. An adequate amount of substrate and protein allows the reaction to reach the Vmax. Once you have re-determined the substrate specificity (revise Fig 5D), you should retest BIPPO (Fig 5E) in the presence of cAMP and cGMP. It is very likely that you would find the same result as PDE9 and PfPDEβ (BIPPO can inhibit both cAMP and cGMP-specific PDE), as described previously
We have repeated our assay using the exact same conditions outlined by Moss et al. This involved using a similar number of parasites, a longer incubation time of 2 hours at a higher temperature (37ºC) and with a lower starting concentration of cAMP (0.1 uM). We demonstrate that we are able to recapitulate both the Moss et al. and Vo et al. (see Supp Fig. 7B). However, we noticed that these reactions were not carried out with saturating cAMP/cGMP concentrations, since all reactions had reached 100% completion at the end of the assay whereby all substrate was hydrolysed. We therefore believe that based on our original assay, as well as the new PDE1 timecourse that we have performed (Supp Fig. 7C), that PDEs 1, 7 and 9 display predominantly cGMP hydrolysing activity, with moderate cAMP hydrolysing activity.
We also repeated the BIPPO inhibition assay using the Moss et al. conditions, and still observe that the cGMP activity of PDE1 is the most potently inhibited of all 4 PDEs. We also see moderate inhibition of the cAMP activities of PDE1 and PDE9, suggesting that cAMP hydrolytic activity can also be inhibited. Interestingly, the cGMP hydrolytic activities of PDEs 7 & 9, which were previously inhibited using our original assay conditions, no longer appear to be inhibited. This is likely due to the longer incubation time, which masks the reduced activities of these two PDEs following treatment with BIPPO.
The authors did not identify any PKG substrate, which is quite surprising as cAMP signaling itself could impact cGMP. Authors should show if they were able to observe enhanced cGMP levels in BIPPO-treated sample (which is expected to stimulate cGMP-specific PDEs). The author mention their inability to measure cGMP level but have they analyzed cGMP in the positive control (BIPPO-treated parasite line)? Why have they focused only on CDPK3 mutant, whereas in their phosphoproteomic data they could see other CDPKs too? It could be that other CDPK-mediated signaling differs and need PKA/PKG for activation.
In the title, the authors have mentioned that there is a positive feedback loop between calcium release, cyclic nucleotide and lipid signaling, which is quite an extrapolation as there is no clear experimental data supporting such a positive feedback loop so the author should change the title of the paper.
- As addressed in our previous response to the reviewer, PMID: 29030485 demonstrates clearly a link between cAMP signalling and PKG signalling, but does not confirm how this is mediated. The authors surmise that a cGMP-specific PDE is dysregulated (although the PDE hypothesised to be involved has since been shown to be cAMP-specific), but are similarly unable to detect changes in cGMP levels. This suggests that their model may be incomplete.
The BIPPO treatment experiment suggested by the reviewer was already included in the original manuscript (see Fig. 4D in original manuscript, now Fig. 4E). With BIPPO treatment we are able to detect changes in cGMP levels.
We did not deem it to be within the scope of this study to study every single other CDPK. We chose to study CDPK3, as its egress phenotype was of particular interest given its partial rescue following BIPPO treatment. We reasoned that its study may lead us to identify the signalling pathway that links BIPPO and A23187 induced signalling.
As addressed in greater detail in our response to reviewer #2, the fact that the feedback loop appears to stimulate egress implies that it is positive.
**Minor Comments:**
Materials & Methods
Explanation of parameters is not clear (Line #360-367). Phosphoproteomics with A23187 (8 micromolar) treatment in CDPK3-KO and WT, for 15, 30 and 60s at 37{degree sign}C incubation with DMSO control. Simultaneously passing the DR and CDPK3 dependency thresholds: CDPK3-dependent phosphorylation
__Response: __We have modified the wording to make this clearer as per the reviewer’s suggestion.
Line #368: At which WT-A23187 timepoint did the authors identify 2408 DR-up phosphosites (15s, 30s or 60s)? Or consistently in all? It should be clarified?
__Response: __As already stated in the manuscript (see line 366 in original manuscript, now line 1047), phosphorylation sites were considered differentially regulated if at any given timepoint their log2FC surpassed the DR threshold.
A23187 treatment of the CDPK3-KO mutant significantly increased the cAMP levels at 5 sec post-treatment, but BIPPO did not show any change. The authors concluded that BIPPO presumably does not inhibit cAMP-specific PDEs. However, the dual-specific PDEs are known to be inhibited by BIPPO, as shown recently (____https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.21.461320v1____). Authors do confirm that BIPPO-treatment can inhibit hydrolytic activity of PfPDEbeta for cAMP as well as cGMP (Line #612). Besides, it was shown in Fig 5E that BIPPO can partially though not significantly block cAMP-specific PDE2. The statements and data conflict each other under different subtitles and need to be reconciled. Elevation of basal cAMP level in the CDPK3 mutant indicates the perturbation of cAMP signaling, however BIPPO data requires additional supportive experiments to conclude its relation with cAMP or dual-specific PDE.
- The manuscript to which the reviewer refers does not use BIPPO in any of their experiments. They show that continuous treatment with zaprinast blocks parasite growth in a plaque assay, but do not test whether zaprinast specifically blocks the activity of any of the PDEs.
Having repeated the PDE assay using the Moss et al. conditions (as outlined above), we are now able to recapitulate their findings, showing that PDEs 1, 7 and 9 can display dual hydrolytic activity while PDE2 is cAMP specific. As explained further above, we believe that our original set of experiments are more stringent than the Moss *et al. * To confirm this, we also performed an additional experiment, incubating PDE1 for varying amounts of time using our original conditions (1 uM cAMP or 10 uM cGMP, at room temperature). This revealed that PDE1 is much more efficient at hydrolysing cGMP, and only begins to display cAMP hydrolysing capacity after 4 hours of incubation.
We also measured the inhibitory capacity of BIPPO on the PDEs using the Moss *et al. * During the longer incubation time, it seems that BIPPO is unable to inhibit PDEs 7 and 9, while with the more stringent conditions it was able to inhibit both PDEs. We reasoned that since BIPPO is unable to inhibit these PDEs fully, the residual activity over the longer incubation period would compensate for the inhibition, eventually leading to 100% hydrolysis of the cNMPs. We also see that while the cGMP hydrolysing capacity of PDE1 is completely inhibited, its cAMP hydrolysing capacity is only partially inhibited. These findings and the fact that PDE2 is not inhibited by BIPPO are in line with our experiments where we measured [cAMP] and showed that treatment with BIPPO did not lead to alterations in [cAMP].
The method used to determine the substrate specificity of PDE 1,2,7 and 9 resulted in the hydrolytic activity of PDE2 towards cAMP, while the remaining 3 were determined as cGMP-specific. However, PDE1 and PDE9 have been reported as being dual-specific (Moss et al, 2021; Vo et al, 2020), which questions the reliability of the preferred method to characterize substrate specificity by the authors. It is also suggested to use another ELISA-based kit to double check the results.
As outlined above, we have repeated the assay using the conditions described by Moss et al. (lower starting concentrations of cAMP, 2 hour incubation period at 37ºC) and find that we are able to recapitulate the results of both Moss et al. and Vo et al.. However, using the Moss et al. conditions, the PDEs have hydrolysed 100% of the cyclic nucleotide, suggesting that these conditions are less stringent than the ones we used originally using higher starting concentrations of cAMP and incubating for 1 hour only at room temperature. With enzymatic assays it is always important to perform them at saturating conditions (as already suggested by the reviewer) and therefore we believe that our original conditions are more stringent than the results using the Moss et al. conditions.
Line #607-608: Authors found PDE9 less sensitive to BIPPO-treatment and concluded PDE2 as refractory to BIPPO inhibition; however, the reduction level of activity seems similar as seen in PDE9-BIPPO treated sample? This strong statement should be replaced with a mild explanation.
__Response: __We have tempered our wording as per the reviewer’s suggestion
Figures and legends:
The introductory model in Fig S1 is difficult to understand and ambiguous despite having it discussed in the text. For example, CDPK1 is placed, but only mentioned at the beginning, and the role of other CDPKs is not clear. In addition, the arrows in IP3 and PKG are confusing. The location of guanylate and adenylate cyclase is wrong, and so on... The figure should include only the egress-related signaling components to curate it. The illustration of host cell in orange color must be at the right side of the figure in connection with the apical pole of the parasite (not on the top). Figure legend should also be rearranged accordingly and citations of the underlying components should be included (see below).
__Response: __We have modified Supp Fig. 1 as per the suggestions of reviewer#2 and #3. We have now modified the localisations of the proteins and have also removed the lines showing the cross talk between pathways. We have also highlighted to the reader that this is only a model and may not represent the true localisations of the proteins, despite our best efforts.
In Figure 5D, would you please provide the western blot analysis of samples before and after pulling down to demonstrate the success of your immunoprecipitation assay. Mention the protein concentration in your PDE enzyme assay. Please refer to the M&M comments above to re-do the enzyme assays.
We have now included western blots for the pull downs of PDEs 1, 2, 7 and 9 (Supp Fig. 7A). We chose not to measure protein concentrations of samples since all experiments were performed using the same starting parasite numbers, and we do not see large differences in activities between biological replicates of the PDEs.
Figure legend 1C: Line #194: There is no red-dotted line shown in graph! Correct it!
__Response: __We have modified this.
Figure 4Gi-ii: Shouldn't it be labelled i: H89-treatment and ii: A23178, respectively instead of DMSO and H89? (based on the text Line #579).
__Response: __Our labelling of Fig. 4Gi-ii is correct as panel i parasites were pre-treated with DMSO, while panel ii parasites were pre-treated with H89. Subsequent egress assays on both parasites were then performed using A23187.
We have modified the figures to include mention of A23187 on the X axis, and modified the figure legend to clarify pre-treatment was performed with DMSO and H89 respectively.
Line #57 and 58: Citations must be selected properly! Carruthers and Sibley 1999 revealed the impact of Ca2+ on the microneme secretion within the context of host cell attachment and invasion, not egress as indicated in the manuscript! Similar case is also valid for the reference Wiersma et al 2004; since the roles of cyclic nucleotides were suggested for motility and invasion. Also notable in the fact that several citations describing the localization, regulation and physiological importance of cAMP and cGMP signaling mediators (PMID: 30449726 , 31235476 , 30992368 , 32191852 , 25555060 , 29030485 ) are either completely omitted or not appropriately cited in the introduction and discussion sections.
We have modified the citations as per the reviewer’s suggestions. We now cite Endo et al., 1987 for the first use of A23187 as an egress trigger, and Lourido, Tang and David Sibley, 2012 for the role of cGMP signalling in egress. We also cite all the GC papers when we make first mention of the GC. We have also removed the Howard et al., 2015 citation (PMID: 25555060) when referring to the fact that BIPPO/zaprinast can rescue the egress delay of ∆CDPK3 parasites.
Line #31: After "cAMP levels" use comma
We have modified this.
36: Sentence is not clear. Does conditional deletion of all four PDEs support their important roles? If so, the role in egress of the parasite?
We have clarified our wording as per the reviewer’s suggestion. We state that PDEs 1 and 2 display an important role in growth since deletion of either these PDEs leads to reduced plaque growth. We have not investigated exactly what stage of the lytic cycle this is.
40: "is a group involving" instead of "are"
We found no mention of “a group involving” in our original manuscript at line 40 or anywhere else in the manuscript, so we are unsure what the reviewer is referring to.
108: isn't it "discharge of Ca++ from organelle stores to cytosol"?
__Response: __We thank the reviewer for spotting this error. We have now modified this sentence.
120: "was" instead of "were"
__Response: __Since the situation we are referencing is hypothetical, then ‘were’ is the correct tense.
Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):
There is a significant amount of work that underlies this manuscript; however, from a conceptual viewpoint, the manuscript does not offer significant advancement over the current knowledge without functional validation of phosphoproteomics data. In terms of the mechanism, it is not clear whether and how lipid turnover and cAMP-PKA signaling control the egress phenotype (lack of a validated model at the end of this study).In a methodical sense, the work uses established assays, some of which require revisiting to reach robust conclusions and avoid misinterpretation.
Compare to existing published knowledge
A large body of work preceding this manuscript has indicated the crosstalk of cAMP, cGMP, calcium and lipid signaling cascades. This work provides a further refinement of the existing model. The article is quite interesting from a throughput screening point of view, but it clearly lacks the appropriate endorsement of the hits.
Please refer to our first response to reviewer #3 for our full rebuttal to these points. We respectfully disagree with the assessment that the work presented does not advance current knowledge.
Field specific (Apicomplexan Parasitology)
Molecular Parasitology
Bailey, A. P. et al. (2015) ‘Antioxidant Role for Lipid Droplets in a Stem Cell Niche of Drosophila’, Cell. The Authors, 163(2), pp. 340–353. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.09.020.
Bullen, H. E. et al. (2016) ‘Phosphatidic Acid-Mediated Signaling Regulates Microneme Secretion in Toxoplasma Article Phosphatidic Acid-Mediated Signaling Regulates Microneme Secretion in Toxoplasma’, Cell Host & Microbe, pp. 349–360. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2016.02.006.
Dass, S. et al. (2021) ‘Toxoplasma LIPIN is essential in channeling host lipid fluxes through membrane biogenesis and lipid storage’, Nature Communications. Springer US, 12(1). doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22956-w.
Endo, T. et al. (1987) ‘Effects of Extracellular Potassium on Acid Release and Motility Initiation in Toxoplasma gondii’, The Journal of Protozoology, 34(3), pp. 291–295. doi: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.1987.tb03177.x.
Flueck, C. et al. (2019) Phosphodiesterase beta is the master regulator of camp signalling during malaria parasite invasion, PLoS Biology. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000154.
Howard, B. L. et al. (2015) ‘Identification of potent phosphodiesterase inhibitors that demonstrate cyclic nucleotide-dependent functions in apicomplexan parasites’, ACS Chemical Biology, 10(4), pp. 1145–1154. doi: 10.1021/cb501004q.
Jia, Y. et al. (2017) ‘ Crosstalk between PKA and PKG controls pH ‐dependent host cell egress of Toxoplasma gondii ’, The EMBO Journal, 36(21), pp. 3250–3267. doi: 10.15252/embj.201796794.
Katris, N. J. et al. (2020) ‘Rapid kinetics of lipid second messengers controlled by a cGMP signalling network coordinates apical complex functions in Toxoplasma tachyzoites’, bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2020.06.19.160341.
Lentini, J. M. et al. (2020) ‘DALRD3 encodes a protein mutated in epileptic encephalopathy that targets arginine tRNAs for 3-methylcytosine modification’, Nature Communications. Springer US, 11(1). doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16321-6.
Lourido, S., Tang, K. and David Sibley, L. (2012) ‘Distinct signalling pathways control Toxoplasma egress and host-cell invasion’, EMBO Journal. Nature Publishing Group, 31(24), pp. 4524–4534. doi: 10.1038/emboj.2012.299.
Lunghi, M. et al. (2022) ‘Pantothenate biosynthesis is critical for chronic infection by the neurotropic parasite Toxoplasma gondii’, Nature Communications. Springer US, 13(1). doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-27996-4.
McCoy, J. M. et al. (2012) ‘TgCDPK3 Regulates Calcium-Dependent Egress of Toxoplasma gondii from Host Cells’, PLoS Pathogens, 8(12). doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003066.
Moss, W. J. et al. (2022) ‘Functional Analysis of the Expanded Phosphodiesterase Gene Family in Toxoplasma gondii Tachyzoites’, mSphere. American Society for Microbiology, 7(1). doi: 10.1128/msphere.00793-21.
Stewart, R. J. et al. (2017) ‘Analysis of Ca2+ mediated signaling regulating Toxoplasma infectivity reveals complex relationships between key molecules’, Cellular Microbiology, 19(4). doi: 10.1111/cmi.12685.
Vo, K. C. et al. (2020) ‘The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii encodes a gamut of phosphodiesterases during its lytic cycle in human cells’, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. The Author(s), 18, pp. 3861–3876. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2020.11.024.
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Referee #3
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Dominicus et al aimed to identify the intersecting components of calcium, cyclic nucleotides (cAMP, cGMP) and lipid signaling through phosphoproteomic, knockout and biochemical assays in an intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, particularly when its acutely-infectious tachyzoite stage exits the host cells. A series of experimental strategies were applied to identify potential substrates of calcium-dependent protein kinase 3 (CDPK3), which has previously been reported to control the tachyzoite egress. According to earlier studies (PMID: 23226109, 24945436, 5418062, 26544049, 30402958), CDPK3 regulated the parasite exit through multiple phosphorylation events. Here, authors identified differentially-regulated (DR) phosphorylation sites by comparing the parasite samples after treatment with a calcium ionophore (A23178) and a PDE inhibitor (BIPPO), both of which are known to induce artificial egress (induced egress as opposed to natural egress). When the CDPK3 mutant was treated with A23187, its delayed egress phenotype did not change, whereas BIPPO restored the egress to the level of the parental (termed as WT) strain, probably by activating PKG. The gene ontology enrichment of the up-regulated clusters revealed many probable CDPK3-dependent DR sites involved in cyclic nucleotide signaling (PDE1, PDE2, PDE7, PDE9, guanylate and adenylate cyclases, cyclic nucleotide-binding protein or CNBP) as well as lipid signaling (PI-PLC, DGK1). Authors suggest lipid signaling as one of the factors altered in the CDPK3 mutant, albeit lipidomics (PC, PI, PS, PT, PA, PE, SM) showed no significant change in phospholipids. To reveal how the four PDEs indicated above contribute to the cAMP and cGMP-mediated egress, they examined their biological significance by knockout/knockdown and enzyme activity assays. Authors claim that PDE1,7,9 proteins are cGMP-specific while PDE2 is cAMP-specific, and BIPPO treatment can inhibit PDE1-cGMP and PDE7-cGMP, but not PDE9-cGMP. Given the complexity, the manuscript is well structured, and most experiments were carefully designed. Undoubtedly, there is a significant amount of work that underlies this manuscript; however, from a conceptual viewpoint, the manuscript does not offer significant advancement over the current knowledge without functional validation of phosphoproteomics data (see below). A large body of work preceding this manuscript has indicated the crosstalk of cAMP, cGMP, calcium and lipid signaling cascades. This work provides a further refinement of the existing model. In a methodical sense, the work uses established assays, some of which require revisiting to reach robust conclusions and avoid misinterpretation. The article is quite interesting from a throughput screening point of view, but it clearly lacks the appropriate endorsement of the hits. The authors accept that identifying the phosphorylation of a protein does not imply a functional role, which is a major drawback as there is no experimental support for any phosphorylation site of the protein identified through phosphoproteomics. In terms of the mechanism, it is not clear whether and how lipid turnover and cAMP-PKA signaling control the egress phenotype (lack of a validated model at the end of this study).
Major Comments:
Based on the findings reported here there is little doubt that BIPPO and A23187-induced signaling intersect with each other, as very much expected from previous studies. The authors selected the 50s and 15s post-treatment timing of A23187 and BIPPO, respectively for collecting phosphoproteomics samples. At these time points, which were shown to peak cytosolic Ca2+, parasites were still intracellular (Line #171). How did authors make sure to stimulate the entire signaling cascade adequately, particularly when parasites do not egress within the selected time window? There is significant variability between phosphosite intensities of replicates (Line #186), which may also be attributed to insufficient triggers for the egress across independent experiments. This work must be supported by in vitro egress assays with the chosen incubation periods of BIPPO and ionophore treatment (show the induced % egress of tachyzoites in the 50s and 15s).
The authors discuss that CDPK3 controls the cAMP level and PKA through activation of one or more yet-to-be-identified PDEs(s). cAMP could probably also be regulated by an adenylate cyclase, ACbeta that was found to have CDPK3-dependent phosphorylation sites. If CDPK3 is indeed a regulator of cAMP through the activation of PDEs or ACbeta, it would be expected that the deletion of CDPK3 would perturb the cAMP level, resulting in dysregulation of PKAc1 subunit, which in turn would dysregulate cGMP-specific PDEs (PMID: 29030485) and thereby PKG. All these connections need to explain in a more clear manner with experimental support (what is positive and what is negatively regulated by CDPK3). Moreover, the egress defect is not due to a low influx of calcium in the cytosol because when the ionophore A23187 was added to the CDPK3 mutant, its phenotype was not recovered. Rather, the defect may be due to the low or null activity of PKG that would activate PI4K to generate IP3 and DAG. The latter would be used as a substrate by DGK to generate PA that is involved in the secretion of micronemes and Toxoplasma egress. In this context, authors should evaluate the role of CDPK3 in the secretion of micronemes that is directly related to the egress of the parasite.
When the cdpk3 mutant with BIPPO treatment was evaluated, it was observed that the parasite recovered the egress phenotype. It is concluded that CDPK3 could probably regulate the activity of cGMP-specific PDEs. CDPK3 could (in)activate them, or it could act on other proteins indirectly regulating the activity of these PDEs. Upon inactivation of PDEs, an increase in the cGMP level would activate PKG, which will, in turn, promote egress. From the data, it is not clear whether any phosphorylation by CDPK3 would activate or inactivate PDEs, and if so, then how (directly or indirectly). To reach unambiguous interpretation, authors should perform additional assays. On a similar note, a possible experiment that can be done to improve the work would be to treat the CDPK3 mutant with BIPPO in conjunction with a calcium chelator (BAPTA-AM) to reveal, which proteins are phosphorylated prior to activation of the calcium-mediated cascades? The manuscript claims that PDE1, PDE7, PDE9 are cGMP specific, and BIPPO inhibits only cGMP-specific PDEs. All assays are performed with 1-10 micromolar cAMP and cGMP for 1h. There is no data showing the time, protein and substrate dependence. Given the suboptimal enzyme assays, authors should re-do them as suggested here. (1) Repeat the pulldown assay with a higher number of parasites (50-100 million) and measure the protein concentration. (2) Set up the PDE assay with saturating amount of cAMP and cGMP, which is critical if the PDE1,7,9 have a higher Km Value for cAMP (means lower affinity) compared to cGMP. An adequate amount of substrate and protein allows the reaction to reach the Vmax. Once you have re-determined the substrate specificity (revise Fig 5D), you should retest BIPPO (Fig 5E) in the presence of cAMP and cGMP. It is very likely that you would find the same result as PDE9 and PfPDEβ (BIPPO can inhibit both cAMP and cGMP-specific PDE), as described previously.
The authors did not identify any PKG substrate, which is quite surprising as cAMP signaling itself could impact cGMP. Authors should show if they were able to observe enhanced cGMP levels in BIPPO-treated sample (which is expected to stimulate cGMP-specific PDEs). The author mention their inability to measure cGMP level but have they analyzed cGMP in the positive control (BIPPO-treated parasite line)? Why have they focused only on CDPK3 mutant, whereas in their phosphoproteomic data they could see other CDPKs too? It could be that other CDPK-mediated signaling differs and need PKA/PKG for activation. In the title, the authors have mentioned that there is a positive feedback loop between calcium release, cyclic nucleotide and lipid signaling, which is quite an extrapolation as there is no clear experimental data supporting such a positive feedback loop so the author should change the title of the paper.
Minor Comments:
Materials & Methods
Explanation of parameters is not clear (Line #360-367). Phosphoproteomics with A23187 (8 micromolar) treatment in CDPK3-KO and WT, for 15, 30 and 60s at 37{degree sign}C incubation with DMSO control. Simultaneously passing the DR and CDPK3 dependency thresholds: CDPK3-dependent phosphorylation
Line #368: At which WT-A23187 timepoint did the authors identify 2408 DR-up phosphosites (15s, 30s or 60s)? Or consistently in all? It should be clarified?
A23187 treatment of the CDPK3-KO mutant significantly increased the cAMP levels at 5 sec post-treatment, but BIPPO did not show any change. The authors concluded that BIPPO presumably does not inhibit cAMP-specific PDEs. However, the dual-specific PDEs are known to be inhibited by BIPPO, as shown recently (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.21.461320v1). Authors do confirm that BIPPO-treatment can inhibit hydrolytic activity of PfPDEbeta for cAMP as well as cGMP (Line #612). Besides, it was shown in Fig 5E that BIPPO can partially though not significantly block cAMP-specific PDE2. The statements and data conflict each other under different subtitles and need to be reconciled. Elevation of basal cAMP level in the CDPK3 mutant indicates the perturbation of cAMP signaling, however BIPPO data requires additional supportive experiments to conclude its relation with cAMP or dual-specific PDE.
The method used to determine the substrate specificity of PDE 1,2,7 and 9 resulted in the hydrolytic activity of PDE2 towards cAMP, while the remaining 3 were determined as cGMP-specific. However, PDE1 and PDE9 have been reported as being dual-specific (Moss et al, 2021; Vo et al, 2020), which questions the reliability of the preferred method to characterize substrate specificity by the authors. It is also suggested to use another ELISA-based kit to double check the results.
Line #607-608: Authors found PDE9 less sensitive to BIPPO-treatment and concluded PDE2 as refractory to BIPPO inhibition; however, the reduction level of activity seems similar as seen in PDE9-BIPPO treated sample? This strong statement should be replaced with a mild explanation.
Figures and legends:
The introductory model in Fig S1 is difficult to understand and ambiguous despite having it discussed in the text. For example, CDPK1 is placed, but only mentioned at the beginning, and the role of other CDPKs is not clear. In addition, the arrows in IP3 and PKG are confusing. The location of guanylate and adenylate cyclase is wrong, and so on... The figure should include only the egress-related signaling components to curate it. The illustration of host cell in orange color must be at the right side of the figure in connection with the apical pole of the parasite (not on the top). Figure legend should also be rearranged accordingly and citations of the underlying components should be included (see below). In Figure 5D, would you please provide the western blot analysis of samples before and after pulling down to demonstrate the success of your immunoprecipitation assay. Mention the protein concentration in your PDE enzyme assay. Please refer to the M&M comments above to re-do the enzyme assays.
Figure legend 1C: Line #194: There is no red-dotted line shown in graph! Correct it!
Figure 4Gi-ii: Shouldn't it be labelled i: H89-treatment and ii: A23178, respectively instead of DMSO and H89? (based on the text Line #579)
Bibliography: Line #57 and 58: Citations must be selected properly! Carruthers and Sibley 1999 revealed the impact of Ca2+ on the microneme secretion within the context of host cell attachment and invasion, not egress as indicated in the manuscript! Similar case is also valid for the reference Wiersma et al 2004; since the roles of cyclic nucleotides were suggested for motility and invasion. Also notable in the fact that several citations describing the localization, regulation and physiological importance of cAMP and cGMP signaling mediators (PMID: 30449726, 31235476, 30992368, 32191852, 25555060, 29030485) are either completely omitted or not appropriately cited in the introduction and discussion sections.
Grammar/Language Line #31: After "cAMP levels" use comma 36: Sentence is not clear. Does conditional deletion of all four PDEs support their important roles? If so, the role in egress of the parasite? 40: "is a group involving" instead of "are" 108: isn't it "discharge of Ca++ from organelle stores to cytosol"? 120: "was" instead of "were"
There is a significant amount of work that underlies this manuscript; however, from a conceptual viewpoint, the manuscript does not offer significant advancement over the current knowledge without functional validation of phosphoproteomics data. In terms of the mechanism, it is not clear whether and how lipid turnover and cAMP-PKA signaling control the egress phenotype (lack of a validated model at the end of this study).In a methodical sense, the work uses established assays, some of which require revisiting to reach robust conclusions and avoid misinterpretation.
Compare to existing published knowledge
A large body of work preceding this manuscript has indicated the crosstalk of cAMP, cGMP, calcium and lipid signaling cascades. This work provides a further refinement of the existing model. The article is quite interesting from a throughput screening point of view, but it clearly lacks the appropriate endorsement of the hits.
Field specific (Apicomplexan Parasitology)
Molecular Parasitology
Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.
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Referee #2
Evidence, reproducibility and clarity
Provide a short summary of the findings and key conclusions (including methodology and model system(s) where appropriate).
In this manuscript, Dominicus et al investigate the elusive role of calcium-dependent kinase 3 during the egress of Toxoplasma gondii. Multiple functions have already been proposed for this kinase by this group including the regulation of basal calcium levels (24945436) or of a tyrosine transporter (30402958). However, one of the most puzzling phenotypes of CDPK3 deficient tachyzoites is a marked delay in egress when parasites are stimulated with a calcium ionophore that is rescued with phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors. Crosstalk between, cAMP, cGMP, lipid and calcium signalling has been previously described to be important in regulating egress (26933036, 23149386, 29030485) but the role of CDPK3 in Toxoplasma is still poorly understood.
Here the authors first take an elegant phosphoproteomic approach to identify pathways differentially regulated upon treatment with either a PDE inhibitor (BIPPO) and a calcium ionophore (A23187) in WT and CDPK3-KO parasites. Not much difference is observed between BIPPO or A23187 stimulation which is interpreted by the authors as a regulation through a feed-back loop. The authors then investigate the effect of CDPK3 deletion on lipid, cGMP and cAMP levels. The identify major changes in DAG, phospholipid, FFAs, and TAG levels as well as differences in cAMP levels but not for cGMP. Chemical inhibition of PKA leads to a similar egress timing in CDPK3-KO and WT parasites upon A23187 stimulation.
As four PDEs appeared differentially regulated in the CDPK3-KO line upon A23187, the authors investigate the requirement of the 4 PDEs in cAMP levels. They show diverse localisation of the PDEs with specificities of PDE1, 7 and 9 for cGMP and of PDE2 for cAMP. They further show that PDE1, 7 and 9 are sensitive to BIPPO. Finally, using a conditional deletion system, they show that PDE1 and 2 are important for the lytic cycle of Toxoplasma and that PDE2 shows a slightly delayed egress following A23187 stimulation.
Major comments:
-Are the key conclusions convincing?
The title is supported by the findings presented in this study. However I am not sure to understand why the authors imply a positive feed back loop. This should be clarified in the discussion of the results. The phosphoproteome analysis seems very strong and will be of interest for many groups working on egress. However, the key conclusion, i.e. that a substrate overlaps between PKG and CDPK3 is unlikely to explain the CDPK3 phenotype, seems premature to me in the absence of robustly identified substrates for both kinases.
I am not sure there is a clear key conclusion from the lipidomic analysis and how it is used by the authors to build their model up. Major changes are observed but how could this be linked with CDPK3, particularly if cGMP levels are not affected?
The evidence that CDPK3 is involved in cAMP homeostasis seems strong. However, the analysis of PKA inhibition is a bit less clear. The way the data is presented makes it difficult to see whether the treatment is accelerating egress of CDPK3-KO parasites or affecting both WT and CDPK3-KO lines, including both the speed and extent of egress. This is important for the interpretation of the experiment.
The biochemical characterisation of the four PDE is interesting and seems well performed. However, PDE1 was previously shown to hydrolyse both cAMP and cGMP (https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.21.461320) which raises some questions about the experimental set up. Could the authors possibly discuss why they do not observe similar selectivity? Could other PDEs in the immunoprecipitate mask PDE activity? In line with this question, it is not clear what % of "hydrolytic activity (%)" means and how it was calculated. The experiments describing the selectivity of BIPPO for PDE1, 7 and 9 as well as the biological requirement of the four tested PDEs are convincing.
-Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?
The claim that CDPK3 affects cAMP levels seems strong however the exact links between CDPK3 activity, lipid, cGMP and cAMP signalling remain unclear and it may be important to clearly state this.
-Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.
I think that the manuscript contains a significant amount of experiments that are of interest to scientists working on Toxoplasma egress. Requesting experiments to identify the functional link between above-mentioned pathways would be out of the scope for this work although it would considerably increase the impact of this manuscript. For example, would it be possible to test whether the CDPK3-KO line is more or less sensitive to PKG specific inhibition upon A23187 induced?
-Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.
The above-mentioned experiment is not trivial as no specific inhibitors of PKG are available. Ensuring for specificity of the investigated phenotype would require the generation of a resistant line which would require significant work.
-Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?
It is not clear how the % of hydrolytic activity of the PDE has been calculated.
-Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?
This seems to be performed to high standards.
Minor comments:
-Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.
I do not have any comments related to minor experimental issues.
-Are prior studies referenced appropriately?
Most of the studies relevant for this work are cited. It is however not clear to me why some important players of the "PKG pathway" are not indicated in Fig 1H and Fig 3E, including for example UGO or SPARK.
-Are the text and figures clear and accurate?
While all the data shown here is impressive and well analysed, I find it difficult to read the manuscript and establish links between sections of the papers. The phosphoproteome analysis is interesting and is used to orientate the reader towards a feedback mechanism rather than a substrate overlap. But why do the authors later focus on PDEs and not on AC or CNBD, as in the end, if I understand well, there is no evidence showing a link between CDPK3-dependent phosphorylation and PDE activity upon A23187 stimulation? It is also unclear how the authors link CDPK3-dependent elevated cAMP levels with the elevated basal calcium levels they previously described. This is particularly difficult to reconcile particularly in a PKG independent manner.
The presentation of the lipidomic analysis is also not really clear to me. Why do the authors show the global changes in phospholipids and not a more detailed analysis? As the authors focus on the PI-PLC pathway, could they detail the dynamics of phosphoinositides? I understand that lipid levels are affected in the mutant but I am not sure to understand how the authors interpret these massive changes in relationship with the function of CDPK3 and the observed phenotypes.
Finally, the characterisation of the PDEs is an impressive piece of work but the functional link with CDPK3 is relatively unclear. It would also be important to clearly discuss the differences with previous results presented in this this preprint: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.21.461320. My understanding is while the authors aim at investigating the role of CDPK3 in A23187 induced egress, the main finding related to CDPK3 is a defect in cAMP homeostasis that is not linked to A23187. Similarly, the requirements of PDE2 in cAMP homeostasis and egress is indirectly linked to CDPK3. Altogether I think that important results are presented here but divided into three main and distinct sections: the phosphoproteomic survey, the lipidomic and cAMP level investigation, and the characterisation of the four PDEs. However, the link between each section is relatively weak and the way the results are presented is somehow misleading or confusing.
-Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?
This is a very long manuscript written for specialists of this signalling pathway and I would suggest the authors to emphasise more the important results and also clearly state where links are still missing. This is obviously a complex pathway and one cannot elucidate it easily in a single manuscript.
-Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.
This is a technically remarkable paper using a broad range of analyses performed to a high standard.
-Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).
The cross-talk between cAMP, cGMP and calcium signalling is well described in Toxoplasma and related parasites. Here the authors show that, in Toxoplasma, CDPK3 is part of this complex signalling network. One of the most important finding within this context is the role of CDPK3 in cAMP homeostasis. With this in mind, I would change the last sentence of the abstract to "In summary we uncover a feedback loop that enhances signalling during egress and links CDPK3 with several signalling pathways together."
The genetic and biochemical analyses of the four PDEs are remarkable and highlight consistencies and inconsistencies with recently published work that would be important to discuss and will be of interest for the field.
While I understand the studied signalling pathway is complex, I think it would be important to better describe the current model of the authors. In the discussion, the authors indicate that "the published data is not currently supported by a model that fits most experimental results." I would suggest to clarify this statement and discuss whether their work helps to reunite, correct or improve previous models.
Could the authors also speculate about a potential role of PDE/CDPK3 in host cell invasion as cAMP signalling has be shown to be important for this process (30208022 and 29030485)?
-State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.
This paper is of great interest to groups working on the regulation of egress in Toxoplasma gondii and other related apicomplexan pathogens.
-Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.
I am working on the cell biology of apicomplexan parasites.