609 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2015
    1. Option 1: A technology framework is hereby established to pursue that vision, including to enhance the development and transfer of socially and environmentally sound technologies. Option 2: A technology framework is hereby established to achieve that vision, with a view to enhancing the development and transfer of, and access to, socially and environmentally sound technologies by [addressing [mutually agreed] barriers and] guiding the work of the Technology Mechanism and further to facilitate the understanding of [the intended nationally determined contributions of Parties pertaining to] technology provision under the Agreement.

      Co-Facilitator Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu (Democratic Republic of the Congo), reporting back from technology development and transfer (Article 7), noted that the African Group presented a revised option for the technology framework that was well-received and informed that views remained divergent on the global goal.

    2. the rights of indigenous peoples

      INDIGENOUS PEOPLES urged, inter alia: respecting indigenous peoples’ rights; recognizing traditional knowledge and practices; and providing direct access to climate finance.

    3. Option 1: communication to 5 year time period Every 5 years, harmonised [NDMC*][INDC] Each Party shall [[communicate its [successive] [new]] [update its] [NDMC][INDC] by [year x] [2020] [2021] and every five years thereafter on a [synchronized][common] basis, [or resubmit an existing [NDMC][INDC]] [for the subsequent five-year time frame], taking into account the outcomes of the global stocktake referred to in Article 10.

      Saying “we are far from where we need to be,” Climate Action Network (CAN), for ENVIRONMENTAL NGOs (ENGOs), called for creating five-year cycles and matching conditional INDCs with finance.

    4. Option 1: [The mobilization of climate finance [shall][should][other] be scaled up [in a predictable and transparent manner] [beyond previous efforts] [from USD 100 billion per year] from 2020[, recognizing the important role of the Green Climate Fund in the scaling up of financial resources for the implementation of this agreement, as well as other multilateral mechanisms and other efforts].] Option 2: [The provision and mobilization of financial resources by developed country Parties and other developed Parties included in Annex II shall represent a progression beyond their previous efforts towards achieving short-term collective quantified goals for the post 2020 period to be periodically established and reviewed. Financial resources shall be scaled up from a floor of US$100 billion per year, including a clear burden-sharing formula [among them], and in line with needs and priorities identified by developing country Parties [including Parties whose special circumstances were recognized by COP decisions] in the context of contributing to the achievement of the [objective][purpose] (Article 2/XX) of this Agreement.

      China, for Brazil, South Africa, India and China, emphasized conducting work in an open, transparent, inclusive and party-driven manner, and said that the Paris agreement should be in line with CBDR and respective capabilities. On the pre-2020 period, he stressed that developed countries must meet their commitments and define a clear roadmap to achieving the US$100 billion goal.

    5. Flexibility LDCs [and SIDS][and African states] may communicate their [NDMC*][INDC] at their discretion, including information on strategies, plans and actions for low GHG development, reflecting their special circumstances.

      The Republic of Korea, for the ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRITY GROUP, called for the adoption of an agreement that is applicable to all, includes a flexible approach to differentiation, and has common rules and a mechanism to increase ambition over time.

    6. Hold the increase in the global average temperature [below 1.5 °C] [or] [well] [below 2 °C] above preindustrial levels by ensuring deep cuts in global greenhouse gas [net] emissions;

      On ambition, Tine Sundtoft (Norway) outlined the questions posed to parties, including on how to: frame a possible reference to a 1.5 °C limit; identify an acceptable long-term goal for mitigation over different timeframes; have a common “global moment” every five years for taking stock and informing future nationally-determined efforts on mitigation, adaptation and support; and provide reassurances that the global stocktake would not impinge on national determination of commitments.

      James Fletcher (Saint Lucia) said that, while several developed and developing country parties indicated willingness to refer to a 1.5 °C limit, others reaffirmed the temperature limit in the Cancun Agreements. He said there is general interest to express a collective long-term goal for mitigation, which could be expressed in quantitative or qualitative terms, such as a transformation to carbon neutrality or decarbonization. He also reported convergence on a common “global moment” every five years to take stock and review aggregate progress, and provide an opportunity to confirm or raise targets, but without an obligation to do so.

    7. Hold the increase in the global average temperature [below 1.5 °C] [or] [well] [below 2 °C] above preindustrial levels by ensuring deep cuts in global greenhouse gas [net] emissions;

      Angola, for the LDCs, stated that the 2°C limit is inadequate and should be strengthened to 1.5°C.

      Maldives, for the ALLIANCE OF SMALL ISLAND STATES (AOSIS), called for the agreement to establish, inter alia, medium- and long-term emission reduction pathways capable of delivering less than 1.5°C of warming.

      WOMEN AND GENDER urged countries to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C and avoid concepts such as net zero, carbon neutrality and offsetting.

      LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES highlighted the contributions of local governments to mitigation and adaptation, while calling for a 1.5°C temperature limit.

    8. The nationally determined [mitigation] [contribution] [commitment] shall be legally binding on that Party upon entry into force of this Agreement for that Party.]

      President Vladimir Putin, Russian Federation, highlighted that it is possible to ensure economic development and take care of the environment, saying Russia stands ready to exchange energy efficiency solutions. He called for the new climate agreement to build on the principles of the UNFCCC, be legally-binding and include participation of developing countries.

    9. Progression/ambition Each Party’s successive [NDMC*][INDC] [shall][should][will] represent a progression beyond the Party’s previous efforts and reflect its highest possible ambition [based on common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities [[and] in light of different national circumstances [and best available science]] [based on provision of finance, technology and capacity-building to developing countries].3

      Noting that current INDCs are voluntary and thus far not ambitious enough to attain the 2°C temperature goal, a goal insufficient for small island nations, Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany, called for a binding review mechanism with a five-year cycle to begin in 2020 to ensure credibility and increased ambition.

    10. equitable distribution of a global carbon budget based on historical responsibilities and [climate] justice]

      President Maithripala Sirisena, Sri Lanka, emphasized the necessity of deep cuts in global emissions, considering the principle of historical responsibility, and said that technology transfer will ensure adaptation and nationally suitable mitigation actions in developing countries.

    11. [the integrity of Mother Earth

      President Evo Morales, Bolivia, shared the outcome of the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, which took place in October 2015, in Cochabamba, Bolivia, and called on COP 21 to address capitalism, which he emphasized as the origin of the climate crisis.

    12. [All Parties [shall] regularly prepare, communicate [and implement] [intended] nationally determined [contributions][components] [on [mitigation] and adaptation] [undertakings in adaptation planning] [and means of implementation]* [towards achieving the [purpose of this Agreement as set out in Article 2] [objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2],] [in accordance with Article 4 of the Convention] [in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement including the specific provisions related to mitigation and adaptation and means of implementation.]]

      Saying that COP 21 builds on the “historic and bold decisions taken at COP 17,” President Jacob Zuma, South Africa, called for a legally-binding agreement based on equity and differentiation that will enable ambitious action through the provision of means of implementation (MOI).

    13. [For the purpose of meeting a portion of its mitigation commitment under Article 3, any Party may elect to use certified units (CU) generated under the new market-based mechanism defined under decision 2/CP.17, paragraph 83, subject to the adoption by the CMA of modalities and procedures elaborating each of the elements in decision 1/CP.18 paragraph 51, and the adoption of eligibility rules for participation which promote fair and equitable access for all Parties. These modalities and procedures shall ensure that the design and operation of the mechanism delivers net global emission reductions, through the cancellation of a share of units generated, transferred, used or acquired from offsetting activities.]

      President Park Geun-hye, Republic of Korea, underscored the importance of a global carbon market that brings together developed and developing countries.

    14. The purpose of the REDD-plus mechanism shall be to incentivize the reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and to promote conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries, while enhancing the non-carbon benefits derived as a result of the multiple functions of forests, including alleviating poverty and building ecosystem resilience.

      President Juan Hernández, Honduras, called for, inter alia, making the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ and WIM binding, and stressed the global average temperature rise should not exceed 1.5°C above the pre-industrial era.

      Prime Minister Erna Solberg, Norway, announced that her country would double its contribution to the GCF by 2020 in the context of verifiable emissions reductions from REDD+.

      President Juan Carlos Varela, Panama, proposed setting up an international center for facilitating a network of public and private actors to combat deforestation, promote sustainable forestry and reduce carbon emissions.

    15. Hold the increase in the global average temperature [below 1.5 °C] [or] [well] [below 2 °C] above preindustrial levels by ensuring deep cuts in global greenhouse gas [net] emissions;

      President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, Egypt, said the new agreement should: not harm African countries’ efforts to eradicate poverty, or their right to develop; be based on the principle of CBDR; include a commitment that global average temperature increase not exceed 1.5°C; and include a global target on adaptation.

      President Christopher Loeak, the Marshall Islands, underscored that current contributions are not enough to limit warming to 1.5°C, saying nations should reset their targets every five years.

      President Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya, supported a long-term global goal of a maximum 1.5°C temperature increase and continuing the Convention’s financial mechanism and the WIM.

      President Issoufou Mahamadou, Niger, stressed the need for: increased resilience of peoples and ecosystems; ambitious global efforts to limit global temperature rise to below 1.5°C; balancing mitigation and adaptation finance; and developed countries to take the lead according to the polluter pays principle.

      Prime Minister Keith Mitchell, Grenada called for, inter alia: a protocol based on the principles of the Convention and with a goal of maintaining global temperature rise below 1.5°C; ambitious mitigation efforts to be reviewed as of 2018 and renewed every five years; and anchoring loss and damage in the agreement.

    16. [Article 3ter] (mechanism to support sustainable development)

      President Filip Vujanović, Montenegro, emphasized the links between the expected Paris agreement with the Sustainable Development Goals and the outcome of the Financing for Development Summit.

      President Xi Jinping, China, stressed that the Paris agreement should: follow the principles and focus on the full implementation of the UNFCCC; create institutional arrangements that compel concerted efforts; respect differences in countries’ economic structures and capacities; and not deny the legitimate needs of developing countries to improve living standards and develop economically.

    17. Option 1: [The mobilization of climate finance [shall][should][other] be scaled up [in a predictable and transparent manner] [beyond previous efforts] [from USD 100 billion per year] from 2020[, recognizing the important role of the Green Climate Fund in the scaling up of financial resources for the implementation of this agreement, as well as other multilateral mechanisms and other efforts].] Option 2: [The provision and mobilization of financial resources by developed country Parties and other developed Parties included in Annex II shall represent a progression beyond their previous efforts towards achieving short-term collective quantified goals for the post 2020 period to be periodically established and reviewed. Financial resources shall be scaled up from a floor of US$100 billion per year, including a clear burden-sharing formula [among them], and in line with needs and priorities identified by developing country Parties [including Parties whose special circumstances were recognized by COP decisions] in the context of contributing to the achievement of the [objective][purpose] (Article 2/XX) of this Agreement.

      Noting that the Paris agreement must reflect equity and fairness, President Joko Widodo, Indonesia, called for progress on the mobilization of US$100 billion, noting that the commitment should be increased going forward.

      President Simonetta Sommaruga, Switzerland, advocated a new climate agreement that is legally-binding, ambitious and based on the same obligations and rules for all parties. She announced a 75% increase in Switzerland’s annual contribution to the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF).

      King Norodom Sihamoni, Cambodia, called for: maintaining the impetus provided by the initial capitalization of the GCF; funding for LDCs; and stimulating private investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

    18. An International Tribunal of Climate Justice is hereby established to address cases of non-compliance with the commitments of developed country Parties on mitigation, adaptation, provision of finance, technology development and transfer, capacity-building, and transparency of action and support, including through the development of an indicative list of consequences, taking into account the cause, type, degree and frequency of non-compliance.

      President Rafael Correa Delgado, Ecuador, called for free access to mitigation technologies and the creation of an international court for environmental justice.

    19. Option 1: communication to 5 year time period Every 5 years, harmonised [NDMC*][INDC] Each Party shall [[communicate its [successive] [new]] [update its] [NDMC][INDC] by [year x] [2020] [2021] and every five years thereafter on a [synchronized][common] basis, [or resubmit an existing [NDMC][INDC]] [for the subsequent five-year time frame], taking into account the outcomes of the global stocktake referred to in Article 10.

      In the Paris agreement, President Sauli Niinistö, Finland called for: a clear goal; common rules on transparency and accountability; and stocktaking every five years.

    20. In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Convention, developed country Parties and other Parties included in Annex I shall undertake quantified economy-wide absolute emission reduction and limitation commitments/targets, which are comparable, measurable, reportable and verifiable, cover all greenhouse gases and are implemented domestically without any conditions. 3bis. In accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7, of the Convention, developing country Parties should undertake diversified enhanced mitigation actions/efforts in a measurable, reportable, and verifiable manner, in the context of sustainable development and supported and enabled by the provision of adequate finance, technology and capacity-building by developed country Parties.

      In the morning, President Ollanta Humala, Peru, urged leaders to empower their negotiators to produce an ambitious and equitable agreement with, inter alia, verifiable and progressive mitigation actions.

    21. [Article 3ter] (mechanism to support sustainable development)

      COP 20/CMP 10 President Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Minister of Environment, Peru, explained that, with the Paris agreement, along with the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals in September 2015, “we are framing the new paradigm of development.” He called on delegates to show solidarity and work efficiently in a time-bound manner to find textual solutions.

    22. Emphasizing the need to respond to the urgent threat of climate change on the basis of the [best available] [reliable] scientific knowledge, in particular, the assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,

      Saudi Arabia, for the ARAB GROUP, emphasized that setting a goal for governments’ efforts “needs to be substantiated by proven science,” provided by the IPCC.

    23. [Each Party’s [intended] nationally determined contribution will represent a progression in the light of Parties’ differentiated responsibilities and commitments under the Convention.] [The extent to which developing country Parties will effectively implement this Agreement will depend on the effective implementation by developed country Parties of their commitments on the provision of finance, technology development and transfer and capacity-building.]

      On differentiation, Vivian Balakrishnan (Singapore) characterized the INDCs as an “innovation” allowing all parties to operationalize their diverse starting points and make continuous improvements over time. He said that assurances of no backsliding and that developed countries would continue to take the lead “resonated strongly.”

  2. Oct 2015
    1. 两会


    2. 风暴

      风暴 fēngbào ②名 比喻气势猛烈、震动全社会的事件。 政治风暴 | 金融风暴

    3. 开启

      inaugurer; ouvrir

    4. 老虎
    5. 外媒


    6. 班子

      班子 bānzi ③名 指领导机构。 班子换届

    7. 警醒

      警醒 jǐngxǐng ①动 警觉醒悟。 这场大火应该使你们警醒了。 ②形 形容睡觉不沉,容易醒来。 夜里要警醒些,不要睡得太死。

    8. 官僚主义


    9. 形式主义

      !主义:-isme, une idéologie formalisme

    10. 群众

      la masse / polulace

    11. 脱离

      脱离 tuōlí 动 离开;断绝。 脱离危险期 | 脱离夫妻关系

    12. 贪污

      贪污 tānwū 动 国家工作人员利用职务上的便利,非法占有公共财物。 贪污和浪费是极大的犯罪 | 贪污腐化

    13. 亟待

      亟待 jídài 动 急切地等待。 珍稀物种亟待保护 | 亟待商讨 用法说明 跟“急待”不同。“亟待”文言色彩较浓,语意也较重,多用于较庄重的场合;“急待”较口语化,多用于一般场合。

    14. 鼓掌


    15. 严峻

      严峻 yánjùn ①形(神情、态度)严厉;严肃。 严峻的目光 ②形(情况)严重。 形势严峻

    16. 开诚布公

      开诚布公 kāichéng-bùgōng 《三国志蜀书诸葛亮传》:“开诚心,布公道。”后用“开诚布公”形容诚恳待人,坦白无私。 用法说明 跟“推心置腹”不同。“开诚布公”侧重于公开、坦率;“推心置腹”侧重于真心、诚挚。

    17. 总书记


    18. 常委


    19. 当选

      当选 dāngxuǎn 动 选举或选拔中被选上。 她当选为人民代表。

    20. 十八届一中全会


    21. 抛出

      抛出 pāochū 动 投掷出去;比喻把某事物公之于众。 他们终于抛出一份宣言。

    22. 别有用心

      别有用心 biéyǒu-yòngxīn 另有不可告人的企图。

    23. 不时

      ⚠️ 不是否定的意思,而是说“时不时”。=“时时” 不时 bùshí ①副 时时;常常。 不时从街上传来吆喝声。 ②副 随时;不定什么时候。 法庭在审理案件中不时传唤证人。

    24. 舆论

      opinion publique 舆论 yúlùn 名 公众的议论。 制造舆论 | 舆论谴责 用法说明 跟“言论”不同。“舆论”强调议论的公众性;“言论”既可指公众的,也可指个人的议论。

    25. 查阅

      查阅 cháyuè 动 查找翻阅(书刊、文件等)。 查阅资料 | 便于查阅

    26. 高层

      高层 gāocéng ①名 高的等级或层次。 位居高层 | 他住高层,我住低层。

    27. 随即

      à la suite 随即 suíjí 副 表示紧接着前一动作或情况之后立即发生,相当于“随后就”。 接到报警后,消防队员随即赶赴火灾现场。

    28. 停顿

      pause ③动 语流中的间歇。 讲话要注意停顿

    29. 说道


    30. =到

    31. 避罪

      néologisme, construction similaire à "避税": 避免承担罪责

    32. 避税

      避免交税。和“逃税”不同:“逃税”是非法的,“避税”是合法的。 避税 bìshuì 动 在不违反税法的前提下,纳税人利用税法的漏洞或税法允许的办法,规避某些税负。 瞒报销售收入的做法不是避税,而是逃税 | 依法避税

    33. 分子

      分子 fènzǐ 名 属于一定社会群体或具有某种特征的人。 作家协会的一分子 | 投机分子

    34. 追逃


    35. =和/与/跟

    36. 纸牌屋
    37. 顺应


    38. 苍蝇


    39. 说/表示

    40. 以往


    41. 各界


    42. 查处


    43. 腐败


    44. 微信

      WeChat, marque de messagerie instantanée.

    45. 政事儿

      Affaires politiques. Néologisme homophonique de "正事儿”, chose solennelle.

    46. 首站


    47. 西雅图


    48. 谈及

      =谈到 及:达到 ex.: 及格(达到要求的成绩)

    49. 访美


    50. 对美


    51. 国事访问

      visite d'État

    52. 微信


    53. 反腐


  3. Sep 2015
    1. 上一届:已经结束任职年的那些人 应届毕业生:今年毕业的学生 届 jiè(屆) ①动 到(预定的时候)。 届时 | 届期 ②量 用于定期的会议或毕业生等,略相当于“次” “期”。 第一届 | 本届 | 历届 | 应届

    2. 曾(经)

    3. 结构


    4. 艰巨


    5. 应对

      faire face à (une situation connue)

    6. 重(视)

    7. 提速

      提(高)速(度)vs. 减速

    8. =也

    9. 卸任

      =离任/离职 finir son mandat

    10. 促(进)

    11. 转(变)

    12. 调(整)

    13. 路透


    14. 首当其冲

      首当其冲 shǒudāngqíchōng


    15. 十三五
    16. 内需
    17. 寄望


    18. 分析:“十三五”中国寄望内需拉经济 收入分配改革首当其冲

      tutorat S1

    1. 重申

      répéter 重申 chóngshēn 动 再一次说明(已表明的立场、理由、观点等)。 重申我们的不同意见。

    2. 聚集

      聚集 jùjí 动 会合;集中。 聚集各路人马

    3. 矛盾

      矛盾 máodùn ①名 矛和盾。《韩非子难一》中说:楚国有一个卖矛和盾的人夸口说,我的盾是最坚硬的,什么东西也戳不破;又说,我的矛是最锐利的,什么东西都能刺进去。有人问,用你的矛刺你的盾怎么样?那个人不能回答。后用“矛盾”比喻言论或行为自相冲突或两种事物彼此抵触,互不相容的现象。 这篇文章前后有很多矛盾。 ②名 指隔阂或嫌隙。 他们之间的矛盾由来已久。 ③名 哲学上指客观事物和人类思维中普遍存在着的对立的两方面之间互相排斥又互相依存的关系。 ④名 形式逻辑中指两个概念互相排斥或两个判断不能同真也不能同假的相互关系。 ⑤形 形容人或事物互相抵触或排斥。 这两项规则之间很矛盾 | 自相矛盾

    4. 峰会

      sommet 峰会 fēnghuì 名 高峰会议,即首脑会议。 两国峰会促进了经济合作。

    5. 阐释

      阐释 chǎnshì 动 说明并解释(较难懂的问题)。 重点阐释了一些疑难问题。

    6. 机制

      机制 jīzhì ①用机器制造的。 机制纸 | 机制水饺 ②名 机器的构造和工作原理。 联合收割机的机制。 ③名 借指有机体的构造、功能和相互关系。 皮肤的生理机制 ④名 借指由事物的内在规律及其与外部事物的有机联系所形成的系统。 市场机制 | 竞争机制

    7. 困扰

      困扰 kùnrǎo 动 围困搅扰;使处于困境而无法摆脱。 困扰敌人 | 整天被琐事困扰着。

    8. 作为

      作为 zuòwéi ①名 所作所为;行为。 自己的作为自己负责。 ②名 特指好的作为;成就。 有所作为 | 大有作为 ③动 指积极地履行自己的职责。 ④动 当作。 把他作为朋友看待。 ⑤介 引进人的某种身份或事物的某种性质,表示“就……来说”(多用在句首)。 作为公务员,一定要守法。

    9. 保障

      保障 bǎozhàng ①动 保护使不受侵犯。 保障公民的合法权益。 ②名 起保障作用的事物。 生活有了保障 ③动 确保,使充分实现。 增加生产,保障供给。

    10. 难民营

      难民营 nànmínyíng camps de réfugiés 名 专门收容难民,供他们暂时生活的处所。

    11. 敦促

      敦促 dūncù 动 催促。 敦促作者早日交稿。

    12. 呼吁

      呼吁 hūyù 动 向个人或社会申述,希望得到同情、支持。 呼吁社会各界都来关心教育。

    13. 债务

      债务 zhàiwù ①名 欠债人所承担的还债义务。 ②名 指所欠的债款。 偿还债务

    14. 涌 yǒng(湧) ①动 水向上冒;泛指液体或气体向上升腾。 泪如泉涌 | 风起云涌 ②动 像水升腾那样冒出或升起。 从云层中涌出一轮明月 | 人群涌上公路

    15. 不堪

      不堪 bùkān ①动 忍受不了。 不堪重负 ②动 不可;不能。 不堪入目 | 不堪造就 ③副 用在某些形容词后,表示程度深。 破旧不堪

    16. 主心骨

      主心骨 zhǔxīngǔ ①名 可依靠的核心力量。 爸爸是我们家的主心骨。 ②名 指主见;主意。 他是个有主心骨的人。

    17. 汹涌

      汹涌 xiōngyǒng 形 形容水流翻腾激荡的样子。 江水汹涌而来 用法说明 不要写作“汹湧”。

    18. 庇护

      asile 庇护 bìhù ①动 包庇袒护。 庇护犯罪嫌疑人 ②动 保护。 寻求政治庇护

    19. 恶化

      empirer 恶化 èhuà ①动 向坏的方向转化。 夫妻感情逐渐恶化。 ②动 使向坏的方向转化。 决不允许恶化环境。

    20. 日益

      日益 rìyì 副 表示程度一天比一天更高。 环境日益改善 =一天比一天更加

    21. 对策

      对策 duìcè ①动 古代应试者回答皇帝所问的治国策略。 贤良对策 ②名 针对要解决的问题提出的策略或办法。 商讨对策 ex.: 上有政策,下有对策。

    22. 迁移

      迁移 qiānyí 动 从原所在地搬迁到另外一个地方。 靶场由近郊迁移到远郊。

    23. 会晤

      会晤 huìwù 动 会见;会面。 两国首脑定期会晤。

    24. 欧洲面临战后最大难民潮 德法两国首脑柏林商谈对策

      S3-4 : crise des migrants T1

    25. 履行

      faire son devoir 履行 lǚxíng 动 按约定或职责去做。 履行公约 | 履行职责 用法说明 跟“实行” “执行”不同。“履行”指实践所承诺的义务,对象多为带约束性的条约、合同、诺言等;“实行”指用行动来实现已有的设想,对象多为预定的政策、方针、计划、方案等;“执行”指实施上级规定的任务,对象多为带强制性的命令、指示、判决、法令等。

    26. 联邦州

      Land (Allemagne)

    27. 联邦


    28. 申请


    29. 战乱

      战乱 zhànluàn 名战争造成的社会混乱局面。 连年战乱

    30. 诉求

      诉求 sùqiú ①动 诉说理由并提出请求。 诉求行政复议 ②名 愿望;要求。

    31. 停留

      停留 tíngliú ①动 暂停前进。 途中在武汉停留了几天。 ②动 停滞;不继续发展或实践。 人类的认识决不会停留在一个水平上。

    32. 适用

      适用 shìyòng 动 适合使用。 以上情况适用本条例 | 经济适用房

    33. 基本法

      Loi fondamentale (de la RFA) ex.: 香港/澳门特区基本法

    34. 侵犯

      violation 侵犯 qīnfàn ①动 以武力侵入他国。 侵犯边境 ②动 非法损害别人权益。 公民的人身及合法私有财产,不得侵犯。

    35. 人权

      droits de l'Homme

    36. 宪法


    37. 法治


    38. 排外


    39. 骚乱

      émeute 骚乱 sāoluàn 动 混乱不安。 人群骚乱起来了

    40. 针对

      针对 zhēnduì ①动 对准(某个对象)。 他这番话是针对我的。 ②介 引进有明确目的的行为对象。 针对大家提出的问题,他一一作了回答。

    41. 谴责

      critiquer sévèrement, condamner 谴责 qiǎnzé 动 批评指责。 谴责不道德行为

    42. 驱散

      disperser 驱散 qūsàn ①动 驱赶使离散。 警察驱散了闲杂人员。 ②动 驱除使消失。 驱散烦恼

    43. 催泪瓦斯

      催泪瓦斯 cuīlèi wǎsī = 催泪毒气cuīlèi dúqì gaz lacrymogène

    44. 依旧

      =仍然 依旧 yījiù ①动(情况)照旧,没有改变。 涛声依旧 | 风采依旧 ②副 表示情况跟原先一样。 风依旧刮个不停 | 生活依旧很艰难

    45. 凌晨

      petit matin 凌晨 língchén 名 临近天亮的时候。 用法说明 跟“拂晓” “黎明”不同。“凌晨”指午夜后至天亮前;“拂晓”指天将亮的时候;“黎明”指天将亮或刚亮的时候。

    46. 气氛

      ambiance 气氛 qìfēn 名 存在于一定环境中的能使人感受到的某种情绪或景象。 严肃的气氛 用法说明 口语中“氛”这里也读 fen。

    47. 希特勒


    48. 鞭炮

      pétard 鞭炮 biānpào 名 鞭形的成串的小爆竹;泛指各种爆竹。

    49. 示威

      示威 shìwēi ①动 向对方显示自己的威力。 他这样做是向我示威。 ②动 特指为表示抗议或有所要求而公开采取集体行动。 游行示威

    1. 妥协

      compromis 妥协 tuǒxié 动 为避免冲突而作出适当让步。 为顾全大局,双方都愿意妥协。

    2. 龃龉

      龃龉 jǔyǔ动 上下牙齿对不齐。比喻意见不合。彼此并无龃龉 | 双方发生龃龉 用法说明 ㊀“龃龉”不读 zǔwǔ。㊁“龃龉”不宜写作“鉏铻”。

    3. 大难当头

      =大难临头 临头 líntóu 动(危难或不幸的事情)降临到身上。 大难临头 | 事到临头还不快想法子!

    4. 强制

      强制 qiángzhì 动 用强力迫使。 强制执行

    5. 流民

      流民 liúmín 名 流亡在外、生活没有着落的灾民。

    6. 饱尝

      饱尝 bǎocháng ①动 充分品尝。 饱尝人间美食 ②动 长期经受;充分体验。 饱尝战乱之苦

    7. 袭击


    8. 暴恐


    9. 策源地

      策源地 cèyuándì 名 社会重大事件策动和发源的地方。 战争策源地

    10. 弄不好


    11. 融入


    12. 指责

      critiquer, accuser 指责 zhǐzé 动 指摘;责备。 妄加指责

    13. 巴伐利亚


    14. 内政部长

      ministre de l'Intérieur

    15. 放水

      放水 fàngshuǐ ①动 把水放出来,使流通。 开闸放水 ②动 指在体育比赛等活动中串通作弊,一方故意让给另一方。

    16. 尊严

      dignité 尊严 zūnyán ①形 尊贵庄严;庄重威严。 神情十分尊严 | 尊严的法槌 ②名 崇高庄严的地位、身份、人格等。 维护祖国的尊严

    17. 颇 pō(頗) ①形 偏;不正。 偏颇 ②副 表示程度较深,相当于“很”。 颇有同感 用法说明 统读 pō,不读 pǒ。

    18. 住所

      住所 zhùsuǒ ①名 经常居住的地方;泛指供食宿的地方。 他的住所很简朴 | 酒店为球员提供住所。 ②名 法人办事机构所在地。 该企业的住所已经变更。

    19. 消化

      digérer 消化 xiāohuà ①动 人或动物的有关器官把食物变成可以为机体吸收的养料。 消化系统 ②动 比喻对学习内容加深理解和融会贯通。

    20. 成员国

      état membre

    21. 发号施令

      发号施令 fāhào-shīlìng 发指示,下命令。

    22. 让渡

      让渡 ràngdù 动 让出或转让(一般是有偿的)。 业主把铺面房让渡给了我 | 让渡股权

    23. 甄别

      甄别 zhēnbié 动 审查鉴别(真伪、优劣等)。 对已有资料要认真甄别 | 甄别干部

    24. 驿站

      驿站 yìzhàn 名 古代在驿道上供传递公文的人及来往官员中途歇息或换马的地方。

    25. 获批


    26. 富庶

      富庶 fùshù 形 物产丰富,人口众多。 富庶的鱼米之乡

    27. 靠谱


    28. 篱笆

      篱笆 líba 名 起遮拦或防护作用的设施。用竹子、秸秆、树枝等编成,或种植带刺儿的植物围成,环绕在房屋、场地等周围。

    29. 偷渡

      偷渡 tōudù 动 偷偷渡过被封锁的江河湖海;也指偷越国境或关卡。 缉拿偷渡的贩毒分子。

    30. 猖獗

      猖獗 chāngjué 形 凶猛而放肆。 鼠害猖獗 | 猖獗一时 用法说明 跟“猖狂”不同。“猖獗”形容的对象不限于人;“猖狂”一般只用于形容人的行为。

    31. 撤出


    32. 背井离乡

      背井离乡 bèijǐng-líxiāng 远离家乡,到外地生活(多指在不得已的情况下)。

    33. 真空

      sous vide 真空 zhēnkōng ①名 物理学上指没有任何气体或气体极少的状态或空间。 ②名 比喻与社会隔绝的环境。 谁都不是生活在真空里。

    34. 任性

      任性 rènxìng 形 由着自己的性子,不受约束。 任性妄为 | 他太任性,谁说都不听。

    35. 管控

      管控 guǎnkòng 动 管(理并)控(制);管制①。 利用电视监视系统实行交通管控 | 严加管控

    36. 关卡

      关卡 guānqiǎ ①名 在交通要道设立的收税站、检查站或岗哨等。 ②名 比喻不易通过的难关或人为设置的障碍。 过去办营业执照要通过许多道关卡。 用法说明 “卡”这里不读 kǎ。

    37. 算计

      算计 suànji ①动 计算数目。 尾数总不对,认真算计一下吧! ②动 考虑;计划。 我算计过了,还是不去为好。 ③动 猜测;估计。 他算计着出线后将遇到哪些对手。 ④动 暗中谋划损害别人。 算计别人,到头来自己也没好下场。

    38. 纷纷

      纷纷 fēnfēn ②副 接连不断地。 外国朋友纷纷来中国旅游。

    39. 自保

      自保 zìbǎo ①动 自己保护自己。 提高自保自救能力。 ②动 指企业对其资产受损的可能性和程度进行测算,根据自身财力预先提存一笔基金,以备弥补损失,预防风险。

    40. 反馈

      反馈 fǎnkuì ③动(信息、意见等)返回。 信息反馈 | 读者反馈 | 把消费者的意见反馈给生产厂家。

    41. 共识

      consensus 共识 gòngshí 名 一致的认识。 双方取得共识

    42. 惨重

      惨重 cǎnzhòng 形 (损失)极为严重。 付出了惨重的代价。

    43. 沉没

      naufrage 沉没 chénmò 动 沉入水中。 渔船失事,沉没于大海 | 太阳渐渐沉没在地平线下。

    44. 船只

      船只 chuánzhī 名 船的总称。

    45. 赶赴

      赶赴 gǎnfù 动 赶快前往(目的地)。 赶赴前线

    46. <->福 《老子》:祸兮福(之)所倚,福兮祸(之)所伏。

    47. 高昂

      高昂 gāo'áng ②形(价格)贵。 运费高昂

    48. =都

    49. 买单

      买单 mǎidān ①动 埋单。 ②名 指金融市场买进的凭证、单据。 股市上最大的一张买单。

    50. 地缘

      地缘 dìyuán 名 由地理位置等决定的条件、关系。 地缘优势 | 地缘经济 | 地缘政治 géo-politique

    51. 欧盟国家为何如此担心难民潮?

      S3-4 : crise des migrants T2

    52. 干预
