2,561 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2016
    1. College Preparation

      This paragraph discusses how AP courses are geared in preparing students for the workload of college as well as making them look desirable over regular classes. I can use this paragraph to demonstrate that students feel pressure to take AP courses to "prepare" for college and achieve a status of great work ethic.

    1. Making the Decision

      The paragraph discusses that it is up to the student to decide whether they are able to handle the course and whether they're willing to go through with it.

    2. Cons of AP Courses

      The paragraph discusses what may happen to students that aren't capable of dealing with the stress AP courses amount.

    3. Pros of AP Courses

      The paragraph discusses the incentives and benefits of taking part in AP courses.

    1. AP courses are not the only route for high school students seeking rigorous college training, consultant Goodman notes. For the Bartels's daughter, for instance, enrolling in dual credit courses at a local community college while in high school also allowed her to learn in a college-like setting. 

      AP courses aren't the only rigorous course that students can take to earn credit or get the college feel. I can use this quote to show how students don't need the stress of an AP course to learn the exam instead that dual credit can provide college credit by just passing the class like it should be.

    2. "The right number's going to be different for every student," Goodman notes. "If you find that you have to work past midnight to keep up with your load of AP courses, you probably have piled on too many."

      Every student has limits and they need to know their limits. Students that can't handle the course fall behind, struggle, or just give up. I can use this quote to demonstrate that not many students know how to limit themselves and how schools don't care if students limit themselves since they push students to take as many as they can.

    3. "Kids [who take AP courses] usually are able to think outside the box; they're better prepared; they have stronger study skills; and the bar is held up for them at a level where they reach that bar themselves. They already know, 'This is what my teacher is going to expect of me—or this is what I expect of myself,'" she says. 

      AP students know what to expect and are willing to struggle to get the work done. I can use this quote to demonstrate how students are aware of the rigor of the course but want to succeed for the own benefit ranging from earning college credit or just a high level course in high school.

    4. The rigorous courses not only introduce students to college-level academics, but also offer an opportunity to amass credits before high school graduation—ostensibly saving money on college in the long run.

      AP courses allow for students to experience the workload of a college course along with potentially earning credit in high school. I can use this quote to demonstrate that the expectation of an AP course is to provide the guide lines of how college will feel along with the incentive to do well and take more classes to earn the college credit.

    1. a waist circumference of 35 inches or more indicates the body to be unhealthy.

    2. strength training leads to less belly fat.

    3. beer causes more fat to be stored in the stomach, while wine directs it other places.

    4. fat in the abdomen affects your health much more than fat on the hips.

    5. not exactly how much fat you have, but rather where it is placed is a significant factor in those who need to lose weight.

    6. BMI is an iffy measure to determine if you need to lose weight. It doesn't take in account the muscle density. someone who has a lot of lean muscle may have a high BMI, but someone who has a lot of fat and little muscle may have a healthy ranged BMI.

    7. a huge weight loss is not always required. Losing a mere 5-10% of your initial body fat can have some serious health benefits.

    8. over 2/3 of adults in the U.S. are obese or over weight.

    9. As you lose weight, your body mass and composition changes. This means that the caloric intake needed in a day changes. While the 500 cut calories helped you lose a pound a week, it may start to help you maintain your weight since a smaller size burns less calories.

    10. It is estimated that 3,500 calories is comparison to one pound. To achieve the goal of 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss a week, you must cut out 500-1000 calories a day.

    11. weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week seems to be the most successful method to keeping the weight off.

    12. You must achieve the goal of eating less calories or burning more calories a day. It is crucial to weight loss.

    13. Sleeping less than six hours or more than eight hours a night could cause you to weigh more.

    14. Your basal metabolic rate(BMR) is the energy needed to do daily things, such as breathing, circulating bloo,d adjusting hormones and reproducing cells.

    15. When you hit the plateau, consider reducing the caloric intake even more or revving up your workout to burn more calories.

    16. When you lose weight, you normally lose some muscle along with the fat. Muscle burns more calories than fat. When you lose the muscle, your metabolism slows down, causing the constant caloric intake that used to help you lose weight is no longer working.

    17. a weight-loss plateau is what happens to everyone when trying to lose weight. At first, you have steady numbers dropping, but then, even though you stick to the same routine, you are not losing any weight.

    18. Ask yourself: what is going to be your motivation to lose the weight? how will you get off the couch and work out more? How will you prevent yourself from over eating?

    19. Understanding what you want out of this new lifestyle is also a key step in becoming successful in weight loss. Also, understanding what your current motivators are, in regards to your eating and exercise habits.

    20. Everyone knows the common steps to take towards weight loos: eat less, exercise more, but it becomes increasingly hard coming to the next step, which is applying it to your life.

    1. 71 percent of students leave a public four-year institution or private non-profit four-year institution in debt. The average debt is $32,528. That is an enormous burden for kids who may, or may not have a job awaiting them upon graduation.

      this is the percentage that leaves with debt yet college athletes get to leave school with no debt, thats great compensation.

    2. they shouldn’t be paid, I didn’t say they shouldn’t be compensated.

      they have worked hard but by paying them would destroy the name of the sport.

    1. But Rubio and other Republicans have blamed the policy in part for the current border crisis, and argued it must be disbanded

      there is this sense of hypocrisy in Rubio as he has stated that his parents were Cuban refugees. This has been questioned since his parents arrived 2 years prior to the first wave of Cuban immigrants.

    2. Lawmakers have been vague on what should happen to the undocumented young people who are eligible for DACA. Cruz's bill would apply to future relief. Rubio said relief should not be given out in the future, meaning current DACA recipients could keep their temporary status

      I don't understand why current DACA recipients will not have future relief. Overall the DACA process is very time consuming as well as expensive.

    3. Last month, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) was joined by 32 House Republicans in calling on Obama to end DACA. Issa's letter accuses Obama of selectively enforcing the law, and says "DACA rewards families and individuals who have broken our laws, further encouraging others to seek similar benefits."

      Yes, the law was broken but laws are not always reasonable or humanistic--- Opposing

    4. All 24 Republican House members and both senators in the Texas congressional delegation sent a letter to Obama on Thursday that called on him to suspend efforts to expand deportation relief. "Your Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Executive Order has shielded over half a million illegal immigrants from current law," the letter reads. "And it has sent the regrettable message that illegal immigration will not be punished in the United States."

      an argument that is not backed up by opposing side.

    5. "Without President Obama’s campaign promise of amnesty we would not have the tens of thousands of unaccompanied alien children crossing our southern border, and we would have one less crisis for the country to confront," Inhofe said in a statement.

      Aliens?? this has been going on for years DACA is not the purpose of this.

    6. In announcing his support for the Cruz measure on Thursday, Inhofe said DACA "is enticing families to send their young children on the dangerous journey to the U.S-Mexico border, exposing them to treacherous and often times deadly conditions.

      Cruz supporters have said this is the main cause of child immigration which is not entirely true since children and families have immigrated into the US for religious freedom and overall to improve their lifestyle.

    7. "Because the recent wave from Central America spiked after DACA was announced, it is in our interest to wind down this program," Rubio said in the statement. "If you are not currently in it, you should not be eligible for it."

      DACA might have encouraged the believe it should border crisis but I don't it should be disbanded.

    8. who entered the country as children before June 15, 2007, to apply for temporary authorization to stay and work legally.

      Initially the program was temporary but it has been a great success I think it should be expanded.

    9. New immigrants aren't eligible for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA,

      The opposing side has argued that DACA welcomes immigrants to come in to the US illegaly but DACA is only granted to a few childhood arrivals that came before 2007.

    10. more than 550,000 undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children, an action that would restart deportations of young people who have lived here for years.

      the sole purpose of DACA is to end cruel deportations of teens.

    1. It is clear that, in addition to their academic course loads, student-athletes' physical conditioning, practice and competition schedules make it difficult for many of them to take on part-time employment to supplement their institutional aid

      saying that college athletes dont have any other form of income so maybe they should be paid

    2. Student-athletes are amateurs who choose to participate in intercollegiate athletics as a part of their educational experience, thus maintaining a distinction between student-athletes who participate in the collegiate model and professional athletes who are also students.

      they are using sports as a part of their college experience

    3. Students are not professional athletes who are paid salaries and incentives for a career in sports

      says that they are students first then athletes, and should be treated as so.

    1. Less than 2% of teen moms earn a college degree by age 30.

      This statistic makes one wonder how they can possibly support a child without a college degree considering most good paying jobs require a college degree

    2. Parenthood is the leading reason that teen girls drop out of school

      I don't agree with this statement fully, I believe it has more to do with the bullying they receive from their peers within their school.

    1. Annotation: This article discusses Donald Trump's ideas about immigration. Most of his beliefs are untrue and unrealistic. He accuses Latino immigrants of things that are based on stereotypes and uses the fear of terrorist as a reason behind his accusations. This article could be used to argue why Trump's view are unrealistic and uses fear to manipulate the American people.

    2. And he would halt not just green cards, which permit legally admitted permanent residents to work; he also wants to limit, eliminate, or make more difficult all programs that admit the foreign-born.

      Shows how ridiculous Trumps plan.

    3. Nonetheless, many Americans, not just Trump supporters, are concerned that our borders remain penetrable at a time when terrorism is a real threat to our safety.

      Shows why many Americans and Trump are afraid of keeping the Mexican border open and why they are accusing the Mexican community of all the violence.

    4. Mexico is no longer the leading source of immigration after having been so for nearly a century. Mexican immigration is now below replacement level, with more Mexican-born individuals leaving than coming here.

      Shows the accusation that Trump has thrown at the Mexican community aren't true.

    5. That spending has had a major impact.

      Even though illegal immigration into the U.S has dropped they still spend a ton of money trying to enforce something that is dying out.

    1. Annotation: This article discusses how the immigration policies hurt U.S citizens. Passing law about immigration without hurting U.S citizens is going to be hard, but they do have to be taken into consideration. Many people say deport all undocumented immigrants without thinking about the people around them. This article could be used to argue why we can't deport any undocumented immigrants and if we were, we would be creating thousands or orphans.

    2. who have received litde attention in the immigration debate,

      Again shows how the children are being ignored in the immigration debate.

    3. mitigate the harm of immigration enforcement actions on certain groups of vulnerable immigrants (for example, immigrant caretaker parents of young children; school-age children; youths in high school and college; child and adult victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other crimes)

      Shows how reforms have done harm do those around illegal immigrants

    1. Roles of Men with Feminism and Feminist Theory

      I plan to use this source in order to argue the essential role of men in the feminist movement and the necessity of men and women to unite under one cause.

    2. Above all, men need to engage with feminist theory and practice, letting it work on them, in order to liberate all genders and build a society constructed on justice and nourished by love.

      By joining the feminist movement, men will empower women but also break free from rigid gender stereotypes that pressure men to hide their emotions. Both sexes should receive the same care, sympathy, and emotional resources.

    3. She suggests that the men’s movement should not beseparate from the women’s movement but instead become a segment under the larger feminist movement.

      Men should join women should unite against gender inequality rather than separating into different movements. By coming together, the movement will strengthen and the progression of equality will be much quicker. It is time for men and women to realize their similarities and stop looking for inherent differences. Both sexes are equally capable and should be treated equally.

    4. also about changing the structure of gender relations and acting to eliminate all forms of patriarchy.

      Feminism is not solely about women's rights, it's about the rights of men and women being equal to one another. Feminism fights to stop gender inequalities altogether and stop society's systemic stereotypes.

    5. Vulnerable, acquiescent behavior is not commonly accepted as manly in today’s society.

      Most men are not made to feel comfortable expressing their emotions or showing vulnerability, which is the primary reason for men's controlling behavior and aggression.

    6. Men, on the other hand, are less likely to recognize their gender privilege and probably have not shared stories of wounding women through their own oppressive behaviors nor have they grieved with other men over the harm they have caused to women.

      Men are less likely to realize the issue, as they are the group benefiting from privilege. They are also less likely to confront their own emotional issues as a result of society's unrealistic pressures.

    7. regardless of these and other secondary effects of sexism, men still benefit from patriarchy (the social system of sexism) whether or not they choose to fight sexism in others or themselves.

      The author claims that men continue have more benefits than women, whether or not they join the feminist movement. Without full support from the male population, society will continue to overlook the problem and feed off of sexist stereotypes.

    8. Sexism negatively impacts men by forcing them into a hyper-masculinity which engages high-risk behavior and limits their emotional expression as full human beings.

      Sexism has caused men to shield their emotions from others and channel their feelings into anger, violence, and aggression.

    9. Men cannot really be feminists anymore than whites can be black nationalists. However, men can be pro-feminist and whites can be pro-black nationalists.

      The author argues that men cannot be feminists, but can identify as pro-feminist. In other words, when someone is not in the targeted group, they will never experience the unique first-hand discrimination or fully understand the circumstances.

    10. If feminism is to attain its goal of liberating women, men must be a part of the struggle. Indeed, men probably bear more of the responsibility for ending oppression of women since patriarchal men have been the main perpetrators of that very oppression.

      Men are a much-needed factor in the fight for gender equality. The individuals largely responsible for the oppression can greatly advance the movement of the oppressed. By recognizing their privilege and realizing the importance of equal rights, men have the ability to help the feminist movement in a huge way.

    1. In order to pay for that experience, students are taking out an average of about $30,000 in student loans. The overall student debt in the US has now surpassed $1tn.

      big numbers i can use in paper

    2. Ivory Tower takes a look at universities and their transformation from providers of education to business ventures that strive to be the biggest and the best providers of the “college experience”.

      perfectly agrees with what im arguing

    1. In each case, they found evidence to show that undocumented immigrants were less likely to commit violent crimes than their native-born neighbors.

      More support to show how violent illegal immigrants are.(Sarcasm)

    1. Build a wall, or a fence:

      Still unsure of whether people think building a wall is a good thing.

    2. And 56%

      Majority of illegal immigrants are here to wok, its a recurring theme.

    3. said they worry “a lot” or “some” that they, a family member or a close friend could be deported.

      Deporting illegal immigrants has a negative impact on those around them.

    4. “unrealistic.”

      Good word choice.

    5. say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements.

      Good support.

    6. Among the public overall, there is little support for an effort to deport all those in the U.S. illegally,

      You would think that there would be a lot of support considering that Trump had made it a very hot topic.

    7. political front burner once more.

      There not wrong, since the 2016 presidential campaign has made it a big deal.

    1. 4

      Shows that they are here to work.

    2. 2

      "Reflects" how many immigrants are coming into the U.S.

    3. 1

      People complain how too many illegal immigrants are entering the country, but it shows that it is down. Also another good reason to just focus on latino immigrants since Mexican make up about half of the undocumented immigrants.

    1. On its face, IRCA seems to create a verynarrow prohibition.

      Good way of putting the terms of IRCA.

    2. unauthorized alien.

      So basically the IRCA states that business aren't allowed to hire illegal immigrants or they will be fined, which has obviously not worked because people are still able to find work.

    3. This Note argues thatIRCA does not bar undocumented immigrants from owning busi-nesses.

      It doesn't stop undocumented immigrants from owning business.

    4. (ICE).

      To summarize this little area: Business's aren't allowed to have unauthorized immigrants as workers or they could get fined, but no undocumented immigrant have ever been sanctioned for running a business. So there are laws in place they just haven't been in forced. Also undocumented immigrants are allowed to sign up for bank accounts, sign contracts, etc.

    5. ndicates that immigrants are almost twice as likely to start businessesas native-born Americans.

      Again stating that illegal immigrants aren't coming here for illegal reasons, like most stereotypes would have you think.

    6. By one scholar’s estimate, as many as eight to ten percent ofundocumented immigrants own businesses

      Good statistic to use.

    7. headed by peoplewhose immigration status makes them ineligible to work in the UnitedStates.2

      Great way of putting how most immigrants come to America for positive actions.

    1. ach an estimated 86 percent of all children living with unauthorized immigrant parents.65The actual impact of DAPA could li

      Possible pros for the DAPA.

    2. hildren had less than a high school education, and 35 percent had fewer than nine years of formal schooling. By comp

      Talks about how much unauthorized parents with U..S born children are at a disadvantage.

    3. 3.3 million potential beneficiaries living with minor children, 19 percen

      Sbows how balanced the program will be.

    4. rants, because unauthorized immigrant households often contain people of various immigration sta-tuses. All household members would benefit from the higher family incomes and reduced anxiety about deportation described later in the report. During the 2009-13 period, 9.9 million people lived in house-holds

      Shows how DAPA will help legal immigrants as well as unauthorized immigrants.

    1. deferred action would alleviate the documented psychological, social, and developmental harms associated with having an unauthorized parent. 

      Big pro for implementing the DAPA.

    2. Providing work authorization for these unauthorized immigrant parents could raise the average DAPA family's income by 10 percent. Despite very high male labor force participation, the poverty rate for DAPA families is 36 percent, compared with 22 percent for all immigrant families, and 14 percent for families with U.S.-born parents.

      About 36 percent of DAPA families live in poverty.

    3. This MPI-Urban Institute report describes the population of 3.6 million unauthorized immigrant parents potentially eligible for DAPA and the likely impacts of the program on potential recipients and their children. The report finds that more than 10 million people live in households with at least one potentially DAPA-eligible adult, including some 4.3 million children under age 18—an estimated 85 percent of whom are U.S. citizens.

      Shows how many people this actually has an affect on.

    4. which would protect from deportation and provide eligibility for work authorization to as many as 3.6 million unauthorized immigrants, according to MPI estimates.

      Good statistic

    1. Your veterinarian will give your pet an overdose of an anesthetic drug called sodium pentobarbital, which quickly causes unconsciousness and then gently stops the heartbeat. Your veterinarian will draw the correct dose of the drug into a syringe and then inject it into a vein. In dogs, the front leg is most commonly used. In cats, either the front or rear leg may be used. The injection itself is not painful to your pet. Often, veterinarians will place an intravenous (IV) catheter in the pet’s vein before giving the injection. The catheter will reduce the risk that the vein will rupture as the drug is injected. If the vein ruptures, then some of the drug may leak out into the leg, and it will not work as quickly. Your veterinarian may give your pet an injection of anesthetic or sedative before the injection of sodium pentobarbitol. This is most often done in pets that are not likely to hold still for the IV injection. An anesthetic or sedative injection is usually given in the rear leg muscle and will take effect in about five to 10 minutes. Your pet will become very drowsy or unconscious, allowing the veterinarian to more easily perform the IV injection. Once the IV injection of sodium pentobarbitol is given, your pet will become completely unconscious within a few seconds, and death will occur within a few minutes or less.

      This section explains the process of when a euthanization is being performed. First, an intravenous catheter is placed into the animal's vein to ensure that the medication will travel directly to the heart. The vet may also inject a sedative for the animal to relax and feel comfortable for the last final minutes. Finally, when the medication is injected for the euthanization, the animal will immediately go unconscious and the heart will stop beating. I will use this information to explain how Riley's procedure was completed.

    2. He has lost interest in all or most of his favorite activities, such as going for walks, playing with toys or other pets, eating treats or soliciting attention and petting from family members. He cannot stand on his own or falls down when trying to walk. He has chronic labored breathing or coughing.

      This section just grabbed the words out of my mouth. When a dog doesn't enjoy their normal every day activities, doesn't have the strength to walk, and can't even breath, this shows that the fight for brain cancer is over. I will also use this as additional information to explain Riley's behavior when he was ill.

    3. He has frequent vomiting or diarrhea that is causing dehydration and/or significant weight loss.

      The dehydration and weight loss were two significant factors with Riley's brain cancer that destroyed his quality of life. I will use this information as a way to explain why it was time for me to euthanize Riley.

    4. quality of life:

      I know this seems very minor, but I have seen this exact phrase more than a dozen times in all of the articles I have researched. I think I am going to use this phrase as the title for my research paper.

    1. Nocera’s remedy is to channel a chunk of the revenue from college athletics into cash payments, with a salary cap. The only sports Nocera proposes to pay are football and men’s basketball. Nocera does not explain why men’s basketball players deserve payment but women’s players do not. This outcome simply flows naturally from Nocera’s stated commitment to “free market principles” as the sacrosanct moral principle that should undergird college athletics. Men’s basketball players have market value, and women’s players do not, therefore male athletes, but not female ones, deserve salaries. (And if you extended payments to all athletes, not just the minority who play football or men’s basketball, the arithmetic undergirding Nocera’s proposal would collapse.)

      great feminist argument and to show why paying athletes wouldn't work.

    2. The system works perfectly well for the handful of college athletes with the most market value. Football and men’s basketball players who use their college sports experience as a launching paid to lucrative professional careers wind up rich. It’s everybody else who’s hurt: the players who aren’t good enough to make the pros, and who are losing their chance to get an education. And, while a handful of high-profile football and basketball stars are just using college as a way station, the majority of college athletes are not completely irrational about the economic value of a college degree, which I can state as a fact on the grounds that (1) everybody in America understands that a college degree is valuable, and (2) college athletes are Americans.

      great paragraph talking about those who arent good enough squander their opportunity to get a real education.

    3. once an extracurricular extension of school life, like a beefed-up version of high-school sports — has become a full-time job.

      shows how time consuming college sports can be.

      good point to show opposition

    1. rs are much more likely to be viewed as adults in juvenile detention proceedings than their white counterparts.

      This article is pretty much statistics. what can we even do about this?

    2. yet they account for 44 and 42 percent of disabled students put in mechanical restraints or placed in seclusion.

      were treated worse even when were disabled... that is discussing.

    3. up 18 percent of the pre-school population, but represent almost half of all out-of-school suspensions

      Why doesn't this surprise me? i'm getting numb to the numbers. which is bad because i'm still outraged. our kids are no more dangerous than your kids.

    1. Men of the world, let’s unite for women’s empowerment

      I plan to use this source in order to showcase society's nourishment of male dominance and aggression, while also presenting the systemic discrimination against women.

    2. Women represent 70 per cent of the world’s poor.

      The facts presented in this paragraph are largely disheartening. Women should not be at a higher disadvantage than men simply because of their sex. It is time that society lifts its pressure of traditional gender roles, men begin to realize the negative effects of their aggression, and both sexes come together to combat inequality.

    3. By continuing to deny this reality or leave the responsibility to women to "do something about it" themselves, the injustices against women are only exacerbated.

      Women cannot combat gender inequality alone. To bring about change, people must come together and demand reform. It is essential for men to realize their crucial role in the movement toward social justice for both sexes.

    4. Let's challenge established gender roles and mandates. Let us decide to live better together and take steps to build communities that will respect men and women equally and have no need for abuse and violence to maintain a power imbalance.

      Traditional gender roles should not define people's identities. Rather than being pitted against one another, men and women should be seen as alike beings with similar aspirations. Men should not continuously exert dominance over women due to society's pressures.

    5. our cultures and institutions tend to maintain and nourish male dominance in a way which undermines human development – hampering the ability for individuals to realize their potential according to their own interests and preferences.

      People should be given equal opportunities to explore their interests rather than women continually looking on while their male counterparts succeed. As human beings, it is imperative for both sexes to participate in the movement toward gender equality; this would mean liberation for both men and women.

    6. The intent and discrimination behind this system becomes more obvious every day whereby men create the conditions  to conserve their power and exercise control, even if it means resorting to violence or abuse.

      When men are unsure of how to handle their emotions, they frequently lash out rather that communicating. Since a young age, men are taught to suppress their emotions and remain in control. When they feel that control slipping away, many men turn to violence and anger.

    7. In many countries, our social relations are organized under a patriarchal system, which builds and maintains a hierarchy around men.

      Most countries around the world foster men's dominance through societal structures and the portrayal of sexes. Men are often presented as more independent, strong, and capable while women are seen as submissive, weak, and dependent.

    1. "It can't really hurt you, as long as you're willing to do the work. Getting college credit from high school classes is invaluable, too."

      Their isn't really any harm in taking an AP course since it's "similar" to a college course and you can earn college credit without paying a tremendous fee. I can use this quote to demonstrate that taking an AP courses is economically beneficial but may not be personally beneficial if students can't handle the work and stress out.

    2. AP classes are free, but it costs $84 to take an exam.

      Compared to college courses where they range from hundred to thousands of dollars AP courses look like a wonderful economic decision. I can use this quote to demonstrate how students who would struggle to pay for college amass AP courses in order to pass and earn credit to avoid taking the class in college for way more money.

    3. Depending on how students score and what college they plan to attend, they can earn academic credit or "test out" of a college class. It can mean fewer assignments to juggle come college time and possibly even some financial savings.

      If students score well on the exam the the course would be worth while since they no longer have to take the course in college. I can use this quote to demonstrate that passing an AP course will benefit students financially and academically since they would be able to focus on other courses in college with a decreased workload.

    4. It's also possible to take an AP test without taking the class. If students are home-schooled or if their school doesn't offer a particular AP class, they can still arrange to take an exam. They still earn credit if they get a good score on the exam.

      Students may self study and partake in an AP exam to earn their college credit. This quote demonstrates that you don't need to be in the class to learn but focus on the key points for the EXAM to pass. I can use this quote to demonstrate AP courses are meant for the exam not college preparation.

    5. AP classes are designed to prepare high school students for the rigors of college-level work.

      AP courses are deemed as college preparation and that is their specific application. I can use this quote as an example that people believe that the class is meant for college preparation instead of the AP exam.

    1.  SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS      Experts say these are some of the signs of an eating disorder:      - Repeated comments about being fat or feeling fat      - Excessive weight loss that continues offseason      - Meals frequently eaten alone      - Repeated disappearances immediately after eating      - Teeth marks or callouses on knuckles from self-induced vomiting      - Eroded tooth enamel from frequent vomiting      - Compulsive, excessive and/or purposeless exercising      - Laxative use      - Sensitivity to cold      - Light-headedness, loss of balance, mood swings, difficulty concentrating      - Lanugo (soft downy hair covering the body)

      Signs and symptoms of what to look for when knowing if an athlete has an eating disorder

    2.  "The coach might be well-intentioned," Penn State team physician Margot Putukian said. "But kids think, 'If five pounds less would do me good, then 10 pounds will do me better. I'll show them.'"

      Showing the impact a coach's word can have on their athlete. Its in an athlete's blood- exceed the expectations set for them

    3. 'If you were skinnier you could run faster. You're too fat to run as fast as you need to. You're filling your uniform out a little bit more.' These are quotes from some of our coaches," said Meyer, trainer of the PSAL.

      what a coach may say that triggers an issue

    4. "Athletes are very prone to falling into this area because part of their job is to stay in good shape and no one knows what good shape is," said Lido Beach psychologist Judy Rabinor, director of the American Eating Disorder Center of Long Island. "The pressure to have the perfect body makes sense. So when someone says to her mother, 'We have a game next week and I have to lose six pounds,' it doesn't even sound neurotic."

      Shows the abnormal way athletes talk, that sound completely fine to their family and coaches

    5.  Anorexia and bulimia account for only a small percentage of the spectrum of disordered eating. Many women exhibit some but not all of the criteria of anorexia or bulimia. Some simply do not take in enough calories to meet the energy demands of their sport. Others exercise compulsively, a behavior often used by bulimics as a method of purging.

      Interesting way of showing that while some athletes have a diagnosed eating disorder, a lot more have the traits (here and there) that could eventually lead to an eating disorder

    6. The difference in the two terms--"disordered eating" and "eating disorders"--is more than semantics. An eating disorder is a clinical, psychiatric diagnosis--for example, anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Disordered eating can be as simple as chronic poor nutrition.

      explains the difference between eating disorder and disordered eating

    7.  In the past five years, doctors have become aware of the role disordered eating plays in the progression of the Female Athlete Triad. The Triad, first recognized by the American College of Sports Medicine in 1992, consists of three interrelated ailments--disordered eating, amenorrhea (the loss of one's menstrual cycle or an irregular cycle) and osteoporosis ("brittle bone" disease). Once they were considered separately, but doctors now know these disorders co-exist along a continuum-- if untreated, one leads to another.

      Great short paragraph explaining what Athlete Triad is

    8. Though research has focused primarily on college women, experts estimate at least 230,000 girls participating in high school sports nationally may suffer from an eating disorder.

      This is a very scary statistic showing how many athlete (girls) are suffering today

    1. the radiation therapist will create a soft mesh mask that is custom-fitted to the patient’s face. This comfortable and non-invasive mask helps the patient keep his or her head and neck still during treatment.

      Just keep in mind this article was made for the use of human cyberknife treatment. In dog terms, they would be put under a general anesthesia.

    2. The CT data then will be used by the CyberKnife team to determine the exact size, shape and location of the tumor.

      This explains the purpose of using a CT Scan or MRI to prepare for treatment; it helps determine the location, size, and shape of tumor and how much radiation is needed for treatment. I will also use this to explain Roxy's treatment.

    3. During the CyberKnife treatment planning phase, the CT, MRI and/or PET scan data will be downloaded into the CyberKnife System’s treatment planning software. The medical team will determine the size of the area that must be targeted by radiation and the radiation dose. They also will identify critical structures where radiation should be minimized. Using this information, the CyberKnife System calculates the optimal radiation delivery plan to treat the tumor. The treatment plan will take full advantage of the CyberKnife System’s extreme maneuverability, allowing for a safer and more accurate treatment.

      That is interesting; it's almost as if a computer or robot is performing the treatment on its own terms. I will use this section as a tool to explain how this form of treatment is prepared.

    4. The doctors may choose to deliver the treatment in one session, or stage it over several days. Typically, brain cancer treatments are completed within five days.

      Wow! Five days is a drastically short amount of time! I will use this information as a resource to explain how strong the cyberknife treatment is and the estimated time it should last.

    5. The CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery System improves on other radiosurgery techniques by eliminating the need for stereotactic frames. As a result, the CyberKnife System enables doctors to achieve a high level of accuracy in a non-invasive manner and allows patients to be treated on an outpatient basis.

      In other words, the cyberknife treatment is a more convenient form of treatment for patients to receive. The process includes visiting a veterinarian as an outpatient and receiving a large quantity of radiation treatment for a shorter period of time. I will use this information as I explain the treatment Roxy received for her brain cancer.

    1. Wages for workers with college or advanced degrees fell by 1.3% last year, while wages for those who dropped out or didn't go beyond high school held steady

      according to Economic Policy Institute analysis of Labor Department data. this shows that while everyone says the less risky path is going to college and getting a degree, this data proves otherwise

    2. a fifth of the working age population -- or 36 million Americans -- have started college and then dropped out.

      why? because debt, not being ready, rising costs, or just found what they want to o and realize that it doesn't need college.

    3. two-thirds of all jobs in the country will require post-secondary education.

      where will that leave the fifth of the nation that dropped out of college, Is this good or bad for students?

    4. Gates explained that earning a degree not only helps graduates get more rewarding, higher-paying jobs, but it also helps the American economy as a whole.

      something to ask chad about maybe

    5. "Although I dropped out of college and got lucky pursuing a career in software, getting a degree is a much surer path to success,"

      bill gates says this because it's a path that has more opportunity to work out. There is more risk on the path that chad went on.

    1. Researchers have found that effective family relationships (e.g., family involvement and communication, proactive family management, or attachment to family) protect against adolescent substance abuse across racial and cultural groups (Carvalho et al. 1995; Stronski et al. 2000; Williams et al. 1999)

      The sole reason for the success of some students (not all) is their parents

    2. Studies of family structure around the world have found that youth who live with both biological parents are significantly less likely to use substances, or to report problems with their use, than those who do not live with both parents

      I can use this

    3. The national household survey in the United States found that adolescents who argued with their parents at least several times a week were more likely to have used marijuana in the past year than those who argued with their parents only once a week to once a month

      Fighting at home influences substance abuse, which in turn influences school performance.

    4. Children with family histories of substance abuse differ from children without such histories in higher levels of aggression, delinquency, sensation-seeking, hyperactivity, impulsivity, negative affectivity

      Families with history of drug abuse can be affected in many ways (emotionally and physically), which can have a huge impact in ability to focus in school.

    1. Don't eat well or consume less than 1,600 calories a day.

      Another perspective to consider when talking about supplements.

    2. Whole foods offer three main benefits over dietary supplements:

      Greater nutrition, Essential Fiber, Protective substances

    1. The bodies of seamstresses, who jumped from the factory floors of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company  to avoid being burned alive, lie outside the building

      Use this to describe the jumpers last moments and the terrible act that followed.

    1. Have school problems, such as falling grades or behavioral difficulties

      Stress at home can lead to problems with grades and behavior.

    1. Nazis

      This name is nothing but negative even in todays society. They were the most despicable people in history.

    2. 1870s, there is evidence of hostility toward Jews long before the Holocaust–even as far back as the ancient world, when Roman authorities destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and forced Jews to leave Palestine.

      There was hostility even before the 1900s. Weird to think what their motives were to get rid of innocent people.

    3. The word “Holocaust,” from the Greek words “holos” (whole) and “kaustos” (burned), was historically used to describe a sacrificial offering burned on an altar.

      This is interesting to think about, the actual origin of the word.

    1. At Auschwitz children were often killed upon arrival. Children born in the camp were generally killed on the spot.

      The ones who survived are the luckiest of them all, and i will do my best to tell their story as well as possible.

    2. In addition, Gypsies, Soviet POWs, and prisoners of all nationalities died in the gas chambers.

      More than just Jews were targeted... Hitler picked out whoever he wanted and had the authority to get rid of them.

    3. experimental gassing

      The amount of experiments that the Jewish people were put under is absolutely sickening. The people feared every second spent in this terror.

    1. JANUARY 16, 1942

      More dates that can help me make my story as detailed as possible.

    2. Some individuals killed themselves to escape their hopeless lives.

      This tugs at the heart strings.. the government put them in such an awful living situation that they would rather kill themselves than live in it anymore.

    3. and human waste was thrown in the streets along with the garbage.

      This puts into perspective the real conditions of these ghettos and the disgusting living spaces they had to adapt to.

    1. Nazis choose the town of Oswiecim (Auschwitz) in Poland near Krakow as the site of a new concentration camp.

      This will soon be the largest concentration camp of all time killing more than any other.

    2. 1936

      I can use all of these specific time periods to help make my story as credible and realistic as possible.

    3. Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany a nation with a Jewish population of 566,000

      This is the time frame in which it all began.. The amount of terror these Jewish people were about to go through was not even imaginable.

    1.   Auschwitz   Bergen-Belsen   Belzec   Sobibor   Treblinka  

      All of these pictures are extremely horrific and sad. The awful conditions these people were put through should not go unnoticed.

    2. the kids were only a mere bag of bones, without muscles or fat, and the thin skin like pergament scrubbed through and through beyond the hard bones of the skeleton and ignited itself to ulcerated wounds

      Many of the adults tried their best to keep the children in better care, in order for them to have more of a chance to survive.

    3. plucked from their homes and stripped of their childhoods, they lived and died during the dark years of the Holocaust and were victims of the Nazi regime ...

      The children were not given the childhood all of them dreamed of, they were beyond traumatized.

    1. This article held a lot of very good information for me to use. The author integrated a lot of factors for successful dieting. I will use this at the end when my narrator finally loses all the weight she wanted.

    2. It was easier for Barbara to follow this new found "diet" because she was given step-by-step instructions of what to do and it eventually became natural for her to follow them.

    3. When a group was given a two hour lecture on the alternatives to overeating, they had a completely different mindset on how they perceived their current lifestyle.

    4. At her one year check-in, Barbara was following the rules of the alternatives and avoided most dangerous foods.

    5. A lot of mental help was given to Barbara to prepare her for the upcoming changes. Articles, audio books, paperback books, and therapy sessions were the major keys in helping her outlook.

    6. It is also important to give pros and cons of the previous lifestyle, and of the one about to be taken on. This way you understand the effects of both.

    7. When you start a diet, you should talk to a therapist about your commitment to taking over this new lifestyle. You cannot be committed partially, it has to be full time for it to be effective.

    8. The first steps in helping Barbara lose the weight for good was to help her switch her 7 deadly "sins" of overeating and replacing it with alternatives.

    9. A study was done on Barbara, who had tried many diets in her adult years, but eventually gained back the weight and then some.

    10. When eating more processed, salty, high-fat foods at night sparks the night eating syndrome because your body gets so used to craving these foods late at night.

    11. Listed in the table are several habits that pertain to overeating. One that sticks out is the task snacking. This is eating while doing other activities; such as watching tv, cleaning or just being on your phone.

    12. Hormone deficiency has been used in the matter of discussion of why does overeating occur.

    13. After a year, 80% of people who went on a low calorie diet have regained their weight back. This helped generate the conclusion that dieting does not work.

    14. The study that has been given the best results seems to be a diet where the calories are decreased in correlation to the physical activity during the day increase.

    1. This article showed a study between different carb level diets, particularly low-carb and very-low-carb. This is a very good article to use in my paper. I will use the experiment to help give way of what the narrator has gone through with her weight loss journey.

    2. Trying a "very low carb diet" does not give guidelines for how much fats or proteins to have in a day, which could end up sparking the cholesterol levels and eventually lead to some cardiovascular diseases.

    3. A diet with less cholesterol and an increase of protein is the most efficient when it comes to getting the daily dosage of nutrients and energy.

    4. When you have the recommended, or above, serving of fruits and veggies, it reduces the risk factor of cardiovascular diseases and some cancers.

    5. constipation and nutritional deficiencies have been a major effect of poor vegetable and fruit intake.

    6. glucose is the main energy source for most body cells.

    7. While going low on fats, the protein intake needs to be increased.

    8. popular diets praise low-fat meals for weight control, with less saturated fats and sugars.

    1. nd benefits for children with unauthorized immigrant parents, even if U.S. born, those in mixed-status families may indeed face furth

      Goes to show how much children with unauthorized immigrants parents are at a disadvantage, even if they are U.S citizen born.

    2. Illinois

      In our state 82.1 percent of children with parent of unauthorized immigrants are U.S citizens.

    3. 11.5 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States.5 The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) estimates that there were 5.1 million children under

      Good statistics to use.



    1. This fact sheet employs U.S. Census Bureau data to examine the number, characteristics, and socioeconomic status of the 5.1 million children under age 18, both U.S.-citizen and noncitizen, who are living with an unauthorized immigrant parent.

      As of January 2016 there is about 5.1 million children under 18, that are citizens and non-citizens living in the U.S with an unauthorized parent.

    2. some of these states are implementing policies that could compound the negative effects of parental unauthorized status on children, making the well-being of children in mixed-status families even more precarious.

      The danger that immigrants as well as their children will face.

    3. The research literature finds that growing up with unauthorized immigrant parents places children—nearly 80 percent of whom were born in the United States—

      Children of unauthrorized immigrants are more liekly to be U.S citizens

    1. Anne Frank

      She was such an inspiration for many during this time and her legacy will forever live on never to be forgotten. Her experiences may also help me with my story to tell.

    2. children killed immediately after birth or in institutions

      How awful must it have been for the mothers to just watch them take away your child and kill it without any sort of hesitation.

    3. The Nazis advocated killing children of “unwanted” or “dangerous” groups either as part of the “racial struggle” or as a measure of preventative security.

      This is saying that they killed off the children in order to keep security and order within their nation..... Terrible.

    1. children of Izieu were sent to their deaths at Auschwitz:

      Such a sad and disgusting life to live. Having everything take a turn for the worst and there's nothing to be done about it.

    2. Sami Adelsheimer, 5  Hans Ament, 10  Nina Aronowicz, 12  Max-Marcel Balsam, 12  Jean-Paul Balsam, 10  Esther Benassayag, 12  Elie Benassayag, 10  Jacob Benassayag, 8  Jacques Benguigui, 12  Richard Benguigui, 7  Jean-Claude Benguigui, 5  Barouk-Raoul Bentitou, 12  Majer Bulka, -  Albert Bulka, 4  Lucienne Friedler, 5  Egon Gamiel, 9  Maurice Gerenstein, 13  Liliane Gerenstein, 11  Henri-Chaïm Goldberg, 13  Joseph Goldberg, 12  Mina Halaunbrenner, - Claudine Halaunbrenner, 5 Georges Halpern, 8  Arnold Hirsch, 17  Isidore Kargeman, 10  Renate Krochmal, 8  Liane Krochmal, 6  Max Leiner, 8  Claude Levan-Reifman, 10 Fritz Loebmann, 15  Alice-Jacqueline Luzgart, 10  Paula Mermelstein, 10  Marcel Mermelstein, 7  Theodor Reis, 16  Gilles Sadowski, 8  Martha Spiegel, 10  Senta Spiegel, 9  Sigmund Springer, 8  Sarah Szulklaper, -  Max Tetelbaum, 12  Herman Tetelbaum, 10  Charles Weltner, 9  Otto Wertheimer, -  Emile Zuckerberg, 5

      Full and true documentation will never be found. This is a reminder of such a strong wrongdoing and how many innocent lives were taken.

    3. full statistics for the tragic fate of the children will never be known.

      This is deep and sends a message to the reader about the actual horror that took place during that time.

    1. they began to encounter and liberate concentration camp prisoners, as well as prisoners en route by forced march from one camp to another.

      Its a shame that they didn't encounter this earlier. Millions of lives could have been saved and nations would have regained stability.

    2. World War II.

      Wasn't the best time to start all of this violence.... The allied powers were preoccupied with the war while Hitler went behind the scenes.

    3. The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that Germans were "racially superior" and that the Jews, deemed "inferior," were an alien threat to the so-called German racial community.

      This is how it all started... From the beginning the minds of the nation were infected with this idea that the Jewish were not as powerful as them.

    1. It fails, first of all, to recognize the value of sports as a part of education.

      paying student athletes defeats the purpose of them one realizing that they are students first and then the athlete.

      this is a great point to show how paying them to play would defeat the purpose of being student athletes.

    2. , the students are so unprepared that academic failure seems inevitable. In worse cases still, their scholarships are cynically undermined by the schools themselves.

      they students are too focused on the game they loose all academic interests.

      this is a good point by showing by paying the students they will lose all interest in academics and only focus on the sport.

    3. Many college coaches are the highest-paid public employees in their states

      coaches of these teams make a ton off their players success.

      this can be used to show how the players benefit their coaches but the players arent reaping the benefits of their success.

    1. boys from single-parent families were absent from school significantly more than boys from two-parent families.

      Having one parent correlates with school absence.

    2. For example, Ian Berg, Alan Butler, and Ralph McGuire (1972) found that 55 percent of their sample of 100 youth with SRB were either only or youngest children, and the average number of children in these families was 2.93

      I am the youngest of three so I can relation to this. I always show up for school, but I really do not believe in it.

    3. Specific family factors have been linked with SRB. These include birth order, family size, marital problems and status, and parental psychopathology

      I can use this as proof that family life affects school life.

    1. This article showed an effective way to start a weight loss journey. I will use this in attempts to describe how the narrator finally lost the amount of weight she needed and how she began her healthy lifestyle.

    2. The results from the experiment showed that when you participate in a diet program, the quality is much higher when looking at the quality of the diet.

    3. Fiber intake is a must when you are looking to have an effective diet.