5,453 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2019
    1. Karl Friston’s free energy principle might be the most all-encompassing idea since Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. But to understand it, you need to peer inside the mind of Friston himself.

    1. We found that a plain language summary gives readers an instant overview of an article, making it easier to understand and also easier to find.

      Here is an example Plain Language Summary created for one of David Sommer's own articles.

      Maximize publication impact by all stakeholders coordinating their efforts

      What is it about?

      In this paper I explore the idea that in order to maximize a publication's impact, everybody needs to play their part - authors, co-authors, publishers, institutions, societies and funders. The author is the common factor that links all of these organizations and groups, so their thinking must shift towards creating a culture of discoverability, encouraging the organizations they work with to help generate impact. The author becomes the conductor, leading the orchestra of players. Why is it important?

      The case for authors taking responsibility for maximizing the impact of their research has never been stronger. With over $1 trillion invested in research every year it is surprising to find some studies showing that 50% of articles are never read, and a much higher percentage are never cited. With researchers under increasing pressure from institutions and funders to demonstrate that their research will have impact and be applied, it is critical that researchers do all they can to make sure the right people find, understand and use their work.

      See it on Kudos.

  2. Nov 2018
    1. Diurnal cloud and circulation changes in simulated1tropical cyclones

      Summary/qualitative assessment: This manuscript seeks to explain the offset in timing between the observed maxima in cloud top height and rainfall in a simulated tropical cyclone (TC). The authors demonstrate that this difference in timing arises due to the bimodal nature of the TC response to the diurnal cycle: the peak in cloud top height occurs during the day, due to heating-induced upward motion from the absorption of solar radiation by ice crystals; the peak in rainfall occurs at night in response to latent heating and increased convection, due to both radiative destabilization at cloud top as well as low-level convergence induced by cloudy vs. clear sky differential radiation.

      This is a clear, well-written paper which elegantly describes the relevant mechanisms and highlights the important processes. The figures are dense but clearly labeled, which makes for ease in interpreting. I recommend acceptance after a few clarifications and minor revisions.

  3. Oct 2018
    1. comorbid attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) mostlikely accounted for deficits in frontal executivefunction linked with adolescent conduct disor-der, but considered that ADHD might worsenaggression in such cases

      ADHD can cause impaired executive function linked to lack of "adolescent conduct" and ADHD may even worsen aggression

  4. Aug 2018
    1. The system will not be satisfied until it has made op-ed writers of us all.

      TLDR: optimizing news for clicks turns it into a contest of who has the most emotionally appealing opinion

  5. Jun 2018
    1. Share: Group. Only group members will be able to view this annotation. Only me. No one else will be able to view this annotation.

      I have reviewed many papers and I summarized those papers in my paper in the form of a table which is already an existing theory . So how can I defend that my paper is different from other papers?

  6. May 2018
    1. link

      Tento článek se týká zajimavého aspektu čechů kazdodenni zivota : spodní prádlo. Samožřejmě rozdíly vkusu mezi muži a ženami se objeví.

      Tak, co se týká žen, na útraty dříve oblíbených tangy čím dál víc preferují brazilky a bokové kalhotky. Navíc, ceské ženy raději nosily pohodlí podprsenky včetně sportovní podprsenky než push-up čí kosticové podprsenky. Vsak ceské ženy stále maji rady krasné prádla , jak vyplývá z toho, že podíl modelů se zajímavými detaily jako jsou krajky či pásky neustále stoupá.

      Na druhé straně, muzi jsou předvídatelně vic konzervativní. Ceské muži jsou pravděpodobnější věrni značkám, včetně prémiovým značkám. Na základě toho, muzi projeví vyšší ochota utratit víc peněz za spodní prádlo. O barvách velmi originalni nejsou : převážně kupujou černé čí bílé čí šedé prádlo.

      Avšak, oba pohlaví maji radi bavlněné prádla. Zájimavě Slovenskě ženy v průmerů zaplatí za podprsenky skoro 100 korun víc než ceskě ženy.

  7. Apr 2018
    1. Orlando

      In this passage, Orlando is driving home, the clock strikes, and the narration suddenly reaches the present. The narrator quickly glosses over this fact, and says we need to keep up with Orlando.

  8. Feb 2018
    1. Summary Marquit begins by introducing us to the principal concern of philosophy of technology, which is how technological development influences societal organization and culture and how culture and society influence and drive technology. He then repeats the three theories of technological and societal relationships that Nye introduced us to last week. Technological determinism states that technology spontaneously evolves and that society must adapt to make efficient use of it. Second, technological advance is driven by human culture and cultural developments. Third, a mix of both of those views is the most generally held. Marquit makes the case that Human evolution is intertwined with technology and that technological, biological and societal interactions make up a kind of pyramid of forces that created the modern Human. Bipedality freed up our hands to use and create tools, while the need and ability to use tools may have driven us to develop brains large and capable enough to make use of the tools. Changes in the hand allowed for the use of tools, while the lowering of the larynx and decrease in canine teeth size enabled articulate speech which was another use of larger brains. Tools, intelligence and bipedality were critical in the move to humans as hunters. The first evidence of human hunting is from one-hundred-thousand years ago, an eight foot wooden spear found in an elephant. As a case-study for ancient hunting societies the Mbuti people of the Ituri rain forest in Zaire are a good example. Most of the people in the society participate in the hunt, and there is little hierarchical structure. There is much cooperation between ages and genders, especially in the important songs used for various reasons. Group members make decisions collectively, with the chief providing guidance in conflict, the shaman providing religious guidance, and singers and dancers serving important roles as well. The first major revolution in social organization associated with technological developments was in 10,000 B.C. with the advent of the city-state in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India, Mesoamerica, and the Andes. The first sign of technological change involved the transition to complex foraging, society becoming more static with the ability to acquire a surplus of resources and store them. This gave rise to larger populations and allowed for some specialization. Social differentiation arises through the need for individuals to be in charge of administrative tasks. Structures are built to house goods and ceremonial structures hint at the possibility that leaders and central management were present. Eventually the state emerges as a bureaucratic institution and exerts control over resources. Needing a reason to justify this control, institutions are put in place based on morality and being enforced with the threat of physical violence. In 3300 B.C. bronze metallurgy is introduced in Mesopotamia and Egypt. The ability to create metal tools significantly increases productivity and harvest capability, leading to a surge in population and allowing for more specialized professions, including the first known specialization that is not related to the ruling bureaucracy or directly to food production, the blacksmith. Urban developments spring up as a result of these changes and society becomes stratified into state societies by the 4th century B.C. which are ruled by priest-kings. Later in the Middle East accounting for all the surplus supplies becomes critical and because of this need, mathematics, the first currency and the first written language, cuneiform is developed. Greeks as discussed in the last article, equated technology and physical labor as being lesser than theorizing about philosophy of mathematics. The Greeks also have slaves, so labor is much more efficient than implementing new technology. The Romans a few centuries later did innovate and had a much higher opinion of technology. They used their centralized power to build aqueducts, roads and grain mills. The Chinese in Asia, valued technology, science and writing very highly. As a result were much ahead of their western peers for a long time. The early move to a feudal system of a lord, taxation in the form of unpaid labor, and very centralized government however, stunted their growth, there was not enough free time available to the lower class and the middle class was caught up in serving the lords who were content with the system.

      Response Marquit lays out the principal concern of philosophy of technology which is how technological development influences societal organization and culture and how culture and society influence and drive technology and I think this is the lens through which we should be looking at this article. The course dictates that we look at how this frames our relationship to technology which I think is complementary. Regarding the triangle or pyramid of society, biology and technology, I find this very relevant in today’s world. Soon technology and society may even more directly impact our biology. Indirectly our biology has been greatly shaped in recent years by modern medicine. In times past many of us with what are seen as minor health issues today would be dead or looked upon as detrimental to society, today many of these health issues are able to be corrected. In the near future the relationship with biology and technology/society will have a much more direct impact. As long as society allows, humans will begin augmenting themselves, if not at a dna level perhaps as implants, and it will be something to keep an eye on. I found the portion of the article relating to the formation of city-states and production and storage of excess products extremely interesting and important. The relationship between technology and society is really boiled down and almost purified in this moment. Society was so simple before we had excess food, there was little to no hierarchy and no social classes. We see a clear delineation between the time before and after humans started to settle down. The creation of modern society is seen in its’ infancy in this period and I think it can be a great place for me to study technology going forward. It surprised me how much studying history really taught me about how technology affects us today! I am happy that we will be studying more about Greek and Chinese society after this paper, because it seems brushed over compared with how much detail and growth we really see in the ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures within the article. I did find it interesting how these more modern (by comparison) groups were described as failures in Marquit’s opinion. The Greeks held themselves back by thinking of technology as a lesser endeavor, while the Chinese organized their society in such a way that they did not allow for growth, the lavish lifestyle of the upper class cramped the growth of their area.

  9. Jan 2018
    1. (Of course, there were plenty of other things happening between the sixteenth and twenty-first centuries that changed the shape of the world we live in. I've skipped changes in agricultural productivity due to energy economics, which finally broke the Malthusian trap our predecessors lived in. This in turn broke the long term cap on economic growth of around 0.1% per year in the absence of famine, plagues, and wars depopulating territories and making way for colonial invaders. I've skipped the germ theory of diseases, and the development of trade empires in the age of sail and gunpowder that were made possible by advances in accurate time-measurement. I've skipped the rise and—hopefully—decline of the pernicious theory of scientific racism that underpinned western colonialism and the slave trade. I've skipped the rise of feminism, the ideological position that women are human beings rather than property, and the decline of patriarchy. I've skipped the whole of the Enlightenment and the age of revolutions! But this is a technocentric congress, so I want to frame this talk in terms of AI, which we all like to think we understand.)
  10. Oct 2017
    1. A Performance Is a Multimodal Text

      The supplemental text I chose to analyze is entitled “The inside story of Terminus, the new dance company by five ex-Atlanta Ballet dancers.” Author Scott Freeman details the timeline of the idealization, creation, and implementation of Terminus Modern Ballet Theater through a journal-like storytelling of events. As a writer for ArtsATL, Freeman was assigned to observe and report on the novel dance company as its members navigated strategy sessions, funding requests, and secret ambitions. Four months of weekly, private meetings between Terminus’s five dancers engendered an eloquent disclosure of the modern company’s origins and aspirations.

      In September of 2015, the Atlanta Ballet declared that its artistic director, John McFall, would be leaving his position. So, Tara Lee, Christian Clark, Heath Gill, and Rachel Van Buskirk, four of Atlanta Ballet’s star dancers, were selected as members of a dance search committee; the committee would consider three finalists for artistic director, and recommend a candidate to the Atlanta Ballet’s Board of Trustees. As they contemplated the final three candidates, the aforementioned distinguished dancers imagined what an ideal dance company would look like. What would be that company’s values? How would the company’s art be shaped and presented? What would its leadership style comprise?

      John Welker, the founder of Wabi Sabi, a summer arts troupe that performs modern dance numbers outdoors, was one of the candidates considered for artistic director. At the time, Welker was an established star dancer of the Atlanta Ballet. To better prepare himself for the role of artistic director, Welker completed a degree in dance at Kennesaw State University and received a master’s degree in business. Star dancers Lee, Van Buskirk, Gill, and Clark all agreed that John Welker was the best fit for the Atlanta Ballet’s position of artistic director. Unfortunately, the Atlanta Ballet already appeared to prefer another candidate, Gennadi Nedvigin. During this time, Nedvigin was retiring as principal dancer at the San Francisco Ballet.

      As rumors of Nedvigin’s probable appointment began to spread, dancers Lee, Gill, Van Buskirk, and Clark jokingly considered starting their own company if Welker was not chosen as the Atlanta Ballet’s new artistic director. When Welker’s candidacy was rejected and Nedvigin became the ballet’s appointed artistic director, the four dancers, along with Welker, felt defeated. Under John McFall, the company’s repertoire presented a modern injection of dance that Lee, Gill, Van Buskirk, and Clark enjoyed immensely. However, Nedvigin was trained in classical traditional ballet at the Russian Bolshoi Ballet School; his classical roots seemed to wrap around the ballet’s modern repertoire and squeeze and diminish its presence. With Nedvigin’s appointment, the dancers felt that their “freedom [...] was being taken away” (Freeman). So, after giving Welker time to heal from his rejection and prompt retirement, Gill, Lee, Van Buskirk, and Clark approached Welker with their desire to form a new modern dance company in Atlanta.

      In September of 2016, the group, including Welker, met at Kennesaw State University, which they initially saw as hosting a potential performance space for the new company. Having been taught to empower themselves by John McFall, the Atlanta Ballet’s retired artistic director, all of these dancers felt that they had a responsibility to create something they believed in. After ensuring that the four star dancers then performing with the Atlanta Ballet wanted to create meaningful art for the city of Atlanta, Welker felt convinced of the project’s hopes and worth. To Welker, it was critical that the dancers not seek to spurn and remove themselves from the Atlanta Ballet’s legacy; their careers with the Atlanta Ballet were valuable and influential. The new company’s motivation must be devoted solely to the creation of a new vision, not a competition with their past.

      The five dancers kept their plans to retire from the Atlanta Ballet and form their own company secret until April of 2017, in which ArtsATL revealed that Lee, Gill, Van Buskirk, and Clark (along with nine other dancers) would be retiring from the company. In May, the retiring dancers shared details about their plans after retirement with fellow dancers in the company. Their start-up dance company, formally known as Terminus Modern Ballet Theater, presented by the Serenbe Institute in cooperation with the Westside Cultural Arts Center, would have two headquarters and five principal dancers. May saw the last performance of Lee, Gill, Van Buskirk, and Clark for the Atlanta Ballet. They performed Camino Real, which incorporates both stage acting and dance. Their time culminated in an emotional finale, yet their ending at the Atlanta Ballet marked a new beginning.

      Bibliography: Freeman, Scott. “The inside story of Terminus, the new dance company by five ex-Atlanta Ballet dancers.” ArtsATL, 18 May 2017, http://artsatl.com/story-terminus-dance-company-founded-ex-atlanta-ballet-dancers/. Accessed 1 October 2017.

    2. Like the tools in a toolbox, though, modes can sometimes be used in ways that weren't intended but that get the job done just as well (like a screwdriver being used lo pry open a can of paint).

      An example of a mode being used in an unintentionally effective way would be the aural mode of Flannery O’Connor’s voice as she reads her short story “A Good Man Is Hard To Find.” Before reading the linguistic content of her story, my high school professor played an audio recording of O’Connor reading this story in a ballroom theater.

      O’Connor is a Southern author from Savannah, Georgia, so one of the first characteristics I noticed of her voice was its accent. Next, I noticed the bluntness with which she spoke. Her voice sounded rather dry and sarcastic at times, which perfectly illustrated, even softened the uncomfortable humor present in the story. I became so engrossed with the aural mode of O’Connor’s short story that once the linguistic mode caught up to me, I felt shocked by the grotesqueness of the events unfolding.

      The aural mode of O’Connor’s reading deceived me and lured me into a state of selective-attentiveness, however, this deception worked well to demonstrate the content of her story. “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” is, itself, an illusory and misleading narrative that culminates in a dreadful tragedy which appears quite suddenly and viciously. Until one rereads the story and recognizes the points of foreshadowing present all along, O’Connor’s voice served an unintentional purpose of misleading the (in this case) listener.


    3. At other times, words may work better than images when we arc trying to explain an idea because words can be more descriptive and to the point. It may take too many pictures to convey the same idea quickly (see Fig. 1.18).

      For the Primary Source Description assignments, students are required to make heavy use of the linguistic mode in order to communicate the imagery of the quilt. Rather than composing an essay of photographs, students must provide enough detailed and descriptive language of the quilt that potential reconstruction of the panel discussed is possible. As this quote shows, knowing when visual modes and linguistic modes are necessary for the most efficient communication will be an essential skill in our college education. Though the Primary Source Description calls for extensive use of the linguistic mode, the visual mode must also be evoked.

      Careful collection and presentation of visual aids will hopefully augment the reader’s imagination of the author’s linguistic mode, instead of overpowering it. My class notes on how to execute a well-rounded Primary Source Description can be seen below, as well as on my website:

      Be Specific and Comprehensive in Your Description

      • Don't just focus on visual descriptions.

      • Describe the texture of the panel, and even its sound.

      • Does the panel feel sturdy or thin and frail with age? What is the tactile sensation you observe?

      • What are some of the spatial relationships between images, objects, or other attachments on the Quilt panel?

      • How much does it weigh?

      Images in Your Primary Source Description

      • One should include images that quote details from the panel.

      • Images may help to support your description.

      • You don't have to have a picture of the entire panel.

      • In fact, be sure that the images you do include do not supersede the text. The text must remain relevant, so use detailed images that are subordinate to your description.

      • Use pictures that help to explain certain details on the Quilt.

      If there is a flower on your panel, describe how many petals there are. Use analogous language to better convey the color of an object or the size of it. "The blue is similar to the color of a robin's egg."

      Click to view the totality of my notes on how to write a Primary Source Description

      As Kenneth Haltman notes in the introduction to American Artifacts, the ability to recreate an object’s “visual and physical effect in words” is critical. Knowing how to use language to effectively describe and interpret visual information can even provide a more comprehensive analysis of that object.

      Click to view my annotation on Haltman’s advice in Hypothes.is

  11. Sep 2017
    1. Summary

      The elder man left Brown behind. His mind was pondering the minister, Deacon Gookin, and sleeping beside his wife. He then heard the trotting footsteps of horses.

  12. May 2017
    1. Summary: I really like this source because it provides amore in-depth analysis of Fake News Stories than my first article does. This source, just like the other ones I am showing for my annotated bibliography are all educational. (I think going over this again is not imperative.) Assessment: Everything I highlighted in yellow is something I believe might be more tricky to teach/talk to students with Disabilities about. This does not mean they are bad (they are actually great ideas to take in) I just have to think about how one can teach that information. What I highlighted in blue are tips the author said that I really appreciated and believe that a lot of people do not think about. I think people who are educated in a way about the fact that Fake News is out there would like this source. I see people who activley share Fake News everyday and there is no way this source would get them to see that all the news they know of is Fake. They would get really angry. That is why me educating my students about Fake News is so important! I think tis source seems less biased because in "Does teh story attach a generic enemy?" it includes the both the Liberal and Conservative side. Being liberal myself, I have been awre of mostly only Conservative Fake News that attacks liberals. Reflection: This source is a great addition for me because it gives me a more detailed lense through which to examine Fake News. It talks about points that rely on one's emotion as well as the actual writing. It gets to points that may are really important and go beyond the surface of a Fake News article.

  13. Feb 2017
    1. Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination and Segregation Through Physical Design of the Built Environment

      Schindler’s article, Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination and Segregation Through Physical Design of the Built Environment, delves into the issue of architectural segregation in our modern american society. She discusses many of the political and judicial actions that are not being taken to not resolve this issue.

      She argues that our environments that have been constructed (whether it had been the MARTA of Atlanta, or the gated fences of predominately white communities) leaves a restraint on minority groups living in these communities. She adds that these communities are a result of judicial negligence and unlike other deterring architecture such as; Robert Moses’s low hanging bridges, makes life difficult for low economic communities to live in an equally balanced and distributed environment.

    1. The sublime

      Reflections on the sublime

      Proposed rejection: the sublime should be considered as one of the things that addresses the passions (that is, the sublime is therefore a purpose of speech?)

      Response: The sublime does not qualify as something that addresses the passions because it is merely a reflection of internal (and therefore personal?) taste. It is more of a reflex/instinct than a conscious effect of speech.

    2. The first is properest for, dissuading; Che second, as halh been already hinted, for pcrsuad· ing; the third is equally accommodated to both.

      Summary: "The First" = the "inert, torpid" passions like "sorrow, fear, shame"

      "The second" = passions that "elevate the soul" and move to action, like "hope, patriotism, ambition"

      "The third" = passions that are "intermediate" and can go either way, such as "joy, love, esteem and compassion"

  14. Jan 2017
    1. Summery of my paragraph from chapter XXI, it starts with "Will Ladislaw was struck mute for a few moments." and ends with "but with a good effort he resolved it into nothing more offensive than a merry smile."

      Cody-Lee Bankson

      So far I find this paragraph to be the most interesting places that Ladislaw and Dorothea interact. The reason for this being that it shows Ladislaw doing a 180 on how he views Dorothea. When first meeting Dorothea Ladislaw doesn't think anything of her, in fact he states that he didn't particularly like her. However, now that she's married and has shown signs of distress Ladislaw sees her as a "adorable young creature" and gets so made that he shows "comic disgust". This paragraph also shows the reader just how much Ladislaw dislikes his cousin. The insults used are very eloquent and, in my opinion, make Ladislaw more likable as a character. Also during this paragraph there is a short parentheses section that switches from Ladislaw to the narrator. This section, I think, shows that the narrator, to some extent, disagrees with Ladislaw's view of Casaubon's research. I think that this small note from the narrator shows some of their character and gets me more interested in who they are. Although I am more interested in how this new relationship between Dorothea and Ladislaw will turn out. I see this paragraph as foreshadowing of Ladislaw falling in love with Dorothea, though I could be wrong.

    1. I wish there were a way to see comments "in-context" directly next to the sentences they relate to. There's a lot of disconnection between content and commentary having it in the side-bar and not having the text highlights numbered to match the annotation areas. Also is there any way to get an overview of all comments on the page summarized or ranked in some way?

  15. Nov 2016
  16. calteches.library.caltech.edu calteches.library.caltech.edu
    1. This is a criticism by Richard Feynman of maths textbooks that he reviewed while on the California State Curriculum Commission.

      I came across it from from the Pedagogy section of the Wikipedia article on Feynman.

      The complaints he makes are:

      • That the books teach only very specific approaches to solving specific problems, which does not encourage the freedom of thought necessary for making use of maths in the real world.
      • That the books unnecessarily phrase problems and explanations use the precise language of pure mathematics, when the problem could and should be stated in a way that laymen can understand
      • That technical terms are introduced without actually explaining the associated concepts and facts.
  17. Oct 2016
    1. n Toy Story, Buzz hits his low point with an ominous limpness (and even more conspicuously having lost his arm), when he is forced to wear a ladies hat and become “Ms. Nesbit,” a participant in Sid’s sister’s tea-party. And in Toy Story 2, Stinky Pete, the evil prospector doll who has tried to force Woody to join him in completing the set of collectible Woody’s Roundup toys to be sent to the Konishi Toy Museum in Japan, meets his deservedly terrible fate when Andy’s toys shove him into a pink bag on an airport conveyor belt bearing the “Barbie” logo.
    2. in an effort to engineer Buzz “getting lost” behind the desk so that Andy will take Woody on his expedition to Pizza Planet, Woody ends up accidentally pushing Buzz out the window

      Woody shows his insecurities about being left out or left behind

    3. WALL-E not only anthropomorphizes but Westernizes our robot hero and the loving sequences between WALL-E and the two loves of his life, EVE and his pet cockroach, are loaded with Disney’s signal sentimen-tality.
    4. Though Pixar films don’t attempt to show sex or violence, the cultural work they have done rede-fining family film fare is an important by-product of contemporary regimes of film industry self-regulation. With the fourteen feature films Pixar has made over the twenty-seven years since its inception, it has garnered not only ex-tremely high box office figures but also (at least until 2011 with Cars 2) aston-ishingly uniform critical praise.
    5. making strange,” as Brecht would have it, allows the paren-tal viewer to process these narratives as an “other,” “unintended” audience and thus relieves them of the burden of full-frontal spectatorship (Brecht 93).
    1. (“The Vacation So-lution”)

      This is an extended summary of a particular episode in 'The Big Band Theory".

    2. (“The Fish Guts Displacement”)

      This is a summary of a specific episode of the TV series that talks about a characters role.

  18. Sep 2016
    1. 35 out of 612 Paper Sessions have the term "health" in the keywords, or approximately 5% of all papers presented.

    1. The theory's main strengths arc its recognition of the central role of cognition in development, discovery of surprising features of young chil-dren's thinking, wide scope, and ecological validity. The main weaknesses include its inadequate support for the stage notion, inadequate account of mechanisms of development, need for a theory of performance, slighting of social and emotional aspects of development, underestima-tion of abilities, and methodological and stylistic barriers. Some of these problems have been addressed by the neo-Piagetians, particularly Case and Fischer, who include the roles of capacity and cultural support in ex-planations of the variability and consistency of children's thinking. In ad-dition, Piaget himself continued to modify his theory in his later years, particularly with respect to the nature of logic and the mechanisms of development.

      Summary of strengths and weaknesses of Piaget's theory

  19. Aug 2016
    1. abstract

      An abstract is a kind of summary. What is its purpose? Of what genre are abstracts conventional? Why? What makes an abstract different from different kinds of summaries? What do you notice about this abstract?

    1. This prologue can be summarized best and memorably this way: . Why? Allow me to explain...

  20. May 2016
    1. All is good in the PDF world unless you want to embed videos or any other ‘fancy’ stuff.  You can have videos in  PDFs. Did you know that? It has been around for many years but how many times have you seen it, zero or once? If you want to put lots of bits and bytes into a PDF it will get too big in file size and lose all of its benefits.

      PDF is easy but it's not meant to include videos.

  21. Apr 2016
    1. Google's hiring formula. Stripped down by looking at the numbers. Some key points -- it doesn't favor GPA or schools one graduated from. It does favor problem-solving ability, but not in the old Fermi problem way. Questions are now real questions related to the roles that they will fill. Why? Because Fermi Problems can be coached.

    1. The opportunities are boundless,

      Wearable are something that I think are huge for the future. This article does an excellent job in showing what some of the features that can be sued with them are. It goes into the health industry and analyzes some of the pros and cons that come with wearables. This will help me in evaluating wearable technology in the more general term other than physical fitness.

    1. Features

      Some of the features that I think are amazing is the activity tracker, heart rate monitor, and the ambient temperature. Living in Texas the heat here can get dangerous if exposed for too long without proper hydration. Having parents informed to the kind of temperature their kid is exposed to can be very helpful in making sure they are safe.

    1. will use UNICEF Kid Power fitness bands—which display how many steps they’ve taken and points earned—to monitor their physical activity. Program supporters are then converting the points they accrue into monetary donations toward the purchase of packets of therapeutic food, a specially-designed protein and vitamin-rich peanut paste—for kids in malnourished communities.

      This is what I love about this initiative. Not only is it encouraging youth to participate in more physical activity, it is going to provide malnourished kids with food.

  22. Aug 2015
    1. Remove sensitive data mac windows linux all
      • Simply use BFG Repo-Cleaner
        • Otherwise use: git filter-branch --force --index-filter \ 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch PATH_FILENAME' \ --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all
      • Tell collaborators to rebase not merge
    1. Creating a Mobile-First Responsive Web Design
      • Mobile first CSS. Add styles for bigger screens not the reverse.
      • Reduce requests by using data-URLs for small images.
      • Use Content Fragments and conditionally load them using JS.
      • Good breakpoints:
        • 28.75em wide - roughly the size of mobile phones in landscape mode.
        • 40.5em - roughly tablets in portrait mode or small desktop screens.
      • Take advantage of mobile-centric features like phone links and touch events.
  23. Apr 2015
  24. Mar 2015
    1. Summary of policy gradients using backprop (last ten minutes):

      The 'policy' is defined as the probabilities of taking an action given a history of observations: \(p(a_t | h_t)\), with \(h_t = (o_0, o_1, ..., o_t)\).

      Reward comes from each action as \(r_t(a_t)\), expected return is: $$ J(\theta) = E[ \sum_{t=0}^{T} r_t(a_t)] $$

      The gradient of the expected reward with respect to the parameters \(\theta\) (= "which direction should I change \(\theta\)?") is taken as follows:

      Sample (& average over) many action sequences (= play many games), for each sequence \((a_0,a_1, ..., a_T)\) computing:

      ---- The sum of, for each action \(a_t\) in the sequence:

      ---- ---- [which direction to change theta to make my action \(a_t\) more (log) probable given history \(h_t\)] * [the total reward gotten from this action and subsequent actions]

      The whole thing can be read as: if an action in a game led to high rewards, try to do that action more often when in the same situation.

  25. Sep 2014
    1. Starts off on a difficult foot by attempting to deny common conceptions about how advertising works, and even legitimizes their function, but comes full circle to strong indictment of the insidiousness of brand ubiquity.

  26. Feb 2014
    1. The innate qualities of intellectual pr operty, however, in combination with INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: POLICY FOR INNOVATION 15   strong economic motivations have led U.S. intellectual property policy to operate according to rights - based, non - utilitarian theory, possibly as a result of lobbying (capture theory).

      Lobbying has led to a rights-based non-utilitarian theory copyright policy in the US at the present time (2014).

    2. The U.S. social contract establishes a utilitarian basis for protection of intellectual property rights: protection as a means of encouraging innovation.

      The social contract of the US Constitution provides a utilitarian basis for protection of intellectual property rights.

    3. As intellectual property lacks scarcity, and the protection of it fails the Lockean Proviso, there is no natural right to intellectual property. As such, the justification for intellectual property rights arises from the social con tract, and in the case of the United States, the Constitution.

      The justification for intellectual property from the social contract established by the US Constitution; it otherwise has no justification by natural right because it fails the Lockean Proviso.

    1. In the final analysis, intellectual property shares much of the origins and orientation of all forms of property. At the same time, however, it is a more neutral institution than other forms of property: its limited scope and duration tend to prevent the very accumulation of wealth that Burke championed.
    1. Beginning the issue with “are” or “is” often leads to a clearer and more concise expression of the issue than beginning it with “may,” “can,” “does,” or “should.” The latter beginnings may lead to vague or ambiguous versions of the issue. Examine the following alternative statements of the judicial issue from Aiken Industries, Inc. (TC, 1971), acq.: Issue 2 (Poor): Are the interest payments exempt from the withholding tax? Issue 2 (Poor): Should the taxpayer exempt the interest payments from withholding tax? In the first version of issue 2 above, to which interest payments and which withholding tax is the writer referring? The issue does not stand alone since it cannot be precisely understood apart from separately reading the brief�s facts. The extreme brevity leads to ambiguity. In the second version, the question can be interpreted as a moral or judgment issue rather than a legal one. Whether the taxpayer should do (or should not do) something may be a very different issue than the legal question of what the law requires. A legal brief, however, should focus on the latter. Rewriting issue 2 as follows leads to a clearer expression of the precise issue: Issue 2 (Better): Are interest payments exempt from the U.S. 30% withholding tax when paid to an entity established in a tax treaty country for no apparent purpose other than to escape taxation on the interest received?

      Extreme brevity leads to ambiguity. The summary of the issue should be written to avoid opening the question to interpretation as a moral or judgment issue; instead focus on the legal question.

  27. Jan 2014
    1. Survey design The survey was intended to capture as broad and complete a view of data production activities and curation concerns on campus as possible, at the expense of gaining more in-depth knowledge.

      Summary of the survey design

    2. To summarize the survey's findings: Curation of digital data is a concern for a significant proportion of UCSB faculty and researchers. Curation of digital data is a concern for almost every department and unit on campus. Researchers almost universally view themselves as personally responsible for the curation of their data. Researchers view curation as a collaborative activity and collective responsibility. Departments have different curation requirements, and therefore may require different amounts and types of campus support. Researchers desire help with all data management activities related to curation, predominantly storage. Researchers may be underestimating the need for help using archival storage systems and dealing with attendant metadata issues. There are many sources of curation mandates, and researchers are increasingly under mandate to curate their data. Researchers under curation mandate are more likely to collaborate with other parties in curating their data, including with their local labs and departments. Researchers under curation mandate request more help with all curation-related activities; put another way, curation mandates are an effective means of raising curation awareness. The survey reflects the concerns of a broad cross-section of campus.

      Summary of survey findings.

  28. Sep 2013
    1. Listen to me, then, while I recapitulate the argument:—Is the pleasant the same as the good? Not the same. Callicles and I are agreed about that.

      Beginning of summary of argument. Repeated once more for good measure