1 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2025
    1. method and madness by [[Alan Jacobs]]

      via In which I describe my writing “methods." by [[Alan Jacobs]]


      @ayjay Thanks for sharing this. My method is often very much like yours. Lots of internal distillation, slowly over time. I remember hearing a story that Mozart wrote music "like a cow pees" (in one giant and immediate flood and then done). I feel like large works of writing, composing, etc. springing, as if fully formed from the head of Zeus is more common than is acknowledged. Cory Doctorow hints at a similar sort of method in his own work in The Memex Method. I'm also reminded of bits of what neuroscientist Barbara Oakley calls "diffuse thinking" or a more internalized version of Michael Ondaatje's "thinkering" described in The English Patient.