84 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2017
    1. The Belgian newspaper Le Soir, Spain's El Mundo, L'Espresso of Italy and the French online site Mediapart are members of European Investigative Collaboration (EIC), a cooperative initiative in investigative journalism.

      Here is the exact list of media outlets involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Treize médias européens commencent à publier une enquête sur les activités de paradis fiscal de Malte, qui préside actuellement l'Union européenne. En France, en Allemagne ou en Italie, ces médias pointent du doigt des politiques, des financiers, des représentants du milieu du spectacle et des entreprises prestigieuses.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. L'enquête lancée par 13 médias européens sur les activités de paradis fiscal de Malte met cette fois le projecteur sur la famille du président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Elle serait propriétaire d'un pétrolier grâce à un montage financier discret.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Ultimately they may have deprived the state of nearly €32bn (£28bn; $36bn). As the German broadcaster ARD wryly noted, that would have paid for repairs to a lot of schools and bridges.

      Interested in more tax scandals in Europe? The #MaltaFiles uncovered how companies and rich individuals throughout Europe wire their money through the small Island Malta for saving taxes in their home countries. Find more information here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. How bankers, consultants, and lawyers have been plundering the German state for decades. And who tracked them down and exposed them.

      Interested in more tax scandals in Europe? The #MaltaFiles uncovered how companies and rich individuals throughout Europe wire their money through the small Island Malta for saving taxes in their home countries. Find more information here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Laut "Spiegel" sind oder waren Dax-Konzerne wie BMW, BASF, die Deutsche Bank, Puma, Merck und Großunternehmen wie Bosch, K+S oder Rheinmetall mit Tochterfirmen auf der Insel vertreten. Allein die Lufthansa unterhält dem Magazin zufolge 18 Tochterfirmen auf Malta, darunter auch ihre Pensionskasse.
    2. Das Recherchenetzwerk European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) hatte in den vergangenen Monaten zwei Datensätze, die sogenannten Malta Files, ausgewertet. Darin sind Personen und Körperschaften aufgeführt, die Verbindungen zu 53.247 in Malta registrierten Unternehmen haben.

      Mehr Informationen über #MaltaFiles und weitere Projekte des EICnetwork gibt es hier: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Onderzoek van het journalistennetwerk European Investigative Collaborations (EIC), waarvan NRC deel uitmaakt, geeft nu een zeldzaam inkijkje in de zakelijke belangen van de familie Erdogan, en hoe die haar positie gebruikt om zichzelf te verrijken. Dat inkijkje biedt geen zicht op miljarden, wel op vriendjespolitiek ter waarde van dertig miljoen euro. Het onderzoek is gebaseerd op gegevens uit het handelsregister in Malta en vertrouwelijke documenten in het bezit van EIC.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Deutsche Konzerne sollen mithilfe von Tochterfirmen auf Malta ihre Steuerlast in Deutschland drücken. Das berichtet der Spiegel unter Berufung auf Tausende Dokumente, die dem europäischen Recherchenetzwerk EIC zugespielt wurden. Die sogenannten Malta Files gäben Aufschluss über zahlreiche Firmeninhaber auf Malta. Unter ihnen seien aktuell oder in der Vergangenheit Dax-Konzerne wie BMW, BASF, Deutsche Bank, Puma und Merck. 

      Mehr Informationen über #MaltaFiles und weitere Projekte des EICnetwork gibt es hier: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Laut „Spiegel“ sind oder waren Dax-Konzerne wie BMW, BASF, die Deutsche Bank, Puma, Merck und Großunternehmen wie Bosch, K+S oder Rheinmetall mit Tochterfirmen auf der Insel vertreten. Allein die Lufthansa unterhält dem Magazin zufolge 18 Tochterfirmen auf Malta, darunter auch ihre Pensionskasse.
    2. Das Recherchenetzwerk European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) hatte in den vergangenen Monaten zwei Datensätze, die sogenannten Malta Files, ausgewertet. Darin sind Personen und Körperschaften aufgeführt, die Verbindungen zu 53 247 in Malta registrierten Unternehmen haben.

      Mehr Informationen über #MaltaFiles und weitere Projekte des EICnetwork gibt es hier: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Zahlreiche Konzerne, darunter auch aus Deutschland, nutzen in großem Stil Tochterfirmen auf Malta, um ihre Steuern in ihrer Heimat zu drücken. Das geht aus tausenden Dokumenten hervor, die der "Spiegel" gemeinsam mit seinen zwölf Partnern vom Recherchenetzwerk European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) ausgewertet hat. Diese begannen am Freitag mit der Veröffentlichung ihrer Auswertung. Dem EIC waren in den vergangenen Monaten zwei Datensätze, die sogenannten Malta Files, zugespielt worden. Die Papiere erlauben laut "Spiegel" einen tiefen Einblick in das maltesische System von Firmengründungen und legen die Inhaber dortiger Firmen offen.

      Mehr Informationen über #MaltaFiles und weitere Projekte des EICnetwork gibt es hier: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Wie das Nachrichtenmagazin in seiner neuen Ausgabe berichtet, steht im Zentrum der Geldtransfers der aus Aserbaidschan stammende türkische Milliardär Mübariz Mansimov. Er ist nach Informationen des Recherchenetzwerks European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) der Hauptfinanzier des Öltankers "Agdash", um den sich der geheime Deal dreht.

      Mehr Informationen über #MaltaFiles und weitere Projekte des EICnetwork gibt es hier: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Das journalistische Netzwerk European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) durchforstet derzeit über 150.000 Dokumente, die offenbar aufzeigen sollen, wie internationale und europäische Konzerne das Steuersystem Maltas ausnutzen, um Steuern in der EU zu umgehen.

      Mehr Informationen über #MaltaFiles und weitere Projekte des EICnetwork gibt es hier: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. According to Fishman, the oil tanker was donated to Erdogan by Azeri billionaire Mubariz Mansimov back in 2008, as revealed by the European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) network, composed of 49 journalists from 13 media organizations in 16 countries.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Das geht aus tausenden Dokumenten hervor, die das Nachrichtenmagazin «Spiegel» gemeinsam mit seinen zwölf Partnern vom Recherchenetzwerk European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) ausgewertet hat.

      Mehr Informationen über das EIC und Artikel alle Artikel zu #MaltaFiles gibt es hier: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. 13 testate giornalistiche, raggruppate nella rete dei media European Investigative Collaborations (EIC), hanno iniziato a pubblicare i “Malta Files”, decine di migliaia di documenti confidenziali che rivelano i retroscena di un paradiso fiscale di cui si parla poco.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. De Erdogan-clan bezit de olietanker stiekem via brievenbusbedrijven op het Britse Island of Man en malta, meldt NRC Handelsblad. De krant maakt deel uit van een groep van dertien Europese media die de 'Malta Files' hebben onthuld, meer dan 150.000 vertrouwelijke documenten uit de 'coulissen van het miskende fiscaal paradijs' Malta.
    2. De familie van de Turkse president Recep Tayyip Erdogan heeft in 2008 zonder te betalen een olietanker verkregen ter waarde van 20 miljoen dollar. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van journalistennetwerk EIC (European Investigative Collaborations).

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. he consortium of media included German weekly Der Spiegel, Belgian daily Le Soir, and Spain's El Mundo, as well as online-only media such as Mediapart in France and The Black Sea.

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

    2. Maltese politicians defended the country's tax regime over the weekend, after an international group of media outlets began publishing stories about the so-called Malta Files. The EU’s smallest nation came under new public scrutiny on Friday (19 May) when a journalists’ network called the European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) published the Malta Files.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. The Commission had no comment on pan-European media investigation into Malta’s tax system.

      This pan-European media investigation is referred to as #MaltaFiles, a project of the European Investigative Collaboration short EICnetwork. Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. La famille du président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan serait propriétaire d'un bateau pétrolier ayant coûté 20 millions de dollars, révèle vendredi Le Soir. Le journal fait partie des journaux du réseau de médias European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) qui ont révélé les "Malta Files", fruits d'une enquête sur "les coulisses du paradis fiscal" maltais.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. 13 Europese media, verenigd in European Investigative Collaborations (EIC), zijn gestart met de publicatie van de "Malta Files", meer dan 150.000 vertrouwelijke documenten uit de "coulissen van het miskende fiscaal paradijs", Malta. Dat meldt de Franse website Mediapart. Volgens Le Soir zouden 491 Belgen genoemd worden in het onderzoek.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Dertien Europese media, verenigd in European Investigative Collaborations (EIC), zijn gestart met de publicatie van de 'Malta Files', meer dan 150.000 vertrouwelijke documenten uit de "coulissen van het miskende fiscaal paradijs". Dat meldt de Franse website Mediapart. Volgens Le Soir zouden 491 Belgen genoemd worden in het onderzoek.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. De familie van de Turkse president Recep Tayyip Erdogan zou de eigenaar zijn van een olietanker die 20 miljoen dollar kostte. Dat heeft Le Soir vrijdag gemeld. De krant maakt deel uit van de European Investigative Collaborations (EIC), een groep van dertien Europese media die de "Malta Files" hebben onthuld, meer dan 150.000 vertrouwelijke documenten uit de "coulissen van het miskende fiscaal paradijs" Malta.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Ein Konsortium von europäischen Investigativ-Journalisten erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen den EU-Mitgliedstaat Malta. Das Recherche-Netzwerk hat tausende Dokumente ausgewertet, die ihm vor einigen Wochen zugespielt worden waren. Diese sogenannten "Malta-Files" geben demnach Aufschluss darüber, wie der Inselstaat dazu beiträgt, dass insbesondere EU-Bürger und -Unternehmen im großen Stil Steuern hinterziehen können.

      Mehr Informationen über die European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) und Artikel zu den #MaltaFiles gibt es hier: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Dertien Europese media, verenigd in European Investigative Collaborations (EIC), zijn gestart met de publicatie van de 'Malta Files', meer dan 150.000 vertrouwelijke documenten uit de "coulissen van het miskende fiscaal paradijs". Dat meldt de Franse website Mediapart. Volgens Le Soir zouden 491 Belgen genoemd worden in het onderzoek.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

    1. În ultima lună, reporterii Gazetei și partenerii de la European Investigative Collaboration au analizat un set nou de documente, numite Malta Files, iar printre miile de acționari ascunși au descoperit prezența fostului președinte al Comitetului Olimpic și Sportiv Român (COSR) din perioada 2004-2014.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. 50,000 documents from a financial services provider in Malta – emails, contracts, documents, invoices – were leaked some months ago to the German magazine Der Spiegel. Together with an Excel file listing 53,247 Malta companies and their shareholders, leaked to the news magazine portal The Black Sea last September, they have become The Malta Files.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    2. 3 European media houses

      Media involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

    1. Laut einem Agenturbericht wertet das Recherchenetzwerk European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) die Daten aus. Am Freitag habe sie mit der Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse begonnen. Dem EIC waren in den vergangenen Monaten zwei Datensätze, die sogenannten Malta Files, zugespielt worden.

      Mehr Informationen und alle Geschichten zu #MaltaFiles gibt es hier: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Manche halten Malta für das „Panama Europas“. Nun hat ein internationales Recherchenetzwerk eine ihr zugespielte CD mit den Handelsregisterdaten der Mittelmeerinsel ausgewertet.

      Das internationale Recherchenetzwerk ist EICnetwork (European Investigative Collaboration). Mehr Informationen und alle Geschichten zu #MaltaFiles gibt es hier: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Il-MaltaFiles ġew żvelati minn konsorzju ta’ ġurnalisti Ewropej li skoprew 150,000 dokument li skont huma juru li Malta qed tintuża bħala bażi għall-evażjoni tat-taxxa u l-ħasil tal-flus. Kemm il-Prim Ministru kif ukoll il-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista qalu li qed jintqalu ħafna affarijiet mhux vera, peress li Malta mhix tax haven u l-anqas ma hawn kumpaniji off shore.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Artikli bbażati b’mod qarrieqi fuq informazzjoni disponibbli pubblikament, iżda wkoll dokumenti li nkisbu b’mod illeċtu. Fi kliem KMPG, l-informazzjoin qed tintuaża biex tpenġi lil Malta b’mod skorrett bħala ġurisdizzjoni offshore, jew inkella tax haven.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. The Malta Chamber argued that in an open and investment-based economy, the Malta Files and the ensuing inferences endanger the entire economy.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. The Malta Files is a joint investigative effort by a number of media outlets across Europe which are looking into Malta's taxation system. It is the result of a leak of documents from a local financial services practitioner. 

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. In an open and investment-based economy like ours, the Malta Files and the ensuing inferences endanger the entire economy.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Albayrak’s offshore dealings are exposed in a combination of leaked financial documents and the RedHack e-mails as part of the European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) network’s #MaltaFiles. Over the last three months, the EIC network has dug into 100,000s of documents that show how Malta operates a tax system where companies pay the lowest tax on profits in the EU.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    2. According to Zeynep Sentek and Craig Shaw reports from The Black Sea news site, Erdoğan's son-in-law Albayrak also opened other accounts in Sweden in an intricate offshore structure that was, however, in the end not needed for Albayrak, then-CEO of the Turkish multinational after he was appointed Turkey’s Minister of Energy and Resources in 2015.
    1. Ces documents illustrent comment l’île méditerranéenne attire les entreprises avec sa fiscalité minimaliste et comment son régime de sociétés offshore permet de blanchir l’argent sale.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Er ist nach Informationen des Recherchenetzwerks European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) der Hauptfinanzier des Öltankers “Agdash”, um den sich der geheime Deal dreht. Zum Recherchenetzwerk EIC gehören neben dem “Spiegel” unter anderem die belgische Zeitung “Le Soir”, die spanische Zeitung “El Mundo” und das französische Enthüllungsportal “Mediapart”.

      Mehr Informationen über das EICnetwork und #MaltaFiles gibt es hier https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

      Hier eine Liste mit allen beiteiligten Medien: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

    1. Outre Mediapart, l'hebdomadaire allemand Der Spiegel, et les journaux portugais Expresso, espagnol El Mundo, italien L'Espresso, belge Le Soir et danois Politiken, notamment, figurent parmi ces médias.L'enquête a mobilisé 49 journalistes dans 16 pays pendant quatre mois. Les révélations promises paraîtront sur "deux semaines".

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Après les Panama Papers, les Mata Files. Treize journaux européens, dont le site d’investigation Mediapart, membres du réseau European Investigate Collaborations (EIC), ont publié, vendredi 19 mai, des documents révélant des pratiques d'évasion et d'optimisation fiscale à Malte, pays par ailleurs président de l’Union européenne jusqu’au 30 juin.

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Le réseau de journalistes d’investigations EIC (European Investigative Collaborations) dont Mediapart est le membre français, viennent de commencer à publier les Malta Files (« dossiers Malte »).

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Treize journaux, regroupés au sein du réseau de médias European Investigative Collaborations (EIC), ont commencé à publier vendredi les "Malta Files", promettant de révéler les "coulisses de ce paradis fiscal méconnu", a annoncé le site français Mediapart.

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Le site Mediapart et douze autres médias internationaux du réseau d’investigation European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) publient, vendredi 19 mai, des révélations sur les pratiques fiscales de Malte. Les « Malta Files » sont constitués, détaille Mediapart, de deux ensembles de documents :

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Les Malta Files, dévoilées en avril, sont les dernières "leaks" sur lesquelles enquête un consortium de médias européens, après les LuxLeaks et les Panama Papers. Ils travaillent sur 150.000 documents confidentiels révélant "les coulisses de ce paradis fiscal méconnu" qu'est Malte, souligne Médiapart. 

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Algunos de los personajes más ricos de España ‘custodian’ hasta 900 millones de euros en el ‘paraíso fiscal’ de Malta, según desvela El Mundo a partir de los denominados ‘Malta Files’.

      Malta Files' es el trabajo que sigue a Football Leaks, la investigación de la red de periodismo de investigación EIC que en diciembre del año pasado desveló la cara oculta de personajes del fútbol mundial como José Mourinho, Jorge Mendes o Cristiano Ronaldo. Encuentren más informacion acá: http://www.elmundo.es/economia/malta-files/2017/05/20/5920291b22601d6c678b45cf.html

      o acá: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. En la red EIC participan junto al diario español "El Mundo", el alemán "Der Spiegel", el francés "Mediapart" el portugués "Expresso", el belga "Le Soir", el danés "Politiken", el italiano "L'Espresso", el maltés "Malta Today" y el rumano "The Black See".

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    2. La pequeña isla mediterránea miembro de la Unión Europea es un paraíso desconocido de "la evasión fiscal y la corrupción", según la información divulgada por el diario El Mundo y la red de medios European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) y conocida como Malta Files.

      Para más información sobre MaltaFiles y otros projectos de EICnetwork visiten: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Treize médias européens ont commencé vendredi à publier les « Malta Files », une enquête sulfureuse sur « les coulisses du paradis fiscal » maltais, que le gouvernement de La Valette, en pleine campagne électorale, a aussitôt rejetée en bloc.

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Un’inchiesta condotta da L’Espresso ha analizzato l’elenco completo di azionisti e amministratori delle società con base a Malta per capire se davvero la piccola isola distante meno di 100 chilometri dalle coste meridionali della Sicilia si sia trasformata in un paradiso offshore.

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. In collaborazione con il consorzio giornalistico Eic (European investigative collaborations), l’Espresso ha potuto consultare l’elenco degli italiani che hanno aperto una società nell’isola del Mediterraneo.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

      Ulteriori informazioni su MaltaFiles e progetti dell'EICnetwork qui: here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. Anche in Spagna cominciano a trapelare dai cosiddetti Malta-files i primi nomi di Vip (imprenditori, nobili, personaggi dello sport, come Per Guardiola, fratello dell’allenatore del Manchester City) che, secondo il quotidiano El Mundo, deterrebbero su conti offshore nell’isola del Mediterraneo un patrimonio di almeno 900 milioni di euro.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. "Of these, 381 are resident in Portugal and directly control 257 companies in that country, and there are 89 people who are registered as Portuguese but live in other countries."
    2. In an investigation carried out by a network of investigative journalists,* led by the German Der Spiegel, of which Portugal’s 'Expresso' is part, thousands of documents have been analysed that show how companies use this tax system to full advantage, using Malta as a 'pirate base' for tax evasion within the European Union, according to the Maltese daily.

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/

    3. Russian loan sharks
    1. Os documentos foram analisados pelo consórcio EIC (European Investigative Collaborations), do qual o Expresso e outros jornais internacionais fazem parte.

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/

    1. European Investigative Collaboration (EIC) ağı tarafından yapılan araştırma ve the Black Sea, El Mundo gibi gazeteler tarafından yayımlanan "MaltaFiles" (Malta Dosyaları), Türkiye'yi de yakından ilgilendiriyor.

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/

    2. Bazı Avrupa gazeteleri tarafından sızdırılan "MaltaFiles" belgelerinde, Azeri bir işadamının 2008 yılında Erdoğan'a 25 milyon dolarlık gemi hediye ettiği ortaya çıktı.

      Read the whole story here (in Turkish): https://theblacksea.eu/malta-files/article/tr/erdogan-ailesinin-gizli-offshore-anlasmasmi

      And find more stories about #MaltaFiles in English and other languages here: https://eic.network/

    1. Jurnalismfund.eu'nun desteği ile gazeteci Craig Shaw'ın eicnetwork ile ortak çalışması blacksea.eu sitesinde ''Erdoğan Ailesinin Gizli Offshore Anlaşması'' başlığıyla yayınlandı.

      Read the whole story here (in Turkish): https://theblacksea.eu/malta-files/article/tr/erdogan-ailesinin-gizli-offshore-anlasmasmi

      And find more stories about #MaltaFiles in English and other languages here: https://eic.network/

    1. Araştırmacı Gazeteciler Birliği (EIC)

      Find more information on EICnetwork and all stories from #MaltaFiles here: https://eic.network/

    2. Malta Files, Erdoğan’ın yolsuzluklarını ifşa etti Türk Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın milyarlarca dolarlık bir servete sahip olduğundan bahsediliyor. Malta Files belgelerinde bunun bir kısmı ortaya çıktı. Mübariz Mansimov ve Sıtkı Ayan, Erdoğan ailesine 26 Milyon Euro “hediye” etti.
    1. Malta Files: Το σκάνδαλο με τις offshore του Τουρκου πρωθυπουργού Γιλντιρίμ Σάλο προκαλούν οι πρώτες πληροφορίες ενός οικονομικού σκανδάλου μεγατόνων με πρωταγωνιστή τον τούρκο πρωθυπουργό Μπιναλί Γιλντιρίμ.

      Get the whole story on Yildirim here: https://theblacksea.eu/malta-files/article/en/family-business-turkey-prime-minister-offshore

      Find all stories from #MaltaFiles here: https://eic.network/

    1. Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/

    1. Publikację "Malta files" rozpoczęło w piątek 13 europejskich tytułów prasowych należących do sieci European Investigative Collaborations (EIC). To wynik trwającej od czterech miesięcy pracy 49 dziennikarzy z 16 krajów.

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/

    1. 13 europejskich tytułów prasowych należących do sieci European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) rozpoczęło w piątek publikację "Malta Files" - ponad 150 tys. poufnych dokumentów, które mają pokazać, że Malta - najmniejszy kraj UE - jest rajem podatkowym.

      Here is the exact list of the media organizations involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/

    1. Here is the exact list of the media involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/

    1. I49 periodistas de 13 medios fueron involucrados con #MaltaFiles: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

    1. The discovery, published Friday by the Black Sea, 1 El Mundo 2 and other outlets 3 , is the result of a monthslong project by the European Investigative Collaboration network 4 .

      The research was undertaken by the network European Investigative Collaborations (EIC), which has brought together 13 media and 49 journalists in 16 countries. All stories are here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. In total it was 13 media organizations and 49 journalists collaborating on #MaltaFiles. Here is the exact list of the media involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

    1. 13 journaux européens

      Media involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

    1. dem Datenleck 150.000 vertrauliche Dokumente.

      The total documents are over 150,000 and span from early 2000 to 2016.

    2. durch verschiedene Medienhäuser

      In total it was 13 media organizations and 49 journalists collaborating on #MaltaFiles. Here is the exact list of the media involved: L'Espresso, Le Soir, NRC, DER SPIEGEL, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism / TheBlackSea.eu, Mediapart, Politiken, NewsWeek Serbia, El Mundo, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, Malta Today, The Intercept and Agência Sportlight.

  2. May 2017
    1. a team of journalists

      You can find the team of journalists here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files They are part of European Investigative Collaborations

    1. “Malta's strength as a location for online gambling is based on weak supervision," Giegold told Reuters.

      Sven Giegold also says that Malta's obstruction is an "impertinence" as you can read in #MaltaFiles story of DerSPIEGEL

    2. Of the $38 billion of revenues generated worldwide in the sector in 2015, Europe alone accounted for 48 percent, industry data show. Malta has awarded around 500 online gaming licenses, the highest number in Europe.

      interesting add to the #MaltaFiles stories, especially since the owner of the fast loans business exposed recently has a major stake in the gaming industry