- Jun 2017
hoover.crji.org hoover.crji.orgHoover1
hoover.crji.org hoover.crji.orgHoover1
We are an exciting venture in healthcare in our seed round of funding and would like to speak to you in further detail about our project. We would like to setup a meeting at your convenience and get your thoughts on MMF. Attached are brief highlights regarding our advisors, investors and founders.
giving context to it
hoover.crji.org hoover.crji.orgHoover1
www.etha.com.tr www.etha.com.tr
ETHA çevirmeni Meşale Tolu gözaltına alınma ve tutuklanma sürecini anlattı. Bakırköy Kapalı Kadın Hapishanesi'nden gönderdiği mektupta Tolu, "Die Welt gazetesinin Türkiye muhabiri Deniz Yücel gibi bana da 'Alman ajanı' muamelesi yapıldı. Hedef seçilmemdeki nedenlerin bu asılsız iddiaların olmadığını biliyorum. Devletin sansür politikasına karşı mücadele eden halkın haber alma ha
can someone translate this para ?
- May 2017
theblacksea.eu theblacksea.eu
Yıldırım Ailesinin Yeni Gemileri ve Offshore Serveti
looks like the site is blocked in Turkey
a team of journalists
You can find the team of journalists here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files They are part of European Investigative Collaborations
Of the $38 billion of revenues generated worldwide in the sector in 2015, Europe alone accounted for 48 percent, industry data show. Malta has awarded around 500 online gaming licenses, the highest number in Europe.
interesting add to the #MaltaFiles stories, especially since the owner of the fast loans business exposed recently has a major stake in the gaming industry
- Mar 2017
pad.tenders.exposed pad.tenders.exposed
yes, I can edit
hackmd.io hackmd.io
can I really annotate this ?
eic.network eic.network
www.newsweek.rs www.newsweek.rs
Vozeći se s holivudskom zvezdom, Aleksandar Ðuričić je slušao o Sonji Savić, Gagi Nikoliću, Ljubi Tadiću, Paji Vuisiću, Ðuzi, otkrio zašto je Kjubrik umro ljut, kako se Koen ponašao na večeri i sazn
hoover.crji.org hoover.crji.orgHoover1
pdfjs.hoover.grep.ro pdfjs.hoover.grep.ro
stirileprotv.ro stirileprotv.ro
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Angela Merkel urged to ban Erdoğan over jailed German journalist
www.tolo.ro www.tolo.ro
Orele sunt înaintate, eu sunt ostenit de atâta așteptare și de atâta ascultare, onorată instanță!
adevarul.ro adevarul.ro
www.riseproject.ro www.riseproject.ro
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Subsemnatul CASTELLANO CIRO, cetățean român,sex masculin, căsătorit, născut la 14.05.1964, în Italia,
who is this person ?
crji.org crji.org
Nicu Gheara - un nas pentru România
www.google.rs www.google.rs
www.hotnews.ro www.hotnews.ro
Serviciile secrete din Romania sunt implicate intr-un nou scandal. Oamenii controversatului afacerist Nicu Gheara au capturat, luni seara, o masina plina cu tehnica de supraveghere care se afla in timpul filajului. In acest caz nu se stie daca angajatii serviciului au lucrat ca incepatorii, ori Gheara si-a asigurat "protectia".
This clearly shows an involvement with the Kiwi
Nicu Gheara i-a sechestrat si umilit pe politistii care-l urmareau
- Nov 2016
www.hotnews.ro www.hotnews.ro
oasis.sandstorm.io oasis.sandstorm.io
- Oct 2016
hoover.grep.ro hoover.grep.ro
(U) Summary: Embassy received on July 20 diplomatic note no. H2-1/2187 dated July 14 confirming that the Parliament of Romania ratified and published the Agreement between Romania and the United States of America regarding the activities of the U.S. forces stationed on Romania,s territory in the Official Gazette (Monitorul Oficial) 585/07.06.2006. This was the final step in ratifying the agreement, which may now be implemented. End Summary.
hoover.grep.ro hoover.grep.ro
- Sep 2016
theblacksea.eu theblacksea.eu
EU’s freedom of goods policy opened door to Paris terror attacks
test annotation for slack
docs.sandstorm.io docs.sandstorm.ioDocs1
Each app instance (aka "grain") is private by default to the user who created it. Read these documents to learn how access control works. Login permissions : User authentication permissions Ma
m100potsdam.org m100potsdam.org
Nino Abdaladze, 22, Georgia Nino has a Bachelor degree in Journalism and Mass Communication and is currently doing her MA degree in Multimedia Journalism and Media Management at Georgian Institute Of Public Affairs.
in our group on sandstorm
aleph.openoil.net aleph.openoil.net
Everything extractive industries tell investors, in one place
// and aleph at openoil.net
data.occrp.org data.occrp.org
and aleph collections @ occrp
data.occrp.org data.occrp.org
Search it all
aleph interface at OCCRP
ted.europa.eu ted.europa.eu
// @mgax: si asta e o colectie buna de notat, cred ca xml dumps le putem primi
listen.hatnote.com listen.hatnote.com
Recent changes
// talking about UI/UX, what about putting the Hoover search logs on visuals & music, like here [for wikipedia recent changes]
mutabit.com mutabit.com
This text proposes a way to bootstrap and enable this plural participation by recommending practices and prototyping artifacts that join several topics and interests: reproducible research, data activism 1, data visualization, data provenance 2 and frictionless data 3, using the Offshore Leaks Database, which joins Panama Papers and offshore Leaks investigation data, as an example. Because plurality is a core concern, the prototype environment and workflow should be simple, affordable, explorable, traceable and bridge a continuous between almost raw data and the operations and transformations on it, like visualizations and queries, that are used to build argumentation from data.
// Interesanta abordare a datelor publicate ca baza de date de ICIJ
projectblacklight.org projectblacklight.org
Project Showcase
// Si asta a fost folosit la SwissLeaks si PanamaPapers, de ICIJ
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Improving Your Investigations with Nuix
// Nuix demo pe la min 20 arata interfata mai clar
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Denmark pays up to £1m for documents from anonymous source and plans to investigate up to 600 Danes who may have evaded tax
// By-products of leaked data
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
dtSearch demo
// Asta a fost folosit la offshoreleaks ca web based search solution pt ICIJ
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Intella interface
// Si intella, asta e scurt si destul de misto facut
www.holovaty.com www.holovaty.com
A fundamental way newspaper sites need to change
// Si ceva mai de sus legat de ce putem face cu seturi de date in timp, adunate in retea, altceva decat povesti. un art. vechi de 10 ani
api.opencorporates.com api.opencorporates.com
Get data access to over100 million companies
// Great data-set, we can get it for free
opencorporates.com opencorporates.com
Our goal at OpenCorporates is to improve access to and quality and understanding of data about companies, under a licence that encourages reuse. We want you to use our data, for a public purpose, for journalism, for academic research, for other great open data websites and services, and also commercially. If your proposed use of our data means you are able to freely share your results under the terms of our Open Data licence, then we can usually provide you with these products at no cost. Please drop us a line, explaining your proposed use of the data, and we'll get back in touch.
// Same here with Official Gazettes - maybe we propose a partnership and trade MoF data ?
api.slack.com api.slack.com
what up ?
berlinergazette.de berlinergazette.de
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists/ICIJ, Washington, USA)
and EIC.network
- Apr 2016
hoover.snow.grep.ro hoover.snow.grep.roFR1
However, during the discussion of the amended Directive in the European Parliament, a number of policy experts who had been invited by MEPs explained the potentially criminal use of, for example, alarm guns (or guns designed for firing blanks), when converted into real firearms by delinquents.
the reference to alarm guns and the conversion into real firearms
en.kremlin.ru en.kremlin.ru
Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.
was the conversation about the discoveries of #PanamaPapers here http://panamapapers.icij.org/20160403-panama-papers-global-overview.html
hoover.snow.grep.ro hoover.snow.grep.ro
Zbierka zákonov Slovenskej republiky
Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic
Účel zákona
purpose of the Act
- Mar 2016
hoover.snow.grep.ro hoover.snow.grep.ro
expanzný prístroj a expanzná zbraň neuvedená v písmene d)
expansion devices and expansion weapon not stated in letter d)
Držiteľ zbrane kategórie D je povinný pri manipulácii s touto zbraňou mať pri sebe dokladtotožnosti,12) a ak ide o držiteľa zbrane kategórie D uvedenej v odseku 1 písm. d), aj preukazzbrane. Držiteľ zbrane kategórie D
The holder of weapon included in category D is required when handling this weapon to wear his ID. If he is a holder of weapon of category D referred to in paragraph 1. d) he is required to wear the license of a weapon.
braň kategórie C, strelivo do zbrane kategórie A, zbrane kategórie B alebo do zbranekategórie C môže nadobudnúť do vlastníctva len držiteľ zbrojného preukazu, držiteľ zbrojnejlicencie alebo držiteľ zbrojného sprievodného listu na trvalý vývo
C category weapon and ammunition into weapons included in Category A, Category B or Category C may acquire property only to gun license holder, the holder of armament licensee or holder Firearm accompanying letter to the permanent export.
Ustanovenia§ 8 až 12 sa nevzťahujú na obchodovanie s vojenským
The provisions of § 8-12 shall not apply to trade with military material
Zbraň kategórie D alebo strelivo do tejto zbrane môže nadobudnúť do vlastníctva právnickáosoba alebo fyzická osoba staršia ako 18 rokov, ktorá je v plnom rozsahu spôsobilá na právneúkony. Držiteľ skupiny A a C zbrojnej licencie vedie evidenciu o predaji zbraní kategórie D vzáznamovej knihe, ktorej spôsob vedenia a náležitosti ustanoví všeobecne záväzný právny predpis,ktorý vydá ministerstvo
D category weapon or ammunition to this weapon may acquire a legal person or a individual over 18 years, which is a full legal capacity. A holder of a firearms license under categories A to C keeps records about sales of weapons of category D in the record book whose method of keeping and requisites stipulated by a generally binding regulation issued by the Ministry.
Ten, kto nadobudne vlastníctvo zbrane kategórie D uvedenej v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. d), je povinnýnadobudnutie vlastníctva zbrane ohlásiť policajnému útvaru podľa miesta pobytu do siedmich dníodo dňa nadobudnutia vlastníctva zbrane; zároveň je povinný v tejto lehote predložiť zbraň nazaevidovanie (§ 37)
Who acquired an ownership of weapons of category D referred to in § 7. 1 point. d) is obliged to announce the acquisition of the weapons to the police department of the place of residence within seven days from the date of acquisition of ownership of weapon; He is also obliged within this period to submit the weapon for registration (§ 37).
Nesmie sa uzatvárať zmluva na diaľku,15a) ktorej predmetom je nákup a predaj zbranekategórie A, kategórie B, kategórie C alebo streliva do týchto zbraní, expanznej zbrane, zbrane,ktorá bola znehodnotená zo zbrane kategórie A, kategórie B a kategórie C a zbrane kategórie Duvedenej v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. l), ak v odseku 2 nie je ustanovené inak
Nesmie sa uzatvárať zmluva na diaľku,15a) ktorej predmetom je nákup a predaj zbranekategórie A, kategórie B, kategórie C alebo streliva do týchto zbraní, expanznej zbrane, zbrane,ktorá bola znehodnotená zo zbrane kategórie A, kategórie B a kategórie C a zbrane kategórie Duvedenej v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. l), ak v odseku 2 nie je ustanovené inak
Držiteľ zbrojnej licencie môže uzatvárať zmluvu na diaľku, ktorej predmetom je nákup alebopredaj zbrane, streliva, hlavných častí alebo súčastí zbrane, len s iným držiteľom zbrojnej licenciealebo inou osobou, ktorá je oprávnená v rámci svojej podnikateľskej činnosti na nákup a predajzbraní a streliva
The holder of a firearms license may contract at a distance, to the purchase or sale of weapons, ammunition, major parts or components of weapons, only with another holder of a firearms license or other person who is authorized in the course of his business to buy and sell weapons and ammunition.
Držiteľ zbrojnej licencie môže uzatvárať zmluvu na diaľku, ktorej predmetom je nákup alebopredaj zbrane, streliva, hlavných častí alebo súčastí zbrane, len s iným držiteľom zbrojnej licenciealebo inou osobou, ktorá je oprávnená v rámci svojej podnikateľskej činnosti na nákup a predajzbraní a streliva.
The holder of a firearms license may contract at a distance, to the purchase or sale of weapons, ammunition, major parts or components of weapons, only with another holder of a firearms license or other person who is authorized in the course of his business to buy and sell weapons and ammunition.
Weapons registry, GUN LICENCE, verification and safekeeping of weapons and ammunition
Každá zbraň kategórie A, zbraň kategórie B, zbraň kategórie C a zbraň kategórie D uvedená v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. d) musí byť zaevidovaná; táto povinnosť sa nevzťahuje na zakázané strelivo
Each weapon Category A, Category B,category C and a D category weapon mentioned in § 7. 1 point. d) must be registered; This obligation does not apply to prohibited ammunition.
Dokladom o zaevidovaní zbrane je preukaz zbrane, ktorý je verejnoulistinou. Vzor preukazu zbrane je uvedený vprílohe č. 4
Document of registration of weapons is a gun license, which is a public document. Pattern of license of weapon is listed in the Annex nr. 4.
Export, import and transport of weapons and ammunition
Zbrojný sprievodný list
Zbrojný sprievodný list
Zbrojný sprievodný list je verejná listina, ktorá oprávňuje fyzickú osobu alebo právnickúosobu na uskutočnenie trvalého vývozu zbrane kategórie A, zbrane kategórie B, zbrane kategórie Calebo streliva do týchto zbraní a zbrane kategórie D uvedenej v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. d), nauskutočnenie trvalého dovozu zbrane kategórie A, zbrane kategórie B, zbrane kategórie C alebostreliva do týchto zbraní a zbrane kategórie D uvedenej v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. d)
Firearm accompanying letter is an official document which authorizes the individual or legal entity to carry out the permanent export of Category A, Category B, category C weapons or ammunition for these weapons and weapons of category D referred to in § 7. 1 point. d)
- to make permanent importation of Category A, Category B, category C weapons or ammunition for these weapons and weapons of category D referred to in § 7. 1 point. d)
Trvalý vývoz zbrane a streliva
Permanent export of weapons and ammunition
Zbraň kategórie A, zbraň kategórie B, zbraň kategórie C alebo strelivo do týchto zbraní azbraň kategórie D uvedenú v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. d) možno trvalo vyviezť mimo územia Slovenskejrepubliky iba na základe zbrojného sprievodného listu, ak osobitný predpis neustanovuje inak.
Category A, Category B, Category C weapons or their ammunition and weapon category D referred to in § 7. 1 point. d) may be permanently exported outside the territory of the Slovak Republic only with Firearm accompanying letter, unless special legislation provides otherwise.
Ten, kto chce trvalo vyviezť zbraň kategórie A, zbraň kategórie B alebo zbraň kategórie C azbraň kategórie D uvedenú v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. d), ktorá bola alebo je zaevidovaná na držiteľazbrojného preukazu alebo držiteľa zbrojnej licencie, je povinný túto zbraň odovzdať policajnémuútvaru, kde je zbraň zaevidovaná, na vykonanie kriminalistickej expertízy
Whoever who wants to permanently export a Category A, Category B or category C weapons and D category weapon referred to in § 7. 1 point. d) which has been or is registered to the holder of a gun license or a firearms license holder is obliged to hand over the weapon to the police department where the weapon is registered, to conduct forensic expertise.
Zverenie, vypožičanie a prenájom zbrane a streliva
Entrusting, borrowing and leasing of weapons and ammunition
Držiteľ zbrojného preukazu alebo zbrojnej licencie môže zveriť zbraň kategórie B alebo zbraňkategórie C alebo strelivo do týchto zbraní inej fyzickej osobe, ktorá nie je držiteľom príslušnejskupiny zbrojného preukazu, iba počas
The holder of a gun license or a firearms license may be entrusted to a Category B or Category C weapons or their ammunition of another individual who is not the holder of the relevant gun license only during:
športovej prípravy alebo športovej súťaže, ktorých súčasťou je
sports training or competitive sport involving shooting
praktického streleckého výcviku
practical shooting practice
prípravy na budúce povolanie súvisiace s držaním alebo nosením zbrane alebo praktickéhostreleckého výcviku na skúšky z poľovníctva,
training for future employment related to hold or to carry weapons or practical shooting practice for testing of hunting
filmovej alebo divadelnej činnosti, ak ide o zbraň upravenú na streľbu nábojkami alebocvičnými nábojmi
film or theater activity in case of a gun modified to fire blank ammunition or practice ammunition
Znehodnotiť, zničiť, vyrobiť rez zbrane kategórie A, zbrane kategórie B, zbrane kategórie C astreliva do týchto zbraní možno na základe povolenia vydaného policajným útvarom, na ktorom jezbraň zaevidovaná, na základe písomnej žiadosti; povolenie sa vyžaduje aj na úpravu týchto zbranína zbraň kategórie D uvedenú v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. d)
Degrade or destroy a weapon of Category A, Category B, category C and their ammunition is possible only with a permit issued by the police department where the weapon is registered, upon written request; permission is also required to modify these weapons to weapon category D referred to in § 7. 1 point. d).
Vlastník zbrane uvedenej v odseku 1 je povinný pred jej znehodnotením, zničením, výroboujej rezu alebo pred jej úpravou na zbraň kategórie D uvedenej v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. d) predložiť zbraňpolicajnému útvaru, ktorý zbraň eviduje, na kriminalisticko-expertízne skúmanie. Na skúmanievlastník zbrane predloží zbraň, preukaz zbrane, ak ide o evidovanú zbraň, a písomný súhlaspríslušného orgánu štátnej pamiatkovej starostlivosti, ak ide o zbraň, ktorá je kultúrnoupamiatkou; o ich prevzatí vydá policajný útvar na predpísanom tlačive potvrdenie, ktoréhonáležitosti ustanoví všeobecne záväzný právny predpis, ktorý vydá ministerstvo
The owner of the weapons referred to in paragraph 1 shall, before its deterioration, destruction, or before modifying the weapon category D referred to in § 7. 1 point. d) submit the weapon to the police department, which registers the weapon to forensic expertise examination. To examination gun owners submit weapon, gun license in the case on registered weapon and written consent of the competent state historic preservation office in case of a weapon, which is a historical monument; their receipt issued by the police department on the prescribed form confirmation, the requirements laid down by generally binding legal regulation issued by the Ministry
Vlastník zbrane, ktorému bolo vydané povolenie podľa odseku 1, je povinný policajnémuútvaru, ktorý povolenie vydal, predložiť do siedmich dní po znehodnotení, zničení, výrobe rezuzbrane alebo streliva alebo úprave na zbraň kategórie D uvedenú v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. d) potvrdeniepodľa§ 35 ods. 3 písm. d)
Gun owners, which was issued under paragraph 1 shall be required the police department that issued the permit, submit within seven days after the devaluation or destruction of weapons or ammunition, or modification to the weapon category D referred to in § 7. 1 point. d) confirmation according to § 35 paragraph. 3 point. d).
Zakázanou zbraňou je
Prohibited weapons are:
Zbraňou kategórie A je zakázaná zbraň, zakázané strelivo a zakázané doplnky zbrane
Category A includes prohibited weapons, prohibited munition and prohibited suplements of weapons
Zbraň kategórie A
weapon of category A
V pochybnostiach o zaradení zbrane alebo streliva podľa odseku 1 a ich určení v rámcijednotlivých kategórií rozhoduje ministerstvo.
In case of dubiety of categorization of some weapon decide ministry of interior.
Účinnosť od:01.07.2015
Validity from 1st july 2015
Účinnosť od:01.07.2015
Validity until 1st june 2015
Držiteľ zbrojnej licencie môže uzatvárať zmluvu na diaľku, ktorej predmetom je nákup alebopredaj zbrane, streliva, hlavných častí alebo súčastí zbrane, len s iným držiteľom zbrojnej licenciealebo inou osobou, ktorá je oprávnená v rámci svojej podnikateľskej činnosti na nákup a predajzbraní a streliva
The holder of a firearms license may contract at a distance, to the purchase or sale of weapons, ammunition, major parts or components of weapons, only with another holder of a firearms license or other person who is authorized in the course of his business to buy and sell weapons and ammunition.
Nesmie sa uzatvárať zmluva na diaľku,15a) ktorej predmetom je nákup a predaj zbranekategórie A, kategórie B, kategórie C alebo streliva do týchto zbraní, expanznej zbrane, zbrane,ktorá bola znehodnotená zo zbrane kategórie A, kategórie B a kategórie C a zbrane kategórie Duvedenej v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. l), ak v odseku 2 nie je ustanovené inak
May not be concluded distance contract, relating to the purchase and sale of Category A, Category B, Category C or munition for these weapons, the expansion weapons, weapons that has been degraded from Category A, Category B and Category C and D categories of weapons listed in § 7. 1 point. l), if there is not provided otherwise in paragraph 2.
Ten, kto nadobudne vlastníctvo zbrane kategórie D uvedenej v§ 7 ods. 1 písm. d), je povinnýnadobudnutie vlastníctva zbrane ohlásiť policajnému útvaru podľa miesta pobytu do siedmich dníodo dňa nadobudnutia vlastníctva zbrane; zároveň je povinný v tejto lehote predložiť zbraň nazaevidovanie (§ 37)
Who acquired an ownership of weapons of category D referred to in § 7. 1 point. d) is obliged to announce the acquisition of the weapons to the police department of the place of residence within seven days from the date of acquisition of ownership of weapon; He is also obliged within this period to submit the weapon for registration (§ 37).
Zbraň kategórie D alebo strelivo do tejto zbrane môže nadobudnúť do vlastníctva právnickáosoba alebo fyzická osoba staršia ako 18 rokov, ktorá je v plnom rozsahu spôsobilá na právneúkony. Držiteľ skupiny A a C zbrojnej licencie vedie evidenciu o predaji zbraní kategórie D vzáznamovej knihe, ktorej spôsob vedenia a náležitosti ustanoví všeobecne záväzný právny predpis,ktorý vydá ministerstvo
D category weapon or ammunition to this weapon may acquire a legal person or a individual over 18 years, which is a full legal capacity. A holder of a firearms license under categories A to C keeps records about sales of weapons of category D in the record book whose method of keeping and requisites stipulated by a generally binding regulation issued by the Ministry.
Ustanovenia§ 8 až 12 sa nevzťahujú na obchodovanie s vojenským materiálom
The provisions of § 8-12 shall not apply to trade with military material
Zbraň kategórie C, strelivo do zbrane kategórie A, zbrane kategórie B alebo do zbranekategórie C môže nadobudnúť do vlastníctva len držiteľ zbrojného preukazu, držiteľ zbrojnejlicencie alebo držiteľ zbrojného sprievodného listu na trvalý vývoz
C category weapon and ammunition into weapons included in Category A, Category B or Category C may acquire property only to gun license holder, the holder of armament licensee or holder Firearm accompanying letter to the permanent export.
skupiny F zbrojného preukazu alebo skupiny G zbrojnej licencie z dôvodu nadobúdaniazbierkového predmetu5) alebo na zberateľské účely, ak ide o zbraň, ktorá je národnou kultúrnoupamiatkou4) alebo predmetom múzejnej hodnoty
firearms license of group F or a firearms license of group G due to acquisition of collection item or for collection purposes if the weapon is a national cultural monument or valuable objects for museums
Ministerstvo môže udeliť na základe písomnej žiadosti výnimku na nadobudnutie vlastníctvaa na držanie zbrane kategórie A držiteľov
Ministry of interior can grant exemption based on a written request to acquiring ownership of weapon of category A to a holder of:
acquiring ownership of weapons, aquiring ownership of munition
Držiteľ zbrane kategórie D je povinný pri manipulácii s touto zbraňou mať pri sebe dokladtotožnosti,12) a ak ide o držiteľa zbrane kategórie D uvedenej v odseku 1 písm. d), aj preukazzbrane. Držiteľ zbrane kategórie D nesmie zbraň viditeľne nosiť alebo prepravovať; na držiteľazbrane kategórie D sa primerane vzťahujú ustanovenia§ 28 ods. 1 písm. a),i),j) aods. 4 písm. b)
The holder of weapon included in category D is required when handling this weapon to wear his ID. If he is a holder of weapon of category D referred to in paragraph 1. d) he is required to wear the license of a weapon.
iná zbraň neuvedená v kategóriách A až C
other weapons thats not included in categories A to C.
neaktívne strelivo
non-active munition
zbraň kategórie A,b)zbraň kategórie B,c)zbraň kategórie C,d)zbraň kategórie D,e)strelivo do zbraní kategórií A až D, ktoré nie je zakázan
4 categories: a) weapon of category A b) weapon of category B c) weapon of category C d) weapon of category D e) munition to weapons of categories A to D that is NOT prohibited.
www.eic.network www.eic.networkeic.network24
take logo out, leave the writing European Investigative Collaborations
collaborate Europe wide on in‐depth reporting, at source
change with: we partner on in‐depth reporting at source
Welcome to our digital home
cut find, leave my pgp xxx
suggest this will open a new page, following a model like this one http://journalismfund.eu/migrantshipping
where there is place to add hyperlinks, pdfs, etc
the Project Arms page should have also the Credit Box for the Team included
Our first investigative collaboration looks at the European black market for weapons and how terrorists and criminals manage to get their hands on lethal arms.
East Europe’s shadow gun market is fuelling terrorism in the west, as criminal gangs use legal loopholes and open borders to traffic weapons.
An international team of journalists who are part of the newly established network European Investigative Collaborations has spent three months detailing how Brussels’ failure to impose comprehensive directives has facilitated the sale of deadly weapons.
[not yet]
Mapping the Weapons of Terror
This website is developed by SPIEGEL Tech Lab
move this in the FOOTER with hyperlink to http://spiegel-techlab.de/
John Hansen
hyperlink to https://twitter.com/hansenjohn01
Alain Lallemand
hyperlink to http://alainlallemand.be/
Stefan Candea
hyperlink to http://theblacksea.eu/?idT=3&idC=3&uid=2
Alfred Weinzierl
Alfred Weinzierl: ich habe keine link gefunden
Klaus Brinkbauemer
Klaus Brinkbäumer: http://www.spiegel.de/impressum/autor-570.html
Juergen Dahlkampf
Jürgen Dahlkamp: http://www.spiegel.de/impressum/autor-1199.html
Joerg Schmitt
Jörg Schmitt: http://www.spiegel.de/impressum/autor-981.html
Here are our governing principles: In a healthy network all nodes (participants) should profit from the network; Keep the network alive, open to fresh ideas and people following new suggestions on partnerships; In order to achieve a healthy growth, better network density and kick-starting the whole process, we will act as a laboratory for networked (investigative) journalism; We start with basic research projects that would also be used to establish networking tools and collaborative platforms; Decentralize the network's decision making process on new stories, new partners, new projects; Understand and follow a set of predefined routines for each new project.
move this up with title, and move the above 3 paras bellow
Able an hope of body. Any nay shyness article matters own removal nothing his forming.
this should go, but I don't have a title to replace it. maybe move the Here are our governing principles section above. with Title font/size
on the work plan and publication schedule.
change with "on the work plan, tools and publication schedule."
Reporting Fabrice Arfi, Karl Laske, Matthieu Suc from Mediapart; John Hansen, Politiken; Milorad Ivanovic, Newsweek Serbia; Lukas Matzinger, Falter; Irene Velasco, El Mundo; Vlad Odobescu, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism; Michael Bird, The Black Sea. Information Design Paula Guisado, El Mundo; Donatien Huet, Mediapart; Pascale De Moyer, Le Soir; Martin Brinker, DER SPIEGEL. Ján Kuciak from Slovakia has contributed to this research.
update 10th of March: Project Team Initiators: DER SPIEGEL (Joerg Schmitt, Juergen Dahlkampf), Le Soir (Alain Lallemand) Participants<br> Reporting: Andreas Ulrich, Wolf Wiedmann-Schmidt, Der Spiegel; Fabrice Arfi, Karl Laske, Matthieu Suc from Mediapart; John Hansen, Jakob Sheikh, Politiken; Milorad Ivanovic, Newsweek Serbia; Lukas Matzinger, Falter; Irene Velasco, El Mundo; Vlad Odobescu, The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism; Michael Bird, The Black Sea.<br> Information Design: Pablo Medina, Javier J. Barriocanal and Paula Guisado, El Mundo; Donatien Huet, Mediapart; Jean-Philippe Demonty and Marc Vanderbel, Le Soir; Martin Brinker, Max Heber und Chris Kurt, DER SPIEGEL.<br> Coordination: Stefan Candea, RCIJ
Ján Kuciak from Slovakia has contributed to this research.
Bootstrap Portfolio Themes
please integrate the Piwik analytics code from here https://dpaste.de/RQ1D/raw
or bellow:
!-- Piwik -->
<script type="text/javascript"> var _paq = _paq || []; _paq.push(["setDomains", ["*.eic.network","*.eic.network"]]); _paq.push(['trackPageView']); _paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); (function() { var u="//piwik.theblacksea.eu/"; _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']); _paq.push(['setSiteId', 8]); var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s); })(); </script>
</noscript> -
Our team
this is the TEAM for Project ARMS, should be shown different, each project will have a different TEAM
these are the partners/contacts for each media
WE NEED TO FIND a solution to integrate the TEAM under the first PROJECT, Project Arms;
each project will have a different TEAM, only one Project will be live next week;
the people who are contact persons for the entire EIC Network are listed under PARTNERS; we have to somehow show this clearer
Joerg Schmitt, Juergen Dahlkampf, Alfred Weinzierl and Klaus Brinkbauemer from Spiegel and Stefan Candea from the Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism. Alain Lallemand from Le Soir joined the group, and later John Hansen from Politiken, Milorad Ivanovic from Newsweek Serbia, Florian Klenk from Falter, Paula Guisado from El Mundo, Vlad Odobescu from The Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism, Michael Bird from The Black Sea and Fabrice Arfi from Mediapart
input here or send me your profile url from wherever you want this page to link, like http://www.journalismusforschung.de/stefan-candea-m-a/
techlab-eicnetwork.azurewebsites.net techlab-eicnetwork.azurewebsites.net
©2016 EIC
this should turn into:
<br><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" property="dct:title">European Investigative Collaborations</span> by <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="http://eic.network" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">eic.network</a> is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License if not otherwise stated.
Schmitt, Juergen
names should have a hyperlink to short profile, on each site or wherever
If you want to get in touch please communicate with Stefan Candea at rcij@riseup.net (find my pgp 0x8234F8D4A624D9F4).
This should go under CONTACT as a MENU button and only at the very end of the scroll
Falter, Mediapart, El Mundo, Newsweek Serbia, Politken, RCIJ, Le Soir, DER SPIEGEL, TheBlackSea – MORE: GO TO: hyperlink to eic.network/partners
LOGOS of each media should appear either here or in the footer, where it has more visibility
Team should be under Project Arms; each Project will have a different Team
berlinergazette.de berlinergazette.de
Aufbruch in die Einwanderungsgesellschaft? Zwischen Flüchtlingskrise und globalisierter Realität
or iReality ?
- Feb 2016
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Gheara Nicu
offshoreleaks.icij.org offshoreleaks.icij.org
International Offshore Services Group
article about front people Stan Gorin and Erik Vanagels. from IOS at ICIJ
offshoreleaks.icij.org offshoreleaks.icij.org
Hassan Gozal
See this story about Hassan Gozal and the involvement with the Azeri ruling fam: Azeri ruling dynasty offshore links potentially “in violation of law” : theblacksea.eu/index.php?idT=88&idC=88&idRec=1141&recType=story
Director of LaBelleza Holdings Limited 7 Nov 2008 N/A Director of Arbor Investments Limited 7 Nov 2008 N/A Director of Harvard Management Limited 7 Nov 2008 N/A
See this story about about Hassan Gozal and the involvement with the Azeri ruling fam: Azeri ruling dynasty offshore links potentially “in violation of law” : theblacksea.eu/index.php?idT=88&idC=88&idRec=1141&recType=story
hoover.grep.ro hoover.grep.ro
Bohaemer Spargel
This was also published by http://www.trouw.nl and was financed by http://journalismfund.eu/workinggrant/fields-terror
- Jan 2016
theblacksea.eu theblacksea.eu
niciodata n-am stiut sa pronunt numele asta
hoover.grep.ro hoover.grep.ro
cine ce sustine unde - hyperlink
- Nov 2014
www.evz.ro www.evz.ro
da, interesant, cum au fost impartite ?