98 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2018
    1. I currently use the Netvibes RSS reader because it provides three levels of organization that I can sync with my mental priorities.98 I have public dashboards, private ones, another one I use for academic matters, and still another for changing interests. Each dashboard makes it possible for me to easily create a series of tabs for different topics. I have a Netvibes "page" for digital journalism, for example, and tabs on that dashboard for new tools, new methods, citizen journalism, crap detection, and the news business.

      Similar to how different magazines and newspapers helped identify who was in the picture that was posed as a facebook, different tools are made to benefit and add on to research to find accurate sources.

    2. So you see, when it comes right down to it, crap-detection is something one does when he starts to become a certain type of person. Sensitivity to the phony uses of language requires, to some extent, knowledge of how to ask questions, how to vali­date answers, and certainly, how to assess meanings.

      To fully master he art of detecting false information, it is best to start to question, not doubt, everything and think logically. Literature terms such as tone, thesis, theme and more can initially guide one to find true meanings behind what is actually written.

    3. Adding words can return more precise answers, yet that means restricting the scope of the results. Frequently, at the beginning of a series of searches, you want to start more broadly. "Choose keywords that you think will appear on the page you seek, put yourself in the mind-set of the

      The idea of choosing specific and key words to advance a search reminds me of metadata we learned this semester. To advance search a material, it is best to start out broad and then to narrow down the search.

    4. Anybody who has spent suf­ficient hours or years surfing the Web can sense when a Web site is bro­ken or obviously badly designed,

      The ability to simply tell the accuracy of a web site all depends on the amount of experience a person has acquired. To detect crap or in other words false information, practice, awareness, and time are vital.

    5. This told me that Twitter can be an hour or more faster than existing news networks-if you know how to triangulate.

      Twitter along with other social media platforms are a great way to express ideas and gain information on various topics, but also it is imperative to keep in mind what all is being shared, said, and written. The crap detection method extends to social media as well.

    6. When my daughter asked, "How can I tell if anything I find on the Web is real?" I told her to "think skeptically, look for an author, and then see what others say about the author.

      The sad thing about the 21st century is that although there are many easier accessible resources people still go with the easiest route and that often relates to getting the wrong information. People now days do not want to think too much about a source because they assume because it is on the internet it is automatically somewhat true.

    7. that all is not what it seems to be online,

      The direct relationship this text has with the one by Shane Scott addresses how not everything that is portrayed online is accurate. For example, the Facebook profiles were definitely not accurate. The use of false information and stealing someone's identity is a felony.

    8. So while age can be a factor in crap-detection fluency, experience and engagement may be more important. A ten-year-old online game enthusi­ast or videoblogger may do more sophisticated credibility testing than an eighteen-year-old college student who doesn't use the Web much

      Although, age is a factor in how to detect false information, it all depends on the context being displayed. Some people are more passionate about one topic than others are. The more practice are awareness that is raised, the easier and better will the work of detecting fake information will be.

    9. Take the Web site's design into account, but don't count on it. Profes­sional design should not be seen as a certain indicator of accurate content (Genochoice and Hetracil are beautifully designed), yet visibly amateurish design is sometimes a signal that the "Institute of Such-and-Such" might be a lone crackpot. Treat a site's design not as validation of credibility but instead as one possible clue (along with grammatical errors, suspicious sources or lack thereof, and other people's negative opinions of the site) that could convince you to lower your evaluation of the site's credibility. If the author provides sources, search the authors' names. Have other Web sites linked to this page, and if so, who are the linkers? Use the search term "link: http:// ... " (with your URL in place of the ellipses) to see every link to a specified page. A veteran ink-stained-turned-digital journalist I've known since he left the San Frandsco Examiner to become a founding editor of Salon, Scott Rosenberg, has published an excellent guide for consumers of both news and any kind of information online:

      There are numerous ways to see if a website is credible. The layout and the information displayed on the site can either spark a red flag or prove to be accurate. Typically, credible sources have almost few to no errors on them, so take that into consideration before blindly believing what is being written when looking at a website. However, social media platforms are a little bit harder to find faults in, but that does not mean it is impossible. As Scott Shane said in his article, little details such as a bar and a bedroom looked as if it was located in Brazil. Any information that is portrayed can help in any way to find out the real truth.

    10. Crap Detection 101: How to Find What You Need to Know, and How to Decide If It's True

      In the primary text by Rheingold, the need to separate the good, credible sources from the wrong, false ones is imperative. He emphasizes that users of the web need to question everything and do additional research on authors to find their credibility. The need to detect false news is necessary especially when Scott Shane, writer of Mystery of Russian Fake on Facebook Solved, by a Brazilian," address the use of fake facebook profiles from real people.

    1. A text should be composed so that readers with limited vision, hearing, or touch-among other possible differ­ences within an audience-can still inter­act with the text. For instance, imagine that you're filming someone who speaks American Sign Language-would you film the person from the shoulders up, cutting their hands from the shot? No!

      No living individual is born the same. We all have different characteristics that make us who we are. The great thing about multimodality is that it targets different senses and needs that allows every individual to gain access to a certain topic but through different forms.

    2. The 111e,li11111 is the way in which your text reaches your audi­ence.

      The medium in the article, "Deaf Community Outraged After Interpreter Signed Gibberish Before Irma," is reached through criticism from the public regarding the amateur claiming to know sign language. The medium in this case is an online commentary post regarding the entire issue.

    3. ·1 he gestural mode refers to the way movement, such as body lan­guage, can make meaning. When we Interact with people in real lifeor watch them on-screen, we can tell a lot about how they are feel­ing and what they arc trying to communicate.

      Gestural mode is the most important claim in identifying how sign language and the article correlate in being a multimodal piece of work. The interpreter in the video is using hand gestures to communicate to the deaf community that is watching the press conference.

    4. The spatial mode is about physical arrangement.

      Spatial mode does not fully relate to my supplemental text but the layout of the article is indeed spatial. The format in which the video was placed at the very top, while the written text was followed below it illustrates as to how the article is multimodal.

    5. Whether we are talking abouta speech, a video demonstration, sound effects on a Web site, or the audio elements of a radio program, the aural mode provides multiple ways of communicating and understanding a message,including: • music•sound effects•ambient noise/sounds•silence•tone of voice in spoken language•volume of sound•emphasis and accent

      The short video of the press conference relating to hurricane Irma is an example of aural mode. The video consists of volume of sounds, tone of voice in spoken language and more.

    6. The aural mode focuses on sound.

      People that communicate with sign language primarily focus on hand gesture, but they often make noises too. Even though, the noises are not actual words, they are sounds.

    7. The visual mode refers to the use of images and other characteris­tics that readers sec. Billboards, flyers, television, Web sites, lighted advertising displays, even grocery store shelves bombard us with visual information in an effort to attract our attention. We can U'ie this mode to communicate representations of how something look'> or how someone is feeling, to instruct, to persuade, and to entertain, among other things.

      Although, sign language doesn't really deal with images or artistic structures it does deal with how a person feels and how it represents a person. Because people who use sign language cannot talk, they represent how they are feeling through their hand gestures in which others can see what is being said. So it isn't directly related to the definition, but indirectly visual mode has some components on how sign language is used.

    8. They are all multimodal.

      The supplemental text I chose to use is "Deaf Community Outraged After Interpreter Signed Gibberish Before Irma" because sign language is a way to communicate and get information across to individuals. Sign language is specifically a combination of visual, aural, and gestural mode.

    9. The linguistic mode and the ability to use it carefully matter verymuch in contemporary communication.

      The feedback from outraged individuals regarding the botched use of sign language from the amateur illustrated use of linguistic mode. The viewers expressed the danger the amateur could have posed on the deaf community with his unrelated use of words from what was actually being said.

    10. The linguistic mode refers to the use of language, which usuallymeans written or spoken words.

      Typically, any news channel on tv have very important information to deliver to the viewers. The structure of the words, the delivery of the information is key on getting the message across. For example, the news coverage on hurricane Irma, during a press conference, exhibited linguistic mode.

    11. M11/timoda/ describes how we combine multiple different ways of communicating in everyday life.

      Every living species has a distinct way of communicating with one another. Both animals and humans range of communicating is beyond anyones reach to comprehend. One specific method used in communicating among the deaf community, is using sign language. Sign language is multimodal because it is a way for people to interact and get information from one person to another on a daily basis.

  2. Feb 2018
    1. People multitask because they believe they can get more done, but Nass has solid evidence that the opposite is usually the case.

      Common belief among many individuals in the age of information, including many millennials, show the belief in the power of multitasking in daily life. As stated by Rhiengold, this is common practice for many young individuals. But contrary to popular belief, mental health takes a great toll as multitasking is utilized more. A study by Time Magazine recently describes how neuroscientist, Dr. Kubu, took time to research the mental activity required in multitasking. His results showed that when trying to utilize it to complete tasks, many were not only unable to complete either task, but are having a false sense of doing two things at once, but doing singular tasks in rapid succession. This does not help in trying to complete work or in becoming efficient.


    2. I'll help us begin the process of learning to control attention by exam-ining how attention works

      As Rheingold goes on to explain, beginning to understand the importance of attention and beginning to utilize it in a efficient manner is the beginning to be successful, especially in our growing age of technology. One of the main ways to utilize our attention is from utilizing it from "distractions". Though some information seems to be beneficial, it might not be the primary information you are looking to analyze, study, or utilize. One of the points that he makes is "focusing attention on relevant portions in a tsunami of information". This allows us to take it piece by piece, fully understanding each piece of text and putting it together.

    3. When you shift your attention, there is always a short interval during which you must reorient, refocus, and filter out competing information in order to move from one stable theme to another,

      This text perfectly describes why multitasking does not succeed. As one embarks on a task, it is meant to take the full attention of your brain. As attention switches to other tasks and events, it shifts your perception on current tasks and the brain must re-align itself back to the task at hand. The deficit of attention is what deters from task completion and slows down the process. Many people in this technological do this and do not realize how detrimental it is to their health and well-being, as well as how it is not helping them to succeed.

    4. ~ It. .., '. · • ·~ 1 ~ • 1· r ' . '···· ,,, •• ,1 Net Smart

      The Supplemental Reading I chose was "Debunking Fake News" by Eugene Kiely. The article discussed the epidemic of Fake News, a moniker for mass overloads of false information, in the digital realm of Facebook. They advocate fighting articles that contain Fake News, upvoting content that debunks it, and using their factcheck site in order to see if the news is fake. This problem arises with the masses believing the grand amount of information overload on the internet and creates disruption in society out of false information and false facts. https://www.factcheck.org/2017/07/debunking-fake-news/

    5. In regard to propaganda the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or it might be false. They did not foresee what in fact has happened, above all in our Western capitalist democracies-

      Conscious Distractions are important to discuss, especially with the problem of fake news. As fake news is normally created with a purpose, it serves as a form of propaganda for the party or organization it benefits, and hurts the organization that it slanders. Often in politics, fake news has gone to slander many members, with no basis in factual evidence and truth. This causes many who don't understand the importance of identifying distractions actively to fall for these schemes and information that is false is spread to them in order to further a false agenda.


    6. 44 Chapter 1 however, you'll need to train yourself to recognize and withdraw attention from activities unrelated to your intended goal of the moment.

      Rheingold bluntly states the importance in withdrawing attention as a key to success. Along with identifying distractions, it is important to withdraw yourself from unrelated information. Many modes of unrelated information often try to hide as useful information, but go on tangents in order to drag the reader and move them from the task at hand. It is important to drain this information out as it is not part of the goal of the moment and creates rifts in being successful.

    7. Unhealthy for everybody • Fatal for a growing number • Addictive for some

      These three points encompass the effects of fake news. Fake News, first and foremost, is curated out of "thin air". It is based in fiction and falsehood and is not beneficial for anyone to indulge in and read. As many begin to read it and spread it to their circles, it becomes fatal. False information is spread to a mass number of individuals and is thought to be true information and becomes truth to many, as individuals put little effort into seeing if it is a distraction. Finally, it is addictive. Interests groups and societies have been created based off the theories and beliefs of many fake news sources, and have stirred up hatred for individuals that do not even deserve it. It also poisons the political community in America and tarnishes it with false data and information. https://www.factcheck.org/2017/07/debunking-fake-news/

  3. Feb 2017
    1. A municipality that lacks sufficient connections between different parts of the community is often exclusionary because residents are deterred from traveling. For example, sidewalks make walking easier and safer, in large part by reducing the risk of pedestrian and vehicle collisions.

      This connects my point about the handicap parking spots and the wheel chair accesible ramps. Many of these people cannot access these places because of these obsticles they have to cross in order to enter a simple store. Not only are homeless people,poor and african americans in this day and age still segregated but its all the speacial needs or the handicap. Unfortunetely there are establishments who do not create access in order for these poeple go enter their enviornment.

    2. The architecture of the built environment directs both physical movement through and access to places. This Part details a number of ways that states and municipalities—through actions by their residents, police force, planning staff, engineers, or local elected officials—have created infrastructure and designed their built environs to restrict passage through and access to other areas of the community

      This is closely connected to the picture in my secondary article. It shows how far a apartment complex has gone to seperate themselves from homeless people with spikes. The actions oof there residents creates these detterants designed to keep the homeless out of sight. Right? Out of sight, Out of mind. The police did nothing about the spikes either. People had to get a pettiton signed in order to have the spikes removed. They restricted the access of that space from the homeless people.

      Rosenberger, Robert. "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 19 June 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2017.

    3. Despite this recognition from scholars, Boddie points out that “law overlooks the racial identifiability of spaces,” and Clowney notes that “landscape is one of the most overlooked instruments of modern race-making.”67

      This is very true. Just like the law allows for officers to arrest homeless people for loitering or just being somewhere for no apparent reason. The law does not protect the homeless poeple from the segregation that goes on with benches or seating or even the spikes. There is no law that focuses on them. The author was right we overlook things that do not concern us but play such a big role in our built enviornment and with segregation.

      Rosenberger, Robert. "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 19 June 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2017.

    4. For example, Lior Jacob Strahilevitz examines “exclusionary amenities,” which are features of residential developments that are generally expensive and that only appeal to certain demographic groups.

      This is a good example of another way that people are seperated but its interesting how they segregate using pricing of houses. They know who has money and who is willing to spend that much. For some reason the misconception that white poeple are rich and african americans are poor runs the way in which realators and builders try and control neighborhoods. Thats a very interesting point the author brings up. Its not only the archetecture like the benches in the secondary article that were made to segregate but its the pricing of things also.

      Rosenberger, Robert. "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 19 June 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2017.

    5. these features of the built environment control and constrain our behavior.

      I find this interesting how they say that the build enviornment controls our behavior. In a way I do see what the author is talking about. Even in downtown Atlanta I see how detatched Geogia State University students are from the other people that live within the city and share our enviornment. Especially towards the homeless people. They are looked as "below" some of us and thats primarily because we see what kind of conditions they are dealt with in the enviornment.

      Rosenberger, Robert. "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 19 June 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2017.

    6. For example, one might think it a simple aesthetic design decision to create a park bench that is divided into three individual seats with armrests separating those seats. Yet the bench may have been created this way to prevent people—often homeless people—from lying down and taking naps.

      This is another way that the two articles connect. Both speak about the dispicable ways in which the homeless are detered and further labled as the "Untouchables".

      Rosenberger, Robert. "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 19 June 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2017.

    7. Wealthy, mostly white residents of the northern Atlanta suburbs have vocally opposed efforts to expand MARTA into their neighborhoods for the reason that doing so would give people of color easy access to suburban communities.7 The lack of public-transit connections to areas north of the city makes it difficult for those who rely on transit—primarily the poor and people of color—to access job opportunities located in those suburbs.8

      Like how Rober Moses built the Low brigde the people of Buckhead, GA are also intentionally trying to derail these poeple from persuing jobs and careers in that area. This is preventing them to even have a chance to edge out of being poor.

    8. According to his biographer, Moses directed that these overpasses be built intentionally low so that buses could not pass under them.4 This design decision meant that many people of color and poor people, who most often relied on public transportation, lacked access to the lauded public park at Jones Beach.5

      As you can see this is a crucial way in which builders and the government will deter people and segregate them purposely. This is the same thing that the government is doing with homeless people by not making the benches a good place to sleep and how this apartment building in the picture about put spikes so homeless people could not sleep over night there.

      Rosenberger, Robert. "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 19 June 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2017.

    9. Although the law has addressed the exclusionary impacts of racially restrictive covenants and zoning ordinances, most legal scholars, courts, and legislatures have given little attention to the use of these less obvious exclusionary urban design tactic

      This brings us back to the point in the other article where it says that people are oblivious to the detterants which are set in place for the homeless people. Most detterants in the world are not even seen unless you actully analyze the architecture or you see someone compaining. Just like how some places do not have handicap parking or how they do not have a wheelchair excessible entrance. You would never notive these small things unless they were preventing you from doing something on a day to day basis.

    10. abstract.

      "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away" can be easily connected to this piece by showing how far some people go to segregate others that are not built to their standards. This article starts off with a picture showing an apartment building that has put spikes on the floor in one corner of the building in london. This picture was a picture someone tweeted with the caption "Anti Homeless floor studes. So much for sommunity spirit :( ". This act was used to discourage homeless people to sleep there at night. The author of this article goes on to speak about many other circumstances where the government or city has in one way or another made these people the "untouchables" of the community in which they reside. The author goes on to say how both mayors in London and Montreal both called the spikes "unacceptable" and "stupid". He talks about how concrete was poored over the spikes by protesters and how they manages to get 130,000 peopple to sign a petition to remove the spikes in London, Tesco, and Montreal. The spikes are the most obvious way in which people have tried to deter the homeless people away but there are other ways in which the government does it where people do not realize until payed close attention to. Skate boarders found ways to go around this deterrents with popping of the studs but then vendors found a way to respond to that action. It's like a ping pong game one goes around the detterant the other finds another one to stop the skateboarder. The same thing is happening with the homeless people. With homeless people the deternt is createing benches in which they could not sleep on. Many people ,like me, do not realize what these arm rests between each seat really do. Some people think its just making sure each person has their own space when sitting so they do not end up squished but in reality they're dettering the homeless people from sleep on them. The author goes on to talk about what kind of homeless detterants for benches there are and how some benches are made to be uncomfortable on purpose. These detterants present the homeless with obsticles they must surpass in order to find a safe place to sleep at night.

      Rosenberger, Robert. "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 19 June 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2017.

  4. Oct 2015
    1. Although certain entries are redundant, the breadth of the topic is explored in great detail. Additionally, the terminology, although sometimes scientific, is easy to understand as the contributors were asked to write for readers new and exposed to the topics of sports medicine.

      I'd be interested in some examples.

    2. http://psycnet.apa.org.ezproxy.uky.edu/bookcollections/13273/

      The ezproxy info in the URL is problematic since it will only work for those who have accounts at UK. Consider removing it when sharing with the broader public: http://psycnet.apa.org/bookcollections/13273/. Same for the second URL below.

    1. This is unreasonable

      It's hard to know what the justification for their pricing is.

    1. By contrast

      I like these comparisons that you make.

    2. Kate L. Turabian (1893-1987), author of Student’s Guide for Writing College Papers, Third Edition (1977), did not attend college, however, she was engaged as the graduate school dissertation secretary and editor of official publications at the University of Chicago from 1930-1958. Using this experience as a guide,

      I didn't know this. Very cool.

    3. Wayne Booth

      He's written some really interesting works on rhetoric, too.

    4. The Craft of Research,

      This is a very good book.

    1. Unfortunately this edition of Doctor Who: Character Encyclopedia is not very current because its information stops at the end of part one of the seventh season

      I'd say that's fairly current, though. And unless new insights are revealed that change characterizations of long running entities on the show, it would still function as a good resource. Do you think?

    2. The older version seems politically incorrect. It involves pointing to the side of the eye and twisting the hand slightly. This is to mimic the “slanted eye” of the Chinese. While this seems very disrespectful and rude, some signers still use the older method. This particular ASL dictionary includes both signs, meaning it is not outdated.

      Did not know about this. Fascinating! Relevant, generally, to the importance of some domain knowledge when reviewing a source.

    1. the nature of the content is unfortunately unstable

      yeah -- on a side note, I'm curious how unstable this info would be. Four years is such a long time in Internet-world

    2. user can click on

      this is an electronic resource then?

    3. lists of references or bibliographies

      this is common for almanacs -- but sometimes people use this term to describe a source when they really mean something else -- so it may depend on how true of an almanac this is

    1. The book is chronologically organized to take readers on a journey through time. It is also broken down into thematic subjects to make it easier to navigate. Also contributing to the ease of navigation, is the thorough index.

      It's so important -- how such works are organized. Nice detail here.

    1. This encyclopedia could be improved by organizing all of the vehicles into one chronological section which would allow users to see every vehicle from a certain year, rather than having to search through three sections to find vehicles for the year they’re interested in.

      Good criticism -- always important to either think about the content, and whether it meets expectations -- and also usability.

    1. The editors were very selective in what they chose to include, and it is my belief that they could have chosen a more coherent theme, i.e. just health education, than the options that were included.

      Interesting argument. Are they publishing other yearbooks that may have themes like this, or are there others on the market?

    1. The Grand Comics Database

      A really great resource -- I didn't not know about it.

    2. This reviewer believes otherwise for two reasons: the SEP cannot be arranged to flow chronologically within a part of the world and it cannot replace the critical commentary provided by each contributor.

      Nicely stated.

    3. as it is often important to separate the idea from the speaker

      ... as well as identify which philosopher is associated with which ideas.

    4. one searchable by name and one by subject

      very important in to have this for philosophy -- good observation

    1. The U.S. Department of Interior and Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board each offer free online access to handbooks

      have links?

    2. While this is not the only available or reliable accounting handbook, it may be the most convenient for ready-reference

      nice distinction

    3. Thomson Reuters

      Part of the Web of Science collection.

    1. As with other works amalgamated in the Gale Virtual Reference Library, it can be cumbersome at the institutional level to continually check that one is searching only within this work and not the entire Gale collection.

      I often have this problem!!!

    2. What she will not be able to find in All Things Medieval is a standard chronology of Eleanor’s life and influence

      So there isn't an article on her? It sounds like this is a work that's more focused on "things" in the medieval world. If so, should there be a chronology of Eleanor of Aquitaine?

    3. “Minstrels and Troubadours” may be more difficult to slot into that characterization

      Or is it the roles that are artifacts and not necessarily the people?

    4. This is indeed a Eurocentric work despite the title. Users expecting new insights on medieval Islam

      Medieval refers primarily to Europe, but does this mean that Islam is not covered at all --- for example, its rise in Spain and surrounding areas?

    1. separated by category–historical period, gender, genre, and country of origin among other defining characteristics

      That sounds like a nice way to break the bibliography down

    1. for graduate students

      for all graduate students? Only graduate students?

    2. This is not a pictorial directory

      What prompted this statement?

    1. well organized overall

      How is it organized?

    2. It may be hard to obtain for the casual reader

      That sounds odd.

    3. The book is overall organized

      How? Is there an index?

    4. For instance, the sphinxes of ancient Egypt are built partially out of calcite, and is mentioned in juxtaposition with the entry for calcite.

      hyperlinked, so to speak

    1. If the user is seeking very recent quotations, it would not be a helpful reference to search.

      how important is that, though? What's the time range on the other quotes?

    2. Ulrichsweb

      nice follow through!

    3. thus is a vital resource for a university with an architecture and design program

      state this last?

    1. Amazon reviews for Clark-Hall’s dictionary are mixed and average out to 3 ½ stars out of 5

      Hmm, what are the quality of these Amazon reviews? I'm interested particularly because this is such a unique, non-mass market kind of source.

    2. foundations

      and federal agencies! --> NEH

    3. U.S. Newspaper Directory

      One additional great thing about this directory is that you can search for alternate newspapers and not just the main stream --- plus the directory contains many non-English listings.

    1. None of the sections are arranged alphabetically which is odd for an encyclopedia.

      How are entries arranged?

    2. It includes a section at the beginning detailing how to use the book.

      These are important sections---the predecessor of the web help page!

    3. ommon spelling and definitions of terms could have slightly changed in the 9 year time period since it was published.

      Do you think this is a fast moving field and that this would be a big problem? Just curious.

    4. He has written several other books in this field

      Which ones?

    1. Highly Recommend

      For whom?

    2. WebMD

      How about a non-profit/government site like MedlinePlus?

    3. page of quotes by the selected author

      Despite the deficiencies, are the quotes of good quality?Useful?

    4. If the user is wishing to browse quotes by topic, it will be extremely difficult to use this dictionary

      I complete agree. The ebook version, especially, is not user friendly.

    1. While the scope and the arrangement of the directory can be praised, the work is lacking in terms of accuracy and currency. This list was published in 2005, making it a decade old. It is likely that many of these professionals no longer have the same contact information, or have moved on to other careers and opportunities. Therefore, the directory needs to be updated and verified to include the most relevant information. Also, the accuracy may be a bit off, as the directory was compiled using a questionnaire and according to the introduction, the professionals themselves are encouraged to keep information up-to-date. However, at the time of its publishing, the directory likely served its purpose well.

      Lots of attention here on the accuracy of this. Are there other aspects of the directory that could be reviewed?

    1. Summing Up: Optional.

      For whom?

    2. Reference Source Review II

      Nice choice of sources items to review!

    3. Recommended

      For whom?

    4. is the lack of pronunciation

      Good observation.

    1. Criticisms can be made that the IEP lacks the authority of more established titles like the SEP, and that entries lack the more in-depth terminology associated with the profession.

      Really? Why is that? I've found the IEP to be quite thorough when I've used it.

    2. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy is frequently compared to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the standard in the field

      Good to compare

    1. The only detriment in the review of this reference is the fact that its bibliography is not also alphabetized along with being organized in terms of subject matter.

      Does this make it difficult to locate references?

    2. For example, under “Machine Guns” there is an examination explaining the history and impact of machine guns on the war, but there is also a listing of sub-entries for the variety of machine guns used by the United States armed forces.

      Nice detail.

    3. Organized alphabetically, the encyclopedia provides a list of abbreviations and contributors, as well as an Index. The entries are all provided a thorough overview, with many given a minimum of a column and a half of page space. Bibliographies listing sources consulted are provided at the conclusion of each entry, along with the name of the contributor.

      These are very important details for readers who are collecting for reference sections to know. Nice job.

    1. the current version has been reorganized to appear alphabetically

      that's interesting -- I wonder what the motivation was

    2. The few photographs that do appear (Inuit kayaks, for example) seem to be included almost at random.

      Good criticism

    3. Rivaled in scope perhaps only by fellow publishing counterpart The Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology (Ed. Fardon et al., 2012)

      Nice comparison