4 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2023
richardcarter.com richardcarter.com
For the time being, my writing app of choice is Ulysses, but plenty of others are available—even, heaven help you, Micros✽ft W✽rd.
Multiple interesting things going on here with the use of "Micros✽ft W✽rd".
He's simultaneously: - Voldemorting the phrase to some extent so that it doesn't show up easily or at all in digital search. - He's visually marring the phrase to show active dislike of the software and its general use - By using the symbols, he's effectively turning the word into a form of profanity the way many have used the top row of symbols on typewriters to indicate swear words in the 20th century. Examples: sh@t, dmn, he!!, or any set of four symbols like &%^ to generally indicate a "four letter word" as many profane words typically have four letters.
- Feb 2021
www.theregister.com www.theregister.com
Redmond suggests nuking 'profanity, geopolitical, diversity' terms from browser source
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
to reduce this friction and inertia to the smallest 2 -possible amount.
I feel swear words are the logical conclusion of this line of thinking.