7 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Please sign these letters to legislators, telling them that misguided AI laws will hurt startups and small companies and discourage AI innovation and investment in California.AI offers tremendous benefits, but many fear AI and worry about potential harm and misuse. These are valid concerns for everyone, including legislators, but laws that promote safe and equitable AI should be fact-based, straightforward, and universally applied. Legislators in Sacramento are considering two proposals, AB 2930 and SB 1047, that would impose costly and unpredictable burdens on AI developers, including anticipating and preventing future harmful uses of AI. Though well-intended, these bills will dampen and inhibit innovation, permanently embed today’s AI leaders as innovation gatekeepers, and drive investment and talent to other states and countries.
  2. Mar 2018
    1. Since each quilt is a primary source riddled with metadata, we are supposed to be able to piece together research as those in the archives do.

      WOW! I never thought of it this way. Can we think of the information within the quilt "data"? What happens when we add "meta"?

    2. , I truly understand what part meta data plays in research. It is the bridge to connecting sources.

      YES! How does one choose when one creates metadata? What does a creator have to consider?

    3. have been improved if my questions were able to branch out and create further ones

      YES! Open to other possibilities. Scope becomes an issue, usually. How to choose which line to pursue?

    4. The thing I found most interesting was the fact that this flow of information stemmed from one question which led to another, and started a chain of research.

      YES! I love it when research feels like this. We become detectives, yes?

    1. king a certain amount of depth found in my first reading response, although I tried to dig as deep as I could.

      Do you automatically believe the texts you're reading? I was at the DC Women's March and I wore the hat. I still wear it. When I do, I get a certain kind of attention. I have strong feelings about what is said in this article, and strong ideas inspired by it. Do you? Why or why not? What advantage or disadvantage might those feelings and thoughts bring to the task of understanding these works?

    2. The two texts are polar opposites

      Your annotations don't suggest this. 'Opposite' seems to compare the articles, too, which your notes don't really do...