19 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. if you want to age well do something it can be dancing it can be music it can be all sorts swimming 00:56:47 whatever but do something that's the first bit of advice to those who want to make sure that they stay um on top

      for - health advice - aging well - Denis Noble

      health advice - aging well - ll if you want to age well do something! - It can be - dancing - music - swimming - whatever but do something - That's the first bit of advice to those who want to make sure that they stay on top

    2. you may never change it back just as we 00:34:52 may not change back genetic manipulation we might do in in the germline which is a reason we should be very cautious about doing it

      for - progress trap - genetic engineering - Denis Noble

    3. for - Denis Noble - Ready Noble - evolutionary biology - critique of Richard Dawkins Selfish Gene theory - critique of gene centrism - book - Understanding Living Systems - human agency

      summary - In this informative interview, brothers Denis and Ray Noble discuss their new book - Understanding Living Systems, and - dispel the 70 year old narrative of Gene centrism and the selfish gene as determining the high level behaviour of living organisms

    1. for - recombination of proteins in higher level proteins - from - youtube - Evolution 2 podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Denis Noble - Ray Noble

      from - youtube - Evolution 2 podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Denis Noble - Ray Noble - https://hyp.is/OttWABYFEe--gLNFyeNyTw/docdrop.org/video/oHZI1zZ_BhY/

    1. for - Oded Rechavi - neurobiology - gene centrism - critique - from - youtube podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Ray Noble - Denis Noble

      summary - Rechavi performed experiments with C Elegan and demonstrated that it possesses a type of neuron that - produces RNA that in response to elevated temperature change is transmitted to reproductive cells so that the offsprings encode it in the genome, and it is better adapted to deal with elevated temperatures

      question - How many species do this? Is it generally found throughout nature?

      from - outube podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Ray Noble - Denis Noble - https://hyp.is/OUlGVBXrEe-iaBeZhH_4DQ/docdrop.org/video/oHZI1zZ_BhY/

    1. a more holistic approach to the organism rather than a reductionist one I'm afraid we have to because 00:26:36 reductionism has failed

      for - quote - reductionism has failed - Denis Noble

    2. could physiology rescue genomics

      for - follow up - paper - Could physiology rescue genomics?

      to - Could physiology rescue genomics? - https://hyp.is/bslQ-BVVEe-hgF-rrNmjrA/academic.oup.com/biolinnean/article/139/4/357/6604006

    3. if you could correct this Gene would we have the future reassured and we can then avoid all of these diseases I very much doubt it and I think it's very dangerous 00:23:49 because

      for - adjacency - progress trap - Crispr - gene therapy - Denis Noble - human genome project

      adjacency - between - human genome project - gene therapy - Crispr - progress trap - adjacency relationship - The idea that we can find specific causal relationships between genes and disease and use gene therapy to cure disease, - an envisioned goal of the human genome project - can be very dangerous because - usually one gene collaborates with many other genes to bring about an effect - If we don't know all the relationships, we can bring about a progress trap

    4. if I met a robot that looked very much like a beautiful girl and everything went fine together with her and me but

      for - comparison - human vs AI robot - Denis Noble

    5. essentially Darwin would never have been a neo-darwinian

      for - quote - Darwin would never have been a Neo-Darwinian - Denis Noble

    6. you've used a metaphor in the past of thinking of genes not as a as a code as you said but as a kind of musical score

      for - metaphor - genes - musical scores - Denis Noble

    7. if we didn't have people who were wrong we wouldn't be where we are

      for - quote - being wrong - Denis Noble

      quote - Being wrong - Denis Noble - If we didn't have people who were wrong - we wouldn't be where we are

    1. four 00:08:25 major common misunderstandings that have infected our understanding of what it is to be a living system

      for - molecular biology - paradigm shift - living system - 4 common misunderstandings - book - Understanding Living Systems - 4 common misunderstandings

      4 common misunderstandings of living systems - 1. The central dogma of molecular biology - one way causation - Genes (DNA) to - proteins to - organism - 2. The Weismann Barrier - 3. DNA as self-replicator - 4. Separation of Replicator (DNA) and Vehicle (Living cell) are completely separate

    2. a baby cannot be born selfish it simply has needs

      for - quote - Denis Noble - quote - baby not born selfish

    3. biology Beyond The 00:00:19 genome

      for - book - Biology Beyond the Genome - author - scientist - biologist - Denis Noble - book - Understanding Living Systems