11 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. for - recombination of proteins in higher level proteins - from - youtube - Evolution 2 podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Denis Noble - Ray Noble

      from - youtube - Evolution 2 podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Denis Noble - Ray Noble - https://hyp.is/OttWABYFEe--gLNFyeNyTw/docdrop.org/video/oHZI1zZ_BhY/

    1. the misconception about the relationship between genes and proteins and the idea that it that causality can only go in one direction from Gene to protein to 00:53:06 functionality and that it cannot go back the other way which and that is the crucial thing that denies agency to the organism and that was Watson and Crick

      for - critique - of Watson & Cricks DNA - agency of organisms

      critique - of Watson & Cricks DNA - agency of organisms - Watson & Cricks advocated the now disproven idea that causality is only one direction - from genes to - proteins to - functionality of living organisms - when in fact, it goes the other way, giving the high level living organism agency

    2. temperature can be a major factor in determining the proportion of males and females within a population

      for - question - impact of climate change on male and female population distribution of the biosphere

      question - impact of climate change on male and female population distribution of the biosphere - How will climate change affect the proportion of males and females of the many species that are and will be impacted by dramatic temperature changes?

    3. I think one of the other mistakes that have been made in biology of the 20th century was

      for - individual / collective gestalt - gene centrism - paradigm shift - adjacency - mistake of 20th century biology - reductionism - separating organism from environment - individual / collective gestalt, individual / environment gestalt - quote - mistake of 20th century biology - Ray Noble - key insight - mistake of 20th century biology- Ray Noble

      quote - mistake of 20th century biology - Ray Noble - (see below)

      • I think one of the other mistakes that have been made in biology of the 20th century
        • was to treat organisms as if they existed within an environment that was sort of like some nebulous box as it were
        • and you could study the organism by taking it out
        • and you study it in isolation
      • It's the beginning of reductionism in a sense because
        • you taken it away from the environment but the organism has an intimate relationship with the environment
      • It's feeding both
        • to the environment and
        • from the environment
      • What is that environment?
        • That environment in large part is
          • other organisms of the same species but
          • other organisms of different species
      • and it's in a continuous bubble of change
      • It's like a cauldron of change
      • So the big question for life is
        • how do you maintain yourself in this cauldron of change?
      • You cannot do it by standing still
      • You have to respond to it
        • so it's not surprising therefore that you find that you know organisms have mechanisms for responding to those changes

      adjacency - mistake of 20th century biology - between - reductionism - separating organism from environment - individual / collective gestalt, - individual / environment gestalt - adjacency relationship - The mistake that 20th century biology has made is in - ascribing too much power to the gene, and - minimizing the role of epigenetics - Focusing the majority of attention and resources on the genes of the organism, and - defocusing attention on the organisms (epigenetic) interactions with the environment, including both - biotic elements and - abiotic elements - It's not the case that the genes are the major determinant factor and the epigenetics play a minor role - It IS the case that epigenetics play an equally important role in transmitting and assimilating features into the genome - The individual organism is intertwingled with its environment and with other living organisms - The individual / collective gestalt and the individual / environment gestalt is the appropriate unit of study

    4. for - Denis Noble - Ready Noble - evolutionary biology - critique of Richard Dawkins Selfish Gene theory - critique of gene centrism - book - Understanding Living Systems - human agency

      summary - In this informative interview, brothers Denis and Ray Noble discuss their new book - Understanding Living Systems, and - dispel the 70 year old narrative of Gene centrism and the selfish gene as determining the high level behaviour of living organisms

    5. I said a little while ago at at another meeting I said that I don't know what it is that controls Richard Dawkins but it isn't his jeans

      for - quote - genes don't control Richard Dawkins - Ray Noble

    6. the Age of Reason became unreasonable in the sense of treating us as

      for - quote - the age of reason became unreasonable - Ray Noble

      quote - the age of reason became unreasonable - Ray Noble - (see below)

      • The Age of Reason became unreasonable
        • in the sense of treating us as machines
      • Reason requires openness ,
        • it doesn't require a closed view of life and of humanity
    7. it had to give us something which all the other 00:11:37 organisms didn't have which was a cell that was different a mind that was different that gave us agency but denied it to other organisms and that unfortunately I think 00:11:50 persisted

      for - quote - human agency - Ray Noble

      quote - (see below)

      • It had to give us something which all the other organisms didn't have which was
        • a cell that was different
        • a mind that was different
      • that gave us agency
        • but denied it to other organisms
        • and that unfortunately I think persisted
    8. what actually is so fundamentally wrong with the gene Center view

      for - purpose in nature - exorcism of - Ray Noble - quote - gene centered view - organisms as machines - exorcism - Ray Noble - gene centered view

    9. we've created a very complex psychosocial World in which we live and we have to adapt to and it changes so rapidly it creates all sorts of problems for us

      for - quote - progress trap - speed of cultural evolution - Ray Noble

    1. for - Oded Rechavi - neurobiology - gene centrism - critique - from - youtube podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Ray Noble - Denis Noble

      summary - Rechavi performed experiments with C Elegan and demonstrated that it possesses a type of neuron that - produces RNA that in response to elevated temperature change is transmitted to reproductive cells so that the offsprings encode it in the genome, and it is better adapted to deal with elevated temperatures

      question - How many species do this? Is it generally found throughout nature?

      from - outube podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Ray Noble - Denis Noble - https://hyp.is/OUlGVBXrEe-iaBeZhH_4DQ/docdrop.org/video/oHZI1zZ_BhY/