4 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. Dec 2023
  3. Jun 2023
    1. People of the last days will be abound:

      1) Selfish - Symptom: Increase in Divorce Rates

      2) Enjoy pleasure > God - Sin has an addictive & deceptive nature, it gives pleasure. (think of porn)

      3) Lukewarmness (have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof)

      They will not be caught up with the Lord during the rapture.

      Be ready for the rapture at all times because it will come like a thief in the night.

    1. In the end times, there will be a lot of lukewarm Christians, who will not be taken in the rapture.

      Faith means crucifying the flesh and feeding the Spirit. Being lukewarm: Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof; Outwardly faithful, but not transforming. Your life after conversion (baptism) is the same as before. OR selective faith. Choose what to obey; define your own religion.

      God (the Truth) sets free, therefore sin will be gone.

      Profession of faith means to CHANGE, GOD may cost you a lot. LOVE is SACRIFICE. Do not just hear, but also do.

      The most godly one is the one who sins the least, not the one who goes to church the most. Church means nothing. Doing the word of God, obeying Him, building a relation with Him means everything.

      Walking the broad (easy) path leads to sin and thus death and hell. Walking the narrow (difficult) path leads to righteousness and Heaven.