10 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. 50:00 ... 51:00 "we are witnessing the biblical final chapter of an empire" -- yeah, no. we are witnessing peak overpopulation. see the calhoun mouse experiments, aka behavioral sink. mice on overpopulation show the exact same forms of degeneracy in the center (city) of their habitat: violence, pansexualism, mothers neglecting their children, broken families, ... and on the periphery of the habitat, there are "the beautiful ones", the hermits, men going their own way, lone wolves, who stay alone and only clean their body and wait until they find some escape route, because these are the pioneers who find ways to new habitats = collapse-rebuild cycles = boom-bust cycles. old cultures must collapse, there is no way to fix them. old trees must be killed, not changed.

  2. Jan 2024
    1. yeah. printing books is my "prepping" for the post-apocalypse world: no electricity, no computers, no internet, no DVD players, ...

      on the other side, their aggressive push for digitalization of everything is their way of prepping for "the great memory hole". because the blackout is just a matter of time, and then "oops!" all data is gone, the collective memory is reset to zero, no proof of anything, no traces, no history ...

  3. Dec 2023
  4. Jan 2023
    1. ‘An Inconvenient  Apocalypse - The Environmental Collapse,   Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity',

      !- Title : ‘An Inconvenient Apocalypse - The Environmental Collapse, Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity', !- Authors : Wes Jackson, Robert Jensen

  5. Dec 2022
  6. Nov 2022
    1. Hancock's pseudoarchaeological theories are the basis of the Netflix series Ancient Apocalypse, which was released on 10 November 2022. At Netflix, Hancock's son Sean is "senior manager of unscripted originals".[31]
  7. Oct 2020
    1. monk’s tomb in 1886

      Apocalypse of Peter was found in the same tomb and manuscript as the Gospel of Peter.

  8. May 2019
    1. Apocalypse Now

      Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American epic war film about the Vietnam War, directed, produced and co-written by Francis Ford Coppola.

  9. Apr 2019
    1. Boston Dynamics, a company whose main export appears to be unsettling videos of its robotic creations, has offered up one possible answer. Death sounds like 40 robot-dog legs, marching together in unison across a lifeless blacktop parking lot. 

      Future of transport after the zombie apocalypse?

  10. Sep 2016
    1. Another oft-overlooked aspect of biblical apocalypse is its (doubly) utopian nature: the triumph of God’s faithful over Lucifer’s followers at Mount Megiddo is to result in Satan being confined to hell, ushering in Christ’s millennial reign on Earth—a period of peace, plenty, and harmony. The devil will then escape for four years before suffering a final defeat, at which time the dead are to be resurrected and the final judgment of souls will take place. Mass annihilation is therefore only the beginning of a process that will allow the righteous to enter into the ultimate, eternal Utopia, heaven, and the unjust to be sent to that dystopia par excellence, hell. Thus apocalypse, even in its scriptural source, is inextricably tied to the concepts of utopia and dystopia

      This interpretation of Christian eschatology, based on futurism, presents a utopia is exclusive by its very nature. There isn't just the battle of good vs. evil, of Yahweh vs. Ha-satan, but also a final judgment and the annihilation of "unsaved" souls.

      But like I stated previously, even modern concepts of utopian societies are exclusive in at least some, or many ways. There is something that we have to sacrifice or give up, or communities/groups that we have to exclude, in order to achieve the ideal. Then again, what is the ideal? In ancient literature the utopian society is metaphysical in nature, based largely on the concept of an afterlife. Within the context of an afterlife there is no human experience or condition, so the ideal, whatever that may be, can be achieved. If it's an afterlife, and one often depicted in Western literature, film, art, etc., then it is devoid of the trials and tribulations that make the human condition what it is, and make us what we are: imperfect.

      But in the real world, outside a utopian afterlife, the human condition is alive and well. Conflict and struggles persist. There is an aspect of control earth-based utopian societies, and one could even say the classic heaven-based utopian concept is not without its own set of rules governed by Yahweh, Jesus, et al.