- Sep 2021
blogs.bmj.com blogs.bmj.com
The BMJ. ‘Does the FDA Think These Data Justify the First Full Approval of a Covid-19 Vaccine?’, 23 August 2021. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/08/23/does-the-fda-think-these-data-justify-the-first-full-approval-of-a-covid-19-vaccine/.
blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu
Bard, Jennifer S. ‘6 Actions the Federal Government Should Take in Response to the Delta Variant’. Bill of Health, 27 July 2021. http://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2021/07/27/delta-covid-variant-government-response/.
- mask mandate
- government
- federal government
- infectious disease
- covid-19 vaccine
- coronavirus
- non-pharmaceutical interventions
- federal legislation
- federalism
- lang:en
- is:news
- public health
- coronavirus pandemic
- Covid-19 pandemic
- zero-infection policy
- delta variant
- vaccine only approach
- threat warning system
- COVID-19
- epidemic
- pandemic
- Congress
- Feb 2017
www.hylands.com www.hylands.com
To further clarify the homeopathic dosages of Belladonna in Baby Teething Tablets, a 10-pound child would have to accidentally ingest, all at the same time, more than a dozen bottles of 135 Baby Teething Tablets before experiencing even dry mouth from the product.
This is true if the product was manufactured to a consistent standard. It was found that this was not the case.
Hyland’s Baby Teething Tablets have been safely used by millions of children since being introduced to the U.S. market in 1945!
A history of good manufacturing processes does not speak to the current quality of that process. The fact is that it has been found that this process is no longer as good as it used to be.
We care about your child, and our consumers’ safety is our #1 priority.
As of 27 January 2017, and despite a request from the FDA, Hylands have refused to recall the product: https://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm538684.htm
To further clarify the homeopathic dosages of Belladonna in Baby Teething Tablets, a 10-pound child would have to accidentally ingest, all at the same time, more than a dozen bottles of 135 Baby Teething Tablets before experiencing even dry mouth from the product.
This is an unreferenced claim, but it assumes that the quantity of Belladonna alkaloids are as stated on the label.
In their laboratory analysis of 474 tablets of this product, the FDA detected the Scopolamine alkaloid in 174 of them (36.7%). The quantity in 45 of these 174 was 'Below Limit of Quantification', but the others (n=129) had quantities from 0.1 μg to 53.4 μg, a variation of 534 to 1.
Belladonna is included in the Tablets to ease the redness, inflammation and discomfort of the child’s gum that often occurs during the teething process.
While this item is included the manufacturing process of Homeopathy should remove any useful amount of it from the end product. Hyland’s Teething Tablets offer no relief from the redness, inflammation and discomfort from this ingredient.
Also; this: https://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm230762.htm