3 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
there are amazing people worldwide that are working to protect the local to Global Commons the next step is to involve businesses 00:11:44 countries cities and people worldwide to accept Earth system boundaries and the just Transformations we need to live within these boundaries
!- required transformation : global movement to accept and live writing these boundaries
- Dec 2022
earthcommission.org earthcommission.org
what are the challenges of translating global scale targets into concrete and actionable targets for local actors?
!- key question : what are the challenges of translating global scale targets into concrete and actionable targets for local actors? - in other words, how do we downscale global indicators such as planetary boundaries?
- Jul 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
i really think this last one the coordination systems how do you get large groups of people to organize much better 00:16:44 that holds some of the most promise
Indyweb / SRG / Global Boundaries combination for the large scale transformation and coordination framework.