12 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
  2. Aug 2023
    1. rendered.should have_selector("#header") do |header| header.should have_selector("ul.navlinks") end Both of which silently pass - however, capybara doesn't support a :content option (it should be :text), and it doesn't support passing blocks to have_selector (a common mistake from Webrat switchers).
  3. Jul 2023
  4. Nov 2022
    1. I have DNS settings in my hosts file that are what resolve the visits to localhost, but also preserve the subdomain in the request (this latter point is important because Rails path helpers care which subdomain is being requested)
    2. I've developed additional perspective on this issue - I have DNS settings in my hosts file that are what resolve the visits to localhost, but also preserve the subdomain in the request (this latter point is important because Rails path helpers care which subdomain is being requested) To sum up the scope of the problem as it stands now - I need a way within Heroku/Capybara system tests to both route requests to localhost, but also maintain the subdomain information of the request. I've been able to accomplish one or the other, but haven't found a configuration that provides both yet.
  5. Sep 2021
  6. Mar 2021