11 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Desktop files are NOT executed. The line inside them that has an executable command line is the one that gets executed. The rest of the file is parsed by the Desktop Environment.
- Mar 2021
superuser.com superuser.com
the beginning of qbittorrent.desktop is:
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
If still doesn't work. Make desktop file runnable in terminal by changing Terminal=true, and put it inside a bash script. Run the script to catch the error output. Change back when errors are corrected.
The "correct" way to install a .desktop file is via desktop-file-install
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
Is somehow possible to run a "Desktop Entry" from another "Desktop Entry"?
More generally, my question is: How can I programmatically / from command line, launch a .desktop file?
github.com github.com
The reason we've avoided registering "Cinnamon" as a desktop name is that it opens up issues with many upstream apps that currently OnlyShowIn=Gnome or Gnome;Unity or just Unity. The relationship Mint has with Gnome and Ubuntu isn't genial enough that we could get them to add Cinnamon to their desktop files, so we would have to distribute and maintain separate duplicate .desktop files just for Cinnamon for these upstream packages.
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
After you modify mimeapps.list, run sudo update-desktop-database.
forum.garudalinux.org forum.garudalinux.org
Does running nsgcepa by itself not then run the .desktop which in turn runs that command? Probably not. Desktop launchers are used by e.g. application menus. Executables are the binaries or scripts that can be run by desktop launchers. You can also run executables directly from a command line.
Does running nsgcepa by itself not then run the .desktop which in turn runs that command?