50 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Sep 2024
  3. Feb 2024
    1. As you've seen, there is no DM system, but you can invite users to chat directly. More generally, consider commenting on the question itself and @-ing the user who made the edit(s). To my understanding, this should work, and it may allow for a quick explanation that doesn't require going in to chat.

      I think commenting in the context of question is better than a DM, though I don't always like making my question "messy" by having a bunch of comments under it... but maybe that is the best way.

  4. Jan 2024
    1. Some frameworks call this “template inheritance”. In this example, we might say that the application layout “inherits from” or “extends” the base layout. In Rails, this is known as nested layouts, and it is a bit awkward to use. The standard Rails practice for nested layouts is complicated and involves these considerations
    2. But what if you want to reuse one layout within another?
  5. Sep 2023
  6. Aug 2023
    1. I ran into the same problem and never really found a good answer via the test objects. The only solution I saw was to actually update the session via a controller. I defined a new action in one of my controllers from within test_helper (so the action does not exist when actually runnning the application). I also had to create an entry in routes. Maybe there’s a better way to update routes while testing. So from my integration test I can do the following and verfiy: assert(session[:fake].nil?, “starts empty”) v = ‘Yuck’ get ‘/user_session’, :fake => v assert_equal(v, session[:fake], “value was set”)
  7. Jun 2023
  8. Nov 2022
  9. Oct 2022
  10. Apr 2022
    1. There are ways to create aspect-ratio sized boxes in HTML/CSS today. None of the options are particularly elegant because they rely on the “hack” of setting a zero height and pushing the boxes height with padding. Wouldn’t it be nicer to have a platform feature to help us here?
  11. Nov 2021
  12. Oct 2021
  13. Aug 2021
    1. With JavaScript, you can actually calculate the width of the scrollbar and whether it’s visible by comparing two properties—window.innerWidth and document.body.clientWidth. If these are equal, the scrollbar isn’t visible. If these are different, we can subtract the body width from the window width to get the width of the scrollbar:const scrollbarWidth = window.innerWidth - document.body.clientWidthWe’ll want to perform this both on page load and on resize, in case someone resizes the window vertically and changes the overflow. Then, once we have the scrollbar width, we can assign it as a CSS variable:document.body.setProperty("--scrollbarWidth", `${scrollbarWidth}px`)

      missing feature: vw/vh can't be used "directly" because doesn't account for scrollbars

  14. Jul 2021
  15. Apr 2021
    1. After some searching i found a stack overflow problem that didn't fix my issue but anyhow… I simply used a little ruby and the capybara library to find the field myself with some case insensitive regex and the ruby detect method
  16. Mar 2021
    1. If you really want this, I suggest you write a little function that extracts the executable name from the .desktop file and runs it. Add these lines to your shell's initialization file (e.g. ~/.bashrc): runDesktop () { eval "$(awk -F= '$1=="Exec"{$1=""; print}' "$1")" } Then, you can run your .desktop file with runDesktop ~/Desktop/slack.desktop
    1. Validating forms has notoriously been a painful development experience. Implementing client side validation in a user friendly, developer friendly, and accessible way is hard. Before HTML5 there was no means of implementing validation natively; therefore, developers have resorted to a variety of JavaScript based solutions.
  17. Feb 2021
    1. So how are we going to create a model that doesn’t have a database table behind it? There are several potential solutions including various plugins but we’re going to use the method described in an entry on the Code Tunes blog. This shows a techinque that involves overriding a couple of methods in an ActiveRecord model and then manually defining the columns in the model file rather than in the database table. In our Recommendation model we’ll add in the two overridden methods and then use the column class method to define the columns in a similar way to how they’re defined in a migration file.

      Does this still work in Rails 6? I wonder.

    1. There is nothing wrong with accepts_nested_attributes_for. This is what you should use in your typical case. My post describes a non-typical case. ContactListForm is not an ActiveRecord object, it is an object that includes ActiveModel::Model, which does not support accepts_nested_attributes_for.
    1. I hope we see new CSS capabilities arise that allow this sort of effect without the need for trickery.
    2. Since CSS doesn’t (yet) offer a way to style grid cells, areas, or tracks directly, we have to stretch elements over the parts we want to style independently from the elements that contain content.
  18. Jan 2021
    1. https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/issues/1037#issuecomment-737872461

      Explanation (from https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/issues/1037#issuecomment-739458005):

      @AlexGalays register is an action created and passed in from the parent node (Wrapper) which allows the child to register with it. Not builtin to svelte.

      That's very clever @PatrickG. Nice one. I was a bit confused when first looking at it to understand what was going on, but I think that will be a handy tool in the toolbox.

      But why do we need this? If we remove all use:register, it still toggles just fine. Seems the only benefit is that this allows cleanup.

  19. Dec 2020
    1. Yarn only runs the postinstall hook after yarn and yarn add, but not after yarn remove. The postinstall-postinstall package is used to make sure your postinstall hook gets executed even after a yarn remove.
    1. It seems being able to bind:this={slotEl} directly on a slot element is a popular request. I'll add my +1 as adding div wrappers just to get dom references gets old really fast.
  20. Nov 2020
    1. # Run once, hold otherwise if [ -f "already_ran" ]; then echo "Already ran the Entrypoint once. Holding indefinitely for debugging." cat fi touch already_ran
    2. Edit this file (corresponding to your stopped container): vi /var/lib/docker/containers/923...4f6/config.json Change the "Path" parameter to point at your new command, e.g. /bin/bash. You may also set the "Args" parameter to pass arguments to the command. Restart the docker service (note this will stop all running containers):
    1. If this is getting implemented, I think I'll love to see both implemented. I can see a lot of use cases where I would like to encapsulate the component with additional wrappers and in another scenarios I would like to just use the component. Now i work around this using empty div but then at times it breaks the structure because of the div element and I'll have to add more class utilities to make it work. This will be a great addition for Svelte.
  21. Oct 2020
    1. Use the same value that was submitted, which ensures that a 'change' is triggered even though the value itself doesn't change. Therefore, the same value gets validated again.

      Calling it "change" even though it didn't change is kind of cheating/abuse ... but I guess it's okay...??

        mutateValue([name], state, { changeValue }) {
          // change the value to the same value, thus
          // triggering a revalidation of the same value
          changeValue(state, name, value => value);
  22. Sep 2020