- Oct 2024
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
first sighting: in-box Kind of like what's provided "out of the box".
- Sep 2024
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
Here's example code which works around the lack of a ??= operator in the wild:
github.com github.com
but PR is not updated somewhy
Did he just make up a new word? :)
I get what it means though, pretty easily: somewhy = for some reason
(by non-native English speaker)
- Jun 2024
languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu
I also like "infelicitous" for this purpose.
- May 2024
nickjanetakis.com nickjanetakis.com
COPY --chown=ruby:ruby
- Jan 2024
One friendly place to start learning more about the technology that holds the Internet together is Julia Evans' blog.
- Dec 2023
gitlab.com gitlab.com
It has its roots in the Rash (specifically the rash_alt flavor), which is a special Mash, made popular by the hashie gem.
first sighting: https://github.com/shishi/rash_alt
developers.facebook.com developers.facebook.com
It uses the Server-Sent Events (SSE) web standard
first sighting: server-sent events
www.pluralsight.com www.pluralsight.com
&& nil
first sighting: I don't think I've seen someone write exactly
&& nil
before.Apparently to avoid having the return value from
— which should be done solely for its side effect, not to get a return value -- inadvertently being used as a return value foruser
. It wouldn't make sense to return fromuser
. That should only return a User or nil. And more statically typed languages would allow that to be expressed/enforced from type annotations alone, which would have caught the mistake of returningerrors.add
if someone had accidentally attempted to return that.Having
(and thereforecall
) return nil is key to theunless @current_user
working. -
Instead of using private controller methods, simple_command can be used.
first sighting: simple_command
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
One language that is currently being developed, Rascal, takes a hybrid approach allowing dynamic typing within functions but enforcing static typing for the function signature.
first sighting: Rascal
developers.google.com developers.google.com
A personalized button gives users a quick indication of the session status, both on Google's side and on your website, before they click the button. This is especially helpful to end users who visit your website only occasionally. They may forget whether an account has been created or not, and in which way. A personalized button reminds them that Sign In With Google has been used before. Thus, it helps to prevent unnecessary duplicate account creation on your website.
first sighting: sign-in: problem: forgetting whether an account has been created or not, and in which way
- Nov 2023
github.com github.com
mutually-untrusting parties
first sighting: "mutually-untrusting parties"
developer.okta.com developer.okta.com
developer.okta.com developer.okta.com
The default user profile is based on the System for Cross-domain Identity Management: Core Schema (opens new window) and has following standard properties
Copyright (c) 2019–ω
ω (or any indefinite placeholder) used as an end year for a copyright
ApplicationController.renderer.render inline: "<%= blog_url %>"
github.com github.com
For more details, see RFC 6570.
- Sep 2023
I add it as a cron from webmin - a Web GUI for administering any linux box
store.entrust.com store.entrust.com
Customer service 24/5 follow the sun
first sighting: 24/5 and follow the sun
- Jul 2023
activerecord-hackery.github.io activerecord-hackery.github.io
args: [:parent, :ransacker_args] do |parent, args|
- Jun 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
first sighting: rank
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It actually depends on if your class is a data class or a behaviour class.
first time I've come across this idea of data class vs. behavior class
help.openai.com help.openai.com
What's the structure of the URL of a shared link?https://chat.openai.com/share/<conversation-ID>
I've never seen a website document something like this before... especially as part of a FAQ.
How/why is this information helpful to people?
- Apr 2023
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
The 409 (Conflict) or 415 (Unsupported Media Type) status codes are suggested
blog.cloudflare.com blog.cloudflare.com
If the chicken must come before the egg, where do you put the chicken?
If the chicken must come before the egg, where do you put the chicken?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If the chicken must come before the egg, where do you put the chicken?
If the chicken must come before the egg, where do you put the chicken?
- Mar 2023
www.cleaneatingkitchen.com www.cleaneatingkitchen.com
Cook Mode Prevent your screen from going dark
But first, an important note — friends don't let friends use SMS 2FA.
german.stackexchange.com german.stackexchange.com
literally, "little duck feet"
- Jan 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
wer lesen kann, ist klar im Vorteil
- Nov 2022
github.com github.com
eierlegende Wollmilchsau
www.taniarascia.com www.taniarascia.com
you can use a Backend for Frontend (BFF)
first sighting: Backend for Frontend
- Oct 2022
bugs.python.org bugs.python.org
This text has a line which has an ortographical typo in it. Please look at this line of text from the Zen of Python: There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
first sighting: ortographical
gardeninguru.com gardeninguru.com
- Sep 2022
fonts.google.com fonts.google.com
Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten
The variable a is incremented thanks to the atomic memory primitives function addInt that is concurrent-safe. However, we assign the result to the same variable, which is a not a concurrent-safe write operation. This a careless mistake detected by the atomic analyzer.
first sighting: concurrent-safe
redocly.com redocly.com
We do, You doThis tutorial is most effective when you follow along and complete the steps.
first sighting: "We do, You do"
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
Rename the existing default branch to the new name (main). The argument -m transfers all commit history to the new branch: git branch -m master main
- Aug 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
cognitively adjacent
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
convert to URL query parameters with the qs library
- Jun 2022
code.visualstudio.com code.visualstudio.com
Our development container teams across Microsoft and GitHub continue active development on the new Dev Container Specification, and this iteration had several exciting highlights.
- Apr 2022
So to Nay, upthread: leading by example here. Want to follow? :)
leading by example
first sighting: "upthread"
- Mar 2022
- Jan 2022
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Vue+Vuetify was like writing binary by hand instead of using an expressive modern language that abstracts away 99% of plumbing.
As someone who is a future-ex React developer who uses Svelte in a personal project
tauri.studio tauri.studio
- Nov 2021
code.visualstudio.com code.visualstudio.com
Modern browsers that support the File System Access API (Edge and Chrome today) allow web pages to access the local file system (with your permission).
www.selenium.dev www.selenium.dev
Worst practices
first sighting: worst practices
- Oct 2021
guides.rubyonrails.org guides.rubyonrails.org
That may speed legit require calls a bit
duckduckgo.com duckduckgo.com
- Sep 2021
www.opensourceflare.com www.opensourceflare.com
Running containers without Docker is possible with Podman.
first sighting: podman
Turns out, you have to use Alt+` to switch between windows of the same applications.
www.sanity.io www.sanity.io
and later use Sanity to store our data
andrewm.codes andrewm.codes
Please consider sharing 🙏
first sighting: "Share" metadata
us4.forward-to-friend.com us4.forward-to-friend.com
first sighting: A Forward link at bottom of an e-mail, which takes you here, which has a link to a preview (which is basically a web version of the e-mail that was sent).
In some ways, this seems preferable over forwarding the original e-mail that you received using your e-mail client's forward feature. In particular:
- It doesn't inadvertently include your personalized unsubscribe link, allowing the forwarded-to person to maliciously unsubscribe you without your consent.
- Aug 2021
charlypoly.com charlypoly.com
Introduced in the perfectly named “Typescript and validations at runtime boundaries” article @lorefnon, io-ts is an active library that aim to solve the same problem as Spicery:TypeScript compatible runtime type system for IO decoding/encoding
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
date/time formats
I used to use this format, too!
- Jul 2021
www.amitmerchant.com www.amitmerchant.com
You can use computed properties along with the omit keyword in this case like so. const varName = 'name'; const { [varName]:omit, ...updatedUser } = user;
first sighting: omit keyword
Or should that be "omitted"? https://hyp.is/lmYWKvAcEeurHLvjfrKYrw/stackoverflow.com/questions/43011742/how-to-omit-specific-properties-from-an-object-in-javascript
- Jun 2021
www.viget.com www.viget.com
The answer for me is @whitecolor's yalc.
superuser.com superuser.com
mmv1,2 is also a very nice tool for such a task, applied to the current job, it would be mmv '*.md' 'test - #1.md'
github.com github.com
index_errors: true
index_errors: true
github.com github.com
driven_by :selenium_chrome_headless
first sighting:
github.com github.com
Runs headless by default, but you can configure it to run in a headful mode.
first sighting of term: headful
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
We use the RSpec::Parameterized gem
first sighting: rspec-parameterized
- May 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
git diff --relative will print paths from the dir you are in.
first sighting: git diff --relative
$ ed - var.c << end > 0a > xxx > . > wq > end
github.com github.com
gist.github.com gist.github.com
https://github.com/reaxis/mu µ
first sighting of: https://github.com/reaxis/mu µ
embedded on: https://syslog.ravelin.com/multi-to-mono-repository-c81d004df3ce
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
Here’s a really neat editor for those from Mads Stoumann (which works for circles and ellipses as well):
/* referencing path from an inline SVG */ clip-path: url(#c1);
first sighting: referencing image by ID in CSS
- Apr 2021
docs.microsoft.com docs.microsoft.com
empty.sourceforge.net empty.sourceforge.net
one of the oldest problems was the use of Command-line interactive programs in UNIX shell-scripts
first sighting of this article
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I also added --return and used long options, to make this command a little less inscrutable:
first sighting: "inscrutable" Nice word!
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
But floats are still useful and relevant! In fact, we have to use them for the shape-outside property to work.
first sighting: shape-outside
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
vertical-align: -50%;
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
fill_in('Foo', with: 'bar', fill_options: { clear: :backspace })
first sighting: fill_options: { clear: :backspace })
first sighting: fill_options as an option at all (for
only, I presume)I wonder they added at all as a response to this:
See also: https://hyp.is/ZcXVJJMyEeucgmPXYFP9yg/github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/issues/203
(which key should have been pressed, backspace, space?)
- Mar 2021
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
first sighting: Ruby 3's new @1 shorthand
data = {}.extend XKeys::Auto # Vs ::Hash, uses arrays for int keys data[:users, 0, :name] # nil data[:users, 0, :name, :raise => true] # KeyError data[:users, :[], :name] = 'Matz' # :[] is next index, 0 in this case # {:users=>[{:name=>"Matz"}]} pick = [:users, 0, :name] data[*pick] # Matz data[:users, 0, :accesses, :else => 0] += 1 # {:users=>[{:name=>"Matz", :accesses=>1}]}
rubygems.org rubygems.org
Review changes
first sighting: diffend.io
steamcommunity.com steamcommunity.com
Thanks for review. Please post also to protondb.com to help users and devs there...
www.jackfranklin.co.uk www.jackfranklin.co.uk
My preference here is biased by the fact that I spend everyday at work building web components, so Svelte's approach feels very familiar to slots in web components.
first sighting: That <template>/<slot> is part of HTML standard and the reason Svelte uses similar/same syntax is probably because it was trying to make it match / based on that syntax (as they did with other areas of the syntax, some of it even JS/JSX-like, but more leaning towards HTML-like) so that it's familiar and consistent across platforms.
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
dry-rb.org dry-rb.org
Cool! I workaround for the fact that Ruby has no undefined type distinct from nil.
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
You can’t use @supports for selectors, only property/values (e.g. @supports (display: flex))
first sighting CSS: @supports
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The TreeWalker API gives you only the #text Nodes, and then you do what you want with them.
first sighting: TreeWalker 
webdevtrick.com webdevtrick.com
html.spec.whatwg.org html.spec.whatwg.org
Fires an invalid event at the element
First time I've seen/heard it said that an event is fired at some target. But it sure makes sense, since it matches how "fire" is used in other senses (like shooting a gun).
github.com github.com
var md = require('markdown-it')('commonmark');
first sighting: require(...)(...)
How would that work with import? Not as fluidly but...
import markdownIt from 'markdown-it' let md = markdownIt('commonmark')
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
Shogi is a classic game. I know many people who want to play Shogi, but the Kanji on the pieces makes it too hard to master. I have designed this Shogi with icons so anybody can learn it easily.
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
First sighting (type: mention/link): https://hyp.is/3AMkJHumEeurpAsw_sA3nA/trailblazer.to/2.1/blog.html
Example that uses it: https://github.com/trailblazer/tutorial/blob/master/ruby/test/basics_test.rb
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
First time I've seen someone create a validator by simply matching against
from std lib. More often you see people copying and pasting some really long regex that they don't understand and is probably not loose enough. It's much better, though, to simply reuse a standard one from a library — by reference, rather than copying and pasting!!
speakerdeck.com speakerdeck.com
How Sprockets works
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
built using nullary type constructors
first sighting nullary 
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
Modelling the flow of a program where chunks of code are executed in a certain order, with a successful “happy path” and an “error-out” path is called a Railway. It popped up in functional languages
first sighting: railway-oriented programming
developpaper.com developpaper.com
This is the most popular article “railway oriented programming” on one of the most popular websites of F #.
I may have seen it before but not really paid attention to it, but this just might be the first time I stopped to look it up.
Because I saw the code below, didn't recognize the language, and was intrigued.
jointoucan.com jointoucan.com
What a cool idea!
first sighting: https://darkreader.org/help/en/
github.com github.com
recommended by (also my first sighting of it): https://hyp.is/oDsgQHF0Eeu7kEvGAmpHeQ/github.com/rails/rails/pull/19709
www.infoworld.com www.infoworld.com
Some people believed I argued that object orientation is bad simply because extends has problems, as if the two concepts are equivalent. That's certainly not what I thought I said, so let me clarify some meta-issues.
first sighting: meta-issue 
dev.blake.com.au dev.blake.com.au
Launched in 2008, our breakthrough reading app, Reading Eggs, has been used by over 3.4 million users in 169 countries.
Have Reading Eggs for kids. First time I had learned anything about the company behind it.
Here: https://hyp.is/G85jmnChEeuRiUMfGc0Brg/github.com/trailblazer/reform
- Jan 2021
forums.theregister.com forums.theregister.com
Google / DuckDuck are your friends.
if it's not broken, fix it until it is.
github.com github.com
Your operating system: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
- Dec 2020
idiosyncratic-ruby.com idiosyncratic-ruby.com
On web page: a pannable mini view of page like in VS Code.
github.com github.com
Governed under a Temporary Benevolent Dictatorship (TBD)
first sighting: Temporary Benevolent Dictatorship
My use case is a masonry component that should split up its children into several columns.
"masonry component"
- Nov 2020
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.orgWeb APIs1
CSS Houdini
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
github.com github.com
But then, I still want to upgrade my dependencies from time to time, in a painless way. I recommend checking Renovate which handles JavaScript and Ruby dependencies auto updating. Use it.
github.com github.com
Graph showing number of open issues over time
- Oct 2020
wikidiff.com wikidiff.com
github.com github.com
first sighting: use of superscripts like this
I like it. Nice and concise and understandable.
- s¹  critical
- s²  important
- s³  nice to have
- s⁴  low
- s⁵  inconvenient
But in other cases, the abbreviation is quite unclear and ambiguity:
Like, what does "pr" mean in these cases?
priority? Doubt it.
- pr¹  chore
- pr²  docs
- pr³  feature
- pr⁴  fix
- pr⁵  performance
- pr⁶  refactor
- pr⁷  style
Pull Request? Doubt it. But maybe?
For axes that are quantifiable, like severity, using a number makes sense. But what benefit is there in including a number in these (platform?) labels?:
- p¹ ⋅ browser
- p² ⋅ linux
- p³ ⋅ mac
- p⁴ ⋅ windows
I think this would have been better and clearer (in that fewer people would be like huh? and wonder what it means):
- platform: browser
- platform: linux
- platform: mac
- platform: windows
github.com github.com
Also, if you don't put that implementation of URLSearchParams in the global scope you're not using it as a polyfill but a ponyfill, and those are meant for your code, not for external dependencies.
first sighting: ponyfill
github.com github.com
We could freeze the objects in the model but don't for efficiency. (The benefits of an immutable-equivalent data structure will be documented in vtree or blog post at some point)
first sighting: "immutable-equivalent data"
github.com github.com
x &&= 1