5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2022
    1. Big Software companies like Adobe or Netflix do two things that are relevant for us and currently go wrong:They analyse the systems their customers use. They don't see their Linux users because we tend to either not use the product at all under Linux (just boot windows, just use a firertv stick and so one) or we use emulators or other tools that basically hide that we actually run Linux. --> The result is that they don't know how many we actually are. They think we are irrelevant because thats what the statistics tell them (they are completely driven by numbers).They analyze the feature requests and complains they get from their customers. The problem is: Linux users don't complain that much or try to request better linux support. We usually somehow work around the issues. --> The result is that these companies to neither get feature requests for better Linux support nor bug reports from linux users (cause its not expected to work anyways).
  2. Mar 2021
    1. I've been made aware of a "Compatibility tool to run DOS games on Steam through native Linux DOSBox" called "steam-dos". It can be found on https://www.github.com/dreamer/steam-dos . I pulled this tool from git and using it as the the steam play compatibility tool Megarace 2 runs without issue. Saving both settings and games works again! There is no keyboard support for controlling the vehicle in game but both mouse and joystick/gamepad work. To get around a missing launcher.exe error I copied "MegaRace 2.exe" to the same folder as the original and renamed the copy to "Launcher.exe". Linux users: in your MegaRace 2 folder (steamapps/common/MegaRace 2/) create a symbolic link to start.sh named Launcher.exe. This allows the game to launch through Steam. This also allows you to put time on the game through Steam, hitting that coveted 5 minute mark that makes creating a review possible. With that out of the way, the game itself is a nice touch of nostalgia but the port is absolutely terrible. I don't remember it being quite this difficult to install off the 2 CDs. The game won't launch at all without tweaking. Can't save the config settings. Can't save the game at all in fact. While I really like MegaRace 2, you unlock tracks by completing the previous ones. Since the game can't be saved, I end up running The Foundry track over and over until I'm sick of it.So I'm torn. I love the game but I hate the completely broken port. For $3 and a local install of DOSBOX it can be made to work so I will recommend it anyway.
  3. Jan 2021