4 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2024
www.instructure.com www.instructure.com
- Page 17: Top 5 most important factors for creating an effective teaching and learning ecosystem: Having a strong leadership and vision (45%) is the #1 (next highest is 15%)
- Page 20: *83% of higher education respondents said that it was important for institutions to provide studens with skills-based learning alongside their academic education. *
- Page 26: Participants identified several challenges in fostering a a culture of lifelong learning for professionals, including: 89% Clear learning objectives
- Page 7: Real-world experiential and work-based learning are no longer fringe; 4 in 5 see these as essential.
- Apr 2023
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
How are you going to maintain quality? Who will teach the program? Who will oversee it? How will you assess the success?
Assessment questions
- Dec 2022
www.qaa.ac.uk www.qaa.ac.uk
- Feb 2022
www.workcred.org www.workcred.org
Appendix F: Questions Universities Can Ask Certification Bodies to Assess Quality of Certifications
These questions (I believe) are coming from a place of validating certifications. Experts publish these as helpful guides to understand if and to what degree certifications are trustworthy. In other words, are they worth the paper they're printed on? In the case of micro-credentials, most questions are likely overkill for the proposal process, etc. Given the central role and importance of TRUST however, perhaps providing a version of these questions to stakeholders seeking to propose micro-credentials could be beneficial in pushing their thinking, or at least centering these themes in their thinking.